r?-MESSRS. J- WEAVER 4 CO., No. 11'! Pmithfield street, Pittsburgh, are our agents iu the two cities for the soliciting of advertise ment* for this paper. Head the Price*. At 25c., best Pittsburgh Carpet Chain; At loc., best Hemp Carpet; At 25c., best Cottage Carpet; At 25c., good Ingrain Car|>et; At 30c., all-wool Country Flannel; At good dark Calicoes; At f>ic., good Bleached Muslin ; At ears on the tree as long as there is no danger of severe frosts. A FARMER is liable to a fine of fif teen dollars for every Canada thistle allowed to grow on his farm. IF Barnum could collar King Cete wavo and a best citizen of Kerojier county, his fortune would be made. STRAWBERRIES set now, in rich soil and covered well through the winter, will give you a large crop next season. UNDER the new tramp law any re sponsible citizen can arrest the tramp when he finds it right and necessary to do so. EAT all the fruit you want—peaches are remarkably plenty, and arc selling very low ; grajies are also plenty and cheap. IF bunty Ben Butler can get nomi nated by a few more Massachusetts conven tions he'will have a lioom on his hands. CORN stalks and leaves are more nntritious if cut green. Much is lost if the shocks are permitted to remain until late in the year. Puck: What the Democrats wish to know liefore the next campaign opens is whether Samuel J. T. is single or I'ouble bar'l'd. STEUBENVILLE Herald: The dif ference between a woman and au umbrella is that there are times when one can shut up an umbrella. SOME of the attorneys before the Board of Pardons have the bad taste to address the members as "your houors."— ltarrisburg Telegraph. WE advise all persons to heed the warning that the Commissioners have had posted on what is known as the "Freejiort" bridge at this place. A SAN FRANCISCO man was caught lately altering the figureson his mother's tomb stone, his object being to make the date suit his purpose in n lawsuit. WASHINGTON BOLE, of Freeport, aged twenty-two, was crushed to death in a coal bank near that place on the 12th inst., by a large amount of slate falling on him. THE sin of ambition, by which the angels fell, will never lie marked down against the young man whose sole effort is to carry a light eaue aud a still lighter moustache. THE surviving members of the 105 th Pa. Vols, will hold their first annual reunion at Brookviile, Jefferson county, on Tuesday, 7th of October next. A general attendance is desired. • AN exchange advises its readers to clean out their cellars and coal bins and get ready for cold weather. It strikes 11s that a cleaned out conl bin and cellar is just what we don't want for winter. A CANADIAN girl carried a twenty foot ladder 100 yards, pi ace. I it arainst a burn ing house, climbed up and—well, she did not put out the fire. She fell backward on a man and nearly killed him. PREVENTION is better than cure, and Dr. Bull's Baltimore Pills are the best pre ventive of disease known. They are used, approved and recommended by myriads of people throughout the land. THE Iron City College of Pitts burgh, advertised in another column, is a first class institution and the only one in the United States exclusively devoted to the practical edu cation of youug men for active business life. NEWARK Call: Tho two cent re turn postal card has been issued. When a fel low sends a proposal to his irirl that way, and asks for a reply, the postotfiee clerk will be wiser than he would be with only the one cent card. A OREAT many remedies are adver tised to bring them before the public, who decides whether the article is good or bad. The good reputation which l)r. Bull's Baby Syrup enjoys is a standing guarantee of its merits. Price 25 cents. WE are now shipping nearly as much wheat to Continental Kurope as to Great Britain. During the week before last we sent 2,848,090 bushels to the former against 2,8 M,OOO bushels to the latter, to say nothing of unusu ally heavy shipments of wheat flour. COMMUNION services will be held in the Knglish Lutheran Church of this place next Sabbath morning ; preparatory services on Saturday at 11 A. XI. Also in Presbyterian Church* Sabbath after next, with preparatory services on Friday evening and Saturday after noon. SINCE Monday last there has been n daily mail between this place ami Harmony, Zclienople, Evansburg and intermediate points. The hack leaves Butler every morning, goes as far as Evansburg and returns same day. Be tween Evansburg and Zclienople the mail is carried by rail. Wiin.Ea young man named Long herd was (Veiling a thresher 011 the Jacob Greenwalt farm in Scwiekly township, West moreland countv, one day last week, his cloth ing was caught by the teeth of the cylinder and stripped completely from his body. The lad escaped without infury. HERE agriculture is putting the na tion out of the slough of despond and all its financial difficulties; in England a revival in manufactures is promising to help farmers a little and the country a good deal. Wc are a nation of farmers; England, a nation of me chanics and shop-keepers. THOSE of our citizens who use hard coal had liettcr lav in a store of coal to last for several years to come. Professor Schaffer, of Pottsville, iu a lecture before the Society for the Advancement of Science, said that the an thracite coal fields of Pennsylvania will be exhausted in the year 295e had elsewhere in the county. THESE are trying days of Memphis. The fever holds its own nurses and physi cians are worn out with h rd work, money is scarce, and business remains at a standstill. At least a month remains before the coming of the welcome frost that is to snuff out the fever and put Memphis on its feet again. It will be a month of discouragement and suffering. The city that has struggled so hard against asking aid' should not be denied it now that aid is plainly needed. SHERIFF HOFFMAN took nine pris oners to the penitentiary ami workhouse last Thursday afternoon. Previous to going, how ever, they had a hearing before Esquire Muntz. They thought they would have a little fun the night before, and amused themselves by destroy ing everything in the jail that they could tear or break to peices, for -.vhich they are held to answer for as soon as their terms ot impris (onmrnt expire. It will probably cost the county a hundred dollars to repair tiie damage. THE finest line of hosiery, at lowest 1 prices, can be seen at Charles Grieb'g. Butler. J UDGE STOWE, of Pittsburgh, granted a new trial in the case of Montgomery against Scott township, in which the plaintiff had got a verdict of SBOO damages for being badly hurt by a runaway horse, which became frightened by a bridge. * He was thrown down an enbank nient, which he claimed, and the jury thought, ought to have been fenced. The new trial was granted because the plaintiff, immediately after the verdict had be.-n rendered, dined eleven of the jurors at the St. Charles hotel. SPRING bulbs, such as Hyacinths, Tulips, Croons, etc., are now offered for sale by most of our seedsmen. Judging by those we have seen, the crop is of unusual excellence, and seems rather to have been benefited bv the wet weather which has prevailed in Holland as well as in other parts of Continental Europe and England. No other plants so much Ijcau tify the spring garden. Plant from four to six inches d'-ep in mellow, rich soil. They may be set out now or later, so long as the ground is not hard frozen. Now is the time to look after your Fall and Winter Clothing. Visit the store of J. 6i G. F. Keck liefore going anywhere else. EVERY reader of this paper, who receives his CITIZEN regularly each week free of postage, owes a debt of debt of gratitude to the memorv of the late Sir Rowland Hill, who died in Ifampstead, England, August 27th, njed eighty-four. It i« to the efforts of Mr. Ilill, that in 1830 the reduction in postage rates, the abolition of the grosslv unjust franking privileges, and other postal reforms were in augurated. The results of his efforts are en joyed bv the civilized world to-day. Perhaps we cannot better realize just what our postal facilities a",- thau by attempting to picture to ourselves the year 1879 without them. HATS, Caps and Gents' Furnishing Goods, at Charles R. Gricb's. A wifiTER in Atlantic for October next tries to make out that "Foreign trade (is) no cure for hard times." His argument is that in competing with European and Asiatic man ufactnrcrs and producers, for foreign trade, we impoverish our mechanics and laboring people (by forcing them to take as low wages as ore paid in those countries), and that thereby we destroy home trade. He suggests no remedy, but we suppose he means an export tax 011 both manufactures and produce. There issome sense in the idea of putting an export tax on raw-cotton, grain, and other articles, its it would force the entire manufacture of those articles at home, but an export tax 011 manu factured articles, means a decrease in the num ber of your customers. A decrease in the number of your customers means a decrease in jiiices. and that means a decrease iu wages. WILLIAM ALAND, Merchant Tailor, has just opened the largest line of woolens for men and boys wear ever offered in Butler. THE abortive attempts to regulato freights by joint action have recentlv led the railroads to try a new experiment. They have jointly appointed a commission of arbitration, consisting of experts, who are to study railroad questions and adjudicate differences which may arise between the roads. The gentlemen selected are Charles Francis Adams, Jr., David A. Wells aud Johu A. Wright, who aru to recoive liberal salaries and surrender their timeto the subjects which may from time to time be submitted to them. It is understood that in controversies between the roads their decisions are to he final. This arrangement points in the right direction, aud is very well so far as it goes. But how are these experts to enforce their awards ? If the roads should prove as faithless to this engage ment as they have been to their compacts on the subjects of freight, it is difficult to see how in the absence of law, they can have any remedy against one another. The idea of a commission is excellent; but it should bo a commission created by law and clothed with authority. In England there is such a com mission appointed by the Government and in vested with adequate powers to make its action and its decisions legally binding—a commission which not merely protects the railroads against each other, but protects the public against unjust discrimination by the roads. We believe the time has come when Congress must take this subject iu hand in a spirit of equity toward all parties concerned. BEFORE ordering your wintor cloth ing call at J. it G. F. Keek's Merchant Tailor ing establishment. At 35 Cents per Yard, All-wool extra heavy thirty-four-inch wide Conutry Flannel, at HITTER & RALSTON'S. Rod and Gun. —The Sportsmen's Association of Western Pennsylvania has leased a building on Fifth avenue, Pittsburgh, and fitted it up ai au ex pense of SIO,OOO. —One of the attractions at the Stoneboro Fair will be a glass-ball shoot between teams from Franklin, Sandy Lake, Sharon, Mercer, an l probably Meadville and Jamestown. —One day recently a citizen of Plaingrove township caught two pike in Slipperyrock creek, near Elliott's mill,one of which weighed ten pounds and the other thirteen.— New Ocullc Oourmit. l!irort, and was beim* repaired. Ex-Sheriff Abraham Me ! Caudleas had the job of repairing, and with J three of his sons, were on the part tailing at the time. It seems the timbers and plank at 1 this end were being removed from the stone | abutment, and being free from any brace by l the same, it is supposed the jarring caused by the throwing off of the heavy old sills, and the | pressure upon the wooden trestles, caused them to waver and fall, tiie whole eight spans drop ping down in a body. Upon these spans at work were ex-Sheriff Abraham MeCaudless, and his sons George, Abraham, Jr., and Howard. They are all more or less injured, supposed to be caused by the clash and rebouuding of the planks trorn the sills and trestles when ail struck the ground. The ex-Sheriff himself is the most injured, having both arms broken, one of them literally smashed at the elbow, and both legs badly bruised about the knees, one knee cap bone being cut in two, which perhaps is as danger ous and painful a wound as lie has received. He is now near sixty-five years of age, and has been a successful bridge builder, building more wooden bridges perhaps than any man in the county. Much sympathy is expressed in this misfortune in his declining yean. He, with his son George, are laying at the house of bis son Martin, in this place, and every care is being taken of them. George has a severe wound on liis forehead, one of his feet hurt, and complains of injuries and pains in his side, back and body generally. He is not, however, supposed dangerously hurt. Abraham, Jr., has one foot badly hurt, supposed to have l*en caught between the planks, on the rebounding of the planks, as many of the other injuries are supi>osed to have occurred. His back is also sprained and very sore, but if his foot gets along it U supposed he is in uo danger. How ard, the youngest son, is the least hurt, but has one foot also much brnised and other slight injuries. He is now upon his feet, at the house of his brother Abraham, and is moving about, while the other three are still confined to their beds and may be for some time. Our singular part of the occurrence is, that a team of horses and a colt, belonging to Mr. McCandless, were upou the bridge at the time and were not very badly hurt, having appa rently maintained their feet during the fail. The result of this serious accident will doubt less cause a different and better structure to take the place of the old one. The wooden trestles should at least be replaced with stone piers. Had they been stone no accident could have happened. The unsteady foundations of the wootlen ones caused all the eight spans to coine down together, whereas, if the supports had been stone piers but one span could have fallen. Besides, the time would seem to have arrived for dispensing with this high trestle work, is dangerous at best. Fears have been entertained of this bridge for years past, and we hope to see it repaired with stone pier*, or with an iron one, if possible. We omitted itvabove to state