- LIVER COIVIPLAIN,T, - • Dysrpsio, Chrbitft ; or Xer— vous DebilityaDiseaseOf ihe Kidneys' _and all disews•arising ,from a disordered Liver or..Stonteett, such : ae Cenatipation, Inward•Pires n IftlAtnest Bko l i'd ,, t° the Head, Acidity pf ; itte. :ztoupuir. Nausea. Heart -burn. Diegust for Food, Fullness, or Alveight in 4tie-Siwt.kocil..! , .our 'Ertictations, Sinking or. Fluttering. at :the pit , of the Stomach, Swimming or-the Bead. hurried end difficult Breathing. Fluttering at the Bean, eltoking.or. Suflocaturg sensattons when to a lying posture, Br niness of Vts Bole. or art:b before the Night. FevPr - jaird \hilt heats; Deficiencr.,of Verspiration, yellowilesa or the - .Shirr ancl es',:Pain in' the stile, finek; chest, limbs. -Aim., :gulden. Flushes- ar"Heat, burning to 'the Flesh, constant imaginings ot 'evil, and ,great de.pression of Spirits, can be effectu -ally'cured hy ' • celebrated German Bitters, Prepared by Dr. , C. M. Jackson, at the-Grtnin Med.- icine Store, 120 Arch Street, Pbiladel ,Phig• • .;• Their power over the above disease not' extelled--if equalled—by any other . preparation in the--United tirar e s,, as- the eutei;atiest, ih many cases , after skillul physicians had failed. 'These ,Biltent are worthy the attention of invalids. Possessing •great• virtues in .the rectification of diseases of! the Liver , and lesser glands, exercising the moat Nearehing powers in weakness and affec t tong of the digestive organs.they are with al-, safe, certain and pleasant. Recut and'be Convinced ' Chas. Robinson, Esq., Eastior„ Md.. in letter to Dr. Jackson, Jan. 9, 1850; said, - "My wife and myself have receiVed nior. benefit from your medicine than any other we have ever taken. for- the Dyspepsia and Li_ver. disease." " The Tenth Legion," publiehed at Woodstock, Va., Jan. 10, 1850, said— "../1 Great Medicine." ' "We have uniformly ' refrained frotn re commending to the public-any of i l he Vari ous Patent Medicines of the _day, unless ihoroughly convinced of their vilue.— Ameng those we consider worthy of notice is the GERMAN BITTERS, invented by Dr. froolland, and prepared by Dr. Jackson, in Philadelphia. One instande in particular. in Which the superior virtues of thiS medi cine, has been tested. has fallen, under our übseivation.- During the last summer, a son of Mr. Abraham Crabill, of this coon ty,, was very seriously afflicted with Liver Complaint, and after trying. in vain.ivari. otts remedies, he purchased a bottle of the. Bitters, and after using it, 'was so much relieved of his distressing malady, that he procured anothOr bottle, and is restored en tirely to health." • Real further a few Facts. from “The Weldon herald," published at Weldon,N. J., January 24, 18.50, which said— c`tre believe Dr. C. M. Jacksen'i 'Hoolland'S German Bitters' to he a most excellent medicine, and one that should be highly popular in these days of Temp!. ranee; for they are altogether VEGETABLE in their composition. without one drop of Alcohnlic :spirits it' them. 'I his mettrine, is innocent, but strenothentno it' its effect-', and richt) deservine of an cobotioded pup. Okay, which, when it becomes kouwii. it will, no. don:it ; NI I p enjoy." . Jan : 2 , e M. M. Noah gait+, in his eek - y Messenger." January 6,1850 -"Ds• tioonsrio's tisent_n TTERF • Ilere is a preparation %%filch the leading presses in the Urton appear to be unani mous in recommending, and the reason is obvious. It is made after a prescription furnished by one of the most•celebrated physicians of modern timos—the late Dr. Christopher Wilhelm Hoofland, professor to the Utuversity of. Jena, private physi cian to ihe.king of Prussia, and!: one of the greatest medical writers Germany has ever produced. He was emphatically the ene my of humhuc., and therefore a medicine -of:which' he was the inventor ana endorser may be confidently relied on.' He special Ir-tenon:intended it in Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Debility, Vertigo, Acidity of the Stomach, Constipation, and all' corn pl.ints arising from a disordered condition o !the stomach, the liver and the intestines. Nine Phileelphia papers express their conviction of its excellence, and several of it.e editors speak of its effects from their own individual experience. Under these circumstanceai. we 'feel warranted; not only in calling the attent•on of our readers to the present proprietor's o.)r. C. M. Jack eon's) preparation t ; but 'in • reColittnending• the' sitticle to all afflicted." • More Evidence. The-" Philadelphia Saturday Gazette," the best family newspaper in the United) States. .•flee editor says— • ' '`ltte seldom ;hat we' recommend. •what aril termed Patent Medicines to the confi deride and patronage of 'uar readers; find, therefore, when u e recommend- Dr. Hoof. land's German Bitten', we wish it to be thetioctly. Understood that we are not , speaking, of the nostrums of the ay. that -are noised shoat fora brief period arid th torgorteit•after it has done_ its g pil t y ra e l ot tniechief.liattara medicine long esta Imbed, uhicersally prized, and which It *net the beitty approval of the faculty " That this medicine will cure Liver Co . . plairit'and Dyspepsia. no one can doubt f teoiiiing it as directed: It acts speeitical ly j upoo the ai&mach and liver; it ferable t 9 calorriel in .al billions diseases— the effect is intinediate. They can be t ad. miniatered to femate - or infak with safety and reliable benefit; at any time. • • • •••• • ~ f_ileuiure of 'Counterfeits. Tiistt medicine has attained chanicier.titilch r p nec.essaty,for air einte-attao td , induce counterfeiters to put forth a sauribus artte.le at, the of the lives of those are innocently de 'eivetr;-'• Lod G 4412 t0 the mar cs of g uzne 6 . 1 " They.,i,ave the written signature' of M.-.l.4crisort upon itte- wrapper. and I the name.blown in the bottle, without which they sre - lpirr one. • For-Bale--Wholeqale - and Retail at - the _ Ofedicii4 store, I`4QIE. 120 .Atit:ll hireEtt,. , == one door 'wimp sixttic('laut "stieet.) s by resik;cfeble de tiers eenerally fire coatitiy. Yor_Sale alsl by - Lhrli/toP;:Tunkkalinqic, 01, - t .. BLA NiqOP ALL KINDS FOR SALE AT THE OFFICE 41" THE " DraCCRAf." 1110ALLIVER'8' OLVIT - E -• NT A OR THE l'irOittli'S . ALlTE, .Contains no. Mercury or other Mineral. .1 From the Readina Eagle.", There• wati -never, perhapi, a medicine brought before thr‘-fititilic, that has in so short a time. won Such a reputation as * 4 McALLISTER'S ALL-HEALING OINTMENT, Oft WORLD'S SAL V E:" almost every person that- has made trial of it, speaks warmly in its prairie. One has been cured by it of the most painful Rheumatism ; another of•the piles; a third of a trouhlesOme pain in the side; A fourth at a swelling in the limbo, etc. if it does not give immediate relief in every ease, it can, never do injury. being applied out wardly. As another evidence of the won derful healing , power possessed by this 3alle, we subjoin the-following certificate, from a respettable citizen of hlaidencreek township, to this county. Maiden ereek, Bet kis en ,March3o. gessrs. Hitter & Co —I desire to inform voii:that was entirely cured nr a severe pale in the back; by the _use of McAllia tei'l Ail-Healing Sake, which I purchased iron,/ yon . I su ff ered milli it about twenty v.are, and at night was unable to sleep. During that time I tried various remedies, Which were prescribed to me by physi cians, and other persons, without receiving any relief, and at last made trial of this salve, with a result favorable beyond ex pectation. lam *wry entirely free from the pain, 4nd enjoy at night, a sweet ant; peaceful Sleep. I have also used the Salve since, for other complaints, with simila r happy results. Y our friend, JOHN HOLLEN BACH. For TIMM,- Ulcers, and all kinds of Sores, it has no equal. BU itNS!—lt is one of the hest thir•gs in .he world for Burns. (See directions for using it.), PlLE—Thousands are yearly cured by this Oi'Fitment. ft NEVER falls in giving relief for the l'ilep. Mound the box are directions for uSing 111cMistet's Ointment ler Scrofula, Erysipelas, TRttgr, Chilblain, Scald Head, Spre Lves, SorA Throat, Nervous Affec tions, Pains, Head-Achj. Deafness, Eet- Actre, Burns, Corns, Sore Lips ,_ Pimples, etc.; Croup, swelled or Broken Breast, Tcoth-Ache, Aaue in the ace, etc. i If )lothers and Nurses knew its value in cases otltSwollen' oK,Sore '3reast, they wpuld always apply it. In such cases, it ely used, and accoreinfr to the direc. L ions aroun d each box, it gives relief in a vary few hours. this Ointment is good for any part 101 ihe body or Limbs when inflamed. In -case-sit should be applied often. jCAVTION.—No Ointmcnf will be geuine lidless the ' r oaree of James McAlister is written with aspen on every label Price Twenty-five cents a Box. o r sate by my Agents in ail the princi pal cities,and towns-in the United Svates. JAMES I'ALISTER. 1 Sole prnprietor of the above medicine. Principal Ofh , e No. 28 North 3d st. Phil, adelphia. leg cuts for liWyoming Co. I, Ur. A H. Bolles, 'conk Hemlock, T. 1). Spring, Laceyville, D. 