Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 04, 1880, Image 4
Receipts and Expenditures of Butler Co. for 1879. Statement Shotting Amount P,erei>e<l and Balance D»e from Collector*. ». l)i*tricU. 'Ami *«*■ 1576 J. E. Rouell Greece City .. '* * U - " jne Mechlin* S>nnbnrr borough *; " John Anderson Allegheny township - $$ 1*77 .(nine* MeCaffertv Buffalo township »-» " William McQuUtion —• B«dy towmhin. • F. ST I>a in barber Forward township ■» «| " Joseph Lane Oakland township " Frank Morrin enango township " J. P. McQuirtion entreville borough w IWK F. 11. Davidson town, " , P-: |,' vl • • S. P. Eakins Allegheny township * li Butler township ; " T. McCurdy I/radv township • - g2 " James Hunter Buffalo townahm is;i 3 > "S. C. Donaldson Concord township «•£" QO 107 4;J " R. McCandlt-w Hay township it " C.Johnson Clinton township 654 73 " A.J.Moore Centre township.. *>* ']? " Walter Lucaa C learfield township 100 00 " Alex. I>uncan Cranberry township .... - 240 13 " W. P. Thomas Cocnoqneneswng township « w <* y " J.M.Conway Cherry township. , *g " M. Gillespie Donegal township 70 953 *3 " H. McLaughlin u " Joseph Moore I rankhn township £ " G. 11. Hartzell Jackson township. T, J, " C. Ihi Lancaster township j *' • ;}(J " I Lefevre lefferwn township ■ " " \V. W. McClrmonds Muddyereek township " \V. Bueannon Meroer township... ' " A. H. Gold Middlesex township *'? " Joseph Adams Marion township. " I>.(/Donnell Oakland township yu f)4 " J. McMahan Parker township.. 145 15 " W. Gibson Penn township. ™ " J. Mitchell Summit towaship...... __ " J. Kiester 31ip«ryrock township » '• T.J. Atwell Washington township , 'j* -• „ 4 " L. S.Kern } * n * n^ towns , h, P I 71740 " F. Rivers U infield township "A. Pisor W °? h J 1 716 67 675 80 " Charles Cronse - Butler borough. | »»' • o«6 24 " E. A. McCoy Centreville borough J _ y " W. M. Patton Fairview borough... ( j < " R. W. Jamison Greece Citv borough o- - " W. Roth Ha™y borough- l£ 00 111 S3 " C.M.Brown Harrisville borough 1 _ "A. N. Hamor - b s' roU| ? h r , 04 707 13 " G. L. Hcnshew Millerstown borough , --7 W " John Grove Prospect borou<,'lh... " Gailv Glenn Portersville borough »-» " J. A'. LliKlsay Petrolia borough. ;j«j « "C. Stenbgen S ax t nbl,l L^ i 33 06 25 8* " Ilngh Duffy Hnnbnry borough.. « " J. Kaufman Zelienople borough.. 1,133 06 lSri» S. P. Eakins Allegheny township j- • .. " J. A. McMarlin Adams township j 52 " P J. Kellv Buffalo township » T. J. Bryan township j « " Adam Schenck Butler township 3 a _ «' R.C.McAboy Butler borough , " W. K. liaya Centreville borough , 1« " W. H. Campbell Omcord township | , ( "J. A. Wick Cay township |I3M 11 i' 2*> " Thomas Wood Clinton township ; 0 •' B. Beningcr Centre township p'O s •• W. S. Clearfield township 200 00 l.tm >0 " iJ. B. Collins Cranberry township I m " G. Connoqnenessing township ; <-0 » ItobertHankey Cherry town-hip »» w " John Vensel Donegal township !.«« J i,w », " J. W. Martin.. township W » Jarae. Collins E alr ™ i . w t« wnß h!P u « !j. W. Forrester Franklin township ; £{ " " Isaac Hawk Fairview borough ••J" « W. H. Campbell Greece Citv borough J™ » A. H. Wilson Harmony oorongh 24,7 00 -j •'C.M.Brown Harnsville borough " Henn Zehner Jackson township.... • w ™ « " J C.'Reddick lefferson township. ! W5 00 61S W « A. N. Hamor Karns City borou f h »» 00 603 » Ephraim Erb township.. 45? 00 " W r . 8. Moore Muddyereek township ''s® ' , '• J. C. Parker Mercer township ™ f( « John Parker Middlesex township **> 0< o j « Hugh Mnrrin— Marion tw, m » Martin Eyth Oakland townsh.p * J » ? « 11. R. Tomer Parker township ,770 0< •' Jolinßolford Penu township 'w, 3« wO7 »A. ll.Shar.or Prospect borough.... ! 30« 36 96 0/ « Win. Williams Portersville borongh 1-4 • > 1» "" 8. P. Mih-s Petrolia IK,rough •'!« 4- Wl ,» " ,R. MeOalmoat Hunbury borough '? 1 07M » Frank Riott Summit township...... V! 0 b> » D. Wadsworth Slipperyrotk township •«'» w .**> 0J « iW.Schroth Saxon burg boroueh... 1- W 1J ; •»» " James Sloan V enango township I W0 00 609/| « 'B. T. Marshall Washington township M 0 00 6- 4 .>7 " Henry Keasy JJ'm held township , -0 1,192 30 « J. B. Elder Worth township. | •» > * J " John Nicholas Zelienople borough Levy and A»»e»«me*t for 1879. Allegheny township $ 1,378 06 Adams township ........ Mi? Ji Buffalo township 1,520 .*) Brady township.....*. *B4 22 Batter township 1,521 '•!? Butler borough 4,387 53 Centrevllle borongh 408 93 On cord township 2,398 94 , Cla/ township 1,267 64 Clinton township 1,473 <7 Centre township 1,261 16 Clearfield township 1,244 .>6 Cranberry township .. 1,392 02 Connoquenessing township 1,385 97 Cherry township 1,352 12 Donegal township 2,490 87 Forward township 1.249 87 Fairview township 4.744 17 Franklin township 1,439 94 Fairview borough 391 08 Ggeece Citv borough 192 11 Harmony borough 443 98 Harrisrtilo borongh 431 53 Jackson township 1,461 6o Jefferson township....... 1,553 80 Kara* City borough 803 88 Lancaster township 1,312 46 Mnddycreek township 1,367 12 Mercer township 888 27 Middlesex township 1,485 56 Marion township 1,244 64 Millerstown borough - 1,135 37 Oakland township 1,319 98 Parker township 2,401 15 Penn township 1,367 46 Prospect borongh 402 42 Portersviilc borough 214 66 Petrolla borough 923 20 Shnbury borough 222 74 Summit township 1,434 58 Hlipperyrock township 1,555 09 Saxonburg borough 268 98 Venango township 1,149 73 Washington township 1,574 97 Winfield township 1,472 80 Worth township 1,422 22 | Zclienople borough 436 21 Total *62,099 55 Account of County Unseated Lands. District*. Am't Rrc'd. Allegheny township $ 2 16 Winfield township 2 80 Washington township 29 57 Venango township..... 15 40 Marion township 6 05 Creece City borough 21 Donegal township 48 66 Clearfield township 11 54 Butler borough ■'! 20 Parker township 5 40 Butler borough 3 50 Total *l2B 49 Dixmont Account with Township* and Bor oughs for 1879. Districts. Am't llrc'd. Am't Due. Wiofield * 347 75 $ 339 10 Concord I'M 15 Harmony 89 20 Summit '<l 20 Lancaster 189 75 51 50 Greece City 161 10 Clearfield 497 07 Millerstown 75 00 179 05 Kara* City 10 Forward 488 04 Donegal 464 35 Fairview bor 214 75 Petrol ia 255 30 Robert Storey - 163 83 Cherry 149 18 Parker 295 36 Venango _ 43 70 Totals $1,469 03 *2,735 75 CommissiMers In Aocount with Bttler Co. DR. To cash ree'd from various sources...s2o,ol2 41 " per Jaa. Gribben...s7s3 25 " " name (bal. due) 19 25 772 50 " " J. Maybury.... 754 ot> " " name (mil. <lue) 10 !*4— 76." 00 " ' J. C. Donaldson !. 765 00 " " 8. McClymonds, Clerk... 782 50 Total *23,097 41 CR. By Treasurer's receipt* $20,012 41 •' Ja*. Gribben. 309 days <& *2.50. . 772 50 '• J. C. Donaldson, 306 iaya Q, 705 ot> '• J. Maybary, 306 days @ ».50.... 765 00 "S. Mct'lymonds, 313 days @ $2.50 782 50 Total 423,097 41 Aeeount with ~Townshlps and Boroughs of Road Tax. District*. Am't Ree'd. Am't Paid. Allegheny township... * *8 12 Winfield township 60 Donegal township 48 Butkr township 3 50 iTi* 515 Collectors' Percentage for 1879. Brady township - $ 81 26 Adams township 62 03 Allegheny township 56 17 Butler township 64 26 Buffalo township 65 :, 2 Clinton township 63 03 Centre township 53 76 Clearfield township 48 88 Donegal township 99 39 Jackson township 63 61 Lancaster township 55 77 Jefferson township 66 61 Muddycreek township 60 16 Mercer township 38 12 Middlesex township 63 81 Marion township 52 66 Oakland township 52 42 Summit township. 59 «2 Slippery rock township 67 7, Washington township 'SO 98 Winfield township 60 44 Worth township 01 93 Greece Citv borough 7 36 Hamionv borough 19 05 Karns City borough 33 28 Prospect borough 16 63 Portersville borough 9 34 Petrol ia borough 41 10 Saxonburg borough 11 54 Buffalo township... 40 00 Cranberry township 67 18 Mnddycreek township 67 53 Penn toVnshlp 66 45 Total $1,738 07 Amount of Warrants Redeemed. Paid Jurors $10,596 07 " Commonwealth 3,645 37 " Asses-<ors 647 02 " Jury Commissioners : 260 90 - " County Auditors 300 00 " Court Auditor 75 00 " Printing 1,207 44 I " Fox scalps 1,134 35 " Court Crier 462 00 " Tipstaves . 1,112 00 " Stenographer .' 1,163 16 " Commissioners' Clerk 7t2 50 " Jail expenses 1,308 71 " County Commissioners 2,297 31 " Court House Janitor 315 00 " Coal expense 211 61 ■' Court House expenses 459 93 " Bridge account 10,305 46 " Inquests 245 77 " County Detective 500 00 " Refunded tax " 67 33 " Sheriff's Account 3,889 71 " District Attorney 577 00 " Register A Recorder 18 25 " Clerk of Courts 823 25 " Stationery 838 75 " Livery hire 280 25 " Express account If 'Hi " Constables' returns 596 07 " Registration 152 B<j " Elections 2,097 39 " Gas 196 40 " Interest 519 03 " Borrowed money 5,955 29 " Vagrants 69 25 " Indexing records 456 I*l " Rules of Court 271 73 " Road view 222 41 " Road damage 212 00 " Traveling expenses 26 43 " Dixmont account 3,413 62 " Reform School 522 12 " West Penitentiary account .'{46 96 " Allegheny Co. Workhouse 757 72 " Exchange account 3 25 " Insurance 255 60 " Bridge views 101 30 " Prothonotary's account 236 93 " Auditors' Counsel 500 " Water—County's account .300 00 " Agrictiltural Society 100 00 " Teachers' Institute 200 00 " Commissioners' Counsel 150 00 " Postage account 52 37 ToUil *60,775 49 A, L. Craig, Co. Treasurer, in Account with Butler County. Amannt* Rrc'd. DR. From ex-Treasurer $ 1,186 28 " Collectors 56,340 59 " Commissioners 20,012 41 " Unseated land—County tax . . 128 49 " " " School " . . 84 50 « ■ ,< .. Foor C 7 " " " Road " . . 4 58 " District* ou Dixmont account. 