BCBSCKIPTIO* BATE*: Ter ve*r, in Kirwo* ®t ®" No fTt«*ription will be discontinued until *ll arrearage* arc (.ai-L i\«-liaa«ter» neglectiuK to ii.itifv tin when fulocnbei* do not take oat llieir papers will be bekl liable for the wibecription. .SulmcribeiH removing from one poalorace to •iioti.t r should give ua the name of the former a» » .11 as the preneut offlcc. All communication* iriteudeJ tur pcblication in thi-- paper matt be accompanied by the raal r.arae of the wnter. not for publication, bat u a t iarantee of good faith. Marriage and death notice* moat be toconipa niM by a responsible name. ArtJrfcM THB CITIZBV. BUTLER. PA. TBAVEIiBBS' QUIDS. BL-TI.EK, KARN3 CITT ASD PiMK *AIL*OAD (batler Time.) Trains leave Butler for 8U Joe, Millerstown, Kams City, PetrolU, Parker, etc., at 7MZ a. m , and 2.06 and 7.20 p. m. [Bee below for con nections with A. V R. R.J Train* arrive at Batler from the above named points at 7.'.5 a. m.. and 1.55, and 6M p m. The 1.55 train connect* with train on the West I'cnn rmd through to Pitwburch. HHEXASOO a*!* ALI.*«W*»» KiH-BOAD. Triin* iMve Hllltard'n Mill, Boiler conntjr, for HarrfcTille, Greenville, etc., at 7.40 a. m. and 12.20 and 230 p.m. Stages lea-e Petrolla at 530 a. m. lor 7.40 tr.iin, and at 10.00 a. m. tor 12 20 train. Return (tv -s leave Hilliard on arrival of trains at 10.27 a. in. and 1.50 p. in. leave* Mai tin*burg at #.30 for 12.30 train. p. * w. a. it. (Karow Osage.) The morning train leave* Z-siienople at 6 11 Harmony 6.16 and Evsuaborg at 6.3 a. arriving at Etna Station at H.JU. and Allegheny at 9 01. The afternoon train leaves Zelieuop'e at 1.26. Harmon* 1.31, Evan*bnrg 1.53. arriving at Etna Station at 4-11 ami Allegheny st 4.46. By (celling .'II at Hat on and crossing ihe brldfjc to the A. V. R. R., 1 a*«*n gcrs on the rooming train can reach the Union depot at 'J o'clock. Train* connecting at Rtr.a Station with tin* road leave Allegheny at 7.11 and 9.31 a. m. and 3.41 p. m. r**xsixva*iA KAM.IIO\D. Trains leave Butler {Butler or Pltubnrgli Time.) Market at 5.11 a. m , goe* through to Alle gheny, arriving at #.Ol a. m. This train eon rcrt* at Free port with Frecport Accommoda tion, which arrive* at Allejjheny *t 8.20 a. to., railroad time. Exprttt at 7.21 a. m, connecting at Butler Junction, without change of cars, at B.2fi wl'b Ex pier* went, nrrlviuK In Allegheny nt 9M a. rn., and Expre** east arriving at BUlr»vll!e at 11 00 a. m. raiiroad time. Mail at 2 Z/i p. m., connecting at Batler Jarc tionwitbout chanite ol or*, with Express wi»l, arriving in Allegheny at 528 p. la., and Ex press cast orrivlnjr at BMr«rllle lntrrsectUn at 6.10 p. rn. railroad time, which cctinecU w'th Philadelphia fcxpres* east, when on time. Sunday Ezprtu at 3.25 p. *»., goes through to Allegheny, arriving at <5.06 p. m. The 7.21 a. m. train connect* *t Blaliaville at 11.05 a. m. with the Mnil east, *nd the 2.3U p. rn. train at CM with the Philadelphia Ex priTSS east. Trains arrive at Butler on Weat Penn R. R at 1 a. m , 5 OS and 7.20 p. m., Bntler lime. The U,r>\ and 5.06 trains eon net-1 with train* on the Batler A Parker R. R. Hon ay train *rrive* at Uutle" at 11.11 *• m., connecting with train lor Parker. Main Lint. Through train* leave Pittsburgh lor the En" at 2.56 and H.2M a. m. and 12 51, 4J41 and 8.06 p. m., arrlvlne at Philadelphia at 8.40 and 7.20 p. in. and 3.00, 7.00 and 7.40 a. ra.; at Baltimore al»oal the same time, at New Tork three boor* later, and at Washington aboot one and a hall hour* later. LAND FOB BALE. Valuable Farm for Sale. The nn/loraigned offer* at private **le tb«j tuna lately owned by Robert Oilleland, dee'd, late of Mi'«ll«»ex township, containing 162 A crew, more or lea*, with a two-story brick bonne and bank burn, hay honse w*gon abed and other outbuilding!'. Two good orcltard* thereou. 130 a'.-ies cleared, balance in good timber, eaay »f access, l/v aliont one-half mile from Batler and Pittsburgh plank road and iU mile" from new railroad, is well improved and in good condition. and i* well adapted for dairy purposes. For terms aeply to JAMES WIIJJON. Agent. dc:l"tf) Bskerstown, Allegheny Co., Pa. For teale. Tlie well-improved faim of Re*. W R. Hntch ison, in the northeast corner of Middlesex town ship. Batler comity. Pa . is now offered for *ale. low. Inquire of W. K. FKISBEK, on the prem ises. »I'»CU &58MM AIIRKS LANIJ Situated In and near the UPPER ARKANSAS VALLEY, IN SOUTH WESTERN KANSAS, —OH TO*- • Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe B. R. 11 y«air»' Credit. 7 percent. Interest Tl e first payment at d >tc of purchase Is ouc tcnlh of thf? principal ami seven \» r cent. Intrr vMton the remainder. At the end of the first nnd second year, only the Interest at teven per cent. Is p .ld ; and the third year, and each year thereafter, one tenth of the principal, with seven per cent. Interest on the lmlat.ee, Is paid annually until the whole Is paid. Six jears' credit, 20 |« r cent, discount. Two years' credit, 30 per c< nt. discount. C:i»li piircl>n*e, 33 I 3 jkt cent, discount The valley of ihe Up|*r Ark.was is Jiistl* celel.rntcd for It* adajitablllty to WIIKAf KAISIMi ; nd ihe sntierior quality ol lt» t'mln. a HTOCK-RAISINO mid WOOL-GROWINO country, it <*tlei* udvantaites that cannot lw ex celled. fJor>d soil, sbundauce of pure water, a in lid and remarkably healthy climate, with low prices and easy terms, make up • total of In ducements grfnter than Is ottered anywhere el«e on the continent of America. For full particulars, Inquire ol or addrc** C. A. SEYMOUR, (Icncrnl Eastern Passenger Agent, tny2l-ly) 41# Broadway. N. Y. I## Main St, Bullslo, N. Y. PHYSICIANS. JOHN E. BYKRH, PHYSICIAN ANDHUKGEON, wiy2l-ly] HUTLER, PA. FINANCIAL. Ain i diinnni Inve " tad>(> llUtoilUUU|:-- plaining •vnrythimr. Addremi BAXTER A CO., Bankers, oct# 7 Wall atract. N. Y. DENTISTS. DEISra?ISTRY. Oy WALDRON.Orrdwtc of the Phil- Ik ndcllihla Ucnl il College,ls prep <r<'d • lis to no anything in the line of hi* profession In a Mtlafwctory manner. Olll'-c on Main afreet, Butler, Union Block, up stairs, spi 1 BAN KB. TilK BUTIsKK SAVINGS BANK II UTL.KR. PA. NEARLY OPPOSITE LOWBT IIOUBIC. CAPITAL STOCK] 60,000. W«f. CAMIUKI.i., J AS. D. AaoitaariM, President. Vioa President. Wv. Comctf., Jr., Cashlar. DIRECTORS William Campl»«ll, J. W. Irwin, ,t*«. D. Anderson, Oaorgs Weber, Joseph L. Purrla. Does a General Banking A Exchange tmslnesa. Interest paid on time deposit*. Collections uuule and prompt returns at low rata* of Exchange Cold Kxnhanga and Orrvamment Bonds bought and sold. Commardal paper, bond*, Jodffment and ofheraecnritlea bought at fair rata*, faao ly QoiVHUMPTIO^I can be cared by the oonttunad use of Onrt-x's CON Livkb OIL APV L*UTO Pursi HAT* or I.imr, a cure for Consnmtrtion, Coughs. Colds. Aslhma, Ilron' hitis, and all Scrofulous diseases. Ask yonr druggist ter Oswira's and tale no other. If he haa not rot it, I will sand one bot tles anywhere on receipt of •!, express psid Bend for Circular to OHAS. A. OHM I'M, no*2B Cm 13 Hevontli Ave., New Yo k. til SilTl U* 1, '''y 111 h "»a Hamples worth jf ?f. * 5 Addraaa Snxsos A Co., fcrrtland Maine. dec.t-ly VOL. XVIL WHAT IS A YEAR? WHAT IT WAS I'SDEE THE OLD STTLE WHAT IT IS UNDER THE NEW ST V I.E. Th** Ep\ptians wore the first of tlie nation.-, it is now who Gxod the length of the vcor. Tlif Roman Year was introduced h? Rornalus, "is B. ('■, and it was corrected by Nunia, 713 11 und again by Juliurf C«t'sar, 4-> R. C. The Solar or Avtronomiral Y>ar was found to comprise 305 days, :A\., 45tn., 515., i; decimals; 2f» B. V. The Lunar Year, which comprc hends 12 lunar mouths, or 354 days, Bb., 45m., was in use among the Chal deans, Persians and ancient Jews. Once in every three years was added another lunar month, so as to make the solar and the lit nar years nearly ajfree, but though the months were lunar the year was aolar ; that is the first month was of 30 days, the second 29, and so alternately, and the month added triennial by was called the second adder. The Jews afterwards foil owed the Roman method of computation. 77te SiderLal Year, or return to the same star, is 305 days, <5 hours, 9 min utes and 11 seconds. The Jews dated the beginning of the »S acred, year in March. The Athenians in June ; the Macedonians, September 24 ; the Chris tians of Egypt and Ethiopia, on Aug. 29th or 30th ; and the Persians and Armenians, August 11th. Nearly all Christian nations now commence the year January Ist. Charles IX. of France, in 1504, pub lished arril, the last article of which ordered the year for the time to come to be constantly and universally begun and written on from January Ist. The beginning of the year has been reckoned from the day celebrating the birth of Christ. His circumcision, January Ist. His conception, March 25th. His resurrection, Kaster. The English began their year on the 25th of December, until the time of William the Conqueror. This prince having been crowned on January Ist gave occasion to the English to begin their year at that time, to make it agree with the then most remarkable period of their history. I'ntil the a< f for altering the style in 17;">2, the year did not legally and generally com mence in England until March 2"r. In Scotland, at that period, the year begun on the Ist of January. This difference caused great practical inconvenience, and January, February and part of j March sometimes have two dates, as is often found in old English records, 1745, 1740. Such a reckoning often leads to cbronogicnl mistakes; for in stance, it is popularly said in England, "the revolution of li»88,"as that event happened in February, 168H, according to the then mode of computation ; but if the year was held to begin as it does now, on the Ist of January, it would IK; the revolution of l<!89. OIIMiI.V OP THE CAf.KNDAIt. Tlte Soman Calendar, which has, as already stated, been accepted by almost all Christian nation", was in troduced by Romulus, 738 15. C., who divided the year into ten months, com prising 304 days. This year was of fifty days less duration than the lunar year, and of sixty-one leys than the ttolar, its commencement having no relation to any fixed season. Nunia added two months, and Julius Ca:sar, 45 B. C., in order to establish greater correctness, fixed the solar yeur at 3C> days and six hours, every 4th year being leap year. This tierfect arrange ment has been called the .Julian xlylr, ond practiced generally throughout the Christian world till the time of I'one Gregory XIII., when the defects of ihe Julian system were corrected, the-': defects consisting in that the solar year, consisting of 305 days, 5b., and 49 minutes, and not 305 days, 0 hours. The difference then amounted to ten entire days, the venial equinox falling on the 11th instead of the 21ft of March. To obviate this error Gregory ordained in 1782, that that year should consist of 305 days only (October 5 becoming October 15), and to prevent further irregularity it was determined that a year beginning a century would not be bissextile (or leap year) with the exception of that beginning each fourth century, thus: 1700 and 1800 have not been bissextile, nor will 190(1 lie so, but the year 2000 will be a leap year. In this manner 3 days arc re trenched in 400 years, because the lapse of 11 minutes makes three davs in about that period. The year of the calendar is thus made as nearly us pos sible to correspond with the true Holur year, and future errors of chronology are avoided. The new style was adopted in France, Italy, Spain, Pen mark, Flanders and I'ortugul in and in Great Britain in 1731. LEAP YEA It, Leap year originated with the as tronomers of .Julius Cn:sar, 45 years B. C. They fixed the solar year at 305 days, 0 hours, comprising, as they thought, the period from one vernal equinox to another. The six hours were set aside and at the end of four years, forming a day, the fourth year was made to consist of 300 days. The day thus added was called intercalery, and was placed a day before the 2filt of February, the oth of the calendar, which was called bintieslile, or twice six. This added day with us is Feb ruary 29. This arrangement makes the year nearly three minutes longer than the astronomical year. To obvi ate this, as we have shown above, 1700 and 1800 were not leap years, neither will 1900, but 2000 will DERIVATION OF THE NAMES, ASH (rill OIN Or THE MONTHS, Jauvary derives its nume from ' Janun, an early divinity. .liintinry wan added to the Homun calendar by Numa, 713 B. C. He placed it about the winter solstice, and made it (he first month, because Janus was sup posed to preside over the beginning of ! all business. I February (from Frbruv*, nit Italian divinity), the second month in the year, in which men celebrated Fcbrua feasts in behalf of the names of de ! ceased |s-rsofis. March. Romulus, who divided the year into months, gave to this month the name of hi ft supposed father, Mars. though Ovid asserts that the people of lialv had the month of March before the time of Romulus, and that they placed it differently on the calendar. April. The month in which the earth opens for her fruit May. Some say the name is derived from Itoinulua, who gave it in honor of the Senators and noble- of his city, who were denominated majarre ; oth ers that it was so called from Main, the mother of Mercury. June derives its name from Juno. July, named by Marc Antony, from Julius, the surname of Ca'sar. August, so called by a decree of the Roman Senate, in honor of Augustus Ca:sar, in the year 8, or 27 or 28 B. C., because in this month Augustus was created consul; because, too, he had added Egypt to the empire, overthrow ing Anthony and Cleopatra in their lascivious rule. September; no month in the year had its name changed as often as had this, the >< eenth, from which, Sepfrmu •<, it finally received its name. Tiberius refused the Senate to name it after him—the Emperor Domitian named it after himself, Germanicus; the Senate, under Antoninus Pius, gave it that of Antoninus; Commodusgave it his sur name, Herculiu.', and the Emperor Tacitus his own name, Tacitus. But none of these names remained. October, as its name indicates, was the eighth month in the year of Romu lus. Many efforts were made by the Roman Emperors to change the name, but the month still retains its original title. October was sacred to Mars. November, anciently the ninth month. When Nunia added January and Feb ruary in 713 B. C., it became the eleventh as now. The Roman Senate wished to name the month in which Tiberius was born by his name, in imitation of Julius Casar and Augus tus, but the Emperor refused, saying, "What will you do, conscript fathers, when you have thirteen Ca'sars?" December, the tenth month in the year of Romulus, commencing in March. In the reign of Commodus A. I>. 181, December was called, by the way of (lattery, Amu/orus, in honor of a courtesan whom Commodus had loved, and had painted like an Amazon. Having been the tenth month it took its name from decern, tenth, originally, and never had it changed. THE DAY. While the Romans have given us the names of the; mouths, it is to tin Saxons that we are indebted for tlie names of the days, which are conse quently English. The day began at sunrise among , most of the Northern nations, and at sunset among the Athenians and Jews. Among the Romans, day began at midnight, as it now docs among the English sjs-a king people. The Italians, in many places, at the present time, reckon the day from sunrise to sunset, making their clocks strike twenty-four round, instead of dividing the day, as is done in all other countries, into equal portions of twenty-four hours. This mode is but partially used in the larger towns of Italy, most public clocks in Florence, Rome and Milan being set to hours designated on French and Fnglish chicks. The Chinese di vide the ilny into twelve parts of two hours each. The English civil day is distinguished from the astronomical day, which l»egius at noon, is divided into twenty-four hours, instead of two parts of twelve hours, and is the mode of reckoning in the official almanac. At Rome, day and night were first divided in time by means of water clocks, an invention made public in 158 B. C. While the Unmans have directly given us the names of the months, we have immediately derived those of the days of the wick from the Saxons. Both among the Bomans, however, anil the Saxon*, the several days were dedicated to the chief national deities, and in the characters rf thfse several sets of national deities there is, in nearly every instance, an obvious analogy and coircspondencc, so that the Bcman mum s of the days have undergone little more than a transla tion. in the Saxon nnd consequently English nam' s. Thus, the first day of Ihi! w<(k is Stiuiiandceg with the Saxons; DicsHolis with the Bomans. Monday is Monau-diicg with the Sax ons ; 1 lies (mine with the Romans. Tuesday is, among the Saxons, Tues daeg— that is, Tuesco's I'ay-—from Tuesco, a mythic person, supposed to have been the (ii -t warlike leader of the Teutonic nations; amoi g the Bo mans it was Dies Martis, Ihe day of Mars, their god of war. The fourth day of the weel: was, among the Sax ons, Woden's diicg, the day of Woden, or Oden, another mythical being of warlike reputation among the northern nations, am! the nearest in character to the Boman god of war. Amongst the Bomans, however, this day was Dies Miircurii, Mercury's Day. The fifth day of the week, Thors-dacg of the Saxons, was dedi cated to their goil Thor, who, in his supremacy over other gods, ami his attribute to the Thunderer, corresponds very exactly with Jupiter, whose day this was (Dies Jovis) among the Bo mans. Friday, dedicated to Venus among the Bomans (Dies Veneris), was named by the Saxons, in lion ir of their corresponding deity (Friga), Frigedaeg, '('lie Inst day of the week took its Roman name of Dies Saturni, and its Saxon appelution of Heater daeg, respectively from deities who approach each other in character. It may lie remarked, that the mod ern German names of the week cor respond tolerably well with the ancient Saxon : Hontag, Sunday ; Montag, Mon day ; Dienstag. Tuesday; Mittwoche, midweek day (thisdoes not correspond, but Godcnstag, which is less used, is Woden's day) Dounerstag, Thursday, (this term, meaning the Thunderer's day, obviouvly corre ponds with Tliors { daeg); Fri itag, Friday; Sainstag or Sonnabend, Saturday (the latter | term means eve of Sunday). The French names of the days of the week, on the other baud, as befits a language , so largely framed on a Latin basis, are : like those of ancient Borne; Dinianehe 1 (the Lord's Day), Lundi, Mardi, Mer ' crcdi, Jetidi, Vendredi, Hamcdi. BUTLER, PA., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1880. .4 BONANZA KING'S PALACE. THE GORGEOUS CALIFORNIA ESTABLISH MENT OF JIM THE BARKEEPER. [From tlie < incimuili CVmirn«'ivial.l San Fh anci sco, Dec. 20. —lanns C. Flood, one of the famous Bonanza quartet, and said to be the prospective father-in law of the son of the man who longeth with a great longing af ter a third term, has nearly completed Lis palatial summer residence at Menlo Park, which is situated in the valley stretching along by the bay, between San Francisco and San Jose. Most of us rejoice if we can pay for twenty-five feet front. This Flood has covered land enough to give thousands of us our four feet and a garden patch besides. He u-ed to keep a little grocery down near the city front, he and Billy O'Brien, the Bonanza jewel, which was taken to its linal setting more than a year airo. The little shop was a favorite place with miners, and as the chain lightning he furnished slip ped down their throats their tongues were loosened, and carefully guarded secrets crept out from their hiding places, and seeing tneir opportunity, slipped off the miners' tongues, taking refuge in the generous ears which the Isle of Erin had furnished to Jim Flood, for he was only Jim, the bar keeper, then. And so he gathered the valuable bits of information which they dropped, along with the other "bits" which rapidly filled his till. By and by Jimmy Hood ami Billy O'Brien "caught the fever," and mani fested more interest in the mines of Nevada than they did in the little grog shop in town. And they bought odd claims from men who had become discouraged and lost their grip, ad ding to them other claims owned by men who were glad to shift to some other quarter. The people talked and said they were a choice pair of fools; that the savings of the little barroom would vanish long before they could strike ore ; that the claims would not pan out well; and soon to the end of the chapter. But these two Irishmen shovelled and blasted until one day the world knew t'.-at, in spite of the croakers, they had struck it rich and were the owners of a large slice of what the world knows as tin? "famous Coinstock Lode." The stock of their mines went up like a shooting star, changing from a few dollars to near hundreds in two Or three days. Cali fornium-; were nearly driven crazy over the sudden stroke of fortune, and gam bling in the shares of these mines made fortunes for a few, and made lieggars and suicides of many. At some point of their adventures James Fair and John W. Maekcy were added to the firm, which waxed rich with marvellous rapidity. How many millions are they worth? I dinna know, nor do I think they can just tell themselves Probably a good many when there are marriage settle ments to make, but only a few when the the tax gatherer passes by. They own a bank with a paid-up cpaital of between ten and twelve millions ; they own a controlling interest in several mines; they own individually large sums in Government securities (Flood's interest from four per cents, amounting to SIBO,OOO per an num ;) they own in Nevada water works, mills, timber lands—everything under heaven they can make a mon opoly and make money out of. They are building a narrow-gauge railroad down tlie coast, and a good one, too ; they are erecting palatial residences in and out of town. Tl"* fact is, they own—well a good deal; among other things, the reputation of making beg gars of more men, w omen, nnd chil dren, through bulling and bearing the stock market, through carefully man aged misrepresentation und distortion of facts than all other causes in I'ali fornia. During the excitement over the Sierra Nevada mining stocks, which in a few days rose from $1 to near S3OO a share, and then dropping to SSO, beggaring many who had staked their all and were carrying on a mar gin, perhaps, James Flood looked back to the rollicking barroom days and thought them his happiest, for an in dignant public felt its lingers itching to grasp the throat of the man who, because lie could not rule, had deter mined to ruin. Mr. Flood has broad, liberal ideas— when "me or my folks" are concerned ; he doesn't like his plclieian neighbors to come too near him ; he doesn't want curious passers-by staring him out of countenance; he hasn't forgotten the "owld ancestral hall iu me native land," when there was— I'urtor uiml kitclinn nn«l pantry A li'l Hi y all ill nil'-. Ami so lie huildcd with a due regard for his elevation from Jim Flood, B. K (which the same means barkeeper,) to James C. Flood, Esq , Bonanza King—alio same B. K.; you sabe 'f He has a house and lot, the latter containing a trifle over 15,000 acres; quite a slick little garden patch, you see, where he can raise sass find things. But it isn't garden seed 1 e's planting—it's money. So he is not leaving nature unadorned, but is just slinging slathers of pretty things all over his lot artificial lakes, serpentine walks, drives which wind about here and there and everywhere, game, pre serves, labyrinths, fountains, terrace walks, bronzes, statuary, and flower gardens fit for fairies to dwell in. Leaving the lot just as Edison's electric light changes the whole scene into fairy land, we will examine the house I hereon. It is of irregular pro portions, the facades being I't'l and 230 feet respectively, with an observa tory 150 feet high. There are turrets and towers, bay windows and oriel windows, a fine purl cochrre, a grand and still a grander enhance, verandas feet wide—in fact, everything which artists could suggest to contrib ute to the grandeur of tlie building. Examining the interior arrange ments, they prove as excellent as those of the exterior, and on the same grand scale. The basement floor is divided into wine cellars, laruers, fuel rooms, and has also the heating and ventilat ing apparatus The ground floor con- tains the grand halls and staircases, the library, dining and billiard rooms, conservatory of music, dancing rooms, reception and drawing rooms, smoking rooms, a butler's pantry twenty feet sipiare, smaller pantries, servants' of fices, Ace. When, on fete nights, the entire Hoor is thrown into one room (as, with the exception of pantries ami servants'offices, it can be) the specta cle will be magnificent indeed. The picture gallery is on the second floor. This room is lighted by hand somely-designed ceiling lights of stain ed glass. The remainder of the second floor is divided into boudoirs, guest chambers, family rooms, dressing apartments, and bath rooms, where oue may luxuriate in the Turkish or Russs'.an process. The thrrd floor is designed to fur nish room for the small army of ser vants necessary to keep the wheels of this fine establishment greased and in running order. Slowly descending from the heights, the mosaic work of the floors, the man tles of various colored marbles, inlaid with onyx, malichite and other costly stones; the l'rcrcoing of the ceilings, the variety of the woods used, the handsome carving and artistic finish of the entire building, is noted. I'assing out through the kitchen, which is formed in one lofty story, open to and ventilated at the roof, the magnificent conservatory is next visited. This is on as grand a scale as the house, and will always furnish choice flowers in sufficient quantities to decorate all the apartments of the mansion. The rarest plants will be cultivated with blossoms dainty enough to adorn either a bride or a B. K Crossing a lawn to sonio distance in the rear, and to the right of" the house, the stables appear. They might be mistaken for the residences of some of the people a trifle less favored than has been James C. Flood, Esq., 15. K., but they are occupied by aristocratic horses, which would sniff the air contemptuously at sight of the steady-going family horse which goes regularly to mill on week days and to meeting on Sunday. There are six teen boxes and stalls, with all the modern appliances for the comfort of the occupants. Private gas and water works supply the entire establishment, and every detail lias been carefully looked after, making this one of the most elegant private residences iu the world. THE WHITE I VAX OF S/E- C III! EN. Describing some curiosities of trade iu China, tlie I'all Mall Gazelle gives a number of interesting facts with re gard to the production of the white wax of Sze-chuen. In the Keen-chang district of that province there grows in abundance the /jiipislruiu luriilum, an evergreen tree with pointed ovate leaves, on the twigs of which myriads of insects spread themselves like a brownish lilin, in the spring of each year. Presently the surface of the twigs becomes in crusted with a white waxy substance secreted by the insects, audit increases in quantity until the latter part of August, when the twigs are cut off and boiled in water. During litis pro cess the wax rising to the surface is skimmed off, and is then melted and allowed to cool in deep pans. By one of those curious accidents which have clone so much to increase the knowl edge of mankind, it was discovered that by transporting Ihe insects bred iu Keen-chaiig to the less congenial climate of Kca-ting Fit, in the north of the province, the amount of wax produced vastly increased. No people more readily discern a commercial ad vantage, or more speedily take advant age of one when unencumbered with political considerations, than the Chi nese; and this singular i fleet of re moving the insects from a congenial climate to one so uncongenial as to prevent, their breeding was eagerly taken advantage of by the Sze-chuen trailers. Travelers by night on the high road between Keen-chang and Kea ting Fu may meet in the spring of th<! year hundreds of wax merchants, each carrying his load of female in sects, big with young, on their way to the wax farms iu Kea ting Fu. The journey is rough and long and a fort night's sun would precipitate the hatching, which should take place after the females have been attached to the trees To the unscientific eyes of Chi namen t lie round pea like female appears to be nothing more than an egg, and this belief is the more excusable since the birth of the young is the signal for the death of the parent, of whose pre vious existence there remains only as evidence an outer shell or hu.-k. Six or seven of these prolific mothers are wrapped in a palm leaf and tied to a branch of the hiyustruni luriilum In a few days swarms of infinitisimally small insects creep forth and cluster ou the twigs of the tree, where they fulfill thei i* mission and pe.ish with its accomplishment in the boiling pot each August. Baron Itichtofen considers the value of the annual crop to be on an average upwards of $3,000,000; ami during last year there was ex ported from the one port of Hankow upwards of SIOO,OOO worth of it. —The only angel ir county officer in heaven is the Recorder of Deeds. —-A great many guns and pistols continue to go off mysteriously, and yet there are plenty left. Ouray, one of the Ute chiefs, has for years received a salary of SI,OOO a year front the Government. ■The Chicago 'Times suggests thai Adam's monument can easily be built if all his relations will chip in Husbands never meet their wives I with "smiles" on the lips; they wipe ' them off' before they get home. —A happy New Jersy parent gave I his three marriageable daughters as Christinas gifts to three expectant. bridegrooms. —The greatest lax payer in the Uni ted States, if not in the world, is Mr. I'dackwell, the North Carolina tobacco manufacturer, who pays a tax of $520,- j 000 a year THE GHE A T CANAL. THE CLANS AND POSSIBILITIES OF AN AMERICAN COMPANY—ESTIMATED COST OF ROCTES. The following statement of Admiral Aniinen is regarded as a complete ref utation of statements made by certain parties whom it appears are anxious to throw every possible impediment in the way of an American company ob taining a concession from the Govern ment of Nicaragua, for the purpose of constructing a ship-caual through that country : Washington, Jan. 2, 1880. —For the purpose of giving those interested in the inter-oceanic ship canal a suc cinct idea of what seems likely to pro mote, and what seems likely to pre vent its construction, at least by an American company, I make the follow ing statement: For some extraordinary reason the Isthmus of Tehauntepee is again pre sented as a possible line of canal con struction, and a survey of it is again proposed. Yet we know that it has a summit level of 7~>t feet and will re quire 140 locks, or .leren times the number of the Nicaragua canal; it has a line of actual excavation of 144 miles, or more than double that re quired on the Nicaraguan line, and it has a proposed dredgingof a river sub ject to floods for a distance of 35 miles. It has also to draw its water by a feeder 27.} miles long, requiring a dam 80 feet high to get the necessary do nation, having four tunnels aggregating 30 miles, and then a deficient water supply. By report of Engineer Fuertes, page 20 of Tehauntepee Survey, under Capt. Shufeldt, the river Corti at point A, map No. 2, is given at 1,018 cubic feet per second; exactly the quantity required for the alimentation of the canal as given on page 31. All of the available streams were found to yield 2,113 cubic feet |»er second, or 4!)2 feet more than required. He es timates the loss in the feeder through filtration, evaporation, etc., at 550 cubic feet jier second, thus making the delivery amount to 1,564 feet per second, making a deficiency of 55 cu bic feet per second. On page 31 he cites two examples of feeder losses; that of St. Prive, 20,- 000 feet long, loses three-fourths of its water. If loss at the same rate should occur no water would reach through the seventh mile, in the example ol the feeder of Boulet, which is 56,000 feet long, if loss at the same rate should occur, the water would not reach through the fourteenth mile. In th" first case the water would reach one-fourth the length of the proposed feeder, and iu the second case it would reach one-half of its length. He states, however, that the nature of the soil along the Corti, or proposed feeder from it, is well calculated to prevent filtration; but in giving the different sections along the feeder lie mentions that some portions of the cut ting and tunnelling is in "shale and drift" or "humus ami loose earth." In the fifth division there is a tunnel two miles long, which, he says, "can be easily excavated," the ground be ing very soft. On some portions of the feeder he states the formation to be clay, sandstone, marble, and com pact limestone. There are numerous proposed dams for the interception of small streams crossing the line ; an acqueduct 1,200 feet long, throughout several miles of its course the feeder is raised above the natural surface, a condition favoring a large loss through filtration. The cost of locks at the same esti mate of the Nicaragua route would be $50,000,000 ; of actual excavation, $15,000,000; of feeder on Panama route—none being required via Nica ragua $25,000,00(1; then the excava tion of the Catzaeraleos river for 135 miles would sum up probably $5,000,- 000, the estimated cost on the upper San J.ian, and $5,000,000 more as in Nicaragua, for harbors, presenting the same difficulties, making a total of $130,000,000. The Commission appointed by the President of which I was a member, instead of adopting the estimate of the engineer to cover contingencies on the Nicaragua route, through it ne cessary to double the estimate, and that, too, where building materials of all kind were abundant and convenient. There is still great reason to double the estimates of the Tchiinatcpce route, making it $2(10,000,000, and that too, as is shown u illmut a water supply adequate at h ast during the dry sea son. Another survey cannot materially change the summit level already de termined ; it cannot change the length of the canal ; it cannot add to the water supply without an increase in the estimate ; it cannot by any means change the relative disadvantages which unhappily exist in its compari son with Nicaragua. What then is the purpose, what the object of a sur vey '{ Certainly there is not the faint est hope of those who are informed that the conditions will be found ma terially diliereiit from the ab'ive state ment, whatever the assertion may be. The Niciiragua route has in canali zation HI / miles; the remainder is either lake or slackwator navigation iu a river not subject to floods; the water supply is 20 times more than could be used in lockage ; the summit level of the canal 107 feet, and of the divide between the oceans 150 feet. The cost of the canal, as estimated by the civil engineer, without an allow ance for contingencies, was $52,000,- 000, and the cost tint Iby the Com mission, $100,000,000. The Panama route was carefully located at the request of the commis sion, and a line located at an eleva tion of 123 feet above the ocean which will probably require an increase of four or live feet as shown by the floods of last November. The cost of the last, named route on a common bus s for labor and materials with Nicaragua was more than 50 per cent, greater, and will, in fact, cost more than double to execute the work. It would doubtless be interesting to the public and advantageous to have the two la«t named routes passed over iby able engineers with the instru ! mental survey in hand, to approximate the relative cost of execution. To in ' elude the Tcbauntepcc route would Is ti« include what is siiuplv impossible of execution by reason of the various conditions above named. The object could not be to hope to make a canal there, but simply to prevent its execu tion elsewhere. At this time there arc in Nicaragua two European parties who are asking a concession. In March last one was agreed upon to M. Hluuchet, and only lucked one vote iu the Senate to con firm it. The problem then is, shall we place no obstacle in the way of an American Company, and thus probably enable it to secure a grant with the idea of only permitting tolls that would !>e liberally remunerative, or, shall we place these obstacles in the way, and certainly throw the concession into the hands of Europeans and allow them to impose their proposed tolls upon us? They may very well say that we are not compelled to pass through the canal, it is simply optional whether we go that way or via. Cape Horn. We cannot very well propose to dic tate what these tolls shall he, at least, unless we do so in advance of the grantingofa concession by Nicaragua, and even then it would seem some what pretentious in view of our in ability to support such a demand either in reason or by material force. I may add that the commission aft pointed by the President in 1872, which sent in its report in lS7fi, had all of the information thought neces sary respecting all the region involved. In short, the only two routes worth looking at are Panama and Nicaragua, and they only to establish the relative approximate cost of execution. DANIEL AMMRN, Rear Admiral IT.l T . S. Navy. LETT BUS PA TEST. HOW AND IN WHAT MANNER THEY CAN BE TAKEN OUT. In this age of improvements and in ventions tho subject of patents is of great interest. The laws which gov ern patents are among the most im portant on the statute books looking to the protection of industries, as they grant inventors, their heirs and as signs, the exclusive right for a speci fied period to new discoveries and in ventions of a n>>vel and useful charac ter. Every invention or discovery, to be patentable, must possess the merit of either novelty or utility. A patent will not lie granted to an applicant for an article discovered and invented by unother, but inventors will not preju dice their rights by allowing a public sale of that invention for two years before applying for a patent, and a valid patent will not be issued in case this use extends over a longer period. A "prior invention" does not hold go >d if the party has simply conceived the idea of the thing patented ; it is neces sary that it should be reduced to a practical form or complete invention before a claim can lie established. Whoever rcston s an abandoned or lost art or invention may obtain a patent for it. An invention patented in a foreign country can receive a patent in the United States, if it has not been in public use two years prior to the appli cation, but the American patent will not continue Ijoyond the time granted by the foreign patent. In determining whether tin invention is new it is only necessary to ascertain if it is different from anything previously patented. In deciding the question of novelty it is necessary to decide whether an inven tion is really novel, or whether it con sists iu a double or analogous use of something already known. For in stance, a patent will not be issued to a person who first applies to railroad cars a kind of wheel previously used for other conveyances. Neither can the discovery of a principle, a natural law, scientific truth, or property of matter be a subject of a patent Hilt whoever makes a new and useful application of any of these things by embodying the principle of the law iu mechanism, or describing a new process by which the discovery may be of practical utility, may obtain a patent for his invention, which consists not in the abstract prin ciple, but in its practical application. Persons wishing to obtain letters patent usually apply to a solicitor of patents or attorney, and furnish him with a model of the invention desired to be patented, except in cases of de signs, compositions, and processes. The petitioner takes oath that lie be lieves hiuiHclf to be the original and first inventor of the invention, and that, to his knowledge, it has not been known or used before. Accompanying this petition ami oath must be a model of the invention if the case will admit of it, with drawings and ► petrifications. The application must be signed by the inventor unless he is dead, when it must be signed by his executor or ad ministrator. The specification is a full description of the invention, in writing, and the manner ami pi of making and using it. The description is fol lowed by the claim, iu which the ap plicant must particularly specify the part, improvement, or combination which lie claims as his own invention and discovery. Where there arc draw ings tin specification must refer by let ters and figures to the different parts. In the case of 11 imposition of mat ter, specimens of the composition aud of the ingredients sufficient iu iput'i tity for the purpose of experiment must accompany the application. The chief objects of the specifica tions arc to make known the precise nature of the invention, ami to en able the public from the specification itself to practice the invention after the expiration of the patent. The ob ject of the claim is to lix with accuracy the extent of what is claimed as new. It is sometimes fatal to u claim to call an invention a machine when it is a process, aud it is of the utmost im portance to the inventors that the specifications arc plain. The petition, oath, model, specification, drawing, etc., are forwarded to the Patent Of fice at Washington by the solicitor or attorney The fateut Offlce, atj those ADVERTIfIIKU KATEN, One oqnare. ouo insertion, ?1 : each subuo •]ue>:t insertion, 50 cents. Yearly advertisements exceeding one-fourth of a column, ♦& ncr inch. , Figaro work double these ratee: _Jditional charges where weekly or monthly changes are made. I.ocal advertisements 10 cents per line for lii>t insertion, ami 5 eontH per line for each additional insertion. Mairiage* and u«.aths pub lishod fiee of charge. Obituary notices charged as advertn-em-'iitM. ai:d payable when handed in Auditors' Notices. $4 : Executors' and Adminis trators' Notices. *3 oacli; Kntray, Caution aiu' Dissolution Noticed, not exceeding ten lines, each. From the fact that the CITIZKX is the oldest established and mowt extensively circulated lie publican neuspaprr in Itutler county, (a Kepul. iica.ii county) it must I* a|>; >areiit to business men that it in the medium they should use in advertising tlietr business. NO. 8 who have seen it are well aware, is one of the mo.st notable buildings in the Nation's capital, as it is one of the most important. Here art- preserved all records, books, models, drawing*, specification?, etc., pertaining to pat ents. The office is under the sii|»er visionof llit* Secretary of the Interior, but the Commissioner of Patents is the chief in charge of the office. The officers consist of a Commissioner, As sistant Commissioner and three exaut iners-in-chief, besides one chief clerk and examiner in charge of interfer ences, and a host of primary examin ers. These primary-examiners ore men versed in some special department of mechanics, etc., and models, drawings, specifications, etc., are given to them for examination, with due reference to their special qualifications. If an applicant is dissatisfied with a decision, he can be heard bv the board of examiners-in-chtef. and then, if still dissatisfied, before the Commissioner on appeal. Appeals from the Commis sioner can be taken in ail cases, except interferences, to the Supreme Court. Where an inventor is not ready to file » complete specification, and desires further time, but wishes to secure his right, he can file a caveat, which will be placed in the secret archives of the Patent Office; and if there be any ap plication within a year for anything which appears to interfere with his claim, he shall have notice, and may appearand prove priority; and by a second caveat he may renew it for another year. Patents can bo pro cured in foreign countries, and a great many are taken out in England, Can ada, France, Belgium and Germany. The Patent Office in Washington is more than self-supporting, and to-day is said to have at least $1,000,000 to its credit. Last year there were 20,2<>0 applicants for patents, and 12,:5.">4 pat ents were granted, besides I,4;V"> trade marks and 4112 labels. Of the patents, s:i2 were held for the final payment of dues. The cost of obtaining a patent is usually about sixty dollars, twenty five dollars of this amount being the fee of the solicitor, aud the balance is paid at the Patent Office. The State receiving the largest number of patents per capita last year was Nevada, but usually the order is as follows : Massa chusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, and the District of Colum bia. It is to be e.\|»ected that Massa chusetts and Connecticut will stand at the head of the list. The intuitive ingenuity of the Yankee is constantly designing something new and exploring the labyrinths of science and art in its efforts to 'lighten the labors of man, and it will he a long time before he can be ousted from his position at the head of designers and inventors.—Boston (Hobe. UTILIZATION OF SAWDUST. |('or«»«pon<lenco Scientific American.] In your issue of December 111, 1 no ticed ah article under the title, "Inven tion wanted to utilize sawdust." It is here a well known fact that sawdust, by itself alone, has been suc cessfully used for producing potatoes. For this purpose it is only necessary to lay on the open ground, in rows of two or three feet apart, the potatoes that are to be planted, aud cover the same with a bed of sawdust (say) from six to twelve inches thick. If the sea son is in the least favorable it will be astonishing how this method of cul ture will prove satislnctory. Another method, which I think preferable, is to prepare the soil by plowingaud pulver izing, to open furrows two or three feet apart, to put in said furrows a four inch layer of sawdust, on this lay the potatoes that are to bo planted, cover ing them with another layer of saw dust. and over this a layer of soil. Sawdust can be used with advantage about fruit trees. Mixed with the soil it enriches the latter, and placed on its surface it maintains moisture and pre vents the growth of many troublesome weeds. In vegetable gardens it does also very well, especially around cab bage plants. Sawdust will rot as soon as any other vegetable matter, according to the species of wood from which it nafes. Mixed with the soil it keens the latter more mellow. An application of suwdust, sav of three cart loads to the acre, during four years, over the poor est land and plowing, and cultivating same each vear, will render it the most fertile. * A. D. MARTIN. WKATIIKII PREDICTIONS. Mr. C, C. Itlnkc, of Decatur, 111., who has gained considerable celebrity for his accurate calculations in regard to the weather, gives the following as his horoscope for the mouth of October, and from that time on to March, 1HH0: October, IH7o—Will be quite warm and showery. November, IH7I hardly know what to sav about I his month; my cal culations make it a sort of "chopped sea'' a conglomerate mixture of all sorts of went her, but not very cold. December, |M7'.» Will be like No vember "only more so." It will bo warm, wet and disagreeable—cold snaps will be short and sharp. .limitary, I**o—Will be rather warm, wet and inuddv, part of the time. There will be some cold weather, but no steady cold weather. February, IHHo—Will be much like January a considerable amount of ruin ami snow and a moderate amountof cold weather. March, I**o Will be changeable; rather wet, especially in the middle of the month, and only moderately cold. The winter of iHT'.i so will l»c warm and wet, with a few cold simps of lim ited duration; but it will be colder than the winter of 1*77 -7*. It will be a changeable, peculiar and rather disa greeable winter. So far this weather prophet has hit it pretty well, The New 11 it ven Hnjmlr.r says there i» it dcllciousncss about clinging to the bed in the morning, and a man who delilterately rises very early should be lined #.'• and costs for not knowing how to lie good to himself. Muthorskite Kearney is in Wash ington Unfortunately he is not the I oply bJitheftfklt'' in <h»f Htv.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers