The Wyoming Democrat. (Tunkhannock [Pa.]) 1849-1854, November 26, 1850, Image 3

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    - ---,xuanaspring.
Ttie Und4si2ed Ifieichants'and 'bus:-
oess men of the borough Of Tunkhannock,
desirous of keeping,the day set apartlby
the Governor of, this 'Coinmorvealtli' as
a day of public Thanksgi , ingherehy
give notice that they. tvili :close their
respective places'of business, 'Thursday,
Dec. 1.2 1350.
E. B•Durham, S;'S. Winchester:
D. Bidlemo,,, M. Walter, •
M: A. T a t!, ' A. H. Bolles,
Sherman D. Phelps, C. D. 6earhart,, •
" • .%%'j.' 'Platt;
Peckham, Perry 'l‘larcey,
:ohn Brishin, , Tlhanan Smith,
H. Stark, &TO.; T.:OstertiOut, & Co: .
L. A. Teentikon, Samuo Stark, •
Geo: S. Tutbn,, R. R. tittle,
A. G. Stark, E. Buck &,Son,
Luther Read, Kohn.4: & Mayer,
W. Lyman, ' L. C:Corililin,
T. M. Atherton, . John H. Bozart,.
Cyrus A ve,y, Sargent Kelly, 2d,
• Milton Dana.
•Lambermen. • .
VIFTY THOUSANO - pod twent2i
r inch Shingles, for which the high
est market price will be Oid at:
slikertom's Exthange.
50. - •
460 that some power the gift• wou'd gie us;
To see ourselties.4l others st-e us?' -
THE above wish can he fully gratified
by calling at Clinton :Fuller's Da
guerrian Rom, in Judge Phelp's brick
block, two (hors anve the store.
To Bua iviarc cza get' the Most
Goo is for :the Least Mottey.
This can be fia . ne at the
People's Store.
T"° rel:tect'ully tinnottnee.
to the Pubite in eenPrni tnat has
opened A now grille ru r n i iik-P street, ta
few doors below tilgart's tore, where he
h,rtt lust tt.eoped from Phil trtelphta. a full
an .elected cortm' , l - 11 of
Dry Glois,Groceries,l-hritrzre, Queen's
pure, Caps, Boots, Sbes,
quors, Dye Stuffs, •
whlrh he will sell di very reduced prices,
ter ready pay.
All Kinds'of Country Prnduce and Lum
ber taken In eyhnen.. f,r r;n-dq.
Tunkhannock; Nov. 19, 1850.
Tankhannock, Wyoming Co., Pa.
"IA rtqur..rd hum rte with
the' fa•apst ai.d.hPPl .1 , •••1.; of
41444 Ifit; set:lla , , nt country
lila which mill he §ntd a the very low
est prices f,r C4lOl-ot prolinCe.
Tneir articles are well made and the,
work 14 warranted.
A•I kinds of clothing made to order en
short notine.
The nubilc are invited to call and • "m
-ina their assertmen•. Nov. 1850.
for all
General. Agent. lor all claims against
tht-Glvernnvnt for BittntaandsPen
..sioris, Arrears, and Extra piv for per
sa.ti setwed in the War of IS !2,
or in any of the Laiian , wa-s si cei 790:
or in the late war with Etleico, n 32
Auditor's Notice.
frix '„0 1 ,,, , ,,,tiqr by
C nit 1,, dist. ow.e ari--
ing from the sale til" the itte.4l Etztate et
Franklin G-, v, hereby awes n.tice he
Wt:ltineti in the dories or hie qinot.a
went at his cffi'e in ruvi,han-or.t. n Sat
urday, Nov. 30 h,. at A. M ,
when aud where all ninon% tritere,led are
ncitifiFd to pfenent - their claims or be de
barred from elating in F3i4 fund. -
Nov. 6, 1,-50
To Contractors.
TUST T cri ved E ON'S EX
ar C H
6 Hogsheads of Sugar,
10 Ba::rels, do.
4 Hogsheads of Molasses,
10 Barrels, do.
32,Sak - ks of Coffee,
6 Chests of Tea,
20 Boxes, of Caddies,
10 do., Soap,
11 cases assorted Boots,
, .
AV h i nti V , II I be titNpo.,oot of to c -unit-actors
or Fettt . .ers. : tyistitpir to .purchwte by thP
,tioarttity, 4 a . t: a stoa.l a , iv,,stice from CITV
v .
"r..R. Ca - 11:andisee j .at -
Nov. 12, " The Eichani,e.
Still they: Comli
Us 1 serelved aL itre -Et.-liangf,"
11 -
frez.h F•upply. soasonatue 4 1 ,4)d5.., t
the Lobes se tvezia ex.rend ow E i1i,111113 1
Thauks .11 libera l jarorracr... It'eret•dopt
ext , lrrleri to the 14:x01 /nee?? and ro,or •.
full/ ihvite poitiicol4l' 0114.0utyin .10 Op
huge antl.sptendid astiort.r , ent n
, 1, 0 „a 3.1 ,1
square httawli., Dress and _rat ey t ;lAF,
ttiutle,Pettuure!,y. 1 QPP. at,
.5114erlons,E /Lange..
Tuukhattuocki. N 1E350. .. •
' • ::!1$1"01 1 itt• ^ ,
NOI 1(31 4 ;.,is - he r t i y.g. WI, that I.liavi•
dpplied , tothe Couit of Poottonn .ilrai.
of vvyotpbk - cotlisty for :he bent-fit di the
Acts of - Agtsembiy Aelattng
. to, ril•ilvent
•debtois. arid ibuf the 'B4lll -11;orefiaiilia'4
pointed Stlnday':; ittit;)4l:.cond day .4 Ur..
`cerot . ter ne.v ) .iii 10 to'elorlt, A. NI., at,. T
4,lOurt House to roolthntworti v io; t'e t..
ink we and nay no.ditOrti, when and iiii le
All perponnintet •
P'ST , ..A . may atipma - ::‘•
. • •-- .. •
Eton. Nor. 4, 1850. ~
IVESII-.RaiSins, Figs; and—Currents,
rkr sale - A. G.,STAIK'S
• 7" -- , List of '
Drizion if; serve at DecemberTeiwi; I 8
1 : t_ Qrip;D, ; 3,unorts.
; Braintrim.=,Benjamin.Bunnell, :1 2 4xiies
i l
1 Robinson, 13rachey Wakeman. , •
- ' . •
N , , Cli mon —John Wilson; . s. fi.C*well.
Exeter—Absolorn Swart wont. -
1 , Fat S Latie'r, David ; Patrick,
William oss. .
Forkston—Hiram Hitchcock.
• Mehloopany—W H Barnes, Aaron
Monroe—Henry Hairier.
= •
orthmOreran'd-46serih rorg,lison, Ja
cob Webb.
Tunkhannock Boro - '-4acob Myer, E
W Smith.
Tunkhannock Tp.—Abram Headley,
Jonathan Jenkins.
Washington—J G Smith, A - W Wells,
L 134 Vashurg.
Windham—Lurid Shoemaker.
Brairitnm—J H Birci,Martin .Tohnson,
I J Labarre, Ai - lira Gay, John Melhuish,
James Ellis.,
Clinton —C Gardner, Win Rice. • ,
Eaton—.a I , x - . Rq , iers,Timothy Jayne,
' , Ain Gore, Lysander Harding, Aka S
.Exeter—Thos, Hadley, Wm. White.
Falls—Sylvester Chambers, Wm Mc
Kune. Mott.
Forkston—innathan Fisk,Perry Wins
low, Samuel J liurlburt,,Jas H Gutches,
Chandler Robinson.
Lemon—Francis Fat temn..
Mohonpany—lsaac Mowry, Allen F
Furman, James Carpenter, Samuel V
Myers, Truman Maynard, Isaac Grist.
Monroe—Asher Pa. ks, H I i Carpen
Nortlimorelanel—Alfred JaquiPs,-Asa
Keeler, Garret Best)do, John Perrin.
Nicholson—Zil Leonatd
Tton , l)t, jr. Jaspher SiPpHns, Solomon
Pickerin, Ceo P cht, IVin Cart.
Washineton—John Bunnell, Isaac 0
Smith, J G Davis.
Tunkhann cI Tioro'—Thomas Blake.
Tunichannqck C.DeoTaw.
ti subccrther respertriii I informs th.
citizens of T.lnt:ll:+en-ek, That hp
poses Op%cing a Select Sel.oll. the 13 h
inst , in iha pull' over thefannitil;-11111 ,
Per Quarter of El Weeks
" 4 1)elline. itkoafirtiv,, Ai Ittt
metie. • 2.0 1
1 - .;er , graphr, I;raromar„ history, ano
alwal ehltosnyils ~ 3 no
I;emoettc,Ptc I'rigrn'.meta, 4.00
Ilw f rench, And Itnl an Lai -
fiflllf/P., P 4 6., Of two or morii.fer
one e 1,451.) 6.00
If alonP, h-r one el .s., BOU
If in prn v , tip recoations at their d wp!-
10424 1 hoot &oh , 10 CO
Tho-e whb the- , e I.nuarziys •i% 1.
tao. , h 4 , nl only but hlEr In
-peak and write them. An , .' sno.•
.is fli lint' pri grid? Is rriAe,
wilt ha req-urerf ro purtitte other sing:lips it.
:he use of the lianuiusEre r .ty are sinrivinu
Te , thnontalc, both Enrol:wan and A ...I as to rhar inter 2:nd WI I
he shown its such as di sire further in'oi
m,tinn,__J ,--
:itreasctst-nt Fill he erni loyed in the d.
ut Spelling and Ketietitig the
Et -
It is the intentio: of the suliscrihPr
(11.14 e hic rrhinl a nPrinani:ni one it :utf.-
* - ictit eiicoura , zemvrit tv atTu.ap:t
nenkinnnock, Nov. 11, 1850.
. .
tiROCL A ATIO N.-- Whereas, the
I , - Hon. WM. P, President
Judge of the Court of Common Pleas
nad Court of General Quarter Sessions
of the Peace and the President Justice
of the Court of Over and Terminer and
General. Jail Delivery, for the trial of
capital and other offences, for the Elev
enth Judicial 'District of Pennsylvania;
and Wm. S. JAYNE and SHULMAN D.
PHELPS, Esq's, Associate Judges of the
Courts of Common Pleas and General
Quarter SeSsions of the PeaCe, and -As
sociate Justices of our Courts of Oyer
.and Terminer and General Jail Deliv
ery of the county of Wyoming, have by
their piecept to MP directed ordered
./1 Genera Court of Oyer anti Terminer
and 'General Jail Deliver q,
to be held at 'rual..hannock, on MoNDAT
the second clay of December, 1850.
Notice is therefiire hereby given to
the Coronera rid. all Justices of the Peace
and Constables .within the county of
Wyoming, that they be and appeal in
their proper persons at the time and
place above mention , ii, with their rolls,
records inquisitions, examinations, re
cognizances,.and other remembrances to
do those things which to their offices in
that behalf respectively belong.
Notice is alsogiyen -to those who are
hourid by recog,nizarices to prosecute a
gainst the prisoners that are or shall be
the. Jail of Wyoming county, that
they be then and there to prosecute them
as shall be just.
' JOHN JACKSON,, Sheriff.
.Tanhannock, Nov. 5, 1850.
COLE AGENCY.--:-Dr. S. P. Town
.se-n-als.,...SarSea,rilla, won IT arid
blO as tfie* . age, with 'A einanaca for
1850, gratis, by, BOLLES:
..Tunkhannock July 23, 1850.
fOCT. MlTtli ELL'S Oelirated
and unrivalled Eye - Silve, a cer
tain. remedy for sore,and inflamed eyes.
Wholesale and retail at
_ .dtherlon'i Exchange.
OLE' AGENCY.-1 - .Dtv Wright's In
dian Vegetable. PAIS Tun:khan
nock,, by , H. BOWS'.
- -
O ''. F 0
. 144 4..
pgent as veltlas plain and
1 4.5
4., • '
KILL .5.11rD Wfirrr;RIGPQVS - 1 -
of every variety and kind, ar now being
received at rno
Telegraph Store',!
Embracing, as trbus , , a_ large atock of well
sekcted (*nod , I
ronsistina of 8 lull at.t..attottot or Ladies
“oods iients west' try fnll. Liqw,
And Fqll%re Vfi IS— NtuffQ and Vattoritats
t'alittirnta Hats, -flovs and Niot
GtOrPlifS, 4tardwa , p, tinntc and
:hues, to I,i;hiett l Wol,lld tninie ad lover%
nrilte•it bmgains to and 'etia•ninFt.
JOH Iter.
14 tr,..,....v5.: -. 4tP . R l l:l l eolt" . S:pill,°'l°ll;ll'..Sl'r'.?rbf
r .1)111IV 311111 chpapnes:" are 'now opening
for Intzpection. .Adutittl 1110
Telegraph Store.
Great and Choice Bargains,
TN - Boots and Shoes, of Men's, Boils,
_L iVoman's, Children's and, Babie's wear
ail kilicla and co% 1..
.1LSO )
N s pit ndid tot of tM t Au; Rdbbernare now
10 he. hart, hph for style tinrabdit% ,nit.
een't be beat." call . and esamine
at the
0. aph Store,
N - A - Toi LI) os r ettly_ An. T ounce "t , ) IhN
V citizens of ‘,% gnu i g (. 0 11, 1., bai
has oveurd on I untoke s!, lu 't'un. -
tianuoct , a
N 1 TAR '
where he is rtc , •iyino from New York,
melpho: and entire new
ct thmd- : l'he largest and most
splendid assortment of
Ever oritred w thus IL2aVe.,
, ; , v (;• , 00-, t runs . 14 -
‘.t j t'err, Drug' t,ll
Yd 5 . 3 011 S,
Boots and Shoes, liats:and Caps,
O. the hit , ,t sit trr , nit ti en
eirated with qv lan-ate:a eArt.,ailit i.lttt
'la .1.- to the tvaats of , tie roa.a.anit .
Dit 1r (001 , S; r.atipm-illin p
('ass;tve,e.... !Natine:t•.. Vel vt-.•
51 7 .',3111”2 . ; , S4l a pl. ~ n ut A -
-'ll.Metit sit • A1)11 . ;: . I) E t
Aladsztiaa, plain
1'a:4)111.4... 7 plain An.
dhc‘ 11 de Lait,e , .Linse., 12:11ams.
‘ 7 l fiand;l:Szi . 2 Also, :11.1-10,
all kinds. ilea. hro b 146 11r , us a Sler'-
11;“ , , hianaelc. 41heelrf,
rnl.te it , and every oracle general')
oiled in a Ouuatn sir
0' ev.ry oaTirl%
wrll hr drip: srd of ..t reitiiced I rii
Cra h• il. Nrw: ans, Cuba. P.m,
Sag,ir StIVITS. Trinid,o
\rw 0 e.ti finston Syruj
a A spli- as-o: ni Inr
pill 41. l minty F.ys, n and lttn, l Tea ;
otlrr Chor(Aate. Bairtcy, Ric ,
S l ue , s of all "Q' r, Sp.
4t1,1 ‘A, La:e Oils, 1.11. ,
42. ,
purchasod at the i-west east ,
ett.tbltd to di-p ,, se of oil
=tack At the VERY Luvt LeT walk tar remit
Cash, Promptness, Bargains,
's 112 H 1 :Intl 1 N,1.1 rPair
ILI.ING in live tip to WOulii Lhi
' , ay LI ihn,e ‘vi-hinn Lu pun•tinsv• (-:0015
ihe lowee tact . p
len w ex hl•
onn.N, pot.' eoTrtioE - , vt..+X-•Evo
011.'1.-„ Feans, Pried Aln.le•, Bove',
, Lit.,,neq, Ull
ur V , antie!,Soett , ,
en , Fedi ne 7 f.. (tif• tlit: -
in-ulO4 pr and exaxine
°el and yn , Jr£l4-4Ve!'.
L V. • 111 EIZTON._
Tun!. hhnntiel , , Sep , 23. 1850.
Sheriff 's Sale
BY virtue of a writ of Test_ Vend. Ex.,
issued out of the court of Common
lieas Bradford county; and to me di
rected, will be exposed to puhiic sale at
the court-house in Tunkhannock on Sat
urday, the 30th day of Nov., 1830, at
I o'clock P. M., ,all that piece, parcel or
tract of land, situate in the borough of
Tunkhannock, Wyonting, count, Pa.,
bounded and described as follows: North
by lands owned by Henry Stark, east by
the Wilkes-Ba-re andj3ridge.water turn.
pike leading to Montrose: south by lands
owned by the Methodist Episcopal
Church of Tunkhannrck borough and
Henry Stark, and . west by lands owned
by James Kelly--containing about one
third of an acre, more or less, with a
frame house and frame : barn thereon, late
the estate of the plaintiff in said writ
named, with the appurtenances. .
Seized and .aken in exeention at the
suit of Andrew Stckler vs. Jdseph C.
Powell and John Teatts.
..101.1X J.4CKSO.N, Sheriff.
Sheriff 's Office, Tankiannock,
.November 5, 1850.
Auditor's Notice
MOTICE is hereby iven, to all per
'lkons interested in the estate of Reu
ben Culver, deceased; that the under
igned• having been appiinted by the
Court of Wyoming ;way, Auditor
to examine into the ailairs of said estate,
and report the same , O said Court, will
attend to the duties of his appointment
at his office in Tunkhannock, on Wed
nesday; the 27th dayot Novernber . .lsso,
at 1 o'clock, P. M., ai time - And
place all persons interested are notified
to attend. ELH.ANAN SMITH,
0ct..19, 1850. Auditor.
CHAIRS for sake at Read's 4 . 6 North
' Se . pf: '24:
11-13..-50 Sacks for,sale at ,
. $k :G. START'S
-hroiseajliiiil • di11111664._
reletrhallgt , ,q .
0 fi
*..e coutay of Wyonaina' for he year
• ..NVTIPP. • •-•• •••,,
. • . 'Bran-Orlin._ • •
1 4 (; C Lacc;y;,. ' $ tot paid
13 Fs tb titivitian:&-.Sior;,* 15.00 do
14 14eeli Sz..SfypiPewot. 7.00 ria,
- Clinton. ' ,
14 tlardoer & M/io,rsOn 700-. du
14 Curiell di 7.00 do
14 John C . GI ier. 7.00 do
14 Fur 700 dr•,
14 Laugtoo & 1 ,, fr01:10,* 10.00 do
Forkston: •
14 % rn. El 'Bar' , ,
t t.nre and Inglien., 700 do
14 vt -1-1 7.00 do
14 and. lin/ham, 7.00 do
11 Jennings are' 7 . 00 do
14 L Rn.sell. 0 do
Go,dioier &Cn , 4 " 10.50 do
14 EWA 10 5,.) do
Northrooreland. •
I I tifiF,ter hr I r,• '0 50 do
iiANl'•wrri i 1 50 do
Tunkhannock 'Borough.
13 Henn Sintl. az, , 10x° .do
13 _ I hof.Ost• thous & Co.,* 15.00 do
13 loh ,, H linvari, 10 CO e,r ,
4 •• , ;),1. 21, 7.00 do
14 looller 10 50 do
12 cI) l'hey,o.., • 12.: - .0 do
14, liolips and ,]layer, .7 00 do
11 qr.:. A [Nihau,. 7 00
and 1'.1r1,4,* 10 ro do
3 11,1Iles And I.looddlP, 10.00 do
14 C Noon,* 50 do
.4.0 P 1.00 do
• 4 1) TSterljng, 7.0 Q do
4 A V Alden, 7.0 i do
11,0•kinsoo :end Russell, 7.00 do
14 I) and .1 Colling.,* 0.50 do
4,Jolsn I Camer. I:tylio , , 10 50 d. 3
4 l'•eward_Pro , .o , l, Liq., 050 do
14 I;rnn 700 do
14 Mrs. B Cullen, (F , rno.) 7.00 paid
14 Char:, (,no.) 5.25 do
14 Jvroinelt ,, mmino - t0n,'10.50 do
14 Martin ilickock,* 10.50 do
13 T Quinania,' (9mos.) 7-.87 do
Dye ,tufts
14 E IV Reynolds, Liq. 10.50 not paid
Tunkbannock Borough.
8A G Stark, 5.00 do
K N f M !Min,
S C P hiller,
S 11 W Neigh,
8 Charles H Thompson, 5.00 do
1 1 0 C H Mowrev,
10 Neal & Sloan, •
4 Bolles and Goodale, 5.00 do
All Licenses that are not paid by the
first day of- December, next will be left
with a Magistrate for collection.
• .1. HINE, Tre.
Treas.'s Office, Tunl:hannOck,
Nov, 1, 1850.
With Liquor.
HA v I •li Ino.r rr.l lir 4il, •I i t--•-
grAph ih (mail In ,t us
-v!lner I 3 reci.117111. , 2 iit the DPpr , ,
N.-w Yak. a spier.did, rhva l
11, 1 .1 el: .•f•
Ltdirb' ~,II
•abet•. , he , -tt les and
: 6 1e,t lashion. of Ltot,t and park
Har a o e ,.. I)ei.•ttne, Ernhro•der'd
'nreprisii g Cloths, r4licy and
inlets, slimmer i‘f .11 kiude, Slit.,
-.41;n and Fnney Vesting. Cravats, earfs,
I,,:.ent ot 1 miles' Cbildret , '-
Iml lih4rs' Braid. Ffpnen, Chi..a Pearl.
and ; Niik
14in t2 hAn., nod Cotton •ParasolF, rif ail col
-1)r Fi arid WlNl*
I;,fillomen's Panama,Leohorn,anct Palm
leaf Hats.
(nf ‘‘ b/ell Ire v.,.11•0 say a Word to the
antic err, fideritiallv.) Nig , ztoelt is di.
re,t from The roanufuf , ciurer, fully aQso,l
- 1 nri:en's %%RNA: Childre . . and tlen -
Ware of all goal tle.. RIM tA , nTrAnter'.—
tioolin bl.rn hnn2hi vxclus . fir eash
is Well ~,tistivtl 'll4 trot one look wi l l
yov,i. e people, y4)ii 51P In rite
PAT • pot. And thal ~h e news of C.
and durability lia. been fekuraphed
r and convirre , 4l rougt yon be, as y.. 0
w.or fi .4%a and , hpe , on,
Cheapness,' Durability' - fk Comfort.
Dress floods, 1,,t Ittauwy. NI) I. . n i I,,vt
y. I/ await t., !
where the wires are continually w"rlitnt ,
Dry Gonds, Groceries, Hardware, Crock
ery, Boots and Shoes, Straw Goods,
-DJ 1.1
One In .k before purchasing—believing
lets p r ipi. , 6 are a consideration. you can
be bountifully paP.
Titnkhann , ielr. May 7 1850.
AG vat vnorty, , )l Frady %sod Cha
011 q oatitiez, f'or a t e, 11S
htt nought at any establi,hmeht in the
:outitry; by
Ate: 11, 1849.
•It• ISV and Ma Le re, bale at the
Nnrtii UratteL n•r
Ct ALT by the Bhl. or Sack; for Saleit
0 the North' Branch' •
EST TOBACCO to , he • had in to‘i , h;
Dto beer found at the North Branch.
VRESH, Oranges, and Lemons, fur
1. , s*- at 4, G. STAB K'S.
700 do
W ipdham
5.00 - do
5.00 do
5.00 do
5.00 do
5.00 do
Tunkhannock Borough
Gentlemrn.'s IVare,
Straw Gouds
Boots and Shoes,
: , 1.--FOUNDRY:'. 7 ii - :'
GEARELART...'&' ; .
110 p pr- the
w • t,zeus, of
_ A.yo ! lor,,g, Opiity,lll o 4 l
lie "litintidlyi .
d b
,y Cyrus Aceryr to the village tit
l'utiLliati (irk, and thatl (hay r ne.wlt
bail/ agri etilairged •11)e - Cupalr, and oth.
tie iialtacity trtrotrit.g Way*
r light work by ineaus ofwhtch
prepafe'd 'exeettie a orders with
which - they. may , bi fiiviited for CAST-
I (if airy desertitiTOr, CiZe Or ;
as Well: and'nn:as favrird - ole - terms its thei be had in any' Ihumity in the Ntate.—
tir mid lavite - partieulat attgittion to
their ex
for hominy v. Odd or coal —mrlong which
wart.. found the Et4ire, butt h. and
Kohl 's cete:htated xir filth% known to br
he only Cooktrz. Stove that will horn
wood or coal, etriall'y well. Th. five-nal,.
re. Fptio.• they have met with- in ever
:dare where ibex have lien introduced, is
sutht:tent goariatilee of thilt wnilh --
11 t ;y o i s n rogi.4fa. titre o , rinit. D:atterbt• of
P./714,0R STOVES,
and in•eno krenlog on bandWf , ll_l
at mi..deraie prima 7 Tkiey - rparitiGetiire all
kinds of 1-11;11nw:w'ame, large lion Kettles.
Wagon !tow., (% . .sling.R.
and Clitst plain and fano
GfaitS. & • , Ate:, alvtayN on hand or man
ulacturial tu order. a v riely of
_ _
t h a appp ,y e d styles extant,'r
riaricr•otay found the V . ‘ aye Co.
and Seward Plow, so highly celebrated to
he lower Conetiet-..
Cestlntrs tureen and fitted to order.—
' hay respocitul y tovite the ',ollie to wive
h Irl a ca I hPfort• purrh-sino Plseet her , ,
feettea oonftdent of rendering g e neral sat
0 J Iron titliPn in rv.ii• for Casti4s
nilkh atn , k .1111, 4, 1850.
Prolesor A. C. Barry's Trieopherou,
INFALLIBLE I. renewing:, jovial-wai
I too the Hair, Stmt,
thw riot II ail. rtiotts at Ce Sc tl, anti
uottit4 f.irttottotis of the Shin. a of
he 11 ands, muscles and tutrgumen and
Virl St ings, cut-, bruises. sprain,, &c
thrs pr,iparafioi their is nt
wi rd as fail."' '1 he fir;:t journals in
medical men of the highest efTll
- e,or winent eilizens of alt Professions,
hd ladies who hove used' It for years in
to II dies-ink roams and filllrt•erleF, admil
with one ac rod, that, lon imparting vie; I,
glo-s Itrximatic• and oi rl to the 'IA ,erae
catiliu scut and d. ndtuft,healing womilds.
tin g coit us,. n , sprains, slit gs, Stc.,lnd
frit.vim , dist-ries ut the skip, the glands, t
'nil ihe mu-ties, it ha- OP :equal: arrimig
the mitt nude .4 compounds advertised th
lie public ;units, or u-cif in pr vete prat.
e In eh , apness as well as fiLatit
H ort 's Tticot; s .orotis is 'unitvall.d. Thr
,11;1 . 1 Se wash sale-iot the a/unto, have et -
.hled the iiiventor it; supply it .1 retail at
CelllS tier bottle, tt filth fun.
tilt , to ohs , Lorre red.per cent. fess than the
ire nl any other preparKtlots now Irl Use.
sctentific u. aites on the hair and ,kin
(etriltractrig valuable dlr., c;,o; s tor the cul
ture and pia-serration Natute's choices'
"th•llor'fl , ,) in su hotth each bottle is enclut
-d. is alotie worth the o tkhey.
The an nily b. tavern the , ' membranes
ti melt roit , tithte the skin, and the hair
Vihich draw s sustenance 11 , 111 this till
eoveiiipe:is very clost dIF•PaePS of
ihe hair oliginate in the'sit'in tit ;he head.
If the pores i the scaly 'are clogv-d, or it
h- Woad and 0t1. , -Tfluids doiton citcutate
•reelv ihiliugh the stil:11 v•-lst-sts which
d the too ith moisture and ittipait
tie in ihe fitires. the re tilt is scuff, den
drutr, • ins! of the hair.:„araytus 1 Orit
iwss and Mir-It:Tagof tho figaritynis, and
eh A ld I,ps, ~a the rase may to • tilt -
alate the shin to her.ilittal nth a e t:h the
I rtenpliercut.,
.ehd the torpid vr6Sek, ri
activity, Will annihilate the
.11-ra-e, .1u all aitetion-of the skin. tutu
the suhsl , ata of muscles' and integu
ments the process; and
_the .•Ifer-t are the
::,ono. 'lt is uric the P4iln. the muscular
fibre, grid the gland-, that the -Tricnphr
rims has l ea specific and in all af
fections and - itillirces of these organs, it is
a sovereign remedy.
sold in large bottles, - prici 25 cents, at
lie principal office, 137 tirin3ii wai, New
Viirk. F tr ante by the priiicip.l Merchahts
and Drugi-is through -tut the United Stat. a
and Canada. firware of the counterfeit,
old ai tine dnhar iPf tinrtla - - . -
For sale by . BOLLS & GOODALE,
Tunkhannock, Pa.
X C H A.N GE. !
.on hand a Ibtir ar-
Dry Goods, Grdceries, Hardware, 4rc.,
Vt;tl'‘''. 14 OP h.' 411 W 101 t. a 'Y I :IV. •
.1. In. 11 $ 'V 1G: 1850
Boston.. Syrup._
A - Quantity of this delicious article
11_ just receivedand for sale by
Jul • 23. A. H BOLLES.
sold b • A. H. BOLLES.
A QUANTITY of Ho7sTitakes, Forks
11 and Cradles, for sale at
July 16. A. H. BOLLES'.
PORK, Codfish, and Ilaclierd, for
sale at A. _H. BOLLES'.
i .
• I•
___ _
CIOLE AGENCY—Dr. Jayne's vain
-13 able Faintly Nledicines, with Alma
nacs for gratuitous distribution.: please
call and get ot . A. 11,-BOLLES. -
n NE Grossri .A7C7l3arry'3 Tri- •
‘Feopkrous for sale, chaper than , the
cheapest, by ' A. G. STARK.
'Tunkhannock, 4.1 . 1,;.. 20th, 1850.
LARGE quantity of ffesh Nuts, of
/1. all kinds - for sale 1 - y A. G;tTAPIC
- • -
A Larg.e qtrant,ity of PiCkled - 0;• - sters,
Lobsters, Clams; Sardini , s,ScallOpO,
I Mangoe§ &c., &c.,,for sale at ,
QUPF.:I2IOII quallty of 'Bunel) Itaisinsfi
0 just xec.e&ed And:fOr saterby
July 23. A. H. BQLLES
Rx f
cesor A. C. 13 , s
TR ga ~
op. -, llEDlc , :iT.Prico i o u iv7Y .
F 64 rosioniv, presiriiirl Pn() . beautify , _ '
via III«. halt;„ eraitettiu g .4cort •itvds
ow , Aruff, atulicoring.disegses of - tht eltin v l.
c I•inde a; it inN,:cie%k,..siangF, cute,' lytnistri
Si.ll2lll‘, tSit.r:i &C.'
fottnwine- testtimcnial.Fi -seemed:
frt m nundre is of ethers nt setellar.itupotte
vt: tit .'ert:e If) show the vaine of the pr.vpaiv
ration, and the -estitimtimi 111,1A,biCit it is _
11.1(1 ity hn hflye etle , ,it Blur - 1014 •
Copy of a Leiter from ilizlliam.Davap
Corner - oPlicks and wltlanfic strata'
Professor liar sho s uld r , he'di4
icient in gratitude to ylip: and ta. f: eltrij
for °Mfrs who truly bt staillarly - arflicted,
if i rteglect.,d to thfutm yin - that ytAir
t•ophermil has entirely rernb4,ed f:torn'tif
fAre a patrful and disgusting erinittomena
..istittng of iarge red piniplee i with which
I had , heen .snefled (et ineny,
r.egotax aitplteation of the - ..lJutd qeoiding
to the direetiors, for a' little tiettet
three e'eetts. enthpleteTy -rellected 7 reis of Wei
nuteanae,, and the skin of my feet•w;
as free Irons diseolr.trinpn as in 11 , 31 boy
hood. , our truly, .
fj alk
Sin Inrge hr leS, price
principal temp. 137 liroadwat . , Nkv- V.43rU ,
For Side by the princic4l merchants, and
diurretbtF, throughout the United Statei
,incl:liar,aea,,:itne by
A. G. STARK,•Tlinkliannock'
"In Uninn the : re:ls 'Stiengthl f
TIV 0 Raying. is mole true than the above,
and 'the subscriber,
oreAsed,With'the 414 tivle!fs has oaiieil
in on.. mlfwaive pstAlrlyshtnrn7 t . ll 5 , 5.
Drug and Mercantile- Dus.i'ness,
at the •, yotning t uuntr QU.,,AR
I Efts, on the eorner of %Nal - ret anti,Tio
rya ,tretts. nearly: oppOsite. tibeiropm.D.
Fhelra' store, tv,herei,,le_wltt keep contitent-
Iv of h , ttn) a l a rge ast•orttneniot the very
nest set. , cteci fresh DRUGS-of itll des'eitp•
%I, ineludint. the Oinst poptilar 'plea
And t',',inl!y Me.ljoinee ; and having beet
.e the pra , tice n` milteirre for a rubtrtbe'r
y ear .,ll o e publte earl pu'rehase Kith safety
v movie he may otter for Ante: " •
He has'aiso as tulf 'an asabrtnaent of tll.
kin,lß .1t•
Dry Goods; Groceries; `Hardware,
Crockery, Queen's Ware, ,
Boots,ShoeS, • .
as can he round In any store in ,rankhant•
noek. and is constantly in the receipt of
New Goods from the cities of New - York.
and - Phil tdelphia • &Is°, Paints. Oils.
Flour. Salt. Iron Nails, etc , etc., ,All of
which , will he sold on;the must reasonable
'pray., at reduced prices.. • All kinde.Qf
enuntry- odnee in exchange for any
thing in hi - 4 . est,blishinenr, . •
Tunkhannnck. int. 16. 18501 •
nain Destroyei and Healing Extrad.
—An extract from the shrub called
11;20, nod ptir-ly tram
•he exception of a little Alel,tatol to pre
serve it.
rit 19tb; 1849:
The People's Friend.
It will dare alljr cal pain-and inflaming"-
Hoe, rid sores, fresh wounds and btsti4eBi.
Pt est. anti" all diseases.of the' bowels of
viirnnie ti% l Uip. tooth-ache, and car-ache,
kmale complaints Arc.. SL.•••
It tt ti rely profe• be, st the
Ppopie's Frier(' !" Provi.lence sc.:-
tell:i asciia the rugged paths 91 it'e many
things that eonirshutu tfreally.ll) , the corn'
foci and nappino of every body ; hence
!nen •Erreat caw,. and well may they be
called 4 mends of tho people'.:
(Ini, worn here to kuard 2gai , I I I3IAMPOSi.
•A roan by the, RAM , . nt .'pencer has
roat.ufaeturerVatql: at tr.rert for /iota a‘splifil•
catlrd the'• Cory
h ,t would he. retract of the hazel-nutl ! r
the pe.nutrie to as white and pare as water,
whole the spurious article. ist colored,wnich
enablert the. public to drsttortish. r.
Nape tronuinP, tint-those marked• Pond'a
Fop, Destroyer. • For sale by • -,
j S Garwond,-, Nigh.lsom ,
1. J Rucselt,: •Ii
E R Grow wag, ,
.1 I):(.;utirk, Ransom ny:
Win: Mehune, Falls: • : x -
W Swetianii, "
E Osterhout. LaGrange:
a REAT etvittaieht awl ng the reeplo
'A ell Ve0111.% the Niorh ttranf beii.v.
io full bias*- 7 with he f4oo;9. l lraliead,
app,opriated by the Stat., and large
mown by the suiaettbe.,, %ht., North
Brtlirli . has befit 'fairly ell., under Ava%
and is now. in full operativo,ancl the rub;
lie can 3e, suited with the fines . ,etiespes:,
ai , d best linods now in Matitet—ailltito
land deFeripsi-os of Dry Goodi, Grneetir
(Jon- 4.) LEI' 11E14. It 1 1 :Af,t D.
SCHOOL BOOKS, and a ,var'ety.9l,
Books and .Stationery,. , embracino
tanny r ot the valuable publio,tifins -0!
day. 'W, bATet'A guano oentoo'llfr...t '
IMnaT; 1-feadle3 l tt '%% o 111 8; 'tind h vane
too Ek pat to mention. Contrntin Bnd
Qical fiehnnf Hooks. 'For flool:s of a''
kind xeri.iir.e', nleise'oPllat-the stote•ot
.11,1 v 23; 1830:
IX ISHEAT Rye, Corn, Bucip.vbep ; .-,
V V Oacs, Beans, Onions, Butter, Bee ,
wax,' Tallow, Rags, Eggs, Fla; To' •
Clot!), Furs, Beef 7 hides,, Calt-skins,la
ken in. exchange for Goods, at tfie higl,-,
est pfices,at ,the North Branch: • i,. 1 i
Si•p %11, 'rea, euffeP, Carilifef."; 14*6 1
Ihrlitv;. NP nous, PenPe'i 4ite°. Gl'':
Ger. ; MrAder..l.egv.vorl, 4'utO;SAlta,B4 , ;:t
vetrrs Cipn'auirni.. Ilsusior, Situk Posvq- '
and het. for sale,mt the ' . ,;• i 1
111111tt ANDY 6ir Kum and 'VI hislu , 1'
-Lil •very cheap; ild-enozi gnall.y. fur e,l
1 A.Me Uli, wit! 1.1'114 1 :4
to .he Nltylit'BßANl`.4l..r.r.';
' . ••->
SUP ERIOR quality of clifferentkino,
nig by A. H. BOLlSik—._
•! • I.
~ 5 ~~~ : ~
;• rr
Na 7,