1,469 03 Total $79,248 35 CR. By warrants redeemed $60,775 49 " Unseated land School tax 145 81 " " " Road tax 8 12 " " " Poor tax 54 73 " State tax 2,847 03 " Percentage and exoneration •- - • 4,303 10 " Treasurer's percentage 2,289 76 " Balance in Treasury 8,824 45 Tom..s 1753, sPtf* itttUfts <£***»*»: iF*fcga«gfl 4, tgsg» Vouchers of Exoneration#, including Un- j seated Lands. Due from 187« Fairview borough *, 12 24 " " " Middlesex 01 I " » " Washington 147 24 | " " " Adams 14 19 " " " Alleghenr 03 I<> | " " " Clearfield 136 S4 j " " " Lancaster 12 32 " " " Prospect 8< " " " Portersville 281 " " " Oakland 42 P8 " " " Jackson <O6 " " " Worth 14 04 " " " Conconl 236 86 " " » Winfield t>2 fifl » " " Clay 4S P2 " " " Harmony •' " " Donegal 25-> " " " Franklin " " " Marion 24 12 " " ltS7f» Greece City 67 63 " " 1873 Petrolia 324 89 « " •' Brady 13 91 " •' " Karns City 118 " " " Mercer 1« 90 " " " Muddyereek 946 " " " Millerstown 95 64 " " " Saxonburg 5® " " " Summit 20 80 j «* " " Slippervrock 433 ! " " " Butler borough 138 67 I " " " Jefferson 21 09 " " " Centreville 3 W " " " Centre 31 20 " " " Buffalo 28 i>9 •' " 1379 Buffalo 26 38 " " " Millerstown 134 00 " " " Penn - >jo " " " Butler - 33 »>■, « " " Petrolia 42 " " " Clinton 2'.' 80 " " " Cranberry 4H ol " " " Muddyereek I<> 64 " >' " trospect 11 .>0 *2,534 89 :w 20 $2,5»>5 09 Account with Townships and Boroughs of • School Tax. f)i,c »■.. . • - Am'l Am't fZu,. D,xtnets. h(r ' d Pa yi. 1876-7 Cherry $ *® J® 1877 Centre » -J --I«7C-7 Washington " l "■* " Butler borough 12 60 1877 Allegheny 14 23 " Parker •' 4o 1878 Winfield 1 W " Washington 25 ''A " Venango 19 80 " Centre 113 " Marion • r > " Greece t.'ity 30 " Clearfield 20 23 " Butler borough 350 " I'arker '42 Totals SB4 50 $145 81 Account with Townships and Boroughs of Poor Tax. IHntrictt. Ain't Hrr*d. Am t l\tid. Washington J? * 45 *l9 99 Clearfield 8 24 Butler borough 1 40 Parker 3 38 I>onei;al Butler 10 "I Cherry 94 Penn Marion Winfield 1 20 Totals $22 67 SS4 7S Itemized Statement of Bridge Account. ADAMS. 8. H. Critehlow, masonry Adams br.s 96 75 " " " " pliinking " 13 <"» John Riplev. repairing br. 26 89 JllO. Murry & Co., inas'rvGlenville br 67 is) Morse Bridge Co., iron " 136 66 a .. '< " ».»9 24 Peter Fcil, rcj»airs 2 <X) John Kelly, repairs 6 <K) Alex. Baxter, fixing irons - •»> IHTI.EU. Jas. Patterson, planking Kearns br. 42 62 A. McCandless, masonry Ralston br. 176 ts) " woo<lwork " 55 00 John Ralston, approaches " 15 00 W. Kinser, repairing Kinserltr. 1 00 John Renfrew, removing drifts from Renfrew bridge 8 50 W. Kinser, bridge 1 00 M. I.iebler, hauling plank Kearns br. 3 50 John McDivitt, repairing Brady br. 1 00 BUFFALO. John Wade, repairing Monroe and Sandy Lick bridges 60 00 t KNTIiF. Peter Glenn, building Jack bridge 45 90 W. Blaine, rei>airs <1 50 CHKRRY. Thos. Heenan, mas'ry McCandless br. 227 85 A. K. McCandless, appr's " 50 On Tlios. Heenan, bridge ex(>enses 8 fKi Alex. Baxter, bridge repairs 5 49 CXHARFIELD. M. Fleming, repairing woodwork on McMillan bridge 71 <lO Same, masonry same bridge 40 u i Same, approaches same bridge 40 'X) Same, repairing luas'ry Burgoin br. 6 00 N. Mcßnde, repairing woodwork on Rough Run bridge 17 00 W. S. Fennel, bridges 34 50 CLINTON. John Ilalstead, repairing Flick br. 10 50 COS NOQC EN ESHI NO. John Renno, repairing Hays bridge 10 75 Jas. Tracy, repairing McCandless br. 20 05 C. A. McKinney, repairing bridge 9 50 DONEGAL. John Shannon, masonry Millerstown bridge No. 1 301 35 Shannon k Gilleland, appr's same br. 20 00 Pittsburgh Iron Bridge Co., same br. 463 86 W.J. Gilleland, masonry Millerstown bridge No. 2 297 00 Same, approaches same bridge 15 00 J. L. Fitniari, woodwork same bridge 48 60 E. Eminger, rep'ng Sugar Creek br. 160 00 H. McFadden, " " " " 20 00 E. 8. Crooker, Millerstown bridge 2 91 John Kopp, inspecting bridges 4 <K) D. Cupps, " •' 4 00 FAIRVIKW. Jerry I»ng, rep'ng Central Point br. 15 00 FORWARD. F. C. Buhl, repairing Buhl bridge 55 00 S. H. Critehlow, repairing stonework on Hunter bridge _ 85 50 Same, approaches same bridge 8 (Hi Same, masonry Brown bridge 104 40 Same, approaches same bridge 25 00 FRANKLIN. Robert Allen, repairing Allen bridge 90 41 C. 8. Stewart, Campbell bridge 2 00 JACKSON. F. It. Covert, repairing Swain bridge 6 00 JEFFRRMON. Albert Atterhold, appr's Davis Ruubr. 70 00 Same, lowering for head block 4 00 W. E. & W. A. Munday, mas'ry Jef ferson Centre bridge 274 12 Same, plank same bridge 70 00 Same, approaches same bridge 60 00 Pittsburgh Iron Bridge Co., same br. 337 50 LANCASTER. J. 8. Rice, repairing Rice bridge 29 00 E. B. Goshen, Bridge luspoctor 16 70 D. Cnpps, " " 4 00 John Kopp, " " 4 00 MARION. J. C. Vandike, woodwork Ray's I,ridge 60 25 Same, masonry same bridge 161 04 H. Farren, approaches same bridge 45 00 W. G. Smith, repairing Black bridge 30 00 MIDDLESEX. John Ripley, repairing Hays bridge 17 50 Same, repairing Itipley bridge 10 00 Same, repairing Thompson bridge 33 00 M. Stepp, wo<idwork Ogden bridge 43 14 MUDDYCREKK. George Flinner, rep'ng Flinner bridge 22 00 John Young, masonry same bridge 44 00 A. Pyle, approaches same bridge 10 00 OAKLAND. A. Martin, woodwork Robb bridge 68 00 O. Eyth, repairs 1 00 PARKER. Jesse Stoner, work on Adams bridge, due hi 111 from 1878 92 50 John Floyd, woodwork Dudley br. 90 <K) John Kopp, mas'ry Martinsburg br. 265 50 Pittsburgh Bridge Co., iron " 537 50 J. W. Waters, approaches " 42 isi John Kelly, bridge and road 6 00 HLIPI'KRYRfK K. J. Watson A Co., mas'ry Run br 12X 80 Same, approaches same bridge 30 00 R. Critehlow, woodwork same bridge 50 00 Ed. McKnight, rep'ng McKnight br. 53 68 SUMMIT. L. Keaskey, masonry Coal Run br. 57 80 Same, approaches same bridge 10 00 James Tracy, woodwork same bridge 34 00 M. Smith, masonry Uonnie Brook br. 327 Oo Same, approaches same bridge 3o 00 R. Gilleland, woodwork same bridge 95 34 Jauies Tracy, repairing Coal Run br 3 00 Frank Bartley, removing Bon Br. br. 9 00 Alex. Baxter, same bridge 2 50 WORTH. J. R. Pringle. woodwork Book bridge 125 00 Same, masonry same bridge 214 20 Thomas Itook, approaches 00 Wormcastle &. Reed, repairing Arm strong brklg* . 34 04 BfTLER BOROUGH. Jas. Patterson, planking Freeport br. _56 32 = J. R. Pringle, masonry Springaale br. 737 00 Same, approaches same bridge 467 02 J. Wise, lumber same bridge 122 25 J. A. Davis, freight Lontr Run bridge 100 || J. W. Ziegler, painting Freeport br. 12 00 John Vinroe,-hauling iron 55 E. S. Crooker 291 Q James Pringle, Springdale bridge 25 00 Donaghy, Kittanmng bridge 55 Wm. Bauer, rep'ng brHee 43 0O J. G. Muntz, swearing Inspectors _ 75 Jos. Dougherty, painting bridge sign 7 00 Samuel .Miller, cleaning bridge 75 Henry Pillow, surveying Springdale bridge fill 15 00 KARNS CITY. J A. Mnrtin, woodwork Karns City br. 47 'X» V P. Burke, approaches same bridge 20 o<l j A P. Rankin, masonry same bridge 2'il 00 G MILLERSTOWN. , H. W. Day, rep'ng Millerstown bridge I 40 J. Frost, " " " •' 1 M. Bovle, " " _ " 27 84 C. S. Johnston, repairing Mill bridge 12 25 P. M. Boyle, approaches 22 00 - PETROLIA. Jos. White, masonry Petrolia bridge 412 52 Pittsburgh Iron Bridge Co. for iron 441 41 Town Council, repairing bridge 100 Of) MISCELLANEOUS. Win. Bauer, bridge castings 262 16 J. C. Donaldson, traveling expenses 60 66 J. Mayburv, " '' 93 52 James Griliben, " " 138 11 , I Total bridge account $10,305 46 j Itemized Road Damages for 1879. Henry Doneloff $ 23 00 1 Mrs. M. Kiley 6.5 00 j William Slaier Michael Flinner 75 00 Walter Lucas "00 Total $212 00 We, the Auditors of Butler eouuty, have ex amined, settled and adjusted ihe accounts of the Treasurer, Commissioners, &c., of said county for the year 1879, and do hereby cerrtfy that the foregoing account* are true and cor rect, to the best of our ability and judgment. In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 17tli dav of January, 1880. J. D. KAMERER, ) B. L. HOCK EN BERRY, > Aud'rs. J. F. CASHDOLLAR, J We, the undersigned, Commissioners ot But ler couutv, having examined the foregoing re port of the Vuditors of Butler county, and be lieving the same to be a correct statement of the receipts and expenditures of said county for the year A. D. 1879, order the same to be published. Given under our hands and seals this 23rd day of January, 1880. J. C. DONALDSON. ) JONATHAN MAYBURV, >Com'rs. feb4-U ) Permanently curea LIVER COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY DI3EASEB, CONSTIPATION and PILES. M. S. n. CUBE, Mk Hm, Tfc, «r>, "I* •wm of KIDNEY TROUBLES ItkM MtoJ Uk«a •harm. Itbtmtdaaa; vwy WewMrfPUMi ud It kai Hrer ftllcd to cCU-l«*<l:." E. M. SCTTO3J, mf BurllmcUm# MJI, **A» m | a , %or«lor It la without aa eqnaL laalt ta pre. veat aa4 cans headacke, aad all nm®«« attaefca." NELKON F.UBCIIILD, af fct. Albaas, VL, Mrs "ltl.orpHeclctavalue. Afterrlsteea ar»oft*cct •affertn-from Pile" bb4 CoUiMat It tMtktelr tared me.** C. f». nauAßOl, af IlerloUr*, aajc, "•"* »•**• ace haa danj wouJcnf~r a-.e!:• completely carlac• atranllrtr aa4 KMaey Caavtelat." IT HAS I|II|V (I WONDERFUL |V A J { POWER. BERACAR ITIBTBE OXLYMEDICINE TJIAT ACTS ON T3J LIVEK, BOW I'. La AN® Kinxrva ATTIIE SAME TIME. Beeua*e It eleaaao tke whateayateia ef tbepeleea aua ham«m thut otkc ntlw dc vclvpc In GIIUxaMM, Jaaadlce, Co-tlipiitloa, EUa«y aad I'riaarr <H»- aaic*, or I*he nautli-m uad Laaibacro, and which la women, dkartler every flaaatloa aad krb( aa wrak »w« aad Ifyaa waat tohe well ta aplteof yoarwlf, aae KID NEY -WOKT. It l« a dry ncrtatlr roiapuuml, and Oae pafJmCtrji Kill makn hii cf "riiii lue. 81/h at the ItnunlaU PLANINii MILL AND— Lumber Yard ! J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PURVIS. S.G. Purvis & Co., MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS 111 Rough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, MOULDINGS SASH, DOORS, Patent Moulded We&therboarding. FLOORING, SIDING, BATTfcVS BRACKETS and Scroll Sawing of every description Gauged Cornice Boards, Cornice Moulding PORCH POSTS, STAIR RAILS, Newell Posts and Balusters FENCE, PALINGS, Ac., Ac. MICHIGAN SHINGLES, Barn Boards; Plastering Lath; Hem lock Bill Stuff, such as Joist Raf ters, Scantiinor, Ac., all sizes constantly on hand. ALSO, RIG STUFF AND TANK STUFF for oil wells. All of which we will nell on reasonable terms md guar antee satisfaction. PLANING MILL AND YARD Hear German <'» I hollo Church JanH:. 1H77. IV ||o 1 NU n PTlO||| can be cured by the continued nee of Ofjfuw'u COD LIVKH OIL AUD Ltrro PHOM-HATK or LIME, a cure for Consumption, Couf(i>a. Cold*. /iMtlnna, IlronchitiH, and all Bcrofuloue dieoaeee. \x u . roiir drnKKiet lor OMMIINV and tal'« no other.' If he hae not got it. I willeend one br>t tlee anywhero on receipt c.f *l. expreee paid. Send for Circular to CHAB. A. OHMI'N, | nov2fi-0m 13 Seventh Ave., New To k. 4.7 j) A WKKK. tl'2 aday at home eaeily uia<ie. Coatlv Outfit free. Addrtiw Turn A &>., Augueta, Mtiae- d«rsHy * INSURANCn;. BUTLEK COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. G. C. lIOESSIN'G, PRESIDENT. WM CAMPBELL. TKRVSCREB 11. C. HEINEMAN, SKCRETARY. DIRECTORS: I. L. Punts. E. A. Helmboldt, WiUiain Campbell, J. W. liuikhart, \. Tioutmau, J:icot> S<bo<ne, G. C. Roessiuj:, .tobu Caldwell, Dr. \V. lrvlu, W. W Dodds, J. W.Christy i H- C. Heim-man. JAS. T, M'JUNiaIN, Weii. Ae:'t- BUTLER FA. I bv ■ .Wii 111 '^l See Wbt it will fa Without Basting. It will K* ever uneven euriawa aa well a* P It wlUaeworer »eamg In any garment, without mailing lone or ehrrt Btitchfs, breaking of tiir«au, or puckering the lining of the pooda ct the se im, lequiriag noasaistaui e from the operator, excej-t to run the machine and to guide the work, v p.dnt wirich no ether machlre i^i.-seiwea. It is the only practical lor hemming biasalpn aa, poplins, muslina, and other similar goo<l*w thcut i ait iig.aDd it is the only mathire in ilie wor d thut will turn a wide ber.i across the end of arheet witbuut fulling the under or upper aide of Ihe hem. It will turn a hem and sew in a fold at one oper. '"""will do filling, Mas or straight, on any cotton cr woolen goo-is. It irillfell airona seams on any frcda. . It trill l>ind drcwfwli with the same or other material, either scallops, points, squaret or Bl lt.tilipoids wlthnnt showing the stitches, and, sew on at theasme t tne. It will put o» drtfs braid and aew in facing: and a biaflixld Rt one operalirn. aithont drawing braid or skirt, and without sLowing the itili-h on r'gi'tslde. I'old bias tniumiug and sew cn at one oprra-^ ' Make milliners'folds with dlfer. Nt colors and pieces of good sat one opermtion, and sew ou at the sametiiuo. j It will sew in a sleeve, covering a cord and. ■titcbinz it Into the seam at the same time. It will gatlu r without sewing o". it willgmther and sew on ft the same tim<\ It will gather between two bands, showing the studies on the right side, at one operation. it will make and sew a ruffle on any part of a dress skirt, and sew on a bias fold for heading at cria operation, showing the stitches on the right *'de. . , . . . . It. will gather and sew on a baud with piping between ruf;lc and band, at one opeTCtien. It will sew a bund and rutflion adrns skirt, Mitcliing in piping nt head o! baml.nt one opcr- L '/{"will make plaited trimming either straight ° r Mak« 'plaited trimning either seallop«l or ■tr .Ight aud s-?w on a Uuiu, ii'd edge mien tiid b«'«d, at r.on cjier at ion. It wiil. with one operation for each ▼*ri*tr without hasting, e\erui«vi> rut?!iu>i, beiiiß twelve more than e»n l»e produce I on p.nv other m a hine with the aau.e of ... It does not change length of ttitch on W w rk. 11 wwg from Jat-f to leather wUhout ng «»r tension KWY tnHcliine for flte yra.j w : M !w» kept rct»am free of penae totiiepur th:i*r. -rOV.SM.E KV II. Grieb, BUTLER, PA. E. GR I EJB, DEALER IN FINE Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER WARE, SPECTACLES, &C. , ENGRAVING OF ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY. MAIN STREET, (North of Lowry House,) BUTLER, PA. WATCHES AND CLOCKS REPAIRED, AND WARRANTED, DR. R. A. WILSON'S PIUS. (ftUGAit-COATKD.) Wo jcunn.nt t to cure HEADACHE In every in-tance; HU<>, l ijspepsla. de raDKement of Stomach und lto*el«,4o. if slightly iiidUpimed.but ■>:»• or t voplllenre 11 (•<■>- '.arv tu nlford iilinosl Itiirnecilute re- <t never litiif OnCO tried, you will never do without them. Ffthnentnek Itroa., Pr«ip'».. I'ltlslmrifh. If your drtiKifiat does n«»t k>-<*p thetn, wo will send one box on the I plot -£S cents. or live boxes for ouu ilollur. postage paid. BUTLER Lumber Yard and Planing Mill, H. BAUER7& BROS , JKPKERSON ST.. - BUTLKK, I'A., If ANC FACTUKKKS OF Doors, Sash, Frumes, Blinds, Molding of all descriptions, Brackets, Patent Molded Weatherboarding, Mill Boards, Flooring, Palings, Stair Railings, Balusters of every style, &c., &c. Circular Moldings Made to Order. A Leo, DKAI.KKH 11 Lumber, Plank, Shin glee, lath, &c, vinr 1880, •. ~ 1880. | 3&t & 23* Notwithstanding the Great Advance in Ail Kinds of Goods, We Will Close Out Our Retail Stock of BLANKETS, FLANNELS and DRESS GOODS at Old Prices. 