Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 12, 1879, Image 2

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TH* late elections look like a cy
clone, with the storm center in Penn
TH« vote of Pennsylvania this year
is about 200,000 short of the poll last
year and in 1876.
Now is the season to subscribe for
newspapers. The CITIZEN can be had
from this to January 1,1881, for $1.50.
THE New York State Board of Can
vassers met yesterday (Tuesday). We
will, therefore, likely hive the official
result to-day.
Jefferson township, sent us last week
some rery large Followwalder apples,
for which he has onr thanks.
LAST year the Greenback vote in
Batler county was 2216 for their can
didate for Governor; this year it was
but 252 on their State ticket.
THE Republican majorities in this
and other States are so large that there
peems to be no necessity for stripping
the Democrats of their roosters.
m —
Wi have within the past two weeks
received several new subscribers to the
CITIZEN ; and some of our old ones
have paid arrears and taken advantage
of the offer made, of 14 months for
State Treasurer elect, spells Nation
with a big N, while it is said Mr.
Daniel O. Barr does not; and that
may be one cause of Butler's big ma
jority over him.
THE Crawford county Republicans
at the recent election took a vote on the
manner of nominating candidates, and
it resulted five to one for continuing
the present system of the popular vote,
as against the delegate system.
THE Republicans of Muddycreek
township, this county, had to write all
their tickets last week—no printed
ones turning up—and yet they polled
one of the best votes cast in the county,
97 for Butler, to 125 for Hoyt last
year. _
THE article upon our first page this
week, being the narrative by Miss
Meeker of the late captivity of the
Indians of the whites at her father's
Agency, reads more like romance than
reality. A singular fact mentioned by
her is that of one of the Indian chiefs
singing the Negro melody of, "Swing
Low Sweet Chariot," which he had
learned by bearing tho whites singing
it. This whole narrative will be read
with much interest.
the Associate Judges of this county,
has been so ill recently that his friends
took him to Harrisburg last week for
treatment by Dr. Curwin, connected
with the State Asylum at that place.
The home phycicians of Judge Mar
shall, we learn, have stated and are of
opinion that there is nothing so seri
ously wrong with him that good treat
ment for a short time may not remove.
His friends therefore expect his speedy
W« have received a communication
from William Dick, Esq., of Franklin
township, relative to erroneous stories
that are in circulation concerning a
settlement he made recently with the
agents in this county of what is
known as the Lee Patent Gate. The
communication we find too lengthy
for insertion this week. But Mr. Dick
states that be gave no receipt to any
parties connected with said gate for
more than S2O, and for which receipt
he obtained from the agents three gate
rights. He paid no costs or any other
sum whatever, and all stories or
papers that may be made or shown to
the contrary are untrue.
Butler County Official.
The following is the official vote in
this county at the election last week,
as will be seen by the official table in
another column:
Samuel Butler, Republican 2,406
D. O. Barr, Democrat 2,109
Peter Sutton, Greenback 2.52
J. L. Richardson, Prohibition 12
Whole vote cast 4,839
Butler over Barr 307
Butler over all I*3
J. W. Monks, Republican 2,450
Hugh McCrca, Democrat 2,104
Thomas Robinson, Greenback -'O7
Whole vote 4,821
Monks more than McCrea 346
Monks more than all 79
The whole vote of last year, in the county
for Governor, was 9,9<;7
This year, on State ticket, as above 4,83!)
Difference between this and last year 5,128
Or showing that less than one half of the
vote of last year was cast in the county
this year.
Mercer county polled 3,6(55 Republi
can votes, giving Butler, for State
Treasurer, 1,057 of a majority over
Barr, Democrat.
Beaver county gives about 1,000
of a Republican majority.
Lawrence county gives 1,552 Re
publican majority on State ticket.
Armstrong county gives 655 of a
Republican majority on State ticket and
elected Neale, Republican, for President
Judge, over Golden, Democrat, by
599. The balance of the Republican
ticket also was elected.
Westmoreland county also elects a
Republican Judge, Hunter, which is
a very unusual thing in that county.
Venango county gives about 600 of
a Republican majority.
Allegheny county gives Butler over
Barr 6,714 of a majority. Kirkpatrick,
for Judge, has 5,031 over bis com-
Eetitor. Brown, for Prothonotary,
as 3,551 over Stephen C. McCandless,
Democrat. Hope is elected Coroner,
and balance of the Republican ticket
also elected.
The Late Elections!
Victory All Along the
PeaasylYeuua Leads 1
Giving a Republican Majority,
oyer Democrats, of Be
tween 50,000 and
This result is as pleasing to Repub
licans as surprising and disastrous to
the Democrats. It is a complete de
feat to them, equalled by nothing since
the surrender at Appomattox.
Latest news puts Butler over Barr,
for State Treasurer, at 58,675.
Elects a Republican Governor by some
40,000. For Lieutenant Governor and
the balance of the State tickets the
race has been so close that only the
official vote can determine who has
succeeded. But Tammany Hall's defec
tion and the running of Kelly for
Governor lets in Cornell, Republican,
for Governor, over Robinson, Democrat,
by about the above, 40,000, plurality.
How this result may affect Tilden's
nomination for President next year
Democrats seem to differ.
Elects her Republican candidate for
Governor by about 15,000.
Gives about 20,000 Republican ma
jority, electing a Governor, etc.
About 10,000 majority, electing a Re
publican Governor.
Republicans have also victories in
Michigan, New Jersey, Connecticut,
Illinois and Nebraska.
Maryland, Mississippi and Virginia
have gone Democratic as usual.
The general result of the late Octo
ber and November elections, in all the
States, makes the following interesting
Republican pyramid:
Democratic Pyramid.
with Louisiana to bear from, that
holds her election on Dec. 2nd.
IT is now positively declared by the
Philadelphia newspapers that the
"Permanent Exhibition," now occupy
ing the Centennial Main Building, has
resolved to give up the ghost. It has
been struggling along trying by vari
ous methods and make-shifts to estab
lish itself on a "permanent" basis ever
since the great Exhibition of 1876
closed, but with very indifferent suc
cess, and now, having received notice
"to quit" the Park, from the Commis
sioners of those celebrated public
grounds, or else to make the institu
tion what was promised when the
grounds were leased to it, they, (the
Exhibition Company,) find no other
alternative but that of surrender. It
is a pity that so fine a structure, and
one of so much historic renown, should
be ruthlessly torn down and distroyed.
"THE first Tuesday after the first
Monday in November," is a rather late
day for holding elections—too cold
last election day, for old folks at least.
©ly# Sutler !!»♦♦ 2£ajs*tttbe*£ 13* IBT3#
Butlc-r County Official—lß79.
State Treaa. Jury Com'r.
' ® ' to ? T- ; to 3
£ § Js 2
DISTRICTS. "P s r| 1
r "i • r | x
r i : r : T
: || x : j
Adams 32 67, 3-
Alleeheny 78 *' ~®' ?'
Buffalo 65 3-5 6.' 31
Butler 23 4-8 / 21 o2 o
Brady ">7 39 o,_ 30
Clearfield 1«* 69 ' '' ,
Clinton W 4 93 0 3
Concord 108 !'• 108 !•_>
Cluv 58 13, 5S 15
Centre 40 3" 40 3
Cherry 50 31 51 31
Connonueness'gtNr 58 -•< -
" (S) 32, 28 31 2i>
Cranberry 50' 55' 2 35 53 19
Done?nl 27: 111. 1 11l
Fairvicw (Ei 3<v II 6 3o 11 6
« fvV'i 73; 17 25 70 IS 26
Forward 45 s'' 44 51
Franklin 40 29 30 40 28, 31
Jackson (E) 21 4.» 1 ?l 4- 1
Jefferson 1 4«*> 91 j 4t> 01
Lancaster 52 04 .•>_ _>*.
Middlesex 78 39 $8 *
Marion 40 42 40 4.i
Muddvcreek I 9' r* *
Mercer 82 «»■ 27 8' oO 26
Oakland 43; 41 44 43,
Parker 75 24 58 /o hi
Penn 6C 31 1 68. 29. 1
Summit I*' • 1 £ J* o
Slippervrock B's 3* 3 ,_o 3
Yen an co ~ * ' ~'
Winfield 27. 67 10 27 68 10
Washington 8" 14 81 14
Worth... 69 fil 1 69 o9 1
Butler bor. (Ist Pr) 58 J l3 7 49 120 10
" (2d Pr 105 100 8 99 161 8
Centreville 44 27 1 43 28 1
sg„ g S
Snxonburg I*> 33 2 23
W. Sunburv 31 2 3o 2
Millerstowii 08 65 _ 08 bo
Petrolia 47 38 25 50 34 -5
Fairview 41 13; 10 40 13 11
Kama City | 29 20 11 30| 32| 8
Total '2466 2109
Republicans in small caps; Democrats in
italics; Grcenbaekers in Roman.
The Prohibition candidate for State Treas
urer had 12 votes; for Jury Commissioner, Jno.
Donaldson had 2, and Peter Emery 1.
Tho Burial of the Dead Senator.
DETROIT, Xo\\ s.—Pursuant to pre
vious arrangement the remains of Sen
ator Chandler were conveyed under
escort of a detachment of Metropolitan
police, this morning at 8 o'clock, from
the mansion on Fort street to City
Hall, where the Committee of Arrange
ments and a detatchmcnt of the Light
Guard received the body and placed it
in the centre of the hall, at the foot of
the main staircase, where it laid in
state until 1 P. M- At 8.15 the I'ort
street entrance to City Ilall opened,
when an avalanche of people poured
into the corridor, they were separated
into pairs, and as the casket wa3
reached the pairs were separated and a
continuous line of humanity passed on
each side, every person bending and
looking at the face of the deceased.
The casket was of black walnut,
lined with white satin. The exterior
cover was black silk velvet, relieved
with a drapery of gros grain silk. At
the head of the coffin was a white
floral cross and crown and a base of
evergreen, which rested on a column
draped with crape. On either side was
a centre cross of red formed of scarlet
double geraniums. At the foot of the
casket was another column draped in
black, on which was placed a sheaf of
wheat with a white floral sickle, form
ing a beautiful and touching symbolism
of the rare usefulness of deceased
before being cut down by the great
reaper, Death. On tho top of the
coffin was a floral star, given by the
Chicago Veteran Club. At each end
and facing the remains stood a soldier
of the Detroit Light Guard with rifle
and fixed bayonet, at parade rest, each
guard as immoveable as a statue. Over
the head of the remains was a canopy
of red, white and blue streamers, inter
mingled with folds of costly crape
descending in graceful lines to the
four corners of the intersection of the
corridors. The remains were clothed
in the usual black broadcloth suit.
The upper half of the body Cv,uld be
seen through a French plate glass cov
ering, the arms peacefully folded across
the breast. The determined face ssemed
as natural as life.
The ceaseless stream of people, which
poured through the building in two
continuous lines, lasted from 8.15 A. M.
to 1 P. M., and it is estimated that dur
ing the time intervening not less than
18,000 persons viewed the remains.
The body was removed to the Fort
street mansion a little after 1 P. M.,
where religious exercises were con
ducted by Iter. Dr. Pierson.
The address was followed by a brief
and eloquent prayer, in which the
Divine Being was fervently thanked
for those qualities of brain and heart
possessed by the deceased, which
enabled him to direct public opinion
and mould the sentiments of the peo
ple for truth and right. The pall
bearers were twenty-five in number.
The funeral procession then started for
the cemetery, headed by a detachment
of thirty picked Metropolitan police.
The entire route was densely lined on
either side with citizens, who viewed
the procession as it passed, although
a blinding snow storm prevailed at the
time. All public buildings, stores and
dwellings along the line of procession
were profusely draped in black. While
the procession was passing City Hall
the immense bell was tolled.
Census Combinations.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 20.—The Super
intendent of the Census has not yet
completed the geographical arrange
ment of the different supervisors dis
tricts. The number of these through
out the whole country will be one
hundred and fifty, to be apportioned to
the States in relation to the extent of
territory, the compactness or sparscness
of settlement, the facilities of trans
port, the various constituents of the
population and the nature of the prin
cipal industries. Under this arrange
ment the revised official list gives Col
orado, Delaware, Florida, Nevada,
New Hampshire, Oregon, Vermont,
Rhode Island, the Territories and the
District of Columbia, each one Super
visor; Arkansas, Connecticut, Maine,
Nebraska and West Virginia each two;
California, Kansas, Louisiana, Mary
land, Massachusetts, Minnesota,
Mississippi, New Jersey and South
Caroliua each three; Alabama, lowa,
Michigan, North Carolina and Missouri
each four; Georgia, Kentucky, Ten
nessee and Virginia each five; Indiana
and Texas each six; Missouri seven;
Illinois and Ohio each eight; Pennsyl
vania ten, and New ork eleven.
There will be one Supervisor and no
more for each large city. The Super
visors, under instruction from the
Superintendent, will appoint the enu
merators, being allowed one for every
two to four thousand of population.
The Indian Question.
PROVIDENCE, R. 1., November 5.
The following letter was received yes
terday, in response to a letter of con
gratulation from Hon. A. C. Barstow,
of the Indian Board :
WASHINGTON, NOV. 3, 1879. >
Mr DEAR SIR: Your letter of Oc
tober 29 was handed to me by Mr. Hayt.
I am glad to receive the assurance
that the policy followed with regard
to the Ute troubles has your hearty
approval, and I thank you sincerely
for your congratulatory remarks on
the success so far achieved, although
there is more to be done. It is now,
I think, generally admitted that had
the war continued without the inter
vention of Special Agent Adams, the
captive women and children recently
rescued would have been sacrificed.
To save them was our first duty.
The latent dispatches received from
General Adams, who had so far per
formed his mission with remarkable
spirit and judgment, greatly encourage
the hope that the whole trouble will
be peaceably composed in accordance
with the instructions given him. I
may add that there is now also a good
prospect of muking such arrangements
with regard to the settlement of the
Utes as will be just to them and
at the same time obviate all future
conflicts between them and the people
of Colorado. This is the final object
we have steadily in view. There are
still many who clamor for war, with
out considering that, although such a
conflict would undoubtedly at least
result in the destruction of the Utes,
it would be also likely to drive into
hostilities, by an indiscriminate attack,
Indians who have so far been frieudly
to the whites, and are entitled to our
friendship; that, therefore, the war
would not be confined to the White
River band, but assume larger propor
tions; that a winter campaign in the
mountains of Colorado, where the In
dians have the advantage of great
familiarity with the country, and of
superior facility of movement—in
other words, on a fighting ground
most favorable to them—would be
most expensive, difficult and haras
sing to our troops, and would, with
out doubt, lead to the devastation of
the exposed border settlements and
mining camps, and bring destruction
and disaster upon a great many inno
cent people.
If we succeed in accomplishing all
that justice and policy require, with
out inflicting upon the whites as well
as the Indians the calamities which
would inevitably follow a different
line of action, every sensible man will
have reason to be satisfied. The hope
you express that we adhere firmly to
our present purpose as long as there
is any chance for their realization will
certainly not be disappointed; and I
trust that the good sense and love of
justice of the American people will
finally sustain us in our endeavors.
Very truly yours, C. SCHURZ.
The Hon. A. C. Barstow, Chairman
Board of Indian Commissioners,
Providence, Rhode Island.
What the laauo Was in Virginia.
The question throughout the State
was simply whether the settlement of
the public debt provided for in the
"MeCulloch bill" should stand or be
repealed. In 1871-2 "the Funding
bill" brought down the debt of Vir
ginia from $45,000,000 to $30,000,000
by "assigning" $15,000,000 to West
Virginia for payment. Both States
have practically repudiated that third.
•'The MeCulloch bill" reduces the in
terest on Virginia's two-thirds from 6
per cent, to 4. There is a large party
in Virginia which thinks the people
unable to pay according to the Me-
Culloch bill which provides that three
per cent, shall be paid for ten years,
four per cent, for twenty, and five per
cent, for 10. On the side of tho "Debt
payers," there have been the press and
the pulpit, with few exceptions; the
old Conservative organization, the in
fluence of the Washington Adminis
tration upon the colored voters, the
body of the office-holders, tho money
power of tho cities, the officers of elec
tion, and all the strength that a lr-H r
on the statute books has. On the
other side have been Gen. William
Mahone, a great organizer; many
Conservatives and Republicans who
truly believe that the tax is as high as
can be born, and that the MeCulloch
bill will require increased taxation;
many disappointed office seekers,
masses of colored people who think
it better to split tho Conservative
Party than to pay an honest debt, and
in every place, whites who, dis
couraged and depressed, see no reason
why the bondholders should not suffer
as well as they.
Be Ye Like Foolish.
"For ten years my wife was confined
to her lied with such a complication of
ailments that no doctor could tell what
was the matter or cure her, and I used
up a small fortune in humbug stuff.
Six months ago I saw a IT. S. flag
with Hop Bitters on it, and I thought
I would bo a fool once more. I tried
it, but my folly proved to be wisdom.
Two bottles cured her; she is now aa
well and strong as any man's wife, and
it cost me only two dollars. Be ve
likewise foolish."—H. W., Detroit.
This disease like many others is regarded
as incurable. It is not so. If it is taken in
time it is as easily cured as a wart or a corn.
We know very well that it is a fearful disease
and will oat away until it destroys life, that
is if it is neglected, hut if it is attended to
wiien it first lu-ikes its appearance, or soon
after, there is no trouble in eradicating it
from the system. Persons will iiave to be here
during part of the treatment, consequently
there is no use writing to me for information
whether it can be cured without my seeing the
case. I also treat witli success, Rupture, Piles,
Fistula, Ulcers, Ulcerated legs, Varicose Veins,
Varicocele Tumors, Hydrocele, ami every form
of Skin Disoaso,
Dr. Keyser, 240 Penn Avenue,
Opposite Christ's Church, Pittsburgh, I'a,
FLEEGEft—PBYOR—Oct, '28,1870, by li.-v.
ft. Williams, Mr. Jaines Fleeger and Miss
Mahalah Pryor.
FOItCIIT—GUOHMA.N— Get. .".oth, 1.579, at
the house of the bride, by Rev. K. ("ronenwett,
Mr. George P. Forclit, of Carbon Station, and
Miss Emma E. Grohman, of Butler, I'a.
McCOY—BKOWN —Oct. 30th, IWO, by Rev.
! Samuel Kerr, Mr. John 11. McCoy and Miss
Alice Hrown, the former of Mercer county and
tho latter of ISutlcr county, Pa.
M A.NI,V -CilOSS—Oot. 23, 187f), at the resi
dence of tliu bride's parents, by Hov. N. E.
Crown, Mr. John Manly, of Clarion county,
and Miss Julia A. Cross, of Itutler county.
CAMPBELL—TRI'VEIt-Oct. tjth. I*7<», by
the Rev. Stewart, of Bakerstown. Air. W. S
Campbell, of Millerstowii, nnd Miss Emma
| Truvcr, of Middlesex township, this county.
WALLEY—MrKISSIOK—Oct. 3f>th, 1871'.
bv Rev. S. V.'iliiams, Mr. Samuel Walley and
Miss Olive McKisslc'.;, all of Butler county, Pa.
bv Rev. Samuel K-rr, W. P. MeDou?all and
Miss Sarah M. Armour, both of Mercer county.
BMITII—REDM'KsT)—Nov. sth, 187!*, by
Rev. Samuel Kerr, Mr. John T.Smith and .Miss
Lizzie Redmond, b->th of M'V -er county, Pa.
PARK—Nov. 3rd, IS."->, in Clinton township,
this county, suddenly, of paralysis of the heart,
at the residence o(" her brother-in-law, Mr.
James Simpson. Miss Rachel A. Park, late of
Pittsburgh, aged years. In the midst of life
we are in death.
RALSIIOrSE—Sept. 12th, 1870, of scarlet
fever, Jiinraie M., son of John ami Bella Rals
house of Clinton township, t!i;< county. ai;ed
10 voars and 4 months. Fond loved one gone
to that bright and happy home beyond.
E vivlX—Ov-t. 12, 1*73, in Allegheny town
ship, this county, J din Grant Eakiu, s«>n x>f
Mr. S. P. Eakin, aged 15 years.
SNYDER—Oct. 31st, 1879, at his residence
in Middlesex towns'iip, Rutler county, Pa., Mr.
Jacob Snyder, in the ooth year of his age.
PT'N"'~'AN"—Oct. 31st, 1579, in Cranberry
township, this county, after a brief illness, Mrs.
Mary Duncan, wife of Mr. A. C. Duncan,
28 years, S months nnd 22 days.
Mr. Duncan, who is now left in charge of
three small children, has the sympathy of all
bis friends and neighbors for bis sudden and
great loss.
Ssir 4dTrr/!.n?i!teii(i,_
TTidowa' Appraisements.
Tlii following appraisements of p >r?oin! prop
er:/ -e: apirt for the benefit ot the widows of
decedents have been filed in the office of tho
C'.erk of the
Elizabeth Snyder. 4285 83-
Msry 'lrcainiii. j3' 0 00.
Bodicia Moore. •330') 00.
M*ry Landers. ■?1"0 00.
Tb.i"above will bo pre-etted for confirmation
on Wedneedav, the 3rd day of December. 1379.
iiovl2-tdj Clerk of Orphans' Court.
n em. yt, iiit mix nn,
No. 222 Penn A 73., Pittsburgh, Pa.,
Will exhibit on FRIDAY and SATURDAY,
Nov. 14 .V 15, 18.89, a complete assortment of
ot the latest Parisian styles.
A cordial inviution is extended to the ladies
of this town ami vicinity to call in and insj ect
the many and beaaliful patterns in the Fall and
Wiuter olyles. novl'2-lm
Sheriff's Hale.
By virtue of a writ of Lev. /'it. issued out of
the Court of Common Pleas of Butler county,
and to me directed, there will be exposed to
Public Sale, at the premises, in the borough of
Petrolia, Butler county, Pa., on
Thursday, November 27, 1579,
at 1 o'clock, I*. M., the following described
proi>ertv, to wit:
[E. D. No. 232, Dec. Term, 1879; M. N. Miles,
All the right, title, interest and claim of J as.
Ilart of, in and to all that certain leasehold
estate situate in the borough of Petrolia, Butler
county, Pa., Being a part of the Reno Real Es
tate farm and bounded and described as fol
lows : being lot No. 83 as per plan of lots on
Railroad street, made by John W. Wick, and
bounded on the north by Main street, east by
Railroad street, south by lot No. 140 and west
by lot Xo. 84, being 22 feet on Main street and
10 feet on Railroad street, corner lot over Bear
creek, together with the certain two-story
building erected thereon, 2'2.\4<J leet, excepting
and reserving the room fronting on Main street,
tirst floor, extending back from Main street ten
feet; thence toward Railroad street to end occu
pied by John Dili tor term of original lease.
Seized and taken i:i execution as the property
of James Hart at suit of John Dill, Assignee.
WM. IT. HOFFMAN, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Butler, Pa., Nov. 10, 1879.
in Partition.
In the matter of the petition of F. J. O'Don
nell for partition of the Real Estate of
Mary O'Donnell, dee'd.
Butter County *»: „
C } And now to wit, Oct. Blh, 18/9,
J HEAL. / petition presented.
( ) Now, therefore, you I- rancis J. (),-
Donnel,Michael MeGinlev and Ellen McGinley,
Bridget Jane Fonjuer, and Wtn.Forquer, John
Bole the purchaser of Edward O'Donnell's
interest \ Emuia thJ Martha O'Donnell and
Francis Slator, Guurdiuti of tha said minors,
Eiiza O'Donnell, Sarah Isabell Gillespie, wife
of Mannassas Gillespie, dee'd, Mary hlyira
Benson, Wm. Benson, John Sylvester O Don
nell, you and each of you, arc cited to be and
appear at an Orphans' Court to be heid at But
ler in and for the County of Butler, on the Ist
dav of Dec , 1879, to show cause, if any you
may have, why a partition of the teal estate
of 'Mary O'Donnell, dee'd, of which you arc
heirs and represc:iNatives, should not be made
as prayed for.
Returnable to next term.
Witness the Hon. E. McJunkin, President
Judge, at Batler, this 17th dav of Getobcr,
ls7a, W. A. WRIGHT,
aovl3-3t Clerk.
HlierilT's Hales.
By virtue of snndry writs of Fieri Facias.
Venditioni Exponas, Levari Fucia*. Ac., issued
out of tho Court of Common I'ioan cf Butlor
county and to me directed, there will be ex
posed" to Public Sale at the Court House, iu the
Lorousch of Batler, on
Monday, Decsmber Ist, 1879,
at one o'olook, P. M„ tho fallcjwing described
property, as follous :
ED No 117. IGG. 130 Doc Term, 1879. Miller A
Bro., T O Campbell, Att'vs.
All the right, titlo, interest and claim of Rob
ert McC udtesH of. in and to a lot of ground
situate in tho borough of Butler. Butler county,
I>«.. containing 10*100 feet, more or less, bound
ed north by Paaii ulrest, e»<4 by Washington
sfreot. south by Haley and w«*t by othe* iot qf
defend wit. SoiZ"d and taUou iu exeoution as
tho property of Robert McCmdless at the suit
of Bailor Havings Bank, John Berg A Co. and
Joseph Doutliett.
E DNo 117. 166, 180 Dec Term, 1879. Miller A
Bro., T C Campbell, Att'ys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Rob
ert MoCaiidloss • .f. in and to a lot of ground
situate in the borough of Butler, liutler county, j
Pa containing 40x120 feet, more or loss, bound
ed north by Pearl s)roet, east bv MoCandless,
south by vacant lot and w«sl by Haloy and otbor
lot of defendant- Seized and takeri in eancu
tion as the property of Robert McCaudless at
the t-uit of Butlor Savings Bauk, John Berg A
Co. and Joseph Douthe't.
EP No 117. lGfi. 180 Dec Term. 1879. Millor A
I»ki., T (3 C-VEpkell, Att'ys.
Ail the right, title, interest and o!»iw of Rob
ert McCnndless of. in and to 2 acres of land,
more or less, situated in Penn township, Butler
connty. Pa., bounded north b\ II .y. east by
public ron.l. south Iv A (1 Campbell, and west
by David Drv.ithott ; two dwelling houses
and frame hI iblo ove Jted thereon. Seized and
taken in execution aa th" property of Robert
McO.UKiletfH at tUn suit of Duller Havlugw Dink,
John Borg A Co. and Joseph Doutliett.
ED No 117. l-'fi. 1«.» Deo Term, 1870. Miller A
13r0,, T C Campbell, Att'ys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Rob
ert McCaudless of, in and to 55 aeros of land,
more or less, sitnatod in Penn township, Butler
county, Pa., bounded north by John Brown, east
by Dutch town road, south by Amos Mates, and
west byDorsey heirs: fr\me house, frame stable,
log house, log stable and orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution as tho property of
Robert McCandlees at the suit of Butler Savings
Bank, John Berg A Co. and Joseph Doutliett.
ED No 184, Dec T, 1879. John M Groer, Att'v.
AH the right, fitle. interest and claim of T M
{Jill of. in and to 535 a.T" O s of land, more or less,
situated in Slippeiyr.»ck township. Bailor coun
ty. Pa., bounded nortli bv Hiram 'Jill, east by
John K ;rr and Thomas Kerr's heirs, south by
Wm Bingham et al. and west by Ilarvey Christ
ley ot al; two dwelling houses, frame barn,
spring house, granary, wo>d house aud two
orchards thereon; mo tly cleared Seize I and
taken in execution as the property of T M (till
at the suit of A J Bard, administrator of Mar
garet Diven, deceased.
E1) No 38, Doc T.. 1879. T C Campbell. Att'v.
All tho right, title, interest and claim of F M
Eastman of, in and to 5 acres of land, more or
lots, situated in Buller bo-ongh. Butler county,
I'a,, hounded north by Penn bUoof W Mrs-
Mitchell. south by Dr. Diertenbachor, and wusl
by Mercer roao: under fence. Seized and taucn
in execution as the pro|>erty of F M Eastman at
tho suit of John Borg A Co.
ED No 38, Deo T, 1871). T 0 Canr.pbell, Att'f.
All the right, tdlo, interest and olaitij of V M
Eastman of, in and lo all that certain piare or
parcel of land, situate iu Summit township.
Butler countv, Pa., bounded and described as
follows : beginning at a stone on tho northwest
corner, thence by land of Walter Bartley (now
DufTy), nor Cli 68 degroos oast 105 7-10 porches
to a stone on the northeast oorner, tliouce by
lands of Collins heirs north I>£ degreos west
81 5-10 perches to a post on the southeast corner,
thence by lands of Jauies Reams north <le
l<iena I<}3 2-10 porches to a post on the south
west cqriier, ttience by of Oeorge Rcihcr
south ji deg. 83 6-10 porches, thence from (his
point westward the d.stance of 30 porches to
the Butler and Washington ro#l. and from said j
road back again by a parallel liue to the west i
bonudary line of said tract, thoreby giving aud I
, hereby including a roaj two rods w.l« an 1 30
rods long from said west !>oundary lino of tho
tract of land. thenco by lands of Robert Henrv
(now Duffy) south 37degrees wont 5G 6-10
porches to * stone on tho northwest corner the
place of begiuning, containing 90 i-res, more or
less; two-story frame dwelling house, frame
barn and orchard thereon; about 50 acrea
cleared. Seized an ] taken in execution as the
property of F II Eastman at tho suit of John
Berg A Co.
ED No 115. Dec T. 1379. John M Greer. Att y.
All the right, tit!», interest and claim of Eliz
abeth Steel of. in and to 2 acres of land, more
or less, situated in Butler borouirh. B.itler coun
ty, Fa., bounded north by L Z Mitchell. east by
road; two-story frame dwelling honse and frame
stable thereon erected. Seized and taken in ex
ecution as the property of Elizabeth Steel at
tho suit of John Lawall for nae.
EDNo6. 62 A 83. Dec Term, 1879. George W
Fleegfr, T C Campbell. Att'ys.
All the right, titlo. interest and ciaira of Jas
S Craig of, in and to 12 acros of land, moro or
loss, situated in Concord township, Butler coun
ty, Fa., bounded north by Wilson et al. east bv
Dr Conn et al, south by Asa Say, and west by
Christy: two board houses and board stable
there n. Sained and taken in execution as the
property of .Tames 8 Craig ar the suit of John
Morrow and Howard Hamilton.
ED No 128, Dec Term, 1579. George W Flee
ger, Att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Wrj
M Abrams and J Y Foster of. in and to all that
certain tract or parcel of land situate and lying
in Fairriew township, county, Pa., bound
ed and described as follows : beginning at a post
thence by lands of Adams north 30 minutes w«st
18C perches to a post, and thenco by lands of
Win and Nancy Dangbcrtv south 89 de
grees and 30 minutes oast 190 7-10 perches to a
post, thence by lands cf Matthew hanks south
80 minutes e&s't 180 perches (also by lands of
widow Smith) to a post, and thence by lands of
Samuel Riddle north 89 degrees and 30 minutes
west 190 7-10 perches to the place of beginning,
containing 214 acres and 80 perches, more or
lees- Seized and taken in execution the
property of Wm M Abrams and J Y Foster at
the suit of Citizens Savings Bank of East Brady,
Clarion county, Pa.
ED No 186, Deo Term, W79. John M Miller A
Bro, Att'ys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Rob
ert Yandorlin of, in ami to all that certain parcel
or tract of land situate in Y.inango and Marion
townships. Butler county, Pa., bounded and lo
scribed as follows : beginning at the southwest
corner at a [tost, thence by the lands of Neal
Uormlev and Dickson Atwell north 206 7-10
perches to a post on the pnblic road leading
from said Atirel's to graded road, thence along
sa'd public road degrees east 52 perches to
a post set on the road, thonce south S4 decrees
oast «1 2-10 porches to a post set in said graded
road, thence along said graded road north 48
degrees east 92 perches to a post in said graded
road, thence by lauds of said Robert Yanderlin
along said graded road north 54J([ degrees east
46 2-10 perches to a post in said graded road
thenco by lands of Samuel Fleming. Wm Bran
don and Michaol Conway south 173 7-10 perchsß
to a hickory, thence by lands of John Jamison
97 ti-10 perches to a post, thence by lands of
Stephen Vandorlin and Joseph Cummins west
17G 8-10 perches to plaeo of beginning, contain
ing 253 acres and 40 perches. Seized and ttken
in execution as the property of Robert Yander
lin at the suit of Mary C Durant.
ED No 186, Doc Term, 1879. John M Miller A
Bro., Att'ys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Rob
ert Yanderlin of, in and to all that certain piece
or parcel of land in Venango township, Butier
county, Pa., beginning at a post thance west by
lamis of Dickson Atwell 214 6-10 perches to an
ironwood, thenco by lands of ft m Osborne's
heirs 2113$ perches to a post, thenco south by
lands of James Conner's heirs and others 150
6-10 perches to a post, thence 44% degrees west
along graded road 46 2-10 perches to a poHt,
thenco south 43 degrees aloLg said road 93
perches to a post, thenco north n4 degrees west
along public road perches to a post, thence
7- % degrees west s'i perches to the place of be
ginning, containing 2>13 tores and allowance.
Seized and taken in execution as the property of
Robert Yanderlin at the suit of Mary C Durant.
E. D. Nos. 51, 173. 175, 211, 212 A 213, Deo
Tern), 1879. John M. Qrccr. T. A S.,
and Ferd. Reiber, Att'ys
All the right, titlo. interest and claim of An
drew Campbell of, in and to 3io acrea of land,
moro or less, situated in Allegheny township,
Butler county, Pa., bounded on the north by
lauds of Coulter Gibson, oast by lands of
Huliugs, south by lands of Gibson A Fleming,
and west by land* of Blymiller A Oampbc.il |
three frsme dwelling houses, one framo barn,
two coal banks and orchard thornou; about 200
acres cleared. Seized and taken in execution as
tho property of Aiuiiew Campbell at tho suit of
Nettie Waun, R M McCall for use, John Berg
A Co. et al.
E D No 107, Die Term. 1870. Brandon A
Grei* r , Att'ys.
All the right, tillf, Interest and claim of Eliz
nbeth Allison of, in in <1 to thirty acp sot land,
more or less, situated in \\ inlleld township,
Butler county, Pa, Is sndrd north by publit;
road running from to Denny's
mill, cast by lands of J.is R Kennedy's heirs,
south by lands el Henry Frank, and west by
lands ot Mrs Vowelty's t.eirs. Selzi d and taken
in execution ns (be pioperty ot Klizaiieth Alli
son at suit ot Joseph and Mary Johnston.
ED No 110, Dec Term, 1879. John M Greer,
All the right, title, interest and claim ol Fred
Rauscher of, In and ton lot of ground situated
in Hit borouifh of Hutlur, Butler county. Fu,
containing HiO tect front by 180 feet back,
bounded north by Pearl street, cast by an alley,
south by M Sullivan and west by Washington
street; a two-sloty frame dwelling house, coal
shed and smoke house (hereon erected. »>'ii;ed
and lakon in execution a- the property cf pied
Knusclier at suit of Trustees of St Joseph's
Church, No th Oakland, Builer county, Pa.
E D No 179, Dec Term, 1879. W A Forqucr,
All the title, interest and claim of \ C
Williams of, in and to Ibirtv-six acres of land,
more or less, aituati d in Allegheny township,
Butler county. Fa, hounded north by II Kokl
tnyer, by Cross, south by A Kelly and
West by A *Br|ltqlt| ; two producing oil wells,
two boilers, two emrlnes. holler and engine
houses, derricks, rasiim, tubing, tanks, rod<,
Irame bare, log house, large Iramu boarding
house and ten small board houses thereon.
Seized and taken in execution us the property
of A C Wil'iatus at suit ol Foster A UoUiuan.
gD No 238, Dec Term, 1870. T. C. Campbell,
All the right, ti.le, Interest and claim of Jas
McGrath 01, in and to two huudred acres of
land, more or leas, situated In Centre township,
Butler county, Pa. bounded north bv 8 R Rider
and John Sbakoley, east by Pine Tract, south
by Blalue heirs and west by Geo McCandless
and Wm Allison ; about 11 fty acres cleared, two
log and one frame dwelling houses, one (louring
mill, barn and outhulldiugs thereon. Seized
and taken in execution as the property of Jas
McGiath at suit of Joliu M Greer for use.
E P Jfo 387, Dec Term. 1879. WJI H Riddle,
All the right, title", interest and claim of J L
Sprogle of, in and to seventy-live acres of land,
more or less, situate in Kali view township. But
ler county. Pa, bounded north by Samuel Rid
dle et al., ca«t by Mrs Edwards et al., south by
J P Campbell larm (now owned by W S Mc-
Oallough ut al.) and farm H L Tavlor £ Co.
and west by lands known us tho Ford and
Craig farms, being part of the old Klnkaid
farms : a two-story brick house, traiue stable
anil other outbuildings thereon. Seized and
taken in execution as the property of J L
Sprogle at suit ot Robert Kinkald.
E D No 5, Dec Term, 1X79. Ucorgc W Fleegcr,
All the right, title, inteie-t and claim of Jesse
and Mary Glenu of, in and to a lot of ground
situated In the bomugti ol Kttnbiiry. Butler
county, Pa, containing «K> by UK) feel, more or
less, bounded north by an alley, east by Jno L
Reed, south by Sunbury s'reel and west by
Alexander Hutchinson ; a two-Hory dwelling
house 21x36 leet, small stable and fruit trees
thereon. Seized and takt ri in execution as the
property of Jesse and Mary Glenn at suit of
Samuel Smith.
E D Nos 225 A 227, Deo Term, 1579. Miller A
Bro; and Ferd Reiber, Att'ys.
All the right, title, iuiercal and claim of Bam
qel Walkp|- ot, In and t> a lot or parcel ol
groqud situate |n ifou borough of Butler, Butler
county, Pa, containing tW*llo leot, more or
less, bounded north by street, ea*t by ai| alley,
south by John Husolton, and we*t by Main or
lllgli street; a two story Iraiue dwelling home
theroou eructed. Ke|?ed and taken in execution
as tbe property of Samuei Walker al the suit of
Clureuce Walker for use, and John Berg A Co.
E D Ncs 225 A 227, Dee Term, 1879, Miller A
Bro. and Ker.l Reiber, Att'ys.
All the rl.'ht, title, interest and claim of Sam
uel Walker of, in and to right acres of land,
more or less, situate in Butler borough, Butler
pot)iity, l'i», Itoqnded north by lands of Henry
Wagner, eai.t by street and Hauur*' machine
shop, soylh by Mlfl(in street am} west by lands
of 11 J Klh'if'er; brick dwelling house, Irame
stable and outbuildings thereon elected. Seized
and taken it) execution as tho property ol Sam
uel Walker at suit of Clarence Walker for use,
*nd J()hf) H»r(f aid (Jo-
E D No 1 #T, Dec Term, IUT9. Ley Mc tjuls
tion, Att'y.
All the right, title, inlerest and claim of Jas
Thoru and Wm McOurdy 01, In and to oue hun
dred and seventeen acres aud ten perches of
land, more or less, situated in Jnck»ou town
ship, Butler comity, Pa, bounded north by Ira
Staulfer, east tiy Jacob Fiedler, south by An
drew Zleglcr and west by John Hare; tlilrty
tlve acres woodland, a two-story brick house,
two frame bams, a one-story Iraine house, coal
bnuk, lime quarry and good orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution as the property
of Jaiucs Thorn and Win McOurdy at suit of
[ L McCurdy and Catharine McOurdy.
E D No 47, Dec Term, IS7V. W D Brandon,
I All the right, title, interest anl claim of
Jacob Millison ot. In and to flf'y acres of land,
j more or less, situate in MudJyercek township,
Hnller county. Pa, bounded north by Barjely,
east by same, south by Trucsdale and west by
Trnesdate and Wright; log house, log barn an I
orchi'd thereon. Seized and taken in execu
tion as the property ot Jacob Millison at suit
ot Alexander Wright.
i E D Nos 181 & 182, Dec Terra, 1879. Miller A
B<-o, Att'ys.
All the ri 'ht, title, interest and claim of J W
Christy of, in and to uiuety-six acres of land,
more or less, situate in Cherry t wnsliip, But
ler county, Pa, bounded north by lands of
Kelly, easi by Sullivan Bros, sonth by William
Dobson el s»l, and west by Josiah Hall; mostly
cleared, a small plank dwelling house and small
stable thereou. Seized and taken le execution
as the property of J W Christy at suit of Wm
Campbell, Jr.
E D Nos ISI 182, Dec Term, 1879. Miller &
Rro., Att'ys.
All the ri>;ht. title, interest and claim of J W
Christy of, in and to two hundred and serentv
flve acres ot land, more or less, situate in Clay
township, Bntlcr coantv, Pa, bounded north by
John Wiloon eistby James Wo!ford, south by
Rebecca M< Kisslek et a!, and west by J J Mil
ler et si.; mostly rleire l, frame dwelling house,
log barn, granary, wagon shed ami other out
buildings thereon. S"'.z<>] and takeu iu execu
tion as the property of J W Christy at suit of
Wm Campbell, Jr.
E D No 238, Dec Term, 1879. T C Campbell,
All the right, title, iuterest mid ilaiin of J F
Timuicny of, in and to a lot or parcel of land
situate iu the borouirh ol tiulier, Butler county,
P.i, being lot No 4 in Dangherty plan of lots,
and bounded north by J R Truxall, east by Elm
street, south by G W Fleeger and west by an
all y, containing 40 by 72 feet, more or less.
Seized anil taken in execution as the property
ol J F Tiaimcuy at suit of John M Gieer for
E D Nos 114 A 110, Dec Term, 1876. Johu M
Greer, All'y.
All the right, till--, interest and claim of II
Scngelob 01, in and to Ihirty-e'.gbl acres ol land,
more or less, situated iu Lancaster township,
Butler county, fa, bounded uorih by Cornelius
Bclghley, east by D«vid Matthews, south by
Walter Scott anil w«'St by George Uiudinger ;
mostly cleared, frame house, log baru aud o. ch
ard thereon. Seized aud taken in execution as
the property of l l Senge'.ob at suit ol James
Newton uud S W Bailey, partners as Ncwlou
F, D Nos 91 & 124, Dec Term, 1879. Ferd
Reiber aud N Black, Att'ys.
All the right, tile, interest and claim of
Christian Leopold of, in ucd to 220x180 feel of
land, more or less, situate in Millcrstown bor
ough, Butler county, Pa, bounded north by J
D Aldiuger, east by an alley, south by Slip
pcryrock street and west by Joim Glass ; seven
board or plank houses, and a large two-story
frame building, used as a hotel, erected thereon.
Seized and taken in sxecnliou as the property
of Christian Leopold al suit of A Jam Will aud
O Barnhart.
E D No 212, Dec Term. 1879. Reiber, Att'y
All the right, title, interest and claim ot Jas
Kelly of, in and lo one hundred ..crcs of land,
more or less, situated in Concord township,
Butler county, Pa, bounded north by II ifc M
Kiihe, east by Matthew Morrow, south by Ja
cob I'isor and we6t by Johu A Campbell; frame
house, log burn aud orchard thereon, mostly
cleared. Seized aud taken in execution as the
property ol Jjmes Kelly at suit ot John Berg
A Co.
E D No 254, Dec Term, 1879. Williams A-
Milchch, Atly's.
All the rifclit, tille, interest and claim of W
B Se-lwick of. in and to tlilrtj -seven a'-res of
land, more or less, situated iu Allegheny town
ship, Butler county, Pa, bound- d north by C
Martin el al, ea.-t by Anderson, south by
Jamison and west by Jamison , three
frame dwelling honses aud two stables thcieon
ervcied; nnoilly cleared. Seized aud taken in
execution as the property of W B Sodwick at
suit ol Scott & Craig.
ED No 256, Dec T, 1879. T C Campbell, Att'y.
All the right, titK interest and claim of C..as
McCandless of. in and to all that certain lot or
parcel of ground eituato ui tho borough of But
lor, Bntler oouniy, l'a., saino being lo's Nos. 3
and 4 in llnselton plan of lots in said borough
of L-Uier. bounded north by an alley, cast by
an alley, Hontli by lot No 2 in said plan of lots
owned bv Dr O M Zimmerman, and west by
Main or "nigh slreot, havi,:g erected theroon
one two-story brick dwelling house with mansard
roof, framo htablo and outbuildings. Seized
and takeu in execution as tho property of Ctias
McJandless at tho suit of Henry -J Cullum, Re
ceiver of First National Bank, Butler, l'a.
ED No 225, Dec T, 1879. T C Campboll, Att'y.
All tho right, title, interest and claim of Chas
McCandless of, in and to 100 acros aud 7 porches
of land, moro or less, Bitnated iu Washington
township. Butlor oountr. Pa,, bounded north by
lands of S 'Ultwl Hilliafd ot a!., oast ly lanJs of
Hon E McJunkiu, south by lands of JnoS:oops,
and wot t Ly lands of same, being what is known
ad the Hannah farm; about 80 acres cleared,
frame house, frame stable, coal bank and orch
ard thereon. Seized ami Kkou in execution as
the property of Charles McCandless at the Buit
of Heniy B Cullum. Receiver of First National
Bank, Butlc-r, P»-
ED No 226, Dec T. 1879. T 0 Campbell, Att'y.
All the right, title, interest aud clsiin of Chas
McOandlcs.j of. in aud to 25 acres of land, more
or less, situated iu Butler borough, Butler coun
ty. Pa , bounded north by Capt J O'Dounell'a
lieirs, east by street and alley, south by Charles
McCnndless and H C Heineman, and west by
public road: frame house, frame stable and
other outbuildings thereon erectod. Seized and
taken in execution us the property cT Charles
McCau.lles.< at the *.uit of Henry B Ou'lum, Re
ceiver of First National Bank. Butler, l'».
ED No 22(1, Deo T. 1879. T C Campboll. Att'y.
All the right, title, interest an l claim of Chas
McCandless o f . in and to 5 acres of land, more
or less, situatod in Butler borough, B.itlcr coau
tv, Pa., bounded north by lands of Charles Alc-
C'Midloss east by an alley, south by lands of
Joseph B Brediu,' and west by lands of H C
lleinetnan- Seiaed and taken in execution as
the property of Cliarles McCandless at the suit
of Henry B Cullum, Receiver of First National
Bunk, Butler, Pa.
ED No 226. Dec T, 1x79. T C Campbell, Att'y.
All the right, tltlo. iuterest and claim of Chas
McCandless of. in and to 12 acres of laud, more
or loss, situated in Buticr borough, Butler coun
ty, Pa., bounded north by Coun-xpienessiug
c'reok. east by name. » >ath by M.» Nancy Bredin,
ami west by an alloy and stroot; framo house,
framo bam and other on* buildings thereon
erectod. Soized and taken iu oxecutiou as the
propertv of Charles McCandless at the suit of
Henry 15 Cullum, Receiver of First National
Bank, Butler, l'a.
ED No 220, Dec T. 1879. T C Campbell Att'y.
All the right, title, interest aud claim of Chaß
MoCmi Ucss'of, in and to all that certain piece
or parcel of land situate in Ponti township, But
ler county, Pa., bounded as follows: beginning
at a pout at the nqrtheast corner on lauds of
Mrs Bulford thence by lands of same south 2
degrees east 170 perches to a post, thence by
lands of Rankin Bouth 89 degroes west 122
perches to a just, theuce by lands of Jas Dick
son north 2 degrees west 179 perches to a post,
thence by lands of Thos Robinsou or Charles
McCandless and others north 89 dogrocs cast
122 porches lo the plaoo of beginning, contain
ing 136 acrea anil 78 perches, uiore or less; log
house, log barn and large orchard thereon;
mostly cleared. Seized and taken in execution
as tho property of Charles McCan lloss at the
suit of lieury B Cullum, Receiver of First
National Bank, Butler, Pa.
ED No 221. Deo T, 1879. T C Campbell, Att'y.
All tho right, title, interest aud claim of Chas
McCandlo-e of, in aud to all that certain pie o
or parcel of land situato iu Peiiu township, But
lor county, l'a, bounded as follows: beginning
at the northoast corner of tho forogoing lands
at a post thence north\U dair. west 8-1 ,'•£ perches
along lands of Mrs Bulford to a white-oak,
thence along lands of Negley's lieira et al north
68k[ degrees west 13 perches to an iroiiwood
sapling, tlienco aloug tho same north !1 > degreos
west 13 perches to a poot, thence along lands of
Bauio north 69 degrees west 12 porches to three
mapleß. tlienco along lands of same north 80
degrees west 1)4 perches to a cherry, thonce
along lands of same, same course. 21 perches to
a yyhite-oak, thonue wost 1H porpl|Oß to a crab
tree (earner), tlienco south Btiil along lands
formerly of same perches to a post, thence
north 87 degroos east 4 4 perches along
lands formerly of to white oak sa]>-
ling. tlienco south 25 degroos oast 7-> parches by
llVlids of —. to wlutoioak, theuce south
degrees east 72 porches to a post at the
placo of beginning, containing 66 acres and 40
irerches, more or less; log house, log barn and
large orchard thereon ; mostly cleared. Seized
and taken in execution as the property of Chas
McCandless at the suit of Homy B Cullum, Re
ceiver of First National Batik, Butlor, Pa.
ED No 125 A 12T, I>,<o Term. 1879. T C Camp
bell, I.ov McQuistion, Att'ys.
All tho right, fitlo. interest and claim of Wm
Johnston of. in and to 50 acres of lind, more
or less, situated in Adams township. Butler
conntv, Pa., boilndod north by Samuel Davidson
aud johnstou's hour, east by Johu Cvhd 'Har
and \ 0 H(.ewart, south by John Jrvln's lieirs,
and vyost by Johnston's heirs; frame house, log
barn and an orchard of betweeu 3 and 4 hundred
troes thereon. Seized aud taken iu execution
as the property of Wm Joliuslou at the Buit of
Allen Wilson for uso, and Thomas McCafforty.
E D No 243, Dec Term. 1879.
All the right, title, interest anl claun of A N
McCandless. Matilda Jane McOainlless, owners,
Ac , and t. N McCandless, contractor, ot. in and
to a certain lot within the borough of Butler,
Bntler county, Pa., being 5J feet front an 4 7u
feet doep, bounded north by JolTerson street,
caut by George Roiber, south by Kittanning road
and wost by George Hchaffner; also a certain
building being a dwelling house two-stories high
, with basement, IG feet front by 22 feet deep,
i Seized and t*'.;en in execution aa the property
, of A N McCandless *inl Matilda Jsne McCand
less, owner*. Ac., and A N McCandless, con
tractor, at the suit of George Weber.
ED No 100, Dec Term, 1579. Hancock Donly,
All tiie right, title, internal and claim of J*s
M Bredin of. in an to 07 acres of land, mire or
lees. situated in Washington township. Butler
county Pa., bennded north by Jamea rTiggins,
eaet by Win P Miller, south by Stonor, and went
by Patrick Kelly: log house and log barn there
on erected; mo-tly cleared. Seized an.l taken
in execution an the property of James M Bredin
at the suit of Charles Ileuderson and Margaret
Heudersoa iu right of Margaret Henderson.
E DNo 100. Dec Term. 1879. Hancock A Donly,
All the right. title, interest and claim of Jan
M Bredin of. in avd to «0 ac.es of land, more or
less. situated in Washington township, Butler
county. Pa., bounded north lyWra Pattarson,
east by Lewis Patterson, south by Robert Petti
grew; an-.l west by Junes IIlogins; log house
and log bun thereon erected; mostly cleved.
Seized and taken in execution as the property of
James M Bredin at the su.t of Charles Hender
son and Margaret Henderoon iu right of Marga
ret Henderson.
E D So 100, Dec Term. 1879. Hancock & Donly,
All the right. title, interest and claim of Jaa
M Bredin of. in and to a lot of ground situated
in the borough of Butler, Bmlor county, Pa.,
containing '2O town lots, said piece of ground
being bounded on the north by Herman J Berg,
east by the Catholic cemetery and George Roi
ber. south by the Kittanniug road and Jefferson
street, and west by Monroe stroet. said piece of
ground containing about 5 acres. ir«ru or loss,
and being laid out in town lots according to plan
of James M Bredin; lots to bo sold are an follows:
lot No 10 being 50x160 feet, fronting south on
Jefferson street, a two-story frame dwelling
home thereon erected; No 9, 50x160 feet, front
ing on Jefferson street, with a two-story frame
dwelling house and outbuildings thereon erected;
pjirt of lot No sof said plan, being east end of
sfci 1 lot, bounded north by Jefferson street, east
l>y George I'.eiber, south by Kittanning road and
west by part of f-amo. being about 50x100 feet,
with a two-etory framo dwelling house and framo
stable thereon erected. Also die following de
scribed lots of ground in said plan: Lots Nos 3,
4, 5 A 11. each fronting on Jefferson street,
50x160 feet back to College street; lota No 13,
14. 15, 16. 17, 13. 19, 20. 22, 23. 24 A 25, each
fronting on Coilegs street. 50x171 feet back to
land of Herman J Berg. Seized an l taken in
execution as the property of Jaaifis M Bredin at
the suit of Hliar.es Henderson and Margaret
Henderson in right of Margaret Henderson.
ED No 240, Dec T, 1879. J M Thompson, Att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Jas
Wilson. Jr.. of. in and to a lot or parcel of laud
situated iu Jefferson township, Butler county,
Pa., containing 100 acres, more or loss, adjoin
ing lands of Andrew Baker, Jacob Keck, John
Linkhard and others; log dwelling house and
bain thereon. Seized and taken in execution as
the property of Jamej SVilson. Jr., at the suit
of H P Scott.
E D No 210. Dec T. 1879. J M Thompson. Att'y.
Ail the right, title, interest an.l claim of Jas
Wilson, Jr., of, in and to 190 acres of land, more
or less, situated in Oakland township, Butler
county; Pa., adjoining lands of John Wliitmeycr.
John H Neyniau, James Phillips' heirs et'al.;
frame house and frame barn thereon; about 50
acros cleaved. Seized and taken in execution as
the property of James Wilson, Jr., at the suit
of B P Scott.
E D No 240, Deo T, 1879. J M Thompson, Att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Jas
Wilson, Jr., of, in and to 59 acres of laHd, situ
a-ed in Summit township, Butler county, Ta.,
a 1 Joining John Beer, N Camming* and others;
log house and log barn thereon; about 25 acres
cleared. Seized and takeu in execution as the
?:v.perty of J&mea Wilson, Jr., at the suit of R
' Scott.
E. D. No. 118. D'-o Term 1879. J M Thompson,
T C Campboll, Att'va.
All the right title, interest and claim of Hiram
Baker of. in and to 110 acres of land, more or
lees, situated in Centre township, Butler county,
Pa., bounded north by lands of Andrew Albert,
os*; by lauds of Joseph Browster's heirs, south
by lands formerly of John Cress, and wejt by
landd of Thomas Btowart ot a!.; a new fraais
house an 1 birn, good coal bank and apple and
r.eacli orchard; about 75 acres cleared. Seized
and takeu in execution as the property of Hiram
Baker at the suit of R P Scott and Miohael Mc-
E D No 198, DecT. 1379. Lev McQuistion, Att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of C F
Smith of, in and to all that certain piece or par
cel of land equated in Summit townaliip, Butler
county, Pa, containing one-half acre on the
south side of tho Butler anl Coylesville roaI;
one dwelling houja 21x23 feet, one dwelling
house 20x16 'eot. one store house 20x36 feet and
one stable 20x20 foet thereon erected. Seized
and taken ir» oxeqution as tho properly of C F
Smith at the suit of Bouodict Kost.
ED No 218, Dec Term, 1879. J M Greer, Att'y.
All tho right, title, interest and claim of Fred
erick Ross of. in and to a certain piocee or par
cel of land situated in Batler township. Butler
county, Pa , bounded and described as follows:
commencing at the Butlor and New Castle road
thence north 14 degrees east 53 perches to a
stone pile, theuce south 80 degrees east 63}£
perches to a po.it. tlienco south 2 degrees oast
63 perches to a post, thence north 59 degrees
west 92 perches to tho place of beginning, con
taining 35 acres, more or less; log bouse, frame
stable, outbuildings and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution as the property of
Frederick Ross at the suit of Georgo Ross' for
use of Win Watson.
E D Nos 215 A 24(5, Djc Term, 1869. W A
Forqner, Att'y.
All the right, title. Interest and olairn of Hugh
Mel uiighliu of, iu and to two hundred acres of
lau-1, more or less, situated iu Sllpperyroek
township, Butler county, Pa, bounded north
by lands of W McLaughlin and Ctias McCuntl
les->, eu.-l by R Crilcblow and W Iteuick, south
by W Morrison and S T Chandler aud west by
■John Taylor; about 100 acres eloarod, balance
iu limber, with a two-story frame house, log
barn and orchard Ihoroon. Seized aud taken iu
execution a* tho property of Hugh .VicLaugh- •»
liu at suit of \V G McLaughlin and M A
E D NO3 87 A 88. Dec Turin, 1879. W D
Brandon, Ally's.
AM the title, Interest aud claim of 8 8
Mays of, in and to eighty acres of laud, more
or less, situate in Fairview township, Butler
county, Pa, bounded north by Leonard Kaylor,
east by William Ilepler, south by Peter Miller
aud west by llcnry McLaughlin ; liame house,
log barn, blacksmith shop aud orchard thereon;
mostly cleared. Seized and takeu iu execution
as the property of S S Mays at suit of \losca
Sullivan lor use, and John Berg A Co.
E D Nos 143 A 190, Dec Term, 1579. W A
Forquer, Att'y.
All the riirht, title, Interest and claim of W
A Smith of, in and to fUty (our acres ol land,
more or less, situated in Windeld township,
Butler county. Pa, hounded north by lands of
Areli McCull, east by E A lleltnbold, south by
Win Cypher and went by Peter Cypher; frame
house, log liaru, wagon shed, com crib, pig pen
and orchard I hereon. Seized and taken in ex
ecution as the properly of W A Smith at suit of
M J Mciiridunnd Kumuicl Bros for use.
E D No 241, Dec Term, 187' J. Ferd Relber,
All the right, title, iutorest and claim of Geo
Mi Candless of, in and to all that certain piece
ot ground situate in Builcr borough, Butler
county, Pa, cousisting ol lots Nos 14, 15 and 10
In Robert Graham's plan of lots iu suid bor
ough, and bounded north by Union street, east
by an alley, south by an alley and west by nil
alley, fronting on said Union street feet
and extending l>ack from saia Union street 150
feet, having thereon erected a two-story framo
dwelling house, ouibuildings, Ac. Seized and
take i in execution as the property of George
McCaudle.-b ut suit ot Harvey Colbert.
E D Nos 223 A 284, Dec Term, 1819. OAA
A T Black, Ally's.
Ail the right, title, interest and claim of Jas
Milliard of, iu and to one hundred acres Of land,
more or less, ritualc iu Washington township,
liuller county, Pa, bounded north by Patrick
Kelly and W P Miller, cist by Hon E McJun
kiu, souih by Peccr Uilllud and west by Jerry
Ililliard; mostly eloarcd, Irainc house, frame
barn, coal bunk, orchard aud vineyard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution as the property
of James Ililliard at suit of John McCallcu,
Will Shira, Kx'r, <&c.
E D No j 79 & 80, Dec Term, 187!). M N Miles,
All tho right, title, interest arid claim of
Chester Bullock of, in and to fortv acres of
.and, more or less, situate iu Fairview town
ship, Butler county, Pa, bounded north by A L
Campbell and Win Gibson, casl by Mrs E J
A brains and Jamisou heirs, south by Jamison
hens aud Haaelwood Oil Co. and west by Win
Wilson ; about one half ol the borough of Pe
trolia buill thereon ; four producing oil wells,
machinery and fixtures thereon. Seized and
taken in execution as the property of Chester
bullock at suit ot D W Rhodes.
The following must be strictly compiled with
when propelly is slriekcn down .- >
1. When the plaiulilf or other lien creditors
become the purchaser, the costs on the writs
must be paid, and a list of ihe liens, including
moitgni'C searches on the properly sold, to
gether with such lien creditor's receipt* lor the
amouut ol the proceeds of the sale of such
portion thereof as ho may claim, must be lur
nlshcd the Sheriff.
2. All bids must be paid in full.
a. All sales not settled immediately will bo
continued until I o'clock, r. m., of next day,
ai which lime all property not settled for will
again be put up and sold nt the expense tend
risk of the pcrsou to whom Urstsold.
•See Purdon's Digest. Utli edition, page 446,
and Smith's Forms, page 3.84.
novl3-3t] bhoritl of Butler Couuty.