Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, October 01, 1879, Image 1

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Ter year, in advance W SO
Otherwise -
\o snhfcription will be discontinued until all
arrearage* are paid. Postmasters neglecting to
not'rv iu when cubfcriben! do not take out their
pa lift; will be held liable for the subscription.
Subscribers removing from one ixwtoffice to
another should give us the name of the former
aa well as the present office.
All communications intended for publication
In this pai>er must bo accompanied by the real
lian.e of the writer, not for publication, but aa
a guaiantee of good faith.
Marriage and death notices must be accompa
nied bv a responsible name.
(Butler Time.)
Trains leave Butler for St. Joe, Milleretown,
K rus City, Petrolio, Parker, etc., at 7.25 a. m.,
ami 2.05 and 7.20 p. m. [See below for con
nections with A. V R. R. |
Trains arrive at Butler from the above named _
points at 7.15 a. in., and 1.55, and 0.55 p. m."
The 1.55 tiain connects with train on the West
Penn ro'id through to Pittsburgh.
Sunday trains arrive at 10 55 a. m. and 3.55
p. m., and leave at 11.10 a. m. and 4.10 p. m.
Trains leave Hilliard's Mill, Butler eounty,
for Harrisvllle, Greenville, etc., at 7.10 a. in.
nnd 12.20 and 2.20 p. m.
Stages learc Petrol-a at 5.30 a. m. lor 7.40
train, and at 10.00 a. m. lor 12 20 train.
Return states leave Hiiliard on arrival of
trains at 10.27 a. in. and 1.50 p. in.
Stasc leaves M.utiusburg at 9.30 for 12.30
r. f. c., A L. E. R. B.
Tlio morning train leaves Zelienople at 6 11.
Ilarmonv G. 16 and Evausburg at 6.3:1, arriving
at Etna Station at 8.2 i). and Allegheny at 9 01.
The afternoon tram leaves Zelienople at 1.26,
Harmony 1.31, Evansbnrg 1.53. arriving at
Etna BUt)on at 411 and Allegheny at 4.46.
Trr.ins coii'iecting at Etna Station with this
road leave Allegheny at 7.11 a. m. and 3.51 p. m.
I By ..'il at Sliarpsbn-ir nation and
crossing the bridge to the A. V. R. R.,
geis on the morning train can reach the Union
depot at'.) o'clock.
Trains leave Butler (Butler or Pittsburgh Time.)
Market at 5.11 a. iu., goes through to Alle
gheny, ar.ivlng at 9.01 a. m. This train con
i ecu at Free port v.itb Free port Accommoda
tion, which arrives at Allegheny at 8.20 a. in.,
railroad time.
Express at 7.21 n. m , connecting at Butler
Junction, without change of cr.rg, at 8.26 witii
Express west, arriving In Allegheny at 9.58
a. in., nnd Express east arriving at Blairsviile
at ll '-Oa. m. railroad time.
Mail at 2.5HJ p. m., connecting at Butler Junc
tions ithout charge ol ear*, with Express west,
arriving in Allegheny at 5 2ti p. HI., and Ex
press ensi arriving at Blairsville Intersection
at t;.10 p. in. railroad time, which connects W'th
Philadelphia Kxpre.g east, when on time.
Sunday Us pros at 4.0# p. m., goes through
to Allegheny, arriving at 0.06 p. in.
The 7.21 a. m. train connects at Blalrsville
at 11.05 a m. with the Mail east, and the 2.36
p. m. Iraiu at o.s'j with the Philadelphia Ex
press cast.
Trains arrive at Butler on West Penn R. R. at
9.51 a. RI., 5.06 and 7.11 p. in.. Butler time. The
9,51 and 5.06 trains connect with trains on
the Butler A Parker R. R. Sun ay train arrives
at Bulle- at 11.11 a. ra., connecting with train
lor Parker.
Main Line.
Through trains leave Pittsburgh lor the Easr'.
at 2.56 and 8.26 a. m. and 12 51, 4.21 ar.d 8.06 p.
in., arriving at Philadelphia itt 3.40 and 7.20
JI. in. and 3.00, 7.O'J and 7.40 a. til.; at Baltimore
about the name time, at New York three hours
later, and at Washington about one and a half
hours later.
oifi i (Mnnn} inWi " B ' o °k 8
vhlu 10 uUlll n ' akeß fortnnes ever *
y Y J month. Book sent free ex
plaining everything. Address
BAXTER H. CO., Bankers,
cct9 7 Wall street, N. Y.
Guaranteed Investments
By our Insurance System of Investments in
Ptcck 0| erntlons we insure indemnity Irom
loss. No "Marginal" or '•Privilege" plans, in
vestments received in snnis ol f2sand upward.
Correspondence from itock operators solicited.
sept24-lin 58 Broadway, N Y.
iuy2l-ly] BUTLER, PA.
Allegheny Collegiate Institute
ALLRGUGNV CITY. 30 Stocklou Avr.
Rev. THO3. C. STRONG, D. D.. President.
Will open on MONDAY, BEPTEM BEK Bth.
School hours from !) A. M. to 1 30 i'. M. Its con
venient di»lau<c from the depots will permit
pupil* living outside lh" city lo letnrn home
each day, thus saving expense for lioard.
Fur circulars address promptly as above.
Pennsylvania Female College.
A flrst class College for women, educational
standard high. Advant: ges complete. Most
deiightfnl situation in the whole country.—
Terms quite moderate Opens SEPTEMIIKH
lOrn. Address
jljf!o 2m Acting President.
0 1/ WALimON. Onduate ol the Phil
is ndelpliia Dental College,ls prepared
• •to do anj thing in the line of hi*
profe* lon In a satisfactory manner.
OlHce oil Main street, Butler, Union Block,
up stairs, apll
Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts.
J. L. Purvis, E. A. Ilelmboldt,
William Campbell, J. W. Buikhnrt,
A. Troutinan, Jacob Schoene,
G. O. Koessing, John Caldwell,
Dr. W. lrvln, Samuel Marshall,
J. W. Christy H. C. Helneman.
JAS. T- M'JUNKIN, Gen, As't-
11 U 'l* 13 11. r» A.
President. Vice President.
W*. CAMPBF.LI., Jr., Cashier.
William Campbell, J. W. Irwin,
.Itt. D. Anders.in, Ooovge Weber,
Joseph L. Purvis.
Does a Oeneral Banking A Exchange business.
Interest piid on time deposits. Collections made
and iirompt returns at low rates of Exchange.
Oold Exchange and Government Bonds bought
and sold. Commercial paper, bonds, Judgment
•rid othersecnritles bought at fair rates 1a20:ly
(In old Bam Syken Oallery,)
<locl 1-ly BUTLER, PA.
Until You Have First Examined the Styles, Stock and Prices
A. T
His entire Fall and Winter stock is just opening at very low figures. This
stock is unusually large in Men's, Boys' and Youth's Kip and Calf
Boots, Grain Napoleon Boots, Rubber Boots, Brogans and
Plow Shoes, Women's' Misses' and Children's
Calf and Kip (unlined) Shoes.
His Stock In Finer Lines is always large, embracing all the Latest Novelties in Boots
and Shoes- Old Ladies' Warm Shoes a Specialty.
jsjgT"*Thcse goods are all made by the very best manufacturers, and I
will guarantee them to give the best of satisfaction. Call and examine my
stock and prices. .
13. C. HUSELTQy.
IJM(» block,
Main Street, - - - - Butler, Pa-
Has received his entire stock ol J •' ~
As I have an unusually large and attractive stock of BOOTS & SIIORS
just opening, embracing all the newest styles, I invite the atteution and close
scrutiny of buyers.
Men's Kip and Calf Boots very cheap. Ladies', Misses' and Children's
Button, Polish and Side Lace Boots in endless variety, and at bottom prices.
Reynolds Brothers' celebrated fine Shoes always in stock.
Parties wanting BOOTS & SHOES made to order can do no letter than
by ine, as I keep none but the best of workmen in my employ.
I also keep a large stock of LEATHER and FINDINGS.
All goods warranted as represented. AIJ. RUFF*
l*n>. THE THIRD 1H79-
Pittsburgh Exposition.
Will open at tliclr Buildings and Orcunda in tho City of Allegheny,
September 4tli, 1879,
and continne open Day and Evening, Sundays excepted, to
OCTOBER 11th, 1879.
Greater attractions this than any previous year. A perfect reflex of the
.<% a«tw, liaduMtry, <.'nltuw> <a»«■
Will be displayed with a prodigality never before attempted in this City.
TIIK COLT.OSMAL MAMMOTH, or Hiberlan Elephant, standing 16 feet high and 20 feet in
length ; together with an immense collection of Wild Beasts and Skeletons, Minerals and Fossils,
have been secured at enormous expense from the Museum of Prof. Ward, at llochester; N. Y.
PltOF. GEO. It. CROMWELL. The Famous American Traveler, will give Illnsl rat ions each
evening, illustrating tho beauties of European and American scenery, the most famous statuary of
the Old World, livaling tho wondrous beauties of nature, and the splendors of nations in groat
CAPT. BOGARDUB A SON, Champion Shot Gun and Itille shots of the World, will shoot
for Prizes, previous to arid after the engagement of Capt. Bogardus and Son.
A QUARTER MILE BICYCLE TRACK on the enlarged grounds has been constructed for
daily tournamonts and races.
THE ET.ECTIIIC LIGHT will illuminate Foral Hall and the Grounds each evening.
FLORAL HALL tiansformed into a fairy like grotto, with cascades, goysers, alpine sconery
planted with tho rarest of flower* and exotics, forming an enchanting scene.
THE BUILDING 3 filled to overflowing with Exhibits, surpassing any thing of the kind ever
seen in Pittsburgh.
Which will he under the management of a popular caterer, will supply any refreshments that
may be desired, at popular prices.
The mnnagers of the various Railroads centering in Pittsburgh, appreciating tae grand work
of the Exposition Society have made UNPRECEDENTED CONCESSIONS in tho reduction of fares
for excursions, the particulars of which will hereafter be announced.
General Admixxion to the Exhibition, .... 2fi Cents.
Children lens than Twelve Years of A<je - - - 15 Cents.
-XJ-L J«JE sm. JEW WCMZ'M.'m J- *»*T VJE.KB.
Domestic Goods.
All onr Goods arr ; new and of the latest designs. We are both PRAC
TICAL TAILORS, keep thoroughly posted in all that pertains to the art,
and arts thus enabled to guarantee to our patrons perfect satisfaction in neat
ness of fit, elegau'ee of style and excellence of workmanship.
Cor. 10th St. &. Penn Ave., PITTSBURGH, PA.,
Manufacturer!! and Dealers In all kinds of .
Are offering this Fall Extraordinary Inducements to Purchasers.
A* they manufacture every article in their line, they arc enabled lo tell at much lower price*
than m y otluT liouac went of N«rw York, Do not fail to call In bclorc purchasing elsewhere,
and examine their large and well displayed assortment ol
Parlor, Chamber, Office and Dining Furniture.
Kitchen Furniture of every description ulwaya on hand. Alio, Mattresses ol ull kinds. Fur
niture trade to order nnd «atit>taction guaranteed in every particular. seplO Jtn
A correspondent of the Chicago
Times, who has spent eighteen months
in the mining regions of Colorado,
gives some good advice to prospective
prospectors. He says: "There is no
doubt that next spring will witness
of wealth-seekers from the overcrowded
East to these wealth-bearing regions
of the West. To endeavor to regulate
and restrain this rush, to give shape
and direction to this inevitable tide, is
not only an act of charity toward the
"tender-feet" themselves, but one of
absolute self-defence on the part of
those already here, to dissuade persons
mentally or physically incapable of
enduring discomfort, hardship and dis
couragement, from burdening the place
with their useless presence.
"Don't be in a headlong hurry; don't
get into a frenzy of fear that you will
be too late in getting here. There is
absolutely no limit, at least for a couple
of centuries to come, to the mineral
wealth of these mountains. That the
mineral exists is as certain as the
mathematical demonstration of any
fact can make it certain. That Lead
ville and its immediate vicinity are
hopelessly overcrowded, both by pros
pectors and capitalists, is equally cer
tain ; but all the rest of this vast State
of Colorado is as yet hardly in the
first stages of development. Our
children and our children's children
and their children after them will find
here ample fields for exploration and
"Whether you come here to seek for
days' work or to prospect on a small
"Even the hardiest laborer will not
be able to find work always to his
hand. He may have to wait a week,
or he may have to go from place to
place in search of it, and although the
hospitality of the miner is proverbial,
it has become in a great degree ex
hausted by overtaxation during the
past year. Prospectors had better
make themselves up in groups of three
with capital enough to find themselves
in possession, at Pueblo, of at least
SSO each—sloo apiece would be bet
ter; but the former sum will do with
economy. Leave all your dandy-fine
clothing, paper collars, white shirts,
and patent leathers behind you. There
is neither place nor appreciation for
them here. The roughest wearing
apparel you can lay hands on will
secure you more hearty respect than
would the finest suit that a Chicago
tailor ever put on the back of a man.
Leave all your epicurean tastes behind
you, too. If you have a fancy palate,
an exacting tast for culinary dainties,
and cannot learn to wait upon your
self, stay at home, for the' Lord's sake.
You would only be a burden to your
self and a nuisance to every body around
you. Your
will be flour, coffee, bacon, sugar.
"The flour will be turned into flap
jacks made on the frying-pan, or into
soda bread baked in a portable oven.
The bacou you will have fried twenty
one times a week; coffee ditto, pre
pared in a style very different from
that of your favorite restaurant. If
you are in luck you may once in a
while chance upon a carcass of venison
or a supply of fresh beef in a passing
wagon, or vegetables; but as a rule
you will have to put up with the four
articles I have first named. Up in
the morning with the first streak of
dawn, you start your lire, clap on
your coffee pot, saw your bacon up in
chunks, prepare your can of batter for
your fried cakes, wash up the dishes—
if you should have been too lazy or
tired to wash them the night before—
and lay out the table. When you
come in at noontime, tired and hungry,
the same work is before you; and
again in the evening, when supper
being over you will have about time to
smoke a pipe before you roll yourself
up in your blankets and tumble off to
sleep, as soon as your unaccustomed
ribs accommodate themselves to the
bare boards of your bunk. Add to
this that you will have to do your own
washing and mending and patching
and the picture is about complete.
And now how do you like it ? Think
well on it. Dirt, discomfort, scanty
and monotonous food, hard work and
exposure to danger from accidents,
mostly the result of inexperience, have
ull to be encountered and endured
patiently —a grumbler in the mining
camp runs more risk of sudden death
than a brawler in a gambling hell;
he is harder to endure than all the nec
essary evils put together. If you have
the grit to stand all this, come on!
You are made of the stuir that com
mands success.
"I have recommended bunches of
three for
for this reason—one man to dig and
shovel out the dirt in tin? shaft, and
two at the windlass. One man at the
latter will get along well enough until
you get down about fifteen feet. After
that depth two will be necessary ; and
in the beginning the men will find their
hands full anyway in getting things
into working ami tolerably comfortable
"As to climate I have never had an
hour's ill-health here; nor have 1 ever
known anybody to lie sick here who
let whisky alone. 1 have been to
Leadville and worked there during the
months of February and March, when
it snowed three days out of seven and
froze all tho time, and I enjoyed first
rate health. Yet Leadville was spoken
of as exceptionally unhealthy, but I
found by personal observation that
whisky was the root of all the mor
tality there. The only distress I suf
fered at that high altitude I suffered in
common with everybody else—short
ness of breath. But at this lower
leyel, 4,000 feet below Leadville, I do
not suffer now even from that annoy
! "If you want to buy a mine, don't
i do it till you go and see it. Hut if you
know a man who is going to these
mineral fields, or who is already there,
und you have confidence in his pluck
and honesty, you may invest in his
hands SSO or SIOO for a share in his
venture. Your investment may bring
you in a handsome fortune, or, it may
prove a total loss. Anyway it is the
safest and cheapest way you can in
dulge your fancy for
But don't have anything to do with
parties who send circulars offering to
locate claims, or allot partnerships for
you ; in all human probability you will
never hear more of your money. A
case in point is that of the notorious
Edward A. Eggleston, now in jail in
Pueblo. This rascal had his head
quarters at Rosita, a neighboring camp
to this. From there lie sent his circu
lars all over the L T nited States, gath
ering in his victims from New Orleans
to Boston, until he shot Connet, one
day last April, for revealing to an east
ern capitalist the fact that he (Eggles
ton) had raised an assay paper on one
of his worthless shafts from one to one
thousand ounces per ton. The people
of Rosita arc so embittered against
him that they openly declare they will
hang him themselves if a Pueblo jury
lets him come back amongst them.
is fifteen hundred feet along the course
of a mineral vein, by three hundred
feet wide, or about ten and one-third
acres superficial. To locate a claim it
is only necessary to put a stake up
bearing the name you have a fancy to
eall it, the date, the direction by a com,
pass of its course, and your own name.
This stake holds it free from tres
passers for sixty days. An assess
ment shaft, which means ten feet deep
by six feet long by four feet wide, holds
it against all comers for twelve months,
and leaves you at liberty to sink upon
other claims, or, should you be out of
money or grub, to go seek employment
whereby to earn means to carry on the
The curious and surprising aptness
with which trained parrots have some
times seemed to answer people, has
even suggested the question whether
these birds do not possess intelligence
of words as well as the power to speak
them. No less a philosopher than the
celebrated John Locke thought the
following worthy of a place in his
great "Essay on the Human Under
He quotes the story from Sir Wm.
Temple's Memoirs of what passed in
Christendom from 1372 to 1079. Sir
William Temple says, "I had a mind
to know from Prince Maurice's own
mouth the account of a common but
much credited story that I had heard
so often from many others, of an old
parrot he had in Brazil during his
government there, that spoke, and
asked, and answered questions like a
reasonable creature, so that those of
his train there generally concluded it
to be witchery or possession."
lie accordingly asked Prince Mau
rice about the matter, who told him
that having heard of the parrot he
sent for it, and that when it was
brought into the room where he was,
with a great many Dutchmen about
him, it presently exclaimed, "What
company of white men are here!"
They asked what it thought that man
was, pointing to the Prince. The
parrot answered, "some general or
other." When they brought it close
to him, he asked, "Whence come you ?"
It answered, "From Marinnan." The
Prince then said, "To whom do you
belong?" The parrot replied to a Por
tuguese." The Prince asked, "What
do you do there?" The parrot said,
"I look after the chickens." The
Prince laughed and said, "You take
care of the chickens?" The parrot
replied, "Yes, and I know well enough
how to do it," and began to cluck like
a hen calling chickens. The parrot
appears only to have been a well
trained bird, accustomed to say certain
things, and ready to say them, but
them only, on occasions such as arose
from the presence of the Prince and
his attendants, and the questions ad
dressed to it.
It is somewhat singular to trace the
manner in which arose the uso of the
common beverage of coffee, without
which few persons, in any half or fully
civilized country in the world, make
At the time Columbus discovered
America it had never before been
known or used. It grew only in
Arabia and Upper Ethiopia. The
discovery of its use as a beverage is
ascribed to the superior of a monas
tery in Arabia, who, desirous of pre
venting the monks from sleeping at
their nocturnal services, made them
drink the infusion of coffee, upon the
reports of shepherds who observed
that their flocks were more lively af
ter browsing on the fruit of the plant.
Its reputation spread through the ad
jacent countries, and in two hundred
years it reached Paris. A single
plant, brought there in 1714, became
the parent stock of all the French
plantations iu the West Indies. The
Dutch introduced it into Java and the
East Indies.
The extent of the consumption now
can hardly be realized. The United
States alone annually consume it at
the cost, on its landing, of from sls
- to $1 fi,000,000.
SENATOR BLAINE has on excellent
memory. While Secretary Sherman
was speaking at Waterville a few days
ago, Blaine was moving around in the
crowd, when somebody said : "Senator,
1 want to introduce you to Mr. Ferge
son." "Why!" exclaimed Blaine,
heartily grasping the farmer by the
hand, "I don't need to IHi introduced
to Mr. Fergeson unless he has forgot
ten me. The last time I saw you,"
he continued, squinting his fye up at
the farmer in a way that is peculiar to
him, "you drove me with your team
across from Albino to Waterville, and
a mighty good team you had. Did
you ever break that off horse o' jump
ing? Let's see, that was in 18IJ9,
I'll never forget that ride. How are
Mrs. Fergeson and the girls? Did
that boy of yours ever make out any
thing with his patent?" Tho Ferge
son family is solid for Senator Blaine
for next year.
For forty years Daniel Drew was
the most grotesque figure in Wall
street. He was in middle life when he
gave "the boys" his first "pints" on
"sheers." When a raw country lad he
began to drive cattle from his native
village to the New York market, and )
subsequently opened a stockyard, kept
a tavern and made a fortune in the ,
steamboat business. Shrewd and illit
erate, reckless and timid, good-natured
anu unscrupulous, sometimes generous j
and always treacherous, he made from j
five to fifteen millions out of friend and !
foe, only to lose them all and die a
bankrupt. If Hogarth could have lived
in Wall street during the past forty
years "Uncle Dan'l," with seamed face
and twinkling eyes, with the stealthy
tread of a cat and the bland air of a
country deacon, would have been the
central figure in his cartoons.
He was in his seventeenth year—
the same age at which Cornelius Yan
derbilt borrowed SIOO of his mother,
bought a boat and began to ferry mar
ketmen from Staten Island to the Bat
tery. Daniel Drew did not borrow his
small capital, he earned it by enlisting
as a substitute in the State militia,
which had been called into service.
The regiment was called to Fort (ianse
voort, on the Hudson river, opposite
New York. About three months after
his enlistment hostilities ceased be
tween the United States and Great
Britain, and the regiment was mus
tered out.
"I want my substitute money,
mother," said he one morning after his
return to the farm. "I am going to
buy cattle and sell them in New York."
"Are you sure you will not lose
money by it ?" Mrs. Drew was as
sagacious and cautious as the mother
whom Commodore Vanderbilt de
lighted to honor all his life long.
"I am sure I shall make money." .
He did make money from the start,
but he had to work terribly hard for it.
He was in the saddle day and night,
purchasing cattle in Putnam and Dutch
ess counties anil driving them to the
city after nightfall. He was an excel
lent judge of cattle and a shrewd
buyer. When his competitors began
to multiply and cut down his profits
he enlarged his field of operations by
making Ohio a base of supply. He
needed capital and he had no securities
to oiler for loans. He went to Henry
Astor, John Jacob Astor's brother, the
Fulton Market butcher, who had re
cently retired from business. "I'll take
the risk," said the capitalist, after tiic
plait had been unfolded. It seemed to
be a foolhardy, crack-brained scheme.
It took nearly sixty days to drive cat
tle from Ohio across the Allegheny
Mountains to New York. Out of a
drove of 800 head 200 or 300 would
frequently be lost on the way in the
forests and mountain fastnesses. Cat
tle, however, were exceedingly cheap
in the Ohio Valley, and Drew's profits
were so large that he was able in a
few years to repay the borrowed money
and to extend his operations to Ken
tucky and Illinois. He is said to have
been the first man to drive cattle over
the Allegheny Mountains.
During the last year or two Mr.
Drew spent ti considerable part of his
time iu the city. Mr. Drew was, per
haps, the oldest looking man in Wall
street. His eyes never lost their fire,
but his face was seamed and scraggy.
Some of the veterans say that lie used
to drive down to his office in a one
horse chaise, looking for all the world
like a country minister. He dressed
plainly, if not shabbily. His ward
robe is valued in the bankruptcy sched
ule at SIOO, exclusive of a great Seal
skin overcoat worth $lf)0. Kven as a
millionaire he had the tastes and habits
of a drover. Mis dry, sedate manner
seldom varied. Stock speculators were
"the boys," and the victim who came
to him for "pints on some sheers" was
"my son." He talked with a nasal
twang, like a countryman. "Stop
speckerlatin ; don't tech Erie with no
margin," was the consoling remark,
which, if rumor may be trusted, he
made to some Methodist brethren who
had taken "pints" and lost their mar
gins. While his wife was living, his
house, at Union Square and Fast Sev
enteenth street, was always open to
Methodist clergymen and laymen. In
the schedule of his personal property
is the entry, "Bible, hymn books, etc.,
$150." His temperament made him a
"bear;" lie was as short-sighted as
Commodore \ andcrbilt wasfar-sighted;
he aimed at immediate rather than ulti
mate results. "Yaas, I skinned the
boys," he used to say. In the end he
was "skinned" himself.
Unless there is gross exaggeration in
the estimates of tin; Paris bulletin des
/Inlies, tho French purchases of
foreign wheat for the harvest year
will be on a scale without precedent
during any year of peace. An esti
mated deficiency of some 50,000,000
bushels to be supplied almost exclu
sively liy this country involves an in
credible advance on the 4,500,000
bushels exported to France in IJS77-78,
even assuming that as much more was*
sent by way of England. During the
last fiscal 3'ear the exports of wheat
and wheat flour from the United States
reached a total equivalent to I <>0,000,-
000 bushels. About three-fourths of
that quantity found its way to Great
Britain and her colonial possessions.
For the current fiscal year our wheat
exports can hardly fail to reach 200,-
000,000 bushels, with a proportionate
increase on other descriptions of bread
stuffs. For the last fiscal year our
exports of cereals were over 25 per
cent, greater in value than tin? ex
ports of cotton. For the year ending
with next June the excess will bo at
least 50 per cent., and wheat alone,
which very nearly equalled cotton last
year, will fairly take its place as King.
—"Why don't you spend your
money at home asked a kindly city
missionary of a hardened frequenter
of gin mills. "Do you 'spose my wife
runs a bar ?" retorted the jierson ad
That veteran showman, Dan. Rice,
is on a professional tour through Illi
nois, and a rural Republican editor
there, whose loyalty has been touched
by some of his ring witticisms, calls
hint "one of those bitter and aggres
sive Democrats known in antebellum
days as 'fire-eaters.' " Though Dan's
politics are of very little consequence
to himself or anybody else, it is only
fair to say that he claims to be "an
Old-line Whig." Whether it was this
demotion to the dead party which
roused Mr. Lincoln's sympathies, or,
what is more likely, he wanted
to draw upon the inexhaustible
fund of fun for which Dan is so famous
it is certain they were always warm
personal frieuds. And, singularly
enough, this friendship, which began
probably in Lincoln's early days, was
continued by hint after he Ix'came
President, and when it might be sup
posed the pressure of care and respon
sibility would drive all circus memories
out of his mind. Whenever Rice
visited Washington with his show
during the gloomy years from 1861 to
1865, he was invited to come to the
White House after the evening per
formance, and usually the Presidential
carriage was waiting for him, so that
he might get there as soon as possible.
Lincoln received him in his private
olliee, and all ceremony being laid
aside, the two would exchange stories
and jokes, live over by-gone time and
scenes in which the humorous pre-,
dominated, and have a mutually re
freshing season of it. On one of these
occasions, when, as usual, orders had
been given to admit nobody, a card
was brought up. Lincoln rebuked the
servant for the unwelcome interference,
and then 'looking at the card, said,
"Well, Dan, there's no help for it ;
we must let him in. He's a big bug
from Massachusetts, and it won't do
to deny him now that he's sent in his
name. Hut you stay, and I'll soon
get rid of him." Accordingly, in a
few minutes a genuine representative
of the highest respectability of Boston
made his appearance, and saluting the
President with profound dignity, an
nounced himself as a committee ap
pointed to present a set of resolutions
lately passed at a large Republican
meeting in his State. These resolu
tions, as Lincoln knew, embodied a
rather severe criticism of Administra
tion policy, at that time too mild to
suit the Massachusetts "stalwarts."
Listening attentively to the prelimi
nary remarks of the Boston gentle
man, he took the paper, but without
making any reply to the contents or
the comments, said: "Beg pardon,
Mr. , but before we proceed further
let me introduce to you my particular
friend, Mr. Dan. llice." Dan. stood
up and delivered his best bow, but the
committee was struck dumb with
amazement and indignation. To be
introduced to a circus clown by the
President of the United States was
too much for him. He grew red in
the face, stared first at one and then
at the other, and then, at last managing
to stammer out a few words of leave
taking. departed in haste. As the
door closed upon him, Lincoln turned
to Rice with a heavy laugh, and said :
"Dan, wasn't that well done? Didn't
it take the wind out of him nicely ?"
Dan. admitted that it was a perfect
success, and the interrupted conversa
tion was resumed with renewed zest.
This anecdote—the authenticity of
which is unimpeachable—ought to put
Dan. Rice's loyalty far'beyond all sus
picion, and he can afford to defy Re
publican malice now, henceforth and
Our correspondent in Norwich, Con
necticut, writes that there is a man in
that city who probably wears the
longest beard of any man ifi the world.
His name is Henry C. Cook, a tailor
by trade. lie never makes a display
of his beard, but wears it concealed in
a little bag under his shirt-bosom.
The beard is six feet six inches in
length, and, when allowed to fall its
length, it will reach to his toes and
stretch out on the lloor ten inches, and
looks like a large skein of brown silk.
It was six inches longer than at pres
ent, but a short time ago he trimmed
it off to its present length. Mr. Cook
says it has boen growing about twenty
one years. A year ago I'. T. Barnum
called on him and tried to induce him
to travel with his show, but Mr.
Cook's modesty and the desire of his
wife that he should not accept Bar
num's liberal offer, induced him to
reject it. In speaking of Cook in con
nection with the man with a long
beard in Michigan, Barnum said
Cook's was by far the longest and
finest of the two. Mr. Cook often
shows his beard to visitors, but is not
in the habit of making a great parade
over it. The truth of these state
ments can be substantiated by calling
on him at his place of business.— Jl ox
tail Herald.
The latest measurements of our fresh
water seas are as follows:
The greatest length of Lake Superior
is 335 miles ; its greatest breadth is
169 miles; mean depth, 688 feet; ele
vation, 627 feet; area, 82,000 square
The greatest length of Lake Michi
gan is 300 miles; its greatest breadth
is 108 miles; mean depth, 690 feet;
elevation, 506 feet; area,23,ooosquare
The greatest length of Lake Huron
is 200 miles; its greatest breadth is
169 miles; mean depth, 600 feet; ele
vation, 271 feet; area, 20,000 square
The greatest length of Lake Erie is
I 2. r >o miles; its greatest breadth is 80
j miles ; its mean depth is 84 feet; ele
| vation, 555 feet; area, 6,000 square
The greatest length of Lake On
tario is 189 miles ; its greatest breadth,
! 65 miles; its mean depth is 500 feet;
| elevation, 261 feet; area, 6,000 square
The length of all live is 1,274 miles,
1 covering an area upward of 137,000
| square miles
| —No legacy so rich as honesty.
Ono square. ono insertion, *1; each subse
quent insertion, 60 cents. Yearly advertisements
i Figure work double th»fa ratos; additional
ehargos where weekly or monthly changes are
made. Locil advertisements 10 cents per lino
for tirst insertion, and S cents per line for each
additional insertion. Marriages and deaths pub
iiaked froe of charge. Obituary notices charged
»s advertisements, and payable when liandod m
Auditors' Notice*. $4 ; Executors' and Adminis
traters' Notices, ?3 each: Estray, Caution and
Dissolution Noticed, not exceeding ton lines, $3
From the fact that the CITIZEN is the oldest
established and most extensively circuiated Re
publican newspaper in Cutler county, (a Repub
lican county; it muit be apparent to business
men that it is the medium they should use in
advertising their business.
NO. 44.
The Syracuse Herald says: John
A. Rockafellow writes from Arizona to
a friend in this city an account of a
very amusing adventure he recently
had with a cinnamon bear. The latter
is a very ugly customer to close with,
but our friend was delivered in the
most unexpected manner, as will be
seen by the following: "Last night I
was coming up from the Santa Cruz
Valley, 18 miles below. I was rid
ing a buro (jackass,) but on coming to
a very steep hill, dismounted and was
slowly walking up, when I came on
an immense cinnamon bear, loss than
twenty feet away. Of course to run
was out of the question, so I stood and
eyed the old fellow, and he stood and
eyed nte as I slowly pulled my six
shooter from the holster. Old boar
hunters say it isn't safe to tackle a
cinnamon with a rifle carrying less
than seventy grains of powder, and
then give him a dead shot, as the cin
namons arc worse than the grizzlies.
I didn't have any rifle with me, and
as my six shooter only used 23 of
powder, I concluded I was not look
ing for a fight unless the boar was.
Whatever his intentions were I don't
know ; but my buro (jackass,) who
was some distance ahead just then,
caught sight of him and, instead of
running away as ono would expect
started for Mr. Bruin with tail and
ears erect, and to cap the climax com
menced to bray. This was too much
and the old bear started as if he was
shot out of a gun. He just tore up
the ground, and when he couldn't run
fast enough he rolled down the moun
tain side. "Old Balaam" has played
that trick before with me when 1 have
been trying to get up on to a deer, and
I have always pounded him for it, but „
last night 1 concluded I would givo
him a leather medal."
The eyeing of women by women is
one of the most offensive manifesta
tions of superciliousness now to be
met with in society. Pew observant
persous have failed to notice the man
ner in which one woman, who is ilot
perfectly well bred or perfectly kind
hearted, will eye another whom sho
thinks is not at the time in so costly a
dress as she herself is in. It is dono
everywhere, at parties, at church, in
the street. The very servant girls
learn it of their mistresses. It is dono
by women in all conditions of life. It
is done in an instant.
Who cannot recall hundreds of in
stances of that sweep of the eye
which takes in at a glance the whole
woman and what she has on, from top
knot to shoe tie? Men are never
guilty of it, or with such extreme rar
ity, and then in such feeble and small
soulcd specimens of their sex, that it
may be set down as a sin not mascu
line or at least epicene. But women
of sense, of some breeding, and even
of some kindness of uature, will thus
endeavor to assert a superiority upon
the meanest of all pretences, and in
flict a wound in a manner the most
cowardly because it cannot be resented,
and admits of no retort.
If they only knew how unlovely,
how positively 'offensive they make
themselves in so doing not only to
their silent victims, but to every gen
erous-hearted man who observes their
maneuvers, they would givo up a
triumph at once so mean ami so cruel,
which is obtained at such a sacrifice
on their part. No other evidence
than this eyeing is needed, that a
woman, whatever be her birth or
breeding, has a small and vulgar soul.
WASHINGTON left an estate worth
SBOO,OOO. John Adams died moder
ately well off. Jefferson died so poor
that if Congress had not given him
$20,000 for his library he would have
IKMMI bankrupt. Madison was economi
cal and died rich. Monroe died so
poor that he was buried at the expense
of his relatives. John Quincy Adams
left about $50,000, the result of pru
dence. Jackson died tolerably well
off. Van Buren died worth some $300,-
000. It is said that during his entire
administration he never drew any por
tion of his salary, but on leaving took
the whole SIOO,OOO in a lump. Polk
left about $150,000. Tyler married
a lady of wealth and accomplishments
and died rich. Taylor left $150,000.
Filniorc was always an economical
man and added to his wealth by his
last morriage. Pierce saved about
$60,000. Buchanan left about $200,-
000; Lincoln abouts7s,ooo; Johnson,
about $50,000.
charge against the prisoner was lar
ceny, and he had made a desperate ef
fort to prove an alibi. One of his
neighbors was called to the stand to
bear witness to the worth of the pris
oner's WD t'd. "What," asked the
Judge (it was in Arkansas) "is the
prisoner's reputation for veracity ?"
"Waal, middlin' fair, Jedge, middlin'
fair," replied tho witness. "He's al
ways had the same wife ever since ho
lived in Bike, though I b'leeve he did
hev a couple over in Tennessee last
winter; but—" And then the Court
kept him quiet long enough to explain
to him just what they were talking
about. _
Probably the first instance of stopping
a runaway by telephone, occurred in
New Haven, Connecticut. A pair of
horses started from one place up town
and tore down State street, evidently
headed for their owner's packing-house
on Long Wharf. The driver, who
was off his wagon on business, ran
into a store and telephoned to Long
Wharf to look out for the runaways.
When the horses reached the wharf a
cojdon of men were stretched across
the street to prevent the animals from
going down to the water, and the re
sult was that the horses were turned
into the packing-houßc yard, where it
was found" they had sustained no in
j,,py- ti 9 , T .
"How dare you .swear In;fore mo ?"
(asked a man of his son recently.
"How did I know you wanted to cuss
I first ?" said the spoiled urchin.