Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, October 08, 1879, Image 1

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So fcnbecripticn will be discontinued until all
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notity us when tubacriber* do not take on! their
papem will be held liable for the subscription.
Sabfcribeiß removing from one postoffice to
another sLould give ns the name of the former
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All communications intended for publication
In this paper matt be accompanied by the real
name of the writer, not for publication, but as
a guarantee of good faith.
Marriage and death notices must be accompa
nied by a responsible name.
(Bntler Time.)
Trains leave Butler for St. Joe, Millerstowo
R:TUS Cltv, Petrol is, Parker, etc., at 7.35 a. in.
and 205 and 7.20 p. m. [See below for con
nections wilh A. V K. R.J
Trains arrive at Batler from the
points at 7.'.5 a. m , ana 1.55, and 6.55 p. m
The 1.55 train connects with train on the Wesi
Penn roid through lo Pittaburah.
Sunday trains arrive at 10 55 a. m. and 3.5-"
p. m.. and leave at 11.10 a. m. and 4.10 p. m.
Trains leave Milliard's Mill, Butler county,
for Harrisville, Greenville, etc., ai 7.40 a. m
and 12.20 and 2.20 p. m.
Stages lea' e Petrolia at 5.30 a. m. for 7.4 C
trsin, and at 10.00 a. m. tor 12 20 train.
Return stages leave Hilliard on arrival ol
trains at 10.27 a, m. and 1.50 p. in.
* Staee leaves Martinsburg at 11.80 for 12.30
p. x. c., * L. e. R. R.
The morning trxiu leaves Zeliei:ople at 6 11.
Harmonv 6.18 and Evansburg at 6.3 i, arriving
at Etna' Station at 3.2 J. and Allegheny at 9 01.
The afternoon train leaves Zelienop'e at 1.26.
Harmonv 1.31, Evansburg 1.53. arriving at
Etna Station at 4 11 ar.d Allegheny at 4.46.
Train a connecting at Etna Station *Jth this
road leave Allegheny at 7.11 a. m. and 3.5) p. m.
i By getting oil at Sharpsbu'ir station and
crossing the bridge to the A. V. R. R., pasren
gers on the morning train can reach the Union
depot at 9 o'clock.
Trains leave Butler (Butler or Pittsburgh Time.)
Market U 5.11 a. m., goes through to Alle
gheny, arriving at 9.01 a. ra. This train con
t eets at Freeport with Frecport Accommoda
tion, wliich arrives at Allegheny at 8.20 a. to.,
railroad time.
Exprets at 7.21 a. m , connecting at Butler
Junction, without change of care, at 8.20 wilh
Express wc*t, arriving In Allegher y at 9.5S
a. rn., and Espress east arriving at Biiirsville
at 11 00 a. m. railroad thue.
Hail at 2.36 p. m., connecting at Butler Junc
tlonwithout change ot t-ar», with Express west,
arriving in Allegheny at 5.26 p. in., and Ex
press east arriving at Blairsviile Intersection
at *5.10 p. m. railroad time, which connects w'th
Philadelphia east, when on time.
Sunday Exprett at 4.00 p. ru., goes through
to Allegheny, arriving at 0.00 p. m.
The 7.21 a. m train connects at Blairsviile
at 11.05 a. tn. with the M ill east, and the 2.30
p. in. train at 059 with the Philadelphia Ex
press east.
Trains arrive at Bntler on West Penn R. R. at
9.51 a. m , 5 00 and 7.11 p. in., Butler time. The
9.51 and 5.00 trains connect with trains on
the Butler <fc Parker R. R. Sun ay train arrives
at B'ltlc at 11.11 a. in., connecting with train
lor Parker.
Main Line.
Through trains leave Pittsburgh lor the Ear'
at 2.50 and 8.20 a. m. and 12 51, 4.21 ai.d 8.00 p.
m., arriving at Philadelphia at 3.40 and 7.20
p. in. and 3.00, l.O) and 7.40 a. m.; at Baltimore
about tlie Fame time, at New York three hours
later, and at Washington about one and a half
hours later.
Am I (Mfinn ] inve * ted 1,1 v,a|i st - Htocks
J UlO 4 UUU mikeH fortu,,es . ever 7
v " I month. Book sent free ex
plaiuing everything. Address
BAXTER A CO., Bankers,
oct9 7 Wall street, N. T.
Guaranteed Investments
By our Insurance System of Investments in
Stock Operations w<; insure indemnity Irom
loss. No "Marginal" or '• Privilege" plana. lii
ve-tm'.iits received in tuiri« ol f2sand upward.
Corn spond< nee Irom t-Uxrk operators solic itcd.
A(idic*», DAMitj MA YNARIt ii CO.,
bepl24-lm 58 Broadway, N. Y\
myai-lyj BUTLER, PA.
Allegheny Collegiate Institute"
iLLKOHEXV CITY. 30 Mtoeklon Ave.
Rev. THOS. C. STRONG, 0. D.. President.
Will open on MONDAY, SEPTEMBErt Bih.
School hours Iroin 9 A. *. to 1.80 P. M. Its con
venient distance Irom the depots will permit
pupils living oulside the city to letury home
each day, thus saving expense for board.
For circulars address promptly as above.
Exclusively devoted to the practical educa
tion of young and middle-aged men, for active
btuinesa life. Kchool always in session. Stu
dents eau enter at any time. ptrHctnl for
J. C. SMITH, A. M., Principal,
*ept24-3m Pittsburgh, Pa.
OM WALDKQN. (Jrndnate ol the Phll
n adelplda Dental College,is prepared
• 11 ato do anything in the line of bis
proles-lon lu a satisfactory manner.
Offlce on Main street, Butlrfr, Union Block,
up atiira. apll
Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts.
J. L. Purvla, j E. A. Hclmlioldt,
William Cam pi jell, W. Buikbart,
A. Tioutman, Jacob Schoenc,
G. C. Uoe*»lng, John Caldwell,
Dr. W. lrvln, Samuel Marshall,
J. W. Christy j H. C. Helneinan.
President. Vice President.
WM. CAMPBELL, Jr., Cashier.
William Catnphell, J. W. Irwin,
ilia. I). Anderaon, Oeorge Weber,
Joseph L. I'urvis.
Doe* a General Banking A Exchange business.
Interest piid on time deposits. Collections mule
and prompt returns at low rates of Exchange.
Gold Exchange and Government Bonds bought
and sold. Commercial paper, bonds, Judgment
and othersocuritiea bought at fair rate*. |a2o:ly
(In old Ham Kykos Gallery,)
decll-l/ BUTLEB, PA.
Until You Have First Examined the Styles. Stock and Prices
His entire Fall and Winter stock is just opening at very low figures. This
stock is unusually large in Men's, Boys' and \outh's Kip and Calf
Boots, Grain Napoleon Boots, Rubber Boots, Brogans and
Plow Shoes, Women's' Misses' and Children's
Calf and Kip (unlined) Shoes.
His Stock In Finer Line 3 is always large, embracing all the Latest Novelties in Boots
and Shoes- Old Ladies' Warm Shoes a Specialty.
LEATHER and I'M > I >I.X»S.
These goods are all made by the very best manufacturers, and I
will fruarantee them to give the !>est of satisfaction. Call and examine my
stock and prices.
Main Street; - Butler, Pa.
Baa .received his entire slock ol '*s
As I have an unusually large and attractive stock of BOOTS & SHOES
just opening, embracing all the newest styles, I invite the attention and close
scrutiny of buyers.
Men's Kip and Calf Boots very cheap. Ladies', Misses' and Children's
Button, Polish and Side Lace Boots in endless variety, and at bottom prices.
Reynolds Brothers' celebrated fine Shoes always in stock.
Parties wanting BOOTS it SHOES made to order can do no better than
by me, as I keep none but the best of workmen in my employ.
I also keep a large stock of LEATHER t'.nd FINDINGS.
j£s*f"*All goods warranted as represented. AIJ. RIFF,
West Point Boiler Works
Estaclisi; ed 1835.
No. 13 Water Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Of A\ docripfi'.ni to order on Short notice. Have on hand a larye Mock of
2Tew azxd Good. Second Hand Boilers Z
R.. MUNR.OEI, Bucc«ttor to WATSON & MUNROE.
Domestic &,Imporied CJJOO(IH.
All our Goods arc new and of the latest designs. We arc both PRAC
TICAL TAILOIIS, keep thoroughly posted in all that pci'tains to the art,
and are thus enabled to guarantee to our patrons perfect satis/action in neat
ness of fit, elegance of style and excellence of workmanship.
Cor. 10th St. &. Penn Ave., PITTSBURGH, PA.,
Miinulttc-turera ami Dealers in ull klndu <>f
Are offering this Fall Extraordinary Inducements to Purchasers.
A» tliey maoufocturv «:vi-iy urtloli- iri tli«ir lin«:. they arc enabled Ui null at rnu' li !</*ver jirieeß
thnn ni y other houne went o f New York, Do no' fall to call In before puri-bahing elhcwhere,
and examine their large ai.d well diKpluyed axaoi ttneut ot
Parlor, Chamber, Ofliee and Dining Furniture.
Kitchen Furuiture of every dei>eri|;tion alwityn on hund. Alno, MattressiH of all kitidH. Ktir
citure n-ade to order and "lallMaclion guaranteed in every particular. beplo-3ia
Colorado or
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R. R,
WTickotw can bo hail at all oniccn wher«*
Weetera tickets arc wold. apltt-tf
Union Woolen MilU
II- F(Jljlif!ltTO.\, Prop'r.
Manufacturer of BLANKET*, KI.AN.NKI.>, YAHI%H,
Ac. Al»o CU4IOIU work dune to order, «uch :i*
tardliijr Kollc, making Blank'-u, Flunneli, Knit
ting and Weaving Varna, Ac., at very low
price*. Wool worked 011 the tUoien, 11 de
sired. uij'7-ly
Notice Extraordinary.
Per»oim to have Did Furniture
repaired. or New Work made 'to order, Htu*h an
Mtihie HtandH, Hook CattcM, Wardroben, Oltice
iJewkH, Office Tablcn, «fcc.,woute?do well to call on
Practical Cabinet Maker.
I hold that it piece of furnil urn ma lo by hand
in worth two nude by machin iry. and will coHt
hut littlo more, if any. Then wli y nut have hand
made ? All work made in the i %t«*)t HtyjoH and
of the bent material. I Kiiaratn e« entire nat
iHfactiou lu Ktvlc;, workmaimliip an I price. Give
me a call. Shop on Miflliu Htreei \ four <loorn
went of Main street, and opposite A. Troutniau'w
Htore, JJutler, Pa. »epl7-ly
$. r » will Imy a one-hall Interest in »k< ""«! '> u »-
lnc»* 111 I'lltnburjjli. One who klioWh JJoUlC
thlnj; about farming preferred. An IIOIK Bt man
with/he abovi; mriount will do well to uddlM#
hy letter, SMITH .IOUNM, can: H. .VI .1 iimt.«,
'j:t Liberty ►treet; I'lUlhtirKh, l'a. [at 127-1 >
QO TI..H ( OM Jlt
a "'' a *'" w ,ri "'
)k|''' Farmer* who a. ?t *m
Mf''' ~~~ Agent*. Out thin out
M\ PATENTED. SI I and addrcKH with *t ur.p
r Name thin paper.
. ,v« JIyZJ-ym
[London Times.]
At the meetinqr of the British Asso
ciation at Sheffield on August 23rd,
the well-known African explorer, Com
mander Cameron, who was received j
with great applause, aplogized for not
having his paper prepared, but he did
not believe, in detailing the manners
and customs of the people of Urua, in
Central Africa, this would be a draw
back. Urua was one of the largest
native States in Africa. It was bound
ed on the east by Tanganyika, on the
north by independent tribes in Man
guema, on the west by Ulunda, and on
the south by mountains south of the
lake of Bangueolo. The great chief
was Kasongo, and the race was per
haps the most civilized in Central
Africa. The chief claimed divine hon
ors. On his death all his wives save
one was slaughtered at the grave, and
the whose life was not taken was
handed over to his successor. The
spirit of the deceased prince was sup
posed to pass into the body of the suc
cessor. The centre of the religion of
the people was an idol, which was
held in great reverence.
The idol was placed in the midst of
a dense jungle, and it had for a wife
one of the sisters of the reigning sov
ereign. Under the principal chiefs
were smaller chiefs, who collected and
paid over to the sovereign tribute. He
had seen this tribute come in, and
some of it must have come from dis
tant parts of the country. There was
a numerous class of wizards in the
country who did a large trade in idols
and charms. Many of the wizards
were ventriloquists, and in this way
the idols were made to give answers
to the questions put to them. Caste
was very clearly defined in the race.
No one dares sit down in the presence
of the chief without permission, which
was very seldom granted. In one
case where, in the traveler's presence,
a native had neglected etiquette, severe
punishment was about to be inflicted,
but th<i traveler saved the offender.
Authority was maintained by muti
lation. Hands, feet, ears, noses, were
mutilated, and the natives did not
seern to mind it much. One woman
had cut off her own ears. This woman
was one of Kasongo's wives; he had
about one thousand of them. She
asked permission to mutilate herself,
and she did it at' once. The body
guard of the chief was composed to a
great extent of mutilated people, whose
affection for the chief seemed in no
way decreased. Indeed, it would ap
pear that mutilation strengthened their
regard for their chief. [A laugh ]
The name of the idol was Kungwe a
Banza, and profound reverence was
shown to it. Fire was obtained by
friction from a fire block, and in one
case a chief used the shin bone of one
of the other chiefs who had been con
quered. The dress of the people was
very simple, consisting of an apron.
Members of the royal family wore
three large skins, and junior members
of the family wore aprons of green
monkey skins.
The hair-dressing of this people was
curious, varying more with districts
than with rank. In some cases it was
worked up into four ring plaits crossed
at the top of the head like a crown,
and surrounded at the bottom with a
band of cowries or other shells. Skew
ers were inserted in the hair, one end
of which could be used in tattooing.
The people were not a hairy race, but
they managed to grow their beards
long, and plaited them like a China
man's pigtail, usually putting at the
end of each a lump of mud to weigh
it. Some of the beards reached to the
waists. The women, not havingbeards
to amu3e themselves with, were tat
tood extensively. Tattooing usually
commenced at the age of seven, arid
might be completed about the ago of
twelve or fourteen, which was the
time for marriage. Beautiful patterns
were used, and the tattooing was done
in raised cuts. Sometimes a husband,
when he was displeased with his wife,
cut off all these raised pieces, and the
woman could not appear in public
again; she was not received into so
ciety until she was re-tattooed. [Laugh
ter. |
lie saw one of their weddings, which
was very curious. The festivities
lasted several days. A ring was formed
of the natives, two men with big
drums being in the middle. The
drums were played and the people
round danced. The bride was brought
out, dressed in feathers and other
finery, on the shoulders of two or
three women. The bride threw shells
and beads about, for which there was
a scramble, as the possession of them
was supposed to confer luck. Ulti
mately the husband came into the
ring, ami putting the bride under her
arm carried her off. [Laughter.] The
means of communication was by drum
signals. They had a call on the drum
for everybody's name, and they could
ask questions and convey intelligence
over hundreds of miles, and receive
answers almost immediately. In war,
messagco were constantly sent enor
mous distances to bring up reinforce
ments or to stop their coming. The
mass of the people lived in huts on
dry land, but there were one or two
exceptions to this. He saw two lakes
on which people were living in huts.
In one case the people had covered
over the long grass growing in the
water with earth, and on that had
built their huts; in the other the huts
were built on piles. The language of
tins country belonged to the same broad
family which stretched across the
large belt of Africa traversed by him,
and the grammar was on the same
principles as the grammar of the
SwtM.'li. [Cheers.]
THE Jacksonville (Fla.) Sun says:
Will some medical man explain why
it is that the negro is never known to
sneeze? Ask any old planter, who
owned scores of servants, and he will
! tell you he never heard one of his ser
vants sneeze. It may appear a very
singular fact, but it is none the less
true ; and we allude to it just to show
how unobservant most people are.
A war that ought never to have
been bejrun ends with a tolerable assur
ance that it will never be repeated. It
was known in London recently that the
Zulu King was in British hands. He
was taken on the 28th of August by a
detachment of dragoons under com
mand of Major Marter. The capture
of Cetewayo, more completely than
that of Napoleon 111. at Sedan, ends
the war. For the Zulu monarch was
not only the chief warrior of his na
tion, but its master spirit in tactics
and policy. His star has now no
doubt set forever, and his picturesque
figure with its cloak of leopard skin,
his crimson sash and eagle plumes will
brave the field no more.
The war has lasted only eight
months, but it has been an eventful
one. It has been what was so much
talked of here now nearly twenty years
ago, but not entirely realized—"short,
sharp and decisive." The terrible bat
tle of Isandula was fougt on the 21st
of January, and was most disastrous
to the English arms. When the news
arrived in New York the Evening
Post predicted as a sure result of the
Zulu victory the utter overthrow of
the Zulu power. It required no great
wisdom to make such a prophecy.
Precedent and experience warranted
none other. But considering the pro
digious disparity of the belligerent
forces then confronting each other, and
the vast difficulties of the transport
service for an invader, the Zulu col
lapse has been wonderfully sudden.
When to these considerations arc added
the splendid fighting qualities of the
Zulus,the uncommon ability with which,
for the most part, they were handled,
and the extensive areas covered in the
campaign, it is impossible to deny that
the English should be credited with a
brilliant achievement.
In strictness the English had no
business in Zululand at all—no more,
and recollecting conterminous terri
torial qualifications, not so much busi
ness as we have in the hunting
grounds of our Western Indian tribes.
But once there the English, attitude
and demands have been just arid
humane. They asked that the indis
criminate infliction of the death pen
alty should be modified among the
Zulus and that Cetewayo should intro
duce tridl by jury. He at first re
fused, then consented, and finally broke
in act the compact he had made in
words. In July of last year a body
of his troops invaded Natal, seized
some refugee women who bad fled
from Zululand, took them back home
again and executed them. The Eng
lish authorities demanded the sur
render of the leaders of this invading
force. The Zulu king refused, and war
was the consequence. The battle of
Isandula made Cetewayo and his war
riors believe themselves invincible. It
also compelled the English to make
the war conclusive. A large part of
the British force was annihilated on
that fatal day, and the commander,
Lord Chelmsford, was obliged to flee
precipitately across the Tugela River.
The outcry that followed this dis
aster was bitter and persistent. A
demand for the removal of Lord
Chelmsford arose and was hotly pressed
by several of the most influential
of the London journals. The Queen,
however, stood the firm friend of that
officer, whose gratitude to his royal
protector should be unbounded; for
she not only stood between him and
disgrace, but enabled him to redeem
himself handsomely afterward by win
ning the decisive battle of Ulundi.
This was done at some risk and some
cost. While the home Government
refused under royal pressure to remove
Lord Chelmsford they took the quali
fied step, with certain limitations as
regards time, of superseding him. We
may be excused for recalling that on
the tidings reaching New York of the
defeat of Isandula the Evening Post
at once suggested and foreshadowed
the sending to the seat of war of Sir
Garnet Wolseley. This step was soon
after taken, and Sir Garnet followed
heavy reinforcements to the Cape. By
making a smart push for Ulundi and
throwing his army into a position
to fight four times its number of the
enemy, Lord Chelmsford was able to
anticipate his practical supercession as
director of the campaign and to gain
the victory that at once redeemed his
personal credit and the; honor of the
British arms.
The conflict thus ended will prac
tically bring a new and extensive tract
of the earth under civilized laws.
Whatever the rights of the quarrel at
the outset, the; end thus compassed
must be called a good one. Not many
generations ago men were hanged in
England for stealing loaves of bread,
and for offences not iess trivial capital
punishment has been repeatedly in
flicted by Cetewayo up to the present
time. The modifications for which the
British went to war will now be en
forced, and a consequent ameliorating
influence will extend among other
savage tribes further north ami toward
the interior of Africa. If we regard
the overthrow of the Zulus as the act
of an aggressive and superior power,
whose only right in South Africa is
the right of the stronger, what has
been done must certainly appear to be
a piece of rank injustice ; but if we
regard it as a step unavoidable at some
time and in some way in the regenera
tion of a continent ami for extending
over it in due season the blessings of
Christian civilization, the verdict of
necessity must be a far different one.
The death of the young heir to the
IJouapartes is often spoken of as a
most useless and therefore doubly la
mentable sacrifice, and if his blood is
reckoned to have been poured out in
the first cause we name the stigmatiza
tion may In; accurate enough ; while
if he died in behalf of the last cause
the reverse of so grievous a statement
would alone be a righteous one. In
either case, the social and commercial
I results of the liritish success are likely
to he of a momentous character, and
; will certainly have an important liear
! ing on the future history of the vast
I African continent.
I —Regular wags—Pendulums.
Of the two available methods of
blowing people up that which was
adopted recently at the village of
Westerville, in Ohio, is certainly the
most conclusive. If we want to get
rid of a man because he wears eye
glasses, or because he talks too much,
or because he smokes in an elevator,
or because for whatever reason he
fails to appreciate our genius and gen
eral merit, there is surely no neater
way than to put two kegs of gunpow
der outside of his chamber door and at
a suitable moment to touch them off.
Such was the ingenious plan devised
by what are known as the United
Brethren of Westerville to get rid of
a certain obnoxious saloon keeper
named C'orbin.
When we say devised by the United
Brethren of Westerville we should
guard the statement—for we are not
unmindful of possible consequences—
by saying that such at least is the gen
eral impression. Maehiavelli's maxim,
that when a crime is committed and
we know not the perpetrator we
should seek out whom it benefits, has
here peculiar force. Mr. Corbin sold
what to the United Brethren is known
and loathed as "rum." Far be it from
us to imply that their objection was a
groundless one. On the contrary it
was doubtless particularly well found
ed. Only to their mode of suggesting
that objection—always provided that
they were in truth the authors of the
deed we record—would we apply
any criticism. "Rum," then, is the pet
aversion of the United Brethren. To
Corbin as the prime dispenser or Mag
nus Apollo of "ruin" their cordial de
testation was naturally directed.
Many have been the gentle persua
sions by which they have sought to
entice him to remove his barrels and
jugs and to perfume the air of Wester
ville with them no more. But Corbin
was implacable. The brethren, thu3
foiled, betook themselves—unless we
have unwittingly been led into error
—to the policy of Richelieu. In other
words "all means to conciliate" having
proved fruitless they had recourse to
"all means to crush."
It was at about 2 o'clock on a Mon
day morning, then, that their final
gentle entreating was put in force,
with what result we shall presently
see. At that hour the quiet village of
Westerville was wrapped in slumber.
The purveying of Mr. Corbin's "rum"
had long since ceased for the night,
and in spite of it, or perhaps because
of it, then was a portentous stillness.
Suddenly there burst forth a fierce, an
overwhelming report. This being an
earthquake epoch the entire village
rushed incontinently into the street.
They then beheld what the United
Brethren at least considered a delight
ful spectacle. This was nothing less
than the entire establishment of Mr.
Corbin, including his full stock of
"ruin," soaring heavenward in the
most volatile and aspiring style im
aginable. Beams and rafters shot up
like rockets. A large section of the
roof, after spinning about for a time
in the air, came down and "bonneted"
the church-steeple like a candle snuf
fer. Mrs. Corbin and her baby, after
a variety of lively evolutions came
down in a lager beer cask in the street.
Mr. Corbin ascended to a considerable
height, and, after taking a calm survey
of the situation, concluded to come
down too. By this time, of course,
the small boys of Westerville were
hard at work on the sugar, lemons and
furtive rills of "rum" that were drop
ping all over the village, while the
United Brethren doubtless adjourned
to a remote barn to speculate over con
tingencies and determine upon their
future course.
Now, if any harm had come to Mr.
Corbin and his family; if they, like
the hateful "rum," had come to final
grief from being hoisted and spilled in
this curious fashion, the United Breth
ren—if indeed they had anything to
do with the performance—might have
found themselves in something worse
than an uncomfortable position. Hap*
pily, however, everybody came down
in tolerably good condition. The
baby, with an hereditary instinct that
would have charmed Mr. Galton, im
mediately demanded its "bottle;" Mrs.
Corbin merely observed that the anti-
United Brethren were keeping it up
rather late that night; while Mr.
Corbin, on being picked up in a neigh
boring wheat field, said something
about "one more for the very last"
and directly fell into .a sound sleep.
It is seldom that so tremendous an up
roar is rounded off with so exquisite a
calm. Mr. Corbin's "saloon," or "li
brary," or "sample-room," or whatever
else in the jocosity of his heart it
pleased him to call it, was 110 more;
hut his capacity either to vend or Ui
hold "rum" remained unimpaired, and,
after establishing what may bo termed
so unique a claim on favor and admira
tion as his midnight flight must entail,
he is likely to be more popular than
We sincerely hope—supposing them
to have had any share in this event—
that the lesson conveyed by it will not
be lost upon the United Brethren of
Westerville. Let them blow up the
sellers of "rum" after whatever flour
ish their nature will, but let them con
fine themselves hereafter to that sua
sion which experience shows to be, if
not the best, at least a form of argu
ment which is strictly within the eon
fines of law. Let them, in any case,
eschew gunpowder, dynamite and the
like lest, with the typical engineer
who has served for so many warnings
and precedents, they find themselves
"hoist with their own petard."
A MINISTER having preached against
social abnormities to his congregation
was a few days later waited upon by a
committee presenting him a set of reso
lutions not very complimentary to say
the least. Looking over the string of
abuses,each beginning with "whereas,"
and the names of the committee signed
at the end, he remarked, "Where asses
like the. e draw up resolutions, where
ases like these must be expected."
A friend told Snodgrass that he
was just off a siek bed. "Indeed, and
what ails your bed ?" lie asked.
[St. Louis Times Journal.]
While Col. Allen was discussing
National finances on the hotel plan,
Col. Tom Crittenden quietly slid down
off the platform and circulated among
the crowd. He wore a delicate white
duck suit, blue necktie and patent
leather pumps, and was the cynosure
of all female eyes on the premises.
Col. Tom, with an eye to business,
began ogling the babies.
"Oh, you sweet little darling," said
Col. Tom, addressing a fuzzy, pop
eyed brat that lolled lazily in his
mother's arms under one of the trees;
"how old is it, ma'am?"
"Four months, sir," said the fond
"A little girl, eh?" said Col. Tom.
"Xo, a boy," replied the mother.
"Ah, yes, now that I come to look
at it more closely, I detect the strong
manly features of a boy," the Colonel
hastened to say. ' Please, may I kiss
the little cherub ?"
Col. Tom shut his eyes and exploded
an osculatory sound on the fuzzy face,
and the child put up a big lip and
threatened to cry.
"He is such a beautiful child," mur
mured Col. Tom, "such eyes, such a
head, such an expanse of forehead,
such a mouth, such a wealth of com
plexion, such a sweet, tranquil expres
sion !"
"La me, you don't really think
so, do you ?" simpered the flattered
"I never saw a sweeter little cherub,"
said Col. Tom, "I believe I'll have to
kiss him again."
Having gone through a second oscil
latory martyrdom, Col. Tom assumed
a seraphic look—a look calculated to
strike tally to the most hardened fem
inine heart, and got right down to
"I'm a candidate for Governor," said
he, "and nothing would give me a
greater joy than to feel assured that 1
had the support of the father of this
sweet babe. Come, let me hold the
little darling in my arms. Ido think
he is just the sweetest little angel I
ever saw!"
The flattered mother gave up the
fuzzy baby with profuse apologies
about its not being well dressed, etc.;
hoped it wouldn't trouble the gentle
man, etc.; glad to know he admired it
so much, etc.
The fuzzy baby writhed and squirm
ed and grew red in the face, and
wrinkled itself all up and then lav
calm and composed on Col. Tom's
strong right arm.
"The little precious!" cried Colonel
Tom. "You tell his father how much
I thought of his little cherub, won't
you ma'am? And you'll tell him I'm
a candidate for Governor, eh, ma'am?"
The poor woman's face dropped, and
big, salt tears came into her eyes.
"Oh, sir," she said," "you don't
know what you ask—my poor husband
died of the jaundice two months ago."
There was a far-off look in Colonel
Tom Crittenden's golden-glinted eyes
as he gently but firmly dumped that
fuzzy baby oil the bereaved woman's
lap and walked straight back to the;
platform and replaced himself on a
Not alone was sorrow confined to Col.
Tom Crittenden's upheaving bosom.
There were silent traces of suffering
upon his right coat sleeve.
spends an hour of t-ach evening loung
ing idly ou the street corners, wastes
in the course of a year three hundred
and sixty-five precious hours, which,
if applied to study, would familiarize
him with the rudiments of almost any
of the familiar sciences. If, in addi
tion to thus wasting only one hour
each evening, he spends ten cents for a
cigar, which is usually the ease, the
amount thus worse than wasted would
ptiy for ten of the leading periodicals
of the country. Boys, think of these
things. Think of how much time and
money you are wasting, and for what ?
The gratification afforded by tin; lounge
on the corner, or the cigar, is not only
temporary bill positively hurtful. You
cannot indulge in them without seri
ously injuring yourself. You acquire
idle and wasteful habits which will
cling to you with each succeeding
year.< You may in after life shake
them off, but the probabilities are that
the habits thus formed in early life will
remain with you to your dying day.
Be warned then in time, and resolve
that as the hour spent in idleness is
gone forever, you will improve each
passing one, and thereby lit yourself
for usefulness and happiness.— llural
Nan Yorker.
terest to newspaper subscribers and
I readers has just been decided in Day
ton, Ohio, under the newspaper law.
Mr. Wolf, the Dayton distributor of
the (lazi'llc, left a copy of the paper
at the wrong door for several months.
The paper was accepted and read, and
when Mr. W. called to collect the
money for it, the party who had taken
and read the paper refused to pay for
it on the ground that lie had not or
dered it! Mr. Wolf, anxious to avoid
a legal contest, offered to compromise
for half cost, li.it the party asserted
that he couldn't collect, and refused to
pay anything. Suit was then brought
and Wolf recovered the entire bill.
That is the law, ami parties who want
something for nothing will make a
note of it. The defendant in the above
suit could have notified the carrier, who
first made the error, that he did not
want the paper, not having subscribed
for it, but he did not do so, and thought
to get the paper for nothing.
A DUTCHMAN had two pigs, a large
and a small one. The smaller being
the elder he was trying to explain to a
customer, and did in this wise :
"The little pig is the piggest."
Upon which his wife assuming to
correct him, said :
"You will please excuse? him ; he
no speak as good Knglish as me ; he
no mean the little pig is the piggest
pig, but the youngest pig is the oldest."
One sinaro, one insertion. il ; each snbee-
I'len! i: "Tii jii.ftOtvntr. Yearly .i lvertiitementa
excw<-<liiiß ono-fonrlh of a column, £sper inch,
i Figure wor.i tli.'ililo tlirxo ratcc; addition :1
charges whore weekly cv monthly cliau,i»es r.ro
made. Local advertisements 30 centb per lino
for ilrs-t insertion, and Seen « pi r line for each
additional li.-. rtian. Mai i-iages and deaths pub
lished free of charge. Obit :a. y notice:) charged
aa adrerts.-'ijmantjj, and payable when handed in
Audit jra' Notices ?4 ; Executors/ £:id Admin in
tra:or»" Notices. c 3 each; Estray, Caution and
Dissolution Noi:ce», not exceeding ten lines, $2
From the fact that tlie CITIZEN - it tbo oldest
established and m .. t extensively circulated lie
publican newspaper in Bntlr-r county, (a Repub
lican county; it initrt bo apparent' to b'l-iises.i
tn.'ii that it is the median tliey should uao in
advertising tlieir business.
NO. 45.
The Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows
of the United States has made some
very important changes in the laws of
the Order. The name of the Grand
Lodge has been changed to the Sov
ereign Grand Lodge.
The most important changes were
made in the laws relating to the non
payment of dues. A vast nutnWer of
members have heretofore been sus
pended from all connection with the
Order for non-payment of dues, and
could be reinstated after applying in
writing and by paying one year's dues
if he apply within less than one year
after suspension, and by paying the
initiation fee if he be suspended more
than one year, provided the majority
of the lodge approve of his reinstate
Under the new law a member will
not be cut oil' from all connection with
the Order for non-payment of dues,
but will be suspended from "active" to
"dormant" membership. A member
will become a "dormant Odd Fellow"
if at the last meeting of the term his
dues aggregate the dues of one year,
and as such will be debarred from ben
efits both pecuniary and attentive, but
his name will be retained on a list of
such class, and he may visit his lodge
or encampment. A dormant Odtl Fel
low may be restored to active member
ship upon application made in open
lodge or encampment by a member
thereof, which shall be held over until
the second meeting thereafter, the Sec
retary or Scribe reading the same at
each meeting, and be determined affirm
atively on a ballot vote by a majority
of the members present for such amount
us the by-laws of the lodge or encamp
ment may prescribe. All members
heretofore dropped or suspended for
non-payment of dues are reinstated to
a dormant membership in the Order,
subject to the conditions given above.
A dormant Odd Fellow shall be sub
ject to trial, suspension or expulsion
from the order for cause under the law
the same as an active Odd Fellow
These new rules take effect immedi
Judge Mitter said to the lowa Bar
Association : "Yon will perhaps be sur
prised when I tell you that the ablest
lawyer of this or any other bar, when
he is for the firs.t time appointed a
Judge has to learn his trade, as much
as the mechanic's apprentice. Of course
1 do not mean by this that he has to
learn the law, for I am supposing him
to be learned in the law. But what
the apprenticed mechanic learns of his
master is not the science of mechanical
forces, at least not mainly that. What
he does acquire in that apprenticeship
is skill in the use of his tools. This
is precisely what I am saying of anew
Judge. Let me illustrate this front
my own experience, for it is closely
related to training in a lawyer. It is
in fact the same thing. I am very
sure that it does not take me half the
time now that it did at first to eliminate
a complex caso presented to me for
decision what is irrelevant or imma
terial, and to ascertain the point of
conflict necessary to be decided. And
this is equally true whether the con
test be one of law or fact, or both.
By practice and attention I can listen
to a lawyer, read a document offered
in evidence, pass with him lightly over
the formal parts of the instrument,
and when IK; comes to«tho vital matter,
the few words, perhaps, which alone
touch the issue, [ catch their precise
meaning, and if I do not get that
dearly I stop him until 1 do. It is
rare that 1 need go over that instru
ment again. So 1 have acquired, 1
hardly know how, except by practice
—by training—the faculty of taking
tin iufmense record of five hundred or
one thousand pages, and turning at
once to the parts, whether of pleading,
of evidence, or whatever it may IK?,
and in one-third the time it took me
when I first went on the bench, I
gather the materials for my judgment
without digesting a mass of useless
who condescend to illuminate this dark
world with the fire of genius through
the columns of a newspaper little think
of the lot of the printer, who sits up
at midnight to correct their false gram
mar and orthography and worse punc
tuation. We have seen the arguments
of lawyers, in high repute as scholars,
sent to the printer in their own hand
writing, many words—especially tech
nical and foreign terms—abbreviated,
words mispelled and few or no points,
and these few, if any, certainly in the
wrong places. We have seen the
sermons of eminent "divines" sent to
the press without points or capitals to
designate the divisions of the; sen
tences, also the letters of the political
and scientific correspondents. Suppose
all these had been so printed—the
printer would have been treated with
scorn and contempt. Xo one would
believe that such gross and palpable
faults were owing to the ignorance or
carelessness of the author; and no one
but the practical printer knows how
many hours the compositor, and after
him the proof-reader, is compelled to
spend ill reducing to a readable condi
tion manuscripts that the writers them
selves would be puzzled to read.
AN Indiana paper tells the following
about a minister who was officiating in
the town for the first time. As lie
was ascending the pulpit steps one of
the elders buttonholed him to whisper
an additional word of caution:
i "The liquor dealer has just como
into church, and he gives us a lift
sometimes. 1 wish you would IK; par
ticular not to allude to the whisky
business or the temperance question."
The young minister getting fright
ened to see the moral ground thus
steadily narrowing before him, inquired:
"Whom or what shall 1 preach
against, then ?"
The elder's reply came like an air of
triumph :
"I'rcaeh aguinstthe Mormons; they
have not got a friend in town."
—The postage stamp knows its
I place after it has been licked once.