'l'. Sterlt'tat. Sterlingville; ‘,Vhippler Mehoopetiy. March 5, 1.50. ATTENTION TO THE LETING! Late .3rrival of Spring and Summer Goods, r the store of H. Stark & Ce., where they will be sold at lower prices than goods were ever knpwn lo sell at in these pails 'before. That this is Truth and no Fictiiin can he verified by pallin g at the ,BRICK EMPORMAI, Corner of Bridge and Tioga streets, which stands st the head of the, list, it cot - taming the most General Stock ever offered inthis market—comprising black, blue, and brown, Frenck, English and American IBROAD I LOVES Fine Dress Goods for the Ladies, Lawtis, Pelair.es,tlapacas,Figured,Chan geable, 'French; English and American PrintS ' French Merino, Cashmires. Silk Fringed Tbibet Shawls, Gloves, satin, silk and worsted . . MMI a great variety of silk, Leghorn, and Palm Leaf H A I'S, for men and boys, Hat., Boole and f hope, aI. kinds of hardware, Iron and -Nails, Queen's ware,• Groceries ' Codfish and I Mackerel, besides 10,000 o.hor articles en tirely roo extensive to ifernize, all of . which will be sold for Cash or exchanged for any kind of cout.try nroduce at unheard of low prices. So don't forizer tho Brink Empori um store. H. STARK & .June .- 22, 1850. - American Eptel. TnE BBC It Eft hereby ,„.., 0 nforins his friends and the iputi ic generally, that•he has taken HI e!!!= he stand, lately kept by IL G Nem. and completed his arranoements for he.accernmodation of customers . He flat.. ers him Self that all Whh favor him with , heir patronage. will.tind his house a Quiet Flours where a Well famished table.corinno !tons apartments,' and bedir downy, clean And corrifortable; will rtnder their sojourn l e e a tit i: p a r n d d e r a . g a r n e d ea s b u ! p e p . 1 y l. ol B ll7y a . b a le :te a :L i e u . buiirlarp , ' • A continuance of favors trOrn old custom re, aril al caul Min new 004 is respect uilf solicited . ' . .. . - 1 1 4E0FIGE, W.1110.:11811EAU. Ts4kiisiinitiekjani22'. 1849. Cnsteel and Cross-ent saws.war r;int4, Mr sale ht . t. 0. & CO: Ifeb, 10, 1850, FraWMiller'h Leather Preservative and ihatet 4 Proof Oil Lllaqkfpg.inr sale by - I'.-O. •11...!'0, tIRON dz. Sole Lea;her tor sale. 'by H. STARK &CO. 06, - 6 ADS - tor al the Peu9lo. L'Oe.hy • . ourgr, (A Febt 19.1850. • . • , ~j(ESS PORK by the bbl. or less quao u. thy,. by . • a-STARK &CO. A LOT , aof splendid Par aaiali lot sale Li H. STA RK - SL CO. Eiotio .-I*--,1400 :Corner of .11.farket and Franklia,:streets Wilkesbarre l : Wyoining ' Valley : Penn)a. Ifilloann. HIS large and commodious house I (lately occupied by Capt. J. P. Dennis,) has been. thoroughly repaired and put in the best of order throughout, yendering it one of the most convenient - public Houses in Northern Pennsylvan ia. There has also been erected on the premises extensive new stables and sheds. The bar is furnished with the most choice liquors, and the table With all the varie ties of the season. The proprietor hopes by furnishing his house with everything necessary to promote ease and comfort, to render the "Eagle" a home, for stran gers and travellers and to receive a full share of their patronage. 1:1 Horses and carriages at all times and low terms. 16tf ' IVEYERs' LIQUID CURE, .4 positive 4• never-f ailing Remedy for PILES, Whether Internal, External, Blind of Bleeding; Scrofula, White Swellings, Ulcers and Ulcerated Sore Throat, tan ker. Sore Mouth, Rheumatism, Cutane ous Diseases; , Mercurial Affechons, Also for scalds, burns, cut., sprains, bruis es, etc. %%e feel justified in proclaiming THE FACT TO THE WORLD that of all medicines ever brought before the public, NONE have ever be-n more beneficial to afflicted humanity than " M - ers' Liquid Core." N% e know that this is saying a great deal, bet if we were to write volumes, we could not say too much in praise of this health-restoring, life-preserv ing Remedy. Hundred., nay thousands. bless the happy hour when first they were made acquainted wjth its tranScendant vir tues ; and our present purpose is to inform other thousands, how.and where they rosy obtain that relief, which they perhaps have long sJught for in vain. 'the superior excellence of this prepara tion over all other medicines for the spee dy a nd'perrnanen t cure of PILES, is well known to all who have tested it. It has been proved in ihousa4ls of instances, and has NEVER FAILED to core. he MOST OBSTINATE CASES, and we are confident it NEVI( WILL FAIL if used a proper length of time according to directions . . AR a p - oof of our entire con fidence in its ifficac), we lis.ure all pur chasers that, if, alter a proper trtal,it prove ineiteetual, the money .paid for it will he Returned. The t‘ Liquid Cure" is an effectual rem, edy for Ringworms, Biles, Pimples, Bar ber's Itch, Frosted Limbs, Chilbl ns "It Hhet.ni, Mosquito Bites, Stings ot I n.s. nous litsectF, &e., and for Cutaneous Diseases of every description. It is both Fafe and effectual for RHEUMATIM, giving immediate and permanent relief. No preparation now before the publie can surpass the excellence of the "Liquid Cure" for Scalds, Burns, Cuts, spratns, brutses, swellings, &c. Its effects as a Real Pain Killer are dllng,ical Every family in the land should provide themselves with ibis invaluable pr.-part lion, the cheapness of which places it within the reach of all. Full directinna accompany each bottle. Pamphism, containing copies of •crrttfi cates from those who have tested the " Li quit, Cure," maybe had " Gjailk, " oh ou r authorised agents. " Myers' Liquid Curt." is prepared only by GEtrONIF., & 21 Spruce veer, New Ynrk. For Sale at the Post Office in Tunk hannock, by C. E. LATHROP, general Agent for Wyoming County. UOTEL, TUNKUANNOCE, WYOMING COUNTY, PENN. • THE subecriber informs his friends and the public in general, that he still eontinues to occupy this well known stand. The house has been thor oughly repaired and improved, throughout By strict attention to business, a well provided table and bar, commodious sta tiling and good attendants, he nopes receive, a he has hereiefore—lot which h is very thankful—a liberal share of the public patronage, - N. C.'MARTIN. March 27, 1849. N. U—The Stage Office fcr the Bing-. amino. Ilontrose, Tunkhannock. Wilkes Barri in c' Philadelphia. anll_;l7Pokhas.,_ek end A • ens stage !toes, is at Martin'' Ho tel. Watch and Jewelry !Sh op. CARLE HENNIGIER, Respectfully announces to ,the citizens • Wyoming county and surronnding c4un try, that lie has opened a Jewelers shop , in the•Bo s rough of Tunkbannocki next door below the Law Office of Mimi. M . Piittl, where cleaning and repairing Watches and Clovhs will be dope in good_ style and the shortest notice, and'ino4 teasonable terms—Jeweiry rnended•toelder: • alsoteep - pn hand is splendid -a sea rtment; of jewelry of good qualtty and fashinnable style: The 7lublic are ini , itea to give him a call. OLUVEK itiKEl)—LaN•lend Small k ads foi sale et the 'rele4l'arth 1410 rP• FOHN II: 139GAItT. Tunkhannock.. • April Bttiil3sll:- . • , A Grea variety of fieady-Matie Clrith rt, log' for sell- by , i r• O. & CO. Coal, Coal, Coal ! THE steamer Wyoming,. is Jaw, sup plyingg this market with a large quan tity of coal, which will be sold cheap. Apply at•the store of - • T. OSTERROUT'& CO. March 'l`.6, 1850. exutioyi• Exveut. man by the two!, 1:11ELt.:1..4 PP has engaged ~tip youtirmah pl the name 'of7, J. Toidgend, uses his mima to phi h t . a Sarsaparilla, which they call Or. Townseres Sarsaparilla. denominating It GE.N UINE,,Orig nut, etc. This Tow smelt& ts no doctor and never'was,- hitt 'Was . tormerly'eworher on out -roads, canals, and the. like. Yet heitstsmag; the title of Dt. tit the' Malmseraf gaining credit fo what he is not. He is also sending out cards headed. "'!'ricks ot Quacks," In sthich he says, 1 have sold the use o, my name for $7 a week: - T will rive S. Townwa • $5OO If be will produce one single, solitary proof this. This is to Atution the public not tube deceit.' and purchase ramie but the GENUINE, ORIGINAL OLD Dr.Jacith 'rownsend's Sartapatllls, having on It .the Old Gr's likeness, Irs faintly coat of alms, and his signature across the coat or amt.. JACOB TOWNSESTD, Principal Office, HE Nassau-et., New - York City ~.,,,,,o. 4. ooToncam e —, ,m 1 ~ 0 . 7,, . Jacob gi:-.T.', ,. .-. -F- .._ Towp.ci4 ,„, '— The Original -- Vviz, -1- z- Discoverer OF TIIEGENUINE flneaf TOWNSEND SARSAPARILLA. Old. Dr. Townsend Is now about 71:1 yevnt of age. and has long been known as the AUTHOR and LIOVERER of the GENUINE ORIGINAL " TOWN. SEND SARSAPARILLA." Being Poor, he was com pelled to limit its Manufacture, by which means it has been kept out of market, and the Gaits 'circum scribed to those only who had. proved Its worth, and known Its value. It had reached the ears of many, nevertheless, as those persons whn had been healed of sore diseases, and saved from death, proclaimed Its excellence and wonderful HEALING POWER. Knowing, many years apl, that he had by his skill, Went° and experience, devised an article which would be of Incalculable advantage to mankind when the means would be furnished to bring it inn, universal notice, when Its inestimable virtues would be known and appreciated. This time has come, tha means are supplied, thin Grand and unequalled Preparation Is manufactured on the largest scale, and Is called for throughout the length and breadth of the land, es pecially as It is found Incapable Of degeneration or deterioration. Unlike young S. P. Tovimsend's, it improves with age, and never changes, but (Or the better ; because it is prepared on scimitifieprinciples by a scienrific man. The highest,knowledge of Chemistry and the latest discoveries of the art, have all been brought Into requisition In the manufacture of the Old Dr's Sar =patina. The Sarsaparilla Mot. It Is well known to medical men. contains many medicinal properties, and some properties which are inert or useless, and others, which if retained in preparing it for use, produce fermentation and acid, which is injurious to the system. Some of the properties of Sarsaparilla era-, so volatile, that they entirely evaporate and are lost In the preparation, If they are not preserved by a sci ntilla process, known only to those experienced in It manufacture. Moreover, these .rolatite principles, nich fly MT in repot or as as exhalation, under neat, are the very essential medical properties of the oot, which give to it all its value.' Any person can boil or stew the root till they ge a dark colored liquid, which is more from the colt,• ring matter kr the root than from- any thing else ; they can then strain this insipid or vapid liquid, sweeten with, sour molasses, and then call It" SA R SAPARILLA EXTRACT or SYRUP." Bat such is not the article known as the GENUINE OLD DR. JACOB TOWN SEND'S -SARSARPARILLA. This is so prepared, that all the Inert properties of the Sarsaparilla root are first removed, every thing capable of becoming acid, or of fermentation, la or tracted and rejected ; then every particle of medical virtue is secured In a mire and concentrated form; and thus it is rendered incapable of losing any of Its valuable and healing properties. rrepared In this way, it is made the moat powerful agent in the Cure of innumerable diseases. Hence the reason why we hear commendations on every side In its favor by men, women and children. We find it doing wonders in.the cure of CONS u.irP TION, DYSPEPSIA, and LIVER COMP!, 9 IN7' and in RH EU.III.9TISAI, SCROFULA PILES, COSTIVENESS, all CU T.LIVEO US ER OP , voxs. PIMPLES, DLO TCLIES.and all affections arising from IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD It possesses a marvellous efficacy in all complaints arising from Indigestion, from ..lcidtry of the Stomach, from unequal circulation, determination of blood to the heatkpalpitation of the heart, cold feet and banns, cold chills and hot dashes over the body. It has net its equal in COLDS and COUGHS ; and promotes easy expectoration and gentle perspiration, relaxing stric tures of the lungs, throat, and every other part. But in nothing is its excellence More manifestly seen and ecknowleuged than in all kinds and stages of FEMALE COMPLAINTS. It works wonders in cases of Fluor Allnis or Metes. Falling of Ole Womb, Obstructed Suppressed or Painful In eon/wiry of the menstrual pe riods, and the like ; and is as erectile' in curing all the forms of Kidney Diseases. • By removing ebstructions, and regulating the gene ral system, it gives tone and strength to the whole body, and thus cures all forms of Nervous diseases and debility, and thus prevents or relieves a great variety of other maladies, as Spinal Irritalion„Afeuralgia, St. Fitus's Dance, Swooning, Epileptic Abu, Connulsious.Asc. It cleanses the blood, excites the liver to healthy action, tones the stomach, and gives good digestion relieves the bowels of torpor and constipation, al lays Inflammation, purifies the skin, eqttnlises the circulation of the blood, producing gentle warmth equally all over the body, and the insensible perspira tion ; relaxes all strictures and tightness, removes all obstructions, and invigorates the entire !croons sys tem. Is not this then the • Medicine you pre-eminently,-peed ? Iluiean any of these things be said of S. P. Town send's inferior article 7 This young roan's liquid Is pot to be COMPARED WITH THE OLD DR'S, because of one GRAND FACT, that one is INCAPA BLE of DETERIORATION, and • NEVER SPOILS while the other DOE:S ; and Mrs tag the bottles containing' it int.. fniginents ; the sour, scut liquid exploding and damaging other goods!