Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 10, 1879, Image 1

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I*cr vear. in advance..... tl M
OtbatYue s 00
Xo fnbaeription will be dweontiriaad Until all
irrt-niK'-r. are paid. l'ortcia»tcr» neglecting to
noufT u* when ►al«cn' er» Jo not taie out their
paiK-n wiii U held liable for tU .ai*cnption.
s*jt«cnb«t- remote from on« r**tcfEc« to
another •i.ouid na tbe name of tii# former
as well a* the pr»»-e£.t office.
All cGmnrcnictuona intended for paLUcation
In tlii* IM* r mai-t be accompanied by t!.e rc>al
name of the writer, not for pabluAtion. bat *e
a pr.am-.t-1 of good faith.
Marriage and <2f».rh not.ee* mist be weompa
nitvl by a rewpcc«ib!c name.
(Iltilicr Time.)
Train* lerre Butler for fl. Joe, MiiSerstown.
Kirns City, Petrolic, Parker, etc., at 7:JH >r-1
K..VS a. m., and 205 and 7.15 p. m. [Sec be
low for connection* with A. V R. B.|
Train* arrive at Butler from tho n-uncd
poiuu at V.15 i. tn.. and 1.55, 5.15 9-i5
1.. tn . The 1-55 train nmntdi wltb '.rain on
tli»- West Fcnn rovl 'hro\_'!i to Pittabtirifh.
Sundr.y train* arrive at 10A5 a. t.t- aud 3.55
p. in., and Iran at ll.tO a. ra and 4.10 p. ra.
T rain* 1.-iv.- H Hilar JV Mill. Butler county,
lor Harriari'iir, Greenville, etc., at 7.4*) a. m.
and 12.20 and 2.20 p. ru.
r'.*! lea''' Petroti-i at 530 ft. ra. for i4O
trah., .-.nd at IO.'V a. ru. for 1J 20 tratti. ,
Kitnni ti • - n.'liard On arrival of
trai; « at 10.27 a. ui. and 1.50 p. ID.
su'je leave* Martini.urg at 9.30 for 12.30 |
p. !». c.. * L- E. ft. ft.
The raorning lr*!u Ic-.ve* Zs'ienopl* a' 8 11, |
Harvii.* '.l* ftti'i Erai*' «rg at «.S2. arririM |
at >'">* Stariro ii *.? O. and Allegheny ■» 9M.
Tt-. tfterr tvwi tni Z-l:nr ; op> *» 1 J*.
r<*mnr.T 1.81. r.:t:.-hrjg 1.51. «rri*in«r at
i i tkliOf! st ;!1 t-A Aib-Hhery «.«.
Train* onneetlug at F.tr.l Station wrtli thi
ruad leave A ai T.ll a.m. »n1 3.51 p. ru.
■f. By
tlie bridire to the A. V . R. K., |.a**en
t'em on the tnomine train can reach the t'nlon
<?e|*it at ft o'clock.
Tr-in« 1.-avi- Bin!, r I lii.:ler or J'itt'l.iirirh Time.)
ilcri/i at 5 11 a. 'r. , -n<ii IbroE/h to Al'e
gt- ||J, arriving at Ml » r.i. Thi*- tm'n eon- I
i,«t« at Freeport wilti Prfport Areoininod.v
tion, mhic'u arrive* at Allegheny ot 5.20 a. in.,
rui'rotd time.
Kryrnt at 7.21 a. in , eonneetlnjr at But.Vr
Junction, witbrjut of ram. it with
K»i;ie«a uc«t, arriving In at
ft. la., and Kifr. H* arri.inif at hitimvlilc
at II W a. rn. railroad time.
Hail al 'J A p. in., coaß«cUti2 at lintl. r Juno
of earn, w:tb Et]'re-» w—f,
arriving In AU'irhery at 520 p. in., and Kx
],r<M (Wt firriviuL' at Blairaviile Interx-ction
at fl.lo p. in. r.iitroi.l time, w-iieli coni.i ru w'th
IliiUdi-i|>lila Klpr.« ran, wben on time.
SuiuUfj Erprn* at 4.06 p. ni., (joea tbrontrh
to Allcu'lii n", anivinz at fl.Ofl p. in.
'lbe T2la. m, train connect* at Blairaviile
at ; 1.06 a in. witli tlie M .1 '-a*t, nnrl the
p.m. train at KM witli tlie I'biladelpliia Ei
pr-«* ea»t-
Tiaiiir arrive at Bnller on Wi*t I'.-nn R U. at
i».51 a. in . 5 Of: and 7.11 p. in.. Buller time. Tlie
J»,*,l and 5.06 train* r..niiect »itb Irair.i on
the liutl'-r A I'arter K. R. Sun ay train nrrlv.-n
at Butler at 11.11 a. m., eonnecliuK with train
lor Packer.
Main Line.
Tbrr>ut'li tnln« l<r»ve PiUatiiirifh lor tlie
al 2.. Vi and 3 m. and 12 51, 4.2! ai.d H.W p.
In., arrivini; at PbUailelfiiia at '<.4o and
p. in and ii.oo, 7.0.' and 7 40 a. in.; at Baltimore
about tbe f.ain*' time, at N* »' York tbn*e bourn
Inter, and at a'miit one and a ball
lionra later.
oin u <Mnnn lu,yatuAI u,yatuA ,n w*"Kt
plaining evcrytbinz. Addreiw
ItAXTEIt .1 CO., Tl«nknr«,
drt'j 17 Wall wireet N. Y
myii-ly] IUITI.KR, PA.
AllralH-ny rolli'siatc Institute
4I,I.K(I1IU«Y CITY, 30 fltncklon A »•.
Rev. THOS. C. STRONG, D. D.. President.
Will op. n on VOMMY, KBPTEMBEK Mill.
School i.oiira from !» A. «. to 1.30 v. w li* con
venimit dlntanee from the d-pot* will perm.l
pliplU living ontaide tlie eity to lelurri home
eacti day, lbo» »a>l>i|{ « *pen»c lor l>oanl.
I ~r circular* addreux promptly an al>ove.
Pennsylvania Female College,
A flr#t ela« College Tor women Educational
alaiidatd high. A(lvanU.|(<ai complete Moat
delightful ►ituall'.n In the whole country.—
Term* 'i«l" niiHleratc Open* Sri-mMiißu
ItfTJI. Addi ■KI
JljrSMm Actlni.' Proldenl.
CanoiiMhurs, I*ll.
Tboron«h preparation for colli*# ; good Kn(»-
lifii and iiociiinea edneation. Modrrale exprmM*,
not iiicwnarily axßOcdiiis *1 . or i&n |.nr term.
Oiksl chemical and pollnnophiral i|i].aratii«,
library. (I.KMI moral an.l wwial nnrrouiid-
Prencli and Oennan taiiKbt. N'lt term
coinrneiiein* September 111, 1879.
Jly23 2in| llrr. WM EYYINO, Prln.
Thicl College
OP Tliß
Evangelical Lutheran Church.
10TU COI.IJKHATK YKAU ilftOl** Hcit. 11th, IS7W.
Board, t2.'K) |ier week. Aihlre»it, Pr'.ft II
W. IU/TB or Kev. I). McKr.it, A. M., Principal of
the Acad. Department.
DBNTIST i^cyr.
OH WAI.DRON. Hrurtnate r,l the Phil-
K adelphla Dental College,l« prepared
• 11 •to do anything 111 the Hue of hi*
nrolcMlon In a aati*factory manner.
* Ofllce ou Main ulrcct, Hutler, Union Block,
up aMira, upil
Dr. Quiney A. S<;ott,
No. :u» !•'!fill Avcmio,
Half way Imtwnen Market and Wood Htreet*,
Selimidt & Friday,
Foroigo Winos aud Liquors,
Tim vell-k :i Kit-' Fir-.
iKftrr-.Oi'r. H. s : t'.'" - • «•"»] *oks j
I open on t:>e far:n. .' i-;--/ f" H. KDV.,
J Karns City, or on tii- Hrrn. r.ugl3-Jt
For Bale.
Nic w»:i-inprove<l ftrra of It-.v. W. R. Hitch
iaon.::. ;h. nor:.-a»! r mar if WAnI town
-lii|., r oi?cr ' -a!o
low. li.-jtiira 0/ T.\ K. . "'i~~ -r.j". on t'.r- 1 r in- 1
ises. arilfilf
125 Acrss of Land for Saie. |
Ag> 4 F*. 1. .n ' n l ... t. ■ V~.V'T Co., 1
Pi. C. • ta:i.;..y a' '!♦ 13$ a Tt-f. a!.-.-.: !■»< acraa 1
of v.;.:ch ar : fcalr: i- !
timber: (.'• t: ■: ?.r'. ■ -y pv4 or srJ: <*n
be hv! 01. rv rear-:.*. r.y Tv-rvwi
d«e-r:;i/ «aci. \ firm can cail or adil-t.-n ' 1
for the ui! l"r--.11"'. li■ a .nt i':4 I
mile* r"i?i- f Stionbn.-g and ab-;ut six mile* (
eaet of |S»ker>-'.-!i»ri.
joriN v.. MONTooirrr; . i
r.iddlciK iiot-u P. 0., Tlr !ir&j., Fa. j
septlllf j
For _SaJto! '
TISA nr. 1 ---' 1. of A. E. Stoagb- !
ton, offer - for 1 • j •
£ r, o!"
ritnitod about r: r.y "f rr:> .-nthw.-rt 1
of Jb;i:..r, ..n lit* nlaok rosd. 'Hie improve- 11
ment, r.re a ;:. -ki fr«n.e f"am« J ,
>.»abl-. ..••• 'e ■-:■■■. IK-.V:.'I, :..-if T'l plnm .
tree* ar.d oth" -aar fr- There .* a pooil t
Hpr.r? : a ■' on :■ ' prerr. • i.e iar.d ia
cleared ar 1 11: Vr .rii.od. and *~. l i:c
1' >r fnrti'tr information, i.i o.' T!iom*a !
llobiru- .Ti. lint.er, or Iho onder-ignol. at Slip
peryTOck. " E. WICK. .
KCJ, 111? A*ei£Tiee r& A. K. ,'",t<;ip!it'in. I
1500,800 ACRKS LAND j
: --if.fi In and ntv.r Iho
Atchison. Topcka & B?. r ita Fo R. F.,
11 Ycarv Cn-dit. 7 p-r cent. Interest.
Tt."- fir-t pay : "tit «i .! .tc of [iitrchaec la 0110
tcmh of tl.e j.r'r.ci|. 1 <.!•! •• en per r oit. InUrr
c*t on tb" remainder. At the end or the tirst
and tml } i" , only ;i f Jnlc-' f-vrn p»*r
crnt. i« )>:«id ; and tlie Il»ir«! vr.ir, nnd < ' j »r
thereafter, one tenth or the principal, with
.even p< r ce:,l. inter' t on th- i.alar.w, ii paid
aiititn;./ nntil tft' whoie l» p-ld
y cAr - ('.{• .it, pf?r • cut. I'isroiint.
'fv. o yi-r.ru* cr 111, - 0 p«*r < '-Tit. dlfcnnnl. 4
C- ii j.iiri i i-'\ 1-:; p«: rcrt. «i »mnt.
Tho V ii>jy <>f tb< Upf* r »-. 1
f'»r il? i«i;* j•' v to WHEAT
ItAJi'iMf .*»rtl I?" --op' ior • it- .' r »*in. j
CMNd rjr, Rikflef I mot be ft*
GfKX! «f»i!, ;ihur<'aii. » <.f | ' r<- water, a i
t«iild .in I n ii, irk tW,y ticaltli) liinaic, willi low |
prir« - ami « ifv I »:»»«, n. V - up a tot of in- .
doo ipciit'* grtmU'T Lit; t ollcrecf an}'where el#c '
tm lh«* conth ' *it i f Arm rii a. )
Kor full pnrlh ti !.»:>. ;uir-- '»f ora'Mrci .
