Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, January 07, 1880, Image 3

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    y/f Mfsphs. J. WEAVER A CO., No. 116
gmithfield street, Pittsburgh, are oar agents in
the two cities for the soliciting of advertise
ments for this paper.
Keni! the Priees.
At r»|c., good dark Calico;
At fy|e., Unbleached Canton Flannel;
At <Uc., Bleached Muslin;
At l<»c., heavy Dress Goods;
At lOe., Ladies' Felt Hats:
At 10c., Misses' Felt Hats;
At 10c., Children's Felt Hats;
At I0e„ colored Canton Flannel;
At 10c., pood Cheviots;
At 10c., Cbildrens' Fancy Hose :
At 124 c., white twilled Flannel;
At 1 "J.\c., Lancaster I>ress Goods;
At 15c., double-fold Alpacas;
At 15c., barred and striped prey Flan
nels ;
At 20c., heavy Barred Flannels;
At :;oc., all-wool Country Flannels; at
Mcßride's Livery For Sale.
The undersigned intending to quit
business, offers for sale the entire
stock of the above stable, consisting
of horses, buggies, blankets, and all
other articles necessary in a first-class
livery stable. This is a rare chance to
secure good bargains, as the stock will
be sold either for cash or on payments.
New Advertisements To-Day.
List of Jurors.
Pensions Procured.
Pianos and Organs.
Viuk'.s Floral Guide.
Trial List for Feb. 2.
-,,000 Agents Wanted.
New Cure for Consumption.
Dr. C. 11. I-ee, Homfeopathiat.
Executors' Notice—lv-tale of W. W. Mc-
Donald, deceas^l.
Local and General.
CHEW Jackson's Best Sweet Navy Tobacco.
THE Conference Sewn rejoices in
the fact that "the new year fin is our entire
force Oil the way to heaven. - '
THE great mass of the American
people would prefer to see the oae terra instead
of the third term idea prevail.
THE thrilling information is flashed
across the cable that the Emperor William
skinned his shin and that it got well again.
OUR ice men should be on the look
out to secure their iee at the first favorable
opportunity. An open winter is predicted.
THE peanut business is to receive a
new imperii.*. Two hundred and eighty noble
men from sunny Italy left their native land a
few days ago for America.
MR. I). 11. WCLLKR, druggist, now
has a very handsome sign hanging in front ot
his storeroom. Ivn., himself, was the designer
of it and Will McCandless did the work.
THE store of Mr. J. W. Hendriekson,
at Glade Mills, this county, was broken into on
the night of the 26th of December, and robbed
of lin money, a revolver and other articles.
IF you want Press Gloves, if you
want Street Gloves, if yon want Driving Gloves
or Mittens, if you want Working Glove* or
Mittens, you can buy them at Charles I*.
A COMMON vagrant and drunkard,
r.ow in the chain [rung at Leadville under the
a ssnnied name of Storniont, is suid to have been
formerly a I'nited .State* Senator from an East
ern State.
ONE of William Aland's Plymouth
]!oek hens became what is called crop-bound,
the other day, and was dying. .Will opened
the crop, emptied it and sewed it up, and the
lien is well again.
A WOMAN at Ulysses, Neb., wrap
pe< 1 her baby in a sheet and left it in the warm
ashes by the fire place while she went to visit
a i.eighlwr, and when she returned the infant
was burned to a crisp.
A IJALL, a banquet, and a bull fight
were the attractions offered by Panama to
M. d l.' s-eps, who is by this time, doubtless,
at Aspinwall. Ftut none of those amusements
will help dig the canal.
THK "negro exodus" is reviving.
Recently alwiut four hundred colored people
pa»scd through St. Louis in a single week, on
their way to Kansas. Five hundred Arkansas
negroci are on their way North.
KAM.OCII has got rid of the bullet
which De Young presented him, and is now as
good as new. The ball was extracted only a
few days ago from where it had lodged under
the reverend Mayor's left arrnpit.
PITTSBURGH'S iron workers are
happy over the discovery that every iron mill
in that region is in full blast. The condition
of their business is all they can desire. lias
the prosperity come to stay? is their new ques
THK pearl fisheries of the Miami
river, Ohio, are getting a repntation. A gen
tleman of Wavncsville has a collection of over
a thousand Miami jiearls, some of them of rare
form ami quality. These jiearls are found in
A LITTLE son of Tyrone Landrum,
a well-known colored citizen of New Castle,
Pa., wiu instantly killed on the 3rd inst., by
being thrown under the wheels of a railroad
train. Mr. Tyrone Landrum formerly lived
near Butler.
ONE of the largest stocks of Ameri
can Movements and American Cases, both Gold
ami Silver, ever offered in liutlcr, is to be seen
at E. Grieb's, which were all purchased before
the late rise in Watches, and will l>e sold at
the old rates.
TENNYSON'S lines on the death of
• he old year, commencing:
Full knee-deep lies the winter snow,
And the winter winds are wearily sighing :
were not appropriate for last Wednesday, a j it
rained ali day.
WHEN the days begin to lengthen
the cold begins to strengthen, says the old
proverb, but it don't seem to lie coming true
this vear. It wants to read this year that, as
the "lays liegin to lengthen the language of the
ice men begins to strengthen.
AFTER the middle of 1880 Win
neck's comet will make its appearance iu the
heavens after an absence of five years and
seven months. We shall be glad to welcome
the old Iriy home again, but we can't promise
liini receptions equal to Grant's.
MI DPYCKEEK township first and
Cranberry close after. Mr. Win. H. Moore,
Collector of Muldycreek township, paid oil'his
duplicate for the year 187f? on New S'ear's day,
and James IJ. Collins, Collector of Cranberry,
paid off his next day. Who next?
IN making excavations in Kittan
niug the remains of an Indian were found su;i
posed to have been buried 200 years ago, a* a
tree h:ul lieen growing immediately over the
spot calculated to be that old. .A pi fie, curi
ously wrought, nnd other relics were also
A NEW and good strike was made
on the Win. S. Met'ullough, Esq., fHrm in
Fairvicw township, on the 22nd or Dec., 1x7!).
The well flowed at the rate of about fifteen
barrels of oil tier day. It is situated near
Kay lor <ity anil is enhancing projierty in thai
THE iron horse speeds over 3,800
more miles of railroad than it did a year ago.
In Kanses more new track was laid than in
any other State— 4!»S miles; Minnesota, lowa,
and Dakota are next. That the construction is
larglv greater than in any year since 1872 is a
niirn of the times.
MR. GF.OROK W. CURTIS, editor of
J/ai/irr'* Weekly, thinks it remarkable that
Grant teems "to have recovered so much of the
purely patriotic | rt«tige which surrounded
hirn at the close ot ».ie war. and that public
opinion hud tacitly gone bacK behind his civil
t« r«—t upon his military career."
ONE of the Louisiana Congressmen
has a bill in the House to give eight parishes
of his State 1,500,000 acres of public land in
requital of the services of the people of these
parishes "in acquiring the territory from Spain
in 1810." There is no occasion for artificial ice
niHchines where that Congresaman lives.
THE Burlington Havolctye editor has
a shovel full of coals of fire npon his masiive
head. After abusing Hayes up hill and down
for years the magnanimous President of the
Bepublic turns around and gives the wild-eyed
stalwart a I'ostoffice. The /fuwkeye editor
ought to feel pretty badly cut up al>out it.
6 BEFORE Congress adjourned for the
n recess, no fewer than thirty-two bills had been
introduced into the House of "Representatives
. tinkering at the tariff. Tiiere will probsb.y be
' quite a* many added during Hie iesMon : and
then if two out of the whole number become
laws, it will l»e a remarkable success in legis
ASK for the So So Hat, at
THE Frith of Tay railroad accident
is the onlv one on record where there w:i- not a
single survivor, and it is not unlikely to ~o
down through many generations to c me with
this ghastly peculiarity. la the lii-tory of dis
asters a: sea there are r: .ny instances of such
total extermination, but in railroading there is
only this one.
GBATE tile, flue rings and (ire brick,
at J. Niggle it Rro.'s
THE street-* of this town are in a
terrible condition just now. They seem to
have a g'Ksl enough Imttoni, but l tere i- too
much mad on them. T!i - should be »eo.-<j.e 1
; up and carted off. It is the l»est man ore ex
tant for gardens, a fact that the gardeners oi tie
vicinity should remember, provided the < oiiu
cil will allow them to haul it away.
LADIES' Solid Gold Watches at sln
and upwards, at E. Grieb's.
A LADY writes an indignant note to
a contemporary, in which, witli true rustic
innocence, she cxpre>>es a belief that editor?
never go to heaven. We thought even country
people knew that journalists never went any
where. They don't get the chance. They just
sit up at nights thinking how to do sood until
the tops of their heads year holes through their
hair. — Ex.
WORKING and Dress Shirts of all
kinds, from -0 cents up, at Charles B. Grieb's.
ANY PERSON who wants to rent a
good home should call and look at John \ in
roe's, on Cunningham street, below the Post
office. John intends moving to his farm, neer
Newton, Kansas, next month, and wants to
rent his house to a good p irty. His lot has a
good well, good "table, chicken-coop, pig stv
and other out buildings upon it. All of which
are found in but few rentable projierties in this
TnK latest styles in Neckwear, at
Charles It. tirieb's.
THE central system wrnt into for
mal ojieratioa in New York on New i ear's day.
It sulistitutes hundred weight- for bushels, six
-entais or 6X) pounds being the same as ten
bushels. The < hicago merchants have declined
to adopt the system. Reforms of this sort
move slowly. The convenience ot tiie decimal
system is «o great in all it= applications that
where it is in use it would be impossible to do
awnv with it. Eventually the central plan
will lie very generally adopted throughout the
WHAT is the use in going to the sea
side for health when "Dr. Lindsey's IHood
Searcher" is what vou need ?
next week, commence the wholesale manufac
ture of doors and sash. They have enlarged
their mill and put in all the modern machinery
needed for this enterprise, and with tueir large
stock of lumber, bought before the ris -, they
will lie able to compete successfully with the
Western manufacturers, who have greatly ad
vanced their prices. The proprietors are to I>e
commended for their enterprise. This town
needs some establishments like this, which wili
bring in money from outside the county.
WILLIAM ALAND, Merchant Tailor,
has jut opened thn largest line of woolens fir
inen and boys wear ever offered iu IJutler.
WHATEVER may be the ultimate
outcome of Mr. E llison's experiment lie hr s
certainly succeeded in making the holders of
gas stock uneasy. Bejsirts from all over the
country show that ga* stocks have dropped sev
ers! pegs since the New York If/raid'* an
nouncement that his last production was a
success, and the deprecation ha* even extended
to Europe, a cable dispatch announcing that
there has been a deciiled decline in
Mr. Edison has clearly made himself a factor
to be considered by the man who feels moved
to speculate in gas stock.
LATEST styles in Men's, Youths'and
Children's Cap', at Charles It. Grieb's.
WHILE George Ziegler was out
hunting lately, he saw a squirrel, as he thought,
in a tree. He took aim an 1 fired ; but still tiie
squirrel remained stationary. II • repeated the
firing three times in suiv-sion, thinking that
his j;un had gone back on him, until the last
of the three shots fired, when to bis surprise
down tumbled four squirrels, all joined to.
gether. After the three were shot they nulled
the other one off, not able to hold them
up. They were joined together by a narrow
strip, so that one could not move without the
other, and had been born that way and were
all grown.
SLEIGH and Bob runners can be had
at the J. Niggle & Uro.'s Hardware Store, Jef
ferson street.
THE year which began last Thurs
day must, in the course of nature, witness
events of wide and momentous import on both
sides of the Atlantic. Not iu the I'niled
States alone, but in all the chief European na
tions, and throughout Central Asia, there nre
signs that the corning twelve month will be
one of strain an I ori-us, of agitation and of
change. Of the political and social problems
which everywhere confront us, few, p-rhnps,
will be fully solved ; but in every case the con
ditions will have been materially altered for
the better, or for the worse, when the next
year rolls round.
MEN'S nnd Boys'-Winter Caps from
17c. up, at Charles U. Grieb's.
IT is barely possible that I'nele
Ouray, too, has a wicked neph"W like Yakooli
Khan, the ex-Ameer. After "a vigorous ef
fort" he announces his inability to deliver the
guilty Utes to the I'nited States authorities for
trial, ami is of the opinion that there will have
to be a fight before they are taken. This will
not be a severe disappointment to anybody,
unless perhaps to a few grannies who still cling
to the delusion that the Indians can be pro
iierly managed under tiie present aystem. The
rtes will probably make a pretty hard fi .'lit
before they surrender their comra les, the re
sult of which will be that they will be driven
off their present reservation an 1 the valuable
land and minerals it contains turned over to
the people of < 'olorado to develop for their own
benefits as well as for that of mankind.
Vol lx-t, when coughs and colds are
flying übout like gnats in a storm, "Dr. Sellers'
Cough Syrup" is a i-urc cure.
WE are glad to see that public atten
tion ha* been called to the condition of school
grounds, for although it may not have the effect
of immediately improving all school premises,
yet it is the forerunner of public sentiment
which indicates a growing interest in the mat
ter, and predict* with certainty that improv ■-
■ueiits will la; made in a not distant future. Is
it desirable to ornament the grounds? There
in no question of tiie desirability to ornament
the grounds surreuuding our common schools
wber ver it is possible to do an. Next to the
home, the school is the place where children
s|>end mo>t of their time, and the more attraet
ive the place is made the better for the purpose
assigned. A neatly kept school-garden will
also serve to inculcate ideas of neatness, and
help to develop a taste for the beautiful.
UNDERWEAR of all kinds, from 2"»
cents up, at I 'hitrlcs It. Grieb's.
THE case of the Connecticut clergy
man's wife who aroused hers'df from sleep and
shot her husband with a pistol that was con
veniently near, has a parallel in the deed of a
young lady of Boston, who, under almost iden
tical circumstances, killed her mother. I tot h
women explain that they were conscious only
of bewilderment, and knew not what they did.
Whether done while under somnambulism or
insanity, the warning is loudly repeated of the
danger of keeping loaded wca|ions within easy
reach. For every time when it is useful as a
protection, there are a score of times in which,
through accident or intention, it is the means
of shedding innocent blood. Men shoot each
other ill moments of excitement. Itovs care
lessly kill their playmates. Drunken men
and cra/v folks brandish weapons and iinjteril
lives. There is too much of the pistol.
A SOLID Silver Cose and a Genuine
American Movement as low as Id, at
I A REM ARK A ISLE case of death from
an erroneous prescription has occurred lately.
I A baby eighteen months old «vas badly scalded
on the arm l>y the upsetting of aliowlofhol
tea. A physician was called, who directed the
' anointing of the bum with a salve for which
i he wrote a prescription. It contained a larg<
i proportion of opium, not too much for apidiea
' iion to the skin in normal condition, out n
i dangerous quantity considering the increased
susceptibility to absorption caused by the scald
for which the doctor neglected to make pro|>et
, allowance. The prescription was carried to a
' druggist, who heard nothing alsiiit the scald,
' and merely saw that the ointment was "ev
1 tcrnal use," and put it up without having any
' idea, or giving the customer any caution, thai
' it was not perfectly safe. Hut the narcotic
r absorbed through the scalded cuticle, cast th<
little luffcrer info a sleep which proved fatal.
tlutLe* : ©ittlctr, P*., 3fsmtmr.iT X, IBSR.
IT is probably not <o widely known
as it should lie that a very important work o:i
behalt of railroad men ha-s be._-n uud -rtaken by
the Young Men's Christian Associations of the
I'nited States ari l Canada. A rep >rt of the re
e nt International Conference, held at Altoona,
Pennsylvania, shows - •methintr of the go «l
which" is resulting. A I'ir/e number of tin
1 men employed upon railroads are ohliged tn
1 pas most of their time, Sundays as well a
' week days, away from their families. In
working dress, they do not cars- to go to the
■ usual [i!a >s of worship cr ordinary reading
rooms, and for Inck of any decent place rhey
frequent ihe drinking saloons. The aim of the
1 Int'-rnaiional Committee of the Young Men's
| Christian Associations has been to organize
Christian railroad men at the leading railway
i centres, and to open reading rooms, and to es
tablish social, literary, and religious entertain
ments of suitnMe character, placing these un
der the eharje of competent Christian men
called railroad secretaries. There are in use
in this country about MOIMI thousand loco
motire engines, and more than that number ot
engineers, and probably not less than one hun
dred thousand men altogether on the Irnins
and engines, and several limes that ii'trab.-r on
tracks and in shops. Proliably fhey nr.il the
families they represent form on --twelfth part
of our whole population, or more than three
million people. The public has a deep inter
est in the railroads aud tho-e employed upon
them. The better the men. the safer is trans
portation upon the roads. Railroad companies
and officials have very generally seen the
wisdom and importance of this Christian work,
and have cordially co operated with the rail
road secretaries in its establishment and main
SHAFTS, finished and rough, at the
J. Niggle & Rro.'s Hard ware Store, Jefferson
street, IJutler, Pa.
1 Dr. C. H. LEE,
Homoeopathic Fliy*iela«i.
a Office fnd residence near the Wick House.
'* North Main street. B itler. l'a. j w»7
Great Clearance Sale
a of Blankets, at UITTKR & RALSTON'S.
i THE Pittsburgh WefLUj Di*patch
' is in all respects one of the be-t papers in the
country, full of the freshest and most reliable
• news, procured by the mo-t lilieral expendi
ture. Always a first-lass papand a welcome
visitor to the family fireside, the II irkly I),*-
. Jilt.'h will be better even than heretofore in
every Department for I**>o. Its general and
' special ne-.vs features have long been well
known, nnd as for finance, trade and market
i reports they wiil l>e among the fullest, most
. accurate and valuable published. Terms, sl.oo
j per annum; or in clubs of ten $lO.
, Address,
BOOK O'NEILL <fc CO., Publishers,
Dispatch Iron Building, Pittsburgh.
tf«reitt Clearance Sale
of Ladies', Misses'anil Children's Furs,
Feed ! Fe« tl! Feed !
25,000 pounds of Chop, Bran and
I Mill Feed for sale at Walter k Boos'
Mill. This is h rare chance to pnr
; chase feed, as we are selling it cheap.
A N-JW Volume.
l. 'itttir* Lining Ayr enter* upon its one htm- j
fired tr.nj Jiiity-fmnlh volume in January. It j
ha- begun the publication, from advnn • • '
sheets, of a new serial story by a:i author who
does not often come before the public, but has
done some of the best literary work of t.'e- day.
Those who have read "Dorothy Fox" and
"Hero Carthew," by Mrs. Pair, published some
vcars do not nee I to be to! I that they may
exnect :ii her new story, "Adam nnd I've," one j
• of the freshest and most charming serials of the i
pre-'-nt time. Another new .' 'rial, by Mrs,
Ofiphaut, also recently begun in Livmj
A'je, promises to be one of the author's best
productions. In this department of the maga
zine, through the year, the best foreign authors
are represented, and the choicest short stori'*s
are included.
In science, art, theology, politics, and gen
eral literature, valuable articles are announced
for early numbers of tie- new year, from t!i •
j»eris of Dean Stanley, The Duke of Argyll j
(First Impressions of America,) Dr. W. IJ. j
Carpenter. F. It. S., the Archbishop of Can-;
terbury, John ltu-kin, Prof. Owen, Prof. Il'a-|
ikie. James Payn (The Literary Calling and j
its Future,) Jas. A. Frou le, Ilichard A. Proc- ;
tor, W. Minto (Letters of Charles Dickens,)
France* Power Cobbe, Bt. lion. W. K. Glad- |
stone, and other leading writers, with interest- ;
ing papers by Mrs. Muloek-Craik, Mrs. Oliph- |
ant, S:irah Tytlcr, etc. The recent decided im- i
provement in foreign periodical literature,
caused by the establishment of the "Nine- |
teenth Century" and other reviews, i. to b>j
carried still further by the fou.i ling of new ,
[M-riodicals in England in 1-s >; nnd the ablest I
minds of the time will more than ever find ex- |
prus.ioii in this literature. ihe Lirnnj Ay<-
giyes their important and indispensable pro
ductions with a completeness attempted bv no
other publication. Its conductors, too, have
the advantage of long experience in rendering
the quality of its reading as unequalled as is
the quantity.
Tiie publishers present to new subscribers j
for lss;» the six numbers of 187!f which contain
the opening chapters of the two ivw serials i
above-mentioned. The present is therefore a I
favorable time for beginning a sub-cription.
