SUBSCRIPT!© W BATES: Ter year, in adraaee W ®® Otherwise ; 3 00 No subscription will be discontinued until >ll arre*r«ges arc paid. Poetmastera neglecting to uotirv UB when onbecribeni do not take out their papers will be held liable for the gubecnpUon. Hubocriberu removing from one poetoffice to another ehould give as tlie name or the former aa well ae the present office. All communications intended for publication in this paper must be accompanied by the real name of the writer, not for publication, bat M a guarantee of good faith. Marriage and death notices moat be accompa nied by a responsible name. Address UUTI a. m., an J 2.05 and 7.20 p. m. [See below lor con nections willi A. V R R.J Trains arrive at Butler from the above named points at 7..5 a. m., ana 1.55, and 6.55 p. m The 1.55 tiain connects with traiu on the West Peun road '.hrouirb to Pittsburgh. BHENANOO AND ALLEGHENY RAILKOAD. Traius leave Hilliard's Mill, Butler county, for Hirrisville, GreenvUle, etc., at 7.40 a. m. and 18.20 and 2.20 p. m. Stages lea- e Petrolia at 5.30 a. m. lor 7.40 train, aud at 10.C0 a. m. tor 12 20 tram. Iteturn stages leave Hilliard on arrival of trains at 10.27 a. in. and 1.50 p. m. Stage leaves Martlusburg at 9.30 for 12.30 train. P. *. C., * L. E. B. K. The morning train leaves Zslienople at 6 11, Harmony 6.10 and Evansburg at 6.3 a, arrivmg at Etna Station at and Allegheny at 9.01. The afternoon tram leaves Zelienop'e at 1.26, Harmony 1.31, Evansburg 1.53. arriving at Etna Station at 4 11 and Allegheny at 4.46. Trains connecting at Etna Station J**" 1 t" 18 road leave Allegheny at 7.11 a. m. and 3.51 p. m. t- Bv getting oil at Sharpsburg station and crossing the bridge to the A. V.JL 8., pnsseu gers on the morniDg train can reach the Union depot at 9 o'clock. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Trains leave Butler (Butler or Pittsburgh Time.) Market it 5.11 a. m., goes through to Alle gheny, arriving at 9.01 a. m. This train con nects at Freeport with Free-port Accommoda tion, which arrives at Allegheny at 8.20 a. to., railroad time. . „ Exprett at 7.21 a. m., connecting at Butler Junction, without change of cars, at 8.26 with Exp.ess west, arriving In Allegheny at 9..V5 a. m., and Express east arriving at Blilrsville at 11 00 a. m. railroad time. Mail at 2.36 p. m., connecting at Butler Junc tlonwithout change ot cars, with Express west, arriving in Allegheny at 526 p. tn., aud Ex press cast arriving at Blairsville Intersection at 6.10 p. m. railroad time, which connects w'tli Philadelphia Express east, when on time. Sunday Exprttt at 3.25 p. m., goes through to Allegheny, arriving at 6.06 p. m. The 7.21 a. m. train connects at Blairsville at 11.05 a. m. with the Mail east, and the 2.36 p.m. train at 6.59 with the Philadelphia Ex press east. Trains arrive at Butler on West Penn R. R. at 9.51 a. m., 5.06 and 7.20 p. ra., Butler lime. The 9,51 and 5.06 trains connect with trains on the Butler & Parker R. R. Sun 'ay train arrives at Butler at 11.11 a. m., connecting with train for Parker. Main Line. Through trains leave Pittsburgh lor the Eairt at 2.56 and 8.36 a. m. and 12 51, 4.21 ar.d 8.06 p. m., arriving at Philadelphia at 8.40 and 7.20 p. m. aDd 3.00, 7.00 and 7.40 a. m.; at Baltimore about the same t me, at New York three hours later, and at Washington about one and a half hours later. FINANCIAL. ft.A . AI AAA I Invested in Wall St. stocks 3> l) 101UUU m4keß fortunes . every ▼ lu |month. Book sent free ex plaining everything. Address BAXTER XßT-WoRT will cure you. Try a pack- U M ago at o. ce and l>e tatlsiiid. H n it it a dry vegeiab:« compound and Q II Oaepackare nake«ilxquartsofMedicine, H U eoatalslag no Bplrlt, being prepared fl H In pare water. II U Tovr Druggtit vctU get It for you. Jnattt M |« vpon having it, [1 ALL PARTIES QOINQ WEBT TO lowa, Missouri, Kansas, . Nebraska, Colorado or California, SHOULD GO VIA THE Chicago, Burlington & Quincy H R. fSTTickets can be bad at all offices where are sold. aplO-tf VOL. XVII. LYNCH LAW ON THE WEST ERN FRONTIER. A WILD SCENE ABOUT THE LEADVILLE JAIL. [Leadville Herald, Nov. 20.] For several days past it has been an open secret among newspaper men and others that there would be an execution by the vigilantes of one or more scoundrels in the county jail. Last Sunday, when the demonstration was made at the city jail, it was the inten tion of a number of the leaders of public sentiment in this city to make an example of Stewart that would deter all others from treading in his footsteps. As stated in the Herald of Tuesday morning, the demonstra tion above referred to prevented the carrying of this threat into execution, the parties not caring to identify them selves with the mob in question. On Monday evening a meeting of deter mined, resolute business men was held, at which it was decided that something must be done to BTBIKE TERROR INTO THE HEARTS of the evildoers who have been hold ing high carnival in Leadville for sev eral months past. This conclusion was arrived at deliberately, and Tuesday was taken to look up the antecedents of the imprisoned footpad. On Tues day evening another meeting was held, where, nobody, not even a Herald reporter, knows. It is known, how ever, that the meeting decided that it would not be necessary to hang Stew art for good and all, but that in consid eration of bis youth, and as far as could be ascertained, his previous good character, all that would be necessary would be to give him a little choking in order to extort from him a possible confession of anything he might know regarding the operations of the gang, and then let hrm go, with the admon ition to leave the city. In the meantime another party had assembled, and this was a party that nothing would satisfy but the death of the would-be robber and men of like character. This party was much larger than the first, and seemed to be much more determined to have the lives of these offenders against justice. The condition of the town, and the numer ous breaches of all the laws of the State and municipality, were taken into full consideration, as well as the names of the parties who made them selves conspicuous in their efforts to protect the lawless classes—lot jump ers, bunko steerers, and the like. The necessity of PROMPT AND VIGOROUS ACTION of a character that would immediately render the streets of Leadville as safe in the darkest night as in the glare of noonday, and make every man's house literally his castle, was conceded. The two bodies were made aware of each other's existence, but were unable to come to a definite understanding in regard to the best and most effective move to make. One of these bodies was large and unwieldly, and as is usually the case in such matters, the larger body leaked, though the leak was of such a nature, consisting of HINTS AND INUENDOES, that even the proverbial curiosity of a newspaper man was baffled so far as the obtaining of definite information was concerned. There was a little difference between the two bodies Tues day night, and therefore no action was taken at that time, though there were so many rumors in the air that Herald reporters were on the qui vive until Wednesday morning at 4 o'clock, look ing for the fruit that telegraph poles and lamps sometimes bear in this part of the country. Nothing was done, and therefore only the usual two thous and edition of the Herald was printed yesterday morning. Yesterday, all day, there were the same rumors floating around. Last evening the Herald learned that it was coming off at 11 o'clock precisely, and a full corps of reporters were on hand to get the particulars. At midnight the reporters returned half frozen and reported all quiet, and the paper was put to press as usual. But the matter was not yet settled, as the sequel shows. At half past 1 o'clock this morning the slumbers of the watchers of the jail were disturbed by a knocking at the door of that institution, as though of one of the Deputy Sheriffs who desired to gain admission, and as those officials have entrance and exit at any time, the door was soon opened. The first man who stepped inside was Under Sheriff Watson, and alongside of him came several men WITH PISTOLS IN THEIR HANDS, and pointed at the Sheriff's head. Nothing was left for the latter to do but to order the prison doors to be thrown open and permit the men to have full sway. Fifteen men went in with the Under Sheriff, but who they were no one knowsexcept the members of the organization, as each of them wore a black mask, which entirely dis guised their features. There have been two men engaged as special officers at the jail ever since the hold-up and shooting scrape on Saturday night, as threats of lynching the surving participant in that unlaw ful transaction have been in no manner of means kept secret. The officials cer tainly had no control of the matter, for the moment the door of the jail was opened every man was COVERED WITH A GUN, and the slightest motion on their part would have resulted in instant death. Deputy Sheriff Miller was lying on a seat outside of the cage, and the mo ment the vigilantes were in possession of the premises, three of them made a rush at him and before he could explain his official capacity, he was bound by a small cord and gagged. They were just on the point of putting the ROPE AROUND HIS NECK when sombody raised courage enough to shout that the bound man was a Deputy Sheriff. This stopped the vigilantes for a minute, and, discovering their mistake, they turned around to see where the men were that wore wanted. Deputy Miiler was unbound and ungagged, and without any apolo gies tbey released him from his danger only to be covered by several six shooters and ordered not to move. In the meantime fifteen vigilantes had filed into the jail, and twenty more remained outside to protect their com panions, or come to their relief if it was necessary. While the three men were busy preparing MILLER TO BE STRUNG UP another party discovered Frodsham, who had only been incarcerated last evening, and, as the jail is in a crowded condition, had not been locked up in the cells or even in the cage, but had been permitted to remain simply in side the walls. The victim was no sooner spotted than a rope was thrown around bis body, and the vigilantes began to prepare him for his end. See ing his fate, Frodsham called out to the jailers, "ARE YOU -GOING TO SEE ME DIE, BOYS ?" which was answered by one of the jailers: "We can't help you now ; we are in danger ourselves." The victim then exclaimed, "Won't you let me see my wife first ?" "You will see your h—l first," was the firm reply, and therewith he was collared by the hemp and pulled out of prison. As he was being dragged out he simply exclaimed "murder!" The slack end of the rope was then thrown over the rafters of a little frame that is being erected imme diately south of the jail, about three feet from the main building, and be tween it and the cook-room. The building is only in course of erection, and simply the frame work has been put up. WHEN THE ROPE WAS THROWN over the first joist and the weight of Frodsham began to strain it, the joist broke and he was landed suddenly on his feet. Quicker than a wink the rope was over another rafter and the body elevated in the air. The end of the rope was then made fast to the side of the frame work and the unfortunate wretch was left to die. Not a sound escaped from him as he breathed his last. HIS NECK STRETCHED CONSIDERABLY, however, and when the Herald re porter appeared on the scene the toes were just touching the ground. The next victim was then prepared, and this was Patrick Stewart, the young foot-pad, who is said to be only twenty years old. He is a beardless boy, and when the vigilantes went to him and made him come out, he prayed for his life and beseeched that he might not be killed. But vigilante commit tees, like corporations, have no soul, or if they had their sense of duty pre vented them from showing it, and the young criminal was soon made ready to meet his fate. Like many others, the recollection of childhood's days must have flashed upon his mind, for in his frenzy he beseeched for only time enough to WRITE A LETTER TO HIS MOTHER. This was not granted him and he was hustled out without any further parleying. He was dragged out with a rope around his neck, and soon strung up to the same building, with Frod sham on the opposite side. All this time the deputies who were in charge of the jail were properly provided for. Deputy Bob Johnson was clutched in the hands of a power ful vigilante, around the throat, and six men pointed the danger end of their pistols at his head. Deputy Miller's predicament has already been described. Deputy Harry Wiliams, who is the assistant jailer, had his position on the top of the cage, and as soon as he jumped up to see what was the cause of the disturbance, he was immediately greeted with the MUZZLES OF A HALF DOZEN GUNS, and ordered not to move hamd or foot. This order was implicitly obeyed. By the time the men had finished their business forty men were in the inside, but not a give-away sound was uttered. They did their work effectively and quick, for a quarter of an hour after the first alarm both of the victims had been hurled into eternity. The fol lowing placard was written on a half sheet of legal cap, and pinned to the back of Ed. Frodsham, and contains a warning to some of the crooked men around town : NOTICE TO ALL ! Lot thieves, bunko su*erers, foot-pads, thieves and chronic bondsmen for the same and sympa thizers of the above class of criminals. Tnis is our commencement, and this shall be your fate. We mean business, and let this be your last warning. COONEY, ADAMS, CORNERS, COLLINS, HOGAN, ED. BURNS, ED. CHAMP, r. A. KELLY, and a great many others known to this organ ization. Vigilantes committee. We are seven hundred strong. Both of the victims were privileged to sleep outside in the corridor—B'rod sbam, because he generally gave bonds and alwayß refused to go into a cell, and Stewart, because he had a wound in his arm and there was no danger of his attempting to escape. Under Sheriff Watson was not in the affair of his own free will, as that would have been inconsistent with his duties as a county officer, but he was awakened at his sleeping apartments, and, in the same manner that the jail officers were obliged to hold their peace, was the Under Sheriff bound to ac company his unexpected visitors. As soon as the vigilantes had finished their business and their errand was completed, without any way disturb ing anybody else, they retired. The first squad which went out took with them the Under Sheriff, with a PISTOL POINTED AT HIS HEAD, and without explaining to him why he was wanted, they simply con ducted him from the premises. Not a sound was uttered, but one by one the committee backed out at the door, cov ering their respective men, aud Dep uty Sheriff Bob Johnson, who was in charge of the jail, officiating in the place of Jailer Caldwell, was the last man to be uncovered. His guard grad ually witharew, one by one, until but one man was left, and the Deputy had to conduct him to the door, the pistol barrel fairly being braced against his temple. A second after this last guard had disappeared from the door way, the Deputy looked out to see what was to be seen, but was rewarded only by seeing NOT A SINGLE SOUL IN SIGHT. BUTLER, PA., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1879. The two men as they hanged by their necks in the darkness, lighted only by the glare of a lantern, pre sented an awe-inspiring sight. They had been gagged and bound by thick ropes by someone not a novice in the business ; for the knots were fine speci mens of the hangman's knot, and could not have been made more perfectly. The men had hardly ceased to breathe a half-hour before the news spread like wildfire that the two notorious characters—lot-jumpers and hold-ups —had met with a fate as just as it was horrible. Of course curiosity was ex cited, and before long Harrison avenue presented a scene of commotion and excitement that is rarely witnessed in any city at 3 o'clock in the morning. They flocked up to the county jail and were crowding in on the Deputies, when it was found necessary for the latter to PULL THEIR GUNS AND THREATEN TO FIRE if a single man advanced another step. This was sufficient to make the crowd hold back, and as soon as it was as certained that there was no one in it who intended to harm the officials, they were permitted to advance, look on the appalling spectacle and read the warning. There was but little said, for it struck terror to the soul of every man present, and although none denied that the reward of the victims was merited, they hardly dared to ex press even it. When the Deputies had sufficiently recovered their equilibrium they went for the Coroner, but Dr. Law was not at home. Justice O'Brien was called on, and he acted in the case only so far as to issue a paper to Detective Frank Smith, ordering that a guard be placed on the premises to prevent anybody from disturbing the bodies until Coroner Law could be heard from. The two men as they HUNG BY THE NECK certainly presented a frightful example to all evil doers. The man Ed. Frodsham is a man who has for some time been notorious in this city in connection with lot jumping operations. He respected no title, whether obtained through a squatter or through a patent, but watched the rise in building lots with an eye to his peculiar business, and jumped such as suited him without regard to the rights or feelings of any one interested. Associated with A GANG AS DESPERATE as himself, to which Marshal Kelly and others of the city officials were charged with belonging, for a long time he escaped punishment. Well supplied with money, he was always ready to give bail when arrested for a breach of the law, and finally people began to ask themselves how long this desperado was to be permitted to go unpunished. This feeling was the beginning of the end. The ej'es of a sterner power than the law were di rected to his misdeeds, and several times within the past few weeks Frodsham was nearer death than he had ever been before, desperado as he was. The case on Capitol Hill, fully noted in these columns, a week ago, brought matters to a culminating point and when it was followed so quickly by the killing of Clifford and the wounding of Stewart, those inside knew that his days were numbered, unless be took the alarm and left the city. He had ample time to do this, however, and might have made his escape, but WITH CHARACTERISTIC BRAVADO he declined to listen to any warning, and remained. He was well armed and bore the reputation of being a des perate man and a quick shot, and the remark has frequently been made in the past few days that if any attempt was made to take him more than one man would die before him. Although it is not definitely known, it is hardly capable of doubt that he was one of the party that attacked the cabin on Capitol Hill, in which were sleeping two men, only holding property to which the records show they had an undoubted title. This was the straw that decided his fate, and from that to his death he did not make a move that was not closely watched. But little is known of Frodshain's antecedents. He came here about a year ago, and as stated, almost .imme diately became notorious. Latterly the detectives were at some trouble in learning something of his past life. The most that could be learned was that he was suspected of having been guilty of murder in Laramie, Wyom ing, Cottonwood, Utah, and in the Black Hills. Last night he was ar rested and lodged in jail on a criminal complaint, and as he was in the habit of immediately giving bail when ar rested, he was not placed in the cage, and thus fell an easy victim to the power which had marked him for his misdeeds. PATRICK STEWART. Very little is known about this young man, except that he was here last July, and was locked up for being drunk and disorderly. He has, bow ever, traveled under a number of aliases, a fact which is sufficient of itself to stamp him as a member of the dangerous classes. He was only about twenty years of age. Since he has been in jail he has been told that he was likely to be hanged, to which he made the reply: "I don't care a G d whether I am hung or not." As he was taken out of the jail this morning be made the remark, "I DIE AN INNOCENT MAN," his last words on earth. The hanging of these two men is but the legitimate result of the law lessness and crime that have run ram pant in Leadville for several months past. The law seems to have been powerless to reach the men, who com mitted their desperate deeds in the dark and defied detection. The lot jumping fraternity have hitherto es caped through legal technicalities, and by the liberal use of money, but the people who have been outraged could not be put off by such means. Lynching is the last desperate remedy of an outraged community, and the warning given last night must be heeded, for unless the crimes that have led to this terrible result are stopped, and that immediately, there are other beams that will bear similar ghastly trophies, and that in a very few days. The Stray Horse road should be one of the localities to re ceive the attention of the vigilantes. LATER PARTICULARS. [Special to St. Louis Globe-Democrat.] Before being cut down a police man took the placard off Frodsham's back, but was persuaded that it looked very appropriate where it was, and huug it as before, the place being pointed out by a six-shooter, and un der circumstances easy to find. P. A. Kelley, who received notice to leave or share their awful fate, has been City Marshal until within the last few days, and has been known to accept bribes and in every way to sustain the thiev ing element, and has been before the City Council twice to anwser various charges of this rapture. The Coroner to-day had a notice slipped iuto his hand by some unknown bunkoman, saying to have Bockhouse leave the city to-night or he would be a dead man in the morning. Jim Bush, the murderer of Arbuckle last winter, has received notice to leave. The town is wild with excitement, and but little is needed to fan the flame and start the ball moving again. Last night passed away quietly, but the morning was anxiously looked for by many to reveal a repetition of the horrors of the night before, as some of the warned parties failed to leave on the notice given them. The Highland Guards militia were on duty all night, and an additional po lice force was put on, and the fire com panies ordered to hold themselves for immediate action, as the bunko-steerers had threatened the destruction of the city, and also ordered the Herald and Chronicle force to leave owing to their strongly advocating some desperate method to rid the city of these char acters, which the law failed to provide, at least enforce. At 10 o'clock, p. m., a false alarm of fire was sounded, and the deserted streets were quickly filled with men, and the report that the bunkos had begun their hellish work created the greatest excitement, but on learning it was a false alarm the ex citement subsided. This evening's Chronicle says the opponents of the vigilantes had at 10 o'clock this morn ing 756 nameß enrolled, and WERE ARMING TO TIIE TEETH, and not above four own a dollar's worth of property. They claim to know everyone of the vigilantes, and threaten that as soon as the excite ment subsides they will hang every one of them, and then burn the town. The militia are out again to-night. The threats from the bunkos must be con sidered idle ones, and no danger is apprehended, only from the torch. Mayor James has put on a large body of special police, and every precaution will be taken to guard against such a sad calamity. CENSUS MSTRICTS. The formation of Supervisors' dis tricts under the provisions of the Cen sus act of March 3, 1879, has been completed by Superintendent Walker, and approved by Secretary Schurz. The details arc of interest, for the rea son among others, that the appoint-, ments of Supervisors must be made in each instance by selection from appli cants residing within the boundaries of the respective districts. These im portant offices, which will practically control the thousands of local appoint ments necessary for the work of taking the census, are to be filled by the Ist of January. Gen. Walker says that in the formation of districts reference has been had solely to the exigencies of enumeration due to the geographical features of States and to existing con ditions of settlement, occupation and intercommunication. It results as was to be expected, that the districts vary greatly in population and territorial extent. The formation for Pennsyl vania is as follows: First District—Philadelphia county. Second District—Chester, Delaware and Lancaster counties. Third District—Berks, Lebanon, Dauphin, Northumberland and Schuyl kill. Fourth District—Bucks, Carbon, Le high, Montgomery and Northampton Fifth District—Columbia, Luzerne, Lackawanna, Monroe, Montour, Pike, Sullivan, Wayne and Wyoming. Sixth District—Bradford, Cameron, Lycoming, McKean, Potter, Susque hanna and Tioga. Seventh District—Adams,Clearfield, Clinton, Cumberland, Franklin, Fulton, Huntingdon, Juniata, Mifflin, Perry, Snyder, Union and York. Eighth District—Bedford, Blair, Cambria, Fayette, Greene, Indiana, Somerset and Westmoreland. Ninth District—Allegheny, Beaver, Lawrence and Washington. Tenth District—Armstrong, Butler, Clarion, Crawford, Elk, Erie, Forest, Jefferson, Mercer, Venango and War ren. A SINQULAR transaction occurred in an office a day or two since. By some means or other it happened that the office boy owed one of the clerks three cents, and the clerk owed the cashier two cents, and the cashier owed the office boy two cents. One day this week the office boy, having a cent in his pocket, concluded to dimin ish his debt, ami therefore handed it over to the clerk, who, in return, paid half of his debt by giving it to the cashier. The latter handed it back to the boy, saying that he now only owed him one cent. The office boy again passed the cent to the clerk, who passed it back to the cashier, who passed it back to the boy, and the boy discharged his entire debt by handing it to the clerk, thereby squaring all ac counts. Thus it may be seen how great is the benefit to be derived from a single cent if expended judiciously.— Petrolia Record. —"How to Tell Bad Eggs," is the title of an article in an exchange, j When you have anything to tell a bad ' egg, you must l>e careful not to break the shell while imparting the informa tion.—Exchange. —Regular wags—Pendulums. NA TIOXAL POLITICS. CONCERNING THE NEXT PRESIDENCY. The Pittsburgh Dispatch of the 20th ult. contains a report of interviews had by its reporter with some mem l>ers and ex-members of Congress on the present view of National politics. Below are the opinions of three, which will give our readers an idea of about how matters appear to stand at pres ent on the points referred to: HON. THOMAS M. BAYNE. Col. Bayne was out Of his office yesterday, and his house was closed in anticipation of his departure soon for Washington, but a reporter found him subsequently at the residence of his father-iu-law, Mr. Smith, on Ilidge avenue, Allegheny. "Yes," said he in response to a question with refer ence to his early departure for the Capitol, "Yes, I expect to start very soon, probably about the 25th, as I have some business to transact on my way." The conversation passed to some not specially interesting matters concern ing the coming Congressional session and then to the next Presidential can vass. Col. Bayne expressed himself, as he had frequently done before, as being devoted to the candidacy of Gen. Grant. "He is the only man," said the Colonel, "that can be safely relied upon as certain under any and all cir cumstances to carry enough States to secure his election. Grant will get 500,000 Democratic votes. I have ob served recently published interviews with a number of representative men of the South and of the Democratic party, in which the truth of this esti mate is clearly indicated. The South ern leaders say they prefer him to any other Republican." In the course of a lengthy conversa tion with regard to Gen. Grant's pros pects, Col. Bayne said he did not re gard it as necessary that the General should lie a candidate to carry Penn sylvania. He had no doubt of the Keystone State being Republican by a very large majority. He also stated that in Gen. Grant's favor it was to be said that he was not drinking now, and would not surround himself with men of the class of many of those whom he formerly had about him. Referring to the recent election, the reporter said : "Well, Pennsylvania gave a round Republican majority." "Yes, Pennsylvania is a reliable Republican State." "Who is her choice for President?" "Grant, if he will accept. If not, Blaine. I ought to say, perhaps, that these candidates would represent the preferences of the masses of the Re publican party. By a process of ma nipulation well known to the junta of politicians that manages the affairs of the part}', anybody it selects may be thrust upon the party, and Pennsylva nia Republicans are so thoroughly Re publican that they will do their duty. There are very few Republicans in our State who are identified with those that thank God they are not as other men are." "New York will be the battle ground ?" "It may and it may not. The com ing Presidential election is susceptible of a management, which would be perfectly constitutional and lawful, but which would involve possible, if not probable,contingencies that might give rise to an alarming condition of affairs." "How is that?" "Well, you know that Section 2, of Article 2, of the Constitution, provides that 'each State shall appoint, in such manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a number of Electors equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in Congress.' Now, it is conceded by the Democrats that if New York goes Republican, our candidate will be elected. The Legis lature of New York is largely Repub lican and is likely to continue so. Suppose the Legislature, imitating tho declared purpose of Louisiana, Florida and South Carolina, should repeal the existing law on that subject, and enact a law empowering itself to appoint the Electors, and should appoint them, that would give New York to the Re publicans beyond a peradventure. It would be legal and constitutional. But the Democrats have both houses of Congress. They are making a life and death struggle for power, for they know that after the next apportion ment their chances will be hopelessly gone. They might hold a popular election, and the Republicans, standing on the action of the Legislature, would not vote. They would say the time honored custom of New York had been departed from, and they would refuse, for this and other reasons, to count the vote of New York, and thus throw the election into the House." "But how could they do that in the face of the fact that Florida, Louisiana and South Carolina had been manipu lated in the same way in their be half?" "The Democrats will do anything for power. They care no more for consistency than they do for any other principle. If they should refuse to count the vote of New York as cast her Electors, the Republicans would not stand it. It is easy to imagine what might come of this." "Wouldn't such a course impinge directly on their doctrine of State rights ?" "It would. But you have a very common complaint among Republicans. You judge the Democrats by your own staudard. That won't do. The act of Congress to prevent the intro duction of yellow fever clashed di rectly with their State rights theory, but they passed it because it would tend to the desired end, and carried an appropriation. State rights are un doubtedly politically dear to them, but far dearer are the spoils of practical victory. The reporter asked Col. Bayne who would succeed Mr. Chaudier as Chair main of the Republican National Com mittee. He replied he did not know, but thought Mr. Cornell bad the point of vantage. HON. ROBERT M'K.NIGHT. A reporter of the Dispatch dropped in last evening and detained Uncle Robert Me Knight at his residence until that gentleman was a little late for prayer-meeting. Since Mr. McK. represented the Northside district—he was a member of both the Thirty-sixth and Thirty-seventh Congresses—he has.not taken a very lively interest in politics, as he said to our representa tive, adding: "I have been so occu pied of late in the settlement and di vision of the Denny estate that I have hardly had time to give much thought to the questions of National politics." "I presume you have a choice for President in 1880, though," said the reporter. "I most certainly have," was Mr. McKnight's statement, "and my pref erence is for a man of whom I haven't heard much said—l refer to Vice Pres ident Wheeler." "He is certainly an irreproachable man." ventured the reporter. "You speak truly. A man of purer life is not to be found in our politics to-dav. He is a man whom such Re publicans as George Wm. Curtis and other New Yorkers who are opposed to Mr. Conkling and his methods would esteem and support, and I have no doubt that he would be able to sweep New York State." "Against Mr. Seymour?" "Yes, against Mr. Seymour. The latter is a man that I regard as of equally estimable character. Never theless, he is not a great man, I think. He has not the nerve to enter into such a contest to win." "I suppose I nia\" say you are not a Graut man ?" ' On the contrary, I admire General Grant. But I would vastly prefer not to see him the candidate. It would he a bad precedent to establish. Cer tainly this country is not so poverty stricken for men fit to fill the Presiden tial office as to render it necessary that one should go there the third time. I am a one-term man. I believe it would be better for the country if the Presidential term were extended to six years, and a man made eligible to the office for a single term only." "You would not care to see Mr. Hayes a candidate again ?" "No, I esttcem him too highly to believe that he could violate his prom ise so definitely made, not to accept the office a second time. I think Mr. Hayes has made an admirable Presi dent. His administration has been a credit to the country Under it pros perity has been restored, and the masses now look upon the Republican party not only as the party which put down the rebellion, but which made us prosperous once more. I think because they do so look at it the election of the Republican candidate is a surety." "Do you think Sherman a strong man ?" "When I was in Congress, Mr. Sherman and I were intimately asso ciated, aud I know him well. I think he is a man of great ability, and do not believe any of the aspersions I have heard upon his integrity. But he is a cold man, uot likely to catch the popular heart, and, therefore, not a strong candidate. He would make an able President." "About Blaine ?" "Blaine is a noble man, but some of us were afraid he was just a little smirched with the Credit Mobilicr." GEN. J. K. MOORHKAD. General Moorhead, who trod tho halls of Congress in troublous times, and took active part in National and State politics for a number of years, but who now enjoys that rest and quiet guaranteed the successful and upright American citizen, was dis turbed by a Dispatch newsgatherer yesterday. The General was run down in the cosy office of the Monon gahela Navigation Company, of which corporation he is the President. "General," remarked the reporter, are you at liberty to express your views on matters political. The cam paign is drawing nigh, and slates are being 1 fixed up. Now, as to Grant's—" "Grant appears to be 'booming,'" spoke up the cx-Congressman. "If he is the best man and the strongest man, why that is sufficient to elect him." "You have frequently expressed your opinion on Grant, General," re marked the interviewer. "Have you any objection to telling who is your choice for the Chief Magistracy ?" "None whatever, sir. Blaiue is my choice." "No doubt you have your reasons for—" "Blaine is my choice because I think he is the choice of a large proportion of the Republicans of Pennsylvania." "In regard to the Chairmanship of the National Republican Committee. Who do you think will step iuto Zach Chandler's shoes?" "Now I want it distinctly under stood that I am out of politics. The fact is 1 have not given the matter a thought." "As to United States Senator. It is stated that IJuay will probably make the riflle—" "That question I can only answer in the same manner as the other. I am out of the political arena. How ever, I am gratified at the result of the elections." "To what cause do you attribute the success of your party at the polls last month, General ?" "1 think the action of Congress in at tempting to cripple the Government caused the result you refer to The ex tra session of Congress saved the Re publican party. The courageous action of the Republicans during that session was most timely and commendable." "What are the futnre prospects of the party?" "I have no hesitancy in saying that the Republican party will at the next election gain the ascendancy in both branches of the National Government. I feel confident of it, and also of the suc cess of the party's Presidential nominee. 1 want to see the success of the Repub lican party." "General," remarked the interviewer, "it is to lie presumed you do not pay much attention to the other side?" "No, sir;the troubles of Democrats do not agitate or annoy me in the least." ADVEIITISIXU KATES, One square, one insertion, #1; each subse quent insertion, 50 cents. Yearly advertisement* exceeding one-fourth of a column, $5 per inch. Figure work double those rale?; additional charges where weekly or monthly changes are made. Local advertisements 10 cents tier Una for 6rrt insertion, and 5 cent's per line for each additional insertion. Marriages and deaths pub lished free of charge. Obituary notices charged as advertisements, and payable" when handed in Auditors' Notices. *4: Executors' and Ailminis trators' Notices. *3 each; Estray, Caution an# l'i*M>lution Notices, not exceeding ten lines, t each. From tho fact that the CITIZEN is the oldea l established and most extensively circulated Ito publican newspaper in Butler county, (a Reput lican county) it must be apparent to busines* men that it is the medium they should use in advertising their business. NO. 3. "What do you think of the Hoyt dis patch to Grant ?" "Well now," replied the genial gen tleman, with a twinkle in his eye, "I don't know what to think of that. The language was not at all familiar to me. It seemed rather obscure and strange." "Alex. McClure says it was written on the bottom of a champagne bottle with a corkscrew." A hearty laugh was the answer to this remark, and the interviewer with drew with the assurance that he had left the ex-Congressman in a good natured and jovial frame of mind. THE FOREIGN FRUIT TRADE. The condition of the foreign fruit trade of Philadelphia has rarely been livelier at this period than it is at the present date, says the Confectioners' Journal. Raisins have recently ad vanced 50 cents per box in consequence of recent severe weather on the coast of Southern Europe. They now command $2.25 to $3 per box, and are coming in freely. The steamship Escurial arrived here from Malaga early last week,bring ing 50,000 boxes. This is the busy sea son for raisius, owing to the demand for the holiday trade. Oranges are coming in very rap idly, nearly all front Louisiana and the West Indies. A cargo of 300,000 has just arrived, consigned to the house alluded to. These came from the Ba hama Islands, and hundreds of thous ands are coming in every week. Or anges will continue to arrive in large quantities from Louisiana and the West Indies until December 1, when they will begin to arrive from Valencia and the Island of Sicily. Oranges from the latter places will come until next Au- * gust. Oranges now sell for $lB and S2O per 1,000 wholesale. Lemons are arriving in small quan tities, and the supply is not what is de sired. They are brought principally from Malaga, but after the Ist of De cember they will come front Sicily. About four-fifths of the lemons that come to this country are shipped front the Island of Sicily, and they will con tinue to arrive until next September. Lemons now sell for $5.50 per box of 350, wholesale. The market is overstocked with do mestic grapes, and California grapes are beginning to come in large quantities. Among the choice grapes are the white ones from Almeria, Spain, and they come in 50 pound kegs, and they, as well as the best California grapes, sell for s('■ and $7 per package of 50 pounds. Malaga grapes come in mod erate quantities, and sell for $6 and $7.50 per package of 45 pounds. It is thought the recent storms in Spain will increase the price of grapes about 40 per ccut. White grapes will continue to arrive for the next three months. Bananas are steady, and a very brisk trade is being done. An average of two steamship loads per week come to this port, and this firm imports an aggre gate of 20,000 bunches per month at the present tine, each bunch containing an average of 12 dozen bananas. They sell for about $2 per bunch. During last March the firm mentioned imported 50,000 bunches. The best months for importation are March, April, May, and June. Cocoanuts are being imported in large quantities, and the confectioners in the city use up about 500,000 of them per month. One house (Croft, Wilbur it Co.) has a contract for 100,000 per month. They come from Jamaica, Cuba, and the Spanish Main, and sell from $37.50 to SSO per thousand. Pineapples arrive in April, May, June, and July. They come from tho Bahama Islands, and between 2,000,- 000 and 3,000,000 reach this port every year. ACKNOWLEDGE THE CORN. [New York Evening Telegram.] The phrase, "Acknowledge the corn," is variously accounted for, but the following is a true history of its origin: In 182S Andrew Stewart, member of Congress, said in a speech that Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana sent their hay stacks, corn fields and fodder to New York and Philadelphia for sale. Wickliffe, of Kentucky, called him to order, declaring those States did not send hay stacks or corn fields to New York for sale. "Well, what do you send ?" asked Stewart. "Why, horses, mules, cattle and hogs." "Well, what makes your horses, mules, cattle and hogs?" You feed one hundred dollars' worth of hay to a horse. You just animate and get upon top of your hay stack and rido oir to market. How is it with your cattle? You make one of them carry fifty dollars' worth of hay and grass to the eastern market. llow much corn at thirty-three cents a bushel does it take to" fatten a hog? "Why, thirty bushels." "Then you put that thirty bushels in the shape of a hog and walk it off to the eastern market." Then Mr. Wickliffe jumped up and said: "Mr. Speaker, I acknowledge the corn." —A Russian medical journal has an article upon the beneficial results of sinking as a healthful exercise. It is based upon the examination of a num ber of singers between the ages of nine and fifty-three. Experiments seem to prove "that the relative and even the absolute circumference of the chest is greater among singers than among those who do not sing, audthat it increases with the growth and ago of the singer." Thus the practice of singing as introduced and practiced in most of our public schools is not only a pleasant recreation for the chil dren, but promotive of their health and vigor. Chief Justice Carter, of Washington, deserves to be commended. Ile refused to grant a divorce in the case of John Casev against his wife, Florence E. Casey, because from all the evidence one is about as wretchedly quarrelsome and extravagant as the other, and it would be an unjust infliction upon the public if either should bo givem a chance to get iuto the matrimonial mar ket again. He would direct a decree of separation, but uot of divorce.