Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 24, 1879, Image 1

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Per year, in advance tl 50
Otherwise 2 00
No subscription will be discontinued until all
arrearage* are paid. roftroaster* neglecting to
notifv Q0 when subscribers do not take out their
papers mill be held liable for the subscription.
Su)*-c ribera removing from one postoffice to
another should give us the name of the former
as well as the present office.
All communications intended for publication
in this paper must be accompanied by the real
name of the writer, not for publication, but as
a guarantee of good faith.
Marriage and death notices must be accompa
nied by a responsible name.
(Butler Time.)
Trains leave Butler for Bt. Joe, Milleretown,
Sums City, Petrolin, Parker, etc., at 7.25 a. ID.,
aud 2.05 and 7.20 p. m. [Sec below Cor cou
nectious with A. V R. R.)
Trains arrive at Batter from the above named
points at 7.15 a. ui-, and 1.55, and 6.55 p. ni.
The 1.55 train connects with train on the West
IVnn roid through to Pittsburgh.
Suuday trains arrive at 10.55 a. m. and 3.55
p. ra., and leave at 11.10 a. m. and 4.10 p. m.
Trains leave Hilliard's Mill, Butler county,
for Harrisville, Greenville, etc., at 7.40 a. to.
and 12.20 and 2.20 p. n).
Stages leave Petroli.i at 5.30 a. m. for 7.40
train, aud at 10.00 a. m. for 12 20 train.
Return stages leave Milliard on arrival of
ttalns at 10.27 a, in. and 1.50 p. ra.
Stage leaves Martinsburg at 9.30 for 12.30
r. N. c., * L. E. R. B.
The morning train leaves Zelienople at 6 11
Harraonv C.16 aud Evausbnrg at 6.3*. arriving
at Ktna Station at 8.20. and Allegheny at 9.01.
The afternoon traiu leaves Zelienop'e at 1.26,
Harmony 1.31, Evansburg 1.53, arriving at
Etna Station at 4 11 aud Allegheny at 4.46.
Trains conuocting at Etna Station with this
road leave Allegheny at 7.11 a. m. and 3.51 p. m.
Si By getting oil at Sbarpsbnrg station and
crossing the bridge to the A. V. R. It., pnsseu
pcrs on the morning train can reach the Union
depot at D o'clock.
Trains leave Butler (Butler or Pittsburgh Time.)
Market at 5.11 a. in , goes through to Alle
gheny, arriving at 9.01 a. ra. This train con
nects at Free port with Frecport Accommoda
tion, which arrives at Allegheny at 8.20 a. in.,
railroad time.
Express at 7.21 a. m , connecting at Butler
Junction, without change of care, at 8.26 with
Express west, arriving In Allegheny at U. 58
a. m., and Express east arriving at BUiraville
at 11 00 a. in. railroad time.
Mail at 2.36 p. m., connecting at Butler Junc
tionwithout change of cars, with Expre§6 west,
arriving in Allegheny at 5.26 p. m., and Ex
press east arriving at Blairsviile Intersection
at 6.10 p. m. railroad time, which connects with
Philadelphia Kxprvss east, when on time.
Sunday Express at 4.06 p. m., goes through
to Allegheny, arriving at 6.06 p. m.
The 7.21 a. in train connects at Blairsviile
at 11.05 a. in. with the Mail ca.-<t, and the 2.36
p.m. train at 6.59 with the Philadelphia Ex
press east.
Trains arrive at Butler on West Pcnn K. R- at
9.51 a. m., 5.0P and 7.11 p. in., Butler time. The
9,51 and 5.06 trains connect with trains on
the Butler & Parker R. R. Sun 'ay train arrives
at Butler at 11.11 a. m., connecting with train
for Parker.
Main Line.
Through trains leave Pittsburgh tor the Ealt
at 2.56 and 8.26 a. m. and 12 51, 4.21 and 5.06 p.
m., arriving at Philadelphia at 3.40 a«d 7.20
p. in. and 3.00, 7.00 and 7.40 a. m.; at Baltimore
abont the same time, at New York three hours
later, and at Washington about one and a half
hours later.
Old In Ainnn lluvented ill Wall St. stocks
u> UlO 1 UUUI m * keß fortui,eß ever y
▼ lulu y | month. Book sent free ex
plaining everything. Address
BAXTER A CO., Bankers,
oct9 17 Wall street N. Y.
myai-ly] BUTLER, PA.
Allegheny Collegiate Institute
Rev. THOS. C. STRONG, D. D.. President.
Will open Oil MONDAY, SEPTEMBER Blb.
School hours from 9A. W. to 1.30 P. M. Its con
venient distance from the depots will permit
pupils living outside the city to leturn home
each day, thus saving expense for board.
For circulars address promptly as abovo.
Pennsylvania Female College,
A first class College for women. Educational
standard high. Advantages complete. Most
delightful situation In the whole country.—
Terras quite moderate Opens SEPTEMBER
10TH. Address
jly"0-2in Acting President.
OM WALDRON, Graduate ot the Phil-
B adelphia Dental College, is prepared
a It •to do auything in the line of his
profession in a satisfactory manner.
Office on Main street, Butler, Union Block,
ni> stairs, apll
Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts.
J. L. Purvis, E. A. Helmholdt,
William Campbell, J. W. Burkhart,
A. Troutman, Jacob Schocne,
G. 0. Roessing, John Caldwell,
Dr. W. lrvin, Samuel Marshall,
J.W.Christy H. C. Heinem&n.
JAS. T. M'JUNKIN, Gen. A*'t-
II UTI, E 11, PA.
President. Vice President.
WM. CAMPBELL, Jr., Cashier.
William Campbell, J. W. Irwin,
Jan. D. Anderson, Qoorge Weber,
Joseph L. Purvis.
Does a General Banking 4 Exchange bnsinoss.
Interest paid on time deposits. Collections made
and prompt retnrns at low rates of Exchange.
Oold Exchange and Government Bonds bought
and sold. Commercial paper, bondß, judgment
ami othersecurities bought at fair rates. 1a20:ly
Schmidt & Friday,
Foreign Wines and Liquors,
Until You Have First Examined the Styles. Stock and Prices
: T
His entire Fall and Winter stock is just opening' at very low figures. This
stock is unusually large in Men's, Boys' and Youth's Kip and Calf
Boots, Grain Napoleon Boots, Rubber Boots, Brogans and
Plow Shoes, Women's' Misses' and Children's
Calf aud Kip (unlined) Shoes.
His Stock In Finer Lines is always large, embracing all the Latest Novelties in Boots
and Shoes- Old Ladies' Warm Shoes a Specialty.
These goods are all made by the very best manufacturers, and I
will guarantee them to give the best of satisfaction. Call and examine my
stock and prices.
WfUW TEE Tiill
This Train Unloads Its Immense Cargo
Main Street, - - - - - Butler# Pa.
Ilaving just returned from the East with one of the most complete as
sortments of
Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers, &c„
ever brought to Butler, I will be enabled to dispose of the same at greatly
It is unnecessary to designate the different qualities and makes of the
Boots, Shoes, &c., to be found in my store, in an advertisement. A persou.il
inspection will enable all to see that my stock is inferior to noue in Butler.
Suffice it to say, I have all kinds of
Men's, Womea's aad Children's Wear,
guaranteed to be equal in make, quality and finish to any found elsewhere.
Leather and Findings
of all qualities, which will be supplied to Shoemakers at unexceptional prices.
CUSTOM WORK done to rder, and at shortest notice.
A ■ (•'■".a*. KX, J- .■■mjot'ot.
Domestic Imported Goods.
All our Goods are new and of the latest designs. We are both PRAC
TICAL TAILORS, keep thoroughly posted in all that pertains to the art,
and are thus enabled to guarantee to our patrons perfect satisfaction in neat
ness of fit, elegance of style and excellence of workmanship.
Can, and
Hulk, " " * » Shell.
E. REINEMAN & SON, Oyster Pacters and Game Dealers,
Bole Agents for tbo following celc brated and reliable brands of Haw Oysters :
The season for Oysters is now open, anrl from present indications the quality and supply
will be good. We will at all ti'ncs be prepared lo ship them in Cans, Tubs, or in the Shell, to
any point where there are fuci'.ities lor delivery. The greatest care will be taken in preparing
Oysters for shiumeut, to iusn'.e, as far as practicable, their delivery in good condition. Our fa
cilities lor nandlinir FRESH OYSTERS are the best in our city, hiving large cooling room and
refrigerator, built after the latest and most approved pattern, thereby fully completing our al
ready ample arrangements tor tilling orders, large or small. Parties ordering Irotn us can de
pend on getting strictly tr esh stock at all times, as we receive by Express daily. PLEASE SEND
FOR PRICE LIST ol our well-known above brands, which we will at all times supply to the
trade at BALTIMORE PF ICES, freights added. We are determined that *>ur brands shall not be
excelled, cither in quality or fifl of cans, by any other, during the season. Elaborate and at
tractive posters furnis' ied gratis on application.
We take the liber ty of soliciting your patronage, promising that uo exertion shall be spared
to maintain the reputation won in past years. Yours respectfully,
33. «Sc SON",
Bepl3-lw 17'J LIBERTY STKEET, I'lTlVißl'KUll, FA.
[From the Philadelphia Times of the 7th inst.]
The American "rapid"' telegraph
was organized into a company in Now
York last February, and its whole
capital of three million dollars was
all subscribed during the following
month—when a simple announcement
of its organization in the New York
journals, with the- Hon. Edwin Reed,
of Bath, Maine, a wealthy shipping
merchant, as President, the Hon.
Thomas Wallace, of Ansonia, Con
necticut, one of the largest manufac
turers of that State, as Vice Presi
dent, and a small board of trustees
of equal wealth and respectabil
ity—is all that the public has been
permitted to know of its business pur
poses. And even now, six months
after this public announcement of the
organization of the company, nothing
is publicly known of it except that its
own machine shop in New York, aided
by Colt's extensive machine works at
Hartford, Connecticut, are actively
occupied in turning out a large number
of novel machines, which are intended
to accomplish thirty, sixty and even
ninety thousand words per hour—say
from forty to one hundred times more
than can be telegraphed over a three
hundred-mile circuit by the Morse sys
tem now in general use. From fifteen
to forty columns of the Times tele
graphed in sixty minutes ! Your daily
has twenty-eight and the Sunday fifty
six columns; at this rate there will be
nothing to hinder the Times from pub
lishing simultaneously at New York,
Boston, Baltimore, Washington, Rich
mond, Charleston, New Orleans, Cin
cinnati, Chicago, Louisville and St.
Louis. I cannot refrain from putting
an exclamation mark after this reflec
tion : What a fruitful future for busi
ness enterprise this second era of tele
graphy—the machine period—opens
In the building of their line the com
pany are acting on the principle that
Col. Thomas A. Scott (who by the
way, examined into and heartily en
dorsed the principle of "the electro
mechanical system" just before his
departure for Europe) adopted when he
built the new Market street bridge, a
few years ago, in thirty days; that is,
they have recognized the importance of
engineering skill in building with
celerity and with solidity. The main
difficulty with all the telegraph lines
throughout the United States at pres
ent. is that they have been built iu a
slipshod manner by contractors and
speculators, with the aid of uneducated
laborers; so that besides the disadvan
tages, especially to the commercial
public, during stormy weather, they
make a costly item on the profit and
loss account under the head of "repairs
and maintenance." According to the
official reports of the Western Union
the yearly cost of the company's wires
averages about $8 per mile of poles,
an item which aggregates between
SOOO,OOO and $106,000 per annum.
The Western Union Company and
their newly purchased Atlantic and
Pacific Company's wires, now run by
the Vanderbilt clique, are understood
to number about thirty-three between
Boston and Washington, about thirty
between New York and Chicago, and
about twenty between Philadelphia
and Baltimore and the southwest,
within the ran<re of Pennsylvania,
Virginia, Kentucky and Missouri, say
about 70,000 miles of wire, which, at
the average cost of maintenance,
officially reported by the Western
Union Company for some years past,
would aggregate about $300,000 per
year. By the employment of engi
neering skill, with the use of Canadian
red cedar posts and electro-plated steel
wires, the "rapid" company claim that
they can build telegraph lines that will
very rarely, if ever, be out of order
and' never from storms, sleet, winds
or other atmospheric disturbances.
Neither poles nor wires will break
down or the conductivity be inter
rupted for a moment, so that it will
not require even one-tenth part of the
sum for maintenance that is re
quired by the existing lines of the
Western Union.
Taking all these advantages into
consideration—machinery as against
handwork aud the saving in mainte
nance—the American "Rapid" Com
pany do not now hesitate to state the
fact" that when the Washington and
Boston lino is open to the public it will
be possible for them to do a profitable
business at ten cents per hundred
words, and so on at the same rate,
without regard to distance, as the line
extends throughout the United States.
Indeed, it is confidently expected by
them within the next three years to
be able to telegraph ordinary business
letters to and from all points in the
country for ten cents each, and yet,
within the recollection of the middle
aged reader, the postal charge on a
half-ounce letter from New York to
Boston or Washington was eighteen
and three-fourths cents, and to more
distant points twenty-five cents. Those
were the days when the mails were
transported by stage coaches and like
j conveyances of similar capacity.
It will not require the "Rapid"
company to construct between New
York and other cities of the Union
more than three of their low-resistance
wires to transmit and receive a vol
ume of telegraphing tenfold greater
than is now transmitted over all the
wires of the Western Union and At
lantic & Pacific telegraph companies
by the Morse or any other form of
hand-key telegraphing now in use.
The official reports of the Western |
Union Company show that the actual
average cost to that company by their
slow and tedious hand-key system is
twenty-five cents for ten-word mes
There is another important point to
be noted just here in this record of the
beginning of the second era of tele
graphy—a point of vital concern.
"Is there any danger of this new
development being absorlied pnulually
by the monopoly ?" was asked of one
of the officers of the company.
'•We have never made and never in
tended to make," was the reply, "any
appeal to the public, financially or
otherwise, until we should be able to
prove, practically and reliably:
'"First—That we can telegraph, reli
ably, sixty to ninety thousand words
per hour over long circuits, and sixty
to a hundred times faster than can be
done by the Morse or any other hand
kev svsteni.
"Second—That we can telegraph
more economically than can be done by
any other system, by irom seventy-five
to ninety per cent.
"Third—That we can telegraph full
five-fold more accurately and ten-fold
more reliably than can be done by any
other system.
"Fourth—That we can and will do
all telegraph business confined to us,
whether it be one thousand or fifty
thousand messages ]K-r day, with far
more promptness than the same busi
ness can possibly be done by any other
system or company. When the "Rapid"
telegraph company is prepared to dem
onstrate these four propositions, its
limited number of stockholders may be
prevailed upon to share their invest
ments with a larger circle of the busi
ness public, but thej* will certainly
guard against the possibility of a
single share of their stock passing
into the hands of persons having
affiliations with the Western Union or
other speculative telegraph companies.
A majority of the "Rapid" Company's
stock has been placed in the hands of
trustees, with rigid provisions for
holding it for five years or more, so
that no lease, sale, consolidation or
pooling arrangement with other lines
or companies is possible. With five
million of dollars, judiciously expended,
the "Rapid" Company will cover the
whole country east of the Rocky
mountains with a network of wires
capable of telegraphing ten-fold more
matter in a given time than there can
now be telegraphed over all the exist
ing wires of the country, which repre
sent nearly or quite ninety million
The "Rapid" Company proposes to
inaugurate, upon the opening of their
lines to the public, six distinguishing
1. Express Messages—A uniform
tariff of twenty-five cents for thirty
words or less, including date, address
and signature to all stations east of
the Rocky Mountains, with one cent,
additional for each word over thirty.
Instant transmission over the wires
and prompt delivery by special mes
sengers is meant by the word "express."
2. Mail Messages—Fifty words or
less to all stations east of the Rocky
Mountains for twenty-five cents, with
one cent additional for five words or
less added, to be telegraphed at the
convenience of the company, but
within one hour, and delivery guaran
teed through the postoffice or by mes
senger within two hours from the date
of the message, between 8 o'clock, A.
M. and six o'clock, P. M.
3. Night Messages—Fifty words or
less to stations east of the Rocky
Mountains for fifteen cents, with one
cent additional for five words or less
added, to be telegraphed at the con
venience of the company, between six
o'clock, P. M. and eight o'clock, A. M.,
and delivered through the nearest
postoffice, postpaid, by or before 9
o'clock, A. M.
4. Press Reports—For exclusive pub
lication in one journal in any circuit of
five hundred miles or less, or in any
practical telegraph circuit over five
hundred words or less for ten cents,
and the same tariff for any desired
number of words. No oue reporter to
hold a wire to the exclusion of other
reporters over twenty minutes, or,
say, twenty thousand words at any
one time.
5. Stamped Messages—lt is pro
posed to use stamps for "express,"
"mail" and "press" messages, under
arrangement with the postoffice depart
ment. and the public may purchase aud
use the same with the same conve
nience as postage stamps are now used
for mail correspondence.
6. Street letter boxes will be made
available, uuder an arrangement with
the postoffice department, for collecting
stamped telegrams every fifteen min
utes, from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M.
Twenty-five or thirty years ago
Frederick Hudson, then editorial as
well as business manager of the New-
York Herald, predicted that the time
would come when no Herald corres
pondent would think of posting a letter
to that paper; wherever he might be
his copy, however lengthy, would seek
the telegraph and not the mail bag.
If the "Rapid" Company are to carry
out the "distinguishing features," it
needs no prophet to predict the not
distant day when the business man
will no more think of seeking the
United States mail bag for a letter
than the hurried traveler thinks of
searching for the old-time four-horse
"It is now as certain as anything in
near future," they say, "that by co
operation between the postoffice depart
ment and the American Rapid Tele
graph Company the letter correspon
dence between New York and Chicago,
and probably between New York and
San Francisco, could be telegraphed at
very nearly the same cost that is now
incurred in transporting the mail bags
between those cities; provided, of
course, that the letters were composed
in proper form for transmission over
the wires by their authors, and also
that the same are translated as quickly
and as accurate!}', after a few days'
practice, as they could write with a
pen or read ordinary manuscript—the
professional telegrapher having no
more ability, in either of those two
operations, than any junior clerk in a
merchant's office may have, after daily
practice for gn hour or two for thirty
days. Perhaps the most attractive
part of the improved system consists
iu the fact that, by reason of its ex
treme simplicity, any person having
the ordinary intelligence of a child of
twelve or fifteen years of age may
become a self-taught telegrapher to the
extent of at least nineteen-twentieths
<>f the whole work of telegraphing.
The youth of the country of l>oth
sexes may now, with far less effort
than was required of them in earlv
childhood to master their printed alpha
bet, become, at their homes, good
telegraphists in the business of pre
paring or composing telegraph ines
sages for transmission over the wires
and in translating and copying the
same in ordinary print after transmis
sion—thus leaving to the professional
telegraph expert only the trifling work
of operating the transmitting machine,
I by which one thousand to fifteen hun
dred word-? per minute may l>e accu
rately transmitted over a single wire
in long telegraph circuits. Again, the
exigencies of business often require
that telegrams, long or short, should be
transmitted in secret cipher, and this
new system of composing telegraph
messages offers the most admirable
facilities for this style of correspond
ence, causing practically no delay,
either in composing or transmitting the
message or letter. The most important
secrets may readily be conveyed with
more sacred privacy by this new sys
tem of telegraphing than they could
be if dispatched through mail bags or
express packages.
Here is another proposed new fea
ture concerning the press reports,
which will interest your night editor.
Instead of having to struggle with
reams of manifold, the bulk of which
is consigned to the waste-basket, he
can do bis telegraph condensing and
editing from New York, having a sip
at all the flowers in the bouquet of
news. The "Rapid" company say
they can and will, by the marvelous
speed in telegraphing possessed by
their system, collect daily and hourly,
from all parts of this coumrr and
Europe, the fullest aud most trust
worthy details of all news of public
interest and display the same at the
company's news bureaus connected
with its New ork, Chicago and other
chief offices. The special correspond
ents of the press of the country will
have free access to these news bureaus
and will be permitted to compile for
the journals the}* may represent such
portions of the general news of the
world, including verbatim reports of
the daily proceedings of both Houses
of Congress, as they may desire, and
the same will be telegraphed direct to
the editors of the papers concerned at
a speed of at least one thousand words
per minute and at a cost not exceeding
one dollar per one thousand words,
the actual cost of telegraphing by this
system, complete 1,000 words, be
tween any two available points—say
New York and Chicago, or Washing
ton and Boston—not exceeding about
twenty cents. This will assuredly
give "the opportunity for each and
every paper to publish live news of
its own, and not a duplicate of its
contemporaries, aud to give a synopsis
of Congressional proceedings through
its own spectacles without having to
submit to any personal partiality or
political bias of an Associated Press
And the cost can be made still
cheaper, as the company claim that
the system of machine telegraphing
is so simple and easily understood
that the preparation or composing of
press messages may be accomplished
by the junior assistants of editors and
correspondents accurately, after oue
day's teaching, and the recorded tele
graph characters can, after practice, be
translated or read by any person who
has even a common school education
just as well and as rapidly as can l>e
done by the most thoroughly edu
cated Morse telegrapher; aud those
who choose to have this trilling
amount of work performed by their
own clerks will save time, assure ex
tra accuracy and entitle themselves to
considerable rebates from the estab
lished tariffs. So instead of studying
phonography (the use of which has
now become obselete in nil well-regu
lated newspapers) the ambitious youth
who sijjhs for journalistic honors had
better set himself at once to work at
studying the composition aud transla
tion of this new electro-mechanical
telegraphy alphabet.
The American "Rapid" telegraph
compauy have already started and
have iu flourishing condition two
training schools, one on Broadway, in
New York, and the other at Boston,
at which persons of both sexes, from
twelve to twenty years of age,
of good character, are admitted free,
in order to fit them to become effec
tive operators in the offices of the com
pany. Pupils may become experts in
the business in two to four months,
and, when qualified, will be paid sls
to S3O per month. The business is
genteel and but slightly taxes the
mental or physical energies of the pu
pil, of whom the most efficient are en
rolled for employment in the order of
their graduation. Many thousands of
]>ersons of both sexes will find agreea
ble employment and reasonable remu
neration in the cities, towns and vil
lages of the country as rapidly as the
company's lines can be constructed.
Nor need the expert telegraph opera
tor be alarmed lest he may be crowded
out by "cheap labor." His services
will be only the more valuable in the
direction of the machinery, which will
require telegraphers of experience.
The "Rapid" company intend from
the start to identify its chief practical
employes, as far as possible, as share
holders in its business prosperity, and
to this end the operatives will be se
lected with the utmost care as to char
acter, intelligence and ability. The
company is so constituted as to admit
of an ultimate large holding of its
stock and an influential control of its
management by its practical opera
tives, the promoters of the company
fully appreciating the importance of
having the practical manipulation of
its wires and machinery in the hands
of those who feel a pecuniary and
friendly interest in its prosperity, in
place of the opeu or smothered hostil
ity or indifference which is known to
have grown up very generally, under
the arbitrary management of other
telegraphic companies, whose favorite
"plug" (who is worse than useless in
stormy weather) receives s><o or SIOO
per month, while his exi>ert compan
ion, not so fortunate as to be chosen
by "the ring," has to do double duty
in such emergencies at a pittance of
$. r >o or S6O.
It appears that the rapid company
style their system of telegraphy a new
one only because late inventions an:l
discoveries have perfected its use for
business purposes; yet some of the
important patents and devices from
which such surprising results are ob
tained have been the subjects of close
study, great elaboration and large ex
penditures of money for the past eight
years or more, and however startling
and improbable may seem the state
ments of the capabilities of machine
telegraphy, they claim to have fully
demonstrated them on long telegraph
circuits of three hundred, five hundred
and one thousand miles and for a
period of time exceeding four months
without a single failure of the dis
covery of a single material fault.
They therefore propose to enter the
broad, rich telegraphic field, confi
dently expecting that if they serve
the public and the press well and
cheaply they will respond with a
greatly increased volume of business.
The company controls, under strong
American and European patents:
1. "Electro-mechanical telegraphy,"
which has been explained.
2. "Real duplex telegraphy," by
which one wire is made precisely as
effective as and even more, convenient
than two wires can be in the hands of
expert Morse operators. This sys
tem is divested of all the complica
tions of other "duplex" devices and
admits of sending and receiving mes
sages simultaneously from either end
of a wire or to and from ony interme
diate or way offices, which they claim
cannot be done by any other known
"duplex" or "quadruplex" system.
This "real duplex" system, they also
claim, is especially well adapted to
railroad telegraphing and for use on
all way lines where the volume of
business does not require a faster sys
tem of telegraphing than the Morse,
but yet where the exigencies of the
business require the use, substantially,
of two wires.
3. Multiplex telegraphy, which is
substantially the transmission from
each end of a single wire, in any cir
cuit of 1,000 miles, of four messages
—from both ends simultaneously—
thus practically duplexing the "quad
ruplex" system, but by vastly more
simple devices—devices, indeed, they
claim even more simple and much
more "flexible" than are required to
operate the ordinary "duplex" system.
4. "Metrical Telegraphy."—A new
system for working long ocean cables
and underground telegraph lines,
whereby the wires are discharged of
all inductive and static electricity and
placed in a condition to carry electric
impulses with twenty fold greater
rapidity than heretofore, and to in
crease the hourly transmission over
any good Atlantic cable of from 1,000
words to probably 10,000, or proba
bly more, per hour. By the metrical
system every possible electrical signal
indicates reliably a Roman letter in
print, thus saving of electric signals at
least three-fourths, as compared with
any other known system of cable tele
5. Line and page printing telegraph
machine.—This they claim as a very
ingenious and valuable invention, re
quiring but one battery to operate at
both ends of a wire, thereby, with
other important improvements, plac
ing the printing telegraph far above
every other known device for commu
nicating intelligence where high speed
is not necessary and where some con
venient method of recording is desira
ble or necessary, as it is in every busi
ness communication. The recording
is done very neatly in lines and pages,
book form, which makes it incompara
bly superior to all other machines for
reporting stocks, for private line pur
poses and inter-communicating uses,
a record for convenient reference being
a very great if not a necessary desi
deratum among business men.
G. The Electrie Generating Machine.
—By means of this new invention
every telegraph office may, at a tri
fling expense, be fitted as a main office,
and may send all messages within a
circuit of 1,000 or 1,500 miles direct
to destination. This is an aid to the
new "machine telegraphy" of incalcu
lable value and importance, as it does
away with all necessity for "relaying"
or "reperforating" messages, and saves
in battery expenses many thousands
of dollars per month. The new prin
ciples involved in this Mechanical
Electric Generator admit of the instant
generation of all the "quantity" and
all the intensity of current required
for circuits of 1,000 to 1,500 miles or
less, and practically, more than dou
bles the value of the "rapid" system
of machine telegraphy.
7. Speaking Telephone.—This tele
phone is constructed on novel princi
ples, and repeats language with great
distinctness in ordinary Morse tele
graph circuits of 300 miles.
8. Telegraphic Devices and Patents.
—Besides the above named seven val
uable inventions, and also exclusive of
several very broad ones covering the
manufacture of "compound" steel and
copper wire, whereby telegraph wires
may be had of any desired electrical
conductivity and tensile strength com
bined, the Rapid Company control a
large number of other valuable devices
and patents connected with telegraphy
and embracing really about all the
inventions of practical merit in this
branch of science during the past
quarter of a century ; and as it is and
will continue to be a leading feature
of the company's organization to ex
tend the most liberal encouragement
to all inventers who may invent orig
inal devices of decided merit, or who
may uiake valuable improvements on
existing devices, it is not to be doubted
that the company will keep well in ad
vance of valuable telegraph improve
—A philosopher fell sick, and was
ordered to drink sage tea.
—When was the Chinaman Y I'aw
Fore Chin naturalized?
One square, one inr crtion. #1 : each subse
quent insertion. 50 cents. Yearly advertisement*
exceeding otto-fourth of a column, #5 per inch.
I Figure work, doable thcso rate*: addition*!
[ barges where weekly or tnouthly changes are
made. Local advertisements 10 cents per hue
for fir.-1 insertion, and 5 cents per hne for each
additional insertion. and deaths pub
lished free of charge. Obi!nary notices* charged
a*. advertisements, and payable when handod in
A.adit ore* Notices, $4 ; Executors' and Adminis
tratorif' Notice**. *3 each; E«tray, Caution and
Involution Notice®, not exceeding ten lines, t'2
From the fact that the CITXZRC is the oldeet
established and most cxtenpiT.lv circulated Re
publican newspaper in Butler county, (a Repub
lican county) it must be apparent to basineee
men that it is the medium they should uso in
advertising their business.
NO. 43.
fCorrespondenc of Philadelphia Times.]
WASHINGTON, Sept 14.—A gentle
man, just returned from Salt Lake
City, who has busineaa relations which
take him there every year, states that
the present feeling between the Mor
mons and Gentiles is not fully under
stood in the East. The suit against
the executors of Brigham Young, one
of whom was the Mormon apostle and
delegate in Congress, Cannon, was
not instigated l»y any of the Gentiles,
but by the heirs of Brigham Young
themselves. The original mover in
the suit was one of the daughters of
Brigham Young, a not altogether rep
utable person. The suit has thus far
been successful, and the Court has
appointed a Receiver. The prospects
are that the heirs will recover a large
amount of improved real estate, which
yields a large revenue. The proceed
ings in the Court and out of it show
that Brigham Young was either very
careless in the management of the
estate that he had held in trust for the
Church, or intentionally mingled the
funds of the Church with his own
private estate. Equitably considered,
Elder Cannon, Apostle Taylor and
their associate Executors attempted to
divide the estate as it should be, sepa
rating Brigham Young's private prop
erty from that which, it is well known
by the Executors themselves and by
the public generally, belonged to the
Church. It was easy for the Execu
tors in many instances to make such a
distribution, but the the law does not
recognize any such assumption of au
thority as the Executors exercised.
Brigham Young's estate stands plainly
in the namo of Brigham Young, with
out any mention of any trust, and no
trust can be implied. The heirs of
Brigham Young—as varied in char
acter as they are in numbers—will be
benefited by this carelessness or crime
on the part of their polygamous sire.
"But who," I asked, "is going to
tell who Brigham Young's heirs are ?
They are reputed to be as numerous as
the sands of the sea. Certainly'the
law does not recognize the fruits of
polygamous marriage."
"Of course not. The children born
in polygamous marriage are certainly,
under tho law, illegitimate. Those
only can inherit who were born of the
first or lawfully wedded wife. There
are a number of these—certainly three
sons and some daughters. The origi
nal wife herself is still living, and
would, of course, under the legal dis
tribution of the estate, be entitled to
her homestead and dower share. She
has suffered much and is still controlled
by the marvelous fanaticism which
covers all her troubles beneath the veil
of her libidinous faith.
"The end of the litigation about the
great estate is not yet. The heirs will
not abandon the contest. They will
not be troubled by any scruples about
the dignity of the Church. The mo
ment the pocket of a Mormon is touched
he is as keen in self-interest as other
mortal men. Indeed, the bonds of
Mormonism sit very lightly upon some
of the richest men who nominally
adhere to that faith. It is worthy of
notice, perhaps, that some of the rich
est Mormons are not polvgamists
William Hooper, for instance, the dele
gate in Congress who preceded Can
non and now a wealthy banker and
railroad man, never had more than one
wife. Nearly all tho Welsh Mormons,
of whom there are a considerable
number, never had more than one wife.
The Welch women arc notorious in
their opposition to polygamous mar
riage, although they adhere to the faith
in other respects."
"Do the Mormons interest them
selves in mining?"
"Scarcely any. They devote them
selves principally to agriculture. There
can be little farming done in Utah,
except by the Mormons. Nothing can
be raised there except by irrigation,
and irrigation is dependent upon the
mountain streams. Wherever a stream
comes down into the valley from the
mountains there the Mormons have a
farm. They control the mouths of
nearly all these streams, but the min
ing business is almost entirly carried
on by Gentiles."
"What is to be the outcome of this
anomalous condition in our political
system ?"
"There is certainly more excitement
in Utah than there has been for many
years. The end of it will ultimately
be that polygamy must go. Then
Mormonism can remain, with its fol
lies and fanaticisms, until the people
abandon it or it dies of its own weak
ness. There will be more attempts at
legislation this winter, of course. Tho
only effectual way of crushing polyg
amy is to so amend the jury law as to
enable the United States Marshals to
draw all the jury. Under existing law
they can only draw half of it and the
remaining half is filled by the Mor
mons. This, in a criminal case, would
nearly always secure a hung jury."
THE latest story of the American
Spiritualist is as follows : A skeptical
fellow obtained admission to a seance
the other day, whereat Daniel Webster
habitually materialized walking from
a cabinet across the room and looking
as be had looked in life, but making
no sound of footsteps. This base
minded man tossed a number of tacks
on the floor; and as they had very
large heads they, of course, fell points
upwards. The consequence was that
when Dan came out of the cabinet and
began to walk across the room ho sud
denly paused, and lifting one foot,
applied his hand to the sole thereof.
Upon taking another step he suddenly
drew up again, and in a low voice
ejaculated, "Ugh!" Shortly alter this
he lost his balance and sat down on
the floor; immediately he becamo very
profane, wiggled painfully in his seat,
jumped up with an exclamation not
found in the dictionary, and retreated
into the cabinet greatly disgusted with
tins matter. Not so the skeptic, who
remarked that it was a proof of the
truthfulness of the line that "Fools
rush in where angels fear to tread."
—A little girl of our acquaintance
calls her impecuneous lover "Life,"
because he is "short."