k#-MESKK S. J. WEAVER 4 CO., No. 116 Smunfield street. Pittsburgh, are oar anenw IU the two cities for the aolicitins of advertise ments for thin paper. tww Advertisements To-Day. Frxme House for Sale. Notice—License < ourt. Boou- and Shoes—John Ilickel. Farm of Jacob Shanor, deceased, for rviie. Administrator's Sale—Property of Colnmbus Millison, dee'd. Petition for Discharee of James Reams as Adrn'r and Trustee of \\ m. Kearns, dec d. Local and Generals CHEW Jackson's Best Sweet Navy Tobacco. MAINE and Mexico may now pool their issues. LUMBERING in the pineries is lan guishing for the want of snow. IT is hard to sav at what ape small boys in town begin to use tobacco. A PAIR of SOO-pound bops were ( stolen from tin Pittsburgh stock yards lately. SOME of t telephones are so nat ural that they have been laid up with diphthe ria. •SOUTHERN railroad towns have lately been enjoying their annual "cotton bock ade. THE Free Pre** knows several De t roller- who are Christians on the European plan. Is a hip heart always light?— Ex. Give it up, but we know of some big heads that are. IT is said that an extra session of the l t making $1,500,000 in all. This money was sent by Jim Keene in payment for wheat. GEORGE KRUG is always on the lookout for good beef. The other day he bought an ox from Mr. Samuel Wright,of Con noqnenesaing township, that weighed 2,150 jKiunds, The ox was a six year old and was raised by Mr. Wright. THE proposition to make the Com missioner of Agriculture a memlier of the Cab inet, together with the widespread complaint as to the inefficiency of the Agricultural Bu reau, led Congress last week to start an investi gation of the whole subject. AT the rate at which Mr. Parnell is raiding money down Fast he will HHIH match the flow of gold from F.urope to this country bv a counter current from this country to Ire land. The warm-hearted, jfenerous Irish are showering money into his willing cotters. OVER 30,000 men in the Lehigh Vnltey arc employed at ihe furnaces, of which there are 51. with an annual eapacity of 624,- OijO tons. These furnaces produce one-fifth of the pig iron made in the United States, and consume 1,400,000 tous of iron ore annually. R LADING employs over 1,500 per son* in hat making, who turn out 1,700 dozen hats daily. To procure these hat* over 2,000,- o pound* of scoured wool are required, most of which is grown in Texas and California. All the manufactories are running on full time. THE case of Sheriff Williams, of Armstrong county, for alleged misuse of money to procure an election, and which was decided against him by Quarter Sessions Court of Armstrong has been reached among others by the State Supreme Court and the decision reversed. THE United States is making more than one-third of all the pa|ier iu the world. The product is about 1,800 tons daily, or filO,- 500 tons a year. There are 927 mills, repre senting a capital of $100,000,000, employing 22,000 persons, who receive iu salaries about *!>,500,000. RRVANT is dead. Emerson is 70. Longfellow, Whittier and Holmes are 70. Low ell is ijo. Where are the American poet* to take their places?— Warren Mail. Here; we have one of them. The Hweet Singer of the Coniusjuenessing can juggle rhyme with auy you mention. LAbT Thursday, the eighth of .Jan uary, ft. Hickory's day ; does not seem to have been honored a! any (sunt in the country. Ap parently the anniversary of the liattle of New Orleans is to share the fate of several other much celebrated anniversaries of notable events in our history. DANBIRY News: A good Roches ter pastor, a «idower, proposed to a young lady a short time since, hut was rejected. His fecl inu4 had the second severe lest yesterday, when ii widow sent him the following text to preach from : "You ask and receive not, because you nsk amiss.