Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 18, 1880, Image 3
New Advertisement* To-Day. Livery Stable—New Firm. lirttiov al -Reitier's Grocery. Veifeuble »"<l Flower Seed*. MimS'- sale- l"r«i>ertj of Adam Schawr. |,i«t of Applicant* lor license to Sell Liquor*. Auomey!" t'ar»l*»- J. F. Brittain. McSweenj A Mt-Sweeny. _____ Local and General. BF.ST bottled ale for medicinal pur poses at Zimmerman & Hawk's Drug Store. IF VOU want good I lour and a pood turn out, po to Walter & Boos' Mill, Butler, Pa, As AN encouragement to the livery men, weather-wise people say we will have another big snow soon. NEW rich blood, sending health to every fibre of the system, is rapidly made by "Dr. Lindsey's Blood Search er." IF you call on your druggist for "Dr. Sellers' Cough Syrup," we pledge immediate relief and cure on short notice. KINO CETYWAYO is engaged in dic tatinp a history of the Zulus. Aft« j r all, literature may be the defeated mon arch's best bold. THE new remedy, Day's Kidney Pad, is a positively guaranteed cure for all diseases of the Kidneys, Blad der and Urinary Organs. M. REIBER, SB., has removed his store to the Reiber Block, Main street, opposite National Bank buildinp. See his advertisement in another place. ASK for the So So Hat, at CHABLKS'R. GRIEB'H. Ir you want a sack of good Flour go to Walter & Boos' Mill. As good as anv city or Western flour in the mar get, and made out of Butler county wheat. ALL kinds of Leather and 'Findings gold at lowest price* at 11. C. Hnseltou'i. WE direct attention to the card of Bauer A Baxter's Livery Stable, where reliable rigs and horses can al ways be had, and where horses are well fed and well cared for. MEN'S and Boys' Winter Caps from 17c. up, at Charles R. Grieb'a. A LITTLE daughter of David Tay lor, of West Liberty, this county, had her thigh broken by falling down stairs, on the 7th inst. The limb was set by Dr. Helty, of same place, and the child is doing well. B. C. HCSEI.TON'S Boots and Shoes are ail made to his order. THE firm of Rittar A Ralston is now handling the famous Coats thread, put up in 500 yard spools, instead of 300 as heretofore. This 'enterprising firm pets all the best things in their various lines that are manufactured in the country. UNDERWEAR of all kinds, from 25 cent# up, at Charles R. Orieb'ii. A BLACK and white cow tossed a three-year old child on North street a few days ago, and would have killed it had it not been rescued. Shortly afterwards she chased a married wo man into a boose, so frightening her that she fainted. Yon can buy Boots and Shoes at old prices at B. C Huselton. THE colord people too must conquer their wicked prejudice of color. Mrs. Rigney, a white lady of Springfield, Mass.," has lately married a colored Bap tist preacher, named Raymond, and his congregation, it is said, ostracise and will dismiss him. WE direct attention to the adrertis ment of the Kittanning Insurance Co. George W. Shaffer, Agent, Vogeley House building, Butler, Pa. By ref erence to the advertisment it will lie seen that during the last three years they have paid over five thousand dol lars of losses in this county. THE latest styles in Neckwear, at Diaries R. Grieb's. As Mr. Benjamin W. Douthett, of Penn township, was hauling a load of hay, near Brownsdale, on last Monday week, oth inst., upon a sled, it slid from the road and he was thrown or fell upon bis face, injuring him and leaving many severe but not serious cuts and wounds. A Mr. Marshall, also upon load, escaped uninjured. The load was being drawn up bill at the time and the accident was a very unexpected one. ~ At Old Price*, Best American Oinghams, at RITTER k RALSTOH'S Wheal"! Wheat I The highest Pittsburgh market price paid for Wheat, at Walter & Boos' Mill, Butler, Pa. WALTER & Boos. low la the Tine to Buy Carpets, Oil Cloths and Matting, at RITTER k RALSTON'S. IF you want a sack of good Flour, go to Walter k Boos' Mill As good as any city or Western flour in the market, and made out of Bntler county wheat. Whctif Wheat! The highest Pittsburgh market price paid for Wheat, at Walter k Boos' Mill, Butler, Pa. WALTER k Boos. " At Old Price*, White Quilts, at RITTER k RALSTON'S. ALL kinds of reparing done, at B. C. HUSKI.TON'H LATEST styles in Men's, Youths'aDd Children's Caps, at Charles R. Grieb's. A SOLID Silver Case and a Genuine American Movement as low as #lO, at E. GRIKB'S. B. C. HrsELTON is selling several linen of Boot* and Shoe* lower than lant ueasons prices. HUSELTON'S cheap goods will wear. LADIES' SoIid Gold Watches at sls and upwards, at E. Grieb's. WORKINO and Dress Shirts of all kinds, from 20 cent* up, at Charles B. Grieb's, WILLIAM ALAND, Merchant Tailor, has just opened the largest line of woolens for men and boy* wear ever offered in Butler. HUSELTON will give you better goods for ibe money than any House in But ler. THE largest Stock of Half Hose ever offered in Butler, you can find at CHARLKM R. GRIEB'H. B. C. HUSELTON is now receiving his Spring and Bummer Stock of Boots and Shoes. SPECIALTIES in woolens at William Aland's Merchant Tailoring —taHMinwnt not to be had elMwhacc in ooonty. Ir you want Drew Gloves, if yoo want Street Gloves, If yon want Driving Gloves • or Xlittens, if you want Working Glovea or Mitten*, yon can bay them at Charles JEL OrfebV LEADING CASH GROCERY. RETAIL HOUSE with WHOtESALE PRICES BEAD OIJB PRICES! it pounds best light yellow Sugar -*j ou lb " white Coffee " J ~u 9 Granulated " ■ "" 7 " P**l Boasted Coffee Ino (i *• prim.' " " ' 5 " No. i onrown Boasted Coffee lu» f» cans (3 lh. > very l>esi Tomatoes l '» " •• e> i Creen Corn . '«• 6 " Winslow '* Coni i yellow label > 'w> Korsocenl>. ! Ballon good Syrup. • a) " t j»ouiid eho;ee N;u v Tobacco. •• no " 4 " Turkey Prunes. " M " <• " IJrie.l iVaclu •». - ;j> •• ri « limine. ",» ** o ** ** Corn. 3 balls Babbitt's Potash r. lxii.es ( <Hn entrat»-'l I.ye . 3 pounds Carolina Bice —> 4,l),ir> Blue India Soa|> ® 4 " Babldu's soap ~> * " White Bjks Soap 2* f. - Blue " " -} t; pounds oat Meal FLOUR. Magnolia, per Hack Bed Ball. " <•» Kiverslde " 1 *•' Emplr" " 1 Florenee " t •'*> Again we repeat, and without fear of contradiction (front those who have used it) that the "Magnolia" has no equal for the money in the United States. "Red Ball,'' which has pained so much favor, is fully as pood as most flour sold for Patent Process. The "Riverside" brand is a choice Family Flour, giving the • best of satisfaction. Some parties claim they sell same kinds of Flour that we do ; others, in selling Flour, always re mark, that it is just as pood as "Red Ball," thereby pettinp pood prices for a cheaper artiele. We are the only House in Butler that handles the Camp k Randall Manufacturing Co.'s Flour. G. WILSON MILLER k BRO. Read fli<* Prices. At 64c., Medium Prints ; At fi|c., Canton Flannel; At o]c., Bleached Muslin ; At Sc., Shirtinp Cheviots; At 10c., Best Oinpbams; At 12A., Basket Cloths Suitings ; At Inc., Brocade Suitings ; At 20c., Double-fold Alpacas; At 2;>c., Double-fold Cashmeres ; At 45c., All-wool Cashmeres; At Toe., Black Dress Silks; At 124 c., Kentucky Jeans ; At 15c., Cottonades for Pants. Call and examine the immense stock of goods, at RITTER k RALSTON'S. IF you want good Flour and a pood turn out, go to Walter & Boos' Mill, Butler, Pa. r mr - ■ - W*. BBOW*, Pres't, GEO. G. TITZKI.L. Sec'V. CHAHTFRF.D 1853. The Kittanning Insurance Co. Has paid nearly *<>,ooo Dac. 6, 1877, H. C. Saudernon A Co., Millerstown.l'2s 00 " 6. 1877, R. Rtrauch do 15 0 " 20. 1877. Adam Hchreiber, do 350 00 " 6. 1877. Levy A Marks. do 30 17 " 20, 1877, Johiuion A Byer*. do 6G 25 " 6, 1877, Barney Fonit, do 900 00 July 2, 1873. Mrs. C. Hassler, North Oakland 450 00 Dec. 22. 1877, Mary Ann Saelc-r, do 725 00 " 6, 1877, C. John-ton, Millerst'n, 112 50 " 6, 1877, C. W. Coleman, do 25 00 May 3, 1878. J. C. do 67 90 Oct. 1, 1878, Charles Duffy Butler, 660 00 Aug. 19. 1878, Geo. Boulger, Petrolia, 250 00 '• 19, 1878. John Lammers. do 35 00 " 1!), 1878. 0. W. Little. do 7 50 Dec. 17, 1878, Mrs. Jane Williams. Cen tral Point, 309 77 Nov. 1879, R. Morrow, Donegal tp. 1 Of) Aug. 19, 187R, C. M. Zinck. Petrolia . 25 00 Haot. 5, 1879, Mrs. H. H. Redfoid, Karae City, 250 00 Mar. 7, 1879, Jas. Thorn by, Havsville, 375 00 Dec. 10, 1878, Koonce A McClellao. Central Point, 425 00 Jnne 28, 1879, Mary Graham, Anandale 3 83 Aug. 21, 1879. P. ii. Hanion. Karna C'y 31P 00 Oct. 28. 1879, C. T. Moore, Fairy'w tp. 225 00 £5.345 92 of losses in Butler county, and solicits a share of your patronage. Call on or address GEO. W. SHAFFER. Agent, Butler. Pa. Emlenton Academy. The Spring Term will o|>en April sth and continue 11 weeks. Thorough instruction will be given in all branches usually taught in academies. Send for circular. Address 11. K. SHANOB, A. 8., Principal, Emlenton, Pa. Wow In (he Time to Buy Hamburg Edging, at RITTER & R ALSTON'S. IF you want good Flour and a good turn out, go to Walter k Boos' Mill, Butler, Pa. Wbeni! Wheat! The highest Pittsburgh market price paid for Wheat, at Walter k Boos' Mill, Butler, Pa. WALTER & Boos. At Old"Prices, A full line of StravV and Feather Tick ing, at RITTER k RALSTON'S. IF you want a sack of good Flour go to Walter & Boos' Mill. As good as any city or Western flour in the mar ket, and made out of Butler county wheat. _ Wanted. A situation in a flour mill as miller. Have had several years experience. Reference given. Addres W. J. John ston, Butler, Pa. Dr" C. H. LEE, Homoeopathic Physician. Office and residence near the Wick Honse, North Main street. Butler, Pa. jan7 Wheat! Wheat! The highest Pittsburph market price paid for Wheat, at Walter k Boos' Mill, Butler, Pa. WALTER k Boos. Wow I* the Time to liny Sheetinps and Pillow Casings, at BITTER k RALSTON'S. THE Spring term of the State Nor mal School ojiens March 23. For cir culars, address J. A. Cooper, Edinboro, Pa. _ Whau Ails You? Is it a disordered liver pivinp you a yellow skin or costive bowels, which have resulted in distressing Piles or do you Kidneys refuse to perform their functions ? If so your system will soon be clogged with poisons. Take a few doses of Kiduey-Wort and you'll feel like a new man—nature will throw oft' every impediment and each orpan will lie ready for duty. At Old Prices, Blankets, Flannels and Varus, ut RITTER k RALSTON'S. Benefactors. When a board of emineut physicians aud chemists announced the discovery that by com binding aome well-known valuable reme diea, the memt wonderful medicine waa pro duced, which would cure each a wide range of diaoMM that moil all other remedies could lie di*pen«ed with, many were sceptical; but proof of it* merits by actual trial has dispelled all doubt, aud U>-day the discoverers ot that great medicine, Hop Bitters, are honored anob li»HBUf by fclf ta Sutler : UntLwr, $9 a., iFefermurg ts, 1860. Communiral iona. Explanation. Mpsxrs. Editor .«— Mr. P. M. Ward, of Saxonburg, inquires throuph the CITIZEN of last week why I did nut sipn the Auditors' Report. My answer is, because it includes a sum of one hundred dollars paid to the Butler Eagle, by my colleagues, which I re pard as beinp uuwarmnted by law. Therefore I refused to sipn the Audi tors' Report. .1. GRIBBEN. Thai.ks. WEST LIBERTY, Feb. 12, 1880. Allow me, throuph your paper, to ac knowledge the receipt (a little time since) of a present of money to pur chase an overcoat, from the ladies of the Holyoke U. P. Conprepation. 1 appreciate biphlv the unostentatious manner in which it was dune; the money being quietly handed to the pastor by one of their number, with the good wishes of the donors. Ladies, you have my sincere thanks, and I assure you 1 appreciate the spirit that prompted it, and trust it will cement still more closely the bonds between pastor and jwople and help in our work. May "the good will of Hiin that dwelt in the bush" ever be yours, and make you to know, that it is indeed "better to give than to re ceive." W. P. SHAW. "A Great Commotion." In our i>sue of Jan. 28, 1880. was published a selected article as reading matter, commenting *ll the shrewdness of Rev. .Mr. Lane, of Kensico, X. Y., who. when accused Wore a Church committee of his two eonprepr.tions of doing too much indiscriminate kis-injr of the female members of his flocks, pot out of the scrape by declaring that he did all his kissinp with a proper motive and only with a fraternal feeling. Thi- selected article seems to have been applied by a Rev. Mr. Lane who happens to be stationed in or near Brownsdale, this county, to himself. He has had an attorney call to see us, and also sent us the followinp note: lllniM'VmLK. Huli.'r ('<>.. I'a., Feb. 11, I si. EHITOK ("ITlZF.X— liiasmufh as A certain article —•'A Shrewd t'lcrgyiiiau"— in your issue nl <>l Jan., iKigt* Ist. column 7th. lias raised a great com motion among inv iticniin-rs, especially the female part, who considered themselves, wiili me. slan dei-eil. I HKUK>:\ I>KM A>l> THE 111 Holt. FAII. NOT! Mv attention was lirst called to II l>> Mr. Coliert lsrov.il. la-.! Sahl>atli. The natural sni'im sltion Ls that the article undertlie fictitious localit) is aimed at me. It not. where is that llcv. Mr. J.: me. in Butler Co.. or elsewhere'.' I lease send to the aliove address in haste. Yours respectfully, in earnest defense. SYLVANUS LANE. We understand the Rev. gentleman, of this county, made some forcible re marks on this subject from his pulpit, which, we think, justifies us in givinp it this further publicity. You are not the man meant, Mr. Lane; and we are sor rv, for your sake, you put 011 the shoe of another Mr. Lane, as it leaves the impression it may have fitted you in some way. But it is a "long lane that has no turn," and your turn may come sometime yet. Let the women, down there, watch and pray. Letter from Worth Township. Mesxr*. Editors —As none of Worth township's citizens have been giving you an}' items, I propose to do so in a feeble way. The predominating nuisance of this winter has been mud, ntud every where, yet none so much as in many places of our county. Our township is noted for its fertile soil, good buildings, and the intelli gence of its people. A large territory, supporting eight schools lilled with male teachers of its own residents, paying larger salaries than adjoining districts, and can, I think, turn out more teachers than any other equal amount of population in Butler county. There is in successful operation two Literary Societies, one in No. 4, taupht by j. I). Marshall, the ottier in hall iu Mechanicsburg, convenient for pupils and teachers of five of our schools. Several entertainmenls have been piven, comparinp favorably with any of those piven by select schools or institutes that I have been fortunate enough to hear. Strange to say, that some three of our teachers, who were the originators and organizers of this society, have withdrawn. The cause, uo doubt, was in the discussion of compulsory attendance and teachers' salaries, when it was made uncomfor tably warm for them. There is no doubt talent enough left to make this society a success. Our citizens are somewhat apitateH over the removal of the place of hold ing elections, as it is to be voted on next election. The proposed removal to hall in Mechanicsburg, a lively lit tle village containing one of the best county stores in the county, kept by X. (iardnor & Son, at which a large majority of our people deal, besides blacksmith, wagon maker, tannery, shoemaker, saddler, and in fact all the mechanics needful to supply wants of rural population, far surpassing any village of same size within my knowl edge, except that of church buildings, though it must not be taken from this that our people are not a religious peo ple, as we have several well attended churches within our limits and those convenient. Our Justices and Constable have nothinp to do. 1 would say do not get fees enough to pay commission. Our schools are noted as having the largest percentape of at tern lance, one of them frequently havinp 100 per cent., while the average of the eight schools is often above 90. By the way, I noticed a communication from No. 8 111 your last issue*, treating some what of the per cent, of attendance. The construction of some of its sen tences are in violation of the rules of grammar. As he is a teacher, how ever, the blame may be put on the printer, (his back is broad.) A greater portion of the sentiment of this piece is to lie commended, yet there is a vein or spirit of complaint, which is the most objectionable feature. I would say to him, and especially those who screen themselves in the sinple thrust they make by using the term lazy, to be patient, gentle, self-sacri ficing, dispensing kind words with the information you impart, expecting in this, as in all other positions of life, to IK; traduced and misrepresented. I noticed by your last issue that we were represented in Court. I am sorry to have to mention this. I suppose either of the attorney's fees in this case would pay for land in the dispute. J. H. Sow la (he Time to Buy Everything in the Dry Goods, and Car pet line, as we are selling all kinds of goods at less thaD Eastern prices. Buying now you will save money, as I they will certainly be much higher. Your*, RRTTTK Butler Market*. Bctter -flood 25 cents tb. Bacon- -Plain sugar cured himt 11 ?ts. ¥ lb; shoulders, 8 : sides. H Beans—White. 51(5125 V bush. Pmomata—2s to :MI eta. per pair. Chebbe— 18 cts V lb. I Corn Meal. —leta. V lb. Calf Skixs— 9oci6*L V lb. Ertos—ls cts V (*oze». Flora—Wheat. ifi/iiX V bbl. sack $1.25®f2 : bnckwheat. t2.50 V cwt. Grain—Oatr.32 cts V bushel: corn 45 ; wheat »1. 5 : rve 75 cents : bnckwheat, 00. Honey —2»> cts. V tt». Laud—7c V lb. Tallow, O<S7. Molasses —s<l<£>6oc r* gallon. Syrnp. 50<SC0c. Onions—.FL V bush. Potatoes —tOo. V bushel. Sugar —Yellow 7(ffiSc.: white 9<S>loc. V tb. Salt— No. 1. HI-85 ¥ barrel. " CANCER. This disease like many others is regarded as incurable, li is not si>. If it is taken in time it-is as easily cureil as a wart or a corn. We know very well that it is a fearful disease i and will cat awny until it destroys life, that I i» if it is neglected, hut if it is attended to | when it first makes its appearance, or soon | after, there is no trouble in eradicating it from the svstem. Persons will have to lie here during part of the treatment, consequently there is no use writing t<> me for information whether it can be cured without ray seeing the I also treat with success. Rupture, Piles, fistula, I'leers, Ulcerated legs, Varicose Veins. Varicocele Tumors, Hydrocele, and every form of Disease. Dr Keyspr. 240 Penn Avenue, Opposite Christ's Church, Pittsburgh, Pa. A <'ar«l. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early deeay, loss of manhood, Ac., I will send a recipe that will cure you, FR EE OF CH A RGE. This great remedy was discovered by a mission ary in South Africa. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Kkv. Joseph LvmaS, Station IK Xrif Ynrk City. MARBIAGUt. DAMBAt li MILLER Feb 5,1W0, m ikaieat deiieeof the l>ritle - father, by l{e\. I'.usi h. Mr. Ed ward ilambach and .Miss Maggie Miller. both of Evansburg. tin- county. t.KAHAM MLLLEIT I'eb. IN. ISM), by Key C. 1,. Streamer, Mr. John <l. <;rahara and Ml<- Klla Mil ler. both of Unlonville. this county. DF.ATIIS. ("AUNA IIA N Felt. •">. lsxo. ill l'.rady town-hip. this eipiinlv. Arthur A.. - >n of William and Eliza beth Carnahau. in the 1 ith >ear of his age. .MAY—Feb. s. l*so. at bis resilience in Forward township, this comity, Mr. Henry May . aged about .VI years. HA .VISE Y Feb. ts. LSSO. in ( Tanberry township, this county . Sir. Anthony Kamsey, aged about »*) years. i I'DOXXELL—Feb. .">. isso. in < lakland township, this county. Ann Eliza O'Donnell. aged 42 years. ( ONWAV Jan. :«I. ISSO, IN Crawford county, this State, Mr. Michael Conway, aged years. ItKEWSTEII -Feb. 7. LSSU. OF pneumonia, at the residence of her sister in Lawrence county. Sarah Brewster, of Prospect, this county, in the 4">tli year of her age. BEAM — Feb. i;i. imi. at his residence in Frank lin township, this comity. Mr. Abraham Beam. In the Blst year of his age. Mr. 15. was an old and re spected citizen. GAKVEY -On Sunday. 15th Inst., was hurried in Pros|»ect. I his county, Mrs. Sophia Garvey, who died of consumption, at her sinter's residence ill M'Kean county, this State, in the :(4th year of her age. Xew Advertisements. McS WKK XY & McS\V KEN Y, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Smethport and Bradford, Pa. J. P. BRITTAIN. ATTORNEY AT LAW, BUTLER, PA. Office with L Z. Mitchell. Diamond. IF YOU WANT Reliable Vegetable Seeds, Choice Flower Hev.ds. Fruit or Ornamental Treix, or beautiful Flowering Plants, write for their New Com bined Catalouge, to John It. d; A. Murdoch, feblß-4t Hniithfield street, Pittsburgh. Sheriffs Male. EI) No 178, March T. 1880. W A Forqtier, Atty. By viitue of a wri! of Fi. Fa. issued out of tho Conit of Common Pleas of liutler county, and to nie directed, there will be exposed to pnb'ic sale at the Court House, in the borough of Butler, on fifth day of March. A. D 1880, at 1 o'clock p. m., the following described prop erty. to wit: All the right, title, interest and claim of Adam Schaucr of, in and to a lot or parcel of ground situate in the borough of Butler, Butler county, Pa., bounded and described as follows : Begin ning on Race street at a line of lot No. C, thence oast along tace street 54 feet 6 inches to line of lot No. 5; thence line of lot No. 5 north 120 feet ami 6 inches to line of lot No thence west along line of lots Nos l J and 8, 42 feet and eight inches, to lot No. 7; thence south along line of lot No. 7, 115 foet. to the place of beginning, and being lot No. 6 in plan of lots laid out by D. L. Byrer and Theodore ILiseltou. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Adam Schauer, at the suit of Adam Kirk, for use- WILLIAM H. HOFFMAN. Sheriff. Sheriff's office, B itljr, Pa., Feb. 11, 1810.—3t Applications for License. The following applications have been filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court of (Quarter Sessions, and will be presented for action on Thursday, the 4th day of March, IHso : AI.I.EGIIKN Y TOWNSHIP. Tavkrx— G. L. Shannon, C. M. Burnett, T. K. Williams, John Fitzgerald. Ukstaikant —J. W. Riddle, John Teeckers, CHERRY TOWNSHIP. Tavern —R. Graham. CONCORD TOWNSHIP. Tavern —S. 11. Altice, \V. A. McDonald. CI.EARFIELD TOWNSHIP. Tavern — M. J. Mcßride, Neal Blaney. Merchant —VY. J. McCrea. DONEGAL TOWNSHIP. Tavern —Joseph Graham. JACKSON TOWNSHIP. Tavern— John N. Miller, William Duncan, Jacob Fiedler. JEF FK KK< >N TOWNSHIP. Tavern —Michael Shields. LANCAST P. K Tl» W NSH IP. Tavern —Wm. Wahl. MARION TOWNSHIP. Tavern- Hugh Murrin, Frank P. Murrin. OAKLAND TOWNSHIP. TA v KBN —Ph i loniena Saeler. PARKER TOWNSHIP. Tavern— ll. 11. Willet. SUMMIT TOWNSHIP. Tavern —Albert Smith. SLIPPERVKOCK TOWNSHIP. Tavern —Josiali Adams. WINFIELD TOWNSHIP. Tavf.RN —Lewis Weidhas, George Miller. HITLER BOROI'OH. Tavern —Charles Boyle, Henry Eitenmiller, John F. Hackett, J. J. Fiedler, G. W. Camp bell, Patrick Kelly. Restai rant —George J. Smith, And'w Mil ler, Michael Fair, Gabriel Kohler, Mary Gar bcr, Jordan Evthe, Frank lloonnn, John 11. I Shaffer A A. M. Borland. M erchant - George A Jacob Reiber, <ieorge Raiber. cf.ntrevili.e borofoh. Ri-stai rant— John C. Ramsey. FAIRVIEW ROROUGH. Tavern —W. C. Adams, J. T. Wilson. -HARMONY BOROFGH. Tavern —Jacob C. Hyle. Rest m rant Peter <">tto. Merchant—lsaac H. Bhontz. KAKNS CITY ItOBOF'IH. T wern —Mead & McGuire, A.J. Morehend, A. J. Elliott. MII.LERSTOWN BOROI'CH. Tavern —Frank Englehan and Li/zie Mc- Lnughlin, John Kromer, livers A Johnston. Re.hTM'rant —A. /iinmerinan, M. M. Good win, Joseph Heuleger, .lames ( ogan, Mary E. Logan, Wm. Green, Fred'k Ellinger. Merchant—M. J. Howes. PF.TROI.IA BOROI'CH. Tavern Marv.Comerford, Hugh Blvmiller, I.ogue <k Trip, Kd. O'Donnell, Anuie )i. Sink, Win. 11. Jellison, S. A. D. Morrison, James L. Clark, Owen Mctiaffney, J. W. Miiluix Merchant —James Morrison, J. A. Kleck ner, bottler. PROSPECT BOROCOU. R est aura NT— A. L. Keleo. SAXONBUBG BOROUGH. Tavern— Franci# Laube, H. G. Muder, Jod- Kohnfeider.' ZELIENOPLE borough, TavSbn— H. St<jkey, Jacob Sehellay. Merchant— George Stahl. Hutlrr County, tt. Certified from the records this 17th day of February, A. D. IWO. W, A. wmgflT: or «wV. { BAUER & BAXTER, Livery, Feed and Sales Stables, REAR OF YOGELF.Y DOUSF. feblS BI'TLF.B. PA. Notice. Notice i= hereby given that Edward MeTier nan, Sr , wiil apply for a discharge us nn insol vent debtor under the laws ot this {'onißionwealth, on Monday, March 1, 1-sSO, bi-ing ihe first day of the March Court. [(bll Administrators' Notice. Notice is berebv given lhat letters of admin istration have rs'en granted to the uuderi-i»rued | on Ibe estate of Margsict Wilson, dee'd, lale wife 'if J aim •*•!.. Wilson, ol' Pike county, Ills. All pei.-on.-, therefore, knuwluic themselves in debted to said ctate, will please tl r.ke iiiiinedi i.:e paymci::, at. J any having claims the same will pic.-, nt them, duly authenticated, to the undersigned ior settlement. THOMAS WILSON, ) xd , WILI.IAK IRVINE, s Aam lß> lebll-4t Breaknei k F. t)., Butler Co., Pa. In Raiikriipff.v. In tlie District Court of the Cnited States, for the Western District of Pennsylvania, John A. McOmber. of Burter. a B::ikrupt un der the Act of Congress of March 1867. and the tmendments rupplements thereto, having applied for a discharge from all bis debts, anl ot lier claims prot able under said Act, by order of Court notice is hereby given to all creditors who have proved their debts, and other i>«rso:i» interested, to apjtear on the 25th day of Febru ary. IHSO. at 2 o'clock. P. M., before H. H. Gcmcher. F.- j.. Register in Bankniptcv. at his effice. Butler. Pa., to show cause if any they have, why a discharge should not bo granted to the said Bankrupt, febl l-2t S. C. McCANDLESS. Clerk. Notice to Supervisors and A.ll Others Interested. The following reports have been confirmed, nisi, by the Court, and wi'l be presented for ab solute confirmation on the fiint Wednesday of March. 1880: No 1. September 1879. Clearfield township. Public road commencing at or near a (stint at the liue of James MePade's farm, to a point at or near tho corner of widow KeyUe's and Walter Lucas' farm on the road from Great Belt to Millers town- No. 3. Sept. Is"!'. Franklin township. Public road leadiug from a point batween the Bhannon and Ciattv farms, on the Shannon road in paid township, to a point on the Franklin road at the place where the liue dividing lands of Mrs F.ftie Forester and Joseph Hockenberrv inter sects said road. No. 4. Sept. 1879. Butler township. Public road beginning at a point on the Butler aiid Saxonburg road at or near the mouth of John Arthur's lane, in JeHerscu township, and leading to and intersecting the Butler and Alle gheny plank road past the farm of William Cald well, "in Butler township. . No. 6. Sept. 1h79. Allegheny township. Public road beginning at a point on the Arm strong county line in Allegheny township, being at or near the Allegheny river, intersecting a proposed road m Armstrong county, to a point in said township intersecting a proposed road in Venango county at or near tho Allegheny river in Venango county. No. 7. Sept. 1879. Summit township Public road beginning at a poi'it on the public road leading from Butler to Heiman Station on the B. B. ot West Pa. railroad at or near school house No. 5, in said township, to a point on the old State (public) road leading from Butler to Kittanuing at or near the dwelling house of Ad am lteddick. f 1 l-3t 1 W. A. WRIGHT. Clerk of Conrt. Assifrnees* Hale. The undersigned will oiler at public sale, on Thursday, March 4, 1880, nt 'J o'clock, P. M ~ on the premises, located in Buffalo township, Butler county, Fa., HIXTT ACREN OF LAND, more or lesg, bounded and described as follows: On the north by lands of the heirs ol Jacob Hcpler ft a!., on the cast by a public road, on the south by lands of the Westeimnu heirs, and on the west by lands of Frank Sarver et al. Title clear of Incumbrance# will be irlveu. WM. BARKEK, JOHN T. MARTIN, feblltd Assignees ol M. N. flreer. BEST IN THE WORLD 7 AND SALERATUS Which is the same thing. Impart S»leratu« orßl-Cnh Bod* which i*thes»me«hlnK,l»of» slight ly dirty white color. It m*y op|«*ar white, exainlntd toy Itself, hat a COMPARISON WITH CHURCH ti CO'S ** ARM AHAMMER" UItAXD Will ahow the difference. See that vonr Suleratu* and fink ing Soda la white and IM.'lin. »i should be ALL NIMH*AH SUBSTAN CES used fur food. A simple but severe test of tho comparstire value ot different brands of Soda or Ssluratus Is to dissolve a dessert spoontul of each kind with about a pint of water (hot preferred) In clear olaases, stirring until all Is tin ircuglily dissolved 'ihe deleterious insoluble matter in the inferior Bod i will boshowu sfter settling somo twenty minutes or sooner, by theintlky appcsrunce of the solution and the quantity offluatlng flucky matter according to quality. Be sure and ask for Chnrch k Co. s Soda »n<l fialeratas snd see that their name is on the package and von will get tho purest aud whltef t made. The liso ot this with sour milk, in prefer ence to Baking Powder, saves twenty times Its Co ßco one ponnd package for valuable informa on and read carefully, "iHOW THIS TO YOUR OWOCEB. RISLEX'S PURE DISTILLED S2.*»c. Extract Witch Hazel, 08, HAMAMELIS VIRGINICA. Kijual in (juality to auv made, and only halt the price. Ho*, bottles 85c. l'lnts 50c. Relieves Headache, Toothache, Earache, Bore Eyes, Nunc iilccd, Hlccdini; Luiij{s, l'ainful Menses, Whltef, Asthma. Reduces Hwellinj;s, Piles, etc. t'ures Bruises, Scalds, Itutlis, Rlien niatisin. Sprains, Wounds, Erysipelas, Chll biaiue, Varicose Velne, Neuralgia, etc. NATURE'S UNIVERSAL rtEMEDY FOR INTERNAL ANI) EXTERNAL USE. If your has not not it have him or dor It of the proprietor, CIIARI.KB F. RIBLEY, Wholesale nrnnj.'!' l '. M COUKTLASDT J?T., NEW YoKK. febll-3m llaiikrupt Notlcp. DistrUt Court of the United States, Western District of Pennsylvania. In lln- mailer ol Guerdon Williams, Bankrupt, No. :?,:!•;« in Bankruptcy. Notice is hereb, iriven that the second and third ifeueral meetings ol the creditors of said Uonkriipt will be held at Butler, Pa.,on thi; sth day of March, I**o, nt the hour of 2 o'clock, 1' M , before H. 11. (toucher, Register in Bank ruptcy, for the purpones named in the 27th and 2Mb sections ol Hie Bankrupt Act ol March 'J, ISIJ7, and further, ttiat 1 have llled my final ae eoiint and wi'l apply to the Court at the time an<l place above named, for a settlement of my said account and for a discharge Irom all liabil ity as Assignee id' said bankrupt's estate, in accordance with tlie last named section of the Act aforesaid. J T. DONLY, A*sl){tiee, febll-St Butler, Pa. Bankrupt Xollfe. District Court of the United Stales, Western Dist'iet of Pennsylvania. In the matter of Junes McKcever, Bankrupt, No. 310 in Bankruptcy. Nolire is hereby given lhat the second and third general incctiiius of the creditors ol snid Bankrupt will 1m; held nt Hutler, Pa., before H. 11. Ooucbcr, Register in Ban k«. itcv, on the 38th day of February, IKKO, at the hour ot 8 o'clock, P. M., lor the puritose named in the 27th and'Jßth sections of the Bankrupt Act ol March 2, 1807, and further, that I have tiled my Dual account a» Assignee, and will apply to the Court, at the time and place above named, for a lettlenient of my said account* and for a dis charge from all liability as Assignee of said Bankrupt's estate, in accordance with the last named section of the Act aforesaid. K. MARSHALL, Ai-lgnec, lebll-2t Butler, Pa. C'fiK * week in your own town. Terras and outfit free". Addrees H. H *uxrr <k Co., Fart3%jKf, Sfaii*». rfecO-fy Notice, Notice is hereby giveu that James Roreland will apply for a discharge as an insolvent debtor under the insolvent laws of ihls Common wealth, on Monday, March 1, 19*0, being the first day of ihe March Court. |febl 1-St" Widows' Appraisements. The following appraisements of personal prop erty set apart for the benefit of the widows of decedents have been tiled in the oftice of the Clerk of the Orphans' Court of Butler county : Jemima Black. $257.10. Ilanuah Erb, Mary A. MeCoruiick, #22.15. Mary Wick, 1102.50. Mary Graham, #298.25. Sophia liespeiil.ide, #:>00. Catharine Bain hart. # 10*.'. Margaret Snyder, #274. Anna E. Hei-lcr, #;t00. Mary E. McDonald, $103.05. Elizabeth Graham, #3OO The above will be pre-ec ted for confirmation on Wednesday, tlie 3rd dav of Marcli. 1880, W. A. WRIGHT, febll-td) Clerk of Orphans' Conrt. Hheriil 's Hales. By virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Facias. Venditioni Exponas. Levari Facias. Ac., issued out of the Court of Common Pleaa cf liutler county and to me directed, there will be ex- Eised to Public Sale at the Court Honse. ir. the iroutrh of Butler, on Monday, March Ist, 1880, at one o'clock. I'. M., the following described property, as follows: E. D. Nos. 158 A 165, March T. 1880. Att'jrs Geo. A. A A.T. I'.lack, and Clerance Walker. All the right, title, interest and claim of John Wilson, of in and to a certain lot of ground sit uate in the borough of Sunbury, Butler county, l'a., containing 120 by 1<!0 feet, more or less, bounded north by an alley, east by street or al ley, south by street, and west by" Main street. A two story frame house and frame stable thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the nierty of John Wilson at the suit of James Yilson and Thomas Jamison. E. D. Nos. 158 A 165, March T. 1880. Att'ys, Geo. A. A A. T. Black, and Clarence Walker. All the right, title, interest and claim of John Wilson of, in and to one hundred and sixty seven (107) acres of land, more or less, situated in ('lav township, liutler county. Pa., bounded north by James Ilerr.jn, east by Andrew Wick, et al., south by J. W. Christy, west by Marv and Joseph Wilson. Log house, log barn, frame hay-house aud an orchard thereon; about 120 acres cleared. Seized and taken iif execu tion as the property of John Wilson at the suit of James A. \\ ilson and Thomas Jamison. E. I>. No. 105, March Term, 1880. Attorney, Johu M. Greer. Al! the rijcht, title, interest and claim of Jane Ilentel of, iu and to a lot of ground situate in the borough of Zelienople, Butler county, Pa., bounded north by R. Lewis, east by Main street, south bv E. V. Randolph and west by lot No. 245, being Oti feet on Main street and 105 feet liack, with a brick dwelling house 1J stories high with six rooms thereon. Also seized and taken in execution as the projiertv of Jane Ben tel at the suit of Geo. W. smith for u«e. E. D. No. 105 March Term, 1880. Attorney, John M. Greer. All the right, title, interest and claim of Jane Bentel of, in and to a lot, No. 245, situate in the borough of Zelienople, Butler county, Pa., bounded north by R. east by lot No. 217, south by E. V. Randolph and west by Clay street, beiug sixty-six feet on Clay street and a hundred and sixty-five feet back; with a large 2- storv brick and frame dwelling house containing eight rooms thereon. Seized and taken in ex ecution as the property of Jane Bentel at the suit of Geo. W r . Smith for use. E. D. Nos. 132 A 133 March Term, 1880. Atty, A. G. Williams. All the right, title, interest and claim of J. A. Milliliter and Margaret Millingerof, in and to one hundred and twenty (120) acres of land more or less, situated iu Summit township, But ler county, Pa., bounded on the north bv Mrs. M't'lure, on the east by lands of John liaugh, south by lauds of Mrs. M'Clure and we«t liy landa of Henry Green et al. A two story log house, log barn and (outbuildings and orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the property of J. A. A Margaret Millinger, at the suit of Clark A Campbell and Clark A YVick. E. D. No. 11.1 A 114 March Term 1880. Att'v, W. H. H. Riddle. All the rights title, interest and claim of Sam uel Sloan of, in and to sixty-six (00) ucres of land, more or less, situated in Washington township Hutler county, Pa., bounded on the north by John Martin, on the east by Thomas Sloan, on the south by Benj. Skian and Jesse Jones, and on the west by Philip Doncgan.— IyOg house, log barn and orchard thereon; about one half cleared. Seined and taken in execu tion as the property of Samuel Sloan at the suit of Geo. S. Kelly. E. I>. Nos. 36 A 37 March Term 1880. Att'v, Ferd. Reiber. All the right, title, interest and claim of R. T. McCandless of, in and to fifteen acres of land, more or leas, situated in Adams township, But ler county, Pa., I ton tided on the north ity Jos. Iliivs, on the east by Adaiu Stang, on the south bv Miss Creighton, and on the west by George ls|terd A one story frame house and frame stable thereon erected; about ten acres cleared. Seized and taken iu execution as the property of R. T McCandless, at the suit of John Gausz for use. E. I). Nos. I.VSA 157 March Term 1880. Att'ys, G. A. & A. T. Black. All the. right, title, interest and claim of Francis Lindsey of, in and to sixty-five (05) acres of land more or less, situated in Cherrv township, Hutler county, Pa„ lioimded north by lands of Charles King, east by lands of John Lindsey. south by lands of K. 11. Lindsey, and west by lands of Samuel McKinney. Log house and log stable thereon erected ; about 30 acres cleared. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Francis Lindsey at the suit of I._N. Cubbison and T. W. Morrow. E. I>. No. 155 March Term Att'y, Sul livan Bros. AH the right, title, interest aud claim of C. F. Smith of, in and to h lot of ground situate in Summit township, Butler county, Pa., contain ing one-half acre, inoru or less, situate on the south side of the Butler and Coylesville road; one dwelling house 24 by 28 feet* one dwelling house 20x10 feet, one "store house 20x36 feet, one stable 20x20 feet thereon erected. Seized and taken in execution as the property of C. F. Smith at the suit of Simon Wiles. E. D. No. 161 March T. 1880. Att'y, N. Black. All the right, litle, interest and claim of Christian Leopold of, in and to a certain lot of ground situate in the borough of Millerstown, Butler county, l'a., containing 220 by 180 feet, more or less, Uiuuded north by J. I). Aldinger, east by an alley, south by Slippery rock street, aud west by John Glass; with seven board lioilKes and li large two story frame hotel build ing thereon erected. Seized and taken in exe cution as the property of Christian licopold at the suit of O. Barnhart. E. I). No 135 March T, 1880. Att'y, Alexander Mitchell. All the right, title, interest and claim of Lewis Keefer of, in and lo two (2) acres of land, more or less, situated in Washington township, But ler county, Pa., bounded on the north by At well, east by Daulteuajieck, south by Maxwell, and west by a public road. A two story Intard or plank house, and wood or coal thereon. Seiz ed and taken ill execution as the pro|tertv of l>ewis Keefer, at tlie suit of HauimonJ & Campbell for use. E. I). No. 55 March T. 1880. Atty, J H Lewis. All the right, title, interest and claim of An drew Ford of, in and to fiftv-seven (57) acres of land, more or less, situated in Fairview town ship, Butler county, Pa., bounded on the north by I 'raig farm, east by Kinkaul farm, south by John Moore, and west by Hepler farm; with 4 Itourd dwelling houses and a log barn thereon ereeted ; mostly cleared. Seized aud taken iu execution as the property of Andrew Ford, at the suit of William Loctiard. E D Nos. 140, 143 and 144 March Term, ISMO. Att'ys C Walker and G A A A T Black. All the right, litle, interest ond claim of J H Martin of, in and to one hundred and thirteen (113) acres of land, more or less, situated in Ve nango township, Butler county, l'a., bounded north by Cochran aud Tannyhill, on the east by W M Stalker ami James L < 'Hhiiilhts south by Samuel Sloan, and west by Morris M Bride; a two story frame or ltoard house and a log sta ble thereon; altout f) acres cleared. Seized and taken in execution as the property of J W Mar tin at the suit of John Hughs for use, Thos A Eakin for use, J L Beatty. F. D No 60 March T 1 sso. Atty W I) Brandon. All the right, title, interest aud claim of Ja cob Millison of, in and to ninety-five (95) acres of laud, more or less, situated in Muddycreek township, Butler <*iuuty l'a., Itouudcd on the north by Bargelv, on the east by same, on the south by Truesilale aud Shanor, and on the west by Kalpanil Wright. Ix»g house, log barn anil an orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the projierty of Jacob Millison, at the suit of Alexander Wright. EDNo 53 March T. 1880. Atty C D Chriatie. All the right, title, interest aod claim of J J Kelly of, in and to a oertain lot of ground «S»- uated In the borough of CoulterviU*, Butler oountT, Pa., containg 65 by 160 fret, more or leas, bounded on the north by Edward CbrUt> ; ley, east by an alley, south by a street and weat I bv I'atton ; with a two story frame dwelling I house, frame stable, and fruit treea thereon. Seized and takeu in exeoutiou a* the property 1 <* J 3 KWy at tljVs wft tff !**#»• Wt&n. EP No 154 March T. IHBO. Att'y C Walker. All the right, title, interest and claim of Pe ter J Ruiumell, Jr. of, in and to lots Nos 6, 7 I and 8, in plan of lot* laid out by John N. Pur- I viauce in tbe village of Delano, Butler eouuty, : Pa., bounded on the north by an alley, east by ! lot No 5, south by street, and west by an alley, containing 1»!0 feet front by 120 feet back, more or less. A two story frame house and out buildings thereon erecled. Seired and taken in execution as the property of Peter .1 Rum inel!, Jr, at the suit of Emil Maurhoff, Ex'r for use. ED No 150 Mar T. 1890. Att'y. WII Lusk. AU the right, title, interest and claim of Jas. A Matthews of, in and to a piece or parcel of ground situate in the borough of Karns City, Butler county, Pa., bounded north by Palm, east by Parker A Karns Citv R R, south by P Bobbins, and west by A Bisher; contain ing one acre, more or less. A two story board or plank building thereon, used as a hotel. Seized and taken in exeeutiou at the property of Jamea A Matthews, at the suit of Evans and Stone. E P No. 134 March T 1990. Att'y. Williams and Mitchell. All the right, title, interest and claim of John R Chamliers of, in and to (901 acres of land, more or less, situated iu Cherry township. Bnt ler county, Pa, bounded on the north by E Ker rero et al., on the east by Warren Armstrong and Marv Ann Pobson, "south by Wm. Kelly, and west by Job Kelly et al: a frame house and board stable thereon; about 60 acres cleared.— Seised nnd taken in execution as the property of John It Chambers at the suit of James Wil son. E. P. Nos. 148 ii 149 March T. 1880. Att'ys, Sullivan Bros. All the right, title, interest and claim of John McLalTerty, adm'r of Jaines McLafferty, dec'd.. Bridget McLafferty, Grace McLaft'erty, Daniel McLafferty, J. C. McLafferty, heirs and terra tenants of James McLaffertv, deceased, of, in and to one hundred and twenty (120) acres of land, more or lew, situated in Wintield town ship, Butler countv, Pennsylvania, bounded on the north by lands of William Stewart and Wintield furnace property, east by lands of William Stewart, south by lands of William Stewart, and west by lands of Edward McLaf fertv. A two story frame house, frame stable, log hou«e and log barn thereon erected; about 80 acres cleared. Seized and takeu in execu tion as the property of J. C. Mcl-afferty at the suit of W. L. Sj>ear for use, and Hannah Dou gan, Adm'x of John Pougan, dec'd., for u«e. E P No 52 March T 1980. Atty, W P Brandon. All the right, title, interest anil claim of The odore Haler of, in and to five (5) acres of land, more or less, situated in Penn township, Butler county. Pa, bounded north by Adam Dodds, east by Ro!>ert Snodgrass, south by Theodore Haler, and west by W II H Riddle; a two story frame house and frame stable thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the property of The odore Ilaler, at the suit of Simeon Nixon. E P No 52 March T 1880. Atty W P Brandon. All the right, title, interest and claim of The odore Haler of, in and to one-fourth (1) acre of laud, more or less, situated in Penn township, Butler county. Pa, bounded north by , east by C Puff aud Plank Road, south by , and west by WH H Riddle; no improvements.— Seized aud taken in execution as the property of Theodore Haler, at the suit of Simeon Nixon. E P No 52 March T 1890. Atty W P Brandon. All the right, title, interest and claim of Theo Haler of, in and to one (11 acre of land, more or less, xituated in Penn township, Butler county. Pa., t>ounded north bv Robert Snodgrass, east by Charles Puff, south by same, west by Theo dore Haler; a one and a naif story frame house and orchard therou. Seized and taken in exe cution as the property of Theo. Haler, at the suit of Simeon Nixion. EPNo 52 March T 1880. Atty W P Brandon. All the right, title, interest and claim of The odore Haler of, in and to a certain leasehold sifliate in Penn township, Butler county, Pa., bounded north by Andrew Podds, east by S 11 Cooper, south Uv other property of Theo Haler, and west by Plank Road, containing two and a half (8|) acres, more or less, and running to the first day of June, 1884. Seized and taken in execution as the pro|>erty of Theo Haler, at the suit of Simeon Nixon. EPNo 52 March T 1880. Atty W P Brandon. All the right, title, interest and claim of Theo Ilaler of, iu and to two (2) acres of land, more or less, situated in Penn township, Butler eotiu ty, Pa., bounded on the north bv Theo Haler, east by Robert Snodgrass and C. I'uff, south by store house and frame stable thereou ; all clear ed. Seiued and taken in execution as the prop erty of Theo. Haler, at the suit of Simeon Nix on." ED No 170 MarelijT, 1880. F M Eastman, Atty. All the right title, interest aud claim of Q C. M'Quistion of. in and to a lot of ground situated in the borough of Butler. Bntler county. Pa., situate on tbe corner of Washington and Cun uirigbam streets, bounded n -rth by an alley, east by other lots of Q C M'Qnistion. south by Cunningham street, and west by Wasliington Btreet; containing 45 by 180 feet, more or less; brick dwelling lioune two stories with frame ad dition two stories, frame dwelling house two stories, and frame stable thereon erected. Seiz ed and takeu in execution as the property of Q. C. M'Quistion, at the suit of G Wilson Miller. ED No 170 March T 1880. F M Eastman, Atty. All the right title, interest and claim of Q C McQuistioii of, in and to a lot of ground situated in the borough of Bntler. Butler county. Pa., ly ing east of and adjoining the above described lot. bounded north by au allay, east by lot occu pied by Sloan and wife, south by Cunningham Htreet and west by other lot of Q C McQuistion, now occupied by Mrs McOnistion and Nancy Mc- Quißtion; containing 30 by 180 feet, more or less. Seized and takeu in execution as the property of Q C McQuistion at the suit of G Wilson Miller. E D No 169 March T, 1880. F M Eastman, Atty. All the light, title, interest and claim of Thos. Logan of, in and to one hundred and tneutv four (124) acres of land, more or less, situated in Middlesex township, Butler county, Penna., bounded north by John P Miller and Harris Lo gan's heirs, east by James Miller, et al. south by Samuel Purvis, and west by William McCausliu ; a log and frame house, bauk barn and orchard thereou ; about 100 acres cleared. Seized and takeu in executiou as the property of Thos. Lo gan at the suit of John Berg A Co. for use. ED No 169 March T, 1880. W D Brandon, Atty. All the right, title, interest and claim of Thos. Logan of. in and to forty acres of land, more or less, situated in Middlesex township, Butler county. Pa., bounded north by Wm Denny, eaat by lauds of Mo wry and others, south by lands of same, west by James Wilsou; a two story frame dwelling house, frame stable and orchard there on; Seized and takeu in executiou as the prop erty of Thomas Logan at the suit of John Berg A Co. for nse. ED No 136 March T. 1880. G B White, Att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of Allen Wilson of, in and to fortv (40) acres of land, more or less, situated in the horongh of Bntler, Butler county, Pa., bounded north by Miller»- town road, east by Rev. White, south by George Reiber, and west by H J Berg and Cstbolic Cem eten; six dwelling houses and Institute build ing erected thereou. Seized and taken in exe cution as theproperty of Allen Wilson at the suit J Klee A Bro. ED No 136 March T, 1880. Oeo B White, Atty. All tbe right, title, interest and claim of Allen Wilson of. m and to one (I) acre of land, more or less, situated in tbe borough of Butler. Bntler county Pa., I>onnded north by an alley, east by a street, south by Jefferson street, and wost by Catholic Cemetery; a two story frame dwelling house and frame stable thereon. Seized and taken in execution as tbe property of Allen Wil son at tho suit of J Klee A Bro. E DNo 153 March T, 1880. J M Greer, Att'y All tbe right, title, interest and claim of Mrs. Jacob L Negley, owner or reputed owner, and Jacob L Nrgley contractor, the following de scribed lot of ground situate in Jefferson town ship Rut lor county. Pa., bounded on the north bv tho Hannahstown road, east by Jefferson township Independent School District and Mary Welsh, south bv land of Frank Fruit, and weat by lands of Ed Monday and Alex Martiu; a cer tain two story frame and brick dwelling house erected thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the propertv of Mrs Jacob L Negley. owner or reputed owner, and Jacob L Negley contract or. at the suit of E G Lithold for use. E f> Nos 82. 83, 86. 96. A 10K. March Term. 1880. Reiber. Williams, and J D M'Jnnkin. Attys. All the right, title interest and claim of Pora thea Miller of, in and to a certain piece or parcel of laud situate iu the borough of Butler, Butler countv, Pa., containing 40 by 180 feet, more or less, bounded north by Cunningham street, east by Joseph Fisher, south by an alley, and west by Cliff street; a two story frame dwelling house and frame stablo thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Dorathea Miller at the suit of Geo Weigand. H Bauer A Bro, Chris Otto. M Beiber, Sr., and H Julius Klhiger. EI) Noe. 166 A 167, March T. 1880. W D Bran don, Attorney. All the right, title, Interest anil claim of Will iam Graham. Margaret Graham. Nancy Graham, Daniel W Oraham, Jerasb Garvey and Thomas Oarvev her husband, of. in aud to a certain tract of land situate in Connoquecessing townahip, Butler county, Pa, bounded and described as loliowa: beginning at a post at tbe corner of lauds of J Shannon, Martha Hbanoap and W Richardson, thenoe by lauds of W Richardson eaat 149 petrehea to a post t theooe by lands at John Graham south 1 degree east 12V f-lOOtbs perchss to a poet; theooe »y lands of G Dunoaa south 70 degrees weet 98 ft-lOOthe perches to a poet; theuce by same north 20 degteee weet 16 perches to a poet; thenoe by same south 68 dug. west 64 perches to a poet; thenoe by same south EUU degrees weet 71 rerobee to a pqet; thenoe . WTutfs of !W»U Wd Wb« (&«&&> 9 degreee went 166 perches to the place of begin ning; containing 157 acree, mora or law. Frame ' dwelling house. log bun and orchard thereon; about 100 acraa cleared about ton scree of mea i (low. Seised and taken iu execution ae the prop erty of Wb Graham, Margaret Graham, Nancy Graham, Daniel W Graham. Jeruah Carrey and Thoa Garvey her husband, at tbe suit of Thomp ; HOC A Scott and Pamilla Graham, now PauilU i Balpb. EP No 173, March T, 1880. K G Miller, Att'j. Ail the right, title, intereet and claim of A Rockeustein, Jr. of; in and to a certain vacant lot of ground situate in the borough of Buffer Butler county, fa., bouuded aa follows: Begin ning at a pin, corner of lot 338 and Grant ave nue. thence along Grant avenue SO feet to a pin on Rockeuetein Way: thence along said Way Hi feet to a pin oo Niggel Way: thence along said Way PI feet and 3 inches to piu corner of lot No 238: thence along the line of aaid lot US feet to the place of beginning being lot No 239 in Wm S Body's plan of iota in Springdale, no* borough of Butler £ D No 100, March T, 1890. N. Black, All y. All the right, title, intereet and clairr of (V W Campbell of, in and to thirty-six (30) acraa of land, more or leea, situated in Man on township. Bntler county. Pa. bounded north bv J W Ma son, east by Herman Poilman. aouth by Joeeph Blakely, and west by Joseph Johnston; a board house thereon, about 20 acres cleared. Seized and taken in execution ae the property of W W Caiupbell at the suit of James Foster EI) Nos 171 A 173, March T. 1880. T C Camp bell and E G Miller. Atty'a. AU the right, title; intereet and claim of W G Stougbton of, iu and to one hundred and twenty (120) acres of land, more or leea. situated in Oakland township, Bntler county. Pa , bounded north by landa of Francis Whitmire, east by lands of John Whitmire and the hairs of James Pb-'lips, dec'd, south by lands of John Nevman and W J Robb. west by landa of James Philips' heirs and W J Robb: subject to the twelfth rur ally of all oil; frame bouse, frame barn, good orchard, log stable, spring house thereon; most It cleared. Seized and taaen in execution as the property of W G Stougbton at the suit of H E Wick and Butler Savings Bank. E D Noe 171 4 173, March T, 1880. T C Camp bell and E G Miller, Attya. All the right, title, interest and oUim of W G Stougbton of. in and to oue hundred and nine (109) acres of land, more or leea. situated in Slippery rock township. Butler county, Pa, bound ed north by lands of George Cross, east bv lands of J Bovard. south by lauds of Richard Critch low. et al, and west by lands of John M'Elhenv; old log house, log barn, small orchard: mostly cleared. Seized and taken in execution as the property of W G Stoughton at the suit of H E Wick and Butler Savings Bank, E D Nos 171 A 173. Marali T, 1890. T C Camp bell and E G Miller, Att'y*. All the right, title, interest and claim of W G Stougbton of in and to one hundred and sixty (1601 acres of land, more or leea, situated in Slipperyrock township. Butler county. Penn'a. bounded on the north by landa of D M Craae and John M El: eny, east by McDonald farm, now owned by Chas McCandleas et al. south by lands of Thomas and Daniel McDevitt's heirs, west by one-half of same tract, sold by Chas MeCaudieee et al. to M'Laughlhi; about five acraa cleared.— Seized and taken in execution aa the property of WG Stougbton at theauit of HE Wick and Butler Havings Bank. E D Noe 171 A 173. March T, 1880. T C Camp bell and E G Miller, Atty'a. All the right, title, interest and claim of W G Stougbton of in and to thirty (90) aeeea of land, more or leas, situated in Worth townahip, Bntler county. Pa., bounded north by landa of J J Win ner, eaat by lands of some et al south by landa of same, and west by lands of Catharifee Kaf inan, known as the Hoge and Dr Cowden land; log house and log stable thereon; mostly el eared. Seized and taken in execution as the property of W G Stougbton at the auit of H E Wick and Butler Savings Bank. ED No 126. March Term, 1880. A G Williams, Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of 8 P Irvin and Mrs S P Irvin, owner or reputed owner and contractor, of, in and to a certain building erected on a iot or piece of Uod situ ate in the borough of Butler, Butler county, Pa., bounded north by the Butler and MiUers towu road, eaat by a street running from Butler and Millerstown road to the new Witherapoon Institute, south by land of Charles McCandleee et al. and weat by-an alley. Seized and taken in execution aa the property of 8 P Irvin and Mrs S P Irvin. owner or reputed owner and con tractor, at suit of Frederick RauschM for use of H Bauer A Bro. • ,| ED No 77, March Term, 1880. Geo W Fleeger, Attorney. All tho right, title, intereet and claim of Jae. Harvey of. in and to sixty acres of land, more or lees, situated in CUnton townahip, Butler county. Pa., bounded north by Robert Henry, east by John Alstead, south by Martiu Thomp son and Step, and weet by W Potts and William Harvey ; trame bouse, frame barn and orchard thereon; all improved. Beized and taken in execution as the property of Taicee Harvey at suit of Samuel Duff, Adm'r of Reuben Hazlett, deed. E P No 124, March Term, 1880. McCandieea, Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of Alex ander Patterson of, in and to eighty aores of land, more or less, situate in Adams township, Butler county, Pa., bounded north by John McNeil, east by Henry Foltz, south by Jeasie Miller and west by August Reinhart; two log houses, log barn and orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execution aa theproperty of Alex ander Patterson at suit of 'Hannah Patterson. Adm'x of George Patterson, dec'd, and aaid Hannah Patterson in her own right. EP No 102. March Term, 1880. G W Fleeger, Attorney. All the right, title, intereat and claim of J C Mahood of, in and to a certain lot or parcel of giound situate in the village of North Waahing ton, Washington township. Butler county. Pa., containing 60x180 feet, more or leea. bounded north by James Wade, eaat by an alley, aouth by an alley and weet by the Butler and Emleu ton road ; a two-story frame house, board stable and fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution aa the property of J 0 Mahood at suit of Hammond A Campbell. E D No IG, March Term, 1880. Geo A A A T Black, Att'ys. All the right, title, intereat and clUtt of Jaa. S Craig of. In and to five acres of land, more or leas, aitnate in Concord township, Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows : Beginning. at a white oak tree at the southeast corner, jtnence by lands of J H Jack south 64 degrees weat 22 perches to a poet, theuce by lands of Jno. Starr south 60 oegrees west 41 perchea to a atone, thence by lands of Wm McConnell north 1% de £-ees west 12 perches to a poet, the noe south i degreee eaat 43 perches to a poet, thenoe by lands of Wm Ralston aouth 64 degreee eaat 22 perches to a poet, thence south 17 degreee weet 13 6-10 perchea to the place of beginning, with two producing oil wells, derricks, engine houses, engine, boilers, tubing, casiug. tank*, rods, and all machinery and flxturee thereto belonging, thereon. Seized and taken in execution aa the property of James 8 Craig at auit of James B Craig. E D No 16, March Term, 1880- Oeo A A A T Black, Att'ya. All the right, title, intereat and claim of Jaa. 8 Craig of, in aud to a lot or parcel of land ait nate in the borough of Sunbury, Bo tier oountv, Pa., containing 60x160 feet, more or leae, bound ed north by lot of Wm Patterson, eaat by an alley, eonth bv an alley and west by Franklin street: a frame dwelling house and frame stable erected thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Jamea 8 Craig at auit of James B Craig. En No 16, March Term, 1880. Geo AA A T Black, Att'ya. All the right, title, intereat and claim of Jae. Craig of. in and to twelve acres of land, more or leas, situate In Conoord townahip, Bntler county, Pa , bounded north bv Wiieon et al., east by Eli Conn et al., south by Aaa Say and west by Christy ; a board dwelling house, board stable, engine house. two derrioka and rig tim bers thereon. Seized and taken in execution aa the property of James 8 Craig at suit of James 11 Craig. EU No 168. March Term, 1880. Joe B Bred in, Attorney. All the right, title, iutereet and claim of Isaao Hnvder and Mary Ann Snyder, bis wife, of, in and to sixtv acres of land, more or less, situate in Oakland township, Butler county. Pa., bound ed north by lands of Anthooy Boon. eaat by landa of Thomas Hartley. eonth by lands of A H McClure and west by landa of Henry Leibold. Seized and taken in execution ae the property of Isaac Snyder aud Mary Ann Snyder. bis wife, at auit of James Bredin for use of H gchneide man. E D Noe 123 A ISS, March Term, 1880. J D MrJunkin. Att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of Jef ferson Allen of. in and to sixty-five acres of land, more or less, situate in Cherry township. Butler county. Pa., bounded north by James Thompson, east by John Smith end Hugh Hproul, south by John Smith and weet by Jamea Armstrong: aliout 35 acres cleared, frame house, board stable and orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execution aa the property of Jefferson Allen at auit of Perry O Wolford for use, et al. TERMS OF SALE. The following inuat bo strictly complied with when property la stricken down .- 1. When the plaintiff or other lieu creditors become the purchaser, the costs ou Ibe wrlta must be paid, and a list of the Urns, including mortgage searches on tbe pro|>efty sold, to gether with such lien creditor's receipt* lor tbe amount ot the proceeds of tbe sale of auch portion tbcreoi aa be may eUim, most be tur ulahad the Sheriff. a. All Wds must be paid In MIL . 0. All salsk net settled Imiusdiately will oeutinned uattl 1 o'clock, V, ot next dar, at which time all property not settled toe will again be put up and sold at thf expense an! rtsk of the person to wboin Ural sold. •See PurdonV. Digest. otb edition, page 444, aud Smith's Forma, page 884. W. H. HOFFMAN, feWl-Wl Mtow t n BWMr county-