Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, October 01, 1879, Image 2

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■ifllllf State Tleket.
Hon. Samuel Butler,
Comity Ticket.
.T. Wesley Monks,
THE address of welcome at the re
union of the 140 th regiment, to be
held in Beaver on Tuesday next, 7th
inst., will be delivered by ex-Chief Jus
tice Agnew.
WE have to decline some communi
cations on account of no name of
author being sent with them. It is
strange that those sending such do not
learn the role in this matter.
Ho*. SAMUEL B. DICK, member of
Congress for this district, was in town
on Monday last. He reports having
a pleasant trip to Europe, and that his
health has been much improved
thereby. _ _
burgh, has adopted a rule requiring
pensioners to call at the office for their
money in the months of March, June,
September and December, as by so
doing tbey will save time and money
for themselves and the office.
DAVID DOVGAL, Esq,, was one hun
dred and one years of age on last week,
23rd nit. He is still out at his farm
in Summit township, and is reported
as enjoying his usual good health and
always pleased to receive visits from
and converse with any of his old
friends from town. Soups and tea are
bis usual food. He has been totally
blind for some time past.
Iw Pittsburgh the rise in and de
mand for iron has favorably affected
all other branches of business, includ
ing the demand for houses to buy or
rent. We see it stated that houses in
that city that have stood unoccupied
for some time past are now being rap
idly sold or leased. This feeling of
the revival of business is spreading
through the country and will favor
ably affect real estate and all other
Reunion of the 11th Regiment.
An interesting account of the re
union of the 11th liegt. P. R. C. at
the town of Indiana, last week, will
be seen in another place. From Mr.
Thomas P. Lardin, of Karns City,
who was there with his old comrades,
» and from others present, we learn that
the oration of Capt. Geo. W. Flecger,
delivered on the occasion, was very
eloquent and appropriate and a highly
creditable effort. The whole proceed
ings were very interesting, and the
arrangements made for the reunion by
the good people of Indiana reflect
much credit on them, and were duly
appreciated by all our Butler men of
the old 11th.
Advance In Real Estate.
The advance in prices generally, the
balance of foreign trade still continuing
in favor of our country, and the gen
eral prosperity that seems to be near
at hand, has caused an advance also
in real estate. We hear of several
farms being bought in this county re
cently, and inquiries made as to the
purchase of still others. Many want
ing farms, and who hesitated as to
buying, thinking prices would be still
lower, are now securing farms and real
estate, in anticipation of a still further
advance in prices. For the past three
or four years land was low in this
county and many good farms were
sold at a sacrifice, hut from present ap
pearances the bottom has been reached
and a reaction for better prices com
menced. There are many in this county
still wanting farms, or who desire to
invest their money in real estate, who
will, of course, now buy or invest.
There is no safer investment, lands
being in fact about the only absolutely
safe security for the putting of money
Death of Judgo Woodward.
Warren J. Woodward, one of the
Judges of the Supreme Court of this
State, died on the 23rd of September,
at the age of f>9 years. He was dis
tinguished as a Judge of ability and a
man of great moral purity of character.
His death creates a vacancy that will
be filled by appointment of the Gover
nor until January 1, 1881, an election
to fill bis place not being held, under
the law, until next year. Being from
the eastern part of the State it is gen
erally thought his successor will be
taken from the same section. How
ever, the names of many gentlemen
throughout the State will doubtless be
presented for the appointment. Our
Bar here have signed a petition in
favor of and warmly urging Hon.
John M. Thompson, of this place.
Tho Governor could appoint no abler
lawyer and if the appointment should
lie made from the west the selection of
Mr. Thompson would be well received
by the profession here.
139-Since writing the above we
learn that the Hon. Henry Green, of
Kaston, Northampton county, has lieen
The Harmony Fair.
On Thursday of last week we went
down to the Harmony Fair and found
in progress one of the best gotten tip
and most pleasant Fairs it has lieen
our pleasure lately to visit. All the
arrangements were well made and the
display in every department, if not ex
tensive, was very good. The good
people of Harmony and Zelienople
were generally present, as well a#
, many from the surrounding country
1 and from Beaver and Lawrence coun
ties, all taking an interest and making
evervthing agreeable and pleasant. It
is not our purpose, nor indeed would
we be able, to give names and particu
lars. but can only say in a general
wav that we enjoyed the visit and
were well pleased with what we saw.
The taxidermic department perhaps
deserves a special mention, the art of
preparing and preserving the skins of
animals so as to represent their natural
; appearance, being done up with skill,
jlt was generally admired. The dis
plays of grains and vegetables, par
ticularly the potato, were good, as
were those of cattle, poultry, etc. The
agricultural implements were manv
j and some of them new. The ladie
| department, Floral Hals, was tastefully
! arranged and contained a little oi al
most everything generally found there.
Of flowers it had a very large and fine
selection. Altogether the Fair was a
success, and in a pecuniary way wc
understand exceeded former ones.
Laws of 1879.
The following are some of the gen
eral and important laws passed by the
Legislature last winter and now in
force. We select them for the benefit
of such of our readers as may be inter
ested in them:
No. 123 provides that writes of fi.
fa. issued within seven days of the
next term of Court, may, at the option
of the plaintiff, be returnable to the
second term after the date of issue,
and the Sheriff may proceed to levy,
sale, and inquisition without an aha h
writ. Inquisition upon real estate
taken in execution, shall be held by
six men.
No. 30 provides that where a turn
pike or plank road has lieen in whole
or in part abandoned, for five years,
the portion so abandoned, if not kept
in proper repair by the township, .shall,
on application to Court, revert to the
owners in free simple; but if kept in
repair by the township may !>e occu
pied or appropriated under the right
of eminent domain.
No. 132 provides that every semi
nary, college, academy, hospital,
asylum or hotel, every storehouse or
factory in which operatives are usually
at work in the third or higher stories,
every tenement house, and every pub
lic school building of three or more
stories high, shall lx: provided with a
permanent, safe, external means of es
capes therefrom in case of fire. The
fire commissioners and fire marshal
of the district shall examine and «p
--prove the escape. Any individual or
school district neglecting to provide an
escape, shall be liable for damages in
case of injur}'. A penalty of. S3OO is
also imposed for neglect to comply
with the act.
No. 133 provides that in case of
final judgment, upon which a return
has been made that no projierty can
be found, the judgment debtor inay be
called and put under oath, together
with any other witnesses having
knowledge, for the purpose of disclo
sure of any property out of which the
judgment, may be satisfied.
No. 137 provides that the capital,
stock of any bank created bv the State
may be decreased, from time to time,
by the consent of the parties holding
the larger amount in value of the
stock; provided that the decrease
shall not affect liabilities of stockhold
ers for the Indebtedness of corporations
where they {ire now liable under ex
isting laws.
No. 148 provides that all persons
confined in prisons, reformatory or
other institutions, supported in whole
or in part by the State, shall have the
privilege of practicing the religion of
their choice, and secure ti*x; services
of any minister conrieete 1 with any
denomination; provided the services
shall lx; personal to the inmate and
not interfere with the established order
of religious services in the institution.
The established services shall not lie
No. 151 makes it a misdemeanor for
anv |iersoo to cruelly ill-treat or abuse
or unnecessarily punish any minor child
or to abandon and neglect the same.
Any person who shall permit to be
employed or employ any child under
fifteen years of age for ropewalking,
acrobatic or gymnastic performances ;
or for obscene or illegal exhibition or
vocation; or any vocation injurious to
health or dangerous to life and limb;
or retain any child in or about any
brothel or dunce house, shall be guilty
of a misdemeanor. No child under
twelve years of age is permitted to be
employed in any underground works
or minim, Humane Societies may
have persons (lOiiiioiwjoued to make
No. 153 fixes the fees of Coroner's
jurors at one dollar per day, when the
time employed is less than Hix hours,
arid one dollar and fifty cents when the
time exceeds six hours. No mileage
is allowed.
No. 155 requires all magistrates in
cities of the first, second and third
class, authorized to take acknowledg
ments, to perform such service free of
charge for soldiers and widows of
soldiers, when making affidavits for
pension papers.
No. 159 authorizes the Court of
Quarter Sessions of any county, with
the concurrence of the grand jury, to
change the limits of any borough, and
decree such alterations as may be
necessary and expedient. A majority
of freeholders residing within anv
limits to be annexed, may petition the
Court for that purpose, presenting a
draft of the territory. This applica
tion goes to the grand jury, who are
to pass upon the expediency of the
same and report to the Court.
No. 102 provides that any jiersoii
being on any engine, passenger or
freight car, with the intention of rid
ing without paying fare, or for tho
purpose of committing larceny or in
juring or destroying property, or
threatening or intimidating travelers
JlttfcUtr CiJfcis^a: PtctUc, ©cfcutsjec t, ISfc3. •
e ! or other persons, .-hall be punished
s with fine and imprisonment.
I No. 176 prescribes a fine of three
hundred dollars and imprisonment for
? one vear for the offense of willfully
t kindling a fire upon the premises of
j another, so as to set fire to any wood
lands, barrens or moors. The County
i Commissioners may pay a reward of
j fiftv dollars for the apprehension and
1 | conviction of any person guilty of this
. offense.
f No. 19s extends the provisions of
! the mechanics' lien law to work done,
and materials furnished in the repair,
1 alteration of or addition to any build
. ing, so that lions may be had for pay
meat of all debts contracted about new
buildings, or the repair, alteration or
addition to old buildings. The act
3 does not apply to the case of any lessee
s or tenant who has done work or made
repairs without the written consent of
i the owner or authorized agent of the
propertv. Laborers for or about the
construction of any engine house, tank,
■ derrick or other improvement upon
. any leasehold for boring, drilling or
- minine, shall have a lien upon the
machinery or improvements, oil wells
4 and fixtures, for the price of the work
' done.
No. 14 relates to the mutual saving
fund of building and loan associations,
regulating the mode of charging pre
miums, bonus or interest in advance
' of withdrawals, of repayment and eol
-1 lection of loans, also restricting the
I power to levy excessive fines and de
lining the rights and liabilities of mar
ried women stockholders, and pre
scribing the non-application to these
associations of the bonus tax and
• registrv laws for corporations. This
: is an important act, and those inter
-1 ested in these associations should make
' themselves familiar with its details.
No. 37 reduces the number of men
1 necessary to hold an inquisition in par
tition proceedings on real estate, in
any Court, when held by the Sheriff
of a county, to six men instead of
No. 59 authorizes any overseer or
poor director of any poor district, in
anv county, to grant relief to or admit
to the poor house of his district, with
-1 out order or certificate from a Justice
1 of the Peace or Alderman, any poor or
indigent person entitled to .-n«■ 1 1 aid,
and in no ease shall such order 1m- re
■ quired or fees allowed to any magis
No. 55 provides that where seated
real estate is sold for non-payment of
taxes the owner shall have the right
to redeem the same as in the case of
unseated land. No title by tax sale
which shall have become absolute
prior to the passage of the act shall
be affected by its provisions.
No. 66 provides that in actions
brought before a Justice of a Peace,
when the parties desire to arbitrate
and cannot agree upon arbitrators, the
magistrate shall write the names of
1 seven disinterested citizens, from
which list the parties (beginning with
the plaintiff) shall strike off one name
alternately until three are left, who
shall be the referees.
No. 68 makes it a penal offense for
any person to pluck off, remove or de
face any plant, tree, shrub or flower,
placed in any cemetery or graveyard,
for ornamental purposes, or to will
fully trespass upon any private en
closures in such burial places.
Germany and Russia.
It is impossible for the; official
papers of Germany and Russia to
change the conviction of the people
that trouble is brewing between them.
The cause of it is believed to be the
jealousy and rivalry of their respective
Chancellors. Bismarck bus for years
used l\m press as an agent in his work,
and no one doubts that the fier'JO at.
tacks which German editors have
been making upon Russia and Gort
scbakoff were inspired by their Chan
cellor. An effort was made a week or
two ago to throw the blame of this on
the Russian Minister of War, but it
failed. Tlie war between the editors
goes on unabated, and it signifies a
danger which Germany at least is de
termined to be prepared for. Ten
thousand men are at present engaged
in strengthening the fortress of Thorn,
which is called the Strausburg of the
German eastern border. Thorn is a
town of 17,000 inhabitants,
situated on the right bank of the
Vistula. It is doubly famous as the
birthplace of Copernicus and the seat
of gingerbread manufactories. It was
founded in 1230 by the Teutonic
knights, and having a military origin
it has had a military career.
Two Thousand Deaths From Scar
lot Foyor-
Two thousand deaths fiom scarlet
fever last year in New York, is what
Prof. Chandler lately reports—equal
to the total mortality from yellow fever
iri the whole Union last year. 'I his is
not a pleasant statement to reflect iqion.
j Our public schools must be held re
sponsible for a large share of the prop
agation of thij dreadful malady. It is
a significant fact that as »o<iu as the
public schools are closed for the sum.
mer vacation the mortality from scarlet
fever diminishes. It continues at a
low rate through the summer, but with
the reopening of the schools the death
rate rises again, and soon assumes a
high average. The prudent course
pursued by the Brooklyn Health Board
in preventing convalescent children
from attending schools until they have
! fully recovered, and of forbidding
I public funerals in all eases of con
tagious diseases, has been productive
of excellent results. The sources of
scarlet fever are less understood than
they »IIOIJI<| be, and it seems an impu
tation upon tho intelligence of both
our sanitarians and physicians that
means for its better prevention have
not been devised.— /'lumbar ami I'jn
It IH Worth a Trial.
"I was troubled for many years with
Kidney Complaint, Gravel, Ac; my
blood became thin ; I WHS dull arid IIIR
active; <fould hardly crawl about, and
was au old and worn out man all over,
and could get nothing to help me,
until I got Hop Bitters, and now I am
a bov again. Mv blood and kidneys
are all right, and I am as active as a
man of 30, although I am (12, and I '
have no doubt it will do as well for
othei.l of in/ age. ' H worth the i
trial.—( Father, y 1
Tho Business Boom.
[Pittsburgh ComiaercUl-ffazettfl, S.-pt. 2"'._ l
The universal topic of conversation
among business men, for the past few
' days, lias been the rapid and extraor
dinary advance in many leading pro
ducts": and the all-absorbing question
is, whether the enhanced prices can be
generally maintained,or whether things
1 will go on at this lively rate for a
' while, and then recede to about the
! old figures. With a view to getting '
some light on this important question
| a representative of the Commercial
i Gazed'' yesterday interviewed a num
! ber of leading gentlemen engaged in j
; the various branches in which the ac
■ tivity has lieen developed, and it is |
i gratifying to be able to state, that, ex
cept in the case of two or three arti- j
i clcs, the general belief is that the pres- '
I ent advance is a natural and healthy i
: one, and will be maintained, in a large ,
j degree at least. The reason is, that i
j prices had been unduly depressed by ;
• the paralysis which fell upon the iron (
j and other leading industries during j
the panic, and that now, since the iron
business has revived, calling into a tiv
itv all cognate industries, the demand
for the necessaries of life has increased
with the ability of the working classes
to purchase, and that we have fairly
entered upon an era of prosperity that
must continue for some years at least.
This view, of course, only applies in a
general way, and must not be under
stood as covering purely speculative or
spasmodic advances. A single product
as, for instance, wheat—may be
forced up by the concentrated efforts of
capitalists, to a point beyond its nor
mal value, and kept there for a while ;
but a reaction is sure to follow, and
that part of the advance attributed to
speculation will be lost, while that due
to legitimate demand will be main
tained. It is the opinion of the best
informed persons in the business, that
there will be a reaction in wheat, and
possibly in pig iron, but that, on the
whole, a d< eided advance will be main
tained, and that no contingency can
possibly arise to bring prices back to
panic prices.
We have, from time to time, kept
our readers fully posted in regard to
the extraordinary advance in pig iron,
and very little remains to be said in
addition to what has already been re
ported. The advance, within the past
three months, has been from twelve to
fifteen dollars a tori, with a correspond
ing advance in manufactured iron. It
must be borne in mind, however, that
little if any advantage has yet re
sulted to manufacturers. They have
generally been running on work con
tracted for months ago, and many of
them will have to close out the year's
business before they can begin to real
ize advance ill prices. In some lines,
as in stoves, the advance on the manu
factured articles will scarcely keep
pace with the increased cost of theraw
metal, so that time must elapse before
prices will adjust themselves in such a
way as to give that department it* due
share of advantage. There are those
who believe that iron has reached too
high a point, and that it must experi
ence a reaction. The majority, how
ever, think that the advance is in con
sequence of a legitimate demand, and
that, should prices recede for a time,
they will rally again, and not only re
gain what was lost, but go still higher.
They know that the country is bare of
ore; that nearly all the old rails and
scrap have been worked up, and that,
even with the stimulus of good prices,
it will be a year or two before the
mines arid furnaces can keep pace with
the demand.
Within a period of sixty days wheat
has advanced in Chicago from X;*> cents
to $1.07 per bushel. This is one of
the most extraordinary advances ever
experienced in the history of the grain
trade, within the same period of time.
That the advance linS been too rapid
to be maintained scarcely admits of a
doubt, and there is danger of a reac
tion. A great many have boon specu
lating in grain here, in a small way,
and there ore from a dozen to a score
of heavy operators who stand a very
good chance of going to the wall.
Now is a very dangerous time to buy,
and legitimate dealers are not touch
ing wheat at all, except for immediate
wants. They have learned that these
"boosts," caused by the demands of
speculators, are injurious and danger
ous, and they simply try to "stand <
from under'.' until the speculative
movement exhausts itself, Dealers
here assert that while the advance is
riot all attributable to the squeezing of
the "shorts'' iu Chicago, a good deal of
it undoubtedly is. Although a reac
tion is anticipated, a strong market is
predicted for the balance of the year,
and a decided advance will be main- i
tained over the low prices which ruled i
sixty days ago. The main reason as
signed for expecting better prices dur
ing the winter, is the universally ad- .
mitted fact that there will bean un- i
precedent! d demand for wheat for ex.
port. One of the largest grain dealers
in Baltimore, who has busine s con
nections here, and who has recently i
traveled through Europe, reports t hat
there will be a demand for every bushel |
that we can spare. The question will
be one of transportation, not of price, i
Notwithstanding the large yield of i
j wheat in this country, it- i--. the opinion |
of tho most experienced dealers that .
the foreign demand must largely en- |
huncc the prices which prevailed before
the recent "jump." It is only the
most sanguine, however, who believe I
I hat present prices can be maintained
for any great length of time. 'I he '
quantity of wheat in this city is quite |
limited. The millers are running on I
shopf, stocks, Corn and oats have felt <
the effects of the upward movement |
and have advanced -corn five cents, |
and oats two or three cents a bushel, I
within a week. .
One of the oldest and most intelli- , v
gojlt dealers in provisions reports th.it
the advance in pork has lieen one dob
lar a barrel within thi 'ty days. Lard
has advanced five-eighths within the n
same time. There is fully an advance |
of one cent in short rib sides. There [
is no improvement in hams, either su- , r
gar pickle or smoked. All other arti- I
clcs connected with this trade have |
advanced. Lard oil has gone up from i
five to seven cents per gallon for id I
grades. Beef hams are out of season, t
and cannot be said to have taken of n
the advance. Stocks are ample, of all <■
kinds, for the season. The advance t
has its basis in the general prosperity i
of the country. Price had fallen un- v
usually low, and as soon as busine s |
started up the demand began to in
ei'CHSe. Speculators have also taken
| hold and helped to run prices up. There
are few, if any, purely speculative
transactions at this point. The present
prices are indicative of those of the
coming season, which begins on the
Ist of November. Prices will not rule
so low as last season. The stock will
be bought up quickly at a'dvanciug
prices, till the close. The low prices
of the past have sent this product to
all quarters of the globe, and an in
creasing demand will be the result each
season until checked by too high prices.
' Some persons think the advance onlv
tcinporary, but the sales for future de
livery, new crop, have advanced fully
as much as the old stock.
This product has touched eighty-one
and a quarter cents per barrel, while a
few days ago it was selling at sixty
five cents. One of the best informed
: men in the trade—a gentleman who
I reasons closely from cause to effect—
' informs us that he cannot see how any
j advance can be maintained at present,
; in the face of the enormous over-pro
duction. Last month the production
i ii..-reused 5,000 barrels a day. The
present daily product is now a little
over 60,000 barrels. While shipments
abroad have been iu excess of any pre
vious vear, there is no evidence that
the consumption has increased to that
extent. The supposition is, that the
oil is bought and held because it is
cheap. The enormous stock of 7,500,-
000 barrels of crude above ground,
must act as a barrier against any spec
ulative movement, and prevent any
permanent advance at present. It is
probable that in two months the for
eign exports will diminish very greatly
and then there will come a time of
dullness. All the indications point to
a decline after the first of November.
During October little or no oil is sold
for delivery beyond that month, and it
is not usual to have sales of very large
extent for delivery after the first of
November. On the whole, then, there
seems to be no basis for this "spurt"
in oil—no reason in it. Oil is quite
different from iron in this essential
particular. Iron is scarce, while oil is
overabundant. True, all these con
jectures may be falsified by the logicof
events, but this is the way it looks at
present. The average consumption
for tho year will not exceed 40,000
barrels per day of crude, while the pro
duction is 60,000 barrels. There is a
probability of a very considerable in
crease in production this month. Some
persons think there is a failing off in
the old portions of the Bradford region,
and that there is a well defined limit to
the producing territory ; but this has
not been demonstrated by any means.
I'ractically there is no limit to the pro
duct as yet. There has never been a
region which produced au much oil in
the same time, as the Bradford dis
trict. There is very little done now in
Butler, Clarion and Venango—ls,ooo
barrels per day I icing the yield. The
McKean county region produces 45,000
barrels a day.
Sketch of General Grant's Trip
Around tho World.
General Grant left Philadelphia on
the 17th of May, 1577. He was met
near Liverpool by officials representing
the United States and was received
with considerable ceremony by the
authorities of that city. He went from
there to London, where he gave a re
ception at the Ijoqse of the American
Minister, which was attended by many
of the royal family. On the way
thither h: was received at Manchester,
and the railway stations were deco
rated with flowers and flags. He was
in Louden five weeks and a succession
of festivities followed. The clubs of
London tendered him receptions an«J
uonccrts, and balls were given in bis
honor. The University of Oxford con
ferred the degree of Doctor of Civil
Law upon him, the Prince of Wales
gave him a dinner, and on the 27th of
June he dined with the Queen at
Windsor Castle, where he remained
with his family two days.
The Liverpool authorities gave him
a grand reception, and the United As
sociation* of Workmen, representing
1,000,000 men, presented him with a
congratulatory address. He left Eng
land on the 6th of July for the Conti
nent, going by steamer to Brussels,
which place he left on the 9th for
Cologne, and was treated with marked
respect at both places. lie attended a
graqd dinner at |!'raiil;fort, and going
to Switzerland, laid the foundation
stone of an American Episcopal
church in Geneva.
On the Ist of September he arrived
in Scotland, where the receptions given
him were remarkable for their enthusi
asm. At New-Castle-on-Tyne 50,000
worktupty umieurcd in the procession,
lie visited the birthplace of Shakspcare,
Strutford-on-A von, and left for Paris
in the latter part of October. His re
ception in Paris, though managed with
caution by the authorities, owing to in
tcn-;e political excitement at the French
Capital, was not without features of re
spect to the General. There was a
round of feasting, an<| after J|c ljad ex
hausted tho attractions of the Capital
he left on the United States warship
Vitndalia, touching first at Genoa and
then visited Vesuvius and Pompeii.
At Malta the British fleet received the
party with distinction, and a banquet
was given. lie appeared in Egypt
next receiving honors from the Khe
dive and his people ; he journeyed up
the Nile, visited the Kue% ('anal, waw
Jerusalem, and going to Rome was
presented to the Pope by Cardinal
McCloskey. From there he went to
Turkey and then sailed for Greece. |
On the 121 h of May he was back iu
Paris to visit, the Exhibition and then
went through Germany. Spain and
Portugal came next in his travels, then
Ireland and afterward India. On his \
way to Ch'na he stopji'-d to yisit tljn
king of Siam. In China he visited \
Hong Kong, Canton, Shuugha- and ■
Peking. lie went from China to
Japan, where lie remained until Sep.
tcmlier •», when he took passage for
San Francisco,
Rowoll Atfaln tho Winner.
Rowcll, the Englishman, won '
another six flays'foot race at New ork
last week. In the six days lie traveled (
.VSO miles; Merrit, a New Yorker,
I:{; llazael, another Englishman, 500 ; f
Hart, a Boston negro, *H2; Guyon, ,
470 ; Weston, 155 ; Eniiis and Krohne, (
each 150. The others made eouipara- .
tiycly poor scores. Ihe rctieiptu at ,
the garden gates during the week ,
amounted to over $lll,OOO, and nc- „
cording to their agreement between f
the walkers, the winner, Rowcll, will i
receive about #2H,000 for his week's i
work. At the race a few months ago r
he made $20,000. t
OI,E BULL has a SI,OOO fiddle. <
So., Term and Year. l'laintiff't Attorney j Defendant. j Defendant's Attorney^
iC. P. 825», Dec. 187$ M II Mcllride Patrick Mcßride Chester Ilullock et al J M Miller A Brother
| Eq'y 2, June, ltC* F M Eastman Abram 11 nut Nanev A Ilo'.ik ti W Fleeger
C. P. 737, Dec. IS7N I, 7. Mitchell M J Howes J A llavs <Sc Co et al I Bowser, Black etui
|K. D. 113, Sept., 1870 C Walker Swain & Knslen ct al J S Stauffer 11. McQuistiou
1 " 11»2, " ls"U Sullivan Brothers Stephen H Mcßride Mcßride A Lowry P W Lowrv
| " 3t>*>, Jan'y. Is7<i John M Miller A Bro Edward M Hrcdiu Washington Campbell I. / Mitchell
I " 51S, Oct. ls7ti McJunkin .t Campbell Marshall A Welch C B Wiser <fc Co same
" .">7, June, 1877 OA& A T Black ; Robert liilkey Abbott & Shutt :Thompson A Scott
! " 230, " 1877 Thompson it Scott W W MoCoril for use Thomas Robinson, Adm'r [John M Greer
" 3'Hi, " 1877 McCandless A Greer John W Storey Jolin Williams et al 'McJunkin & Campbell
'• 402, " 1877 John M Greer E Mellon, Ex'r J B Shepherd, Ex'r Thompson & Scott
" 583, " 1877 same 'Peter Hutchison et al James Pierce et al G A A A T Black
" 600, " 1877 McQuistion and Mcßride; Jeremiah Maloney A P Tanner L 7. Mitchell
" "it>, Oct., 1577 G A A T Black John I, lleeil J Alexander and Marv Hutchison same
" 01, " 1577 John M Greer A C Uohb .1 C Knox et ux J N Purvianee
" 02, " 1577 same A C Robb lohn II Neyman et ux ' same
" 03, " 1877; same A C Robb Sarah Knox" : same
" 04, " 1877. same A C Robb iltachel Johnson ! same
" 705, " 1>77 same John (ireer T I. Crowley et al J M Miller & Bro
" 74, Jan'y 187>|S F Bowser M Miller ACo 'Joseph Rodeuliflugh i same
" 400, March, 1878 Tboinpson & Scott W C Adams Piwir District Fairview Borough John M Greer
" 132, June, IS7B G A i A T Black jOdd Fellows' Hall Ass'n, Bakerst'n J FreJley et al same
" 173, " IS7B lliddle and Lusk Iflin Maizlcnd David McMillan J D McJunkin
" 2t50, " I>7B McJunkin A Campliell \\Vlter Evans Theodore liuselton Keil>er and Mitchell
" 2t)3, " 1.578 Xewton Black iMatthew Morrow iF S lluver J M Miller i Bro
A. RI'SSEI.I.. Prrillinonfnri'
A Bad Showing 1 .
[S]>eciiil to Pittsburgh Commercial G:izette.]
Washington, Sept. 23, 1879.
The information received at the of
fice of the Comptroller of the Currency,
from the Receiver of the First National
Hank of Uutler, is of a character cal
culated to startle the depositors and
stockholders in that bankrupt institu
tion. The Comptroller prefers not to
have the official report made public,
hut it is known that the affairs of the
hank, on examination, prove to be in
such a state that an assessment of one
hundred per cent, will have to be
made. Even this assessment, it ap
pears, will not realize enough, to
gether with what little can be obtained
from the assets of the hank, to pay the
creditors of the bank in full, or nearly
that amount. The stock held by par
ties wh< will be able to pay their as
sessments amounts to about $24,000.
The balance of the stock is held by
those who have used the asset* of tho
bank for their own private purposes
and succeeded in-swamping it. These
men are either bankrupt or have so
shaped their circumstances with re
ference to the funeral that they are
not among the mourners. The result
will be that the total amount that can
be collected for the benefit of deposi
tors will not very much exceed furty
cents on the dollar, if it roaches that
amount. There Is no doubt that crim
inal proceedings against the officers of
the bank will be commenced as soon
as „Attorney General Devens returns
to Washington, as Comptroller Knox
is determined the innocent stockhold
ers and depositors of National banks
«hall he protected as far as it is in his
power to secure it. A complete re
port of all the workings of the bank
since 1873 has been ordered to be
made by the Comptroller, and the Re
ceiver will have his report ready by
the 10th of October. .Judging from
what the Receiver reports uu to thU
time the officers i«f the hank cannot
possibly ufceape criminal prosecution,
unless they individually make the
losses good before suits are Com
When Caleb Gushing was Minister
of China be had his visiting cards
printed in tins Chinese stylo, un long
strips of red paper, with his name
"Ku Shing."
The city of Dead wood, Dakota
Territory, was nearly all destroyed
by (in; last Friday. The loss is over a
million of dollars
A FIUCK Hook of nearly too liu-tfii ootavo
page* for tl(e SH'U. ' nil n f vul liable notes on
.Scrofula; DUean « of tin - Hrcnthinjj Organs;
Diseases of Men; Mi tses of Women; Adieu
and Pains; Heart Troubles; ami a ({rent va
riety of Oil ICON I*' MI:4::.\SK4, with evidence
that in most ran the<e ilu.-siho* lire eurahle.
Sent for one stamp. A 1 In «•«
Ml' Kit \ Y HIM, I'llH. CO.,
No. 120 E. -Klh Ntreet, N, Y.
Thin disemc like many others in regarded
an incurable. It is not so. If it in taken in
time- it is as easily cured as a wart or a corn.
We know very well th it it is a fearful disease
and will cat away until it destroy* life, thllt
is if it is ln;t jf it in attended to
when It first makes its appearance, or soon
after, there is no trouble in eradicating it
from the system. Persons will have lo lie here
daring part of tin! treatment, consequently
there i.H no writing to me for information
whether it can be cured without my seeing the
case. I also treflt >Tit'l iiuptune, Piles,
Fistula, I'leers, I J Icerated leg», Varicose Veins,
Varicocele Tumors, Hydrocele, and every form
of Hkin Miscase.
Dr. Keygfii*, 240 Penn Avenue,
Opposite Christ's < 'hurch, Pittsburgh, Pa.
MI M.Kit \|. CANIU.I.MH Hojit. .1,
by Hey. K. Ogdau, lit the bride'* residence,
Mr. Joseph Miller, of Ad.min township, and
\iisH Krvilla Mel 'andless, of Penn township,
this county.
MI M.Kit KKA ItNH Kent. 2/5. IH7», at the
Presbyterian Parsonage, by Rev. W. T. Wylie,
Mr. Isaac Newton Miller and Miss Ada H.
Kearus, all of this place.
WALK Kit -COX Hept. IS, |H7d, at the res
idence of the bride's mother in Harrisville, this
county, by Itev. M. Moruu, Mr. Horace
Walk if, "f Hrmlf'ifd, PH., and Mis* Jemiio C.
CLARKE MA X WKM, -tept. Id, I*7o. at
the residence of the hri le's parent*, by Itev. C.
H. Stowits, Mr. S. 11. Clarke of Putrolia, this
county, and Mi»s Franc K. MaxWtdl, of West
field, NY.
SHANNON Sept. 17, Ix7o, "I her home
near Prospect., thi < comity, ltlie|ie| HItUUUOIi,
ii'.;e I Ki years. !i l",o||t||» >IU<I '•» da/s.
PA M,Kit Hept. 'J.'l. IM7O. at her residence
ill this place, Mrs. <'athariiie l''aller, in the
77 Hi year of her H«c.
Although Mrs. Falter had been failing rap
idly for some months past, yet her death was
rather *uddch. No woman in this cmnuii|iiity
was better known or n|ii|V lliyhly esteemed.
|j,. r Ijfe hud buuii one of usefulness and con
stant labor. Horn in (ieruuiiiy, she caniii to
this town with her husband, the late Anthony
Fuller, Emp, about the year IS.'KI, and first
lived with him in a bouse that stood at or near
to where Mr. Colbert's hat store now is. .Shortly
afterwards Mr. Fuller purchased the property
at the south end of town, where Mr*. F. died,
then all woods, and cleared out the Mine, Mr*.
Fuller, it is said, working by day at their *l|op
in town, a bakery, and at night ploklng brush c,
or helping lo clear out their land. They are
said to have been the first Herman family that
Nettled in Ibis place, and alio consequently the
first woman from Oernruiy who came anions
lis. All her life was devoted to lalmr and use.
fulness, and her death may be said to lie the i
result of a worn-out system. We have thought '
these few words w.-re due to the memory of a
woman who in In r life performed so many act*
of charity, kinducts and usel'itlne*.
J.H.Borland<& Co,
Auctioneers and Jobbers
Auction Sales Every Tuesday, at 101 A. M
Having purchased our stock before the recent advance we will continue to
pell at old prices.
than they can be bought from houses selling on credit.
Call and examine our stock and prices of consigned and regular goods, at
2Tos. 53 & 55 Wood St. <& 105 Third Ave
West Point Boiler Works
EstaTol3.sli.ed. 1835.
No. 13 Water Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Of ail description* tu ordci on SHoit notice. on hand a large stock of
Hew and Good Second Hand Boilers X
Ituller .^lurUt'tH.
iCorrec.tod by O. Wiuion Mil:.ku A Bao.J
Butte H (;<mml 14 cents V tti.
Baoom -l"iaiu Miliar cured hauls 10 Jts. H Hi;
shoulders, S ; sidus. 7
Bkans — Whito, i , 1.2.V5>l 50 V bush.
Chickknr —36 (>• 30 i ts. per pair.
CtiKtiHK ota V It'.
Ooux Mi'.n. —2 cts. V tti.
Cai.k Skinb— 9oc.'«i'S>i V lb.
Eons—lo eta V i'ozoii.
Fish Mvkoral, new, l.itts 70c ; bbla.,
♦ 1.40; bbls., 1-2.50.
Flouu—Whoat, ss&>t; V bbl. sack 1 * 1.50.
Übain Uatn.2o cts V bunliol: corn i'i ; wheat
$1 : rye 45 cents ; buckwheat, 50.
Honkv— l6 cts. V l*i.
Lard -0c th. Tallow, IK«>7.
I.KATliKll''Hote V.ifu'Vi; ota. "|l |h.; upper %2.50
(a'i'.l a side ; Up (MofeOOc IP lb.
Moi.ashkh -SOfTilOe "<l gallon. Syrup, 40§iC0o,
Ommnb— 40c. 't' bush.
Potatoks 2." 35b. ¥ bllHhel.
SiaiAH —Yellow 7f« Sc.; white 0(5dl!!c. 1' lb.
Hai.t -No. 1, t\ 25 1< barrol.
W«w A«lv«'r(iw<>itiriifM.
Application for Pardon.
To all whom it may concern :
Notice is hereby K'Ven that an application on
a roboarinx will lei ma in before the Hoard of
Pardons, at Han Pa., on Tnoailay, Oct.
21, 1H7!), for the pardon of William l.yncb. latoly
convicted of larceny in the Quarter Sessions
<lourt of Butler conutv, Pa., at No. 15. Kept.
Term. I'<7H, of which time and place all pcraotiH
inleiested are hereby notified.
octl-31 1 Mas. WILLI VM LYNCH, etal.
Auditor's Notice.
O. C. Iloonsing <t Son vs. Lowrv .V Mollride, K.
V. No. 12, Hept, Term, A. I). 1870.
The Auditor aiip.,l ited by the Court, to diH
ti'iii.ilo the funds arising from the Sheriff's sale
under the above writ, will moot the patties in
let est ed for the purposes of Ins appointment,
on Thursday. October 111, IH7O, at 111 u'chs'k, A.
M , at bis oOlee in Itufler. P*
octl-:it I (1KI). It. WHITF., Auditor.
Around the World.
A complete record of tho journey of General
U. H. OIiANT thioutfh England, Ireland. He .1-
land, France. Spain, (leniriny, Austria, Italy,
lielglnm, Hwllzerland, ItusMia, Kcypt, India,
f'buia and Japan, and a foil account of bis nrii
val and reception at Han Frauolsoo, with a
graphic dancription of tho places visited, luau
ners and customs of the countlies, IlitorastiiiK
Incidents, enthusiastic orations by Emperors,
Kui|{s, and the people of all eliinos, rielilv em
t'olhshed with snveisl hundred artistic illustra
tioim | also a line, handsome steel engraved
portrait of General I Irani. Sure success to all
who lake bold ; will positively outsell all other
books. I .one no time, but L'et it immediately.
MKNTS W A NTE 1),hU"".,! the be."
and the only authentic low pi iced isiok on the
subject. O'lO pajji s. Price 1.1.25. The sale of
this book is immense. Addri us
ol| 711 Kaiisom St., PHILAI'KLI'HIA, PA.
30th Tear.
77 Fifth Ave., Above Wood Si.,
rn rsHiiaujii, pa,
&c., &c.
The best ipiahty thai is made of the different
kinds of
Exclusively devoted to the priiclienl eduoit*
lion of youiiK and middle uyisl men, I'or active
business life. Hchool nliviiy* 111 session. Htu
dents can enter lit any time. / iJ-Send for
.1. MMITII, A. M., Priueliml,
s< pi ! | till Pa.
NOW FOR '79-'80!
The Examiner and Chronicle,
WII.L UK lllUVKltr.ll 11V MAIL, POST All K I'Hlll'Atlr,
TO NKW Ht'llsCltlllKltS,
, From Oct. 1,1879, to Jan. 1,1880,
t Pop :iO Cents,
Thia is done to enable ovorv family to see, at
' at the luiu>t post'ible prico, wliat
tho paper is.
No name obtained under this ofTer will bo con
tinued beyond January 1, lHHi'l, unlo.is prepaid
_ for lflHO at the regular subscription price.
all conducted in an outspoken, wido-awake anil
|M>pular manner.
of the largest size.] eiubt-pago pafian,, and is
distinctively a Family Newspaper, with interest
iiiK and Instructive readina for every member of
' tho household, from the olilest to the youngest.
In makiiiK it the editor has the co-op uati in of
tho best newspaper, in ami roview
' writers of the day.
For lenns to OanvMWM for IH7II aildmsn
1 P. O. Do* »H!IS, Nkw Youk Oity.
Notice Is hereby irlven llmt an nppllcatlon
wll lie made to the Ooveinor ol the Common
we dth of I'enniiylviinltt lor h charter of Incor
poration ol the "Western Pennsylvania Tel
ephone ('ompimy." The object of said com-
is ttic construction mid iiinlnlciiiiiirc ol
lelecraph line for lelejtrnphlc and telephonic
purposes within the county ol lluiler and other
counties In the western part of the State of
Pennsylvania. aept24
lly virtue of an order obtained in the District
Court of tho United Htntes for tho Western
District of rennnvlvniila, there will be expimed
to public rale at 2 o'clock, P. M., the 7th day of
October. A D. IH7O, al the store house formerly
occupied by Oxlev A Weeks, Pctrolia, llutler
county, Pa., the books and book aooounta of
said (jxley A Weeks, bankrupts.
sopl7-3t Assignee of Oxley A WeekM.
Notice Extraordinary.
Persons desiriliK to have their Did Fnrnitwr«
repaired, or New Work made to order, s ich as
Music Hlaiids. Hook Cases, Wardrobes, ntflce
Desks Office Tables, .Vc„would do well to call on
A. 11. WILSON,
Practical Cabinet Maker.
T hold that a piece of fun ituro made by hand
is worth two nude by machinery, and will cost
but liltill more, if any. Then why not have hand
made? All work made in llie latest styles and
of the best material. 1 unaranteo entire sat
isfaction in style, workmanship anil price. Oivo
me a call. Hhop on Mifflin street, four doors
west of Main street, and opposite A. Troutman'a
store, Uutler, Pa. aepl7-ly
i«x >1? SA i 2el
s."i will buy a one-ball interest In T KOOII IIIIS
IIICHS in Plttabiirjfb. «>»« w,, ° "oine
llilnt iiboiit 'iiriuliiif pri lerrcll. An liomat man
with the iibovc i,mount "ill do well lo nililrcss
by letter, SMITH MHINH, cure H. M. J nine*,
0.1 Ll'City street, Pltt*bur|;h, Pa. liiu27-ly
Til 11* COM-Alt
nl "' " (: " w •*' rr "°
to Karmers who act as
Jf, ' * Auenis. Cut this out
oiTriiirn ~ 'ulld addresn with stair.p
r Name this paper.
Real Estato Agency.
W H ROYD has opened a Real Estate ofllce
In the Vogelejr House, Hitller, Pa , where all
dcscilpilons of Farm*, Houses, Lots Western
Lind* «nd lunvy Tlinbi r Lands In .lellcrnon
county, I'll., urn lor sale. Any person wisbl.iK
to buy will please call unit examine Ills Ro(rl«-
tei of properties. Ibst kind ol securities for
site. Il inds, Mortuie/es on Heat Estate. Money
loam d on llrat clna» mort|{iiKCs, (selO 3m