10-4 Union White Blankets at $2. Four Special Bargain' in 27-Inch Extra quality Genuine Country Blankest at ¥5 BLACK SILK VELVET, Lar»e lot Good Barred Flannels at 12 : a els., For Skirts and Costumes, at f- 75, f3, ¥4 A f- I *. worth 20 ets. " j Ladies', Mines' and Gents' Larpe lot Fine and Choice Country Flannels KID GLOVES, at :>7f j cts. From 2 to 6 bullous, in all the best shades and WLite Twilled Domet Flannel at 12J-* cts. mikes at 50 Gents' Beaver and Sealskin Gloves, 100 pieces placed on sale to-dav, 40-inch Heavy Ladles' Lined Kids and Mils. All Wool ' LADIES' FICHUS AND LACKS. BLACK FRENCH CASHMERES, New Direct Importation at 87,H' cents. lIAVBI'KG EDGINGS, ~ , , Choice new patterns never telorc shown. •We will close one lot ' . BLACK SILK WARP DRAP DE ALMA SILK DEPARTMENT, At 11..5, worth » t.,5 per yard. vety Choice DressGooi!s at greatly reduced • , T. r, prices, ptior to our annual stock taking. A few Part Pieces „ ~ . , . . . , _. , MI ifk- <itt k- \v»HP ri«n\i ppra f$T Buyers will hnd teal barjpdns in Cloaks, BLACK SILK WARP CASHMERES Dolmans, Circulars, Wnlkiug Jackets, Will be sold at 75 ccuts per vaid. Seal Saiques and Furs. BPECIAL~OFFERING ! ALARKA BSTS AT *"SO - Genuine Three Lots MINK SAP.LE SETS AT #lO. BLACK SATIN DE LYJN, Fine »1.75,12.50 and 13.25. BEAVER AND SEAL SETS. BOGGS &c BUHL, 118 & 120 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY i LIVERY. L. n. (OCIIRAX, livery, Sale, Feed and Exchange STABLE, Rear of Lowry Houso, - - BUTLER, PA. june4-ly Livery) Feed and Sale STABLE, Cunningham St., near Htim man's Bookstore, BUTLER, FA. A 'arjre number of flrst-cl«86 rltr* and safe horses always < t hand. Horses led at reasona ble rules. Horses bought and sold. DAVID CUPPS, PROPRIETOR. GSgpersons desiring conveyance by the Buss entile ivi their orders at lliis stable. jnly3ott 8 Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Core. (fbrrns. li/ Ttr. Craig'B KULu-ii Cure.) A vegetable preparation and the only aura muni; In tne world for Briarht's DMHWI I , Diabrln. nnrt UX RlUiirj, Liter, and I'rlanrj Risen**-*. ••"Testimonials on he highest order In proof of these statements. atl'Knr the cure of I>l»brtea, call for Wmr urWife UlalH'lao Carp. »<j'For the cure of Uriah!"* ani the other di»'aies, etli Tot- Wiuiicr't kali' Hldurj MU<I Liver Caro. WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. It Is til* BltMMf lNirlHor. and stimulates every function to more healthful action, and <« thus a beivellt In all diseases. It cure* Mrroruloni mid other Skin Krnp tlons and I>.SOR«IW, I Deluding I 'uaeen, I I rrn, and other Stores. Il.Ttpi-imla. Wruknnwoflhetilomarh, C«n»llpallun, ltlulan<,4lpnrral Uefcll lt.v, etc., are cured by the KnfV- Rllirn. It is unequaled as an sppetisei met regular tonic. Bottles of two sixe.s: pr.ces, Mr. and gI.M. WARNER S SAFE NERVINE Q tlclcly ffi vei Re«t ami Nleep to the suffering, curi-s Ilpn4n< li« and K>-aral(lo, prevents ► plleptW- Flu. r.mt relieve* Nervous Priw trulios hrougit ou by excessive drink, over work, mental shock*, and other causes. Powerful as It Is to slop pain and soothe dis turbed Nerves, It tnv-r Injures the system, whether taken in small or large doses. Bottles of two sizes; prices, Mr. and 01.##. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Art fit) Immediate am! active fltimulu- for a B■ tlvcnost. Dyspepsia, Bil loosaeM, Bilious DUr *n4 Ague, and should be used wbeiMWWT the bowels operate h MiilHwMrvrrywlwit. I*l MlllllW. ROCHESTER, N. T. c /*"r»4 fur TBtJTBS. HOP BITTERS, (A ■»« > Drink,) CONTAINS ■OPS, BVfßir, IHANOBAKB, DANDELION, An rat Pt'KSST »sn B««T MtWCAtQItiUTIIS OP ALL OTUCU UITTEUS. THBT OTJZUEI All Diseases of tho Stomarh, Bowels, Blood, Liver Kidney# and Urinary Or gans, Nervousnetw, Sleeplessness, Female Complaint# and Orankcatss. SIOOO lit COLD Will be paid for a case they will not cure or help, or for anything impure or injuri ous found in them. Ask your druggist for Hop Bitters and free books, and try the Bitters before you sleep. Take no other. Th# Hop Cough Cure and Pain R#ll#f It ft th# Cheapest, Surest and Best. TOM SALS BT ALL. IHtrOCItSTS. toenn k vcku »o«o«>» aoenttc 4>/OUU A It AH W«-have tho bent tbinjjH fof agents. Over 800 agents aro now in king fr«»iu $1 to $1 5 a day. Send Mamo for particular*. Address AGLXTH* IfKUVLD, D«>x J», Philadelphia, IV FREE" GiFT! JSLA L ± I lILk VIM I I , ivepilsement. Address AGENTS' IIEUALIJ, liox H, l hdadelpi.lt. AGENTS! READ THIS! We will pay Agent" a salary or allow a large ci rn cilssion to sell o-:r ni'tv and u ondiTlul In* v ntlons. V. e mean what we any. C T Kami ' i fr'-e. AGENTS' lICUALD. Box B. Philadelphia. Pa. AfHCUTI' f rail tUo h< a »l< .ul (ltateat'eeillnt; AULIIIO pictorial kubsrriptlon Hooka \if iHTCn «"d It lilies. J.iu4 no tiiru, a» the WAN I tJ tlemnnd is trt.np'.j! immeune, and ter ritory being riipidly Liken, will outsell any other bo<.lt '. Tho great. *t «r portunlt/ ever offered to peraoiiH out of enip;«> nicnt or who de ilre to add t i th- ir Income b, < n;{ L'inx in an hull* urnk!o arid prolltul>!o budncsa. i'rices re dact d from 10 to 5U L- r cent. Address AUEN i»' HKIIALD, BOX B, Philadelphia, Pa. QTY IfICBI Ware at nanufar. 9j|li V IjAft turcra* Coat Prices. Tli« utter wor!'ili'»*i»i »* of tliu stuff advertised by n nnmber of flr-is In ! en Virk. Cincinnati Boston,<nm[iel s l !ie w orld-rrnowned Tremoat Kpoon Co of Phl.arf.'plils, to oH r every one sample sets of their VV y Be»t War t i t prices much lower than any Jeweler pays f r tin nt at wholesale. We make this offer for a tUort time simply to introduce our (roods. The "Itoiie" and "Ollrs" Itrsnds P.'ated Ware b. 1 at following rates: 'l.a risina, SUS) do/.; Ta't'tspoons, f ;.