The Wyoming Democrat. (Tunkhannock [Pa.]) 1849-1854, March 25, 1851, Image 1

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SFS In 'advance, $2 00 at the ex..
viration of'six months, or $2 50F11 not
rid .until alter the close of the ye t ar.
f,r.7"! Discontinuances optional with the
Editor wbere nrrearages are not . paid.
17tAatertiternents - conspicuouidy in.
serted at the usual rates.
li?"•Job Work , .executed in the
neatest. !wirier on, short notice itnd on
reasonable, terms. . •
Letters pertaining to the bitsiness
of the' office must be. post paid.
E. &S. B. CHASE,
ATTORNEY'S AT Law, wiliontroie, Pa .
Office over Tyler's Store.
E.4l.armsa. , "
Itisviiiy, Wyoming Co., Pa.
tmt LOTTO • Proprietor.
Saddle, Harneca:'and Trunk Manufactu
rer. &top, first door above H. Stark's
brick Store, on Bridge st., Tunkhan
!sock, Pa. ..
DandaffStreet, Carbondale, Luzerne - Co:,
Pa. JOHN Proprietor.
rank rianno4, Pa..- , -)j: C. Martin, Pro
prietor. Alt the stages arrive at and
depart from this hnuse daily. '
DR. 3'. V. SMITE;
PHYSICIAN &. Sutzuzas,—May .be found
at, Martin's Hotel, Thunkltan pock, Pa.
ATTOILVEY AT LAW, Tunkiannock, Pa.
Office in StaLk's !Lick Row.
.!ATTORNEY AT LAtv,—Office s with El
hanan Smith, Tunkhannock, Pa. -
. • D. L. PECMHAM,
ArronNcY AT LA W—Ttinkhannak Erry
inning. Co., Pa.—Ofide with A. K.
Peckharn,Esq., in Phelps' brick 131ock
ATToRSEVAT LAW, Thnkhannock, Wy
onnn Co., Penn., Office in -Phelps'
brick huilditi,g, Warren st., opposite
the old stand of Peckham & Smith.
Attornies & Counsellors at Law, Tunk
bannock, Pa. Office, one door west
et H. Stark's Store.
ArICIF.'NEY AT LAW. -- Tztalthannock,
Wyoming. CO, Pa.
Attorney at Law, Tunkhannock, Pa
Office one door east of the Post-Office
Opposite "Independence Hall," No. 18 t
Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Am:-
131106 E L. WHITE ' , Proprietor.
S. H. TA nom, Tunkhannock, Pad, Agent
for the Keystone Life Insurance• Co
mpany. Also, for the following Fire
Insurance companies: the Wyoming
County. Mutual, the State Itfutiral, and
the Delaware Safety, Philadelphia.
Am:tamer At Law, Tunkhannock, Pa.
General Agent for all claims against
the Government tor Bounty Lartcls,Pen
sions, Arrears, and Extra pay for per
sons who served in the War of 1812,
or in any of thejadian wars sinael79o:
or in 'the late. War with:MexitO n 32
Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals;
faints, Oils, Dye-stuffs, GrUceries,
Dry - Goods Hardware, Stoneware,
Glan-ware, Clocks,, Watchesl Jewel
ry, Silver Spoons, Spectaeles, Musical
Instruments, Trusses, Surgical'lnstru
meats, Liquors, Perfumery, Mirrors,
Btitionery, Brushes,Shoes, Yankee
Notions„&cas.c., ardmse,
Lwow= of Brandies, -- Winea, Gins,
Browh Stotit;Scotch Absithe, Se.
E a r,TNach Lotmon
Syrup, Ri;pberry, Lavender,; Black
' be'' , and Wild Cherry Brandies, Bit
- tenalsc. ' , No. '283 Market4t., be
tweei 7th Er. Bth sta., and 121 North
6th St.,ahnve Vine, Putunetesii.k.
Franch apdOftrnan Wines, Foreign and
American Liquors, Cordials, 4c.
John Etibler,importer arid whole.
sale "dealfr in Foreign int American
Wine,& Liquors, 56 North Third-Bf.,
tieuon‘V &tn. above
mans Deeds.—A neltmad apleis
did 10.0 tiank - Deeds out
and the.o4e uf,the ne
tting DatatiV ) ' '
Fro Me Ppllur Newspaper.,
~ .
Gay Hearts.
Chide not the heart that'alight,
chide not ; l . he heart that's gay,
- Fdr the spring of life so. bright,
`Too soon *ill pass away.
Chide not the spirits bounding
p'er this lair smiling earth,
Chide no. laugh resounding—
No ! echo, back its mirth !
Hearts that are light to-day, •
Iro-morro* may he sad ;
Then never aide the gay,
But bid then to'be glad, •
FOr soon. may sorrows come,
And orr that smiling face,
Now so fair - find gladsome, -
Deep care its lines may trace!
Then let the joyous heart
Be happy, while it may,
Nb sad'ning tone impart, -
'To cloud its sunny way;
Bht as you pass them by,
Breathe to Heaven a prayer,
That spirits now so high,
May never bow with care! v. P. D
S. 8.
A String of Pearls.,
What is Joe?—The honey of exstOnce:
really beneficial and agreeable when
partaken - of in moderation, but highly
injurious when used to excess.
What is CONTSNIIIENT I—The phi
losophy otlife, and the principal ingre
dient in the cup of happiness—a com
modity that - is undervalued in conse
quence of the very low price it -can be
obtained at.
What is HAPPINESS ?—A butterfly that
roves from flower to flower, in the vast
Zarden of exiStence, and which is eager
ly purstied by the multitude, in the vain
hope of obtaining the prize ; yet it con
stantly Pilules' their grasp.
What is rAmrl—A-fterce and uncon
querable steed, that bears its rider on
ward in the high road to preferment :
but often throws him with such a fall
that he rarely ever recovers. •
What is CR,IMEI---A wretched vaga-,
bond, traveling trim place to place in
the fruitless endeavor to escape justice,
who is constantly engaged in hot pursuit.
A toe to virtue and happiness, though at
times the coMpanion of poor innocence,
which is too often Made to suffer for the
guilty. ) • I
What is suiricz l-LA pair of scales in
Which the actions of mankind are often
weighed; thetrue weights being brought
up by pOwer and wealth, whilst others
that are incorrect are substituted.
What is lESLENESS ?—A puolic mint,
where various hinds of mischief are
coined and extensively circulated among
the more despicable of the human race.
What is wily ?—A sparkling beverage
that is highly exhilerating and agreeable
when taken at the expense of others ;
hut when used at- your own cost, it be
comes bitter and unpleasant.
What is xnowt.Enue ?—A key that
unravels all mysteries, and which' un
locks the entrance, discovers new and
unseen and untrodden paths in the hith
erto unexplored fields of science and lit
erature. f
What is nrr fountain from
which flows all good and evil intentions;
a mental fluid electric in the force and
rapidity of its movements silently flow
ing unseen within its own secret ave
nues;, yet is, the controlling power of
all animated ;matter and the chief main
sprirg of all l our - actions.
What is rsAit4p--A frightful, a dan
gerous substance to the really guilty ;
btit a vain aad harmless show to the con-
scientious, hcest and upright
What is' i voirrtrigel— A capricious
dame who often 'rejects those Who are
most anxious, to , solicit_ her favors; while
others more unworthy, are the' recipi
ents Of of her boupty without her solici
What is' irAssuos ?--A behutiful en.
'Mope for I Mortalify; presenting a glit
tering and Wished exterior, the appear
ance which gives certain indication
of the real Value of ',what is contained
therein..', , , -
ir r wotheri 'are like houses, the ton•
ger_they remain u to let," the more di.
Japidated they hew* To keep either
from, goirkg todestrmctioo„ : they ebtiuld
be wily oceupied. -
Anecdotes It Bishop Bascom.
&writer. in the "Columbian" is fur
nishing interesting anecdotes of the late
distinguished Methodist Bishop, the Rev.
H. B. Bascom. We copy two or three
of them :
several years Dr: Bascom's labcts were
assigned to the wild .and unsettled fron
tiers of Virginia, Kentucky and Ohio .
The hardships and privations to which
he was subjected, on these circuits,
would have crushed the spirits of an or
dinary man. He had frequently to
travel forty miles a day, through solitary
foreits, and after the fatigues of such a
journey, deliver a sermon at night. The
roads; at that time were scarcely bro
ken, and there were no bridges over the
streams, which, in winter were often
swollea beyond their banks. But this
was but a slight obstacle to the noble pi
oneer of the cross. He would force his'
horse daringly forward, across the foam
ing billows. To a soul like his, a wet
shit and a few hours of chillness were
ti ifles not to be avoided. On one occa
s;on, while swimming a small stream in
Kentucky, which , had been swollen to
an unusual height by recent :sins, the
•current was so rapid that he was forced
some two hundred yards below the ford.
The drift.was whirling furiously around
him, and, on either side, the banks were
too steep to ascend.. He saw his dan
cer, but with cool self-posession, he
clung firmly to his faithful horse, and
his noble animal, taking a downward
course, finally emerged safely from his
perils. What a contrast does this pre
sent to the smooth and luxurious life of
most clergymen 'of the 'present day.
- The country through which Dr. Bas
coin's duty led him, was wild and very
thinly settled. The forests were filled
with furiou's wild beasts. He was once
followed s ; ?veral miles by a large pan
ther, which threatened every step to
hound upon him, and from which he
was rescued by reaching just at -night
fall, the cabin of a settler. At another
time, he had gone some distance from
the house of , a friend where he was stop
ping, into the forest, and was lyirig qui
etly, [writhing a hook, and unconscious
of all danger, under the broad, spreading
branches of a tree, when he heard a
Man crying to him, and telling him to
lie still till he fired, on the peril of his
life. Quickly glancing his eye in the
direction whence the voice proceeded,
he saw his friend, with his rifle eleva
ted, and pointed toward the branches of
the tree under which he was lying.—
Perfec ly familiar with backwoods life,
Dr. Bascom knew that some. he:writ-4e
danger, was hovering over him, and
without the least perceptible motion of
his body, he instantly turned his gaze
upward, when he saw, on the limb of a
tree, not more than twenty feet above
him, a majestic panther, whisking his
tail and just ready to leap' upon him.
This was afearful moment—what-nerve
it. required to retain his self possession,
and thus save his life, for the least mo-.
tion on the part of Mr. Bascom would
have hastened the spring of the panther,
and sealed his fate forever. And in
that fearful moment, when death seem
ed inevitable, with a self control and a
courage truly wonderful he perfect
ly quiet, till the keen crack of the rifle
was heard, and the ferocious beast, pier 7
ced by the unerring aim of the back
woods hian, fell lifeless by his side.
circuit of 'Western Virginia, I think it
was Bascom stopped at noon 'at a cabin
recently erected by the road side. He
sat down by invitation to dine with the
family. A lovely child about three
years old, which bad attracted his atten
tion by its sweet Smiles and rare beauty,
was playing in front of the door, while
' the family were engaged in the homely
repast,: when suddenly a heart-piercing
cry was heard from without.
14 My child ! my child!" screamed the
mother, and as quick as thought all rush
ed to the door.
Father of mercies, what a sight was.
'here prevented' to the tine Of a doting
mother. A'terrible panther had sprang
upon her unwary darling, and was as
cending a tree, hearing the child in its
di The gunl quick! for God'S sake,
the gun!" frantically exclaimed the
Dr. Bascom rushed in the cabin and
seizing the gun from the lack, rapidly
returned, but alas, it-was too late. Re
was only in time to see the innocent,
lovely babe torn to pieces, in the pres
ence of its f antic parents, by the infu
riated' beast. Completely unnerved by
the appalling sight, it iequired several
shots before- Dr. Bascom was enabled to
bring down the blood-thirsty animal.
"I can never forget'that awful scene,"
said Dr. Bascom, when relating this in
cident to the writer some yews since.
And well might he say so, for a more
deeply. .ffecting and heart-rending sceng
h t seldom been recorded in the history
o`adventurous pioneer lite.
HIS COAT.—In the composition of
Dr. Bascom there was no cant or osten
tatious pretence. He could never be in
duced to wear the peculiar dress adopted
by clergymen of - his church. He be
hewed that true humility is a principle
of the soul, and does not consist either
in exccentricity of - habits or the cut of
the coat. He always dressed with neat
ness and taste. This so much displeased
the tg elder brethren," that he was call
ed to a formal account by a number of
senior clergymen, Alter listening re=
spectfully to the arguments urged against
the fashionable cut of his garb, Dr. Bas
com deliberately ~ a rae pulled off his
coat, and, bangini it on a chair, desired
to know whether it was himself or the
coat that preached. His censurers
smiled at the Oddity of the argument,
and told him'to dress as he pleased.
Beatitiftil Sentiment.
John G. Whittier, the Quaker Poet,
in writing about Irish Emigrants among
us says:- C
66 For myself, I confess I feel sympa
thy for the Irishman. I see him as, the
representative of a generous;owarm
hearted, and cruelly oppressed people.
That he loves his native land—that his
patriotism is divided—that he cannot
forget the claims of his mother Island,
that his religion, with all its abuses, is
dear to him, (roes not decrease my esti
mation of him. A stranger in a strange
land, he is to me an object of interest.
The poorest and the rudest has a ro
mance in his history. Amidst all his
apparent gaiety of heart and national
drollery, and wit, the poor emigrant
has sad thoughts of the ould mother of
him" sitting lonely in her solitay cabin
by the bog side—recollections of a fath
er's blessing and a sister's farewell—that
sister who loved him so devotedly—are
haunting him ; a grave-mound in the
distant church-yard, far beyond the
" wide waters," has an eternal green
ness in his memory ; for there, perhaps,
lies a " dirlint child," or " sweet cra
thur," who once loved him—the New
World is forgotten for a moment, blue
Killarney and Liffy syarkle before him,
Glendalough stretches , beneath him its
dark, aril) mirror; he sees the same
evening sunshine rest upon and hallow
alike with nature's blessing the ruins of
the Seven Churches of Ireland's Apos
tolic age, the broken mound of the
Druids, and the round towers of the
Phoenician sun worshiperers, beatuiful
and mournful redollections of home awa
ken within, and the rough and seeming
ly careless
. and light-hearted laborers
melt into tears. It is no light thing for
one to abandon his country and house
hold goods. Touchingly beautiful was
the injuoction of the Prophet of the He
brews "Ye shall not oppress the
stranger, for ye know not the heart of a
stranger, seeing that ye were strangers
in-the land of Egypt."
te- A piece. of timber sawed thin is
aboard; but an individual who .pays
three dollars a week for mackerel and
13: 4
" wat bewitched" is a boarder.
Young ladies educated to despise
mankind, generally finish their studies
tiby ru ping away with the footman:
All About a iiiss.
The melting juncion of Your rosy lips."
THE NATURALIsr.-LA kiss is the
bringing into - juxtapoition two contra
fily-charged poles by which it,,like an
electric spark, is elicited.
THE MOEALIST.-A kiss is the token
of the most intimate communion of love,
and is therefore only to be permitted in
the married.
THE PHYSICIAN - --A kiss ie the art of
so moving the labial muscles that the
lips are first brought suddenly together,
and then explosively separated ; so that
alter all a kiss is only an artificial spasm.
THE PriumucisT.—A kiss is fa ona
mento-poetic word, in which the curt
ness of the thing is represented by the
brief sound of the word.
t= handed down to us from the Greeks
'and Romans, as to the true signification
of which we are not perfectly clear.
Probably it is a symbol of the sun's rays
greeting the earth ; and if so, dqubtless
was received with all the other lore of
sun-worship from the Orientals.
THEOLOGIANS [a host of them.] —A
kiss is an emblematic action by which
the bendlings of the heavens to the earth
is designed to be symbolized.
THE PHILOSOPHER.—A kiss is that
protuding the circle of the lips, where
by the quantitative difference of the sine
of one is placed in such relation to the
quantitative difference of the sine of an
'other, that thereby the identity of the
subject-object of the ideal-real is proied.
THE PUNSTEE.—A kiss [truss] is the
gush [guss] of one soul to another. The
pressure of the lemon into the insipid
beverage of life. This pressure is the
expression of the-impression which op
presses the heart. It is the only press
with which no censorship can interfere.
Here we still have 44 freedom of the
THE LAWYER.—The kiss, is a nullity
in law, being neither a right in posse,
nor a right in esse. Some, however,
have considered it as a family right, and
would treat it after the analogy of the
dos.. But 4 4 L. 74. D. de dote eonstzt,"
does not treat of the kiss at any length.
Still, in the married state, we may ven
ture to consider a kiss in the light of a
donatiu inter vivo:. .
THE LovEtt.—A kiss is—heaven.
THE WarrEa.—To be sure—with a
It is delightful passion, hope; it is
the life of society and of the individual.
Every species of hope is useful, whether
it be individual hope, or family hope,or
national hope, or humanitarian hope.
A man or woman who is under the
cheering influence of this passion is al
ways raised a few.degress in the scale
of being. The understanding is strength
ened, the imagination is enlivened, the
_memory is rendered more impressive
and tenacious, by hope; and what is of
still more importance, the honorable
feelings are cultivated. We, therefore,
rejoice to sees.the beaming eyes and elas
tic steps of the fairest, if not the most
faithful of the three Graces; but we can
never forget the pranks of the maiden,
the leer of her eye, the deceitfulness of
her sweet, persuasiveness of her tongue.
She means well ; but her wisdom is
doubtful. She trains man to think ;
but in training him she often leads him
astray, merelpto teach him by errors
and negatives, that it is necessary to be
on one's guard, and not to mistake ber
glimmering visions foreatisfactory dem
onstrations.. '
was sitting in a case in which a widow,
who was young and pretty, claimed
damages to the amount of twenty thous
and for certain trespasses committetby
defendant, gave a reason for being in fa
vor of giving a verdict 'far the full a
mount, to which
.the other jurors ob
jected,' that incase of the other jurors
agreeing with him, he intendedlo court
_and niarry the widow. Aff damages
wre onlY.given tor half the sum, the
jury said he could not afford to make
. -
the sacrifice?
VOL II::::NO. 50,
The Tiger and Dog.
In Saigon, where dogs are dog cheap,
we used to give the tigress one every
day. They were thrown alive into her
cage, when, after playing with her vic
tim for a time, as a cat does with a
mouse, her eyes would begin .to glisten,
and her tail to vibrate, which were the
immediate precursors of death to the de.
voted little, prisoner, which was imme
diately seized by the back of the neck,
the incisors of the sanguinary beast per
forating the jugular arteries, while she
would traverse the cage, the bars or
which she lashed with her tail, and suck
the blood of her prey, which hung sus
pended from her mouth. One day, a
puppy, not at all remarkable, or distin
guished in appearance from the common
herd, was thrown in, who immediately,
on perceiving his situation, set up a dis
mal yell, and attacked the digress with
great fupy, snapping at her nose, from
which hb drew some blood. The tigress
appeared to be amused with the puny
rage of the puppy, and with
,as good--
humored an expression of countenance
as so ferocious an. animal -could be sup
posed to assume, she affected to treat it
as all play ; and - sometimes spreading
herself at full length on her side, at oth
ers, crouching in the manner of the fa
bled sphynx, she would ward off with
her paw the incensed little animal, till
she was finally exhausted. She then
proceeded to caress tinn r endeavoring by
many little arts to inspire him with con
fidence, in_which she finally succeeded,
and in a short time they lafed down to
gether and slept. From this time they
were inseparable, the tigress appearing
to feel for the puppy all the solicitude
of a mother, and the dog, in return,
treating her with the greatest affection ;
and a small aperture was lett open in
the cage, by which he had free ingress
and egress. Experiments were subse
quently made, by presenting a -strange
dog at the bars of the cage,
~when the
tigress would manifest great eagerness
to get it it ; her adopted child was then
thrown in, on which she would eagerly
pounce ; but immediately discovering,
the cheat, she would caress it with great
tenderness. The , natives made several
unsuccessful efforts to steal this dog. ,'
07" An Irishman went a squirrel
hunting, and with his gun loaded to the
muzzle, he blazed away, and off went
the squirrel chirruping away in the top
of a tall tree, and down went the Irish
man, whom the gun had knocked flat
on his back. Pat,'on viewing the-sqir
rel singing away in derision of his
wounded antagonist, angrily exclaimed
" And faith it ye'd been at the end of
my gun, divil the bit would ye chirrup
(g . " The idea that a plodder in one
business will be a leading character in
another, is all gammon. Droves of men
are like droves orcattle; the leading ox
tociay, will be the leading ox during
the whole journey., -.While the Cattle
that lag along in the rear at the start
will remain in the rear to all eternity.
f` New York having sent one U.
S. Senator Sea-Ward, have lately been
attempting, as an approopriate accom
panyment, to send out a Fish. But so
far we believe without success.—Ex.
0:7""Yoor Hanshe is bit imself mit
a rattle snake and cash sick i to his bed
for six weeks, in to month August'
and all his cry was Vater ! V ter! And
he could ate nothing till he omplained
of peing potter ; so ash he Ould stand
upon his elbow and ate a little tea."
44 Well, you two little villians,"
claimed a mother, scolding her brats.—
I can make nothing of•you, as sure no
I liv'e I will tell both of yourfathers.
Francis Pig has strayed off from ln
dianapolis, leaviiig Mrs. Pigg and the
little piggy to hunt their own teed here
after. " We'll do our share towards pen
ning him.
Modeety doublAs the beauties which
are seen, and. gives credit d eetena to
all that '
are concealed,.