THE CURABILITY OF CON SUMPTION. The popular belief iu the fncurahil itv of consumption now peenis to he on the road to complete overthrow. This change in sentiment has not been brought about by any new method in treatment, nor has there been a per ceptible enlargement in the number of the now living, who can claim that they have had, and that thev have re covered from this disease; but the evi idence upon which the revision in opinion is based, is even more conclu sive than that which could by any pos sibilitv be obtained from cither of these two sources. It is simply this, that pout mortem examination* have rc vr-aled the fact that pulmonary phthisis is a complaint of much greater fre quency than bus been commonly sup posed, and that multitudes of people have had the disease and have been practically cured of it, who have never so much as suspected the cause of their niness. In a series of examinations made some time since at the hospital at Edinburgh, it was found that the lungs of not less than one-third of those who died when over forty years of age were in a condition that could be ac counted for no other way than by the supposition than at some period in their lives consumption had existed, and had afterward been checked or cured. Portions of the lungs had been destroyed, but the cavities formed had been healed by the contraction and adhesion of their walls, or the dis integrated substance had been shnt in by the formation of a fibrous tissue. In the records of pout mortem examina tions at the Salpetriere Hospital at Paris, a similar experience is found, ex cept that in this case the age was ad vanced to sixty years and over, and of this class more than one-half were shown to have suffered from consump tion at some period in their lives. There may be nothing new in this to well informed medical men, but to the non-professional reader the information cannot fail to be reassuring. The dis ease is to a great extent hereditary, and there arc doubtless many people who every now and then are visited by the gloomy thought that they are liable at any time to fall victims to this deadly inheritance. If these can be made to believe that they have al ready passed through the ordeal, a supposition which, in the majority of cases, would probably be a true one, no slight addition will be made to the sum total of buman happiness. A COLORED man who had contracted a debt some years ago with one of our merchants came to town yesterday and called on his creditor. "Didn't you 'gplain to me dat if I settled dat account you would give me a 'lowance ?" said the darkey to the merchant. "Yes, I did say so, Sam," said the merchant. "If you are ready to settle your bill pow I will make a good allow ance," and the merchant waited for the colored individual to pull out his pocket book. ' Well, sir, I hasn't got de money jes' now, but I thought I'd come in and get de 'lowance; my wife wants a shawl." THE disease known as "mad itch," is really erysipelas, which is an inflam mation of the skin, accompanied with fever. In cattle the disease usually efTects the head and neck, and the irri tation is so violent as to excite frenzy in the animal. The cause is a diseased condition of the blood, which may arise from malaria, impure water, indigesti ble food, or from contact with diseased matter with open sores or wounds. The treatment is to clear the system with cooling purgatives, doses of sixteen ounces of Epsom salts are usually given, and to use antiseptic medicines, as hyposulphite of soda, in one ounce doses, continued for some weeks. The diseased skin may be washed with a solution of sulphate of zinc (white vit riol), one drachm to a ouart of water. —Out of season—An empty pepper box. —Thieves work on abstract princi ples. —Never keep a chalk account with a milkman. —The fancy penman's business is flourishing. —Women's silence is like gold— very scarce. —A petrified body indicates that a man is stone dead. —Flat irony—Knocking a man down with a railroad spike. —A deal of money has been made on the ryes in whisky. —"Up one day and down the next— The weights of a clock. —The greatest boon to the nnirnal kingdom—The baboon. —Were the dead languages killed by being studied too hard ? —The best way to snub a man of of doubtful credit is to take no noto of him. —The thin man who has fieen fat knows what it is to live in reduced circumstances. —lt must have been very slippery weather when the prodigal returned, a.4 it is recorded that the old man "fell on his neck." —"I alius takes things as they come," remarked the tramp, as he lifted the apple pie that had been left out of doors to cool. —"Py schiminy, how dat poy does study de langwidgcs!" is what a de lighted elderly German said when his four-year-old son called him a blear eyed son of a saw-horse. —A gentleman Iraveling in Ireland said to a very importunate beggar, "You've lost all your teeth." The beggar quietly answered, "An' its time I parted with 'ein, when I'd nothin' for 'ein to do." —When little Washington said to his pa, "I cannot tell a lie," the old gentleman turned pale with astonish ment and grief. "Why, you young rascal," he exclaimed, "that's the big gest one yet." —"lf Lincoln had not died," ex claimed a political orator, "what would he have been to-day ?" "Alive!" sadly ventured a timid-looking man on a back seat, and the tide of elo quence was momentarily checked. —"I wonder how the world will get along without me, when I am gone!" said a conceited man. "Well," responded a friend, "I'll tell you how you can get an id«a of it. You just go and stick the point of a needle in the ocean and withdraw it, and see how much its missed!" N 10 W I; BOOT: SHOE STCIR I 1> I «» BLOCK, t t Main Street, - - - - Butler, Pa. _______ 1 Se.-s.-a.fflT Has received his entire stock of Fall and Winter BOOTS and SHOES. As I have an annsuallv lanre anil attractive stock of 800 TS & just opening, embracing all the newest style-', I invite the attention and close scrutiny of buyers. Men's Kip and Calf Boots very cheap. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Button, Polish and Side Lace Boots in endless variety, and at bottom prices, j Reynolds Brothers' celebrated fine Shoes always in stock. Parties wanting BOOTS & SHOES made to order can do no better than by me, as I keep none but the best of workmen in my employ. I also keep a large stock of LEATHER and FINDINGS. |Cgr"*All goods warranted as represented. A L. It Pl* 8* « CARPETS! OIL CLOTHS! MATS! RUGS! STAIR RODS a; KEW STOCK! NTBOT STOCK! > H r: | HECK & PATTERSON S p j NEV CABPET 8008 ! P NOW OPEN! g Qti® Doop South af Qlothlng House, b Duffy'* sSlo<;k, »*pt2o-tf Butler. Pa. 3 ISdOHHIYXS iSfXIH iSMVW iSH.LUTO r IIO iSlflciaVO THE WHITE Sewing I^acnike THE BEST Of Unrivaled in Appearance, Unparalleled in Simplicity, Unsurpassed in Construction, Unprecedented in Popularity, And Undisputed in the Broad Claim or arma tmi VEKY BEST OPERATING fiVICBCST SEtWSG, HANOeOXEST, AWD Most Perfect Sewing M&okine IS THE WOULD* TIM arast popularity of the WhHa !s ihe motl con- Mnelng tribuu to If* excel'ence and superiority ovtr other machines. and in submitting It to the trade we put It upon Its merits, and in no Instancs ha* It eser yet failed to satltfy anyrecommendation In Its tavar. Tha demand tor tha Whita hat Increased to such an ax tent that aia ara now compelled to turn out JL Canpltto S«-wrt*ie *<«au=lil»» arvmry anali%-j.t»» In t3a* 4»3r to a-vxpyJy tlio dLexxMuaa.l Every imehlna It warranted tor 3 years, and sold tor e- ah at liberal discounts, or upon easy payments, to suit tha convenience o! customers. WAOWIB WA««J~iw~UWOCCt»?I*I> tKKTSST. WHITE SEWINQ~MACHINE CO.. Nt 368 Euclid Avs., Cleveland, OMa. VO.V JoiIXNO.7, Ajjt'nt. Offltu nt Volley'* Bakery, , ecptß-Om BUTLER, PA. Don't You Do Itt DON'T BE SO FOOLISH AS TO BUY AN OLD STYLE Sewing Machine, No in filter how treat lift name, or tiow loud Its prctrfifioiiK, when lor li as money jon can ({ft The Beat Invented n* well n* The Latent Improved, i TUP. SELF THREADING ; Dauntless! The only Mat-blue made which lias ~ r Shuttle, Take- U/> and Tensions Entirely Self- Threadirnj. The DAUNTLESS also make* I lie most pi rfect Jx»'k-Btit< h, ha* the mom Intr nions sepn rstle Bobbin-Winder, lar/;e»t Arm Space and Wide Feud, Hri plext Mi thaii ' lam, moat atyllah Furniture, and Handsomest Plating and Ornamentation In the Market. | It Sews Anything ! U Beat* Ev< rythlnjr!! It Pleasce Everybody ! ! ! 1 ipyriewlmf Machine Dealer* everywhere will ' find It to their interest to order Ihe Dnuntleae, ' and i(i l Factory Price*. For terra#, terrliory, j X<\, apply to The Dunntle** Meiiufiicturliiic ' Com puny, Norwalk, 'Jlil'J, or to I L. 11. BLAGLE, Jylfl Hin Eaat Brady, Clailon Co., Pa. Wtxtbeic Citi***: J§a*l**r, |l*.t 3hmw**T| X, tSB(L h h.ii it will co ftithout Basting Tt will sew orcr unoro euriaces as well as 1 11 v.-m tew over ae.-ims In any unrmenl, without n allnclCßgCV short sttlch », breaking of thread, I rptulrerlDJf the livingof thecnoda at the »c:un, rxjuirimt.oa»tstance from Ihe ojicrator, cxiej.t to mn t'*o wsch'.ie an«l to guide tho work.' \ p.fitit which no other mn< Nine puncme*. lti«th*oniy practical machine lor hemming bit* »!•»■ i i«, poplin*. niu'lins, and other c«k!*w Ile-ut 1 :•* re, and it la Iho only mat hi no In Ihe W.JI it that * i.l turn a wide hem errors the t-r.-d • f a aheet without fulling the under or upper Selo of Ih ; hem. --- , l'. i/!!l lurna hern and scwin nlold stonooper nt»tvl'l do feltlnc, l-'aa or rtra!;;l:t, on any cotton It vl 1 It'll arrona peamson any row's. It v HI hind di t-as (' 'ids with ll osamo or < iher matf-i-.1, ti'.hcr scallopa, pointa, Mjuarefc or wtthret sbowtos the atltchea, and sow rn at liieaeaie I me. It w''l P'it '-a drciw braid andtowi i fatlnjft and a rU ne np< ration. * Ithoiit drawing eifli»Ttheaeam at the «am« lime. Hrlllplhir wl'.hnntaswtngo". It wlllgalher ar l r \7 on 11 Ihe- •ame time. 11 will j*al lier l>etWsen two banda, showing the tfcheaon l!tor:cht side, at one opera! lon. It v. ill makoand aew a rnflto on any part of a <• Hsklrt, and WW on a hlaa fold for heading at c operation, ahowlug the atltches on tho right * It wtll pethcr ar.d rrwrti a blind with piping l.r'wccn r.iffloaid hand, at of.o o[>cratii n. It will row a hand and rufileon adr' »e arlrt, rtilchlng In |.lpli:g at hood of hau l, at one opcr- L iTw'tt rneke plaited trimming either straight or eeillnpe I. . „ , Mike plaited trimm'ng either ecallnrwd or ''rauht and aew r>n a imud, and edf;e stitch tho li -d, nt on" operation. It wli' one operation for earh Tenetr, trilhonl l#>ting. execute•.:! praclh el \ ar'eli'-s < f rufllto;'. twelve more t' au cn !*• prmloce I «.ii env other in xhiuewilh tha arnne number of oprntle-nn. It dues not change lencth of ctltrh on i- roii w rk. . 11pew* from Iftro to le«ther without ng t••hrb '-r fenntoo Kverf m»chln« l« for flfe tres. i inn tr" , » Ik- k(*r*f '*i ret arn li«© «>f finite to ti»© pur - - or. ft \ I.E HY— • "1 . Grrieb, ni TLKR, PA. I Sate iSay and Uvei^ire u In W'irld lur 31, ivlu'. filwnw, I niitbi't'**, i«nfl tl.l. 14l«liir*, Mvfr, and T« Htlriioui»i:.Hor fir* hlghost ordor In proof of the-«<» etuteiniMitJ*. r ' For tli * nire «»f rail for War mrr*m ttnfe i-m l ure. *■ ft For tho euro of nn«l Iheoth^r *»eit ||]»*>«! I*c«rlfJor. nrirl fttimulnto* ovi-ry fnnetlofi *o mor* l»* •Ithful action, and Is thus li benefit In nil (Unfit < <4. It r uif"* Nfrnfoloa*! «n«J «»t hr>r Mkl>« Y",na|>- HIM) fiis«*a*e< iin luU.ii.j ('ituctm, t>l frn, »iii'l other Nurm. l),T«p«>|Mln, WfnkiifM of Ihf Rlomfirli, l<»ia, h17,/iiif«H, Urnri'sil lli hll ll.r, eto., nroenre 1 by tho Huti- Billrrn. it Is iifiof|tntlor! mm an npp« t z*»ran?l r» tonb*. I».)ttles of two ilxes ; priret. MN*. uml WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Q lirklv i;Iv0*1 VU**tt mi»l Rlffp t»» th«SuflV*rh»f, rur*»«i il«Mul.t« ltc Atitl KnaaiilKls, prt-ventn I pllopf If* liu, Hint relieves Nrnoitt Pro»- tmll«i n f»n by exc*«*Kv|vo drink, over work, mental shocks, and other eatises. Powerful fis It Is to stop pain and soothe dls tnr»K'd Nerves, It n»*ver Injtires tho nynt«*m t whothor taken in mnnil or largo dose*, itottles of two Hiz>, Ac., the public are solicited to give me a call. All mv stock is iu fint-el&es order, and per sons wishing to hire will be accommodated oil the moot reasonable termi- and at the shortest notice. [oc22-3m] OEOKOE