For lifty-two numbers (li -sides the free utlin- '
IM.TS) of sixty four large pages each (or over j
3,301) pages a year, the subscription price (*.S,) j
is low ; while for M.o') the publishers oiler to i
send any one of the American s>i monthlies i
or weeklies with Tin Liv'nj Aye for a year (in- !
eluding the extra number of the liUler,) Imtli
postpaid. Lirrru. <k Co., Boston, (ire the
Xew (•mill Market.
Will pay the highest market prices for Bye
and < lats. Mf t ISKA t'- t iOI.DI NdKB,
South of Depot, Butler, Pa.
At H2.50 im r Pair,
White Blankets, nt
I«7<' : Kye !
10,000 buslifls of Bye wanted nt
Walter k Boos' Mill, to be ground
1 into (lour. cents paid per bushel,
i \\ r ALTi:u A: Boos.
A New Method In hlodiclno.
► l!y this new method every dick person can
' get a package of tie- dry vegetable compound,
Kidney-Wort, nnd prepare for themselves six
quarts of medicine. It is a sjweilio cure for
Kidney Pisctnes, Liver Comp.aint, Coiistipa
| tion and Piles, and a grand tunic for Females.
lli<le .TirUel.
' >S. Sehaniberg, butcher, pays the
best price for Ileef Hides, Skins and
• Belts iu Butler.
! The highest I'ittslnirgh nuiiket price
i paid for Wheat, at Walter k Boos'
' Mill, Butler, I'a. WAI.TKR A' BOOH.
The Time lo IS 113.
Now is the time to buy I'ry Goods,
1 Carpets, <fcc. (jo-xls are advancing
every day. We havi; an immense
stock of new, desirable goods, which
I we are still offering at old prices. Now
- H the time to liny, at
Birr Kit k RAI.STON'S.
Vick\T Floral Quid a.
This work is before IM, and tho c who send
r five cent* to JAV fc s Vt( K, Boehester, N. V.,
K for it will b c din i/i/wiiil- l. Instead of getting
' a cheap thing, lis I lie price wrou Id -ecm to in-
II dicate, they will receive a very hiindsoine work
• of 100 pages and perhaps .">0 1 illustrations
4 not cheap, but elegant illustrations, on the
very best of calftidare I paper, and as a set oil'
to the whole, an elegant Colored Plate that we
! j would judge e<»st twice the price of the book.
live! Itye!
10,000 bushels of Rye wanted at
Walter k Boos' .Mill, lo lie ground
into flour. 7o cents paid [wr bushel.
WAI.TKR k Boos.
,t Tiie Ist \ali»ti;il Itauk
J Building is ilireetly opposite the im
nieiise Dry (ioods, Cai)»et and Mil
-- linery establishnieiit of Bitter k ltal
• ston, Butler, I'a.
- _
,'r Emlenton Acadomy.
a The winter term will commence the
second Monday of January, and con
y tinue ten weeks. 11. K. Shanor, A.
it 8., Principal. For further information,
address RKV. J. B. Fox, A M.,
Kinh-nton, I'a.
i) Court Proceedings and Court Houec
:i j Notes.
k The exceptions to the Auditor's re|>ort iu the
f final account t>f the Execttor of I'. G ruber
dee'd, was ami an opinion file 1 referrin
'j the report to Auditors.
UDCSKIT township Poor District v . IVs»i
c District of the borough of Porsersville. f'' ! "
" was an appeal from an oriler of removal by
|v i Lancaster township. Ap|s-i! sustained, th.
11 ' cost ari l charge*, to be paid by Portersvilh'
Win. F.bbert v>. <'ampliell & He!!, rnlc t
show cause; dis 'barged at til • ej>b of pa:;v
e ; obtaining the sains.
s • James Waggonerand James Borlanil. in jail
*' under sentence for tine, cost and affiliation
* i money, presented j>etition3 for discharge under
; the insolvent laws.
1 In the matter of the widow appraismcnt,
j sorting le £3OO of real estate for the wi low
') jot' Francis Carr, to which exceptions were
1 fiJ. 1: the appraisement was approved ami con
'J. ■ tinned.
('ommonwealth vs. John Coiilv. Defendant
; was found tftilry at Dcccmlter term, for falsely
I |:roeurinst a to r.n agreement,
' j then a settlement of the eas • lias In til etleeted ;
] new trial crank- I on motion, and a mil /</!<■•.
I entered on defendant pnvirig the ensfs.
i.\n appeal from t':;; Register's Office to the
Orphan's Court waß catered by the lieirs of
Elisha Ililliard, fr.ni letters granted to Wm.
i M. Shira, Ex'r. The grounds set forth are,
s ! that deceased, long before and at the tun " of
P | making his w ill was of unsound mind, ni-.'uiory
' i and understanding.
11. D. Cullum, Receiver <-f the Ist National
i Bank of Butler, hroueht suit against \\ . D.
| MeCandless for SJ/NIO. being for a- segment on
3 forty s-hares of banh stock.
i During last year Sheriff Hoffman entertained
at his hotel 216 tramps —none, however, since
June last. There were KM regular commit
ments to jail, for various offences, in n<i l:t:on
to the above. HP made 142 sale -of real estate
in the same time : took six persons to the Pen
itentiary ; 1 to the Reform School ; seven to
the Work House, anil seven to Dixiuont.
H. Zimmerman, Jr., presented a petiiion to
Court asking a commission d* iu
qui-r.ufons t i his father, Ilenrv Zimmerman,
of Butler borough. J is. W. heed, K <|., was
appointed Commissioner. The testimony was
taken before a jury on Monday of this week,
1 and toe respondent found insane, lie will Is*
* taken to Dixtnout, and the Court will appoint
' a committee to take charge of his estate
H. H. Gallagher, Iwp, Register and Ke
' eorder, during I>■ 7V» recorded I,IJJ deeds and
mortgages, granted 74 letters to Administrators
' and Executors, and probated an 1 recorded
I wills.
I The number of criminal cases iu the Quarter
' Sessions for ls7i» only aggregated 235, not as
■ many as a few years ago at onterm of Court.
1 Crime appears to l>e on the decrease, or else
people don't prosecute so much.
In the Orphans' Court, last week, confirma
tions of -ales of real estate were hail of private
sal.-s by the Executors of Michael Callen, of
Clearfield township; Administrators of C. Stim
mell, of Saxonburg; Guardian of minor chil
dren of E. Bentel, of Zeli-nople; Executor of
\V. Leonanl, of I'enn township, and (iuardian
of Wvlie Magee, of the same township.
"You Don't Know Thoir Valuo."
"They cured me of Ague, Billiousness and
Kidney Complaint, as recommended. Iha I a
half b >ttle left which f used for mv two little
girls, whom the doctors and neighbors said
could not be cured. lam confident 1 should
have lost both of them one night if I had not
had the Hop Hitters in my house to Use. 1
found they did them s > much good I continued
with them, and they are now well. That is
why 1 say you do not know half the value of
; Hop Bitters, and do not recommend them
highly enough."—U., Rochester, X. Y.
Fet'd ! Feed! I'eeil!
25,000 lbs. of Chop, Isran and Mill
Feed fur sale at Walter it Boos' Mill.
This is a rare chance to purchase feed,
as we are selling it cheap.
Al $1.30,
Ladies' Cloaks, at
Don't Walt for the Wagon,
But take the ears, go to Allegheny,
call on Mr. Ommcrt, 141 Federal
street, and let him fit you with a fash
ionable Overcoat, or a first-class suit
of clothes, lie starts the new year
with a large stock of ready-made cloth
ing, which he is offering at extremely
low prices. He is tloing an immense
business, leading all others in the
ready-made clothing business of that
! city. You will find bargains in any
* article purchased of him.
(•mil Clearance fcsile
of Ladies' Cloaks, at
Junuary 1, 1880.
Be prepared to give this New Year
a hearty greeting. 11. 11. Neimann,
i 101 Kmithlield street, Pittsburgh, will
furnish you with an Overcoat lnanu-
I fact tired from Chinchilla, Melton, Di
| agonal or Beaver cloths, superior in
| style and finish to anj' overcoatings
| ever before offered. Leave your meas
| ure at his Merchant Tailoring Estab-
I lishment, and In- will prepare you to
bid farewell to the Old and a warm
reception to the New. Dress or Busi
ness suits gotten up in tlx- latest fash
ionable style, warranted to fit, and at
very reasonable prices.
Show This to Your Dootcr.
CI.EVKI.\NJ>, Nov. 1, 1 N/8.
/■.' -lltor* " I Yntrfi<■ r nm Krir" ('/nriinnil, Ohio.
(JKNTI.I'.MKX Allow me, as an old reader
of your valuable journal, herewith to send you
a few lines, which please insert in your next
issue. I will vouch fur their truth, an l know
that by their publication a gr at deal of go . I
will l> • accomplished. Having been a re.i ler
i of your paper for many years, I hope you will
I kindly grant my request.
For twelve years I hud suffered, from time to
time, terribly with Hlieumati HI, T > such an ex
tent that I was unable to move ahont and lost
the use of my limbs. I tried everything rec
ommended t » effect a cure, consulted oine of
the most prominent physicians, and expended
large sums of money, hoping to find relief, but
without any success. < Dancing over the col
umns of the " W'ntrhr.r" I read about tint ST.
JAU'IIS Oil. UII !th • MANY cures this remedy
had effected. Having been dtMipjH.inti-d so,
many times, I lost all faith in any remedy, the
HT. JACWH OIL. included, until I saw one day
| that it had cured a well-known citizen with
whom I am acquainted. Other parties fully
endorsed the value and wonderful power of the
OIL, telling me that it hnd cured them of dif
ferent ailments iu a very short time. Tins
brought me to a conclusion. I,said to myself,
"Schweias-r, fifty cent * w >n't break you ;" - > I
' went to my druggist, Mr. Ilock, bought a bottle
of the Oil., and must now confess that the
result was truly wonderful. I used it every
two hours, and found relief immediately upon
the first application, and the pain ceased en
tirely after a few more applications. Fearing
a new attack, I remain MI in bed and continued
to use the remedy every three hours. All pain
having left me, I arose from my bed and walked
down stairs without any trouble.
Since that time I have been able to follow
my occupation and feel no pains or incon
venience however disagreeable the changes of
the weather may be. Having thoroughly tested
the Sr. J AC suss ON., I can conscientiously re. -
minuend it to all afflicted with Rheumatism.
Fifty cents is a small expense when the «er-
I vices for so trifling an outlay are con adored.
If I was one thousand miles away from all
human habitation, I should, nevertheless, pro
! cure this remedy and keep it always in my
('nr. Mr 11- in mul * 'rut I- St*., (Jh-rrlu Hit ) <F .
I TIIK Pittsburgh Dathj Dix/mlr/i. IS
' in a measure one of the necessaries <if life in
Western Pennsylvania, Eastern Ohio and West
I Get tho Best,
I And the place to lind it is at Charles
(iardner's Clothing Emporium, No.
10 Federal street, Allegheny. Over
coats, Dress and Business Suits made;
up in the latest and most fashionable
. style, can here be obtained at prices
. which will astonish you as to cheap
. ncss. lb- has on hand also a full line
of ticntlemens' Furnishing (Joods,
which he is selling at very low prices.
(Jo and see for yourself.
SPECIALTIES in woolens at William
Aland's Merchant Tailoring establishment not
' to be had elsewhere in the county.
' TIIK largest Stock of Half Hose
ever offered in Butler, you can find at
Xo., Ti-rt:i and Vecti . Ptaimttfa Attorney j Vlnintiff. h h-ti,hint. ItcfmdtuU'* Attorney
r. t. P. i'io. .Tune, I McCandless and Crosby ,< J W Knee ct us \ llcgheny Township ,W l> Brandon
ig : " 110, " IS7< sa:ue Annie llovle same same
4, Mareh. Hrs Su'livna •'•ri-thers ;il Harris < onnellv Bros Thompson A Scott
»r " 14, June, 1.>7 'l. Jlcju.-: >n 'Jeorge Schleppy tames Anderson et al I'.x'rs !' Knstaian
i* A. I>. ' Mar. 1 - same i.lohn Summers Daugherty sk Devlin lohn M cJreer
v I!. I>. 358. dune, 1 >7!'Thompson J Scott I. Heidrick William Taft I, Mcc^uistion
l -' A. I>. 7", Hec., 187!' I. V. Mitchell William Leckcv Calvin Jones tireer and Brandon
< I', i i, V. r . ! 7- Met '-indie-- & c Ireer Samuel Ci W Brown John Vanansdale Thompson A Scott
•' 7J7, Jur.e, I.S7S tireer an 1 Walker John Smith Samuel Smith Mitchell and l'lecger
o " 12.>1, Oct. Wl> Brir.i lon .Jarob Weiland I II r?:>rr Thomp«<in A Scott
>' 370. " ls7."> lohn M.tireer Camp Kandall I! J, T.ivlor iCo MeJunkin i t ainpl)ell
'J'25, " JS7'' \;V. Mitchell JOB Wilson 'Jeorge Walter, Sh'-ritf, et al F M Kasiman
il " f)! I. June, 1-77 Crosby and Greer J P Gordon Thomas Jennings M N Miles
a '• 437, Oct., 1877 I. Z Mitchell I Morrison Butler Co Mutual
r " !'•">, Jan'y McCandless, Tiv S Allen Wilson A Bott et al Snllivaiv ami Mitchell
" nil. " I*7-' G S Crosby «t ol Naomi M Ward ct al G S Bussell et al K Marshall et al
t, ; " June IS7« G A «fc A T Black <>dd l'ell >ws' Hall Association J Frtdley et al John M (ireer
T " 174. " IS7B C S Crosby et al II II Say Hugh Sproul C Walker
c •' 64*>, " 1 s7S Mitchell and Sullivans S A-ldlemin et ux Pon.ugti of Petrolia t.i H Bemus
i- " 41?, r>e.\, t>7S same Fre,lerlek Tramble et tit Herman Leaner 1. Mcijurtion
" Mrfr. 1 s 7JJ Wl> Br.mdon H P McF.lwee et al I. Wilt C Walker
t ' " C, June, IS7;i Brandon and Kastman si I» I h<cops u ii Harmony Bank L M<*Qui*tioii
y " lfe.t, " ls7:'i W 1' Brandon .1 II Jack , |'b-•odore llusi lion \ tl William
<. 1.-7<( .1 N A F S Purvianee William >. liniTv Jaru >- K lteid ' Walker
; " 1 s.-,. Sept. 1879 J N PinfiMt I I A \i 1 s., Fairrim l'ep..-it Bank 'W H H Ri<ldle
A. iii'sskl.b, ProlhOiiot.cry.
e |
>F j A
. ! To al! who are suffering from the errors an<
if ; indiscretions of youth, ncrvoo wc ikness, earl;
■ i decay, loss of manhood, &c., 1 will send i
j I reei;>e that will cure you, FItEK < »F CHAR i!"
i. | This irreat reme-I v wn-dis covered by a mis.,ion
n : nry in South Africa. Semi a self-ad-lresst,
I enveh>[»C to the RKV. JC»PI;!*H INMAX, Statin:
t . D, Xnc York- City.
This disease like many others is regardec
as inc'lrable. It is not so. If it is taken ii
time it is as easily cured aa a wart or a corn
> We know verv well that it is a fearful disease
s and will eat away until it destroys life, tha
■ is if it 'H neglected, but if it is attended t<
t when it first makes its appearance, or soor
after, there is no (rouble iu e. adicating i
1 from the system. Persons will have to lie hcr<
s during p:'rt of the treatment, consequently
there is no use writing to me for infonnatior
[ whether it can be cured without my seeing the
• case. I also treat with success, Rupture, Piles
Fistula, Ulcers, Ulcerated legs, Varicose" Veins
Varicocele Tumors, Hydrocele, and every form
f of Skin Disease.
Dr. Keysir, 240 Penn Avenue,
I Opposite Christ's Church, Pittsburgh, Pa.
i ——— ■
DAVIS—Mc KISSIC—Dec. 11,1879, by liev.
I S. Williams, Mr. John Nelson Davis and Miss
i Carrie K. McKissic, all of Butler county, Fa.
[ BAKKR—STEIN—Dec. 23rd, 187:», by the
I same, Mr. James Baker and Mrs. Catharine
Stein, all of Butler county, Pa.
Eve, at the residence of tiie bride's parents, by
1 Rev. J. Q. Waters, Mr. John N. Patterson and
Miss Emilv H. Stein, both of Butler.
With tiie above we were favored with a
goodly piece of wedding cake. The contracting
parties have our very best wishes fora long and
prosperous life.
by the same, at his residence, Mr. Alexander
English, of Lawrence county, l'a., and Miss
Emily E. McCullotigl, of Butler, Pa.
SMITH—LEWIS Jan. 1, 1880, bv the same,
Mr. Leopold Smith, of Millcrstown, this county,
and Mrs. Mary Lewis, of Pittsburgh.
Rev. it. O. Ferguson, at th.- Lowrv House, Mr.
A. E. Grimes and Miss Martha Whcdon, both
of Modoc, this county.
REED—HENRY Dec. 2.lth, 187!», at tin
residence of the bride's father, by the same,
Mr. Henderson Reed, of Pittsburgh, and Miss
Lizzie B. Henry, of Butler, Pa.
by Rev. McKinuev, in Muddycreek township,
this county, Mr. John Stickle and Miss Kate
FRI EN D—NEYMAN—Dec. 23rd, 1879. by
Rev. Samuel Kerr, Mr. William Friend, of
Braddoeks, Pa., and Miss Kittie M. Neyman,
of Pine township, Mercer county, Pa. < Both
SARVER- LEFEVHE—Dec. 2oth, 1879, by
Rev. J. 11. Kitzmiller, at the pastor's Ii >nie iu
Freeport, Mr. Beujamiu Sarvcr and Miss Isa
bella both of Buffalo township, this
BOAK—BADGER Dec. 25th, 1879, by Rev.
James A. Clark, Win. Charles Boak, of Prince
ton, Lawrence county, an I Miss Carrie <•.
Badger, of Portersville Butler county, I'll.
Ross ALEXANDER Dee. 30th, 1870, by
the same, Mr. (ieorge W. Ross, of Black Jack,
Kansas, ami Miss Emma Jennetta Alexander,
near Prospect, Butler c ounty, Pa.
at the residence of the bride's parents by Rev.
11. F. Boyle, Mr. Henry (ialbraith, of the
vicinity of L'-asurcville, Butler county, and
Miss Flora Ferguson, daughter of Thomas
Ferguson, of South Buffalo township, Arm
strong county.
GRAHAM—DODDS Jan. Ist, 18M, by Rev.
1 T. W. Young, at Mt. Chestnut, Mr. It. li. Gra
ham and Miss F.J. Ilodds, all of this county.
TRIMBLE—WILEY-Dec. 21th, W, bv
Rev. E. Ogden, a' his res dence, Mr. Win.,/.
Trimble, of Clinton township, ami Miss Sarah
J. Wiley, of Middlesex township, this county.
STEWART—CREEKS Dec. 20, 1879, by
the same, Mr. Thomas Stewart, of Middlesex
township, llutlcr county, and Miss Malmda
Creeks, of Allegheny county, Pa.
EMERICK SHANNON Jan. Ist, is 'i, by
• Rev. E. Ogden, Mr. D. Baxter limerick, of
Summit township, and Miss Ella Shannon, of
Buffalo township, Butler county, Pa.
I»ivt TIBS.
Mi DONALD Dec. J7th, 1«79. at his re-;,
deuce in Coniioqucnessing township, Mr. \\ in.
' Wallace McDonald, aged '»! years, 9 months
ami 2 days.
11-FT D -c. 1 sth, I 579, iu Centre township,
f this county, John lift, aged .*> months and 8
I days, son o: W. P. and Caroline lift.
H A/.LETT—Dee. 22nd 1879, in Winficld
township, this county, Air;. Marv Ha/Jett, in
her iitst year.
, GRAHAM J:iu. Ist, 18.80, at his residence
• HI Brady township, tftctler crounty, Daniel
■ Grahnm, Esq., in the S.">th year of his age.
1 Mr. Graham was one of the oldest and best
citizens of the county, having the respect and
confidence of his fellow citizens. He lived on
i his farm above Prospect for many years past,
• being of late years, however, so feeble as to be
unable to leave home. For a long time he
» served his neighbors as a Justice of th" Peace
to their entire satisfaction. lb 1 was a brother
1 of Joseph Graham, Esq.. of Jefferson town
, ship, yet living, and who is the senior in years
I of his deceased brother Daniel.
X«w AilvertiHemeiils.
Vl/ \U n |>|7 '■oiiHumption and Astlrna.
' ii li»' < ' Il ii. Ncvnr vet fui'e-l. Address
j with stamp, ' IIOAIE," Fiiotrliuiio |ja7-ly
">,OOO i\«ciils \\ allied al Oikt.
We have the very beft thing for Agents, and
: offer »nch inducements that any one e*n make
from BO ct>. to -i2 every cvtini g, tnd -t.1,01'0 n
year it' yon work all the time. Seoul 10 e s for
' KUIIII In anil secure your territory.
Address, Memenicer Put'lislnng ('o ,
jan7-l«ii I'. O. I'ox 422, Milton, l'a.
|\ • (.'over, Stool reel Book, only
I If) Ili IS *'' 'to t2t r >. Organ', 13 Slops,
3 rets lteeds. 2 Knee Swells,
Stool, anil ISook, only %!17.60. K/}'B Htop Organ.
Stool. Book, only Acl'liess, lit NN KLI,
A Mil.l. Kit, Lc-wittoii, l'a. Jan7-3iu
Prrir.nrfvl f«»r
nervico from any CIUH©, HIHO for Heirn of d«-
» cfaHMd poldiern. All pennioim <Htn back t > ilay
4 of ami to datci of death <»f the HOl
dirr. PeuwioiiH increased. Addronn, with Mtauip,
" j a 117 1n J I 913 K St. N. W., WahhiiiKton, I>. C.
Dit'i'iilors Sollcf.
Letters Icwtniiicntary on tin* estate ol Win. W,
McDonald, dee'd, late of Connocpieiieocing tp.,
Butler county, l'a., having I ecu grunted to the
undcsrslgned, all person* knowing tbemscdvci
1 luciebtcd to said ciatitt- will please make pay
lt merit, and any having claims against the mime
wilt present I hem a illy authenticated for settle
jfin7-4t Prospect, Butler Co , Pi.
•I. & G. F. KECK,
J*~ ■ RN K7K M-I'ISKK'I'.
tS* ave Rpceived and Keep Constantly cn Hand all the
j Fordigii ct Doi.ii§ r ßfie 0 oods,
" * 1 ■V \l Which they art* making up to order in the latest styles and
!1 - i 0 l>est workmanlike manner, at the most reasonable prices. All
=<• ■!"\ >\ work guaranteed to satisfaction.
u EIW ''i I |^-^"Remember the place.
" A j A <)}> F. KMH. Tlain «t.. Kill ler. Pa.
" The Time lias Come
y When Every One in Need of Dry Goods Goes Direct to
Having Made Very Larg-e Purchases in the Eastern Cities Before the Late
Advance in Prices Took Place, We are Able to Offer
Our (Joods as Low as Ever.
\ verv lar'C and full line of Cashmeres at I Don't lie alarmed altout the late advance in
s j2) e 16c. and •»"e Domestic Dry (ioods, we arc scdlinir everything
V i . v"---y we ofler at and «e.
in all colors and shadeH, nt .. . Bleaehcdand I nhleacfietl Muslins at •>., CJc.
We offer an All-wool t "ashmere, good quality, ani] s .,_
at -toe., 4.">e. mid | (jray Twilled Flannel at 10, IS, and
1 At ciOc., 72c. and Cse., we are selling an All- i All-wool t'ountry 1-lannel, only 2fe.
wool French ( ashmerc, snper.or in M tiality to , <an toll 1 lannel; c>i, lUand l._c.
any offered elsewhere, at even higher priee-i. f j"*" 1 < nL»h .>, of, » and lite.
• . Table Dama-k IS, 20 and Me.
Kxtra fine All wool French t aslunere, which Turkey lied 'fable Damask, fast colons, only
r we are selling at sl, is generally acknowledged - rt)
s to tic equal to any oll'ercd elsewhere at 5i,35. have an extra bargain in White lied
Black and Colored Silks, »«, 75c. and >l. Quilts, which wc are sell in;; at 75c and .>1
i,i..< Hlankets, Colored and white, sl, $2 and $3.
, We have a decided bargain in Black (.ros All-wool country Itiankctfi cheaper than ever.
(.rain Silk, at H, 1.1 .> Our Bt»ck in Ijtdies' and Gents' t'nderwear is
I T Our stock in t leaks ari l . bawds is larger I|l( , re i e ( ( . tl,a;i ever, and will be s.d.l at
than ever and embraces everything imaginable. xv lii<-h will astonish ill-purchaser. We
1 Cloaks from 52.50 to have ills .-, *ry d.-ci.led bargains in tiloves ami
ghails from -I to £lO. Hosiery.
|TP/"We would call special attention to our very large stock of Plaids
' and low-priced Dress Goods, whic hwe are selling at K J t , 10 and I2V cents.
,! i They are of a very beautiful design, and some of t'nese goods would lie cheap
at twice their cost.
f ■
100 & 102 Federal ISlriel. Allegheny.
Illustrated Floral Guide,
> A beautiful work of ion I'AOF.k, Onk Coi.or.rt. ,
FLOWKU Pi.vrr., and JKM) Ii.M'hTOATIOS*, wdli
, Do.eripli.iUH of tbe bexf. Flowers Kiel Vogeta- j
bios. •% it 11 price of seeds, and bow to grow them- '
I- All for a Five CENT HTAMT. In Eugl'.hli or Oer-
I man. , ~ i
s Vlf'K'H REI'.DS are the best in the wolld.
. Fm: Ci NTS for pobtaga will buy the FLOHAI.
GCIDI:. telling how to got theiu. _ j
The Fix.wka AM# VIOIKTAJSI.k (IAROKN. 1.5 j
' pag< s, Six Colored Plates, and many hundred
" Kiijrri vings. For 50 cents in paper e.ivers ; -jl !
• in elegant cloth. In German or EngUili.
pages, a rolured l'Uto in every number and
i many fine Engrav ngx. Price #1.2.1 a year; Five j
Copies for Specimen Nu-nbers .lent for 10 .
cents : 3 trial copic c for '2!> eente.
\ddret-s JAMK.S VICK.
v ja;,7 Itoehcbter, N. Y.
i,is r r .ii'Hoifs
J. Drawn for a Week of Common Picas Court,
Ccnimpncing on tht! Fourth Mondav ot Jan
uary, 1800, bsing the 26th Day.
Adam.)— Met!. David O. Mari-hill.
i- Allegheny W. It. I'orteifield, A. IJ. Clrant.
i. J'.ntTr.lo - t'hai leu Tho:i:p- on.
s ( Dv—lohn lloozcl, M. I-. Webb.
CniilioipielicHWiH' (iothcb Biatc'de.
Concord David Crawford, Charlo* It >w.
'• Cranberry—Albeit (Jraliam, t;. O. Walters. j
* Clinton—David
( herrv—Hugh Scroti I.
. Fail view ruber t Kn:ury, Andrew )1m».
Franklin—lames O. DoU.ls, Adam Weber.
" ; J^ciceon—lliram Knox.
JefTeiaon—V. SI Ward,
e ' Marion —James Dtigan.
.] Cakland—Deiuiia O'Dotinoli, Hr., W. F. Mc
! Elwec.
I'aikor H. 0. Pari er. Aaron Henry.
' | I'enn 'ariiuel llaukiti.
I j S.ipperyroek tleury Hilger.
~ I Kurnmit Cinirtian lleiic.hberger. John I,t;fz.
j Vcii»HKO Tin man J. l.ewis. JackHon Morrow,
> i Kamuel liovard, John William:*.
e Wiiillelil Coi:ra«l BerkK, Jr., Robert Kraune,
Edwarcl Mcl.affert*.
I Worth George Wimer.
R ; Butler bor U B. Joseph Nigglo.
r i Karl's <"il> Geoiee W. Kishart.
Milleretowu J. IJ. Davidson, C. J. Westor
! mail.
54 I WKFK <*< FLTB. 2, IHBO.
1 Adams-Joseph Cashdollar, Jienj. Davidson,
" 1 W. Hicbaids"ii.
i Allcrheny J. U Kuox.
I'-nlTalo J. M. Fleming
" i flonnoquetiesring—W. S. Oilleland,
' i Ullman.
H Centre—Thornby Johnston.
y j Clear field John McKeg, ('has. Ituinmel, Jos.
Ileicbatt, Dennis Shields.
Clinton—Joreph Smith.
Donegal Wil'iam Noten. P. S. Barnliart.
1 Fairview J. 11. Gibson, J. C. Heater, Henry
fc Wileij.
a | Forward John 11. Miller,
r j Jackson—George Bohm.
I Jefferson -Frederick Ashe.
Lancaster - Henry Eicbriour.
Middlesex John D. Miller, llobert K.ngen.
Mai ion Hugh Gihnore, John Gilchrist, Wm. i
y Byers. Joseph (lilmore^
«, Mercer W. M. Bell,
i, Oakland—J<.tin Herd man.
i. Venango Milton Kellerman, A. C. Wilson
!« Washnigton W. J. Wasson, J. 1,. St«w»ri,
Waller M. Hall.
Worth G. 11 Armstrong.
Bntli r bor, Harry Orieb, George Beiber. Jr.
Contreville W. It Hays.
I, Millerstowu- Charles Morrison.
■ l'etro'ia I. N. Ireland. W. T. Gordon.
ICliM'lioii 2Votl< a «*.
An election for Directors of the llutlcr Water
t'oiiipany, to serve for the ensuing year, will
lie held nt the office of the Secretary, in Butler,
Pa., on the second Tuesday of January, ixxo,
Is-ing the l.'illi day of the mouth, between the
hours of I and P. M.
dec 24 Secretary.
H'ortb .Tluiual.
c The annual meeting of the members ot the
Worth Mutual Hie Inauranoe Company will be
held In the t'ehoolhouae at We»l l-ltH-rty, on
the second id January, D-HO, t»lug
the lOt Ii day. J. M. MARSHALL,
declOicl Secretary.
Election Notice.
An election lor twelve Directors of the But-
I Irr Mutual F iri' Ineurancc Company, li» servo
| lor tlit- ensuing \«-sir, will In- held at the olllcc
10l ilie Secretary, in llullrr, Pn,, on tint Recnnd
' TIICMIMV of January, I*SH, hciiij; the Kith «11v
■ ol ilic montli, Itciwoeii liio liour< of I and :i
j I'. M 11. 0. II KIN KM AN,
tit c 10 Sicictary.
OiNMolutioit Jlotirr,
Not no Is I crtliy Riven lliat on 111"! 241h clay
■ of Novemtier, INT'.i, I!ic lliin ol Miller Broa ,
' in llf Furniture linoiuom In the bor
i orsrh ol Km Irr, was (li-aolved l>y mutual con
i sent, J. 11. Miller ictirluir. The hiislncrK will
' IK-1.-. her be eariied on under the llii.i name ol
| Miller Hron. & Co. with whom the Looks ol
| Hie laic li rm have IMIWI Iclt lor noil lenient.
.1. .VIM.EK,
.i. 11. MII.I.KR,
P. SliM.Kli,
declO-flt I. N. VII.I.KU.
letter* testamentary having been granted to
tlio underfilled on tho estate of William
Jobnaton, dee'd, lata of Worth township. Butler
1 oonnt.v, Pa., ail [ICH IIW indebted to no id cntate
I are notilied to make immediate payment, and
tlione having claimn ngaiuat tho name will pro
nent them dniy authenticated lor net I lenient.
decl7-fil] flrant City, Lstvrenoe Co., I'a
Q O N H IJ T! I' T I O
| can !>■• cured hy tho continued UHO of OPMBU'H
| C/UD I.ivrn Oil, A:JI> I.ACTO I'm WHATR or
! I.IMK. a euro for Cnunun'.iit ion, Conglm, L'oliln
Asthma, lironchitiH, ami all Scrofulona diseases.
Afk your drnggint for OKMKN'W and take no
other. If lie hao not got. it. J will Html one bot
tles anywho'o on receipt of |I, expteim pail
Solid for t'nculnr to CI I AM. A. (MMCN,
IIOVILI! COI I" Seventh Avo,. New Yo k.
v " v )(i per day at li< run Samples worth
''l" ' - r. R I free. Adiliera STISHO.N ,V Co.,
Portland. Maine. deoM-ly
FX >lt SA I a:.
A good li;tlo farm of aerm of land in
Pentt township, Butler county. Pa., IH hen by
offered fur sale. A good house, with foul
loom*, cellar. <te.; good ntabiiug and outbuild
ingH ; a good young orchard ; well watered, and
everything in tio.*! order on tho f«rm ; about 10
acrea of good timber. I.a\s on tiie Plink road.
For further particulars impihe of Andrew
Barclav; owner, on Ibe premifoa. or of bin
agent. JOHN 11. NBOI.EY.
<|ecn-5t But lor; I'a.
(Jwml Homes in (Viilril Missouri
Can ba obtained on tho bent terms, through tho
Callaway County Immigrate II Society.
For full iiaita'iilai H addrena tho I'rcnidont,
ortlS-.tn Fnlton, Mo.
74 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Special Benign* inado to harmonize with aur
ronniiinga of every apartment of your home
for Window Decorations, the riehent nclectionn
and latent designs in Haw Silk*, Satin*, .lilton.
Crcpotn, OHC. I.ace Curtains. from lb<; cheapest
to t he very fluent of all graven at very low
prices : I.ace I.ambre<]nlnn made to order to lit
anv ri/ed window, in tbn verv latent denigna ;
Cornecn and Cornice I'olon, Ilado Bottom Hl.u.ton
in vaiioiia denignn, Beddings, Comforts, Pillowa.
Mon<piiU) liarn, etc. 0c22-8m
I Tllion Oolcu >1 i 11.
11. FIJLLi;KTO\, Prop'r.
Manufacturer of HUNKKTB, V:.ASHKI.H, YAKNB,
Ac. Alro cuatoiu wotk done to order, auch na
cardldg Uolla, mukluir illanketa, Flannels Knit
ting mill Weaving Yarnx, Ac., at very low
price*. Wool worked UII the aliaren, "j|
aired. uiy7ly
N'i'vt <Wr to Sivinirc Hank,
Butler, Pa.
in fact SUITS suitable for each and every one that is in want of a Suit. Also a very full line of f