RCBS€KIFTIOM BATES : for year, in advance f M Otherwise No subscription will be discontinued until all arrearages are paid. Postmasters neglecting to uctif v us when xnUtcribem do not take out t&eu pai*)f» will be hold liable for the subscription. Subscriber# removing from one poetoffic? to another should give as the name of the former as well as the present office. All communications intended for publication in this paper must be accompanied by the real name of the writer, not for publication, but as a guai an tee of good faith. Marriage and death notices must be aooompi nied by a responsible name. Address THE BVTI.KR CITIZEN, I BUTLER. PA. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY! GALL AT THS Boot and Shoe Store of John Bickel, MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA. The largest and most complete stock of Goods ever brought to Butler is now being opened by me at my store. It comprises Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers, Misses' & Children's Shoes, in great variety. All these Goods were purchased for CASH in the Eastern markets, and therefore I can sell them at the Old Prices, and NO ADVANCE. Lines of Philadelphia, New York and Boston Goods embrace my stcck, and customers can take their choice. I Mean What I ©ay: ADVANCE ON OLD PRICES!-®!gr All can call and see for themselves. The best of satisfaction will be given for CASH. THE MAKE, STYLE AND FINISH of Goods in my store cannot be excelled by any other house in the county, for proof of which a personal inspection is all that is necessary. Leather and Findings at Pittsburgh prices. Shoemakers should corne and purchase if they wish to obtain material cheap. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. j BUTLRR, BARKS CITT AND PARKRH RAILROAD I (Bntler Time.) Trains leave Kntlcr for 81. Joe, Millerstown, Kunis City, Petrolin, Parker, etc., at 7.25 ®. in., aud 2.05 and 7.20 p. in. (tk-.o below tor cou nectlone with A. V R. K.J Traiua arrive at Bntler from tbe above named points at 7.'5 a. m., and 1.55, and 6.55 p. m. The 1.96 train connects with tralu on the West Peun rmd '.lirough to PitUbnrgh. SHRNAKGO AND ALLEGHENY RAILROAD. Trains leave Milliard's Mill, Butler county, for Harrtorille, Greenville, etc., at 7.40 a. iu. and 12.20 r.nd 2.30 p. ra. Stages leare Petrolia at 5.80 a. m. for 7-40 tmln, and at 10.00 a. m. tor 12 20 tram. Hetnm stapes leave Ililliard on arrival of trains at 10.27 a, iu. and 1.50 p. in. Stage leaves Martlusburg *t (1.30 for 12.30 train. r. * w. R. R. (Narow Gauge.) Tbe morning train leaves Zelienople at C 11 Harmony 6.16 and Evausbarg at 6.3 a, arriving Rt Etna Station at 8.20, and Allegheny at 9.01. The afternoon train leaves Zeiienop'e at 1.26. Harmony 1.31, Evansbnrg 1.53, arriving at Etna Station at 4-11 and Allegheny at 4.46. By gf-ttlng oil nt Sbarpsbnrg station and crossing the bridge to tbe A. V. R. K., passen gers on thu morning train can reach tbe Union depot at 9 o'clock. Trains connecting at Etna Station with this road leave Allegheny at 7.11 and 9.31 a. m. and 3.41 p. ra. rBNNBTLTANIA RAILROAD. Trains leave Butler (Butler or Pittsburgh Tiine.) Market at 5.11 a. in., goes through to Alle gheny, nrriviug at 9.01 a. m. This train con r.eets at Freeport with Freeport Accommoda tion, which arrives at Allegheny at 8.20 a. in., railroad time. Expreii at 7.21 a. m., connecting at Bulier Junction, without change of cars, at 8.26 with Exp.ets west, arriving In Allegheny at ».5S a. in., and Express east arriving at Blairsville at 11 00 a. m. railroad time. Mail at 2.86 p. ra., connecting at Butler Junc tionwithout charge ol curs, with Express west, arriving in Allegheny at 526 p. in., and Ex press cast arriving at Blairsville Intersection at li.lo p. m. railroad time, which connects with Philadelphia Kxprcus east, when on time. Sunday Erprett at 8.25 p. ra., goes through to Allegheny, arriving at 6.06 p. m. The 7.21 a. in. train connects at Blairsville at 11.05 a. m. with the Mail east, and the 2.36 p. m. train at 6.5 V with the Philadelphia Ex pros? east. Trains arrive at Butler on West Penn K. R. at 9.51 a. ra., 5.06 aud 7.20 p. m., Butler time. The 9,51 and 5.06 trains connect with trains on the Butler & Parker R. R. Sun 'ay train nrrives st Buile- at 11.11 a. m., connecting with train lor Parker. Main I.ine. Tlirouzh trains leave Pittsburgh for the Ear', at 2.56 and 8.26 a. ra. and 18 51, 4.21 and 8.06 p. m., arriving at Philadelphia at 8.40 and 7.20 p. m. and 3.00, 7 0 and 7.40 a. m.; at Baltimore ahont the same time, «t New York three hours later, and at Washington about one and a half hours later. PHYSICIANS. JOHN ET DYERS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON my2l-lyl BUTLER. PA. ' DENTISTS. " OM WALDRON. Graduate ol tbe Phil- H adelphla Dental Col lege. Is prepared • 11 •to do anything in the line of bis profession In a satisfactory manner. Ofllce on Main street, Bntler, Union block, 111" stairs, upll << \ tft £ P* r d *y home Samples worth y" *5 free. Address STTHMCN & Co.. Portland. Maine. dec3-1v n, * deinß7 ,T * 70 page catalogue ofJl/U fr buckzxu NOVELTY CO., V [o6-otaj Vxxcirmrt, o«#>. VOL. xvir. LAN D FOR SALE. Valuable Farm for Sale. The undersigned offer* at private sale the farm lately owned by Rol<ert Gilleland, dec'(J, late of Middlesex township, containing 102 A wen. more or less, with'a two-story brick bonne and bank barn, bay house wagon shed and otber outbuilding/ 1 . Two good orchards thereon. 1311 acres cleared, balance in good timber, easy of ; access, by atout ot>e-ha!f milo from Butler and Pittsburgh plank road and miles from new narrow-gauge railroad, is well improved and in . good condition, and iu well adapted for dairy purposes. For terms applv to JAMES WILSON, Agent. decUtf] Bakerstown, Allegheny Co., la. For teale. Tbe well-improved farm of Rev. W. R. Hutch ison, in the northeast corner of Middlesex town ship, Butler county, Pa , is now olTered for sale, low. Inquire of W. K. FItISBEE, on tho prem- ; ises. aplGtf j 2.1)00,0(10 ACRES LVNII Situated in and near the UPPER ARKANSAS VALLEY, IN SOUTH WESTERN KANSAS, —OS THE-• Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R. 11 Yenrs' Credit. 7 per cent. Interest Tie first payment at d itc of purchase Is one tenlh of the principal and seven percent, inter est on tbe remainder. At the end of the first j and second year, only the Interest at feven per | cent, is paid ; and the thiid year, and each year ; thereafter, one tenth ot the priucipul. with j seven per cent. Interest on the balar.ee, Is paid ' annually until trie whole ij piid. Six years' credit, 20 per cent, discount. Two years' credit, per cent, discount. Cash purchase, 33 13 percent, discount ' The valley of the Upper Arkansas is justly celebrated for its adaptability to WHEAT RAISING nnd the superior quality ol It* L'min As a STOCK- K AISING unci WOOL-GROW I NO country, it nitcis advantages that cannot Ik; ex celled. Good soil, abundance of pure water, a mild aud remarkably healthy climate, with low , prices nnd easy terms, make up a total ol In duceir en t s greater than Is ottered anywhere else on the continent of America. For lull particulars, inquire of or address C. A SEYMOUR, General Eastern Passtnjrer Aircnt, my2l-ly] 410 Broadway. N. Y. 100 Main St, Buttnlo, N. Y. BANKS. TIIK HUTLUR SAVINGS BANK IIUTLEU, PA. NEARLY OPPOSITE LOWRY HOUSE. CAPITAL STOCT 60,000. WM. CASH-BILL, JAS. D. Andlrsox, President. Vice President. I WM. CAMPBELL, Jr., Cashier. dirkctors , William Campbell, J. w. Irwin, .lu. D. Anderson. George Weber, Joseph L. Purvis. Does a General Banking A Exchange business. Interest paid on time deposits. Collections made and prompt returns at low rates of Exchange. 1 i Gold Exchange and Government Bonds taught ; and sold. Commercial paper, bonds, Judgment . > vuiottiprpeaaFitfrfc »t f*ij ntffee. I*aD:ly 'J. WILKES BOOTH'S DEATH In a receDt nun>ber of the New Or loans Picaijune appear? a statemen' purporting to come from Cnpt. Ed ware P Porhetry, now a street contractu] in New Orleans, in which is detailcc some of the incidents relative to tlit capture and killing of J. Wilkes Booth the assassin of President Lincoln. There are many glaring inaccuracies in the article, so many statements that arc not substantiated by facts and by the records of the War Department, that we have obtained a history of the ox citing event from the lips of Lieutenant L. 13. Baker, now a clerk iu the Audi tor General's ofiice, but who had com mand of the party which captured the m urderer. At the time when Booth shot Presi dent Lincoln, April 14, IStia, in Ford's Theatre, George L. C. Baker, Chief of the detective force of the War Depart ment, and Lieutenant Baker were in New York City looking after bounty jumpers. Secretary Stanton telegraphed these two officers to come to Washing ton immediately. They arrived in Washington the morning of the third day after the terrible deed was com mitted. Cavalry had scoured the country in every direction for miles around" Washington, and telegrams were sent over all the lines. Gen. Baker gained all the information he could in regard to the route Booth and his accomplices would probably take, and concluded that they would go down the Potomac, taking in Surrats ville, cross the river, and make their way to Richmond. He sent a tele graph operator and a detective down the river by boat to Port Tobacco and vicinity, with orders to tap the wires and let him know if there was any trace of the escaping fugitives. Near G'happelle Point the detective found a negro whom he brought to Washington, and who stated that he was positive he saw Booth and Harold, whom he knew well, cross the river in a fishing boat. At first the General discredited his statement, but on showing him several likenesses of the assassin and others, the colored man pointed out Booth and Harold as the men whom he saw. An escort of twenty-five cavalry men, under Gen. Dorherty, were placed at Lieut. Baker's command, who had orders to '"bring Booth, dead or alive." At the request of Lieut. Baker, Lieut. Col. E. J. Conger, a brother of Con gressman O. D. Conger, an experienced calvary officer, who had just been mus tered out of the United States service, was added to the party. Col. Conger had raided the country in every (liree tion, and was valuable on account of his familiarity with the roads and for his undaunted courage and bravery. The party went on board the tug John S. Ide, and steamed down to Belle Plain, near the mouth of Aequia Creek. They landed about 10 o'clock at night aud commenced the search Lieut. Baker aud Col. Conger would leave the escort at a short distance behind them, and call at the various farm houses, pretending to belong to Booth's party, but from whom thov had been separated in crossing the river. They found very many sympa thizers who were ready to aid them, but could find 110 one who had seen Booth. The night was spent iu mak ing such inquiries. The next morning the party left the Fredericksburg road, where they had been searching, and turned their horses' heads across the country toward the Rappahannock, and about noon reached the river at Port Conway. The horses being jaded and the men exhausted, a rest was made here and most of the men went to sleep. Lieut. Baker told Col. Conger that he would ride down the river to the ferry, about half a mile away, tad see what he could find. Accompanied by an orderly, be rode to the ferry, where he met a fisherman by the name of Rollins. The Lieutenant ask"d him if a party of men. one of them lame, (for Booth had broken his leg in jumping from the theatre box to the stage), had crossed the river within 11 day or two? Rollins said there had, the day before, and on being shown the likenesses of Booth and Harold, he at oncg recog nized them. Lieut. Baker immediately sent the orderly to Col. Conger, asking him to bring the escort to the ferry at once. The ferry boat was a crazy affair, and the-afternoon was consumed in getting the men and horses across the river. Rollins pretended to IKS a Union man, and was willing to go as a guide, but feared persecution from his neighbors unless put under arrest. This was done. Rollins said that Booth' was accompanied by a Capt. Jett, one of Mosby's command, who recently went to Bowling Given, about eighteen miles distant, to see his sweet heart. Her parents kept a hotel, and he thought the whole party had gone there Just about dusk the party set out for Bowling Green. They had not gone far before they discovered two men, mounted c-n horses, at the fork of the Fredericksburg and Bowling Green roads, who seenieu to be watching the movements of the party. Lieut. Baker and Col. Conger gave chase, and the latter, being mounted on a swift horse, gained so rapidly on tin- pursued that they turned their horses into the tim ber nnd escaped. One of these horse men proved afterward to be Harold, the place of pursuit being only one and a half miles from the Garret place, where Booth was then secreted. Bow ling Green was reached about mid | night, when the party dismounted and surrounded the hotel where Jett's sweetheart was supposed to reside. She was there, and so was Jett, but Booth and his accomplices were not to found. When the building was surrounded and every avenue of escape was guarded, Lieut. Baker rapped on the hall door with the butt of his pistol. The mother and daughter soon ap peared with the light, and informed them that there was no one in tho house except her son and a friend of | hißj Capt. Jett. Lieut. Baker and Co!, j Conger requested to be shown to their | room, where they found tlieni asleep. On being aroused, Jett said : "What do you want with us ?" Conger said: I "W« nx»w kpow all eWut you. Vou BUTLER, PA., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, I*Bo. /. piloted Booth across the river, and you ; know where he is." Jctt told them r- they were mistaken in their man, and it ' denied knowing anything about Booth d The sight of two navy j - vol vers and ir the threat that he must tell or die, d convinced him that it was foolhardy e ,to longer delay information, and he 1, [ said : "Gentlemen, upon nn word and 1. | honor i will tell you all about it if you n will promise to shield me from all com e plicity in the matter." The promise e I was made. Then Jett said : "I fear t j you have frightened Booth off, for you passed near the plantation where I t j left him, which is only a few miles i- (.from the ferry you crossed. But I will 1- show you the Garrett place, wbere I e left him." Jett's hor.- was a model animal, built for endurance and speed. - I Lieut. Baker was fearful that Jett s I might escape if he got any advantage f in start, and two of the men were - ordered to ride near him, and if he 1 attempted to escape to "shoot him - without halting." The whole party 1 then took the back track for the Gar - rett plantation. The jaded horses 1 were urged to their best speed, and at 1 three o'clock the next morning they - arrived at a gateway which Jett said 1 led the way to the Garrett residence. ? The night was dark, hut the entrance * to the lane was visible. The house . was about twenty rods from the en i trance. Jett also said there was an -1 other gate about half way to the house. , The plan was to surround the house » as quickly as possible, so as to prevent • any possibility of escape. Lieut. Baker " went to the second gate, opened it, and ■ then gave the signal for the charge. 1 The dash was made through the I lane in short order, and the house sur rounded. Lieut. Baker dismounted, went 011 to the piazza and thundered at the door. Then old man Garrett threw up a window near and asked in a frightened tone, "What is the mat ter ?" Lieut. Baker seized him by the arm, and ordered him to unfasten the door and strike a light. This he did. and the Lieutenant entered the hall. Mr. Garrett soon appeared with a tal low candle. The Lieutenant took the candle and asked : Where are th 3 men who are stopping with you?" The old man was very much excited, and he stammered out that "they went to the woods when the cavalry went by." The Lieutenant said : "Don't you tell me that again ; they are here." The sight of a pistol brought young Gar rett to the front, who said: "Don't injure father and I'll tell you all about it; they are in the liarn." About this time Col. Conger came into the hall. Lieut. Ibiker took young Garrett by the collar and led him out 011 the piazza, while