Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 03, 1879, Image 3

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    J. WEAVER A CO., No. 116
Smith field street, Pittsburgh, are our ageuU in
the two cities for the soliciting of advertise
ments for this paper.
Kow Advertisements To-Day.
Wife Notiee.
Pittsburgh Exposition.
lleinem.in's Restaurant.
The White Sewing Machine.
Jury Lists for October Term.
I> : >!ntion Notice, Bickel A Ruff.
Executor s Notice, Estate of Martha Neher.
Picket's New I loot, Shoe and Leather Store.
Local and General.
CHEW Jackson's Best Sweet Navy Tobacco.
THE mosquito has A fixed bayonet.
THE Postmaster at Erie is to he
WATERING places are all alike when
it rains hard.
THE farmers say that honey doesn't
eeli well this weather.
WE know of several pavements that
should be relaid before winter sets in.
EIOIITT English farmers sailed
from Liverpool for Texas one day last week.
A NEW suspender is called the "con-
Rek nre suspender," because ol its great elas
11. C. MCCOY, Esq., of New Hope,
ha« disposed of his interest in the New Hojie
Mills for «,000.
THERE is evidently material on the
Pacific coast out of which some prominent citi
tens might be made.
THE best remedv for liver complaint
is "Sellers' Liver Pills." Only 25c. per box.
Sold by all druggists.
WILD cherries area splendid specific
for pulmonary troubles when properly com
bined with other remedies.
CETYWAYO wants to treat. This
fact S'tvs the Galveston Ifeu*, ought to put an
end to calling him a savage and a heathen.
GENERAL GRANT is to head a com
pany of New York capitalists, who will build
a canal across the isthmus via the Nicarauga
To temporize with your health in
stead of promptly using Dr. Bull's Baltimore
Pills, is not indicative of much thoughtfullness.
Sold by all druggists.
THE County Treasurer has some
comes of the Pamphlet Laws of 1579 in his
office, which should l>e called for by the per
sons who subscribed for them.
A IIARIUSBURUER who recently went
on an excursion to Niagara Falls declares that
everything there has been fenced in except the
roar of the falls and the hackinen.
IT is stated that soldiers entitled to
pensions who fail to make their application
previous to January Ist, 1880, cannot secure
Lack pension money after that date.
AN old-style minister, at the La
trobe cainp meeting, prayed that the I>ord
would forgive the managers of the camp for
charging an admittance fee of ten cents.
"WHO'S the real mother of those
turkeys?" ask.si a little l>oy of this place, a
lew days a»;o, an lie and his mother passed a
hen (chicken) with a brood of young turkeys.
SEVEN thousand workingmen arc
out of employment in (Quebec. This may ac
count for the fierce tein|>er of the mob. Peo
ple (hat are well fed have no stomach for street
THE law of the last session of the
Legislature in relation to fertilizers, requires
the manufacturers to place on each a
statement of the ingredients of which it is
THE chestnut, walnut, and butter
nut crop on the mountains, and throughout the
county generally, will be a fair one. This will
be go: MI news to the lioys and very planting to
the squirrels.
THE young man who, wishing to
know the pronouneiation of a word, was ad
vised to consult the authorities, interviewed
the County Commissioners,three Justices of the
Peace and the Sheriff.
IN New Hampshire a good deal of
opposition has shown itself to the recent State
law taxing church property on all sums above
SIO,(MM). In some cases the law has been de
nouuccd f r oni the pulpit.
IF Senator Uoscoe Conkling wishes
n vindication in the Courts, he can open the
case without unnecessary scandal by entering
a complaint against ex-Senator Sprague for
violation of the game laws.
THE skin of a boiled egg is the most
efficacious remedy that can Is* applied to a
boil, i'eel it carefully, wet and apply to the
part affected. It will draw off the matter and
relieve the soreness in a few hours.
THE New Orleans mint is now turn
ing out silver dollars as fast as the coining ma
chine can bo run. About 350,000 of the dollars
will he coined during this mouth. This Is a
jot that makes you feel poor when you read it.
KANKAKEP. has a Justice who boats
them all ill the way of doing up a job of mat
rimonial splicing with neatness and dispatch.
This is his formula: "Ilave'cr?" ''Yes.''
"Have'iiu?" "Yes." "Married—two dollars."
SOME one says that short-waisted
girls are tiie style just now; and damsels who
arc not fashionably waisted, may overcome the
defect by standing on their heacs an hour or
two every day, with aTrick balanced on each
THE poor and industrious farmer
toils all summer w! - some squash or pumpkin
or rooster or beet, which he hopes may attract
attention at the county fair, when in steps tUe
administration, puts itself on exhibition and
takes the first prize.
Tu* editor who quashed a juicy
cockroach with the butt end of his lead peucil
and afterward forgetfully sucked the same
while wooing a coy expression, suddenly found
a word, but it proved to be foreign to the sub
ject under consideration. — Ex.
THE war-whoop of the noble red
man will soon resound through the streets of
Carlisle. Bald-headed citizens are not a bit
nervous, but reporters art; having their hair
"snappercd." A school for young Indians is
soon to be established at the barracks.
OUR County Superintendent finished
his summer examinations at this place last Sat
urday. He had 52 applicants here, and about
700 in the whole county. He has already ex
amined about 400 papers and granted certifi
cates to, on an average, two out of three.
THE Philadelphia Bulletin says that
"the Pennsylvania Bailroad Company now em
ploys on elocutionist, who instructs the brake-
Meu to pronounce the name of the next station
s<< tluit it can be understood hy the feeblest
intellect." The jioßition is not a sinecure.
DIVINE service will be held at St.
Peter's P. E. Church on Sunday morning, Sept.
7th, with a sermon by the Hector and adminis
tration of the Holv Communion. There will
also be service in the evening at the Disciples'
Church, Petrolia, at 74 o'clock. All are invited.
NEW YORK will be putting in her
claims to be called the Golden Gate at this rate.
The current of gold from Europe which enters
the country through its Gotham door is steadily
increasing in volume and shows no signs of
stopping. One steamer, the Canada, brought
11,200,000 in gold bars from Franee last Thurs
A SINGULAR accident lately occurred
to a dentist of a neighboring town. Ho was
using tie vulcaniier, when it exploded, au<l
the cap, a metal plat** weighing nearly two
]toands, struck him just atwvc file eves, frac
turing the front plate of the skull ami inflict
in® otherwise springs thoHjjh not
fatal injuries.
OUR Government wants $130,000
from John Bull for the squid our fishermen
were not allowed to get ill Fortune Ilay. L>o
you see the game, render? By the Washing
ton Treaty we were m.ule to pay roundly for
the squid we did get, and now we get our
money haek for the squid we didn't get. Di
plomacy is a great thing.
THE Mcllenry mentioned iu tjio
poem that appear* in another |,laco iu thin
paper is I»r. Joseph Mcllenry, of Kclienoplc,
who while residing there wrote the pocin, "The
Pleasures of Friendship," a poem that has been
handed down with Campbell's "Pleasures of
Hope," ami can 1m- found in almost any book
store, lie wan the father of James Mcllenry,
the railroad mail of whom so much has lately
been written.
"SINCE taking 'Dr, Lindsey's BlootJ
Searcher' that old sore of mine is entirely
cured." Sold by all druggists.
IN a small patch of corn, of a white,
sweet variety called "Blount's Prolific," which
stand** in our garden, there are some stalks that
have six ears on them, and others have five
and four. The ears are small, hut the kernels
are large and tubs very small. If the corn
matures early, we >i»all save some seed lor uiot»e
of our friends who wish it.
THINK of it for a moment: Picked
men from the mout highly c:vilLeed Christian
countries of the world gathered with
from Japan and China around ilerr
Kr.»|»|»'s hiir breechloader, to satisty themselves
whether it is really, as claimed, the mo&t suc
cessful machine for slaughtering human beings
that has been invented to date!
MEN'S working Shoes at Iluselton's,
$1; Ladies' Gaiters, 75c.
ELSEWHERE will BE found a brief
account takon from the Cincinnati C»mmerrial
of the De They are a Jewish famil v,
and Mrs. De \oang, who was so indecently
assailed by the Rev. Kalloch, always bore an
excellent " reputation. Whatever may he
thought of De Yonntr, there will certainly be
little sympathy wasted on Kalloch.
TIIE following recipe for preserving
eggs is recommended by housekeepers who
have tried it, and finds the e<jgs suitable for all
kinds of cakes an ! omelets tn rough the winter.
For boiling or poaching fresh cifg* ar«* always
preferable. One pint of coarse salt, one pint
of slacked lime and four gallons of wavr.
Drop the eggs in and keep them covered with
the solution.
You can buy a fine white shirt for
sixty-five cent;, at Charles R. Grieb's.
IF you have a young pear, apple,
plum or peach tree of an undesirable kind,
now is the time to bud good sorts upon them.
It is less trouble than to send far off* to set
trees, and is Yery much cheaper. Budding
may bring you improved fruit as soon as the
purchased trees : perhaps sooner. Besides you
are apt to feel more interested in your own
THE prominent citizens down in
Mississippi look on the matter about in this
way. A man who entertains different political
sentiments from those held by them is a plain
dog, but when he attempts to act upon those
sentiments he is a mad don and should be shot
down ai sight. It was acting upon this princi
ple on Barksdale's part when he shot Dixon
down in the streets.
SPECIALTIES in woolens at William
Aland's Merchant Tail-iring establishment not
to be had elsewhere in the county.
THE latest lightning rod swindle
(the coiling up job) was successfully played in
Wayne township, Crawford county, the other
day. One farmer, whose job was to be done
fir seven dollars, was charged one hun
dred and thirty-four dollars and forty cents.
Another, whose job was to cost him ten dollars
was charged one hundred and twentv-four dol
lars and sonic cents. Search the papers.
ROPY milk from cows is caused by
eating straw from a manure pile, drinking pond
or other stagnant water, suffering from want of
sail, or from violent exercise in the hot sun ;
and any of these cau«ei will make the milk
stringy or ropy, in which condition it is more
or leas poisonous. The preventives are good
feed, plenty of salt, clear water, shade in the
ic-iture, and a trustworthy cow-boy, who knows
'letter than to run his charges.
HUSELTON'S Calf iloots at §2 are
THE present is a good time to make
new strawberry plantations. The green suekers
should lie separated from the parent plant by a
clean cut, and as much soil as jiossible should
be left adhering to the fibers. Set in the new
plantation immediately, so that neither the
fibers nor «oil adhering thereto shall have a
chance to dry. If the soil is dry a mulch will
help. When thus carefully transplanted, the
present cane wiH ofum bear frjit next year.
THE alleged-to-be Rev. T. I)e Witt
Talmage is writing a series of English letters
for a sensational, blood-and-tliunder "Chamber
maid's o>vn" in New York. The reader will
recognize the singularapjiropriateness of T. Do
Witt's letters appearing in company with such
stunning romances as "Jessie, the Lady's
Maid;" "Willful Pansy;" "The Miner's
Daughter;" "Heine's Atonement;" "The Dash
ing Detective," and many more of the same
HATS, Capa and GepK Furnishing
Goods, at Cliar'cs K. Grieb'a,
AN exchange has the following:
Children must not eat peach kernels. They
contain a deadly poison called hydrocyanic
acid, of which two-thirds of a grain has often
proved fatal. Should any sickness occur from
eating peach or other kernels it is well to re
member that ammonia is one of the l>est anti
dote- The patient should be made to inhale
all lie can, and a few d.ops, diluted with four
or fir.' times its bulk of water, should be given
THE Supreme Court of the citato of
New York has decided that J. C. AYKII A Co.,
of Lowell, have the sole right to use the words
CIIEBRY PECTORAL for a medicine, and has
issued an injunction against F. V. Kushton, of
New York City, for selling Uushtou's Cherry
Pectoral or Cherry Pectoral Lozenges, or any
other use of the name to deceive the public.
This decision of the high Court includes all
dealers who sell any similar article. — l'urt
Jefftrtum (L. I.) Leader.
THE best stock of fine woolen cloths
In town can be setii) at J. ff G. F. Keek's Mer
chant Tailoring establishment.
EVERY one knows that a girl canr
not throw a stone. Anatomists tell us it is
because they are nor made for throwing stones.
Bat we have known many ladies who could
cafit a lino a* skillfully as any masculine adept.
The young lady of Bu'iler who went to the creek
the other day made a brave cast, but all sl»e
hooked was her own nose. Not believing in
the kind of adornment affected hy more
savage belles she followed her nose to a sur
geon's office and had herself unhooked from
lie:* own line.
A PITTSBURGH man—the word's a
misnomer—recently reflected on the fair name
of a lady of the Smoky City, whereupon one
of her gentleman friends who happened to be
present administered a severe trouncing to the
slanderer, knocking him down like a ten-pin,
and picking him up and setting him on his feet
after each blow. This is said to have been
repeated no le«s than ten times, by which time
we may well believe the follow wa. pretty well
used up. lie will be apt to be careful how ho
speakes about ladies iu the future.
B. C. HUSELTON has the largest
stock of Roots and Shoes in liutler.
ELDER PHILLIPS, a stately looking
brother of African lineage, was the headman
at the colored camp meeting in Franklin about
a year ago. The gate money came into l'rother
Phillips hands, aud, as the other brethren
allege, it stayed there. Brother Phillips, after
the meeting" was over, "lit out." The other
day a minion of the law caught him in Mead
vilie. Brother Philips says, "tie money is in
dc bank, all right," hut a legal investigation
of the charges against him will probably take
place.— SpccUUur.
IN 1H77 tho anthracite regions of
Pennsylvania yielded 21,000,000 ton', and al
though in 1878 the demand was curtailed to
17,000,000 tons, it is ex|>ected that close upon
30,000,000 tons will bo required this year. I'p
to date 12,750,000 tons have been mined, against
7,300,000 tons for the corresponding period last
year. The full average production is estimated
at 500,000 tons a week, and it has reached on
one occasion 6.">,000. For the week ending
July 12 the production was 515.013 tons, against
229,613 tons for the corresponding week of last
THE finest line of hosiery, at lowest
prices, can bo SBOQ at Charles ((Hub's, liutler.
CENSUS day will be June 1, 1880.
On that date about twenty thousand enumera
tors will commence their labors—those in the
cities being required to complete their work in
two weeks, while others will be allowed the
whole month of June. Persons alive on the
Ist of June, hut dying before the enumerator
reaches them, will be counted in the census ;
births sub*ei|ent to the Ist of June will not be
counted. Special agents will IK" employed to
eolluiit statistics testing |<< ednnaflqn. i.lining,
agriculture ana \aiious other
departments ot trade aud iudustry.
MISSOURI, not to lie outdone by
Wisconsin, has set in motion machinery for
attracting Immigrants within her borders.
She not only is to have agents in various
American cities, hut also send them over the
water that they may snund the praises of the
big State in the ears of those who would seek
homes in this country. The nction of Wisoon-
Jjin t'!<! Missoiir'i will doubtless ,',tir tip other
Suites; anil we may again see the day when
the immigrant is ouarrelled over from the time
he leases his native uiuntiy until he is firmly
planted in the West.
WE request all mothers to stop
using Laudanum for their Babies, and use I>r.
Hull's Haliy Syrup, a good medicine. It con
tains nothing injurious.
ban jti.nfc the* lart-ost lino of woolons for
men ami boya wear ever offered in Itutier.
fgtp» 3£tt&l*v Ciifawtt: PIT., 3, tsZsj.
QUEER things happen in Brooklyn.
While (he friends of M. . Crthttiiw J. S
> were assembled at the Morgue, having made
oath to the identity of her dead body, which
had been fished out of the river, they were
confronted by the lady herself, clothe ! .n ilesh
and in her right uiiad. She walked away
from the Morgue with the man who had come
there with her coffin prepared to give her a
decent burial. The corpse greatly resembled
Mrs. N-'.-le, except in the color of the hair;
but this uiilerence had not been observed by
the people who came to identify the remains
at the Coroner's inquest. So much for human
HUSELTON'S stock of Boots and
Shoes are all made to his order.
A NEW YORK paper commenting on
the distracted condition of the Democratic
party in that State savs: "Mr. Barnum, the cele
brated showman, has shown how a happy fam
ily may be composed of dogs and rabits, weasels,
rats and doves. Animals naturally enemies to
each other mav !>«* brought to live together in
perfect jKjace." The instinct which prompts
them to destroy one another may be overcome,
aud love implanted in its place. It this can be
done with wild animals, possess! of but very
limited intelligence, cannot the same thing be
effected with the enlightened Democracy of
New York?
WHEN out buying Gents' Furnishing
Goods drop in at Charles R. Grieb's.
THE ill-feeling between Germany
and Russia is assuming more formidable pro
portions than a mere newspaper war. At the
same time we are informed tlie Austro-German
relations are exceedingly friendly, while the
Austro-Russian relations are right the reverse.
In other words, the cable diswatches would
have us believe that An-ma and Germany ar«*
about ready to pounce upon distracted Russia
and pound her. The Colossus ot the North
having proved in the Turco-Russian war to be
a weak-Kneed, wabbling Colossus, and having
«inoe said war become still more weak-kfieed
ami wabbling, it is onlv natural that his amia
ble neighbors should be seized with'a desire to
lick him.
THE best fitting suits made in the
countv come from J. IF. Keck s Merchant
Tailoring establishment.
A STARTLING rumor came jn from
B> ler county, one morniug last wetlc. It was
to the effect that u murder had been committed
near Saxonburg, and u market woman had seen
two men carrying the dead body away in a
boggy. One of our local correspondents, who
is always on the alert for an item, started on
the trail; and after patiently following the
story from mouth to mouth, he finally ran down
the veritable market woman who had originated
the story. What she said was that she had
seen three men in a htigirv on the Saxonburg
ro.nl, and one of them was dead drunk. l*rom
this the story of the dead man and murder
grew. People often wonder why things are
not always correct in the paper. And the news
paper man wonders how lie ever gets anything
just right, as long as people lie so.— Freeport
JoM 'CiA
HCSELTON is selling Uoots and
Shoes at very low figures to niakr room for fall
CONSIDERABLE dissatisfaction is ex
pressed in some parts of our county at present
with the operations of our patent laws. Many
persons, but more especially farmer.-, who are
obliged to make use of inanv of those small
matters which might come under the head of
patented trifles, are continually threatened with
claims tud suit, at low for their enforcement by
patent agents or owners of patents, until ilieir
patience has become exhausted. In this way a
strong popular feeling adverse to patent laws
has arisen ; ami it needs no great prophetic
capacity to prognosticate an early reform in
some mann< r of the present law of patents,
under which a thing that is old and antirjui
dated, worn out ami discarded by our fathers
perhaps, may be patented and made a source
of trouble. Cases of this nature have become
so frequent that it has passed into a byword,
and the exacting patent agent, with his claims
011 fences, gates, harrows, churn" and other
such matters, takes rank with those bothersome
individuals who, styling themselves "agents,"
often develop into swindlers.
BEFORE ordering your winter cloth
ing call at J. ii G. F. Keek's Merchant Tailor
ing establishment.
TO-DAY is election day in California.
The contest in itself is of sufficient importance
to induce unusual excitement, but the interest
has now been intensified by the shooting of
Kalloch, the Workinginen's candidate for the
Mayoralty of San Fianusuo. Four tn.kcli are
in the field for new sets of Stnte, county and
municipal officers. The new officers are to put
in motion the machinery of Government as
laid down in the new Constitution. Candi
dates are ill the field for the State officers of
Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of
State, State Treasurer, Comptroller, Attorney
General, Surveyor General, Superintendent of
Public Instruction, Clerk of Supreme Court
and Chief Justice. Aside from these, six As
sociate Justices, three Railroad Commission
ers and three members of the State Hoard of
Fqualizaiioa fti-e to Le eleoted. M4CII depends
upon the selection of Railway Commissioners,
ns, under the new Constitution, these offieials
are to have absolute power iu making or alter
ing freight and passenger rates. They are also
to have the utin ist liberty in examining the
accounts of the railroads. For the purpose of
selecting the Commissioners the State is divided
into three districts, each of which chooses one
Commissioner. The four parties in the field
are the Democratic, Republican, Working
men's and New Constitution party; the last
name having come to be known as the Honor
able Rilks, a title bestowed upon them by
II USBLTON is selling Boots and Shoos
as cheap as ever, notwithstanding the recent
advance in the Eastern market.
The 'jew church of St. Mark's Ev r .
Lutheran congregation of this i>laop
will be dedicated next Sunday.
The congregation will gather at the
old church at 10 a. in., and after brief
farewell exercises, march in procession
to the new structure, where the dedi
cation addresses will be held in both
the German and English languages.
English services again at p. 111.
The clergy of this place and citizens
generally are cordially invited to attend.
(Sheriff's Doeds.
The following sales were made by the Sheriff
on Monday afternoon :
AH the right, title, etc., of Elizabeth Murray
in house and lot in liueiia Vista, to I'. I*. Scott
for $5.
David Hays, one-half acre in Washington
township, to K. Marshall for $lO.
J. \V. Martin, 160 acres iu Forward township,
to W. I*. Martin and John M. Martin for
L. G. Linn, house and lot in liutler, to tier
man National Bank of Millerstown for .*SOO.
Same, one acre in Bi(tler borough, to same
Chester Bullock and J. I*. Button, 212 acres
in < >akland township, to I'. Whit mire for o20.">0.
Same, 53 acres in same township, to same
for $6.80.
Same, 100 acres in same township, to same
for $"!.20.
J.H. Crawford, l»i acres in Allegheny town
ship, to 11. Kohbuyer for jioo,
Same, 14 acres in same township, to same
for SIOO.
John Cress, i! 5 acres in Centre township, to
Jacob Brown for $2,0-11.
James I. Robinson, 31$ acres in Cranberry
township, to George A. Chalfunt and W. A.
Lewis for $5,950.
Jas. Rutherford, house and lot in Fairview,
to Win. Wil-on for f 100.
W. G. liarshaw, house and lot in Martins,
burg, to Sylvester Campbell for $l5O.
Abraham Croup, 52 acres in Butler township,
to K. P. Soott for s3ii.
Other sales made this week will be rc]>ortcd
in our next issue.
A Democrat Ourcd.
A leading Democrat of Burlington, Mr. E.
M. Sutton, speaks in the highest terms of the
curative power of the celebrated Kidney-Wort.
It first cured him of a distressing ki<jney <|is:
and In, uses jt \ffycne\er he has any
symptoms of t)ilioi\siiesu or needs tuning Up.
It nets efficiently on tho bowels, and cures the
worst cases of piles.
Malarial Fever.
Malarial Fevers, constipation, torpidity of
the liver and kidneys, general debility, ner
vousness and neuralgic ailments yield readily
to this greut disease conqueror, Hop Bitters. It
repairs the ravages of disease |>|' converting the
food inti, rich 1.!0<.d, and it £i ves new life ai|q
vigor fo the aged ami infirm always. See
"Proverbs" in other column.
A Valuablo Book,
Entitled "Plain Home Talk anil Medical Com
mon Sense," by K. I!. FOOTK, M. I)., can be
hud at Hcineman's, Butler, l'a. It treats of
the cause and prevention of all kinds of dis
ease, our social relations, etc.
IJOGTS and Shoes bought at Jlusel
ton's always tit well, wear well, and are very
, cheap.
! Sweet tream, al .ng thy winding i auk,
I plod ir.v w earv way;
Where flowers an ! grasses, rank on rank,
Bow to the dang duy.
No lordly , Lstlcs crown the hills
That shadow Ihe anear:
But humble us, whence niu.-ic thrills,
f'h>ai softly to my ear.
I hear afar, the lowing herd.
The bleating of the lamb.
The chirp of cricket, s<>ntr of bird,
Swell thro' the twilight's calm.
There's not a stir of breeze abroad,
X .r ripple on thv breast;
And peaceful 'neath the smile of God
Thy waters sink to rest.
A wax- to ri_'lit, the villace si.-ops,
Its lights from sables brown
Glow, ghostlike, in the shadowy deeps,
Whoa darkness settles down.
Bv thv green banks McHenry's lyre,
Was tuned in hy-gonc davs,
Caushi from thy waves, his muse, the fire,
And sang sweet Friendship's lays.
llow rnnnv bar 1«, like him. may sing
Thy praise, nnknown by name;
Poetic wreaths of tribute bring—
To lift thee up to fame.
Within thv rock-ribbed hills, there lies
Of wealth, a fabled "'ore:
Yet, never hath the pale face eyes
Gazed on the golden ore.
Lone since, the Indian maiden sang
Her songs of lore to thee :
O'er thee, the wild chief's halloo rang,
In chase or victory.
Up yonder hill the red deer sped,
Or sought the grateful shade
Where towers Ihe sycamore o'erhead;
Or leaps the bright cascade.
AH this how changed, on liill.-ide slopes,
I'.right fields of golden JHi ill ;
And down, among the maize husks, drops
The brown nuts on the plain.
All, all, are gone, the misty Past.
Hath wrapped them in its fold ;
And yet, the same bright sun doth east
I'pon thy waves, iis gold.
Farewell, sweet Conno! Ever flow
Beneath the sunlight's gleam !
Thy waters rippling, murmuring low,
" Like music in a dream.
The flowers will fade along thy waves—
Men come and live and go,
Whilst thou among their silent graves
Will sing and ever How.
Oeutiavillo Items.
—J. 11. Muntz talks of starting a livery.
—W. E. Christlev's children have the l!ux.
—Samuel Morisoa recently lost a valuable
horse by death.
—Coulter's tinners are in their new quarters
on Franklin street.
—Our population was increased to the num
ber of six last v.eek.
—The old rail fence* around the Seeedcr
church is to he replaced;
—Mrs. Nancy Divan, 81 years of age, died
on the ll'th of fast month.
—Frank Warmcastle has declared his inten
tion of "going west" again.
—A. B. I'rosser has newly papered his shoe
shop, ami will soon roof it.
—The very best of apples are selling here
for 25 cents a bushel and less.
—John Higham and family have removed
from town to their farm near by.
—The britss bund of this place will play al
the Ilarlansliurgh fair week after next.
—Coal will be (dieaper this fall and winter
than ever. It is already offered at 3, 34 and 4c.
—James McKnight's new dwelling, near his
gristmill on Wolfcreek, is fast approaching
—Thomas Bingham is constantly on the
move, gathering up choice sheep and cuttle
for the markets.
—W. H. Sturdevant, our carriage man, is
one of the judges on carriages, etc., at the com
ing Harmony fair.
—D is rumored that Bard's switch, troin the
Ktatioii to thejr lime quarry, w ill lie extended
to town. Why not?
—Will McCamant's new house on Franklin
street looks very well since he weatherboarded
it. This street is destined to become the Broad
way of Centreville.
—The public schools will open September
15th. Mr. J. A. Kelly will preside over the
schOol on the hill, and Miss Cora Bingham will
again have charge of No. 1, oil Franklin street,
—Temp. Btpusey will shortly restock his
stor. , i.iiil giv. ii hi. 'peuonat attention. As
lie was crippled for life by a late accident, he
will not be able to follovy any laborious occupa
—Henry Thompson has sold fin ly acres of
hi,, lai iu on the toad leading to New Castle.
Consideration, per ncre: purchaser, Ncy
nsail Christlcy. Another indication that good
farms can be bought cheap here.
Taking Time by tho Forelock.
The publishers of Enitiriis' FASHION (it'AK
TERI.Y are in the field with the new premium
list of their magazine; and all that tnamnia t>r
children (or papa either I'M ihat matter) need
do, is to send name aud address on a postal
card to Messrs. Ehrich & Co., of 2JS7 Eighth
Avenue, New York, when a Copy of the list
will be mailed them free, and they can ap
preciate for themselves the advantages offered.
The FASHION' (JCARTKUI.Y SO exactly fills
its place as a guii)e to economy in the house
hold, and its suh-criptiou p.icc, only 50 ots. a
year, is so very trifling, that little difficulty
should he experienced in securing subscrip
tions ; and we have no doubt that thousands
will gladly avail themselves of the opportunity
thus presented of semiring some useful ai tiole
i>t a very npidcrate expense of time aud trouble.
A New Boot and Shoe Store.
Mr. John Ilickel has rented the
room in Duffy's part of tho new block,
anil has therein placed as complete a
stock of shoos, letter, etc., a.-i
hati ever been brought to lliitler. John
has just returned from a visit to all
the best shoe manufactories, and has
purchased his stock at such figures as
will enable him to sell lower than
boots and shoes have ever before been
sold in Butler. Read his advertise
ment in another place, atid when you
next need anything in his line give hi'U
a call
Agricultural Fair.
The prospects for the Second Annual
Fair of the Butler Agricultural Society
are very flattering indeed. Informa
tion received from all parts of the
country warrant tho conclusion that
it will far exceed any Fair previously
held. The premiums are very liberal
and will be paid to the last cent, so
exhibitors can rest satisfied they will
not be deceived in placing on exhibi
tion whatever articles they ijt . jro to
exhibit and compete for.
Another new department will be
the sale by auction, of stock and mis
cellaneous goods. This sale will oc
cur on Friday, the last day of the
Fair, at 10 o'clock, a. in., and accord
ing to the following arrangements:
50 cents per head for horses; 2fi cents
per head for cattle ; 10 cent a p° r head
for s\yinv : fj per head for sheep ;
miscellaneous goods front H5 to 50
cents—no charges less that 25 cents.
Owners will have one bid only which
may be made to start or held in reserve
to close. Sales will be called as reg
istered, first to enter first to be offered.
Auctioneer provided free, but a commis
sion charged of qnp per cent, cm Ha lea,
bid W not.
Special Auction Sale.
George C. Itoessing it Son will of
fer their entire stock, consisting of
carriages, top aud open buggies, buck
wagons, platform spring wagons, etc.;
also harness—double and single, sad
dles, bridles, halter ;, whips, lap robes,
hor.s.i coders, fly nets, trunks, satchels,
Sale at 11 a. nt. Friday, September
i 12, 1870, on Fair Ground.
The v.'ll-known Kicknid K.rin, tdjoloin? '
Kar&kC •. IIS m ; thi good com banks
ojm uon rm. ' |*j»!y t ««. .i. ED\Y\YRi>S,
Karu.s City, or on thr tarm. au*. r lo-2t
I 'I miles from I'utK r. Bu.ler nod New
H\ \ ruje of *vxi order of (,'onrt, v»jll |*c 1
i\, .1 for -.i!- . v ihi.ibb- f.irm of ONK IHW
-I>KKJ) A Nl) SIX ACIIKS, more or lea*, ?ltu
aUd in Butler towii&VtM, Uutlcr conntv, l*a.,
bovidod on the BortU ■•>■ Fi 1. ri k Ron, cast
by Abr.ih . . Croup, • mil; by Wni. Stoops and
went 1»3 NijrptTj> l.eirs, far n owned by
("lia r les Gerla< h. El^htv-fivo .vr-* of Ba»M land
are cleared, balance t»ood wood lnad: i;ood
two -tory frame hot*. Irninc l»n ri«, {rood out
buildlm:'*, well of water near tbe excel
lent Rprinsps on farm, ami \ £oo<l orchard ol 100
bearing fruit trees. Sale to take place at ibe
Court Iloi:.:c in 3jller, on
Wednesday. September 3, 1579,
nt 1 o'clock, V. M. l*odfv«s:?loa niven imincdi
at«*!y f two-thirds of crops oxi* ptcd.
TCUMS op SAI.E— Dim-third the luilancc
in fix and twelve month-, wit': interest.
partJculars ioq!.ir« of Chas. (icrlach,
on the farm. Sullivan lira*.. B •:»! r. Pa., or
Assignee ol Charles (J. rlaeh.
Jy3ots Greece City, Pa.
For Stile.
Tho well-improved farm cf lie v. W. H. Hutch- I
ison,in tl»o northeast corner of Middlesex town
ship, Butler co'intv, r& . id now offered for -<ale
low. Inquire of \V. K. PUXSLK£, on the prem
ises. aplGtf
125 Acres of Land for Sale.
A K- * d Farm in Clinton township, Batlor Co..
Pa , cont2ini;i£ about acres. aSout 100 aeros
of which are elearcl SJKI tho talcnce in good
timber; good wat ~r and very good cr. 'w-l; oao
be had on very reasoning term*. Any person
desiri-ig eucli a farm can cali upon or address
for term-*, the undersigned, living about
miles south of and about nix miles
cast of Bakers town.
Kiddles X Roads I*. O . Butler Co,. Pa.
For _Sale!
The undersigned, Assignee of A. K. Stough
ton, offers for salo
15 Aem «r Lii»(l,
Hifuftted about three-fourths of a mile nouthwent
of Butier, on tho plank ro-.d. Th.e im|#rov«i
menfs are a go-» 1 frame uwellaiig house, 'rune
fltalle. 300 apple trae*. peach, pear and plum
trees and other j-mall fmits. There is a good
spring and a well on the premises- Tho lai d in
cleared and und">r cultivation, and will be SOLD
For further information, inquire of Thomas
Robinson, Butler, or tho undr at Slip
peryrock. 11. E. WICK,
peplltf Assignee of A. K. Stoughton.
X,500,000 ACRES LAND
Situated in aod near ihe
—ON TIL - •
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R.
11 Years' Credit. 7 percent. lutcrest.
Tl.c first, payment at d ite of purchase Is one
tenth of the principal anil seven percent, inter
est on the remainder. At the end Qf tho Brit
ami second year, only the ipterest a. seven per
cent, is paid ; and the third year, and each year .
thereafter, one-tenth 01 the principal, with
seven per cent, interest on the balance, is paid
annually until tlie whole is paid.
Six years' credit, 20 per cent, discount.
Two years' credit, 30 per cent, discount.
Cash purchase, :>3 1-3 per cent, discount.
The valley of the Upper Arkansas is justly
celebrated for its adaptability to WHEAT
RAISING and the superior quality ol its grain.
country, it oilers advantages that canpo! Uc ex
celled. Good soil, abundance of ] jic water, a
mild :|i;d renjarkibly hea'.lhy climate, with low
prie.a anj easy terms, make up a total of in
ducements greater than is offered anywhere else
on tiie continent of America.
For lull particulars, inquire of or address
General Eastern Passenger Agent,
my2l-ly] 410 Broadway. N. Y.
190 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y.
Kansas Farms
The Kansas Pacific Homestead
Is published by tho Land Department of the
Kansas Pacific Ilailway Company, to supply tho
largo and increasing demand f>r information
about KANSAS, and especially tho magnificent
body of lands granted by Congress in aid of tho
construction of kn road. Thin grant comprises
OF LAND, of every odd section in
oa».h for a distance of twenty miles
on both Hides of tho railroad, or one-half of tho
land in a belt forty miles wide, extending to
Denver City, Colorado, thus forming a continu
ation of tho belt of country which, from Hio
Atlantic coast wortwaid, in found to be, \;\ i>U
matc, soil, and every productMf iu;lur»i, tho
ijiost fayorod.
The Kansa? Pacific
la llJf Miles the Shortest
Road from Kansas
City to Denver.
The favorite route of tho tourist and tho boat
lino to tho
Kan .Sisau Country.
A copy of tho "Homohtoad" will be mailed
freo to any atldroHH, by applying to
a. J.
F. J, (»I.VP. Land I
Gen'l Pttsd. and Ticket Agent,
mh'26-Gru] KannaH City, Mo.
Colorado or
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy H. R.
can bo had at all oillccs where
Western tickets arc sold. aplO-tf
Schmidt & Friday,
Foreign Wines and Liquors.
JUDGE ,{ y with a^e
height, color ol eyes and hair,
rnn you will receive by return
■ Un mail a correct picture of
VnilPQn P husband «r wile, with
YUUnouLr namp date of marriage.
Aduresa VV. F(»X, Box 77,
Jlyßoa»n Fultonvllle, N. Y.
r\n TliiH COLLAR
r r \and a Cow Milker freo
to Farmorn who act an
Agents. Cut this out
ra\ PATENTED. and address with stamp
Name this paper.
(In old Sam Sykos Gallerj',)
docll-ly bUTLEIt. PA.
i.\ riucKi!
Prora S4 &. S5 to 62 & S3.
Our Original Abdominal Corset,
We nave te»*tim nials fr >m *h weariiip,
them, that tfii-v liavc *\xn> "a>y times the«r
: price in me-liciiic an 1 do- : <r'*> 1 •.1 \sj les the
great comfort the\ aITor d the *»vearir.
of the EIGHMIK SHIKTS have b< »n s<old.
■ Two and a half yeari» ag*> one m Tilj|. machine
,in a n.om 12 fee t-quare snppli.*.! tho market.
: no a* a lmildirg ><?xi2o feet and 3>«o ewing ma
icliiiic • fail to MIJ -tiv tiio demand. Br-canse it is»
thr FITTIN** AND WKAKiVC -hr»t in the
worid. will i.ot liliL.Wv OK WiiINKLK. made
Of V.KB -It ... | tin I —• , l-piv
linon. p.' i M»id a; .i. l!y L;a;l to:, c nts extra.
Dn 11 ■ ! t!n- v mknfn| inven
tion when you v. ;i the
our full line of Ituching.
Riblon-,Corsets, Ho&ieiy, Neckwear, Underwear,
Notions and
M';ne. Demorest's Celefcrated Patlems,
tvith iho Folio ikiil 4 "What to Wear,"
| 15 onto each. Send for catalogue.
A i t for tho AUi.'Ui.nal C*»i>et. the Liglunio
Sl .rt ani Patterns.
Cor. sth Ave. \ LiV rtv St.,
Yon Ho 1^:!
Sewing Machine,
No in:.iter how threat its tjame, or how loud
Its pretensions, when for lest;
in on > yon Ciin gel
TJit Cest Invented
as well as
The Latest Improved,
The only Machine made which has
Shuttle, Take-Up and Tensions
Entirely Self-Threading.
The DAI NTLEBS also makes the most perfect
Lock-Stitch, h:t< the ta•>. i ingenious sepa
rate Bohbiu-Wlnder, Arm Space
and Wide Feed, Sin plot Mcehau
ism, mo;t stylish Furniture,
Mantjso>H?9t Platiny and Ornamentation in
the Market.
.ItS'jwn Auyt'ulns! H Beats Everything! !
It Pleases Everybody!!!
M ichine Dealers everywhere will
tin«l it to their interest to order the Dauntless,
and get Factory Prlees. For terms, territory,
iVe., apply to The Dauntless Manufacturing
Company, Nor walk, Ohio, or to
jylo-6m East Brady, Clu ivn Cu., I'a.
Widows' Appraisements.
Tlio following of pim ninl prop -
orty t-ot ap.-.rt for ilio benefit of the wiilown of
d6ce<l)intfc» liave been lile<l in tho oftico of tlto
Clerk of tho Orpha:i«' Court of Butlor county.
Margaret HicMlo, 9900.
Elizabeth ThoinoßOii. $291.7 G.
Margaret Carr real estate, *3OO.
Eliza Griii'ler. i3JU.
Ise!le Birch, G3.75.
Sarah Uenh. i!7S.
Euinia L. Uolilntuyor, S.WV
Tho ftbove uili he pro-ortn.l for oonftrDiatiou
Wi Woiiueociay, the 3rd <lay of Soptoniher. 1.177.
\V. A. WI ill HIT.
augfi-M] Clerk of Orphans' Court.
Notice to Supervisors aud All
Others Interested.
The following road petitions will be presented
for confirmation on Wednesday, the 3rd day of
September, 1879:
llo&d in Donegal township, to change at or ;
near tho poi:it of intersection of tlio liakors- j
town roitd with sai 1 roa.l. aod running a
distance of tlifec f- -utho of a milo to the store j
ccuii of making n&id road $l5O, to be boruo by
Butler town-hip. Vacate, change and supply
road leading from a point on tho Three Degree
load on land of I'm-an's heirs, thence in an east
erly direction tu a point on tho west side of tho
plank road from Ilutlcr to Pittsburgh near tho
rcsidenco of Elias Kirk. Viewors report that
tho probable oont of making the change (i'io.cO)
should bo borne by the township, and tho dam
ago assessed (3100) one-half to bo paid by tho
petitioner and tin* other half l»y the conuty.
lie.ad in Summit township, beginning at a
)K>int on tho public road from Butler to Han
nahstown on tho Ilntler liranch of tho Wost
Penn It. H. at or near school No. 5 in said town
ship to a point on the old State (public) road
leading from Butler to Kittanning. at or near
the dwelling house of Adam Kodick. Viewers
report damages as follows :
John BanldolT, fouein ; and laud,., #75 Oo
Adam Frederick, IS 00
HeniY liaiiKiotf, land and fenoing 4!) 00
Ji'Hepn Knit tie, for land 10 00
Moose, for land 9 00
*IC7 00
Cofct of making road, a!>oui £IOO. to bo borne
by Summit township. Dairagos to bo paid by
the county.
Koad in Clear Held township, beginning at a
jKjint at or near Janrw-H AfcDadc's farm on tho
township road in ssitl county, to a point noar
tho corner of Widow Kevle ami Walter f.ucas'
farms on the public road from Great Belt City
to Millerstown. Vkwwa report probable eoet
of making raid road *l5O. to bo oorno by the
township; damages to bo borne by tho
county. \Y. A. WItIGHT,
angO Clerk Q. S.
Register's Notice.
Notice is liercby ifiven that the following
accnunU ol' Executors, Administrators and
(iuanliuns have been tile.l in the Kegister's
* MJiee according to law tut.l will be preseutotl
to Court for coufirmation and allowauoo on
Wednesday, the 3rd .lav of September, A. D.
l«r;», at 2 o'clock, r. M."
1. Final account of J. It. Johnston, Adm'r
of Mary E. ArUoau, late of Earns City, dee'd.
2. Fiual account of Jesse It. Ootids, Ex'r of
the last will and testament of Margaret Mahood,
late of Penn township, dee'd.
3. Partial account of Daniel Stanlfer, Ex'r
of Peter Oesterling, late of Zelienople Iforough,
I. Final account of Martha Matthews, Ad
ministratrix of the estate of I'.utl H\*;.n, late of
Ct.niKMiucnessing township, <leoease.l.
ii. Final account of John W. Monks, Adm'r
of the tu tale of Kobert Sertoli, late of Clinton
township, deceased.
'i. Final aocount of Helen Love, Adm'rx of
[ Samuel Love, latu of Clinton township, Butler
county. Pa., dee'd.
7. Final account of John K. Vincent, Guar
dian of I 'atharine S. Jones, formerly Pohlman,
minor child of llerinan Polilman, dee'd.
x. The filial aeeount of John (Juardian
of Hannah Wehr, formerly of Lancaster town
ship, Butler county, Pa,
9. The second °)uitial account of John M.
Dunn and Thomas T. Stewart, Executors of
Jojiu Stewart, late of Centre township, dee'd.
10. The final account of' Hugh Grossman,
Guardian of Apaline Covert, minor eliihi of
—— < 'overt, dee'd.
11. The first and final account of J. D. Me
.finikin. Administrator of the estate of Benja
min Jack, deceased.
12. The final account of Matthia* Hilliugcr,
Administrator of Cliri tina NieUl.-s, late of
Butler borough, deceased.
13. The final aci'oui.i ot' Ebenezer
Executor of '.U'- last will aiul testament of
WillUui Wasson, late of Washington township,
1 I. Final account of W. J. Welsh, Executor
of Daniel Walters, late of Jellcrson towiwhip,
15. The first and final :u*eouiit of .lames
Kirkpatrick and William M. Haio-cy, E.v'rs ui
William Maxwell, lute of < cnlrc towi ship.
18. Final account of Jacob Itillcy and John
HiQey, VUkoiilor- of Barbara Itifley, dee'd, late
i of i'eiin township.
11. 11. GALLAGHKU, Kcgister.
All our OocnlS are now and of the latest m*. We nre lk>th I'RAC
TI( AL I A II,OIIS, keeji thoroughly ;>osto«l iu all that pertains to the art,
and are thus enabled to jrunraulce to our patrons |>erfect satisfaction in neat
ness of tit, elesrauce of style ami excellence of workmanship
Can U_>th be saved when (.en-ons have the proper
Where Shall I Buy Clothing?
What, then, are ths Important Considerations ?
list. Reliability. j 3rd. Quality.
Snd. Guarantee. | 4tli. r»i-ice.
Anexperienceoi IS .wars in the Manufacture and Sale of CioU.in« hasestablished tho
NAMAkhL, asbe.n- tln>rouj;h!y RKI.IABI.E. Every u'armeut is fullv GUAR
;' *"'»•' i and tne money Mill Ik? rcfundeu it not ;u> ri'nrojentpd, or in every wav triviue s&t*
isfaction. 7 & 6
'Hi ' QUALITY is always exactly as stit.l, and the PRICE is Mow what the tame ma
tenal can be obtained for in otner stores. The New £tore
20 Fifth. Avenue, Pittsburgh, fa.,
has now been in successful operation for oyer a year, eivin- to the people of Pittsburgh and
vicinity the smue advantages as our stores in Philadelphia give to the people of that city.
It Will ]?a,y Yon
To sec onr Stock liefore purchasing. In the purchase of a Fine Suit you will save more than
jour railroad Lire. We are always ula< Ito show our goods, wliether you wish to
purchase or are only looking.
1r "". r" 1 his is important indeed, because unprincipled i>cople having stores
t-XgC tl Y J 111 * itt>»>urj» and Allegheny counterfeit our sign*. cartls and advertise
i nienth, and stop strangers on the streets with false directions alxmt where
W h the ' tht> Btore '*» f° that t,ie y lnft y **ll their counterfeit goods. We have but
lone liranch iu Western I'ennsvlvauia.
StOPt* IS. i * t . T !J. T thy . r ham,somo WfllTE FRONT, 29 FIFTH AVENUE,
I Pll « >I»( KGII.
John Wanamaker & 00.
West Fomt Holler Works
EstQ,"telisli.ecl 1635.
No. 13 Water Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Of all descriptions to order oa Shoit notice. Have on hand a large stock of
How and Good Second Hand Boilers I
. ix. Muixmom, Succestor to WATSON & MUN ROE.
Hardware % Implements! 1
Solo Agents for tbo World-Renowned
Bit p rr py |j MOWER AND REAFKR,;=
ÜbM 1 h "PER am.
Ennnriivr graln drill,
BULKhYh — hl™ =
= L U. COSBY'S Celebrated FANNING MILL =
x»»:.tk MKiiH mw I:::::;
;;;;;; Cultivators, Scythes $ Snaths, ;;;;;;
Shovel Plows, Grain Cradles, ;;;;;;
Corn Planters, Forks <s• J Toes,
Lawn Mowers, Gam Hose,
And Everything in the Implement Line.
E| Stoves and Tinware, E
1 llouse Goods:::::
1 Goods greatly reduced iu price anil satisfaction guaranteed.
.;;;;;; J. <i k W. CAMPBELL. ZZ
See Whal Von <i»n Buy For SOc,
Opposito I®. Ft. W. & C. E. It. Dopot.
E. 33. MERCER,
your orders, they will he filled and ship|>ed at once.
f> cans Tomatoes < r >oc 1 8 cake* Babbitt's Soap "Oe
3 cans Peaches [ s cukes White Russian Soap , r >oc
10 No. 1 Lamp ('iiimncys 50c ! 8 cakes White Oil Soap floe
7 No 2 Lamp Cliinitievs 50c 7 tt>s extra \\ ax Soap r,oe
II tt.s .•hoi.-.- Yonn,' Mvson Tea 10 (ha Old llosin Soiii> 50c
11 lt.s choice Japan Tea »k: ! 1 Pis Laundrv Stireli , r S)c
11 ir.s choice <fc.lon* Tea - r >oc '■ l»>« Silver ( iloss Starch .'K)c
H ».s choice English Ilreakfast Tea .. r .ile tl ».s Corn Starch ,10c
11 11, ; I >ried Peaches «)c Sj ll.s Prunes .Kic
r. Imx. s pure Lye . r ..»e 7 Ibbs Raisins 60c
I irallon New Orleans Molasses • r .IV- S R>s Currnntu flOc
1 gallon Inst Syrup -50 c •li Ihs Cut and Dry Tobacco f«oc
Hest Louisville Navy, Goc per pound. Send ft»r price White Fish, Jjike Herring and No. 1,
2 and 3 Miickeral.
E. B. MERCER, 80 Federal St., Allegheny, Pa.
Kol Ire.
Ttm final «<•<•— ant of F. M. Campbell, Annignoo |
of \Y. .1 > «>« for lionotH of creditor*. w.v<
tiled Aligns* .. H79, ami will 1>« presented for |
conlirmat ion l>y tlio Court on Wednenday, Sept. i
augti-U • I'rothoiiotary- |
j PArTEWm.
T. F. LEHMANN, Solicitor for Patenta,
No. rs Sixth Ave., l'itUhurjrli, Fa.
I No I'jtrnt, no pay. Boud lor Circular.
| ui.iy?-4iu