The Wyoming Democrat. (Tunkhannock [Pa.]) 1849-1854, December 31, 1850, Image 3

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    'Sheriffa Salad '
p Q:iYfi of":LAtilehryz'uttititLetf‘ Vend.
/ g•tpo., Fi. Fa., ayrd'Allas:Fi. Fa..
no of the court Of-Coinmon Peas of
sy ,, D ing county attato me ctirectet4
, t he - punt
be etposed to, pnblic'.sate at
Dove in Tunkaahnock, et 1 n 'olock;:P.
03 Saistdanheftrelday of eebroary!, 1851:
A piece, parcel or yeast land. attests
oho toWhship hr Washington; VVforcing.
w r,ty, Fa., bounded' ,north lands
3/tonging tolltinsei'nNetattb, on thweas,
viands in the names of 'Martha
donletir and; OgrY Haghn, - south b lands
:the yeamtieee nmne of Bei west
binds o r Withim,, Dennis, and : : Fittio.-
y C o llins—containing about one hundred
,cl.6fly tie/eel/1 tlands• six or eight %terns
t oned. with - tite appurtenances.
Stized and taken to exewution at the suit
wt. C• Manisa against John Collies and
k f The following 'described piece °tierce'
Ilind. situate in Tankbothock township.
otcrnp , coanty, • Pa., bounded Mn the
, r ,• ~D Inns of Jaynes flosericrants and
gta I)eckerf east by lands of Luire,Moinc;
' by lands unknown, and west by lands
:ifrederick It '
ingkinger—contatnlng about
t rty acres. about foot acres itaprorcd;
`lob a frame houie. frame stable' and saw ,
di thereon, one fourth nark of welch to
; posed to belong to Daniel Halt and
eighth paitS to Jesse. Wagner wtth
k tnpurtenances.
Seized and taken In execution at the suit
Henry stark agniust Daniel Dail and
I nto Wagner, ' , 1 -
d, \tied
do following descrn . pt, ~;pen,
.of land, situate in the township of !halo-
Itt 1Y
IYe. wint,:countys Pa . bounded as
lluvve I asgintitog 'at the stage road . oti
tit P of lands of John Strird'e . vani;thence
.11 38 degrees aim 42 1,2 Terre a to the
Incithip' hoe; thence along said line,ionih
;fil ttgrees 'east 8 perches to a po,,i_atoi
101 4 ; thence south,39 "degrees west 4'3
Ivrb.• to the aforesid road; th.nce alodg
,6t. .
, I'id road to the place of beginning.t—con.
Owing two Beres. More or legs. with a
`4.•'_j-suis house and frame barn thereon, all
t :Zproved, with the appurtetances.
seized and taken in execution at the
,al; ot Hear) Stark vs. L. G. Skinner.
.-' • - ..
h*, The following described piece. parcel or
. itnet of land sitnate in the townshtp of
r 1 :-AinahaM, Wyoming, county, Pa, bound
I , at on the north by lands belonging 'to the
teal of S L Keen, and Benj. Stephenson
.. s e ' '
- -ce east by lands of John . Faasett and
. l.
ilcih Rogers; south by lends of Daniel
`.3t.htat weet by lands of B Jayne anti Jas
-.13a la—containing about two hundred aid
-,, , ,,, acres, about twt•ty acres im
-1,"• D 7 re.', with a liilne school house, log
:oa , a: d log , barn thereon. -
-. Seized and taken in execution it the oujt
alt . '.; i‘en.H Barnes assigned to Horace CM-
E, 49 iri against Alvah Redfield and I. C Conk
ti_4; 3, lately doing business under the firm of
rti'ilieltielti and Conklin.
kit i l ALSO, i
iAs equal undivided half of all that est-
It-ita piece or parcel of land situate ih the
Iliornship 'of Northmnreland, Vlr yomine
0: jovatv• Pa., bounded and abutted awtol
-0/11:,On theeeast by the petite road lead
it from Centremoreland corners to Pinch
i'' k , l'i no the south and west-by land of
t o l,•fel Rogera, and on the north by land of
sinus I Clayte.a, containing nearly Awn
,•23 of an acre, be ;he Same more or less,
; truproved.,with a 'tramp dwelling house,
i., .nce chop and bl acksmith's shop and a iew
hit trees there-or., with the appurenances
' .food anfd taken in execution at the suit
id sarhuet iliadhame,. Executor of Calvin
Wadhams deceased, ass'it, to it. IL thole.
1 ,
f",,,:t1l N Gallup alal S R Durfant .
''i ALSO,
t i'llA The following described piece, parcel or
Owl of land, situate in Lemon towns*,
Otraming county. Pe., bounded on the
- -itrth by lands of Curtis Avery; on the Cast
qv land, of II G Zito; south by Wins of
tiott B Carver. and west by lands of $ S
r . 1 liinrhestar—contamin,a 77 acres, more or
,..._ in. about 45 acres improved, Pio frame
aa:yalee, ona frame bare, one frame ;role
Ari., one log, stable and an apple orchard
it :neon, with the appurtenances.
gll''' Belted and taken in execution at the suit
r... 1 ;!.'eu;; Steel v'. Jesper Billings.
•,.1 The following described piece, parcel
- 'r tract of land situate - in Lemon tow,n
ii)lar, Wyoming county, Pa, bounded on
'. , .-'e north by lands of Samuel Hine ; east
. ..''-'`,i twit unknown; south by a tract (Aland
Vii p t . he warrantee name of Mary Lane ; and
',ilt,:ll tny lands in the warrant e e name of
elAny liuehs anti Martha Moulder.-4cou
K . zing about two - hundred and fourteen
ettra; about fifty acres thereof unproved.
'S I la a Imam house, frame bates apple nr
'4rd and saw mill thereon, with the ap
, lttenapees.
v it' seized and takenlin execution at Biel suit
7 :1 . ;' 't W. A. Hotchkiss against Nelson Mat
aill and Jacob K Brown. - -
-,,.... . ALSO,
rbles sevenths of two tracts of lan l e, sit..
as in Tunkhannock township. V‘ yoOsin,g
tzny, Ps., bounded north by lands nt the
' i 4tra of Henry Drinker. deceased; we t by
- a lto Sheet and Wm. .Bell; south by l ands
T a.::' l ' benjamin Jenkins and Anson Phipp-.
Stll"-t1 east by Mary Lauz—one of said tracts
Watng be-n surveyed 'to --Hewes; con
ronle 305 acres and 100 percbee,! and
II - -11 other enrveyed to Martha Moulder,
r r t containing . fent" hundred and thirty ! .
rtht atrts. atid. /03.percheg, and both pat.
''dlo to Zebnlon Marcy July 6, 1f.3, all
tri tiaprpved. with the appurteuences.l
John McKinney against Theron blarney
'','""2. ntl Thomas h Yell
JO FIN , JAVESON; Sheriff.
) e Office, Tunkhannock, T
Decenber 31,1850.
Auditor's Notice.
RE undersigned having been appoint-
Autittor to distribute thel i pro.
of the. sale of the Real Estate of
4 dreiv,Sickler, u ill attend to the du
of‘bis appointment at his Ate in
the borough of Tunkhatinock on Friday
,:lhe 31st day of -January 1851, at ;1 o'-
, t l -4 when and wheze all persoils
haring claim upon said fund. will' pre
' the ,sme or, be debarred, &c.
""; S. SAVINCRESTER, Audit Or.
Thskhannock, Etec.. 31 1850.
-, , - 911 - .: -- •
C AME into the enclosures of theiseb
scriber, on or shout the al oti
ifgh, a red Heifer two year! ottl
spriug. wilts pretty high hoses. The
• "
oer 15 fiqUitateis to proFe property, pay
'ilges and take her a w ay,
N'fboltron; goem.t J.,'
Tire66th jAvineipiminted
derstgried 'an Auditor in'-the - matter
'At the distribution of the funds arising
from the sale of the Real Estate of John
Steyeni, will attend to the duties of his
appointment at his office, in the Borough
of Tunkhannock, on Thursday, the 30th
day of January, . 185 t, at: 10 o'clock,
lA. M. All persona interested in said
fund are required to present their claims
'or be debarred from claiming any of
said fund.
IVIILTON..DAvA, Auditor.
Tuolibannock, Dec. 1.851
To Buy where 'you can get the Most
• Goods for the Least .kloney.
This can be done at the
People's Store.
Ttl E Subscriber retpectfully announces
I. to the
_Public to,general .tnar he has
opened a new mote no truitli.k..threit. a
few doors below Liotrirt's -tare, where he
hag lust recei.ed from Philaclelphti, a full
and well selected a4smeneril of
Dry Gooli,Groceries,Hard ware, Queen's
Ware, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Li
quors, Dye , Stuffs,
Zkc., ISIT.
which •he will sell at very reduced prices,
for ready pas%
All Kinds of Country Produce and Lum•
ber taken in ezehancre for 14onitc.
rOnkhannock, N0v.19, 1850,
6 r eir, I,
Tnnkbannock, Wyoming Co., Pa.
ITA‘ E Piet returtictr boot 'tie city with
the largest aid nest r.tneh o f
ever brought low this seettou of country.
dI I of which will be sold At the very low•
est pride's fur cash or produce.
Their .articles are well made and the
wort; is isarrAnied.
Ail kiwis of clothing made to order on
short notice.
The public are invited to ca'll and r Tam
ale their assortmetr. striv. 1850.
Orphan's Court Sale:
Y virtue (A an order of the Orphan',
Court rbf the C• , entv of N
there will be exposed to public sale at the
ravem Honee of N. (1. Martin, 'in the
ot•Tunkhannlick, Nyominy t!ountv.
Perinsyltants, on "1 h .rsday, the t3.i dby
of January, s. D. 1851, at one t.'cluck P.
M. or th:aLiiaF, the tollowing 4escrihert
!teal Eetate, late the Estate of W
Deceased, situsted in the Bert,'
of I'unnt:-
h+nnock. county & State aforesaid. ltou C.
rd on the P;ouililtx second etc-e', on the
west by the aid Bridwwater turnpike, on
the north by itsterhout & and on
the east by lands of Cacoe—contatnirtg one
fourth of an %error .hereabout, to ith a Small
frame dwelling House and frame shot
Conditions of sale as follows: one third
rf the purchastm:oney to be paid on thr
day of sale. one third on confiruta.i .ri of
7 Aale and delivery bt dred, bind the balance
in two months after confirmation ix - s a le
and delivery of deed. to he secured tiy
vldament, !nod, nr per•toual security, at
the option of the :Attruinistrator.
• A. HIKE. Administialor.
By order of the Orphan' , I 7 0 11 rt.
1' M. O,terhout, Clerk.
per. 231, 1850.
The undi reigned having bet
at. Auditorto distiitute filo pro , iceeds
of this sale of the Heal testate of Samuel
Billings, will attend to the ditties of hie
appointaseot at hie infroe In the Bort,' of
Tunl.4.2ennek. on Monday the 271 h day tti
Jan. 1851, at 1 o'clock, i'. M. when and
where MI persions hactrigolainis said
fund will present the same or he barred, Ste
' R. It. LI I' Auditor.
Tonkhannock, Dee.. 18 1850.
t4 -US I ievetvcd at th e •• Etehange," a
fresh supply 01 Reasonable }plods. it.
o Lades we would extend our Willi/11'8i
h4nka - tor the liberal patronage heret..tore
extended to the.. Exchanoe." and respect
fully intros 'heir particular attention to the
large and splendid assortment of Long and
equate Shawls, , DrPsa and FAney Goode,
Mutt, Pertutnery R:e. Crll and see. at
;Atherton's- Exchange.
. .
Tunkhannock. Nov. 12. 1850 •
To Lumbermen.
lIIFTY THOUSAND good twenty
-1 inch Shinglei, for which the high
est market price will be paid at,
ditherlon s Exchange.
'Nov. 26, 1850.
"0 that some power the-gift would gieus,
To seelourselves as others see us."
THE above wish can be fully gratified
,byf calling at Clinton Fuller's Da
guerrian Room, in Judge Phetp's brick
block, two doors'above the 'store.
EXCAU'qVE A' E i.t:ll or the gal° rf
Dr D. Jay nt'ai celebrated Family
`Alnighaes fro , 185 t fni a;•etoitnog digte
bution,at Athert ,, WA EX (1
TO' Housekeepers.
5Q DV 2 , iee«ived from
!JP Ju-hua tieldrneS superior .bloom
By the dozen from §,2 to-2 p.
Or t lB and 20 centaeach;: .
Call and examine at A 114 ERT.O N ' •
Administrator's Notice._
I F l ttS 4)1 Adminisirati9ai de Ones
non haring been granted tp the utt-
Ofeignrd.uprathe estate, f I\llW Avery,.
d ecease d, notic is hereby friven*k,3ll per
-sonsindebted to said esiste, , o makermmes
diate-payment. and those havirig clams
Rye tifftlOr.tesillo'.; WWI ibetl3ll4llr ,
thentipated for settlement.
, Admr. de Bon's Non,
Terikhasoonk, itga, 3314.56.
Auditor's Notice.
Still they Come !
A Great Prize.
• Great Inducements '
JANUARY, 1851.
EIE publishers al Nattain's htnazine
sonmince that they have completed
such arrangements fur tho forthcominsr
volume as shall make it dem& dly superior
to all former 18911Y8
1 he Elitortal Department will continue
ender Ole control of
PROP. JOHN S. HART, of Phila.,
MRS. C. M. KIRKLAND, of N. Y.,
who, hcsnies the
Iron) their own pens, wi'l Continue
, 11Tfl for it that unrivalled array of writers
which has given this Magazine such supc
?font, flier all its eouipeltiors.
The proprietors are How making an ar
rangetnen; which. when completed. will.
secure for their work a series of articles on
Auhjet. , p, and of a style and chi.r.v.ter en
tirely different frem the usual , inag , ,zine
pn ductions. They will reci.nunend the,
-elves in 1h frodilqr tor, their tad
ofp•iyie. as well as for propriety of
the subject chosee.
But in no department of the Magazine
will there be such merited improvement
The Embellishments for 1851.
In all , : rest art the proprietors possess fi
peculiar - adittintane. Mr. John SWAM.
\trztntidto,b;t.grraver, being one of the orn
or,ii,tor-, trip biisi 1 . 1004 01 ,w..
.14111 every' month to the MAgazin, h.-
sides tgiperiti ending and directing the
mhellislintents. l'o carry torn -et tem
more Intl' Ineir views on this vain'. Ine
Pr"Prl'iorA Irate (twine the last i.erittot;
;eta Mr. SlffloPl Sartain. tom of the tit
wet, and himself distinguished as
on a special mission t E to seetue
for the Mayazioe some nt the choicest ai
itstical talent in London and on the con
t he rictetrial-Prohellishincnts now pre
paring rortiartAtt.'s Maori/tine are.of a vital
deter at nice turtliingly hednittul and 'lnv
.-I. InAdition to the rich and carefully
-ngraved Mezzotint() steel plites of Mr.
John Suomi , there will he an Interesting
series of slibiews illtistrAtincr the
Life of Nan and of the Year,
ooinhined to 'lie s.ute picouies. Ihe Mag
azine will also he Pf.lielted by a number ol
Illustrated Punt-, which will add greatly
to the splendor of he work.
In Line and Supple engraving the high
est Went rids hero Sri ured. I'o assure
the patrons of the Magazine of the perfec
tion that !nay he expected iii this ifervitt
(nen., we neeJ only state that the celebra
ted E„grover, F'l \ 'sr, has enuaged to
execute a noinner of supurh engravings on
expre-sly for this work, in a sty*, cr
unsurpassed IIP y
Berrides the hreamin2 splendid series
of tllr•t At ions, we have peeprreci fur, the
year 1850 a series of illustrated articles to
he cal leo
Scenes in. the Life and Teachings' of our
These E - Travintrs ere not mere fanciful
lichrres taken from any qtrarter and called
a•rer S..rtpturtl name:, hot a'e pr , p'tred
wtili urea' historicel ficPltty from a cock];
study of the recent explanerrone of
e, as well as the more ancient tr , rl:ll
regard to'the Holy Land. The ert,uri,-
vings are to be. neconip.iiited with appro.,
prtilts explanations arid emollients tic the
I?ev. Jolin Todd, D. U.; arid "mural inn:-
tratore Poems by clergymen and others of
dt!lerent religious denonrinattone.
rF t- i
Single subscripupns,
Two enpies,
Fly copies,
Ten copes. 20Q0,ind
an extra copy to the person seuduig the
club of ien.
Address, JOHN SARTAIN & ,
im 'rah and elegant as well as plain and
enpap ,
of every valiety and !rune, are now being
received at !h.-
Telegraph Store ! !
Embracing as a-ua , , a large stock of well
selected good_ t"
consistiocr of a runt ash rtnnut of LadiPs
dregs Goods. Gents we4r In Intl: Lung
.Ind square shawls—Mufk and Vuttorines.
ralttornta Hats. Poys and Met Caps.
GtOVEIriPS, ji ant ware, ''rocker POUtti and
.hops, in whirtt 1 vt":11(1 ,tiv!lt• ,v 1 lover
t" grant tmtgant6 in amt eka
Jot' • Hoc:
14 rearn Men's lion P v snot, as we
have read o` as -nr[ifistna
dolity and cheapness " are now omitting
for iuspectivn. Admittl •e•
• Telegraph Store.
. Great and Choite Bargains,
N Boots and Shops, of Nlon's, Boys,
I Woman's, Children's and Babie's wear
• au Maude' and toi o.'.
,1 1. splendid Int of M.-Cato Robbers are now
in by told, h. c h t, r i A
sty•f, ..urhotat% :nn=i
prier "cant be beat." all and examine
di the
Telegraph Store.
• N. Y. & Paris Fashions
TUST received by R. J. WELQH, who
j is prepared to do work in the most
fashionable style and workmanlike man
ner. He solicits a share of public pat
ronage. Sept. 24., 1850.
A Quantity of TAR by the keg or .
A quart, for sale at Read's North
Branch Store.
SALT, Iron, Steel, &c., &c., for sale
by H. STARK & CO.
June 22. 1850:
FRESH Raisins, Figs, and Currents;
for sale at A. G.. STA riit'S
ERRING-20 Boxes for sale at
'-''-'I3LANKS •
OF all kinds correctly and neatly exe
cuted,' and kept Constantly on hand'Ut
the oilie* of the Fs Wy;rilittiif
El. ,1
graph thrrAi.h this; Oar. , lie Sli , ••
yetthef now receiving •at tlie:Depot.,
, Nreet tr , tit New York..a ',Wend id, rhea,
end . x en , •Vt• stork of
e p as i, ting of Ladies' Press &nod., a ittll
vaiietv of t,hs mnst s — plesdtd sit les and
twat fash)oliv,of. and . Dark
4staraties, DeL'airis, Aimbro•dered
Linea Ginehattv., Pilate. /.4.e . &c.
(Gentlemen's Ware,
romprisir g (sloths, Fancy and Black Cac.
41j(ilerS, SIIII)111eFNIlinS of all kimita ) Sill,
Satin and Fancy Vesting. Cravats, Sv_c i tifh,
& c.,
Strout Goods
A faflagsnrtmenr (.I 1 mires' Children's
and Nlitorrs' Braid. Prenen. China Pearl,
and Rough and Ready Bonnets; :s i lk.
Gingham, and Cotton Parasols., of all col
ors and (pralines.
Gentlemen's Paaama,Leghorn,and,Palta
leaf Hats.
Boots and Shoes,
(of which .he la (mid say ;1 word to the
ablic toia•lt .) His stuck is dt•
re ,' from the umotablaciuter, fully assort
ed, LidieS'a %tihrea, Chtldrer..and Men •
are of all traliies, ar i d NN arruite ,t. r _
flavinit beekhought exclusively for ra s h .
hr is well satisfied that hut one Irml; will
4:Ftlre you, me people, that you are in the
twin spot, and that the news of Ci-tappess
and durability bap been 'relvgraphett
t. illy, and convitiond must you be, as y.,u
H-6ls and , :hrwc for
ChPapnPss, g & Comfort
Dress Goods, 1, , r tseauty•'tyle ,n , l 1.. w
.t.bbi, awali 111 the I
.!let , r el 1,
hpre the %viral are continually
• rarian r•unp
Dry Gonds, Groceries, Hardware, Crock
ery, Boots and Shoes, Straw Goods,
0.1 1,1 (ohr• urrrbllire „i hie
One Ink before purehaslnEr—bEltPvinv
low priers are a eunbideration, Tau cat,
be bountifully
.1014 N 14 RoGAta
riinkhannork. Mov 7 1850.
AVOU LI) rebpr..:Lly ailawnifcr ti) the
citizens of %Y•nmiok Lout,ty, 11,81
he has opened on Turnpike al., in Tura,-
hannocl., a
• MEW f TOR',
whore he is rec,-ivirt2 ttnrn New Y orh.
kial•dinore, an ei); ire nt'
of (09(14: The largest and most
splentrt , l assortment of
Ec oflered in this tnarl:Fe, comprsint ,
Dry Goods, Fanct. G roceries, Hare
ware and t.ntlea, Statinnaty. Drugs and
tl e d wines, .faits, Oils, Dye Stuffs,
Queeosu ate,
Boots and Shoes, flats and Caps, _
Of the latust styles, all of with h hate been
elected with the greatest eare, and writ
an eye to the Wants of the cointnanitt
1)01 GOMIS, couiprisitig in pot of
Casz.inle,es. satinett•, VAlvet
V.-.:1 1 ,,rp; a l s o a
Lit I AMEN' 1),1 ESN GO Ws. ,
( . 0111irV
.% 1 11'es, t'ashmtr.r, pale el.()
.;aI,C) NI de LaineQ, uhaais,
I,‘ Idle Goods, Ric. Ais4),
of all Rinds. airy. , hed ' and firth n e.•
inos, Itrillinv. CheckE, Cra-h
DlApP', and every article generally
°nod in a - Cuitn , ry er
$3 r 0
5 00
10 00
O . every fiaricti, d-si•rirtior, which
will be disposed of at reduced tiriees.-
1,,a1, Cru.hed, New Orleans, Cuba. Porto
Rico. and Siivar House Sugars. Triaidec,
New 0 st Croix. and tirmon Syrup
110,1asses`.. A splendid as.ortrrierrt of Ito
peri4l. Young kyson. arid !Park Tea• ;
l'otree. Chocolate. flat-Meal. Barley. Rue , ,
Spires nt alt kind., Snap, Candi s, Sp. riti
ind N hale Oils, h tah, Salt, Spikes, Nat 44
, &r.
tidying purchased at the I , .west cash
:‘ri. es', I sin etisbled to di-pose of niy
-ire': at the ratty LOWEST walk IJr read)
Cash, Promptness, Bargains,
le my, awl t will be bunt reaey
and V.ILLING.IO Itve Op 10 it. I would they
.ay to those wi-Itinc to purchase Comis
the lowest cash p Ice in exehqurre for
001olit, Been% firmed Apple'', Butter,
Eggs, lieeswax, Tallow, Lumber, DI
Vitt•, eon ni t 1, F. d one', !inch p.
l'eathetr:, t's:r• , tt.c -
inark.-; ai:(1 ex.:41161e lily
'Oek aut Nod yeurselve:,
T. v. • siEitToN.
ritn4hbnnnt4 , , 4 4‘ 23, /850.
A G cal va ty ttratly vlad,t;loihing
q tatitie;•, tnr • ale, AS elv , ? p rs
1.,n h.-0)00,01 at any elfabltslirnent In the
Dyr. 11, !SO.
s'end's Sarsaparilla, wonder and
bless'ng of the age, with Almanacs for
1850, gratis, by A. H. BOLLES. -
Tunkhannock, July 23, 1850.
TICCT. D. MITCHELL'S celebrated
liand unrivalled Eye Salve, a cer
tain remedy for sore and inflamed eyes.
Wholesale and retail at -
Slherton's Exchange.
TunttliAnnock, Oct. 22, 1850.
QOLE AGENCY.—Dr. Wright's In
► 3 dian Vegetable Pills in Tunkhan
nock, by ' A. H. BOLLES.
