BUTLER CITIZEN. " Local kad Gen«ral. Casw Jackeoo'e Beat Sweet Navy Tobacco. FRANCS ha* penny saving banks for school boyi. UIOBQIA gold mines now yioltl #!,- 000,000 a rear. Go TO J. F. T. Stehle's for the latest styles of Hats. MIMSKSOTA has 110 flouring mills, with 6#9 ran of stone, in active operation. A SOUTHERN Congressman says white men railed three-fifths of this year's oot ton crop. THS action of Kidnev-Wort on the , Kidneys, Bowels and Liver, Rives it wonderful power. THE Democrats have a majority of srren over all in the National House of Rep mentativea. SHAFTS, finished and rough, at the J. Niggle ft Bro.'s Hardware Store, Jefferson street, Butler, I'a. SHUT every door after you, and without slamming it, is a good rule to observe when you enter a house. CHRISTMAS is coming and the youngsters are anxiously awaiting the time of Santa Clans' annual visit. WILLIAM ALAND, Merchant Tailor, has just opened the largest line of woolens for men and DOTS wear ever offered in Butler. HAPPY homes and smiling faces are invariably the result of wise parents constantly keeping "Sellers' Cough Svrup" on hand. Prioe 25c. Wl only give what the Cincinnati Saturday Night says: 'ln Zululand the young folka fight and get married; in this country they get married and fight." THE increased value of the South ern cotton, tobacwo and augur crops this year over last is estimated at $50,u00,000. This iu ereas is dne to better prices, as well as to a * larger yield. AN item is floating in many of our exchanges that the word "girl" oreare in the Bible but once—Joel 111, 3. A little git I writes us that it can also be found in Zacha riah VIII, 5. A WOMAN of brains suggests that girls, no matter how wealthy their families, should be brought up to some occupation whereby they can earn an lionet living in the hour of need. TUESDAY, December 2nd, was the twentieth anniversary of the execution of John Brown, of Ossawattomie. The slave power set its iron heel on the brave old man s body, but his soul marched on till the noble cause triumphed. FIFTY years ago only one citizen of New York Citv, John Jacob Astor, was worth more than $1,000,000. Now it is asserted that there are over five hundred men in the me tropolis whose wealth is estimated at M ,W*V 000 and over. AN old farmer in Oakland county, Michigan, eighty-one years old, was turned out of doors bv his son. He hobbled round to the barn and burned up .the whole establishment, which represented tfce work of a lifetime. His grit held out to the end. POSTMASTER General Key is about to issue an order prohibiting the placing of stamps upside down on letters. _ Several post masters have recently been seriously injured while trying to stand on their heads to cancel stamps placed in this manner. A MINISTER relates his experience thus: I take pleasure in adding to our many testimonials, that last Thursday (Thanksgiving Day,) not being able to preach on account of Rheumatic pains in the shoulder, I bought a bottle of ST. JACOBS OIL, which, after using several times, relieved me wonderfully. DR. B. PICK, Boclufter, Xe>c York. A CHICAGO man announces that he has made a machine by means of which, in the twinkling of an eye, he can convert Lake Mich igan water, or any other water, into light, heat or steam, as his patrons may desire, besides incidentally knocking the received laws of natural philosophy into a cocked hat. \et the gas companies are examining meters and col lecting Dills as usual. DR. LORIMER, the Chicago clergy man, who was charged with stealing matter from the sermons of others and palming it off as original, has sent his defense to Dr. Parker, of London. The latter proposes a fair test. H« advioes Dr. Lorimer to let some respectable citisen of Chicago select 10 or 12 of his mann script sermons, to publish them at his own ex pease, and to aefy the world to discover any plagiarising in them. ILLINOIS is the largest wheat-pro dueing State in the Union, according to the re ports of the Department of Agriculture for 1879. It is credited with 45,00(1,000 bushels ; lowa, 40,000,000; Minnesota, 30,»500,000; Kan sas, 35,000,000; Indiana, 31,000,000; Nebraska, 31,000,000. Kansas, whieh was the first wheat producing State in the Cnion last year, is fourth this year, because of the partial failure of the wheat crop in some of- the counties of the State, from drought. Ladies, Delicate and Feeble. Those languid, tiresome sensations, causing yon to feel scarcely able to be on your feet; that constant drain that is taking i'rora your system all its former elasticity; driving the bloom from your cheeks; that continual strain upon your vital forces, rendering you irrita ble and fretful, can easily be removed by the use of that marvelous remedy, Hop Bitters. Irregularities and dbstructious of your system are relieved at once, while the special cause of periodical pain are permanently removed. Will you heed this? See "Truths." The Best Newspaper in Pittsburgh. The COMMERCIAL GAZETTE is unquestiona bly the best newspaper published in Pittsburgh. It contains the largest amount and greatest variety of reading matter, presented in the most compact and attractive form. It has the fullest and most accurate reports of the daily transactions in monetary and com mercial affairs. It is noted for its accurate and full market reports. It devotes special attention to the news from Western Pennsylvania. Eastern Ohio and West Virginia, making liberal outlay for tele graphic and mail correspondence from all the principal points. Its local and general news is unusually full, and its discussions of political and other ques tions are able and vigorous. Now is an excellent time to subscribe, as we are on the eve of what promises to be one of the most exciting Presidential campaigns in the history of the country. The Daily is SB, and the Weekly only $1.50 per year. Sample copies sent free. Address COMMERCIAL GAZETTE, Pittsburgh, Pa. A Pennsylvania Border Tale. Io the Philadelphia Weekly Press of date November 29 is commenced a thrilling Penn sylvania historical romance, entitled "The Brady Brothers; or Bald Eagle's Nest." Its Menes will be located on the West Branch of the Susquehanna during that bloody and troubled period immediately following the massacre of Wyoming, and "the great runa way," John Brady; his brave and stalwart sons, James and Samuel; Colonels Kelly and Plunkett, Queen Esther, Bald Eagle and other celebrities of that time will figure prominently. The theme was suggested by the late Brady centennial celebration at Muncy, and is from the pen of Charles McKnight, author of "Our Western Border," "Simon Girty, the White Savage," and "Captain Jack, the Scout." m ■—« m Consumption Cured. An old physician retired from practice, hav ing had placed in his hands by an Fast India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure for Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma, and all Throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous complaints, after having-tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated bv this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge to all who desire it. this reeipe. in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by nail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. W. SHEARER, 149 Power'* Block, RfhetUr, y. Y. IF you want to h'ave a good appe tite and enjoy health, take "Dr. Lindsey's Wood Searcher." ALL kinds of Stove and Flue pipe lo be had at the Hardware Store of J. NIGGLE A BRO. SPECIALTIES in woolens at William Aland's Merchant Tailoring establishment not to (w in wtanty. ~ WHERE TO BUY HARDWARE! — I JJoi-wav Iron, Oilers, Axes. Augers , Oil Stones, Padlock*, 11879. FALL 1879. Aupr Bits Axle Grea.se, * • A Pulleys, Pocket Cutlery, Bells, Bolts, Blocks, j porcelain Kettles, Brushes Bite, After thankinq our patrons and Percussion Caps, Blacksmiths Sledges, ■«/•« ~w *—*"*■<■ j I Hike* Razors Builders' Hardware, the public generally for their •<>// Rivet* 'Revolvers, Brass Butts, liberal patronage in the. }>ast. t c> ' KuJcs ua ZO r Strops, ' | respectfully Carpenters' Tools, tee have now in (stock a full lint of j•- 'stoves,' Carriage Bolts, Scythes, Screw' Drivers, , Cook Stoves, HEAVY AND SUELF Scythe Stones, Cartridges, Chains, ■. 11 r Shovels, Spades, Chisels, Cordage, Spikes, Spoons, Steel, r <•-»SMSJW. Hardware*"ssasr** . Door Springs and Stops, J—l- CtJ -L V>»- * * Table Cutlery, Tacks, Drawing Knives, | j Tools Trlln k Locks, Egg Beaters, hdgc Tools, , rn/ ] p T r ai>- Tape Measures, Faucets, Files, .suitable tor the full trarle, at ' Tacks / , Forks, Fly Traps, 'prices to suit the times. Vises—Blacksmiths', («un Caps Gimlets, All those in need oj anything hi Vises—Hand, i Gunpowder,Grindstones,,o«r line are cordially invited to '"whetstones, . Hammers, Hoes, -call and examine goods anu prices window Springs, Handles, Harness Snaps,l, „ urc hasing elsewhere. Window Locks, Hatch Hinges, 7 * Wringers, Wrenches, > Horse Shoes and Nails, .„ m „TTT.T -r Wire Cloth. Wedges Lanterns, Locks, JACKSON & MITCHELL, Wardrobe Hooks, Mallets, _ Wardrobe Locks, Malleable Iron Castings, Corner Main & Jefl'erson Sts., Wood Saws. Wire Rope, Meat Cutters, Yard Sticks, Machine Screws, BUTLER, PA. Zink Oilers, Measuring Tapes, zink sheet, &e. Kuts, Nails, ' Farmers' Supplies, Iron, Steel. Metals, Blacksmiths' Supplies, fcc. CARPETS! OIL CLOTHS! MATS! RUGS! STAIR RODS as NEW STOCK! NEW STOCK! | § HECK & PATTERSONS | j NEW CARPET ROOM j 3STOW OPEN! c w @ti@ ©tf their OllttMng ftewse, c * Duffy-* Block, Bailor, Pa. ffi isqoa HIVXS isoqn isxvro isiLLQiono iSJ/jjvrvo Hardware \ Implements !j| EE J. ®. & W. CAMPBELL, 1= Sole Agents for the World-Renowned !""" B ! ITpirrVTj MOWER AND REAPZH, - ME It ciESJEii |i BIPtfUVD 2RAIN UHILL, JLKCIII BALMS |=: = REIIDEER HII BUI, ITU UK!, !i EE L. M. COSBY'S Celebrated FAKHIHG MILL = nBAKKB* I Cultivators, Scythes $ Snaths, ;;;;;; Shovel Flows, Grain Cradles, ;;;;;; Corn Planters, Forks $ Hoes, • Lawn Mowers, Gum Hose, ■■■■■■ And Everything in the Implement Line. EE Stoves and Tinware, EE EE 1 House Fnrnishuig Goods :: CARPENTERS' AND FARMERS' TOOLS. ps~PHOSPHATE ALWAYS ON HAND. WWW ...... Goods greatly reduced in price and satisfaction guaranteed. J. G. &W. CAMPBELL. Z." Don't You Do It! DONT BE 80 FOOLISH A3 TO BUY AN OLD STYI.K Sewing Machine, No m:uter how groat its name, or how loud Its jireteiiMons, when lor less money you c;in get The Best Invented as wpll as The Latest Improved. THE SELF-THREADING Dauntless! The ouly Machiue made which has Shuttle, Take-Up and Tensions Entirely Self -Threading. The DAUNTLESS also makes the perfect Lock-Stitch, has the most ingenious sepa rate Bobbin-Winder, largest Ann Space and Wide Feed, Sin pleet Mechan ism, most stylish Furniture, and Handsomest Plating and Ornamentation in the Market. It Sews Anything! It Beats Everything !! It Please* Everybody !!! fy Sewing Machine Dealers everywhere will Qud it to their interest to order the Dauntless, and get Factory Prices. For terms, territory, iic., apply to The Dauutless Manufacturing Company, Nor walk, Ohio, or to L. H.BLAGLE, jyl«-6m East Brady, CI u ion Co., Pa. HEXRY ©. HALE, Fill SMUT TillOß, COB. PENN and SIXTH STREETS. Pittsburgh, Pa <&itiz*ix : JBttiUxr, fl*., BMSW»h«t It, WW. THE WHSTS: SEWING MACHINE THE BEST OP ALL. Unrivaled in Appearance, Unparalleled in Simplicity, Unsurpassed in Construction, Unprecedented in Popularity, And Undisputed in the Broad Claim or BONO TMI VERY BEST OPERATING QUICKEST SELLING, HANDSOMEST, AND Host Perfect Sewing Maohlre m THE WOULD. Tha (JTM t popularity of (ha White is tha moat eaa tlnclng tribute to Its excellence and superiority •ver other Machines, and In aubmltting It to tha trade we putltupcn its merits, and in no instance hai it ever yet failed t§ satisfy any recommendation In lb favor. Tha demand for the White has Increased to such •a extent that we are now compelled to turn out 4L Complete Sewlsg Metclxlaa.* eveiy tiire® aacxlaa-vitao 12X Uu day to ■'u.pply t3a* demand! Every Machine Is warranted for 3 years, and sold for csh at liberal discounts, or upon easy payments, to suit the convenience ol customers. ■VAUHTS WAKXZS m raoocunxs nssiroti. WHITE SEWING~MACHINE CO., m 368 Euclid Ave., Cleveland. Ohio. VOX JOIINBO3T, Agent. Office at Vogclpy's Bakery, sept3-6m BUTLER, PA. Sin. M. BICHABDST No. 222 Penn Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa., Will exhibit on FRIDAY and SATURDAY, Nov. 14 15,1884*, a complete assortment of FRENCH PATTERN HATS AND BONNETS of the latest Parisian styles. A cordial invitation is extended to the ladies of this town and vicinity to call in and inspect the uiany and beautiful patterns iu the Fall and Winter etytifc. novl»-lm ' I I j IMSVIENSE STOCK OF A. T ' Ritter &. Ralston's. _ - - - - - • DIIESS SILKS at 75c., sl, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2,00 and 2.50 per yard. no- i ALL-WOOL CASHMERES at 4fc , 50c., 55c , 60c., 65c., 70c., 7oc , 80c Soc 90c £l, Ml, and 1.20 LADIES' CLOAKS at $2 50, 3.50. 4 50, 5.00, 5.50, 6,50, 7.50, 8.00, 9.00, 10.00, 12..j0, 10.00, 10.00, l/.o>, xb.l 0, 20,00, 22.50, 25.00, 30.00 and 35.00. CHILDREN'S CLOAKS, all styles and prices. DOLMAN! BOSNIANS! DOLIANS! DOLMANS! LADIES', Misses' and Children's Felt Hats, at L 5 cents. LADIES' FURS, Misses' Furs, Children's Furs. CARPETS, all Styles and Prices. Very Heavy Stock, and Ha Advance. How is the Time to Buy. At 6i cents, good dark Calicoes, unbleached Canton Flannel, Bourctte Dress Goods, At 10 cents. Columbian Cheviots, heavy dark Dress Goods in all the new shades. At 20 cents, double-fold Alpacas ; at 25 cents, double-fold Cashmeres, ;iil colois. At 35 cents, yard-wide Cashmeres, black and colors. rj-Wc have now the largest and best assortment of Goods we have ever shown, we invrte you to c..11 early and secure bargains. Although Goods have advanced thirty to fifty per cent,, we arc still SELLING A 1 Oi,L> riiiCEb. RITTER % RALSTON. a J fIANIHIi BULL A.ND— Lumber Yard ! J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PURVIS. S. 9. Purvis & Co., 7 j M VNUFACTI'KEKS AND DEALERS IS Rough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DCOiUS, Patent Moulded Weatherboarding. FLOORING, SIDING, .BATTK S BRACKETS and Scroll Sawing ol every description Gauged Cornice Boards, Cornice ]SI on 1 d i n g POIICII POSTS, STAIJi RAILS, Newell Posts and Balusters FENCE, PALINGS, Ac., Ac. MICHIGAN SHINGLES, Barn Boards; Plastering Lath ; Hem lock Bill Stuff, such as Joist Raf ters, Scantiinc. &eiiig very dura ble. as they are manufactured of pure Butler county wool. They are beautiful in color, su perior in texture, and vrill be sold at very low prices. For samples and price*, addrees. 1 H. FUIXEP.TON, Jnl34,TfMy) Pntler, Pa E. GrRJEB, DEALER IN FINE Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER WARE, SPECTACLES, &C. ENGRAVING OF ALL KINDS A^SPECIALTY. MAIN STREET. (North of Lowry House,) BUTLER, PA. WATCHES ANI) CLOCKS REPAIRED, AND WARRANTED. ~&a 13. Roessinjj', [Successor to A. C. Roessing & Bro. ] DEALER IN Groceries, GRAIN, FLOUR, FEED, OIL, -AND— Anthracite Coal. 1 THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID IN j FOR GRAIN OF ALL KINDS. sep4tf j BUTLEE/ j Lumbaf Yard and Planing Mill.! H. BAUER & BROS., ! I JEFFERSON ST.. - BUTLER, PA., j MASCFAC'TUREIIS OF Doors, Sash, Frames, Blinds, Molding of all descriptions, Brackets, P.-itent Molded YVeatherboarding, | Mill Boards, Flooring, Palings, Stair Railings, Balusters of every style. &c., &c. Circular Moldings Mzde to Order. ALSO, DEALERS IN Lumber, Plank, Shingles, Lath, &c, - j aplMy ! ' _________________ _ ! j : MI3 10 Uf'ACCUAI.iT-O OTTH f.i'2 CEOCRAFIIY OF THIS COUriT.-.V, WILL SY LX.V.c RNIO mlap, VM. ; r •;,i± j V " | I 2 A ;- ~ j ■> i v: ; / C ."k : &Z- ' I'/ j"! I 1 : 5 '-U I ..i >l : >- ' ■ : ~'vNX" ; p , ■f I ''-■'■-I, '"".v:.?i < : i V- f \ \ < ! J / CY. ', - ' ? " GHTCAfiQ, BOCK ISLAMD & PACIFiC"OT en T:IEGREAT CTWMTIXG link BETWEEN THE LAST '..xrrrr:.: I i. • i?i I in* r.ma froroClitragn niuTs SMOK!?r:: \ r;!ic- • v r:*; i < .» I mi i V'l.iaiiu. i».a?- *in i CliroiiKU Joliet. iKtawa. l.:i "il.. - i * :.t ;.ii » <.* t.. »ii:: •. K«»ck Islan-i. i»;»vi'ji».i.|*t, ni!i< mt I: >:\ I*. - *i l': • rli • i j , i Y.Y-1 l.i> rtv. 1.. V I i ity. Muren(/<» # I!ro«»J.I n m l »-v .-n 2.t : 4 !l 1•lrS -« n •• •' " I •..* tirijincil «•s«l I)i h .MtilU'j*. : V* 11:0.1 Jtim linn t » i». Wnsliin/t«»ji. I :sir- t j;t.!«»l;i I "i:5 i «I• ■*. Urli!. Hldt.n, »olk:»:.p. < , entrcvill«». l»riiicvi«»n. j 'i : : i»i-:i;.v*li'A!. !' ' Trent <>iu «.:ill:*r?!». Omcron. Leavenworth i.r tl [TIM ('IILAT ili :»I I-1: i . i \ : . Ai !»»•*•»:i : V.'rs.'ji-.tcn ! » Si.conrii' v. , i . ] j4) \-, , :?:•«» KuoxviUe; KeoJ.ek «.«» Fariniiurton. L«»:;a- At ( HiCAtJO with all t! lii • "i . p:.?f.v Ik»nt« *isfH>rt, Snd.'fMMHlent. Kklo!i. Ottum- am! r outii. * : l!«!:'.yv»lL\ <>skali I'rlla, Monroe am! I»e.i At I-'.,v(;m:woot». with Sl!or • >li i ?l«>iiK.-«; I>< * ?.*.•»»*.. it *» J MiiunoJa tiTid Winter -et; .ran 'Utiie'.M jf.ii -1. V.*:: *."iic »'• t "Lit* '» Aaiaiiticto AtKiulx'ii. ano AVoca t«-Harl::n. 'I hS 1 K. ilt! i»j-.., i. ivcly iho onlv f!iiil:*«»ail. wlut Si ows»«. con- At \Vas:m voTf-N !1; KitSTS, % i*'• I'itt ' \ rc. trols : i'l o;vraith» 2i t!ir»»uua line between Chivu;;o . cin .;?ti :: |. mi.. K. l H!i«! | At 1. \ S.\i 1 :. 1* •: *. I;i: 1:• ■: ('# vtr; i!c It. , !i«» Compary OTM t«n 1 control t:icir flecplnjr! At 1*EO:::.\. W;:'I R . !'. : R. I- «. \ I. •" CUi:. whleli ine lnf« rtor lo none, ami j;lvo v- u:i 1 \y.; II!. Aii llsf i«!: :t:I ». 1' V'. !i:.'Jr« ;' . (t.iu'eip berth lelwe«M' t'lneaeo nnn 1 .11. ;ul J.". ve.iw< rth. or A?e!ilM»n !or Two Dollars and ; Uock Inland I*.-. ri:i i:..i!-a.L 1-iftyOnts. an«l a -?H t»'»!i f« r Five Dollars, vrlii!- 1 At l>A\ i.\ > i:r. with the .Wrth ;:il other I", s » liar «• I- tw» ;»II the s-'ine p« intK We. ♦ 1 -r»i It. Three Dollarn for 21 o aibie inrth. I'.nd Six At \N I / with the :n, (\ !;«r !«..•sect ion. | Uapi N 4 S; Norshrm U. l:. Whet will pi -as* yon monf wi!l be the pleasure At'-in.wi: i.. with »'« ;.t v.l lv. It 1" i of (>utt«vii:tf \ r imrN. while pT-siiirf over tla-• At I>t;s Moi:. Is. wiiii P. M. .v Jl. ! • .U. It. l» •airilul pr--irhM of I anl l«nra, in • neof I At ''OI'M IL Ul.rn vii : I': 1 tU - cuir /ni.ic -in Di 'ln'; i " ,f l Ki Htaur.'iit t'ars that , At omaiia. v .ih IJ. M«.. ». ! - .«iii.\e* ne;o::ii-any tII i'hro.i rh i \nre>s Trs.ins. Vo:i iret ( AfCiiM*M!trs.l »i<»x. witli lii.rii»u, • r ?• n c-Titire nit«l 1:1* :: . »c 1 . !». I: !t. Kii»* lire wsirrani n- it*, we art? pleaaetl 1 • i.n- 1 At Ar.'UlsoN. with At: hi:- .r». [:t nonruo thai th»- '«»i;n»:my runs r.\itS fir ?• Joepina pnrpo -ei. atai its iU. Ktis. PA!.A' P DIM " 'M* ' f'»r I: it in-: purposes.} At Li:a v I:nu 'outii, with K. P. an;! lv. Pen. •hie other in*-it feature of »ur Pain e ("an 11 .• 1»*. Kelt. iLAC C'A:;S -w f thrrv;-L <0 PK)3S A, 15 4 SIOS\ES, CDI XilL IZZ.VFV J ', A7< Oil! LEAViTVWOtTO!; Ticket* vl 1 tn e t fjrie, ktioM n at t!»e "Qwui lilaiu'. n-»uL'," a:v ... y i:ll r rie!-.ct ." l i fie I'nlt ! Stutcu 22tar:n:»Ilo»4 1101 obfitltmblc jit vcwa- 1,. iuc Brandies from Native Grepes ■ Our wines are |»nt ii|« in choice mi l ! arc guaranteed to l>e siMuiurd and uive satisfaction. a. F/ri'.r.r,. Agent. a|»2-ly HCTI.EU. P.' Q O Jf * l M P T s e pj can be cured t>v the contimifid uso i,f Dfiscs's Cod Liver Oii. am> Lj»cto I'mopiiaik or Lime, a euro for Consumption. Coughs, C !i' f. i Asthma, Bronchitis, and nil Scrofulon:- diseases. Auk your for Ohmcn'h aii>l la o do otlier. If he has not pot it. I will send i-ix hot ties an vu here on receipt of i 5. Beni: WF&> HUMAN (VIISEHY. |; ' ./* *t Published in a Stain? nlrrloj p. Price II ( tt. j I A i-E(-TT*RE UN Tin: N'AIUUK, TIIKATMtNT, . .IN!) i'IADK AI. C !!' • I'l WtaklU'i-S, or Spent alorrlni'n, induced hy Scll-Al'itse, lnvol- I utttary iotss ltp;x.U N<\v, Nervous De bility, Mid I- to Mani i.m : iin-mlly ; I CoiiMiuiptien, Ejiil.p ), and I'i's; Ment:.i and I'LL %"-!• -.1 Ineap.icit v, &e.—Bv KOBRKT .I.' 'UL i YEKWKI.I,, M. i) , .nit!.or o! tie "i.iceu j \ Book," iV<*. | Tlieuoild renowned nulhor, in (his ndmi:aire Lecture, clearly proos Iri-ri l.i-own cxpeikrec I lL.it the aw ill consequent cs ol fc'tll-.Miusc may In-ctKclu.il ly reiuovi J without mcdicitic. an. ' wiili.>lll <1 ii»fr< rt'tis operations, bougie*, 1 iiit-lni cuts, ilul's, or cordials; poin; iti:r out n ! ' :;•( d ■ ol cure a! onee cet t.iiu and cll -ciu .1, bj j i which every Millcrcr, no matter wLat his coiull- j j ti.in i:. Kre j t f S# )L H I tree. liUCKEVE NOVKLXY CO., j 1 v J |ns-3in] Cr tJSATT, OHIO. [<• Time oi Holding ( onriH. N" sevcri.l Courts of I!IC comity of Butler commence on the iirst Motility <>f March. June, Sept» mtier a: .t Jnocmbcr. and continue two weeks*, or m> !«u? a« necessary to di-powe of the business. N . cause* ai e put down for trial or travel -e jurors summoned for the first wee!: of the *vetal teimt*. JAMES .1. CAMPBELL, Office iu Fail view lwotigli, in Telegraph Office. janlD) BALDWIN P. 0.. Butler Co., Pa. VKltltlS AltMOlt, Just ice of the Peace, Main street, opposite Postofßec, j'ylC 2F.LIENOPI.E, PA. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. BU r rIiEH p^ A. M crxx Fx ia:nc • J. i'iddle build >"B nm-12 JOHX M. GREER Office on N. E. corner Diamond. uovl2 \vmtitty 7 sk; Office with V.". H. H. Riddle, Ks j. NEWTON BLACK" Office iu find National Bank Builling. E. 1. BRI*«H, ; Office in Kiddle's Law Building. S. I. BOWSER] Office in Itlld'.e's Law Building. [marß*76 178. iicJUNKIN. Special 'u ntion ixiveu to collections Olilcs opposite '.Viil-.rd House. JOSEPH B. BREDIN, Office north-east corner of Diamond, Butler Pa. 11. li. GOUCHER, Office in liehneiV man's b ui l ng. np stabs. J T. DOXLY Office near C'V.:rt Houses .• • 74 w. 1). i)H ANDOX, " eb!7-75 Ofciei in Bern's building CLARENCE WALKER, " 0!- ; . t in K;"t. lin ImiltHny marlT^—t " FERD RKIBER, Office iu Berg's new building, Main street.apitlj F. M. EASTAJ AN, Office ij> Brediu building. L E V. M cQUISTION", " Office Main street, I door touth ef Court House JOS. o. VANDERLIN, Office Maui i treet, i door south of Court House. Wm A. FORQUER, Office ou Main etrcr-t, opposite Vogeley Eonse. GEO] K WHITE, Office N. E. censor of Diamond ~~ FKANCIS I'UKVIANCE; Office with Gen. J. N. Pmvisnce, Main street, south of Court Honse. .i i) :\T^ITkkTN^ Office in Sciini.idciaan's i uiiclintr, wi&t side ol Mail: strcit, 2nd square from Court House. A. G. WL7,LIA\ISI Office on Diamond, two doors west of Cmzra office. apUti T. G\ CAMI'RELU . Office in Berg's new building, :2d floor, east tide Mai:; .'t., a Tew doors BOUib of Lowrj Hi-u.-e. ' mar!?—tf. ~«TA. «& \T. huIZITAN, iuay7 Otiiee S. W. cor ci Diamond. BLACK & BliO , Ofllct on Main trect. one door south o* Brady B!<'.; k, Butler. Pa. 'pep. 3, IST). JOHN M MILLER & BRO. OH;cs in P.!'3'l "rf Law Building, Main street, south of Co irt HOILS. Eugesb G. MILI.ek, Notary PnbHo. junl ly TIIOMAS ROBIXSONT"" hCTI I'll, I A. JOHN 11. NKGLEY," ftfGivcH iMticuiav i'.ttenhon to transoctiona ! is roi.i cstat. throughout tbe coui'ty. dm:' ns ri'.nosf, XKAK C'OVUT HorsE, nr fiTt/Fs »>nn.i'T>a E. It. Kcsixi, Knillßl M : (L:.ie o( Ohio.) ECKLKY & MARSHALL. Office it: Bi-.dyV Law Utiildiujr. 8ep1.9,74 C CU RISTIE7~' Attorney at Lttw. business carefully tni:;.actcd. Coll-Jtimib made and promptly remitted. Buf-inc--- correspondence pioinptly attondcil to r.nd an'wered. IMMce opp-. in- Lowry Houße, Bullcr, Pa. MISO33LL A. NBOU3. W. M. DAME, Ri bonblon BlocK. Bradfoid, Pn. ES) V>'' A! x DA: (S W'EENE Y SMETHPOKT, I A. Coilcctic..:- made in McKean, Venango, Butler and Clarion cov.n'lcf. M. NTMiLES, ' Pctruii i, iiutier county, Pa. |ju3 WILLIAM I:. <"OXN, ~ offic2 i'. Brawlcy House, GREECE Oil V. |jnne7-ly ~M . O. BEX E1 nW, jaa»J tf Petrolia, Butler co., Pa HOTELS Fkcs Hotel. KI'ItOI'iOAN I'I.AN. Astor Place, 3rd Ave. & Bth St., (Oppo-itc Cooper insiiiute,) 15. TV" "fl,' «» s« Best location in the ciiy. Ivevated Bailroad and five other lines < I cars pats the door. Booms f»0 tent.- to >'2 per day. By the week $0 and upwards. - Oi'ENf ALL N'lOin. apS.Stf w i T7LAR I) HOUSE, Main street, lioar Couit Honse, BCTLEIt, PA. GEO. W. CAMPBELL, - - - rnopKiEroß. t\?"Gocd : tabling in connection. KIT EN MI LLEIi HOUSE, On Diamond, near Conrt House, HTLER, PA. If. EITENMILLEB, - - - PKOIRIETOR. This honse has l.ecn newly furnished and pa pc! r.'. ro d the accommodations aie gootl. htabhng in connection. NCII 30118 K2S EIS) USK, ' Main street. Butler, Pa. JOHN F. lIACKETT, .... PEOP'R. This rdd and established Hotel has recently been fitted up in modern style, ond is capable of accommodating a large numln-r of guests. Terms moderate. Good -tai ling attached. H&tional Hotel, COBTLAXDT STItEET, JJEAH BHOADWAT, M:W VOITIC. HOTCIIKISS & I'OXD, - - Prop'rs. ON THE EVKOPEAN PLAN. Tlin rcoiaurant,' c;if'' and lunch room attached are nr.siupassrd for cliea; noss an 1 excellence of service Booms 5J ets. to c- per day, |3 to #lO per week. Convenient to al : terries and city L tihoads. N•- w I'riiMTUUE. NEW MASAOE- S:::NP. • Jauls-ly Notice Persons desjri:iic to have their Old Furniture repaired, or Nciv Work m:i le to order, such as Music Stand*. Book Casca. Wardrobes, Office Desks, Oiliee l ablos. Ac..would do well to call on A. 1?. \MLSON, F'ractioal Cabinet Maker. I hold that a piece of furniture made by hand is worth two made by machinery, anil will cost but '.litis more, it any. Tlic:i why not have baud made All work made in tlie latest styles and of thu material. I guarantee entire sat isfaotii.ii ni st\!e. worVma- ship and price. Give ire a call. Shop on Mitllin street four doors west of Main street, and opposite A. Trontuian's store, Butler, Pa. s«pl7-ly Union Woolen MilU BL'ILEK, PA. 11. FI'LLKKTOX, Prop'r. Manufacturer of B'-.ANKCTS, FLANNEIJS, YAHNS, IVC. Also custom woik done to older, such aa curding Itolis, niuking Ulankets, Flanuels. Knit ting and Weaving Yarns, tic., it very low prices. Wool worked ou the ei:ares, it |de siicd. m>7.ly >