SPBIICBIPTIOBf BATES: Per yMr, In advance W®® Otherwise 3 00 No unWriptinn will bo discontinued nntil all arrearages *re paid. Foetmaatere neglecting to notify us when subscribe™ do not take out their papers will be held liable for the rabacription. Subscribers removing from one poatoflSce to another should give ua the name or the former M well aa the present office. All communications intended for publication in tli" paper must be aocompaoied by tha real name of tha writer, not for publication, bat aa a guarantee of good faith. Marriage and death notices must be accompa nied by a responsible name. Addreaa THE BVTI.CR CITIZEW, BUTLER. PA. TBAVELEBB' GUIDE. BUTLIB, KARNS CITT AI»D PARK BR RAILROAD (Butler Time.) Trains leave Butler for St. Joe, Millerstown, Earns City, fetrolia, Parker, etc., at 7.25 a. m., and 2.05 and 7.30 p. m. [Bee below for con nections with A. V R. R.J Trains arrive at Butler from the above named points at 7.15 a. m.. and 1.55, and 6M p. ro. The 1.55 train connects with tralu on the West Penn rood through to Pittsburgh. Sunday traina arrive at 1055 a. m. and 3.55 p. m., and leave at 11.10 a. m. and 4.10 p. m. PSHBNAKOO AND ALLBOBBNT RAILROAD. Trains leave Hilliard's Mill, Butler county, for Harrisville, Greenville, etc., at 7.40 a. m. and 12.20 and 2.20 p. m. Stages leave Petrolia at 5.30 a. m. for 7.40 train, and at 10.00 a. m. for 12.20 train. Keturn stages leave Hilliard on arrival of trains at 10.27 a. in. and 1.50 p. m. Stage leaves Martinsburg at 9.30 for 12.30 < train. p. x. c., A L. K. R. R. The morning train leaves Zelienople at 6 11, Harmony 6.16 and Evanaburg at «.3a, arriving at Etna Btatiou at 8.30. and Allegheny at 9.01. The afternoon train leaves Zelienople at 1.26, Harmony 1.31, Evanaburg 1.53. arriving at Etna Station at 411 and Allegheny at 4.46. Trains connecting at Etna Station with this road leave Allegheny at 7.11 a. m. and 3.51 p. m. f By getting oil at Bharp»burg station and crossing the bridge to the A. V. R. R., passen gers on the morning train can reach the Union depot at 9 o'clock. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Trains leave Butler (Butler or Pittsbnrgh Time.) Market at 5.11 a. in., goes through to Alle gheny, arrlviug at 9.01 a. m. This train con nects at Freeport with Frecport Accommoda tion, which arrives at Allegheny at 8.20 a. m., railroad time. Exprett at 7.21 a. m., connecting at Butler Junction, without change of cars, at 8.28 wilh Express west, arriving In Allegheny at 9.5S a. m., and Express east arriving at Blairsvllle at II 00 a. ro. railroad time. Mail at 2.38 p. m., connecting at Butler Junc tion without change ol cars, with Express wesl, arriving in Allegheny at 528 p. in., and Ex press cast arriving at Blnirsviile Intersection at 6.10 p. ro. railroad time, which connects w.'th Philadelphia Express east, when on time. Sunday Exprett at 4.06 p. rn., goes through to Allegbeuy, arriving at 5.06 p. m. The 7.21 a. m. train connects at Blairsville at 11.05 a. m. with the Mail east, and the 2.38 p. ra. train at 6.59 with the Philadelphia Ex press east. Trains arrive at Butler on West Penn R. R. at 9.51 a. m., 5.08 and 7.11 p. ro., Butler time. The 9,51 and 5.06 trains connect with trains on the Butler A Parker R. R. Sun 'ay train arrivea at Butler at 11.11 a. m., connecting wilh train tor Parker. Main Line. Through trains leave Pittsburgh lor the Ene' at 2.56 and 8.20 a. ra. and 1251, 4.21 and 8.08 p. m., arriving at Philadelphia at 3.40 and 7.20 p. m. and 3.00, 7.00 and 7.40 a. ro.; at Baltimore about the same time, at New York three hours later, and at Washington about one and a halt hours later. FINANCIAL. ATIPROFPfS —How to operate successfully in Stocks on f 10, $25, 950,1100 and upwards, by our new mar ginal system. Explanatory Book mailed gratis, upon application. CHARLES FOXWKLL, & CO., Bankers and Brokers, octlMm 115 BROADWAY, NBW YORK. flAi AI AAA | Invested in Wall St atocka (IU to plaining everything. Addreaa BAXTER A CO., Bankers, oct9 7 Wall atreet, N. T. (fauastesd larestmeats By oor Insurance System of Investments in Stock Operations we insure indemnity irom loss. No "Marginal" or "Privilege" plans. In vestments received in sums of 925 and upward. Correspondence from stock operators solicited. . Address, DAMJB MAYNARD A CO., acpl24-lm 58 Broadway, N. Y. EDUCATIONAL. TN THIS H* of Commerce and In Ibw lu.kat AUmea, the massing demand Is for thoroughly trained nan fcr baslasas. Our Institution offer* ÜB wrpaMd facilities to young and middle aged men far obtaining a Practical Education. A short tine eply is required to couplets tha eoarse of study. ExpeosssHght. IndlvMad inatrtction. fltodenta tin enter at any time. No vacations. For einnla-s addrew P. DUrr * RONM, Pittahargh. «-Dut«-s Beokkoeping, publUhed by Harper A Bros.; printed in colon, 400 pp. The largest wdr* P ut * iuhed - A work for banken, Allegheny Collegiate Institute FOR YOUNO LADIES. AIXBGHBHY CITT, SO llasktaß Ave. Rev. THOS. C. STRONG, D. D., President. Will open on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER Bth. School hours Irom 9A. M. to 1.80 P. ». Its con venient distance from the depota will permit poplls living outside the city to leturu home each day, thus aaving expense for board. For circulars addreaa promptly as above. aug27-2in Exclusively devoted to the practical educa tion of young and middle-aged men, for active business life. School always in session. Stu dents ean enter at any time. for circular. J. C. SMITH, A. M., Principal, aept24-3m Pittsburgh, Pa. DENTISTS. dentistry! 0 1# WALDRON, Graduate ol the Phil ip adeiphla Dental College, is prepared a II ato do anything in the line of hia profession in a satisfactory manner. Office on Main atreet, Butler, Union Block, np stairs, apll LIVERY. WALTER & CO., LIVERY -AND— Feed Stable, REAR or Housi, - - BUTLER, PA. THOMAS ootllMm Pulton, Mo. VOL. XVI. NEW BOOT! SHOE STORE, TTVIOi\ BLOCK, main Street, - - - - Butler, Pa. Sk As I have an unusually large and attractive stock of BOOTS & SHOES just opening, embracing all the newest styles, I invite the attention and close scrutiny of buyers. Men's Kip and Calf Boots very cheap. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Button, Polish and Side Lace Boots in endless variety, and at bottom prices. Reynolds Brothers' celebrated fine Shoes always in stock. Parties wanting BOOTS & SHOES made to order can do no better than by me, as I keep none but the best of workmen in my employ. I also keep a large stock of LEATHER and FINDINGS. JCsgT"A]l goods warranted as represented. AL. BUFF, DON'T YOU BUT YCUR BOOTS & SHOES Until You Have First Examined the Styles, Stock and Prices A. T B. C. HUSELTON'S. His entire Fall and Winter stock is just opening at very low figures. This stock is unusually large in Men's, Boys' and Youth's Kip and Calf Boots, Grain Napoleon Boots, Rubber Boots, Brogans and Plow Shoes, Women's' Misses' and Children's Calf and Kip (unlined) Shoes. His Stock In Finer Lines is always large, embracing all the Latest Novelties in Boots and Shoes- Old Ladies' Warm Shoes a Specialty. A PULL ASSORTMENT OP LEATHER and FINDINGS. f-igfThese goods are all made by the very best manufacturers, and I will guarantee them to give the best of satisfaction. Call and examine my stock and prices. B. C. HUSELTON. West Point Boiler Works SstatolialLed. 1835. No. 13 Water Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. FIRST PREMIUM STEAM BOILERS! STILLS, TANKS and SHEET IRON WORK Of all descriptions to ordct on Shott notice. H»t on hand a large stock of New and Good Seoond Hand Boilers I REPAIRING DONE PROMPTLY. Jfc-f.. 3VOL U3NJ irtOiU, Successor to WATSON A MUNROE. DAYIES & EYAJSrS, MERCHANT TAILORS, siAxnr ■VHXCSV. -JL HAVE JUST RECEIVED A CHOICE SELECTION OP Domestic Jmported Goods. All our Goods are new and of the latest designs. Wo .are both PRAC TICAL TAILORS, keep thoroughly posted in all that pertains to the art, and are thus enabled to guarantee to our patrons perfect satisfaction in neat ness of fit, elegance of style and excellence of workmanship. SCHOENECK & GLOSE, Cor. 10th St. & Penn Ave., PITTSBURGH, PA., Mnnulacturers and Dealers in all kinds of IFTJRNITTJRE ! Are offering this Fall Extraordinary Inducements to Purchasers. A» they manufacture every article in their line, they ore enabled to sell at much lower prices thnn oi y other house west of New York. Do not. fail to call in before purchasing elsew here, and examine their large ai.d well displayed assortment ol Parlor, Chamber, Office and Dining Furniture. Kitchen Furniture of every description always on hand. Ai6o, Mattresses of all kinds. Fnr nitore irnde to order and satisfaction guaranteed in avery particular. scplO-IJm ALL PARTIES GOING WEST TO lowa, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado or Cafi'fornia, SHOULD GO VIA THE Chicago, Burlington £ Quincy R. #"ilcketi can bo had at all offices w here Western tickets are sold. • aplfi -tf. Union "Woolen Mil 1, BUTLER, PA. FFLLERTOSf, Prop'r. Manufacturer of BLANKETS, FLANNELS, YA RNS, Ac. Also custom work done to order, su< hns enrdinjt Rolls, making Blankets, Flannels, 1 'nit ting and Weaving Yarns, &c\, at very low prices. Wool worked on tko shares, if de ■l rod. mylfly Notice Extraordinary. Persons desiring to have their Old Furniture repaired, or New Work made to order, such ax Music Stands, Book Cases, Wardrobes, Office Desks, Office Tables, Ac., would do well to call on A. 13. WILSON, Practical Cabinet Maker. I hold that a piece of furniture made by hand is worth two mado by macliinery. and will cost but little more, if any. Then why not have hand mado ? All work made in the latest stylen and of the best material. I guarantee entire sat isfaction in etvle, workmanship and price. Oive me a call. Shop on Mifflin street, four «loors west of Main street, and opposite A. Troutt nan's store, Butler, Pa. sepl7-ly FOR SALE. s!i will buy a one-hall interest in a good bus iness in Pittsburgh. One who knows so, ne ttling about farming preferred. An honest n van with the above amount will do well to nddr ass by letter, SMITH JOHNS, care 8. M. Jarn.es, 93 Liberty street; Pittsburgh, Pa. [au27- ly This COUAII and a Cow Milker frt e to Farmers who act a s Agents. Cut this ou f ' PATENT ED. SiM and address with stair.r. ii BMITH & HON j * Nanie this paper. BUTLER, PA., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1879. PHYSICIANS. JOHN K BVERS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, myai-ly] BUTLER, PA. INSU R AJNOJET" BUTLER CO UN TV Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. G. C. ROESSIXG, PRESIDENT. WM. CAMPBELL, TREASURER H. C. HEINEMAN, SECRETARY. DIRECTORS: J. L. Purvis, E. A. Helraholdt, William Campbell, J. W. Buikhart, A. Troutuiau, Jacob Schocne, G. C. Roessing, John Caldwell, Dr. W. lrvin, Samuel Marshall, J.W.Christy H. C. Heineinan. JAS. T. M'JUNKIN, Gen, A*'t .BTTTLIEIR, BANKS. ~ TUE HITLER SAVINGS BANK HUTLEIt. PA. NEARLY OPPOSITE LOWRT HOUSE. CAPITAL STOCK" 60,000. WH. CAMPBELL, JAS. D. ANDERSON, President. Vice President. W*. CAMPBELL, Jr., Cashier. DIRECTORS William Campbell, J. W. Irwin, ■las. D. Anderson, George Weber, Joseph L. Purvis. Does a General Banking > by lands ot Susan A. Patterson, on the east by lands of John 11. Neglcy, on the south by the Butler Plauk Road and on the west by lands of Mrs. Nancy Bredin. ALSO —One lot in said borough located on Miller street, being 80 feet in front and tunning back feet. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., ol said day. TERMS made known on day of sale. HENRY E. WICK, oellstt. Assignee. For Sale. The well-improved farm of Itev. W. R. Hutch ison,in the northeast corner of Middlesex town ship, Butler comity. Pa . is now offered for sale low. Inquire of W. K. FItISBEE, on the prem ises. aplGtf 125 Acres of Land for Sale. A good Farm in Clinton township, Bntler Co., Pa., containing about 125 acres, about 100 acres of which are cleared and the balance in good timber ; good water and very good orchard ; can be had on very reasonable terms. Any person desiring such a farm can call upon or address for terms, the undersigned, living about miles south of Saxouburg and about six miles east of Bakers town. JOHN B. MONTGOMERY, Riddles X Roads P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. septlltf IT or Sale! The undersigned, Assignee of A. K. Stongh tou, offers for Bale 15 Acres or situated about three-fourths of a mile southwest of Butler, on the plank road. The improve ments are a good frame dwolling house, frame Htable. 300 apple trees, peach, pear and plum trees and other small fruits. There is a good spring and a well on the premises. The land is cleared and under cultivation, and will be SOLD AT A SACRIFICE. For furthor information, inquire of Thomas Robinson, Butler, or the undersigned, at Slip peryrock. H. E. WICK, seplltf Assignee of A. K. Stougliton. 2.500,000 ACRES LAND Situated in and near the UPPER ARKANSAS VALLEY, IN SOUTH WESTERN KANSAS, —ON TUB-- Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe E. R. It Years' Credit. 7 per cent. Interest. Tt e first payment at d ite of purchase Is one teuth of the principal and seven percent, inter est on the remainder. At the end of the first and second year, only the Interest at seven per cent, is paid ; and the third year, and each year thereafter, one-tenth oi the principal, with seven per cent. Interest on the balance, is paid annually until ttic whole is paid. Six years' credit, 20 per cent, discount. Two years' credit, 30 per cent, discount. Cash purchase, S3 1-3 per cent, discount. The valley of the Upper Arkansas is justly celebrated for its adaptability to WHEAT RAISING and the superior quality of it.- trriiin. As a STOCK-RAISING and WOOL-GROWING country, it ofleis advantages ibat cannot be ex celled. Good soil, abundance of pure water, a mild and remarkably healthy climate, with low prices and easy terms, make up a total ot In ducements greater than Is offered anywhere else ! on the continent of America. For lull particulars, Inquire of or address C. A. SEYMOUR, i General Eastern Passenger Agent, inv°l-lvi Broadway. N. Y. J " 109 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. iPATCHH W For mending Tin. Brass, Copper, T.ead W SOT Iron without acid or soldering iron. Any ladv or child can mend with it. ■■ Will send one sample Plate by mail I (with directions) that will cut 192# *• A inch square patches on receipt of 25 UJ cents, 8 for *l, 100 for ilO. (.Postage K ' 1 stamps received as cash.) AGENTS A WANTED. Can carry one day's stock r in your pocket. Sales will yield $3 to fclsuerday. Onr 64 page Illustrated 0 Catalogue of Chromos, Jewelry. Nov elties, Stationery. Ac., FREE. Ad- J drew CITY NOVELTY CO., L-J ( J 119 South Bth St., Philadelphia, Pa. [X] yj Mention this paper. octls-lm L J ~ Administrator'** Molirc. Notico is hereby given that lottere of admin istration have boon granted to the undersigned on the estate of Mary Dunlap, deceased, late of Cherry township, Butler county, Pa. All persons, therefore, knowing themselves in debted to said estate, will pleaso make immedi ate payment, and anv having claims againsi the same will present them, duly authenticated, to the undersigned for settlement. \ THOS. E. VANDIKE, Adm'r, ' octß Murriiwville P. 0., Butler Co., Pk DBA TH OF Dlt. F. J. LFMOYNE THE AMERICAN A POST LE OP CREMATION TO BE CONSUMED IN HIS OWN FUR NACE ON THURSDAY—SKETCH OF HIS CAREER. (Special to the Commercial Gazette.] WASHINGTON, PA., Oct. 14. —Dr. Francis Julius LeMoyne died at his residence in this place at three o'clock this afternoon. The deceased had suf fered many years from diabetis, and for six or eight days had been con fined to his bed. He passed away peacefully to-day. This evening Dr. Grayson, Dr. McKennanand Dr. Frank LeMoyne, of Pittsburgh, a son of the deceased are holding a post mortem examination on the body. Dr. Le- Moyne directs in his will, and also in one of his last expressed wishes that his body be cremated. These wishes and directions will be respected and the cremation will be conducted on Thursday. There will be no proces sion of public demonstration over the cremation, though there will be held at the family residence services such as are usual on such occasions. Mr. John Dye, the gentleman who built the crematory, to-night started fire in the furnace. Thirty-six hours will be required to properly heat the crema tory. The dead body of Dr. LeMoyne weighs over 200 pounds. It will be encased in a plain rosewood coffin of extra size. Precautions will doubtless be taken by the friends to prevent any undue demonstrations at the cremation. DR. LEMOYNE'S AFFLICTION HIS EARLY LIFE. Yesterday morning a busy and eventful life came to an end. The name of Dr. Francis J. LeMoyne is one that has been prominently before the public of this country for two gen erations, and even in continental Europe his name has become distin guished in recent times on account of his connection with the cremation doc trine, of which he was the acknowl edge American apostle. At the time of his death Dr. LeMoyne had attained to a ripe old age. He was eighty-one years, one month and ten days of age. He had been a partial invalid for twenty years. For the past summer his health had been very much im paired, although his mental powers retained their activity almost to the end. He was able to converse with his friends until last Friday. Dr. Le- Moyne was the son of F. J. LeMoyne, a native of France, who emigrated to this country at the close of the last century in company with a colony of his countrymen, who originally located at Gallipolis, Ohio. Afterward he removed to Washington, Pa., where the subject of this sketch was born in 1798. In early life the subject of this sketch became associated with his father in the drug business and was graduated as a physician of medicine. He was married to Miss Madeline Bureau, of Washington, Pa. Eight children survived him, as follows: Mrs. John A. Wills, of Washington, I). C.; Mrs. V. Harding, Washington, Pa.; Mrs. Wade, Washington, Pa.; and two single daughters Misses Jane and Madeline; Mr. John LeMoyne, a resident of Chicago, prominently con nected with the growth of that city, formerly a member of Congress; Ju lius, who resides on his father's farm near Washington, and Dr. Frank a prominent physician in this city. The parents of Dr. LeMoyne were greatly respected in the adopted home. When the former died an innovation was made in the ancient custom of dressing the deceased in a shroud. Dr. LeMoyne's body was bulled in the clothes which he had worn in life, the first departure from the old custom in the conservative borough of Wash ington. Mrs. LeMoyne, who survived her husband several years was greatly attached to her son. HIS ABOLITIONIST RECORD. When he had grown to manhood he began to form decided convictions on the evils of American slavery which he did not scruple to express, though he was thereby subjected to severe denunciations. His old mother often said the proudest boast of her life was that she had born a son who was an Abolitionist. While pursuing his chosen profession of druggist and physician he felt called upon to be come an advocate of the rights of the enslaved blacks. With Wendell Phil lips and others he traveled through the Northern States addressing meetings whenever permitted to do so in behalf of the Abolition cause. At a national convention of the Abolition party November 13, 1839, held at Warsaw, N. Y., he was chosen as a candidate for the Vice Presidency of the United States, with James G. Birney as Pres idential candidate. It is presumed, though not much reliable data can be had, that he was an active stockholder in the underground railroad, now a defunct corporation. In early life he was an active member of the Presby terian Church, but after he had as sumed the championship of abolition ism his attachments to the church be came loosed, until finally he cut loose altogether from ecclesiastical connec tions, declaring that if the Bible ad vocated slavery, as many professed, then it was a lie and he was done with it. He was henceforth regarded as an infidel, as were many others of like political sentiments with himself. He was the first candidate for Governor of the Abolition party in this State. DEEDB OF CHARITY. , It is said that by close attention to business and through the most rigid economy, Dr. LeMoyne amassed the snutf sum of $300,000. So careful and systematic was lie in jvery outlay that it is said he burned candles instead of gas, although one of the principal stockholders in the gas company, by reason of the comparative cheapness of candles over gas. Although ex ceedingly close in his personal expen ditures he was no miser. Every cause which commended itself to his judg ment as worthy of support received from him the most liberal benefactions. Besides innumerable small amounts bestowed upon deserving charities he gave the sum of $41,000 to Washing ton and Jefferson College; $30,000 to LeMoyne Institute for Freedom at Nashville, Tennessee, and SIO,OOO to the public library in his native town. Ills CREMATION DOCTRINES. In the year 1n7I! he was enabled to test a theory which long had engaged his attention, and which is now in separably associated with his name, the cremation doctrine. By the will of Baron De Palm it was provided that his body should be cremated. Dr. Lc-.uoync had some time subsequently completed his crematory, and it was selected as the place for the strange rites over the dry bones of this dis tinguished foreigner. The cremation of Baron De Palm's body will be re membered by all newspaper readers throughout the country. The next body resolved to the elements at the LeMoyne crematory was that of Mrs. Benjamin Pitman, of Cincinnati. Dr. LeMoyne was a firm believer in the cremation doctrine and ever ready with strong and convincing arguments to uphold his strange theory. It was one of the pet desires of his life that his own body should be cremated and as stated above his wishes will be respected. AS AN AGRICULTURIST. Twenty years ago he abandoned the practice of medicine, from which time his principal attention has been devoted to agriculture, stock raising and money brokerage. His stock are amongst the finest in the State. He gave great attention to the rearing of thorough bred cattle, especially the red-Devon, imported from England, and did much to improve the stock of Washington county. His personal habits were not of a character to especially commend him to persons of testhetic tastes. His dress was anything else than stylish, and his outlay in hair oil, toothbrushes, etc., was meagre to a degree. Indeed he had a thousand and one peculiari ties, but no matter what offense may have been taken at these by over sensitive persons, we have no doubt that all who knew him will join with one accord in wishing peace to the ashes of the man who has done more than all others to render the quiet little boron,£rh famous throughout the length and breadth of the land. SNAKE OIL. HOW AN OLD MAN OF THE MOUNTAINS IS MAKING MONEY. The Pottsville Miners' Journal tells an interesting story of an old man liv ing on the Broad mountain who has devoted many years to rattlesnake hunting and the sale of the oil he pro cures from their bodies as a curative power for rheumatism, In 1865 he suffered severely from an attack of rheumatism, when he tried the oil upon his own person with success. He at once set to work hunting snakes and making oil, for which he found purchasers rapidly. The second sum mer he began snake hunting in June, and before frost came had killed over 300 of the reptiles, whose oil brought him nearly SIOO. Since then he has devoted himself regularly to snake hunting in the summer and sale of the oil during the winter. There is not a path on Broad mountain, he is not familliar with, and he knows the ex act location of over forty rattlesnake dens. He has studied the habits and peculiarities of the snakes so thor oughly that he rarely returns to his cabin without a dozen or two, and on one day last summer he succeeded in killing forty-three, two of which were over twenty years of age. He states that the oil of black snakes, copper heads and water racers does not pos sess any curative powers; but naively admits that once in 1870 or '7l, "when rattlesnakes was scarce," he sold "a heap of black snake oil instead, and no one knowed the difference." Bandle says the snakes are not fit to kill until late in June, unless the spring has been particularly warm. Before that time the reptiles are very lean, and it takes two or three dozen of them to make a teacupful of oil. In July and August the snakes are the fattest and most plentiful. One of Bandle's favor ite hunting places i 3 about seven miles from Frankville, in a little rocky ravine. The lower part of the ravine is filled with blackberry and huckle berry bushes, and the snakes that in habit the holes in the rocks come down to the bushes to catch birds that feed on the berries. Bandle "spects" that he killed "nigh unto" a thousand snakes in that little ravine. When hunting he is only armed with a Jong hickory wythe, with which he breaks the backs of the snakes. After killing one he cuts off its head and, passing the body through a belt around his waist, resumes his work. Persons who have seen hint returning from one of his hunting expeditions say he pre sents a curious appearance with a fringe of twenty or thirty dead snakes hanging around his waist. On reach ing his hut the snakes are skinned and the fat fried out in an old iron pot over a fire in his yard. The oil is amber-colored and has a peculiar musky odor, and it varies in price. When people come to his shanty after it he generally gets ten cents a spoon ful, but when he peddles it in the sur rounding villages ho charges accord ing to the supposed wealth of the buyer. Last year he made two hun dred dollars by the sale of the oil, and now and then he sells an unusually large snake skin, or a string of rattles to persons who visit his shanty. He was never bitten but once, and that was four years ago, when a man in Shenandoah offered him $5 for a pair of live rattlers. Procuring a forked stick, he set out on the following morning and in less than three hours had captured the snakes ; but in pick ing up one of them after he had pinned it to the ground with the stick, it turned and struck him on the back of his hand. He enlarged the wound with his pocket knife until it bled freely, and then, after washing it with whisky, bound a piece of tobacco on it nntil he reached Mahanoy City, where the wound was cauterized by a physi cian. His arm swelled to a fearful size, but it soon got well. Handle has no companion but a half-starved dog, which he enthusiastically says eau "smell a rattler uiore'n a mile off." JESTING IN THE FAMILY. Said a young lady to us the other day : "I really long for a sympathiz ing, appreciative word in our family. There arc so many of us, that we ought to l>e very happy; We are very merry at our table, but there are a good many heartaches too. We have fallen into such a habit of criticising j and making sport of each other, that if something is not done soon to stop it I am afraid it will destroy the har mony of the family. As for me, they make fun of everything I do or say, and make remarks about my personal appearance that are very annoying. They do this because, they say I am so easily teased. 1 often resolve that I will shut my mouth and say nothing to any one. Even father and mother are not exempt. Their little peculiari ties are made the subject of jest aud remark. I am sure," she continued, wearily, "I don't know where it is all going to end, for we are all, not ouly sensitive, but high spirited." Now, we regret to say that this is not an uncommon case. Much of the sweetness and charm of the home relationship is lost by the growing prevalence of a spirit of banter and of practical joking. Young people especially are apt to fall into this very dangerous habit, not from any intention to be unkind, but because they think it smart and witty. Sometimes the simplest remark will be greeted with shouts of laughter, the cause of merriment not being apparent to the poor victim, and for that matter to no one else, the fun consisting in the spectacle of the confusion which this unkindness creates. We have known a member of a family to under take to relate some incident, which, if he were allowed to proceed, would not ouly amuse, but instruct the little group around the tea-table; but he would be interrupted at every sentence by some frivolous question or inappro priate remark, and this would be con tinued until the whole thing was turned into ridicule, and the narrator hurt and offended, refused to proceed. We can all readily understand the feelings which would obtain in the mind of a sensitive person after several such trials. The certain tendency of such joking will be not only to put a stop to all serious, sensible conversation, but to create a reserve which may come to be a complete deadlock to all demonstra tions of love and affection in the family, for no one is willing to unvail their real feelings and sentiments if they are sure each word is to be criticised, and every show of feeling ridiculed. If one cannot find sympathy and appre ciation in the bosom of one's family, where are we to look for it ? Now, we would not say a word against a cheerful, lively atmosphere in the home. On the contrary, we would encourage everything which will give real happiness. We would be in favor of the largest liberty in the way of fun and merry making, provided that it be proper and kind; that it can be nothing which can call a blush of shame or annoy ance to the cheek of any member of the family. "Twitting on facts," may be im mensely diverting to all, but those at whose expense the laugh is raised, even though they may put on a bold front and laugh with the rest, yet the pointed shaft rankles sore beneath the surface. No one likes to be the butt of a jest, or to have his weak points brought into undue prominence though it be "all done in fun." Even the most incorrigible and determined jester if not pleased if the tables be turned on him. How quickly he will flush up and get angry. Real, true wit is born in one just as are music and art. There are but few comparatively who are endowed with this gift, while there are hosts of imi tators aspiring to be thought witty, in whom the spirit of humor is utterly lacking. Though they try hard to do or say something which will create a laugh, their jokes have not the ring of metal, because of the leanness of their imaginations and their want of origi nality, and these are they who set up the personal failings of others as tar gets for their poor shots. A real wag has infinite stores of ready wit, droll fancies come thick and fast, and he is uever obliged to resort to unkind allu sions. Everything turns to sunshine wherever he goes, and clouds do not follow his repartees. We may have said something of all this before, but when we see the happi ness of the family in danger, when such sorrowful plaints are poured into our ear, we must speak our mind, even at the risk of repeating. Why not, then, resolve that we will all put away from us this joking at each other's expense. Depend upon it, its place will be more satisfatorily filled if we take hold of it in the right way, and we shall all come to acknowledge that we are better and happier without it than with it.— lntelligencer. —"The snake stories that are going about are all too thin. Why just look here. Last spring I went out into the woods. I took along an umbreller, which I laid down onto some rocks. Well, sir, about an hour after I went to get my umbreller as it had begun to rain a little. I took holt of the handle, and as I gave it a shove, something began to tear, and as the umbreller flew open a live black snake fell to the ground, split in two from its head to its tail. The confounded critter had actually swallcred my umbreller, and I never noticed it until I shoved up the dum thing and split the animile from stem to stern." —"I'll subscribe for that paper," said Vnnderbilt, laying down an agri cultural paper he had l>een reading, | "it's editor is a man of high attain ments." Ilis eye had caught an arti cle headed "Water your stock regu larly." —ln some parts of Texas the streams are so dry that the fish have to wear dusters to keep their clothing from lK?ing spoiled. —Havana has suffered less from yel low fever than Memphis this season. ADVKKTIMNU KATKM, Ono ouo insertion, #1; each sntwc quint insertion, CO contn. Yearly advertisements < xcceding ono-fourth of a column, t5 per inch. , Ki'/uro »>ri double there rates; additionaj charges where weekly or monthly change* are unulu. I,ocsl advert u-ementa 10 cents per line for firrt insertion, and 5 oent» per lino for each addition*] insertion. Mainage* aud deaths pub lished free of charge. Obituary notices charged a* advertisements, and payable when handed in Auditors' Notices. $4 ; Executors' and AJminia trators' Notices. 93 each; Eetray, Caution and Dissolution Notices, not exceeding ten lines, f3 each. Prom the fact that the Cmzra is the oldest established and most extensively circulated Re publican newspaper in Butler county, (a Repub lican county) it must bo apparent to business men that it is the medium they should use in advertising their business. NO. 47. A LORD'S EXPLOITS. ERIE, Oet. B.—A person who will probably turn out to be an impostor of the first water has just been exposed in this place. About two months ago a young man of good address came to this city and called upon a Mr. John Fulston, with a letter of introduction from one of Fulston's friends in Can ada. The Idler set forth that the }*oung gentleman was an Englishman in needy circumstances, and requested Mr. Fulston to assist him, if possible, to procure some light but remunerative labor. The gentleman gave his name as Herbert Martin, and his address as 69 Marine Parade, Brighton, England. He was well received, and continued to throw an air of mystery about him self and appeared to be on intimate terms with English families of noblo blood. Finally the young stranger allowed himself to be caught once or twice in calling his mamma "her La dyship," or the "Countess." His con fusion and bungling efforts to conceal his embarrassment were admirably ex ecuted, and when at last he found, or appeared to find, that his secret was guessed at, he confessed under the seal of the strictest confidence that he was not what he represented himself to be. The honor of one of Britain's noblest and proudest families demanded that his incognito should be strictly pre served. No, he was not Martin; that plebeian name was but an assumed one; his name was Herbert, and in Burke's peerage he was called Vis count ; he was an English Lord and heir to vast estates. He exacted a promise that he should be allowed to remain incog, until the arrival of his "mamma," herself an earl's daughter, who was coming over to Canada. The Fulstons treated him very kindly, and "Lord Herbert" con descended to borrow SSO "until mamma comes." He wanted some light em ployment just for the romance of the thing. In England he had painted j pictures ; here he would paint fences. Mr. Fulston did not make any special effort to procure fences or doors for the brush of the lineal descendant of the royal Tudor, but he generously boarded him and loaned him money when he required it, without asking for pay ment, until his Lordship's "mamma and remittances" should arrive. One morning ho announced his in tention of going to Washington to visit the Thorntons. In a few days he telegraphed from Philadelphia, asking for money to return to Erie, which was sent-him. Then he borrowed S2O for a suit of clothes, and immediately drew up a promissory note for five hundred pounds, signed "Herbert, Viscount," and charging it to the "Mount Edgecumbe" revenues, which he expected to handle in a very short time. During his stay in Erie he was in troduced to two old ladies of a family living in the southern part of the city. These persons were in quest of infor mation against a gentleman whom they were desirous of annoying. He proposed to help them, and they sub mitted all their plots, gave him letters and made him the confidant of all their plans against the object of their displeasure. His Lordship consented and the old people very foolishly per mitted him to use their name. He gave them to understand that he had written letters of inquiry to high per sonages in England and that the affair was in a fair way to be successful. About this time the Fulston family began to have some misgiving that his Lordship was not as reliable in his information as a lord of high degree ought to be. The "Countess" did not arrive, and they thought it very strange. Ono morning my Lord rushed in from the postoffice and joy fully announced that he had just read of the arrival of his "mamma" in New York in a New York paper. Mr. Fulston got the paper, but the only English name of importance that appeared in the list of arrivals was a man after pedestrian honors. His Lordship saw that he was discovered, and that night he called upon the gen tleman against whom he had been plotting, it is alleged, at the instiga tion of the old ladies, and informed him that a certain womau in the town was pursuing him to the death with a hatred as intense as hell itself, and that he had been engaged to assist in the work of making the country ring with the gentleman's name: But he could not find it in his heart to injure one who had never harmed him ; here he would give the gentleman letters and photographs and books which had been given to use against him. He was going to Canada that night, but he wanted to put him on his guard. There was other information, too, but such waß the pressing necessities of the informant that he was compelled to ask $lO for it. The person whom his Lordship attempted to bulldoze or blackmail secured the letters, etc., and then declined to enter into any negoti ations. My Lord Herbert then threw himself upon this person's generosity for a reward and proceeded to betray the secrets of those who hnd trusted him. He made a grave charge against an officer of the United States, who ho said was in the ring. The name of the officer and the nature of the crimo are of course suppressed uatil made by some more reliable authority. "Viscount Herbert" left that night, it is presumed for Simcoe, Canada, and has not been heard of since. It is rumored that his flight was just in time to save him from arrest on a charge of writing somebody's name. —lt is related that Webster and Clay were once standing on the steps of the capitol when a drove of mules passed, moving southword. "There comes some of your constituents, Mr. Webster,"jokingly remarked Mr. Clay. "Yes," replied Mr. Webster; "They are jroincr to Kentucky to teach school." —Willie, aged ten, and Jimmic, aged six, were playing together. Ono of them was minutely examining a fly. "I wonder how God made him?" he exclaimed. "God don't make flies aa carpenters make things," observed the other boy. "God says, let there be flics aud "there is flies."