Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 04, 1880, Image 3
New Advertisements To-Dey. Kittanning Insurance Co. „ Frederick'* Boot and Shoe Store, Butler. Pa. Waiter * lloos' Mill, Kutler; Pa. P.eji-ur's No«i * ol Accounts 1... „ V ,i,ini«lrator>' Notice*—Ewtates ot \\ llliain A 11-n and Rachel A. Park. dee *. List of County Collectors for lawi. Local and General. DRAINAGE drives away butterflies HI SELTON'S cheap goods will wear. FOWLS fed on buckwheat are of fine flavor. IT is NOW illeeral to shoot any kind of game. Tftia winter is said to be parallel with that of 1842. WIXTER did not "set in" until teb ruarv 11th in 1858. THERE is some talk of another new church being built in this town. IT is said that for every fotfin Janu ary there will be a frost in May. | OUT in Nevada intolerable stump j speakers are snowballed with tired , eggs. You can see a caricature of yourself in the store windows where valentines are sold. ONE male person ont of every twenty-five is color blind to a greater or less degree. PERSONS wishing to improve in teach ing, should attend the State Normal School, Edinboro. ROBINSON HOWE, tried in Venango county last week for murder of bis father, was acquitted. IN this town Monday morning tbe mercury stood at eight degrees above zero. Quite a change. FRESH strawberries are what the inhabitants of Tallahassee, Florida, are enjoying at present. THEV say the winter grain has been much improved by tbe late rains, and that it is growing finely. Gov. HOTT stands firm that there shall l>e no extra session of tbe Legis lature ami he stands right. IT is easy to run down the accom plishments "of your neighbor, but harder to run ahead of them. Jo. COOK, the great Boston lecturer, does not take any stock in Parnell's method of relieving the Irish. THE report of the County Auditors can be seen on our fourth page this week. It is longer and fuller than usual. •THIS is the day of the Republican State Convention "at Harrisbnrg. A report of their proceedings is looked for with interest. PRESIDENT LINCOLN once said that some people not cnlv believed that the earth moved on its own axis, but that they were the axis. MCLAIN, who was tried in Pitts burgh last week for the murder of Samtnv Hunter, was convicted of mur der in the second degree. A MICHIGAN paper states gracefully that there were 150,000,000 paper collars manufactured la»tyear,of which a leading Michigander wore six. A YORK State paper ventures the opinion that in thirty years from now every cat will be born deaf. This is much safer than dabling in politics. THE United States publishes more newspapers, with greater combined circulation, than all tbe other countries of the world can together boast of bav ing. ASD now tbey say .that a newspa per folded so as" to have three or four thicknessess and placed over tbe chest, is one of tbe best protections against cold extant. MR. J. T. CAMPBELL, of Franklin, Pa., son of James Campbell, Esq., of this place, was married lately to a daughter of Otis Stillman, Esq., of Dunkirk, N. Y. A GENEVA professor has made an important improvement in the audi phonc, the recently discovered inven tion for enabling deaf-mutes to hear through tbe teeth. A FLORIST and proprietor of a green house in Meadville died suddenly lately. It is supposed that be was poisoned by handling artificial flowers manufac tured of Paris Green. REV. IIAYDEN, of Connecticut, who has gone through two trials without being able to demonstrate bis innocence of the murder of Mary Stannard, has been released on bail. BETWEEN $5,000,000 and $6,000,000 is the amount by which the public debt was reduced during tbe month of January. This is not what might be called a had showing. DIPHTHERIA is making sad inroads on the juvenile population in this State. Almost every paper we pick up contains intelligence of one or more deaths from the disease. SINCE the advent of Esq. Donaghy's feroeious bull pup in tbe Sheriff's office, it is advisable for law breakers to ex ercise unusual precaution. The 'Squire is very proud of that pup. Oca countrymen continue to dis tinguish themselves in strange lands. Two Americans have just been ar rested in Naples for stealing over 80,- 000 francs from a Russian. THE almanac published oy the Phila delphia Tiimit has come to hand and, as usual, it contains more reliable political information than any other book published in tbe State. THE Kansas City Tinw.u is not far out of tbe way when it says that a silly woman in a fine dress bears a strong resemblance to a fifteen-cent dahlia in a two-dollar flower pot. DETROIT Free Pre** : Tbe Indians with Ouray eat six square meals a day, first eating all tbe meat, then all the bread, then all the butter, and so on down until it comes to the herse radish, where they stop. I N a dog case before the Allegheny Court lately, Judge Ewing in his charge to the jury said: "That as to the actual value of dogs, he thought they might be worth ten cents per dozen for fertilizing material." FOR a bright man who baa read a great many books and traveled all over tbe world, Dom Pedro seems to be having singular ill lock