BUTLER CITIZEN. I9HN H. 4 WT C. WESLEY. PROP'RS. Republican NSate Ticket. FOR STATE TREASURER, Hon. Samuel Butler, OF CHJSBTEE COCXTY. Connty Ticket. FOR JI'RY COMMISSIONER, .x. "W es«ley Monks, OF MIDDLESEX. THE profits of the recent industrial exposition in Pittsburgh were SIB,OOO, out of a total receipt of $48,000. A paving institution, that. TUE CITIZEK, from this to January Ist, 1881, for $1.50 in advance, being two months for nothing. Present subscribers paying arrears will receive the benefit of above terras. THE Democratic Mayor of New London, Ohio, wa3 so confident Ewing would be elected that he bought the biggest beet he could find at agricul tural fairs to send to the defeated can didate. Ewing had the beet for din ner soon after election. ME Jons HARRISON, of Harrison township, Allegheny county, who had a leg so badly broken at the Leech burg Fair, a short time ago, that it had to be amputated, died of his inju ries at the house of his son-in-law, Maj. Be ale, in Leechburg, on the 21st inst., in the 69th year of his age. lie was highlv respected hy all who knew him and was a very active and useful man in his community. REV. W. P. TURNER, the newly ap pointed pastor of the M. E. congrega tion of this place, held his first services last Sunday, preaching two very ex cellent sermons, the one in the morn ing being ou "The eternal reign of Christ," and in the evening discoursed on Christ's injunction to his disciples, "Go teach all nations." Both of these discourses were scholastic efforts, and were well received by large audiences. We welcome the reverend gentleman to our town, and hope that his resi dence among us may be a pleasant one. THE Pittsburgh Commercial-Ga zette of Monday last, in referring to the conviction of the Messrs. Iliddle in the Quarter Sessions of Allegheny county, and the finding of a true bill in the U. S. District Court against the Cashier of the Montrose National Bank, says, very truly, that these cases— "Furnish a warning to all hank of ficers and directors who use the funds of the bank for their individual interest. ♦ * The lesson which this verdict teaches is, that there is a false and ! ' dangerous standard of morality among bank officers, which becomes abso lutely criminal when tested under the severe, though just and necessary re strictions, which the law has thrown around those who deul with the money of shareholders and depositors." First Snow. On Friday last, October 24, we had the first fall of snow here for this sea- Bon, being quite a little snow storm and making the weather cool. Last year, 1878, the first fall here was on October 28; on the year before that, 1877, the first fall was on November 2nd, and on the year before, 1876, the first fall was on October 10th. This is as far back as we have kept the record. How to Vote. There are but two officers to vote for in this county on next Tuesday, a State Treasurer and a county Jury Commissioner. Therefore there are but two tickets to be made up hy the voter when he comes to vote. One will be headed "State" and have the name of the candidate for State Trea surer thereon. The other will he beaded "County" and have the name of the candidate for Jury Commissioner thereon. These tickets must he voted separately. New York. The State election of New York comes off next Tuesday, Nov. 4th, the same day ss in this State. As there is a Governor to elect in New York, and as its result will have a considera ble bearing upon National politics and prospective Presidential candidates for next year, it is looked to with great interest. There are two Democratic candidates for Governor and the suc cess of the Republicans would seem assured, although their candidate is not the most popular one. Election Tickets. Republican tickets have been sent by mail to the following persons: Petrolia—A. L. Campbell. Fairview, (E.) —S. W. McCollough. " (W.) —W. F. Campbell. " bor.—R. W. McKeo. Washington—S. T. Marshall. Concord—Charles Cochran. Parked—C. M. C. Campbell. Slipperyrock—J. N. Blair. Centreville—F. S. Peters. Mercer—W. P. Brahaiu. Marion —Wm. Carsou. Buffalo—M. N. Greer. Zelienople—John Dindinger. Saxonbnrg—E. Maurhoff. Clinton—John Anderson. Centre—Thomas R. lloon. Middlesex—W. T. Anderson. Jackson, (E.) —D. Fiedler. <» (W.) —F. V. Brooks. Clearfield—W. S. Fcnnell. Winfield—N. Kirkland. Cranberry—A. C. Duncan. Oakland—F. H. Monie. Cherry—A. W. Christie. Allegheny—S. P. Eakin. Venango—C. Martin, Eau Claire. The tickets for all other districts kave been sent to members of the Committee by hand Teachers' Institute. The Common School teachers of the county assembled in the Court House on Monday and are nowjn session. The proceedings so far have been inter esting and instructive, but we are unable to give them in detail as yet. Several strangers and educators are present assisting in the exercises. On Monday evening addresses were made by Prof. Angel, of Allegheny county, and Mr. George K. Balph, of tins place. Mr. Balph handled his subject with much ability and his effort is well spoken of by all who were present. Pennsylvania. The election iu this State will occur next Tuesday. Are our Republican friends of Butler county fully aware of this fact? Although but a State Treasurer is to elect, yet that is an im portant office, and there should be a full turn out to the polls. Pennsyl vania is still the second State of the IJnion, and her position in our National politics has always been potential, as "the Keystone State." State pride appeals to her Republicans not to see her political fame and name pass into the hands of our opponents. Let there, then, be a full turn out on next Tuesday. Ohio—Official. The official vote of Ohio for Gov ernor at the late election, is as follows: Foster, Hep 336,261 Ewing, Dera 319,132 Foster over Ewing 17,129 The whole vote east was 665.607, which is larger than any previous vote ever cast in the State. The Greenback vote for Governor was 9,129. Last year it was upwards of 38,000, being a falling off of over three-fourths. The vote for the Temperance candi date for Governor was 4,145. Foster's majority over all is 3,885. The Legislature has a Republican majority of 31 on joint ballot; last year there was a Democratic majority. Pig iron has advanced more than fifty per cent, since the Democratic party got possession of both Houses of Congress.— Clarion Democrat. Yes, and no sooner has good times been restored than the jwople go back and vote the Republican ticket. It serves the Democrats right. They ought to have let the hard times alone for awhile longer. We find the above in the Democratic Herald of this place, of last week. The information it contains is so new and marvelous that the Clarion Demo crat is certainly entitled to the right of discovery. Nobody had ever dreamed that there was any possible connection between the advance in the price of "pig iron" and the "posses sion of both Houses of Congress" by the Democrats. It had rather been heretofore understood that the Demo crats in Congress, as a party, were foes to the interests of "pig iron" and all the other industries of the country that needed protection by tariff laws. Should the Clarion Democrat attempt to enlighten the country by telling it of what particular act or thing the Democrats in the late Congress done to advance the price of pig iron, or any other interest, we think it would find its task a difficult one. The Wood tariff bill was a Democratic measure, and was intended to reduce the pres ent tariff and withdraw, to a certain extent, the protection now afforded to iron and other home interests. And this bill was defeated mainly by the Republicans iu Congress. The Demo crats were for advancing backwards. This is the manner in which they did advance the interest of the Govern ment as regards tobacco, and the man ner in which they sought to advance it as regards whisky. These latter are the only two domestic manufactures that the Democrats displayed any par ticular skill or interest in "advancing." They had about as little to do with the advance in the price of pig iron as the Ute Indians. As well might they claim to be the authors of resumption and the bringing about of the present equality of the greenback with coin. But the more amusing j>art of the above quotation is its endorsement by the Democratic Herald of this place, and the evident disgust of our neigh bor at the people not appreciating the claim made that pig iron advanced be cause the Democrats had "possession of both Houses of Congress." The Herald editor is so disgusted with this ignorance of the people in the matter, and their still voting the Republican ticket, despite the advance in pig iron, that he cruelly declares, "It serves the Democrats right," and that "they ought to have let the hard times alone for awhile longer." What a sad con dition the pig iron interest would now be in if this revengeful spirit of our neighbor had prevailed. His party interest is higher and greater than the interest of his country, anil he would make the rise or the fall iu the price of pig iron, and the hard times or the good times, entirely dependent on whether or not the majority of the people voted the Democratic ticket. We do not see any remedy for this misfortune and chagrin of our neigh ' bor unless he can have introduced here the "shotgun policy," and "shoot down on the spot" every man who refuses or neglects to vote for his party. But this would be as cruel here as it is in the South, as most of people were not aware that the Democrats in Congress had it in their power to continue the "hard times," or to make good times, as announced by the Herald. It is fortunate for the "pig iron" men that the Democrats did not do as our neigh bor says they ought to have done, "let the hard times alone for awhile longer." Wttibtv Citisen: Uttiber, fl«. t <§>jtitork*K 29, tߥ9. But inasmuch as this power over the , times and the prices of things is in , the Democrats, as suggested by the j Herald, we sincerely hope that there | are but few Democrats who will agree | with our neighbor, or join him in again plunging the country into the j hard times from which we are so rap- : idly escaping. The people continue ; to vote the Republican ticket merely ! because they did not know that we were indebted to the Democrats in the present Congress for the present rise in the price of "pig iron." "Since the Democratic party got possession of both Houses of Congress" much has been laid to its charge, and for which it is now and will be held to answer —such as attempting to starve out the Government, its army, and officers in ; some branches of its service. But of j all the charges that have been made J against it, that of causing good times, j or the rise in "pig iron" or anything j else, cannot justly be laid to it. Its policy has rather been of a "back actiou" character. SEVERAL communications and other matters have to be omitted this week for want of .-pace. Cremated Alive. RICHMOND, Ya.,Oct. 25.—Yesterday James S. Nash, a well-to-do farmer living in Henrico county, came to Richmond and got on a spree. He returned home last night pretty full of liquor, and went to the stable and put his horse away. He then went to the fodder-house, a small log building, to get some fodder for his horse. He carried a candle with him. '1 he fodder house was entered by means of a very small door. By some means, after the unfortunate farmer had opened the door, he dropped the candle in the fodder, igniting it at once. In his drunken stupidity he overturned a heavy bale of hay, which rolled against the small door, shutting and closing it completely. The fodder blazed at once, and the man in the midst of the fiery furnace roasted alive. His screams brought his agonized wife and children to the scene, but they could not force open the small door, which had a mass of bales of hay jammed against it. The house being built of logs, they could not effect an entrance by knocking down the sides. Through the large cracks between the logs they could see the man burning alive, and his contor tions were horrible to look upon. Sur rounded by a fire, with his clothes blazing, he was soon sobered by his intense suffering, lifting bales of burn ing hay in his hands in his endeavors to clear the way to the door. At first his hair blazed; then they saw his eye balls burst open from the intense heat, and he fell to the floor. In his screams of agony before he fell he cried "Water! Water!" and he saw the small crowd outside and screamed : "What are you all standing there for when I am burning ? Help me, for God's sake !" Very soon after he fell his sufferings ended in death, but not before both arms had been completely burned off. This morning all that was taken from the ruins was the headless trunk of what had been a man. The "Censue-Man" Is Coming. [American Agriculturist.] Next year will be 1880; and when the number of the year ends in a cypher, there is a great ingathering of all sorts of statistics. In other words, the* Decennial Census is taken by the United States Government. At some time next year the home of every far mer, and of every other person, will be visited and the occupants called upon to give concise answers to a long list of questions. In order that these answers should be accurate—for the value of census dcqjends upon its accu racy—every farmer should write down, while it is fresh in his mind, the num ber of head of live stock, the products of the dairy, and in fact all the results of this year's farming, ami have them ready for the day when the facts are to be gathered. It is to the interest of the farmer that the census be accurately taken ; so let each one be prepared beforehand, and not !>e forced to give hasty guesses upon such important matters. There are peculiar people, not to say "crooked sticks" in the world, though we are glad to believe that these, though they «xist among farmers, an; not especially numerous. Yet even among farmers there will be those who regard the questions put by the census-taker as an impertinent in quiry into their private business, and either refuse to reply altogether, or to give blind ami evasive answers. Such persons should know that the census taker is an officer of the General Gov ernment, and represents, for this pur pose, the will of the people us ex pressed in a law passed l>y both Houses of Congress. Laws carry with them a penalty for their violation and eva sion; those who resist the examination of the "Census-Man" may get into trouble. Tho Drought in tho West. CINCINNATI, October 20.—The Ohio river is lower than it has been for twenty years. At hundreds of points between here arid Pittsburgh it can be forded easily. Scarcely a boat is to be seen. Navigation is nearly suspended, ami freight is piled up in great ipianti ties at all points between Pittsburgh and Louisville, waiting for the rise that many predict will not coine this season. The stage of the water has not been sufficient for the transporta tion of coal since July, and the conse quence is that the price of that com modity in Cincinnati has doubled since that time. There is not enough coal on hand in the yards to supply the demand for ten days. If there are no heavy rains within that time the city will Im> dependent for supplies upon the railroads, at whatever cost of trans portation they may choose to adopt. At Pittsburgh every craft on the river that can be converted to such use is filled with cpal waiting for the water to rise. The accumulation is the great est that has ever been known, amount ing to 18,000,000 bushels. The drought is beginning to have a serious efleet upon the growing wheat. It has brought the Hessian fly, which ill many localities in Southern Indiana is doing great mischief. The area sown to wheat is much greater than last year, but the drought and the appear ance of the fly have had the effect of persuading farmers who have not sold this year's crop to hold on to it lor still higher prices. Mr. D. O. Barr and the Catholics. A DESIGN ON THE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM. [From tilt Philadelphia Bulletin.] The Republican party has avoided all allusions to the fact that Mr. D. O. Barr, the Democratic candidate for State Treasurer, is a Catholic, properly regarding a man's religion as having nothing to do with his qualifications for a public office. But the friends of Mr. Barr have brought the question up by issuing circulars to pastors of churches, asking for lists of their uicm liers. When this was complained of, it was asserted that the old list of Democratic voters had not been handed over to the new Committee. But this is denied, as is stated in the following from the Pittsburgh Commercial-Ga zette, which appends also a curious cir cular of the campaign of 1877, in which the public school question was introduced. The Commercial says: "Candidate D. O. * Barr and his brother John C. Barr, are both catching it on all sides. We showed on Satur day morning the falsity of I>. O. Barr's statement that he had sent his circulars to Protestant clergymen as well as Catholic clergymen, and now the state ment made by John C. Barr is also shown to be false. John C. Barr stated to a Telegraph reporter that none of the Chairmen of the Democratic State Committee, since the time of Wallace (including the latter)' hail left any thing in the way of data necessary for the conduct of the campaign to their successors. To prove the falsity of this statement and clear his own skirts, Capt. William McClelland wrote to R. Milton Speer, of Huntingdon, and the latter gentleman writes back acknowl edging that he received full data from Capt. McClelland, when he succeeded the latter as Chairman, and also adds that he (Speer) offered his full data to Mr. Miller, the present Chairman, but that Mr. Miller made no reply. Mr. Speer also says that he attributed this silence to the fact D. O. Barr had months before secured all the lists in Spcer's possession. So the facts are then the Democratic Committee ad dressed the circulars only to Catholic priests, and not for the purpose simply of securing a general list of voters, but for the special purpose of hunting out the Catholic voters. "The circular sent to the Democratic State Convention, in 1877, to delegates, for the purpose of capturing 'Square Timber' Noyes' delegates, shows how D. O. Barr feels on the public school question : " 'Dear Sir : We solicit your influ ence for the nomination of D. O. Barr, Esq., of Pittsburgh, for State Treas urer. He is opposed by some because he is a strict Catholic. He is proud of his faith, and you know that all good Catholics are Democrats. The school question cannot come up in this campaign, but if it does he is prepared to meet it. He is in favor of a pro rata distribution of school funds to all denominations, and then all could have their children brought up in the faith of their parents. This would do away with the common schools of this State, and be a great saving to the State. If he is nominated and elected State Treasurer he will use his influ ence to effeci this chnage. His brother, James P. Barr, is editor of the leading Democratic paper of the West, arid their views correspond. This is, of course, confidential. We understand that you hold similar views, and for that reason send you this card. Do not let a Republican see it. " 'Allegheny county Delegation, Pittsburgh, August 16, 1877.'" Iron, Then and Now. Large as has been the advance in iron and manufactures of iron, to-day's prices are still very far from approach ing those of' 1872. The best foundry pig iron is quoted at the shipping ports at s3l per ton to-day, against $17.62 in 1878, and §48.87| in 1872. New iron rails are quoted at s4Bf«po at tide-water to-day, against $33.60 iu I*7B, and SBS in 1872. Steel rails are now valued at against $43.26 iu 1878, and sll2 in 1872. Ordinary refined iron is now quoted at S6B per ton of 2,240 pounds, against $43@44 in IH7«, and $95(«jl00 in the latter part of 1872. In Momorlam. Died, at his residence, near Portersvilie, this county, on the -Ith of October, 1871', Mr. I lav id Wilson, in the 60th year of his aye. The following action was taken hy tho t'. P. Session of Portersville regarding the death of this Elder: \V 11KitKAH, God in his providence has been pleased to remove by death Mr. David Wilson, u member of the Portersville Session, and in view of the loss of one who held the truth iirtnly, whose conduct was exemplary, and whose counsel was timely and valuable, there lore ltetj/vil, That we feel the lots we have sus tained as a Hession anil congregation by this dispensation of providence. lUtolvrd, That we cherish the memory of our brother iu the Eldership, as one who held fast the profession of faith without wavering and was a firm exponent of the good old paths. Jtvjiolei'd, That we have every reason to be live that he died the death of the righteous and his latter end was peace. JicmUfl, That we express our sympathy to ward the bereaved family in their late trials and bereavemeht-s. l\'(mihrd, That we hear the voice of the Mas ter calling us to greater activity while the day lasts and to preparation for death : "He ye also ready." JAMIX A. < LARK, Mod'r. WiI.MAM 15. Doom, ('lerk An Old Doctor's Advlco. It was this: "Trust in God and keep your bowels ojicn." For this purpose many an old doctor has advised the habitually costive to take Kidney-Wort—for no other remedy so effectually overcome* this condition, and that without the distress and griping which other medicinN cause. It is a radical cure for piles. Can't Preach Good. No man can do a good job of work, preach a good sermon, try a law suit well, doctor a patient, or write a good article when be feels miserable and dull, with sluggish brain and unsteady nerves, and none should make the attempt iu such a condition when it can be so easily or cheaply removed by a little Hop Bitters. See "Truths" and "Proverbs" in another column. Conr-iumptlon Cured. An old physician retired from practice, hay ing had placed in his hands by an Kast India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and |ieriiiaiicnt cure for Coiikiimpti.in, Bronchitis, (,'atarrh, Asthma, and all Throat and I,ung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous debility and all Nervous complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of caws, has felt it his duty to make it known to his si'ifF-ring fellows. Actuated by this motive anil a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge to all who desire it, this recipe, iu German, French or English, with full direetious for preparing and using. Ment by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, \V. VV. MIIKAHKIi, 149 J'uwer's Mock, /Cur h i*l cr, .V. I'. liiime»»*«» Nloch Of Carpets, in Kail and Winter Styles, ut RITTKH .t RALSTON'S. THIS finest, line of hosiery, at lowest price*, can be seen at Charles Grieb's. Itutler. A Card. To the Buildiwj Public: The Duild'ug Co:nmittee of St. Mark's Evan gelical Lutheran congregation of Butler, Pa., after inspection of the new church structure, corner of N'a-diinsrto'i ami Jefferson streets, and a very agreeable settlement with Messrs. Bauer <5: Bro . contractors a.id builders, with hearty unanimity passed tlie fallowing: 7'rj tired, Tint while we congratulate our selves in having secured the services of Messrs. Henrv Bauer & Bro., of t-iis place, i:i the building of our Church, we deem it justlv flue to the contractors to make public our satisfac tion with them and their work ably and faith fully done according to contract, and we, th<re« fore, herewith unhesitatingly ft ml cordially recommend the firm for fidelity to agreement, competency of workmanship, honesty and dis patch of execution, and gentlemanly business couriesv in dealing and intercourse, JOHN C. GROMAX, Pres't. JACOB KECK, Secretary. 1I»J. KLINOJ.KR, FKRD'K HENSIXOKR, A. SonnscK, Sit, WM. SIEUEKT, Joits G. Bii'iU-'s MATTHIAS KECK. Butler, Pa., Sept. 22, 1579. Under Markets. lOorrected by G. Wils >n MILLER A Bito.] BUTTER—Good 17 cents V tt>. Baton- -Plain s'igar cured hams 11 sts. V lb; shoulders. H : sides. 8 BRASS—White, i1.25/5)1.50 V bush. CmcKr.ss—2s to :lrt cts. per pair. Cur.ESK—cts ¥ !f>. COBN ME\l—2 cts. V lb. o\f.F SKlSS—9oc®sl ¥ lb. Eoos—ls cts? ('ozeii. FLOCP.—Wheat. ?6<S>B ¥ I bl. sack jl 25 / f> f'2 ; buckwheat. t2.50 f) cut. GRUX—Oats.3o cts V bushel: corn 4"> ; wheat 15 : rye 50 cents ; buckwheat, 50. UoNEY—IS cts. r> It). LARD—7c V lb. Tallow, G(S>7. r. FATHER Sola 23<5'-G cts. V th.; upper $2.50 <®i3 a side : kip SletfPOOc V tb. MOLASSES—SO.'S/(_Voc V gallon. Syrap, 40<g>60c, OSR)»8 50a. ¥ bush i POTATOES—3Oc. ¥ bushel. SUOAR—Yellow 7fsSc.; white 9®loc. V tb. SALT—No. 1, 51.25 1? barrel. CANCER. This disease like many others is regarded as incurable. It is not so. If it is taken in time it is as easily cured as a wart or a corn. We know very well that it is a fearful disease and will cat away until it destroys life, that is if it is neglected, but if it is attended to when it first makes its appearance, or soon after, there is no trouble in eradicating it from the system. Persons will have to be here during part of the treatment, consequently there is no use writing to me for information whether it can be cured without my seeing the case. I also treat with success, Rupture, Piles, Fistula, Ulcers, Ulcerated legs, Varicose Veins, Varicocele Tumors, Hydrocele, and every form of Skin Disease. Dr. Keyaar, 240 Penn Avenue, Opposite Christ's Church, Pittsburgh, Pa. MIBEUCM. 111VIN —SN Y1 >Kit—Sept. 10, 1579, in Can ton, Ohio, Mr. Philip M. Irvin, formerly of this place, and Miss Emma Snyder, of Canton, Ohio. NORTH—BP.OCHLEIIURST—Oct. 22, '7O. at Prospect, by Rev. Samuel Bowman, Samuel North, Esq., of North's Mills, Mercer county, and Miss Lizzie Brochlehurst, of Jackson township, same county. ,\ew Advertiscmeiit*. Last Notice to Delinquent Tax Collectors. The Collectors of 1577 and IS7B arc hereby notified lo pay lhc balance due the county by them on or belore the lOili of November next, as no longer indulgence *ll be given. The Collectors of 187U must pay two-thirds of the amounts with which they are charged, hy the same lime. 3y order of Commissioners, S. McCLY MONDS, Clerk. Couuu'rs Office, Oct. 25, IS7'J. [027 2t WK*T SUM BUM Normal Academy. The Winter Term will open Dec. 2,IS7'J, and continue thirteen weeks. Dr. Katon, of Franklin, Pa, will lecture be lore the studcnla on the evening ol Dec. and. The design ol this Academy i-i to prepare teachers for doing good work in the school room, to lit student- for entering college, and to afford to all a g >od business educatiou. Students can commence the study of the Languages each leriu. TUITION PER TEKM: Primary, including all the studies author ised by law to be taught in the common schools, - - - ------- f"i 00 Intermediate, (5 5!) Higher English Classics, - - - - - - 8 00 Rooms tor sell-boarders from 50 cents lo #I per month. Board from $1.75 to #8 per week. No pains will be spared in making the school pleasant and profitable to all. For additional information address J. U. GILKILLAN, Principal, o2otl] Couliersvillc P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. Adiiiliil*trator'N Notice. Notico iH hereby given that letters of admin istration have been granted to the undersigned on tho oi tate of ltcl.ecca Hell Iturkhart, dee'd, lato of Summit township, Butler county, Pa. All persons, therefore, knowing themselves in debted to said esfafe, will please make immedi ate payment, and any having claims agaius tho same will present t'.iem, dnlj authenticated, to the undersigned for «ettle:n ;nt JOHN EMKItICK, Adm'r, IJntlcr P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. W. D. HiiAVDON, Att'y. 100t29 [Twarnar's Safe Kldnsy and Liver Cure. n f fYirmrrly Or. Craltt'n h'htii"/ Cure.) • A vrei-tutile |>ri-|»»ri»tloii unit llm onlv mra Pj r<-iiii<ilj in tie' wort.l tor HI-IHKI'I pJ DIJ.IK-HM. I, ml A I.J. Ktilm-j, l.lver, ana t ('rln:ir.l *. | efl'lY-.itnioiiiiNoi' the highest order In proof 1 eiri-'iir iti'-'.'im- !'.r ntidwlft, cull for IVur fli e l'm Die cure nf llrlgl.l'ft sn-t Hie other Hit i ,l.' i. IMII fir IVanier'a ftnft" 141 due/ 0 WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. n it Is the test i»nrinrr. fu»<utiifiiiiut*» ■ ••v.-ry function iu more fitful uctloij, unci pi In ttiUH a hi ul! fcj IL i-urti Mrrofuloti* UTUL MIHT Akin Krup jjflCloiiM ftfnJ luUuU.Urf <'nia«?t»ra, lTi« E|«' f °r«, nii'l other Horpn. W !>.» IVciiknfM of (lie Ntomnch, ■ Itjr, etc.. iirocurod by tl»« JIJIIV lllllrr*. ills 1 ii nw|tml<»<f us an nppiitlK*r mul ivxtilur tonic. H JSCKtlei of two h\u:h ; prices, 50c. nml ftl.OO. B WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE ■ Quickly KIVWH lt<*Ht arwl Nlcc|> to tlionulferlnf, ■ rtin-H llr.xiliK he itud urnlfflu* |»rov«MiU H IJillf'iillP I'll*, mi*! ii*]l**V«N Nfi'toui R| imiloii brou/?iit on by «lrink, ov«»r- H l'lKVcrSil as it is i>t atop pain and h< olho ilia □ tiirt»<*<! Nc rvi'*, it n- v« r Injur** tl.<- ayaltu&i fl iiottli-i of two Hi&c*; price*, &0«*. ami §t.OO« B WARNER'S SAFE PILLS cA Am nn Immediate an<l active Ntlrmilu* for A ■ t, ' o, J. &CQ. EST A III.ISM kii 184fl—88 V i:»H'. Cincinnati and Milwaukee BOTTLED BEER A. HP I2CI A. LTY, HOTTLEIW OF Sada Waters, AI.Es POIIiEK. CIDEK, ROOT BEKK AHI> (JI.NIiKK AI.E Importer* of Scotch A English Ales A Htout. (fytlnlets by m ill promptly attended to. t'i'i'v i*(>'j"Ci/i IIOUMU, Noi». A 41 MAiiaar SruKKr, PITTdUUltmi, PA. fo.li-1 in SA LIVE PAPER. ctid 10 cu. to H. L. HASTINGS, 47 COHN nir.L, Boston, for 3 months' subscription lor itu- paper in the country—lo large pagi-s ; four distinct papers; un«ectarian, anti-infidel, anl;-rum, unit antl-deril; 2 full-page pictures; no pull's or advertisc- Vients Mr Spurs;eon said : "The heat paper that comes to rue." I>. L. Moody said : "About the hest piper iu the country." §1 per ! year. AGENTS WASTED. Good pay for inin- I lstcrs, workers, canv.issers and aircnts. 029-lm Executor's Solioe. Letters testameutary on the estate of Win. i McClnng, dee'd, late of O.iklaud tp.. Hotter county, Pa., haviug been gr.tutcd to the urider j signed, all persons knowing themselves lu | debtee! to said estate will please make payment, I and any having claims asralnst the same will I present tlum dulv n> thenticated for settlement. CHRISTIE ROBB, Ex'r, oct29] Butler, Fa. SCHOOL BOOKS AHD SCHOOL SUPPLIES. All new Stock, bought for Cash. We tr* prepared to duplicate the lowest price*. JUVE2TILE AND TO? BOOSS. Tho attention of TDK TRADE, and our friends generally. U invited the largest, most carefully •elected. and altogether beautiful and complete line of TOY and JUTKHLLK 1i00i.4 ever ex. hibitod In Kttsburgh POCKET BOOKS and ALBUMS'. *#" Also, an «l«g»nt assortment of La-lies Chatelaicco. All t-irse goods are i.ew stock, and prices are ruling much below lsst year's figures. G. W. REED CO. 72 WOOD STREET !».ACO.] PITTSBURGH, I>A.I Pen sions! Procnrod for soldiers disabled in U. S. service bv reasons of wounds and oilier causes. "All pensions dale back to day of discharge. Pensions increased. Address with stamp, STODDARDT A CO.. No. 913 E St. N. W., Washington, I», O. OCt'22-lm Auditor's Notice. In tho matter of the Assignment of A. Boar for tho bonefit of creditors. In tho Court of Common Fleas of Butler County, No. 250, Sept. Torm, 1879. Having been appointed Auditor bv the Court to make distribution of the fund in the hands of Joseph Seigel, Assignee of A. B«ar, among the creditors of said A Bear, notice is hereby given that I will attend to the duties of said appoint ment at mv office, iu Butler, on Wednesday, Nov. 12, 1879, at 1 o'oloek, at which time and place all parties interested may appear if they soe proper. E. I. BRUOH, oct22-3t Auditor. Kollre, In the matter of tho Account of W. P. IJraliain. Assignee of A - G. Steeu. I hereby give notice to a.I persons interested, that ss Assignee of A- <l. Steen I have tiled my tlnal account iu the offljo of tho Prothonotary of tho Court of Common Pleas of Butler coun ty. Pa., and that the same will be presented to saiel Court for continuation on the Ist day of December, 1879. At the snino time I will nuke application to said Court for leave to reconvey tho property in my hands to said Assignor. oct22-:lt W. P. BRAHAM. DECOIiATIAL ITPIIOLSTERY A SPECIALTY AT HENRY HOLTZMAN'S, 74 Wood Street, P'llsburflh, Pa. PRACTICAL UPHOLSTERER. Special Designs mvlo to harmonize with sur roundings of every apartment of your home for Window Decorations the richest selections and latest designs in Baw Silks, Satins, Jutes, Cmpets, esc. Lace OurUiis. from tho cheapest to tho verv finest of *ll grade* at very low prices ; L&co Laiubre j lias tnvlo to order to tit any sized window, in the v«rv latent designs; Cornices anil Cornice poles. Dado Bottom Shades in various designs. Beddings, Comforts, Pillows, Mosquito Bars, etc. 0c22-8m Administrators' Notice. Notice is hereby given that lottery of admin istration have been granted to tho undersigned on the estate of Philip Snyder, deceased, late of Jefferson town.diip, Butler county, Pa. All persons, therefore, knowing themselves indebted to said estate, will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against the same will present them duly authen ticated to the undersigned for settlement. JOSEPH ELLIOTT. PHILIP W. SNYDER, octls-4t Butler, Pa. A NEW EZRA. IN THE— Milling Business! JACOB BOOS Is now running what was formerly the Walter A Boos water and steam Grist Mill, THE OLDENT JIII.L in this borough, with latest improvements. Ho is prepared to furnish to all customers the best of flour, as all who patronize him will And out. The Mill has been leiiovated ami is pre pared to do the best of country and custom work. It is the oldest mill in tho borough, and the present proprietor will do tho best he can to accommodate customers. All customers will be accommodated whether water is high or low, as the mil) is ran by both powers. A FLOUR DEPOT has been established by the proprietor at O. Etzel's former store, opposite tho Vogely House, where WHEAT. BYE ANI> BUCKWHEAT FLO U R, Corn Meal, Faod of All Kinds, and also ' GRAHAM FLOUR" will always bo found on hand at the lowe.it cash prices, and Tony Etzel will always be on hand to wait on customers KJT'Also a new feature is here introduced : ALL GOODS SOLD DELIVERED TO PUR CHASERS IN ALL PAKIS OP TOWN. All those desiring good l! Mr, honest prices, Ac., either call on Tony Etlel at tho regular Flour Depot, on Main strt-et, or on the propri etor at the iiiill. All orders for Flour, Fend, or anything In oar line, can bo left with Pony Etzel, and will bo at tended to promptly, either by bhn or oetH-Uin) JACOB BOOS. Roller. Notice IN hereby given that on application wll be nnide to ilie Guvernor ol the Common- Wo.lth of Pennsylvania tor it chatter ol Incor poration ol the '• Western Pennsylvania Tel ephone Company." The object of said com pany is the construction and uwlnleiiiiure ol a telegraph hue for telegraphic and telephonic purposes Willi in thecouuty of Sutler and other counties iu the western part of the State of Pennsylvania. »ept-4 General Election Proclamation, WHEREAS, IU and by an Act of the Gpr.eral Assembly of the Crow:; on wealth of Pennsylva nia entitled "An act relating to the elections of the Commonwealth," pat-eed the 2nd day of July, A. I). 1839. it is made the duty of the Sheriff of every county within this Commcn wealtli to giwa public notice of the Oeneral Elec tion and in rnch notice to enumerate : 1. The officers to be elected. 2. Designate the places whore the election is to be held. I, WM. H. HOFFMAN. High Sheriff of the county of Butler, do hereby make known and give this public notice to tile electors of the county of Butler, that on Tuesday next follow ing the first Monday of November, being The 4th day uf November, 1879, a General Election will be hold at the several i election districts established by law in said i county, at which time they will" vote by ballot for the several office* hereinafter named, viz : One parson for the office of Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Pennsvleania. Two persons for the office of Jury Commis sioner of the county of Butler. [No person can vote for more thau one.] The said elections will bo held throughout the county as follows: The electors of Adams township at the house of J. 8. Douthett. The electors of Allegheny township at the house of John P. Crawford. Six Points. The electors of Buffalo towuship at the house of Pobert Gregg, now George Truby, now Rob ert Bartiy. The electors of Butler township at the Court house in Butler. The electors of Brai'v township at the School house at West Liberty. The electors of Clearfield township at the house of John Green. The electors of Clinton township at the house of John C. Biddle. now John Anderson. The electors of Concord township at the School house No. 4. in Middletown. The electors of Clay township at the Centre School kouso in said township. The electors of Centre township at tho house of W. D. McCandless, occupied by Jesse Har vey. The electors of Cherry township at the house of William Lindsey. The electors of Connoquenessing township. Northern precinct, at School house No 7, in YVliitestowii ; Southern precinct at tho house of Peter .Staff. in Petersville. The electors of Cranberry township at the house of Freederick Meeder." The electors of Donegal township at the house of Ad&ni Schreiber. iu Millerstown. The electors of Fairview township at the house of J. Dickey in Fairview borough. The electors of Forward township at the house of llobort H. Brown. The electors of Franklin township at *he School house in the borough of Prospect. Tho electors of Jacl son towuship. Western precinct, at the house of Jacob Heil iu Har mony : Eastern precinct at tho house of John P. Miller in Evansburg The electors of Jefferson township at tho house of Morris Beighter. The electors of Lancaster township at the Public School house No. 5. The electors of Middlesex township at the house of Oeorge Cooper. The eleotors ot Marion township at James Bailey's. The electors of Muddycreek towuship at tho Town Hall in Portersville. Tho electors of Mercer township at the Town Hall in Harrisville. The electors of Oakland towuship at the house of William McClung. The electors of Parker township at the house of John Kelly iu Mar'iusbnrg. The electors of t'enu towuship at the house of liichard Fisher. The electors of Summit township at tho house of Adam Frederick- The doctors of Nlipporyrock township at the School house, at tho North end of the borough of Centreville. The electors of Venango township at the house of James Murriu. The electors of Winfield township at School hoiiso No. B, in said township. The electors of Washington township at the Town Hall in North Washington. The electors of Worth towuship at tho house of W. Humphreys. The electors of the borough of Butler at the Court House in sail' borough. Tho electors of the bor .ugh of Controville at llio School house in said boroagli. The electors of the lmrough of Zolionople at tno Council house in said borough. Tho electors of the borough' of Prospect at the . in said borough. Tho electors of the borough of Saxonburg at the School houso in said borough. The electors of the borough of West Sunbury at the Public School house iu Sunbnrv. The electors of the borough of Millerstown at the house of Adam Schreiber in said bor ough. The electors of the borough of Potrolia at tho Town Hall in said borough. The eloclors of the borough of Fairview at the School house iu said borough. The electors of the borough of Earns City at tho Town Hall in said borough. And I. tho said Sheriff, do furthor give notice to all election officers, citizous, and others, of the following provision* of the constitution and laws of this commonwealth, rotating to elections —viz : OF THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS. CONSTITUTION OK PENNSYLVANIA —AUT. VIII, SECTION 1. Every malo citizen twenty-one years of age. possessing the following qualifica tions, shall be entitled to voto at all elections : First. —He shall have been a citizen of tho United States at least one mouth. Second He shall have 'osided in the State one year, (or if having previously been a qual ified elector or native born oilizeus of the State ho shall liavo removed from and roturnod, then six months) Immediately preceding tho elec tion. Third.—He shall have resided in tho election district where ho shall offer bis vote at least two inoutht: immediately preooding the election. Fourth.—lf twenty-two years or up war Is. ho shall have paid within two years a State or county tax, which shall have boeu assessed at least two mouths and paid at loast one inouth before the election. SECTION 6.—Electors shall iu all casos except treason, felony and breach or surety of tho peace bo privileged from arrest during their at tendance on elections and in going to and re turning therefrom. SUCTION Whenever any of tho qualified electors of this Commonwealth shall bo iu actual military service under a requisition from the President of tho United Kl.itos, or by tho authority of this Commonwealth, such electors may exercise the right of suffrage iu all elec tions by tho citizens, under such regulations as are or sh*ll he prescribed by law. as fully as if they were present at their usual places of elec tion. MIXTION 7 All laws regulating the holding of elections by Iho citizens or for the registra tion of electors shall bo uniformed throughout the State, but no elect it shall ho deprived of tho privilege by reason of his niiuo not being registered. SECTION 13.—-For the punioso of voting, no person shall be doomed to have gained a resi dence by reason of his presence or lost it by rea son of his absence, whilo employed in the ser vice, either civil or military, of tills State, or of the United States, nor wliiie engaged in tho navigation of the waters of this State or of tho | United Stales, or on tho high seas, nor while a student in any institute of learning, nor while kept iu any poor house or other asylum at pub lic expense, nor while oontlued in a publio prison. Election officers will take notlco that llio Act entitled "A Further Supplement to the Election Laws of tho Commonwealth." disqualifying de seiters from the army of the United States from voting has receutly boon declared unconstitu tional by tho Hv.proma Court of Pennsylvania, is now null and void, and that all persons for merly disqualified thereunder are now lawful voters, if otherwise qualified. OF ELECTION OFFICERS. CONSTITUTION OP PENNSYLVANIA—AHT. VIII. SKO. 14—District election board* shall con sist of a Judge and tv.'o Inspectors, who shall he chosen annually by the citizens Each elec tor shall have the right to vote lor the Judge nud olio Inspector, and each inspector shall appoint one clerk. Election officers shall be privileged from arrest upou days of election and while engaged in making up and transmit ling returns, except upon warrant of a court ol record or Judge thereof, lor an election fraud, lor lelony, or lor wanton breach of the peace. No person shall be qualified to serve as an election officer who shall hold, or shall within two months have held any office, appointment or employment In or under (lie government of the United States or ol this St.ite, or ol any city, or county, or of any municipal hoard, commission or trust In any city, save only Justices of the peace, and alderman, notaries public nnd persons Iu militia services of the Slate; nor shall liny election officer be eligi ble to any civil office to tie Hlled by an election at which he shnll serve, save only to such sub ordinate municipal or local offices as shall lie designated by general law. AGTJ ANUAIIY 110, 1H74. BltU. 7.—Whenever there shall tic a vacancy Iu an election Iniaid ou the morning of an elec- Hon, It shall he filled Iu conformity with exist- ' llig laws. ACT JUL* 2, 1889. But'. Hi.—lu case the person who shnll hare received the second highest uutubcr of voles lor Inspector shull not attend on the day of any election, then tho person who shall have re ceived the second highest number of voles lor Judge al the next preceding election shall net a* Inspector In his place. Aud lu case the per son who shall have received the highest number of votes lor Inspector shall not attend, the > person elected Judge shall sppolnt an Inspector 1 in Ills place; and lu rase the person elected « Judge sir-ill not attend, theu the inspector who I received the highest number of votee shall 1 appoint a Judge In his place; and if any « vacancy shall continue In the board lor tho space ol one hour after tho time fixed by law j 1 I for the opetiiug or the election, the qualified i voters ot the township, wmd or district for which such officer shall have been elected, present at the place ol election, shall select one of their number to fill such vacancy. ACT January SO, 1574. Sec. 9. —ln addition to the oath now pre scriln-d by law to be taken and subscribed by elect ion officers, they shall sevurnlly be sworn or affirired not to disclose bow any elector shall have voted unless required to do so as witnesses iu a Judicial proceeding. All judges, inspectors, clerks and overseers of any election held under this act, shall beloie entering upon their duties, be duly sworn or ufflrnifd in the presence ot esch other. The judge shall be sworn hi the minority inspector, it there shull tie such minority inspector, and in case there bono minority inspector, then by a justice ot the peace or aldcrmau, and the Inspectors, over seers and clerks shall be 6worn by the judge, certificate of su;h swearing or .affirming shall | lie duly made out and signed by the officers so sworn, and attested by the officer who admiuis tered the oath. ACT JANUARY 30, 1874. Sec. B.—At the openlug ot the polls at the elections I', shall tie the duty of the judges ot election for their respective districts to desig nate one of the Inspectors, whose duty it shall be to have in custody the registry of voters.aud to make the entries therein required by luw ; and it shall be the duty of the other of said in spectors to receive and number the ballots pre sented at said election. MODE OF CONDUCTING ELECTIONS. ACT JANUARY 80, 1874. Sec. 5.- All the elections hereafter held un der the laws of this Commonwealth, the poll* shall be opeued at 7 o'clock, a. m , and closed at 7 o'clock. P. M. CONSTITUTION OP PENNSYLVANIA —ART. VIII. Sec. 4.—A1l e'ectlons by the citizens shall be by ballot. Every ballot voted shall be num bered in the order in which it was received, and the number recorded by the eleellon offieers on the list ot voters, opposite the name ol the elector who presents tue ballot. Any elector may write his name upou his ticket, or cause the same to be written thereon and attested by a citizen of the distrh.i. ACT M AIICII 30, ISC3. Sec. I. Be it euacted by the Benatc and House of Representatives of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met, nnd it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That the qualified voters of the several counties of this Commonwealth at all general, township, borough a:id special elec tions are hereby hereafter authorized and re quired to vole by tickets, printed or written, or partly printed and partly written, severally classified as follows ; Oue ticket shall contain the names of all per sons voted for tor the Electors of President and Vice Picsident of the United States, and shall be labelled on the outside with the word •.'Electors." One ticket shnll contain the names of all per sons voted for for Member of Congress of the United States, all persons voted for lor Member of the Slate Senate or the Couimonw.-ullh of Pennsylvania, all persons voted for lor Member of the House of Representative* ol the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, nnd nil persons voted for for county offices of said county of Butler, nnd to be labelled ou the outside with the word "Couuty." One ticket slnll contain the names of all per sons voted for for Judge ol' any of the courts of said couuty ot this Commonwealth, and be labelled ou the outside with the word '•Judi ciary." One ticket shall contain the names ol all per sons vote 1 lor for officers of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, other than Judges of the Supreme Court ot snld Coiuminotwculth, aud be labelled on the outside with the word "State." OF THE ELECTION KETURNS. ACT JANUARY 30, 1874. Sec 13.— As soon as tin- polls shall close, the officers ot tlie election shall proceed to count all the votes cast, for each candidate Voted lor, aud make a full return of the same in triplicate, with a return sheet in addition, iu ail of which the votes received by each candidate shall bo given after his name, first iu words and ngaln lu figures, nnd shall be signed by all the said officers and by overseers, if unv, or II not so certified, the ovetseers and any officer refusing to sign or cerlily, or either ol tliem. shall wilto upon each ot the returns his or their reason for not signing or certifying ttieui. The vote, as soon as counted, shall also tie publicly and fully declined from the window to the citizens pres ent, and a brief statement allowing the votes received by each candidate shall be made and signed by the election officers us soon ns tho votes are" counted ; and the same shall be Im mediately posted upon the door of the election bouse lor information of the public. The trip licate returns shall be enclosed iu envelopes and be sealed in the presence ol the offieers, and oue envelope, with the unsealed return sheet given to the judge, which shall contain oue list of voters, tally papers, aud outli of officers, and another of said envelopes shall be given to the minority Inspector. All judges living within twelve miles ot the prothonotary's office, or within twenty-four miles, 11 their resi dence lie In a town, city or village upon the line of a railroad lending to the couuty sent, shall before two o'clock past meridian ot the day alt r the election, deliver said return, together with return sheet-, to the | rothonoiary of the court ol common pleas of the county, which said return shall be tiled, and tho day and the h»ur of tiling marked thereon, and shall be pre served by tho prothouotary for public Inspec tion. At twelve o'clock on the second day fol lowing any election, the prothonotary of tho court ol common pleas shall present the said returns to the said court. Iu counties where there Is no resident president Judge,the associate Judge shall perioral the duties imposed upon the court of common pleas, which shall con vene for said purpose ; tho return presented by the prothonotary shall lie opened by said court and computed by such of Its officers and such sworn as-lstauts as thu court shall appoint; lu the presence ol Ihe Judge or judges of said court, the i-eturns cirllHod and certificates of election Issued under tho seal of tho court as is now required to be done by return judges ; nnd the vote as so computed uud certified shall Ire made a matter ol record iu said court. Tho sessions ot Bald court shall lie opened to the public. AIIJ In case iho returns ot an election dtstilcl shall he inlsslug when thu returns nre presented, or lu auy case of complaint of a qualified elector under oath, charging palpahlo fraud or mistake, and partleuUrly specifying the alleged Irauil or mistake, or where fraud or mistake Is apparent on the return, the court shall examine tho return and if, In the Judg ment ot tho court, It shall be necessary to a just return, said court shall Issue summary process uguiust the election officers and overseers, in any of tho election dlatr.cls complained jf. bring them lurtliwltU Into court,with nil election papers 111 their possession; uud if palpable mUlako or fraud shall be discovered, It shall, upon such hearing as muy be deemed neces sary to eulighten tho court, be corrected by the couit and so certified; but all allegations of palpable fraud or mistake shall be decided by tho said court within three day* alter the day the returns uro brought luto court lor computu- Utiou ; and tho n. Id Inquiry shall be directed only lo palpable fraud or mistake, aud shall not be deemed a judicial adjudication to con clude any contest now or hereafter to be pro vided by liw , and the other ol said triplicate returns shall lie placed In a box aud sealed up with llio ballots. U any of the siild Judges shall himselt lie a candidate for any office ut any eleellon, he shall not sit with tho court, or act lu counting the returns of such election, and In such cases the Judges, If any, shall net. Olven ender my baud at Butler, tuls Bth dny or October, 187 D, aud in the lo4tli year of tho Independence of tho Uullcd States. WM. H. HOFFMAN, Bherlf!. 2(>th Year. ESTABLISHED 1853. E McCALLUM, 77 Fifth Ave., Above Wood St., PITTMHUItQH, FA, CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS, &c., &c. The best quality that is male of the different kinds of CARPETING ocl-Um) AT LOWEST PRICES. IVotice. Trkahuiiy Department, } Office <ij Comptroller of thr Currency, j WABHINOTON, Aug. 8, 1870. Notice is hereby given to all persons who may have claims against the First National Hank of Hutler that the same must be pre sen ted to Henry l». Cullum, Receiver, at Kutler, Pu., with the legal proof thereof, within three months from this date, or they will lie dis allowed. J. S. LANUWORTHY, Acting Comptroller of the Currency ftugl3-3in
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers