TIIE BRIBERY SUITS. J1 IKIE PEAUSOS AFT Eli KKMBLE'S CROWD gOME POINTS OV LAW CONCERNING j BUIBEBT. As the trial of Kernble, Salter, inriu?, Crawford and others, accused of attempted bribery in connection with the bill to reimburse persons who lost property by the Pittsburgh riot, approaches, the interest increases, j There was a large crowd in the Har ris-burg Court House, Monday, last week, to hear Judge Pearson's charge n on the riot bribery subject. The . Judge appeared very earnest, and con- J vinced all within hearing of his voice that he was in hearty sympathy with the movement to punish bribery in the ( Legislature. The Judge said : Bribery is highly injurious to society, dangerous to pul>- lie morals and to the general admini-- i. tration of the government of the coun- ( try. I speak of it, gentlemen, as a crime which strikes almost at the foundation of society, because if, in stead of having fair, honest, proper legislation, according to the liest dis- I cretion and judgment of the legislators, I we are to have them bought over to vote for measures or vote against measures which the public requires, j or which are injurious to the public, either the one or the other, then, I gu v, it is dangerous to society at large, and we should most carefully guard »gainst anything of that kind. It ;s not only the person soliciting, but the person agreeing to receive or actually I receiving, that ought to be heid up to public soorn and contempt by being I indicted ia the Criminal Court. The Jndge then quoted the con stitutional provisions against bribery and the law in pursuance thereof, and said any open address, persuasion or coaxing would not come within the act, but the moment any office, money, . article of value or promise of advan tages is offered, it brings the act i within the statute. In order, then, to make out the offense charged here, ' you have only to inquire, was there an offer or endeavor to influence auy members of the Legislature by ottering or promising them money, promising them anything of value, promising them any office or advantage of any kind. Was that uonelf so, it would Ikj an attempt to solicit them to do what is illegal, and is an attempt to bribe, or unlawful solicitation. All that is necessary to be proved is that the accused solicited members of the Legislature to vote in a particular way under promise of procuring money for them, or offering to give them money, telling them where money could be procured, or that they could have money by doing so cud so. Bribery, added the Judge, has long been prohibited in Pennsylvania, and yet, to the scandal of the State—l hope it is false;, I hope it is only scandal—it has been urged and said hundreds of times tlmt such and such * a bill was procured by bribery. It demeans" our State, it brings us into contempt with other countries, brings us into contempt with our sister States, causes us to Is; belittled abroad, to be belittled at home, and injures the leg islative body with the community. The very suspicion that they take briljes is an injury to them, an injury to society in general, because they are led to distrust the laws that such a Legislature passes, and to disregard them entirely. Therefore, it is a high offeuse against society, and one that should be most carefully guarded against by Courts and juries, pun ished inflexibly and without any hesi tation. Judge Pearson also instructed the grand jury to proceed against members in whose eases no indictments have been framed, but whom the evidence submitted to the jury implicates in corrupt solicitation of members of the Legislature of accepting or agree ing lo accept bribes. In this way neither the person charged in the in dictments nor the members of the Legislature themselves can escape pun ishment. Vou cannot act upon news paper reports. You have no right to act upon resolutions of the Legislature. Vou act upon the evidence produced before you, and that alone, and if that maki's out a case of either bribery or receiving a bribe against the person who is charged, make u presentment of them to the District Attorney so that the whole matter may Is; prop erly and fully investigated in Court, that wo may get at the bottom of these thiugs. Sometimes committees of the Leg islature examine such subjects. They have not the same power as the Courts have in compiling the attendance and testimony of witnesses. They are not very anxious to find out what has been done. Sometimes they are not very willing to expose whether they have been guilty of receiving bribes; they don't want to tell anything that takes place, but wo want to find out everything about it. We want to get at the truth of the matter, and get to the bottom of it, and see who is guilty and who is not guilty, or whether ii is a mere general slander. If the Commonwealth produce witnesses to show the truth of the allegations made in the indictments find true bills with out the least regard to whom it wili strike, and without the least regard to the character of the persous accused. THESE are trying days for tin; Czar of all the Ktissias. Hi; has been for saken by the best Russian statesmen, who have turned their eyes to the Czarevitch and are anxiously awaiting his advent to the throne. Jle has lost the power that he was unable to exer cise either for his own protection or for the prosperity of his people, and that has now been turned over to the military dictators. He moves sadly from one palace prison to another, hav ing no rest, fearing everything, and mistrusting everybody. Ilis imagina tion is crowded with visions of ail the Emperors and Czars who have l»eeii stabbed, shot, strangled, and poisoned. His health is broken down ami his mind affected. lr your cattle are found to have Pleuro-pneumonia the State will pay you for the loss if killed to prevent the spread of the disease, Itut don't kill them without an order from the State authorities. Write or telegraph to Thos. J. Edge, Secretary Itoard of Ag riculture, Harrisburg, Pa. TIL B following epitaph, dated August, 1817, may still IK; seen in a village cemetery in western Massachusetts : "rflli! lovel not widely but toil well 'flu: Melon grvrn ail'l juicy; Now free from cramp-. hlii» sleep., poor Nell, 'N.itli tin' noil of Mdwui-hule, B SAX or VOGELEV Hot" c, - - BUTLEU, FA ; f&T Plret-clttS rig?, rcl: uotscs. nugiT-lt Livory, Fe&d ond Ssle STAISI Cunningham St., ne :r Hehieroan's Bookstore, SUTLER, FA. A 'arcc number ol firal-cl is* and safe hone* always m. hanc. H•: | »t r.»'Oua- We rates. Hor=es and sold. DAVID Cl'Pi'S, Fbopuictob. ju!y!JOtl L. HI. < «C!IR i»', Ljygry, Sale, Feed and Exchange STABLE, Renr of Lowry Hou-.-, - - Bl FLKIt, I ju i*4-!y iNBURANC BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Ca. Otfce Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. a. C. ROF.SSIX';, W.M. CAMPBELL, Tkkasubkr. 11. ■ -p. /or flop Bittern K l *'" l Curi> Yon. Ifmir. simplyslUw.-gif yon f 1 v ik and aUpmtL-," .•«.! •it o.:-a Ika cu. Hop Bittern ivtllf JKeliovo You. If yon arr in wmkAhop, on thn fir.n.at tbo d'-k. mid fb.it ; o':r :n v.<- • * lolling or btiu'. JlulaliL'j, vvltu y«crH-p*Sii, J*ob- ■ I dire, Conntlpntlon ftn«l Pll«ti; OfKJd- M nc/ C'iropUlnl*, drarel* IHal>«U*« t M . Hedlsant In the I'rJno, V!) kjror ■! Ilopy I'rlnn; or lihoun: l/rnc ;rd. '1 ry yon ! : ! health will on satl.ifi* I. It tl a dry Xt.jr.Ulb t r<(l7*4 Onepsrksiye make*six quarf-tof Tledirine, conta'aittK no Spirit, b« prepared In j ar® nater. t your T>ruff'jUt uUi ffci U /or you, JraiM \ T upon h'tviii'i tt. gp. rt®. an woas sapa c n t; <>:* *j t tt> /sr.i/reon c uromc a w su;n: cuftfc. - a Mantifafrtured only nii'k*r the a'/ovo Trmlc mark, by the European Snlirylica Medicine Co., Oi- PARIS am. LKJPZIO. IM VI KDJATK UKLIKK WA ItKANTKI) Pkh- MAM'.NT CuISIS OIMKANIRKri. NuW 'l «»l Kheuiii.it!- j nutl (#outy Patient 4, tl » liox. *» lUiXr* lor %%. I S«*iU to any addrenn i«- ••♦§p» at price. K.s noitsKf* iiv Piiv»irj!AKM. Boi.fi fir am. Drug ui*r». Addrc^A WASIIUUKNK CO.. ifu\y importers* "il'j Hroidway, N. Y. Vor hale by ii. H. WUI.LKR, loayll lyj I-i .i.kii, PA. WATT LA."fcTG&OO., WiioieaaUl GiocerH ai 1 Doalerw in rroilll A.V!) I'KOVISIOVH. MaimfaetuiurM of the Celebratod nr:w at liai Mbrrly Mmct, iyi PA. (Ely© Citiss-n: Sl«tU)e, s«.♦ 10, ISc3. SEUK'GD IS FKIt'K!!; From $4 & 35 to 82 &■ S3. Out Original Abdominal Corset, We have teetimotiiala from those wearing them, that they liavo civn; m\.ny times tlicir price iii medicine &;ld. Two and a l.alf yt*stm ajo one sew t ng machine in a room 12 feet B.j iare supplied the market, now a Uii'.licg 4 feet and hewing ma- I cbinca fa:! U> en; ;!v tlie demand. Because it in | the beet FITTING AND WEARING bhirt in the ' world, will Lot IJI2EAK Oil \WiIXKI.K. made of Wamsatta xniiidifi, and the in 4-ply I lincu. and foi lat ;1. By mail ten cent* ex'ra. Don't fail ;n call an 1 seo thu wonderful inven ! lion when vau visit the PITTSBURGH EXPOSITION. aL>o our full line f f Racliing, Ribbon*. Corset*, Hosiery, Neckwear, Underwear. Notion* an 1 M'me. DemD.-esi's Celebrated Patterns, with the Folio iui I "WLat to Weir," 13 cento each. SenJ for c&u-o^ue. J. D. CARLISLE, fur t'.ie AWi u in-.! Cornet, Rijhmie Siirt aul D>_aiore»!'d Patterns. Cjr. otii A«o. Jt Liberty Ft., jnl!-3ra PITrSBUKUU, PA. TIIK BITLER SAVINGS BANK UUTJUBIt. PA. NEARLY Oi'POSITK HOUSE. CAPITAL STOCK, 60,000. WM. Cahiumx. J. u . D. Ashfjws. Pi fit. ice President. Wv. C**r:ittu Jr.. C&^liier. OIKKCTOUS. Williarc Campbell, J- w - Ir JT? n ' laa D George Weber, Joseph PurviM. Doe« a General Baniini? A Eiflhwge bt!=inee». lii'er' M) patd on time iloposite. Collection and proinirt return* at lo*- rateM of Exchange. Gold Exchange and Bondn bonght and »old. Commercial jat er, bonds, judgment and otheraocnritien at fair ratcß. |aJo:ly FURNITURE STORE. ™ K! ROOM! GEO. KETTERER H 15 remove 1 hl-f Kurnlture Kt'.r.- to the l:.rj;e ■low.i i,Uiri! room lately occupied by Rlefcel Kutl, cor».:r Main tind Mllfliu ata-Ots, liLTI.ER, PA. Has lately received a larpj lot of NEW FURNITURE, frotn the coiMnoutut to the 11 ui-« t. V..! 1 C.III buy ntiythintc : 't his store, from u common c-ai. lo a handsome P»rl:»r or Bed room Milt. V i;n Uut< Ir.uii all the lea lint; (ae tori.- hi til" United Hiatt. IjrnUhed lo en.- to'iiei* tiy order, at 10 per eent. le>« than . it* retaUen* yricm Ijni.liu . A, Cj. WEBKft j I In* jui-t ojrt'iieil a New ilor" at No. 1 15 t*inil!i lleld ritri.t, Pittkbokou, I'a., beiwcn Filtli iti'l Bi.\th nvet'Ut J , mid has plneed on the 'li.lv. and In the earns an c. tjaiit ashort n.etjt <:t .Jewelry «*f errry de*criptlon, in I art ol Liidhs' Bolid r hi one* Known to the ttsidi*,) W«t«hu hie ClnrkN. Btatu ary, Man* tie Ornamenta, C'ard and WATCHED, Flower CLOCKS. Vai*e* f Ae , Ac. Al-o, a line <»« l« rilon of M'v«*r fd.it<*d War-, Wilier Pitcher*, Cup*. Napkin Knlv« and Fork*, Hpoon*, and above line, wnlch he 1-* prcjmr*sd to oil- r t'» tin* 2>eople ol oar town nt unprecedented har«rain«. fjfifi■ l>«»not t..i! tocall and examine tfood* »nd pi tee* before pure hifinji elne where. |JnIH-.'hn or Wiiteti and Clock Itepalrlni; a «(x'claliy CJKJiIA.T Closing Out Sale! Tlie having determined to quit btliinoMM, now offer* hi* entire »»t«»ek of liRY QOOUH at Miu.-h low prire* will enanro the r *ale within the next maty day*. The btof;!( •ompriae* a general aa*orrnout of Black and Fancy Drdls Silka, mack and Colored Cashmeroß and Morlnog, Novoltlort and Fancy Drcna Qoodn, Silk Warp Ilcnriotta Cloths, PrintH, Chintz und OinßliHtiiß, Trimming and MantilJa Volvotu, Lactm, FrinisoH, Unttona and Trlrn mingH, Nottingham and Tambourd Laco Curtains. Cloths, CaHHimorcH and Joans, Lrtdios' Sulta, Hacques und Doliaans, CaHhmoro and Brocho Bhuwls, Domostlo Sewing Machines. iAS. CALDWELL, ICS mill 117 Federal Street, Allegheny. N. V.. The lartfo and «*nlrally located *1 ore now oecuphvl by the Miilaicribor 1* of fered for nale or leaue on liberal term*. oetUHH-ly RYCKMAN, DAY & CO., 11l m?>{ Vlf?[YftHDS, BROCTON, N. Y., MAML'FAOTUIiRHH OV Putg Nat ivo Wlaes, Still and Sparkling Wino, AMI Brandies from Nalivs Grapes. f)ur wine* are put up ill choice package*, and I are irunranb'ed to b«j *trudnrd K«xida and j»l?e I MitlifaCtiou. apU ly liUTI.KK, Vf I PLAMti ILL —AND— Yard S J. L. PURVIS. L- O. PUKVIS. S. 6. Purvis & Co., MANUPACTtTKBIIS AND DE ALERS I!« Rough and Planed Lumber OK EVEKY DEiiCHirriUN, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS, 'patent Moulded Weatberboarding. FLOORING, SIDING, BATTK ' BRACKETS ar.i Scroll Sawing of every descripUcn Ganged Cornice Boards, Cornico jVLonldinq: PORCH POSTS, XT AIR RAILS, Newell Posts and Balusters FENCE, PALINGS, &0., &c. MICHIGAN SHINGLES, Barn Boards; I'lastering Lath; Hem lock Bill Stuff, hucli a» Joint Raf ter*, Scantling. .'* »«rk. prio. &O rt I Urfe M.,4 L ' .«>• 1 "-on by mall. My"*- msmm 111. C y«P*:Ulty. all t ZZZ rl« •ol mm I'riwMtr. CLronlc g otury of M»rrla«r. ur -0r«i,.»14 r.n. of (Icn-r.tlon I «>iiaii|U|t'rti fro- U|»rn««' of Youth »oi 1.».!U-» •».! ' a we»lth of ptii "»»u. >.«<« -1.-lUr * «-»;»•#»«. V«] t»'.|9 In* W <■' -»j ' I. » M nil' I r RxC '''' «3C li.'n... aE »-"l '''nn-mii"' 'm'.?. l»lo Ifujoalo I'tlU. « j-r* n <■ ■ • r b-f«.r« « .-r b.,* I'rlVMt. l I'Oi.li.l. A. N r-m.ly Ct' JL. m, n«r f..r j M ... «!«» -ui It. (iurifis CO a C f A.|.fr»»j. I*r. A O. C3|iu,. 8 Mglj "f.l-, j;. 1...-1. mummm DR. WHITTIER, No. 302 Pf;nu St.'i Pittsburgh, Pa M Continue« to afford rclUblo «|>ocial treatment of I'riv&to anK<> iiiml llrnllli (iiilile, 141 pa-eH, fine illuntralioiiH ; price 20 centM. A book for private, careful reading bv fwtli nexe h, j ruariied or Mingle, explaining wondem and myn terieM of rexual Hyutem, repro«]uetiou f marriage, impediment#, etc., camen, couuerjuence and cure. Hold at office or by mail, eent aecuroly Hoalod, on rweipt of price in money or lKHita; - J Application i n* J/I.iw f,| »1 fcr*' >.l t!.» I»1»... . I f Afwr.i'i.'l'iti, twl •l»rl. u.f - .f.. h.-»».Inul V.,.»«,!»•«. KJac ul»tory n-jfrfa, Vfm tot« Olaud. i.« Urethra. 11» «m bf U>* if. !» >» I Willi h' ; ... '.f In- Mr, .. I • ftirf ...'r f.fr wfili III* " .11 try | ..f ..U of lifr , it la oui'hljr .Intut *1 •.iibr.) , . du... < ... |n.m«- dj.»»o «•».». ..i.J .-l »r.(".l.vr ,n..l li, ~„J (r i'« drain '»•»«. n-r •y«i'i... rn ,i ( . s 1..0a. Av«r -•lmt to docH'ty, «tc.. «tn., .-t if.. j-. r ..( turn old »gn ...ul.. .m, it..* in.ul.lt, •«• in i-•>« «• « • i *7. '•• • 1 > •»• I, »• «i» I i/. pUm «i |.jm .. rujl DIHBCJTI/JWW iwr ualug will acooin ■>« iy X/.t'ii no*. s.W \ .1, I / . I ■ ■ oM&V I I / I eiHKIS HEMEDY CO. MF C CHEMISTS. •I ..id Mh bl.. f.T. LO'IIS, MO. , er s Cathartic Pilis, V'or &il the purpo*aa of a 1 Aiailr Physic. un.t lor curat Cost:»cr.cn. Jaundice, Poui Stomicn. Broata. Headache, Ervsipclnfi, lihourxiatiaEQ, Err t.o:u and SL:n Difc-asen. Bil lOU'h.ic3 4. Dropjy,Tumors.Worm., Neuralgia, us a Dinner Pill, for ±"urifyuK the Blood. p Are the most ef '-T. ' siialpnrpativecrcr I J"V\ iti-co-. ere.l. Thcv \• vi arc mild, but ef ;~yZ-' fi.eli-.al in their *5 V «W»iV 1 i-• fV' - ' l ..' '■" vvt ' s surely . ,:P '.ritliout pain. p Although ceiitle / y.* Jfet their ojicration, !n ° f 1 l ' :oro,: -' 1 t;meiiiemc that em !'C en ; ioye.l: clcans i.ij the stomach and Lowe'.-, an.l even Use blood. In Miiall ilo«es of one pill a Jay, they stimulate the dijreMivc organe anil promote \-i j.>rou.- health. Avru's i'n.i.s have been known for more than a quarter of a century, ami have obtniuc I a world-wide reputation for their virtue?. They correct diseased action in tho several assimilative organs of tho i lw.lv. and are so composed that obitruo t;..ns witliia their range can rarely with stand or evade tliem. Not only t!o they 1 cure the everv-dav complaints of every body, but also' formidable and dangerous diseases that have baHlcd tho best of human skill. While they prodr.ee power ful elf cts. they are. at the same time, the sa;'e-t and i-1 physic for children. lsy their a|K>rie>it action they '.'i ii mm li less than the common purgatives, and never give I' i:i win n the bowels' are not inllnmed. Thev reach the vital fourtni:'.:- of the blood, anoj'ir»l duliti, ( t*oc«|«tlon, I vM iMnVat, Lo¥o ( .r.r'.l.ij. Imi* !im«ut. ' Marn.i- n.ilo -■*•! frmal*. <«• i. ic« tl Kr. .■•"b ill'l. Si»r : ' l- tCm•; le Liw of Miiriifr, I.aw .if J - ug h\ v » i»r'i» |«culi.r i . Woven. I» oir uU :ir t. A i 'M>k f..r ; r %a!e »n1 coimJ • J ; e if .iSO full 1 lata Hufariefi, bjr mail, icaltl, for 00 c»uli. "THE PRIVATE MEDICAL ADVISER" on Byphllla. Gotjorrhoea, Gleet. Stricture. V.trlco j :Jo, *r.. "• flperm«»v>rrhOß*. Sexual Debility, linii<4l«Utf9, f"l>> " !f . . s n «' . l » i »"», ii"«W .Vltiißil IliaSfl -■ A.r.rl-iu b» 'i Mr.l, I li>"i*l l:»la>. •.( ":.:1 I. pj|..'--.i\e Mel, If, J.. •• I.f s.l. 41 !'o»«i. »IC.. f..»1 r n.arrujf. !.*:ti{fr r u»ba|if fir.uf «ro-'ii.r..t and a ' Wopai'.Jiood, 10 fo«»a : m all ftir«o ii. «>.•* ..i7«Ta . . l r fl. 'IT-fT C->oui.ei-o»arra | and o*«r 100 IllliMntloHa,' rrffcr>n.. % ''•••> ' n * f.-nrri'lri »y»i. m l«al la cr'.rlk kauwuir. ai»J »VN If at •• i...l iiubliahi I in a.r ..llicr *••.'<. Tl««f e».i l irnl *oiumr .a liti-IV » •••«».I f*«'j«.ljr Mc-lical Bo»k and »'.•-« I»«- ..' •i. *1 liter (,l'i,.< ilunli '.M tl. ir n.oi.r* refuu.'r.l. fha J Author ii »» Mperlrnocd Phjr»i< •' ••»*»•» >.>ri pr»< • re. (A. ia -.roll a . ion.) a.id lha J''* rr (iv»B, and rulro fif tr-a'twriit l.i J I'jwn, v. 1 i>« f u rii ol gr> n I t»lum It Hume tul- Ir..m iiii-iurit ra < f Ihn ijrilrti. eirly ernii, !<*• r, ■ r any "f tli*i i. .in r.,i. tr'»uL:r. c. n.i' .r ui... rII t l.nvl " Prlva'. j" - r •• Chronic •• d.»r»«. « Nml ia a:ngl« »ul un.it, or <.i ipl tr in on*. I if P«ino In Mimpo. Silvrr. «r i ur • ..«» it .1 1 ...... . i 4*"'ial ; J'l l-ttara are |.r< m|.llr ... : I - i •• i fl r Hull-' IMapciiarr. lii N Jill: Ka .SI iff 'j.«i t f.!i. I ir». ) I t /'For sale by News Dealom. AGENT 3 wanlod. f PR. 11l 'ITS Invite? all poraooo »aßrrln» fr'. w . a '. TTL iiK «r ' 1«im» their nar..ra and addrr««. H A i I t.r' ' W V •«'ii*«iix. I :«i thi ir adv»ulago Not • Tru»«. Manhood : How Lost, How Kratored, ■ .1 UHt 1.u1.1i.1i. i!, new .uilli.iii ..I Oh i l I.VKKU Kl.l.'rt < KI.KHIIA TEL) ESSAY on the vatlieul cure VrffW (uitUout meilieiiie) <>R HpeumatoU tm** - itn.K .or l|i 111.1 \Veiik||e»s, Invol unlary .Scil.il.al l HI'OTE.'-. » , l|. 1.(1 1111.1 I. l'hy.ieal liiiK.paclly, lm|...|lim. iil.« to Marrlncp, etc; also, Conm'MlTlox, Ei-imu-cV ami FITS, liulueiil t'J' sclMi.tlulfc'.nec or r-exua! rxlruvv jjul'ee, &c. ' I'rlce, In a aeak.l cnv. lupp, fi|ilj " fiaiU. '1 he crlel.rulcil auilior, h. tlii. lubi'iiuMi; ■sj-, cU'iuiy (lciuoiialrile.H, Irom a lliirly ye'ir.' tueCß-lul prai ilee, ilmt t!.e nlnnnlui; eon.o qaences of Helf-atiU'c limy •»-' radically cured Wltliont t'.lo diinncrelii. Il.e "I inlrriiiil metlleluo or the lippll.-lilloii of I lie l.nile; |«.lnlin« ..ul » '» mode ol cure :.t oaeu »i'ii|ile, certnlu and ell'ec lu.'il, l.y means ol wl.lel. eve.y iiillisriT, no mut ter wl.nt l.fr condl'iou limy !>.*, may cure liiuim 11 clieuply, privately, ami t uh, illy. £2 JhL hectare .1.0u1.1 In- In the bauds of . every >out)i ui.<| eve.i e ;n"ii In tjir |iunl- M iit iilj.ler ym.l, hi » |.1...1. > |i f.o uddre .1, oil receipt ol his "ei.t. or f.vo st.iliii'S. Ail lri .s the Huhllshcrs, _ 'l'l.r I uUf.ll.ll Mr.llaml Co., 41 ASM fcr., NEW Voku, I*. U- IJox 4SWS. npll'-ly E. GrRIEK, DEALER IN FINE Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,; SILVER WARE, SPECTACLES, &C. J ENGRAVING OF ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY. MAIN STREET, (North of Lowry House,) BUTLER, PA. i ■i iS 5 " WATCHES AND CLOCKS REPAIRED, AND WARRANTED, -®t A. C. ROESSING & BRO., DEAI.EKB IN Groceries, GRAIN, FLOUR, FEED, Oil, —AND— Anthracite Goal. THE IIIOHEHT MAKKET PJUOE PAID IN wCASH-M FOII OIIAIN OP AIJ. KINDS. HhjAlt Union Woolon Mills. I won IJ I«, iui tliny am m*uiifa<'tiiro4j of puro IJwflur county wool, Tlioy arc beautiful in color, mi pcrlor in texture, an Eh 2 j! HECK & PATTERSON'S . f | If CARPET BOOM ! '< J p NOW CXPEIST! X 'f, ° 01 * of their CljatFifrrg ftouse, c ' < I>uliy*s Hlnrlt, sept2i>-tf Hudrr, s'a, 5 1 Q _ [g ' iscion?tivxs ismrj is.LVft isillotj r uo isMaaavo : From the Factory to the Wearer, t —. Shirts r.f Snprrlei* Ku«lin. Extre Fine Linen Shield Bosom, OT"n Kiickj French Yoke, and completely finished for 5 Y f A BO2SSSXS"!! t i f: 1'. '-•€«•-: •(.—>••• -•.» I . al.i !,.lnU t • •...! ?ut .(rnn. j | 'Cut • f •»' *»'• • •••»•' 1 r f r pffiTM s • _ - k ■ \f" ri I -«s . • - . i A* »>**•»••* r*ll«.| » M pUtM ?WwCellar: :rt Mr ! to. •. t c«-l " r V ' " * ' „ ' pr< r.M . ■ I -V ■ '•■•..«. •-• .. -.11.1 -- • • / --• . ••• 1. - . r . upi«' tt-u!ice. diirfcMl't;. -*• I ' , -" r ) 'oiive ill! . ui-UV t{ . Hot* r-MrU J-.rj , - v t •-• i«« r r... - u - r .. ; . rtf . vntwiJl V A- *» v-iu. i l Ui!S!I!.M; CO„ 4JI limiJu.j, -,« Yi»», lAMAWT WHO 13 UNACQUAINTED V/ITH THE CEOCRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY, WILL 6EI BY fc>.AMi;i!NC "I HIS MAP, THAT THE ImcAGO, r&k isTand aVacificlTr. THE (i'{E.VT<'O>XE(;TIXH I,INK BETWEEN THE EAST AND THE WEST! It-} innir. lino rur.l From mj roundl Blcir* : BMOKIN'uncll lllatl.H. with bran.be* from " < » ,n ! j 4 • l^ar»»nw<.rth n:»»! Atchiaoa, cmnctlion# V. iltoii .lun« lion t . .M tiffc.nlinn. h nlr- unriolii l nl<>n <1 i». tn n 1.1. Kl.i.'ii Holknap. ( cntrcvlllo. Princclon Tin: l'ltlNCU'Al. It. It. CONNhXTI(>NB OK I n f.ton. '.:olan». < n»»*r.>n Uuv.-nwurlh Bful THIS CltliAT TLIUOt'UU UN'K Alti: V 8 kXiL- Atiiiiffon : N-. »Hiitiii:tori to hthr«>ur:i v. Osk:iJ" .- i j o\VS • * ;, < l l ■ vi!!i* ; Kcokiih l<» I-... -nl 'H. % i iii< al>. with thO Lnko Shorn A Mlfht *•, V V . l,rk * 1 !• 1 UT \'} - F nn ,Iti.u riUsburu,l t Wayiio&ChUnuio Atlnntt<* l«i Au'lul» «ri. rti \y.»ra to llarUn. Thi/ It. la fMtsitiv "ly tf.o only l:al!r>ulh If. l( M, .V.! J ! r ' i *' - , .» . ... At L.\ K. with Illinois Central It. H. . fihi '• i ...any own rni control thclf S!i»( ;;- A lf miiiia. wkli P.. P. \ JP..LAI).; I. 11. ft % (ar »* . h MM irf'v:o| | < itiraihi nii.il out < ;l| l?lulT- At |{tcrn t'ni.in It. It.iuxl » J )r;h. j;r t -nnon for I w., IMlnr* and I took 1 ln»u!& iv-na Uailroud. ' ."" n *' .'2. 1 l )«' I>oU;:rs. whllo ,\t |> A vUNi oKT, with the liuvcnport ft North nil otii* r lin«*!« chmuo liMwoon tho wnnic po.nis Wcxtorn It It Tlir« o J>oiinr.i f« ra il.mblu and tlx Dollars At WI st l/mntTV. with |ho Uurllnßton. CeUur c for a R.'ction. Itupld* \ Vtirtiierti It It What will p!«y .j niofft. will 1.0 the pleasure At (iiit.N si.LI.. with c;«.|»trnl U. It. of (own. . of enjoying y. irr in.-als. « h'le |»ns-.«na ».ver the At 1»..s MOINHX. with !>. M. Jk Ft. iKxluelt. K. 1 M-4ij<«l#hl }tiio :oj» o# iliir.. rttnf Jovrn. in one of At ToCNrii. Bl.rt Iwith |*n|.»n PuciUc It. It. ,1 t-nt >i:o a'.'l RrataurniU t ara that At OMAII A. with li. .t Mo. It. It. It. l.; •« f.-rv. .| in any tlrrt- Itnpldw \ Northern It. It. I, <.W hotel, i r nr. :.••• v»uli -• u !r" f'-i what you :-»-t» LOIIIm. Kan f t|y A Northern und It. A O it. Itdn. Appreelattn,; the f/i'-l tl.' r. maioritvef the poo, At KIMiKrK. with Toledo. Pooriu and Warsaw; |!" j»r« r« r K-'jia. ale fop |»ur- Wabash, and St. l.ouU. Ke »kuk & N.-W. It. ltdn. '. Lm/c, iatut «'•" »»nor»u..in* ~«*iieiiii.T bu 'lncs* of At Br\*r.i:i.y. wltli Kan. City, Bt. J. ft C. H. It. It. r..l* i.iie .y.lrran!'(!•* »' -. ..<» «ro plentted to an- At AT«'lli:i:rcj-Ujk' ottrpuaes. audita It. ltdn. I*AI A« i: I*l.ONi. r.\".* f'.r liatliitf purp -CM. At I.!;^V|S.NWUUTH, with K, P. and U. Con. j lit xi «:»<•••- H!' t! of our pjila.-»j 1 •im |s r, it. Hd>, 1- \ fs.M'K «•.*% nr. r.r+ r .«-. ih.-.n.-t', to PKOKIA.DES MOI.VEN, (Ol Xdb HLI FI H, 0 ATt riHl;.\ and lAI \ \ l\\ WOltTHi 'A 'IT '.-I* vI•» t' l- f.mc, Uaown r.* Ihe "Orfiit ll«uk laland Ktoulo,** urc iiold by ui: Tif.V't f'te .ilf-«l Fit:xt«"i :md Canialu. For Ivfdiimatli.ii m.i oljUiluabls ui your Uotut ticket oilier, ailtlrrta, j A. a J£* NT. JOHN. Gcn'l S.i; rintmidont. (JcnT Tkt. und PaaaVr■ A«t.. | Chicago. 111. - -■■■— I 11 ! ?"SS»s3=Si> QIHPLICITY J SUPERIORITY WI l/ffM WIMPIiFIIEB 0 lUMTABEUt rwfiwl Improvimenls September, 1878! f >Pnt m * )rOVWn * n^' blnaiionof J)* •irtibit Qualifies* l'(e., 75c., h7£c., $1 and M. r >, wo invito comparison with our better ntinilicrM :il sl.f»o, j 1.75, $2, 2.2H and $2.50, including threo o of tho iiK.Mt reliable and pojxilar makoH, undoubtedly tho vnlucH that havo been offered,and it will afford I tin ploaauro to show theHO gooda on our counters or nond HainjileM to j.er koiih living at a distance. Colored Silk-i, overy ««hado, 75c., '.lite., $1 and $1.25, nuperior niaken and finish. ; " Striped and l-'arvv Silk-i at sH'*., reduced from 75c; a bargain, to do.-e thin lino. I i» Itluck and Colored fcntim. Black and Colored Satin Moire for trinuning, at jJ" popular prices. Alho, invito the attention of buyers of Carihmeres to our now and larre stock of Colored French CaHhiniiros, all shades, at 50c. a yard, sold last season at fide. Also, belt«T <|ualities at f.Oe., 75c. and sl. Black Cashmere* at 45r., 50c., fiOe., Csc., 75c., Hsc., 00c. and sl. Samples will *1 be sent mi application to examine and compare. Summer I>rc;is Goods will bo sold at a sacrifice to make room for new goods now arriving. Choice New Foulards and Chintzes, I'lain and Side Bands. Housekeeping Goods a Specialty—Tabling, Napkins, Cra.-hoH, A<-., Bleached ' ■ uiul Unbleached Mnslius, Sheeting and Pillow Case Muslin, all „i widths, and at lower prices than elsewhere. l>i Trimming Fringe*, Laces, of all kiiuls, Scarfs and Scarfing received H every day! Xi Spoon Bust Corset, white and colors, at, 50c., worth Gsc. French Woven and j|m Domestic Corsets, in all the popular makes. Unlauudrled Shirts, 50c., 75c. and sl. Ijiinndried Shirts, Jl, the be-t value | for the money to lie found, made from the best Wumsutta Muslin. It is Impossible to enumerate all of the departments, but will ay that the best of values will be offered throughout our very large slock, and the L best possible attention shown to customers. f TBOQ-CxS & BUHL, lis ,V T2O FKDKIIAL STREET, ALLKOIIICNV' | Time ol i t;j; (o::rls. Til.' t'< urt t that after tlic 11th day of March, Ws ihe • »\v;al Court-. of tin county f Ilullir shall commence on the fir.-t Monday of March, June, September ami lVeeuiber in each year, to continue two weeks, or so Jong as necessary llhftM of tl. iia :u - . It is fur ther ordered la t hereafter no eiiiivs l>e put down for trial or traverse jurors summoned for the i:rsfl week of the several terms. JAMES J. CAMPBELL, ('onaaty «"*• a-«» aim Office in Fairview horongli, in Telegraph Office. jaiilS] Ta: rvviN 1. 0.. Butler Co., Pa. FEHRIS AItMOIC, Justice of tllo l^enco, Main Street, opposite Fo»to(Bcc, jtyie ZEMKNOPLE, PA. ATT<)RNIYS AT LA W. BUTLER, TA.* WM, H. LUSE, Offico with \V. If. II Kiddle, K- |. ~ iNKWTON liLAI'K, ~ Office in l'ir< 1 Nalii nal Bank l!;i.ll.i>p. E. I. lilil Cill, Office In Iliddl.'s 1, .w tr. S. F. BOWfcEli. ' Office ill I'.Md!. 's 1.a.. B-...!di:i,;. [iiia:S'7& J. I>. McJUNKINI Special atti utiou uiven to collections Offic* Opposite IVillird iloi;se. JOSEPH ItTliliEDlV,"" - Office north-east comer of Diamond. Butler Pa. H. 11. GOtJCllEll, Office in Kchne.ideman'.-* bnildiiig. npslsim. J. T. DOXLY Office near Court I[uu«. >• 71 W. D. SKANDOH, ' 01)17-75, Office In Berg's building, CLAHENCE WALKER, Office ill Breiliu t»nil(lii!g- rr.xrlT—t EEIU> KEi UK It, Office in BergVnew buiMini.-, M ihi Mrcel.iptlly F. 3d. KASTAIAN, Office in Tin 26 T. C. CAM I'll El Office in llerg's new building. 2d floor, ea*t Hide .Main ft., a few doors houtli of i.owrj He.use. mM> if n A. A M. SULLIVAN, nmy7 Oflicc S. W. cor < i Diamond. BLACK & BltO., Office on M:»ln ntreet, or.e door south iso E. K. SCKUIT, Knilßl Mmail.T.. (Laic ol Ohio.) KCKLEY & MAHSIIALL. Office in Bnulj's I.aw Knildlng. Hept.9,74 O. O. CHIiISTIK, Attorney at ta*. iegal l.iidnons carefully transacted. Collections mad l ' and promptly remitted. Business correspondence piouipily attended to and answered. Office opposite /,owry House, Butler, Pa. MIBOEL . \ NEOTT ~ _ W. M. DAM K, Bclipu'■lop Block, Bradford, Pa, EDWARD M(SWKENI^Y7 KMKI IIPOI.T, PA. Collectloim mil'!untio . ML N. MILKS, Pelmlln, Itutler eountv, Pa. |JnB WILLIAM i: CONN, in Brawlev Honto, «•<•«» !itt<"l up in modem Rt} le ( oud is eapahlo of a inimi>er <*f gtuwU. Terma inuilerate. (JOuli promptly att«mlcil 10, ttliop on Can iluuham atrueL near creek, IIUTI.KH. PA. HI:KKY a. imi.K, Pl,l£ MMM TAILOR, con. PENN *su I.IXTII HTItKETS, I'ilUburjh, l'a