that Mr. Mar tin J. Reiber, of this place, who was standing near at the time, was struck by a timber and had two ribs broken. Mr. George Mcl'andless, brother of ex-Sheriff, was working on the bridge but was near enough the abutment to spring off and thus escaped uninjured. *At l»l, New stylos Cloth Street Hats, at IIITTER & RALSTON'S. Court News. COM MO X WEALTH CASES DISPOSED OF I.AST WEEK. John M. Apple, rape, incestuous fornication, case certified into the Oyer A Terminer and there tried. Verdict guilty in manner and form as indicted. Sentence seven years in the peni tentiary, SIOO fine and costs. Same, same. Same sentence, making four teen years in all. Joseph A. McDonald, assault and battery with intent to kill. Verdict not guilty of the felony charged in the indictment, but guilty of simple assault and battery. Defendant sen tenced to pay costs of prosecution, a tine of $5 to the Commonwealth and committed, etc. Oliver Keily, assault and battery. Verdict not guilty, and that prosecutor, George Green, pay costs. John Jenkins, assault and battury. Guilty. Defendant sentenced to pay costs of prosecution and a fine of #l. George Sheppard, larceny, plead guilty. Five years in the penitentiary, S2O fine and costs. 11. M. Gold, larceny. Indictment quashed for reasons filed, and defendant discharged. E. B. Dennison, selling liquor without license, nolle contcndre. s2o>i and costs of prosecution. Andrew Ford, assault and battery with intent to kill. Not guilty. Hugh Morgan, robbery. Not guilty. J. 11. Bowman, perjury. Sept. IX, 1579, de fendant called and not appearing his recogni zance and that of his bail, 11. ll.Goueher, Esq., forfeited and same day respited until next ses sions. O. Kelly, surety pea.-e. Defendant ilischurged but ordered to pay costs. SENTENCES ON CASES ALREADY REPORTED. John Glenn, larceny, three cases, six months in workhouse in each case, making eighteen months in all, and cost*. Jacob Simmers, breaking into store house, etc. Two years in penitentiary. Matthew Vog, false prutouoe, Seven months in workhouse and costs. ■Jamas Wagner, F. and B. $1.20 per week till child arrives at age of four years, S2O for lying-in expenses and $5 fine and costs of prose cution. GRAND JCIIY PRESENTMENT. To the Honorable Jiulyrx of the Court of Quar. t'T Seuion* of the Peace of Holler County : We, the grand inquest in anil for the said county of Butler, made an examination of the countv jail and found everything inside in good Condition. The outside of the front and the doors, windows, cornice and fence in front need to be painted badly. We would, therefore, present, and request that your honorable body instruct the Commissioners of the county to have the jail painted in front, and have the windows tightened up, and also that they have the old privy vault removed and a uew one built. We also visited the various offices in the Court House anil found them in good condition, except the back room of the Commissioners' office, which was very dusty and needs cleaning up. The officers were all very courteous in showing us through their offices. We also return a vote of thanks to the Dis trict Attorney for the gentlemanly anil courte ous manner in which lie treated us all. JOHN FINDLEY, Foreman. At #2.50 SIIKI Up, Ladies', Misses'and Children's Cloaks, at RITTER & RALSTON'S. Tub Oysters. Yesterday evening Mr. Jas. Shanor received his first installment of his famous Big C Tub Oysters. They are fresh and good, and the best in the market. Call early if you wish to secure some of them. CWIIII try Yarn*, Geruiantown Yarns, Zephyrs, &c., at RITTER & RALSTON'S. Wicked for Clergymon. "I believe it to be all wrong and even wicked for clergymen or other public men to lie led into giving testimonials to quark doctors or vile stuffs called medicines, hut when ft really meri torious article is made up of common valuable remedies known to all, and that all physieans use and trust in daily, we should freely com mend It. I therefore cheerfully and heartily commend Hop Hitters for the good they have done me and my friends, firmly believing they have no equal for family use. [ will not l;e without them." Rev. , Washington D. C. Call And Examine The now colorings in Brussels Carpets, at RITTER & IIALSTON'S. A Valuable Book, Entitled "Plain Home Talk and Medical Com mon Sense," by E. B. FOOTK, M. D., can be had at Heineman's, Butler, Ha. It treats of i the cause and prevention of all kinds of dis ease, our social relations, etc. | LEADIN'Ii CASH (JROOEIiY. No Advance in Our Prices! SUGARS. 14} pounds ir«>od brown Suirar $1 00 12$ 44 best brown 44 100 Hi " extra C lijjht 41 1 <<> 'll 14 white coffee 4 * 1 • 10 " granulated ** 1 <*o jlO 11 patent cut loaf " ICO TEAS AND COFFEES. Fair Young Hyson Tea, 2o(a, v>c. per ix>und. | Choice 44 " oOc. 4 - No. 1 Roasted Coffee, ti !t>s. for ■£! 