K »* fern r Atrent, I
foy2l-!v] 41-# Hr««.nlvt.iy. N. Y. |
11KI , Butlalo, N. V. |
Kansas Farms ,
The jlaDSa''. Pacific Hoiriestcad !
I* published I vtl.e Land Departr-• ..t ef tho
Kaiwae Pacific . t . ■ ".pplv ti,o 1
r.M» I for j
ai>»'it /IANH/vS, II ii' * cr,.- ii); tJf j
lm<|y of Uinirt grMitwl t»y i'.i li'l of iho
cofint ruction of i!h roa'i! T) :-; «r«it roiEprinc# '
OF I.ASi), e •.-miiitu of ev*ry old section in
eaeli *i,.ni|.. for a <li>'|»iie< of twenty fnil< a
on both m le< of lb' ra: ■ ,11, or oi;e -if of tho
lllvi In n I' ll f'.rly tail - »i»1... e..leudir.<{ (o '
llenver f'lty, Colorado, li nn f -nriii:;; •. *•' i' ■ ill
ation of Ibe belt of e. r.i.iry nliieli, fr'.m tho
Allan!ic eonet ue-:-vard. !• iomid L-. ... 'ai
mate. ni, and i.v.-.rjr prcalni'.on of nauiro, Uio (
moat favored. j
The Kansas Pacific t
Is 11 Jj- .Miles the Shortcut j
Road from Kansas \
City to Dmircr.
The favorite ritile of I lie t-.nriK'- and tho boat '
lino t"< tho
Ran .Itinn O.unfry. <
A copy rit Hie "II nrl" will i.e nailed -
froo to any ail lro.r. by applyh.j? lo * I
H. .1. riri.MOHR,
V. 11. MIOAT, I.and Cooiiuiii*iontr. I
OenVraaa. t:A Ti'let A«' "t,
mliHW.m) Karna City. Mo.
THE W«?T£ .
tvk BRRT cr A! L.
Unrivaled in Appearand,
Ur,paralleled fa Simplicity,
Uasarpassed fa Ciatfntafm,
Unprecedented in Poplnrity,
And Undisputed in iht Broad Cleim
tt *»•• TKI
Itat firfitt fttwiif MM Was
•Mt*, Irikil* 1* I* •*«*<!*•«• *.< •kMrtartlf
•tar *!»•» m»«khi«L**4 I* MkatHMo, n t* th»
Irtlf II **•* n* M'tt*. *a* I* »• htataac*
hi It otr Ml hi 11*4 H MlHIt ■*> mum*w«tlon
In lis tßfor.
Th* <l*mt*4 IfrfMWhlH An httrMtH l» tftrh
MolMl th(l w* ar* *«w »tmp•!!•< h» lam *al
Jt, o**a»M« fl. », lay MmMm
mwmMj <*■■* akin*!** ia.
|«f ■nfitut I* w»T»rl«< far 9 ymr*. •»<!
aiMhf ri* at liatral Otawnti.ar *»•* mtj
|i»i■■<!*. a* it* Ik* **<n«nt*w*« d u tami -
MfiMnt tiiwi» WIHIIW inui.
mtfTE sewihTma CM lit £ CO..
m aw M*M AT*., otrr**a4, Vhto.
VOlf JfOIIfIMOS, tßcnl.
Ofllc e ut VuK«h-y'« llakary,
*<'|itlt lin liIiTLKH, T'A.
IlinCC lly aondltiß 'Wcent*, with aire
JUUuL beljjbt, color of eye* ninl hair,
rnn yon will receive by reinrn
lUn mall II correct plcttire ( ,f ymir
i/nnaon »-lutiirn hn«l/ind or wile, will.
YUuHotLr nan," and d ir. ol marrla; .!.
► .".ilciri-f! W HtX, Hum 77.
Jlj.'iO itii Hnlloiivllle, N. Y.
I [Correspondence Philadelphia Times.]
HARRISBURQ, Aug 1 . 31—Fourteen
bills of indictment have been found by
the grand jury of this county for cor
. rapt solicitation in and about the I.leg
islature. for perjury and for conspiracy
to promote legislative corruption. AH
of the persons arraigned are more or
less prominent in political or business
, circles, or in both, and the trial of these
defendants in Novemlier will attract a
large degree of public interest. Of the
fourteen persons indicted seven are
: members of the present House, one is
• the active man in pressing the'prosecu
' tions against his colleagues, and two
others are the chief witnesses on the
part of the Commonwealth. Charles
S. Wolfe, Representative from Union,
is the member who was the most active
man in pressing the investigation last
winter and in pushing the cases into
' the Quarter Sessions. He is a Repub
j lican member of four sessions' cxperi
' ence in the House, having been elected
1 in 1873, rP-elected in ISTt for two ses
! .-ions and again elected in lSltf. He
I was the leader in the expulsion of I'e
: troiT from the House in 1576 for the
same charge of conspiring to promote
corrupt solicitation that is now made
against hirn by our grand jury.
Emil J. I'etroff, member from the
Fifth district of Philadelphia, has had
a good deal of legislative experience
! and more or less trouble in public life.
He is now in his thirty-first year, hav
ing lieen born in Philadelphia in I*4S.
He received an education in the public
schools, and became a compositor. He
was first elected to the House in the
fall of 1574, for the sessions of 187;")
and 1870. In the latter year he was
expelled for what the resolution of ex
pulsion said vvas "conduct unliecoming
a member," but it was more explicitly
for conspiracy to promote corrupt solic
itation in connection with the Susque
hanna boom bill. In the fall of 1870
he was returned to the House, how
ever, and re-elected last year. Mr. Pe
troff is a Republican.
William F. Rumberger is a Repub
lican member from Armstrong, who
had his first legislative ex|>cricnee last
winter, although he had previously
held local offices. He is a native of
Huntingdon county, where he was
horn in 181fi. He became a woolen
manufacturer and is still in that busi
ness. He was a deputy United States
marshal in 1800 and served as a.lus
tier- of the Peace from 1803 to tBOB.
Daniel C. Clark, of the Thirteenth
district, Philadelphia, is a Republican,
a native of Lebanon county, and now
forty-four years old. He was educated
at the Lebanon Valley College, then
Annville Academy, and after some ex
perience ns a book-keeper at the Corn
wall Iron Works went to Philadelphia
and engaged in mercantile pursuits,
afterward becoming the bead of the
house of I). C. Clark it Co. lie retired
from business some time ago and was
first elected to public office last fall,
when he was chosen a memlier of the
F. Sjnith, mcnilKtr from iln-
Twitnly-liflb «li«tilct, l'liil&(iel|iliiii, iH n
llfiiiocrnt. Il<- wan Imrn in Ciuiftilii in
I S 12. Had n COMMON H«-11001 i tiiica
tion ninl lift'itinc a 'lttalcr in liiilc.s and
tallow. Ho in nt prcurjiit troannrcr of
t|j(t Frankford Tallow Manufacturing
Comjiany. Ilis election to the House
lant yt-ar WUH liirf lirnt ii|i[M!arunce in
juililic life.
Alfred Sli'irt, lli;|ircHenti»tive' from
the Second district of Erie, in the only
Democrat in the delegation from that
county. He wan horn in J'otter county
aii'l is thirty-two yeara ohl. lie is a
lumlier dealer and privn.t«; hanker, ami
had ncvt:r ht.'ld ofllce until he wan .sworn
in an a number of the llou.se last Jan
Myron 11. Silverthorn, who is also
one of the members from the Second
district of Krie, is a Republican, lie
is a native of the town of Fairview, in
which he still resides, and was born in
1527. lie is a farmer and lias held a
number of local offices, having been
County Auditor in lH(;o, Town Com
missioner six years, County Commis
sioner six years ami n Justice of the
J'eaee for several years, lie was first
elected to the Legislature Inst fall.
With the exception of Wolfe and
I'etroff, who have before been conspic
uous in affairs of legislative bribery, it
will lie observed that the indicted mem
bers are all now men in the Legisla
William 11. Kemble, of Philadelphia,
is a prominent politician and business
mnii, nnd largely interested in railroad
matters and banking, lie is a very
active Republican politician, nnd was
one of the founders of that party in
your city. lie has never been a can
didate for office, except before the Leg
islature for Statu Treasurer, to which
office lie was elected in 18(i5 and re
elected in lS'ifi-7, but lie has served
tin the Republican national committee
for a number of years, and is one of
the most influential leaders of the party
in both city and State.
A. VV. Lciscuring, of Munch Chunk,
is also n prominent banker, being eusli
ier of the national bank of that town,
and lie is a Democratic politician of in
fluence in his section of the State. lie
lias not hc|i| political office, but lie is a
geiitlemnn of high standing iu his com
Dr. E. K Shoemaker is a physician
of good standing both personally and
professionally, and has filled the posi
tion of Lazaretto Physician at your
port, lie i,-. a Republican iu politics.
CharltM IJ. Salter is an ex-Represen
tative from tin- Frankford district of
your city, having been twice elected,
II.II(I was an active member on the ICe
pilblican side of the House.
Christian Long is a citizen of Sliip
penshurg, Cumls'i'limtl county, and has
been prominent iu business rather than
iu political circles. I|eis a large holder
of stock iu the Cumberland Valley
Railroad, and has acquired a liberal
fortune by his business operations.
Etlward J. MeCunc is also a citizen
of Cumberland county and a promi
nent business man, who is largely in
terested in the border claims, as are
most of the people in his region. Hi
is a Democrat iu politics, hut has never
held any prominent political position.
Jr.-.sc R. Crawford if= a Blair county
man and an active Democrat in politics.
He ha.- several times been the candi
date of his party for office, including
Congress, hut the Republican majority
has Ijeen a bar to his ambition. He
was recently a subordinate officer on
the Hill.
In conversation with a member of
the grand jury it hns lieen ascertained
—witk'iut, however, reaching any of]
the secrets of the jury room—that
action upon all the bills was practically
Verv few people have an idea of the
amount of business transacted by
what is known as the Redemption
Division of tbe United States Treas
ury. It is this division which has
charge of the work of redeeming and
reissuing the mutilated or worn-out
notes of National Hanks, and is under
the very able superintendence of Mr.
K. O. fJraves, of Xew York. Tbe
division is supported by the National
banks, each bank being asssessed upon
its circulation to pay the expense.
When a bank finds itself -in possession
of worn or mutilated currency, it packs
it up and sends it to the Redemption
Division, where it is counted,examined
and sorted, and is redeemed by an
equal amount of new or lit notes for
During the fiscal year of IS7B there
was sent in for redemption $213,000,-
000 of National bank notes, out of the
entire National bank circulation, which
in that year was $:J25,000,000. But
in October last Secretary Sherman
issued an order that banks sending
money to the Treasury to lie redeemed
must pay the express charges in ad
vance, aud this had the effect of rc
duciiig very much tbe amount of m iney
sent in for redemption, so that during
the fiscal year of 1ST!), just closed, tin:
amount received was only $1.57,000,-
000, which is the smallest for many
years. Formerly the express charges
were paid by the division,and assessed
upon tbe banks according to tho
amount of their circulation redeemed.
This order of Secretary Sherman has
caused National bank notes to remain
in circulation about one-third longer
than usual. In the fiscal year of l*7s
the actual number of notes redeemed
was about 2.1 millions, while in the
fiscal year of IH7'.» the number was lfj
The reason why there is so much
difference in the value and the number
of notes redeemed when comparing
the two years, is that when bankers
did not have to pay the impress charges
they sent many bills of large denomi
nations, but since Secretary Sherman's
order they have stopped sending large
bills, because the express charges are
reckoned upon the value of a package,
and not upon its weight, so that it
costs just as much to send a one thous
and bill a- it dues to send one thousand
one dollar bills. There are more five
dollar bills sent for redemption than of
any other denomination. This is be
cause, of course, that in tbe general
exchange of money more lives are
used, and the largest issue-; are made
of this denomination. The fifties re
detuned present the largest value, ami
there is about one fifty presented to
nine lives.
Of the $157,000,000 received for
redemption last year, only $40,000,000
were found to be totally unlit for circu
lation, anil were destroyed. The re
mainder were reissued.
Of the $157,000,000 sent in, s.'!,olti
only was found to be counterfeit, which
is an exceedingly small proportion,
and shows that the Secret Service
system is doing great good in sup
pressing counterfeits.
It is generally believed that banking
people are very careful and accurate in
handling money and doing business,
but inquiry at the Dead Letter Office
of the J'o -iollice Department will show
that a great proportion of the misdi
rected letters containing valuable pa
llet's received there are from banks, and
in the $157,000,000 received in the l!e
--ilemption Division lust year, the girls
who count the money found errors
amounting to $32,054.77. The Treas
ury "countesses'' are proverbial for
their accuracy in counting and their
aptness in detecting counterfeits, (jen.
Spinner used to say that women could
handle money under all circumstances
be tier than men. But it is due to tlie
batiks to say that nearly 70 per cent,
of the errors they made last year were
against tlicin. Out of the $32,054.77
errors, $22,118.42 were "overs," aud
only $!•,900.35 were "shorts," to use
the slang of tho counting-room.
The circulation of the National
banks is not at all evenly distributed
through the country, but four-fifths of
it is in the Eastern States. The Boston
banks alone have over twelve per cent,
of the entire circulation of the country.
The amount of (lie circulation of the
Boston National banks during the last
fiscal year was $2H,325,000, while the
circulation of the New York banks v.'iis
but $22,080,000, and of the Cbicngo
banks but $505,000, and it is a peculiar
circumstance that of the twenty-eight
millions of Boston circulation nearly
twenty-five millions passed through,
the Redemption Division last year.
This is a phenomenon difficult to ex
plain, but it is a fact that Boston money
wears out faster than that of any other
courts have decided that if a person
orders a paper discontinued he must
pay all arrearages, or I he publisher may
continue to send it until payment is
made, and collect the whole amount
whether the paper is taken from the
postollice or not. Also, action for fraud
can be instituted against any person,
whether lie is responsible in a financial
view or not, who refuses to pay sub
scription due for a publication. Some
forget this, anil think by merely refus
ing to take the paper from th< postollice
settles the matter.
AT the barber's: "How does the
monsieur wish to have hi < hair dressed ?"
"11l silence, please."
Not alone the Baptist denomina
tional papers, but the Presbyterian,
Methodist and Roman Catholic com
ment upon the recent shooting of Dr.
I. S. Kalloch in San Francisco. The
Jlajtfixl Weekly characterizes De
Young as a cowardly assassin, but at
the same time condemns, both on poli
tical and religious grounds, the style
of Dr. Kalloch's reply. "Yicious re
taliation," it says, "ill becomes one
who professes to preach the Gospel of
Christ. It would have been wiser for
him to have defended himself and to
have avoided the severe nnd offensive
IHTsiuialities by which his adversary
was enraged."
The Era miner and Chronicle re
grets that intemperate and disgraceful
words had been said on both sides,
and says it was iu every way unfor
tunate that the pastor of the leading
Baptist church in San Francisco should
have been identified with the bail
party that gave him the nomination
which caused the trouble. But De
Young's deed and the way of it the
Examiner thinks were utterly infa
The National Baptist has nothing
favorable to say of Dr. Kalloch ; does
not believe him to be a good man.
His recent teaching has been disor
ganizing and demoralizing, but there
ea:i be no doubt concerning the extent
of his abilities and his power of lead
ership. He had a right to say his say,
offensive as his say was. If he did
not violate the law he ought to have
been protected in his right of free
speech. But in a review of his life,
which is suggested by this affair, the
National Jlajtlisl thinks there ought
to be some way iu which the denomi
nation can relieve itself from all re
sponsibility for a man who brings
reproach on the ministerial profession
and on the Christian character.
The Independent characterizes the
shooting of Kalloch as "a barbarous
reprisal against one who, in a policical
canvass, had used the vilest language
which can be applied to the mother
and son of unwed maternity." On
both sides, the Independent says, the
language was unchristian and disgrace
ful ; most disgraceful, perhaps, to the
one who occupied the position of a
preacher of Christianity, which he had
already dishonored by his abusive pro
scriptiveness of the Chinese. On the
whole, there will be deservedly little
sympathy felt with ivaliocb.
The Chrintian Union calls the
shooting of Dr. Kalloch "a foul and
utterly unjustifiable murder," and
thinks it matches the murder of Mr.
Dixon in Yazoo, Mississippi. Dr.
Kalloch enjoyed greater popularity
than good repute, anil was not above
the suspicion of using his oratorical
powers for personal advancement. It
is a strange commentary, the Union
ailtls, on the condition of society in
San Francisco that the disciple of a
Muster "who, when he was reviled,
reviled not again," should have
answered scurrility with scurrility, as
Mr. Kalloch did. A natural fruitage
of the scattered seeds of scandal and
abuse in tho American press is seen in
such a murderous affray as this.
The Ev.ange.lM thinks the shooting
was a cowardly and wicked act, and
deserves the severest punishment under
the law. But it docs not excuse the
course of Mr. Kalloch in resorting to
violent and bitter personalities, which
naturally provoke violence, he, too,
being the pastor of the largest Baptist
Church ill San Francisco.
The Method in! thinks the Mississippi
murder and the San Francisco attempt
at murder closely resemble each other
in their main features, but that the
latter uproar is on a larger scale. But
both rest upon the labor line in politics.
But in view of our circumstances the
M' thodixl thinks we art! entitled, us a
people, to much credit, liecauue theso
cases are so rare.
The (Jhristiaii Leader looks upon
the shooting of Kalloch as the natural
sequel tot lie Lechmcre House (Boston)
scandal of years ago, which furnished
De Young with abundant and pertinent
material. But Kalloch,says the Leader,
thus attacked, like a true "pothouse"
politician, paid back "in kind,'' and the
belligerent journalist was made to
wince under family disclosures for the
iniquity of which lie was in no respect
to blame. But no antecedents of Mr.
Kalloch can justify or even palliate
the attempt upon his life. His assail
ant is an assassin, and the Leader trnsts
that legal justice will be rendered.
But the moral cannot be forgotten, nor
should the salutary lesson he lost.
The attempted murder of Kalloch, like
the real murder of Fisk, is but the
remote fruitage of a career that is
worse than disreputable, in that it is
brazen in its defiance of tho best public
The (Jatholie Stn ndnrd says the
murderous act 'if De Young was sim
ply tlie legitimate finale of most out
rageous proceedings on both side*.
Mr Kalloch's antecedents will not well
bear publicity. He started out, says
the Stanilaril , as a Baptist minister,
ami soon made a more than doubtful
reputation for himself in Boston, hav
ing been once tried for adultery and
escaping conviction through disagree
ment of the jury, aud then liecoming
lawyer, school teacher, horse jockey,
itinerant preacher, hotel kepper, and
finally turning up in San Francisco as
Baptist minister and politician com
bined. But the act of shooting was
lawless and murderous in the Stand-'
or<l'n view, and deserves punishment,
though individually one man proved
himself as vile a blackguard as the
other. And this journal thinks it is a
significant indication of our rapid
decadence as a people as respects the
elements of decency in private life, anil
of our want of self-respect and respect
for law iu political *f]uir«.
The l'ilot says De Young is a no
torious hluckmuilcr and represents the
worst element of bad journalism, while
his victim, though bearing a reverend
title, is far front representing anything
worthy thi; reverence or respect of
decent men. Had Kalloch been able
to return his enemy's lire, nnd had
both jierishod in the melee, society
would have gained by their loss.
NEW YORK, Aug. 27.—The Herald
publishes to-day a special dispatch
from Washington stating that Rear
Admiral Auimeu announces that Oen.
Grant is ready to serve as President
of the Nicaragua Inter-Oceanic. Ship
Canal Company, when invited to by
the Board of Directors.
It is said further that one of the
objects of Gen. Grant's European trip
was to ascertain the real feeling among
foreign capitalists about the canal.
The letter is quoted in a dispatch which
was written by Admiral Ammeu some
time ago in reply to a protest from a
prominent politician that Grant's first
duty was to the Republican party. In
this letter Admiral Ammen says:
"I think Gen. Grant's past services
as a military man and President of the
I'nited States for eight years should
exempt him from any further demands
upon his time for public lift! and leave
him a free agent to act on whatever
demand might l)e made by any enter
prise asking his services."
It is claimed that Grant has, by tele
graph, approved of this statement, and
that he has authorized Amnion to say
that he must not be considered as a
candidate for any political office in the
United States. This, of course, re
moves him from the list of Presiden
tial candidates.
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 27—Arrived—
Oceanic, from Hong Kong August Ist.
The missionary case, which the past J
year attracted so much attention, was
finally decided by the British Court at
Shanghai. The missionaries complain
of an alleged outrage by the mob near
Foo Chow, declaring their property
wantonly destroyed ami the premises
invaded. The Chinese claimed that
the missionaries encroached upon the
native temple grounds and tempted
the populace to violent measures. The
Chinese submitted the cast? to the Eng
lish tribunal. The result was a com
plete vindication for them ami over
throw of the mtpsionnry position. The
result is considered important as es
tablishing a precedent for numerous
similar affairs.
YOKOHAMA, Aug. 13.—Gen. Grant
has returned since the last dispatch
and started to Kamahura, the ancient
seat of the military government, and
is now in the neighborhood of tho
mountains of Hakonc. During his
stay at, Tokio he was visited by the
Mikado, who consulted him on many
important points of international and
domestic policy. The confidence and
reliance manifested by the Government
and people are wholly unprecedented.
Grant returns to Tokio August 10,
exchanging a series of formal visits,
and sails for America bv the next mail.
A movement is in progress for the
formation of a society having in view
the extension of and protecting influ
ence for the Eastern nations against
the |H'rpetual aggressions of European
powers, the organization to lie com
pleted before Grant leaves, lie con
sented to support it. The General and
Minister Bingham strongly support
the Japanese Government against Ger
many and England in their violations
of quarantine.
The cholera continues virulent, but
signs of abatement. Within the pres
ent month thus far there has been
45,000 attacks and 25,000 deaths.
The Government displays unflagging
energy in checking the disease. The
Emperor gave $75,000 from his private
funds in aid of sanitary measures.
"Whatever a man soweth, that
shall he also reap" both in the natural
and iu the moral world. Every seed
in the one and every det.il in the other,
yield fruit after its kind. This prin
ciple of sowing and reaping is espe
cially important to the young, who
are just beginning to shape their char
acter and destiny.
In the spring time of life we sow
what we must, reap in the antuinn of
age, and perhaps through the endless
ages of eternity. The chief possibili
ties of good or evil for all the future
are bound up in the period of youtb.
The sowing may lie done thought
lessly and carelessly, but it will report
itself in tlue time according to this
Men in nge often say :
"If 1 could but live my life over
again how differently it should be."
While this is impossible, still the
young may have the advantage* of a
second life by trying the counsels ami
experiences of the aged.
It is of the utmost importance for
them to understand this relation of
sowing to reaping, which is affixed to
our physical, mental and moral nature.
Men who in early life vortex the
brain or body in the frenzy to get rich ;
men who overload the wheels of life
by gluttony ; men who l*'astiali*e them
selves with sensuality; men who
burn out the vital forces with the
damning lires of alcohol ; all : uch are
liable to a strict account in after years.
When remembrances anil retribution
count upon them, then too late, they
begin to realize that whatever a man
soweth, that shall he also reap."
Two Interesting specimens of the
ouraiiff-outang have been placed in llie
Jurtlin tl'Aceliination, Paris, the older
one having been captured with Others
ul. Borneo after a desperatn ( base, in
the course of which eight natives lost
their lives. The animals fell into an
elephant trap thirty feet deep, nnd were
gradually reduced by hunger to a state
of weakness, when they were garroted
and shut up in a cage. The largest
one measures about five feel, nnd is
said to lit i the largest ever brought to
TU* sudden paleness which some
times overspreads a young man's face
iu church mav lie caused by quickened
conscience, but the chances are he has
swallowed some tobacco juice
A terrible duel lately occurred near
Kansas City, Mo., between James
Dobbins and Michael Burns, result
ing in the death of both men. Burns
ami Dobbins were friends and neigh
bors. Four years ago Dobbins got
married, and at that time Burns lent
him eighty dollars. The money was
never paid back by Dobbins, and on
this account there was a feeling of
enmity between the men. On Friday
Burns came to town. Dobbins was
at work on the road. On his way
home Burns passed the place were
Dobbins and others were working.
The men did not have any conversa
tion. To go to his house Dobbins had
to pass by that of Burns. When Dob
bins arrived in front of Burns' house,
he found Burns standing lvfore the
door, revolver in hand. Burns said :
"Jim, I want that money you owe
Dobbins made a reply which in
censed Hums, lmt disregarding his
anger, Dobbins said: "Throw down
that revolver anil I can whip yon."
Burns throw the revolver on the
ground, by his side, when Dobbins!
said, "You have the drop on mo now,
Ixit if vou wait till 1 come back I will
bo heeled to meet you."
Dobbins then drove his horses into
his yard, and, leaving thein unhitched,
ran into the house. Here he pot two i
revolvers and started toward Hums'
place. Hums was sitting on the door
step as Dobbins came up, and before
he had time to move, and without a
word of warning to Hums, Dobbins
presented si revolver in each hand and
opened fire. The balls from both re
volvers lodged in the side of tfce house.
Burns then ran into the house, got his
pistol, and rushed out upon Dobbins.
The men advanced to within two feet
of each other before a shot was fired
by either. Dobbins fired first, the
si.ot hittirip: Burns in the right fore
arm. Burns returned the lire, and
sent two bullets through Dobbins'
chest. Although wounded desper
ately, and fast liecotning weak from
loss of blood, Dobbins summoned
strength enough to fire again, his
return shot tearing into Burns ab
domen, and passing through his body.
Full of race and desire to retaliate to
the last extremity, Burns managed to
raise his revolver and discharge it once
more. llis Inst shot struck Dobbins
under the left ear and passed clear
through his head. Hushing together
the men clinched oach other and fell
to the ground, Dobbins being under
neath. Burns then l»« nt Dobbins over
the face and head with the butt ol his
revolver. Supposing that Dobbins
was dead, Burns was about to leave
him, but with a desperate effort Dob
bins turned, and in a moment had
again thrown Burns to the ground.
One of the neighbors, a Mrs. Kalfton,
appeared at this time and pulled Dob
bins away from Burns.
Two young men coining up, the
men were separated. Burns was then
carried by the men to his own house,
and they went hack to the scene of the
light to carry Dobbins away. Lifting
the man to his feet they walked on
each side of him, supporting him be
tween them. The\' had hardly gone
live yards before Dobbins sank down
on his knees R!id died in the woods,
without uttering a word. Hums lin
gered a day or two, when he died.
Hoth of the bodies were buried in the
Catholic C'ene tery en Sunday after
noon. Burns was an unmarried man.
Dobbins leaves a wife and child.
The late William Cullen Bryant
used to ascribe the preservation of his
physical and mental vigor partly to his
simple and regular habits of life. Me
would ritje about half-past live in the
morning (summer time half an hour
earlier), and go through a series of
light exorcises before dressing. Light
dumb bells, covered with flannel, a pole,
or the horizontal bar were enough to
practice with. Sometimes he would
swing a light chair around his head.
An hour later lie would liathe from
head to foot. His breakfast was the
simplest—"hominy and milk," as lie
himself said in a letter to a friend ;
"or, in place of hominy, brown bread
or oatmeal or wheaten grits, and in
the season, baked sweet apples." lie
added, "buckweat cakes i do not tie
elitie, nor any other article of vegeta
ble food ; but animal food I never take
at breakfast. Tea and coffee I never
touch at anytime. Sometimes I take a
cup of el olate, which has no narcotic
effect and agrees with me very well.
At breakfast I often take fruit, either
in its natural state or freshly stewed.
In the country I dine early, and It is
only at that meal that ) take either
meat or fish ; and of these but a mod
erate quantity, making my dinner
mostly of vegetables. At the meal
which is called tea I take only a little
bread and butter, with fruit, if it be on
the table. My drink is water; yet I
sometimes, though rarely, take a gla»s
of wine. lam a natural temperance
man, finding myself rather confused
than exhilarated by wine. 1 never
meddle with tobacco, except to quarrel
with its use." When in town, Mr.
Ilrvant always walked to his office, six
miles, down and up, no mattT what
the weather. Ilis bed-time was 10,
or earlier, lie never took any kind
of drug as a stimulant, not even the
usual condiments with his food, such
as pepper and the like, I'or many
years he avoided every kind ol literary
occupation in the evening, doing all
his work in the day-time.
IT is said that, camping and fishing
part ies can secure a good light by soak
ing a brick in kerosene oil, ami then
suspending it from a pole with wire.
When lit it furnishes a brilliant light,
lanting half an hour. It is said by
those who have experimented with it
to Is' greatly superior to a torch.
A srouv is told to the effect that a
young mnn left off niuoking and in five
yearn vu worth SIO,OOO The New
York "Commercial Advertiser" spoils
the moral of it, however, by needlessly
adding that the money was left him by
an uncle.
One •qnaro, ono u.sortjon, fl ; oach subt>e
que*it i!;:*»nion. 50 cent*. Yearly ad veniremen t«
« xotedin;; ono-foarth o/ a column, f5 per inch.
Figure work doublo thone rU«; additional
whore weekly or monthly change are
made. Local advertisement* 10 cents i»er lino
for fin-t iti»Hrtiou, at <1 5 cento per lino ror each
additional insertion, Marriages ami deaths pub
!i*kad free of charge. Obituary notices
a* advortixtmont*. and payable when handed in
Auditor*'NVtices. $4; Executors' and Adraims
trators' Notices. f3 each: Estray, Caution and
Dissolution Notices, not exceeding ten liu<Ni,T2
From the fact that the CITIZEN* ie the oldest
established and most extensively circnlated Re
publican in Butler oounty. (a llepub
licao county; it bo apparent" to buninevs
men that it is tlio medium they should use in
advertising their lmsiness.
NO. 4!.
'Tis a rule of manners to avoid ex
aggeration. A lady loses as soon as
she admires too easily ami too much.
In man or woman, the person and face
lose power when they are on strain to
express admiration. A man makes his
inferiors, his su(»oriors by beat. Why
need you, who are not a gossip, t-jilk as
a gossip, and tell eagerly what thes
neighbors or journals say? State
your opinion without apology. The
attitude is the main point. Assure
your eompanion that come good news
or come bad, you remain in good heart
and pood mind, which is the best news '*
you can communicate. Self coutrol is
the rule. You have in there a noisy,
sensual sav litre, which you are to keep
down, and turn all his strength to
lx-auty. For example: What a senes
chal and detective is laughter ! It seems
to require several generations of educa
tion to train a squeaking or a shouting
habit out of man. Sometimes, when
in r.lmost all expressions, the Choctaw
and the slave have been worked out of
him, a coarse nature still betrays itself
in his contemptible squeals of joy.
The great gain is not to shine, uot to
conquer your companion—theu you
learn nothing but conceit—but to tind
a companion who knows what you do
not; to tilt with him and IH> over
thrown horse and foot, with utter
destruction of all your logic and learn
ing. There is a defeat that is useful.
Then you can seo the real and the
counterfeit again. You will adopt the
art of war that has defeated you. You
will ride to battle horsed on the very
logic which you found irresistible. You
will accept th<*fertile truth, instead of
tin! solemn, customary lie. When
people come to seo us we foolishly
prattle, lest we lie inhospitable. Hut
things said for conversation are chalk
eggs. Don't say things. What you
are stands over you the while, and
thunders HO that I can't bear what you
say to the contrary. A lady of my
acquaintance said, "I don't care so
much for what they say, as I do for
what makes them say it." The law
of the table is beauty —a respect to
the common sort of all the guests.
Everything is unseasonable which is
private to two or three or any other
portion of the company. Tact never
violates for a moment this law ; never
intrudes the orders of tho house, the
vices of the absent, or a tariff of ex
penses, or professional privacies; as
we say, we never "talk shop" before
company. Lovers abstain from caresses
ami haters from insults, whilst they sit
in one parlor with common friends.
Would wo codify the law that should
reign in households, and whose daily
transgressions annoys and mortifies us,
and degrades our household life, wo
, must learn to adorn every day with
sacrifices, Good manners are made up
of petty sacrifices.— Ralph Waldo Em
TIIK fall of water in England this
year is something unparalleled, and
none of the floods have done more dam
age than those of tho past few days.
The dispatches announce that Birken
head, opposite Liverpool, is Hooded,
and that traffic on the railway Itetwecu •
Chester nii<l Holyhead is stop|ied.
Sheffield is flooded and the foundations
of several houses washed away. There
have been thirty hours of incessant
rain in Chester. The wheat in all that
part of the country is rotting, und
standing crops nre worthless and will
I not h« cut. In fact, all over England
the failure of the crops has been more
complete tlinn has l>ecii known lor
many years. The suffering this winter
cannot fail to lie wide-spread and very
severe, and it will take a liberal out
pouring of money on the part of tho
rich to prevent almost a famine among
the poor. The demand upon this coun
try for provisions will lie something
enormous, and will, of course, bring
heaps of yellow gold to our shores.
THE monument to General Custer
was till veiled at West Point lately.
Algernon S. Sullivan delivered the pre
sentation address and General N. I*.
Hunks was orator of the day. "Wo
should give to the white people of the
ludinu country a chance to fight their
own battles," he said, "or keep tho
peace for them. We should giva to
the Indians the political character to
which they aspire—make t hem citizens
or leave them savages as they choose,
and settle with them as citizens or sav
ages every three •"ontlis. Short oc
counts make long friends. Our army
should be of sufficient strength to make .
wars short ami one Indian war should
never succeed another. If the money
that is expended to improve the rivers
without water and harbors without
commerce were appropriated for tho
army, Indian wars would cease for
THE latest phase of s)K'culntlon is
the alleged project of capitalists in
Chili to get up a corner in nitrates. It
Is charged that these Individuals,
through their control of the Chilian
Government, first seized the Bolivian'
nitrate mines, and then shut up, by
blockade, tin; only Peruvian port that
exported nitrates. Thus they estab
lished a corner in a staple article re
quired in agriculturn, chemistry, and
mining. The latest reports indicate
that the plan of starting a couple of
wars for the purpose of speculation
may prove an unprofitable venture.
A fuksii gold fever has set in in
Australasia in consequence of the dis
covery of gold in large quantities on
the western coast of the island of Tas
mania. Kxpeditions have already been
arranged from Melbourne, and it is
probable tlml this colony, which has
been for some time past in a lethargic
condition, will start forward under tho
impetus given by the influx of a large
nuuilx'r of miners. An ounce and a
half of gold a duy, which quite a nuiu
her of seekers are now said to be re
alizing, would certainly indicate u very
rich deposit.
W IIEM John Dixon, a Savannah ne
gro, sat up in bed in the midst of his
own funeral service, the assembled
mourners ran yelling from the house,
OIII* of tin in getting out through tho
window ■