tfowadayg in managing his sulgecta. The fact is that Emperors are played ont. SPECIALTIES in woolens at William Aland's Merchant Tailoring establishment not to te M a**?. TBE meteorological editor of the New York Herald. after showing how I bis prophesies respecting the weather | during the j»ast two months had been ! verified, now asserts that the re -1 mainder of the winter will be mild. J A CLEARFIELD county lad, aged seven rears. .Murphy by name, who was born blind, was taken to Phila delphia a few weeks ago. and under the care of one of tbe oculists of that city has been given the great <rift of sight. ALL kinds of reparing done, at is. C. Hi Coi NTINU each hog that was packed In the West the past year as three feet lonar and putting them in -ingle file, thev would reach 6,335 miles, or from New York across the continent and Pacific Ocean into China.— Drocerg J Journal. MR. HITTER, of the firm of Hitter k Ralston, returned from the East la-t i Saturdav evening. While there he purchased an immense stock of Spring and Summer goods. Goods arc rap- ; idly advancing in price, now is the j time to buy. WORKINO and Dress Shirt- of all kinds, from 20 cents up, at • "harks K. (irieb's. THK Pottsville Chronicle calis the adherents of the two prominent candi dates for Auditor General " Lemon Squeezers" and "Passniore Perambu lators." It says that the latter will be at the Harrisbnrg Convention with a brass hand. IMPORTANT, if true: The report from Washington that, at the Penn sylvania Republican State Convention to-day, the near friends of Grant will announce by authority that he is not a candidate for President, and that bis name must not lie u^-d. LADIES' Solid Gold Watches at sls and upward*, at E. Grieb's. MR. J. B. HENDERSON evidently has the champion hog of Venango county. He butchered a Poland China, tWo rears old. a few days ago, whose dressed weight was six hundred and thirty ponnds. Mr. Henderson's pig had been fed only six weeks. A Piu belonging to Win. Kuoor. Crawford county, was killed a few davs ago and dressed O'JB pound*. There are people who admit it's a pretty big pig, but they say it's not the biggest bog in Crawford county, bv any means.— Sharon Herald. URATE tile, flue rings and fire brick, at J. Niggle A ISro.'s ONE of the most dangerous counter feit silver dollars now in circulation is a coin composed of block tin and other ingredients. It has the ring of genu ine silver and is not affected by acids, being therefore well calculated to de ceive those to whom it is tendered. Tins country has one hundred and forty-two war ships, of which forty eight only are reported as fit to fire a gun. To attempt to do s:; on any one of the other ninety-four would be more disastrous to her own men than to the enemy at the muzzles of the guns. AT 6£t\, Bc., I Of:., 1 and 2">c., Canton Flannel*, at Ritter & l!al stonV. MCGI'SK, who, it will be remem bered, was arrested in Erie county last summer for the murder of a colored porter in a Philadelphia dental house fifteen years ago, was tried for bis crime at Philadelphia last week and found guilty of murder in the first de gree. A CALIFORNIA boy stood an um brella in a public doorwar during a religious meeting. To this umbrella was attached a strong cord, an end of which the boy held in his hand. Eleven different people are said to have carried the umbrella to the length of the string. ALL kinds of Leather and Findings Hold at lowest priees at U. ('. Iluaeltou's. THE Senate lately did at least one good thing. The entire hateh of diplo matic nominations recently made by the President were confirmed without opposition—.James Russell Lowell to London; Mr. Fairehild to Spain ; Mr. Foster to St. Petersburg, and Mr. Mor gan to Mexico. AT a meeting of Democrats in Wise's Hall, in this town, lately, a "straw" vote for a candidate for Pres ident was taken as follows : Tilden, 30; Seymour, 12; Bayard, 0; Thur man, 0. The building shook with ap plause upon the announcement of no vote for Bayard. ASK for the So So Hat, at CHABLKS 11. OlilKß's. THE Duke of Argyll says that the skies of America are higher, wider and more full of sunshine than those of England, aud he is very earnest in suggesting that the introduction of the skylark to this "glorious privacy of light" would be happier than that of the London sparrow. WE direct attention to the advertis meut of the Kittanning Insurance Co. George W. Shaffer, Agent, Vogeley Honse building, Butler, Pa. By ref erence to the advertisment it will IK* seen that during the last three years tbey have paid over five thousand doliars of losses in this county. A SOLID Silver Case and a Genuine American Movement a* low aft £lO, at E. GRI Kit's. THE first earthquake that has ever visited ttuba seems to have been an orthodox specimen of its class. For though it passed lightly over Havana, in the small township of San Cristobal it went to work in the regular old fashioned way, leaving a pile of ruin and a slight smell of sulphur behind it. FIFTEEN bushels of wild rice, sown on the ponds in the vicinity of Erie two yeah* ago, has grown and flour ished, attracting thousands of birds, large and small, and furnishing sports men ample amusement. There arc some marshes in this vicinity which might be experimented upon in the same way. ALL kinds of Stove and Flue pij>e to be had at the Hardware Store of J. SltiOLK it HRO. IT is a pity the Masonic boys out in Egypt did not make their emblems on the base of Cleopatra's needle a little less vague. There is no denying that donbt exists among experts as to whether thev really are Masonic em blems or whether they are an open letter to Cipher Alley on the third term question. Ir you want Dress Gloves, if you want Street Gloves, if you want Driving Gloves or Mittens, if you want Working Gloves or Mittens, you can buy them at Charles ft. lirtebV ©iiiscti: i@«tlexr, fflsi., JWhwHasg 4, t§§o. I The State prison contract labor sys tem. which has long been practised in j California, will probably Ik* abolished bv the Legislature of that State, now in session. A bill providing lor its ! abolition is now being considered. It j declares that no prisoner shall labor, j except directly f->r the State, county or ) city "of which he happens to be a pris oner. B. C. HISELTON'S Boots and Shoes arc all roaule to in** orfl«r. A PHILADELPHIA lawyer has been sued for defaming a widow's character. Through their failure to keep their mouths shut, men become prey for lawyers; but it is an uncommon thing to see a member of that profession to fail into the hands of his brethren as a victim. This lawver should study the aphorism, "the less said, soonest mended." MKN'S and Boys" Winter Cups from 17c. up, at Charles K. Grieb's. A DISPATCH from Mercer, Pa., states that three men named Robert Walters, j | James Emerick and Wm. Cary, wen arrested last Thursday evening in New Vernon, that county, for robbing the store of David McElwain, and for making and passing counterfeit silver! doliars. Considerable coin and nine j dies were found in their possession. They were taken to Mercer and lodged in jail to await trial in April. SLEIOH and Bob runners can be hail at the J. Niggle 4 Bro.'« Hardware Store, Jef ferson *trect. . THE S".u and Herald of New \ork, seem to be about nip and tu.-k matter of circulation. The total num ber of Heralds publi.-hed last week was about 825,000, not including the weeklv, whose circulation is small. The Sun published 875.000, including including its weekly, which has about 65,000 circulation. Last year the Herald sold 41,500,000 of its daily edition, or about one for every man, woman and child in the country. HCSELTON will give you better goods for the nionev than any House in But ler. ONE of the soundest indications of recovery from a period of business de pression is renewed activity in legiti mate real estate transactions. There may be, it is true, a speculative ai tivitv in this, as in other njieeies of property. But when the sales are largely for cash, and when men noted for their shrewdness and caution, who buy only for permanent investment, are securing good properties at advanc ing figures, it is safe to conclude that business is in :t fairly healthy condi tion and the outlook propitious. SINCE it has become evident that the third term movement has spent its force, the Republicans in the Southern States are expressing themselves strongly in favor of the nomination of Mr. Sherman, and several delegates from the South will probably go to Chicago pledged to support him. Lx- Seuator Conover, of Florida, is in Washington, likewise Judge Mackey, of South Carolina, and both these gentlemen say their respective States will be represented at the Republican Convention by solid Sherman dele gations. WILLIAM ALAND, Merchant Tailor, has just opened the largest line of woolen- for men and boys wear ever offered in butler. THE conflict in Maine is finally over. The Fusion Legislature has said good bye and gone home, with, however, a threat to return in August, which it will hardly do. The whole State of Maine will feel better now that the disturbance is over. There has not lieeu any very serious danger of blood shed at any time, but the uncertainty was such that business has been un settled to a disastrous degree and the patience- of the ]>eople was entirely worn out. It will be a long time j before anything like this again occurs in Maine. THE latest styles in Neckwear, at Charles R. Grieb's. "THE mild winter now in progress," writes Mr. I'roctqr, "seems to be re garded by many as necessarily un healthy, though" 1 believe the death rate does not at present justify that impression. We often hear in Eng land the proverb. 'A frreen Christmas makes a full churchyard,' and there an? statistical reasons for the idea thus expressed; but, like most theories sug gested .by the first obvious interpreta tion of statistical results, it is incor rect, or perhaps 1 should rather say that it is assuredly not established by the evidence. B. C. Hi SEI.TO \ is selling several lines of Hoots and SII«».-H lower IIIHII lift season* price*. THE winter which is so neglecting us here in America continues to cut up high oldjinks across the water. The recent thaw has been followed by another cold wave, the relative in tensity of which, as compared with the cold of previous winters, may be judged from the fact that Lake Zurich in Switzerland is frozen over, an event which "has occurred three times before in the present century. The same dispatch which relates this fact states also that Lakes Lorat, Xeufcbatel, and Beeune, and the river Arve, all like wise in the land of William Tell, are also frozen. ON Saturday evening, the 24th tilt., a three-year-old child of (ireer Mc- Candless, of Coiinoquenessing town ship, met its death under the following circumstances: Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Candless had gone to the barn, and the child following them was told to go back as it was too cold for him to be out. He went back to the fire to warm himself and while so doing his apron caught fire. He ran into another room, where his grandmother was, who extinguished the flames, badly burning her hands in doing so, bat the child must have breathed in some of the fire, as it died next day. THE largest Stock of Half Hose ever offered in Duller, you can find at CIIAItI.KS It. GKIF.U'S. AFTER a lapse of two-and-thirty years starving Erin once more stretches out her emaciated hands for relief to wards America where so many mil lions of her children have in the in terval homes. It is rather un fortunate that political agitators should have tried to make an expression of America's sympathy with a starving jieople appear like an indorsement of their own political schemes. With the latter the great majority of the citizcnß of this country have little sym pathy, while comparatively only a few would deem it just or expedient to promote them by financial aid; but for a suffering people America's sym pathy is accustomed to come from the wuIT Bt> fruuj tfa; boiirt. A BTTLER county correspondent writes to correct the statement of The Philadelphia Time* that Messrs. (ireer, Fiedler and McKee. the dele gate- to the Republican State Conten tion. are (irant men. The writer says that they all prefer Blaine, but siguifi cant-ly adds that while in the matter i of the Presidency they are adverse to j the wishes of Senator C meron. "they 1 are not goiug to the convention to Join in any hostile movement toward : him." That little explanation will | doubtless apply to many Blaine dele gates to the State Convention, and it i is rhe source of the widespread appre ! hension that somehow or other things won't go exactly as the party wishes j them to go. \»H i* (lie L ime ITo buy Carpets: now is the time to I buy Sheetings; now is the time to buy ! all kinds of Goods, at RLTTEK & R ALSTON'S. Court—Caaes Tried Last Week. Simon Peter Pingen vs. Wm. M. >tarr. Plaintiff not apjiearing, ver dict for defendant. Hannah Harvey by her father and next friend James Hunter vs. Jauies Harvey, Jr., divorce. Verdict for plaintiff. W. H. Davis vs. George Arner, action relative to carpenter work on house built by for defendant. Verdict for plaintiff for $1.90. School district of Fairview town ship vs. Wm. Storey and Matthew Storey, action on bond of Treasurer of school fund. Verdict for defendants. Wm. J. Graham and others vs. Keziah McCaiiflless and others, eject ment Plaintiff not appearing, ver dict for defendants. W. J. Mecom vs. Catharine Brown, ejectment for small piece of land in Worth township. Verdict for defend ant. Motion for a new trial. W. C. Adams vs. Poor District of Fairview borough. Verdict for plain tiff. subject to decision of Court on legal points. Henry Dilleman vs. Joachim Sny der. Verdict for defendant by agree ment. John Christie, for use, vs. J. S. Armstrong aud others. Verdict for defendant by agreement. Eli I>. Bovard vs. the School Dis trict of Karns City, action for wages as teacher. Verdict for defendants. Good for Babies. We are pleased to say that our baby was permanently eur-'d of a serious protracted ir regularitv of the l»owels by the use of Hop Hit ters by its neither, which at the same time restored her to perfect health and strength.— The Parents, I'uiverslty ave., I'oehi-ster, X. Y. .See another column. Xotlee Extraordinary ! Great closing-out Sale of Boots and Shoes at Fredrick's Shoe Store, Butler, Pa. The entire stock, which at present is very large, and consists of nothing but first-class goods, must be sold be fore April Ist. Remember we mean what we say; we are going to quit buisness, and such bargains as arc now lieing offered were never before known in Butler. Be sure and call early, while the stock is large, and convince yourself that goods are being sold at such bargains that will astonish every body. Rememlier the place, or ask for Fredrick's Boot and Shoe Store. N. 15.—A1l persons having accounts will please make immediate payment, as those not settled by March Ist will be left for collection. We Have JIINI Keen Kattf, And have secured an immense stock of Hamburg Edgings, Bleached Muslins, Brown Muslins. 42-inch, 4<>-ineh, 0-4, w -4. !»-4, 10-4 Bleached and Unbleached Sheetings, Jeans, Coftoliades, Cheviots, Ducks. Ac. Persons who will need Domestic Goods in March or April, can save .'JO per cent, by buyinjr at once. Yours, A'<\, RITTER A RALSTON. Wanted. A situation in a flour mill as miller. Have hud several years e\|>erience. Reference given. Addres, W. J. John ston. Butler. Pa. At H.V.io Per Fair, Extra la rue White Blankets, at RITTER A RALSTON'S Wonderful Cures. Hi:v. F. VV. HI CHHOLZ, Wa*»-ca, Minn., used tie; ST. .1 xcolis < >i i. in the cast- til' a lady of his congregation who had lieen Ix-d-riddcn with Rhi »ni'ttixm for nrrruU-m >/"ir She uwd the ST. .1 \< I»J:> < ML. for three days, and was aide to leave her bed. Mil. I!. Si IIAVI KI:. So. .'!l Brown street, Al leirheuy City, I'a., had the A'/f" ,n>t{i*t,t for tii/'il i/rnr*, and had used every known medi cine without relief. A single bottle of Sr. JA COBS • ML cured him. T.i STAV A. HF.II.MAN, Ksq., Kditor of I'iiin hit ii/Ii l>n Hi/ /{r fin 111 ten it , .suffered with Hhm iniilimii jot- l>rt) tftnrA, and lay many a nijjht unable to sleep on account of terrible paiii«. Two iHitiles of Sr. JACOBS On. cured him. Mil. H. WII.KI-:, I-afavette, Ind., n-|«>rt* a case where a man suffered «o badly with A'/uit titiiHtttit thnl Hi n/i'lil nut utorr. flis !••;{* were swollen, and he had the most terrible |tains. Twelve hours alter the first application of the ST, JACOBS f HI. the pains were >rvne and the swelling hail disappeared. MR. 1II:NRY St LLAEFKII, Millcrsburg, Ohio, was cured of /{fnHiiintltm In il<e hijii. Mi:. F. It. WITT, Cleveland, Ohio, llhrumn tirnn in t/f /"/ Cured after three applications. Mu. HI-MIY LF.AB, Patriot, f ihio, hail such /mill in hiit thonl'lrr that hi' could not move. ST JACOBS OH. cured him after a few applica tions. MRS. VUKXA OCOEI.MAXN, ajjed 59 years, living in liochester, N*. Y., /Chriiiiiiitimi in U'/n, couid not walk. I'sed Imttle of ST. JACOBS OH. and felt, as she asserts, like new-born. CHRISTIAN HANNI, ES<J,, Youngstown,Ohio, is full of joy over the wonderful cure of his wife by ST. JACOBS On.. For tvrhr long urnr* ti'ir hml tvffrrrd irilh .Veil I'll /gin ill th' ittiil t and often had the most terrible itains. Half a I Kittle of ST. JACOBS Oil. cured her entirely. MB. WM. RKIMIARDT, Rllmore, Wis.,'re ports as follows: ST. JACOBS OIL IS really a wonderful remedy, for I could mention do/ens of eases where it has proved its magical inllu ence. One case in particular I will state: I know a man who has suffered with r tun unit i*m fur th• l"nt tH'rnttj-fitiir yearn, and of Jate he could hardly move around. After using a few bottles of ST. JACOBS OIL he was entirely cured. 11. SKIM, KJ*|.. South Adams, Massachusetts, writes; Allow me to inform you how much )(ood ST. JACOBS OIL has done in this neigh borhood. A woman had Ihe Rheumatism so badly that she could not ev.-n attend to her wash. Three applications of Sr. JACOBS 'ML cured her. Her joy seemed to have no bounds. Kt'inembor, We do not advertise anything we don't have, at RITTER A RALKTON'S. Wheat f Wheat! The highest Pittsburgh market price paid for Wheat, at Walter A Boos' Mill, Butler, Pa. WALTER A Boos. Kye I Bye! 10,000 bushels of Rye wanted at Walter A Boos' Mill, to be ground into flour. 76 cents paid per bushel. WALTER A Boos. Dr. C. LEE, llomwopathle Physician. Office itid residence near the Wick I}OUM, yrftt*} Uurf rtTttttt. 4MW. IV J«u7 I WM. BBOWN, Trcfe't. GEO. O. TITZELL, Sec'y. CHAHTFRED lso3. The Kittanning Insurance Co. Has |iaid nearly SiI.OOO : Dec. ti, IsTT, H. C. Sanderson .V Co., Mil!ei>«owu .A 125 00 [ •' C. 1577. 8. Sfranch do 15 01 •• '2'). 1 *77, Adam Pt'lireiber, it - 350 00 j " ti. !577. Levy A Marks. do 30 17 '• 2H. IST7. Johnson Byers. do fit! 2"i j " 6, 1877, B«ruey Forst, do IKK) 00 [ July 2, 1S7!1. Mrs. C. Hastier. North Oakland 450 00 j Dec. 22. '877, Mary Ann Saelcr. do 725 00 " fi, 1»77, C. Johnston. Miilerr-t'n, 112 50 •' 6. 1877. C. W. Coleman. do 25 00 May 3. J. C. Gaiaforl. do 157 HO Oct. 1, 1878, Charles Duffy Batler, 650 00 AUL;. iS7S, fleo. Boutuer. Petroha, 250 00 •• 10. 1878. John I.ammera. do 35 00 ; '? m. IS7S. C. W. Little. do 750 | Dec. 17. 1878. Mrs. Jane Williams. Cen tral Point, 309 77 I Nov. 1879, R. Morrow. Donegal tp. 4 00 ' Aug- 19. H7B. C. M. Zirick. Petrolia . 25 00 ! Sept. 5. 1870. Mrs. 11. H. Radfo d, Karns City. 250 00 ! Mar. 7. 1879, Jas. Thornby, Haysville, 375 00 I Dec. 10. 1878, Koonce A McClellan. Central Point, 425 00 \ June 2;!. 187:1. Mary f iraham, Anaudale 3 s:{ Aug. 21. 1879. P. li. Ilanlon. Kirns C'y 31!' 00 Oct 20. 1879. C. T. Moore, Fairv'w tp. 225 oo £5.345 '.»2 of losses in Butler county, and solicits a share of your patronage. Call on or address (• EO. W. SHAFFER, Agent. Butler, Pa. At 20 ( CIIH i»er Yard, Good heavy Barred Flannels, at RITTER & HALSTON'S. CONSTIPATION is the worst foe of Health. Kidney-Wort overcomes it on rational principles. Try it. Superior Milling—Now System In troduced at the Walter & Boos Mill. .Messrs. Walter & Boos of this place have determined that their fl"iiring mill here shall not be excelled or equaled by anv in the county. They therefore have introduced what is known as the (fradi'al Reduction System JUaelnner;/, bv which more and better flour is ol>- taincd from the wheat than hereto fore. They have also introduced the dlin(/s Purifier, which separates the Hour from the middling- that formerly was used for feed but now turned into (lour of better quality and greater yield than by the old system. The flour they now make is equal to any made elsewhere in this county. See their advertisement for fuller particulars. Great Clearance Sale Of Blankets, Flannels, Cloaks, Furs, Dolmans, &c., at RITTER & RALSTON'S. THE little ones like it, and often cry for more—what? "Dr. Sellers' Cough Syrup," which cures them of coughs, colds, and hoop ing cough. The Size of It. We notice some of our cotempor aries in this and neighboring counties j are offering a Pittsburgh weekly for several months as an inducement to catch unwary subscribers. Like the chroino-almanac premiums, this is a cheap style that suggests inferior wares and limited patronage, l>earing about the same relation to enterprising jour nalism that oleomargarine does to prime butter.— Frank lin Prena. The Pre*x is alioiit riglTt. It is a confession on the part of such pub lishers that there papers are not worth the subscription price. And then it is likely to operate in another way, by the city weeklies eventually occupying the field of the home journal to the great detriment and loss of the latter. —Shor/en Ade. .Send for Sample* and Prices, to RITTER k HALSTON'S. ♦# ♦ •» We Are Selling Xcw Spring Carpets at less than the present wholesale prices Kast. RITTER & RALSTON. ASK your druggist for "Dr. Lind scy's l!lood Searcher." It will drive out bad blood, give you health and long life. Hide Market. S. Sehamberg, butcher, pays the l»est price for Beef Hides, Skins and Pelts in Butler. Wheat! Wheat! The highest Pittsburgh market price paid for Wheat, at Walter <fc Boos' Mill, Butler, Pa. WALTER k Boos. Feed! Feed! feed! 25,000 pounds of Chop, Bran and Mill Feed for sale at Walter \ Boos' Mill. This is a rare chance to pur chase feed, as we are selling it cheap. UNDERWEAR of all kinds, from 25 cents up, at Charles It. (irieb's. Rye !* Rye! 10,000 bushels of Bye wanted at Walter k Boos' Mill, to la* ground into flour. 75 cents paid per bushel. WALTER k Boos. Feed! Feed! Feed! 25,000 lbs. of Chop, Brail anil Mill Feed for sale at Walter k Boos' Mill. This is a rare chance to purchase feed, as we are selling it cheap. L ATEST styles in Men's, Youths'and Children's Caps, at Charles |{. (irieb's. Rye! Rye! 10,000 bushels of Rye wanted at Walter k Boos' Mill, to be ground into flour. 75 cents paid per bushel. WALTER k Boos. Wheal! Wheal! The highest Pittsburgh market price paid for Wheat, at Walter k Boos' Mill, Butler, Pa. WALTER k Boos. SHAFTS, finished and rough, at the ■I. Niggle A Itro.\ Hardware Store, Jelferson street, Butler, Pa. Grain Hauled. I will pay the highest market price for wheat, rve and buckwheat, at my mill, south end of town, Butler, Pa. JACOB BOOS. Wheal ! Wheal! The highest Pittsburgh market price paid for Wheat, at Walter k Boos' Mill, Butler, Pa. WALTER k Boos. Rye! lUye"l 10,000 bushels of Rye wanted at Walter k Boos' Mill, to be ground into flour. 7. r i cents paid jwr bushel. WALTER k Boos. Feed ! Feed ! Feed ! 25,000 pounds of Chop, Bran and M.ill Feed for sale at Walter & Boob' Mill. This is a rare chance to pur chase feed, as we are sellinvr it cheap. B. C. HCSELTON is now receiving his VipriUK aud Summer Stock of Bouts aud . Stew. Xo» (jirnin Market. Will |<av the highest mirk.-t pri.-es for Rye I and OHH. Met Rl .V A itOLDINGER, Small of IVpot, Butler, Pa. For Salo Cheap, 50 Pure Bred Fowls, of five varieties. J. S. CAMPBELL, Butler, Pa. Incorporated IHI9. /ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. Asets *7.07^,234.49. LOSM!* paid In til years, f51,000,000. J. T. M. JI'NKIN it SON, A-.-lit#, jn triply Jcftursou street, butler, Pa. V NEW DEHARI'IUE! $1 BOTTI.B I-A.TKNT MEDICINE" FtlU 38 CENTS ! JAD WIN' 3 TONIC LAXATIVE Is Appetizing. Pihrsl.le and Nne-Alcoholic, WI) ALWAYS CUKES Dyspepsia, >k-k lliMdwhe Constipation, Hit lousncss, Si.tir Stomach, Liver Complaint, Want ol Appetite. Indigestion. J mudice, Kid ney Complaint, NYrv usness, Dizziness, S* lc«g' ess, Ileal t burn, Colic, De!>ility, Foul Breath, Worms, Piles, Fevers, Colds, At. THE TOXIC LAXATIVE regulate# tl>u bowel and strengthen* tin- system, gives a dear head, pure blood and elastic spirits. | s purely vege table, contains uo mercury nor aloe.-. Sale it ill limes. Pleasant to the taste, and a substi tute Irr Pills, Castor Oil, A< - . Best family med icine known. Adapted to strong ir.en. delicate females ai d feeble inlati s. hi liqai l form Sold bt druggists. Pric* onlv Hs cents for a large bottl,- HENRY B. JADWIN, Apothe cary ar.d Clicmi»r, Sole Proprietor, Carbond.il>-, I'a. D. 11 WULI.F.K, Sole \g.-nt '<>< Butler, P.i. jau2B-ly AriiiiiniMtrator'N Police, Letters of administration cn the estate of Samuel Leason. Ksq . deed. late of Mercer township, Bntler Co . Pa., having been granted to the uii'tereigned, all persons knowing them selves indebted to said erta.e will pliwise make immediate payment, and any having claiu;n will present them duly authenticated for settle ment. L. 8. LEASON, Adm'r, jan2l Harrisrilie, Butler Co., Pa. Worth Mill. Fire Ins. Co. Statement. Stock January. 18W) *f>.7'.W 17 HECEIIMS. Surp'na of * BH 00 I'reuiinm 2t>s 20 Assessment 1.005 04 i'2.2M 3J Vouchers *I.7!V; 00 Treu-ury and sub-Treasury . 62 10 Auditors and Ex. Com 15 00 Losses unpaid and ex 235 00 Secretary's services 30 00 Surplus 150 23 jan2l J. M- MARSHALL, Sec'y. FOB HALE. #5 will buy a one-half interest in a good bus iness in Pittsburgh. One who knows some thins: about fanning preferred. An honest man with the above amount will do well to address »>V letter, SMITH JOHNS, care S. M. James, 93 Liberty street. Pittsburgh, Pa. |an'J7-ly 5.000 Agents Wan led at Once. We have the very best thins * or Agents, and ofTer such inducements that any one can make from 50 cts. to T2 every evening, and 43,000 a year if you work all the time. Send 10 e.s for sample and secure your territory. Address, Messenger Publishing Co , jau7-lm P. O. Box 422, Milton. Pa. "|"v • Cover, Stool and llook, only I 1H 11 OS *!■*'' to *245. Organs, 13 Stops. 1 111 * 1 V " 1 :l sets Heeds. 2 Knee Swells. Stool, and Book, only r*7.50. C r /"H Stop Organ, stool. Book, only $53.75. Address, BUNNELL k MILLER, Lewis!on. Pa. jan7-3in Flowers. Flowers. MR. MARTIN F.isrxn Will sell twenty (20; weli-rooted Fiower Plants, of different vari eties, for one dollar. Call at his Conservatory, near the old German Lutheran Church, and se lect them for yourself. jan2!-3m Notice. BLTI.KK COI NTT, SS: Jan. 12th, ISV), the Court fix Tl ursday, the 4ih day ol March next, ...- h- hearing of applications tor license to sell liquor. Bv TIIE COURT. In pursuance of the above order all applica tions lor licenses must be filed in the Clerks' office on or before the 17th day of Feb uarv, I**o. vv. A. WKIGIIT, Clerk." jaul4.lt Petition for Discharge. In the matter of the petition of James Reams, Administrator and Trustee of Win. Keams, deed, for discharge and for the discharge of his liondsmeu. O. C. No. —, March Term. IHSO. IHBO. Jan. 12. The Court direct notice by publication, under Rules of Court, that peti tioner's pr yer will bo granted on first day of next term, unless cause shown to the contrai v. janl4-3t BV THE COURT. Administrator's Sale. By virtue ol an older of the Orphans' Court ol Butler county, to mc directed, I u ill expose to public sab', on the premises, on Friday, FEBRUARY 6, 1880, at 10 A. M., the following dcserPfd piece of property : All the riglil, title and interest of Columbus Millisoti, de<-'d, late of Mud lycreek township, of, in and to a tract ol land situated in Muddy creek township, containing ninety-live acres, more or less ; bounded east by Conrad Bargley, Sr., noiili by John Barglcy, Conrad Bargley, Jr., and the Widow Ktjlb, west by the Widow Kolb and Alex. Wright, south by the public road leading from the Harmony and Porters vil'e road to Yellow creek. TERMS «'F SALE—One lliir in c.-.sh at the confirmation ol the sale; one third In six months, and the remainder in one year from tin date of said confirmation ; di b'r.'cd pay ments to be so ured by bond and mortgage. aul4 -4t ELMER Mll.List »N, Adm'r. Union Woolen Mills. I would desire to call the attention of the public to the Union W.«o!en Mill, Butler, I'a., where I have new and improved machinery for | the manufacture ol Barrc-d and Gray Flannels, Knitting and Weaving Yarns, and I can recommend them as being very dura ble. an they are manufactured of pure llutler county wool. They are beautiful in color, su perior in texture, and will be sold at very low prices. For samples and prices address. H. FULLER I ON, I'im.'7H ly) Butler. Pa WP A T <: UN For mending Tin. Brass, Copper, Lead f or Iron without aciil or soldering iron. T Any lady or child can mend with it. !■( (■V Will send one sample Plate by mail _ (with directions) that will cut 1 'Ji'i ft inch square patches on receipt of 2S cents, H for 41, I'M) for tlO. ( Postage Kj stamps received as cash.) AGF.NIS ft WANTED. Can eairy one day's Stock r in your pocket. Sales will yield i.'l to *ls per day. Our 04 page Illustrated J ok, Catalogue of Chromos, Jewelry, Nov- PH [ J elties. Stationery, Ao., FREE. A V Address r CITY NOVELTY CO., l j lilt South Blh St., Philadelphia, I'a. Mention tins paper. t J RYCKMAN, DAY & CO., L&KE SHORE VINEYARDS, BROCTON. N. Y. f MAXUFACTUHEIIB OF Pure Jirtive Wlaes, Still and Sparkling Wine, AND Brandies from Native Grapes Out wines nrr put up In choice packages, and are guaranteed to be strndard goods and give saiUlHCtlon. (I. ETZEL, A ap2 ly BUTLER. IV TJnioii W«H)1<»II Mill, BUTLER, PA. 11. FULLEKTOX, Prop r. Manufacturer of BI.AMITI, FI.AVNKLB, YAKKS, Ac. Also castotn work done to order, such a* curding Roll*, making Blankets, FlunueU Kuit tltig and Weaving Yarna, Ac., at very low price*. • Wool worked on the si ares, If de sired. mv7-ly S- v jn |>er day at home Samples worth •) IW I 5 free. Address STINSO.N AL CO., />ortlauit 31i4na d««oy-ly JANUARY 26,1880. Bargains of More Than Ordinary Interest •/ One wife ! CHOICE % I'l RK COLUKED Slt.K> A Wc, twelve choice -bade,. DRESS GOODS FX IK Agu uTitVsTRIPED SILKS. At tUc i: ""' ' hu,!t I rit- -u- bu>. r < ever „ At 50c, a > ar/aio we bought out ol -ri«m, ami «"«•"•<!; "»•«-> bs *••'■! pn >r to our ..unual worth to the consumer 75c p*r v u-5. o»ani of Mock. _ Short Length* mi l Keiaoanta on well of our r oar lois .. » 22-IXCii HI At K SI! KS vinous l)ir«- (ioo.ls counters at *u*ri- At #I,IL. tbe market. —— BLAcTTTI.KS, • LADIES, COME! #1.50 to £4, of the bent known ra.ikers, at low- r.ADIES' CLOAKS, DuLMANS, F.N'til.Hn est price- ever sold. g, NEW :.M i\CM *' • >M E <|'v\rin\ BTKIPED AN " LI SIKKS SAI IN D L\ ON Almost .it vour own price, a- »'c in ike it a pos- At ti.oO. lor triiiiiniti". ! ... , ." , . .. , . .. ~ Hive rule to clot-e out the entire ?ux-k HI lhn NEW BLACK SILK PF.KIN j department, no matter what the ios*. At s7'; 3 c, an extra quality. | Garments, -<:.'.'.o to il7*>. Colon-J Peking -*1 and *1 M. j N . wr , t tuiu , B hl tlchu(i and Uec Srar „. BLACK VELVETS AND SATINS Sc * ~oii:t ••'L-nuuadoc Lace*. For Skirts and Trimmings ——— F,\tru F ifit? Buck Isnscjido t»iu D fiVon, u\ vi *<« ' n\ vt uri'/jc • Hai.l ltl.uk S, -I tiu Dl.von ;ll *1 50 and IIAMBL RGB II AM Bl LOS. #3.25, 2e to |«-r yard. Three Bargain* wo ihv of attention. Our lines at S, 10, I"J}£. 15, '2O, tis and np to 50c L irjje Line CLoice Colored D.*es-i Silks, tisc to vouiprUe tbe newest and moot novel styles, and #l.','s. besi values ever shown. BOGGS &c BUHL, 118 Sf 120 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY} N 3. —Iran.tr.se stock of Lim n> and Housekeeping (Joods, t-on™lit previous to tlie adrauce, will lie sold at old prices, but new goods to arrive, as is a well-known ta.-t, must lie materially Uiifber. Consult your own profit and bny now Never belorc have we offered s o large a liny of Hlu-k and Colored Cashmeres, nor is good bargain*. CAKPKTS: OIL CLOTHS! MATS' RUGS! .ST A lit RODS I NEW STOCK! NSW STOCK! > :-h 2 I HECK & PATTERSON S | 1 imr CARPET ROOM ! 02 NOW OJPEN! H £ One Qoop South of thesfp Clothing House, q 03 h " 3 > Daily's Block, *opt2o-tf Butler, Pa. 3 g isqoil HIVXS iSBUM ISXVIM iSH.LO r I0 r IIQ iSI3cf?IVC) NEW BOOT! SHOE STORE, TJNIOIN BLOCK, lYlain Street, - Butler, Pa. .A.l. 38g.-a.uffl" Has received liis entire stock of Fall and Winter BOOTS and SHOES. As I have tin unusually large and attractive stock of ROOTS «fe SHOES just opening, embracing all the newest styles, I invite the attention and close scrutiny of buyers. Men's Kip and Calf Roots very cheap. Ladies', Misses'and Children's Mutton, Polish and Side Lace Roots in endless variety, and at bottom prices. Reynolds Rrothers' celebrated line Shoes always in stock. Parties wanting BOOTS it SHOES made to order can do no better than by me, as I keep none but the best of workmen in my employ. I also keep a large stock of LEATHER anil FINDINGS. All goods warranted as represented. A¥j. RUFF, J. & Q. F. KECK, MERCHANT TAILORS, -A-'J- j%a -m ■ .m- w-ruaca-rr. J_ K«."ji.<x.Kie, MHave iust Received and Keep Constantly on Hand all the LATEST STYLES OF Ip-orfisii «fc Domestic Goods^ . Which they arc making tip to order in the latest styles and best workmanlike manner, nt tin; most reasonable prices. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. Remember the place. J. A «. F. KKCK. Main St., lfutler, Pa. The Time Has Come When Every One in Need of Dry Goods Goes Direct to Having Made Very Large Purchases in the Eastern Cities Before the Lato Advance in Prices Took I'laee, We arc Able to Oll'er Our (ioods as Low as Kvcr. A very laru<- and full line of Caslimeren ut J Doift lie alarmed almiit the lute advance in l'»je., IV. and t!sc. Doniestie Dry (iooiU, we are selling everything < 'tt-hmeres, very wide, fine .|uulity, we offer ! «" in all eolors and •.'budeH at L'.'ie. i Beautiful Dark I rints, nt ;> and fije. . ' , . illeaeln-Jaud l iililenobed Muslins at Sc., •»!•<•. We oiler an All-wool* ash mere, >{ood quality, JUU | j, ( , at l a', and >Oe. I (Jrny Twilled Flannel at 10, 1.1, and 20e. At Oflc., 7.V. and we nr<- selling an All- i All-wool <'ouniry Flannel, only L'ac. wool Freneh Cashmere, superior in quality to , < anton 1 lannel tf|, 10 and I'_'Je. any offered elsewhere, at even higher priee*. j Oood Crash .*», ,s and loe. ~, , , i i Table Damask 18, ioand iV;. Extra fine All-wool I- reneh ( asbiii.T.-, wbieb Turkey lted Table Damask, last e,d..rs only we are selling at rl, i> generally acknowledged - H) ' J to IK- equal to any offered elsewhere at *I,:C.. \ VI . h' a ve an e\tra bargain in White Be.! Hlaek and ( olorisl Silks, 7~<\ and >1 'guilts, wbieh we are telling at jo, and .<l. We have a decided bargain in Hlaek «ir.« < '»l'"-«l ami wl.ile, SI, and #!». Grain Silk at Si, S|.'K» and All-wed country IHankcts cheaper than ever. Our stock in Cloak, and Sl.awla is larger kLuduV and (ient»'Underwear i* limn over I loaks from to ?.o. have also very tle»'id»sl bargaiiis in Oloves and Hhalls from to 4 10. Hosiery. would call special attention to our very large stock of Plaids and low-priced (Joods, which we arc selling at They are of a very beautiful design, and some of those goods would be cheap at twice their cost. MRE&BRO 100 A lOt* Federal KMreet, AllegheD}.