Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 25, 1880, Image 3

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    New AJIMUMMBW To-D»r.
Roll of Money Lo*t.
Life Insurance Auenf* Wanted.
Wood lawn Academy. Boat er County.
Local and General.
HCSKLTON'b cheap goods will wear, j
CLARION county is flooded with spu
rious silver.
IT cost Venango county $1,500 to,
try Rihigion Howe.
SLIP-AS-VOU-PLEASE matches have
been popular on oar sidewalks lately.
A PHYSICIAN says that people be
come thin by eating salt meat and by smoking
THE l.>block puzzle now claims the
attention of the average young man. "Oh, I
can <lo it!"
THE accounts from Ireland continue
to be more hopeful. There is still great suffer
ing, but no starvation.
EIGHT persons have been killed by
explosion* of nitro-glycerine in the Bradford
region within the la*t twelve months.
AN English writer contend? that
Mexican revolution* are so profitable to leaders
that revolutions being easy are not likely to
COUNTRY debating societies should
diseu-s the question : "Is it really necewary to
spoil good hrandy by putting poor mince pies
into it?"
WHEN a speech of Mr. Alexander
H. Stephens is printed in the Omgrtttioual
Retard he generon«ly shingles the State of
Georgia with the is*ne.
MR. NEIL GREY, a member of the
Ashton troupe that played here lately will
£ve a reading in the Opera House on Thurs
>y evening, March 4th.
AT the borough election last week,
a crazv man tried to convince two drunken
wen, on the Court House porch, that they
were both d—n fool* and should go home.
THE wife of Adam Morray. livinr
near New Glasgow, X. 8., lately gave birth to
five children—three girls and two boys. They
are all finely developed, and at last account*
were all doing well. i
THE Philadelphia Commercial Ex
change is going to send a ship load of grain
and flour to the starving people of Ireland.
This is much better than sending our much
needed money to them.
ALL kinds of Leather and Findings
•old at loweat prices at B. C. Uuseltou's. j
HOP-WOH, a Chinese laundryman, I
doing business in Brooklyn, has given 4250 for
the relief of the Irish poor. This act sbou.d
greatly mollify Dennis Kearney, King of the
hoodlums, and his turbulent subjects.
ASK for the So So Hat, at
SHE may dress in silk, she may dress
in satin,
Var know the languages, Greek and Latin,
Mav know fine art, may love and sigh—
But she ain't no good if she can't make pie.
ALL kinds of reparing done, at
THE yearly product OR tbe nail mills
of the r nited States may be placed at about
4 000,000 kegs. Wheeling makes the roost—
-I'OOO/JOO keg« a vear. Pittsburgh coD.es uext,
with 500,000 kegs, and Harrisburg ranks next.
LATEST styles in Men's, Youths' and
Children's Caps", at Charles R. Gneb's.
IN the good old days before the as
tronomers began to bother about the sun s
*i>ot* anil to get up unpleasant theories, Winter
used to linger in the lap of Spring, but now
Spring occasionally bounce* into the lap of
A SOLID Silver Case and a (Pennine
American Movement as low as $lO, at
THE young man who proposes to go
West and grow up with tbe country has a fine
chance to buy a tann in Kansas, fifty-ooe mile*
Jong by thirty-eight wide, which it to be sold
at auction presently to satisfy a mortgage of I
f 1,000,000. , t
B. C. III'SELTON is selling several f
lines of Boots and Shoes lower than last seasons 1
OWINO to the high price of printing
paper, journals In all parts of the country are i
joining in the demand that that article be ,
placed on the free list Oar home roanufuc
turers of paper should have a care lest they I
kill the goose which lays the golden egg. t
LADIES' Solid Gold Watches at sls j
and upwards, at E. Grieb's.
THE New York Tribune, after care- J (
fnllv overhauling a vast number of Blaine Re
publicans in Pennsylvania, has succeeded in <
finding scattered at wide intervals among them 1
an occasional man with a preference for Grant. (
That is the way Pennsylvania stands pledged
to the third term movement. 1
WORKING and Dress Shirts of all J
kind*, from 20 cent* up, at Charles R. Grieb'*.
THE apparently authentic statement |
made to the Honse Committee of Ways and
Means that the 31 per cent, bonds propoeed to
be Isnraed under the refunding bill now before I
Congresa, can readily be placed abroad, is an ,
encouraging indication of the growing confi
dence of foreign Investors in tne stability of
American institutions. '
WILLIAM ALAND, Merchant Tailor, '
has just opened the large* line of woolens for 1
men and boys wear ever offered In Butler. '
WE have received A copy of the
COLORADO GUIDE POST, published and for
■ale at the office of the HOME MIRROR, I»ng
mrmt, Colorado. It is a neatly gotten up bul
letin of information about Colorado, Leadville,
Ac., Ac. Jost what every person want* who
has any idea of going to Colorado, or wants to
know more concerning the State. Price only |
10 cent*. Send and get it.
HCSELTON will give you better
(roods for the money than any House in But
A MONO the letters containing contri
butions to the Irish relief fund, received by
the New York //«r«W lately, was thi* one :
rriTKAI- H«rrr.i„ I
MII.I KKHTOWW, Butler Co., Pa., Feb. is. tsso. f
To -r IF K KIHTOB or rnr. HKKAI.O :
Knclosed |>lea*e find draft for 110. being one
half of the net bar receipt* of the Central Hotel
for one day. which constitutes my rntte to tlie
THE largest Stock of Half Hose
ever offered in Butler, yon can find at
NEARLY 300,000,000 postal cards
were used in the United States last year. They
•re made at Holyoke, Mass., by a private con
cern, under the general supervision of a Gov
ernment officer. The work is nearly all done
by machinery, even to counting and putting
them up in packages of twenty-five. The use j
of postal cards is said to have driven many
makers of writing paper and envelopes out of
B. C. HCPELTON is now receiving
his Spring and Hammer Stock of Boots and
AT the paper mills of Crane Bros.,
Coltaville, Mass., large quantities of banknote
)«per are made for tbe Government. The
strictest inspection as to quality is observed, •
spot or *|>ecK no larger than a pin head being
sufficient to condemn a sheet, and tbe employes
arriving and departing are carefully watched
Armed guards patrol the premises and grounds
day an<f night, and no approach to them is per
mitted. Twenty-four women were sent from
the Treasury Department as counters and ex
aminers, and are each able to count 30/100
sheets daily. The precautions are naeesaary to
prevent duplication of sheets for dishonest pur
SPECIALTIES in woolens at William
Aland's Merchant Tailoring establUhment not
to l>e hail elsewhere in the county.
THRIFT IS a great thing. What es
pecially endeared Mm. John Gilpin to the
worthy linen draper, her husband, was the
pleasing discovery
"That, though on pleasure she was t*eat.
She had a frugal mind."
In this trait oar esteemed slater State of
Maine resemblaa Mrs. Gilpin. She ha* hfcl a
first-class political rum put; haa treated herself
to two dmultaMoua Governors, two Legisla
tures, and a Major General oommandlog ; haa
made heraelf for Mvwal weeks the cynoeort of
4he country's tvm and ail for th« Insignificant
earn of tJOfiOO. Stub an amrWoaa Maid
have oeet Pennsylvania |1 ,000,000 at the lowwt
- I* yon want Dtwi Glovet, If you
want Street Gloves, if yoo want Driving GU vee
or Mittens, If you want Working Gloves or
M i ttens, yuu oa« k«y thai M CWka JL
A YEAR ago Mr. Speelman. a grocer
of Houston. Texas, sent his wife with #I,OOO to
the fatherland after a legacy left her. A few
davs after Speetasau's partner, one Hertolxer,
sofd his interest and left for the North. Tne
faithless wife and paramour met at Dallas, in
the same State, where they have lives ever
since as rnau and wile. opened a
! groeerv there. One day a Houston friend came
acrrsw him and hi" assumed wife and informed
Speilman, who arrived there on the lsth in-!*.
i Hertolzer got an inkling that his outra-,fed
■ partner was coming and made hi- cm: ajje.
; Speilman hail lii- wife arrested, but after 6 few
I hours she was released, and the probability is
thev returned home together.
MEN'S and Boys* Winter Caps from
j 17c. up, at Charles R. Grieb's.
LESS than a month hence one of the
j oldest and m<*t astute of living American poli
| ticians will have completed his s l?t year.
! Simon Cameron was l>orn on tlie Mh day of
March. 1799, iu Maytown, this State, in a house
still standing. His irrandfather. who had the
same name, came from Scotland. His fjther
was Charles Cameron: his mother. Martha
Pfoutz—so that he united the Scotch element
and the German element, which have largely
shared the control of Pennsylvania politic#
outside of the great cities. Ti;<; sturdiness with
which this veteran of the last century clung,
until iately, to active politics, was wonderful;
and he never let hi- grip on Penn- lvania
until, having test<-d his son Donald, he found
in him a competent successor.
UNDERWEAR of all kinds, from 25
cent* up, at Charles R. s.
IN addition to Justice of the Peace
the following officers were elected in this
Borough at tne election la.-t week :
School Directors —Dr. Samuel (irabam, F.
M. Eastman, Esq.
Town Council—Martin J. Reiber, George C.
High Constable —Wm. Richey.
Con-tables —A. X. McCandless and Martin
Judge Election—lst ward, John M. Smith ;
2nd ward. James M. Boyd.
Inspectors— Ist ward, Jos. J. Elliott, Vm.
Farnswortfc; 2nd ward, Samuel Miller, Eli
Burgess—A. L. Reiber.
Ass't Burges*—Alex. Baxter.
Overseer Poor —A brain Moyer.
Auditor—John McQ. Smith.
Assessor —Charles Crouse.
B. C. HUSEI.TON'S Boots and Shoes
are all made to his order.
Tnke Our Advice.
Buy goods now aud save money, at
IF you want jjood Flour and a (ff»od
turn out. fro to Walter k Boos' Mill,
Butler, I'a,
A Yorwo man by the name of William Kotz,
<roachman for Mr. Charles McClellan, came to
my stare one rooming complaining that his
feet hurt him verv hailiy, and expressing fear"
that they were frost-bitten. He hail in vain
trierl tx< get relief bv consulting physicious,
aud had endeavored, without success, eas,-
the paine by rubbintr his feet with snow and
ice, the remedy apolied in «tirh case*. Being
exposed a great deal to the cold by his occupation
hi* feet got worse daily, until one day he
fainted in the street. A few days after he
again came to my store and showed me his
feet. I have seen a great many sores in my
life, but nothing to eriual thi*, and was afraid
the poor feliow would lose his limb*. He
asked me for ST. JACOBS OIL; but at first I re
fused, as I did not wish to take tbe responsi
bility niion mv»elf, not l>eing a great admirer
of no-called Patent-Medicines. However, some
friends. *ho happened to lie in the store at the
time, begged roe give the ST. JAOOMM Oil. to
the *ulferer ; *<• we rubbed his feet well with
the OIL, and he Uiok the remainder with him.
After nine days the same man again came into
my store, perfectly well, and requested me to
write to you of this rno«t wonderful cure; be
also stated, th»t two other persons had been
cured of Bhenmatism by the same bottle which
helped him. ' Jons I.KS/KS.
A <*m, Ijornmr Co., Jan. 17, 187!).
At O 1-1 C'entii,
Canton Flannel, at
Ir you want a sack of good Flour go
to Walter k Boos' Mill. Ah good as
any city or Western flour in the mar
get, and made out of Butler county
ACCORDING to the verdict of a jury
in a ease lately tried liefore our Court,
wherein the defendant was made to
pay the costs of the suit, and from
the decisions of some Justices of the
Peace of this county in some cases
lately tried before them, we would
juHge that good mechanics and honest
contractors were no longer wanted
either in this town or county. The
verdicts of juries sometimes are, as we
all know, unaccountable, and it is
human nature for Justices to look af
ter their costs, a fact that might he
remedied in the interests of justice by
making the office a salaried one. We
heard a good carpenter and contractor
argue the other day that it was useless
for him to bid on a job, when another
and entirely irresponsible person
would underbid him, do the job when
he pleased and how he pleased, and
get a verdict or decision in his favor
no matter how the contract read or
what the specifications called for.
New illornt,
New Hosiery, at
BEST bottled ale for medicinal pur
poses at Zimmerman k Hawk's I>rujf
A Or oat Mistake Corrected.
In our issue of Jan. 2*th, under the heading
"A Shrewd Hergyman," we gave an account of
a Rev. Lane, of Ken*ico, who had been ar
raigned for kissing some of his leinale mem-
Iters, and, to our (Treat surprise, we learned that
either through ignorance or malice, or both,
some person* started the impression that Ken
*ico was merely a fictitious name, and that the
article wa* intended as a malicious drive at
Itev.-H. Ijine, of thi* county. And now, we
conaider it due the latter, a* a Christian minis
ter, to say that the article was copied from the
New York Sun, and ha* reference to Rev.
lane, of Kensico. V Y. Our mistake in the
i**ue of Jan. 2«tii wa* the omission of S. Y.
after Kensico, leaving it indefinite, and our
second mistake, in om inane of Feb. ISth, un
der the heading "A Great < ommotion," arose
from our not knowing that ot/irr* hail Jiml ap
plied, or supposed it to apply, to Rev. S. Lane.
We very much regret the indeflniteness which
gave mom for this annoyance, both to him and
to us. The CITIZKS is above any willful wrong,
and we believe that Kev. S. Lane is almve the
reach of any real harm Irotn the ignorance or
malice of those who op|>o«e hi* denunciation*
of *in. We did not know *uch a minister was
in this county nntil thi* matter arose.
At 1M
Best American Ginghams, at
IF you want a sack of good Flour go
to Walter A Boos' Mill. As good as
any city or Western flour in the mar
ket, and made out of Butler county
Justices of the Peace.
The following is a list of those elected on
the 17tb inst., with their postofflce addresses;
Allegheny—M. S. Adams.
Fairview— Robert Mel lung.
Butler IK,rough Lewis P. Walker.
Jefferson—Michael 11. Byerly, Great Belt.
Hnffalo —C. W. Cn-anier, Harvcrnville
Winfield John P. Bricker, Leasiireville.
Venango—A .C. Wilson, Kau Claire.
Saxoriburg—T. 11. Tolly.
Clearfield—W. H. Sipe and Frank Mcßride,
Karns City— D. J. Stewart.
Clay—Joaeph McMichael, Coulicrsville.
Donegal—¥. C. Flauegiu, St. Joe.
Clinton—John B. Davi*, Saxonbnrg.
Cherry—John Smith, Coultersvllle.
Washington—Samuel Smith and VVm. Hoi
lasd. North Hope.
Mlllantown Wno. J. Miller, Barn harts Mills
Forward— D. B. Douthett, Brosroedala.
Meroer—Aboer Beaton, Harrisville.
If yon want good Flour and a
turn out, go to Walter L ttooa 1 Mill
23atle-r (Etfciee-ix ; 23«tLetr» fßav, JF&ixvniXKrg 3-ti, ISSQ.
r .Volice to Farmer*!
° Klin?ler's Mill. Mfflin street, will
' pay iu cash 40c. per bushel for Oats
e the coming week : also for
a Rve, ? SO
r Prime veliow shelled Corn . sf>
e No. 1 Wheat 1 30
1 ——
Head This.
1 We have a very large stock of
r! bleached and unbleached Sheetings,
s Piliow Ca.-injr3, Tickings, Linens,
Cambrics, Hamburg Edgings, »Vc.
i These goods are steadily advancing.
You will positively make money buy
e ing now. at BITTER & R.SLSTON S.
H'II eat! Wheal!
I The highest Pittsburgh market price
e j paid for Wheat, at Walter i Boos'
r Mill, Butler, Pa. WALTER sfc Boos.
List of Constables Elect.
« Adams—John Dobson.
i Allegheny—A. C. Williams.
, Butler—l. B. Bryson.
; Brady—Daniel McDivitt.
I Bnlfalo—William Scott.
1 Concord— \V. 11. Cauipltell.
Clay—C. f'ainpt>ell.
Clinton —John Ila'stead.
• Centre—T. B. Smith.
Clearfield—<'harles Green.
Cranberry—l.lias Eastou.
' Cherry—J. V. Hutchinson.
' C^onnofjuenessing —George Gerwick.
I»(,nt.-gal—Huirh McFadden.
Fairview —B. S. Bankin.
Forward—Abraro Hunter.
Franklin—J. C. Wigton.
Jackson Weise.
Jetferson—Jrraeph Gallaher.
i Lancaster—J. L. Moritz.
Muddycreek—J. A. Shanor.
Mercer —J. C. Parker.
Marion—R. W. Atwell.
Middlesex— J. G. Williamson,
i Oakland—Francis Stine.
Parker —I). S. McKel*ey.
Pemi —Adam Hamell.
Summit—C. Michael.
B!ip|ieryrock —Thomas Sankey.
Venango—H. V. Kelly.
M. Shira.
Winfiela—John Ilutsler.
Worth—J. 15. F.lder.
Butler borough— A. S. McCandless, Martin
Centreville —William Kaufman.
Fairview—William M. Patton.
Harrisville— 11. Bortz.
Harmony— S. Beam.
Karns City —George McKamey.
Millerstown —d. W. lluselton.
Petrolia—J. 8. Arm-trong.
I'ortcrsville —John Lehman.
Prospect—John Grove.
Saxon burg—P. Burtner.
Sunbury—Hugh Duffy.
Zelienople—A. Allen.
Silk Sacquen
At $8.50 and up, at
Hlical ! Wheal!
The hijrliest Pittsburgh market price
paid for Wheat, at Walter k Boos'
Mill, Butler, Pa. WALTER k Boos.
KIDNEY-WORT is the safest and
best remedy for Kidney and l.iver disease,
Pile- and Constipation.
Argument Court.
The following cases were argued or disposed
of during Court last week :
Christie v*. Hunter A Wilson, motion in ar
rest of judgment. Argued.
|{. Ij. Brown vs. George S. Ixmget al.,'mo
tion to strike off judgment. Argued and mo
tion granted.
John Smith vs. Samuel Smith, reserved <|Ut?-
tions of law and motion for new trial. Argued.
Mortland vs. Adams A Rennick, rule to o|»en
judgment. No evidence having been taken in
the case on part of defendants, tile rule dis
NiicqiiPH ami I><»luiaiiH«
Now is the time to buy, at
If you want good Flour and a good
turn out, go to Walter k Boos' Mill,
Butler, Pa.
Wheal! Wheat!
Tbe highest Pittsburgh market price
jmid for Wheat, at Walter k Boos'
Mill, Butler, Pa. WALTER k BOOH.
Mount Union College—lts Unequalled Ben
efit to Teachers—Two New Profes
»or»— The Late Improvements.
This is the only College where students «f
either sex can get a full college year, and still
earn Iheirexpense* by teaching winter*, wirh
out losing a term and class standing. The
terms begin : Spring, Feb. 24; Summer, May
fl ; Fall, August 24 ; while special winter term
beginning Nov. «.'t, accommodates other* not
teaching. The call for teachers greater than
the supply. Students can enteral anytime;
no incidental or contingent fes*. Tuition is
but a trille in anv course, Ancient, and MlMl
eru Classical, Philosophic, Scientific, Normal,
Music, Commercial, Preparatory. Apparaius
and Museum worth v"-'"iI,(SHI, j'.,r illustrnlnig
nil studies. College property worth one half
million dollars, generously donated lor the
benefit of student-. Attendance of different
students last year '!37, for past 34 year* I'>,o'.'S,
of whom B,WW are teachers. The college ' >y
erecting buildings, keep* good board, with
furnished rooms, at i i per week : table, club
and self-board, *1 to •* Two new professors
recently employed : valuable improvements
lately made, as f»rge Lalioratory, Kx|M-rimental
and I>ecture Room*. For new descript'w
catalogues, address I're*. O. N. Hartshorn, I L
I»., Mt. Cnion, or Alliance, '>. Large Faculty,
of ex|ierienced teacher*. moral,
healthy accessible pleasant.
4i 12 1-2 On I si.
Beautiful new Drc.-.s (Joods, at
r IF you want a s-n< knf good Flour,
• go to Wulter iV, BOOH' Mill. h 'ood
j as any city or Western flour in the
market, and made out of Butler county
1 Dou't.
Iton't Hpenk angrily to M child. Don't kick
a dog when lie is asleep, llon't go buck on the
friends of your parents, llon't often visit your
neighbor* at meal time, llon't neglect a cough
thinking it will cure itself. I Thousands die of
' consumption by so doing.j llon't forget Dr.
I Pierce's Golden Me'lical Discovery, for It cure*
, I a eimgh or cold in one-half the time required
| by any other medicine, and is th- only nndi-
I cine known that positively cures consumption
|j in its early stages. Sold by druggists.
Tills is a season of failures ; every
thing fails except DAYS KIKSBT I*\i>.
Emlonton Academy.
The Spring Term will open April
sth and continue 11 weeks. Thorough
instruction will be given in all branches
usually tnujrlit in academies. Send for
circular. Addrens
11. K. SHANOR, A 8., Principal.
» Knileiiton, Pa.
Wheal! Wheal!
y The highest Pittsburgh market price
pf.id for Wheat, at, Walter k Boos'
Mill, Butler, IV WALTKR A Boos.
" You can buy Boots and Shoes at
old prices at II ' llunelton.
When a board of eminent physicians and
chemists announced (he discovery that by
combinding some well-known valuable reme
dies, the iri'/*t wonderful medicine wn* pro
duced, which would cure such a wide range of
B , diseases that unrtl all other remedies ronld be
dispensed with, trany were sceptical ; but
proof of its merits by actual trinl hns dispelled
all doubt, ami lo day the discoverers ol Ihst
great medicine. Hop Bitters, are houored and
blessed by all as benefactor*.
1- Al 05.00 f»«*r I»Hlr,
g . Extra good Country Blanket#, at
Dr. C. H. LEE,
J 1 flomcropalliie Phynlelati.
' Offioe slid rsMKinm-e near UiU Wiuk lio iso,
~ Hvnu AUut Dtmn, ituutn, K*. )m1
Coin m iniicalion*.
Letter from St. Joe.
Editorf Citizen —lt is not often we
trouble the tvpe or invade the editorial
sanctum. •»ut under the circumstances,
pardon the digression from a general
rule we have adopted, and ?rive thi~ a
place in your valuable paper. Our
' town is growing smaller day by day.
j on account of the oil operations seeking
I more prolific field-. Hut this is not
I our onlv lose. Our esteemed and
j much-resjx-cted young friend. Dr. 15.
. i L. Patter-on, has al-o left us for a new
j field (if not better.) one which we hope
will not be so laborious to him, and.
; although it may be his <rain. we feel
| deeply the loss of one who, by his
, gentlemanly deportment, genial dispo
j sition and many humane acts, added to
j his professional ability, had endeared
himself to hi- numerous patrons and
to the community at large. His great
succe-s in the treatment of that dread
ful -courtfe, ''diphtheria." as well as
other acute diseases, had made his
name a .household word throughout
the whole neighborhood, beside a wide
spread reputation in the adjoining
county of Armstrong. In our loss the
only consolation we have is in hi- gain,
and the assurance that the citizens of
East Liverpool, Ohio, where he has
located, will have a physician well
worthv of their e-teem and patronage,
and we bespeak for our friend a suc
cessful career. Yours, etc..
Feb. IT, 1880. MANY PATRONS.
< arpelH.
We have an immense stock of all
tie; new Spring styles of Brussels,
Three-ply. Extra-super and Ingrain
Carpets, all of which we contracted
for the first of January, since which
time there has been a very sharp ad
vance in prices. Persons who will
need Carpets this year will make
money by purchasing at once, at
Double Poetal-Cards.
Postmaster General Key has ad
dressed a communication to the House
Post-Ollice Committee in response to a
resolution calling upon him for infor
mation in regard to the double postal
cards and returning letter envelopes
authorized by the Forty-fifth Congress,
and his reason for not adopting them.
He adverts to the restrictions imposed
by the law on the payment of any
more money for designs, and savs that
all designs for such cards as possess
any merit have been patented. Moreover
the contract under which the single post
al cards are furnished would, in the opin
ion of the Assistant Attorney General,
cover all postal-cards to be used by the
Government until the expiration of
the contract. This would compel the
department to accept the terms of a
single manufacturer. Further, as the
present system of postal-cards has
proved merely a private accommoda
tion and has not increased the revenue,
the department does not favorably re
gard the policy of opening the door to
further encroachment upon the .'{-cent
postage rate. The Postmaster General
does not regard the double-letter en
velopes as of any practical utility.
THE next term of the State Normal
School ojx'llN March L'.'i. For circulars address
J. A. Cooper, Edinlioro, PA.
The Blaine Bocm.
[Eric Dispatch.]
Notwithstanding the action of the
late Stat<' Convention the Blaine boom
show no signs of weakening. On the
contrary it continues in full force and
vigor. In addition to Win. B. VVaddell
and Caleb N. Taylor, delegates to the
Republican National Convention from
the Chester and Bucks county districts,
11. O. Hitner, Mr. Taylor's associate,
and O. I). Kinncv, of Bradford county,
publicly announce their determination
to disregard the instructions of the
State Convention, and o!>ey the will of
their immediate constituents by voting
for the nomination of James G. Blaine.
I n the district adjoining ours, composed
of Crawford, Mercer, and Butler coun
ties, the two appointed delegates, John
I. Gordon and Thomas Robinson,
have been instructedb y each of the
counties named in favor of Mr. Blaiue,
and consequently, with counter instruc
tions from the State Convention, feel
somewhat embarassod. What they will
do remains to be seen.
AI »<» Crntx.
All-wool Country Flannel, at
Th i M arriaae T1 •.
ROME, Feb. 17.—The Latin text of
the Papal Encyclical letter against di
vorce (ills twelve columns of The Ob
xrrrutore Itomnno. It argues in favor
of the removal of the rite of marriage
from all civil jurisdiction whatsoever.
It. traces the history of marriage from
patriarchal to Catholic times, and de
clare- that Christ elevated it to a sac
rament., which only His Church can
administer. The attempt made under
various guises by the modern -pirit of
irrcligion to rob the Church of her
rijrht, cither to bind or loose the mar
riage tie, must be resisted by the whole
Catholic world. Mis Holiness indicates
the conditions whereunder a separation
of husband and wife may be sanctioned
by the Church, and concludes with an
exhortation t<> the universal episcopate
to communicate his teaching to the
faithful for their welfare in both
NEVER let a cold run. Take it in
time. All that is necessary I* to procure N hot
tie of "Hellers' Cough Syrup," ami L»C cured.
Consumption Cured.
I I AII old physician retired from practice, hav
. . lug had placed in his hand* by an Last India
mr<sioiiary THE formula of a simple VEGETABLE
remedy lor the speedy and permanent cure for
I oiisompti Bronchitis, atarrh, Asthma, and
all Throat and Lung A flection*, also a positive
HUD radical cure for Nervous Debility and all
Nervous complaints, after having tented it*
j wonderful curative POWER* in thousands of
, I cases, ha* felt it hi* duty to make it known to
, ' hi* suffering fellow*. Actuated LIV thi* motive
1 and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will
send free of charge to all who desire it, thi*
reci|W, in I ierman, I rench or l English, with lull
direction* lor preparing and using. Sent by
' mail L>v addressing with stamp, R.aming this
paper, W. W. Slll.AKilt, 140 I'mrrr't ft! nek,
/toeltr*h r, A'. K.
I THE latest styles in Neckwear, at
' Charles R. firieb's.
I HENRY BIXTON, of Cherrytree
• township, Venango county, had nine
! teen sheep killed and seven wounded
t by dogs on the night of February 4th.
I The appraised value of the sheep was
SIOO. This makes the thirty-seventh
bill for sheep killed by dogs, paid by
that county out of the abeep fund iince
the passage of the act.
Ir it be true that the Baroness Bur
dett-Coutts has given $ !, 500,000 for
the relief of Ireland it will is- the most
' I tsptaudui ptivuU) buuuiuuUou of tbo ago.
Smethport and Bradford, Pa.
BUTI.ER. r.\.
Office with L 7. Mitchell. Diamond.
Reliable Vegetable KeEns, Choice Fmiwkii
SEEDS. Fruit or Onianiental TREES, or be&titiful
Flowering PLAXTS. write for their New Com
bined Catalouge, to
Joint K. «1 A. Mmrioeli.
feblS-lt fr'mithtield street. Pittsburgh.
Klierifl'w Kale.
E D No 178. March T. 1 9 80. W A Forqner, Atty.
By virtue of a nrr of Fi. Fa. issued out of the
Court of Common Ploaaof Butler countv. and to
me directwd. there will be exp.med to public Hale
at the Court House, iu the Iwirough of Butle-,
on Friday, the rifth day of March. A. D. I*SO.
at 1 o'clock p m . the following described prop
erty. to wit:
All the right, title, interest and claim of Adam
Schatier of. in and to a lot or parcel of ground
situate in the borongh of Butler. Butler county.
Pa., bounded and described as fallows : Begin
ning on llace street at a line of lot No fi, thence
cast along race street .54 f<-ct fi inches to line of
lot No. 5: thence line of lot No. 5 north 136 feet
and fi inches to line of lot No !»; thence west
along line of lots Nos. 9 and 8, 42 feet and eight
inches, to lot No. 7: thence south along line of
lot No. 7, 115 feet, to the place of beginning,
and leing lot No. fi iu plan of lots laid out b> 1).
L. Byrer and Theodore 11 melton. Seized and
taken in execution as the property of Adam
Schauer. at the suit of Adam Kirk, for use.
Sheriff's office. Butler. Pa., Feb. 11, ISSo—it
.Applications for License.
The following applications have been filed in
the office of the Clerk of the Court of Quarter
Sessions, and will lie presented for action on
Thursday, the 4th day of March, 18S0:
TAVEB* —fi. L. Shannon, C. M. Burnett, T.
K. Williams, John Fitzgerald.
Kej.TAI RANT —.I. W. Kiddle, John Teeckers.
TAVERN —It. Graham.
TAVERN —S. 11. Altice, W. A. McDonald.
TAVERN —M. J. Mcßride.
TAVERN —Joseph Graham.
TAVERN —John N. Miller, William Duncan,
Jacob Fiedler.
TAVERN— Michael shields.
TAVERN —Wra. Wahl.
TAVERN— Hugh Murrin, Frank P. Mnrrin.
TAVERN —Philouiena Saeler.
TAVERN— H. B. Willet.
TAVERN —AIbert Smith, Neal Blaney.
TAVERN —Josiah Adams.
TAVERN —Lewis Weuihas, George Miller.
TAVERN —Charles Boyle, Henry Eitenmiller,
John F. Hackett, J. J. Fiedler, G. W'. Camp
bell, Patrick Kellv.
RESTAURANT— George J. Smith, And'w Mil
ler, Michael Fair, Gabriel Kohler, Marv Gar
l«-r, Jordan Kythe, Frank Hoonan, John H.
Shaffer A A. M. Borland.
M KRCIIANT— George A Jacob Reiber, <ieorge
KIiSTAI RANT —John C. Ramsey.
TAVERN —W. C. Adams, J. T. Wilson.
TAVERN —lacoh C. Hvle.
REST AURA KT— Peter Otto.
MERCHANT —Isaac H. Shontz.
TAVERN— Mead A M cGuire, A.J. More head,
A. J. Elliott.
RESTAURANT—Catharina E. Brook*.
TAVERN —Frank Knglehart and Lizzie Mc-
Laughlin, John Kromer, Byers A Johnston,
Henry Lockhart.
RESTAURANT— A. Zimmerman, M. M. Good
win, Joseph Hi-ideger, J nines Cogan, Mary E.
I»gan, Wm. Green, I'red'k Ellinger.
MERCHANT— M. J. Howes.
TAVERN —Murv Comerford, Hugh Blvmiller,
Logue & Trip, I',d, O'Donnell, Annie E. Sink,
Wm H. Jelfison, S. A. I>. Morrison, James L.
Clark, Owen Gafl'ney, J. W. Mulnix
MERCHANT—James Morrison, J. A. Kleck
ner, bottler.
TAVERN Francis Lauhe, 11. G. Muder, Jos.
TAVERN —II. Slokey, Jacob Schcllav, James
M EK< IIA NT f ieorge Stahl.
Huller County, »$.
Oertillod from the records this 17th day of
Rebruarv, A. D. ISSr.
W. A. WHIOHT; Clerk.
IV of !«•«*.
.Notice Is hereby given that Edwnrd McTlcr
nnu, Sr , will apply for i discharge as an Insol
vent debtor iindei the .insolvent laws ol this
Commonwealth, on M' nday, March 1, isso,
til ing the first da of the March Court. |lbll
Adminißtrators' Notice.
Notice l» hereby (riven rhrit letters ol udinin-
Mraiion have heen grnu'ei' to the undersigned
on the estate ol Margaret Wilson, dee'd, late
wife of .James L. Wilson, » f I'ike County, Ills,
All perwns, therefore, know iug themselves in -
ill I,ted to mild estate, will please ti ukc inilliedi
itte paymer.t,'ind any having claims against the
same »ill present lhem, duly authenticated, to
the undersigned lor «etl lenient.
lebl 1 4t Hrcakne' k K. <►., Mtnler Co., Pa.
A«linliilnfrnftrr'N IVoilrc.
Notice is beretiy given that letters of admin
istration have been granted to the undersigned
on the estate of Kachel Ann Park, deceased,
late of Clhitoo township, ISuller county. Pa.
All persons, therefore, knowing themselves in
debted to said estate, will please make immedi
ate payment, and any having claims agains the
same will present them, duly authenticated, to
the undersigned for settlement-
I)AVI1> PAI'.K. Adm'r,
feM-lt* Bakerstown. Allegheny <!o.. Pa.
Notice to Supervisors aud All
Others Interested.
The following reports have been confirmed,
nisi by the Court, and wi I be presented for ab
solute con Urination on the lirat Wedneadav of
March. 1S80:
No 1. Hept«iiil>er 1579 Clearfield township.
Public road commencing at or near a point at
the line of .lames Mcl'ade'x farm, to a point a*
or near the corner of widow Keyhe's and Walter
Lucas' farm on the road from Great Belt to
No. 3. Kept. I*7S». Franklin township.
Public roail leading from a point between the
Hhamion and Crattv farms, on the Shannon mad
in said township, to a (Mi nt on the Franklin rosd
at the plain where the line dividing lands of Mrs
F.ffie Forester and Josepit Hockenberrv inter
sects said road.
No. I, Kept. 1 H7!». Butler township.
Public mad beginning at a point oil the Butler
and Haxonburg road at or near the mouth of
John Arthur's lane, iu JelTnrsou township, and
leading lo and intersecting the Itutler and Alle
gheny plank roadpa-t the farm of William Cald
well, iu Butler town-hip.
No. 1. Kept. 1579. Allegheny township.
Public road beginning at a point on the Arm
strong county line in Allegheny township, being
at or near the Allegheny river, intersecting a
pro|H>sed road 'ti Armstrong county, to a point
[n said township intersecting a proixm«d rosd ill
Venango county at or near the Allegheny river
hi Venango county.
No. 7. Hept. 1K7!». Kummit township
Public road beginning at a jpol'it on the public
road leading from llutler to fleiman Station ou
the It. It. of West Pa. railroal at or near sWnsd
house No. ft. in said township, to a |>n|nt on the
old State (public) road leading from Butler to
Kiltamiing at or near the dwelling house of Ad
am Iteddick.
fll-3l) W. A. WfUOHr. Clerk of flonrt.
djcn a week in your own town. Term* and |i
900 outfit free. Addraea H. H tLLETT A Co.,
Portland. Maine. dec®-IT
y|» Cover, Htool and Book, only
I Ifl TIOS Grifans. 13 Htopa,
, j I. llilivn, J Knee wells,
Ktool. and Book, only #H7.#O. Htop Oruan. I
' I stool. Hook, only ♦M.75. .Vd>txvee, BI.NNF.LL 1
• L* UihUtlb Lowtotvo, i'a- |
' Notice is hereby given that James Boreland
will appiy for a discharge as an iusolvcnt debtor ;
tinder the insolvent l.iws of this Common
wealth, on Monil iv, March 1, ISSO, !>■ iog thi
fi rst day ot the March Court. |lebll-3t*
Widows' Appraisements.
The following appraisements of personal prop
erty set apart for the benefit ol the widows of
decedents liavo been tiled in the office of the
Clerk of the Orphans' Court of Butler county :
Jemima Kl.,ik. #-57.10.
Hannah E'h, ?o')0,
Mary A. McCormick, #^.ls.
Mary Wick, #10J.50.
Mary Graham, IS.
Sophia Hespeu' ide,
Catharine Kartihart..
Margaret Snyder,
nna E Gei-lcr, (:t(X)
Mary E. M< Donald, $1«3.05.
Elizabeth Graham, S3OO
The aliove will be pre-er ted for confirmation
on Wedneadav, the 3rd dav of March. ISSO.
febll-td) Clerk of Orjdians' Conrt.
ShepilV'si Salen.
By virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Faciae.
Venditioni Exponas. Levari Facias. Ac., issued
out of the Conrt of Common Pleas cf Butler
county and to me directed, there will he ex
posed to Public Sale at the Court House, it. the
borough of Butler, on
Monday, March Ist, 1880,
at one o'clock. P. M.. the following described
property, as follows:
K. 1». Nos. 15S & lim, March T. IHSO. Att'vs
<ieo. A. Jt A. T. Black, aud Clerance Walker.
All the right, title, interest and claitnofJohn
Wilson, of in and to a certain lot of ground sit
uate in the borough ofSunbury, Butler county,
l'a., containing 120 by 160 feet, more or less,
Isiunded north by an alley, east by street or al
ley, south by street, and west by Main street.
A two story frame house and frame stable
thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the
property of John Wilson at the suit of James
A. Wilson and Thomas Jamison.
E. I). Nos. 15s A li!s, March T. 18S0. Att'ys,
Geo. A. & A. T. Black, and Clarence Walker.
All the right, title, interest and claim of John
Wilson of, in anil to one hundred and sixty
seven (lfi7 < acres of land, more or less, situated
in Clay township. Butler county, Pa., bounded
north Hy James Ilerron.cast by Andrew Wick,
ct al., south by J. W.Christy, west by Mary and
Joseph Wilson. Log house, log nam, frame
hav-liouse and an on-hard thereon ; about 120
acres cleared. Seized and taken in execu
tion as the property of John Wilson at the suit
of James A. Wilson and Thomas Jamison.
E. I). No. 105, March Term, 18S0. Attorney,
John M. Greer.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Jane
Bentel of, in and to a lot of ground situate iu
the borough of Zclicnople, Bu.'ler county, I'a.,
Isiunded north by R. east by Main street,
south by E. V. Randolph and west by lot No.
245, being Hi; feet on Main street and ltis feet
back, with a brick dwelling house II stories
high with six rooms thereon. Also seized and
taken in execution as the propertv of Jane Ilcn
tel at the suit of Geo. W. Smith tor use.
E. D. No. 105 March Term, 1880. Attorney,
John M. (ireer.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Jane
Bentel of, in and to a lot, No. 245, situate in
the borough of Zclienople, Butler county, Pa.,
bounded north hy K. I,ewis, east by lot No.
217, south by E. V. Randolph and west by Clay
street, lieiug sixty-six feet on Clay street and a
hundred and sixty-five feet back; with a large 2-
story brick and frame dwelling house containing
eight rooms thereon. Seized and taken in ex
ecution as the property of Jane Bentel at the
suit of Geo. W. Smith for use.
E. I>. Nos. 132 & 13.'t March Term, ISSO. Atty,
A. G. Williams.
All the right, title, interest and claim of J.
A. Milliliter and Margaret Mll linger of, in and
in one hundred and twenty (120) acres of laud
more or less, situated in Summit township, llut
ler county, Pa., bounded on the north by Mrs.
M'Clure, on the east by lauds of John liatigh,
south by lands of Mrs. M'Clure and west by
lands of Henry Green et al. A two story log
house, log barn and outbuildings and orchard
thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the
property of J. A. Ac Margaret Millinger, at the
suit of Clark & Campbell and Clark <Sc Wick.
E. D. No. 113 6c 11 1 March Term IKBO. Att'y,
W. 11. 11. Riddle.
All the right, title, interest and claim ofSum
uel Sloan of, iti and to sixty-six (fiO) acres of
land, more or less, situated in Washington
tow nship Butler county, l'a., bounded on the
north bv John Martin, on the east by Thomas
Sloan, on the south by lletii. Sloan and Jesse
Jones, anil on the west by Philip Donegan.—
I<og house, log barn and orchard thereon; about
one half cleared. Seized and taken in execu
tion as the property of Samuel Sloan at the suit
of Geo. S. Kelly.
E. D. No«. .'Wi i: 37 March Term ISBO. Att'y,
Ferd. Reiber.
All the right, title, interest and claim of R.
T. Met 'andlcss of, in and to fifteen acres of land,
more or less, situated in Adams township, But
ler county, l'a., bounded ou the north ny Jos.
Hays, on the cast by Adam Stang, on the south
by Miss Creightou, and on the west by George
Epcrd A one story frame house and frame
stable thereon erected; about ten acres cleared.
Seized and taken in execution as the property
of R. T Met andlcss, at the suit of John Gansz
for uw.
E. I). Nos 150 A 157 March Term ISBO. Att'ys,
<i. A. A A. T. Black.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Francis Linilxey of, in and to sixty-five |t!s)
acres of land more or less, si United in Cherry
township, Butler county, Pa., bounded north
by lands of Charles King, east by hinds of Join.
Lindsey, south hv lauds of K. If. Liudsey, and
west hv lands ofSaiuuel McKinney. Log IIOIIHC
anil log stable thereon erected ; about 30 acres
cleared. Seized and taken in execution as the
property of Francis Lindsey at the suit of I. N.
CuhhisoD and T. W. Morrow.
E. D. No. 155 March Term is.so. Att'y, Sul
livan Bros.
All the right, title, interest and claim of C.
F. Smith of, iu and to a lot of ground situate in
Summit township, Butler county, Pa., contain
ing one-half acre, more or less, situate on the
south side of the Huller and Coylesville road;
one dwelling house 24 by 'js feet, one dwelling
house 20x10 feet, one store house 20x31> feet,
one stable Jox2o feet thereon erected. Seized
niul taken in execution as the property of C. F.
Smith al the suit of Simon Wiles.
E. I>. No. I'il March T. IssO. Att'y, N. Black.
All the right, title, interest mid claim of
( hristiHii Leopold id', in aud to a certain lot of
ground situate ill the borough of Mi I lei stown,
llutler county, l'a.. containing 220 by |ho feet,
more or less bounded north hy J. I*. Aldiuger,
east by an niley, south hy Slippery rock street,
aud west by John Class; with seven board
houses and a Inrgi two story frame hotel build
ing thereon erected. Seized and taken in exe
cution as the property of Christian lit
the suit of O. Baruhurt.
E. D. No 135 March T, |sso. Att'y, Alexander
All the right, title, interest and claimof Lewis
Keefer of, iu and to two (2) acres of land, more
or less, situated in Washington township, But
ler county, I'a , bounded on the north by At
well, east by Daubenspeck, south by Maxwell,
and west by a public road. A two story board
or plank house, and wood or coal thereon. Seiz
ed and taken in execution as the property of
Keefer, nt the suit of Ilannnond A
Campitell for use.
E. D. No. 55 March T. 18R0. Atty, J II Lewis.
All the right, title, interest and claim of An
drew Ford of, HI and to fifty-seven (57) acres of
laud, more or less, situated iu Fairview town
ship. Butler county, I'a., bounded on the north
by l raig farm, cast by Kiukaul farm, south hy
John Moore, and west by Ileplcr farm; with I
hoard dwelling houses and a log barn thereon
erected ; mostly cleared. Seized and taken in
execution as the property of Andrew l'ord, at
the suit of William Loeuard.
E I) Nos. 14n, lit and 141 March Term, ISSO.
Att'ys c Walker and O A A A T Black.
All the ri|;h', title, interest olid claim of J II
Martin of, in and lo one hundred aud thirteen
(113) acres of land, more or less, situated In Ve
nango township, llutler couuty, l'a., bounded
north bv Coeliran ami Taunyhill, on the cast
by W M Stalker and James I. Chambers, south
by Samuel Sloan, and west by Morris M'Bride;
a two story frame or board house aud a log sta
ble thereon; about Kiin res cleared. Seized and
taken in execution as the properly of J W Mar
tin at the suit ol John Hughs for use, Thus A
F.akin for use. J L Beatty.
E l> No fif» March T IHSO. Atty W l> Brandon.
All the right, title, interest slid claim of Ja
cob Millison 01, iu and to ninety five H5) acres
of land, more or less, situated in Muddyereek
township, llutler county I'll., bounded on the
north by Rargely, on the east by mime, mi the
south by Truesilale and Shiinor, and on tin
west by Kalpaud Wright. Log house, big barn
and an orchard thereon. Seized and taken in
elocution as the properly ol Jacob Millison, at
the suit of Alexander Wright.
EDNo 53 March T. IBSO. Atty C D Christie.
All the right, title, interest and olaiin of J J
Kelly of, in and to a certain lot ol ground sit
uated in tha borough of Cantrevlila, Butler
county, Pa., ennteing by 100 feat, more or
less, hounded on the north liy Edwnrd Chrlit
lev, east by an alley, south by a street and west
by Patton ; with ii two story frame dwelling
I house frame stable, and fruit trees thereon.
1 Seized and taksn in execution s« the nroimrty
|vt J J Kelly at ttiu suit <A lU-Jtou* Wilmd, J
:ED No 154 March T. I*Bo. Att'y C Walker.
! All the right, title, interest and claim of Pc-
I ter I Rummell, Jr. of, in and to lot" Nos 6, "
and *, in plan of low laid out bv John N. Pur
viaucein the village of Delano, Butler county,
Pa., bounded on the north by an alley, ea-t by
lot No ">, -umlh by street, and west bv nil alley,
| containing 100 feet front by 120 feet back, more
lor less. A two story frame house and out
buildings thereon erected. Seized and taken
in execution as the property of Peter J Pum
mel!, Jr, at the suit of Kinil Maurhoff, Ex'r for j
ED Xo 150 Mar T. 1880. Att'v. W H Ln»k.
All the right, title, interest and claim of .fa*.
A Matthews of, in and to n piece or parcel of
ground situate in the borough of Karns City.
Butler county, Pa., bounded north by George
Palm, east by Parker & Karns City 1! R. south
by D Bobbins, and west by A Bisher; contain
in st one acre, more or less. A two story board
or plank building thereon, used as a hotel.
Seized and taken in execution as the property
of James A Matthews, at the suit of Evans and
El> Xo. 13 4 March T IW>. Vtt'y, Williams
and Mitchell.
All the right, title, interest and claim of John
R ChainlxTs of, in and to (90) acres of land,
more or less, situated in Cherry township. But
ler county. Pa, hounded on the north by K Fer
rero et af., on the east by Warren Armstrong
and Mary Ann Dobson, south by Win. Kelly,
and west by Job Kelly et al: a frame house and
lx>ard stable thereon; a'suit <>o acres cleared.—
Seized and taken in execution as the property
of John R Chambers at the suit of James Wil
E. D. Xos. 14-> 4 14>i March T, I*Bo. Att'ys,
Sullivan Bros.
All the right, title, interest and claim of John
McEaffertv.adm'r of James MoLafferty, dee'd.,
Bridget MeLafferty, Grace MeLafferty, Daniel
MeLafferty, J. C MeLafferty, heirs and terra
tenants of James McLaffertv, deceased, of, in
and to one hundred and twenty (1-01 acres of
land, more or less, situated iu Winfield town
ship, Butler county, Pennsylvania, bounde<l
on the north by fands of William Stewart
and Winfield furnace property, east by lands of
William Stewart, south i>y lands of William
Stewart, and west by lands of Edward McLaf
fertv. A two story frame house, frame stable,
log house and log barn thereon erected; about
SO acres cleared. Seized and taken in execu
tion as the property of J. C. Mcljitferty at the
suit of W. 1.. Snear for use, and Hannah Dou
gan, Adm'x of John Dougaii, dee'd., for use.
E D Xo .'>2 March T ISjsO. Attv, W D Brandon.
All the right, title, interest and claim of The
odore Haler of. in and to five (5) acres of land,
more or less, situated in Penn township, Butler
county, Pa, bounded north by Adam Dodds,
east by Roliert Snodgniss, south by Theodore
Haler, and West by \V II II Riddle: a two storv
fra: le house and frame stable thereon. Seized
and taken in execution as the property of The
odore Haler, at the suit of Simeon Nixon.
E D Xo 52 March T 1880. Atty W 1> Brandon.
All the right, title, interest and claim of The
odore Haler of, in and to one-fourth (}) acre of
land, more or ie*s, situated iu Penn township,
Butler county. Pa, bounded north by , east
by C Puff and Plank Road, south by , and
west by W II II Kiddle; no improvements.--
Seized and taken in execution as the property
of Theodore Haler,at thesuit of Simeon Xi.xoii.
E DNo 52 March T 1 K.s<t. Atty W D Brandon.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Tlico
Haler of, in and to one (1) acre of land, more or
less, situated in Penn township, Butler county.
Pa., bounded north bv Robert Snodgrass, east
by Charles Puff, south by same, west by Theo
dore Haler; a one and a half story frame house
and orchard theron. Seized and taken in exe
cution as the property of Theo. Haler, at the
suit of Simeon Xixion.
EDNo 52 March T 1 sso. Atty W D Brandon.
All the right, title, interest and claim of The
odore lluler of, in and to a certain leasehold
situate in Penn township, Butler county, Pa.,
bounded north bv Andrew Dodds, east by S 11
Cooper, south by other property of Theo daler,
and west by Plank Road, containing two mid a
half (21) acres, more or less, and running to
the first day of June, 1884. Seized and taken
in execution as the property of Theo Haler, at
the suit of Simeon Nixon.
ED No March T 1880. Atty W D Brandon.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Theo
Haler of, in and to two (2) acres of land, more
or less, situated iu Penn township, Butler coun
ty, I'a., bounded on the north bv Theo Haler,
east by Robert Snodgrass and C. Puff, south by
store house and frame stable thereon ; all clear
ed. Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Theo. Ilalcr, nt the suit of Simeon Nix
ED No 170 Marcher, 1880. F M Eastman. Atty.
All the right title, interest and claim of Q G.
M'Quistiou of. in and to a lot of ground situated
in the borough of Butler. But lev county, Pa.,
situate on I lie corner of Washington and Cun
ningham streets, bounded ii rth by an alley,
vast by other lots of Q C M'Quistion. south by
Cunningham street, and west by WaMhinglon
street: containing 4ft by 180 feet, moru or loss;
brick dwelling limine two stories with frame ad
dition two stories, frame dwelling house two
stories and frame stable thereon erected. Seiz
ed and taken in execution as the property of Q
0. M'Quistion, at the suit of G Wilson Miller.
ED No 170 March T 1880. F M Eastman. Atty.
All the right title, interest and claim of Q C
McQuistion of, in ami to a lot of ground situated
in the borough of Duller. Ilutler county. Pa., ly
ing east of and adjoining the above descnliod
lot. bounded north by ui alley. east by lot occu
pied by Sloan and wife, south bv Cunningham
street anil wrst by other lot of Q C McQuistion,
now occupied by Mrs Mcljuistimi and Nancy Mc-
Quistion; containing 30 by IXO feet, mote or lew.
Heiwd and taken in execution as the pro|>ertv of
Q C McQuistion at the suit of G Wilson Miller.
E D No 109 March T, 1880. F M Eastman, Atty.
All the right. title, interest and cla.m of Tho*
I<ogan of, in and to one hundred and twentv
four (124) acres of land, more or less, situated
in Middlesex township. Butler county. Poiuia.,
bounded north l>v John l> Miller and Harris Lo
gan's heirs, cautliy James Miller, et al. south bv
Samuel I'll'vis. and we-t by William SicCausliu ;
a log and frame house bank barn and orchard
thereon ; about KM) acr.<s cleared, Sei/.ed and
taken iu execution as the property of T.'ios Lo
gan at the suit of John Berg it Co. for use.
ED No 160 March T. 1880. W D Brandon. Atty.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Thos.
Logan of. iu and to forty acres of land, more or
less, situated in Middlesex township. Butler
oounty. Pa., bounded north by Win Dttiny, ca*
by lauds of Mowry and others, south by lands of
same, west by James Wjlson; a two story frame
dwelling bouse, frame stable and orchaid there
on; Seized and taken iu execution as the prop
erty of Thomas Logan at the suit of John Berg
•V Co. for use.
ED No 180 March T. 1880. O K White, Att'y.
All the >ight. title, interest and claim of Allen
Wilson of, in and to forty (4") acres of land,
more or less, situated in tlie borough of Itntler.
I Butler county. I'a.. bounded north by Millerr
town road, east by Rev. White, south by (leorge
Reiber. and west i>y II J Berg and 0 dholic Ccm
eten ; six dwelling bouses anil Institute build
ing erected thereon. Seized and taken In exe
cution as the property of Allen Wilson al thesuit
J Klee it Bro.
F. DNo 13ft March T. 1880. <leo R White, Atty.
All the right, title, Interest and claim of Allen
Wilson of. in and to one (•) acre of land, more
or less, situated I- the borough of Butler Butler
county Pa., bounded north by an allev. east by
a street, a-nth by Jefferson street. and west by
Catholic Cemetery; a two story frame dwelling
house and frame stsble thereon Seized ami
taken in execution as the property of Allen vVll
son at tho suit of J Klee A Bro.
K DNo 183 Marcti T, IHHO. J M Oreer. Att'y
All the right, title, interest and claim of Mrs
Jacob L Negley, owner or reputed owner, mid
Jacob i, Negley contractor, the following de
scribed lot of ground situate in Jefferson town
ship Itntler county, Pa. bounded on the north
by the Ilaiinalistown road, east by Jefferson
township Independent School District and Mary
Welsh, south bv land of Frank fruit, and west
bv lands of F.d Monday and Alex Martin: a cer
tain two story frame and brick dwelling house
erected thereon Seized and taken In execution
as the property of Mrs Jacob L Negley. owner
or reputed owner and Jacob L Negley contract
or. at the suit of K O Llthold for use.
E I» Nos 82. Hit. ho. i»o. ,t H»h, March Term. 1880.
Ileiber. Williams, and J D M'Jnnkin. Attvs.
All the right, title interest and c a Dora
tliea Miller of, Iu and to a certain piece or parcel
of land situate In the borough of Butler, Ilutler
county. Ph.. containing 40 by IHtl feet, more or
less, bounded north by Cunningham street, east
by Joseph Fisher, south by an alley and west
by Cliff stre. t. a two story frame dwelling lion*"
and frame stable thereon. Seized and taken iu
execution as the property of D.irathea Miller at
the suit of Geo Welgatid. H llauei * Bro, Chris
Otto, M Iteiber, Sr., and If Julius Klluger.
E D Nos. 166 .t 167, March T. 1880. W D Bran
don. At tori ley.
All the right, tit le. Interest and claim of Will
iam Qralism Msrgi-ret Graham. Nancy Oraliam,
Daniel W Graham, Jerusli Oaivey ami Thorns*
flarvey her husband, of. in and to a certain tract
of land situate iu Coiin'Kpiei'csslng township,
Butler oounty. Pa. Imutided and described as
follows: beginning at a post at the corner of
landa of J Shannon, Matthew Hii innou and W
Richardson, thence by lauds of W Richardson
eaet 140 perahee to a poet: thence bv land* of
John Oraliam south 1 degree eaat 129 6-lOOthe
parches to a post; thanes by landa of O Duncan
south 70 degrees weat M Months pare bee to a
post ; thence by same north 20 deirees west 16
perches to s |s»d; thence by same south 08 deff.
west 04 perches to a poet; thence by same south
R|i< decrees west 71 fcrolies to a post; thenoa
by iaud* at John aud Mxtttrtrv tfhauoou uoitU 3 J
degrees west 100 perches to the place of begin
ning: containing 137 acres, more or lees. Frame
dwelling house, log barn and orchard therein;
about 100 acres cleared, about ten acres of raea
; dow. Seized and taken in execution as the proo
ertv of Wm Graham. Margaret Graham. Nancy
Graham. Daniel W Graham. Joruah Garvey and
Thos Garvey her husband, at the suit of Thanjp
sou A Scott ami Paiudla Graham, now Pamilla
Bel ph.
ED No ITS. March T. 1880. E G Mnlor, Att'y.
All the right, title, interc-t and clai.n of A
Rockenssein. Jr. of: in and to a certain vacant
lot of ground situate in the borough of Butler
Butler oounty. Pa.. bounded as follows : Begin
ning at a pin. corner of lot 238 an I Grant ave
nue. theoce along Grau; avenue 50 feet to a pin
on Rockenstein Way; thence a!on_; mil W'.y
feet tn a pin on Niggel Way: thence »i. i
Way Oi feet and ;1 inches to pin corn »r of lot No
2tß: tlieuce along the '..'i 0 of said ;ot 113 feet to
tiie place of beginning; being lot No 2H9 in Wm
S Body's plan of lots in Spriugdaie. new borongh
of Butler
E D No 100, March T. 1880. N. Black. Att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claiir of \V W
Campbell 01. iu and to tbirtj-six (3ti> acres of
land, more or iess. s.tuated in Marion townsltip,
Butler comity. Pa. b.mmled nfftli by J W Ma
son. east by Herman Poiiman. soutli by Jotiepli
Blakelv. and west by Joseph Johnston; a board
house thereon, about 20 acres cleared. Seized
and taken in execution an the property of W W
Campbell at the sn.t of James Poster.
E D Nos 171 ,t 17.1. March T 1880. r C C.-.mp
bell anil E G Miller, Atty's.
. All the right, title: interest and claim of W G
Stoughton of. in and to one hundred and tweuty
(120, acres of land, more or less, situated in
Oakland township. Bntler county, Pa, bounded
north by lands or Francis Whit mil e, east by
lauds of John Whitnnro and the heirs of Janice
Philips, dee'd. south by lands of John Neynian
and W J R.>bb west by binds of James Philips'
heirs and W J Bobb; subject to the twelfth roy
alty of all oil; frame house, frame barn, good
orchard, log st.ibie, spring house thereon: mostly
cleared. Seized and taken in execution as the
property of W G Stoughton at the suit of H E
Wick an j Butler Savings Bxnk.
E D Nos 171 A 173. March T. 1880. T C Camp
bell and E G Miller, Attys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of W G
Stougbton of. in and to ono hundred and nine
110#) acres of land, more or less, situated in
Hlipperyrock township. Butler county Pa, bound
ed north by lands of George Cross, east by lands
of J Bovard. south lijr Uuds of Richard Critch
low. et al, and west by lands of John M'Ellienv;
Id log liou-e, log barn, small orchard; mostly
cleared. Seizod and taken in exocution as the
property of W G Stoughton at the suit of H E
Wick and Butler Sav ugs Bank.
F D Nos 171 A 17.1. Maroh T, 1880. T C Camp
bell and E G Miller, Att'ys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of W G
Stoughton of in and to one hundred and sixty
(160 > acres of land, more or less, situated iu
Slippervrock township, Butler county. Peun'a,
bounded on the north by lands of D M Crass and
John M El euy. east by McDonald farm, now
owned by Clir> McCandl«u-s et al. south by lands
of Thomas and Daniel McDcvi't's hnirs. west by
one-half of -ame tract, sold by Clio.- McCandless
et a!, to M'Laughlin; about fivo acres cleared.--
Sei/.ed and taken in execution as the property of
W G Stoughton at the suit of H E Wick and
Bntler Savings Bank.
E D Nos 171 .t 173, March T, 1880. T C Camp
bell and E G Miller. Atty's.
All the right, title, interest and (.l&itn of W G
Stoughton of in and to thirty (30) acres of laud,
more or lese. situated in Worth township, llntier
county. Pa . bounded north by lauds of J J Win
ner, east by lar.ds of s-ime et al south by lands
of same, and west by lands of Citharine Kaf
tnan. known as the Hoge and Dr Cnwdon land;
log honso and log stable thereon; mostly nleared
Seized and taken in execution as the pro|>erty of
W G Stoughton at tho suit of II E Wick and
Butler Savings Bauk.
E1) No 120. March Term, 1880. A G Williams,
All the right, title, interest and claim of S P
Irvin aud Mrs S P Irvin, owner or reputed
owner and contractor, < it, in and to a certain
building ertctrd on a lot or piece of land situ
ate in the borough of Buflor. Butler county.
Pa., liouiided north by the Butler aud Millers
town mad. oast by a street running from Bntler
and Millerntowii road to the new Witherspoon
Institute, south by land of Charles .McCainlloss
et al. aud ive-t bv an alley. Seized and takon
in execution as tlio property of S P Irvin anil
Mrs S P Irvin. owner or reputed owner and con
tractor. at suit of Fredorick liauacher for use of
H Bauer <t Bro.
ED No 77, March Term, 1880. Geo W Fleeger,
All tlio right, title, interest and claim of .las.
Harvey of. iu and to sixty acros of land, more
or less, situated in Clinton township, Butler
county. Pa., bounded north by Robert Henry,
oust by John .Vstead, south by Mar'iu Thomp
son and Step, and west by W Polts and William
Harvey ; frame house, frtius barn and orchard
thereon; all improved. Seized and taken iu
execution as the pro[H>rty of J an: os Harvey at
suit of Samuel Duff, Adm'r of Reuben Hazlett,
E I) No 124, March Terra, 18*0. McCaiulloss,
All the right, title, interest and claim of Alex
ander Patterson of, in and i i eighty acre:i of
land, more or less, situate in Auams township,
Butler county, Pa., bounded north by John
McNeil, east by Henry Foltz, south by Jessio
Mill-r and west by August Reinh&rl ; two log
bouses, log barn and orchard thereon. Seized
and taken in execution as the property of Alex
ander Patterson af suit of Haunah Patterson.
Adm'x of George Patterson, dee'd, aud said
Hannah Pattsrson in her own right,
ED No 102. March Term, 1880. Q W Fleeger,
All the right, title, interest aud claim of J 0
Mahood of, in aud to a certain lot or parcel of
gioiind situate in the village of North Washing
ton, Washington township. Butler county, I'a.,
containing 00x180 feel, more or less, b.iun lod
north hv James Wade, east by an bllov, south
by an ailey ami west by 'lie Ilutler aud K'nleii
ton mad ; a two-story frame house, board stable
and fruit trees thereon. Seized ami taken in
execution as the property of J U Mahood at
suit of Hammond it Campbell.
E D No 10. March Term, 1880. Geo A it A T
Black, Att'ys.
All tho right, title, interest and claim of Jas.
8 Craig of. in and to five acres of land, more or
less, situate in Conoord township. Duller comity,
Pa . bounded ns follows j Btgittotag at a whits
oak tree at the southeast corner, l.hence by
lauds of J II Jack south Oi degrees west 22
perches to a post, thence by lauds of fno. Starr
south 00 cegrees west 41 |>erulies to a stone,
llionce by lands of Wm McCounell noith l.' j de
grees west 2 perches to a post, thence south
li i degrees east 4.1 perches to a post, thence by
lands of Wm Ralston south 111 degrees east 22
(sirches'to a post, thence south 17 degrees west
13 5-10 perches lo the placo of beginning, with
two producing oil wells derricks, engine li uiscs,
engine, boilers, tuning, caaiiu. tanks, rods, and
all machinery aud fixture* thereto belonging,
thereon. Seized and taken iu execution as the
proiierly of James S Craig at suit of James B
F. D No 10, March Term. 18<0- Geo A A A T
Black. Att'ys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Jas.
S Craig or. in aud to a lot or patrol of laud sit
uate In the borough of Sunbury, Butler county,
I'a., containing 60x100 feel, more or less, bound
ed north by lot of Wm Pattorson, east by an
alley, south bv an alley and west by Franklin
street: a frame dwelling house aud frame stable
erected thereon- Seized and taken iu execution
as the property of James S Craig at suit of
James IJ Craig.
F II No 10, March Terut. 1880. Geo A it A T
Black. Att'y a.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Jas.
Craig of. iu aud to twelve acres of land, nioro
or less, situate iu Concord township, Ilutler
county. Pa , bounded north by Wilson et al.,
vast by Eli Conn et al . south by AaaHavand
west by-Christy ; a board dwelling house, board
stable, engine house, two derricks aud rig tim
bers thereon. Seized and t iken iu execution as
the property of James S Craig at suit of James
H Craig.
F. I> No 108. Maroh Term. 1880. Joa B Ilrelln,
All the right, title, lnteresf aud claim of Isaac
Snvdor and Mary Ann Snvder, his wife, of. in
and to si*lv acres of land, more or less, situate
in Oakland township, Butler cour-ty. I'a., bound
ed north by lands of Anlhouv llonn. oast by
lauds of Thomas Dirtier, south by lauds of A
tl McClure and west by lands of Henry Lelbol I.
seized and taken In execution as the property
of Isaac Snyder and Mary Ann Snyder, his wife,
at »nit of .lames Brodin for use of H Schtieide
F. D Nos 123 A 103. March Term. 18.80 J D
McJnnkiii. Att'y.
All the right tille, interest and claim of Jef
ferson Allen of. in aud lo sixty-live acres of
land, moro or less, situate in Cherry township.
Ilutler county. I'a . bounded north by James
Thompson, easl by John Smith aud Hugh
Sprout, south by John Huilth aud weat by James
Armstrong; about 33acrrsotearad, frame house,
board stable and orchard thereon Seized and
lakeu in execution as the property of Jefferson
Allen at suit of Perry O Wolford for use, et al.
The following inllat lie strictly compiled with
when piopeity Is stricken ilf.wn ;
1. Wlum thp plaintiff or other lieu creditors
become the ptirch.i-er, the costs on the wrlla
must bo (Mild, mid a list - f the II n*. Including
mo' tgnre sparchis n the property sold, to
liclhcr with such Hen creditor's receipt* lor tho
amount of the proceed* ot the will) of such
portion therm! as he may rlalin, must be lur
nlstied the Sheriff.
2 All bids must be paid In lull.
H All sale* uoi scttlad Immediately will Uo
oou'lnucd until 1 o'clock, r M.. of uext dav,
ai whab unie nil piopc'tv not fettled (tor will
again lie put up a-id sold at the exp«n»o and
rf«k of tha person to whom ilrst sold ,
*t«ee Portion's Dlge»t. Wth edition, page 44*1,
aud Smith's Form*, page
fubll-ttt) tJherlfl af Uutlcr Couuty,