The Wyoming Democrat. (Tunkhannock [Pa.]) 1849-1854, November 26, 1850, Image 4

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/IPA 4iCefl)..PPIP$4l% Chronic -Arer7
vous Disease of the Kidneys,
did all dtseasee arising from a disordered
Ltvet or Storuarh, such as Constipation,
ittwatt Piles, Fullness, or Blood to th,
head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea.
Beiir-burn. Disgust tot Food, Fullness, or
whlebt in the Stomach. Sour Eructations,
Sinking or Fluttering at the pit of thr
Stormier.; Swimming of they Dead. burned
ancl d ificuit Breathing, Fltittering at thr
Heart,itihoking or sutlocating• sensations
,twikin a. tying posture: Dimness ol Vis
ion. Dots or webs fiefore the Night, revel
and dull pain in the head, Deficiency of
Pefipiratton, yellowness , of the Skin and
Eyes, Pain in the , side, back, chkst, limbs
ruddett Flushes of Heal. hutnitg !n
the : Flesh. constant intginincss ot OQtt,ard
great depression of Spirits, can be Ovum- ,
cured by
- Celebrated German Bitters, Prepared by
D. C. M. Jackson, at the German Med
icine Store, 120 Arch Street, Philadel
'Their power over the above diseases
not. ex ; elled-if equAllid—by any °the ,
prtinariition in the United State', as ill.
cures - attest, iii many cases after skilful
p it `)
eietans had fail a ed.
lititero re worthy the attentiol,
ofinvalids. .Possessing great victors
the'rktifieation of diseasrs of the Live
mod .less.r glendF, exerising the MO.,
-searching power 4 in weakness and offee.
ii:nns of the digestive organ a. they are with
' al, safe, certain and' plea.ant.
Read and be Convinced.
r g Vhas. Robinson, E:q.. E taf f y., 41d.. it
blettei to pr. Jackson. Jan 9, 1850, sate,
"Sty Wife arid myself have received MOT
benefit from your msldiclue than any mile
we hive aver,taken for the Dyspepsia aim
Liver disease." , ' •
"The Ven'h Legion." ' published al
-Woodstock, Va.. Jan. 10,4850,
46 ./1 Great Medicine." ' •
"We have unifounly - refrained from re:
s.ommending to the public any of the vari
ous. Patent Medicines of the day, unless
thoroughly convinced of their value.—
Among those we consider worthy of Police
Is the Gartman Biretta: inveres:ii by Dr
tioollend, and prepared by Dr. Mirk)°, in
Philadelphia. One instance in particular:,
in which the - supellinr virtues of this merii-i;
chi@ hae.been tested. bait fallen under - on- :
observation.' Durliii the last summer, s
eon of M r.Abrabam Crabilt, of this coon
It, wart' very seriovsly afflicted with Liver
Complaint, and atter trying in vain veil .
ous:remtdier, he purchased a bottle of In,:
7 1:tifters, god after usitio it, -was so mucl-7
relieved .ftf his distressing malady. that hr
procured another bottle, and is restored en
tirely to health."
Read farther a few Facts:.
From "The Weldon I terald," piihlished
at IA eldon, N. ti., January 24, 1850, wtlict
"We believe Dr. C. M. Jaakton'.
-gfionfland'a German Bitters' to be a mos
.ex•eltent medicine, , and one that should b.
:high, popular in these days of Tenipe
lance ; for they are altogether VEGETABLE
.in it err composition. without one drop o•
Alcoholic Spirits in them. 'I his rarnitriin
nuncent, nut strengthening in its effect.,
,end richly deserving of an unbounded Poi -
, 41 tiny, Ole:, when it becomes known,
, will, no dou'ot, tulip enjoy..."
Jud Ere M. M. Noah sold, in his -01 1 . eek
y Messenger." January 6, 1850
- "Us. Heorbastes bEattl _N
Otte is a preparation which the leadim
.presses in the Union appear to be tmani
mous in recommending, and the ;reason
'obvious. It is made after a preserip
furni-hed by one of the most celebrate.
- physicians of modern tintos—the late Di.
Christopher Vsilhetm H001'.30, professor
to the University of Jena, private physt
clan to the king of Prussia, and one td th.
-greatostmedical writers Germany ha • ere.
produced. He was emphatically the erre
my of humbug., and therefore .a medicine
of which, he was the inventor arta endorse ,
may be confidently relied on. He special
ly recommended it in Liver Complaint.
Dyspepsia, Debility, Vertigo, Audi y o
the ..tornarb, Cor stipation, and . all corn
plaiots ari• ion from a disordered corid Him
olthe slonfach - . - the liver and ihi.intestutee.
tine Phi a elphia papers expres.o ri
conviction of•its excellence, and several al
tie editors speak of its effects; from then
own individnar experience.' Under rites ,
Circumstanc• e, we feel•warranted, not onli
siber.llmg.the anent nn .of act' readers it
the present proprietm l 4 tDr. V. M. Jack
sores) preparation. but in re;commendt4
the article to ail Wiwi..."
- •
amore Evidence.
The ""Philadelphia Saturday Gazette."
the best family newspaber in The' United
Stater. 'the editor says— •
4'41 i 4 seldom that tve recommend what
are,terined Patent Medicines t, the confi - dende and patronage of nut readers; and
therefore, when la e recommend Dr: Ho.,t
land's German Hitters, We wthir it to b.
distinctly. undersio”d that we are no ,
spe4king of the nostrums of the day. that
are noised about for a hrief.peliod and !he'
forgot le., after it has done its • gut ity race
of int:chief. hitt of a•niettictne Inhe
belied, universally prized. and ia bleb fla
me, • lie hearty approval. of the faculty it
trial thin medicine will care. Liver Con,.
,plain; a d Dyspepsia. no one can doubt al
ter using it a- directed. It ants speeifical
ly upon the stomach-and Itver ; it t.
ferable to calomel at all billiousiliseases—
the ef teat is irnmerliate..lley.ear , he ad
minisierid -to temale
or,infant with safety
and gettable henefit,•at-any time.
Beware of Counterfeits.
. .
This' medicine has attained •,,thet
character-which iv necessary for.ail rnedi-
Eines to attain to • induce counterfeiters tot
put fordira sourioutranicle at the risk . of
she lives of those wh.i. are innocently de
took well to the qarks of the genuide..
They have the written' signature of C.
N. hotline upon the wrapper. and the
came lkwe n the bottle,_ without which
they are, spot r . 0013.,
For, sale Wholesale and Retail at the
..German Medicine Store, -
No: 120 to - teeet, ons door beloor
bixtb, (late 01278 Race etree9 t
p i? L aod bq tespeetable deil*ls generally
tbrou#l ,, ot tfle , eountry. For Sale also by
C. ..E. I.64THROP Tunkkannock, Pa
ST 'IH'E' ornez 4? tn. "DVXOCBAT."
Contains do Mercury" or other Mineral:
. From the ' 4 Heading Eagle:”
There was never, prabaps,a medicine
hroilght before the public, that has ins.
i.hort a time. won such a reputation a.
Almost every. person that - has made trig
of ii, speaks warmly in its ,praise. 0
nest bee n cured. by it of the moil: panda
itheuinat ism ; another of the piles; a thin
pra trouhlecoute pain in the side ; a fount
,if a swelling, iri the paths,: etc. If it doe•
not - give immediate relief in every case. i
can. never do injury. being spotted ow
wain ly. As another evidence of the wet -
&Ifni healing power possessed by On
lalve , we subjoin the following cer t ificate,
from a respectable citizen of Maidencreei
lownsh.p, in this county. -
Nlantencreek, perks en ,Marehni. '4 0.
, ,
Messrs. linter 6z. (o —1 desire to lam 1 ,.
von that I was entirely cured: n' a sever
iram in the back. by the use •4ir MeAt
ret's Ail-Healingtialve, which I putchas, ,
rota you. I suffeted with it about twentt
vearp, and, at night ices unship to sirep
MAN; that time I tried' various reinedier.
Abieh were prescribed to rue by pnye.:-
.ians. and other itersons, without receivir;
n y relief, Rid at last tnade trial of the
'salve. with a result favorable het ond es
.seriation. - I alll now entirely free iron
.Ite pain, and enjoy -at night, a sweet ant
peaCeful sleep. I have also used the tieilv,
•=ince, for other, complaints. with Rutile
happy results. Your 'fiend,
For TOMOTP, 'Ulcers, and all kinds-fo
smec, it has no equal- '
BUIINS—It is one of the hest thi, us
.he,worid cot Buns. (See directinnstu
...oi l! if.)
PI IZ-4—Thousands aye yearly cure'
, v 'this Ointment. it tisysa fails in
relief for the ee.
t* - - A round thebox are directions In
ink McAlis•ees Otottefut ter Scrota),
Erysipelas. Teller. Ulitihlate, Seald Hes. ,
ore Eyes, Sore "I loom, Nervous All..
ions, Pains, Meats-Ache. Deafness, E :-
\che, Burns, Coths, Sore Lir, P i mple.
etc; I,lroup, Swelled or Ilrolten Lin at. ,
-V he, Ague, in the
If Mother.; and Nor4otts Imo a os yuln
in cases,ol 'Swollen' or Sore • Uream, the,
would always apply if. In such cases
reel) used, and accorling to the
ions arotiod each box, it gives relief in
_very tew hours. -
'nos Ointment is good.for any port o
the body' or Limbs IA hen inflated. It
should he applied often
CAUTION.—No Ointment ti it l hr. g euin.
tome of James Alister tr
Written wilt, a 116 , 4 r; cm t -very 1.110
Price Twenty-five cents a Box
For sale by tuy Aartita In all the prinei.
al eittes,and, tot% n- In th4s
tole proprietor ut the above seetheir:.
Price Ala! CIE e No. 28 north 3J st. !'hit
igeltliS Cro .WYOllllll' g Co
Dr. A H. flanhock
D. Sprine, Leeeyville s
D. T. storiir, g .Sierlitieville,
Lewis Whippte, Mehoopetiy.
Match 5 1-'5O.
brie .drrival of
Spring and Sommer. Goods,
Al . the: , tiltvro• of 1 1. mark & U.., wner,
ta. thr fwill he snl.% at lower pm r-9 aim
;node I.TP aver is EICPA 0 Sell at
)arts bet'. re. 1 hat this is Truth and n.
Vial°u case tae eer•Orrf ',II:, a at the
; Cqrner of Bridge and Tioga streets,
.14h•ch steeds et she head no Ita Isr• , is. cm
;•attune the most General Stnek pct.. amp r
in this m .rlce.--conspriseng black. blue, amd
hrown,fro n. Eno I seb an" A-orris-au
gl.l' OA I LOTIM
Fine Dress Goode for the Ladies,
Lawns, //Alm lbas -
/Pati!..,' and A lierma•
Print', French Ms.rin ••, Cashmires. Si.
Frinaed Thibet :shawls, Gloves, satin, sill,
•nd worsted
4 great 'variety 01 asst uhDtp, and Pain.
I pal - A
for me& and bat!, Hat., Coots' and hoc.,
•I, kinds of !hamar., Iron and Is
Quept,'„; zii•
Vbfekerpl, fippide• 10,000 ti her 'arttelca er
even..i re t:, hernize, HI I of w hid
"il l be:s"l'i fir Cash 'eX"hariard for ant
kind orenni try ntorince-at onhear.f i,f i fi v
So don't fo,oc' ri.• Prick Edinnr . -
urn store. . , - H STARK & CO.
June 22, 18:-.0
Anterican Hotel.
THE SUBSI IC I Uhl{ hereby
form s his friends and the pub ries.;l
to generally. that he has tatreo
he stand. lately kept by H.
l;ere.'and completed his arrangr. furor.
hememorthoodation cleusiorners. He flat
himself thit all who fay. , r him WI
her r patronage, will rind his house a tons,
nom where a well famished tahle.corn'ame
thous apartments and beds downy, eleal,
:nd cdvifortable, will ander their soionrr ,
t Imam and agreeable. Pl. Stabks are it
he besit order. and supply of ha 3. oats, ge .
. bo imams •
A continuance of favors from old custom
re. and a Cell trout new ones, is
ally solieited.
Tunkliannock,Jan '22„1839.
asteel Mll
V ranted, rnr sale by 4;0. &
Feb.l9, 185 D, •
- Prank Mintz% Leather Prettervatiye and
Watel-Proof Od Mackin sale
' - Az
'FROM & aole peatiter for sal!
lap STARK Si. CO.
D Hu.) t KAU., fur ottic 'aft tievni*
1-PL'oci- by ...*S7'Eliiiol.lT
Met) 19 !MO.
l i ra S FORK. theb4l. or 'p
less an
n lay, by H. STARK .
4 LOT 4-splerl4idirat!sfoLs.. le
:111rm , , •
" Magle otel
'Corner of Market and Franklin streets
i Ileidia Frei:
,W'y min t
rC1b01! .
By 11. 11.
THIS large and commodious house
(lately occupied by Capt. J. P.
Dennis,) has been thoroughly .repaired
and put in the best of order throughout,
rendering it one of the most convenient
public Houses in Northern Pennsylvan
ia. There has also been erected on the
premises extensive new stables and sheds.
The bar is furnished with the most choice
liquors, and the table with all the varie
ties of the season. The proprietor hopes
by furnishing his house with everything
necessary to promote ease and comfort,
to render the " Eagle" a horile for stran
gers and travellers and to receive a lull
share of their patronage.
Er Horses and carriages at all times
and low terms. 6tf
positive.o never jailing Remedy fat
Whether Internal, External, Blind of
Bleeding,; Scrofula, White Swellings,
Ulcers and Ulcerated Sore Throat, Can
ker Sore Mouth, Rheumatism, Cutane
ous Diseases,
Jlfercurial .Bffechons, c.
‘lso far s-alds, hurt F, pra'ne i hrUir
etc. R e leel pisc.ft•ri u. tonot,oreir 4
hat of all divines ever hrottalit befor•
he p. Witt, 'NON It; have ever,he n nil/ft
ercefictal to a'l •le ed humanity than " %It -
-ts' !Arvid Cap." Ne know that this. i
.aline a deal, ht.( It we were to write
volumes, UP collie not st-y too ritual) i
rater OT this he-Ail-resit:rum!, tat -preset v
eg. lietnetlye 1111.111SPlithi
, tetS the happy it ur w hen firet they wet.e
. wit. , acquainted wi.h its irlasceroidtit vi
nes ; and nut preettt purpose is to int . ..nit
tip r thousands, how and n here they trial
blare that relief, whten they perhaps have
tug sought tor in vat, .
1 he surerior excellence of this repair
ton over all other midietitis tot the t•pee
tic and permanent eure of PI is well
vnown to all who have tested it. It has
ern ?rover in thousands of . ..instances, and
cur" I br
old we ale confident it
used a pr-per len g th of tnite according
o direetiot,e. A. a p nor of •ur entlie con
dence rn it 4 fEt-ac% , tats aS-tlft , all pit,.
teasers th .1, t', •dier a proper trial,: . l prove
neliertita', the Inooti paid 10f It. 0111 be
1 " Citti"j4 art el', ettrtt rert ,
-tic for IcittlAorrit•, titte•.„ I im e irF, Bat
tree Itch, 1 111•14', 11,11 bi • 1.•
' 4l lMu (pito 11141, n
, Stig n
noun 11%fet &r., and for Cutantow.
Di-eases of every rie-erip
It Is'both safe d f tfeetti.4 f o r
imn ed ate and permanent' relief.
No n repatation 110 W hi f.. r e rt e Oil
an ...rims , the rt4cfliener, of the
ire" for Sealtte, Burns, Cute., sprain-,
bruises, e. fling', &c.
Its Heti- as a
Real Pain Killer are Magical.
Every !amity tit the land rt• provid•
hesiv:elves with this involoshle pr pa.: -
tor, the ebea pn. FS of whtctr p aces
AlllllO il•e reach ut all.
Foil directions °accompany each bottle.
Panel heels, eoples of c.•rilf -
ales I otn those have tested tt e re L i
q uo: Cute," otat.:be bad " Gintis" ut
-whom. d agents.
".Alyera' Liquid Cur, " is prepared onl3
• iiKt 0 Ntir; & 0.,
• 21 Spruce street,
V 1 }' n k
For Sale at the Post Citice in Tunk
hannock, by C. E. LATHROP, genera.
Agent for Wyoming County.
it A i'l s 1 11 IV 0 i iv - .
'HE suhFcriber toforms his friends an , '
the 11uhlic in general, that he sul
contioues to occupy this wel
anon n stand. Ihe hou-e has been ejle,r
oughly repaired rind unproved throughout
i‘y short altenitou to business. a will
preivicee.l table- and bar, .coinii•odi , us sta
hog and good stteotiants, hr (lours
eceive. a he has Iteregdove—h , r wt.iel. h
s very thatit.ful—a liberd shale of th
.;ulalic pal ronlie. N. C. MAItTiN.
Alarch 27, les49. y
N. B—The Stage Office (rt. the Bing
411110 Montro&e.- Turikh4nonek. ilt.e
Itarri tr t and, e
ens , tape I toes. is at Martin's Ho
Watch and Zeiareltir Sh op.
• Reap - pc:H . oy tilmonfireS to ' the ettixem
Wyoming -county and t:urrrntedllrg coati
ry. that he has opened a Jr4o . ets ship it
, he tiorottoil of Torikhnlittriek next don!
....low the. Law (Mee of VIM M Hatt.
where clianinE arid repairing Watehei.
4fid Vto ka will he done to a nnd style and
the shortegi notice. and trtop‘t reasonabl•
, ermc—Jewelry mnnded In order.
He will also keep on hand a splendid
-Femur:poi of jewelry of gond gna:t'y and
f4shionahle style. The !Public are invltee
to yite him a call.
Cir.)VKit Si.. El) tap spit ttra
N.-/ kinds of sa , e 149 aph Sin re
11, , !11 Guff,
Tookhatinrk. kpril B'h, 1859.,
A Grea varirty of Keativi-Mode tllnih
issq.fri'rgale by
Q. & 410.
Goal, Coel,'Coal!
ITHE steamer Wyoming, is' now sup
-plying this with,a. large (pion
tity 0f . c041, which - wilt be sold cheap.
Apply at the itote.of
• '
March 26, 1850. - •
win by the name of WEIL CLAPP has ettellgee
ynnek ninge_of the name" nr s. P. l'ownsend
end ,nnt e a hijoarrie , :to - pia up Saringnerilli. tvhiei
theycelllltr.'"Pownientre Sans twine. deuonilnati i•
eNulNEMrig , nal, etc: 'Preis Townsend - is nodoeno
end neker was, hat w a s lierenerly n tialekar een nail
and% Ginnie, and the like. Yet he whinnies the title
o f Dr. for the parpte , e of gainintrcredit for what he l•
not. He is also sending tuataras headed. "Tricks ot
Quacks." in which he says. I have Fold the use n,
guy merlin for $7 it week. I will give S. P. Town.en
$.500 If he will pinth:re one single. slithery proof
this. This is to *onion the public not to tie deceieo
and purchase none hut the GENUINE; 011 WIN 41
01.11f1/..14c01e Town.end's eilrweiserillai 'raving on
the It d liken'e'ss, his f 'ly gnat of aims. and hi
signature scrims the coat of lame,.
.7.4c0n Tow sls
Principal Offite, 102 sY4srawat , Nem nrk City
he Origina
Ohl Dr. I . llWriSelld 1,4 now about 79 )r.3 .d ntt. ,
and en% log been k n nM the AUTlholl .11,1 D g
)11 , ,E9 plt "I' the kNin:IF; OR RONAL •.•ToWN
-41:1A II SA HS APA RI LI.A." Heine por, lie woo ono
/wiled to limit It. by which itie.l..s it
hrs.been kept out ..f.ttorko. nod the stles circtuo
aerated In 'hose only who turd pow eel not
known Its v•iltte. It lied reached the ears sit twon
nevertheless, us thwe persons who had been healed
of sore, end nevettfrout death, prtniztiltieil
its elCenellt, nod W.lll/IYrilit
Rmnvini, many" yrrtra a_,, that- he bed ht• hi
skill, science and esperienceolevised nn article whirl.
tv..11111 be al • Inct d ru i nbla RolVallittee
a•llen tine: weans walla Iwr fasiiisheil to Iola:: it nit
universal notice, when ill itieetatei hie virtues
be known and ittnirecieted. This time luts c lb,
iiteens are >uppted.this
ant utt. - qualled Preparation
is manufactured on the hugest scnio, and In adieu
fnr throughout the length and uremith of the I a•
wcinily Wu It is - found incapable of degeneration to
Jetenor ,tion.
Unlike piling S. P. Townsend's, it Improves with
nee. sod never ehaages,..but for the better; because it
is prepared on scsent.leprtariples by a s ve g iific man
The highest knowledge of Chemistry nod the latest
discoveries of the art. have all hren brought int..
retposition In the - manufacture rif 11111 I )1 , 1 [Pet Ss , '
saparitla. The Sorsitpatalla, root; It is well known b.
medical oleo fiotILIIII• many medicinal bropertie•, and
soiree propertie.i which are inert sir useless and others
which If retained iri preporing It for use. ..nature
ferntentabon and acid, which is injurious to the
system. Some of the properties of S.rsalosritlt ate
so volatile, 'hat they ent.rely evaporate and are lost
In the preparation, if they are not preserved ay a cc,
siitifie proress, known only to those experienced in
is i t ninittlirture. Moreover. these volatile principles.
Mei' lii ffir in vapor, or Its an exhal .tine. titter
.e-at ate-the veil essential medical properties of the
mat, which give to alai is
Any person can lotl or mew the mot till they ge
n derceoliareil hgnid. whirh ts noire feint the cola
ring flintier in the root than rr.n one thing else;
that' can than strain this- intlpid or rapid !inlaid
sweeten with 'will' one then tAli it" $.l It
BAI'AILILLI KlETllitr or BY flutsuch Is
not the art•cle knout n Ai the
This 1., so prepared. that nil the hien fmii.ertie3 of
the Saroptrilla mot nre first removed, every thing
emoihie of hero . titille eel& or of fenneatatinn, is es
'ranted and TeJerte.l l : then every parinit of ine.diral
turtle it serofell IH a pane efoo centrated ronin ;
and Mtn It is rendered Mem, doe of losing any nut
Ito valuable and healing properties. Prepared io this
way. it is mule tine mosr lots erful ngent in toe
Core of innumerable diseases.
Hence the re why we hearci.nimenditions on
every 'tide in facer by men. Women end children.
'Ye find It ilidne uouilern in the cure of CIMIrSI7.IIP
TIOX. P PS LI. and V Fit Crl.llll'l., 9IXT
end in RII F 7'15..41, SCR t•EU I_4. PII. F.S.
CoSTi VF.VF si . al l CL7l:q.Ar Etr(lS ER UP
TIONS. LES. if I.o7tHP:S.linti all ufrectlona
arising (min
It inooe,es a in roillons etfienc4 In all' cinindalnts
•rions loan Ind,geettott. from .Irid , to of the Stomach.
I 11 , e4111.11 detroni• ntmn of . Wand m
the head Icrlpit ition ail the heart. cid.l feat and henna.
rohl and hill tin , lie. rivet ihe lardy'. It has not its
elitist In CO 1.11,4 and OHIO! 1.4; and limo..tes e.- 3 Y
esiocuinttliiii sod gentle perglinttion. rriesing attic
tutus of the lung,. throat. and evrry other ono.-
Rut to nothing is 11 , 1 excellence re manifestly
seen and ark •leenril than in all kinds and stages of
It works wanders in eases Or Fear .4ibus rer
Mars. Fdling uJ the Womb. Obstrimfrd Suppresmed
or Painful hi rgalaray of the menstrual ye
rinds. and the like ; and is as effectual In curing ell
the font's ad firdurg Diseases.
8y renioving oli.tructions. and regulating the gene
ral system. it rives time and strength to the w hole
body. and thus cures all forms of
erwous diseases and debility,
and thus t,revents or relieves a great Vaneti of other
nadadietS. as Spinal Irritation. New - siren. St. Vttat's
Danes Stesus,sr. Ppileptis F.ts. ronsdsions. &C.
It cleanses the hba..l. excites the liver to healthy
action. bonen the stomach. and gives good digestion
relieves the isovels of torpor and constipation,
lass mil munition. purifies tha skin, equalises the
circulation of the blood. producing gentle warmth
equally all over the IMO. nod the insensible perspira
tion ; relaxes all alriCtatrea and tightness. re . en all
oh.tractions. and invigorates the entire nervous SYS
tent. Is not this then the
. .
Medicine you pre-eininently need ?
But can any pf these things he said of S. P. 'novo
teud's inferior •mete I'l'llls young man's liquid la not
because of tiItA.‘IIFAVI% that one is INCAPA
ElLe of u Eitif lit ATIONI. find
*title the other ; .Wo rt ny jeer/v.lov. and New
mg the b. , t•lts eon - rumor it ioto Cr , gment. ; the sow,
oriel ligso.d espl.nlio and 1141114Pii g other vo.d.!—
tIo-t not thi• hornblee..topound he p..i•nnntnt to the
A% ' , tem 1 — Ilrbott ! put rued into n otesieut already dm
msed With acid! tVhal e.n-es liy!irojwin but 11C111 ?
Di we not nll know that When .land soars In sour
oonrichii, tvli it iiiischiof proiluce4 pence:
heartburn, the heart ht•er eni t o e int,
-thrrluza, il%"%r nlrry. o
crruption “r bloom
tvh,i is Scrofula but an acid !rumor in the bnily
IVh•+t prodders nil the humors whirl] twine on Erup
dims Skin, rlcahl Hendt, Solt Rheum, Ery
tVhite Swelling". Fever :Fares. and nll nlrer
ennui internal and external! II is nothing under
heaven. lint an "cod •niut+u+ce, which sours, find
rims spuds nit the fluids a the, more 'or 14.111..
Ithentnetisto but o sow.. or nth! hull
tth ~.tintal set ii•eir hytueett the joint. nod nine
irrtitting intlitemag the tittitnita
unite which it , rl• ? S.. Of PerVoll. ili.eases, ur im
purity or the blood, ordynoryti yin:attain:rt. and neat
4 ell the ttilutentit n i,irh ndrict !mutat nature.
Now I. it not horrible to in. ke end bell. rind in
iNlielp Warm' G. we Mi.
old yet he a I . ,in hilve it iiiitler.tival that (lid Dr.
Jacob Tawrivriiiry n uuifie. Origioni Sa ,, .Pardia•
to nu !MIT %Tit iN r ht. ',aerial., pmp.r..umi !!
flencen 'mind that ice Mantic! ilcal In nn !Miele
wh a li atilt Imellf the mast ilivtant resemblance to
l'olvtisentl'i article! and which should brine
.lawn upon the t iii Dr. start' a inialittnln load of coin
plants rind crintiniitionn front Altentv who have said
poeilut.ers who hove used S. P. Townsend%
Ffilt MrNT:MI CI
, We wi-h tt under.t,nd, beenti.e It is the absolute
lint S. P. T.,‘Yn.end'. article and Old Dr. ben'
l'on - nsend'4 rtnr.inp: , rillit ere /manta wide open and is
4n Orly diislatirar; Irkt 'they a e . linllke In es ery,par
ticnlktr. Intying not ~nn
, is connunn.
AI 8 I'. Ton tem! ts no dortor. and never tuna,
IS no liMirmaretakt —kniiivs nnmore ur
thait:ith) Alirrentntunn. un.elen
untanfessinnal ititn, want rattraurre CILI) the 10 , 1 b
he 113143 that they /we remitting a genuine .4:tempt - it
mmteine, cunt:lining till the virtues of the tatjeles
used In preiviring 16 , and whl:h are inealmble m
clin.iges which might render Meat the AGENTS ot
1114 e me instead ;;1'
Bo win.' eke should he exported from one who
kumt a nothing cmiquiretivelt of niedmine or disease !
It fletillifeS n pelliM of some experience to rook nod
serve tin even a comilton decent meal. - lloortoucli
More important I. it that the perrams who manufacture
medicine, designed thr
Weak iStomach% mut enfeebled , Sr%
should kuntv well thit Medina' Innimrtitmar 1 6111 ••
the he-t Manner of concentrating and securing their
healhig Virtues, nho nn extensive knowledge of the
WIWI/ .jfaenses - which Wert the human 41 steal, and
how to adult remeilks do this., di-eases!
It I+4 11170.1 frauds upon the unfortunate. to pow
balwlow wounded humnelty, to kindle hope In the
deepairlogi hoiora to iMillllollll , Elth and 61anu, and vl
I:oriel° the crushed , ud koken. ,sad to , hnl.h in
lima,' that ill& lilt, JACIIII I'I.IV&SEND . he
4 .106111' and the opportunity and mcnntrla
Ming his -‘ k
Grand Uriiiveryaa Co el ce astratedl
- Itemedy; -
within the reach,. end to the knowledge et all
For, sate al the . Po ' st ,
hannocki by LATunop Genf uil
Agent for Wyoming county.
The subscriber would
. 1 -0 respectfully- notify the
_ -
.. , .publie that he has coin
• ,-•- • meneed
il t. /le Saddle 4 . Harness
b r usioess. in the borouuh
4t...1:- . i : Y'',;...:____ 1 . • of Tunkhannork. in H.
Mark's Brick Block, on
Bridge street, tWo doors
Abnvet H. Stark & tlo 's store, where hr
t..tends to keep on hand and rnanufactur.
n nrd- r,
Saddles, Bridles, !largess, -:.rake, Va
flees, Halters, Carpet Bags,
ind every .gri , leconnertert u It the bus,.
'.fsP. ily stria at rnrinn to business one
ormnusness in fuitiliing aLI eogagement>,
he hopes to meet with a Itheral•;rbare
Jutuie pat tonne.
All kinds of produce taken In ex •hangF
for work—Gash not refn•ed.
- Ar. 1 IW,EBF.
'►'onkhannnii, net. 70, 1840.
Doctor Yourself for - 25 Cents.
liv me-ns nt ilie
Every 01,P owl
! Twet t,
tour h coition. oilh
litwordg of a bitndien
ngraving.., t hot ing
private ili-earts r f ey.
ery share and
and rnal•orrn:rttons o'
th.• gen. ratio.• avaien
by Vin. Y onrio, 1,1 . I .
Av arrived. that person,
.tuil,ring from get'ret disease, need t o
lion , to beeotne the victim of goackety,as
'O/ the oreretiptiort cont.!' ed in thus. hot Is
sty rime may cute hitovelf withrtt.l tor.-
•trince to htivinusg. , or the kpowledrre
the most it, itinate ftiernl„ amd us oft Arlo
enth the usual expense.. la addition t.
h e s. neveyat Tontine of private disra4.-Tt,
nity rttniAlS ti'' apee of utanho.i.'6
with ohgervAttoost on marrttsge
_ , ; , a ,",,,5 a 'Ha! y Clihersd. - tangemenit, which
old rot be proper to rannuerate
the public print•.
Aqv pers, , n sPo iog Twervy-Five epot.
losea 1 , . a lett. r, " 'prove one 301 , ‘
,1 this bool., by m I' 2 or five core. ,
', nl fol. ori. ..4,11.., UP. W.
00111 1 .Nr. 151 *sPiiIICE
ir e; I. '' 11 IA Vos p4 l I
Yniine r• in he .com-hl'ed on any
he diseases deneribn(i in 1.'4-different pni
at his ffi e 152 ' , puler s'iree.,
very day het iseen-.9 and
ay , / eXecmtPd.)
M 1. 1 1 1 - 30. 1y
At the New Clothing and Gentlemen's
Furnishing & Outfitting Establishment,
I'U.N7CI - 14X.AVCK,- P. 9.
ON •..e.• ~ •ii • •t•At 0 0,•.• .Iit. SS TS,
A utdrdwel •;htrt-, have' ire
Orastiire 0( ,fiviiing the public in or tipr,,i
iod in , se aho want and Cheap
.:h•thing t h patio-oar, to call at their t-tor
.nd examine the largest and most splendid
-lock o 1 the
BiE 4 T 01;00D*
Poet rett into this section of country
-tirh as floats, Pantaloons, and Ve,t- ;
shirts. (Whirs, Suspender , ant'
, very article of Mete's, Youth and Chi:-
it NI , trip , ar well made and thr
work is warrailed.
MI kinds of Clothing made to order on
They hag. on ha"d a gond stock o
Boots & Shoes.
Being cl- teithitied to set, goods as 1014
NA they can tl , titVilt at stny OttiPi f.f.tfit'
iish ine nt in the i n 14,, .
teel assured Iths•
We can suit all' thn-e who nay gavor tit,
wi , h a rull hOtINS VElt.
0 .1. n, 1849.
Wyoming co. Mutual Insurance Coin.,
I N. 0 t Pt) it Al E , ) by Aet
appri,tird April :6 1850., I
now Treaty to T Peter epiti).-Atlettr• b.; tn
on the Mutual principli, en moi.i
kinds of property E:3tposeo rit4f.lno•Tien by
fire. All who Ii11,411:* in this Clin:rant
will share equally, in pre - 93010n tri the
'thou. t insurer', in the profile and inS4l.;
and each will have a vote in the eleciim
of officersand a voice in the directien o
its operatiens
'I he lulliming are the,Directora and Of.
heels for the en-vino• v( ar :
John Bunnell, Bradley Wakeman, Ja
hez Jenkins, Sherman D. Phelps, Ste
phen Capwell, A. K. Peckham, Henry
Robers, Andrew Gordinier, Asa S. Da
na, R. R. Little, Thos. Osterhout, Al
fred Hine, John Fassett.
S. D. Phelps, President.
Milton Dana, Secretary.
R. R. Little, Vice President.
John Bunnell, Treasurer.
S. H. -Taylor, General Agent.
• Not.olort, t •• n ti 2,000 taken in tine riot,
and nc liteata or inner extri -biza.dons
property inured. )411,11,4 of Adiane..
creininin paid on $l,OOO, nn a five-• on.
utauratic• , tor safe p: ipe ic, ;3.00,
•JL un. - milt the eninuni dimwit hi
ennitianie.. Other property in pro•
portion to. risk.
Applications for insurance or for ACP!'
cies to be addressed to• It. U. Lin!. ettait
mat, ElfeeUtiVe nr In
MM . ! 0‘ l'OAkSee.
Tunkhantinrk. Jun.. 4. 1850,
Fair Warning ! •
• IL, rtuts, •.eu t. A liorham or
I tr. A. INflpois ai Z.L.n, n
lifted That pay ruesit stow he Inside
4941, and Mat ill accoonm not pettlyd
t0P16 . 11 day or Septpiober u ill b. cu
q!red 'Payment , thay bP made
.tt Non flattop I' q., Tunkhdnimeit i or :.
the autv•Prihr I at -Nleboopaay. •
'h A kig,. 1,1.830. , • , 13, I'. 1)13 A'Al:
~liesiStdadal. Bedst e ads !-
Lowy., deb9/11.0.43 euurp
Ilectateade Suet iPealved• fors at
at very low Firloevi4t
—-•- •• •••• SOHN H. POG"Alit
Taaktutonock, July 16, 1660.
.qlllO TZtVELY !
• •
THE People's old line of Steamers be,
tireen thle port aria 1 30111orn. in Htatt.
nary, are doing a tremendous
There is nothing that can compCto with
•hem. Them is no shoals or sand banks
that can atop them; and they are•ronstant.-
, y cupplr inff the F ubsbribere with sin g :
• ificent Eiesottrnent of
cheap, rev, er4seatenabl e Coeds.
Fry variety that can be fountt'isa trouo
, rt , St •re
Cloths,Cassimers,S ,
atinette; eev!t ceni
Kentucky Jeans;:nannik t
ill kinds o' I allows. Don mks. Erre - 114'
I, terinnes. Donn ds. Germania, Cloths
.11 Nikes, and gala Plaid. Gimps antis'.
ets, Hatt Caps, Boots, Shoes, ,• -
Irou, - Eittl, Nails lid Atli 'rid',
cnifers„ 'PAL Snears, tilo'faoes,
ti , ffn. Ceti Fish, Baskpts, arc. Ste.. all
whir hi will he sr Id As very 10%17 prices for
•Caeh or any kind of Barter.
Oct. 30, 194.9. •
• Established SO Years ago, by
Etti. 11{1. 4 411ii Ls
N. W. Corner of Third and Union 0.,
betty, en Spruce and Pine streets,
VIFTE R 1 k.,Attb of extensive and
untnterrup•ed practice spent in this have uttered Dr. K.,the most expert
.nd aureetatafu prat:thinner tar and,near;in
he treatment ut all diseases of a' private
ore. Persons afflicted with ulcers on
'he body. throat or legs, pains in the head
.1 bones. mereureal rheumatism, suit-
OMB. gravel, arising from youth.
nl t XeetiSP4 ~r impurities of the blood,
h• rehy the ..runstflution has become en.
itehied. are Al treated with success.
He aho pla. es hin,srlt Limier the, care
nil Dr. F., may religiously confide in- Ms
In nor':4h a gentlemah, and - eenfidently rt
y upon hi, skid as a physician.
Take Particular .14 otzce.
Young men who have blared them
by a certain prsetice indulged in—
tebit frequently learned from evil emu
,,,Biona Or at school—the effects of uhich
.re nightly felt, even when asleep, - and
wormy both mind and hody.ehould apply
davedia.ely• N eaknese and constltu
tonal d e bitirv, loss of rouechlar - sneigy,
.hyareat laasitude and general r Tatra
,on. irritability and art nervous afitejonf,
odigestion. sluggishness of the ti;r4 4 , and
very d'iNeasr in ally u ay
,efinnecreil with
•he thshrdvi (lithe preerearive-fubctions
'ured, and lull vigo• r. , stored. :
Y 011,171.3 • 1 1 / I RO
vigorous Life,
,; (in, 4
Premature Death,
KINKELIN Gn Sdj Freserialiots.
.11 .1, - . 0
• ' l '. V'`or'lt:"'
'hie honk lust puhli-hed is belied, wttb
useful ietorina ini ,on the infirmities ,and
tiseas.s . or the epuertitlie maim: 'lt t.d•
aiike to Youth, Ntarhond sod
0 d AL", and should he read by al. •
Th e valuable •advice and impressive
'4 a r ising it gives, will prevent
misery and save annually —thousands of
Parente by reading it will learn hal to
I.rev!ot the dtstrurte..ll of th#•ir children.
A rea.itianre ol 25 erntf , enclorrd in
r Addres4rd to" Dr. hiarelly, Nt. W
..oflifq of 'fbird aro Onto' mtreet• op , wpets
Si rine and Pine. ill en-
Aire a bout., elide: , envelop., pet retain of
et 'sons at a distanfp may address Dr.
li. by lettrr, (post paid.) and be
melt' et
Packages of Nledieinev, D!reetionv,ede.,
fora ardrd by serotilog a rentiitane. , And
put up secure from IlauPp. or Curiosity.
tionl.ellers. News Agents. l'edlarv,
Canva-serf,and all totals supplied wi3h
t h e a t,,,, e t otk at very low rate., 44t 1
THE Wyoming county Agency . for
the sale of iiis•vai.idloe and pttifutsr_aru ,
l'e I,*l Pit.seri into the , hands; of Nleserc.
dq LES & t,i)i) L wWI a supply
The great ultra or this ;well-known
spring at.d S , Itentedy lase , h to to
rn~urr ii an extensive sale. Pt:tarns MO
•-•ndit.g to up.e it as an alterskiip, sill d
li to 1.0.1 null re • arl'y and ere ere
until itsEficao in their , paiticiilar CUES
o. Imtly leiteo. '
savrd her 'ter)
`z.o says Mrs. Thomas Ostrrlam , our
u ho s wds sinking under 'a general
Cured Sick Hcad-lehe! !
and other * t,e greatly Itarrlttltd MIPPPS
.11d Slifformv. as certitiee in the ease of
Mrs. Alfred nine. •
Dispepsia Cured!: !;:
hV relief brought to a case of water brash.
ti s simnel' diseased, and greatly' debit.
ItAted. The subSeriner can ce►uty - 10
HiiisEell the vufterer for yearilis
netteboted—health resulted. He
, heretore coniniends, in full confidence.
the , use of Ur. IS, P. TJV► Nt.ENDIS
i!omptitind Syrup of Sataaparilla. its
pleasant and agreeat le, beveragt , .—in no
wise olfeneive to the - taste and atimach ) .
Ind plisseistiit;g -truly valuable , medical
i impertiort. Having no longer any inter•
to the sales: he voluntarily makes
ihisstsiletnent to Justice to the proprietors.
tud io friendship to the al - Meted.
Tunkharmack, March. 1850.
WifF:RE A my Wile Chialottr. bat
IPff my bed und board wlthPut soy
iu6t cease ar provorotior, ibis is thrrero!ef
in lurity, all„poranos. not to iviit nti
my itecoonf, as twill nay nn demo of het
oontruetine. FITISPti RN ALLEM:
Vilkamo Aisy is 1850.
X?D.LFIS, !takes
heap. by ii. STARK kVa