—James iv., 3." LKADVILLE boasts of aristocratic waiters. At the Grand Hotel is an ex-member «>f the New Jersey Legislature, whose letter* beer the prefix of "Hon." At the Clarendon ilie guc*ts are served at the table by an ex-Con federate General, a doctor, a lawyer, and an ex-Ju !s(e from Freeborn county, Minn. SPECIALTIES in woolens at William Aland's Merchant Tailoring establishment not to bfc bod cl*where iu Itoe county. SINCE the explosion of the celluloid factory in Newark a day or two ago, the spark* : who sport collars and cuffs of that, at times, i highly dubious and unreliable compound, , should be careful. It may be better even to j owe a washerwoman's bill than to court the j chance of being incontinently ignited or blown i up- LADIES' and Children's Cloaks, at Ritter r three years pa>t. An • immense amount of wild tflik and enthusiastic I gasconading was indulged in. As yet, how ever, nobody i* hurt. GRATE tile, flue rings and fire brick, at J. Niggle & Bro.'s THE revolution in Mexico this time promises to be a big affair. Ihe unusually i>ng |s-riod of comparative quielu le in the internal affairs of that country will be more than made up for when the revolutionists get well into their work, and they will make due amends for the recent scarcity of interesting news from that quarter. LatmEh' Solid (iold Watches at #ls and upwards, at E. Grieb's. THE Spring elections occur on the third Tuesday of February, 17th. Here in Butler we have a Justice of tiie Peace, three Constables, two mem'w-rs of the Town Council, one or two School Ihrcctors, and an Overseer of the Poor to elect. Pr.»npeui\e candidates have plenty of time to announce their candi dacy the column* of the local press. DOLMANS ! Dolmans! Dolmans! at Bitter 7.' exceeded that of any two articles of merchan dise imported into the country. The importa tion of brown reached the valuation of $53,0--0,000. and of coffee the sum of over .>4,000,000; aud petroleum, s2o,tiOy*K>. THE latest styles in Neckwear, at Charles R. Grieb's. ACCORDING to ihe estimate of the Encyclopedia Britannica, as estimated by a writer in the Nation, the natural resources of the United States, fully developed, are capa ble of sustaining a population of nearly 1,20>,- 000,000, equal to the present estimated popula tion of the globe. Tiiisestimate seems extrava gant until we remember that even such a (lobula tion would give us but three hundred and six tv-four persons to the arable square mile, while England to-day has a!out three hun dred and eighty-uine. WILLIAM ALAND, Merchant Tailor, has just opened the largest line of woolen* for men and boys wear ever offered iu Butler. Di KING the year H7S, 101 men were handed judicially for murder in the United States, and two were shot for the same crime, having been given their choice of tha manner of their taking off. Four condemned men committed suicide, thereby relieving the hangmen of a disagreeable duty. Seventy-two were executed on Friday, and the remainder on other days of the week. Besides the judi cial executions, sev. nty-four persons were handed by Judge Lynch during the year, :>'J in the Southern and iu the Western States. GREAT sacrifice in Furs, at Ititter & Ralston'*. IT will lie a sad day for this country if it ever comes, when all honesty shall have admitedly gone out of jiolitics. Whether re ligion should be carried into |>arty contests or not, some degree of morality at least should be observed in them. Virtue was thought by the founders of the Republic to IK: the stoutest bulwark of the [H.pular lilierties. political par tie., are not nurseries of the highest and most unselfish patriotism ; but it does not seem absolutely necessary that the uiethrimenls has succeeded in produc ing carbon crystals which Professor Tyndall and other distinguished scientists do not hesi tate to pronounce geunine diamonds. It would be a sad state of affairs if the manufacture of the real gems should so tlood the market us to ruin the deserving artists who prniuce the various Alaska and jsiste brands of the pre cious stone. SLEIGH and Bob runners can bo hud at the J. Niggle A Bro.'s Hardware Store, Jef ferson street. Ai„L kinds of manufuctured goods j are advancing in price so rapidly, that we are glad to that some of our merchants are tak ing time by the forelock, and buying before the rise at the manufactories will be so great as to influence retail prices. Mr. John Bickel, for instance, has already been East to the shoe manufacturing centres, ami bought a stock to see hiru through the winter and next summer, and by paying ready cash tor them secured them at the old wholesale prices, which will enable him to sell at his usual low prices. His stock is now as full, complete and (rood as any iu the county and he cannot l>e undersold. MEN'S and Hovs' Winter Caps front 17c. up, at Charles R. Grieb's. THE suit of George S. Long vs. James E. Brown and Relief l'i|>e Line Com pany, was decided by the Supreme Court in Philadelphia, last Wednesday, in favor of the plaintiff. The suit involved the title of oil property valued at £ 12,000, which has been in litigation since W'J. The action of the Su preme Court sustains the verdict of a jury whose finding in the lower Court was reversed by Judge Bredin alsmt six years a„">. George. | who is at least happy for once in his life, will have a fresh supply of funds to "court" bis friend Perdue, who has ulready been notified by George himself of the ruling of the higher Con rt.— l'rtrolin llccocd. SHAFTS, finished and rough, at the J. Niggle Al Bro.'s Hardware Store, Jefferson street, Butler, Pa. AN Ecumenical Council of the Methodist Episcopal Church has been finally agreed upon, and the committee appointed by the General Conference at Baltimore iu May, lK7c rep resented. There are upward of lI'MXKI.OOO Methodists iu different parts of the world, aud it is proposed to harmonize and, as far as prac ticable, unify the various branches of this col lossal religious body. Oue of the priucipal sub ject* to lie discussed is the preparation of a uniform order of services, iu recognition of the tendency to increased formality iu worship. THE value of being fully acquainted with all the important news of the day is as ap parent to every thinking man as the entertain ment afforded at the the family fireside. This can be secured in such full degree by subscrib- In* to our paper and receiving the Pittsburgh WctHu JfUputch for the full year, and all ■AiouUl take advantage o'f th'e ofwr. t£fp» Hat Lee Citiaett : ©ttitetr. Pet., 3f;tttuJueJj 14, As SHOWING the durability of timber, the fact is cited that the piles of a bridge built by Trajan were found, after having been driven i some 1,600 years, to l>e petrified four iuehes, the rest of the wood being in its ordinary con dition. The elm piles under the pier* of Lou ; don bridge have beea in u>e more than 700 ' years, and are not yet materially decayed, and, beneath the foundation of Savoy place, London, oak, elm, beech, and chestnut piles and planks were found in a suite of perfect preservation, after having been there for »150 years. Again, while taking down the old walls of Tunbridge Castle. Kent. Knglaud, there was found in the middle of a thick stone wall a timber curb j which has been enclosed for 700 years; and ! some timber of an old bridge was discovered I while disrgin-j for the foundations of a bouse at I Windsor which must have been placed there i prior to the year 13S»>. UNDERWEAR of all kinds, from 25 cents up, at < harles K. Grieb's. WITH the return of good times af ter a period of depression, a rise in prices is naturally to be expected. The possession of money lias a tendency to induce |>eop"e to buy goods which they managed, sometimes at con siderable inconvenience, so do without in the days of slim or empty pockets. A full pock et-book is al«o a strong inducement to supply a hundred and one things which one could well dispense with in the aiisence of so wel come a persuader. All this increases the demand, while the fa<*ilities for increasing the supply are more slowly brought into full ope ration'. and in the meanwhile, according to the inevitable principles of trade, prices must go up. Then again, timid capital gets bold iu good time, and undertakes many new works, thus adding to the general pn -peritv. and especially to the prices of the commodities it chiefly use* in these undertakings. A SOLID Silver Case ami a Genuine American Movement a* low as sin, at E. Gmr.ii's. THE desire to get rich by some short and easy method leads many foolish Jieo ple to risk their money ill all sorts of hair brained venture.-, on the bare recommendation of interested parties, of whose real character thev are utterly ignorant. Of this propensity keen-witted rogues are only too ready to take advantage to further their own fortunes. A notable example of this is afforded by th- re cent exposure of the swindling operations of a notorious "confidence ma:i" named Buckwalter, who, under the names of "Lawrence it (. 0., ' "Adams, Brown is C 0.," "Allen, Jordon ;ily prof itable syttem. The plan of operation con sisted simply in advertising widely, especially in country papers, for money to lie used in a grand combination stock speculation, and then coolly pocketing the in mey received. That, so far as the most diligent inquiry has been able to discover, is all th?re was of it. ALL kinds of Stove and Flue pijie to be had at the Hardware Store of J. NIGGLE w a quorum present, and being »t-:ili!v overruled. Both the members and ti-.eon-lookers were in a noisy mood, and the proee.- lings were at times rather tumultuous than other I ,v.*'*; but there was no breach of the peace, an i not a single bayonet glittering in the sunlight from first to lust. Even the policemen on duty around the State House judiciously- kept th"ir weapons, if they had auy, out of sight. IF you want Dress Gloves, if you want Street Glovis, if you w ant Driving Gloves or Mittens, if you want Working Glove* or Mittens, you can buy them at Charles K. Grieb's. IT appears by a letter from Wash ington printed in the columns of the New York Tint'*, the leading Republican paper in the United States, that Mr. Cameron has ap pointed a sub-coinsnittee of three to act with himself and the Secretary in making all the local arrangements f»r the holding of ihe Con vention iu Chicago, and that he has assumed to place in the hands of this sub-committee the distribution of tickets by which S|H-C tutors will be adniitt •I to Ihe > onventioii. of course this means lhat the hall where th< Convention is held will be packed with nhouters and bullies to shout and figlit for Grant. Mr. James P. Hoot, of Chicago, the member of the National Republican Com:uiltce for the Stale of Illinois, raises up his voice in protest against such an arbitrary exercise of so iinjiortunt a power by Chairmaii'Senator Hon Cameron. Sir. Boot very properly maintains that the tickets to admit spectators to the hall should be distrib uted among the several State delegations to the Convention. "The Convention and hall," he says, "belong to the delegates; and if they are allowed to distribute the tickets to their constituents, the a-peet of the meeting will become national instead of local." An 1 he significantly adds that "''«// ell m/tf b/ thr tub comHlitlrr tn control t.'ir li'ill or [> " it tilh'r \ for or ag 'in*! an// /« n-li -nl.ir ><•mliihite Hon hi r'tnio b t'lfir/iii'i »«"' yrat 'fix- tinfliction." It is evident that Mr. Boot and Mr. Cameron are after two different things : the one wants a Convention which shall be an exponent of the popular scntitn-rit of his party; while thc othcr only desires a formal ratification of the nomination already determined upon by the Third Termers. The Chairman oi a National Committee should be some person other than a United States Senator. ONE of the largest stocks of Ameri can Movements and American Cases, both Gold and Silver, ever offered in Butler, is to be seen at K. Grieb's, which were all purchased before tiie lale rise in Watches, and will be sold at the old rates. THE news from Washington indi cates that the Grant boom is Abating, and that Sherman an I Biainc are bo h gaining strength rapidly with the |ieople. It is quite clear that Gen. Grant cannot br renominated without a very sharp contest, as both Sherman and Blaine are desirous of l»-mg candidates for the Presi dency, and their friends are numerous and powerful. Under these circumstance* it is Relieved that Geo. Grant will decline wiioilv to enter into any scramble for the nominstiou, or permit his friends to do so. There is a growing feeling that a third term is a viola tion of the lnw of the laud, that no such exigency has been reached in this country that only one man can save it, and he a mili itary hero. To admit that Gen. Grant is the tnlv nrtuj now living in the Republican partv to whom we can turu for safety, or to whom we can trust the helm of Government, is to admit that we have but little confidence in tin stability of our institutions, or their power for the protection and security of the people. We believe whenever the time comes that this Na tion must depeuil on a:iv one man to save it, shelter its institutions from destruction, or liberty from being sacrificed, that the end of I free govermni-ut will be elu- at band, and the American Republic will become a thinu of the past. We place our faith in free institutions in the people themselves. We believe they and they only be tru.- cd to protect, pre serve, and defend this Nation and transmit its priceless blessings to the generations yet to follow. The country is rich in great men. i:ood men, wise men, statesmen, who if selected ' by the people to rule over them, would rule I prudently, safely, with enlighteue 1 intelligence, 1 and enlarged patriotism. To sav we have but | oue man who can safely take the helm of this Government, is to sav we are bankrupt not only in the faith of our fathers, but in ail that makes our Government worth preserving.— Cleveland J/rcahl, Jin. i>. At 13 Cents, White twilled .Flannel, at RLTTEU I K ALSTON "A. Dr. C. H. LEE, lloiu|>»f Iti«* I'hyMirian. Office sr.d residence near the Wick Honse. North Main street. Be.tler. Pa. j*n7 Butler Co. Cases in Supreme Court. The Supreme Court now sitting at Philadel phia, have rendered decisions in the following cases "taken up from this county and lately argued at Pittsburgh : J. P. Kerr's appeal, affirmed : and J. W. Christy's, G. B. Greenwood's, Bredin and other vs. Dorsey. Commonwealth, for use vs, McCleary and Conway, aud Mary Ann Long's, appeals, all reversed. A " 1.-sTvists, Beautiful new Brocades, at BITTER RALSTON'S. Proceedings of Court—Com. Ploas. 11. S. Smith vs. C. Knouse, action in debt to recover the price of a sewing machine. Verdict for plaiutifffor ssl .."io. S. F. Sliultz vs W. Wilson, trespass r/vare cl't .'iu i/i frf/'f ft tic botii* a*[t trt'U Jury sworn, and after hearinjrthe evidence thepluia tiff discontinues the case. John W. Story vs. Nancy Evans et al., action assumpsit to recover SO»KI, with interest since IK7J. The defendants were owners of a valua ble tract of land iu Fairview, which proved to be oil territory. The plaintiff alleged that they desired to sell and employed him to find them a purchaser, to give him 10 per cent, on the amount of sale. He sold for -ssti,- OtXi. and they afterward* refused to pay. After hearing Ihe testimony the jury found a verdict for plaintiff for >">45.7'!. McClcarey et al. vs. Sottct :il., was an action of ejectment for •• acres and 12"> perches of land in Fairview township, claimed by plaintiffs. Verdict in favor of defendants. Motion for a new trial entertained. The three first cases above given were tried before Judge McJunkin, the l ist oue before Judge Taylor. There were only two other cases on tiie list for last week, and both con tinued. Judge Taylor al-o granted a new trial iu the case of -I ShnfTuer against John Diningcr, an ejectment tried before him some time ago in which there was a verdict for the defendant. In the Orphans' Court, Elmer Millison, Ad ministrator of C Millison, presented a petition for l-nve 11 se|i real estate for the payment o< debts. Adam Rettig, Guirdian of the minor children of John llorret, of Summit township, praying confirmation of private sale of J of au acre to the German Ev. Lutheran Church. Ed. 1). Craff, Guardian of M. E. Hoffman for confirmation of private sale ot house and lot in Worthington, purchased from Peter Graft' for id, SOU. Sale confirmed. The Court also or dered the Guardian to pay over to h:s ward >.")!>: i. Charles Duffy, Guardian of A. G. McAllister, petition praying the confirmation of sale of .'in acres and 73 perches in Clearfield township, purchased by his ward from Hugh McCrea, lor •-1 ~">7s.2"'. Sale confirmed. Anna M. Clark was granted a divorce from her husband, R. A. Clark, on the grounds of desertion, . Dougal for . 1 ~"11 x. Claim founded on services rendered to the defendant by plain tiff's wife, taking care, lgment. By consent, rule made absolute and strieki-n off ai to M. Storey. Riddle vs. Greer, motion for new trial. Ar gued. Koonee vs. Martin, Executor of Hamilton, rule to strike off appeal. Defendant permitted to perfect hi* appeal. lJeniiiger vs. Mortimer, rule to open award of arbitrators. Argued, and rule discharged. Thursday of the first week of March was fixed for hearing replications for license. In the Quarter Sessions, .1. ('. Km rick pre sented a petition for mandamus on the Sujier visors of Buffalo township to pay money. Rule granted to show cause why mandamus should not issue. At 25 CVIIIM, Double-width Cashmeres, at BITTER !*■ ji'itch will be better even tluiii heretofore in every Department for ls-:o. Its general and special news features have long been well known, and as for finance, trade and market reports they will be among Ihe fullest, most accurate and valuable published. Terms, SI.OO )K.r annum ; or in clubs of ten -10. Address, BOOK O'NEILL & CO., Publishers, Dispatch Iron Building, Pittsburgh. Al 75 C'eulH, Black Dress Silks, at BITTER RALSTON'S. Feci! ! Feed ! Iced! 25,000 pounds of Chop, Bran and Mill Feed for sale at Walter A Boos' Mill. This is a rare chanee to pur chase feed, as we are selling it cheap. At M 5.50 per Pair, Extra, good White Blankets, at BITTER A BAI.STON'S. Consumption Cured. AII old physician retired from practice, hav ing had placed iu bis hands bv an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the sjiccdv and |M:rmanent cure for Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma, and all Throat and Lung Affections, also a positive aud radical CHIC for Nervous Debility and all Nervous complaint*, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his guttering fellows. Actuated by ibis motive mid a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge to all who desire it, this recipe, iu German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent bv mail by addressing with stamp, earning this paper, W. W. SIIKAKKIt, 140 /'<>».•/•'* AV.'i'Wrr, .V. V. It ye ! Itjc! 10,000 bushels of Rye wanted at Walter A Boos' Mill, to l>e ground into flour. 75 cents paid per bushel. WALTER between Searight, Bitenour, Porter and Miller: Ninth, Allegheny district, Mr. Murdoch; Tenth, Crawford district, Daniel S. Bichiiioud, of Meadville. The ap pointments in the Fourth. Fifth, Seventh and Eighth districts were made at the suggestion of Senator Wallace, the remaining districts re ceiving the approval of Senator Cam eron. ASCIIBISQOP WILLIAMS, of Boston, as reported in The Pilot of that city, takes a ground in regard to the school question of which no Protestant oug-ht to complain. He believes in Catholic parochial schools, and would have them established wherever it is practicable to do so. He prefers this system for the education of Catholic children, and desires and strongly recommends that Catholic parents should use it, rather than the public school, whe~e Catholi cism is taught. Uut he does not believe in forbidding Catholics to use the pub lic school if they choose, or in withold ing from them the sacraments of the Church if they see fit to do so. Hence, he does not sustain tho position of Father Scully on this subject. Such being the views of Archbishop Wil liams, we see no occasion for any con troversy in regard to the matter, any more than if similar views were held by a Protestant bishop. The State makes no war upon sectarian parochial schools and does not forbid them. It simply supplies the public school as a political necessary, in order to attain good government, and does not propose to teach the dogmas of religious sects. If, however, these sects, one or more, Catholic or Protestant, prefer to have parochial schools, and secure religious and secular instruction therein at the same time, then let them do so, pro vided always that they choose to pay their own bills. This is their privilege, and whether they shall exercise it or not is for them to determine. The one thing upon which the State must and will insist is that the public schools shall not be used in the interest of any religious sect. It Ix'lontjs to the people, as such, and is paid by them. "You Don't Know Their Value." "They cured me of Ague, liiliiousness and Kidney Complaint, as recommended. I had a half bottle left which 1 used for my two little girls, whom the doctors and neighbors said could not be cured. lam confident I should have lost both of them one if I had not had the Hop Hitters in inv house to use. 1 found they cents paid per bushel. WALTER BOOS. At I<> Cent*, Good Shirting Cheviots, at RITTER AT RALSTON'S. Itye ! Itye! 10,000 bushels of Rye wauted at Walter A Boos' Mill, to be ground into flour. 75 cents paid |»er bushel. WALTER IV Boos. ,) A WEEK. H2 » day at home eanilv made. V' " (!o»tlv Outfit free. Addiena Tut.» A Co., Attgents, M«iso. deCJ-^y Til 141, I„IST FOU MT.M U, < OI'RT-JIO.Mt AY. FKRKI'AKY 2, 18SO. No., Term and Year. Ptmimtifi Attorney | P/„inti/f. " ri/nilfl lf" " Drtpxbvfilittormp ' C. P. -H'*. June, lvri- McCandles* ami (*ro-by «» W Km*.- et ux Allegheny Township \V i) firjudon 410, * Wo saute Annie Bovle >am« >ame 4, Mar.-h, is;t Sullhran Brothers 111 Harris Connelly ISr-w Thniui»son A" Scott t ,(.ieorire Sc!ile|»|»y .lauos Aoili*rMin a! E*'r> F M Knstmuti V. D. :>•». Mar. !**•> same | John finmme: * D.ttgherlv & l»evli« John \l Greer ,V ;'" ue ' lfi L : ' 7 1, " , " 1 P so " & Sco,t L Hetdrick William t'aft I, McQuixtion • i»' ' * ,s i !l !l, . 5? I' V\ illiam Ixckey <*alvin (jreer ami Binu.)• >n * * T r '' * an '" l ' ss <»reer |>aiuuel (i W firowa John Thompson & &*ntt ti -''ine, J'"*l n "'' Wflker John Smith Samuel Smith Mitchell and l'leejrer 1 _.■»!. Oct. W I' Brand. >u .Jacob Wciland !1 |j Uuir Thompson A Scott « u 1> I" > " (ir;,,r «'amp & Randall H L Tavlor ACo Mclankitt u \ Bolt et al .Sullivan* nit>! Mitchell „ 'MI- , " l *i* l\ "1 et al Xanuti M Ward et al <; S Bus-!! et al K Marshall et at 1 June Is, .■> >ti ! Fivdlev et al John M Greer 174. " 187S fi S Crosby et al li II Say Hnch Sproul C Walker '»!>. •' !S7« Mitehell and SiiMivans S Addicman etui Koroitgh ot" Pctrolia G H Bemtn 41:!, I'ec., l v , - sauie Frederick Tru iible etui Herman Leaner I. McQutstion • 62:>, M;Cr. l->r« \\ P Brandon II F McElwee it al if. Wilt C Walker " June, I*7: Irando-n and F.a-tman IT D Thompson Harmonv Sav;nei Bauk L McQni-tion lr-n, 1579 \\ n Brandon 111 Jack 'Theodore Huseltori V G William' ' ' 1f79 J \& T S Furvtance V. illiam A DullV lamos K Reid «' Walker • I Sept. l«;ji J N Purvianee 1F A Wlhoi Fair view Deposit Bank -W HII MMe A. Rl SSKL!., Protln notary. Difisoliiliou Notice is 1 ereby L'lvcn that on the 2Sl'i day o< November, the li la ol Milicr Bros , enL*a>:' d In tl;e Fu nittire in the lor ouuh ol Bailer. » is ili-"olve ! liv irin:ui>l ci inc s will !iere«fter be cariied ee;al Designb made to harmonize with sur roundings of every apartment of jo'.r i;orr.e for Window Decorations, the richest selections and latest designs in It»w Silkp. Haiii-h. .lutes. Crej>ets, ere. Lace Curtains, iroin the cheapest to Ihe veiy finest of ril gra>le3 at very low prices ; Lace Lambrequins made to order to lit aL.v sized window, in the v.-ry latest designs; Cornices and Cornice Fides. Dado Bottom in various design*, Beddinjrs, Conifot tn. I iilows. Mosquito Bars, etc. 0c22-3iu "L T niori >\"cK>lon ]\lilK IiLTLER, PA. 11. FI'I.LKKTO.V, I*r«p*r. M::nufactnrer o4 BI.ANKETS, FI..VX.\EI.S, TAHNS, JCc. Also custom wuik diitic to order, each :*-! y< -r. It contains a'.l the leading news contained in t!.e Dan.v MEUAI H. snil in irrr.i.g.';il in handy de partments. The FOREIGN NEWS embraces special dispatches from all q iaitcrs of the globe. Under the head of AMERICAN NEWS are given t*»e Tclcixraphie Dispatcbrt. of tho week fn .11 til parts of the Union. This fea ture alone makes THE WEEK I Y HER ALD the most valuable chroniclo in Oru'an. htool. Bo »k. only >J r >3 7.",. Ad-'rese, BUNNELL A MILLER. Lo«vir.ton, Pa. Jnti7 :'m PENSIONS ! Procured fcr Soldiers diwablsd in tho I'. S, service from auv cause, also for Heirs of d<- ceaseil soldiers. All pension < dite bark to day of discharge, and to date of death of the sol dier- Pensions increased. Address, w,th stamp, STODIIARDT A CO , jai>7-lut| 013 E. SI. N. W.. Washington, D. C. Fxtrulorx Li tters testamentary ou the estate ol Win. W. McDonald, ilec'd, laic ol CotiiKHiiienessing tp., Butler county, l'a., having I ecu grunlt d to the iiiidcrslirm d, all persona knowing theuisi lve* louehted lo s.dd c-t.il will ple.ise make pay. nient.an l an) having claims against the same will ptcacul thilll dii!}' nut lieu tlca'.tfd lorsettlc u.ent. ENOS MCDONALD, Til OS. 1. DODUS, j:ni7-tt Proapect. Butler Co., Pa. Wlifi * "°« kin your own town. Terms and 4)5 oUO outlit free. Addrets 11. I' M.I.ETT A Co., Portlattdf. Main'e. tlecO-lv THE LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE 1 N WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. \ "cheapest" corner)" | £¥iiS: cB and 87 SmiihSeld Street. Our object is First, Last and Always to give the Very Best Clothing for the Very Least Money, thereby combining Elegance and Economy. To always have a stock so Complete in Assortment, so Reliable in Qual j itv, and so Low in Price, that we can suit THE TASTES, THE WANTS and THE MEANS OF EVERYBODY. The crowds that have kept our salesmen busy for weeks past are an in -1 dispu able evidence of the certain satisfaction that awaits all who buy of us. By dealing fairly and generously with the people we have established an enormous tra-lc, whose good will individually we will endeavor our utmost to retain. At $1.60 - - Men's Overcoats, at - - Si.6o At 1.90 - Men's Chinchilla Overcoats, nt - 1.90 At 'J,SO - Men's Unison Heaver Overcoats, at - 2.80 At 3.70 - - Men's Worsted Overcoats, at - - 3.70 . At 4.50 - - .Men's Fur Heaver Overcoats, at • - 4.00 At •"» • 0 - Men's Scotch Cheviot Overcoats, at - 5.30 At GOO - Men's Fine Diagonal Overcoats, at - GGO At 7.80 - Men's English Chinchilla Overcoats, at - 7.80 Men's In-ported Worsted Overcoats, from $8.40 to 813.10. Our Assortment of Men's RwrsiMe Overcoats, Ulsters and l ister cites. Embraces Over 100 Different Styles, Ritnsin* from 53..00 t» sis.uo. At §2.20 - Men's Iron Twist Suits, at - 8"-.20 At 3.10 - Men's Worsted Suits, at - 3.i 0 At 1.30 - Men's Scotch Cheviot Suits at • 1.30 At -:.IU Men's Extra Fine C'assiinere Suits at 5.10 Men's Fine Diagonal and Imported Worsted Suits, from $7.60 to £i G. 70. Bargains in Bays' and Children's Overcoats and U.sters, of Every Conceivable Style and Quality, Ranging from St.tO to $5.80! GUR MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT Atv&2.so - Gents' All-Wool Pants to Order at - $2.50 ■j From 1.60 Gents' All-Wool Worsted and Diagonal Pants to 8.10 iAt 12.30 - (rents* All-WoolSuits to Order at - 12.30 Gents' (■iiinehilla, Worsted, and i'coteh Cheviot Overcoats to Order, from sl2 to 23.80. I J erfect Fit "Warranted. Determined to please, we it distinctly understood that when we ad vertise anything we have it, and win n we advertiss a price we charge r.o more. An insj»ecti. n. which costs nothing, will prove what we claim. The Leading and Popular Clotliing House, ; rc a. u f 1 m a. in n ' s Cheapest Corner, 83, 85 and 8/ Smithfield St., Pittsburgh, C'Olt. DIAMC.M) STREET, j. & a fT"keck, MERCHANT TAILORS, .VL as M'JL'EKKK 'a'. -A (2* Have Just Received r.nd Keep Constantly cn Hand all the I LATEST STYLES OF ; C Fortran <& Domestic (»-oo.df* i [?,%%% t i "■ ' ' " ' " 1 • 5 y\ I Which they are making up to order in the latest styles and i J ' ! best workmanlike manner, at the most reasonable prices. All ll >1 »"\ >\ work guaranteed to give satisfaction. ?® 1 tji * Hcniember the place. I g €J F UWK. Main St., ESuiler. Pa. Time Has Come When Every One in Need of Dry Gocds Goes Direct to FEDERAL STREET, ALLEBHEIT. • i Having Made Verv Large Purchases in the Eastern Cities Before the Lata Advance in Prices Took Place, We are Able to Offer Our Goods as Low as Ever. A very larjjf and full litit- of Cashmeres al Dou't be alarmed aliout the lute advance in ! i'ile t.'c anif-•■<'. Oomcstic Dry Goods, we are selling everything ('adimeres very wide, fine <|uality, we offei '" w iV"[. • - i~i V. V i i | Beautiful l>ark l'rtnts, at •> and 6jc. lor* an - i.i'i h, .i - Bleached and Fnblenehed Muslins at 5c., fi}e. We offer an All-wool < Vhmere,g»od <|Uiuitv, a|)( j S) . at toe., !.">e. and > : > c. Gray Twilled Flannel at 10, and 20c. At (Mc 7 V and Mc„ we ur- selling an All- i All-wool Country Flannel, only 2Hc. wool French < ashmere, Miperi.r in quality to I Canton Flannel fi}, S\. 10 and 12Jc. any offered elsewhere, at even higher prices. '''• s an } . lahle Damask IK, 20 and 2->c. I'.xtra fun All-wool Freui :i < ash were, winch Turkey lied Table Damask, last colors, only we arc selling at ?I, is g< nerallv acknowledged V) ~,.1 1t5; to l«- etpial to any offered els. where al -M ~•■>. \\'c have mi extra bargain in White Bed in ■ i i ~,i Us, .., ... . . .an I. nm , whitl ., *l, *2 and We have a decided lii.r_.oii 1.1 Mack r All-wool country Blankets ehea|«*r than ever. (■rain at 1,1.' .m <)ur st-vk in Lntlies' and (Jeuts' Underwear is tiur stocU in J loak* nml . IIH-AN IS ,,, oru complete thau ever, and will be sold at than ever and embracese\en thini; iiiin_'i!ia itc. winch will astonish the purchaser. We » loiik* from S'j.'s) to v 'Jo. liave also very decided barKiiius in Gloves and Bhaila from $1 to ?10. Hosicrj-. I ______ *3£?~\Ve would call special attention to our very large stock of Plaids and low-priced Dress (roods, which we are selling at H|, 1 0 and cents. They are of a verv beautiful design, ami some e cheap at twice their cost. 100 A lO£ Federal Ntreet, Allegheny.