Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 03, 1879, Image 4
CROP REPORTS. FCETL RNS FOR COEN, BUCKWHEAT, PO TATOES AND HAY FOR AUGUST TO TUE AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT. WASHINGTON, AUJT. 25—The August returns to the Department of Agricul ture show the general average of the condition of corn was 93, asrainst 93 in Julv, 1878 ; as compared with August, 1878, there is a considerable decline, being 9t> last year. Of 1,172 counties reporting the condition of the crops on the Ist of August. 239 report a full average condition, 309 above and 624 below. The New England and Middle Atlantic States all show a high average, and the only complaints were of a late spring. In Pennsylvania and Maryland the drought was not verv injurious, and timely rains re stored the crops to a fair average. In Virginia and the South Atlantic States the drought cut short the early planted com ; late planted was in a condition to be benefited by the rains generally reported at the date of the returns. The Gulf States, Alabama and Mis sissippi, report a line condition, but Louisiana is low, and Texas makes the worst record of any State in the Union. Kentucky, Ohio and Indiana report an average somewhat below that of last year, while Illinois reports a very high condition. The States west of the Mississippi all report ex traordinary growth and most favorable prospects. lowa reports 104. Mis souri 115, Kansas 114, and Nebraska 113. The Pacific States, with their small area planted in this cereal, rate a fair average. The area planted in buckwheat shows a slight decrease since last year. New York and Pennsylvania, in which one-half of the buckwheat of the country is grown, show a loss of three per cent. In Ohio, Michigan and Wis consin, which produce the larger por tion of the remainder, the acreage is nearlv the same as last year. The con dition is good, rather better than last y ear at this time. The condition of the potato crop is 97 against 88 in July. The New Eng land States show a stationary condi tion at 98. The Middle States rise frOm 95 to 102. The South Atlantic States fall from 90 to 88. Ihe (Jul! States are stationary at 90. The Southern inland States fall from 84 to 81. The States north of the Ohio • show a very marked improvement, rising from 74 to 93. West of the Mississippi there is a decline of from 101 to 98, while on the Pacific slope there is a slight appreciation, fro»i 100 to 101. In the northern portion of the Atlantic slope, above Maryland the Conditions of growth appear to have been very favorable. The beetle is mentioned but by two correspondents in this region. Further south the drought considerably affected the crop. In the Gulf States this crop is grown to a limited extent, being displaced by sweet potatoes. The leading complaint here is a lack of moisture. The rains were not in time to maintain the July average in the Southern inland States, but the crop was saved from serious disaster. Earlier plantings were gen erally the most successful. The im proving influence of July rains was felt especially iu the region north of the Ohio. On the eastern slope of the Mississippi the "old-fashioned potato bug" is noted, but its ravages were mostly local. McDonougb, Illinois, reports the fields nearly stripped of leaves by it. West of the Mississippi the crop was needing rain, but in Ham ilton,Nebraska,the rains were excessive. The crop on the whole is well reported on the Pacific coast. The summer of 1879 has not been favorable for the hay crop. The drought of Juue and July, which was so detrimental to other crops, also seriously shortened this. Timothy hay is above the average in only eight States. In New England and the Middle States the crop is good, but in all the Southern States it is short. In tho States bordering oi\ the Ohio river the same cauße, drought, has reduced tho product very materially since 1878. In tbo Northwestern States the returns are favorable, while in Kansas and Missouri they are very low. The Pacific States report very high aver ages. At the date of the returns rains were generally reported and the pros pect for fail pasture was good. A SCHOOLMISTRESS in one of the rural districts, while attempting to in struct her younger pupils in a little oral grammar, explained to them that a verb was a word lieforc which could be placed he, she or it. "Will some one of the class now give me an exam ple?" said the teacher. "O, yes, I know a verb," shouted a little miss; "cat." "Why, no, Maggie, cat is not a verb, cat is a uoun." "Well, then," retorted the little one, "can't you put she before cat ?" Unfortunately for the further elucidation of the subject, it was time for another class to recite. A LITTLK fellow rushed into the street, recently, to look at a monkey that accompanied an organ grinder who was playing in front of an adjoin ing block. Never having perused the "Origin of Man," he gazed in wonder and admiration a few moments, and then rushing into the house met his grandmother to whom he addressed this inquiry: "Grandmother, who made monkeys?" "God, my boy," replied the old lady in her candid way. ".Well," said the excitable grandson in rejoinder, "J bet God laughed when he got his first monkey done !" A SOBBING English lady, who had just lost her husband, asked the cler gyman of her parish whether relatives are able to find one another readily in the next world. He said emphatically that they will be reunited at once. "Then," said she, "his first wife has got him by thiß time." "YOUNG man," said a stern old pro fessor to a student who had been charged with kissing one of his daugh ters, "Young man, don't get into that habit. You'll find that kissing is like eating soup with a fork." "How so, sir?" asked the student. "Because," answered the stern old professor, "you can't get enough of it." IN one cemetery near Havana 89,330 interments have been made within ten years, and the death rate in the Span- Isii garrison is particularly large. The assertion that Cuba is the graveyard of Spain tvould not seem to be a great stretch of the imagination. You can't say of a man who has a painful corn that he possess a grain of sense. d.'itiseu: HatUr, fl«., 3, IS tB. LTV KEY. WALTER & CO., LiV E R Y —AND— l^eed REAK OF VooEi-Er HOUSE, - - isUTLEU, PA. ifryFirst-claaa good, re'hble horses. ang27-tl Livery, Feed ?nd Sale STABLE, Cunningham St., i:<-»r Hciiicinaii's P.iH/.ator •, [SUTLER, PA. A number of lir.-t-« .-las- ri_r- 1 ■ hor es always ot. hand, ii ■! (»H1 at reasona ble rales. Hordes bought aud told. DAVID CCPi'd, PuoiitiETOß. jul\3ot( li. If. C'OCITRAX, Livery, Sale, Feed and Exchange STABLE, Rear of Lowry House, - - BUTLER, I'A. junet-ly INSi ranch;. BUTLER COIJNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Gor. Main and Cunningham Sts. G. C. ROESSTNG, PRESIDENT. \VM CAMPBELL, TKEASUKER. 11. C. HEINEMAN, SECRETARY. DIRECTORS: J. 1.. Purvis, E. A. Hclraboldt, William Campbell, J. W. I!uik?:art, A. Troulsnan, Jacob Scboene, G. C. Roewloff, John Caldwell, Dr. W. lrvin. fiiunue! Marshall, J. W. Christy I II- C. Htineman. J A3. T, M'JUNKIN, Gen. Ae't .BTJTXJIEIIR, FA. Permanently cores LIVER COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY DISEASES, CONSTIPATION and PILES. Pit IL H. CLARE, foafli Hero, Tt., acya, € *lm ttM of KIUXr.Y TROUBLE it ham acted llLe • •buna. It ka* eared m*ny rcry bad ca«ca«ri'lLEfl, and It ha* cerer failed to act eUctcntly." E. M. liCTTON, of Rur!lß{tAr, mi;*, "Am a IJrer 181 Iterator it In without en c-rjual. I u»e It to pre vest mid cure Lca<ltt<;hc, sad nil biUlous attack*.** KKUiCy I'AIItCiriLD, of St. Albany Vt., aaya, *! tla of prfec li'wraluc. Aft c r.t x t ccn j f a rnofgr cat •ufitr!n~ from Pile* aud l'o«tlvc*e*a it completely •crt-J vzr+ n ('. H. IIAOABOX, offli-rbWrf, any*, "one park ac«- he* douc woudcrw fur w« I n completely cur-lug ft ••▼ere Liver and lvld,ey Complaint. n IT HAS mw n WONDERFUL WHY [ POWER. rcnararai IJECACAF IT 18 THE OXLY MEDICINE Til AT ACTS ON TIIE LIVEB, BOWELS AXD SIDNEYS ATTIIE BAAIE TIME. Beeaaae It elcaaaca the wbofrayatmi of the pofaum ana humore that otherwise dc velope In llllliouaaeaa. Jaundice, Constipation, Kidney and Vrlnary di*- eaaea, or UhenmatUm and LumLuffo, and which la VMKB, disorder every Amotion and bring en weak* aeaa and dlacaae. If you want to be well In spite of yonraelf, use CID. IfEY-WOET. It Is a dry vegetable aad One package will make six onnrtn of Buy It at the DrnggiaU. TRUTHS. Hop Bittern aro tlio PnrMt and Bent Hlttora ever wade. Tlicv r.ro compounded from Hops, Uuchu, Mun-Irnktt and i>-ii<i«llon,—tho oldeet, be*t, and most vnlnable medicine* In tlic world and con tain all th'J lH?st And iwrnt curative properiica of all otluf Bittern, Ixing tho or**U»t lll«M»d Purl- Her, Liter Regulator, tnoLffe and Health Re *tr>rin£ Agent on earth. No ill hcalih c*in IOOK exfat where these Bitters are used, so varied and perfect are their operations. They gfvo new life and vljror to the fjjed and Inf.ria. To til whoso employment cause lmgs lariiy of the bow da or urinary org inn, ms who re quire an Appelizcr,Tonic aud mild Stimulant, tn'-Jic Bit!«jrn a'-» invnluabln, u highly crira tive.tonic&itd Humiliating,* It limit Intoxicating. No matter what yo*ir filings or avrntons are, what the din-.i-e Oß ailmviit [\ DM LLI p b\tV r§. Don't wait nntll you are rick, but If yon only leel bad or miff ruble u* •; the Blitcrsut once. It may •tve your life. llfindr« ds have been caved by HO doing. t'^'ia."o / » will be paid for a CUHO they w!l! not cure or help. Do not fuller yourself or let vour friends euHcr, bnt use and urge I hem to uso Hop Bittern. Rememlx r, Hop Bitters Is no vi'e, drutrtred, drunken nostrum, bnt ih • Pur< nwl B«>t Medi cine ever mid.-; the 44 Invalid's Friend and Hope," ami uo p<?rson or fa: lilv rltould be with out them. Try the Bitters to-day. Try Hop Cough Cure and Pain Relief. Ron PALE BT Al l. DBI'OCMTS. ®fJO MORE SBB| SACUTKOR" ZKPIOHIC fa, AS-BCVSJ C A SURE CUP.E. * a Manufactured only under the above Trade marl:, by tbe European Ssiiirylica Medicine Co., OF PARIS AXD LEIPZIG. IMMEIJIATK KKLIEK W AUK ANTED. PK»t- MANBNT C'UHK OUAUANTEKn. NoW exelll<*iVely uaiftl by all efilebratcd Physlcbitm of Kurope aud Anierlcn, Ix eoiulnfr 'i Staple., Hurmlesa niul Reliable Remedy on l»*»tl» eoutlnenta* The Highest Medic.nl Academy of Purls reports *.»5 cures out of 100 CIHOH within lliree d::>s. Hc eret —The only <»f the poisonous Uric Acid which exl«ts in Urn blood of Khemuntlc and (iouty Patients. :i Hox. (I Iloxeti foi Hcnt to any address on receipt ol price. EN DOftSKD »Y I'IIVrtICIANH. 8oLI» IIY ALL DItUO OISTri. A^hheM W YSIIBUKNK & CO., Only Importers' 1>» j»or, 'JII liroadway, N. V. For sale by I). IJ. WUI-LKR, inayH-ly] Bu/LKit, PA. W ATT Xj A.ISJ"C3- &c CO.^ Wliolenale OrocoiH and OealorH in FLOCK A \I» PHOVIHIOXH. MannfActurorH of tho Celebrated umictir 331 Liberty Htreet, •ep6-ly) FITTBttUUGH, i'A. i THE HITLER SAVINGS BANK B U T L E 11. PA. NEARLY OPPOSITE LOTET UOCSE. CAPITAL STOCK, 60,000. Wm. CAKFBELI.. J Art. D. ANDKESfV President. 'Viee I'reo.Je:.t. WM. C.UIHEELI., Jr., Caobter. DIRECTORS ' Williim Campbell, J- r^L' n - J Jae. D. Anderson, George Weber, ' Joseph h. Furvis. Doe« a General Banking .t Ktehange bu«uiecs. Interest on time depositf. CoUeetior.s mf-.le and prompt retari.s a: rated of Kxcliange. Gold a:id t"rc von:ineiit Bonds bought aiitl sold. Commercial pa] or. bonis, judgment jL..d otiicrsecuriticn lx)nt;lit at fair FBRSITDRE STORE. ■ ROOM! GEO. KETTERER lias removed bis Furniture Store to tbe large down st iirs room lately occaj led by lik-kel A K'ill, corner Main and Mifflin stp eld, BUTLER, PA. f. Has lately received a large lot of ' NEW FURNITURE, from the eemmondst >o the finest. You can buy auylbiug -nt his »t'>re, from i co. ii in •>i i cimir to a Parlor or Bed room s-i!t. Fnruitnre lri,ni all tli>- ! adincj fac tories in the United States iurnisbei to cu t en. is by order, at 11 per ccul. le.s? th in eit> I retailers'prices. (junlltf THE ORB \ 'F ENGLISH REM BDY: GPU rs SPECIFIC MEDICINE TRADE MARK. TRADEI^JIC, th*X Before Takingriequenco on Self After Taking. Aluir'C; !•* JjOrHof Sl'iUtOf}. Laitt-itlluo. in the back. DiraneKs of Vision, Premature Oid Aage, an i many other dw a«eH that to liii-aniiy. Conh'.i:i;; i tion aii'.l n Pietr.atnre Grave, ill of which ju a juift r.ro ti>>t caused by devi -.ting from the path of nature r.irl ever uidnl- The Speoiftc jltdieiri • L* the re. tilt of a life study and many year* of experience in treat iue; tiie»e Hj eci-vi iiiioa-eM Full particnlari* ii. our pa«n]>hlotrf. which we to send froo l:v mail to every ouo. The Sprcitlc Medicine is nol.l by ali DnigLusts at ?1 per iia( Uaj(e. or p:z for t5, or will be sent by mail on receipt of the money by addicting THE OKAY MEDICINE CO., No. 10 Me/-Panics' IV DETROIT, MICH. .11 in Duller by J. C. JIKDK K A Co., and by all every-.vliere. CZ' ISalus s \ Ewiso, '.Hic'esalo Age.its, Pitts ♦jfirgh ai!^2l.'7B-l3 A, a. WEBER 1 H i" Just oj-encd :t New Hlore :it No. 145 Jiuiilh field Btn-ot, PIT r-nirncif, PA., between Fiftb ai.d Sixth avenue?-, and has plaeed on the shelves and in the cated an elegant assort ment of «T e welry of every description, in part of Laciics' bolid '!«<!•» ; . Chnina, Neck lacei*, Finn. Ear Hiuuh, cauail • Charm.*, Finder (P«*t with all kind* or bt"ne* known to the tiade.) Watcher, Clocks, Marble ('loek«. Htafu ary, Hrouzen, Man tle Orrmuienlfl, Card and WATCHES, Flower CLO(^KB. ilisketH, Vai*e«, Ac., Ac. Also, a fine selection of Silver-plated Ware, Water Pitcher*, Cups, Napkin Kim;*, Knivf.- and Fork« f Bpoon§, and everything in the above llr.e. which he is prepared to offer to tin people of our town at unprecedented bargains. Do not fail to call and examine pood* and piicm liefore purch umj; elsewhere. |jnlß-3m atcli and Clock a specialty. | GREAT Closing Out Sale! Tho nnderwigiied having dntermiiieil to qnit bnniiiCHH, now nfT.-rn bi» entire stock of I»1 iY GOOI)H at such low prices as will ensure their sale within the next sixty days. Tbe stock comprises a general assorment of Black and Fancy Dress Silks, Black and Colored Cashinorcs and Merinos, Novelties and Fancy Dross Goods, Bilk Warp Henrietta Cloths, Prints, Chintz and Ginghams, Trimming and Mantilla Volvots, Laces, Fringes, Buttons and Trim mings, Nottingham and Tambourd Lace Curtains. Cloths, Caßs:meres and Jeans, Ladies' Suits, Sacques and Dolmans, Cashmere and Brocho Shawls, Domostic Sowing Machines. JAS. CALDWELL, 115 and 117 Federal Street, Allegheny. N. B.—The and cenfrally located ntore building now occupied bv tho Hubscribcr i« of fered f<»r Hale or l«ano 011 liberal termH. ocUB'7K-ly YK[ ynr A D FLI /; r? RYCKMAN, DAY & CO., LIKE SHORE KIHtURDS, BROCTON, IT. Y., MANUFACTUREUM OF Pittq Xativo \Yiaes, Still aud Sparkling Wiuo, ANI) Brandies from Native Grapes. Our wines aro put up in choice packnees, and • are (fuaranteed to be strndard mid satisfaction. li. KTXEL, Ac« nt, , apS-ly BUTLEK, I'.' j ] PLANINa MILL —AND— Lumber Yard ! J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PURVIS. S.G. Purvis & Co., M4VCFACTITHBKS AND DEAI.EItS IN Rough and Planed lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOOIIS, Patent Moulded Weatherboarding. FLOORING, SIDING, BATTtNS BRACKETS and Scroll Sawing of every desciiption Gauged Cornice Boards, Cornice Moulding PORCH POSTS, STAIR RAILS, Newell Posts and Balusters FENCE, PALINGS, &c., Ac. MICHIGAN SHINGLES, Barn Boards; Plastering Lath ; nem lock Bill Stuff, such as Joist Raf ters, Scantiing, <fcc.. all sizes constantly on hand. ALSO, RIG STUFF AND TANK STUFF for oil wells. All of which we will pell on reasonable terms and guar antee satisfaction. PLANING MILL AND YARD 3fenr CJeriiiHn CH(hollo Clmrob JanS., 1877, ly. BUTLER lumber Yard and Planing Mill, H. BAUEK~& BROS., JEFFERSON ST.. - - BUTLF.R, PA., MANUFACTTJHEH9 OF Doors, Sash, Frames, Blinds. Molding of all descriptions, Brackets, Patent Molded Weatherboarding, Mill Boards, Flooring, Palings; Stair Railings, Balusters of every style, &c., &c. Circular Moldings Made to Order. AL&Q, I>C A LRUS IN Lumber, Plank, Shingles, Lath, &c, apl2-Iy ~gp Prltrnu Ilorj lUI. SUJ BUJ I A i-ew w rlr prlc* 5» "*•* S. Cit'll St.,t hicogn, r~-\ c-nt« by m I!. KtiU ■*s 1»«. *ll .1 zzz rir® Of JC» urn. f hrrt womA PrtrM#. Chroiie »nd t] J olo«j of If irriuft. Or riunl* DltntX!*. S| n i (»ni of Generation, ConanltaMoo frrr. ;.i«cjf Tenth ana m Lulin* »n»1 oon !"-1. . a wealth or m«u, MT.'l ons OolUr au l * alu»Ll« iu- W far soi'iplo of ln «t f jC S3 forn.rtlon, of lnt« r*«t rubber »nd | r -<' to Not'jlr.x vV.utl U: Informatlou i] off«n\|r« to go< >\ *.a»la br *zpr*«a. Kt lU- 3CC ai l refinement. Infor bio Ktmalo TilU, 15 4 ntaii a n « f r r l*f'.r« ■■ p«r b«»*. I*r!vifc!e[} puUnhed. fnmlly fy hnron au 1 nurw Pr H Hbould M» wltl. 'it it. OPIUMS S I Wp 9 U il a ■ Cl&rk • !., CLitayo, 111. DR. WHITTIER, No. 302 PcnnSt.', Pittsburgh, Pa., to ufforil rr-li:iblc npocial troatmetit of Privato w. 1 rrinary Di < HMO*. Perfect cnreß giiart: tc<«l. Hjwtrmatorr!:o<*% orftomiual \V#i&k netw rohulting from nclf abu 'o or nexna! CXCCSH. | prod.ii Lcrvo in debility, iinihSionn. diz/.incnH, dimnesn of night, j>im- 1 plow f«n tlio fa> c. wcaLnenHof mind and l».>dy, j and finally LH of il power, j bternify. etc., nnlUtiuK the victim for n i or buhine«H, and rendering life miserable, are permanently cured in blioitcut ible time. Gonnorrlioi a. Clle. t. Htri« turo f all Urinary dm ean • < and Sypliili- all fcrmw), connihting of Hkin Eruption»«, UlcerH in tho moutli. tliront, or on other parts of the body, are perfectly cnrtxl, and tlr bloo 1 poinon thoroattlily eradi cated from the fr-VHtcra. Dil. WIiITTIEIt i« a regular gradnatf of medicine, a.s bin diploma at office eh OU'H ; bin lif«-k>USC H]>ecial cxj>erience in all private dirtea«©H f with purest medicine prc.*i»ared by himself, enab . h bim to cure difll cnlt casen after otliern fail it is nelf-evident that a physician treating IliouHandM of every year aoquiiei? grea'. nkiil. Tbe otablinh nwnt "IH central and rrtire-1, and HO arrruged that patients H««e the doctor only. CJonetiltation and corre*[K>ndonee private and free, l'uin jililefM Bent sealed for nfnrnp. licinc-t Bent elwevvhere. fl<»urH tl A. M. 1 IV M.. and ft P. M. to 8. P. M. HundaVH from Hi A. M. to 1 P. M. KxeryLody uhoiild read tbo .VnrriiiKo an<! 15«;ili!i (Jni<l«>, 141 pagee. fine illustrations ; price 20 centM. A liook for private, careful reading by both feres, married or Mingle, explaining wonders and myn torien of noxual Hyßtcm, reproduction, marriage, im]>ediments, et<'., caur.M, coimequeiice and euro, rtold at office or bv mail, sent securely sealed, on receipt of price n monov or i>osta';e stamps. Address D't. WUITnEIt, No. i«>2 j Penn Htreet, J'ittsbnt;;!! Pa. oclC 78-ly PROF. KARRIS' RADICAL CURE FOK SPEKMATOREHCEA. "SEMINAL PAST3LLE" j. .5 yctnlnal F.inlMlona & !«M*M II rte* * ••HJMAI MLTIIU' ,r " f * w.y, vi«: Diroct u » Appiic«flon to the Jiruu np»l !■»»• f th« !>•*»•<. artifi? ly Af«orr>t lon, >nl »«*rt- Ir r i" •,»• «<■ -r' -nf on i*• i Seminal Veslulos. Kja«- Dun , «. Pr i.itnto Olantl. •« » UrctUro, l i.r um bi t.'i« ll*tr »:. atl« .'l«<l witi. m fun rr »»*• i.»»nwrirc, and Oo'« not ll '»rf#r r villi tha ' liiiiry jtri'.Ki of lifr , it i« m.Kkl/ dtftk.lt f-l ar.l •—n •i«.» , ~ •-!.». 4 < an JmciO- I dial') tm,i' ii« in.l r»«t'.r>»i - rflr-i »ir MIU4I an 1 I nrrr'Q! f . •*! 1 •# ai»-f rirriiri, 11.it »?.# drain tmm I' r »v«i*m, r. tt .rii • »hr mind to b«altb »»*! aounil uii'inory. rrm».*»i.({ t».» Dimm-M of Nieht, N "rvuna Debility. Coufimlon of lOta*. Aver ■ion to Society, oto.. etc., an«i ti.» •|, | warat.rr t?iro ola-mat ••*«<•!.. i r.,ji, c t, .. troubi*. «tic rc«tor> | ycara. fhli in ia I lrfi't>.«nt hn the trat . rtty M warm raa«a, anl l« 1 .• », r f# .l , U rc«*«. DrtlffS »«k> inueh pr*actilM>d «r» llir.r irnul.lra, tn !. at many c. Uar tvito«». • • nle If any | nmbw N«aa#i about 1. P- , ar»ti I rjrii- .1 < t «<*rvj<i •. ••nabioa oa tr. I— iNvrty Ku.iiantc« tb*t it *ill Hltlßfa;;U ix.— nurlo« • *>/-■■ .( IMS brro n. r. - ial vc l av* lbof t«i!irii<>i nU a« !J it* > alur. 1 - 1 it 1 O'-w < • . t I*l by the _l I'riifrtaio.'i lo • 1 1» n.»nt ralim al d.mh \et MMMI "ft'.. . • 1 . , MM, Dial ia v»«ll known \JI lr r; nun « f 1 alol) n |»rr> t.. ». uiimj, and upon wb 111 quaciCM I'fy "It 11 tbel im-lm n« »lt un.a 1 biff: levs. Tl.e Ram# lj la pul uj in it ~f t'.i r* al.ra No. 1, (ciiouffh to la»r * i.m.i.11.,) |3 ; No. 'A, ("itTnirnt I , all ret a permanent cure. .. . ■•% in -irvrrr . No. 3 (laatuiK urtr Itrem miialha, * 1! a|>. n l«., ~j rratori »it »r 10 tba «r„rtt (Wri.l 87. h't.t ly wi.l. ~ 4 1-I. M. ,1,. n w» i-i-rr. Pull I*l H 14C1'U)NU for ualni; v. 11l iaccuta pany EACH liOX. I (« .-i ;r■ 1 r lira Piiphlat rltlnf <Mtwln|a 1 ii m a ■■■ll ■ ■■• • i.." ",.'lO»Ul"ll f , REMEDY CO.MF G.CHCMISTS. tmJ Uth Sti. ST. LOUIS, MO. 1; Ayer's Cherry Pectoral i For Diseases of the /fa. £ Throat and Lungs, such as Coughs. Colds, . IMk r - Whooping Cough, kiSiSI Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. Tlic reputation itl.as .1 tunned, iu consequence ol the marvellous cure.-) it iias produced during Uio last half century, is a pufln lent assnr:;nce to the public that it will continue la realize the happiest results tliat can be desired. In almost every section of country there arc persona, publicly knowr. ,who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs, by us use. All who have tried it, acknowledge its superiority; | ' and where its virtues are known, no one hesitates as to what medicine to employ to relieve the dis- j t I tress and suffering peculiar to pulmonary affec tions. CiiEr.r.Y FECTORAI. always affords in- i stant relief, and performs rapid cures of the I milder varieties of bronchial disorder, as well as ! the more formidable o; -cases of the lungs. As asafeguanl to children, amid Uie distress- ! ing diseases which be.-ct the Throat and Chest of Childhood, it is invaluable: for, by its timely use, multitudes are rescued and restored to health. This medicine gains friends at every trial, as the cures it is constantly producing arc too re -3 mark able t& be forgotten. No family should be without it, and those who have once used it never will. Eminent Physicians throughout the country prescribe it, and Clergymen ortca recommend it 5 from then knowledge of its eflfcc|^. PREPARED BT Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemist*. SOLD bV ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. 3COKSS M ILUOfc ■ jj j pmjm j■ n A ' trjje, new ant ro»plr(r Outdo to . Wives, l*re«tilu«U»B, i'« r-«vact. Irbbacrnd Malnmooy rom- I ' I dulit*, ' 'irc'i-lion, C ami 'an- ot ; v * . Lrcai : /••** • f n. • i- . ivrpirn. etc.. IBCII<S . * T>: trtul.u- t. Women. ? ir r.uara tn 1 trraf t .• ■Ui- ■ fir v '•» an 11 -n* ! .'e :cadi. C ! Vflm Ml i !ata lyilhy, by Ml, Willi, icr 60 Mb. "THE PRIVATE MEDICAL ADVISER" j on Syphilid. Conorrhcea, Oleet, Strictnro, Varlco- i c Je, ■ Opcrn.atorrhOKi. JDobiiity. and Z:npotency, ' « !*< ;f.a!-.iaa and » »»ea. caaairjr l«.-iuiyal \ rii a l ira. Pbtairaul-rMv. ! .D.M of >i«l.». UnitcUyt M mmury Liiii c( iteiual S'owr•, etc.. iu»k.. < marriaf- improper i>r . .U»; :■*. riv i.g rritn.f nt. and aC' •' n.*ny valual'.a f ri'r c-jriol 4.' priratf .aea»r«; TZ\ i-*?a«, o»#r GO p!'U*. t0 " "MEDICAL ADVICE." A l*ftcre on M.' ThOCd a ' Wowor.liood. 10 rer.t* ;tr al! tt.rc ic ore t..cr»» ' ur.! »ola»e. 5 1 . 1 bry cr rt„ n 000 parrs ]> *:» I over 100 llltiotrauo.ta. Ml » r « .«»> »».•;< or. taa renera'ivc *• • tiiat .• n irthku- 1.7. aad mu.-b thai :» n«X 1 -uMiai.-l m ar % :'i«-r • -!t. Tbe c« 0.. ioe.l volume poai t 1 v—ljr tf - m.Mt I' -i uljr Mr ftcal B««-W ; J. ami lli«w di». , ,S„.V *f'tr r r' » . have tl -ir Uiuoay rtfuoied. Tha Anthor :» Ph) ;< >■( ma«T VMNIIW. liiil—if lail Im, aril! b« round «1 grtmi wn ihoae tmf ; ! in in , unfiea of tt.r araUir. early err-ra. I'»t ».t r. anr of tfie u iinrro:i tr «ol.Va c r-. nr.d«t tbe S.ea.! cf Privato M «>r " ChroniO ** di»e».. «. in aioirle vol . . r cow, r rPnoe . . St.irpa. MUer or Cur tirr. « ooau.t..iM>n r >'.mlcntial J >1 '• »ter» nfr pr«mptlr .4 frankly an««creJ » i'h..ul char.-- A l ire.. llr.lJnlt.' .ll«pcuaary, 12 N- 0t. k : M. Loui*. (Ealabhabcd IW7 ) i_ Z j'For sale by Newt Dealers. AGENTS wanted. s nR. fU'TTS Invttf* all f ei-■ .-* •uffrrlng f-..n. -w A arm l:r. !. a. i him I'eu n ..-a anl i-llrj U V . meM . t.» ihcir advaot^rc—Not aTt »ta. J 9 Manhood: flow Lost, flow Restored. | . Just published, u uew edition ol ! £tSgl|» Dit. CULVEKWEI-l.'S CI'M.EUHA ' TED EdSAY 011 tlie radical curt (without medicine) of SI'EUMATOB- itniKA or Seminal VVenknef<B, Invol untary Seminal Losses, IMPOTSSCY, Mental and , Physic 111 Incapacity, Impediments to Marriajre, etc.; also, CONSUMPTION, BPILECSY and FITS, Induced by sell-indulgence or sexual ozlrava. gancc, <tc. ' <?.' I'riec, in a scaled envelope, only fl cents. The celebrated author, iu this admirable Es say, clearly demonstrate*, from a thirty years' Bucces-lul practice, that the alarming conse quences of self-abase may lie radically cured without the dangerous use ot internal medicine . or the application of the knife ; pointing out • > mode of cure at once simple, curtain and ell'oa tual, by means ot which every suflurer, no mat ter whet his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, aud radically. Ttiis hectare should be in the hands of . every youth and every man in the land. sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post/iairi, on receipt of tlx cunts or two postage stamps. Address the Publishers, The Cnlverwcll Medle.l Co., 41 ANN ST., NEW YOBK, P. O. Box 458G; aplG-ly E. GRIEB, DEALER IN FINE Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER WARE, SPECTACLES, &C. ENGRAVING OF ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY. MAIN STREET, (North of Lowry House,) BUTLER, PA. S3F" WATCHES AND CLOCKS REPAIRED, AND WARRANTED. A. c. BOESSING & BRO., DEALERS IN Groceries, GRAIN, FLOUR, FEED, Oil, —AND— Anthracite Goal. 1 THE IHOHEHT MAHKET DtICE PAID IN w'CASH"^ FOR OHAIN OF ALL KIND 3. aep4tf Union Woolen Milte. r| I would ih-Hiro to call tin- at hint ion of the public to the I'liion Woolen Mill, Jtutlor, I'*., ' where I liavo now /m l improved machinery for tho manufacture of \ Barred and FlnnnolH, Knitting and Weavin# Yarns, \ and I ran recommend them aw twin# very dura ble, an they aro manufactured of pure Itutlor county wool. Tin y aro beautiful in color, hii perior in texture, and will bo *ol<! at vory low prices. For nauiplcn and nrieon. addr«»HM, H. FULLKUTON, , Jul2V7& lj) liutlor, l'a CAM'KTS! CUR, Cl.oTlis: MATS: HI I; F I sr.un iti>ns = NEW STOCK! NEW STOCK! - H c, 1 HECK & PATTERSON S % j SEW CMPET IS j zr- !N"OW OJPEIST! ? on@ Qooc* South of thefp Cl.othfng House, C 5 »~a Duffy's Block, eeptao-tf Butler, Pa, 3 dl 2 iSCIOH HIVXS i Sf)flH iSI VIM iSHXODIIO iSI3<I JIVO From the Factory to the Wearer. ;> Shirts of Snperior Extra Tine Linen Shield nosom, pV Ojscu Rack) French Voko, ami completely finished for ; V $7.50 A 80Z33H!! * | ll*rin» rimf.tu ! RNNRNMNLI with ore ' tS* )mttt t OH: cn F*tcne« in th# Unit*l Cvu. fr aa ra v u f j *5 '' ;• »i r •• *> « *--■■ CO' i 1 • o*o«ihai-t»(BicuH b..y *fklrl*, » -.«•-h*» . * Qf* S" l* ' ! * cr "f• "i - <-tn\ v\:r tJ t v ;. ar . r. 4 .nt». aa.J • . o. » fe ~ *3 l ' ■ <•->"•"■" r. t •J t. »> . ..mall 7. J 7 trn»lc. an.l n U« f il >«inc ar.pr r w oui or-r. -pa J%i> / j >- i>up»n.-r Moiiia, I' L u.:u F;at»h«J FfCifl Yolo SL.r;., a* f>r w. vr> „ < ?.f»0 J r An Mi r .>•! „- I l Si*«v« and C.llar t. vh r,cr . v rti. T -\ v ' rr '. ,: * S^:1 r.j.>f »-S a TT' 'fl 1 *.» warrant! •->' 'tohe «rat-<:ni» la Uy a'J -A V j ill ncul b ralioti. aa.. ii! in >pprtr»CM, iitraUllt; a stjiob . r; u u.e i, t £ *-- »-• 1 >n ordrrlujc RMI ■* jcj »«\f all »ut«ldr profit*. j.f „ Bo,.'Shirt®ti®# -«Asal-o*.. r<HUtc» SUaiM or Came<*T uWo. of arrt wLh \> •" »t *f.W VUltk FUU.MBIHSU CO., I*l Urw4» v«i,T.sS a. r WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH T;iE CEOCRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY, WILL SEE BY EXAMIMINQ THIS MAP, THAT THE CHICAGO, rTrT^ IS THEOIIEATCOXNECTIXfj I,INK IJETWEEX Til," EAST AND THE V. EST ! Its main liuo nm rromChlcoiintoC. >unrlt BlnfTi I H.MOKIXi; SAI.I X'N" nhcra y-m cuii el.;. y your an.i Oioalin. pnj 'lna ihronna (utawa. IJI ■ liii . iiia"ut all hours of the day. v!." P ; i M ™ no .S , . t J Kl i. lfl,,n ' l ' D " ven !': r '' J'V.iMlr, . t Imn Brt.»pn.i th« Mll-. Ip, I W fut l llfi Msrcti/o, liruuk!'- n, nn<l y t". ":ri rivi'pn nil L"<>ints rt v.-ii iiv ir > Gfliinoll nnu DcsMoinm, (th«» cnMtal o( IHWH I hn«i. an«l trnn&fiTa nre nT«-i i*s! ri r<*am il with frora H:irc»it Junction to Po<.r:-i ; Li ,;vcn\r-.rth nisrt lii-.-n , ,u, L< -m» Wilton Jun. Uon 10 Mutcatliio.VafhlnKt. i.. Fair- JJ,;,! £ rnion d'-»?«. ai.<i,, IHJUI. field, Kldon. Belknap. Coatrevlllo. l-rinceton j T lii: IMTLNCII'AI. 11. 11. ( \NK<TIM\S OK lrenton. <«nl!ntin. Camerun. Leav. nworth I»TJ ! I Til i;itK *' 'i'llHc>L"cill |,l\i: Alt' v- wii . Atclii!».m ; \Varthi:mton to Slffonrn» y. <s*knl'». -v j u»\vs ; ,jX * Alt ' A iiii 1 I, noxvlllu i Keokuk to 1 'ti, !». »im- | A f ('ji IPAOO v ;t!i :tll tJlvf-win■' lift"* *• ir Ik• • I*T t parte. U.iiii.m»port, luJepfudfiit. i:w,.n. (»uum- : „"i s./utl.? u«..» .ort»i ut wa, KiWyylUc. Or-j-nkß sa. I'l'llx M .n. i ■ nml I).- ; At l.'sci.mvoon. with tho shore i Mi. hi ; Do* i loin'*4 to 1 n<tlun*»l:i im<l Wlntci' ,, *t; ir • M utl'i rn aril I*ii,iur ■I t \Vnvm- t ('in. • , AtlaiilletoAiulubon. nml Avoca t.. Harl.m. 'III. It lldii nt-bun-.n. w ayno a I hlt.wo lii , r s . l i,'V' lT,i, V„"'"rh l: '"V," 1 - r ll ."''" 1 At WA.-UHVOTON- 11 ,:ICIITS. With l'lttM.urK, Cln trola «n<! o|n ratoß a through line between Ci.icoyo clunatt {+ St. \, .r.ls l< i: "V,'. 1 , Ka ,'!***■ „„ i.i , c, ■ At. I.a SAI i vit!i"li:;i'..>l«(Vntnil H. It. -.Tills .r-nony ..Trti rn.l conln.l Ploeplnu At I'KOHIA, wltli I'.. IV .1 ; I'.. 1..1>.: I. 11. St Can wlik-1' 111" taf.-rtor• t.. none En.! Hyov.,,, „| , v m. M und T.. P.* W. Kallr..a,l». double I) Ttll betwemi < hi. :i«o arirt ( ouiii- I llluirs. A t lt.« K l-i i-.'ii. nih W.-t.-rn I nl.n li IL and or Atruiv n for Iwo l>«>|!ara nnd I m <*k ls??»nd A l'<N»n i Kriln»a<: ' 2 1 ?' «nd » P cot lon for *»*'•• Dollars*, trhllo I At DAVF.NI-OKT, v.ltk tho Davenport & North t*ll other lines chanre between the name points I Western r U Three | X;l!arn for a double berth, un.l Six Uullar., at \v r.sT l.iiiKnTV. with t!io Burllnmon, Cedar t KiipiiN iV Northern 1( it What will PLIT.SE yoii most will bo tho pleasuro At ÜBIXN I L 1., with Central It. it. of lowa, of enior UK your n cii j, while r.asslna over the At lit:s MUM S, with l>. M. AI t. DinVelt. IL beauuful pnilrlej rf Illinois anil lowa, In .mo of At Cue-hi. Bi.ri i•. with rnl.nt I'.iolll.' It. IL our inaaniUeent l)liili>» anil It'-staur.nit tars tli it At (VMAIIA. with 11. .t Mo. It. I:. It. iln Noli.) aceoninany all 1 hrouKh l.irireM I rains, \oiu . t Ati ui.t MrrsJrxf-rio*. with U-irllnmon.t «lar an entire meal. n» Is serr. ,1 in any tin t- UapliT* .v N< n.liem It. IL class hotel, for jerei.tv-tIT.) cents ; ..r you tail At OTTI'MWA. with Central IL It. of Iowa: St. order what you like, ami lay for what you t-L Kan.t uyA Xortli--ritnn.il-.. B. IW«. Appretiiillruf -.he fnet that n mniorttr of the p*o- At KKOKI'K. with Toledo. Peoria anil W.irsaw; picpH-r r .»t« ,n ;oU'lt'lif* for dLT u-ni pur- W u.a>ii, and 8C !•• in*. Keokuk Jt N.-W. It !t.!s. iMKiCM«and the en trm- u* pwwniior bu.-liici>ii of At lIEVEHM'. with Kan. < itv. St. .1. ,1c C. IJ.lt.lt. ;hl«s line wnrninim,' It •. w«» arf pl» aM-.l to an- At ATCHISON, with Atchison. Tooeka VV nonnce that tht- < oiui»nny runs it* I»AI.A< i: Ko; Atchison A Neb. and Cen. br Lnlon Paciflc Hil.Kl'lNti (AttH for M« opln»i iuir|H»sct<. and ItM IL ltd*. PAIiACE l>lNlN<i CAItS for Fntirn pnrpo*,.? At LKAVEN"WORTH, with K. IV und K. Cen. tfne <-tlii»r itreat feature «»f oar I'alnco Cars it a IL ltd*. PALACECAIt* are rtin through to PKOKIA.DEH MOIXES, rOUXCIL AT<iIISO.\ anil LEA VCN'WORTIIi „T.lr\ rf ! Y ,m t ' ! * "" "«reut Kock I-land Route," are sold by •II Ticket Aarenla In the 1 nlfed Ktatrv and Canada. FVr Information not obtainable at your home ticket offl<-e, addrena, A. |2. ST. JOHN, ticu I SupermtoudcnL * Oen'l TkL and I'uss'irr Ant.. Chicago, 111. rasasSIMPLICITY I JJ V ©JMPUHEO S © MAiNTAiNEfiI I rnmmiLj^ Septsmbar, 1870! «new 1' Important Improvements. by ilcrcluinta aud oilicrit for Ulttstrntcd Circular and Ti ii-cs. Libcr.il TcrLid to tlic Trido."^\ Don't buy until you have seen tlie lightest running machine in the World—the Ever Reliable "VICTOR." VICTOR SEWING MACHiNE COMPANY, MIDDLKTOWS, CONY., and No*. J»9 a:i<l SOI Wnlm-Ii Avenue, CIIICAOO, ILL, AUGfIJST a, 1879. BLACK SILKS! Will ofTt-r ImrL'iiiii" ilurinp the dull season tlmt will he of interest and well worthy ft ei-iiii-ul examination from any one to buy a Silk Dress. Black Silks ai CiOc., (i. r ic., 87$1 and sl.2;'), we invite comparison with our better num'wrs at $1.50, sl.7;'), $2, 2.2;') and s2.;">o, including three of the most reliable and popular makes, undoubtedly the best values that have been offered, and it will afford us pleasure to show these goods on our counters or send samples to per sons living at a distance. Colored Silks, everv shade, 7. r >e., t»oc., sl'and $1.25, superior makes and finish. Striped and Kanev Silks at 56c., reduced from 75c; a bargain, to close this line. Black and Colored Satins. Hlack and Colored Satin Moire for trimming, at po]iular prices. Also, invite the attention of buyers of Cashmeres to our new and large stock of Colored French Cashmeres, all shades, ut 50c. a yard, sold last season at lille. Also, better qualities at (!(•<:., 75c. and sl. Hlack Cashmeres at -15e., 50c., Goc., 65c., 75c., 85c., 90e. and sl. Samples will be sent on application to examine and compare. Summer I>ress Goods will IKJ sold at a sacrifice to make room for new goods now arriving. Choice New Foulards and Chintzes, Plain and Sitle Bands. Housekeeping Goods a Specialty—Tabling, Napkins, Crashes, Ac., Bleached 1 and Unbleached Muslins, Sheeting and I'illow Can; Muslin, all widths, and at lower prices than elsewhere. I Trimming Fringes, Laces, of all kinds. Kiiching, Scarfs and Scarfing received | every day ! Spoon Bust Corset, white and colors, at 50c., worth 05c. French Woven and j Domestic Corsets, in all the popular makes. t Unlaiindried Shirts, 50c., 75c. and sl. Laundricd Shirts, sl, the best value . for the money to be found, made from the lx-st Wamsutta Muslin. D is impossible to enumerate all of the departments, but will say that the best of values will be offered throughout our very large stock, and the i best possible attention shown to customers. ] ISOG-GrS &c BUHL, 118 ,fc 120 FGDBKAL STItKET, ALLEGHENY 'J LINE «IL HOLDING < O::RLS. THE I'.'IRL "IRE.! THAT UF:« R TLIE LLTH .LAV OT . MARCH, L V 7-. :! , .EVERAL QM FUM COUNTY ? '' ' 1 ' N:NI.'IU-. ,:>I I TIR~: A! ■ 'II>I: V J »R MIIRT, ami DWAKW IN ' T !< V.-. ■ I:M- :WU U« ( .S, OR • LONG 11* ! I ! • :-I T! ■ • . IT IS FUR -3 R ■ : IT. R.. CAUSES L»E PUT • I ' >»:. :■>? TRIAL. R TRAVTR-E JUT . SUMMONED LOR | THE :.R*T W KCF THE .SEVERAL TERMS. 5 JAMES .1. CAMPBELL" C......# *►- .« » » «m .* FC". I OFFICE IN FMNIOW III TELE-'RAPH J I OFFICE. . JAIILS] BALDWIX I'. 0.. BNTINR CO.. PA. , PJSBBIB A.KMOII, ' : JUSTICE OF TLIO PEACE, ; MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, 3 ZRLIEXOPLK, PA. R ATTOIIN MVS AT LA W. . BUT LEE. P/~ WM. II T.I OFFICE WITH \V. IT. LTI<T. J. NEWTON IH..U KT OFFICE IN FIRRT NATIONAL PURLS BCIUINFF. E. I. BRL (111, OFFICE IN KIDDIE'S L W R,N;I .1.1- . S. F. HOWTEK. OFFI.-E IN K- 1V» L.I'F 8R.1L.!::.},'. [MAR* "7 6 J. I). MEJU NKIN'T SPECIAL ATTENTION PLVEN TO COLLECTIONS OFFII T OPPOSITE W.LARD HOUSE. JOSEPH U~ BREDIX, OFFICE NORTH-CAST COMER OF DIAN:.I:ID, BUTLER PA. ? k H. GOUCHER; OFFICE IN HCHTI. I.IOMAII'A BUILDII.G. LIP H( AIL S. J. T. DONIY OFTICE NEAR COURT HOR. -. APR22-'74 U . I). BRAN DON, EBL7-75 OFFICE I:I UTN;'H ! 'LIL II'I" I'L.ACEM'E "V» ALKER, QFSCE IN ERODIN BUILDING* IR.ARL7 T FEUD KEIBER, OTFLCO IN BERN'SNEW BUIKLIIRR, M I:U STRECT.AP9IY ~~ F. H. RABT.VAN, OI'ICE IN BREDIN BNIIIIIRG. LEV, MCQRISTION^ OFFICE MAIN STIE.*!, I DOOR I-. : TI OF COURT FIOR.SE JOS. O. VANDERLIN, UTRET 1.1 DOOR SOULH OF COURT LLOUAE. WIN A. FOHQUKLI, OFFICE OL UTRCET, OPPOSITE YOJ;ELEY HOCUO. ™GEA IT. \YIUTI£~ OFFICE N. E. CORNER OT' DIAMOND PKA N CIS 8 PULTVIA NCE~ OILICO WITH O. 11. J. N. PNRVIUICE, -MX.II STREET, EOUTH OF FUURT HO.IFO. J. D. MCJUKISNT OFLL.E IN SFHM : IL"IUNN'. SUUDIIIL-, *. ST SIDE OL MAI'I SRREI T, : .;:..IRT* IRF.IU COURT HOTNE. A. G. WILLIAMS, OHICO ON DISNIMIO, TWO DOORE WEST OF CITIZEN AJ.»C T. O. CAMPBELL. OFFI<-E IN NC.V L:I:IJ-|R. LD ILOOR, EA-T SIDE 51AM AT., A I'E*V F;. NTH OT IXUVRJ HOUSE. I.IAR.'L—TI". n A. ,T M. SIJLIJ VAN7~ MAY? OFFICE S. W. EOR < 1 DIAMONIL BLACK & 8110., OOICE ON .VAIN STREET, ONE D«X R S.NITI, JTNULV BLOCK, BR.LIER. I*A. / R . ..'J, !>7^. JOHN M MIIXKR VT BRO. OFIICO IN BRADY':. L*'.V JJ . " LINY. 'MIN STREET, EONTIT OF TO NIT LIOTIHO. KWK.V: O. MILI.KII, NOTARY L'UL.L:.-. J Y THOMAS ROBINSON, BDTLEB. PA. J( 'US 11. NE(ILEY, PARTICULAR ATTENTION TO TRANSACTIOUT IH REAL .ITITALI 'I R'IR.GLIOUT THO COUNTY. ONIRIC ON IHAATO XI J, NI-..\U COUKT HORSR, IK CITIZEN NNI.,NM K. 11. KCKI.EV, KESMUV .MAHSIIAI-L. (LATE OL (>!>I;\) EC KLKY & MARSHALL. OFFICE IU LIRAILY'S I.A* SII>T.!»,7* " C G. CHRISTIE; ; ATTORNEY AT AAV. BTIMIIESS CAREFULLY TRAI:-ACTED. COLLCCRIOPE UIADT- AND PROMPTLY RUNUTRIL. UUTIRTDA CORRESPONDENCE PRT»UI])ILY ATLEMLED TO AND ANSWERED. OFFICE OPP ITEXOWRY DOUSE, BUTLER, PA. MIS W. M. DAME, BCHONLIOU LILOCK, EDW ARD \ i SW EFC NKY, SMKTBIMUT, PA. C<»LIORFIOIIH MIITLO IN MCKCAN, VENANGO, BNTLER AND O&IION C» UNTIES. I\L. K TLLLES, IVTR»LLA, BIITLC.;-COUUTY, PA. |)U3 WILLIAM R. CONN, OILIER IN BRUWLCY HOM E, (II!EE( E C;/TY. |JTIUET-LY M. JAN 6 TF PETRNLUT, BUTLER CO.. PA HOTELS ASTOS? PLACE HOTEL, KIJIJOPUAN IM.AN. ASTOR PIACA, 3RD A.VO. <T BTH ST., (OPPO. ITE COOPER INSTITUTE,) 3WCUV HEST LOCATION IN TBO EITV. ELEVATED LINLLROAD AND LIVE OTHER LINES OI C:«R* P:U S THE DOOR. K XMIS . R IF)«I-NTS TO FRI PER DAY. JJJL. THE WEEK F2 AND UPWTNIL.^. (H EN ALL NK4HI. NP2^TF WILLARD HOUSE, MAIN STREET, NEAR COURT HOUSE, BCTU-.LT, PA. GEO. W. CAMPBELL, - - - PUOMUETOB. EITEX M I LLL'II. ITORSE, ON UIANIUND, NEAR COURT LLONNO, IIUJ LELT, PA. H. EITENJIILLEB, --- - PUORIUKTOG. THIS HOUSE LIAS BEEN NEWLY FUMISLIOD AND PA PORED. AIUL THE ACCOIUINOILATIONS ARC GOOD. HTABLING IN CONNECTION. HVil RKI ISt: 5C HOUSED MUIU STREET, BUTLER, PA. JOHN F. HACK KIT, .... PKOP'R. THIS OLD AND E-.ABLISHED HOTEL LIAS RECENTLY LIEEN FITTED UP IN MODERN STYLE, OND IS CAPULDE OF AEOOMINFMHITING A LARGE NUMBER OF TERMS MODERATE. GOOD STABLING ATT:U A HED. National Hotel, CORTLANDT OTKEET, NEAU BIWIADWAT, NEW VOHK. IIOTCIIKISS POND, - - PROP'RS, ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. THO RESTAURANT, CAFE AND LUNCH LOOM ATTACHED ARE NIU<NR| A WED FOR UIIEAPIKV:. AND EXOELLENCE OF ■ORVI.'O ILI.ONIH •>« ELS. TO T'J | R DAY, I-.LT TO FLO PER WEEK. I'.'IIV. IJNT TO ALL FI RRICS AND CITY RAILRI.ADD. N- W I" HUMRI'HE, NI:W MANAOE MKNT. JAOLS-LY WN. N IRAOUF, DBAI.KU IN T.CITLLICR, FLN<!IIIJA:N F TAL LOW, SLICRP J'CIIH, PLNMLER HAIR, ILC., «VC. HLRHCST PRICES P»L>L IN CTII FUR IIMES, KIPS, TJTIEEP PULU>, TALKIW, .TC. ALL KINDS O| LEATHER, .MIL ALSO PLASTER ILAIR, ALWAYS ON HAND, AND SOLD AT THE LOWEST CASH PI ICES. ALSO, MUNULACTURER OF AND DEALER IN HARNESS. SADDLES, BRIDLES, COLLARS, WHIPS, AC., WHICH WILL HII SOLD AT !■ TTOM PRICES, LTO PALLING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. HL.OP ON CTIN* NINJIHANI STREET, NEAR CREEK, BPTLBR. PA. HRIBT O. HAUT, FINE MCRCHANT TAiICB, COR. PENN AM. .SIXTH STREETS, l > iU»buryh l J'a