— Must not this horrible compound be poisonous to the system 1—• What put and iota u .ystem already dis eased trith taut! What causes Dy•pcipsia but acid 7 Do we not all know that when Moil sours In our stomachs, what mischief it proilnces heartburn. palpitation of the heart liver complaint. dinrrhcea, dysentery, colic, and corruption of the blood? What-ls Scriifula but an acid humor in the body 1 What produces all the humors which bring on Erup tions of the Skin, Scald Deadt, Salt Rheum, E:ry sipclas, White Swellings, Fever Sores, and all nicer mines internal and external 7 It is nothing under heaven, lint en acid substance, which sours, and than spoils all the, fluids of the body, more or less. W muses Rheumatism but a sour, or acid fluid wh., • usinuates itself between the joints and else whets, irritating and inflaming the delicate tissues union which it nets ? So of rerviors diseases, of im purity of the blood, ofileranged circulations, rind near ly all the aliments which nillict human nature. Now is It not horrible to make and sell, and in finitely warsr in nor this SOURING. FERMENTING A CI D "COM POUND" OF. S. T. TOWNSEND, - and yet he would rtin have It understood that Old Dr. Jacob Townsend's Genuine, Original Sarsaparilla; Is tin IMITATION of his Inferior prepanttlonl! Heave!, forbid that we should deal in an article which would bear the most distant resemblance to d. P. Townsend', artic le! and .which should bring down upon the old Dr. such a mountain load of com plaints and crlminnfions from Agents who have sold, and purchasers who have used S. P. Townsend's FERMENTING COMPOUND. We wish- It tindersbiod. because It is the absolute truth, that S. P. Townsend's article and old Dr.lacob Townsend's Sarsaparilla - ore araven wide apart and in gnatlp dissimilar; that they are unlike in every par tlcnlar. having Lint ono-single thing in summon: As ELP: Townsend- my' doctor, - and never •was, Is nn - chemist, mi 'phartitaceutist,-knows no ninrelol medicine or disease that) any other common, minim un professional man, Avlutt ruhriottee can the pub.., have that they are receiving. arpenuine scientific niedielne, containing all the virtues at the article* used iich preparing it, and which .nte inciPahle changes which might render them the AGENTS Disertie instead of health. -But what else should be et potted from one who knows nothing comparatively of ',medicine:Or disease : it i recptires a person, of some, experience to conk nod serve ;up even4l eimimou'deeent Hoer *much more important'is it that the persons who num4factlue medictne, demeaned for Weak Stomacher and 9111(ceb/cd ,Syp should., know' well the medical properties of plants, the hest manner of cOnceittrating,and securing their healing virtues, also no extensive ititoWledge of - the vationsoineases•which affect the human system, and bow to adapt rentedfrs 44 these diseases ` 'lt Is to arrest frauds 'fickin - the Unfortunate, to pour balm Into intended hnutitnity. to kfildlei WO' lb the despairing bosom, to restore health and bloom, and ,vi. Igor Intothe Crushed Ind broken, and to: hitelsh in , tlrmity .that 01,,D Lilt. ,JAcrID TOWNSEND btu; SOUGHT ned'EA)ND the opportunity and means to , bring his , Grand 'Uniiersal Coueentrated Rentedy,` - wtt to the Rub. nos' to the knowiedge eti .:For 13a1e at the Post Qffice ,Tunic hannock,,hy C. E. LATHROP, General Agent for Wyoming county. NEW,SADDLE, - *I2IA — RWESS MANt/Agr.PRY: The aubsOriber wontd . •a. .respectfully notify. the , .public that, he has corn.inenred , Th'e Saddle Harnfas i s . business, tkehorou'gh ot"l'unkhanndck, Statil'a. thick Block, on F. l • Bridge ei raet, two doota above+ H. Stark & Co 's §tare,, , iyhaTe h e intends to keep on hand and' manufacture to order, Saddles, Brlags, Harness, ryalts,,Ta flees, Halters, Carpetiligs, and every artielezonneeted.-withihe busi ness. By stile' aveniitin to business and promptness in fu/tilling all eligamertienip, he hopes In meet with a liberal share o public patronage: AM kinds of produce taken in-exchange for work—Cash not refused., WA BEEBE. Tnnkhannock, Oct. 30, 1849. Doctor Yourself for .25 Cents. By means of the pock 'et ESCU LA PIUS, or Every one his own Physician ! Twenty fourth edition. with )upwards of a hundred engravings, shov, Ind private diseases of ev ery shape and form, .and malformetions of 7- 11re-get l ierative system, by 14 ta . Y °wee, M.U. arrived, that persons si. .ng tit,.... ..et disease, need no more to become the victim of quackery,as by the prescription contained in this book any one may cute himself without hin drance to business. or the knowledge of the most intimate friend, and with one tenth the usual expense. in 'aihittion to the general routine of private diseases, it fully eiplainstheCanse of manhood's ear ly,decline, with observations no marrial,3,B —;)asides many other derangements which it would not be proper to enumerate in the publid prints. Any person sending Twenty-Five cents enclosed in a letter, will receive one copy of this book, by mail, or five copies will he sent"for one dollar. 'ALI ress. DR. W. yOUIkII;,N,n. 151 SPRUCE sireet,PHIL ADELPIIIA. Post paid. Dr. Young ran he consulted on any of the diseases described in his different put.. lications, at his r tfi-e, 152 Spruce street, every day between 9 and 3 o'clock, (Sun days excepted.) May 21. 150. JY MAMMOTH CLOTHING EMPORIUM! ! CLOTTING At the New Clothing- and Gentlemen 9 l Furnishing & Outfitting Establishment TUXKH.I.,VXO CK, KOHNS & MAYER, VN iJr doe st., one door to•low Nlessrs Itead tSt Bardwelt's _Store, have the pleasure of _nviting the public in general and those who want Good and Cheap Clothing in particular, to call at their store and examine the largest and most splendid stock of the EtlE§iT GOODS ever imported into this section of country such as Coats, Pantaloons, and Vests ; Shirts; Collars, Suspender, Gloves, and every article of Men's, Youth and Chil dren's - WEARLNG ./IPP3REL. Their articles ar well made and the work is warranted. All kinds of Vlothing, made to order on short notice. They have algn omband a good stock of Boots & Shoes. Being:determined to sell goods as lonr as they can be bought at any other estab lishment to the linion s -we feel assured that we can suit all thove who . may 'favor us wi'h a gall. . KOfINS & MAYER. Oct. 30,-1849. THE Wyoming co. Mutual Insurance Com., N‘'Olt FUR Al E 1) by Act of Pei.n.Leg iskiurß, approved April 16, .1850., is now ready to r ceive applications for In surance, on the Minna!• principle, nn most kinds of property`exposed to destrw•tion by fire. All who insure in this Company will share equally, in proportion to the amount insored, in the profits and fosse', ; and each will have a vote rn the election of officers and a voice in the direction of its operations. The following are the Directors and Of ficers for the eheuing years! • DIRECTORS. _John Bunnell, Bradley Wakeman, Ja. ! bez Jenkins, Sherman D. ' Phelps; Ste phen Capwell, A. K. Peckham, Henry Robers, Andrew Gordinier, Asa S. Da na, 'R. R. Little, Thos. Osterhout, Al fred Hine, John Fassett. OFFICERS. S. D. Phelps; President. Milton Dana, Secretary. R. R. Little, Vice President. John Bunnell, Treasurer. S. H. Taylor, General Agent. Not more kin $2,000 taken in one risk, and no Steam or other bxtra-hazaidous property inQttree,, Amount of Advance I",remiurn paid "on $l,OOO, on - a five-years institanci , , for safe tarm prope.ty4- 3 .0 0 , =abOnt one-lorth the amount charged by stock companieF. Other property in pro. Onion to risk. Applications fcif insurance_or for Agen cies to be iddressed.to:ft. }1: - --k , r4ify Chair man Executive I.lciniiiiirrie; or to • MOON Teekhaniiock, June '4, 1850, Itrarningl indebted tO A. 'Dull - lath or A L n am 43i Son, ere hereby t L A.Durh persons' , no titled that .payment,totst be made ixtnedi ately, erwl'that alf aieotints'ntii settled be fore the 15th day of September will be col. lected by law. Payment•may be made to Macon' Dana, Ilea.,' - 'runkhannock,' or to the subseribPr at Mehoopany. thAug. 6, 1830. F. DURHAM. " B edsteads ! Bedsteads ! ! A largoAssortutent of tnipprpr quality A Be,dsteads just received'And for sale at very low'priee,s,ar chojelegraph Store. ' 2 .3OHN •H. HOGART. Tunt.hannock. July 16, 1830. gratiAß: t; , WAIN 1 -• I • !PH s People ,o 1 or Steamers b 4- - tweet' this pkt aild,tiotnorD, ip Ha nary,-ere doing"a'tietneptiook Whim. Them is 'nothln dioi l can compete wi theta. There is no shoals' r sand ban' that can stop them; and they are cooatan 1:11 i.upplojiliz, the eababribersivith a ma' nificetit assortment of• Cheap ) I'm, and Semonable Goo very variety that can Ile found in a c. try Store : Clotlis,Cassinzers,Satinetts,B etoer i e . Kentucky ;eons, Flannels . ' ' all kinds of Calicos, Domestics , Fm. Merinoes, Dunords.Retrnania, Cloths all colors, and gala Plaid, ,Gimps and Ye eels,. Hats., Caps, Boots, Shoes, Iron, Steel, Naffs and Nell Bod• Coffees, Teas, Sugars ' . Molasses, D Stuffs, Cod Fish,' linage P; itc. arc., all which will be sold at we y low prices f' Cask or ay kind of Barter. THOS. OSTERHOUT & CO. Oct. 30, 1849. IAFFLICTED,READV PHILJIDELPLIM. MEDICAL SOUSE, t Established`so Years ago, by , A'. W. Corner of Third and Union Sts between Spruce and Pine streets, PHILADELPHIA.. '4 rt IE7EI'. Y EARS of extensive an uninterrupted practicespent im this l city have rendered Dr. K. the most expe and successfu practitioner far 'and near,i the treatment of all diseases ot a prim' nature. Persons aflliCted with Ulcers o the body, throat or lege, pains in the he. or bones, mercureal rheumatism, aino tures, gravel, disease arising from youth, ful excesses yr impurities Of the Mandl %hr-rehy the zonstuution has become leer led, are 41 treated with success. t - le who places himselt under the car" of Dr. K., may relietuusly confide in hi honor as a gentleman, and confidently rr ly upon his sluil as.,a physician. Take Particular .Notice; YrAing men who have injured them • selv e s by a certain practice indulged in habit frequently learned from evil coin , panlons or at school—the effects of whic. are nightly felt, even -when asleep, 811.1 destroy both mind and hody;phould appl immediately. V eakness and consign; iional debility, loss of muscular energy ' physical lassitude and general postrii lion, irritability and all nervous aftection i . indigestion. sluggiiihness of the liver, an., every disease in any way connected sit. ,' the disokder of- the procreative function, cured, and full vikor restored, 'YOUTH & MANHOOD. vigorous Life, •- OR A Premature Death. KINKELIN on Self Preservation. ONLY 25 ctNTs This honk just published, is fulled with useful ierurmation, on the infirmities and diseases of ie generative grgans. It ad dresses itself alike to Youth, i:ilanhood and Old Age, and should he read by ail. The valuable advice and impressive Warning it gives, will prevent years of misery and save annually thousands of VPP. • Parents by reading it will learn how t.: prevent the desituction of their children. A remittance of 25 cents, enclosed in a . letter addressed to" Dr. Monello, N. W corner of 'Fitlrd and-Union streets,betwee Spruce and Pine, Pluladelptlia," sure a' book, under envelope, per rem, mof math Persons at a distance may address Dr. K. by letter, (pool paid,) and be cured at home. Packages of Medicines, Direction, etc., forwarded by sending a remittance, and put up secure from Damage or Curiosity. . Booklyellers. News A4-:ents, Pedlars Canvassers, and alt others supplied with. the above work at very low rates. . 44) WONDER & BLESSING of the AGE! THt Wyoming bounty Agency fo the sale of this valuable ' iiitlpopnlar atty.! le, has passed into the hands or MesWrF• BOLLES & GUODALE. with a supPlY 1 of 350 BOTTLES! The great merit ' tit - this weil•knoWni Spring and Surnreer Remedy wench se %•' insure it an extensive sale. Persons is , tending to use it as an alterative, will d well to comin'ence early .and _persetere until its Efficacy in their particular cases shall be fairly tested.- • 44 Saved ,her So says Mrs. Thomas (Ystethout, of on i village 4 who was - sinking under a genera t debility. Cured Sick Hicd-..dche and otherwise greatly alleviated dtat•es. and suffering. as certifiee n in thfs - case' of Mrs.Alfre 4o 'd. iB H p i s nesia.dur : . ( i./1, 1 ;, . by relief broirght tcr.a.eziej of water in a stomach titt , epsed,.aao greatly., debil itated. - The- subscriber can certify _to this. HitneepAbe:aultecet.,farleate--is greatisyneneftited—bettitit , testored•ll He therafeArecomMende tnftillendhireice:i the use Aar TOWNBFINWS Compound 85i - rnp SaisaOtitilia; I pteibe'nt' induagreeabie beveragi=:-in ea whie-offensive to the taste anit2 stomach, Dud' . 1)0 1 /e 98 1 11 W - 1 1 9.151.Yllitt!ib e _Pedica Prope M rties. , aving,nn .-fionget . .noy, inter not in the sal - 4 4 ,41e - liciuntarily makes this statement'in justice protirieterr, and in frienilehii - ko theafflicted• -A. - DURHAM. Tunkliatinock, Mardi-1850. WHERE A' n 1 . 1 ,4110 3: Char!site, has idt my bed and 'board with the out tinSi Jost cause iv, pro'vocation, t his is refore to notify all parsons 'not to , trusi ber,on account,my y nttatiting S d": will payy E ri N °. d A.i bt i!E °l l!P e 'r Forkstoni 193y'18,11350. • - ftRADLES, Rakes and Scythes ks *lO cheap, by H. STARK &Oa
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers