«®-MEBBRS. J. WEAVER A CO., No. li« Smithfield street, Pittsburgh, are our agents in the two cities for the soliciting of advertise ments for this paper. - Read the Prices. At 5c., heavy Plaids; At 5c., all-linen Crash; At 6±c., good dark Calicoes ; At B|C., Unbleached Canton Flannel; At 15c., best Hemp Carpets; At 25c., beat Cottage Carpets; At 35c., 40c., 45c., 50c., 55c., 60c. and 65c., new Ingrain Carpets; At 85c., liest wool Carpet made ; At 25c., Floor Oil Cloth ; At 20c , heavy Barred Flannels; At 15c., new Felt Flats; At 50c., Fine Beaver Felt Hats; At 10c., good Straw Ticking. Call and see the bargains, at RITTER A; RALSTON'H. Now Advertisements To-Day. Consumption Cnre. Iron Furnace For Sale. Fahnestock's Lung Syrup. Boots and Shoes —B. C. fluselton. Local and General. FRESH prime lard, at Schamberg's. THERE is but one watch manufactory , in Pennsylvania. A PROFANE exchange calls Thanks giving St. Turkey's Day. WE would call special attention to a Char Coal Furnace for sale. THE wires of the American Union Telegraph Company have been put up through town. DAME FASHION now considers pinched waists absolutely vulgar. That settles tight lacing. Go TO J. F. T. Stehle's for Satchels, at 25 cents. IT is claimed that Senator Blaine has sent sixty-five mail bags full of his speeches to the South. A PACK of a dozen wolves are making things lively in the neighborhood of Bradford, McKean county. MILK suffered an increase in price the first of this month, of about thirty-three per cent, over summer rates. THOSE who take the lead in pushing their business through the newspapers gener ally take the lead in everything else. IT is said that more than twenty barns have been burned in Indiana county in the last three months, nearly all of them by incendiaries. WE need a Henry Bergh in Butler. Cases of cruelty to animals come under our no ticc every few days, and some one should see that the law on the subject is enforced. AT 45C., 50C., 55e., 60c., 65c., 70c., 75c., 80c., Boc., 90c., sl, sl.lO, $1.15 and $1.25 per vard, the best line of Cashmeres ever offered in Butler county, at Ritter & Ralston's. WE have been requested by the Poultry Association to state that the Express Companv will return all stock sent to the coming Poultry Fair to be held here, free of charge. Go TO J. F. T. Stehle's for the latest *tyles of Hats. A THANKSGIVING service will be held on Thursday morning next, with an ap propriate sermon by the rector, D. I. Edwards, at St. Peter's P. E. Church, in the morning at J1 o'clock. A general invitation is extended to all. WHEN a man named Koonse got drunk and went to sleep on a railroad track near Altoona, and when a train of cars cut him to pieces, there was furnished a stronger tem perance lecture than John B. Gough can ever deliver. UNDERWEAR of all kinds, from 25 cents up, at Charles R. Grieb's. A COLORED man at Smyrna, Del., bought a stamped quilt and used it on the bed in which he slept with his wife and child. In the morning the child was found to be dead, having sucked poisonous dyes from the quilt during the night. ALL kinds of Gloves, at J. F. T. STEHLE'S. WHEN a newspaper paragraph opens in language as soft as the bosom of love, and as sweet as the tinkle of a woodland brook, it is always safe to conclude that the virtues of some patent medicine are harnessed on to the end.— Harritburg Telegraph. GRATE tile, flue rings and fire brick, at J. Niggle A Bro.'s lr potatoes show sign of rotting in : the cellar, they should be carefully looked over ' and the rotten ones removed. If left they will 1 spread the infection among the rest of the potatoes and infest the air of the cellar with unhealthy and disagreeable odors. FRESH home made mince meat, at SCHAMBERGV. I A MAN who declines a United States Senatorship on account of ill-health, or on anv other account, is so rare nowadays that Mr. F. C. Beaman, of Michigan, who has done this thing, ought to be an object of universal atten tion if he sufficiently recovers to go about much. SILK Handkerchiefs, cheap, at J. F. T. STEHLE'S. THE Southern Republican Associa tion at Washington retired its presiding officer a few nights ago so as to get some one in his stead who had "the ear of the President." Pigs and school boys 'may be lead by the ear, but we expect better things of Hayes, and he will no doubt resent the attempt, as Jackson did when a man once sought to lead him by the nose. DABRS, the celebrated Pittsburgh Photographer, is very busy making fine Photo graphs for Holiday presents. Any of our read ers visiting Pittsburgh, should find time to visit his rooms and see what fine pictures are made in this age of progress. In the giving of graceful and stylish positions, Mr. Dabbshas no superior, and the effect and finish of hia pictures are perfect. MEN'S youths' and children's soft and stiff Hats, from 25 cents up, at Charles R. Grieb's. PENNIES are scarce, it seems. Not long ago a request for SI,OOO of pennies came from San Francisco to the Philadelphia Mint. But the Mint had been busy coining dollars, t and needed pennies itself. Philadelphia is the only place where the smallest coin of the countrv is made. It was stated the other day that $35,000 worth of pennies could be dis posed of in a week, so great was the demand. WILLIAM ALAND, Merchant Tailor, has just opened the largest line of woolens for men and boys wear ever offered in Butler. IT is often the case that farmers lose the reward of their labor from carelessness in storing their crops. Corn is packed in large bulks, when it is sure to heat and be damaged. Potatoes, which should be fully dry, are packed away wet and sobby in dampcellars. Pumpkins, which should be thickly covered with straw, are left uncovered to be frozen. Thoughtfnl ness and care are as necessary in storing crops as in making them. SHAFTS, finished and rough, at the J. Niggle & Bro.'s Hardware Store, Jefferson street, Butler, Pa. BY mistake, the list of traverse jurors for the second week of next regular term of Court, commencing Monday, Dec. Bth, was published as having been drawn for the third week commencing Dec. 15th, and vice vrrta. Traverse jurors for next Court will please notice the mistake and govern themselves ac cordingly. The name of J. D. Gumpper, for Clearfield township, 2nd week, Dec. Bth, was omitted in mistake from the list. WHEN in need of' a fine Suit of Clothing, call on Charles Gardner. No. 19 Federal street, Allegheny City. IN an interview with a correspon dent of the Louisville Couricr-Journal General Grant delivered himself as follows: "In whatever position I may in future be placed, while always determined to support the Na tional Union, I am for those and only thre things which will allay all bitterness of the past—all sectional animosities—and those which will make us a united, great people ■uch as we are now really believed to be by the great nations of the old world." • FOR "LOCAL AND GENIRAL" SEE 4TH PAOI. 6 AFTER much opposition and many 0 delays the new French cable has been suecess fully laid, and on Monday evening of last week congratulatory messages were exchanged : through it between North Eastham, Massa chusetts, and Brest, France. The steamer Far aday landed the American shore end on the coaxt of Cape Cod on Sunday, and next day effected the final splice with the end of the main cable to St. Pierre and Brest. At North . East ham the shore end of the cable connects ' with the land lines of the new American I nion Company to all parts of the country. ■ IF VOU want good Winter Caps at 19c., go" to J. F. T. Stehle's. TIIF. Poultry Association, of this place, will give an exhibition of stock, or hold what is called a Fair, in the Old Fellows' Hall, commencing on Tuesday, Dec. 9th, and con tinuing day and night, till Dec. 12th, inclusive. We believe this is an enterprise worthy of pub lic attention and patronage. We should aim to improve our poultry, the same as any other live stock. In the vicinity of cities where choice poultry is raised, good prices are ob tained at the markets. Here, poor prices are obtained for the reason that the fowls are in ferior. We know, by experience, that the greater part of