00 I " 2 " " 7 " 100 I" 3 " " 8 " 1 Oil FLOUR. Good Common Flour, £1(<5j1.;50 per sack. Choice Family Flour, #l.4'J per sack. Our "Red Hall" brand, which has gained so much favor, is giving better satisfaction than ever, and we say. without fear of contradiction from those who have used it, that it is just as good as any Patent Process Flour. Price $1.60 per sack. SALT. We are receiving two car loads of this week, and will sell extra Xo. I at $1.25 V hbl. G. WILSON MILLER & BRO. (iruiii Wauled! The following prices will be paid in cash at Klinjrler's Mill, Mifflin street, the coming week: For Xo. 1 Wheat, per bush., $1 10 I « " Rve, " 50 " " Shelled Corn, " 50 " " Oats, " 26 " " Dry Buckwheat, until the loth of October, ltS79, 75 PARTIES* Trimmed IIHU, Fall and winter styles, from $1 up, at HITTER & RALSTON'S. Colored Camp Meeting. There is a colored camp meeting being held near Pros[>ect, in Wolford's grove, about a quarter of a mile south of the town. It began on Friday last, and will continue a week or more. On Sunday last, we, with others, paid a visit to the grove, and found in the after noon a large crowd in attendence. At one o'clock the exercises were opened with singing and prayer, the choir composed of about a dozen line singers, with organ acconipaninent. After which a very interesting sermon was preached by Rev. 15. W. Thomas, of Fisk Uni versity, located at Nashville, Tennessee. His text was, "Behold there came a leper and worshiped him, saying Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean." The next sermon was preached by Rev. Whiting, of Mansfield, Pa. This gentleman gave his hearers a well digested sermon, and at times eloquent as well as interesting. He is a good orator, voice strong and clear. This with prayer ami several beautiful hymns and jubilee songs by the choir ended the afternoon exer cises. On Monday aud Tuesday nights, the party gave concerts in the M. L. Church, in Prospect. We care not what may be said of worship in the woods, it is certainly pleasant on a fine day to spend a few hours in this manner—out am.ng the forest trees, their tall heads uplifted to heaven as if pointing with Natures own finger, up to Nature's God. These niiiiistrela are certainly first-class sing ers. There was a policeman on the grounds, but his services were not needed, for a quieter, more attentive audience could not lie found anywhere. We noticed that Mr. Kelso, proprietor of the hotel on corner of Franklin and Butler streets, was doing a wholesale business in furnishing the hungry with something good to cat; and he well deserves the name of a prince in the hotel business. It is well worth the ride to see aud hear the "worship in the woods." R. M. .Vow Paiwly Shawls, New Broche Shawls, new Shetland Shawls, new Cheneale Shawls, new Double Shawls, new Single Shawls, Mourning Shawls a specialty, at RITTER & RALSTON'S. It is Worth a Trial. "I was troubled for many years with Kidney Complaint, Gravel, &c.; my blood became thin ; I was dull and in active ; could hardly crawl about, aud was an old and worn out man all over, and could get nothing to help me, until I got Hop Bitters, and now I am a boy again. My blood and kidneys are all right, and I am as active as a man of 30, although I am G2, and I have no doubt it will do as well for others of my age. It is worth the trial.—(Father, j ('oiirtaiild'tt Crapes and Crape Veils, at RITTER & RALSTON'S. Gen. Grant's Arrival. After more than two years absence ex-l'resident Grant landed at San Francisco, California, on Saturday evening last, front his tour around the world. He was met and welcomed home by immense crowds and by every demonstration of respect and honor. The following is his brief and characteristic speech of thanks to the people of San Francisco for the greet ing they gave him: "Fellow-citizens of San Francisco : After twenty-live years absence I am glad to meet you, and I assure you of my cordial thanks for the kind greet ing you have given me. I shall stay iu your city long enough to greet you more fully." All tiie Ilest Makes of Corsets, at RITTER & RALSTON'S. Oil Statistics for August, 1879. From Stowell's Petroleum Reporter the following statistics are taken: The amount of crude held in stock in the producing regions on the 31st of August, 187!), was 7,390,945 bbls., against 4,717,877 bbls., at the same time iu 1878, making an increase in Stock of 2,673,068 bbls., which is equal to about 36 per cent. During August tho increase to stock was 60,813 bbls. The exports of petroleum and its products from the United States, for the first eight months of 1879, were 236,737,105 gallons for the same time in 1878, making au increase of 45,889,- 476 gallons,which is equal to about 24 per cent. The number of producing wells in the Pennsylvania oil fields on the 31st of August, 1879, was 11,585, against 9,884 for the same time in 1878, mak ing an increase of 1,701, which is equal to about 11 per cent. Tho number of wells drilling iu the producing regions on the 31st of Aug., 1879, was 268, against 185 for the same time in 1878, making an increase of 73, which is equal to about 40 per cent. Total number of producing wells, August 31st, 141,585, being au in crease in August of 117. There were, however, 71 fewer drilling wells in August than July. Producing for August, 1,869,052 barrels, or a daily average of 60,292 barrels, being a daily average increase in August of 4,986 barrels. Total shipments out of the regions during the month, were 1,808,239 bar rels. Daily average of the Bradford re gions, 46,649 barrels. You Can Oct Suited In anything in Dry Goods, Carpets and Millinery, at " RITTER & RALSTON'S. SCROFULA of thirty years standing liiiM been cared by "l>r. Liiitl*cy's IJlotnl Search er." SoM by all ilruggist*. WHEN out buying Gents' Furnishing Cioods drop iu at Charles R. Grieb's. AUCTION! AUCTION! RARE CHANCE FOR BARGAINS! The underpinned will offer for public *a!e, at his store cn Jefferson street, Butler, Pa , on Tuesday, Sept. SO, 1579, A LARGE LOT OP Hiirri aud Soft Coal Heating and Cook Stoves, TINWARE, TABLE CUTLERY, FJKE IRONS, GRATE FRONTS, WOOD AND JAPANNED WARE, BASKETS, TILE, CHIMNEY TOPS, FLUE AND SEWER PIPE, and » };reat variety of articles usually kept in a first-class House Furnishing store. £ule to continue until all is sold. Cash. sepl7-2t JOS. ROCKENSTEtN. Don't You Do It! DON'T BE SO FOOLISH AS TO BUY AN OLD STYLE Sewing Machine, No inciter how great its name, or how loud its pretensions, when for less money you* can get The Best Invented as well as The Latest Improved. THE SELF-THREADING Dauntless! The only Machine made which has Shuttle, Take-Up anil Tensions Entirelij Self- Th reading. The DAUNTLESS also makes the most perfect Loek-Stitch, has the inosi ingi nious sepa rate Bobbin-Winder, largest Arm Space aud Wide Fesd, Sin plest Mechan ism, most stylish Furniture, and Handsomest Plating and Ornamentation in the Market. It Sews Anything! It Beats Everything!! It Pleases Everybody !!! ggrSewliij; Machine Dealers everywhere will find it to their interest to order the Dauntless, nnd Ret Factory Prices. For terms, territory, ite., apply to the Dauntless Manufacturing Coinpuu;, Norwalk, Ohio, or to L. 11. BLAGLE, jylfi Om Eait Brady, Clarion Co., Pa. Auditor's Notice. William Robinson vs. J. I. Robinson. In the Court ol Common Pleas ol Butler county, E. 1). No 107, Sept. Term, 187!). Sept. 8, IS7O, on petition of W. A. Lewis, the Bheri(T ordered to pay the bid or tujiicy arising from the sale of the property within described or referred to, into Court, lo abide the further order ol the Court in the premises, and T. C. Campbell, Esq , is appointed Auditor to make distribution thereof when so paid into Court, to and amoni; those entitled thereto according to law, and report, Ace. BY THE COURT. All persons interested will take notice tint I will attend to the duties ol the above appoint ment at my office in Butler, Pa., on Friday, Sept. "J*!, 1871), at 2 o'clock, I'. M.. when and wheru they can attend if they so desire. se[ tlOtd T. C. CAMPBELL, Auditor. ~ HItCNIIAUH CAPE, Ladies' and Oenls' ZDX±TI2>rGr iELOOIMIS, No. 1)7 Fourth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. Mr. Brunbaus has tiie reputation ol being the leading caterer ot that city. He was lor a num ber ol years connected with the leading restau rants of France and Germany, also superintend ent ol the culinary department of the Mouon- Ijiihela House of Pittsburgh for the past two years. Our readers when in the city should stop "in and get I heir dinner ; It will cost only 35 cents and will always be the best the market affords. The cooking superintended by Mr. Brunimus iu person. Also uie.ils on the Euro pean plan, sepl7-3m HheviiT's Sale. E. D- No. 41, Dec. Term. IS7U. M. N. Miles, Attorney. By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, issued out ol the Court ol Common Pleas ot Butler county, and to me directed, there will be ex posed to Public Sale on the premises, iu the borough of Petrolia, Butler county, Pa., on Thursday, September 25th, 1879, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following described property, to wit: All that certain leasehold estate situate In the borough of petrolia, Butler county, l'a., tx-injr a part ol the Reno Real Estate farm, bounded and described as follows : Being lot No. 8'! as per plan of lots on railroad made by John W. Wick, and bounded on the north by Main street, east by Railroad street, sonlh by lot No. 140 and west by lot No. S4, being 22 feet ou Main street and 40 feel 011 Railroad street (22x 40), coiner lot over Bear creek ; together with the certain two-story building erected thereo", 22x40 leet, excepting and reserving the room fronting on Main street, first lloor, extending back from Main street ten feet, thence toward Railroad street to end occupied by John Dili for term ot original lease, to have and lo hold the said premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said second party, his heirs and assigns, &c. Seized aud taken in execution as the prop erty ot James Hart at the suil of John Dill, Assignee. WM. 11. HOFFMAN, Sheriil. ShcritTs Office, Butler, Sept. 8, 1870. NICK CRILEY. PHOTOGRAPHER, (In old Sam Hykes Gallery,) decll-ly IUTTI.Fit. PA. ALL PARTIES GOING WEST TO lowa, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado or California, SHOULD GO VIA THE Chicago, Burlington & Quirky R, R. CJ»"TicketM can l>o ha»l at all office** where Western tickets we Hold. aplC-tf LIST OF JURORS Drawn for October Term, 1879, Com mencing First Monday and Sixth Day. Adams—John Con ley. Alleghenv—M. I rawford. Centre—Frederick Martzoff. Bu ffalo—J ames At k iusou. Concord—W. H. Wick, Chess Stoner. Cherry—Charles King. Clay—Wm. Conn, W. IF. Tebay. Clint^u—Saini!el Trinibie. Donegal —J. W. Miller, Win. MeGarvey. i Fairview—Nelson Armstrong, J. B. Show alter. Forward—Milton White. Franklin—Lewis Albert, Wm. Knglish. Jack »n —Win. Cookson, Thomas .1. Wilson. JefFcrson—Thomas Greer, i Lancaster—Jonathan Price. Marion—Wm. A. fiilmore. Mercer—Alex. Boyd, Jr., T. C. McClintoek. Parker—Nelson Smith. Penn—Daniel Wise, W. S. Dickson, 11. C. Critchlow. Slip|»eryrock—George Chantler. Venango—Hugh 11. Murrin. Wiufield—Augustus Nagler. Worth -S. H. Moore, Harvev Cooper, Thos. B. Kelly. Butler borough—Wm. Aland, Benj. Bauer, Jolt 11 G. Reno. Fairview—James Shields. 11 arris vi lie—Frederick Winneal. Kara? City—A. N. llamor. Millerstown —P. M. Boyle. Petrolia—P. L. Golden. SECOND WEEK—I3TII DAY. Adams—Geo. Ilartsung, Geo. List, Alfred Richardson. Brady—W. W. Robinre. Isaac Hilliard, A. P. Shears, Stanley Moorhead. Franklin—J. P. Hays, James B. Murphy, Thompson McCandless. Jackson—Benjamin Powers, S. P. P. Young, John Foreman, John Flinner, Jr. Lancaster —Walter Scott. Mercer—G. W. MeGee, W. S. McClintoek. Muddycreek—J. 11. Slianor. Oakland—Francis Weiland. Parker—Thomas MeKi.ssick, John Cannon, Pre-sly Black. Slippery roe k —E. C. Wheeler. Summit—Andrew Yost. Winfield—Thos. P. Collins, Martin Cypher, John Young, John Hutzler. , Washington—H. I). Shira. Harrisville—9. R. Walker. THIRD WEEK —20TH DAY. Allegheny—F. Blockert, J. W. McGinnis, John Sloan. Buffalo—Thomas W. Elliott. Bntler—John Ilartnne, Thomas Pearce. Clinton—Harvey Bickert, John Criswell, Crawford Johnson. Connoonenessing—Amos Cooper. Clay—Eli Patterson. Cherry—Jaines Renshaw. Centre—Silas Stoughton. Fairview—James E. Chrisler, Simon For ringer. Franklin —John 11. Dunn, S. It. Shanuon. Forward—James Critchlow. Jackson—Anthony Shaffer, Jr., D. G. Swain. Jefferson —Ed. McFadden, Michael Shields. Lancaster—J. N. Rubv, B. F. Rice. M iddlesex —Thomas Goodwin. Marion—Carlisle Waters. Parker—D. M. ll«K>ver, J. W. Walters, D. Als worth. Penn—J. I>. Martin. Summit—Henry Keck, Joseph Eichenlaub. Venango—Wm. Cochran, Jr., David Sloan, Georcre B. Irwin, Geo»ge Vanderlin. Worth—Jess«* Patterson. Butler borough—H. Schneideman, Thos. B. White. Karns City—J. J. Bell. David Spence. Zclienople—Jacob ('ocliran. THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE THE BEST OS* AUU Unrivaled in Appearance, Unparalleled in Simplicity, Unsurpassed in Construction, Unprecedented in Popularity, And Undisputed in the Broad Claim •r uwi TM« VEST BEST OPERATING QUICKEST SELLING, HANDSOMEST, AND Host Perfect Sewing Machine W THE WORLD. . The great popularity ct (lis White li Hie most COM. Mnclng tribute to Its excdltnco *nd over other machines, and In submitting ft to tho trade we put It upon Its m«rltt, and In no Inttanc* has It eter vet failed to satisfy any recommendation In It* la nor. Tht demand lor th« White hit Increased lo such an eitent that we are no« compelled to turn out A Ctomelct* Machlno nrtry tliro® la. %3DJ» day to •\aeyl3r tho dcmasial Every machine Is warranted tor 3 years, and •oldlor c'sh at liberal discounts,or upon easy payments, to suit tho convenience ot customers. ••"ASSURE WANMLITCIRCACRASD IBUICI?. WHITE SEWIfJG~MACHINE CO., M 358 Euclid Ave.. Cleveland, Ohio. VOi\ JOHXMOJT, Ageat. Office at liakcry, sciitS-Gm BL'TLEK, PA. Evcciitor'N Police. Lott-TM U»taDicntary 011 the estntf? of Martha Clir. Nelier, dee'd, late ot Sazouburc, Rutler county, Pa., having ticcn limited to tiie under signed, all persons knowing themselves In debted to said estate will please make payment, and any having claims apiiust the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement. K. MAURHOFK, Ex'r. sep3] Baxoutiur(f P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. Excoiitor's Notice. Lettcrn tcntameutary having been granted to the iiiiderwigned 011 the ewtato of Samuel McMurrv. dee'd, late of Cherry townahip. Butler county. Pa., all person* indebted to fcaid entate arc notified to make immediate payment, and thorto bavin# claims against the uarao will pro- Bent them dulv authenticated for settlement. ANDItEW McMUKRY, Executor. aug27-T)tl Bovard I\ 0., Bntler Co., Pa. TVot ire. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, ) Office of Comptroller of the Currency, f WASHINGTON, Amr. •">, 1879. Notice is hereby given to all persons who may have claims against the First National Bank of Itntler, that the same must lie pre sented to Henry 1!. Cullum, Receiver, at Butler, Pa., with the legal proof thereof, within three months from this date, or tliev will lie dis allowed. J. S. LA.NGWOKTIIY, Acting Comptroller of the Currency. augl3-3m Miner By sending3scents, with age JUuuu height,color of eyes and hair, rrin you will receive by return rUn mall a correct picture of your VnilßCri C ,uturu husband or wife, with YUUnoLLr name and date of marriage. Address IV. FOX, Box 77, jly3o-3m Fultonville, N. Y. Molirc. I The Court direct that the Third term of the Hcvernl Courts of Lawrence comity shall here after beijui on tho fourth Monday of Septem ber, instead of the second Monday of October, to continue two weeks. May 21, 1«79. BY THK COURT. Certified from the Record at New Castle, this 23rd day of June, lf<7!». jtin2o A. MUTTON, Proth'y. NEW BOOT; SHOE STORE, UNION BLOCK, Main Street, - - - - Butler, Pa. I BOOTS & SHOES. As I have an unusually large and attractive stock of BOOTS & SHOES just opening, embracing all the newest styles, I invite the attention and close scrutiny of buyers. Men's Kip and Calf Boots very cheap. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Button, Polish and Side Lace Boots in endless variety, and at bottom prices. Reynolds Brothers' celebrated fine Shoes always in stock.. Parties wanting BOOTS k SHOES made to order can do DO better than by me, as I keep none but the best of workmen in my employ. I also keep a large stock of LEATHER and FINDINGS. JjgT"All goods warranted as represented. AL. BUFF, 1871). THE THIRD 1879. Pittsburgh Exposition. Will open at their Buildings aud Grounds in the City of Allegheny, 4th, 1879, and continue open DAY and Evening, Sundays excepted, to OCTOBER 11th, 1879. Greater attractions this than any previous vear. A perfect reflex of tho -•m «■ m * rtaltitw mm.wm.mW. HrftPBMOO, Will be displayed with a prodigality never before attempted in this City. NEW AXD STARTLING ATTRACTIONS. THE COLI.OSSAI, MAMMOTH, or Siberian Elephant, standing 16 feet high and 26 feet in length ; together with an immense collection of Wild Ileasts and Skeletons. Minerals and Fossils, hr.ve been secured at enormous exie announced. General Admission to the Exhibition, .... 25 Cents. Children lest than Twelve Years of Age ... 15 Cents. E. P. YOUNG, GEN. MAVAOEK. J. C. PATTERSON, F- A. PAIIK. ASST. MAKAQEB. SKCBETABT. CITY OFFICE, GERMANIA BANK BUILDING, PITTSBURGH, PA. SCHOENECK & GLOSE, Cor. 10th St. & Penn Ave., PITTSBURGH, PA., Mnnulacturers aud Dealers in all kinds of FURNITURE ! Are offering this Fall Extraordinary Inducements to Purchasers. As they manufacture every article in their line, they arc enabled to sell at much lower price* than at. V other I.I>UBC west of New York. Do not fall to call In bclore purchasing elsewhere, aud examine their large and well displayed assortment ot Parlor, Chamber, Office and DiDing Furniture. Kitchen Furniture of every description always on hand. Also, Mattresses ot all kiuda. Far* ntture made to order aud satisfaction guaranteed in every particular. eeplO-Um West Point Boiler Works Es-to.'bli-fc.esi 1335. No. 13 Water Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. FIRST PREMIUM STEAM BOILERS! STILLS, TANKS and SHEET IRON WORE Of all descriptions to ordet cm Short notice. Have on hand a large Mock of XTew and Good Seoond Hand Boilers I REPAIRING DONE PROMPTLY. IriL. IrtOjii, Suoc.sior to WATSON 4 MUN ROC. I Hardware I Implements! | E J. G. A W. CAMPBELL, = Solo Agents for the World-Renowned DITPI/DVI3 mower ahd reaper, e El ' j \ j J j CIDER MILL, DTTPT/rVE QRAIN drill, DUulujllj hay rake, E I REINDEER Hit RiKE, IIMCI Hit HIKE, 1 j E L. 11. COSBTS Celebrated FANNING MILL. = *» asm. *,*£*«• XJW ;;;;;; Cultivators, Scytlies Sf Snaths, Shovel riows, Grain Cradles, Com Planters, Forks $• Hoes, ;;;;;; Lawn Mowers, Gum Hose, •• ••• And Everything In the Implement Line. E Stoves and Tinware, E House Furnisliiiig; Goods CARPENTERS' AND FARMERS' TOOLS. ;;;;;; >#-PHOSPIIATE ALWAYS ON HAND. ;;;;;; .1. (J. fi W. CAMPBELL. j"""