The Wyoming Democrat. (Tunkhannock [Pa.]) 1849-1854, March 18, 1851, Image 3

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    „ .
DEL. DSOli' .1N lAA E.,
Arrangements. for .28a3.;
rip it E .fol ir.ic
.11- he fun In this Lire dottog: the, piesent
Rainbow, Rose, Orbit, tatrrn;: . .isrew
York, Commerce, ill. J•iNitc. ilnt, Jape
Frances, D an iel Vebster,.Uni n, ft. F.
Lord, J ; a Bunn, Murray Ceresco,
Fondub,c, John Ewen, Wisco sin, , trad.
H aw iey,Alida,Dretr,on, Erripi „tristofr,
Otsego, .ITryinnint, .Napano .k,'; May
Flower, Ocean Wave, Tunizha:hnock.
Merdliandizt Will Ue rtieetved
New York at PP•r foci of .lev elttlet, ue
til sb'elock P. tl., alter hohr nc
retretp:s wlll be glom or frAl.2l - 0. taken.
rr.AWriaeiragec trim :n u properte ao'n
di s tinctly enarkPei, or. they yeti+ hot ho t e.•
t eiveii,'Ll) —Ali !.:tra!l par'ek , . ;0.4., Cod'-
D tit bundles, moat he pr,lrrly Boxed.
ME4 wOl not .ne received.. • „
Thititine noi -corrn4tiori . w rlfarc
other line of hoat. , , than Thos.. above
fled.. R.-Stem:o'in Minot on the ct(lA.
This Line'will be exten.:eil io
soli 4S the Pen n sylvani a C-impg
ny ge theii R4iirrEld to OperSlL , n,
he about the 15th of June . , 1.8.50.' All
frpigbt intended Yn Sao to PiliStOs ut ISI be
ruileied" via. Hawie." ii i
For •turtti-r partieula , s. e , f! H.
1!0 '4lurray stre•et,,New
and ofJoivi A o .li:nor. I i0,4•83,1e.
Nlvircii IS 1850.
VOYICE I.t-re , ,)
- 1
partnership liorelnz .:e
ire firm of Jittries K , ez,
mutual ea:sell'. s 'roe
. .
and accounts of th,r tiral ~re et:
rinds lures N. Keaned , ,, Who
..oritte.d . !o SF Ltle Eatne and
moniee, claims and 11 edo - in.-.5 da,a old
Jrl.•;., h:F.NNEiri
PrAviderice, «arrh II: IS 1
Bridge :Letting. --,
riphe (I , ,rnatt.,,,itthers o; it ytia , n4 el tin.
tv vitt! let I•lV.t's , it) -
b ;he :Atutltl tog o lirrOce ti:;'
.. ',rnooptny t,zoalt f•ea , it , . t..rks
WWl's.* P. On 10" t
%HI next;)etweeo the hours rf oe Anti
:ttr-r p. nt, rN tai,'. env. Piatt , y. , iil bra
co the d-y of tetvrtc-, whie-4"
'Ol e more on the ground n here ottiti
5 buiii.
Oider of the nr-=.
• F t! lio-S,
t1, 11,31C.i
cPti I'7, 1651, 5
Co4l ! Coal ! ! C. al ! !
quantity of coal f): sali. Irom cut
ler's bed at Pittston: Inquire of
Gen. W. Mersereau at the American .
T'unkhannock, March 11, 1851.
DR. :
_GR, A_ 'N DIN,
% rottfraPd td nnfitianflottk, and
tondera his :4'llO N'S in the are,-ion
;hp purronntitniz eqlllltry.. 119 111.14 - 1)P
10 , nd for a hhatt tree %ler , proan',.;
lei. 1)r. G. does not renirge the 1 / 1 1'
pore., 611,5, and consaloanttv restore , limn
to their nil:Tina! condition and u.,Pluinp..Q.
and 111 wittiont tics IPast pain ; thry tll
only the inconvenience. al to have
Washes, far the latith;
share and rmr. for IntiarntnPd anal
sno:l,zy bums, whin!. 12.10 p; Or S , )
r..ndion in toe mouth, til l - tPe*Jt
ea !,ws, tikera , ed t , - , , , •#•, „nil Su on, :Ail
' feinslnz and 69alltifi lu c the Ite'h a u 1
req. ving a ottd .7•41:r11 Ord li.
a. - -11 , 1 g ever -t :.1 .
S. to be 'dp;)11 , x;e;r.- ,
ra,1,1 1 :,
, n.i 1• , E 4
'l4o-e •e:rPadv in n .1.i."(3 (ti ,ii•its'ea, ,
Pir,t 4'5.'-':u.lvely by brPs-fr. nnri r
to any:hwe ever vet proti , fee , i; !Tv
1 11 , 1 - , is-4 in ,t!i , t 6 cord,'lr.,
wvti tho
Sheriff's Sales.
B r vir,ut , uf a v , rit os V tn,l %': Sr iS :
'• 9ped mg of ihr. Cot rt of Lridgw,,n
?lens flf Wynrnina, roomy and ro rrie„di•
r''cted, witr he exn , , , ed to public
the couL-houne in hintillanhoe'h nrt StitUT
ay the fifth day of April, 1851. at one
t'clqck p. m.. •
The following' doseribed ',i c es. p;:rPel or
.. IDI of land
. otirate in Twat tr.lnnr)r:k B,-
- -I' , Jugh t Wyothlo,e cou , A3-, Pe.. betiodeit t, F .
''Plows: - North by !and.; elf Asa s LLIN.•;
034 by Putnam street ; south by lane.i . o
- 1,,, •0b Myers; west tv.7 lands of Ha , ris
, right_3ontaintroz 50 test front and i 32
I:>'toi back—all itapruveti. with the altplw
Senr , d sini taken in el - Petition at tare
NIL of !teary Stark vs. Thomattt T. Slo=
One other• piece, percel or lot of land
lquate in the Borough of . Tun kbaunrcli,
. 1 ' Taming county', Pa ,hottuued
• ,7 t h by lauds of Isdau-H. ito44 cast by
V atrldllt•streeil south hi lands of i k; Voss
tzd west by' /lode --of liarrtaon Wright—
.; c lltatntng_o_ne4l - th of on . icr&•,_ be the,autP
leap, le, a ll ttnOrOve?,'‘vith a fra:ne
tz4e and Imam barn' thereon, with the -
' , seized and taken in execution at the suit
of Fleury stark vs.-1 hos. ,Slocum.
one other piece or lot of - land situate in
ae Borough of Tenlthannock, Wyoming
. aunty-, Pa.. bilonded As follows: North.
'nth and •• west by lands of Harri.liin
riaht, and east - by . .the Bridzewater
Iltopike—containing one acre, be the
'cage more or lesS, all improved, With a
' house ' , end frame slaughter shop
.4rreor„ wite appurtenances. • . an diakes in extcution arthe suit
DI Heart Starrvd: Thomas T. Slocum
Oae •allet Piece, , parcel or lot of land,
%%An in Tnol:hannools, township, Vyt
'44 count', Pa.. boun6d as follows :.
hotth by I;ptit,:of, I,.;ewjec::1 7 1111utnf , , east
the. b y Bridgewatet .t.oropilrep south ivr
t, dsJoepb Simons, and • west by`;,espf HarriAon. Wright. clontaini . o4 *one
'rth of an airc, , , be th'e same rnorA.or
i ' l ltriprosred. with a. email frame hOnSe
4 reon. - - ••.• - •
S eited and taken in exeautinn at ti) Suit
I/Henry Stark v*. Thormv; T. sii;cuin;
MEIN ,JA - ORSQN, tiheritt
heti fr's ogiep, - runkhaarsec,
Martir 2, 1851. 5
of Xew ;York,
F4 -AS ratio tied ti 1 iiiisnanitnok to wait
upon 11s l ot:lions 4iid thq. , ti of 111,- . so -
ronifaitiit country , in thia cipaciiii of his
p - i• - tifi , i6:ll'.in, arhkiilay til found for a,shori
tiiiii . 2ljt . l iVlt. , rse!ktu - ', .14.4c1, where . he will
se ii,:ppv co stet , ail those who Indy desire
'oh: sk-rvices. -
Dr G. can lektract tile teeth with 's
ti ii.h, or inorr, ease trot ' any other persnn
I retains 'r stn (.1 , 1 .g:. , in ALL iii‘i,n-tis
r .oi. illt: to - t
tali, he tro . e,isee 'a higher
,E..r : trte.4,! rIll'ell!Li ii.a plulint! l'llott
T , e ..iost ‘obst.i.tidi to inf., r, w,ti - tu..
~...t_ : li
1 - Hwtver bad they may be,r
a u.. ly Rsiore tti, , ,,, to 10,-It 41:21:1.I r•rfn•::
, 1 il arid ust;ttiEtlFsF., NnNE bred ilpcp-,jr.
T,. l PV:havt , role In try 'lt. They vci.l 1 , .•
II rf , Alin 7Tatin' d• . I . lle a:-t. of Llt,iir
IS I.lllC. , ll! , littnifl o /.1.
11111khlt)::f1 , Ok, , lATrill 15, 18. 1, •
----__ .
Tr.. A. BRIGRAII/1---Dentist,
'ILL hp in : Tunkhamma. from Ist to
51h of March—at Skinner's Eddy and
Lcevville fiipm sth 6 10th-at Terry
totvu from 10th to 1.5t1--at Mehnopany
from 15th to 20th.
A Great Prize.
t Xf7l.U' , l‘lE A , E "Jr the sale t
D. ;lay itt et leorated Fawih
• To 'Tam4ber,men.
inch Shinnes, tar which the high
est market price ‘vill he paid at
.114erton's ExclanTe.
Nov. 26, 1850.
p a 1
Boston Syrup.
A , Quantity of this C icious article
just received and for sale by
i i 3
7H ENT, Corn, Fro, Oals,Beans and
VI al! Lin,N of ProviilOßS bought and
sold by A. H. BOLLES.
A QUANTITY of Hoes, Rakes, Forks
;f. and Cradles, for sale at
' July 16. A. H. BOLLES'.
Dr)RIC, Co:l4sh, and Mackprrl, is r
5 sae at A. H. BOLLES'.
QOLE AGENTY—Dr. Jayne's va?u
able 110.4; , •ines with 3sima
pacs fx- gratuitous distributinn : ph-ase.
tail a^d get o': A. H. BOLLES.
(INT Gross Prot. A. C. Garry's Tri-
U copherous for sale, chape•r than the
(:r.beapest, by A, G. ST:\ RIB
Tunkhannock, Air.. 20th, 1Yr)0.
LARGE quantity of frv , h Nuts, o f
all kinds, fur sale I:y A. Q. ST r, RK
~t Large quantity of Pickled Oysters,
Lobsters, dams, Sardines, Scallope,
Mangoes, &c., for sale at
QT:PERIOR quality of Bunch Raisins,
0 just received and for sale by
July 23. A. H. BOLLES.
'FESS PORK by the bbl., or in quan
tities t.) suit purchasers, at the
Tele , Taph Store. • J. H. BO =ART.
TunLhannock, July 16, 1.4.710.
Q OLE AGENCY.—Dr. S. P. Towr:-
► soars Sarsaparilla, wonder and
ng of the age, with Almanacs for
!‘" "
TuuLlianclick, July 23, 1850.
Tocr. D. MI FCH ELL'S' celOwated
arrd urui-alleJ Eye Salve, a cer
tain reamdy for swe arid Litlaitied eyes.
IVli3lesale a - ::1 rt-tail at
.31 herfoa's Exchange.
Tunkhannock, Oct. 22, 1F450.
00LE Ary'E':CY.—Dr. Wright's In
diaa Vegetable Pills in Tunkhan-
tIOCA I. , D
CO IVISH and I . :4.kerei , s.e.te rit
rth VrAr SM•P.
QALT by the Bbl. or Sack, for Sale at
ij the North Branch Stole.
EST TOBAcCi2lo be had in town,
1), tobe found,at the North Branch.
rRESH, Oranges, and Lemons, for
12 tale at. A.G. STAIK'S.
SALT -50 Sacks for sale at'
OHAIRS for sale at React's " North
k..) Branch Store." . Sept. 24.
E:( AND V; (.u, Hi)nt and 0 , 111r,...3;
very cheap, +r nod qu4li'y. to . snit ,
Nolo H ISHA .N+:
T MP OIL, and Llps,ed or
Al lIIP NI" tiltANoti
.1 SUPERIOR quality of different kinds
of Liquors for medicinal purposesior
sale by • A. H. BOLLES':
14 Clasps Boole, 6;oti as we
have read 0' 4:9 , urprisrog f :
r.iimity and Cheannert9 " are now opening
for inspection. Adatirrar , ce free. pi the •
Telerrraph Store.
A Quantity f TAR by the - keg or
quart, ".fo - sale at Read's North
Branth Store.
ALT, Iron, teel i &c., St.c. for sale
iivSTARK H. & CO.
22, 1850.
R '
iisins,,Figs 'and Currents,
X furi sale at A. G. STAB .ics
TI.EARINO-0 Boxes for sale at
; A. G. STARK'S:
ATES§ PORK:by the WA,' or less Fiic
by 'H. STARK &CO.
A LOT of splendid, Palasol4 for sale
.5_ by .." 'RI C& CO.
f .,;- • '
Clast,ePl Mill 4
‘--/ Tan red, frir 'safe by T. & CO.
Yob. 10, 1850.
rr•atnit , wq rikt
EX , '' A`• •
3 • , 1 f , r' 1851
, Hurrah ! ah
Call at fie .Arorth. 13rancii.,"16re, if
you would buy, ; •
Cheap, cheaper, cheapeSt; only come
and try,
We've Cloths and Bake-pans, Indigo and
Pails, •
'Wine, Boots and Shoes, 'Molasses and
out Nails,
Kentucky Jean, Blue Drilling and Port
Wine, -
Cashmere and Codfish, Bedcords and
small Twine,
Spittoons and Nutmegs, Handsaws and
good Cheese, .
Black Snuff arid Scotch, will make a
Merino ' Tubs and Augur's, Glass and
Lad, ,
Hats; Caps and Bonnets fur the uncov-
et ed head,
De'Laine,s, Tobacco, Gingham, cobblers'
A ‘vls,
Lanterns, Umbrellas and fine Ladies'
Washb3ards, and Lace, Cigars and fait
rate Gin;
Red Flannel, Frying-pans, Cloves,
Chairs and Tin,
amphine and Shovels, Vestings, this
and Browns, • .
Crokury and Rinans, Brandy and fine
Ililiiskey and Vinear, Nail rods and
Fine Calico and Sugar, Sheeting and
go.AI Tea,
Mackerel and Muslin; Snirting, Salt and
And all things eise that any one could
Old frien.lo. and new, and strangers, one
. •
and all
Whowish to buy, don't tad on us to call
S kDDLE, H 11L‘ f.:. ,S: T:l's,:li
?AAAF e or, Y.
01 '1 ..`t.
r❑ I r
ru•:icc he 1. 1.1 el A
!nd, V-44 la lie •
u-lot's--sr )1 "-
Trunks, Valises, Winps, Carpel Ball',
LS-c ,t, c
I•,,I„ I.i
g-,1 kk
f( IntiV 't. ;I[4o :1 •
ti %It cf ;,usl
(1• an
is eau br "
" t4i, 0311 s • - •TP taT`'S.' n 3 To-lw ." r i!,r!
and I.ndv and trl;
qn , ).l 0rt.r.... nit in !h•
al.prf?v.d style. 1 , ,r
41c..e4-3, d prig t , 5 : 7'e.111 -
h...rhess.. me
h. , No- antas- '9; 1) übir; tnr
in• ulo , 4. 29 00;
111 , 1111tif•e, k 0 Alt other work r
g-ar Noul.elvP9 np and give me e. , 11
And I %id! 11 s, on harLe,s 1,1 t.ll %%hie!'
Ii of th fait :0.1 to a Laeerv•ii, hot
y %TN , . Fr's 25. 18 1.
rr o E rt. 0 “,m;r : C
n Oleo
I ri:tll I;17 yv4.
rheir fli•,•!•, th-
• ',won '10:c 1 , 11,
11 , n- r, 24. lb.i ; Xi ,
s A•
1831 ; I‘,
i; t 0.% r
r:•'•,23 , 15,51
A!, p . .s :f.s wit -
;•11:.nd 0.1 the
. .
4 Pil• I ' ll nr , r„f...
• Pr, te lii li. , pun ,
nlicy ci 3 Ote , .s and 11,.iiiiqu 'their re'url:s
i,l 111 r r111 , 1.t10 .1.1.
by order of I
y • Aorr9.
F r. 1:0";-, CI , rk
romnii , si.ners•
Pr. , . 24, 1451
Auditor's Notice:
The UTRlet.nVue.,l belibg bet appninbsd
by the Orph.q.'S l!ourt of ,the eourvy
of tA..yonitn7, to apportion the fund aristru,
From the aeeepta, ce ty (nr4ttel Pitse, of
lie !Zeal Es.ate of Is•ael Holiy, - deceised,
under proceedimzs in partmon in 6.141
4;4.1 1 r., will attend to the ditties of his
Appointment at his nffi:e in the 4:41
nn v 31.; d A y
March - . A. tt. 1851, at 1 0'44104-44, I'. 11.
When and where all per-0444, ioterm.44-441 (me
attendor he de:mtred fr..ill tirmittlig any
portion thereof.
R E. Auditor
runl.l)Annr , ek. Fv4 23 1850.
Administrator's Notice.
PL E ' it 6 of atinont,rati ot the e--
tate of Abel AlArev,• d la'e ul
the township of rook ha otio , h, have [woo
granted to the undersim.ed
hereby given to all who flax , deimittik • -
glit.St a t id esiate, to coesvoi t•.
he sobscriber for hettleinent, And 1114.,e
debted will make immediate pat - mem
to '1 HEM) ‘4..,11 A 'WY,
A , tniniTr. , tor.
Tonkbannock Fel). 22, .11:51.
Auditor's Notice,
THE trhderrdli - re-t A•i'lii r riphointod
by tbp Court of r , mntn , tO to
the foods arisicl, fro
ttiP real eslate of I.4o.Nkri--
her. will :metro to the duties m his ap•
-mhtmeot. at ilia Fizdurd„y, the
sth day of April nes', at 10 ...eloeir
when'atid where alt persons are requested
to present their claim or he debarled }rum
coming - it upon raid fend.
N. N A.::litor.
llarei, 4, 1851.
Clover Seed.
A prime article of clover 'seed both
Illarge and small kind for sate at the
Telegraph store., J. Y. BOGART,
Tunkbannocl4 Mirth 3, 1851.
T. M;
V!)I; LI) r•ZI),-,‘A;) , 11.,11A41C, t) thP
itlzeni yeriipp: eout,t,
he hae , opened on Tura pike st., in Tufa,-
hanuoets, a
, 4 74 U
wberts be is rec-ivino ,frorn New V 'orl,
I , llll‘delphia . 411:1,:atti..ntirc tew
rt1"G , .."),,,.!:: no• i:ar4t.-It and
gpienoii ;.ssorlibi-r.l
Et: or ('lrrd l e OM: 11111• e.wri-prisinv
ory G Haat
„ „ha; StAliornky, Drugs Nid
Pal , •Ls, 011s i Dye Muffs,
Boots and Sboes, Etats' and Caps,
C); 1.,i. “I,Wii• ha.P lloPn
t ,•,., 1, ro kh • atrGtit• - re,, and woh
IbP' , fos nf' he ernmounitlf,',
(it),);!S, votllpil'Sincr In pi:,
, ; a spit ~ ,41 .1
..f AMEN' (O 11 ) S,
l:0,;;;;.c ;loth, and
I 1•%1, p tat n end
.11 de I.ah,e , ,
111,11.. &r. Alsn, • l itt - 11ns
a;; kin(' hid an.l 1.4
;Antr , l ,- 'h,./eke, CcA_h
e‘ery a tide generally
‘.t11,(1 In a
0 . every rano-, ne w [Arline, which
v.,111 he- deFirr. , d re , :wed
1..,1,1 'pi-1p (1, \rs: - Or! , a .s, P. , rtn
”ni Hol-e
ew 0, e 4; S. `t. and lir , ston :Nyi
A•:::) 1 ( 24 , 0:1 , 11ent r,f Inl
Sr,sonn F.ys , rl and
"7,1.1• Chr), , I,IMP, IV
c sp. r.:
e I I,!t. S di, Na t „ -,
Nz. , ke.
Ii• the ! rcrc: rir , l
I . . , 111 t,r .1 1 •1 : io•
.0k dr OW 1.0,A
• t... •.•
, (j Itrr tip . 1, 1 , . 1 1,y0111,i tLrr
• i I pt,feit,i,.• s
a,ft p f
r; , 4 N.- ti
„ • , r..,
0 (.1/I+#
Lannr , r:•, N, I•. 23, 1650
I 1 I.A.
lilt % V.
;4( th lit•6lH , ll ! , 1 r r-
• i . .er fa to i tv rerwo.ii ,t: 11.1. LL - pt
irctt 'r to N.-'d'
6 .2.' • 1 6 7 , 6 ,• • f
••••11..i.11ite 1.1', 3 ' 1, "od• a ,,, ;1
'h sinftedid wiles and
!! , :h;. - 4,- rrl 1.1( , (0 1 ) ;,r1:
DPLAins, rrehro•dered
I,hit -s. l'• , ••. • .
and Htaek (! a c_
I , lfitYr N$
;.;Id FeT;cy Vt , s:lng.eral.-ats,:yedritZ,
1 , 1,11 r .1111+.,' (; . :U./ref:'.;
,nd FrPneh, I'h;,
:,rd ;
Cotton ol nll COI
I'an,lma,Le , :.ornot,(l Palro
i .; ki-1-
V , 1 , I:f• ll WI A sny a tvnrd to t h e
Hiq stuck
.11L:! cinf,4 3 fo:I •
I n
.rf , t go •I \k nit
I ;a: 13.-• -C;nl , 3 , xn'tl , o7. 'v for
11,„1 lu,t tAie
t• n ~ ,pl., yntl af , in
414 •LVI-3%-141" of CI .3,1p , 1;F•S
1 0• , .s her-11
k s :1!' , 1 rnr,%ti c^ , l o•ut you he. as 1.•:u
• T 'nt
Choapness, r Durability' & Comfort.
-DreSs Goads, -1 . no 1.
I • ", I . 1 ..leOtal h !
A. Irr t cipoinual.y
Dry Gilds, Groceries, Hard vva re, Crock
ery, Boots and Shoes, Straw Goods,
and ill to/le , neerbljird of jitt!
One Io.A before purchasing—btheving
r" low prices area consideration, you can
be bountifully paid'. •
- _ itl4lli 14 'BOGART.
ninkhannnek. Nlav 7. 1850,
Professor A. C. Barry's
o,i rosioril preservtuy and treauilfy.
I n c! 11 ‘ .. item. er4diestl, , g I.eurf and
d•usiriia,..sucl• curing disease's Of the
and IStlfigt, cuts. bruises,
soraius, &c , /4::c
The 1,1; w , nv: tn , airnoniak, seferted
tr. (11 hondre is of rd:doular
Rerlle to cslue the prep:—
f.s ;oat Itl vStlthAtittli 111 t. hitt , it l•
!tr• d ht •.‘ hel hat, ( f 1 • 41.
Copy of a Letter from William Davis,
Corner of nicks and atlantic streets,
• idrau:iiyn. April 19th, 1849
Professor tiariy—Sir—l should tie di -
'tricot in gratitude to
_you, and in feli n ,
tor Otil.rtl Whit 11Itly be Sitritlady affilelrd•
if t iwulect , d to inform you Oa your
copheyu ; enrlrely retnovcd from triv
Lice a painful and disgustioL!erlip'ion,clia
sistiticif of tar<^e red•ptuiples, with whieo
t had ;teen antioyed lot many' yra . s. A
regular Application of the flip, according'
to the .11rectious, for a little better than
three v cowl - 4,10y relieved rue of the
nuisance, and ilie•sltin of toy Ice,- n-w
As tree from discoloration as in my boy
hood. . t t ours
.truly i • .
Sold in inrrie pric'e 25 eta, at thit
ivin c ip a j nfficN.l37 itroad way s New Y
Fer sale by the principal inflehants arid
throughout the United SLates
and t)anadn an he
Grocerie -1
Cash'. Promptness, Bargains,
~ 1 14,,11
, t t It
e‘,..titly• ;1,1
Gent/uncles trare,
,t v ' i, I
Straw Gouds
Boots and S;toes,
A. G. STARK Tunkhannock
--: T. NORTH BtUrCII ,
GtARELART . ee ovvraz,
tli I f,,l:arie,,uoee is th,
Ci1t2.6119 of 1\ yotmoit county., that
Lucy have purchased tfiekoundry 10rinerls
owned by Uyrus Avery, to:the virine ui
ban ocii, and that th . 4 have hewiy
bit a,.(1 ehlArged thr,Ctivato, and rithrr-,
Itnort-veo its , inpactly tortroilig I.eavr
r I;gni %%oil by rae.htt of v ! hich
4111 y prepart-d to excetve order with
wiHch Hwy m yb, favotc.l kr CAST
! \ i:te or weloto ;
As w.-;1, and on as tdvoraul t , terms as ,11,-)
hr hati. In anv f Ll:ory in th e :Ntat e ._
l'hvy w Atte, toviie pawn;Jar tnteratort to
ihett terNiv. , v r Ip Pf
for burning t or hont—armaitz
may Se found the Empty«, t'hutcl:. ar.d
celebrated h Ix slO br
only Cooktna tlitnve t iii;l burn
Wood or coal egnally favorable
they have mot with In every
'!nee h livre IteA: have ilef.ll int rod Is
.qlticjefil Vtlar!an.fe of their wwth
l'hey ..Inn ocEr Int fb ":+rll - 111c eatteros of
and in , ehrt.keprohg`on hand a full supplt
at mt.derwe prices '1 hey mannfartore all
leads of tifdlon•-wa , p, Israe Itch4ittirifs,
1 , 100 7 h erstinvs. ticartno
tor I,nd (.;(1,4 ltllllF, :plaimand fah , ry
Gr al ays ou hand or moh
nt,:ctered to otchsr tr , , , riely of
all rf the most
r apprr,veo , tyles ten') r' -
1:10/ ,, 1 1 , 11161:1 may be found the :,ye Co.
aru Soward Plow, so highly celebrated in
;he lower Counties.
(*,•stings 'timed sod fitted to ord
rhey respet•ttul tuvite public to Etttie
•1,. 111 a cail bofoye porebesing elsewhere,
rcnfident of renderirl; grneral sot-
0;,I Iron taken iarx , il7rae for Castings
1:6 .1111“- - 4, lEt5O.
A. C. Ways Tricopherous,
fu . renewing,
ih•• HATT.. fir M . Ollllll/ `1•111*,
t, • . t . 1 (.4 tb-e-Se4,l,
"" .0 - "f 'll' f s 1:111. filf,e7 , , , s of
t•lff , :f•fp 4 , vtl , ll
V fog f"l.l'
-• there ghn.
Vo+11%?:1 - ;. If;
I , •it of '.jo F f-
• "•
• ;la. n- ul a.. piutessions,
o 1.,.vi iisen tt for liars in
ivOrb% and nurseries, admit
Cole v 1 2 ,13
8!0 - S.rii to the rad
cow., scull and d. ndiuft.healing viotifls.
r the skin, 'he gii.t.ds,
.n.t ;lie, muscles, ti has no equal iernorß
lie w+,l snide ‘ , l con,i.ound.4 ;-;nvi--;tised to
Ise roihlT rni.ts, or u,rd in private prac
,l e in rtivatinoss •well ag ith
..r} 's Neopi.erou- ie unrivalird.L ILe
FiVfS orticieOlflve en
.bled the i,,venica to supply it ; t at
in Ptti ce cents,cer. bottle, Which is fioni
flit to 0;4. hundred per ceef. lies than the
o rio e nt any other preparation now in use.
the sciriottic - treaties - on tho'hair arsii akin
I,frnif.ta,-in. , valuable din-coons for the rub
aid prp6ervatlon Qi Natore's choicest
whibh each bottle is enclos
.d. alot.e worth the e nr‘ev•
I, e aiFnity hettA'Pen th . e membranes
nick the skin. and the hair
,k its st.stenmcet-t•rtt This
vrTy 7"..isers
!he hair originate In t he .kmhpae.
11 . ringirf d 1,117 it
.!.1011 •111 I r‘th - or thuds t!-) not etrntrale
melt'. through the sr,: II ves , 'which
le. d 1.1;e *nos v. - Ith rhr,isthre and (tripart
to the the re tilt is seutr,, dart
sneddiou n' the hair, vra!'nefl, dry
1:•-," 311'1 har-liness• of ho and
e ec the rase ;Tiny he. iNiirn
,l!ate the skin to healthlnl set inn %yr h the
..!d the :otpui cesFeil. re
, 'Strom th , el! v•lit :•nnthcate th,e
In all 411 t ctinn- ihe and
nin,cles and iikterrii.
ur :1;s to. i r, crss and the 1-11,i't att. the
It ti opou the shin. the muson!ar
artrl tht' tr at the Tr ICIOOII-.
us~h rs r 3,pertF,e . ..mien, and in . . c V at
r, ns thjurtes of these organ it is
,evereivn rerta;dy.
SOl,l houleg, price 25 r en,ts. at
flail'Or. 137 lirn'htwar, iNew
by !lir eip . .l Merchants
Drnoi , lQ titronl/11 6 nt the United :titat , s
nd I.'drt.,llB. lietvAre at the ceuntOrteir;
For sate by BOLLS & GOODALE,
Tunkhannock, Pa.
"In Union there is Strengthrt!"
T v 0 saying is more true than the above,,
and the subscriber, being fullylim
preaSed with the truth th.renf, has united
in on , - exiensive estithits,tnnt nt the
Drug and .Mercantile Butines4
at gm Count, IthAlt.QUAli.
Elie, on ihr corner of W-arren and ' l llO
ts. nearly, opposite Sherman D
betas store, where he will keep constant
ly h'nd a I , rge Osortinent or the very
hest s.elect• d fresh UGS Of all descrip
mm,, includ ins : • thel rimi4 - popular .palent
,rm tarnily Meoicinea ; arid having .heen.
in the pra. ti - ee iiiteleine fir a niimbe4 of
ye.} , , the public can ptirchase with nicety
any ailiele he may olier for .ale.
Ile has also as lull an assortment cf al.
Dry Goods, Groceries, Mrdwarei
Crockery, Queen's Ware,.
Boots, Shoes, &c., &c.,
as can he tonne in any start In ro,nlthin
pock, and , is constantly. in the receipt of
.New Goods iretti the cities et New York
and nit tdelphla Att(rt, 00tr,
Flour, Salt. Iron Nails, etc., etc., All of
which will he sad on the toast rcaqnnahle
, erni-, at reduced prit7es., All ktncisl, of
nuntry ptodnee tattee in exchange for any.
thing in his esti.blishment. •
.• A. 11:1 1 01,LES,'
Tonlthannnelt..lcl , Idt. 1850
Administrator's Notice.
No • ii; h; Is 11.. r. atven, (hat letters
I of adminislr4tlon,upon the vends and
rhattels which were otrianauel Heath. de
veased, have th'isl day been granted tothe
subscr;b.'r, All I,ersons havtug any claims
or demands against the estute of the . said
dpeedent are requ'erecljo prer•ent•the smile;
without &lay tailm Siiharriher'nt hic taut.
denee' in the township of MehoopanyffiVil
..mine county, Pit.,liLtit tk 11 E
February 19, 1951." •'•
. -LIVER - COIKPLAI;i2; 7- r!
.ittijqrpsitytir,cnie 24r. Par
tcus Dise a sed Oa 4iwnevP.
disentt4 Priqng bons -st tifsertierett
or Str.rrie.uh. ' fiuch r.s Con/stip:Men,.
inu c.r Blood to the
Aeitlity a the StoinAch,
Di , gust tor F oust, Fultpfse.
weiatit Seiir t iui tame
Sinking or FYI tiering the pit. of tkie -
Stoineoti, S-wrnitonig of the fiend. hartikt ,
Heart, Choking' o' Sutfocatiny 6ensetinne
when in -a , lying pc's:use. Dimness el Vise
ion. Pot,' b.r,re ter Srort, P'ev e r
and sitri pain in the-stead, Geficte.ney,nl
Perspirntion. yellOWnPs-nr the Skin and
Gyes, Pew it the side, hael:, chi at, Übe;
&.c., :widen FitrFfiet of !le.,', burning
the Flesti.can. , i*ut int , vinings of evtlobrl
teatdepresston of Spirits-, can be efreetn—
aft), cured by
Celebrated German Bitters, Prepared by
Ur. C. M. Jackson, at the German Me&
icine Store, 120 Ardi Stieet; Philadel
Their power over I'm aNilc.- dkonges
not es7eljed—if equalled-lov ether
preparation in tho United its the
enres attest. in many cases after skiltUr ,
physiehing hi.d
'These ore worthy iho attentinn ,
of invalid,. Brea: vittuPs lii
the rcelifica,licn of dirases of Liver
lesqti )!I.lllfiP, ek, Ni , fcg the rorPit
Fezrehina, powers in weakness and riffect...
nom: of ttie digestive organs. thil are with--
al, safe. certain and picaiam.
R6ad and be Convinc:d.
Chas. ki;bickm, Esq.. Eajtoc,
a letter. tt:i Or. Jaelteon., .14n. 9, 11350,said,
"My wife and in y set f have received mon;
hpnilt from your medicine than anlPother
hare aver taken for . the Dyspepsia nod
Liver disease.'•
"The 'rend') .Legion." published
Woodstorl:, Va.. Jan. 10, 1850, said—r
tci Great Aledicine.-"'
"We have unifoimiY . refrained from 4.i's•-
rnmmending to the huhilo any °raw Tart—
.fas Nke.dieines of the day, unless
thoroughly corivineed of their value. 4
Amon !! those ive con.,ider worthy of roiled
:s the Gkinmar; EITTERfa. inverved by Dr.
Hontiand, and prepared by Dr..1:4040n i in
Oue iir‘tanoe in Oarrieuratt
in whirh the superior,lirtves of this medi
eihe 'rated, 1461'420A under our,
u ti3errarzeu. Duoug- the last cumzneb: tt
4on of lir. Abraluiwerahil), of 'his coun
iv, :vds very gerionsiy afflicted with - Liver
Complainl, and alter try-ine in vain Sarin
aq remedies, he purchased a bottle of the;
;hirers. nod after usiree' 1 7 , was SO much
relieved of his di:tressing malady, that he
pr - :cured another libttle,and is restoreiten
iirely to health."
Read further a few Facts,
From "The Weldon, 1 1 -eraliV," pehlfshed
at I, ir eld en, N. 0., itinunry 24, 1850. 'whien
r•VVP beltnve 1)r. C. M. lachnon'-0
cl-iontland'A German Bitters' to he a most
excellent medley - le, and one that should be
hi2 - hly popular in these dart rnf Tempe
ranee; for they are altneethfr VEGETABLE'.
in their cornprsinon. wtitiout esr.r drop of
Alcoholic Spinte in.thern. rnelieine-
is inrineent, but effeetp,,
and richly deservint2 of an I.nhenerted pop-.
wh..n it hec , cm-n known, it
will. no dou:it. tulip enjoy." . .
JI/dVe M.' NI sz,rt, -• t 4. oak
y Messer:;.e•." .1 ir.ce ry 6,1 R a/
'BUR. 1 - 14—,r7,AND'3 N
ilere is a 1.A.11161 rt:r. tei,dina
In the ton a ; Je: t unapt'
frinuS ri-Tonimendin7, end the• reason 1:=
~b vious, It is mak ::fret a prt;avripiao
Itirakhed ra , .t of the must celebrated
physicians of modern liromrr—rh e late Dr..
i-Christopher J Ille . ri) Hooriawl, p ro r e s sof
to the iliriversitv of JPea, orivnre
r to the king of'Pros-ta, and ono n! the
greate , t medical wrimrs Germany ha. ever
pt-dueed. ile was empha:really the ene•
nv o f i. u no w y, and therefore a medmine.
4.1 which he ‘ the inventor arm endorser
;nay he enefirletaly relied on. lie 4T:wt.:NI
iv recommended tt in Liver Complaint,,
iryspepsia,, Der,ility, Vertigo, Aomjiy o f
the Stom.,eh, Cot stipetion,, and all com
pl.r.iirts arising from a disordered ecmditici.4
ollhe &tornach, the liver and the intesiinee,..
Nine Phi:n elphia papers • express their
nonviction of its exeelleoee, and severat of
the eattors speak ot its clients from their•
own ,indiviiittal experience. !bider these
eirenntsteric.s, we Pei tvarranted, not only
In v.:I:illy the littera en of orrs readers to.
the present proprietor ' s (Dr. 51. Jack
Rao's) preparation, but in recommending.
the article to all afflic'eti."'
.More Euidencc.
The "Philadelphia Saturday Gazette,"
the beet family newspaper in the United
States. The editor says--
"It is Seldom that we recommend what
are termed Patent Medicines ti the coal,
dende and patronage of liar readers.; and.,
therefore, when u e recommend Dr. Hoof.
land's German Bitters, we wish it ti, be
listinetly understo,4l that we are not thing of the nostrums of the day, that
are noised about tot a brief, period and thee
letg,otteit after it has done- its guilty race
of mischief, hut of a medicine long estab.
lisht d, universally prized, end has ,
met the hearty approval of the faculty
That thin medicine w ; i11 Vllif ,
plaint and Lqapell9l3. no one cut, doubt al
ter tislng it a‘t dictated. It acts, apeciftenl
ly on'on the stomach it nd liver; n is
terabits to caihmel to nit billows. (itseitaesci- t!
he ellect immettibte. -Thav , catt he adai
ministered to female or infant with safeq
and teitahla lieneSit. at ant: note.
Beware of Counterfei ig.
This medinin.i 4,9 attained Owl liivja
character i nor:wi-sury, for ;11/
, vines to attain hi indlico.
not forth a Notrtooo arueie t ;hr ot.
the lives of those wh.i are innocently - de'
etved.. .
Loot: well to the ma rka of the. genuine
l'hey have the written signature of 0;
M..t.tegstiN upon the wrafTl4;• end tli
name blow'n Ii IEIO bottle , without
they ran eporous.
Poe safe Whnioale anti liptttil nt. thfi
Gerna Aledicinc Store,
120:Aucii stteei, One . .cioor below
Sixth, , (lateot 278.Rpei, plreet,),t hitadel—
piAep and
- by respeaahle generally,
throughnot the countrl. rot aleoj
C. LaTlil?oP, Tunkkaiinock Pe
AT utr, ormcw OF Tlir 4)ENOCICAT:"