Grant's —S: BY L. T. REMLAP. Elegantlr E'.nbtrated. 400 Psgea, Price *1.50. Contains full and accurate descrip tion of Gen. Grant's tour, receptions ad dressee of welcome, speeches in all the towns and cities visited in England. Ire.and, Scotland, France. Spain. Italy, Germany, ' I tries —with reports of the addresses of wel come and tlie General's speeches: a:so. graphic pen-picturop of the places of "iter etst visited by General Grant and hw paity. The liistorv of this trip, with its uuproce i dented and "unlock-jd-for ovat'ous and tn : uapbal tour, will be found of interest to i ever▼ Ameri.'.'a. , , „ i * 4 ir„.,(A,l ' Send for f ill par i Agents W anted ; and be con l vinced that this is the most salna!-le book in * the market: or. to save time, send *1 at i once for complete copy of tho book, and j etate your choice of terntory.^£J/'J"q 3 novl9-4t] 9 Murray St., New York. The World's Model Magazine ! A Combination of the Entertaining, the Useful and the Beautiful, with Fine Art Eograv logs and Oil Pictures in each Number. Demorest's Illustrated Monthly, The Model Parlor Magazine ol the World, Contains the essentials of all others, including Original Poetry, Sketches and Stories, by the best writers in every branch of entertaining and useful Lilcrnlurc. It is enriched with Enouayinos asi> Beautiful Illustrations worth more than its eofct; also, Fi.oKict'LTL'itE, Architecture. llouseholu Matters, Hei.i able Fashions and Fui.l-Size Patterns, with other rare and beautiful novelties calcu lated to elevate the taste and make home at tractive and happy. No one can afford to do without this world * acknowledged Model Magazine. Ihe largest In foim, the largest in tlrcu'alion, end the best in everttliin<_' that make* a maeazme desirable. Sisoi,;: ''ones, 2ft Cents. Yearly, sf, with a valuable premium to each subscriber, who selects from a list of twenty articles. Sample Copies Mailed on Receipt of Ten Cents. frln remitting, small amounts can be sent ostagc Stamps, but sums ol one dollar and more, a Pott office order is undoubtedly the most secure and convenient; or money may be sent in a registered letter, or by a dnll ui.ide payable to our order. Address W. JENNINGS DEMOREST, 17 East l4t!> fc-t., New York. £B"Agent* wanted everywhere, to whom ex traordin:iiy inducements will be offered. Rend your address on postal card for Circular ind Terms. LIST OF JURORS Drawn for December Term, 1879, Com mencing First Monday and First Day. GRAND /LEY. Adams—J. R. Orr. Brady—William Mayer. Centre—Asa Thompson. Cherry—Job Kellv, Perry Wolford. Clmy—Frank Mark well. Clinton—Robert Harvey. CflUoquencssing —J. L. Wilson. Donegal—M. Angert, Adam Keraerer. Forward —Adam Racier, Sr. Jackson —11. H. Weiss, Freeman Weise. Jefferson—John McGucken, Gotlieb Zimmer man. Lancaster —Charles Warner. Marion—Michael McAnallan. Mercer—Andrew Dunlap. Middlesex—Samuel B. Harbison. Oakland—George Shopp. Parker—J. D. I)aubensj>eck. Penn—John Walters. Slipperyrock—Henry Sanderson. Centreville—A. G. Taggart. TEA VERSE JURY—2ND WEEK—BTH DAY. Allegheny —James Blane, John Grant. Brady—Daniel Keefer, Conrad Snyder, Sr. Buffalo—lacob Shuster. Butler—Peter Kless. Centre—W. A. Christy, Christian Fleeter, Christian Graham. Cherry—George Christy. Clay—Robert Gould, Albert Miller. Clinton—Albert Flick. Concord—A. C. Darragh. Connoquenessing—lliram Graham, M. N. Stevenson. Donegal—John Gegan, Henry Sheffield. Fairview—Lawrence McLaughlin. Forward—Zeno Markell. Jackson—David Barto, Samuel Cooper. Jefferson—Jamei Johnston. Lancaster—William. J. Scott. Mercer—W. E. Reed. Middlesex—Philip Stiner. Muddycreek—Wm. Ileberling, Wm. Payne. Oakland—J. F. Moser. Parker— Lemuel Davis. Penn—Wilson Garvin. Slipperyrock—H. L. Rhodes, Henry Wolford. Summit—James Skilman. Washington—John Fitiiian, Ezekici Lewis, W. D. Thompson. Winfield—t- V* Table (,'utlerv, Tacks, Drawing Knives, : Tf)()is Trunk Locks> M ll,e Fa T™ i; . Forks, Fly Traps, \prices to suit the times. Vises—Blacksmiths', Gun Caps Gimlets, All those in need of anything tn vi SM -Uan l, Gunpowder] Grindstones, our line are cordially invited to Hammers, Hoes, call and examine goods and prices Window Springs, Handles, Harness Snaps, he fore purchasing elsewhere. Window Locks, Hatch Hinges, J r •> Wringers, Wrenches,: Horse Shoes ami rsails, «•*-«▼■ r t u r irp rinth We lles. Lanterns, Locks, JACKSON & MI J- CHELiL, Wardrobe' flo»ks, „ „ Malleta, Wardrobe Locks, Malleable Iron < actings, Corner Main & Jefferson fets., Wood Savvs, Wire Hope, Meat Cutters, Yard Stick* Machine Screws, BUTLER', PA. ziiik Oilers,' Measuring Tapes, zink shecti &<.. Nuts, Nails, I Agricultural Implements, House Furnishing Goods, Farmers' Supplies, Iron, Steel, Metals, Blacksmiths' Supplies, &c. CARPETS! OIL CLOTHS! MATS! RUGS! STAIR HODS ffl BJE2W STOCK! NEW STOOK! > H a | HECK & PATTERSON'S 1 ! NEW CARPET BOOH ! NOW OPEN ! - r One Bow South of tKete QliottiEag douse, b Daily's Klock, se P t2 °- tf Butier, Pa. ffl iSQO>I hTvXs' iSf)"TM iSI VIE i SHI0 r ID r llO iSJ^fdTivO 1 Hardware ! E J. ®. & W. CAMPBELL, = _ solo Agents for the World-Renowned "[[" :::::: TllTnl/ - I]¥[| MOWSR AHD REAPER, = E jlUiOllj OIDSR MILL? DITPI7BVI! GfRAiN DRILL, DUliMlij e E IEIIDEEIM-BIU. ITIICIIIT BISE, = :::::: L M. CQSBTS Celebrated fUMUM MILL. UEAIiUJHS B ;;;;;; Cultivators, Scythes fy Snaths, """ Shovel Plows, Grain, Cradles, Corn Planters, Forks $ Hoes, •••■■ And Everything In the Implement Line. E Stoves and Tinware, E :::::: House Furnishing Cyood®; ::::: CARPENTERS' AND FARMERS' TOOLS. ALWAYS ON IIANI). j el.»cy ff Or- Ol Fen»»l« B TZLi *.»n of Omoratlon, I CooaultaHoa fr«-c.(J^—'l Ui-.-i»to of Vr.uth and and H . . J Manhood; a wealth or &VL men, aend one mi»ti<>ii, of ruhhpr r.oila, at.d J 1 to a<*v«. Nothing valuable W;formation J I otTeimive to food tait« by expreta. Kc!lu- R I"T! Ha' <1 reflntfMQt Infor blc * - I'Ula, 15 M B Ciati. II nC\ e r brfnrt iK-r (Qgl borne aud nurae fori! I ahould »e without It. Ajk I Ladles during con M H 0 I* \ddr«s«. Ur. v. Q. ! The Kilwn Remedy THAT ACTS AT THE NAJIK TI3IK 05 THE LIVER, THE BOWELS, and the KIDNEYS. combined action gives it wonderful power to cure all dimancs. Why are we Sick ? Because tee allow tlieso great organs to bc roirus dogged or torpid, and JXKSO nous humors arc therefore forced into the blued that stumld be cxjxiilcd naturally. RADICALLY BILLIOUBSEMB, PILES, t'O.VSTIPATION, KIDNEY COMPLAINTS, UUIXAItT DIS EASES, FEMALE WEAKNESSES, AND NEB VOL'S DISORDEItS, hy causing free action of these organs and restoring their strength and power to throw off disease. •M V'l.y Suffer HIIIIoom |ialn%«nd Mhcaf Mi Why bo tormented with I'llchih:.! CoiiHtlpatlon 1 Wlijr frljflitcn. d orer disordered KlditeyN I Why enduro nerrouH lieadarhe* uud Nlee|ilc«K nli^hu K IDSEY.UOKT and rrjolt-r in Wraith. It IH a dry, Mt/ctablc compound ami Use pwLagc will moke Mx quart* of Medicine. Oct Uof your VrucgUt, hr tell!order ufor t/ou. wEixa, h::ha:d2c:t t cO., '■ r, -' s| R V I 1 i k"i"y-.- rj,"lvi^ulTui'lVj I m-.-.,-.- ... /seer's Cathartic Pills, For ail the wu-jocses of a Family Physic, ana for ■-•iiruiK Cost:venC33. Jaundice, iniitr stio; . Voul Stomocn. Breath. Henri . I y sipehia, Rheumatism, f ru;>; g ;n siem Diseases, Bil :o.; i .sr. Turgors,Worms, a Dinner Pill, for "urnyins the Blood, fi Arc the most cf * fo-tive an«i congc — 'Smf,. ' !ii:<: iiur-jativeever ' - discovered. liiev • - ■&' V are mild, but cf- CA ivi? fecu,:;l - in ,lu ' ir V wsn r operation. moving - i'SJ the bowels surclv >-| : l iff: witl:oi:t J'.iin. '/% Pi* A'.iboHjrh svntle i.'r ,h tin ir oporntirn, 4j ili«.v are sn:l the ~ nic- t thorough and seiirching calhar ti - medicine that can be employed : cleans ing the stora.ach nr.d bowels, am; i ven the biood. In srnajl dotes of one ]>il! a day, they stimulate the di-n stive organs ;.nd promote vigorous health. Avr.ii's I'ir.i.s have been known for more than quarter of a century, and liave o! tained a world-wide reputation for their virtues. Tlicy correct diseased action in the several assimilative organs of the bodv, and are so composed that obstruc tions within their range can rarely with stand or evade them. Not only ilo they cure the every-dav complaints of every body, but also' formidable and dangerous diseases that have baffled the best of human skill. While they produce power ful effects, they are, at the same time, the safest and best physic for children. By their aperient action they p'i[>e much less than the common purgatives, anil never jrive pain when the bowels are not inflamed. They reach the vital fountains of the blood, and "strengthen the system by freeing it from the elements of weakness. Adapted to all ages and conditions in ail climates, containing neither calomel r.or anv deleterious drug, these I'iils may be taken wi;h safety by anybody. Their su'jar-eoatincr preserves them ever fre.-li, and makes them pleasant to take: while being purely vc-cretable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. PREPAUED BV Dr. J. C. AYER k CO , Lowell, Mass., Pnctlcitl ;»n«i Analytical Chemists. S< >;. i) JIY ALL JJKUOGISTS KVKItyWHERE. BOOKS '£ MILLION MUKWMMMa A larce. new ani complete Guide to | Wedlock, coutaininf. witbmany other*. »Von« of Wife, Ernf-»»ce» of Virginity, Temj erimeots, C 'twj af.ble Adv.ce to litinhao'iv Ad*i-e to Wivcf, I'roetitution, iti cause*. CtUbKjr and Matrimony com part'!, Conjugal dutL-s, Conception, Coafi::ement, Lcve aod I ourtship, Imi«r Jimetita to Marriac « n inalo and frmal-. Science cf Reproduction, Siuglc l.i'e coi-tnlerrd. Law of Marriage, of Divorce, Lepal tights «»f muricl Kmutn, etc.. inciud in« Diseases peculi*r to Women, their caum and treat ■beut. A book for [irivate and considerate reading, oi 3120 [ *ce«, with full Mate Engraving*, by mail, aealed, for 50 cmti. -THE PRIVATE MEDICAL ADVISER" oil Syphilis, Oonorrhoea, Oleet, Stricture. Varico cele, As., alio 0:1 Spcrtiiatorrhcca. Sexual Debility, and Impotency, Sclf-abuaa ami Excr*-c», causing Euiissions. S'ervousncM, Aversion to Society, Confusion of Ideas, li.vtical Decay, Dimneti of Sight, Defective Memory. Los* of hexual Tower, etc., making marriage improper t.r unhappy, giving treatment, and a great mary valuable rec-ipta for the cure of all private disease*; J£24 pages, over CO plate*, 60 cents. "MEDICAL ADVICE. A lecture on Manhood and Womanhood, !0 cert*: or a!l > three in one nicely bound volume, tl. They contain 600 pages and over 100 illustration®, embracing every thing o.i the generative ayatciu that is worth knowing, aud n.urh that is not published in any other work. The combined volume t* poai tively the moat l'opular Medical Book put'.:»!.ed, and tho*c d.s , aatianed after getting it can have their money refunded. The 1 Author i* an experienced Physician«f mai.v years prac tice, (as is well known.) and the advice given, and rules for treatment laid down, will be found of grei»t value to those suf fering from impurities of the system, early error*, tost viyor, or any of the numerous troubles coming under the head of " Private" or " Chronic" disease*.——Sent in siurle vol umes, or complete in one. for Price in Stamps, Silver, or t ur rsncy. (Consultation confidential; all letter* are promptly and frankly answered without cbarfc.) Address: Dr. KuttV DUpenaary, 12 N. Bth 81., St. Louis, Mo. (Established 1M7.) i Cv*For sale by Mows Dealers. AGENTS wanted. (DR. PCTTS Invites all persona suffering from RUPTURE »«nd him their names and addrvss, « and berehv a*surea them that they will learn B something to their advautCße—Not a Truss. * E;. :GRIEB, DEALER IN FINE ; Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER WARE, SPECTACL ES, &C. ENGRAVING OF ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY, j MAIN STREET, (North of Lowry House,) BUTLER, PA. HT WATCHES AND CLOCKS REPAIRED, AND WARRANTED. -»T "Tlio Kiclii f-t Blcxxl, Bweetest Breath I and Fairest B!du in Hop Hitters." 5 " A littlo Hop Bittern b.ivi'9 big doctor K bill a and long fcickness." h "Tli it invaiid wife, mother, sister or j chi' l r in be niivlo tho picture of health I with Hop Bitters." rj " Wiien worn down nr.d ready to take R your tied. Hop Bitters i i what you need." " Don't j>hyfi!caud j:!iys'-c, for it weak ens i'.nd destroys, but tal.o Hop Hitters, that build iip con'.iuually." " l'iiy V.r i-iris sf all schools use nr.d rccornmend iiop Bitten. Totthem." "Health isb -auty i'.nd joy—Hop Bitters givi i health and beauty. ; " There are taoro cures made with llop Bitt -,i than t.ll other medicines." '• Wlii n tii 'brain is w. a.ied, the nerves unstrung, the ni seles wetik, use Hop Bitters." I "That low, nervous fever, want of Bleep and weakness, calls for Hop Bitter 3." r Hop Cough Cure and Pain Relief is ■ Pleasant, Sure and Cheap. * Por will; by uil i!ru/>:ist<. J 15. HOE^ING, [Huccchuor to A. C. Roessing A Bro.) DEALER IN Groceries, GRAIN, FLOUR, PEED, OIL, —AND— Anthracite Goal. THE HIGHEST MABKKT PRICE PAID IN FOR GRAIN OF ALL KINDS. up4tf Union Woolen Mills. ; I would dcMiro to call tlio uttoutioii of tho public to tlio Union Woolen Mill, Butler, I'a., , whero I have now and iiuprovod machinery for tlio in&nufacturo of Barred and Gray Flannels, Knitting and Weaving Yarns, ami I can recommend them an being vory dura ble, ax they »ro manufactured of pure Kutler ooniitv wuel. 'lliey uro beautiful iu color, hu perior in texture, ami will lie koIJ at vory low price*. For Hamplea and priccM. vldresii, H. FULLEIITON, Jul24,'Tß-lj) Butler, P» AS IT ALWAYS HAS BEEN SO IT STILL REMAINS ! The Largest and Best in Western Penn'a! WITH NO RECOGNIZED RIVAL! AN INSPECTION OF OUR IMMENSE STOCK, AND A COMPARISON WITH OUR PRICES, WILL PKOVJS WHAT WE HAVE EVER CLAIMED, THAT KAUFMANX'S IS THE CHEAPEST CORNER 83, 85 and 87 Smifhficld St. FOR MEN'S, BOYS' AND^CHILDREN'S We mention a few of the miny bargains eich depirtmeiit contains. MEISTH DEPARTMENT. AT $4.37 AT $5.62 Qents' Heavy All Wool Qents' Fine Worsted | Cassimere Suits, Suits, Perfect Fitting, I Durable. AT Stylish. A bargain. AT $5.62 . A bargain. I Men's Iron Twist Suite. . . £2 25 Men's Blue C*ttor Suits, . . £8 S7 Men's Union Cashmere Suits, . . 390 slen's Impoi tc«l Cheviot Suit*, . . 9 7f, Men's S.-oleh Cheviot Suits. . . 512 Mali's Fine Tricot Suits, ... 11 Oil Men's All Wool Diagonal Suita, . . 075 Men's Fine Cloth Dress Suits, . . 13 50 (aTEach department supcrblp stocked with styles and fabrics of our own design and selection. 1 Men' r Extra Heavy Men's Fine Chinchilla OVERCOATS, OVERCOATS, 51.85. 53.75. ' - I Roys' and Children's Department. Boys' School Suits i?l 90 > Children's B'ouse Suits. f 1 15 Bovt' Union C&stimere Suits, ; . 2 37 Children's Worsted Suits, . . 2 70 Boys' Scotch Cheviot Suita, . • . 3 02 Children's Tricot SuitH, ... 3 25 Boys' Fine Dress Suits, . . . 4 00 Children's Fine Dross Suits, . . 4 12 Cur Assortment Always the Largast! Our Styles Always the Newest! Our Makes Always the Best! Our Guarantee Always Reliable! OUR MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT is newiy stocked with Cassimeres, Cheviots. Worsteds. Ac., which wo make to order at extremely low prices. I'.uts to order, $3.25. Suits to order. £13.50. Our Hat and Gents' Furnishing Departments contaiu the latest novelties, all markod extremely low. SirAbk for goods advertised, as wo allow no misrepresentations to be made. BE SURE IT IS KAOFMANN'S Cheapest Corner, 83, 85 and 87 Smichfield St., Pittsburgh, COR. DIAMOND STREET, BuroitK K.vr K aftjcrw««»- TA MAN I WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE CEOCRAPHV OF THIS COUNTRY, WILL SEE I BY EXAMININC THIB MAP. THAT THE ROCKISLAND & WMWR R. IS THE GREAT CONNECTING LINK BETWEEN THE EAST AND THE V, EST! lis main line runs from Chicago to Council Bluffs SMOKING HAI.OON where you can enjoy your nml Omaha. passing through Juliet, Ottawa. I. a " llav.uiu "ut ull hours of tlioilay. Salle. Oeneseo. Mollne-Koclc Island. Davenport. Miucnltlcent Iron Brldee* span the Mississippi Wert Liberty. lowa Oty, Marenito. Brooklyn, and Mlsaourl rivers at ell points croaaed by till, t.rinnel! anil Des Moines. (the capital of limit) line, and transfers tire avoided at Council BlulTs, witli branches from Bureau Junction to Peoria ; Leavenworth und Atchlsn : w aahlnKton tu Blifourney, Oskulooita LOWS • mid Knoxrllle; Keokuk to Karnilnyton. Dona- At CHICAOO. with ull diverging lines for tho Kaat parte. Bentonspnrt. Independent, lCldon. Ottum- an.l South wa. Kddyvlllc,, Oskaloosa. I'ella. Monroe und Des At KNOI KWOOJ). with tho Ijike Shore & Mlchl- Molnes : Des Moines to Indlanola and Wlnterset; Bnn Southern and lMlUburg, Kt. Wayne 4. Chicago Atlantic to Audubon, nnd Avoca to llnrlan. This K ltds IsiHWltlvely the only llullroad. which owns, con- At WASHINGTON IIKIOIITB. with Pittsburg, Cln troi t ami operutes a through line between Chicago clnnatl & SI. Louis It. It. at"! Kansas. At I,A BALLV, with Illinois Central U. 11. 'Mils < ompany own nnd control their Sleeping At PKOIIIA. with P.. P. A J.; P.. L. * I).; I. B. * Cars, which ate Inferior to none, and give you a w.; 111. Midland; und T.. P. .* W. Hallrottds. double berth between Chicago und Council Bluffs, At HOCK I^I.AMI. with Western Union It. It. und liCnvenworth. or AU-tnson for Two Dollars und Hock Island & Peoria Itallroad. Hftyt cut*. iind a section for Hvo Dollars, while At DAVKNPOUT, with tho Davenport A North i!El.r.. with Central It. It. of lowa, of en Joy 11 g your men s. while missing over the At DM MOINES, with D. M. Si Kt. DodgoU. It. ta dutiful prairie* of Illinois and lowa, In one of At Oot'NCll. Bl.UKrs with Union Pucltlc It It our magnlllcrntDilllnif and Kestnurnnt Cars that At OMAHA, with B. ft Mo. It. It. It. tin Neb.) . accompany 111 I hrough K* press 'I rains. lou get AtCoi.tMiirs JUNCTION, with an entire meal, mm as in serrod in any first- Kapld* A Northern It. 11. clans hotel, for pcveritjr-ilve cents ;or you can At OTTI MWA. with Central It. K. of Iowa: Ht. order what you like, ami pay for what you net. Louis. Kan. City A Northern and C.. 11. At 6. It. ltd*. Appreciating the fn< t thnt a majority of the poo- At KKOKCK. with Toledo, Peoria and Warsaw; pie prefer m a i>:irate apartments for dlfTerent pur- Wabash, nnYD ban opened u Real Estate office in tlie Vogelev House, butler, I'a, wljere all dcseripUouH or KariuH, llou*i-n, Lotn, Wi-. - ern Linda, and heavy Timln r l.amls in Ji-tler«on county, Pa., are lor Mile. Any pernon wi-blng to buy will pleiu>e call and exaiulue bis in ter of proiierticH. Best kind ol aeeurii i. h lor Mile. liniidK, Miirltfajfes on Keal Uatate. Money ionutd ou first class |selO !iui JUST PUBLISHED. Professor Harris' Descriptive Pamphlet on Spermathorhea, Seminal Weakness ( and Impotency. TIIIH pamphlet nhonld be in the hands of every 01:6 ulinte HCXIIUI ami nervom) organization limt been l>y t elf abuno and cxcenHee, an it HIIOWH tho only tine way of receiviig a radical cure, viz : Direct npplicatiou of tlio remedy to the principal Heat of tlio dUeawo. It MIIOWM how i tlio remouy acts by almorption and exertw i'H Mecillo Influence 011 tlio SKMINAL VKJUI'MH, EJACULATOIIY IJOI-rs. PIIOSTHATF. (II.ANH A UHE iHItA. It "shows tlio u>-e of the remedy Im at tended with no paiu or inonvenienoe. and IIOOH not interfere \rtli the or dinar} 1 pnrMiitH of life, aii it in quickly disnolved anil HOOII absorbed, producing an immediate Hoothing and ret-tora tive effect. stopping the drain from the »vntem, I rer-toring the mind to health and round memory, removing tho I)IMNK>«, NKIIVOITH IIFMUTY, C!ON FUHION OR IDKAH, AVKBKIOM TO HOCIBTT, Ac , Ac., and tho appearance of premature old ago imually accompanying thin trouble, and rcHtoring |ieifoct HV.VUAL VMOII, where it IIAH been dormant for yearn. Thin pamphlet alone given the testimony of hiii.drcdH Hi nt in grateful acknowledgment of the bene'.lt derived from tho line of Prof. Wains' radical cure. These testimonial!) alone will convince the most sceptical that lie can be restored to perfect manhood, and fitted for tho duties of life tho samo an if never affected. Kent free under Heal 011 application to HABUIB REMEDY COMPANY, Manufacturing Chemists. BR. LOCI*, MO., Market and Bth Street*, I Time of HoldiuK Court** The Court direct that after the 11th day of March, 187.\ the several Courts of the county of Butler shall commence ou the first Monday of March, June, September and December iu each year, to continue two weeks, or so long as necessary to disuse of the business. It is fur ther ordered that hereafter no causes be put down for trial or traverse jurors summoned for the first week of the several terms. J AMES J. C A MPBE LLT «?«»*»■» « J**" Covonei*. Oflice in Fair view borough, in Telegraph Office. janls] BALDWIN p. 0., Butler Co., Pa. F" JUtltlf-i AllMOll, Justice of the Peace, Main street, opposite Poetoflhe, j'y" ; ZELIENOPLE, PA. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. BUTLER. PA. S. H. PIERSOL Office ou N. K. corner Diamond, Riddle build 'Dß- Juovl2 JOIIN M. GREER Oitice on X. K. corner Diamond. novia WM. H. LUSK, Office with \V. H. H. Riddle, Esq. N E WTON "BLACK, Office in First National Bank Building. E. I. BKUGH~ ' Office in Riddle's Law Building. s. F. BO V\ SKH: ' Office in Riddle's Law Building. [marß'76 J. B. MCJUNKINT Sl>ecial attention given to collections Oflict opposke Willard House. JOSEPH B. BKEDIN" Office north-caet comer of Diamond. Butlct Pa. 11. 11. OOUCHER, Office in Sclineidemairs building, upsiaiia. J. T DONLY ' Office near Court Houso. r -'74 WTD. BRANDON; ' ebl7-75 Ofiice in Berg's building CLAI; KNCE WALKER, Office in Bredin building- marl" t ~ FEIiD HETBER" Office in Bern's new building, Main strcet.apttl) ~FT \I7EASTMAN, Oflice in Bredin building. LEV. MOQUISTION^ O.liee Main street, I door south of Court House J OS.aVANDEKLIN^ Office Main Street, 1 door south of Court House. WM A. EORQUER, W Office on Main btrcet, opposite Vogeley Horn e. ~GEO7R7 WHITE, Office N. E. corner of Diamond FKAN CIS S PURVIANCE^ Office with Gen. J. N. Purviance, Main street, south of Court House. J I). McJUNKIN, Office in Schueidemau's building, west side ol Maiu street, 2nd square from Court House. A. G. wiljXvMsT" Office on Diamond, two doers west of CITIZKH office. ap26 T. C. CAMPBELL, Office in Berg's new building, 2d floor, east side Main at., a few doors south of Lowij Homo. marß—tr. CA. t