Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 10, 1879, Image 2

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' ■
Republican Stale Ticket.
Hon. Sjimuel llal ler*, ,
or ( u i. -r.a. corXTY.
County Tlclifl.
.J. "VVei*l«\v Monks,
THE Grand Jury la-t week acted
upon some tsercnty bills, finding some
sixty true ones, and did all this \u
about three and a half days.
IT will be seen by the proceedings
of the Republican County Convention ,
of Monday that less than seven hnn
dre<l votes were ea.-t at the primary 1
election last Saturday. I
POME of the maple tree leave, an- ]
already beginning 1 to color. A week
or two more and the "sear and yellow
leaf" will have come—a renewed re- '
minder of the flight of tirue.
THE request to announce lectures on
National Reform in certain places in
the county, on the evenings of Bth, 9th '
and 1 Oth insts., came too late for inser- i
tion last week and hence too late to be ]
of any service.
THE jubilee services, celebrating the
fiftieth anniversary of the erection of
St. John's Church, (in the western
part of the county), will appear upon
our first page next week, there not be
ing space for them this week.
MB. J. W. MONKS, the successful
candidate for Jury Commissioner, is
one of the best men in the county.
His good standing with his neighbors
induced them to warmly recommend
liim. He will make a discreet and
trustworthy Jury Commissioner.
THE communication of "Schwartz"
in regard to our county fair, came too
late for publication last week. The
sentiments of the writer, in urging
more iuUjx-nt to be taken in our county
fairs, are good, but as the fair has al
ready commenced it would l>e useless
to insert the communication this week.
MB. LUCAS, who was a member of
the Grand Jury last week, was the
tirrtt colored man who ever occupied
that position in this county. Some
two or three colored citizens have
served on traverse juries heretofore,
but Mr. Lucas was the firnt a< a grand
jurf>r, and, what is l>etter in the matter
is, that his f« llow-mcml>ers of the jury
unite in saying that he was a very
good and intelligent juror.
THE Grand Jury at Harrisburg sim
ply did its duty and what every honest
man in the State demanded it should
do, to-wit, find true bills against all
parties charged and proven before it
to have used money or been guilty of
bribery last winter during the sitting
of the Legislature. But when, through
some influence, it was induced to turn
aronnd and present for conspiracy some
of the committee appointed by the
Legislature to prosecute the cases, arid
also other mem tiers of the House of
good reputation, then the j»eople will
say that it is an attempt t > retaliate,
bulldoze or intimidate. The charge
against Mr. Wolfe and -others is that
they played the detective, set a trait,
so to speak, to catch those they sus
pected using or receiving money for
votes. Suppose they did consult and
act together towards that end. Is that
a coruipiracy to do an unlawful act ?
How can two or three innocent per
sons Is: guilty in bringing guilty ones
to justice ? How can an effort to up
bold the very Constitution itself
tortured into a conspiracy ? Cannot
the members of a Legislature who saw
and knew the corrupt nse of money
being made consult together how to
expose it without being liable to the
charge of con*pira.'-i/ 7 This is too
absurd, and the law will protect the
faithful public servants from such ap
parent malice. When the day comes
that the honest cannot ferret out and
bring to punishment the dishonest,
without endangering their own safety,
then we will have come to singular
times indeed.
Dedication B-arviooo.
The dedication services on Sunday
last of the new German Lutheran
Church, of this place, was an event of
more than ordinary interest, owing
principally to the great number of peo
ple present. At 10 o'clock the mem
bers First assembled at the old church
building, corner of Wayne and MeKean
streets, and aft'-r some preliminary ser- ]
vices there, and many expressions of '
farewell regards for the old building in
which they, a« a church, had wor
shipped for now about fjirty years, they
formed into procession and marched to
the new C'hureh building, corner of
Washington and Jefferson streets. |
The procession was the largest, or •
longest at least, ever known in this i
piuee and extended from the old
church to the new one, a distance of
eleven squares. Not less than a thoits- j
and |>crsons were in it, while there were i
many others present hut not joining in '
the procession. At the new church 1
the usual dedicatory services were had (
and preaching in both German and En
glish, Rev. K. Cronenwett, the pastor,
being assisted by his father and Rev. 1
Feltman, of Ohio.
The audience room of the new ,
church is a large one, yet it could not r
seat all present.. The church, how- <
ever, has secured mainly its object in
having more room and a better build- f
ing for its members. We noticed the (
large room was easy to In; heard in, I I
the a'-cou.-tic arrangement* therefore
being good, and while the new build
ing might not come up to the present
standard of the taste of ail, yet a- a
wLole it will stand as a worthy monu
ment of the enterprise and the efforts
of the members of the German Lu
theran Church of B'Jt'er.
103 rd Reg. Reunion.
To-morrow the surviving members
of the 103 rd Iteg. Pa., Volunteers in
the war. will have their first r< union in !
Butler. Proper arrangements have
been made to make the occasion as
pleasant as possible.
California Election.
The California State election of la-t
week ha- resulted more favorably to
the Republicans than was evc-a ex
pected. A Republican Governor and
three, at least, out of the four mem
bers of Congress, ar • elected, with
perhaps others of the Stat;.- ticket.
The returns are not fully received as
vet, but enough to warrant the claim
of a Republican victory over all the
different parties in the field.
Maine Election.
The news from the Maine State
election, held on Monday, is of the
most cheering character, showing Re
publican gains over last year. Ihe
Republican candidate for Governor
will have a large plurality over either
the Democratic or Gre< ;iba< k candi
dates, and possibly a majority over
both. But the Legislature will Is: Re
publican strongly, which will have the
deciding among the candidates fur
Governor in case no one has a majority
over all. This is therefore a gain from
last vear and a decided victory for the
Republicans All hail to Blaine, of
Maine! _
Reception of 11th Reserves.
A meeting of the citizens of the
town of Indiana, J'a., was held in that
place recently to take steps for the
proper reception of the survivors of
the 11th Reg. Pa., Reserves, who
have a reunion there on the 25th of
this month. Committees were ap
pointed to make the necessary arrange
ments, and the citizens of the town of
Indiana will doubtless cordially greet
the survivors of the old 11th and
make them w&lc'ifßc to that place on
the 25th. Two companion from this
county were in the l'th Kescrves, the
survivors of which, we understand, all
intend going the reunion on the 25th.
That Problem Again.
."A i'ti. Editnr.- —2O cent, of
}« r cent, is 2-15lhs. The question
then is: A spent two-fifteenths more
than half of his salary, and had
left; what was his salary? As the
question is punctuated, I answer he
sjs-nt and hi - salary was $12.30.
Proof —Salary $12.30. In 1877 A
spent 15, or half of his salary. In
H7B he spent $0.07, or two-'iftcenths
more than be spent in H77, or two
fifteenths more than $<5.15, or two
fifteenths more than half of hi.s salary.
And s'">-)7 is 20 pt>r oont, of per
cent, (or two-fifteenths) more than
$0.15, or more than half of sl2 .'JO.
The solution of "Xenus" in ikes him
spend s!f.2o 7-1 1, and makes .-alary
$14.53 7-11. But $:».20 7-11 is not
two-fifteenths more than $7.2<; tt-11,
but is two-fifteenths more than 12
and a fraction ; SO the proof fails.
In Brooks' Arithmetic 1 find exam
ple on page 197 : 712 acres is « per
cent, more than half of how many
acres? Answer given, 1,100 acres.
As 6 per cent, is 20 per cent, of thirty
per cent., we may liken it to the salary
question by giving it thus: A sjiends
20 per cent, of 30 per cent, more than
half of his salary, arid haa s*isS left;
wh«t is his salary? Answer, $1,400.
Another example, same page: 231
is 20 per cent, of 25 per cent, more
than what number? Answer given,
220. It. follows that 231 is 20 per
cent, of 25 j>er cent, more than half of
440, just as s';.!»7 is 20 per cent, of
p«f cent, more than half of $12.30.
Example, Golf's Arithmetic, page
304 : A raised 800 bushels of wheat,
which was 25 per cent, more than halt
of what B raised; what did Braise?
Answer given, 1,280 bushels. Change
this to salary: A spent SBOO, which
was 25 p< r cent, more than half of his
salary ; what was his salary ? Answer,
$1,280. Or, A -pent ;'•> percent more
than half of his salary, and had
left; what was his salary? Answer,
$1,280. Or, SBOO is 25 per cent, more
than S«4O, which is half of $1,280
"Xenus" does not seem to recollect
that you can take th«- percentage of a !
fraction, although the que-tion he was j
trying to solve brought it clearly be- :
fore him. One of the meanings of
percentage is: "The name ftpplif) to j
any number of hundredths of nnylhtnij ,
that is regarded a- a basis of computa
tion."—Golfs Arithmetic.
Whether you say one-fourth or twen
ty-five per cent., the quantity is the
same. B.
Tho Field Question.
jlfi'KHrK. Editor* —The answer to the
field question in CITIZEN <<f last week
is as follows:
The field is 7,680 rods square, and
contains 3f',x,040 acres.
Butler, Sept. 8, '7!). E. F. W.
Another Problem,
An officer, wishing to divide his men
so that an equal number of men would
lie in each division, found that by di
viding into two divisions there was an
odd man; into three divisions there
were two odd men; into four then;
were three odd men; into five there
were four; into six there were five;
into seven there were six; into eight
there were seven ; into nine there were
eight; into ten there were nine odd
men, but when divided into eleven di
visions they were jeven. How many
men had he? Kx.
Mo. FIIANK DIXOK, brother of the
victim of the VazooCity tragedy, says
his brother's death was undoubtedly
hastened to prevent the disclosure of
the political .secrets he was possessed
of. He says his brother was killed by
order of the Democratic committee.
THE Democrats and Grcenbackcrs 1
of Mercer enmity united on a county
ticket—the Grcenbackcrs getting the
lion's share. : 1
g*(j* ©utter Citizen: PxtiJUr, fist., 10, lOTO,
Free odings of Republican County
Return Judges fr m the following
town.hips andb 'roughs met in the Ar
bitration room of the Court Ilou.e oa
Monday »a>t, to w t:
AHeghenv t wn.-hip. S. P. Kak n.
Adams, James A. McMarlin.
Butler. Thomas B. White.
Buffalo, M. X. (ireer.
Centre, Thomas R. Hoon.
Clinton, W. W. McCalL
Concord, Charles Cochran.
Clay, J. F. McClung.
Connoqucnessißg (North) Gottleib j
| Brotschie.
Cranberry, A. C. Duncan.
Donegal," J. B. Orbison.
Forward, David Douthett.
Jackson (East), Dr F. V. Brooks.
Jefferson, W. W. Harbison.
Lancaster, Wm. Lutz.
Middlesex, W. T. Anderson.
Muddycreck. W. B. Dodds.
Mercer, W. P. Braham.
Oakland, F. H. Monie.
Parker, Dr. C. M. C. Campbell.
Penn, Wm. . Seaman.
Sl!;>;>ervrock. J X. Bla'.r.
Washington, S. C. Hutchison.
Butler borough (Ist Ward; Thomas
Robinson; (2nd Ward) J. M. Greer.
Ccntreville, F. S. Pet- rs.
Millerstown; A. L. Craig.
IY-trolia, A. L. Campbell.
Saxonburg, E. Maurhoff.
Sunbury, J. R. Campbell.
Prospect, W. R. Riddle.
The following districts were not
repp -ented: Brady township, Clenr
ficld, Cherry,Connoqaencssin--'(South)
Fairview borough and township, Jack
son (West), Marion, Summit, Ven
ango, Win field, Worth, Karns City
and '/. -lienople.
The Return Judge of Franklin I p..
James. V. English, not being able to
be present, sent in his return through
the lb-turn Judge of Prospect, Mr. \\ .
R. Riddle, who by accident forgot to
bring the same, with his own, in, but
tlicv w re sent for in time to lie add'-d
to the count as found below.
The Convention organized by call
ing Hon. A. L. CampVil, of Petrolia,
to the Chair, who made some very ap
propriate remarks on a.-.-muing the ■
-wiie. M. N. Greer was chosen Secre
tary and J. I. Pilfer and Ihoinas B.
White, Clerks.
The Convention then proceeded to
receive and count the votes for Jury
Commissioner, which on being summed
up resulted as follows :
J. W. Monks, 220; J. J K. Mel
linger, 9i:i; •!allies Glenn, 161, Wm.
Crookshank, 07.
Thomas Robinson, W. P. Braham
and Dr. F. S. Peters wen; appointed a
committee on resolutions who reported
the following, which were adopted :
Re>"i!rrrl, That we heartily endorse
the platform of principles adopted
by the Uepu'didin State Convcnti' n,
which met in Harrisburg on ih.: 23rd
of July, they fairly representing the
judgment of the Republicans of this
llctfoh'rd, That we also endorse the
nomination 'if Hon. Samuel Butler
and pledge tl " support of the party in
I!i\ <>lri;il, That we cordially endorse
the nomination of Mr. .!• V,. Monks as
our cau'iMate for Jury ( ommis.-ioncr,
knowing him to be competent and
llenolrrd, That California is still in
the Union.
The Convention then proceeded to
the election of a Chairman of the
County Committee for the ensuing
year, which resulted in the election of
Thomas Robinaoii.
A. L. Craig and W. C. Negley were
chosen Secretaries of li;'- Committee. j
On motion, the Chairma.i of the
Committee was authorize I, after con
sultation or correspondence with Re
publicans of those districts not repre
sent 1 in the Convention, to appoint
members on tuo Committer for tl|e
On motion adjourned.
M. N. G ukKit, Chairman.
(Cleveland Herald.]
The E-,s:iasii|atiori of Captain Henry
M. Dixon, at Yazoo City, Missibaipjii,
will cause no surprise. It. is in str;<-t
accordance with the Mississippi plan,
and was the logical consequences of
Mr. Dixon's je rsisting in tin; exercise
of his legal political rights in opposi
tion to the wishes of the Confedro- j
Democracy. The full details of the
"Yazoo affair" are fresh in the public '
mind. Captain Henry M Dixon, an
ex-C'onfeilerate soldier, a life-lon'.'
Democrat, and a native born South- j
enter, a short time ago allowed his
name to fie placed on the Independent j
ticket as a candidate for Sheriff 'if
Yazoo county. A mass meeting of
"prominent citizens" was consequently
held arid a committee sent to Mr. '
Dixon to tell him to either renounce!
his candidacy or be killed. He chose
the former course. Afterward, how-,
j ever, the storm of indignation con- j
I ecrning this outrage being so great, j
' he thonght he might venture to once j
I more assert his rights, and he did so, I
! announcing that his renunciation hav- j
i ing befsn extorted by force, he held it
j null and void, mid was till an Inde- j
pendent candidate for Sheriff of Yazoo !
county. He p.istook th<- temper of
the Confedro-Democracy, and the mis
take cost him his life. He was assas- j
sinated in the streets of Yazoo City ,
on the 20th. His assassin was James :
Barkesdale, a relative, in all proba- !
bility, of Hon, Kthel Barkesdale, the ,
chairman of the Mississippi State i
Confcdro-Democratie Committee, and, |
next to Jefferson Davis, the most prolv
liable candidate for United Stabs
Senator from that State.
This is all that was wanting to
make this barbarous outrage complete,
and it may servo as a warning to any
other person who mav rely upon the
hypocritical expressions of regret
which some of the Mississippi pap'-rs J
have indulged in to the extent of ven- .
turing to oppose the Confedro-Deinoe- |
ra'-y. This party captured Mississippi;
with shotguns and revolvers, and
with shotguns and revolvers it holds
it, and will continue to hold it. And
as shotguns and revolvers keep Mis
sissippi solid for the Confederate
party, so do shotguns and revolvers
keep the South solid for that party.
Mississippi has no government, save
that of armed mobs and tinned assas
BUI.AI.IE'S swjetpocm, entitled "The
Cucumber's Victim," says the St.
Bonis Timrx-.Journal, has been re
ceived, and is res|iectfiilly but firmly
declined, on the grounds that we can
not encourage a muse which
"rcallv gorgeous" rhyme with "cholera
morbus." 1
The New York Republicans' Plat
form and Ticliet.
1 The New York State lb-publican
Convention met on the 3rd inst., \ ice
President William A. Wheeler was
l«.rmanent President. Being conducted
; tl. chair. Mr. Wheeler made a short I
j speech, in which he said the policy of!
I seeking to starve the Government into i
submi.-sion to rebellion was initiated!
at Fort Sumter, and was again at
i tempted by the Democracy at the late j
; session of Congress. The speech was
a general arraignment of the Demo-1
eratie policy and record during an i ;
since the late war, eulogy of the Re- ,
publican party, and an appeal for con- !
tinning the latter in power in order to ,
to maintain and enforce the results j
achieved bv the sword and to secure j
protection to every citizen in every j
right. regardWs of his color, coadi- j
tion or locality.
Charles E. Smith, Chairman <*S the j
Committee on Resolutions, presented
the following platform which was j
unanimously adopted :
The Republicans of New York. ;
pledging themselves anew to national |
supremacy, equal rights, free elections j
and honest iH'ciey, declare these prin- -
First. The Republic of the United
States is a nation and not a league.
The nation is supreme within its
own constitutional sphere. It is girded
with power to guard its own life, to
protect its own citizens, to regulate its
own elections and to execute its own
laws. The opposite doctrine of State
. .vcreignty is thebancfu! motherof not
ification, sesession and anarchy. The
Republican party stands for national
supremacy in national affairs and State
rights in State concerns; the Democ
racy stand for State sovereignty with j
its own twin heresy, that the union is
a mere confederacy of States.
Second. To refuse necessary sup
plies for the Government with the de
sign of compelling the unwilling con
sent of a co-ordinate and independent
branch to odious measures is revolu
tion. To refuse'appropriations for the
execution of existing and binding
laws is nulification. We arraign the
Democratic Representatives In Con
j gress m guilty both of revolutionary
attempts and of nulifying schemes and
we reprobate their action as calculated
to subvert the Constitution and to
strike at. the existence of the Govern
ment itself.
Third. The safety of the Republic
deinan Is free and pure elections. The
Democratic Congress has attempted
dictation by caucus, by threats of starv
ing the Government and by months of
disturbing agitation to break down the
national election laws. We denounce
this effort as a conspiracy to overthrow
the safeguards of free suffrage, and to
open the ballot box to the unchecked
einination of rifle clubs of the South
and rpneaters of New York. We de
clare our uncompromising opposition to
any repeal of these just protective
laws, and Republican Senators and
Representatives in Congress for their
resistance to this attempt and Presi
dent Hayes for his veto messages de
serve and receive our hearty approval.
Fonrtb- The Republican party
neither justifies net tijlen'tcs; military
interference with election#. It. seeks
onlv to protect the ballot box from the
interference of force or fraud. It re
pels the false charges and de
nounces the false pretenses of the con
spirators who while professing to favor
free elections everywhere, sustain mob
law in the South, while inveighing
against troops at the polls to protect
eiti'/ens, refu.-e to nrobibit armed dobs
from surrounding Ihe ballot box to In
! timidate them, and while affecting that
j soldiers' bayonets will overawe free
! elections, remain silent when the as
sassin's bullet seals the fate of politi
cal independence.
Fifth. We call upon the people to
remember that the Democratic party
forced the extra session of Congress
without warrant or excuse ; that it
prosecuted its partisan purposes by
revolutionary methods; that it persist
ently obstructed resumption, and still
constantly presses disturbing measures;
that it reopened sectional questions
closed by the national triumph, and
threatens the repeal of war legislation j
that its Southern element answers con
ciliation only with violence; that its
hope of success rests alone on the solid
South, and that its triumph would
make the solid South the ruling force
jof the nation. We recognize that the
great body of the people who defended
! the Union, of whatever party name,
are equally patriotic and equally inter
' ested iii fcood government, and wo
! earnestly invoke them to unite in re
' sisting the dangerous designs of the
! party organization under the sway of
' those who were lately in rebellion and
j seek to regain in the halls of legisla
! tion what they lost, on the field of bat
-1 tie.
Sixth. The successful resumption
j of tipuulo payments, despite Demo.
' eratie prediction and hostility, is the
crowning element of the Republican
j financial policy. Followed by return
i ing national prosperity, improved cred
! it, refunded debt and reduced intere- l,
lit adds another to to the triumphs
1 which prove that the Republican party
Ii- equal to the highe-t demands. Our
j whole currency should by kept at par
with the monetary standard of the
; commercial world, and any attempt to
i debase the standard, to depreciate
, paper, or deteriorate coin, should be
; iirmfy resisted.
Seventh. The claims of living and
| memories of the dead defenders of the
! nation conjure us to protest against the
! partisan and unpatriotic greed which
; expels old Union soldiers from their
well deserved rewards and advances
Confederate soldiers to tle-ir places.
Eighth. A« the pledge and proof of
its economy in State administration,
the Republican party, in spite of pro
longed Democratic resistance, proposed
and passed constitutional amendments
i which restrict tho expenses of canals
! to their receipts and reform the wholo
system of canal and prison miiuugo-
I ment and by extinguishing public in
debtedness anil relieving the people
from any further tax thereon, it ef
fected a great saving in State taxation.
These fruits of B publican measures,
Democrats have brazenly attempted to
appropriate as their own. Appealing
to the records in support of our decla
ration we pronounce their claims un
founded, and hold up their authors as
public impostors.
The rest of the resolutions relate
exclusively to State affairs.
A ballot for Governor was then
taken, which resulted in the uomina- :
tion of A. It Cornell, of New York
The ticket was completed as fol- I
lows: For Lieutenant Governor, |
George G llo,kins; for Scerelary ol't
; Stat--. Joseph B. Carr: for Controller I
James W. Wads worth ; f>r Treasurer. .
Nathan I>. Wendell; for Attorney,
General, Hamilton Ward ; for State
lin. r in-er and Surveyor, How rd
l Soule.
A Sad Suiciuo.
[Pitt-bnr«h Commercial-Oaiette, Gth '
Yesterday afternoon the city was j
startled by a rumor that Dr. ijainey I
A. Scott, the well-known dentist, had j
• committed a suicide. As the report ;
i rapidly circulated in a short time a
large crowd of people collected in i
front of his residence at No. 278 Penn j
, avenue to learn the facts. A reporter j
immediately- visited the house, and \
j learned that in the morning Dr. Seott |
' had told his wife that he did not feel I
| very weii, and would not get up till i
: noon. He asked Mrs. Scott to go to J
I his oflkes on Fifth avenue and see that j
I everything was attended to. This she j
j eid, and a few moments later Scott
requested the servant to keep the chil- J
I dren quiet, as he wanted to sleep, and
: then locked the door of the room, j
j Some time later in the morning, one )
of the ladies w ho boarded at the house, |
(passed the door and heard Dr. Scott
I breathing very heavily, but did not
think that there was anything wrong.
Shortly after noon Mrs. Scott returned
home to dinner, when she went up
sLairs to the room where the doctor'
was sleeping and knocked repeatedly,
bui received no answer. She then
burst open the door, and, to her infinite
horror, found her husband lying on
the bed with distorted features and
blackened nails, moaning heavily. Dr.
T. W. Shaw was instantly sent for,
and he did everything possible to neu
tralize the effects of the poison which
he had taken. A few moments later
lbs. Dickson, McCann and Foster ar
rived, and an electric battery was se
cured. For two hours the current was
applied without avail. Hypodermic
injections of atropia and ammonia were
administered and cold douches applied,
but to no purpose. Every known rein
ed}' was brought into requisition. A
stomach pump was resorted to, but In
asinuch as Dr. Scott had not partaken
of any food it soon became evident
that the poison had been absorbed.
Pinned to a pincushion on the table a
note was found, evidently written on
the paper which contained the poison,
in the doctor's handwriting' It read
as below:
(i «nl hve, my darling Jennie; I will not be
a Imrden t > vmi any 1 mtfor; 1 am gain; where
my wretched tir»ui will be at rest. QI'IKCY.
Despite the unremitting efforts of
, the attending physicians, the doctor
continued to sink slowly, his system
having become thoroughly narcotized,
and last evening at o'clock lie passed
away. Mrs. Scott was almost dis
tracted yesterday afternoon by the sad
affair. She savs that for two months
past the doctor has been in ill health
from a derangement of tl;e stomach,
and has lieen rather dyspeptic and
melancholic. He has been tinder the
treatment of Dr. Pepper, of Philadel
phia, she states. On Thursday even
ing he visited his mother-in-law and
laughed and chatted in the best of
sjiirits, and intended to go to the Ex
position with his wife lost nieijt.
Dr, Shaw was visited, and stated that
his death had undoubtedly resulted
from narcotic poisoning, and that tho
physicians had it that it was morphia
that he had taken. He added that it
was hardly possible that an inquest
would be held, as the physicians had
deemed it unnecessary. Dr Scott was
in his thirty-eighth year, and has been
unusually successful in l)'S prtiCtW.
It i> said, however, t' at latterly he
has not done so well. 1 here is also a
report that he was much depressed in
consequence of two deaths resulting
from the inhalation, it i.- alleged, of
his laughing gas. An inquiry among
his friends shows that there is not one
who can assign a satisfactory reason
for the commission of ihc rash act.
His mother-in-law, Mrs. John Watt,
also could not give any reason other
than that it may have resulted from
depression of spirits on account of ill
health. He recently fitted up an el
egant suite of offices on Fifth avenue,
and until quite recently hail appeared
very sanguine as regards his business
prospect*. He was universally known
and liked in this community, and
leaves a wife, three children and many
friends to mourn his untimely end.
Dr. Scott, it is understood, was dis
charged from bankruptcy on Thursday
Tin: young lady who aspires to be
admitted to the ranks of the legal pro.
fession does not reflect I fiat the gratifi
cation of her ambition would only
make her a bar-maid.
It Seems Impossible
That n remedy made of such common,
simple plants as Hops, Buchu, Man
drake, Dandelion, \c., should make so
many nnd such marvelous and won.
derful cures as Hop Bitters do, but
when old and young, rich and poor,
Pastor and Doctor, Lawyer and Edi
tor, all testify to having been cured by
them, you must believe and try them
yourself, nnd doubt no longer. See
other column.
Tim flijMfftM like funny other* i»» r«ffftr»lecl
as iociiraMo. It in not MO. If it IH taken in
' fiiri" it IH rw eaxily cure<l am a wart or a corn.
We know very well that it i* a fearful <liKfMi*e
am) will eat away until it »leMtroypi life, that
\ < if it i* iieglttcte'l, lint it it i* utten«le«l to
when it firnt make* it* ft|»}M»a»*ftnce, or mum
niter, there i* no trouble in eradicating it
from the system. Persons will lmve to here
during |»art of tin tn ifi.vnt, e'»iiv|iicntly
there is no nie writing to me for information
whr tlier it can foe cured without rny M*eimf the
ca«e. I it! > tr- at with ".IICCCHS, Ituptimr, Pile*,
litnl t, I'leer- , I'leerated I> V«ri'-»Me Win*,
Varicocele Tumore, Hydrocele, and every form
of Hkin l)i*i ase.
Dr. Kryscr, 240 Pnnn Avt-noo,
Opposite ('hrirt'* f'hureh, Pittsburgh, Pn.
ftiiflor JlarHol".
|Onfroet*<t !»y O. Wii.so* Mim.VIII Jt Hno.J
iStJTTRIt Hood 14 rents 7* rt».
lUrxjp - Plain sugar enred hams 10 rrt*. V
shoulders, 1 : *id"n, 7
IlKA** White, f1.9f1<91 50 V hush.
('iii#:Kr..*ft 2.* i t#» -*?0 rt*. j»er pair.
Our.r.nr. 10 els V
Mr.u, l etn. V Ih.
OAt.rHici.4 '.Hiofo'* l H tt».
IMUKI> I'at'iT Apples .1 ets "H tt>; peaches 7c;
filiick!»crri«»H JOe; riwxpberrlee 800.
F,OOH \) eta TP dozen.
Pisif Moekaral, now, kit tn 70e ; bbls..
tl. M . < bbls., ?i.V).
Fu>nn Wheat, V hfol. **ek *l^*l.so.
Onus Oat*,.'!() biiflml: corn VJ ; wlmat
£1 : rye 4'> r«nts ; fouekwheat, 00.
I lost, v 15 nts. Vlb
LAUD fl'* V lb. Tallow, 7.
A riiKit K«»lo ds. r* lt».; upper SXSO
fu '' ft lI'Jo ; j'ip I'lOnty '!'»<• !t».
Mof.AssK-t Wa'iUfn V gallon. Byrtip, 40r<p(Hki.
OptnXH— 40c. V bimh.
i'otATOK V.YnXt\ V bushel.
Hi -'Mi Yidlow *.rliif«> !)i3>loo. V lb.
HAI.t NO. 1, ♦! -25 V barrel.
Maiii Strsst, ■ Bugler, Pa
anlvN i
fill Ui 2 & O.H.UE&. ' K
As I have an unusually large and ettrseMve stock of BOOTS & SIIOKS
just openinir, embracing all the newest styles, i invite the attention ami close
scrutiny of buyers.
Men's Kip and Calf Hoot? very cheap. Ladies', Misses' and Children's
Button, Polish and Side Lace Boots in endless variety, and at bottom prices.
Reynolds Brothers' colebratod fine Shoes always in stock.
Parties wanting BOOTS & STIOES made to order can do no better than
by me, as I keep none but the best of workmen in my employ.
I .also keep a large stock of LEATHER and FINDINGS.
fcT'-AH iroods warranted as represented. AI«% ItlJFiF*
Z —! »■ ■ ■ . ■
l iitil Yon Hnvr First Exutiiwil the Stylrs, Stork and Prices
j\. T
\ Ilis entire Fall and Winter «t'» ,, k is just opening at very low figufes. T nis
stock is unusually large in Men's, Bovb' and outh's Kip and Calf
Boots, Qrain Napoleon Boots, Rubber Boots, Brogans and
Plow Shoes, Women's' Misses' and Children's
Calf and Kip (nulined) Shoes.
His Stock In Fiinr Ltirrs is always large. Mi!:raoin3 all the Latest Novelties In Boots
p.wtl Shots, Old Ltdics' Warm Shoes a Specialty.
goods are all made by the very best manufacturers, and I
p will guarantee them to give tlio best of satisfaction. Call and examine inv
. stock and prices.
Ccr. !Oth St. & Penn Ave., PA.,
If luittffictnrrrs *n<l Dealers 1»» *ll kind* of
i Art eflrr?*K tWs Fall EKtr*or«ftn«ry Indooements to Purchasers.
A# 'hey 'luf* article In llielr line, llu-y nrir omMril to sell nt much loner prices
thnn fn-y oilier ti'.n«r w«»t n f Nrw V»rk. l)o not Tull !•> cn't In bolorc purctmsliiK elsewhere,
\ ntid exninlue llielr lmgn ni. I veil rtlgplnyed Maorlmenl il
k rnrlor, Chamber, Office and Dining Furniture.
i Kitchen Furr't-.r" i f wir iV- riptlon Jilw.iy* mi hnn<l. Al*o, M*ttre»»es uf all kiir!». Fur
nturo made to outer nml •ntitfaetloii srniirniit<ln evrty pnrti' Ulftr. neplO-Sia
J.EBorland<fe Ca
asa.d JVb"b«r«
Auction Sales Every Tuesday, at 10> A. M.
Having purchiwed oi:r stock before llio recout advance we will continue to
sell at old prices, i
than ther rwn Ik; bonght ft-om honsn selling on eredit. ,
Call and examlna rmr stock and price# of o<m»l((iie«l and regular good* at
ITos. 53 A BG Wo»d Jit. A 10» Third Avo
I=ITTSB"D"B3m, 2"-A- i
A FICKI: IIOOIC of nearly Ido lari<o octavo
pajrew f.»r the HICK. Full of valuable note* on
Herofula; Diseases of the Breathing
p. •am*'* of Nfen ; Diseases of Women; Aches
and Pains; Heart Troubles; and a jrreat va
riety of CIILTONIC DIHF.AHI3, with evidence
that in fiioet eases thew are curable.
Sent for one stamp. Address
MritltAV 11! Mi PITH, m,
No. K. 2Hth street, N. V.
BNOMHlf— August L' 7, T 7M, at his rcAid'-nee
in Seiota eountv. Ohio. Mr. 1
formerly of Muddyere-k towimhip. this county.
ni;ed I i'years. Ha IW»M • wife and four small
ehildren, and many friends in this county, to
inourn hi*» loss.
auditor's TJotlco.
WlllUm R<i'iln«"n v« .1. I Kntilnwii. In tbn
c;nnrt i>l (.'imiiiein I'lri. ot lltiilcr connly,
K. t>. No lil*. IVrm. IS7II.
Hi-pi :t. 1 MT'.I. "n :• tttlT 'ii W. A. !.<•*!«, »li«
Hherlll enterct to p t H)'. or nnnr* armlriL'
from (In- miliiof th' j-ropnrljr wiililii ifi-»prlln-il
nt rrlcrri-il to. Into « "> util.lr tlir fnrlluT
oriti-rul Hie Coil it I > !'•« f-r.- in 10111 T. O.
<tnni|ilixll, KHI] , L< i|i|iolnt«(l Auditor to make
illmrtliinloii itiT'of wlii-n >n pulil Into Court,
to unit Hinnntc tllO" 'ntHlfd ItiTrlo n"ror>tlii)f
to Irtw, nnd report. ItT THff CoOSf.
All ficroon* n«t!«« tti»l I \
wilt mirnd tn Iti* "l It" «hn»r uppolnl
m.-nl n»j oftl'» In BnHi-r, I'*.
B»pt. IStB, st 1 n'olork, P. M . when *n<l
wtmrn Itmy run f 111 .o dr.lri*.
»o|itoi(l T. C CA»If*nKI.L, Amlltor. i
l»l«t*ol«n»>i rtolloo,
Tim on<ler»l«ni-il lmr'.r u -Itn notice ttinl "ii
Monday, Anifii.l 11, 1 ' T!l, II.» pnrtncrMilp wtit.-h
lind i -vi-1• *1 b<'t%rron lli rt H 'w tie* tlool UIK) Hbv
lni-lii' », iiniti-r thi" flm Bim« "I Hlrkel .t
Itull W:IH itln»olvml r.y mntn >! r on«>-nt
.tlln M BICKF.U :
AI.UKRT K vrr. ]
!Toflfr. !
Wtirrcri. my nrlte, Miry .Mtn*. itlit, on tile 1
Sfttti ilnv ill AntC'i'l. 1579. I«• tvi* my I" it unit t
lM„.r«t wllliont )u>t i.m.r or provo<-:»tloii, I
hereby nntitjr nil p«*r* »'if nol t<» l»nrb«»r trust 1
her on my arcouu'. a* I will p»y no t'llln con* '
fiaeted by her. WILLIAM bODHV. -
Auditor's Notice.
in the innttor ol tlio account of Jim. W Monka,
Administrator of Hie oHMe of Robert ricf- r
ton, dee'd.
Now, Cept. 3, IH7O, exception having been
fllcd In account, Court appoint* W. 1,. (U.ihaut,
K*q., Auditor to ptw» on exceptions, take
testimony mid report tlio anme to Court mid
realntc tlio acciunl If nccorsary.
llr Tn* Court.
I hereby jjlvr not that I will nttentl to the
duties of Ihe above appointment at my olDcu
in tin- Hrady Bullilini-, llnilcr. l'a., on Thurs
day October 2, 18711. at I o'clock, I*. M.
scplOtd W. 1.. OKA HAM.
Roal Rotate Agoncy.
W. P. HOYO ha* opened a ftc.il Katatc odlco
In tlic Vogc'cy House, Hdtlrr, Pa., where all
(l.'nrrlpilon» of Farm", House", Lota, Western
l.indx, and tienvy Tttnbi r I.mils In Jelleisoti
count;, IV, am lor sale. Any person wishing
to tin 7 will please call and I vanillic his Hcf la
ter ol |.roportic«. Heat kind securities lor
sul<\ It in'l", Mortgages on Ileal Estate. Money
loantslfon first-class mortgages. |aelO.'lui
Mhcrin "M Hlllt*.
R. D: Ko. <4, Doc. Term, 11711. M. N. Miles,
Ily flrtuo of n writ of Lcvurl Knel n,
out of the f'mirt of Common of Kutl«»r
county, and to ine dlriN Ind, thero will lie el
poin d to Public Hitle on tli* pr< tni«i'«, In the
boroujfh of rrtrolln, ButW county, Pi»., on
Thor»d«y, September 25th, 1079,
at 1 o'clock, T. M., the following described
properly, fo wlf ■
All Hut r«rmln '■•into Pltnato In the <
Nnroiir?i of fVtrollii, flutlcr county, Pi»., Mt\u *~
* pnrt of fh« H*u« !>Utl* firm. bounded
And n* follow* : HHn;; lot No. H.'l
per plfin of Iof» on rnllrond mudc by John VV.
Wick, nnd bounded on the north by Main '
Mr«'d, e»«| by Ilallro* 1 MOUIII by lot No.
110 »»nd w. «t by lot No. *4, being itJ feet on
Mntfi Mrecl nnd 10 frr i on Kullrond Mrcct
10), corner lot over Bear cr« »'k ; together with
the c'Tt.nln two -lory building erected thereon,
24x40 feet, excepting nnd re«eitlnic the room H
fronting on Mnin Mrcct, fir»t floor, extending
Imck from Mnin Rfrccl ten feet, thence toward It
Krtllrorid alreet to end occupied by John IHI I
for term ol origin*! lrn«c, to bttvn nnd to hold
tin- ntl l premise*, with the nppurtcuAncen, unto Hi
llw fcild Hceoiid |M»rty, bU heir* nnd Ate, ni
Hn/ed and tiil.en in e>«uutlon the prop- *V
erty of Jiineii Hurt nt tli<* null of John tllll, U
WM. 11. HOFFMAN, Hherlfl.
Slit rlirn Ollie. , Mriller, Hept. H, IHT'J.
IJSI 1 OK .iruoTits
Drawn for October Tfrm. 1879, Cois
mencing First Monday and Sixth Day.
A'Uni- ConW.
A:i«-!f!.i-ny M. S. ( inv.Tord.
t>:r,r. -I- ! r>K MarUoll.
lintl il«>—Jain,* Atkinson.
( . noord . M. \\ ict, i'liew .Stor.fr.
( hem Charles Kin?.
« !-iv '-Win. ( v.n ~ \\. a. Tehay.
Clinton- Saii.ue! Trimble.
Piliiili T 'V*. Miller, Win. McC.*rver.
I'airvit"-—Xrls<til Arinftrong, J. U. Show
Forward —Mi'ton White.
Franklin—Allrrt, Wm. English.
Jackson -M 111. Cookson, Thomas Wilson.
JcfferHiß—Thomas Greor.
Ijuicastcr— Jonathan Price.
Man.>u—Wl.l. A. Uilinore.
Mercer—Alex. lSovd, Jr., T. C. MeClintock.
Parker —-Xel» 11 Smith.
Pcnn- Daniel Wise, W. S. Dickson, 11. C.
Slippery rock-Ceone Chantlcr.
Venanao — Hugh 11. Murrin.
WinSeld— Hauler.
W rlli -S. Ii Moore, Il:irvev Cooper. Tlios.
B. Kelly.
Htitler horou.'h—Wm. Aland, Qcnj. Kauer,
John G. It'-n<>.
Fairview Jame< Shields.
Harrisvilie— Frederiek Winueal.
Karu? City—A. N. Humor.
Millerttowit P. M. Hovle.
t'etrolia—l*. 1.. Coldenj
8KOOX1) WEEK—l3ni BAY.
Adams—Geo. llartsung, (ieo. Ijst, Alfred
llnulv—\\ . W. Robinson.
( entre—Harrison McCandless.
Clny—Samuel < . Campbell. JTC. Cornell,
Ge. r,'c .Miller.
Clearfield—Martin Wolbert, Wm. Scott.
Concord—John Chapel.
OmuoquciiesKing—Harrison Dyke,
t'liuton - lleoiye Wiskeynmn.
Donegal— M icliael Forquer.
Fairrievr—Ci. K. tjilmorc, lKa-\c Milliard, A.
P. Shears Stanley Mooriuad.
Franklin—J. p. Ilavs, James It. Murphv,
Thompson McCaudlcsr.
Jackson—Denjamin Powers, S. I*. I'. Young,
John Foreman, John Flinner, Jr.
I-ancuster—Walter Scott.
Mercer - < >. V. . MeGee, W. S. McCliut*>ck.
Mnddyereek—J. 11. Shanor.
< >akland— Francis Weiland.
Parker—l lioinus Mcivsdek, John ('anf Kin,
Prc-ly Illack.
Slipj.cryr. •!. E. C. Wheeler.
Summit—An drew Yost.
>\ infield -Tho*. p. Collins, Martin Cypher,
John Young, John Hutzlcr.
Washington- H. I>. Shira.
Harrisville—B. R. Walker.
Allegheny—F. Blockert, J. W.
John Sloan.
Buffalo— I Thomas W. Elliott.
Butler —John llartuni;, 'I imjims Pearce.
Clinton—Harvey Biekert, John Criswell,
Crawford Johnson.
('-onnoouenessiiitf —Airnw Cooj>er.
Clay—Eli Patterson.
Cherry—James Benshaw.
Centre Silas Stou#hton.
Fairview—James E. Chrisler, Simon For
lYmkliii John 11. Dunn, S. It. Shannon.
Forward—James ( ritehlow.
Jackson—Anthony .Shatter, Jr., I>. G.Swain.
JelFerson—Ed. McFadden, Michael Shields.
- J. N. Ruby, It. F. Hiee.
Middle*ex—-Thomas (loodw in.
Marion—<'arlisle Waters.
Parker—l>. M. Hoover, J. W. Walters, I).
Penn—J. I>. Martin.
Snminit—H»*nry Keck, Joseph Eichenlaub.
Venango—Wm. Cm-I ran, Jr., l'avid Sloan,
George 11. Irwin. tieo»<e Yauderlin.
Worth—J 1 'attei son.
Butler horou^h —11. Schneideman, Thus. B.
Karns City—J. J. Bell, David Spenee.
Zclicnople—Jacob <'oehran.
KxfCiilor'N Noticp.
Letter* to4nuentary on Hit estate of Martha
Chr. Neiur, dee'd, late of S.ixonburj;, Butler
county, I'.i., having been granted to t!»« under
pinned, all pert«oiiß knowin; tlninselves In
debted to »iwlate will p'nsc n. .Ue payment,
and any having t l.iliu** -iraiimt the same will
present Uiod u II rsellleoieskl.
K. M.M KIIOFK, Ex'r,
RxcoutorN Woiioe.
Letter** toMlamentary having been ?rrantod fr*
the uudorrtignel on tiio entato of Saiunel
MeMurrv, dee'd, lato of Cherry townalup, Butler
county, i'a., all porsons indebted to H»id entato
sre notifto<l to tntko imme lialo payment. an«l
tlioHe having cliiinn ajttiiiMt tins uamcs will pro
bent them dulv authentfeated for nettlement.
Bovard P. ()., Butler Co., Pa.
Notice [it E>ivor« , o.
In the matter of the petition of Wm. E. Lackey
for divorce I'rom Annie E. L ickey, C. P.
No. 250, M.-ireh Term, IM7'.».
lIfIVIUiT Ih tii appoiitted CoiniuUsioner to tako
testimony in the above c.me ami report at next
Court, I hereby irlvc notice that I will attend t<»
the duties o| die above appointment at my
otHce in IlutJer, at 1 o'clock on Satuiday, tlis
l.Slb da}* of September, l*7i», at a hleli time ami
place nil pi immis interested inny appear.
aui;'i7-8t E. I. HKU»!I.
Commonw aitli vs. William Lynch, No. 15,
Srpt. Term, IS7S, Qnnrter Sessions of But
b r < 'otinty, Pa.
To all whom it may concern :
Notice i« hereby #lven that the application
for tlo; pardon of William Lynch, Die above
defend hi;, will be renewed before the Hoard ot
Pardons of pcuns) Ivatila, at on
Tuesday, the 10th day of Heptcmber, A. D.
IH7II. E. FRURIS et al.
I\<>< 14'C k .
O/ftrr »f * 'om/tfroi/ rot the i 'itrrmey, >
Wasiiinciton, Auk. 5, I*7l*.
Notice hereby ifiveu to all persons who
may have elnltiri a-rainnt the First National
Bank of Hut lor, that the nine must IK- pre
sented to Henry B. Culluui, 8.-eeiver.at Butler,
Pa., with tl«e b u'al pro »f thereof, within three
months from thin dale, or they >*ill dis
ai lowed. j. s. LAM .WORTHY,
Acting Comptroller of the Currency.
Don't You Do It!
Sewing Miichiuo,
No inniter how jfreat Its name, or how loud
ill* pretensions, when for less
money you can jjet *
The Best I iivented
as well as
The Latent Improved,
i ||K ik i * l l
The only Machlii" made which lias
Shuttle, Take-Up ami TemUms
Entirely Self-Threading.
The |) \(INTI.f.HH iilko m ike« the moil pi rfeet
Loek Sllteh, hat the inoai liiiii ldou* acpn
mte Bolitiln-Wlnder, largest Arm Hpaco
and wide Feed, Bill ple.l Meellan-
Imii, monl Mylitli Karnlturc,
Handsomest Plating and Ornamentation In
the Market.
It S>'W« Anything ! It l»e«U Everything!!
It I'li nxe. Everyliody I 11
SfITS. wlni; M u lilne Dealer, every wlierx will
Unit It to tln lr Inter' -t to order tin Dauntlew,
nil.l K< I I'aelorv I'rl. CM. Kor tenna, territory,
npply to 'l lie OnuiitliwK Mniiut.ictui lii|(
N«»rwulk, Ohio, or to
Ij. 11. HIAGLE,
Jy Hi Out Kaat Brady, Clarion Co., i'a.