Conger formed :he men to surround the barn. The Lieutenant then ordered Garrett to cad the way. Before reaching the barn Garrett said: "I have forgotten the key, but my orother has it, who is sleeping in the corn crib. We would not let those men sleep in the house, and were afraid they would steal our horses and get away." The brother soon appeared with the key and delivered it to Lieut. Baker. The barn was then surrounded, and Lieut. Baker unlocked the door. Up to this time Booth and Harold seemed to be asleep. Col. Conger came up, iiid a rustling was heard inside the building as if the inmates were rous ing up front sleep. Lieut. Baker said to Conger, "Garrett mtisi go in, de mand their surrender, and bring out their arms." To this Conger assented, but Garrett was reluctant to obey, saying: "They are desperate fellows, and armed to the teeth." Lieut. Baker seized him, opened the door, shoved him in, and then closed the door. The Lieutenant bailed the assassins and said : "We send this young man, in whose custody we find you, and you must surrender your arms to him, or we shall set fire to the barn, and have a bonfire and a shooting match." A low conversation took place in side the building, and Booth was heard to say to Garrett : "D 11 you! you have betrayed me ; get out of here, or I will shoot you." (iarrett came back to the door and said: "Let me out, Captain. I will do anything for you, but I can't risk my life here." The door was opened, Garrett carao out with a bound, and the door was again closed. Lieut. Baker had the light in hand, and young (iarrett said: "If you don't put out that light he will shoot everyone of 3011." The light was placed at a short distance from the door, but so as to light the whole front of the building, which had been once used as a tobacco house. The light was necessary in case the assassins should make a break for the door and get out. The soldiers were dismounted, but refused to stand in the light, and they were allowed to seek a safer position. Lieut. Baker again demanded their surrender. Booth re plied, in a clear, ringing tone, "Captain, ' there is a man here who wishes to surrender very much." At the same time a conversation took place within, ; and Booth was heard to sav to Harold: D n you, leave me, will you Go, - I don't wish you to stay and in a , | few moments Harold rapped at the 1 I door, saying: , J "Let me out; 1 know nothing of - this man." - | Lieut. Baker said, "15ring out the 1 ! arms and you can come." He replied, sI "I have no arms." The Lieutenant . i said, "You have a carbine and pistol; t ■ bring them out and we will let you ) . out." Booth then said, "He has no ! arms; they are mine, and I shall keep 1 | them." 3 j While this parleying was going on, 3 ! Col. Conger was doing all in his power . 1 to keep the meu aroused and on the - alert, for they bad become so exhausted 1 1 with their ride of two days and two a ' nights, without rest and with but one f meal, that it was almost impossible to . ! keep them awake. Strict orders were r given not to fire, as it would endanger the lives of the men who were sur t rounding the building. Harold begged : and entreated in the most piteous man i L aVr to Ijp let uut, and the Lfauteuant ordered him to put his hands out of the door, which was partly ajar. He stuck his hinds out, the Lieutenant caught hold of them, palled him out and immediately closed the door. Har old was turned over to two soldiers. He kept making assertions that he knew nothing about Booth, and Col. Conger threatened to tie him and gag him if he did not stop his noise. This had a quieting effect. It had been decided to fire the building, so that Booth would be driven to the small door, where it was thought, he could be easily captured. Another parley ensued. Lieutenant Baker again made the demand for his surrender. Booth said, "Who are you, and what do you want of me? It may be that I am being taken by my friends." The Lieutenant said: ''That makes no difference, we know who you are, and want you. We have fifty men, rrnud with carbines and pistols, around the barn and you cannot escape. - ' After a pause, he said: "Captain, this is a hard case, 1 swear, (jive a lame man a chance. Draw up your men twenty yards from the door, and I will fight your whole command." The Lieutenant replied : "We did not come to fight, but came to take you, and you had better surrender." Booth replied, ' Give me a little time to consider." The Lieutenant said, "Very well, take time, you can have five minutes." He was heard to come toward the door, or near the door. As he came he said : "Captain. I believe you are an honora ble and brave man. I have had a half dozen opportunities to shoot you, and have a liead drawn on you now, but don't wish to do it. Withdraw your forces a hundred yards from the door, and 1 will come out. Give me a chance for my life, Captain, for I will not be taken alive." Lieut. Baker said: "We have waited long enough. Now come out. or we will fire the barn." Col. Conger then said: "We had better fire the barnand to this Lieut. Baker gave his consent. Booth said in his peculiar strange tone, "Well, my brave boys, prepare a stretcher for me, then." After a pause of about half a minute lie was heard to say, "One more stain 011 the glorious old banner." Just as he ceased speaking, Col. Conger applied a match to some hay which he drew through a crevice, and in an instant the inside of the building was a blaze of light. The Lieutenant then opened the door to give him a chance to come out, and from his posi tion on the outside could see every movement made bv Booth. Ho seemed to lie leaning against the hay now, supported by his crutches, with his carbine in hand. He sprang forward toward the fire with the seeming inten tion of shooting the man who touched the match. But the intense light in side the building prevented him from seeing objects in the darkness without. He then turned and with the aid of one crutch came rapidly in the direction of the door, but halted aliout the centre of the floor. Here lie drew himself up in his full height, and seemed to take a survey of the terrible situation. He looked first at the roaring flames, arid then his glaring eyes rested on the open door. He resembled an infuriated wild beast at bay. .\ cloud of -moke rolled to the roof, swept across the room, then came down to till* floor 011 the other side, and he appeared to be standing in an arch of fire ami smoke, lie remained but an instant in this posi tion, and then dropping his remaining crutch, with his carbine in one hand and a pistol in the other, he dashed for the door. When within about ten feet of the opening the crack of a pistol was heard from the rear of the barn, Booth reeled forward, threw up one hand, dropped his carbine, and fell face downward 011 some hav which was scattered 011 the floor. Lieut. Baker rushed in. followed by Col. Conger and young Garrett. The Lieutenant, not knowing how fatal the shot, seized him by the arms, intend ing to secure him in case he had only been stunned. On turning Booth over, Li< ut. Baker found a pistol in his left hand, which he still held with a vice like grip, and it required great strength to wrench it from him. A leathern belt was around his body, with a bowic knife and another revolver in it. Lieut. Baker then accused Col. Conger of shooting him, which 1 lie ('olotiel denied, and said, "Booth shot himself." This, the Lieuti nant claimed, was impossible, as he saw him every moment from the time the hay was fired until he fell. Col. Conger said, "The man that did shoot him shall go back to Washington under arrest." Upon further inquiry it was found that Serg't Boston Corbett fired the shot from a navy revolver, through a crevice in the rear of the barn. This was a most difficult feat to perform, for the ball struck Booth on the side of the neck, a little back of the centre, and passed entirely through, breaking the spinal column. The fire was making such progress that Booth was taken out of the building and carried a short distance and placed under a tree. He began to show signs of life. Water was dashed in his face, and a little poured in his mouth. His lips began to move, and he finally whispered, "Tell mother—tell mother." He seemed to gain further strength, and then in a more distinct voice said, "Tell mother I died for my country." Day was breaking, and the heat from the burning barn was so intense that the wounded man was removed to the piazza of a house. The young ladies brought out a narrow straw lied, and on this Booth was placed. A cloth soaked in ice-water and whisky was placed in his mouth, which revived him. He opened his eves, seemed to take in the situation at once, and said: "Kill me! Oh, kill me quick!" The Lieutenant said, "No, Booth, we did not want to kill you, and hope you | will recover. You were shot against orders." He then was unconscious for several minutes, when he again revived. His chest heaved, his chin dropped, he put out his tongue and seemed to wish to know if there was blood in bib mouth. He was assured there was none, and he then said, "Tell mother I died for my country. I did what I thought was best." lie showed no signs of life in his body below tfcte woua'd. witii tire t'*t**ptwß 1 of the action of the lungs. He said. "My hands," when one of his hands was raised so that lie could see it, and it was bathed in ice-cold water His hand was placed by hi -side, and he said, "Useless, useless!" which were the last words of the dyine assassin. Col. Conger gave Serg't Corbett a ! stinging reprimand, and said to him, ! "Why did you shoot without orders?" The Sergeant took the position of a soldier, saluted the Colonel, and, with right hand pointing upward, said: "God Almighty ordered mo to shoot!" ; At this reply the Colonel mellowqd iin his manner, and said : "I guess he did :" and then dropped the subject. Col. Conger immediately started for Washington to apprise the authorities of Booth's capture, and Lieutenant Baker ~nd the escort remained to bring the body as soon as life was extinct. A neighborhood physician was called, who gave it as his opinion that Booth could not survive much longer. Col. Conger started for Washington a little after sunrise, and Booth died in about fifteen minutes after he left. The body was sewed up in a saddle blanket, placed in a one-horse wagon, driven by a negro, and taken across the coun try to Belle Plain, where the party ar rived about dark. The tug Ide was waiting, the body put on board, and she then steamed up the river for Washington. The capital was reached about daylight in the morning, and the body delivered to Secretary Stan ton, who ordered it placed in the navy yard. Here it was kept one day for identification and the evidence of various parties taken. PRESENCE OF MIXIK Many railroad accidents are pie vented by a presence of mind on the engineers. The Car Builder relates the following as among the recent evi dences of presence of mind on the part of locomotive engineers: A passenger train on the C. B. & Q. read was rounding a sharp curve, just ! under a piece of tall timber. The ' watchful engineer saw a tree lying across the track (iO feet ahead of the j locomotive. The train was running at I a rate of 33 miles an hour, and to ' check its momentum before reaching the obstruction was out of the question. ; The engineer took in the situation at a i glance. He threw the throttle wide open, the engine shot ahead with the J velocity of an arrow, and with such \ tremendous force that the tree was j picked up by the cow-catcher and flung ! from the track as if it had been a wil-! low withe. A man with not so cool a i head would have made the best possi ble use of those fiO feet in the way of checking the speed of the train. That would have caused a disaster. Bradford, an engineer, was bring ing an express train over the Kanka- j kee line from Indianapolis. As the en- j gine shot out from the deep cut and struck a short piece of straight track leading to a bridge, a herd of colts was discovered running down the road. The distance to the river was only 100 feet. Bradford knew he could not stop the train, and also knew that if the coits beat the locomotive to the bridge they would fall between the timbers, and the obstruction would throw the train off, and probably result in a frightful loss of life. It took him only 1 half a second to thin' - of all this. The other half was utilized in giving his engine such a quantity of steam that it covered that 100 feet of track in about the same time that a bolt of lightning would travel from the tip of a Fghtning rod to the ground. The colts were struck and hurled down the embank ment just aj th'ty were entering the bridge. 'S(J 7 IIIE 11 HAY "»S CO ITR TSHIP. fIl 'i'Jt-vJ'o (S C ) Ti:n«-0 'Squire Bray, of Caswell, was hunt ing another wife, but his son Bob, a wild blade, knocked him out of it. In the capacious breast pocket of the 'Squire's great-coat reposed a pint tickler, well filled, that he only pro posed using 011 his way back from see ing the Widow Brown. Now, just be fore he started Bob slipped the tickler out and put in its place a small alarm clock, carefully wound up and set for 11 p. M. The 'Squire had sat the fire out and was well on with his overcoat, holding the widow's hand at the door and putting in his sweetest licks for the last. "Yes, your first husband, my dear, was one of my first friends, and we'll visit his and my lost Hannah's graves, won't we, love?" "Ah, yes, for where was there a sweeter woman than your poor Hannah ?" asked the widow. "A good woman; she was good enough, but there's a living one just as sweet," said the 'Squire, and he was drawing her to him for a kiss when ting-whir-r-r-r-r. ting! bang! the clock went off inside of him "O lawd!" screamed the widow, "he's shooting to pieces! It's Hannah's old peanny a p'.ayin' inside of him !" She said she'd haunt me! She allers told me so!" cried the 'Squire, running in a stoop for his horse, with both hands clasped to his breast and the clock still strik ing, ting, ting. He rode like Old Nick was after him and never knew the racket until he felt for his tickler and pulled out the little clock that Bob had bought at auction. Then he laughed till the tears ran, but lie promised Bob never to spark another woman if he'd only keep the joke from the neighbors. The widow believes to this day that old man Bray is a walking volcano. JOHN M. WAITB and M. B. Gould, both prominent and respected business men of Chicago, 011 the afternoon of' Dee. 27th, thinking to play a practical joke upon the colored janitor, disar-, ranged the contents of .Vr Waitc.'s j rooms, and then concealing themselves i in a closet waited until the janitor ap-1 peared. The latter, becoming excited at the condition of the rooms, pro- ■ cured a revolver, and hearing a noise j in the closet ho tried to pull the door 1 open. Failing in this he fired through the door, the shot passing through Mr. j Gould's head. He died shortly after. The coroner's jury rendered a verdict 1 justifying the .janitor and discharging ILXLU fr'oru 1 SINGULAR CASE. A paper was read at a late meeting t f th? Clinical Society London by Dr O Wilk?. ol on a lemcrk&blc ease .f stroke, \v hi> ii <« • our red on .litue 8, 1878. A farm la borer struck by lightning while standing under a willow tree, close to the window of a shed in which hi* three fellow workmen had just taken shelter front a violent storm of rain. His companions found the tree partly denuded of its bark, and the patient's j boots standing at its foot. The patient i himself was lying on his batk two yards oIT, and though he was fully clothed previously, he was now naked, with absolutely nothing on except part of the left arm of his flannel vest. He was conscious, but much burnt, and his leg was badly broken. The field around was strewn with fragments of the clothing; the clothes were split or t torn from top to bottom, the edges j of Ihe fragments being often torn into 'shreds or fringes; they only showed evidences of tire where thev came in contact with metal, such as his watch and the buckle of his waist belt. There were no laces in the boots. The left boot was torn and twisted into fantas tic shapes, but the sole was uninjured, and there were no signs of fire upon it: the right boot had the leather much torn and the sole rent and burnt. The watch had a hole burnt through the ease, and the chain was almost entirely destroyed. The stockings were >plit down the inner side; the hat was un injured. The patient stated that he was struck violently en the chest and shoulders, became enveloped in a blind ing light, and was burled into the air, coming down on his back, "all of a I crash,"'and never losing consciousness. ! The hair of his face was burnt, and I the body was covered with burns. Down each thigh and leg was a broad crimson indurated band of burning, passing along the inner side of the knee, and ending below the left inner j ankle and the right heel: a lacerated ! wound, with a comminuted fracture of i the os calcis. The bones of the right leg were fractured, and the tibia pro ' trtitled through the skin in the course jof the burn. lie was discharged ! healed twenty weeks after the occur -1 rence. l>r. Wilks remarked on the al j most complete exemption of the ner i vous system and on the probability that the clothes being wet acted as good conductors, and so diverted the elec tric current from the great nervous trunks, thus saviug the man's life. A SUR E1 I D Cr. EII (r )'MA .V. The Rev. Mr. Lane, of Kensico, is a remarkably shrewd man. Having been accused of kissing various ladies belonging to his congregation, he frankly confesses the fact, but as a justi fication aud defence, he alleges that he has done all his kissing with a proper motive and with only fraternal feeling. Mr. Lane is very smart. On the fact, if he took issue, ho would un doubtedly be beaten, if not out of his boots, as the vulgar phrase is, out of his pulpit. Hut bv simply turning the whole matter on Lo the question of motive, he gets it on a point in refer ence to which he alone can testify of his own knowledge; and how do they expect to disprove what he says? The husbands of some of these women join in the pursuit of this well-intentioned minister of the Gospel. What right have they to do this? They say the clergyman kissed their wives. What of it ? Are not minis ters privileged to bestow kisses where laymen are "not? If ministers are not, then many of them have a misconcep tion of their own prerogatives. One point, curiously enough, is brought out by the excellent and de voted wife of the clergyman. She says, with emphasis, Mr Lane i.< a man." This important consideration apjK'ars heretofore to have escaped the attention of both the male and female members of Mr. Lane's congregation Indeed, it is a point often overlooked by the devout members of churches in regard to their clergymen until some great development brings it forcibly to mind. Having read what the women who were kissed by their pastor have to s.iy, we should like to know now what those—if any—who were not kisse l by him think of the man. They ought to rally to his defence. Will they ? If they do, unless he has kissed a majority, the weight of testimony ought still to be in his favor. For our fiart we give credit to his testimony, believing he meant to do what he did. The view taken by the committee appointed to investigate the charges against Mr. Lane is of the most com prehensive character. They find that he did the kissing; that he was im prudent ; but that his conduct was not immoral. That is to say, the kissing ofher men's wives by a clergyman is not in itself immoral, but if done in a way to he found out and to cause such a scandal, it is imprudent. How N IT MEGS GROW. —Nutmegs grow on little trees which look like small pear trees, and are generally over twenty feet high. The flowers are very much like the lily of the val ley. They are pale and very fragrant. The nutmeg is the seed of the fruit, and mace is the thin covering over this seed. The fruit is about the size of a peach. When ripe it breaks open and shows the little nut inside. The trees grow on the islands of Asia and in tropical America. They bear fruit for seventy or eighty years, having ripe fruit upon them at all seasons. A line tree in Jamaica has over 1,000 j nutmegs on it yearly. The Dutch . used to have all this nutmeg trade, as j I they owned the Panda Islands, and | conquered till the other traders and I destroyed the trees. To keep up the j ! price they once burned three piles of, nutmegs, each of which was as large | |as a church, Nature did not sympa-1 | thize with their meanness. The uut-, | meg pigeon, found in all the Indian ! islan Is, did for the world what tire ; Dutch determined should not be done ] —carried the nuts, which arc their' food, into all the surrounding conn-! : tries, antj trees mw up aguin, and the wtotd i/nd the benefit w j. At»Yi:JKTl*l*<; KATF*. O' -little, one ineertion. Hi oach *t<L»o 4mi! insertion. SO cents. Yearly ■iliiiiliawnimli <xcecding ote-fourth of a column, *5 i*r inch, worn donlde these rate*; additional .\licre weekly or monthly changes ar« "j" I." al a lvtr:i-<iu«u|K H> cents )>er lino fi'r iUiL-' r-j m, aud o cents |*-r lino f>r eacli tJ'litivualiu •n. Miniiaii milwfti pnli j J fu L of i-lj:.rgr. Obituary uutioea charged | - * Ivi l:.. i tf, and payable when handed in lAu Notices, el; hxecut •_>:•»' and Admiuie fiatuiV Notices. i 3 each; Lai ray, Caution anc l>i.<-olution Notices, uot exceeding ten lines, ; each. From the fact that the CITIZEN is the oldes' '-tal Imbed and m-Jtst extensiv. ly circulated Re publican ncwspajier in ljutlei ooiuity. ("a Uepul lican cviinty) it timet l.e apparent to b;iniiie»« men that it in the medium they should u-c in idvertihing their br.sineos. NO. 10. I FROM A FORE/OX SHORE. " THE >U» SITUATION IN IRELAN L> —DOIW ! or RNF HOMF RULERS— IHI" r.jH AN GUY \T M cxn-KEY HOME RULERS IN COUNCIL. DUBLIN, Jan. 20.—A meeting of thirty-three Home Rule members of Parliament, under the Presidency of the Lord Mayor, passed a resolution calliug upon the Government to insti tute reproductive relief works. A res olution to move an amendment to the address, it' the Queen's s|>eech contains nothing touching the Irish distress, was adopted. Win. Shaw said the Governmeut wilfully shut its eyes to the distress in Ireland. Mitchell Henry said that, if the demands arc not com plied with, they must force ccmpiiance by constitutional action or otherwise. Daniel O'Donaghue, member from Tralee, announced that he would in future ;:ct with the Home Rulers. Mr. Shaw condemned ihe Government re lief measures as tardy and utterly in adequate. Mitchell Henry pointed out that the Irish members should not per mit the attention of Parliament to be directed to foreign policy, as doubtless will be attempted on the first night of the session, until the affairs of unfor tunate Ireland have been put in a proper position. TUE APPEAL FOR IRELAND. The appeal of the Mansion Commit tee to the people of the United States says: It is now admitted the distress is of mi acute and exceptional character, certain to involve actual starvation if extraneous aid be not promptly and liberally forthcoming. The distress daily increases in area and intensity, and it seems almost impossible to avert until next harvest an absolute famine in many places. This central committee distributes through local committees, of which the clergy of all denominations in thu district and poor law medical officers must be members, and requires relief to be given only in kind and not in money. LIVELY IIOME RULE MEETING. A Home Rule meeting to-day passed resolutions in favor of fixity of the tenure aud peasant propriety. The Lord Mayor, who presided, refused to receive a resolution expressing sympa thy with the peasantry of the west of Ireland in their struggle to retain their holdings, on the ground that the strug gle has assumed the aspect of physical force. During an excited debate Biggar de clared that Shaw was not a leader of the Irish people, but that Parnell was. The meeting adjourned to Wednesday, EMIGRATION TO AMERICA. The Irish National Land League has resolved to hold a grand meeting in Phicnix Park in furtherance of the land movement on February 22nd. Foster, of Belfast, has addressed a let ter to Parnell, which is published. Foster offers to donate £ 15,000 to as r-ird emigration from Donegal, Clare, Kerry, Cork and Connaught to Canada and the Western States of America. He says he feels sure the Americans will heartily co-oi»erate in the plan he proposes for relieving the distress in Ireland. UPON TIIF. PAPAL EAR. LONOON, Jan 20.—A dispatch from Rome to the Pall Mail Gazette savs the Pope is surprised and indignant at Cardinal McCloskey's reception of Par nell in New York, and has ordered Cardinal Nina, Papal Secretary of State, to telegraph Cardinal McClos kev for information on the? subject. The Pope is indisposed and confined to bed. NE ll' GROUND FOR DIVORCE. WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. 7.— A remarkable opinion has been given in the Virginia Court of Appeals by Judge Anderson, one of the Judges, in the case of Latham vs. Latham, to the effect that Republicanism is good ground for divorce. In the case re ferred to, Mrs. Latham charges in her bill that her husband required her to conceal her want of sympathy with his political cause, and alleges that the shock was so great to her when she found, after her marriage, that her husband, whom as a girl she had ad mired and honored as one who had d >ne his duty to his native State in arms, and whom she supposed to be still true, hacl in fact allied himself tvith what are known in Virginia as Radicals, that she could stand it no longer, and was compelled to sue for divorce. In the opinion of Judge Anderson, dissenting from the major ity of the Supreme Court, and over ruling the decree of the Corporation Court at Lynchburg, he descants in the following happy vein : "The shock and mortification of Mrs. Latham wa3 to find that her husband had not been true; that he had de serted his friends and had gone over to the enemy, and had joined him iu waging upon them war more cruel than a war of arms. It was perfidy ; the moral taint which she kit attached to him, and which would likely cx ci ide hint from the best society of the State/' And, therefore, this most righteous Judge thought the bonds of matrimony ought to be dissolved. IT is not solely on the general pros perity of the country and the demand for our grain and provisions in Europe that the hull speculation appears to be based. Somehow or other a belief has spread itself in Wall street that Europe is on the eve of a general war, which must necessarily l>enetit us. Mr. Rufus Hatch, for instance, is firmly convinced that such a war will break out imme diately after the death of liismarek and the Emperor of Russia, both of whom are in precarious health. He offered the other day to sell ' a put oil it for SIOO for six months after the death of these fellows '' —Arkansas is a poor place to get along in. A youug mau on his wed ding day was tokeu out and buns for stealing u $5 horoe. —New York barber in ten min utes talked a telephone to deatt. <-*-,1 go»as»yoV-plfVsV ru'^^Woujen,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers