Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, December 17, 1879, Image 3
T4R~ MESSRS. J. WEAVER 4 CO., No 116 j Sinithfield street, Pittsburgh, are our agents in the two eities for the soliciting of advertise ments for this paper. New Advertisements To-Day. Wanted. American Agriculturist. i, l( .tiori Bank Stock anil Railroad Bonds at A "it ion. Valuable Farm in Middle*'* Township For or's Notice—Estate of Wm. Johnston, deceased. Local and General. THEBK were 104 entries at the Poul try Exhibition. UNDERWEAR of all kinds, from 2N cents u|>, at Charles R. Grieb's. LANCASTER and York couuties are fighting over which raises the best Havana tobacco. Two of the Bonanza silver mines Yellow .lack ami Hale and Noreross-have been sold. IN some sections of this State they have commenced killing sorrow- as a dainty dish for the tabic. EQUAL parts of turpentine and spir its of ammonia will take out paint spots trom anv kind of clothing. FLOCB. feed and all farm products, that we may need, are always taken at this office on cccoui.ts due. THE three States which pay most revenue to the postal service are Pennsylvania, Illinois and New \ork. THE fact that the victors are in the habit of dining off their exhtlar ation to the war now raging in West Africa. AT the international dairy fair now . y. ltp Vnrk there is a herd of nine Jer'ey'cow*, worth $1,500 each, and a bull worth s2,o<X>. You might as well back a mule up against a bee-hive and tell him not tokickas to tell a woman about a wedding and expect silence. —Ex. ] W H \NNA, a former resident of Mercer, has struck a bonanza, having Interest in two mining properties ot ( entral, Col., for $220,000. IT is now time for the neglected anil depraved small boy to become good anil attend Sunday School regularly, thnst nias will soon be here. THE Maine election, or a portion of it having got into the Courts, the quarrel will doubtless be kept alive until the next Presi dential campaign ends. A LARGE car shop has just raised the wa<-es of its craploves without having been requested to do so. There is more than one way of preventing a strike. AT Hanover, the other day, a boy struck a comrade below the knee with a stone. Fever ensued, and the poor little s l'ererdied that awful death, lockjaw. THE woman who doesn t begin now to answer that she is just thirty yea" old may be caught napping next year when the censu takers start oat to pillage the country. PITTSBURGH'S defaulting lawyer, S. K W. Gill, is anxious to return home. He <>f feres his creditors forty cents on the dollar. Many of them have agreed to the pro|»o»ition THOSE ladies who have grown left handed in the back from stooping to pick up trails, will learn with feelings of gratitude that short dresses are becoming fashionable again. IF you want Dress Gloves, if you | want Street Gloves, if you want Driving Gloves or Mittens, if you want Working Glovea or Mittens, you can buy theiu at Charles Ik. Grieb's. As NEXT vear is leap year, we hope the ladies will" take possession of the street orners and crowd the loafers off who have filled the position so faithfully these muny , years.— Ex. THE new Pullman palace cars are very luxurious, costing each $15,000. Ordi nary passenger cars cost $4,000; drawing-room ears, $8,000; mail and baggage cars, *2,000; box cars, S4OO. MESSRS. HART and Leedom answer the communication of Ferd. Reiber, Esq., in another place. They claim that they are col lectin# money for the J. C. Lee patent, and not the Joel Lee or Teal patent. ONE of the largest stocks of Ameri can Movements and American Cases, both Gold and Silver, ever offered in Butler, is to be seen at E. Grieb's, which were all purchased before the late rise in Watches, and will be sold at the old rates. THE securities of the First National Bank of Butler, Pa., pledged with the Fifth National Bank of Pittrburgh, Pa., on redis counted notes, will he sold by the latter bank at auction, Dec. 24tli, 1879, as per notice in another column of this paper. THE Carrier of the CITIZEN requests n's to sav that he will offer to his friends and patronsthis year something very attractive in the shape of a ncatlv illustrated work, entitled "A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, to which'he besjieaks their attention. JOHN WELCH, undertaker of Mem phis, is a real hero. He remained at his post during the yellow fever epidemic, and buried the dead, frequently without assistance, inter ring some davs as high as 150 bodies in twen ty-four hoursj working the entire night to ac complish the terrible task. LATEST styles in Men's, Youths'and Children's Caps, at Charles R. Grieb's. MR. ANDREW EMRICK, Sr., of Penn township, lost his pocket book, in Butler, on Saturday last, containing from $25 to S3O and some papers. The loss is a very gerious one to the old gentleman, and it is to be_ hoped the finder will return it to liiin, for which ne will receive his thanks and a reward of *5. WE invite special attention to the advertisement of the Orange Jndd Co. The subject of Fencing interests every one, and much valuable information on this and many other subjects, with 900" engravings, are to lie given in the 39th Volume of the American A<i ricutturist. See what the publishers offer. Go TO J. F. T. Stehle's for Satchels, at 25 cents. IT is not very complimentary to the New Castle female form that a man over there mistook his wife for a cow, a few days ago, and knocked her down with a club. He was unloading corn fodder, and when his wife came up to the rear end of the load to help him, he threw a club at her, with the result as stated. A DISPATCH from Akron, Ohio, gays: "The Atlantic and Great Western Railway will be sold in Akron ou January 6, under fore closure proceedings. The date was fixed to day in pursuance of private telegrams announc ing the completion of the reorganization syndi cate in London. The liabilities of the road are about $70,000,000." WHEN out buying Holiday presents drop in Charles R. Grieb's Hat and Cap Store. THE request of Ouray will be par tially granted. The Cabinet decided that the Utes who engaged in the White River massacre might be- tried outside of Colorado and New Mexico. Ouray says the Colorado people hate the Indians too' badly to give them a fair trial, and asked that the prisoners might be trans ported to Washington. A SMALL boy of the period recently entered a Butler establishment and called for a porous plaster The article being delivered, he was about walking off without the formality of payment, when the clerk inquired, "Shall I put on the book ?" "On the book ?" responded the boy with an air of surprise ; "No, its to be put on my back !" WORKING and Dress Shirts of all kinds, from 20 cents up, at Charles B. Grieb's. A CORRESPONDENT gives 297 bales of hay (which is correct) as the answer to the hay and car question, which appeared in the CITIZEN two weeks ago. He also proposes the following question : How many cannon balls, six inches in diameter, could be put into a box car, 3'JJ feet long, 7J feet wide, anu t>J feet high, inside measurement ? SENATOR WALLACE, of this State, and Representative Blackburn, of Kentucky, pave not set a good example in having their quartered on the public as clerks of com mittees in the Senate and House respectively. Mpptomism was one of the voret features of Grantism, and probably more than anything else, raised the gorge and excited the wrath of Charles Sumner. A SOLID Silver Ca»e and a Genuine American Movement as low as $lO, at F.. GBIEB'S. I EVERYBODY should at once pro-1 pare for the coming holidays, as they are swiftly approaching, and what is nicer or m.>re appropriate than a fancy piece of Silverware or a nice piece of Jewelry to give to your friends as a present. E. Grieb has a fine selec tion of the above named artieles, which will lie sold at very low prices, and will be en graved free of eharge, it purchased during the Holidays. Cot'RT commenced again on Mon dav, Judge Bredin presiding, and Associates Storey and Dodds on the Bench. Civil cases are being tried and at this writing (Tuesday noon) | an ejectment suit is lieing heard, in which \> :n. j J. Graham, in right of his wife, is plaintiff, I and Samuel Polhemus and others are defend- ; ants, being for a part of the old Turk prop- | ertv in Centre township. Full proceedings . will be given next week. ASK for the So So Hat, at CHARLES £. ORIEB'.I. I OUR Canadian neighbors are at last j beginning to have trouble with tlieir Indians, i who are said to lve starving, and wh » resemb.e ' our own redskins in objecting strenuously to • that form of extinction. "Feed us or tight us, they say to the Canadian Government, old Crow, the Chief of the hungry Ilhickfeet, seems to be an aboriginal humorist. lie cap tured one of the mounted policeman, ami kept him without food for four or th e davs, simply to show him what the sensation was like. ALL kinds of Gloves, ot J. F. T. STEIII.E'S. AT a meeting held at Castlerea, in Ireland, lately, to promote the agitation in favor of a radical change in the Irish land laws, one of the speakers said "that the rents which the landlords got for the past year or two did not come from the soil, but from Amer ica." As we understand this, the reference was to money sent from this country by toe thrifty sons and daughters here of families resident in Ireland—money sent to help the old fidks at home by dutiful children who have prospered in the New World. GRATE tile, flue rings and fire brick, at J. Niggle & Bro.'s IN the matter of twisting the eagle's tail until that proud bird of freedom shrieks again, Senator Buriisid-' is an expert. In his recent speech about the Isthmus 1 anal, the fat Rhode Island Senator demonstrate 1 to his own satisfaction that, if worse came to worst, no foreign power can pos i'lly land on our shores an aruiv large enough for the purpose ot a serious invasion, and that bv the aid ot torpe does and other like modern improvements the harbors of our seaport cities ean easily be barred to hostile fleets. SILK Handkerchiefs, cheap, at J. F. T. STF.HLE'S. A MAN named Toettel, who was hanged lately, in Grayson countv, Texas, made the extraordinary request that his execu tion should lake place* in public, instead of in the jail yard, as designed by the Sheriff. The motive for the request has not .been explained. Perhaps Toettel liked company; perhaps, like many criminals, he hankered for notoriety ; or agaiiij he may have wished to be made an awful example of. At any rate, it would have been just as well not to have gratified him, tor experience has shown that public executions have a depraving and demoralizing effect UJKIII those who witness them. THE latest styles in Neckwear, at Charles R. Grieb's. WHEN the young lady in Texas refuses to dance with the young prominent citizen of that State, the results are liable to lie of a violent nature. The young lady at Waeo, for instance, who ventured to decline to trip the light fantastic with a spirited young inan, exposed her own, its well as the lives of all the other persons present. One gentleman was, in fact, killed outright and several seri ously wounded, while the young lady herself had the exhilerating experience of having a revolver snapped twice in her face. This is not an agreeable social usage, yet il iion the whole rather preferable to the custom of fight ing duels in churches during service which prevails in the same State. IF you want good Winter Caps at 19c., go to J. F. T. Stehle's. IN some States hangings no longer occur on Friday, the change being designed to relieve the odium attatching to the sixth day of the week as "hangman's dav." But no effec tual change has yet been made in the mechan ism of public executions to render impossible the bunglings that so freequently mark them. When the Sheriff cut the rojie at Andrew- Tracy's hanging, the man dropped, but struck on his feet —then fell to the floor. The knot had slipped. He was seized and passed up through the hole to the scaffold, and ten min utes later, with another rope, was hanged again. Scenes like this occur not once or twice every year, but dozens of times. Can such an execution of the law be termed anything but barbarous ? THE largest Stock of Half 110.-e ever offered in Butler, you can find at CHARLES B. GBIEB'S. IT has seemed to us that the word "catch." as applied to clover seed germination, is unfortunate, because misleading, since it justifies the impression t'oat a good deal rests upon chance. It may be observed that if the seed is good, and properly sown, tln-re is no chance about the "eatcli" if the soil is in a S roper condition to insure it. If the soil is too ry, it may germinate, but the young plants may dry up and die for want of moisture. If the"soil'is too poor, they may germinate all the same but starve to death. It may be safely acted upon that if the soil is mellow and rich, clover sown either in fall or spring will prove a "good catch," the same as any other seeds, and that when it fails, the cause, except it may be excessively dry weather, is within the con trol of the farmer. SLEIGH and Bob runners cau be had at the J. Niggle A Bro.'s Hardware Store, Jef ferson street. A FAMILY living near Congruity, Westmoreland county, were suddenly taken sick, and for some time they were at a loss as to the cause, but, it was noticed that when any meml>er of the family partook of the cider con tained in a barrel which they had purchased from a neighbor and stored away for wine use, they invariably became very siek. The man from whom the eider had been purchased was finally sent for aud requested to give some ex planation of the mystery and his method of manufacturing eider. He was unable to throw any light on the subject, declared that it had been manufactured in the usual way, and pro ceeded to take a hearty draught of it. In a little while lie, too, l>ecame very sick, and it was then determined to make a thorough ex amination of the barrel, which was done forth with, aud to their utterable horror and disgust, a huge copperhead snake, in a bad state of decomposition was brought forth, which fully explained the mysterious sickness of that family. MEN'S and Boys' Winter Caps front 17c. up, at Charles It. Grieb's. Wheal! Wheat! The highest Pittsburgh market price paid for Wheat, at Walter <fc Boos' Mill, Butler, Pa. WALTER k Boos. John Ommert Has a superior assortment of Ileady inade Clothing on his counters, and is selling suits at extremely low figures. Call on him at 141 Federal street, Al legheny City. THE practice of eating snow and ire, so common among the school-children of the Northern States, is a fruitful cause of catarrh. It is common to see bovs and girls devour a snow-ball as though it were an apple, or an icicle as eagerly as a bit of candy. The hard palate which forms the roof of the mouth also forms the floor of the nostrils, and is no thicker than pasteboard. The chilling effect of snow and ice brought freely in contact with this thin partition, the upper cover ing of which is a sensitive secreting membrane, made up almost wholly of line blood-vessels and nerves, produces a congestion, often succeeded by chronic | inflammation. As a consequence, these , snow and ice-eating boys and girls al : most always have "colds in the head" 1 and running uosts. This is the founda tion and origin of one of the most disa , greeable, persistent and incurable affec ■ lions to which the people of the North ' are subject—nasal catarrh. Catarrh is . said to lead to consumption. Whether f this is so or not, the chilling of the na j sal membranes, u part of whose func tion it is to warm the air in its passage , to the lungs, cannot but injure those . organ* particularly in people of a deJU I cate constitution. Ptx£L*xr : it title*, fl«. t lUeojrofecei? If, XBt?. 1 GIVE GOOD GIFTS. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. WHERE TO El* Y HOLIDAY PRESENTS — THINGS KICK \SI> RARE —LOOKING AT Bt'TLEH « OCNTERS IN THEIR FESTIVE DRESS—EXor<JII TO BrRHEN A FOREST OF CHRISTMAS TREKS. One beautiful feature of the modern cele bration ot" the greatest holiday time of ( hris tendom, is that of gift making. Ouceayear I at least the fountain of generosity in the human heart is stirred and all the unclean and i rippled 1 passions and emotions, lave in it and are puri -1 tied, at lea*t for the time. Everywhere, as we 1 write, hearts are busy, inventing, planning, I dreaming, choosing and discussing how l>est to I give. To give is settled, but how and what are | questions not readily answered. Now, while • all Mill* merchants are busy dressing in extra i attractiveness their stores of goods, while they ' are putting to the front their holiday articles, ! a few words of description and suggestion, to their patrons and our readers will prove inter esting' and useful. Below will be found variety enough, in character, quality and price to suit anybody and everybody, a.id will certainly answer the question "Where to buy Christinas presents." HITTER & It ALSTON'S Large store from the front windows to the top most shelves, is ouc mass ot splendid goods. Cloaks, Dolmans, Cashmeres, Hoods, Scarfs, f ace- and BLACK SII.KS, and countless other things we cannot name. But in his silk depart ment we saw what would make the heart of anv woman glad. Family silks, soft us the tabled golden fleece, aud cheap as cheap can bo. A handsome dress pattern of these blacx silks ean be bought for 5i.25 per yard, and for elegance and durability they cannot be excelled anywhere. Mr. Bitter is making a holiday specialty of these silks, and feels that he can offer to* his customers a better bargain than ever before. Father, husband, brothers and mothers, you can make no more acceptable present than a rich, soft, and handsome silk, trom one of these superb pieces. They are the best goods made, which fact has been estab lished bv the test of years. A tour of holiday shopping is incomplete without a long call at KITTKK & R ALSTON'S. E. GRIEB, JEWELER. The elegant show cases of this establishment aro resplendent with rich and handsome Arti cles of silver and gold. So fine does the place look that words are weak and worthless to des cribe it. The elegauc3 must be seen to be ap preciated. Their display of plated ware, bear ing the stamp of the famous Rogers A Bros, manufactory, comprises all the newest designs, and some of them are most beautiful. In this line their prices have been reduced almost 20 per cent.; handsome fake I'oskets which have brought .■?">.■}'' i arc now selling for $4.50, ami those worth <5, tliev offer for $4, and so with Card Receivers, Water Sets, Castors, etc. I'IKHI a verv large assortment ot Teaspoons, table spoons, Knives and Forks they are offering special inducements. \\ ith softie of the finest Clocks ever ollercd in this city, they have lowered the prices one-third, and time piece which sold for .sJ, they are giving away at $4, and so all through. Why, to show how cheap things are at Grieb's, they sell a hrst-class stem-winder watch for isfi.so. Go to ' *rieb s, for elegant gifts. H EI NEMAN'S. Among the most acceptable Holiday Tokens, as experience has shown, are to be ranked the superbly bound and illustrated (lift Books, es pecially those of intrinsic excellence, such as Ileineman has provided in great abundance and varietv. He has also Library Sets of Standard Authors, and an immense variety of .Juveniles, of the latest and handsomest issues, down to Picture Books for the very little folks. To his Variety Goods, suitable for Holiday purposes, it would require a column to do jus tice ; as for instance, over 200 styles oi I'ape teries in all grades and prices, 150 styles of Photograph Albums, an unsurpassed assort ment "of Pocketbooks, Pressing Case", Card Cases, Jewelrv Cases, Cigar Cases, Glove and Handkerchief"Boxes, Diaries. Portfolios, Chess men and Boards, Checkers, ( tames, Gold Pens and Holders, Fanev Baskets, Japanese Goods, &p., &c. Call without delay at H. C. Heine man's. J. F. T. STEHLE'S. There is no subject in which, during this chepry Christmas season, more people are in terested in than in that of Christinas toys. It is disenssed in every home, no matter how high or how low; on the fringes as well as the centres of civilization; in every land where the Christian has been heard. Xo sweeter gift has been given to the world by any nation than this annual custom of present making to children aud friends, and you will not find in any other store in Butler so large and appropriate a stock ot toys for t hristmiis presents as at Stehle's. To their large dolls, doll-heads, miniature furniture, minia ture table sets, wagons, hobby horses, toy pis tols, and a thousand other things, they have lately added a stock of fur caps, both sealskin and imitation for ladies and gents, and there could be no handsomer presents ma le than one of these. By all means give Mr. Stelile a call before Christmas. GREIB, THE HATTER And Gents' Furnisher, has just opened an ete gxnt assortment of goods in his line, bought ex pressly for the JMidoy Trxlc, and comprising all the /ruling attractions in fine good*. We mention some of these, suitable fur /trcscnts. Men's and Children's Caps and Turbans, Silk Handkerchiefs, ami a choice line of Neckwear for gentlemen. The Jim*t line of Gents' (Hurt s in the city. Broadway Silk Hats, soft and still' Hats, warm winter Caps. The "well-to-do farmer," and the "Dashing young man" in need of something nice, can find it at Greib's. KECK'S. Kris Kringle has just completed his Christ mas route, and last evening made a four of the establishment of J. Keck, and a well-filled pack of Berlin and Vienna holiday goods, novel, attractive and useful, will comprise his luggage as he moves from house to house on Christmas morning. Mr. Keck got in just "As he laid his finger aside his nose. Gave a nod, and up the chimney he rose and while he does not know what Kris took, he does know that he left a splendid stock ot Albums, Juvenile Books, Stationary Boxes, etc., sufficient to supply hundreds ot" families. Call and see for yourselves. A Cfcri3tmas Gift Of an Overcoat lo your little boy will be sure to please hint, especially if it is made by 11. 11. Niemann, of 101 Smithtield street, Pittsburgh. Wheal ! H'lieal! The highest Pittsburgh market price paid for Wheat, at Walter & l>oos' Mill, Butler, Pa. WALTER Hi Boos. First Edition, 103,000. So rapidly are orders increasing for the DE CEMIIER SCBIHNKR that it is thought the first edition of 103,000 will not supply the demand. One cause of the recent increase in eireiilation, by which one hundred thousand November numbers were sold in two weeks, is undoubt edly due to the growing interest in the two serials, Henry James, .Ir.'s "Confidence," which is one of his most fascinating character studies, and George W. Cable's novel of New Orleans life, "TheGrandissimes." This latter, begun in November, will be the leading serial story of the year. Mr. Cable's "Old Creole Days" has attracted wide attention, and this, his first novel, promises to be among the strong est and most important works of fiction that have yet appeared in American literature. A new serial storv by Mrs. Burnett, author of "That Li,** «' i.'jirrii'*" has aNo been secured and will begin in an early number. The special attractions of the December number in clude twenty poems by American women, com prising verse by many of our most prominent women writers; "Two Visits to Victor Hugo," by 11. 11. Bovesen, with a large portrait en gravel by Cole; an illustrated description qf the Johns Hopkins University, and an interest ing paper by Burroughs on "Nature and the Poets." "The New Capitol at Albany" is critically described in an .irticly of eighteen pages, with the aid of twenty-three drawings, and there arc illustrated papers on "Coffee Culture in Brazil," "Sucees* with Small . Fruits," etc., etc. "The lteign of Peter the Great,'' by Eugene Schuyler, will begin in the February number. The illustrations for the first of this splendid series of Historical Papers are now almost completed, and include reproductions of fa . mous Russian paintings, cut oil the wood by i American engravers, who are pronounced by the /MIHIOH Saturday llerieir "the best in the world." Sold, and subscriptions received, by book-sellers and news-dealers, at ?4 a year, H5 cents a number. "A Portfolio of Proof Im pressions" of the best engravings from the I pages of SCRIIINIM: and ST. NICHOLAS (edi -1 tion limited to f.ooo)' have been ready since . December Ist. Price £lO. See Decemlier S< 'RLBN'KK for extended notices. S( KIBNER & Co., New YorTi. » For the Holidays. i Fancy Necklaces au<l Chains, Cameo, Ame thyst, and other stoqe ttings, also lxickets, ' Pendants, Crosses and Charms of all kinds, ami a fine stock of SilwrwarM*. at E. Grieb's. AWARD OF PREMIUMS MADK i:Y THE IIL'TX.IIK lOI'XTV l"Ol LTBY A* SOL'LATION, A"I THKIK FIRST KXILLLHTION, HKI.H IN BITLKK OS F»EC. !», 10, 11 ANI> 1 - IK7!>. [ 1.1'.11T HRWIMA FOWLS. 5 L<t. S. S. Ffoliinwin. Mercer, I'M. Jnd. Same. I.HillT BRAIIMA CHICKS. Ist. S. S. Rohiu«on. L'nd. John S. Campbell, Bntlvr. DARK HKAHMA FOWI.S. l*i. S. S. Robinson. UAKK BRAHMA CHICKS. Ist. S. S. Robinson. ' 2nd. 11. 11. Cravens, Millerstown. BI FF COCHIN FOWI.S. l«t. W. T. M.'chlm- Bntler. BUFF COCHIN CHICKS. ' l»t. W. T. Meclilinif. 1 PART COCHIN" FOWI.S. Ist. S. S. Robinson. 2nd. Same. 3rd. W. T. Mpclilintr. PABT (XM'iflX CHICKS. Ist. S. S. Robinson. 2nd. Saint*. BI.ACK COCHIN CHICKS. ' Ist. 11. S. Klingler, Butler. WHITK < »cn.'N FOWI.S. Ist. A. L. Jteiber, lliitier. It. B. R. liAMK I'OW I,S. Ist. Hamuel Toy. Fi.xbur^. 2nd. Same. :?rd. Win. Aland, Butler. n. B. It. UAMK CHl< Ks, Ist. Wm. Aland. 2nd. S. R. Smitli. Foxbiirj;. Sr.l. W. A. Wright, Butler. BI.ACK KKI> BANTAMS. Ist. Tbeo. Pane, Itutler. 2nd. K. A. Woodberrv, Erie. YELLOW l»C» KWINOGAMK FoWl.s. Ist. Samuel Toy. YEI.LOW IH'CK WIN<. (i.VME OHK KS. 2nd. Samuel Toy. ri.YMoriu ROCK FOWLS. Ist. IIHZ« McConnell, North L.ibertv, Mer eer county. 2nd. K. A. Woodborrv. PLYMOUTH KocK CHICKS. Ist. John S. < liunpbell. 2nd. Win. Brown, Kittanning. 3rd. Walter Butler. s. P. HAMBURO CHICKS. Ist. Haze Met'oanell. BI.ACK HAMBl'Ri'l CHICKS. Ist. A. I'. Christie. S. S. HAMBURG t HICKS. Ist. W. T. Mechlins;. BROWN LEGHORN CHICKS. Ist. (i. Christie. Butler. 2nd. W. A. Wright. :>rd. Lee MeAbov, llutler. BI.ACK LK<iIIOR.\* I OWI.S. Ist. Haze McConnell. WHITE LEGHORN FOWLS. Ist. C. A. Sullivan. 2nd. John Butler. WHITE I.U .HORN c;tl< K'S. Ist. W. T. Meehling. 2,1,1. Adam HatlVier, Butler. CRESTKII WHITE BUCKS. Ist. W. T. Mechlin^. PEKiN BUCKS. Ist. Haze MeCoonell. Wil li (1 EESK. Ist. Haze McConnell. SEBASTAPOI. GEESE. Ist. Haze McConnell. EMBBEN GF.KSK. Ist. Haze McConnell. GUINEAS. Ist. Theo. Pape. SPECIALS. Best cock on exhibition, (B. B. R. Game), score i'.'ii point? : Samuel Toy. Best Hen on exhibition, (part Cochin), senre !»2 points; S. S. Robinson. Best Coekrel on exhibition (B. B. R. Game.), score !>4i points: Win. Aland. Best Pullet on exhibition, (Is. B. R. Game), score 901 points; Win. Aland. Best collection made bv one person ; S. S. Robinson. Second best collection made by one person ; Haze McConnell. Mr. R ibinson exhibited a Part Cochin Cock which scored !V> points. Mr. McConnell exhibited some of the finest Geese ever shown in our county. SPECIAL PRESENTMENTS. Thos. Tregoninji, Foxburg, oue pair B. I>. R. Gam os. Samuel Toy, Foxburg, one pair B. 11. 1!. (Sanies. S. C. Bell, Foxburg, one Plymouth Rock Coekrel. Bogus Certificates. It is no vile drugged stuff, pretend ing to be made of wonderful foreign roots, barks, Arc., and puffed up by long bogus certificates of pretended miracu lous cures, but a simple, pure, effective medicine, made of well known valuable remedies, that furnishes its own eerti 'ficatcs by its cures. We refer to llop Bitters, the purest and best of medi cines. See "Truths" and ' Proverbs," in another column. Mr. Taylor's Lecture. The first lecture under the auspices of the Young Men's Lecture Associa tion was delivered by Rev. Alfred Taylor, of New York, in a very pleas ing and courteous manner. He dis played and criticised the manners of ' different classes and professions, show- I iug how ridiculous people sometimes I act. That men ofteu talk one thing, while their tone or gesture say or mean another. He showed a decided aver sion to the use of tobacco, and ex pressed, in hi> jocular way, how this useless and offensive habit insinuated itself into every circle and calling, from the street car to the parlor—the bane [ of line carpets; the opposite of cleanli l ness and good manners. To a casual listener, who but scans the surface, the lecture might seem nothing more thai: a pleasing criticism on bad manners, but close investigation shows, under the thin veil of humor, a well-pre pared moral lesson for us all, He re* ; buked, in a mild way, the unfeeling, selfish spirit that would appear to the I world charitable and fair, and is not ' withstanding a whited sepulchre, re j vcaling, in spite of itself, the true in ! wardncss of an obseijuoous, contracted ! soul. This was exemplified in his story of the man who would take orphans in "his arms," when his subse • quent conduct showed everything else ' than charity; and the example of the woman whose "good morning" saluta tion, by the freezing tone in which she uttered it, like the iceberg of the poles, ■ congeals, obstructs and shuts out the ' warmth and vitality of social life. He ' spoke of home, and how by cruelty r and mismanagement of parents, it could '| be transformed from happiness to ! I misery. He compared good manners r! to machinery well lubricated—grace ol ■ motion, urbanity of deportment, and i kindness to our race ; such as should j characterize those who would follow > the Golden Rule, which is, in our t opinion, the true touchstone of manners. L Mr. Taylor seems to possess to a high ' degree one characteristic in keeping I with his subject, and that is a heart - full of cheerfulness, so becoming to " every gentleman, and speaking to the ' world of "I'eace on earth and good . will to men." Rye! s 10,000 bushels of Rye wanted at i Walter & Boos' .Mill, to be ground ; into flour. 75 cents paid per bushel. II WALTER & Boos. e Call on Charles Gardner, j Xo. 19 Federal street, Allegheny City, t when you desire a fashionable suit ot - Clothing at sls. •' Agents Herald & Tremont Spoon Cc y Our readers cannot fail to see the advertise' 5 ments of above firms in our columns. Qur ad i- vertising agents who sem| us these advertise e ments say they are well acquainted with the i- advertisers ami can vouch tor their responsi e bility. Head their advertisements and invesi r iu some of their liberal offers, or take at q.ifeiioy. John Qmmert, Xo. Federal street, Allegheny City, is the only man in this Stati *j that has been honored with an ordoi for a suit of clothing from Gen. Grant Court Proceedings Last Week. QI AKTEIt SESSIONS. ;, John Cress, Surety of the l'esiee; Margaret Cress, his wife, prosecutor. Settled by the j parties. Fred Beikirt, Surety of the IVice; Joseph ; Say lor, prosecutor. IVfendant di« -hantcd and prosecutor to pay the costs. Jacob Shields, Surety ofthel'ence; proseeu ! lor. Will. Watson. Defendant to pay the c- sts j ami give Iwiil in to keep the peace one year. , I Caroline Strut! anil \\ ni. Strait. Surety of llie Peace, on on;h of Anna 1!. Slrutt. Settled j I by the parties. Charles llewins, indicted for ail aggravated ] ; assault and battery on <S. Kappler. Plead j guiltv to assault and battcrv and lined >"» and 1 I costs! ' j ; Same defendant was found guilty ol assault ■ J and battery. 011 the person of C. 11. Shoup, and j j lined and costs. i William Story, indicted for forging a jtidg- • 1 inent note, was found guilty by the jury and ! motion for a new trial entertained by the 1 Court. J. 11. Bowman, charged with perjury 011 1 oath of Owen Brndv. Failed to put in aa ap pearance and hi- bail was forfeited, j The same was done in case of J. <>. Marshall, j indicted for lalse pretense on oath of Henry 1 J,.eli hart. William Story, churned u.:!i eiul»rt - .zleiiient by public officer, as Treasurer of the School I I*uiul of Fairview township; was tried by jury | and a verdict of guilty. Motion t'-.r new trial. J. C. Lennahaii was tried 011 a charge of 1 larceny, preferred l>v J. C. Hall. The jury ae j <|uitli*d the defendant. I lav id Als\vo-th and Amlrew Robertson j were charged with maliciously breaking down | | the fence of T. J. Alsworlh. This ease settled ; j by tile parties. Francis Chase, indicted for selling li«|tior | without licca. e. Wa.s found guilty i.nd sen tenced to pav a fine of si'o.l. William and Caroline Strutt. each had Kills | . preferred against them by Anna B. Slrutt, for assault and linttery. Both eases settled by the parties. S. 11. Wallace, charge.! by >l. J. Welsh, with assault and iiatterv. Plead guilty and sentenced to pay a tine of >s> and costs. The ?ame defendant pli-ad guilty to a charge of selling liquor in violation of law, and lined >2' Or. Calvin Cook, indicted for the violation of the license law, did not see fit to appear and his recognizance was forfeited. E. J. Salt, charged with faise pretense by Allen Wilson, was acquitted of the charge, and prosecutor to pay the costs. Samuel (!. W. Brown was charged with em bezzlement by W. W. Kainev. Nol. pros, on payment of costs bv defendant. in case of John T. Perdue, charged with per jury, 011 oath of 11. S. Long, the Court on mo tion quashed the bill and directed the defend ant to be discharged. John Conlev, charged by C. Bright, with falsely obtaining signature to a note, was found' guilty. Motion for a new trial euti-r --t lined by the Court. Thomas McKamv, indicted for larceny, on ouh of J. M. Sloan, was found not guilty. Henry Timhlin was indicted for assault and battery, 011 oath of A. Ilott. The jury acquitted defendant, putting one-third of the costs on him and two-thirds on the prosecutor. Rye! Itye! 10,000 bushels of Rve wanted at Walter & Roos' Mill, to he ground into flour. 75 cents paid per bushel. » WALTKR & Boos. Lovers of Art. The nicest and most complete dis play of Photo-Portraits ever shown in these two cities, is 011 exhibition at • the studio of Mr. J. Sperber, Xos. DO . and 92 Federal street, Allegheny. Par ties wishing to patronize Mr. Sperber ■ can rest assured that they will receive t the best of attention, and that all or ders will be promptly and faithfully executed. Wheal! Wheal! The highest Pittsburgh market price paid for Wheat, at Walter k Boos' Mill, Butler, Pa. WALTER A" Boos. ■ The Wonderful Christmas Number > of St. Nionolas. - This monthly magazine for girls and boys, - edited by Mrs. Marv Ma pes I lodge, has grown , , in circulation so rapidly as to warrant a perma ! nent increase in size, tiegiiiulng with Novem i her. The Christmas number, now almost ready, - : has a special holidav cover, and is the largest , j and most beautiful issue of any magazine for girls and lmys ever published, containing more " than one hundred pages and ninety-five pie ' t tires. It contains twelve short stories by J. T. j TKonninoE, WASHINGTON G LATUM:*, J. W. j Dk FOREST, MAI IMI k THOMPSON, SARAH j WIXTEI; KELI.O<;<:, and others; also the first | 3 chapters of a Serial Story bv LOI IKA M. AL- | corr, written ia the author's liest vein, and the 1 " tecond installment of a capital serial for the , 1 ; boys, by WILLIAM O. STOI»I)AIU>, to run some . ! months. (A long story, also for boys, by | ! NOAH BROOKS, author of "The Boy Emi- I " i grants," will begin soon.) JOHN GKEEM.KAK f WHITTIEK contributes 11 long poem, while . ' Lucv I.AHCOM and MAKY M we* DonoEarc . . | also represented in verse. There is a Christmas ' i Plav for Festivals, by EIIWARD F.UI.I.ESTON ; | i I an illustrated art-paper on THORVALPSEN, and i 1 | an account, with twelve pictures, of the lilc and | | doings of New York Telegraph Boys, • i Ursr wE DiiRE, KNAI S, M.\RY HALT.OCK 1 - FOOTE, KEI.LX, DIELMAN, BESSELL, SIIKP- J 1 ! LEOYAKH urc among the artists-represented. I liny lllii nuHtbrr <!)'.<( frf ir'ntl XI. Xirfwl'ix ' j ifilly in. Your newsdealer will supply it and 3 | take your subscription for the year, or the ! money may be sent in check, I'. O. order or ■ | registered letter to the publishers. Price, A" ' | a year, 'lb cents a number. ; I SCUIRNEI: & Co., 743 Broadway, New York, j Charles Gardner, r Of 111 Federal street, Allegheny City, - 1 will make a fine suit of Clothing for • j |esd than any other Merchant Tailor in , j that city. A Town Entirely Destroyed. " i A tire broke out last Friday evening j " j at well 4, belonging to K, (i, Kmeraon, ! 1 in Red Rock, McKean county, this , s j State. The well had been cleaned : 2 j preparatory to torpedoing and was ] " | left open. Superintendent Nason, of j J 1 the' Emerson lease, passed by with a . 13 j lantern and the <*as ignited and set fire ! "j to the rig. The well made a How and 13 j the burning oil ran down hill to a 2">o - | barrel tank, which caught lire. The p j fire communicated with a 25,000-barrel R ' iron tank, which was soon in a blaze r | and burned steadily until 5 o'clock this ''■ morning. Rivers of oil flowed down 0 | the valley and through the Main street s ! of Red Rock, burning all the business f | and private houses of the town. Three 1 hundred families are homeless and ' there is great suffering. v The scene at the village after the r fire had consumed all there was to '• feed on was simply appalling. A dense black cloud hung over the sur ? rounding country, and nothing but blackened beams and still smoking 0 ruins showed the site of what had 0 been not long before a thriving village. ' Relief committees have been formed to render aid at Gilmore, Derrick, and j Bradford.— K.r. t Kye! Rye! ' 10.000 bushels of Rye wanted at '• Walter & Boos' Mill, to lie ground into flour. To cents paid per bushel. WALTER & Boos. . LADIES' Solid Gold Watches at £l"> 'f and upwards, at E. Grieb's. A Photograph, o Made by Dablfs, the celebrated Ritts s- burgli Photographer, will make an ae- J" peptablc Christmas present. f. Keady-Made Clothirigr, st <lf the latest style, and at lowest n prices, at Charles Gardner's, 10 Fed eral street, Allegheny City. y Hide Market. e S. Schamberg, butcher, pays the *r best price for Beef Hides, Skins and t. l'elts in Butler. IEW GOODS! i —AT— ;Schneideman's,j I Next d..or t.. Savings Hank, : Butler, Pa.| HAS RETURNED, AND HAS NOW ON EXHIBITION THE LARGEST ANI) BEST ASSORTED STOCK OF ® j g] [ t f OVERCOATS, FINE SUITS, BUSINESS SUITS, YOUTHS' SUITS, BOYS'SUITS, CHILDREN'S SUITS, f g ? So in fact SUITS suitable for each and every one that is in want ol' a Suit. Also a very full line of 4 m HHIMJ FURrJISHINS GOODS, THUIffKS, all bought in the East by Mr. Schncideman in person, and will "be SO Id. a.t less than any CrOmpetitoz* can 71OW buy them. '\J h-j | | _ 11. X K 11 > KMAX. ' THE LAIKTEST CLOTHING HOUSE r >r WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. KA V FMAXX'S CHEAPEST CORNER, i¥eis. 83, 85 and 87 Smuhficld Street. Our object i< First, Last and AI way* to give the Verv Rest Clothing for tin- \ cry Least .Money, thereby com! -ining Kleganee and K'ouotnv. Po always have a stock so Complete in Assortment, >o Reliable in (Qual ity, out! so Low in Price, that we can suit THK TYSTKS 'I'll'? W WTS ami THK MKAXS OF EVERYBODY. The crowds that have kept our salesmen l»usy for weeks past an an in disputable evidence of the certain satisfaction that awaits all who buy of u.-. By dealing fairly and generously with the people we have established an enormous trade, whose good will individually we will endeavor our utmost to retain. At SI.OO - - Men's Overcoats, at - - £1 r»D At 1,90 - Men's Chinchilla. Overcoats, at - 100 At _,SO - Men's Union Beaver Overcoats, at - 2.8(1 At •>./0 - - Men's Worsted Overcoats, at - - 3.70 At 4.50 - - Men's Fur Denver Overcoats, at - - 4,59 At o. 0 - Men's Scotch Cheviot Overcoats, at - 5.30 At (i 60 - Men's Fine Diagonal Overcoats, iit - GGO At 7.80 - Men's English Chinchilla Overcoats, at - 7.80 Men's Imported Worsted Overcoats, from $8 40 to *lo 1<». Our Assortment of ileus Reversible Overcoats. ( Isters and l ister ettes, Embrares Over KM) Different Styles. Ranging from SMO to Sls.Cifl. At $2.20 - Men's Iron Twist Suits, at - £2.20 At .'>.lo - Mens Worsted Suits, at. - 3JO At 1..')0 - Men's Scotch Cheviot Suits at - 4.00 At -.40 Men's Extra Fine ('assinaere Suits at -5.!() Men's Fine Diagonal and Imported Worsted Suits, from S7.GO to $1.6.70. Bargains in Boys' and Children's Overcoats and Ulsters, of Every Conceivable Style and Quality, Ranging from sl.lO to $5.90! OUR MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT At £2.50 - (rents' All-Wool Pants to Order iit - $2 50 From 4.G0 Gents' All-Wool Worsted and Diagonal Pants to 8.10 At 12.•»() - (rents All-WoolSuits to Order sit - 12.30 Cents Chinchilla, Worsted and Scotch Cheviot Overcoats to Order, from £l2 to 23.80. Perfect Fit "Warranted. Determined to please, we waijt it distinctly understood that when we ad vertise anything' we have it, and when we advertise a price we charge no more. An inspection, which costs nothing, will prove what we claim. The Leading acd Popular Clothing House, Iv A. UK M A. INI UNT ' S Cheapsst Corner, 83, 85 and 87 Smitlifield St.. Fittaburgh, C'Oll. DI4MO.VD S'iISKKT, J. & O. F. KECK, MERCHANT TAILOIiS, -AJ-M*. AM. MWX A HWKIKTC, Have Just Received and Keep Constantly on Hand all the >4 LATEST STYLES OIF 1 Foreign & Ooiii.estic \ J Which they fire making up to order in the latest styles and laHa I'i f* hest workmanlike manner, at the most reasonable prices. All fCSy j jjft a work guaranteed to give satisfaction. Stf a _'jpfll Rememlier the place. J. A O. F. KKCH. Mnin SI., Huilcr, Pa. The Tim© lias Come When Every One in Need of Dry Gocds Goes Direct to 108 & 102 FEDERAL STREET, AllE6HEff. Uav ing Made Very Largo Purchases in the Kastern Cities Before the Late Advance in Prices Took I'lace, We are Able to Offer Our Goods as Low Ever. A very and full lino ot' Cashmeres at i Don't he alarmed about the Inte advance in lijc., 1.5 c. and 2V. ' Domestic Dry Goods. we nre selling everything Cashmeres, very wide, line qualitv, we oiler as ' ow !ls heretofore. _ in all colors and shades, at 25c. I Beautiful Dar.v 1 rints at;» and'de. _ ... , ~ ~ , ~ lsleachedaud I nhlcaohed Musliusat i/c. \\ e ofler an All-wool ( ashmere,good quality, j Vf . at loe., -15 c. and HV. J <;,. IV Twilled Flannel at 10, 15. and 20e. At 40c,, 72c. anil Soc., we are selling an All- i All-wool < ountry I - lunnel, only 2 Sc. wool French Cashmere, superior in quality t-i ' Canton Flannel '• 1, t- i. 10 and 12}e. anv offered elsewhere, at even higher priees. Good < rash •>, (j,, ,s aud UK;. " . ... \ i - i Tahle Damask lt>, 20 aud 2.5 c. I.xtra hue All-wool 1 reueh ( ashmere, which Xnrkcv lted Tnhle Dam >s< ; . fast colors, oulv ■we are selling at'St, is generally acknowledged Cl , nl „' to be equal to any offered elsewhere at s'l,.'ts. f,' llv ,. „„ extra bargain in White Bed Black and Colored Silks, 55, CM, 75C. and >1 «<'nilts, which we are selling at .50, 75c. and >l. We have a decided bargain in Black Hn*! Colored and white, St,S2aiid^t. Grain S.lk, at si, *1.50 and S2. All-wool country B.ankct* cheaper that.ever. our stock in Cloaks and Shawls is larger I ° nr e,fccl J \ u tJents; I nderwear.s .. ii .« • . . I more complete than cvit, and will be solJ ai than ever ana embraces everything imaginable. . 1 . ~ , • V . «• • I )>rice.> uhieli will a>tonish the purchaser. We Cloaks (rotu S2.>K) to >2". have also very decided bargains iu t!loves amt Shall* from SI to Slo. ! Hosiery. Jjjs*r* > \\'e would call special attention to our very large stock of Plaids and low-priced Dress (J >ods, which we are selling at s.j. 10 and 12i cents. They are of a very beautiful design, and some of these go.nl- would be cheap at twice their cost. 100 A 102 Federal Nlrcel. Allegheny. Xotiee to Creditors. In the matter of the asaiguiuant of P SfcDois nl<l for the benofit of creditors, C. I'. 37:1. Jt'ne Term, IH7H. Petition of I. N. Graham, Assignee, foi leave to recouvev, Ac., and to be discharged. Now, Dec. 1, 187!). ordered t u.it notice he given to creditors of paid assignor and otlier panies interested, by pnblicati jii tor t .vo suc cessive weeks in at least one newspaper pub lishtd in the borough of Butler; that the prayer of the foregoing petition wi'l be granted, and decree made as prayed for. unless objections thereto are filed ou or bo/oru the 15tli inst. Br tste Cocht. dec3-2t A. KI'SSEJLL, Proth'y, C-~ ) A WKEK. tU a day at home easily nude. ~ Costly Outfit free. Address Turn A Co.. Angpihta. Mim'e. deeply , DECOKATIAL TTFIiOL»3T£IIY A SPECIALTY AT HENRY HOLTZ MAN'S, 74 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. PRACTICAL UPHOLSTERER. Special Designs made to harmonise with hui roundings of cvoiy apartment of your homo for Window Decorations, tlio tieheut flections an 1 latest devils in l!aw Sillts, Matins. Jutes. Cie|n»ts, esc. I.ico Curtains, from the choapest to the vary finest of all grades at very low price.- : I.aco Lambrequin* made to order to fit anv sUtil Window, in tiie very latent designs ; CoMii. cs and Cornice I'olos, i).;<l > Bottom Shades, in various designs, Redding*. Comforts, rillowa, Mo-qnito Bars. etc. - 0c22-oiu