the dressed poultry left at our stores, is not worth carrying home. LATEST styles in Men's, Youths'and Children's Caps, at Charles It. Grieb's. A BRADFORD (Pa.) man claims to have solved the following puzzle, for which a French nobleman offered a prize of 20,000 francs. Let our readers try to make the figure, without lifting the pencil from the paper or interfering with any line or portion of a line previously made. Here it is : i I I I ! ' ! I DEEM it my duty to acquaint suf fering humanity with the fact that ST. JACOBS OIL is the most beneficial remedy ever intro duced; this I have practically tested. For the past sixteen years I have suffered with Rheu matism, and so severely that I was often robbed of my night's rest. A change of weather would have*the most painful effect on me, for then I could move neither hands nor feet. I tried everv known remedy, but of no avail; at last somebody recommended ST. JACOBS OIL, and I concluded to try it, but with little hope for relief. Having hardly used half a bottle, the pains diminished, and to-day I am well and hardy once more. The small "sum of fifty cents had cured me. TIIOMAS OTT, St. Bonifuct, Pa. IT will be difficult for the public to feel a great interest in the Courtney-llanlan boat race next month at Washington. These contests are rapidly degenerating into mere gambling operations, where honesty is little regarded, and trickery is the rule of action. The prize ring, once considered a manly sport, and an institution decent people could patron ize, became at last only the resort of the vile and the worthless, because of the character of its principals and actors. Matches of all kinds that develop manly strength, excite lawful emulation and National pride are to be en couraged, but the moment they become merely schemes for supporting usless men in idleness i at the expense or the public, encouraging bet- , ting, gambling, frauds, drjnking, rowdyism and crime, they should be abolished. Any more dirty business ou the part of the Court ney-Hanl'an people, and they will be brushed out of public sight hereafter with contempt. ALL kinds of Stove and Flue pipe to be had at the Hardware Store of J. NIGGLE & BRO. MR. N". SHISHKIN, the Russian Min- | ister at Washington, writes to a New York paper the following remedy for diphtheria. , For children of one year, for internal use every ( one or two hours, as follows : Natr. benzoic, pur. 5.0 solv. in aq. distillat aq. menth. piper. | ana 40.0 syr. cort. aur. 10.0. For children from j one to three years old, from seven to eight grammes for 100 grammes of distilled water, ( with some syrup; for children from three to j seven years old, ten to fifteen grammes, and for grown" persons from fifteen to twenty-five j grammes for each 100 grammes. Besides this ( he (a Russian phvsician) uses also with great ( success the insufflation on the diphtherial mem brane through a glass tube in serious cases , every three hours, in light cases three times a ] day of the natr. benzoic pulver. For grown , people he prescribes, for gargling, a dilution of ten grammes of this pulver for 200 grammes of water. The effect of the remedy is rapid. After twenty-four or thirty-six hours the fever- ' ish symptoms disappear completely and the | temperature and pulse become normal. IF you want to be well in spite of yourself use Kidney-Wort. Cures Kidney dis eases like a charm. SELDOM has any public gathering in , the United States contained as many distin- . guished eivihaus and warriors as were in the 1 procession that attended the ceremony of un- S veiling the Tliomis statue, at Washington, D. C., last Wednesday. The dead hero deserved all the honors offered or implied by the demon stration,for he was of the rarest mould and every ' inch a man. Although without a single quality ( that attracted by its brilliancv his character > embodied every attribute of the true soldier 1 and good citizen, and in all he was great. Full t of strength, knowledge, industry, loyalty and endurance, he was equally remarkable for the modesty and patience which kept the world ] from rating him at his true value until the war had nearly ended. To distinguish among the heroes upon our glorious roll of honor would seem invidious were it not that those still living are the most earnest in saying, what the country will yet agree upon, that the war did not discover any great character more sym- j metrical and harmonious than that of George < 11. Thomas. "FATHER and mother being afflicted ; with asthma, two bottles of 'Sellers' Cough Syrup' has given them a new lease of life." THE November tempest that fell 6 upon Lake Ontario lust Tuesday tore asunder . and sank a fleet of barges, with loss of life ' to thirty-one persons. The wreck was in the J most dangerous part of the Lake—the lower end j where there are rock-bound islands and shoals. , There the storm-caught mariner finds himself perplexed. As a rule he puts for the open lake 1 or turns down into the St. Lawrence River. ] In this case, however, the barges seem to have < become unmanageable, and the end was soon ' reached. This is the third disaster in those < waters within a few months. The s of the yatch Josephine in midsummer cost half a score of pleasure seekers their lives; mis- ' management of the yatch Nortliwind resulted 1 in the drawing of nine youths in August. In this latest catastrophe the obvious blunder was in starting out in the face of a gale, to pass through one of the most dangerous stretches of water in the entire chain of great lakes. Every < lake skipper knows the perils of November " navigation. They were greatly increased when • tugs undertook to tow barges from one end of 1 Ontario to the other. SLEIGH and Bob runners can be had at the J. Niggle & Bro.'s Hardware Store, Jef ferson street. SOME of our young men are trying to arrange for a course of lectures in this town this winter. Lectures are very welcome iu small towns, where public amusements are scarce, but good lecturers are scarce. We know of but one lecturer in the United States at present, who is drawing paying audi- | ences, and that is an Englishman named Proctor, who is lecturing on astronomy. Mr. Proctor's lectures, which bring together so handsome an attendance, may be criticised by closely scientific astronomers as dealing rather with the imaginative wonders than the cold facts of astronomy. But the Englishman has ( a rare and beautiful art of awakening and stim ulating popular interest in a science which, in its details, employs the driest and most difficult ' mathematics. He knows just how far and when to give results without explaining the processes by which they are reached, and his object is not to teach astronomy, but to give the people a conception of the magnitude of the universe. He may tell them nothing very new, but he gives them what enlarges and ex tends their ideas, and furnishes them with material for profitable anil elevating thought. He is a lecturer worth having. CONGRESS passed a law in July, 1870, authorizing the registration of trade marks in the Patent Office and giving legal and equitable remedies for their protection for a term of thirty years, with a right to renewal for a like period. More than five thousand have since been registered and several hundred petitions for the privilege are pending. The centennial year was particularly prolific of thein. Now the Supreme Court sponges out this whole body of legislation and all the fancied rights founded in it. In three cases in which opinions were read last week by Justice Miller at Washington the judges declare that thev find no authority in the Constitution for Federal legislation on the subject, unless it may be in pursuance of the duty of Congress to pass laws necessary to give full effect to treaties. This point was not involved in either of the cases and is left untouched by the Court. We have treaties ou the subject with most of the principal Governments in Europe, some of them framed upon the principle of reciprocity with the statute declared unconstitutional, and with Great Britain and Canada we have ar rangements founded in reciprocal legislation without any diplomatic convention. ®Jpe WniL»v : Slttfcl**, P«.» 3&attemfe*xr 2GU tS?$. t I JORDAN SHEATS, a negro, was to - | have been hauged at Danielsville, Ga., on the c j 24th of last month, for the killing of a white 1 ; man named Ledbetter, but was respited by the - Governor. The circumstances of the homicide, - | as brought out at the trial, present curious re j j semblances to the recent tragedy in Montclair. r I Sheats was in the employ of Joseph Williams, ;| a planter. He quarreled with his employer, i prepared to leave the plantation, an 1, with j I that object, brought a wagon to his cabin to I I convey his household goods. illiams was very angry at the negro for leaving so uncere moniously. He wont tithe cabin, accompanied ' by his sous and by Ledbetter, a white man in his service. The' quarrel was renewed, and Ledbetter told Williams that before he would ' let a negro talk to him in that way he fl-ould 1 kill him • then, turning to Williams' son, he i said : "\Y here is your gun ? If I had it_ here I would kill him, anyhow." Young Williams told Ledbetter where the gun could be found. Ledbetter got it and came back with it. Then Sheats, who had got his gun in the meantime, shot Ledbetter dead. It was claimed on the part of the prosecution that Ledbetter meant no harm to Sheats, and that the killing was murder. The jury so found, and Sheats is un der sentence of death. WANTED to bay for manufacture, at Roessing's Tannery, a large stock of Beef Hides of every description and weight, at highest market price paid by any person in the county. A PENNSYLVANIA preacher writes to the New York Witness, about a queer church which he has discovered in a thriving city situated between the Atlantic seaboard and the Mississippi River. Its congregation of 1,5i.)0 souls is eomjx>sed, he affirms, of "whole sale and retail liquor dealers, saloonkeeper*, hotel keepers, gamblers, cock fighters, and every other stamp down to the self righteous Pharisee." Some of the elders and deacons keep drinking places, and the pastor, a Doctor of Divinity, is controlled by them in his preaching. Another church in the same town, the preacher affirms, is run by a rich beer brewer; while the pastor of still another church was so drunk, the other Sunday even ing, that he hardly could staud in his pulpit. These things have scandalized the reverend correspondent of the not a little, and, searching about for the explanation, he thinks he has found it in—of all things in the world! —the growing habit among fashionable preach ers of lecturing on scientific and philosophical subjects, tlierwy spoiling the relish of the people for the plain Gospel. We don't quite see the relation of cause and effect here. One thing seems clear enough though—that the Pennsylvania preacher should lose no time in sending the address of this community of wine bibbing, beer-guzzling, gambling and cock fighting professors of religion to some active temperance reformer. IF you want Dress Gloves, if you want Street Gloves, if you want Driving Gloves or Mittens, if you waut Working Gloves or Mittens, you can buy them at Charles R. Grieb's. At *92.50, Ladies' Cloaks, all sizes, at HITTER & RALSTON'S. Sperbor, the Allegheny Photographer, makes and finishes superb likenesses at his studio, Nos. 90 and 92 Federal street. John Ommert Has the best and cheapest of Ready made Clothing, in Allegheny City. The Paper to Take. If you want a pajier which will keep you fully posted up in regard to all the principal events in the Old and the New World ; If you want a papar which has decided con victions on political, social and industrial questions; If you want a paper which is bold and reso lute in defending the principles of the Repub lican party ; If you want a paper which gives the most careful and accurate market reports, in all branches of trade ; If you want a paper which will save you ten times the price of it in keepiug you posted on the general standing of linauce and trade, or is the great commercial paper for the farmer, Subscribe for the PITTSBCBOII COMMERCIAL GAZETTE. Daily, $8; Weekly, $1.50 per an num. Sample copy sent- free. Address COM MERCIAL GAZETTE, Pittsburgh, Pa. It Will Pay YOll To drive thirty miles to buy Dry Goods, Carpets and Millinery, at RITTER & RALSTON'S. Get Your Picture taken ; and to have it done artistically and in the best manner, you must go to Sperber's, Nos. 90 and 92 Federal street, Allegheny. Charles Gardner, Of No. 19 Federal street, Allegheny City, will make the fiuest and cheapest Suit of Clothing, west of the Moun tains. At 50 Cents, Brocade Cashmeres, all colors, at RITTER & RALSTON'S. The Temple of Fashion. This is no meaningless phrase when applied to the Merchant Tailoring es tablishment of H. H. Niemaun, 101 Smithfield street, Pittsburgh, Pa., Mr. N. has the reputation of being a first class artist in his line, and indeed it requires considerable artistic skill to . suit the tastes of the young men of the present age. We arc satisfied the gentleman named has no superiors and t indeed few equals in the Smoky City, j Those of our readers who contemplate ] buying fall or winter clothing should not fail to call in and examine the fine f Stock of Piece Goods before purchasing 1 elsewhere. They will find to their I surprise that Mr. Nit-man will make to order at almost the same price as other 1 houses charge for ready-made clothing. ( 1 Holiday Gifts. 1 What is more appropriate to give to j your friends than a fine picture of ] yourself, and the very best place to get l them is at Sperber's, Nos. 90 and 92 ' Federal street, Allegheny. m » ---o- 1 At 45 Cents, All-wool Black Cashmeres, at RITTER & RALSTON'S. : John Ommert Is the leading Merchant Tailor of Allegheny City. No. 141 Federal street. Consumption Cured. An old physician retired from practice, hav ing had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the sj>eedy and permanent enre for Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma, and all Throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive , and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge to all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, l.aming this paper, W. W. SHEARER, 149 Power's Jilock, Rochester, N. Y. Children's Clothing-, All the newest Styles and lowest Prices, at Charles Gardner's, No. 19 Federal street, Allegheny City. At 30 AUID 35 COIIIH, All-wool Country Flannels, at RITTER ad Your Pai»«T And see how prices have advanced then call at Rittcr llalston's and buy goods at old prices. Nothing Nicer to give as a holiday present than a fine picture of yourself. Tho best place to get a photograph or portrait is at Sper her's, Xos. 00 and Federal street, 1 Allegheny. Children'* Clonks. All sizes, at HITTER & RALSTON'S. John Omrnert, Of No. 141 Federal street, Allegheny City, has just received his second lot of Fall and Winter goods. He is con sidered the most popular Merchant Tailor in the town, and will guarantee you a perfect tit. Fine Photography. The Cartes—Cabinets and Portraits —made by Spcrber, of Xos. 00 and 02 Federal street, Allegheny, are elegant and finely finished, and are perfect like nesses. _ Dolman*! Oaltusin*! Immense stock, at RITTER & RALSTON'S. TUMORS, erysipelas, mercurial dis eases, scrofula, and general debility cured by "Dr. Lindsey's Blood Searcher." "Lies 1 Big Lies 1" Not so fast, my friend ; for if you would see the strong, healthy, bloom ing men, women and children that have been raised from beds of sickness, suffering and almost death, the use of Hop Bitters, you would say "Truth, glorious truth." See "Truths in an other column. I ; WANTED! ■VERY ONE TO KNOW THAT Xj. FAHNESTCCK'S Xj TT O- STET7P Is the most efficient Remedy before the public for the cure of Oou«*hs, Colds, .vHpo|»sia. WVnUnw ofllie Stomnch, ■ i'oDKtipalion, WirainwH, tienfrul A#ebil- D itv• etc.. are cured by the Wnfr Kilters. It is ■ unequaled as an app3t?zera >'l regular tonic. I Bottles of two sizes ; prices, oo*•. ami fel.OO. : f WAFJ NER'S SAFE NERVINE I Qnckly give and to the suffering, j cures ifojida' Ijc end \( ui prevents K tpilepllr Fft f «, «:»«! relievesHfervnui Prot»- £ tration brouffl.t on by excessive dr.nk, over- F2 worlc, menial shocks, and other causes. E Powerful as it is to stop pain and soothe dis- I t'irhed Nerves, it luver injures the system, re whether taken :r ima'.l or doses. 9 Bottles of two sizes; prices, 50c. and §I.OO. R WARN ER'3 SAFE PILLS H Are an inimediate and active stimulus for a n Torpid Liver, and cure Cosiiveneei, Dyspepsia. Bil m A iouscets. Bilious Diar- H jHitfrfH (Old rhcta, Malaria, Fever 1 Proprietor*. ■ ROCHESTER, N. Y. g f ' i'^ nA ' op i Pamphlet Ti Jf * I S3Sii^Sj3hS3BBSEZBSBBBF Sliei'iff's Hale- By virtue of a writ of Lev. Fit. issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Butler county, ami to me directed, there will be exposed to Public Sale, at the premises, in the borough of Petrolia, Butler county, Pa., on Thursday, Nuvembsr 27, 1579, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following described projierty, to wit: [E. D. Ko. 232, Dec. Term, 187!); M. X. Miles, Attorney.] All the right, title, interest and claim of Jas. Hart of,'in and to all that certain leasehold estate situate in the borough of Petrolia, Butler county, Pa., Being a part of the Reno Ileal Es tate farm and bounded and described as fol lows : l>einir lot No. N-'t as per plan of lots on Railroad street, made by John \V. \\ iek, and bounded on the north by Main street, east by Railroad street, south by lot No. 140 and west bv lot Xo. 81, being 22 l'eet on Main street and 40 feet on Railroad street, corner lot over Hear creek, together with the certain two-story building erected thereon, 22x40 leet, excepting and reserving the room fronting on Main street, first floor, extending back from Main street ten feet; thence toward Railroad street to end occu pied bv John Dill lor term of original lease. Seized and taken in execution as the property of James Ilart at suit of John Dill, Assignee. \VM. 11. HOFFMAN, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, IJutler, I'a., Nov. 10, 187 i*. Kojice in Furliiion. In the matter of the petition of F. J. O'Don nell for partition of the Real Estate of Mary O'Donnell, dee'd. Butter County ».«: r, —■ And now to wit, Oct. Bth, 1870, ■I SEAL. > petition presented. ( —' ) Now, therefore, you Francis J. 0,- Donnel,Michael McGinleyand Ellen McGinley, Bridget Jane Forquer, and Wm. Forquer, John Bole, the purchaser of Edward O'Donnell's interest; Emma and Martha O'Donnell and Francis Slator, Guardian of the said miners, Eliza O'Donnell, Sarah Isubell Gillespie, wife of Mannassas Gillespie, dee'd, Mary Elvira Ilenson, Win. Benson, John Sylvester O'Don nell, you and each of you, are cited to be and appear at an Orphans' Court to be held at But ler, in and for the County of Butler, on the Ist day of Dec., 187!>, to show cause, if any you may have, whv a partition of the real estate of Mary O'Donnell, dee'd, of which you are heirs and representatives, should not be made as prayed for. Returnable to next term. Witness the Hon. E. McJunkin, President Judge, at Butler, this 17th day of October, I.K7!* W. A. WRIGHT, novl3-3t Clerk. Notice to Supervisors and All Others Interested. The following road petitions will be presented for confirmation on Wednesday, the 3rd day of December, 1879 : Road in Middlesex township, beginning at a point at or near the spnnghoute of John Fred leys, to a point at or near the northwestern boundary of the burial grounds of the United Presbyterian Church of Glade Mill, in said township. Road in Washington township, beginning at a point on the Billiard mill and Suubury road on the line between Samuel Hilliard and heiis of S. G. Meals, and to connect at or near the end of a lane leading from David Stewart's house with a road leading from Christie bridge to Sunbury, in Cherry township nl2-3t) W. A. WRIOHT. Clerk of Conrt. Slu'i-iil *s ; By virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Facias. J Venditioni Exponas. Levari Farias. >Vc.. issued (.ut of the Court of Common Pleas cf Butler | county and to me direcled. there will be ex ; pose 1 to Public Sale at the C >:irt House, ii. the ' borouu'a of B uler, on o MDnday, December Ist, 1373, 0 at one o'clock, P. M.. the following described property, at- follows: £D No 117 lf.fi. 180 Dec Terra. 1879. Miller A ' I Bro.. T CJ Campbell. Att'ys. I All tl o right. title, intere.-t and claim of Rob i ert MeC ndiena of. in and to a lot of ground situate in the borough of B itler. Butler county, j Pa., containing 40x100 feet, more or less. 1 ouud- I. ! ed north by Pearl street. oast 1-y Washington . street, south '..y Kalev and west by other lot of ■ defendant Seized and taken in OXBCU ion as ■ the property of Robert McCandless at the suit T of Batler Savings liauk, John Berg A Co. and [ Joseph Douthctt. -;E DNo 117. 1G". 180 Dec Term. 1870. Miller A t I Bro.. T C Campbell, Att'ys. I All the right, title, interest an l claim of Rob ' eit McCandless of. in and to a lot of ground situate in the borough of Butler. Butler county. Pa . containing 40x150 fert. more orle.-s. hound ed north by Petri street, east by MeCandless, south bv vacant lot and west by Haley and otl>er 5 lot of defendant. Seized and t:iken in execu , | tion as tlie property of Robert McCandless at ' the suit of Butler Savings Bank, John Borg A 1 ; Co. and Joseph Doatliett. ■ ED No 117. 16fi. 180 Dec Term. 1873. Miller A Bro., T C Campbell, Att'ys. All the right, title, interest and claim of Rob ert McCmdless cf. in and to 2 acres of land, mo v e or less, situated in Penn township. Butler county. Pa., bounded north bv II y. east by public road, south by A G Campbeli. and west by David Douthett ; two fr»me dwelling houses and frame stable erected thereon. Seized ai d taken in execution as thi property of Robert McCandless at the suit of Butler Savings Bank, John Berg A- Co. and Joseph Douthett. ED No 117. li"6. 1«0 Term. 1879. Miller A Bro., T C Campbell Att'ys. All the right, title, interest and claiai cf Rob ert McCandless of, iu and to 55 acres of lan l. more or less. situated in Penn township. Butler county. Pa., bounded north by John Brown, east by Dutchtown road, south by Amos Mates, and west byDcrsey heirs: frame house, frame stable, log bouse, log stable and orchard thereon. Seized and lakfii in execution as the property of Robert McCandless at the suit of Butler Savings Bank, John Berg A Co. and Joseph Douthett. ED No 184. Dec T, 1879. Jobn M Greer, Att'y. All the right, title, interest an 1 claim of T M Gill of, in and to 225 acres of lan 1. more or Jess, situated in Slipperyroek township. Butler coun ty. Pa., bounded north by Hiraiu Gill, east by John Kerr and Thomas Kerr's ii«irs, sonfh by Wm Bingham et al. and west by Harvey Christ ley et al; two dwelling bouses. franM barn, soring house, granary, wood house and two orchards thereon; mostly cleared. Seized and taken iu execution as the property of T M Gill at the suit of A J Bard, administrator of Mar garet Diven. deceased. ED No 38. Dec T.. 1879. T C Campbell. Att'y. All tlie right, tit'e. interest and cUi.n of F M Eastman of, in and to 5 acres of land, more or less, situated in Butler borough. Butler county. Pa., bounded north by Penn street, cast by Mrs Mitchell, south by Dr Dieffenbacher, and west by Mercer road: under fence. Seized and taken in execution as the property of F M Eastman at the suit of John Berg A Co. ED No 33, Dec T. 1879. T C Citrpbfll, Att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of F Si Eastman of, in and to all that certain niece or parcel of land, situate in Summit township. Butler county. Pa., bounded and described as follows : beginning at a stone on the northwest comer, thence by land of Walter Bin lev (now Duffy i, north 68 degrees east 105 7-10 perches to a stone on tho northeast corner, .thence by lands of Collins heirs north I % degrees west 81 5-10 perches to a post on the souti eas*: corner, thence by lands of James Kearns north 89de grees 133 210 perches to a post on the south west corner, thence by lands of Goorge Reiber south) 4 deg. 83 5-10 perches, thence from this point westward the distance of 30 perches to the Butler and Washington road, and fr.im said road back again by a parallel line to the west boundary line of said tract, thsreby giving and hereby including a road two rods wide and 30 rods long from said west boundary line of tho tract of land, thence by lands of Robert TTeury (now Duffy) south degrees west 56 6-10 perches to a stone on the northwest corner the place or beginning, containing 9) acres, nr>ra or iess; two-story frame dwelling house, framo barn and orchard thereon; about 50 acres cleared. Seized and taken in execution as the property of F M Eastman at the suit of John Berg A Co. ED No 115, Dec T. 1879. John M Greer. Att'y. All the right, title, iutcrest and claim of Eliz abeth Steel of. iu and to 2 acres of land, more or less, situated in Butler boronsb. B;itler coun ty, Pa., bounded north by L Z Mitchell, east by road; two-etory frame dwelling house and frame stable thereon erected. Seized and takon in ex ecution as the property of Elizabeth Stool at the suit of John Lawail for iu.e. EDNo6. 62 A 63. Dec Term. 1870. Georgo W Fleeger. T C Campbell. Att'ys. All the right, title, interest and ciaim of Jaa S Craig of, in and to 12 acres of land, more or less, situated in Concord township. Butler coun ty, Pa., bounded north by Wilson et al, east bv Dr Conn et al, south by Asa Say. and west by Christy; two board houses and burl stable there u. Seized and taken iu execution as the property of James S Train at the s.lit of John Morrow and Howard Hamilton. ED No 123, Dec Term, 1879. George W Flee ger, Att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of Wm SI Abrams and J Y Foster of. iu and to all that certain tract or parcel of land situate and lying in Fairview township. Butler county. Pa , bound ed ami described as follows : beginning at a post thence by lands of Adams north 30 minutes west 180 perches to a po6t. and thence by lands of Wm Rodger* and Nancy Da.ighertv south 83 de grees and 30 minutes east 19( 7-10 perches to a post, thence by lands of Matthew Banks south t>o minutes east 180 perches (also by lands of widow Smith) to a post and thence by 1 mils of Mamuel Riddle north 89 degrees and 30 minutes west 190 7-10 perches to the place of beginning, containing 214 acres and 80 perches, more or l«es- Seized and taken in execution as the property of Wm M Abiams and J Y Foster at the suit of Citizens Savings Bank of East Brady, Clarion county. Pa. ED No 186, Dec Term, 1879. John M Miller A Bro, Ait'ys. All the right, title, interest and claim of Rob ert Vanderliu of. in and to all that certain parcel or tract cf land situate iu Venango and Marion townships. Butler county. Pa., bounded and le scribed as follows : beginning at the southwest corner at a post, thence by tho lands of Neal Gormley aud Dickson Atwell north 203 7-10 perches to a post ou the public road leading from said Atwel's to graded road, thence along said public road 70% degrees east 52 perches to a post set on the road, thence south 81 degreos east cl 2-10 perches to a post set in said graded road, thence along said graded load north 48 degrees eatt 92 perches to a post, in said graded road, thence by lands of said Robert Vanderlin along s tid graded road north 51% degrees east 46 2-10 perches to a post in said graded road thence by lands of Samuel Fleming. Wm Bran don and Michael Conway south 173 7-10 perches to a hickory, thence by lands of John Jamison 97 6-10 perches to a post, tlieuce by lands of Stephen Vanderliu and Joseph Cummins we.st 176 8-10 perches to place of beginning, contain ing 253 acres and 40 perches. Seized and ♦ iken iu execution as the property of Robert Vander liu at the suit of Mary C Durant. ED No 18G, Dec Term, 1879. Jobn M Miller A Bro.. Att'ys. All the ricbt. title, interent and claim of Rob ert Vanderlin of, in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land in Venango township, Butier county. Pa., beginning at a post thence west by lands of Dickson Atwell 214 0-10 perches to an irouwood. thenco by lands of Wm Osborne's heirs 2ll)j perches to a po-it, thonce south by lands of James Conner's heirs and others 150 6-10 perches to a post, thence 44% degiees west along graded road 46 2-10 perclies to a post, tlieuce south 48 degrees a!org said road 9-! perches to a post, thonce north 84 degrees west along public road tll}{ porches to a post, thence 7 % degrees west 52 perches to the place of be pinning, containing 2>3 acres a-id allowance. Seized anil taken in execution as tha property of Robert Vanderliu at the suit of Mary C Duraut. E. D. Nos. 51, 17S, 175. 211. 212 A 213, Dec Term. 1879. John M. Greer. T. A S., and Ferd. ltciber, Att'ys All tho right, title, interest and claim of An drew Campbell of, in aud to 350 acres of land, more or less, situated in Allegheny township, Butler county, Pa., bounded on The north by lauds of Coulter Gibson, east by lands of Hulings, south by lauds of Gibsou A Fleming, ami west by lands of Blyoiiiler A Campbell; three frame dwelling houses, one framo barn, two coal banks aud orchard ther«on; about 2; 10 acres cleared. Seized and taken in execution as tho property of Andrew Campbell at the suit of Nettie Waun, It M McCall for use, Join Berg A Co et al. E D No 107, Dec Term, 1879. Brandon & Greer, Att'ys. All the right, title, interest and claim of Eli/, abetli Allisou of, in a*'d to thirty acres ol land, more or less, situated ill Wlntleld township, Bu'ler county, Pa, l>< uuded north by public road running from llannahstown to Denny's mill, east by lands ol Jas B Kennedy's heirs, south t>y lands ol Henry Frank, and west by lands of Mrs Vogelcy's heirs. Seized mid taken ill execution as the property of Elizabeth Alli son at suit of Joseph and Mary Johnston. E D No 47, Dec Term, 1879. W D Brandon, Attorney. All the right, title, interest aud cla'rn of Jacob Millisou ot. In and to tlf'y acres ot land, more or less, situate iu Muddy creek township, Butler county, I'a, bounded north by Birzely, e.ist by same, soulli by Truesdale aud west by Truesdale and \V: Ight; log house, log b.iru and orchard thereou. Seized aud taken in execu tion as the property ol Jacob Millisou at suit of Alexander Wrisrht. E D No 113, Dec Term, 1879. John M Greer, Attorney. : I All the riuht, title, interest and claim of Fred Rauscbcr of, in and to a lot of ground situated r iu tlu boronth of Butler, Butler county. Pa, ; cotit lininir ICO 'eel fiont by 180 feet back, ' : bounded north by Pearl street,e st l>y an alley, j south by M Sullivan aud west by Washington street; a nvo-steiy frame dwelling house, coal [ shed and suioke house i hereon erected. S- iaced • and taken in execution a- the property of Fred j Rnuscher at suit of Tru-tecs of St Joseph's . Church, No Hi Oakland, Butler couuty. Pa. ' E D No 179, Dec Term, 187.). W A Forqner, Attorney. | All the ri r|il, lii.'c, interest and claim of A C : Williams of, in aud to thirty-six acres of land, more or less, siluat- d in Allegheuy town*lii;;. j Butler county. Pa, boun 'ed north ' v II Kohl | inyer, east by Ctoss, smth by A Kelly aud wet-t Ijy A Brittuiu ; two oil wells, | two b i'ers, two engines, boiler and engine I houses, derricks, tuleng, tanks, rod', i (rune barn, log l on-e. large fruiie b >ardi. ir j hou~e and ten sii! :ll board houses II.IMVOU. | Seized and taken in exei uii u as the property I of A C >\ ii'iatL- at suit of Foster it lloil nan. E 1) No 235, Dec T. rui, 1S7!). T. C. Campbell, Attorney. All ihe riebt, ti.lc, iutcrest and claim of J.is Met;rath of, in and to two hundred acres of laud, more or les*,-ituate l hi Centre township. Butler couuty. Pa. bounded eortls br S il Rid r and John Mi ikeley, cast by Pine Tract, south • y Bi.iine heirs and west by Geo McCanuiess and Wiu Allison ; al>nut tlf'iy acres cleared, two log iwid one frame dwelling houses, one fl ruring mill, h.tru and outbuildings thereon Seized and I keE in execution as the propeityof McGralb at suit of John M (ire r for use. E D No 237, D c Term, 1870. \V II 11 Riddle, Attorrey. All the title, interest aud cliirn of J 1. Sproule of, tn and to seventy five acres of laud, more or less, situate in Fait view township. But ler county, I'a. bono.le.l north by Samuel Rid d!e et al., eaer, Att'ys. All the riy;lit, title, in crest and claim ol Sam uel VVaiker 01. In ai.d t > a lot or parcel id ground situate iu ihe borough ol Bu:!er. Butler county, Pa, containing 00x180 feet, more or less, bounded north by street, eat by an alley, south by John Iluselton, and west by M liu or ULjli street; a two-story frame dwelling house thiTcon erected. Seized aud taken in execution as the proper y of Samuel Walker at the suit of Clarence Walker lor use, and Jonn Berg <& Co. E D Nos 225 & 227, De? Term, 1879, Miller & Bro and Ferd Reiber, Att'ys. All the ri:ht, title, iutcrest and claim of Sam uel Walker of, in and to eight acres of land, more or iess, ,-itnate in Butler borough, Butler county. Pa, bou ided uorili by lauds of Henry Wagner, east by street and Baucis' machine shop, s.iu:h by Mifflin street and west by lan:!s of 11 I Klinirler; brlek dwelling house, frame stable and outbuildings theieon c eetcd. Seized and taken iu exc anion as tlie property ol Sam uel Walker at suit of Clarence Walker for use, and Jobu Berg and Co. E I) No IG7, Doc Term, 1879. Lev Mt-Qiiis tiou, Att'y. All the risrht, title, interest and claim of Jas Tlioru and Wm McCuidy ot, iu and to one hun dred and scveuleen acres aud ten perclies of land, more oi less, situated iu Jackson town ship, Butler county. Pa. boii ided north by Ira Staufl'er, east bv Jacob Fvdler, south bv An drew Ziouler aud west by John Ha-e; thirty five acres woodland, a Iwo-story brick house, two frame barns, a one-story lraiuc hou.se, coal bank, lime quarry and good orchard tlicrc-on. Seized aud taken in execution as the property of James Thorn and Win MeC :riy at suit, ol L McCnrdy and Catharine MeCurdy. E D Nos 181 & 182, Dec Term, 1879. Miller & B r o, Att'ys. All the ri lit, lirle, interest and claim of J W Christy of, in and to nineiy-six aeses of land, more or less, situate in Cherry t wn.-liip. But ler county, Pa, bounded north by land" of Kelly, easi by Sullivan Bros, south by William Dobsou et :d, and west by Josiah Hall; mostly cleared, a small plank dwelling house aud small stable thereon. Seized and taken i' execution as the property of J W Christy at suit ol rt'n Campbell, Jr. E D Nos 181 & 182, Dec Term, 1579. Miller & Bro., Att'ys. All the ri:ht. title, interest aud claim of J W Christy of, in an I to twS hundred and seventv five acres of laud, more or less, situate In Clay township, But'er county. Pa. bounded north by John Wilson, east by James Wolford, south by Rciiec-ca MeKiselck et al. and west by J -I Mil ler et al ; mostly cleared, frame dwelling hou-e, loir barn, granary, ivcron shed and other out buildings thereon. SeiZ'J 1 and taken in exeeu liou as the property of J VV Christy at suit of i Win Campbell, Jr. E D No 238, Dec Term, 1879. T C Campbell, Attorney. All the right, title, interej-t and claim of J F Timmeny of, in :>tid to a lot or oarcel of land situate in the borouirh ot Butler, B.Jtler county, Pa, being lot No 4 in Dauirherty plan of lots, and bounded north by J It Truxnll, east by Elm street, south by G W Fleeger and west by an nil y, containing 4ti by 72 feet, more or less. Seized and taken in execution as tlie property ol J F Tiiuiucny at suit of John M Greer for use. E D Nos 114 Si 110, Dec Term, 1870. John M [ Greer Att'i. All ihe right, till , interest and claim of II Sengeli'b of, in and to thirty-eight acres ol iaud, more or less, t itualed io Lanca-ter township, Butb-r county, la, bounded north by Cornelius Btighley, east by Diviil Matthews, south by Walter Seolt and west by George Dindinger ; mostly cleared, frame house, loir barn and o eh- , aril ihereon. Seized aud taken in execution as , the property ol 'I Senge'ob at suil ol Jaiues Newtou aud S W Bailey, partners ao Newton iX B-'iley F, D Nos 94 & 124. Dec Term, 1879. Ferd Reiber and N Bla:k, Att'ys. ! All Ihe right, tile, interest and claim of; Christian Leopold of, in and to 220x150 feet of land, more or le-", situate in Millerstown bor- | cu_rh, iluticr corf'ity. Pa, hounde-l north by J I D Aldinger, east by an alley, south by Slip- j ; peryrock slreet and xvest. by John Class ; seven j board or plank houses, and a I ,r_re t ■ o-s:ory j | frame building, used as a hotel, erected tli reou. j Seized and taken in bxeculion as the property | of <"hrist:-»u Leopold at suit of A Jam ii 1 and i , 0 Barnhart. E D No 212, Dec Term 1879. Reiber, Att'y. All tie light, title, interest and clai n of Jas Kelly of. in and to one hundred acres of land, more or less, situated in Concord township, j Butler county, Pa, bounded north by II ite M : Kuh'i, cast by Matthew Morrow, south by Ju-| ] cob Pis >r and we-1 by John A Campbell; frame l i house, log birn and orchard thereon, mostly cleared. Seized ai.-d taken in execution as the ! i proper!v of James Kelly at suit ol John Berg A Co. E D No 234, Dec Term. 1879. Williams & MilcheP, Atty's. All the riiriit, title, interest and claim of W | 15 Sedwic-k ut. iu aud to thirty -seven aeres of j i land, more or less, situated in Allegheuy town- , i ship. But ler :-onnty. Pa, bound d north by C j Martin et al, east, by Anderson, south by ! Jimi-ou and west by Jamison , three i frame dwelling houses and two stables ihcreon erected; mostly cleared. Seized and taken in i execution as the property of W B Sedwiek at ! suit ol Scott A Craig. ED No 2515, Dec T. 1879. T C Canroboll. Att'y. All the right, fit!?, interest and claim of C as McCandless of. ia and to all that certain lot or j parcel of ground situate ui the borough of But- j ler, Butler county. Pa., sama baing !'>'S Nos. 3 j and 4 in Iluselton plan of lots in said borough of Butler, bounded north by an alley. oa.-t by j an alley, south by lot No 2 iu Baid plan of lots I owned by Dr O M Zimmerman, aud west by I Main or High street, having erected thereon | one two-story brick dwelling louse with mansard j roof, frame stab's and outbuildings. Seized ! and taken in execution as the property of Oh as j Me andless at the suit of Henry B Cullum, Re- | ceiver of First National Bank. Butler, Pa. ED No 225, Dec T, 1879. T C Campbell. Att'y. Ad the right, title, interest and clum of Ciias McCandless of. iu and to 100 acres and 7 perches of land, more or less, situated in Washington township Butler couuty. Pa., boun led north by lands of Sam tie 1 Hiiliard et al., east by lan Is of Hon E McJuiikin, soulli by lands of Jno Stoops, ami west by lands of same, being what is known as the Hannah farm: about 80 acres cleared, frame house, frame stable, coal batik and orch ard thereon. Seized and taken in exccnti n as the property of Charles McCandless at tho suit of Henry B" Cullum. Receiver of First National Bank, Butler, Pa. ED No 228, Dec T. 1879. T C Campbell, Att'y. All the light, title, interest and claim of Chas McCandless of. iu and to 25 acres of land, more or less, situated iu Butler borough. Butler coun ty. Pa , bounded north by Capt J O'Donntdl's heirs, east bystreet and alley, south by Chartes McCandless and H C Heineman. and west by public road: frame bouse, framo stable and other outbuildings thereon erected. Seized and taken iu execution as the property of Charles McCandless at the suit of H jury B Cullum, Re ceiver of First National Bank. Butler, Pa. ED No 22t>, Dec T, 1879. T C Campbell, Att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of Chas McCandless of. in and to 5 acres of iaud, more or less, situated iu Butler borough, Butler conn tv, Pa., bounded north by lands of Charles Mc- Candless cast by an alley, south by lands of Joseph B Bredin, and West by lands of H C Heineman. Seized aud taken in execution a< the property of Charles McCandless at the suit of Henry B' Cullum. ltecoiver of First National 1 Bank. Butler. Pa. • EP No 236, Pee T. 1579. T C Campbell. Att'y. All the right. title interest and claim of Chas I McPandle-s • >f. in and to I'J acres nf luul, nioro I or less. situate- lin Butler b.irong'a, B a'ler eouu , ty, Ij. bounded north by Connoqueneesing , creek, east by sam? south by Mrs Nancy Bredin, , an 1 wetl Lv an alley ami street: frame house, i frame barn aud other outbuildings thereou I erectod. Seize! an I t iKhu in execution n» tlie I property of Charles McCaitdless at the suit of Henry D Cull. i:u. Receiver of Firs,! Nation a) , Bank, Butlc-r. I'a. IEI) So 226, Deo T. 1879. T C Campbell. Atfy. All the right, tit interest and claim of Chas : McCan iWh of, in and to ait tli-it certain pieco or parcul of land situate in Penn tow.iship, !< u ler county. Pa., bounded as foilov.b: beginning at a jh et at the northeast corner on lauds of j Mrs Bnlford tlieuco by lauds of sauie south '1 j degrees c>t 179 perches to a post. thm.ee by i lat i< 1.-« of Rankin sou ill 89 degrees #f»t 1M j peroh-es t j a post, thence by lan !s of .Jas Pick i fin north 2 degrees Wert 179 perches to a po t, i tunicc by !rand" of 1 hoe liubinson or Charlt** MeCandless an l ot hero :: -th 89 degrees cant porches to the nlace of beginning, contai i ing i.'t! acres aud 7S perches, more or less; log liou-■*. lor barn aud large orchard thereon; tnOct y cleared. Seized and taken in execution ar the property of Ch tries McCandlcss at the f lit of Heurj li Callum. Receiver of First National iJaL'k, Butler, Pa. E I) No 220. Pec T. H79. T G Campbell. Att'v. Al! the light, title, interest and claim of Chas j McCandle s of. i i and to all that certain pie e or paicel of land situate iu Peun township, But ler county. Pa , bounded as follows: beginning at the northea.-t corner of the foregoing lands at a i>ost thence north I deg. west &i}-£ perches a! mg !&> ds of llrs Bulford to a white-oak. thence along lands of Ncglev's heirs et al noitli ss'., degtees west 1! perches to an iron wood sapliiic. thence along the same north 8 > degrees we t 13 perches to a post, the' ce along lands of same n rih 1)9 degrees west 12 parches to three maples, thence along lands of same north 80 degrees west l'-j' perches to a cherry, tiience along lands of saiue, same c mn-e. 21 perches to a white-oak, thence we.-t 18 perches to a crab tree (corner), thence south still along lands formerly of same 11 4 ' perches to a post, thence north 87 degrees east -14 perch -s along lands formerly of to white oak sa|>- Ung. t'.enco south 23 degrees east 75 perches by lands of to white-oak. (hence south degrees east 72 perch's to a post nt the place of l» ginning, containing 6t> acres aud 40 lurches, more or Jess; log house, bam and la go orchard thereou ; nustlv cleared. Seized and tafcon in execution as the property of Chas McCandlcss et the suit of Ilem y B Cullum, Be ceiver of First National Batik. Butler. Pa. EP No 123 .t 127. Pec Term. 1879. T C Camp bell, T.ev McQuistion, Att'ys. Al! the right, title, interei-t and c'aim of Wai Johnston of. in and to 51 acres of land, more or less, sitmted iu Adims township. Butler county. Pa., bounded north by Samuel Pivi Json and Johnston's heirs, east by Joim Cashd liar and A C Stewart, south by joiiu Irvin's heir-, au l Wfs- by Johnston's heirs; frame house, log barn and an orchard of between 3 and 4 hundred trees thereon. Seized an l taken in execution a« the property of Wm Johnston at Ibo suit of Allen Wiiron for use, and Thomas McCafferty. E P No 10J, Pec Term. 1579. Hancock A Poulv, Att'ys. All the right, title, interest and claim of Jas M Bredin of. iu an to P. 7 acres of land, more or less, situated in Washington township. Butler county Pa., bounded rorth bv James Hiirgius, east by Wm P Miller, south by Sto.er, aud west by P-itiick Kelly: log house and log barn there ou erected; ma-tly cleared. Seize! and takeu in execution as the property of Janes M Bredin at the suit of Charles Henderson and Margaret Heuderson iu of Margaret Henderson. E P No 100. Pec Term 1379. Hancock A Ponlv, Att'ys- All the right, title, interest and claim of Jas M Bredin of. in a-d to (-0 ac es of land, m ire or less, situated in Washington township, Butler county. Pa., bounded north by Wm Patterson, east by Lewis Patterson, south by Bobert Petti grcw; an 1 west bv James Higgins; log house and log barn thereon ere'.-ted; mostly cleared- Seized an 1 taken in execution ?.s the property of James M P.redin at the sui: of Charles Hender son and Margaret Henderson in right of Marga rot Henderson. E D No 100, Pec Term. 1879. Hancock ,t Punlv, Att'ys. All the right, title, interest and clai.n of Jas M Bredin of. in and to a lot of ground situated in the borough of Butler, Butler county, Pa., containing 20 town lots, said piece of i;round being bounded on the north by Herman J Berg, cast by Hib Citlsoiij eumetery and George Itei ber. soivii iiy the Kitt tailing rovl and Jefferson street, and west by Mouron street, said piece of ground containing about 5 acros. itore or le«. and being laid out in town lots according to plan of J*mes M Bredin; lots to by so!d are as follows: lot No 10 being 51x160 feet fronting south o.i Jefferson street, a two-story frame dwelling house thereon erected; No 9, 50xlo0 fuet. front ing on Jefferson street. with a two-story fram9 dwelling h luxe and outbuildings thereou orected; part of !■•!. No sof said plan, being east end of said lot, bounded north by Jefferson street, east by George Beiber. south iiy Kitt&nning road and west by patt of samo, lieing about o'JxlitO feet. Viitli atwo-story frame dwelling house and frame stable thereon erected. Also the following de scribed lota of ground in said plan: Lota Nod S, 4. 5'A 11. each fronting on JefTjrsou street. s!'xlt>o feet Inck to College street; lots No 1!, 14, 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 22, 23. 21 A 25, each fronting on College strett. 5dx171 feet back to land of Herman J Berg. Seized and taken "u execution as tiie pioperty of Jam -h \I Bredui at the suit of nhirles Hen lcrson and Margajet Henderson in right of Margaret Henderson. EP No 2-10, Pec T. 1879. J M Thompson, Att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of Jan Wilson. Jr.. of. iu and to a lot or parcoi of land situated io Jefferson township. Batter couuty, l'a., containing 10 ' acres, more or less, adj >:ii :ns lards of .~ Haktr, Jacob Keck. John l.iukhard and others; log duelling I'.OHse and barn thereon. .Seized and taken iu execution an the property o? Jaraes iVilsou, Jr., at the suit e>f 11 1' Scott. E P No 240. Pec T. 1979. J M Thompson. Att'y. Al! the right, title, intere.-t and claim of Jas Wilson, Jr.. of, in and to 19) acres of land, more or less, situated iu Gakland township, Butler county; Pa., adjoining lands of John Wliitmeyer. Johu II Neyman, James Phillips' heirs et'al-: frame house and frame barn thereon; about 50 acres cleared. Seized and taken in execution as the propc ty of James Wiison, Jr., at the suit of It P Scott. E P No 240. Pec 'l', 1879. J M Thompson, Att'y. Ail tiie right, title, interact and cl.uui of Jas Wilson, Jr., of, iu and to 50 acres of land, situ a < d in Summit township. Uut'er county, Pa., adjoining Johu Beer, N Cumuiings and others; log house and log barn thoneou: about 25 acres cleared. Seized and taken in execution as the property of James Wilson, Jr., at the suit of B P Scott. E. P No. 118, Dy Term 1879. J M Thompson, T C Campbell. AtF' s. Al : the right title, interest aud claim of Hiram ' B >ker of. in aud to 110 acres of land, more or less, situated in Centra township. liutler county. PA., hounded north by lands of Andrew Albert, east by lands of Joseph Brewster's hjirs. south by lands formerly of John Cres:s. aid west by lands of Thomas Stewart et al ; a new frame i house aud barn goo 1 coal bank aid :ipp!e and 1 peach orchard; aNv.it 75 acres cleared. Seized and taken in execution as the propart vof Hiram Baker at the suit of II P Sijott and Michael Mo- Ginley. F. P No 191 Pec T. 1979. Lev McQuistion, Att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of C F Smith of, in and to all that certain piece or j ar ea! of lan 1 s tinted i.i Suuimit township. Butler county, Pa , containing one-half acre on tlio ' south si.-'e of tiie Butler and Coylesville road; one dwelling house 21x28 feet, oua dwelling - houso 20x16 oet. ous store housa 20x36 feet and one stable 20x20 feet thereou erected. Seized and taken in execution as the property of C F Smith at the suit of Benedict K ..-t. E P Nos 313 & 24!>, Dec Term, 1 SOU. WA Forqjer, Atl'y. All the rijht. title, interest and .V.iiui ol Hugh McLaughlin o!, in and to two hundred acres ol lau , more or less, situated in Slippei yroek township, IS liler county. Pa, bounded north by binds of W McLiiigtiUu and Chas MeGan 1- les», ea-t by I! CritcliSow and W Keuirk, south by \V M inlsoii aud d T Cli iu ller and wesi by John T ivlor ; about Hid acre- cleared, balance iu li.u'ier, with a two-Morv frame house, log barn an 1 orchard thereou. Seiz -d and taken iu execution as the pro e ty ol' McLaugh lin :u suit of W G McLiughlln and M A McG.ath. E I) Nos 143 100, P, cTom, 1 -<7O. W A Forquer, Atl'y. All the i iirbt, title, interest c! dm of W A Smith ot, in and to titty four acres ot land, more or lcs», situated iu Wintield township, Duller county, I'a, bounded nor; h by lands ot Arch McCall, east by E A llelmliold, south by Win Gypiier nd west by Peter Cypher; Irauie house, log barn, wagou ehed.eo n crib, pig pen aud orchard Illereou. Seiz-d and taken ill ex ecution as the property ot W A Smith at suit of M J Mcßridcond Buiumel Bros lor lue. E I) Nos 223 & 224, Dec Term, lSV'.t. GA & A T Black, Atty's. Ail the rii,ht, title, interest and claim ol Jan Hilliard of, iu and to one hundred acres of laud, more or less, fituate iu Washington township. Butler county, I'a, bounded north by Patrick Kelly and W P Miller, e.ft by Hon E MeJun kiu, south by Peter llillind and west by .lerry Milliard; mostly cleared, frame house, frame barn, coil hunk, orchard and vineyard thereou. Seized and t iken in exeeut on as the properly ol »anies Hilliard at suit ol Johu McCalleu,' Win Sliirn, Kx'r, &c. E P No 243, Pec Term. 1879. All the right, title, intere-t an I claim of A N McCandloss. Matilda Jane McGandless, owners. •Vc , and A N McCandloss, c infractor, 01. iu and to a certain lot within the borough of Butler, Butler county. Pa . beiug 52 feet front and 75 feet deep, bounded north by Jefferson street, east by George Heiber. south by Kittanuing road and west by George Sehaffiior; also a cert tin I building beiug a dwelling house two stories high with basement, 16 feet front by 22 feet deep. [ Se.ized and taken in execntion lis the property of A N MeCandlews and Matilda Jine McCand i less, owners. ,ti, and A N McC*:idle«s», con ■ tractor, at the suit of George Welwr. EP No 249. Pec Term, 1879. J M Greer, Att'y. All i he tit e. interest and ulai.n of Frad • Hoss of. in and to a certain piecse or par cel of liii 1 situ ite i in Bttler Dwuihip. B ltlar c muty. Pa , bonded an! describ»l as follows: commencing at tin B Uler and Naw Castle road thence north 14 degrees eaet 51 perches ti a stone pile, thence s nito 8!) degrees east perches to a post, thence so ith 2 degrees east 69 perches to a poet, t hence north j » degress west 9.' perches to the place of begiuuiog. cjn taiuiug 33 acres, iu >re or l»s:; log uo.ise, frame stable, outbuilding* and fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in oxeeution as the property of | Fredeiick Boss at the suit of George It iss for , uee of Win Watson. E D No 211, Dee Term, 18T9. Ferd Beiber, Attorney. All the title, interval and claim of Geo | Mi.Candies- ot, in and to ail that rerlaiu piei-e I ot jrnjn id situate iu Butler borough, Butler county. Pa. consisting ot lots Nos 14,15 and 10 in Kobert Graham's plan ot lots in said l»or ou.'h, and bounded uorth bv Uuloa stieel, east by an alley, south by nn alley aud w*st tv an alley, fronting on »:.id Union str-ct 186stou, James S Negiey for use. TERMS OF" SALE. The following uiuU be strictly complied with when propeity is stricken down : 1. When tin plaintiff or other lien creditors become the purchaser, the costs on the writs must be paid, mid a list of the li-ns, iucluding 1110 tga e searches on ibe properly sold, to gether with such lien creditor's rcce-ipt* lor the amount ol the proceeds of the sale of such portion thereof as he may claim, must be fur nished the Sheiiif. 2. All bids must be paid in full. 3. All sales not settled immediately will !>e continued uutil I o'clock, L». M., of next day, at which time all pioperty not settled lor will lie put up a.:d sold at the cxpenso and risk of the person to whom first sold. •See Purdon's Digest. 9th edition, page 446, and Smith's Forms, pasre 384. W. 11. HOFFMAN, novl'3-3t] Sheriff of Butler County. Widows' Appraisements. Tiia following appraisements of personal prop erty set apart for the benefit ot the widows of decedents have been filed in the office of th® Clerk of the Orphans' Court of Butler county; Elizabeth Snyder. $285 85- Mary Grossmau. $3 )0 09. Bvlieia Moore, *30;) 00. Mary Landers, §IBO 00. The above will be pre-erted far confirmation on Wednesdav, the 3rd dav of December, 1879. W. A. WBIGHT, novi2-fdJ Clerk of Orphans' Court. Register's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the following final and other aceouuts of executors, administrators aud guardians have been filed in the Register's olnce, according to law. and will be predftuted to Court for confirmation and allowance on Wednesday, the 3rd day of December, A. D. 1379, at 2 o'eioek. P. M-: 1. Final account of Jacob Cooper and James M. Lindsey, Executors of Wm. Reed, dee'd, late of Jackson township. 2. Final and distribution account of Win. P. Braham, Admistrator (le bmtia mi it of Geo. B. Midl»erry, dee'd, late of Marion township. 3. Final account of Wm. P. Braham, Aum'r of Orsen Midberry, (lec'd, late of Marion tp. -1. F.nal account of Orsen Midberry, dee'd, Adm'r of George B. Midberrv, dee'd, late of Marion township, as filed by \Vin. P. Braham, Adm'r of the said Orson Midberry, dee'd. 5. Final account of Robert L. Black, Adm'r of Robert MeCamey, dee'd, late of Venango township. 6. Final account of Henry Pillow, Ex'r or John Pillow, dee'd, late of" Conuoquenessing township. 7. Final account of Mary Slator and Francis Slator, Executors of Daniel Slator, dee'd, late of Donegal township. 8. Final acevunt of William Neely, Adm'r C. T. A. of Jane Neely, deceased, late of Cran berry township. 9. Final account of Robert Riddle and Bern. Douthett, Executors of James Norris, dee'd, late ol" Clinton township. 10. Final account of Martin G. Thompson, Adm'r of Robert P. Thompson, deceased, late of Sliopcryrock township. It. Final account of 11. 11. Goucher, Adm'r of W. K. Potts, dee'd, late of Butler borough. 12. Account of Win. Neely, Ex'r of Samuel Neely, dee'd, late of Cranberry township. lit." Distribution account of George W. Still wagon, Ex'r of Jacob Stillwagon, dee'd, late of Slippervrock township. 14. First anil final account of Robert Ilogg, Guardian of Jeremiah Elliott, minor child of George Elliott, dee'd. 15. Final and distribution account of Nancy Patterson, Trustee appointed by the Orphans' Court to make sale of the real estate of Samuel S tough ton, dee'd, late of Clay township. lti. Filial account of J. C. Slianor, Guardian of Susan M. Sliiever (now Shanor), minor daughter of Henry Shiever, late of Zelienople boroueh. 17. Final and distribution accouutof Matthew S. Ray and John C. Ray, Ex'rs of John Ray, dee'd, late of Fairview township. IS. Final account of Emil Maurhoff, Ex'r of J. G. Koegler, dee'd, late of Jefferson tp. ns] H. H. GALLAGHEB. Register. KxecutorfT Notice. Letters testamentary on the estate of Jacob Snyder, dee'd, late ol Middlesex township, Butler e-ounly, Pa., having 1 een granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to s.ild estate will please make pay. incut, an I any having claims atrainst the same will present theui duly authenticated for settle ment. ROBERT TRIMBLE, Bixonburg, WM. SNYDER, Bakcrstowu, novl9 Executors. Notice. Notice is hereby given that A. M. Cornelius, Assignee of Iteinhart Fulic, ban filed his final account in the ofHce of the I'rothou.>t*ry of tn# Common Pleas Court of Butler county, ana that the «am 3 will be presented U> »*id ™ conlirmitiou and allowance ou the Sri I day of December next. A. RuasELL. novs-4t* Prothonotary. Administrator'* Wotlce, Letters of administration on the estate of Mrs. Sarah M. Slianor, dee'd, late of Centra township, Butler Co . I'a.. having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing thena selvos indebteJ to said estate will pleise make immediate payment, and any having claims will present them dnlv authenticated for settle ment. DANIEL SHANOH, Adm'r. nnrt Biffler. Bnrt»>r Ob., Pa.