CO br INH arid 1l a fra bale at 111 t.
North S.orp• -
OALT by the Bbl.
the North Bi-anch Stoie,
B ESTTOIiACCO to be had in town,
to be found at the North Branch.
ESH, Oranges, and Lemons; for l'sale at A. G.; STAY K'S.
QiILT--50 Sacks for sale at
CIAIRS for sale at •B ead's t"liprtb
' ;Brandt store;" , .Fert 21.
FOU_N,Dity: '
- Di E to tll . l
11..'ettae11ci of • Wvintittig - enotily". ; that
trey have purrh•sed the Foundry tornietiy
nu lied by Cyrus Avery, in ithe vtllapr. lit
l'onlittao oet.; end tbat-thovhave netvl%
built arid enlarged the Collate, tattt othrr
wtqe iinprt.vett lie rapacity larnoti , g kravy
or light %yolk by weans of,vv . htch arv •
uhv prepared to ext-ewe,a l'otdt rs.wtth
which they may be fato•red tnr 11.0 . 1 -
INt GS r,fatry drEartpt m , gize of weiLtlr ;
well. and on as taunrivilt.• rule ss o w )
an be had in awl founory to the Mate,—
rhry w .old nitrite partn•blar atient.on .to
(hair cart V vwrjr , .lo..- 1,1
ro t 00d of , coal—atimni which
:nay tie foottd. the Ethnic., I'l.ut t t h. and
Hohttis celebrated rir Tteht. k nown to h.
,he only Cookine Stoop' Loa; wilt- ht.rh
wood flr coat f (pally wrtl. Th« lavoraht:.
!et eputtr ihrtv have met with' In ever%
;dace .where have bt-en 'whorl:med. is
4 sullieltot voarmolee of their worth
)hey V , T , n114 patterns 01
and in'Pnti k. elm g on hand
. n soppla
al rncalerate priers They manufacture all
foods of Hollnax-avaip, 'large Iron livities,
4V agora* linxis; Vlookrh (31:siings. Ge.arine
tor yaw and la rist Ai Ills, plain and I . :atql
GrioSs. &•`., ala Ways on hand or man
ufactured' to otd.r V -r ie l Y of •
PLO '3'S,
all f tho mom appv.vett •tyles extant, a
mong bleb may he t,lood the Wayr Co,
t oe SeAord PloN, .4(1 highly celebrated In
he lovve.r Cottritiee.
Castings 'timed and fitttd to order.—
' hey respcciful 1, invite the public to spve
'h in a va I before purchasing elsptcher.,
f.-Ping confident of rendering general sai
0 ti Iron taken in ex-b-a”ffe for CisOngs
ri,.l:ll.nn, k .4,1850.
Professor A. C. Barry's Tricopherous,
TN FALLIBLE for renewing.
ii, the Hair. R....moving Srott‘, Mori-
ruff and 41 atkeettOris, of the Stall , and
eurino eruptions of the Milli. disesi•ts of
hey and=, muscles and integumettis j and
.el ley 'no stings, cut-, bruises, lir...the, &c.
Ate. NiVith this prep,r4rior , there is tit'
.rich tv..rd as The first tourlials in
A rietioa, medical men of the 11001551
.en ~orrinitoeut eilizeris of all prole-sinns;
, td ladies wr o hove used ti for t-PtnrS If.
h. If dreS•llig f0..111 , 1 and Ptlf,eTIPS, aeirnit
with oar ae. urd, that, lor unpariteg
vir ”ane.- srol curl Inn tho hai-,er,,r.-
eiotrioseutt Itno d ndruft, heal trig s, •
contristr.n4, qpr , g°. tud
relterino diseases of the skip, the glands,
.ind the muscles, It ha , no-equal atinotnw
lie i 4,111 rude ol compounds ii t iverirsed ir.
he public nrtnts, or to , ed in private Hex
'i• e iii eh. awn so as v.elt as rfftl,•dPN . ,
ir , s Knopt , tl.ll- is unrivalled.
ioircense cash sates of lb , - artiene, have en -
.bled the tavettior to I..tanpty it r^tail at
Iv Hit) yr cents per butte, v. hirli is f,nnn
tuft' tr, one nod red pet et-to•lesS ttob the
price pt any other pre.par-tt , t, am% In
I'heS'CIPIIIIfIC in wire on the Ilan r t.k.n
ketoltrai trio valuable dip e.tiorit I .r 'lie 00'-
litre and prr Eetvat run ut Natore.',4 chains'
ornament,} in htiih each b , tile is tiiCiot
•d, i alone tvi.r!h the o riney,
The art pity hetoern the toen.lhrnsFs
hirh (on -Mut, he- •101),
‘.% hitch dear, s its sustenance this -
.e situ. I. pe.,le very Ons., ti1.4.1.-..s n 1
it,. hair olivriate in the shit. of :he head.
lithe pores id the sesty Areek.spreri. or it
, he blond nod other thiP's do enT cticiitate
throuffh the stn II ves , 4rls
d the too wrth Innisture in.pat
fife to the. fihres. the le dill iqseurf; datfi,
itrufT, shedding of the hair,. Ltraposs, dry,
riPSA and harshness of tho ligaments, and .
e haldness. 's the case may hr:
olate the skin to healthful tiction Ft' the
fricoptierons, and the torpid vi .
ooeertroy thetz activity. will annihilate the
it-ea-e. 1.. all affection- of the and
the substrata missies and integis
anents the or. , eess and the • Beta art' the
some. It is upou the skin'. the muscular
fibre, and the eland-, t: at the Triennto . ..
r. us has its spertfic and, in all et•
lent ions and injuries of these bigwig, it is
a ,soverogn remedy.
sold in large h,diles, print 25 cents, at
ho nriodnal offiee. 137 tiro:towat, New
fort. For sale by the principal Merehai
and Drogi.t4 tnrough , ut the UoiLed Statra
and Canada. Beware of the countertei . ,
-old al eon.• anil.Ar opt, boitl,,
For sale by BOLLS 4 GOODALE,
Tunkhannock, Pa.
• -
E CI-I•Al‘ki GE:
Kr. rt tanily till Ilaud a larv.t. a:-
.20.ttppio • f .
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware,
WI , I q.,hi. it)W loi r• a V I.OV.
1 , • , 17 ISLO
Boston Syrup
Quantity . of this delicious jorlic'le
receiy_cd and foi sale by i
July 23. • • A. H BOLI,ES.
AU HEAT, Corn, Rye, Oats,Bears and.
V Y all kinds of Provanonsboii4ht and
sold by
A QUA.NTITY.of Hoes, Rakes, Forks
and Cradles, for,sale at
- July 16. " A: H. POLLES'.
PORK, Codfish, and Mackerel,' for
sale at A. H. BOLI I .ES'.
CIOLE AGENCY—br. Jayne'S vain
-1.,,) able Family. Medicines, with IA lrna
nacS for gratuitous distribution.;please
call and get of A. H. BOLDEST
n N.E Gross Prot.: A. C. earr3ra
k.l copherOus for safe, chaper- than the
cheapest, by A. G: STARK.. ',
Tunkhanooctr,-A.4 20th, 185 p:
-- A - VARGt quantity of fresh- NOts T-of
J MI kinds,-Itir7stale*A. S ARK ,
A Large quantity, ot Pietzterqysters,
ii. Lobsters, Clams, Sardines, Scalloro,
Mangoes, &c., &c., for sale at :
A. t : F.T. A N'S :.
QUPERlORiquiliv 'ot Bunchisinit,i
13 just received rind for sale by,
.Inly . 93; `.. A, 11, 130iIrtS4
1C , 03 rostorii gi prei , ertring ano beautify
.X." tort' the here.'enqiieuricg ecurr ind
mir,drdl, and curing iiiseriees of the skir,,
filmnds a ti inn9citei stinge; ewe. bru:st-e r
flptsMlF, tifc.
The following tettlrritnittle r sn'teted
freur otinduelis of otherit'ot , virottur itornr,
will "Serve h . ° vt ' l he Value of the prepr•
ratint.olol'itiP' in"w , Melt it j
tiv 111010 hci tu.vob giVi.• it n 1014:'
Copy of a Leiter from Darts,.
Corner of nicks (*.atlantic streds r
Brooklyn. April 19th. 1849.
Professor l.Ltrry--!,it— l should br .dr
icieht In,glautude IQ :you: audio &flint!:
for (Alit - 19 v... 40 may he ,sittolarly uffijett•d,
tit lit u.irui,d to - u.faini you lila your 311-
,opherona hag enurfly renwoye4 fluff+ Uty
f•we a painful tutd•dtitglit•ttnv erituLtou.rot••••
41sTilloti of struples i iviltlC Whiah-
I had I.een nutboyed sulpy )-ca+s, +A
wools, a ppltcatlstr , of, tl , e arrolOng
1 ,, the ditertkt a hetttt that/
thrre Pe I, F, et;tll p ' fly n tievcd rue 1404
Rllif-3nCe, and the• skrit• of my Nee Is rt^W
as tree from dieeoloration es in my boy
hood,. ti,ooif , truly.-
Sold in inrizebotilps, price 93 etti.liCth•
principal trier, 137 iirnadway,-New,ltor!t.
For Aale by Ale.principal mrrehanis and
upgistF, throngnaut On—United Stile.
and Cal , ada, and hi. - . , •
A. G: STARK,,- Tunichannock.
In Union there is. Strength !I"
.rkl, 0 saying is more true that the ahoder s
and the subscriber % beitte lolly thr
pre:-..sen with the truth tht reuf f •has united
in on. exiehove p%t•iblieh r T4Pnt the • • '
Drug and 111ereanti e Business, ) 1
at th •• yotata - v. t bucal‘ tit At I. AR--
I E HS,. on the errarr'of N arren ai A't'ib'
ua .trer is. neatly opposite Shtlnibn D.
Phelps store. where he writ ker p ennetnet.
iv or, hind a 1.; , 14 assntimEnt o l the Prey
thesttpel* freoi 1)h UG. of ali
li •rr-, roc-Intim! : tie hi/1g popular paten t
nd taint'4 Aka 'eines ar! bacthg hrep
th the pea' tier n", mrdt'ettir fur a nurhber.e(
ye•tr-,. the pablthean ithichase eracty
any attirle he toiy oiler for sale. , ,
tie has also tuil assertment.cif •
Ifiro'it of •
• •
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware *
Crockery, Queen's Ware, •
Boots, Shoes, &c., &c.,.
as ran be fouteCin any store in Tunkhen
mirk. and is conmently in the receipt of
Gom - 14,Irrm the mttes of New Irr;ilc
end Philytlelphia A teo f Paints. Oi
Hon', sail. Iron Nails, etc., etc., Ail of
%‘ loch so!d on the most rea , onablir'
erni , , at red i.e.() prices. MI loods of
eountr v rundrwe tativn in 6 , xchafige for Err.
thu g .; to Ws est,btishinciti, '
A. Fr. BOLLES: :•
The People's Friend. ,
ain Destroyel and heatingating
E —Au extract from the shrub. called
I et) m i per- ly Iron. tha.. wlth
Le. exeeptiuti of a !title Airtictiol tip pie;
FeTVY Il.,„.
It will core all cal pain and hails rn -
lirtro.ld SWPF, nd
Ft e-t. and ISPilFeli of the bisarlii of
A ehroniv moure. tent} •arhe_ and eal•tattes
fr mAle cc in plaints &c..
It is purely what Li t pr t •l; fsl ,is to 1,, , ixt . h 0
Frier d :•' . Prot htine e h as f ..t a i.i-!
, etett along the itty,qed paths r)t many,
ttlit , a4 that contribute greatly to !heron
ion hod happlio as Xit every body ; hence •
toeir great value, .and that' they be' '
e a lted 4 •titPb6.l_ol the peoplE;.'
One. woo here to ward against ireposi--
iioo. AII All by the n-rne pf Nriencor haft
manufactured aid offered:for pale a Sport*.
.Us article called ibe. Con!! Ex
-d would he extract of ,the
the eenume is as white and pore as MIT*
a hi e the spurions article is coloted,weich , '
ettaidcp; the piiblir to distinnuit.h. .
None genuitte,- tro , those matted Poneie
Pao. Destrogale by . •
G 'I ulifiliannock
-J Garwood, ptieh.dsou
-1..1 Rossetti... • gi• "
E-li Grow & awe:,
z l If Gulp 1,. kausom •
ve, m , Mdinee, Fade
h; Swett - inn,' " , •,.
Osierlivot. LaGrange
II IT Ile the yeopte.
on a-4-611,4,4 the , tiorh titan.-b beter••
If, Nil bia:l—oph` lie 1400,0'0 already
apprnpristid by the Nutt taw! a -tatYit
amount by thee • ratbsertbe , 7 the Ar•jy a v i ti,,
Brarirti'.' has hern,tarrly got under way
and is now in toll - operalit-r,and;the•Pob44::
In• can' ae suited with tbe - fities',Yhenpkt,,,.•
and best Goods now in Market--all kinds
and descriptinns of Dry. Goods, Grocetieso
Sr,. (how 4), LAI f HER. HE AD:
QCHOOh BOOKS, and a var;ety cr .
0 &yaks 'anti' Stationery, embracibtr
many of the valnasl.- ittiblicialvee 01 Oft'
day. W. quarto and efltivo bie" ,
Headrey'l %Nethe.',,aud'p
ton Lir,rpal to nipliiinn. coniihnn arid Cliif 4
w .
eal School . PVt-flool.;9f ~
kind OnnirPP. bleatte call F foie of *,
tlnly 23,1850: *A. It 1101.11;t:Y.,
WHOEakzaT, Be ß a y n 'e s:o C mn o o rn s , , 'Buckm+eit;
wax, Tallow,. Rags, Er..,a, Flax, Top
Cloth, Furay. Beet-hides, Calf-sitins,,ta. ,
ken in exchange for Goods, at the high—
est prices;af the North Branch:
Ten, Colfro vandle,r,,,titPrPh
."pire. Gin
ger, mirter 102 wood, .A.'oto. Ntitichelt.
1.-UP, Urouamou. Ralsinf., Snuff, Powder
and for Sato at !he, ' '
1110 it A N 1.) V, Gir hum. anti ‘‘,‘ hkeisev;
very cheapi kut to quality: form a°
T ANie in;. `
asoi 1,1tt5.,11 tof sale'
I.IA Ai the N N
. . .
pu.p4glogrqxti)it7l?fditrerentli n d s
of 'Liquors for m edicinal purposes fo.r
• r IL-13101110..: