The Wyoming Democrat. (Tunkhannock [Pa.]) 1849-1854, March 18, 1851, Image 2

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D EM 0 CR AI.,
Tmnlchnneck,Tues..illarch 18,1851
Of Clearfield County.
North Branch Canal.
:,We are in the receipt of letters fforn
our able Senator and Representative, in
reference to an appropriation to the
North' Branch Canal. Mr. Sanderson
assures us that there will be an appth.pria
lion of at least sloc.),oar.). irow3in t the
ballance of former appmprintions—a7l , i
he - States-that the friends of the canal
hope to raise it to $4,50,000. This is
good news to the !nen& of this great
improvement. Mr. Mowry is sanguine
of gettini7 a large appropriation ; There
is ote thing, that sr; tar as these gentle
:flea are concerned, no eiToils %rill be
spared to secure the- result sá much de
sired. .
Fire and Loss of Property.'
Thelarge stable et Mr. Dull, at Dam
No. 3, a few miles above this place, was
entirely consumed on last Sunday Morn
ing about three o'clock, together with six
elegant horses, harness for ten hhrses,
a large quantity of &its, hay, chop,
&c.;—loss between SSOO and $l-,000 - .
There is no doubt of this heirs the work
of incendiaries. No discoveries have
as yet been made as to who, were the
perpetrators of .his most fiendish an dia
boliCal act: There is and hag been , ever
since-the commencerhent Of the Work,
a desperate set of fellows about the e " big
patch,!? as it is called, who hart; kept
up'-a constant disturbance which has
been of great damage and inconvenience
to Snolgrasis - , Dull, and other contra,:t
ors in that neighborhood. We are in
formed that there is rioting and caroris-
ing every night, distur!-ing the well clis
po-sed..and preventing them from the en
joyment of their necessary rest.
We understand the Sheiifi paid them
a visit in his official capacity a lew.days
before the fire occurrel,.hnt not hale ing
a sufficient po , :se. no-arrests were rriiicie,
which apparert C:ri.u!)t
had theefF,Tt i 0 rrtiholf! , o the N , Tila?r,s,
a n d, Mr. D u i! , havin7 mach e -Irrquent
cortipinin!s to the authorities to
have the laws esif - ,rc.s.t.l a , :ainst them,
they tool: advantaze_ of his a'isenee to
wreak their vengeance by committing
his property to the dames. We hope
no pains will he spared to ferret out?
the offenders and. bring them to. jus
tice. It appears to us to be highly ne
'c'essary that a more energetic
mixMrd be adopted towards those vagrants
who infest the line of the Canal to ex
cite the otherwise well-disposed, to riot
'and diOrder whenever an opporttinity
Dental Surgery.
Odr readers will see by his - card in
another column, that their old friend
Dr."Grandin, has arrived
. in town and
taken rooms at Mersereau's American
Hattie, where he is prepared to cin all
kinds of work in _Dental Surmery. The
Dr.'S well known skill and scientific
•accpurements need no recommendation
from us. Many -of Our citizens have
had the opportunity of testing his, supe
rior in Dental . Surg.: , r - v:
caa therefore with confidence cu;::zie:id
thim to all who need his services.
, Er' The sentiment of 'the Whic , par.ty in Pennsylvania seems to be strong
tor . G.- , ci.Scott for the Presith , ncy.
would suggest to the editor of the ff 7 14..i
in this place to be careful how he 'creaks
grOund in the matter, as Mr. Fillmore.
is also an aspirant for the nOrninatiop,
and be may remove the editor from the
Po * St-office ; . 'so beWare, friend Lathrop'.
14"ould it not be best for-you to coMe
out for Fillmore and takedown the abo-.
caricatures in the Post-office. •,
e make our acknowledgmentEl
to lion. S. P. Walkor, tL S. Senate; and
Messrs. SaMlergon, 'Duckakw,
ald,4ec.khow, of the State Legislatt4
fir documents.
. •
The LielegaiPs to the Judiclal
eintvntion from -Schuyilail county are
instructed Cur Hon. Luther Kidder and
Ellis ,Lewis,_ for 4.he, Supreme
rlese gentlemen' rank with
Cie - 21)1(.6i jurists in the - couptrY. - ' ' -
r,e'The 31nntour 'county bill has not
yet been actl.i eipin in the Senate.
S. of T.
The,pons of Temperance ..lurned out,
in Aill kegalia-int-Tlinrsday- eVrening last
to.lister,to the , address, of ..R. R. Little,-
Esq. They made a fine appearance.
Mt. Little acqui{ted himself with cred
and all expressed .themselves
highly , pleased with his truly eloquent
reniarks; bold and pointed, yet free from
.personal attack .and billingsgate slang.
After Mr. Little Concluded, Hon. John.
Brisbin was called upon to address the
assemblage which he did in his usual
for i cible manner: Messrs. Pratt and
Peckham also niade speeches. We are
sorry that anything occurred to mar the
harmony' of the occasion and retard the
progress of the good cause,°and we re
rgret to be compelled to r.ay that a por
tion of the remarks we listened to were
characterized by the lowest scurrility
and abuse. The vilest invective that
con!(1 possibly be gather'ed from the
deepest recesses Of a heart black as night,
and steered in gall and wormwood were
hurled forth in 'every direction. This
may be the best way to carry on a work
of benevoleAce and reform, and 'it rioy
not.: Those present„and others are as
capable of judging as ourselves. In all
ages of the world, the fiercer riasses of
tories and radicals, that is, the class who
do not and cannot reason, have monopo
lized the whole vocabulary of passion
and plentifully. distributed around the
phrases of malice. This is what is call
ed Malignant refarm.
Hon. John Brisbin arrived in
town on Wednesday last, wt suppose
from: Washilwton'; but not having heard
anything frprn him in the way of pub=
lic documents" with'which the Pr( ss ;s
usually favired for the public benefit,
we are.un4le to say.
The l uzerne Democrat feels sore
on: the subjeEt of " Brains." Wonder if
the ghost ofthe late member haunts tire
sn,in:O;y of the editors of that concern in
:heir Flumbeis.
The bill abolishing the Canal
Board and providing for the "election of
a Su'perintenklentlot e Public Works, has
been &.IZ.ateill in the Rouse by an indefi
nite pcstponirnent,by,a vote of 5f to*4o.
Winchester itlethodist-Con
ference Conirnittee on Dickinson Col
lege, bave directed a new building to be
erected costiOg $15,000.
The i nett proceeds of Jenny
Lind% thitteim concerts in Nra' 01, leans
arnpunted to he round sum of' $200,000.,
Gc{:p7ey's Pdy',!, Book for A Aril has
made:', its apkailance. This number is
mbellished ilith five engravings. Go
dey ii)edges.irnself not to be beaten or
even irquall r i. The May No. is to be
a "Star" Nr?. Godey is bound to gO
Sartain's Union Jtragazint for April
is a sppurb n tuber. It contains,a great
numher of o , iFinal articles. The em
bellishments"! are elegant, the reading
matter varied and interesting. Single
copies $3 in a l dvande. John Sartain &
Po., Philadelphia. ,
Pktiti4TlSittilA GANAL.—The Pitts
burg Gazette pf Wednesday says," The
Canal is now I tn fine navigable order, the
small breach Hollidaysburg having
been repaired, and passenger boats are
daily arriving at {and departing from
Sharpsburg. Freight boats also arrive
lit the same place,.through from Phila
delphia, and the'spring trade has fairly
. 7oor gir4 named Martha Stock, recover
14tely; in the Court of Common Pleas
Yt Lancaster,, Jujge Lewis presiding,
SI,AOO damages of a man named John
"t;eflt for slanderous words spoken by
irn 'cgaihst the chastity of the plaintiff:
One,thousand , dollars was all that was
`lzillned, and the jury brought in a ver
t 4or the full amount —Exchange.
' COLONIZATION IN VI ncura.--- The
ffieiPoyterian Synod of Virginia, 'at its
lhfemeeting ' held `at Winchester, ear
- t
r 1)
E.'stly recommended its members to co
o erate with 'the . State, in giving effi-
I+fiqyi to the, act lately passed by the
islature of Virginia, appropriating
4 I
30,000 for five years to colonize the
fele bldclis of the State in Liberia. The
.cprigregations of thelSyncid were ream
niended, to take upcollections in aid of
this purpose. , 'The Synod alsoapproved
of the proposal to 'establish aline 'of
st*arnsbips to AfricZ.' '
,Iyi, ' 1 '. ' , ;•.'
The Sullivan Eagle has hOn re•
moved from Cherry to Laporte, the
Correspondence of the Democrat.
' Mn=. 'WligctiE.siV i n did. not think
of again - ipp . earing in yddr .41u nins;hiit -
the meeting of- the -" Sons, ff - -Temper
ance" and „citizens, at the' .Methodist
ChUrch to hear an address from R. R.
Little, Esq., has Made it necessary in
order that that event may be chronicled
for the benefit of future generations.
Upon the whole it was a ve!Y 'credita
ble affair. The audience was large, and
the "Sons" made quite an imposing ap
pearance. The address of Mr. Little
was very good and listened to with
(Treat attention and manifest satisfaction
by the audience. His theme was duty,
and- he portrayed in stron , colors' the
duty the citizen ()Wes to himself and so :
ciety to abstain from all that intoxicates.
His positions in general were well laid
and ably maintained. Mr. Little Ss
Stron, and eloquent speaker, his apjihar-:
ance is bold and manly ; and it, rejoiced
rrie to see him in the position he there
occupied, and my sincere wish is that
he may always retain that position—a
blessing to himself and his ninny friends.
When Mr. R. c:osed his address it
would have been better ii the meeting I
had adjourned, but some of the "Sons"
thouglit otherwise, and a number of oth
er speakers Were called upon to address
the meeting. One aentleman took ex
ceptions and undoubtedly great umbrage
to the article that appeared in .your .pa
per . signed "T. nipteance." He de
clared that the article was written by a
member of the " - Division" who revealed
their secrets, which is unqualifiedly
false. The said speaker claimed to be
one of those " Moral Reformers" spoken
of by " Temperalnee" as " moral pests:"
he placed the gakment upon himself. and
in his own estiation it fits him, and I
am of the opini n that he has judged
rrt „
rightly. '"Omiiron's" good sense saw
that my article *as applicable to a cer
tain few and not the whole mass of tem
perance men. This gentleman has ar
rayed himself amongst the few, and
there let him remain till his 'better iiidg-
ment teaches him the e ror of his ways.
He says that in 'the American Revou
tion there was but one Benedict Arnold.
Had this same elegant speaker lived in
the days of the Revolution, and the
British' had neededhisservices, tilers. is
not the least doubt that there would '
have been two Benedict Arnolds; and
had he been in Judas' place, I opine !
there would not have been a; much de- i
lay as there was in the betriiyal of the '
Saviour Of the World. In his discourse,
politics appeared to he uppermost in his
Mind. 1 have marked the course of
this gentleman for some time. The
main-spring of his zeal is pAtics. He
thinks that he discovers that the "Sons"
area going to take hold of politics, and
that they are a foirnidalile body, active
and energetic, that will wield a sceptre
that he is vets' desirous of controlling . ;
but I think they will eventually see
through the transparency of his hipo
critical course. In his speeches both at
the. Court House and in the ChUrch, he
took the ground that " The cunning, art
ful, wiley politician ought to he a
Sonny ;" and why? because there will
will be a large class of voters among
them. Now let me see how he staniis'i
affected by this rule. 1 will form it i
into a syllogism and see what it proves,—
"The artful, cunning,, oiler poli
tician ought to be a sonny." lam a
politician, I am a sonny—ergo, I am an
artful cunning, t% iiey politician. There
may be fallacy in the above; if am r l !
am unable to detect it: 1 think it is
proved to the satisfaction of the gentle
without doubt, as he is a very 2og
ical. and close reasoner. , Ncrw if the
public will watch the movements of this
" Moral Reformer," (I'll not say pest—
he do i nt like the word) in a few months,
they will discover the truth of my as
sertions. Matters -will then develnpe
themielves, and that it is politids that
he is after and not particularly the good
of mankind. Temperance is one of the
great measures:of the day, the work 'of
real reform is gradual but -sure: The
steadY, Ober minded man ivho hhlds on
hiS way year after year
. will accomplish
.more, much more, for the caul,. : than
these mush. room temperance men, who
from selfish, interested and sordid mii
tive- dodge - at the thing Once or„lwice
in their lives with red hot - :zeal, deter
mined to force themselves ahead by for•
cing every body to adopt - their plans of
right arid" wrong, expecting to'accom- .
.., ,
plislrall iiii t,V - ee . k, a Monti; or year;
but finding all their scherries'evanescent
and visionary, they sink back'into their
oitgingl position of iglet the, world take
care of itself and the d—liaite the hind-
I read with care that little spicy arti
cle in y - our paper of.last 'week headed
"To these about Town who Understand
it," I trust to, my own advanta ,, e, and I
would advise several others to do like-
Penn'a Legislature.
Mr. 13:nediCt, petitions" from 85 citi
zens of Luzerne county, in favor of such
change in the license law that no license
may be granted for a less sum than 550 ;
also, from citizens of Wyoming county,
in favor of a change in the law licens
ing, beer shops.
Mr. Mowry, petition of citizens of
Clinton township, W omirg courts, for
a change in the place of holding elec
tions; also, petition of citizens of Wyo-
mine county, for the incorporation of
the Wyoming Plank •Road coir I any :
also, remonstrance of citizens of Su:lin:-
1).1;1nd county, against :he t mova rif the
county seat: also, petition of citizens of
Falls township. Wyornino; county, to;
change in their road laws: also, a peti
tion of citizens of Wyoming a unto-, fur
a change in their license law.
In the Senate, oti thelith inst.; Mr.
Buckalew presenteo the to inbtrpo
rate the Cite of Cat Londale, Avlnrh was
read a second and third time an‘i passed,
since which the Mollie has concurred
in the Senate amendments, and it has
become a law.
Free Pran'kilig Oft Sill.e. S:Otli:S
The insecurity of banking, based upon'
a deposit of State stocks has been, lately
demonstrated in New the failure
of several of these institutions. Their
notes to the amount of hundreds of thou
of dollars are in the hands of the
coin - nuttily, besides other immense out
standing liabditi,s , all of which will
hate to under-ro a considerable abate
ment xi hen they ore paid; it they are
ever paid at all. As ie all other bank
failures, the inconvenience and loss wid
hear most hardly upon the lahorieg.
classes. Thanks to the small rote law,
probil,iting the circulation of form ign
net's of a less denotniration than flee
dollars, we have hone of them arrnnest
us, but we have great many of a lard-er
denomination. We Nviil be told that
they are countersigned and registered in
the comptroller's office, and that th•v
are secured by the pledge of public stocks
of the State of New York, and of the
- United Slates. But all this 3oes not
give them currency : they will to longer
represent money; and purchase the
necessaries of life ; but they depresent
an investment, heating no interest, and
which may, one day this side of dooms
day, atter long litigation and chancery
suits', be paid yr iity a considerable per
centage knockle, d off for contingent ex
• The creation of banks requires the
exercise of thei greatest care and discre
tion. The tendency to speculate, the
opportunities afforded by- these institu
tions to secure loans of money upon easy
terms and without security, induces men
to make application to the Legislature
for the extension of these special privi
fegws to them. The object- prorckse.l, is
to accommodate the business community;
the evil complained of, is the insufficien
cy of banking capital. If there is not
enough banking capi al to satisfy the
just wants of the community, ,we say
that it is fars.afer to increase the capital
sto'cl; of old sound insti utions of good
.repute, than to create new banks.—
iSIr. lan:e(s Dill.;
As there is no little speculation afloat
in regard to the real operations of this
bill, as affecting:the coal and iron inter
ests of this State, we publish ; the follow c
ing, which we are informed by the gen
tleman who communicated the informa
tion he obtain from that quarter from
which the construction of the new law
is to emanate. The additional duty im 7
posed on iron, as :near as can be ascer
tained, is equivalent: to • about $1 75 'cts.,
per - ton,'which - will add from this source
alone, to the .national . revenue , about
$500,000 per annum. The leading iron
mastersproiess, under the circumstan
ces, to be satisfied • with this increase.
The additional duty on coal, is about 60
cents per ton.'
Mr. Webster, who was invited'
to : partake a dinner , iq I3oaton,
on the 7th of March, the anniversary of
his great speech, declined the invitation.
A CATtli---Artikial Teeth.
This pearar, branch of the dental
profeision has reached an admirabldstate.
perfection, and by the honest and
skilful-IL - practised.witiv great - satisia.
tion to the unfortunate.
But the'greater portion of the artifi
cial teeth inserted are of a,veiy infcru,r
quality, from the faCt that after having
been worn in the mouth for a short time
only, they absorb the moisture, and be
come:exceedingly offensive; and if per—
chance they give wav, will not admit of
passing through the usual process Le
cessary to restoration:.
The nest in use are the 4danuintine,
or :Diamond Teeth. These are the kind
used ehtir' ely by Dr. GRANDIN, Der.tist
of New York, who inserts them in the
most superior manner, upon gold plate
or on healthy roots, from one to whole
sets, with or, without—artificial v,ums,,as
the case may requite, in the most' beau
tiful, ?Iseful, and satisfactory manner.
• •
-Dr. G. may be found for a short time
al Mersereau's Hotel.
Tunlshannock, March 15,1851.
On Wednesday night last about hall
past nine o'clock, the Board Kiln erict
eil . .y the Presbyterian Church was dis
coyered to be 6n fire. It was pullt-d
chwn, and the fire extinguished, with
out, as we are. pleased - to learn, much
less to the chi:rch. We understand no
lire or light had been used in the build
ing during several days preceding, which
- reads to the ‘3elit.f that it was set on fire
by an incendiary. It is starting truly,
that there is reason to fear, that there
prowls about our vicinity, an individual
who would apply the incendiary torch.
This is
- the second building that has evi
dently been set on . fire purposely with
in a few weeks. Fortunately both were
co situated as not to endanger in their
burning, without high wind, other prop
erty. • -
These occurrences "shouldprompt our
citizens to watchfulness, and to ah effort
to ferret out the offender. ---
The Engine Companies were prompt
ly on the ground, though there was no
occasion for their services. We may
add, one Company however did some
sPrvibe. The old Engine, about as biz
ac a box churn, which had been loaned
to the boys, was taken by their youth=
ILA Company, early to the fire, and be
tliFrP, the bus:aft:used themrelves'
by: extin i zoishing the •erriters. They
periorila:d very weil:,Wiikcstiarre
Mini;ty Land Wanants
The Washington Republic mentions.
the case of - a soldier with a wooden lea,
tray riling about the streets of the city,
endeavoring' to sell a bounty land war
rant for 160 acres of land, which the
U. S. government had given him, but
coupled with a restriction by which he
could not make it assignable. • The 'con
sequence was that he could not sell it,
and- his own condition would not permit
him to cultivate the land himself, of
course the bounty was of little ben:fit
to him. Had it been assignable it would
have commanded $l3O. Congress has
made a great mistake in this matter,
which is equivalent to depriving the
soldier of al Ithe benefits they intended
to bestow. We fully agree wiih the
Republic in its -remarks, that if the
bounty law is designed to be beneficial
to the poor, aged, and decrepid soldier's,
who have risked life and laid up infix-:
mitirs in their country's service, the
warrants issued under it ought to be
made assignable. .Not only are assign
able warrants the more valuable, but the
unassignable warrants are of no value
except just to that class of well, doing
potions with whom it is a matter of in
difference whether they are assignable.
or not. Mell in need.of the bounty of
the Government do not profit by the
law. To men who require no such
bounty, who can locate for occupancy
or gale, and wait for their patents and
market for it, it is measurably beneficial
in its present shape. •
fl 7" John 13. Bratton, Esq., of Cum
berland county, has been_ named as a
candidate for Canal-Commissioner, in a
number of democratic papers. Mr.
Biatton is the fearless'and energetic ed-.
itor Of the Carlisle Volunteer,one of the,
ablest orthodox,papers in the State, and
is abundantly. competent to perform the
duties of Canal Commissioner. His th
terbporaries of the . press have generally
noticed the suggestion of I 'his name for
that office with high favor:—Peonssyf
.1?" The Bill compelliifg the N. Y.
and Erie ,Railre'adCampany to .- "fence'in
their track, in Susquehanna County, has
passed both branches of our Legislature.
Irani.: Laws.
Popular prejudice is very difficult to
be oiercome. ILinot untrevently gu t .
roqnds-an a , strong,-.gall,
and protect§ it Successfully from the at
cks of enlightenment and reform. Prom
time immemorial, the taking of usury bas
been denounced as the trade of the op.
pressor. Severe penalties have been en
' acted against it, ,which modern.. iatelli
I genee have mitigated. The opposition
to a repeal of the usury laws restsupon
teascin, nor can it 'be supported -on
- grounds Of, public policy.. Why m a y
not a man make as much profit as he can
-upon his money, as he does upon his
other goods? is there any policy which
requires a limit to the increment of- in
terest ? The usury laws do not prevent
the borrowing of money at usurious.,
rates. This is done freely every hour
of the day. And when public senti-'
ment so far condemns a law as to make
its violation common, it ought lobe shot
ihed.—llarrisburg Union.
Queerislon Suspension Bridge..
This second structure which spans
Niagara River, has recently been open
ed to the public. The towers are built
on each side,-and it is . 1043 feet from
tower to tower. There are to be- tea
cables in all, each cable made of 260
wires ; each wire warranted to bear
1500 pounds. The cables are firmly
anchdred in the rock, and pass over two
massy stone tow;ers,,some fourteen feet
The cables when extended bate the
shape of a rainbow turned upside doWn.
Instead of the plank and pathway being
over the cables, it is Amder them, and
the work to be sustained by iron rods
suspended from the cable, The plank-
ing is to be 20 feet ?vide, intended at
present for teams: it is' aid .16 -, the
greatest suspension bridgelin the world.
—Buffalo Com. Sdverlis• .
Country Pape,
We wish all Who are
taking city' papers, in pref
published in their own co
what Surtatn's Magazi
Country papers.
“In nothing has theie
marked change within the
than in the elevation in th
the country, press, Since
establishment of the Telvg
enabled to antiarte the
pers in the early publtcati
news through the interior ;
increased importance chi
to their issues, they have a l 4
responding degree of enere
cy in the pronloC- - -
patriotic undertal
Tr" .e connois
seur, &lift-collar oracle, nd critic de
hernise, announces that t4re; is soon to
be a new style!of new hat •
intimates that Beet*, a Bro
will introduce at the Wor
summer, a fashion of hats
angles. The crown is to
off"- like the end of a pump''
garth's line of beauty preset'
out. This style, Mr: Wi
o do away with the preva
hats—hich he calls the
a stovepipe" style. 'Yeti
fallen upon strange tithe
born ana bred in a villagei
cmess and pop at one and.
time, and draw inimpude
'bread in about equal 'repo
bacbelor dignity was never
icantty or severely trodden
one day last week, when r
trifling remark to a pert liti
the street, she looked up t
are—enthroned in majest
standing collaf.—and with a
preme indifference, ,screau
think yqu're great don't-you
like to knoW whose papa
• Lycoming Ppzet!e; I
Q 7". The Wilmot proviso'
and restrictions pastAllast ‘'"
by a vote of 49 toll is th
22 to the
has tendered to H. Jonea'B
sylrania State SenatorirO
county; the -appointment o
(a 1" When a'Statipma
liberty, he irnpties the Sups
laws--a demagogoe means,,
of the multitude—a vagabo
full license to steal.
the habit of
rence to those
nty, to read
e says about
ff.n a more
at ten years
• character of
the general
ph, they are
rest city pa ,
'n of the latest
and with the
h this gives
i cquired a cor
and eilicten
[beta' and
He boldly
dway hatter,
's Fa
. I
ir, next
o right
nd Ho
lbe "
inks, is
rder of
ti se
imbibe 'tau.
:t the Ramo
ce and daily
tions: Our
more signil
upon, than
aking some
le riiio; Ott
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