BAUER. Livery, Feed and Sale HTAI fLK, {':inningli:im St., neir Heinetnan's Bookstore, CUTLER, PA. A '.irge unaiber of firai-cI.iM litr" nnd liortes nhv.ivc <>t: hand, iiorces fed at reasona ble rates. Horoca bought and sold. DAVID CUPFS, PROPBIETOB. igy Persons desiring ci nveynnce by the Buss c ii tare their orders at this stable. jnl\3otl _ It. n. ( OCHRA*, Livery, Sale, Feed and Exchange STABLE, Rear of Dowry House, - - BUTLER, PA. june4-ly It-. -,ts Over 800 agents are nowmakln? irnm (• I to -15 a day. fiend stamp for particulars. Addrca* AU:.NT.i' HLiiYLD, Bos H. Philadelphia, Pa. FREE GIFT! Address AGENTS' lllilt.VLD, Lox IS, Hiiladclp:;! •. AGENTS! READ THIS! We v. ;!l ray Age. '■ 1 a *"'- r y or o!!o\v *■ larne com c;hslon la sell o * new and woiidoriul In* vulioni, Vic iiicun what we my. ty hanin'o free. AGEViV i : I; x B, Philadelphia, Pa. IPCUTC ' rr.llt :; h< »t.i; d (kutert-iellliif Audi I O pictorial Subscription Dooka .... mjrrrv fa & Bible*. l.ou no time , as the WAII 1 1J demand la H.vp'.y irrunfnf, and ter ritory being i-p!d!y tnkcu. Will ouWfll mir othc r bcX«. Vhe great, t opportunity ever off. red to pcrte. h out of employment or who de §lre to r.dJ t • t ' -r Income by enn 'gins in nn *'" n " oraTiZe r.:.d i>:-olital>2o bnnlness. I"r.ces re duce dfro:a i)S»M> 1 rcent. Addroaa AGE., i i* HERALD, Box B, 1 hlladelpUa, Pa.__ fPW vrWO Waro at Munuhc- J3JLA.7 af £s£a turera'CoiitPrlcea. The nttrr wort'ileaanon of the Bluff aovcrtirtcd hy a r.amber cf Cms In ?:ew York, Cincinnati and Boston.cotn ryU the v.orld-renownedTremont Spoon Co of 1'! i adcSnhla. to cfT. r < very one sample scti of ttalr Ve y Best Warn at prices much lower than any j-welerpayi f irtaem at wholesale. Wo make tMs offer for a short time simply to Introduce ocr "Hone" and "Olive" Brands Plated Ware se:,t at following rates: 'iVa (Trns, d >z.; Tul;'c«poorn, $2.00; Fork', f..00; Bu-.ter Knives, f1.75; ST" Shells, $1.3; Pl-tci! Btcel Knlvi s, SS.'.i: Tipped «rrman Silver TaMespnnuii, £2.75; 'lraspoons, sl.£o; plain ii. K. Table?;*ma*, Si.SO; Teaspoons, {1.40. G -.ds sent prepaid oa receipt of money or '"'KEXIONT KPOOX CO.. Box B, Philadelphia. F.\ § Sample by Hull For 25 feats. Titer are made just like any pood Caster, irood llrl tiiuiiU l!etal,irood (lint* god Bottle*. K»ery Anent can easily sell 25 gross of theaa perfect Toys, hrfors Christmas. JnU tlm article for ConnterSlores, Agents nml Street men. 1 d<>- ze.i by Expressfl .iO. 1 gron hy Kxpres* $'4.00. Be also have a Coll npslii* Cap, w jlch telcsropes tujtettacr and car be carried la Ve»t Pocket. Saaiple liy Mali Hoc. I duiea by K*j»ress sliJ, 6 KEAt.RKH in Bough and Planed Lumber OK EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS, Patent Moulded Weatherboarding. FLOORING, SIDING, ,BATTH 'S BRACKETS urn! S-.roll Sawing of every description Gauged Cornice Boards, Cornice Moulding PORCII I'O.STS, STAIR RAILS, Newell Posts and Balusters FENCE, PALINGS, Ac., Ac. MICHIGAN SHINGLES, IJnrn Hoards; Plastering Lnth ; llen> lock Hill Stuff, such as Joint Raf ters, Scantiinc. Ac., all sizes constantly on hand. ALSO, RIG STUFF AND TANK STUFF lor oil wells. All of which we will sell on reaHonable terms ind guar antee satisfaction. PLANING MILL AND YARD Nnitr tirrmnn Cutliolle Cliurcli .TanH., 1H77. Iv 15. lloeHwiiij;', |Hnocemw>r to A. C. Boesaing A Bro.) DEALER IN Groceries, GRAIN, FLOUR, FEED, OIL, —AND— Anthracite Coal. THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID IN FOR GRAIN OF ALL KINDS. •epftf liavc a FARM or Village IX)T, requiring ftSV » J j'|V $2,000,000,000 1 ( TTO nouMtnd Million T)ollnv nre expended in FENCING. T'> fence oar ncv Wrxtem plant WOOD, g f.irniailing better. Cheaper, and Inrttng Kenee». a The 30ih Volume of :lir Amerienn Agrleul- \ turlMt (for 19*1) now beginning, will pive very mncii Information a'-out new Fcncinc. with many Kngravinca. iThe Number for !>*;:. l»t lias *4l engrain** " f Barbed Fencing, and mucli iiitereit hvs matter. Sent post-paid lor 15 rent*.) rW To every one Interested In FENCING for n FARM, or Village I,OT, Hie 3titli Volume of tbe American Ayi'lculturUt will he worth Ave time*. If not a hundred times, Its oi.iall cost. ( ntJT, besides the above Important feature, the American Agriculturist will glte a very great amount of Useful, Practical, Reliable Information—for the Farm, the Garden, and II«uaeliold (Children Included)-and over MOO Original KiiKi-avintfi, Illustrating Lubor-tatina, Laborhflplng contriv ances# Animals, Plants, Frnltg and Flower*. Farm Buildings, and many other Picture* Instrucilvcand pleasing to Old and Young.—lt Is useful t) ALL In City, Village, and Country. Its constant exposures of Hl'>l HrG!*. which have saved to Its readers many Millions of Dollars, will be continued vigorously. For these alone the American Agriculturist should be In every family, no matter how many other Journals are taken ; also for lis Special Information and Ita multitude of pleasing and useful Engravings In which It far excel* all other tlmilar Journal*. TKHMS (postageprepaid).-|l.Wayear. Four copies, IS. Single numb rs, 15 cen's. (On* speci men only, for two 8-cent stamps.) er Over 1200 Valuable Premium Artlclea anil Book* arc offered to those getting up cluln. Premium List sen' on receipt of " cents postage. ORANGE COMPANY, Publishers. 343 Broadway, New Yorlc. ■ii »i«— —ii mi* in—r»"— nin I PnOVEIIBS. 9 "Sour Rtomaeli, T>ad breath, inrticention and headache t:isiiy cured by Hop Hitters. "Study Hop Bit ters lxit>k«i,u!«c the med icine, bo Aviso, lu ullhy ai.'l Luppy." "When life is a drnc;. and you have lost all ho]>c, tiy Hop Bitters." " KMru-y and n r inary trouble is univcr- [ sal, and the only safe ami sure remedy )3 Hop Bitters—rely ouii." " Hop Bitters does rot exhaust nn 1 des troy, but restores and liuikts new." "A^ T ne, Biliousness, d <>w=incs«, Jaun- j dice, Hop Bitters l ci.iuv. s easily. "Boils, Pimples, Frerkles, IJough Bkin, [ eruptions, i;npuro blood, Hop B:itei"scurc. "Inactive Kidneys and Urinary Orgmis | cause the woist of'diseases, UIKI 1I«>p IJit tei'B cures them aii." •'More health, sunshine and j>>y in Ilopl Bitters than in all other remedies." | Hop Cough Cure and Pain Reliof isV the best. | rOK BALM BT A LI. l>l:t OOIKTS. | E. GKIEB, DEALER IN FINE I Watches, Clocks, Jewe!ry, SILVER WARE, SPECTACLES, &C. ENGRAVING OF ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY. MAIN STREET, (North of Lowry House,) BUTLER. PA. KW* WATCHES AND CLOCKS REPAIRED, AND WARRANTED. -«i DR. R. I. WILSON'S PILLS. (■t-OAB-OOATICD.) Wo Kuariuitw ttiniu iflcnrs HEADACHE In <*v«*ry liiHtuncf; HIHO, rn T- »»F Nfoiniu'H IIIMI IIOWCIK, If ftllKhtly linllniMWcl.liuloni'or twonJllmir® ntH'f *utry to airoril iilmiwi liuni salute r«- ilPl IH»V#t Oinhj tried, you will nt*v<*r do without tlicm. Fh1.1»«*•*!«»<• k llro*., f'it.t»lMir||h. Ifyour DRUXTFUF plß-1y B. C. HUSELTON Will continue to sell for the next THIRTY DAYS, his entire stock of BOOTS & SHOES ! JL T Old Prices! TRICES THAT WILL SURPRISE YOU ! / Boots and Shoes have advanced 25 per cent., hut you will recollect no advance on Roots and Shoes at R. C. HITS ELTON'S as long as this present stock remains. Now is the time for BARGAINS. Do not put off buying, • hut moke your purchases at once, as this stock is being rapidly closed out at© "V"ery Low Prices! An enormous stock of Men's, Boys' and ouths' Kip an 1 Calf Boots, Women's, Misses' and Children's Kip" and Calf Shoes. Old Ladies' Warm Shoes a specialty. An elegant stock of Slippers for the Holidays. Large stock Button and Side-Lace Shoes, all kinds. All of this stock is very prime, and will warrant all goods to be just as 1 represent them. I don't sell Split Leather for Chicago Kip. Customers can rely on buying, that no misrepre sentations are allowed in my house. All kinds of LEATHER and FINDINGS. JjgT'All kinds of repairing done at reasonable prices. Call and examine stock and prices. WHO 13 UNACQUAINTED WITH THE CEOORAr HY CFTHiS COUNTRY, WILL SES nv Er.AlAlj4l.vC "i it 13 r/iAP, THAi" THE CHICAGO,' HOCK ISLAND & PAGiFiC R. R. IS LINK BETWEEN THE EAST AM)TIIE WKSi ! It*! ft in liti'* ■l'wfnwiClii "u'nt II l!li:lTa !'MCivIN (, » SAIGON v.hcro y»»u c:ut enjoy your n:i.| < 'i:i.»li. | r..t fir •«. » Jt:|> t. \ ttuwa. It " lliivana** at «:ll l.u ira of the* <1::y. St* 1 1 . G":i« M"!tn . H«H* l:flttml. Diivnp' rt, !r«>ti l*n ii:«'* •*.»•;*» tlio Mh 1 h i \V«-• LI!K ri.. I »•' * CM/. Marcrtixo. IJn.oUl »•. ; fftii ;»u »u:l riv -ra : t all ?»«•»» l» crosnert hy t'»li rriJitvll :f M«>lm M. *t!f c:tt)ilul nf I«nv j N«. tr.'tt»r«vH t;v< itlt <1 trt * «»t?n« :l f'lul h, wit it l.r:»n«! »•* fr* i Uurcn*" Junction In IV. TH ; | ven vrurilt ttrnl r.»n!tei'tu»n:t bclntf \/||tt# » Jim- I.» Kuwa!it Wpvl tiwlori. I* r- i m-." in I nl«-n jji li. I Hon. ii itn ip. Cuiitn villi*. I*rii.rcl<>.i. -j ! v p,:l .( II'AI. It- U. «*OXNi:'TIoNS ( % V Tr-"if»:t. (i:illntlM. C'Htaeron. lx?ttv<*nwor!h rial TiiHGltliAT'nUK'l'Gll MM! AUK Ai* |X)I.« Al lt»>•••! ; \Vni*hiTitftf»ii l.i BU*oariU'y. < .kirlonr.t \,nws ; :r»l Kit »vlilu; Ueofaik »n. I «»au- /, t <*itlCAQO. villi ull UlrerntiiK lUicb forlho l..ut p-.rl'v Ili'titDiifliwrl, n'lciil. l'"l«!«»n. v.J%ylo«»s,t. I-lli, M" T«' • nt»*l I t » | At I!X(il.K\vo >;il 1 v.-'v litu «»ni/ I vltrnml. v. hlflt own--, c-n- At WAflllNl<( mi I i»m*rat;M n\.inni..2t ha : tetweea * ina.itl t*c i t U»ui.i It. \>. ; :v| i;,ii-ll*. At I. \ Sai LK. \\W 1 I.Mni'N CVftn.l It. It. 'i ;,i« . ntrii r.i l c»ntr«.l ihclr Slorpltitf At l*rofilA. with IV. IV .1 ; IV. I «V f>.; IB & it'll. 11 t. • » «f«Tl« r 111 niiai*. *1:i»l l ive ytm ti \\' ■ |;i. Mi<:-i»I: n;t IT. !' \V. l!;tllii»:i«K il«m:>lc l»-*rili Im :».»MIP ♦ hlc.'w» iuhl ( «»ui:Hl liluffji. At HIM K l>i AM uiih Y»\*?«tcrii I'nlon K. It.and I.' :tv< nv'-r*.! . ■ r At* in 'ii f<»r '1 vii !>ollar-« fitxi |Jo< I |V*. ri:i l(itllr«»n»1. : if.' Mit . 1 i*l a f «t « » f r t r. • I>«»llttrH. v?Jillo At I A\ ..\POItT. with the Ihivcr.purt & N. M. .V Fi. Dorirclt. It. b, mi'lfttl 1 nt'JiU < f ll*i t*'l.4 nttu lowa, Itino of ,\t cop .rtt. BLITPS, with I'm l*u< Ilk? 11. It. ♦»f r taaif illL'-iit II il II: .» ia"«ft »l At OMAHA with 11. «V Mo It. It. It. I ill Nt»tO ai nv mII Thi'i \;n>i TrnP. Von r«*t \t i'ol,rmiirs.! rni riox. wllh llurli.itft«»ti.t'< '!ar II it flit i. •* r it'i I: • o I i» 1 • TViils Ni-Hhtii It. It c? |t«>t« I. I rvr'i'v lv • »«»t't«; it y»n tan ,\t OTTI'IM*•'A. vhlt Cuntral V. It. of low: • ?»*. r b'luit y"ti II - !• 1'»•/ r»r w hut you i.*»'t. l.ou!:«. Ktin. I'll vti N«»rthfni ttp*l (tt. it *II. !»• '- 1 . A|» «rffi iiinrf I ft : ' •It 1:1:11 rttvof t-tt? |ko- At Kcofcru v.iihT«l« •'**« t'njl \»artisw ; f.r« ; >ff r , • 1». .{>* t«r dilT. r« lit pin- Walui »h. i* if I Ht l.ouli. Kcokn'c & N.-\». It, K/M. !•. -miiil 1 f»i* r *. \> * 'tip. «T bn liters if At ItLVi ui.Y. with ICiitt. I'lty. St. .1. ti. 1. ft. I». It. Mil lino wnrrnn it • IM • pb"*f*irl nn- At ATCttl aix, *-Hli At«*his<»n. 'I op«Mr«. nml 114 It. III'". I'AI.An: I>! I .1; ' AI'S rr I; tlntf I ari" M-M At I,KAVKNWOIITH, with K. IV antl U I in. 9;if *»lInT s.t :t f«» .t .!■•* i f 'i r IV'iL. n Cur Ii a It. IUIh. VA •. CA :im «.»•■- m i ctmiwut* i,»KS MOIMM, COVXCIK* BLI ti «*MI i.r.A -.L , T*f *•F« vl » |hi 4 F.'MO, knn-RM o*l the "Oivitl Itm-U l»l:tn«l llontf, nro aolvl .»y «;!! ileli' l .> .:cn # ♦ l*t <1 I'IIUimI Wl.»:r* ami ( un»d:i. Pot* l.tfor'u- lloii »; * olil.-tlnublc ait your lu>in«* lit lo l o.ilre. uildrcHit -" .• K. ST, .IOUN. lifii'l iitti i'lintundent. Oi?n*l TUt. ami IV' - 'rr Avt . ( l.i' V - "I BARGAINS FOR DECEMBER IN Dress Gcods, Furs, Cloaks and Dolmans. CvTOwine In ll.e f»< t thkl iioporUirx and msu- Tliri'c < nw» 4«-lnrli F uidi Hlmk (ioodj, Ar nfuctmeiH nin.l ".■lin I r«|>*rutioii« to oliow nmriv, F. klnn, Uortlo .Vr,, liom v to »1.60. riuon uftcr tli« llixt of Hm incoming year, i-priiig All-woi-l MIIII i xtrj vnlutt. utocks f, r early wln»le»»lo l>uyon>. «i« « POIIHO- f|neiifo tliey »m obliicil to «-I«»H onl tin ir Knll . ... .... ~, _ |K i i| r ,. glM .ctlvly, In S3 St i! A ii ..ii» anil uitli .n 1 " i. r „„ r ihai. iiH.ial th.'V « l.iilwili. ( i Uc», mid uio bttiitiilua iiiiKUiposccd. « aW?iWiS"4. 4 ». dabk'heavy dress fabrics —ANI»— sl, liru ImrKiiiuß ol moio lli:in uamil luUicrt lo HIOH COST NOVELTIEB. In fart nicli r.«lnction« in i.nme iimtanooa liave , Extnl VB ; U( , m . |( k Cn. t u« r» Unlr ntid Silk been Jn*tly ternii il n*rrillo«». Ilaviiif advan- w CaKlnncn f, nnd Mourninv (toodo. 1 agnoimly availed otir».elve« of llieao cfferiiiUf. it luck (ji,|.„-d I'KKIN to an unUKUally l»rt;« exlent., wn nri-vm! to olTur tlm lHrfr«-M| linn of ItEAL lIAItOAINH I > . _ j ()l IN IHIKSH OOOIJH ever delayed in onrHtoie ,„i'.i.• \ IIP Mil K4 ItooniH. We enuiuerato a f«w cattos of special HLAt K HliOv. VDh , InlereHt. . _ ! At *1 W pcr.mrd, In vory cliolec new pnt -0110 cm*© 42-iiifli Novel lien it Ri>c.» rcttilwl t tcfin*, n«»l all frllk, lit t po a proportion tblii Boanon at <"l 50. ! .m, :t. in mnki' them very pri'tly mid desirable (>llO rawo 4(i-iiicli at sl. r« tailed Own w>«w>n at , l.irtc I""' new Itluck nnd Colored Hrocudo One cane 4#-lnrli Milk and Wool lianuß tne g(|| t< f,;i |,j Tio per yiird. Broclie Htripsit and Noveltiwi. aiworteil. at *1.61; III,ACK DHKSH BII.KS, retailed thin a«ai«>ii *t 92.80. I-HI'IIP VU lil{K-'4 Mi R. J One ct«e 24-in.h Hit in Moire Holid Colored CO!.OI.KI> UKfc » Ml K , Htrii»e BuitinKa. WX >.. about half price At prlcci. in mcunlmn c wii'i 0111 *»nwn Two oa»W 24-ilicbexira line Frenili All-Wool mini 11 of pr.'tlt* nl OV- to $1 per yard, Mhoodab Okitlm. at tbe ipinarkably low pric. of () |' the licm known iinkva. 85e. per vaid. in twelve choice aliadew, good* NKVKK BEFOHK that are cheap at WK- .t any „, IVI . W( . „„ 1„ W •. line ol Ladle' and y»?d,"»"" with an eiceeiliiiK rl.nice f't.x'k MIW Cl.mka, ,r ;"" American l)re«* Good- from Hto USr. ler yard. *ll .VI up to lie «i e.t Bc,il or Sllk Kur-II .id«e lot good l»ik l'laida for ocnimon Onrmeiita and Circu'ura, of ull grndia, nnd Hobool at H.-. and 10c. per .ard. j dark. Flannele, Ulanketa. Ilo«ieiy. Oloree, Winter Underwear, F.itigea, llnMona and Silk lUi.dkor ' chief" and Muffler*, in largo aa»ortment! ! EOGGS Ac BUHL. 11* & 120 KKPEKAL STKKKT, ALLKUHKNY RYCKMAN, DAY & CO., Ull SHORE HMDS, BROCTON, N. Y., MANur*«Tt iiKHM or I'aro Native Wines, Still and Sparkling Wine. ANII Brandies from Native Grapes Out wince lire put lip In choice p ieknre*, nnd lire gu.iro,toed to IH atri.dard goods and give millKlnctloii. <1!. I;TZI;I<. A^IH, BVTLtu. rt JjPATC II M For mending Tin. Ilraae, Cojijier. I.eaK I'-:iI Incitp.iclty. tic. lit KOHISIU J- CUb j VEKWEIX, M. I) , author of the "Gioen j HuoU The woiltl renowned nullior, hi tI»U mlinlrnble | Lecture, elenrly prove* Ironi hi* own experience Hint the MW'UI com" i < nl Wclf-Ahui>E inny j lie i tli i liir.ilv remove! without incilkiii •, mi > without clnn'({frou« Kiirulctil operation*, l>uunle\ Incli it'i < lili", llliK*, 1 iTilliili"; f'oliillii" cut a ! u.cde ill cure nt once ccrliilii and eflcetuil, t>y which every Mitlcrcr, no matter what hi* contll lloii limy i» . limy cure himself chcn|ily, |»rl | viilcly nnd nidkally. fig Thit In l»ri " ill i>i i>< rii limn tv tJmutnHili ! iiml l/wuiatii(», Hi nt under urnl, In » plain envelope, lo any midic««, fiiist/mirf, on receipt of *lx cent* or two |»«" ! Addre** the l'uMl*hcr*, Tli» < Mlvriwclt Mf(Ill-Hi Co.. •41 ANN Nr., NKW VOIIK, P. (). Hut 4riHfl. I »l'l' 'y IX)H naij:. f.'i will hny » one-btill Intercut In t» irood hu*- Ine** In ritlttiurith. One who knows some llilny about In iinlit ir preferred. An honcat man wllh I lie ulxire umount will do well lo uddrr** l.y Idler. SMITH JOHN*, cure H. M .lumen, W Lniartjr utrent, Fhlibtriik, l'«- |wwi*l| t*, on t week In your own town. I'errn* and $5 , ?<><) outfit frn»'. Addro«H H. I' U.LHT .t Co., Pottlknd, Miin*. (Ineß-1* Tluic of HoldiuK CourlM. Hie i-evrral Couita of the county of Butler oomuMuce on the tirst Monday of March. Jnue, September md Dtcrubei, tud continue two weeks, or so long s..- necessary to dibpt w; of tLe business. No causes are put" down for trial or traveree jurors summoned for the first week of the several terms. County Ufflcer*. President Judge—Kbenezer McJunkin. Additional Law Judge—James Bredin. Associate Judges— R. Storey, W. W. Dodds. District Attorney—Win. A. Forquer. ShciitT—Wni. 11. Hoffman. Prothotiotury—Alex. Russell. Register ami Recorder— ll. H. Gallagher. Clerk of Court*—W. A. Wright. Treasurer—A. L. Craig. Commissioners—J. C. Donaldson, Jonathan Mayberrv, James Gribben. Commissioner*' Clerk—S. McClvmonds. County Surveyor—James M. Dennv. Jury Comm'rs—J. W. Monks, Hugh McCrea. Coroner—J. J. Campbell. Auditors—ll. L. Hockenberrr, J. D. Kamerer, J. K. Cashdollar. JAMES J OAMPBELL, «•«»«■ ~mm a jp.*- «"■ m ■*«» Office in Fairview borough, in Telegraph Office. janls) BALDWIN P. 0.. Butler Co.. Fa. F£HUIH AltMOlt, Justice of the I^eace, Main street, opposite Postofflce, jlyltt ZELiENOPLE, PA. ATTORNEYS AT LAW*. 2 BUTLER, PA. A. M. CUNNING HAM, Office in Brady's Law Building. Butler, Pa. S7H. PIERSOL. ~ Office on N. E. cot nor Diamond, Riddle build ing ;novl2 JOHN M. GREER. Office oil N. E. corner Diamond. novl3 WM, H. I.USK, Office with W. H. H. Kiddie, Esq. NEWTON BLACK, - Office in Pirft National Bank Building. E. I. JIRUGiT," Office in Riddle's Law Building. ; S. P. BOWSER^ Office in Riddle's Law Building. [niairi 76 j7 B. MCJUNKINT Special attention trlven to collections Olllos opposite Wlllard House. JOSEPH B. BREDIN, Office north-east corner of Diamond, Butler Pa. II 11. GOUCHEK, Office in Schneideman's building, up stalls. J. T. DONLY Office near Court House. r 74 WTD. BRANDON, ebl7-75 Office In Berg's building OLA R EN CE "WALK ER," Office in Bredin building- tnaili—- t FKKD KEIBER, Office In Berg's new building. Main street.aptUy F. M. EASTMAN, Office in Bredin building. LEV, McQUIS'I ION, - Office Main street, I door south cf Court House JOS. C. VANDERLIN, Office Main street, 1 door south of Court nouse. Win A. FORQUEIi, CiT' Office on Main street, opposite Vogeley House. GEO. R." WHITE, ~ Office N. E. corner of Diamond FUANCIS K PUUVIANCBT Office with Gen. J. N. Purvianco, Main street, south of Cotut House. j. i) MCJTTNKTN, Office in Sclim-ldcinau's building, west side ol Main stieet, 2nd square frotu Court llou^e, A. «. WILLIAMS, Office on Diamond, two doors went of CITIZEN office. ap2tf T. O. CAMPBELL. Office in Berg's new building. 2d floor, east side Main at., a few doors south of Lowrj House. marß—tf. r, A. A M. SULLIVAN, may 7 Office S, W. cor cl Diamond. BLACK 2 BUo„ Office on Main street, one door south o* Hrady Block, Butler. Pa. (m-p. 2, 1*74. JOHN M MILLER & BRO Office in Brady's Law BuiMing, Main streot, south of Court House. El'uknk IAHONJ>, hbar OooiiT House, in Ci-risen snumw E TT K<, KENNEUT MOHUU. (Late of Ohio.) ECKLEY & MARSHALL. Office In Brady's Law Building, Scpt.o,74 C Q. CHRISTIE, Attorney at Law. Legill business carefully transacted. Collections made and promptly remitted. Business correspondence promptly attended to and answered. Office opposite Lowry House, Butler, Pa. MISCELLANEOUS. W. M DAMB, HchonMoii Block. Bradford, Pa. EDWAIii) McSWEENEY, SMETHPOIIT, I'A. Collections made in McKean, Venango, Butler and Clarion counties. SOT MILES, Petrollu, Butler county, Pa. |)n3 WILLIAM It. CONN, Office in Brawler House, GREECE CfTY. |Jnnc7-lf M. a BENEDICT, jam! tf Polrolia, Bntlor co.. Pa HOTELS A&tor Place Hotel. KUHOPKAN I*I,ATS. Astor Place, 3rd Ave. & Bth St., (Oppo lie Cooper Institute,) ]V«w Best location In Ibo city. Elevated Kallnrnd and live other lines ol ears the door. Booms M) tents to per dry. By the week $'J nud upwind*. OPEN ALL Via in. npiWtf WILLAKD HOUSE, Main street, near Coutt House, BUTLER, PA. GEO. W. CAMPBELL, - - - PHOIIUKTOB. od stabling in connection. EITENMILLER HOUSE, On Diamond, near Court House, MM'LEB, PA. 11. EITENMILLER, - - - Pmoiitirroß. Thin house ha« been newlv furnished anil pa pered, anil the accommodations are good. Htaliling in oonneetion. MIIKKIKF.It lIOUNK, ~ Main street, Butler, Pa. JOHN F. HACKETT, .... PROP'*. This old and established Hotel has recently been titled up in modern style, ond is capable of accommodating a large number of guests. Terms niiMlerate. (iooil stabling attached. National Hotel, COBTLANDT BTBEET, Nr. AH BROADWAY, NEW VOHII, IIOTCIIKIKH A I'OND, - - Prop'rs. ON THE EI'ItOPEAN TLAN. Tbe restaurant, cafe and lunch riHim attached aro iini«iiri)air day. J.'l to ♦lO l>cr week. Convenient to all ferries and olty railroads. N»w FIJHI»ITUHK, Naw MAMAOC MKNT. Janlft-ly 11KNKV O. UALK, FIHE MERCHIHT TIIIOR, COB. PENN AKII HIXTH HTItEETH, PiU»buryh, Pa