(J0 ; Fork-, >.01): Bu'ter Knives, fI.TS; H 'gar Hlieils, SI.TS; I'l tid Kteel Knives, Tlppetl Urrmsn N I ver Tableaixmns, f"'j; T< aspfsins, $1.80; l'laln «J. N. I ib e->«nis, S.'.rj); Teasi«ions, G' IMIS sent j rejis.do.i receipt of Uumey or jioMtnffc etaeips. TItIiMONT SIMOON O).. !!ot n, Philadelphia. Pa tSsm;ile hjr Mall For £3 Oats. 'I be* are nadajust like aay eooil Caster, aond It rll an it la MetaI, ITIMXI Ulansaad Hollies. Kvsry A«rut can easily srll 45 KroiH or these perfect Toys, keforr (hrlstniux. Jsvt the article for t'onatsrhtt res, Avsats and hlreetwea. I do. s«u by Express It. 00. I gross by Kxprens $14.00. Ma alio bsvs a t oil spiiius Cap. w'.K j ts>Lseo|>r« loastkrr and c*r he esrried la Ved PoeVtt. Sample by Mall Sic. I doua by Kiprrss 0 dor. by kspr«i«ki"il-#O. All the übosa Hoods are aorsl, attrartlse, bishly pulUhed sad wilt sell rsi'ldl''. Address plalsly, TItKMONT KP(M)S CO., ■» Hot 11, Philadelphia, Pa. V CII' I'l lH' f'ousnnititioo and Asthma iMVI I I illJi Never yet failed. Address witt) HIM m "tfUMii," Turnvvta, Uo. U»7 ly XHE WHiTE ■ Sewing Machine TBS BEST OF AU~ Unrivaled in Appearance, Unparalleled in Simplicity, Unsurpassed in Construction, Unprecedented in Popularity, And Undisputed in the Broad Claim OS KINO Thi VERT BEST OPERATING QUICKEST SELLING, HANDSOMEST, AND Host Perfect Sewing MacMna IH THE WOULD. The gmt popularity of the White It the moet eon* Knclng tribute te Its excellence tnd superiority •ver other machines, me in submitting It te the trade wo pot It aeon Its Merits, and In no Instance has It ever yet tailed to satiety any recommendation la Its laser. The demand for the White has Increased to such aaaxtont that we are now compelled to turn out A Complete Sowing rnvmiy tliT«o zxxln.-0.t03 121 X3xm Aoljt to Bia-ifßly demnnal Ever* machine le warranted for 3 years, and sold for csh at liberal discounts, or upon easy parents, to suit the convenience of customers. MTA3ZHT3 VAUCTP IK WOOCCTgP TSUITOIT. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO., m MS Euclid Ave., Cleveland. OMa. VOJ¥ JOHNNO.V, Agent. Office at Vogeley's Bakery, »ept3-fltn BUILEK, PA. Manhood : How Lost, How Restored, Just published, :» new edition of flBBliK. CtJLVERW ELL'S CELEBRA TK n ESBA Y on llie radical cure (without tnedicinct of SPKHMATOR hunt or geiniiml Weakness, Invol untary Seminul Losses, IMI'OTESCV, Mriitnl aud Physical Incapacity, impediments to Marriage, etc.; elso, CONSUMPTION, EMI-EPSY and FITS, Induced by sclf-lndulgcnce or sexual extrava gance, «fce. The celebrated author, In tills admirable Es say, dearly demonstrates, Iroin a thirty years' successful pract'ce, tint the olnrininjj conse quences of scll-abuso may lie rnuleally cured without the dangerous use ol internal medicine or the application ol llie kuile ; pointing out a mode ol cure ut once simple, eortiiiu and etlec tuul, by means of which every sufferer, no innt ter wbat his condition may be, may cure liiin scll cheaply, privately, and radically. (prTliis Lecture should be In the bauds of every youth and every man in the land. Rent under seal, lu a plain envelope, to any address, postpaid, on receipt of si* cents or two postage stumps. Address tho I'll' Ushers, T!i« t'Mlveiwcll Metlleel C»., 41 ANN ST., NEW YOIIK, P. O. Bo* aplt'-ly B. HoeNsing, [Successor to A. C. Itoessing A Bro.] DEALER IN Groceries, GRAIN, FLOUR, FEED, OIL, -AND- A nth r a cite Coal. THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID IN »rCABH-w FOR GRAIN OF ALL KINDS. neptt f ALL PARTIES GOING WEST TO lowa, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado or California, SHOULD GO VIA THE Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R. R. tKTTicWetu can bo had at all offices where Western tickets are sold. aplC-tf til SHOT SIZ GUN! SrHS *?«•*. H*lt. Ha * tlnrfm. «"• < "l* '•"«< H «<f I'xnrh. AUoonr i... I . rl H. rtnrf y Jti/tr t i I/O. Uarrant'-tl ur »» *"!*• f < •» lot lUualrfcU 1 4 ;tfn!< ai. l I t »■ <• 1.1 «i« lu JAMES BOWN & SON®, Int«n>rls« On» Wcrk«, M« A titH IT •• f., IVTAiUMIEOeM. SPMWIt&&M - i Notice Extraordinary. Persons desiring lo have their Old Furniture repaired, or New Work made lo order, aucli as Music Htands. liook Cases, Wardrobes, Ottioe Desks, Office Tables, >Vc.,wouiddo well to call on A. 13. WILSON, Praoticsi Cabinet Maker. J hold that a piece of fundiaro made by hand in worth two made by machinery, and will ooot but little mora, if any. Thou why not have baud made ? All work mode in the latest styles and of the best material. I pnarantee en lire sat isfaction ui style, workmanship and price. Give me a call. Shop on Mifflin street, four doora west of Main street, and op|H>stte A. Trcmtwan'a store, Butler, Pa. aepX7-ly will; a week in voiir own town. Terms ami 15 2>UO out tit free. AUdW*» U. J'UAKTT A Co,, Portiaod, Meuw. fart-ll Time of Holding Court*. The several Courts of the countv of Bailor commence mi the first Monday of Maieli. Jnue, September and December, and eontinne two weeks, or BO long as necessary to dispose of (he business. No causae are nut" down tor trial or traverse jurors summoned for the first week of the several terms. County Offlt-eni. President Judf^»—Ebenezer McJunkin. Additional Law Judge—James Bredin. Associate Judges—R. Storey, W. W. Dodds. District Attorney—Wm. A. Forquer. Sherifl—Wm. if. Hoffman, l'rothonotary —Alex. Russell. Register anil Recorder—H. 11. Gallagher. Clerk of Courts—W. A. Wright. Treasurer—A. L. Craitr. Commissioners—J. C. Donaldson, Jonathan Mavberry, James Gribben. Commissioners' Clerk—i*. MeClvmonds. County Surveyor—James M. Dennv. Jury t omm'rs—J. W. Monks, Hugh McCrea. Coroner—.l. J. Campbell. Auditors—B. L. llocKenberrv, J. P. Kamerer, J. F. Cashdollar. JAMES J CAMPBELL. ;Co«*Ba*y Cup»n«>a«. Office in Fairview borough, in Telegraph Office.' janl j] BALDWIN P. 0.. Butler Co., Pa. F£UHIB AHMOII, Justice of the Peace, Main street, opposite Posi office, jlylS ZELIENOPLE, PA. ATTORNEYS AT ~LA W. BUTLER, PA. A. M. CUNNINGHAM, Office in Brady's Law Building. Butter, Pa, S. H. PIERSOL7 Office on N. J2. comer Diamond, Kiddle build ing ,110*12 JOHN M. GREER. Office ou N. E. corner Diamond. novi2 WM. H. LUtiiK; Office with W. H. H. Kiddle, Esq. NEWTON BLACK, Office in First National Bank Building. E. 1 BRIJGH, OSicc In Riddle's Law Buildluir s. fTBOWSEK. ~ Office in Riddle's Law Building. [marß'7C J. B. BJcJUKKINT Special attention Riven to collections OCic< opposite Willard House. JOSEPH B. BREDIN, Office north-east comer, of Diamond, Butk-i Pa. 11. H. GOUCHER, Office in Bcbnmdeman's buikliug. upstaiis. J. T. DONLY Office near Conrt House. * 74 W. I). BRANDON, obl7-75 Office In Berg's building CLARENCE WALKEII, Office in Bredin building- mm 17—t FERD REIBER, Office In Bern's new buildintr. Main street.aplllj F. M. EAST VAN, Offioo in Bredin building. LEV. McQUIsTIOK, Office Main street, 1 door south ot Court House JOS. C. VANDERUN, Office Stain street, 1 door south of Court House. Wm A. FORQUER, •ST Office on Main street, opposite Vogeley House. GEO. R. WHITE, Office N. E. corner of Diamond ~FHANCIS S~TURVTANCK7~ ~ Office with Gen. J. N. Purviauce, Main street, south of Court Hons©. J7D MeJUNKIN, Office in Pclincldemnn's buildhur, west side ol Main street, 13ud square from Court Hcut>e. ~ A 7 G. WILLIAMS, " Office on Diamond, two doors west of Citok* office. ap2S ~T O. CAMPBELL. Office in Berg's new building, 2d floor, nasi aide Main at., a few doom south of Lowrj House. roarS—tf C A. & M. SULLIVAN, may 7 Office S. W. cor of Diamond. BLACK & BRO., Office ou Main street, one door south o. Brady Block, Butler. Pa. (Sep. 2, 1874. ! JOHN M MILLBE & BRO. Office in Brady's Law Building, Main street, south of Court 'House. EIMKNK O. MILLKK, Notary Public. Jnn4 ly I " THOMAS ROBINSON, • BPTLBB, PA. JOHN H. NEGLEY, fSTOives particular attention to transactions in real estate throughout the coui'ty. Omcisox DuaoNti, hub COOMT HOUSE, IN CITIZEN HBll.mno E. li. Ecklkt, KEPNEDY M ahsuai.l.. (Late of Ohio.) ECKLEY & MARSHALL. Office ID Brady's Law Building. 5ept.9,74 r C G CH RISTIE, Attorney at Law. Legal business carefully , transacted. Collections tnade and promptly remitted. Business correspondence promptly attended to and answered. Office opposite Lowry House, Butler, Pa. MISCELLANEOUS. W. M. DAME, Schonblon Block, Bradfoid, Pa. EDWARD McSWTTENEY SMETHPORT, PA. Collections made in McKean, Venango, Butler and Clarion couuties. M. ITMTLES, Pi'trolla, Butler county, Pa. |Jn3 WILLIAM R7CONN," Office in Brawley House, GREECE PITT. IJurn-7-ly M. a BENEDICT, j«n6 tf Petrolia. Butler co.. Pa HOTELS Astor Place Hotel. KITKOPI3AN PLAN. Astor Place, 3rd Ave. it Bth St., (Opporlto Cooper Institute,) TK<p>mmr "W Best locution In the city. Elevated Railroad and live other Hues ol cars pass the door. Room* 60 tents to $2 per day. By the week $2 and upwurds. OPEN ALL lIGHT. ape.ltf WILLAKD HOUSE, Main street, noar Court House, BtJTLEIt, PA. GEO. W. CAMPBELL, - - - PaorniETOß. •uTGood stabling in connection. E IT EN MILLEII HOUSE, On Diamond, near Court House, BUTLER, PA. 11. EITENMILLEB, - - - Pkopkietoh. This house has been newly furnished and pa pered. and the accommodations are good. Btabhng in connection. SCHREIRKK HOCSK. Main street, Butler, Pa. JOHN F. IIACKETT, .... Proi'R. This old and established Hotel has recently been fitted up in modern style, oud is capable of accommodating a large nutnlter of guests. Terms moderate. Good Maiding attached. National Hotel, COItTLANDiT BTBEET, Neab BiioAPWAr, NEW YORK. HOTCHKISS & POND, - - Prop'rs. ON THE EUBOPEAN PLAN. The restaurant, cafe and lunch room Attached aru mi»un>a«aed for cheapness and excellence of •ervioe Rooms 60 cts. to per day, to flO per week. Conveulaut to all ferries and city railroads. Nmt Tvtwnvzt, NEW Mamaul mert. , Janls-ly HE2VRV O. HALE, FINE MERCHANT MOB, COB. PENN AND SIXTH STREETS, PitUbwryh,