Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 24, 1879, Image 2

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Republican State Ticket.
Hon. Samuel Hut lev,
County Ticket.
.J. Wesley Monks,
TIIE Board of Pardons last week
granted a rehearing on the case of Wm.
Lynch, and refused Luke Flood.
WE regret to learn of the serious ill
ness of Dr. Charles B. Gillespie, of
Freeport, and hope he may recover
from the same.
REV. J. I). POTTS, of Westmoreland
county, has received a unanimous call j
from the Prospect and St. John s \
English Lutheran Churches, of this
county, to become their pastor.
GEN. B. F. BUTLER has now three
nominations for Governor of Massa
chusetts—Greenback, Democratic and
Independent Republican. If he gets
votes in proportion to the nominations
he has got he ought to succeed this
Ma. ISAAC MOOIUIEAD has been ap
pointed Postmaster at Erie, to succeed
the present incumbent, Walker, who
bas to step down and out, owing to
some irregularities. Mr. Moorhead
is a brother-in-law to Lieut. Gov.
Stone. _ _
A. A. STEWART, Esq., of Greens
burg, received the Democratic nomina
tion for Judge at the Judicial primary
election held in Westmoreland county,
last Saturday, having a higher vote at
the same than either of his competi
tors, Marchand and Moorhead.
THE Foxburg Weekly Gazette is
the title of anew paper just established
in Foxburg, Clarion county, Pa., with
William L. Fox as proprietor and Wal
ter R. Johns as editor. It is well
up and filled with interesting
reading. We place it upon our ex
change list with pleasure.
OVER five millions of dollars of
French gold will leave for this coun
try, this week, for the purchase of
wheat. The fact is developed that
the wheat demand in Europe will IK;
larger than was anticipated. Tho fact
that so much gold is shipped proves
the strength of our position as regards
debts due in Europe.
WE are sorry to learn of the loss by
fire, on Thursday night, 18th inst., of
the large barn connected with the Sol
diers' Orphans' School, at Dunbar
Camp, Fayette county, Pa. The
school is in charge of ;vnd the property
was owned by Rev. Asa 11. Waters,
formerly of this place, and whose
many friends here sympathize with
him in the loss he has sustained. The
barn was a very large one and well
filled with grain, hay and agricultural
implements, for tLe use of the Or
THE Tilden Democracy of New
York are making desperate efforts to
heal the breach in the party, which
occurred at the Syracuse Convention.
The New York Tribune says:
There are three methods for the
Democracy to get John Kelly out of
the way. The first is to bully him.
This has been tried, but with most
discouraging results. It is still in
operation, and is likely to continue for
• short time longer. When its hope
lessness is discovered, there will be a
reaction, and the whole party will
unite in au offering of taffy. Mr.
Kelly is too hard-headed to bo fooled
by this cheap device, and can be dc
jjended upon to understand and reject
it. When these plans have failed,
there will remain only one other, and
that will be the Yazoo. If Mr. Kelly
lived in Mississippi he could be shot in
the back, and the solidity of tho party
ivould be restored in a twinkling.
As Exrr.ei'KO, the trial of Cully, iu
Mississippi, for the murder of the little
girl Chishoim, who was killed at the
same time with her father, Judge
Chishoim, resulted in a verdict of not j
guilty, the jury not being out, it is
said, half an hour. This again only
proves that there can be no punish
ment in Mississippi at least, for politi
cal murders. Thousands of persons
have been maltreated or killed in the
South merely because they were Re
pvblicans and not one of the guilty
offenders have ever been punished by
the local authorities. And yet we arc
preached to about "local self-govern
ment', and "States' Rights," which
means that if the "local authorities"
do not punish murder it is to go un
punished. We do not believe in this
doctrine, but think if the State authori
ties fail to punish murder anywhere
or for any cause, the duty of the Na
tional Government is, or ought to be,
to avenge the blood of any of its citi»
zens. No Government is strong
enough to overlook bloodshed, and
our National Government is not strong
enough to neglect or fail to avenge the
blood of any one of its most humble
Important to Voters.
The next election in Pennsylvania
will be held on Tuesday, the 4th of
November. Voters who have not
paid a State or county tax within two
years next preceding the election (ex
cept such as are between the ages of
twenty-one anil twenty-two years,)
must pay such tax one month preced
ing the election, that is, on or before
October 4th. Failure to pay tax in
season deprives the voter of the right
of suffrage.
(In the HUh iust. the, pioneers of
Kansas celebrated the 25th anniver
sary of the existence of that noble ■
State, that went through so much dis
order and bloodshed before it was per-.
mitted to come into the I- nion as a
free State. Col. John \\ . Forney was
the appropriate orator of the occasion,
he, twenty-five years ago, 1-icing among
the first to use his pun and raise his
voice against the outrages intended to
make Kansas a slave State. • The bat
tle for the freedom of Kansas was the |
initial one to the war of the rebellion, ,
and decided the character of slavery
to be a local institution only. And
what a change has taken place since
then on the slavery question! Then
it was said it had a right to go into
the free Territories and to travel with
the Union. Now it is extinct in every
State, and Kansas has a free popula
tion of more than a million. Well
may she rejoice and her pioneers cele
brate their great deliverance twenty
five years ago by their formation of a
free State.
County Committee.
The following is a full list of the
■present Republican County Commit
tee, with their postofiiee address; the
districts not having sent delegates to
the late County Convention of the Bth
inst. being filled up as authorized by
the Convention, with the names of
persons to represent the same. Added
to those that were represented and
published at the time, makes the full
Committee as below :
Adams—James A. McMarlin, Mars.
Allegheny—S. I*. F.akin, Parker City, Pa.
Brady—J. W. Weitzel, West Liberty.
ISutfa'o —M. N. (ircer, Sarvcrsville.
Butler—T. B. White, Butler.
Centre —Thomas B. Iloon, Ilolyoke.
Cherry—A. W. Christie, Moniteau.
Clay—J. F. McCluinr, Coultersville.
Clearfield—\V. S. Fennel, Coylesville.
Clinton—W. W. McCall, Saxonburg.
Concord —Charles Cochran, Hooker.
CoDntwjiienessing —'N.) («. Brateliie, \\ hltes
town; (S.) Robert Henry, Mt. Chestnut.
Cranberry—A. C. Duncan, Ogle.
Donegal —J. B. Orbisou. Barn hart's >1 ills.
Fairview—(W.l Chats. W. Bell, Karus City;
(E.) S. W. McCullough, Baruhart's Mills.
Forward—David Donthett, Browusdale.
Franklin —James Y. Knghsh, Prosjiect.
Jackson— (E.) Dr. J. V. Brooks, Breakneck ;
(W.) Daniel Feidler. Harmony.
Jefferson—W. W. Harbison, Saxrmburg.
Lancaster—Win. Lntz, Middle Lancaster.
Marion—Wm. Sea ton. Harrisville.
Mercer—W- P- Braham, Harrisville.
Middlesex—W. T. Anderson, Glade Mills.
Muddycrcak—W. B. Dodds, Portersville.
Oakland—F 11. Mouie, Uiuufe City,
Parker—C. M. C. Campbell, Bruin.
Penn—W. V. Seaman, Butler.
Slippery rock—J. X. Blair, Slippery rock.
Summit —James Mitchell, Butler.
Venango—Christopher Martin, Kau Claire.
Washington—S.<Huteliins in, North Hope.
WintMd—Samuel llarlett. Carbon Black.
Worth —James M. Maxwell, Jr.cksville.
Butler borough—(lst ward) Thos. Kobinson ;
(2nd ward/ John M. Greer.
Cfintreville—F. S. Peters, Slipneiyrock.
Fi.irview —It. W- Meivce, Baldwin.
Karns City—J. Ci. HtMTy,
Millerstown—A. 1.. Craig, Butler,
Pctrolia—A. 1.. Campbell.
Prospect—W. 11. Iliudle.
Saxouburg—E. Maurboff.
Zeiienoiile —J. Dindiuger.
President Hayes' Speech
Comrade* and Fellow-Citizens:
After almost a year spent in Wash
ington, engrossed in public affairs, it is
a great pleasure to visit again my
friends in Ohio, and especially to meet
so many of my old comrades at this
yearly reunion of the Twenty-third
Regiment. Since we iuit iijet at Wil
lougliby, a year ago, there has been a
vast improvement in the business con
dition of our country. Whatever dif
ferences of opinion may be still found
among the people of this part of Ohio
a* to the importance of the resump
tion of s|Hj*!io payments, and as to the
methods by which It ha* Ijcci) accom
plished, there is one kind of resump
tion which is very noticeable in
Youngstown, and which is making
rapid progress in the whole country,
about which J imagine we are heartily
agreed, and that is J times."
[Cheers.] When I last visited this
beautiful valley of the Mahoning, four
years ago, the financial crisis, and the
gloomy outlook for business and labor
and capital, occupied the thoughts and
depressed the spirits of the people
wherever 1 met then;, whether in pub
lic assemblies, at their places of Idle
ness, or at their hospitable homos.
Now, however, how great and how
gratifying is the change ! All around
us here, and throughout the country
generally, we see cheering and hopeful
indications of better times. Not only
have specie payments been resumed,
but business activity and ptofiuljle em
ployment for capital and labor have
come also. The chief industry and in
terest of this valley—the great iron
interest —already begins to share
largely in t)»e benefit of our improved
condition, and I liu-n-fotv heartily con
gratulate all classes of c\tii.cu» ii» this
large assemblage on the present favor
able business situation, and on the
bright and encouraging prospect which
the future holds out. [Cheers.] We
are all agreed as to the revival ';f busi
ness. [Cheers and cries of ''that's
so."] Within the past six weeks thirty
five tons of gold have come from Lu
rope, and have been landed in New
York. Our friends in the West are
making as much gold as they ever did,
but instead of its leaving us it stays
at home, a:uf whaj, has gone is coming
back. This is a sign of fe'iod Mines,
and we all believe in that, whether we
be Democrats, Republicans or Tem
perance men, or of whatever party.
[Cheers and cries of "that's so."]
Hut now that you are agreed on
that, L want to spend a few minutes in
a plain talk on another subject.
There is a subject interesting to
every citizen, especially to those who
served in the Union army, in regard
to which 1 wish to say a few words.
Since our last reunion, in several of
the States and in Congress, events
have occurred which have revived the
discussion of the question as to the
objects for which wo fought in the
great conflict from 1801 to 18(1.%, and
as to what was accomplished by the
final triumph of the Union cause. 'I he
question is, what was settled by the
war'( What may those who fought
for the Union justly claim ; and what
ought those who fought for secession,
faithfully to accept as the legitimate
results of the war ?
An eminent citizen of our State,
Mr. Gi'CCsbeek, said some years airo,
that "war legiataM," He regarded
the new constitutional sjs
part of the legislation of the war for
the Union, anil i«I. with significant
emphasis, "and thoy will stand." Tin*
equal-rights amendments an- the Icgis
lation of the war for the Union, and
they ought to stand. Great wars
legislate. A little more than a hun
dred years ago, this land where we
now are was claimed, and held by
France. Gen. Wolfe, on the plains of
Abraham, settled that claim, and the
result was the transfer of the title and
jurisdiction of this entire section of
the country to England. For a few
vears its chief ruler was the English
Kimr. The revolution followed, and
the question of its ownership was
asrain the subject of war legislation,
and it became a part of the United
States, no longer under a monarchy,
but under a free Republican Govern
I need not enter into any discussion
of the causes of our civil war. We all
know that the men who planned the
destruction of the Union and the es
tablishment of the Confederate States,
based their attempt on a construction
of the Constitution called the State
riirhts doctrine, and on the interest of
the people of those States in the ex
tension and perpetuation of slavery.
The doctrine of State rights was, that
each State was sovereign and supreme,
and might nullify the laws of the
Union or recede from the L nion at
pleasure. They held that slavery was
the natural and normal condition of
the colored man, and that, therefore,
slavery in this country could and
should be the corner stone of a free
No man has ever stated the issues
of the civil war more fully, more
clearly', or more accurately than Mr.
Lincoln. In any inquiry as to what
may fairly be included among the
things settled by our victory, all just
and patriotic miuds instinctively' turn
to Mr. Lincoln. To him, more than to
any other man, the cause of the I; nion
anil liberty is indebted for its final
triumph. Besides, with all his won
derful sagacity, and wisdom, and logi
cal faculty, 'dwelling intently and
anxiously, and prayerfully, during four
vears of awful trial ami responsibility,
on the questions which were contin
ually arising to perplex and almost
confound Lim, he at last became the
very embodiment of the principles by
which the country and its liberties
were saved. All good citizens may
now well listen to and heed his words.
None have more reason to do it with
respect and confidence, and a genuine
regard, than those whom he addressed
in his first inaugural speech as "my
dissatisfied fellow-countrymen." The
leader of the Union cause was so just
and moderate, find patient and hu
mane, that many supporters of the
Union thought that he did not go far
enough or fast enough, and assailed
his opinions and his conduct, but now
all men begin to see that the plain
people, who at last caino to love him,
and to lean upon his wisdom and firm
ness with absolute trust, were alto
gether right, and that in deed and pur
pose he was earnestly devoted to the
Wuifarc of tI)P whole couutry and of
its inhabitants.
Believing that Mr. Lincoln's opin
ions are of higher authority 011 the
questions of war than those of any
other public man on either side of the
controversy, 1 desire to present them
qqite fully and in his own language.
in the third yptjr of tl;e war, and
while its result was still undecided,
Mr. Lincoln made his memorable ad
dress at the consecration of the Get
tysburg National Cemetery, on the
1 Otli of November, 1803. He was
standing 011 the field of the greatest
battle of the war. He was, 110 doubt,
deeply impressed with tin' heavy re
sponsibilities which ho haii borne at;
long. He spoke not as a partisan, em
bittered and narrow and sectional, but
in the broad anil generous spirit of a
patriot, solicitous to say that which
would be worthy to be pondered by
all of his countrymen throughout all
limp. In his short speech of only two
or three paragraphs lie twice spoke of
the objects of the war, once in its
opening and again in its closing sen
tence. The words have ol't been
quoted, but they cannot be too famil
iar. They bei>r clearlv and forcibly on
the question we are considering.
"Four score ami seven years ago," Haiti Mr.
Lincoln "cur fathers bi ought forth on thin con
tinout a new nation, conceived in liberty and
dedicated to the proposition that all men are
created equal. N>.v we are engaged iu a great
civil war, letting whether that nation, or any
nation HO conceived an 1 HO dedicated, can loll.;
And agaii,, iu cloning he Maid: "It in rather
for us • » • that tfu h'H'M higl)l? roHOivu
that the dead shall not have died in vain ; tha'
the uatiou shall, under God, have a now birth
of freedom ; and that Government of the peo
ple. by the people, and for the poopie, shall not
perish from the earth "
No statement of the true objects of
t{ie war more complete than this has
ever bewn mad'.. It includes them all
—nationality, liberty, equal rights and
self-government. These are the prin
ciples for which the Union soldier
fought, and which it was his aim to
maintain and to perpetuate. [Cheers.]
If any one supposes that the con
struction of our ift iqnal Constitution,
which is known as the State rig!i\
doctrine, is consistent with sound
principles, let him consider a few para
graphs from Mr. Lincoln's first mes
sage to Congress, at the e.ftra session
of 18fil.
Speaking of what was called the
right of peaceful secession—that is,
secession iu accordance with the Na
tional Constitution—he said :
"This sophism derives much, perhaps the
whole, of itH currency from the as-umptioi) that
there is Homo ouipotent anl * acred supremacy
pertaining to a State to each State of our Fed
eral Union. Oar Hti.L i.ijve licit her more nor
loss power than llr.t rotervod In ihotii in the
Union bv the Constitution, no one of thoin nver
having been a State out of tho Union. '1 ho
original ones pa Hod into tho Union even before
they cast off their colonial dependence, and tho
new ones each came into tho Union directly
from a condiliou of dependence, excepting
'l'exas. And even Texa*. iu it.-' temp irary in !
pendcuce, was never designated a State. The
new oiios only took the designation ol States on
coming into the Union, wiiile that nam? was
Erst adopted for the old men in and by ti • l>ec
laratinn of Independence. Therein the •United
Colonies' wore declared to bo 'fieu an.l inde
pendent Htat.abut, even then, the object
plainly was not to dec lire tieir independence
of OHV another, or of the Onion, but. directly
the contrary, as tlieif niu'iiai pledge, and their
mutual action, before, at til : time, and after
wardn, abundantly show. The express plighting
of faith by each and all the origin*! thirteen, iu
the article of Confederation, two yearH later,
ihjt tljp Union shall l»o perpetual, is most con
clusive. Havmg naver b*eq State*, either in
suhslai.ee or name, outstde of the tinioii. wlmnep
this magical omnijiotenre of 'Stato rights,
asserting a claim or power to lawfully destroy
tho Union itself ? Much is said about iho 'sov
ereignty' of the Slates ; but tho word, even is
not in tho National Con titutiou, nor, as is
believed, in any of the State Constitutions.
What Id 'sovereignty, 1 iu the p jlittcal saute of
the word ? Would it Is; wrong t-> dellno it a
political community without a political suporiorji'
Tested by this, no ono of our Slates, except
Texas, was a sivereig'.it , and even Tex*- gavn
up Unit character en comming into tue Union,
by which r.ct (the acknoivl" lee.l the Constitution
Of tho United States, and tlio law ami tho
1 treaties of the United States made in puivu-.iice
of tlie Constitution to bo, for hor, the supremo
' law of tlio land- Tlio Sratos li*ve their it<Uus
t IK the ITiiioii. and thnv havo 110 other lejjal
ib&m. If tli. v Ine»U from tin", tin y .»n only
10 -j against the law and by revolution. Tho
L'ui.iii, aul not tliom.-"'tvc. boparalaly, procured
their independence and 'lftii liberty. l>y con
«|ne«t or purchase, the Union uavo tliom what-
I - ver of independence aud liberty it has. Tho
Union IH older thin any of tlio States, and, in
fact, it created them ax States,
Unquestionably the States have the
i powers and rights reserved to them in
i and by the National Constitution, and
upon this point, in another part of this
I great message, Mr. Lincoln says :
I "Tint, relative matter of National power and
State rights as a principle, is n<> otiicr than the
. principle of generality and locality. Whatever
'Xiacerns the whole *lionld be confide ! to tho
whole—to the Gem ral Government . wtiilo
whatever concern* only the States d'loilld be left
exclusively to the State. I'liia is ail thare is of
original principle about it."
Mr. Lincoln held that the United
States is a nation, and that its Govern
ment possesses ample power under the
Constitution to maintain its authority
aud enforce its laws in every part of
its territory. The denial of this prin
ciple by those who asserted the doc
trine of State rights, and who rightly
claimed that it was inconsistent with
State sovereignty, made up an issue
over which arose one of the leadinir
controversies which led to the civil
war. The result of the war decided
that controversy in favor of nationality
and in favor of the supremacy of the
National Government. [Cheers.]
This decision is in accordance with
the principles of the fathers. On this
day ninety-two years ago the delegates
iu convention at Philadelphia agreed
to the Constitution of the United
States, which was afterwards ratified
aud adopted. Ou the same day, Sep
tember 17, 1787, General Washington
sent a letter transmitting the Consti
tution to the Congress iu session in
New York. Iu the letter he said:
'•The friends of oar country have long since
desired that the power of making war, peace
and treaties, that of levying money and regu
lating commerce, and tho correspondent execu
tive and judicial authorities fhould be fully and
elTectuallv vested iu the General Government
of tho Union. * * * It is obviously imprac
ticable in tho gentr.il goveienuient of these
States to secure all rights of independent sov
ereignty to each, and vet provide for tho inter
est aud" safety of all. " * * ♦ Tn all onr delib
erations ou tiiis subject, we kept steadily 111 our
view that which appears to us tiie greatest in
terest of cvarv true American—the consolidation
of OBf Union—in which is involved our pros
perity, felicity, safely, perhapi our National
Again, In his Farewell Address,
Washington said :
•'The unity of government, which constitute#
yon one people, ib alm> justly dear to you. * *
The name of American, which belmign to you
iti your National capacity, rnuat alwavn exalt
the' juat pride of patriotism, more than any
appellation derived from local discriminations."
On the question of human rights
Mr. Lincoln was equally explicit, and
often declared that it was involved in
the conflict, and to be decided by the
result. Iu his matchless message, air
ready quoted, he says :
' Our adversaries have adopted some declara
tions of independence, in which, unlike tho
goiid old one, penned by Jefferson, they omit
the words, 'all men are creatod e piai.' Why ?
They have adopted a temporary National Con
stitution iu tho preamble of which, unlike our
good old ono, i-igued by Washington, they
omit 'We, the people, and substitute, 'We,
t'uo deputies of tho sovereign and inde
pendent S;ates." Why? Why this deliberate
pressing out of view tins rights of men, and the
authority of the people? IMr.s is essentially a
People's' co;itci4- tin the siinof tho Union, it
is a straggle for maintaining Tu tho world that
form and substance of government whoso le.vd
-111" object is to elevate the condition of men;
to lift artificial weights from all shoulders ; to
clear the paths of laudablo pursuit to all; to
air >rd ail all unfettered start, aud a fair chai.ce
in the race of life. Yielding to partial anil tem
porary departures, from necessity, this is tlie
leading object of tho Govorumeiit for whoso
existence wo eonteml. t am most happy to
believe that the plain people understand and
appreciate this."
On the subject of suffrage, Mr. Lin
coln's guiding principle was that "110
man was good enough to govern an
other 111:111 without that other man's
Thus we have from the pen and lips
of Mr. Lincoln—the j*wat loader and
representative of the Union cause—ill
the most solemn and authentic form, a
complete statement of the issues of
the war. He held that the Union is
perpetual; that its Government is na
tional and supreme, and that all its
inhabitants should be free, and be ac
corded equal civil and political rights.
These ' are the great fundamental
principles, aflirmed 011 the one side and
denied 011 the other, upon which the
appeal was made to the God of battles.
{ do not undertake to rcyie.y the de
bate as to the nature and powers of
the Government of the Union, and as
to the doctrine of State rights, which
began with the foundation of our insti
tutions, and which continued until it
was hushed by the clash of arms. It
is enough for my present purpose to
that, as a matter of history, all of
the political parties of the pa lit, when
charged with the responsibility of di
recting the affairs of the Government,
have maintained, in their practical ad
ministration of it, precisely the same
principles which were held by Presi
dent Lincoln. The principles as to the
powers of the National Government
Which W'. n, acted upoq l;y Washing
ton and Jackson, and which are sus
tained by the decisions of Chief Jus
tice Marshall, and by which Lincoln
and the Union armies crushed the re
bellion and rescued the Republic, are
among the legitimate and irreversible
results of the war which ought not to
be questioned. [Cheers.]
Touching the remaining important
controversy settled by the war, the
public avowals of opinion are almost
all in favor of the faithful acceptance
of the new constitutional amendments.
011 this subject the speeches of public
men and tho creeds and platforms of
the leading political parties have for
sonic years past been explicit. In
1872, all parties iu their respective
National Conventions adopted resolu
tions recognising tiie equality 01 all
men before the law, and pledging
themselves iu the words of the l'emo
cratie National Convention, "to raain-
I tain emancipation and enfranehiae
j ment, and to oppose the reopening of
the questions settled by the recent
I amendments to the Constitution." I"
j the great political parties again,
in the language of tho St liouis Na
tional Convention, affirmed the "devo
tion to the Constitution of the United
States, with its amendments unirer
aalhj accepted as a final settlement of
the controversies that engendered the
civil war." Notwithstanding these
declarations, we are compelled to take
notice that, whilo very few citUens
anywhere would wish to ro-establish
slavery if they could, and 110 ono
would again attempt to break up tho
Uniou by secession, there still remains
in some communities a dangerous
practical denial to tho colored citizens
of the political rights which are fruar
lanteed to them by the Constitution as
[it now is. In the crisis of the war
. Mr. Line >ln appealed to the colored
t people to take up arms. About two
hundred thousand responded to the
call, enlisted in the Union armies, ami
fought for the Union cause under the
Union flag. Equality of rights for the
colored people, from that time, thus
became one of the essential issues of
the war. Gen. Sherman said, "When
the light is over, the hand that drops j
the musket cannot be denied the bal
lot." Jefferson sai.l long before, "the .
man who fights for the country is en
titled to vote." When, with the help
of the colored men, the victory was
gained, the Fifteenth Amendment fol
lowed naturally as one of its legiti
mate results. No man can truthfully
claim that he faithfully accepts the
true settlements of the war, who sees
with indifference the Fifteenth Amend
ment practically nullified. [Cheers.]
No one can overstate the evils which
the country must suffer if lawless and
violent opposition to the enjoyment of
constitutioual rights is allowed to be per
manently successful. The lawlessness
which to-day assails the rights of the
colored people will find other victims
to-morrow. This question belongs to
no race, to no party, and to no section.
It is a question in which the whole
l country is deeply interested. Patriot
ism, justice, humanity, and material
I interests, all plead on the right side of
I this question. The colored people are
the laborers who produce the cotton
which, going abroad to the markets of
the world, gives us that favorable bal
ance of trade which is now doing so
much for the revival of all business. The
whole fabric of society rests upon
labor. If free laborers suffer from
oppression and injustice, they will
either become discontented and turbu
lent, destroyers of property, and not
producers of property, or they will
abandon the communities which de
prive them of their inalienable rights.
In either case, social order and tho
peaceful industries are imperiled. It
will not do to say that this is an
affair which belongs solely to the dis
tant States of the South. The whole
country must suffer if this question is
■not speedily settled, and settled rightly.
Where the two races are numerous,
prosperity can only exist by the united
and harmonious efforts of both the
white people and the colored people.
The only solid foundation for peace
and progress in such communities are
equal and exact justice to both races.
Consider the present situation ! What
ever complaints may have been heard
during the progress of reconstruction,
candid men must admit that all sec
tions and all States are now equally
regarded, and share alike the rights,
the privileges, and the benefits of the
common Government. All that is
needed for the permanent pacification
of the country is, the cordial co-opera
tiun of all well-disposed citizens to
secure faithful observance of the equal
rights amendments of the Constitu
tution. [Cheers and cries of "You're
Happily, in the very communities
where lawlessnss has been most gen
eral and most successful, there are
editors of newspapers and other influ
ential citizens who speak out and de
nounce these crimes against free gov
ernment. It is plain that a soqnd
public opinion is forming where it is
most needed. No community can
afford to allow any of its citizens to be
oppressed—to lose their rights. One
of two things will happen if they are
oppressed. Either they will bocoqie
tuibuient anil destroy," or they will
leave. [Cheers.] To be indifferent on
the subject is to disregard interest and
duty. The Union citizens and soldiers
can do much to remove the evils we
are considering. Let it be understood
that no public man in any party will
be sustained unless he will undertake
to carry out in good li»iih ti,e pledges
made in all our platforms in regard to
the rights of colored citizens; unless
he will support laws providing the
means required to punish crimes against
them ; ami unless he will oppose the
admission of any man to either House
of Congress whose seat has been ob
tained by the violation of t|ie Fifteenth
Amendment, 'l he right of suffrage is
the right of self-protection. Its free
exercise is the vital air of republican
This U ihp la\y pnt|
and the Executive Department must
enforce it. The man who will vote
money to keep up the mails, to collect
the revenue, and to keep up the other
departments of the Government, and
will not vote money for this purpose
to protect all citizens in the right of
suffrage—that man is not the patriot
j)c prpttupl-i to Up, or oju' whom you
should trust. [Cries of "Good," and
great cheering.]
To establish now the State-rights
doctrine of the supremacy of the
States, anil an oligarchy of race, is
deliberately to throw away an essen
tial part of the fruits of the Union
victory. The settlements of the war
iu fa\nr of eqqal rights and the su
premacy of the laws of the nation are
just anil wise ami necessary. Let
them not be surrendered. Let them
be faithfully accepted and firmly en
forced. Let them stand, and, with the
advancing title of business prosperity,
we may confidently hope, by the bless
ing of (jivine Providence, that \ye
shall soon enter upon an era of har
mony and progress such as has been
rarely enjoyed by any people. [Great
Remaining Elections this Fall.
Ohio, October 14.—State officers and
members of Legislature.
lowa, October 11.—State officers
members of the Legislature, and one
j Congressman to fill a vacancy.
I Marvlaud, November 4.—State offi
cers and members of the Legislature.
Massachusetts, November 4.—State
officers and members of Legislature.
Minnesota, November 4.—State of
ficers ami members of Legislature.
New York, November 4.—State offi
cers and members of Legislature.
Wisconsin, November 4.—Stale offi
cers and members of Legislature.
Mississippi, November 4.— Members
of Legislature.
New Jersey, November 4.—Mem
bers of Legislature.
Pennsylvania, November 4.—State
Louisiana, December 2.—On the
adoption of the new Constitution.
THIS Democracy in Wisconsin are
in an uncommonly bad way. 1 heir
only available candidate for Governoi
peremptorily declined the doubtful
honor, and now there is trouble to
get another. The State Central Com
mittee has the matter in charge, and
and may yet have to call for proposals,
accompanied by a suitable bond. Can
didates are not so active iu the face of
[ certain defeat.— Ex.
Xo., Tmrm mm l >rJr. Plaintiff ! Attorney rhuniif. | Defendant's Atttmu y
<l*. 82J, Dec. 187* M B Meßride Patrick Meßride <'hosier Bul!»ok i t al .1 M Miller X Brother
Kq'v 2, June, 1 S7B F M Kastinm Vhram Hunt Nancv A Il«uk <i W Fleeter
P. 737, Dee. 1878 L Z Mitohell M .1 Howes J A H*v» \Coet al !{»nv-or, Black et al
K. P. 113, Soot., l-»7t».C Walker Swain & Kusleu et al .1 S staufFer L Mcl^aistion
44 If-, 44 l Sullivan Brothers Stephen II Meßride Mo Bride Jfc Ix>wrv I* W L>vrrv
44 300, Jan'y, 1376 John M Miller it BPO Edward M Bred in Washington Campbell I, Z Mitchell
14 518, Oct. 187»; MeJunkin & Cainnbell Marsh all Welch (' B Wi*er &Co same
44 "»7, June, 1?*77 GA4 A T Black • Robert Gil key Abbott Shult Jc Scott
" 230, " 1877 Thompson Jc Seott W W Mci'ord for use Thomas Kobioson. Adui'r IJohn M Greer
44 30<», 44 1877 MeCandless & Greer John W Storey John Williams « t al 'MeJunkin A Campltell
44 4!*2. 44 1>77 John M Greer K Mellon, Ex'r J 11 Shepherd, Cx'r Thompson & Scott
44 583, 4t 1877 same Peter Iluteliison vt al James Pierce et al G A A: A T Black
44 t509, 44 1877 Metjuiistionand Meßride.Jeremiah Maloney Al' Tanner I, Z Mitchell ,
44 51. Oct., 1877 GA& A T Black John L Heed Alexander ami Mary Hutchison same
14 91, 44 1877 John M Greer |A C Robb J C Knox et ux J X Purviancc
92, " 1577; same A C Robb John ii Xcviuan et ux same
44 93, 44 1577; same ,A C Robb Sarah Kuox same
" i' 4, " 15771 same A C Robb Knchel Johnson same
44 7<X">, " 1877| same ,John Greer T L Crowley et al J M Miller «fc Bro
4 * 74, Jan v 1 >7> S F Bowser M Miller 4Co Joseph same
44 403, March, I*7B, Thompson & Seott W C Adams 'Poor (ii>trict Fairview Borough John M Greer
44 132, June, 187SiG A «s A T Black Odd Fellows* Hall Ass'n, Bakerst'n J Frediey et al same
44 173, 44 I*7B Kiddle and Lu*k John Mai/land David McMillan J D MeJunkin
2«>o, 44 I>7> MeJunkin «.V Campbell Walter Evans Theodore Uusclton Rciber and Mitchell
44 263, 44 IS7B Newton Black Matthew Morrow 1 8 BTnver .1 M Miller 6 Bro
A. RU&UCLL, Protboßol
Our Question Box.
[Sufficient interest has been manifested in
this department to warrant us in the belief that
we can. with the ai«l of our rural friends es
pecially, make it a distinctive feature of our
paper, particularly through the wiuter months.
We invite a continuance of favors.—EDS.J
—The answers to tho questions in
last week's paper are : 2 hour? and 43
7-11 minutes to boat question, and
per cent, loss to percentage question.
—2,519 is correct answer given to
division question. It is the least num
ber that will divide in that way, but
there are many larger multiples also.
—My answer to percentage question
is: If a man loses 15 ]»er cent, on first
investment, and after said loss invests
balance and gains 15 per cent., he loses
per cent, of amount first invested.
—What is tho diagonal line or
lougest brace possible in a derrick the
perpendicular height of which is 75
feet, 20 feet square at base and 5 feet
square at top? What is the difference
between its perpendicular and slant
height ? Ex.
—I bought a lot of ground, paying
cash for it. Then one-fifth of one
eighty-first of the sum of money I
first had being left, it paid for the 1-160
part of the highest denominational
unit part of one other lot, containing
acres and perches, which cost me SSOO
by paying 25 per cent, more per acre
than for the first purchase, llow much
land did I first buy, and how much in
the last purchase ? TELL.
Public Schools.
FAIRVIEW, Sept. 17, 1879.
MESSRS. EDITORS—The late exami
nations of teachers devested a state
of affairs that it seems to nie would be
proper and right for every one to know.
The work commenced July Ist, and
ended August 30th, and the following
is a summary:
No. of examinations •")
" " males examine! 3.50
" " female* examined
Total 649
No. examined who never taught 240
No. of males rejected 129
No. of females rejected 133
Total 204
Whole No. of certificates issued to (late. ..402
'l'en of the above are professional
certificates. Some of the failures were
re-examined and a few succeeded in
passing, and seven of those now hav
ing professional certificates wore at
first furnished with provisionals. This
accounts for the seeing discrepancy be
tween the number examined and the
number of failures as compared with
the number of certificates issued. The
grade required was an average not
greater than 2 with no marks below
2k Some whose uveruge \yould have
been all, right. l%ili.d on the last condi
tion. lti a fuw instances where the
applicants were known to have taught
successfully last winter, and happened
to fall below the required mark on one
branch, they were allowed to pass,
but this exception did not benefit
above five or six cases. Allow i»e to
say to the r.aes, that iu my
OilimaUnu, the failures nearly all re-
J suited from a pure lack of scholarship.
Considering the njijvirtuiiUivs some
liaye ha<\, it i- '«• (isj-race to he. ignor
ant, but, having discovered that fact
once, it is a disgrace to remain so.
True, it may cause you some chagrin,
and your acquaintance.-, may chafe you
about it; but accept it us one of the
many disappointments to which we
are all doomed in the course of a life
time, and go quietly to work resolved
that by next year you will U) beyond
the possibility uf a failure. Herueni
bar in your work not to "stuff" your
selves with a view to passing the ex
amination, but fit yourselves to teach
the subject thoroughly and intelli
gently, antl once fitted to do that you
need not fear an examination.
To those who just got over the
bridge with little to spare, I would
say, that it might be well for them to
look after elevating their standard of
intelligence, or by another year they
may find themselves set aside to make
room for more progressive persons.
To all I would say, you can never get
to know too much. Keep the cob
webs out of your brain by constant
reading and thinking. He alive t° all
that js qscfql and good. Work both
in and out of the school room. The
faithful teacher is as sure to be re
warded eventually as the faithful chris
The County Institute will convene
in the Court House, at Hutler, October
27th, and continue in session during
the week. Dr. Wickershain lias sig
nified his intention of being with us.
Other prominent educators will also
be there, and their names will be pub-,
lished as soon as arrangements are
entirely completed. A list ol ques
tions for discussion with the names of
those expected to open the discus
sions will also lie published. Teach
ers, directors and all others are in
vited to attend, and those having
anything to offer are requested to
make it known to me by mail ur other
wise tlj soon a<> possible. Let all
come resolved to make it one of the
most profitable Institutes ever held.
Very respectil'ullv,
"P. F. McKEE,
County .Superintendent.
As TIIE season advances to its close,
the yellow fever at Memphis and other
points in the South develops more
virulence and proves itself more fatal.
The appeal made by the Howard As
sociations for aitl is being responded
to in the several cities, and the pros
pect is that the necessary supply of
funds will be realized to carry 011 its
humane work. The demand will be
continuous till frosts stop the progress
of the disease. For the sake of those
who suffer, it may be hoped that the |
frosts will speedily come.— Mr.
Axes, Augers, j | Norway iron, Oilers,
Auger Handles, Awls, T~l » T T -t *'•' Stones, Padlocks,
Apple l'arers, ISt/ V I H \ 11, IV/ VI Picks, l'lauea, Plows,
Aui;pr Bits Axle (ireasej i-O 4 t/1 1 illJlJl Plane Irons,
Bells, Bolts, Block*, Pulleys, Pocket Cutlerr,
Brushes, Bits, J Porcelain Kettles,
Blacksmiths' Sledges, I After thanking our pataons and Percussion Caps,
Builders' Hardware, the publie generally for their very\ Bakes. Razors,
i «*™; ,-irvr,H
Bliustin;,' Powder, U'l.uld respectfully announce thai Kat Traps, Rollers, Saws,
Carpenter*' Tools, we hare note in Slock a full line of \ Scales, Screws, Shot,
Carriage Holts, Stoves,
Cook Stoves, „ r . rv . X . T . i Scythes, Screw Drivers,
Cartridges, Chains, IIKA* 1 A>P SliLLf , Scythe Stones,
Chisels, Cordage, ; Shovels, Spades,
Churns, T"T~ ~1 Spikes, Spoons, Steel,
Cow Bells, Cutlery, I—l QY I / j '\\T QV P Stove Polish, Springs,
Dt»or Spring* ami Stops, J L CX' _L v_4. VV Cv -L vV. Tinware,
drawing Knives, j Table Cutlery, Tacks,
Eurg Beaters, Kdjre Tools, ! Tools, Trunk Locks,
Faucets, Files, \suitable for the Fall trade, at Traps, Tape Measures,
Forks, Fly Traps, j rices to suit the times. ! Upholsterers' Tacks
(iun Cans, (lunleis, • » /• ,» • . I \ ises—l i lack sm 1 tlis .
Gun Locks, Glass, All those in need of anything tn j
Gun|M>wder,Grindstones, our line are cordially incited to Whips, Wire,
ii " ;um ' ,ers . "ves, 'call and examine goods and prices »-sliers<, WheUtoaes,
Handles, Harness Snaps, !. . . J , , ' \\ indow Springs,
Hatch Hinge*. before purchasing elsewhere. Window Locks,
Horse Shoes aud Nails, Wringers, Wrenches,
Lanterns, Locks, JACKSON & MITCHELL, Wire Cloth, Wedges,
Mailt ts. Wardrobe Hooks,
Malleable Iron Castings' .. . , T Wardrobe Ix>eks,
Meat Cutters, Corner Main 4 Jefferson SU., Wood Saws, Wire Rope,
Machine Screws, . Yard Sticks,
Measuring Tapes, BLILLR, PA. Zink Oilers,
Nuts, Nails, Zink Sheet,
Agricultural Implements, House Furnishing Goods,
Farmers' Supplies,
Iron, Steel, Metals, Blacksmiths' Supplies, &c.
Auctioneers and Jobbers
Auction Sales Every Tuesday, at 101 A. 11.
Having purchased our stock before the recent advance we will continue t«
sell at old prices.
than they can be bought from houses selling on credit.
Cull and examine our stock and prices of consigned and regular goods, at
BTo3. 53 <& 55 Wood O St. <& 105 Third Av©
A FREE HOOK of nearly LOO large octavo
pages for the Bli K. Full of valuable notes 1 »u
Scrofula; Diseases of the Breathing Organs;
Diseases of Men ; Diseases of Women ; Aches
and Pains; Heart Troubles; and a great va
riety of CintONit: DISEASES, with evidence
that in must cases these diseases aro curable.
Sent for one stamp. Address
No. 129 K. 28th street, N. Y.
This disease like many others is regarded
as incurable. It is not so. If it is taken in
time it is as easily cured as a wart or a corn.
We know very well that it is a fearful disease
and will out away until it destroys life, that
is if It is nes;leeted, but if it is attended to
when it first makes its appearance, or soon
after, there is no trouble in eradicating it
from the system. Persons will have to be here
during part of the treatment, consequently
there is no use writing to me for information
whether it can be cured withont my seeing the
case. I also treat with success, Rupture, Piles,
Fistula, I'leers, I lceratedlegs, \ aricose \ciiis,
Varicocele Tniuors, Hydrocele, und every torin
of Skin Disease.
Dr. Keyser, 240 Penn Avenue,
Opposite Christ's Church, Pittsburgh, Pa.
TAYLOR GALLAHER—Sept 18,1879, at
the residence of the utlieiat>ng minister, by
ltev. ('. A. Liinberg, Mr. James L. Taylor, of
Centre township, and Mis-; Lizzie (iallahcr, of
ISutler township, this county.
CROEN—ANDERSON—Sept. I<S, 1s7!», at
the residence of the bride's father, Mr. .lames
Anderson, by Rev. I. T. Wright, assisted by
Rev. Nathan Winegart, Mr. S. M. Crocn, of
llrcak and Miss Mattie J. Anderson, of
Glade .Mill, both of this county.
BTEIILE—MOItALL -Sept. 22, 1 S7!», at the
(ierninn ' atholie t liurcli, -Mr. Jno. F. T. Stelile
auil Miss .Magdalena Morall, ls.th of this place.
TROI'TMAN—Pent. 21, 1*79, at his resi
dence in Peun township, this county, Mr. Adam
Troutmau, Sr., in the 74th year of liis age.
WII-SON Sept. 13, 1879, in Centv town
ship, this county, Hilly, son of Mr. James
Wilson, aged 12 years.
Also, oil the 19th inst., Minnie, daughter of
same, aged about 8 years; both from diph
TA \NA IIILL- Sept. 20th, 1579, in Centre
villc, this county. Mrs. TaniiaJiill, wife of Win.
Taniiahill, aged'about 4"> years.
(iROKSMAN Sept. 18th, 1879, at his resi
dence in Urady township, this county, Mr.
James Orossnian, aged about 65 years.
MARTIN—Sept. 22nd, 1879, at Etna, Alle
gheny countr, l'a., Mr, John W. Martin, son
of Mr. Thomas Martin, of Jefferson township,
this county, aged ulwuit 25 years.
SNYDER—Sep'- 20th, 1879, at bis residence
iu Jefferson township, this county, Mr. Philip
Snyder, Sr., aged 7 i years.
Mr. Snyder was a very industrious and honest
citizen and much respected by all who knew
him. His funeral on Sunday last was one of
the largest ever known iu this county.
JONES—Sept. 22. 1879, in this place, Mr.
Jesse M. Jones, in the il.'lrl year of his age.
Funeral services will take place at the M. E.
Church this (Wednesday) afternoon at 2J
o'clock, sharp. All sddicrs of the late war
are invit ■ I to atbnd.as it was the oft-expressed
wi-li of deceased that he be laid to rest by bis
surviving comrades.
Sew A<lver(i«eiuenls.
Exclusively devoted to the practical educs-
I tiou of young and middle-aged men, for active
business life. School always in session. Stu
dents can enter at any time. j?iJ-Seud for
J. C. SMITH, A. M., Principal,
iept24-3m Pittsburgh, Pa.
Notice in hereby (riven that an njudication
wll lie made to the Governor ot the Common
wealth of Peniisylvunla lor a charter or Incor
poration of the "Western Pennsylvania Tel
ephone Company." The object of said com
pany Is the constriction and maintenance ol i»
telegraph line for telegraphic and lelepbonic
purposes within the county ot Butler and other
counties in the western part of the State of
Pennsylvania. scpt24
Guaranteed Investments
Hv our Insurance SyMcui of liivestrncnts in
Stock Operations we insure ludcmnlly Iroiu
loss. No "Marginal" or "Privilege" plans. In
vestments received in sums ol s2o and upward.
Correspondence Irom stock operators solicited.
bcpl-4-lui Broadway, N. Y.
Election Notice-
Notice is hereby |(lveu that there will lie an
election held lor officers of the Glade Mill Mll
- Fire Insurance Company, at the School
lioiisc at Glade Mill, on Saturday. September
27,1879. JACOB HUTCH MAN, Secy.
By virtue of an order obtained in the District
Court of the United States for the Western
District of Pennsylvania, there will be exposed
to public Haiti at 2 o'clock, I*. M. t the 7th dav of
October. A P. 1579, at the ntore hoiwe formerly
occupied by Oxler A Woekn, Petrolia, Butler
county Pa., the "books and book accouuts of
said Oxley A Weeks, k -'^ oDGireit TY.
sepl7-3t Assignee of Oxley A Weeks.
Notice Extraordinary.
Persona desiring to have their Old Furniture
repaired, or New Work made to order, Hticli art
Mimic Standi*. Rook Ca*on. Wardrobe#, Office
beak*. Office Table*. Ac., would do well to call on
A. it. WILSON,
Practical Cabinet Maker.
I hold that a piece of furniture inaJo by hand
is worth two undo by machinery, and will cost
but littls more, if any. Then why not have hand
made ? All work made in tlift latest styies and
of the best material. I guarantee entiro sat
isfaction m stvle. workmanship and prico. Give
nn> a call Shop on Mifflin street, four doom
west of Main street, and oppoeito A. Troutman'a
store, I Sutler. Pa. sepl'-ly
$5 will buy a one-halt interest In a (rood bas
in,vs iu Pittsburgh. One who knows some
thing uls'Ut farming preferred. Au lioucttman
with the al>ovc amount "ill do well to address
by letter, SMITH JOUNB, care S. M. James.
t»3 Liberty street, Pitt-burgh, 1
CA inTTrm r* and a Cow Milker freo
to Farmers who act an
Agents. Cut thin out
w/ piTFNTrn / J and mldrow with htan.p
r Name this pa|>or.
Real Estate Agency.
W. 8 BOYD has opened a Heal Estate ofllce
in the Vogelcy House, Butler, Pa., where all
desci iptions of Farms, Houses, Lots Western
Lands and tieftvv Timber Lands in Jeflenon
county. Pa., are for sale. Any person wishing
t.i l.u\ will please call and examine his Kesjis
te ~l properties. Best kind ol securities tor
s i!e. Xtoiids, Mortgages on H--.1l Estate. Money
loaned on first class mortgages. I'elO iiiu