The Wyoming Democrat. (Tunkhannock [Pa.]) 1849-1854, November 26, 1850, Image 2

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Tilieflia - nntkk,Tilftlay, - N0V.26;1 850
• The•Or eeetlings of the Standing Com
mitttvkill be )4:ttind in another.cptigop,,
by . iibiakit will be seen, that they have
taken upon themselves the responsibility
of Maltinc , a nomination for cgrrress—
an exercise of power
,not helOnging to
them'. The right to` make nominations
h‘,Abiiita - e'xclusiVely to the ebfile, - to be
ilirtormedbitheirown select ion : 9t del=
C,;:ifes in the several townsbipi - and
IlOrbughs„ andiene inbo 4'generalCoti!i
Conveniibri, *ere ; fo make, choice - of
candidates. :It is no part' of the 'duty of
the Committee to make nominations:, unl
is in cases of cOlinty, officers, offer
a convention has been held sada iiCancy
occurs b . ..yleath or -resignation; z but in
i'lOt•riitance' Can it be shown ihat- the
standing` .loininittee of a county ever
aiithority to make; noriiiiiii-
VOnaWithbut bolding a cons We
Y Vv'ouid lire they got the power to
Way \ .5 ., ; it fi Colinty ConVi.ntiorii,stbm
ed of delegates fr al . l' the precincts,
the bld
ai (1 a te - fo r the -party? `say that
'liiiCOMMittee possess nb such *Aver,
ariethe'i&e - rcise of it is a'cleir 'arid pal-
*able - lossiiMption tit the rights of the
people. The people have_ little, enough
to say in the natter:of nominations at
Wf t v-P4 theY , R9g4, l l9t -4 , de:PriSed
1 4,:that,- 7 yeta Portionliat, the Stariding
gonamitte of„this county hare, seen prop
g/: todo, it. .
, 1311 t this is riot all.: Airy ; go
. 6 a,..stek further, andasslyne „ths, right to
141 ( yicancies in _the„Corrimittel 7 , No;4'
we. would inquire, who ever heard of
such proceedings? By.this rule, one
man .could act for the whole county—
VeCaieie tiae. - a
• ' ;I%
right to appoint five, five would have a
`ten ;;"and 'one
member had come here - on Satii'rday, tre
tm 11 . ae'appOinted one for ifie - OtE
persons as suited him
.Si:lC-Jar:the Ciiiiii4 . l6rWhoin" he acted and
their proc'erded . eta' make a nomination
!fir the Triity. -. With ill' due.deference
qty the eniirie the Cominittee have taken
r►lt 'this matter; eve submit -that' a mini
ttie one t,asci would be just as
tbet: l •,:„Ttiey - would 'nnt
ations and-therefore tat
the 'binding npon the - party."-We take
position now that-we took before the
Committee met or the call was-=publish
ed: that the Committee had no right or
authority to make -a . nomination. This
twe.rriaintain to be correct.
-.,When the, call of the committee was
published, we supposed the farthest that
they would go- 7 (provided they did not
call a CountY'Convention) be to
'-nripointCorifeteei add rev Minend the
conferende'of the amntielid - grant to
I VVyorning the 'candidate, if it was
, ,
--'thought best to clainiOF accept the can-
Aidate and
,nointdation tot:" this" short
lerm l But.we , nevyr "supposed for one
iiiinent that they Wottiti_ nomi
iptioti; of any particular indwidubi for
the: impoitint office Congiess,' That
being 'the ghiei'af 'underitainlino in the
'tatter, 4ndidatei 'with 14
leeptionoi-dne r rettised to, or at knit did
tiot, before tlie-'olm-
' - Theie is a strong 'and 'ppposi
tion throughout the condi to the'couise
the coininittee have taken -, - -and it is not
when..ire look 4 at the
novel and unheard of course thev - have
pursued: The People have a right to be
heard in this matter, andit iitheir duty
to act: oilytrue coursertr'them
Eo taire'ii to dele&ates 'in' the differ=
int tumnisliiPsfonteei in general Connty
onvention and 'make d norrtination an
the usual arid leg:hitt:fate -way, and then °
the fiarty.will acquiesce, spit ot before;
at least this-hvould seer the gen.;
et! expresiiton.:'" `fr:. ' •-• .
' people have been told that . thin
matter isol little f or no irinitinaEtee and;
that it made. no, difference ,bow itFai.
disposed isagreat
as of tast trnport s ance
. to . ,the I PariY ‘nd
such shoiild be loOked 20 ;caredoll
•at all event's - , it is wbith miking
nointnation — for ,at all,. it ought to he'
triage the - fight'wer:
if the See 'proper ` t endorse
Com mittee's
gboa; must' adh l eie lip' the old:
andwell-established of; the
party, if we would preserve itilezeitgili
and, rity. I .will no ao to al#4'Won:l
r • -1 5
all RrecedOt rind i your Rua l ung
in thp-tlark without lOart .lcolmphsi,,
sugering Oufsek;es tnfbkled by
arid intried experirnenta:.,„Theilistory
aiiords a useful lesson to all who deiire
the union and harmony of the party.—
Let ustie warned hy,the.Rast_andavoid.
the rock on which we have split so of-,
ten. Let us be guiJed by the sttrn-light.4
41- t -experienc,e,-aW,Ansleacl... 43l, , platting
new-.theaties,folloin. the Old, _beaten
track ofithh:radical tlem?cracyi that: bas
lead us on to victory in days ;that:are
Ili If he Editor.of. . the Starof the
;Moth tak4 any - tatisfactiOn -in %partici
paling with sock-papers as-:the; Biwa
ford Reporter:in • a .systeni of • malicious
detraction and falsehood,lhe iltmiltortte
.o whatever' •",c.onsolatiori it 'may 'afralii
But!it i is a so'u'rce: of deep' regret 11 l'at• an
editor of "a -public joUrnal Icaanot' speak
his honest 'cOavictions'upOn a subject of
public policy -without, having laid at his
doOr the base chary of levying black
mail. ,It, is-iurplising that any ,respect
, able editor of - a newspaper will;so far
I 11 - 'llir '
org,et uat ts (le to his own respect,
- the Ogard fOi - trath;:and' the righti of
others engaged in' the same *business,*
to 'give 14teriance' to charges against an
other , without a' single' evi
dence upcin which to 'found so gt!ave
charge ; ani yet this is the case :with
every_ paper, that hal Dien curt4nCy to
the libels agninst us Upon the subject of
black mail. There is not a particle of
- tr:uth'rn any of charges, and icv'e defy
ank.liv_ing. man , to make them appear to
the, corttrary. fife SY/n. classes us n•ith
Eerrnet of the ew York Herald, and
then 'Toes cozily to sed with the
, • 14,•
Reporter -truly anerrviable.situation.
On motion of Andrew,Gordinier,lEsq.,
Robt. R.' Little '.d Wm. M. Platt,
: were ; • unanimously appointed
Concr o
es'sional, Conferees to mret with
conferees from Luanne, Columbia, and
Montour counties, at such • time and
place as may be fixed upon, for, the,pur
pose of putting in nomination a =di-,
date for Congress.
On . motion of Samuel Stark, 20, the
following resolutions were unanimously
ado[t ed :
. 2 Resolved, That we deeply dyplore
the existence of the, divisions and dis
sensions in the Democratic party,i f this
Congri 4 s4onal District; ivhich have
. W defeatetd , the Candidates 9 f our
party, and that e earnestly Pnt-it.M our
brethren in the oth.:r counties of this
District to l,
forget past diirerenceS and
hailrioniouily unite 'in 'the election of
the Democratic candikte: I
ReSolved, That in the opinion of this
committee, the ''randidate at' this; time
should be conceded to l this county.' Du
-ring the whole perida, of oor 'connection
With district, we h'ave not had lasan-
American Art-Union.
didate, nor have we claimed one. And
The following are some of-the princi- having, on all occasions, acted in good
-pal inducements to subscribers for: the' faith towards our sister counties in the
present yeir support -of their candidates, we trust
- In the first place, a chance of draw- 1 they will haVe do hesitancy in giving
ing a prize; from a collectionof several `the nomination to the man of our choice.
hundred pictures, many of them of high kesblved, That in presenting to our
cost and by well known artists, as Cole, sister counties - the name of_ JtitiN ` Bats-
Durand; Leutze, Huntington,- flinikley, BIN, Esq., we do it with perfect ctmfi
and others, and all of them • - sefected dente that it willineet their approbation.
with''reference to artistic merit.
the'abolitiOn Re
porter,still persists irr the . ,vaitv attempt
to dreg us down. to the lever of himself;
.but when he finds - itis no go.-and he has
spent- all-his billine gate slang;. he will
;probably - take a .rest; , and look:around
hid/ to see What plan he can startib raise
another $2B: • •i
Meetinc , held in Phil
adPlphia the 2st 'ult.', - wa's ,a great
'graiheiinb , 'Of the pe i fiple: Hon. John
Sargent, presided. 'Letters were received
fro'm'Webstei, Clay, 'Cass, CoOper,
'Chanan 'and Other distincruiSed
men. Thb' 'meeting was a grand pat
riotic dernbnstration in favor 'of the
Secondly. each subscriber will receive
sir :Line Engravings; the cost of which,
if executed fora private publisher, would
at least be sold at four times the,price of
the subscription:: These engravings con
sist oLari :engraving (size , ,2oi, by 1611
inches) from-Alt.-Leslie's celebrated pip- .
Low, a acme from ; the Merry, Wires'ol
,Windsor, gad a set of five line ,Eng,ra-
Ning",3 (s4O 71 by 10 inches) from paint
inzs by* following eminenl. artists.:—
The .Bream of Ara:dig, by• Cole i•• Dor
vet Plus,. by Dunind ; <Tie _ /maze
Breaker, by Leutze The New Scholor,
by Edmonds; and The Card:Wagers., by
Wopd rifle.
The annual distribution 7111 take
place in the city of. Ne - sy Torii, CM the
20th o[l
The Honorary Secretary' for, this
place, authorized:to receive, sul4crihen,
Is C. E. Lathrop, Esq..-. 3 I,r.
Grum - BANK. , —We . learn from the
Belair; (Aid.) Glizette, that a case was
fried behre.:the - Magistrates'• Court, on
Tuesday, the sth inst., in which the re
ceiver of thi; Mire :tie Graceißank
was plaintifi,,and the master 14' a jinn-,
issory note dr.' the.hank;defendant.--
Theacticiiijilas for.. the recoNery Of the
amount tit: the note, lor. Achich .the dig'-
fehdant oilered:the
'is'sue'iif The` liatjli~ ti,
the Plaintffi, avdginent was rendered
intavor of 'the 4eferidaht: aUp l eal
arcs take'ri to thel Chont'Y Court.
England and Wales. •
NeeljfiOf tite - Affiocratic Slant
tonitittei WyomingCoOtyl
- s 1
4t a 4 of t h e De e mocratic.:Sta
tng CofriMittgie ,of; Wyoming Vouil
iteldin- r pUrsulice' , tf- public notice
l , -.:lllokitappoCk;
Saturday the . 16th Nov. 1850, thel
lowing'hatrietfiriembers of the Cann;
tee were -present: -
TUnkhannock.Boro'— Sam'l Stark
Tunkhannock Township—Washi
ton Stansbury.; `
ifraititritn—LT. Thornton.
~'Nehoopany--John, W. DennkoM
W. Bishop.
gatonForbs Lee.' ' ;
-;;-North'moreland—Wm. F.3erry.l
.--Falls ---,Daniel; Dailey.- - , :
...-TheCOMMittee being called;to:Oder,
W.,: Stansbury wps... chosen, SecrOar t y,
when on motion, the following perstins
were substituted in place of thosel‘i•ho
Were absent. ,
.Nicholson—Andrm Gottlinier.
Clinton— , -Cbarles.k.. Jackson.
Forkston--,John G. Spaulding.
AV hen on motion of L. Jac
it was
_ Rqolved, That the. Commit!ee
reed, to nominate a candidate for
press to!_, supply the vacancy, caused by
11w -death of the lion - . Chester Butler.
Dr. John W. Dennison; ,nominated
JottrisßaLlinN, and upon the vote being
taken he !.vas,untohn.pusty nominated as
,for Congress.
Fresh from the ranks of. the people,
never having soughtforoffice-4 work
ing democrat, and a min 'whose !ability
tyffil 'the station for which we have
nominated him, with - credit to himself
and advantage' to his constituents, no
one-can question. •
Resolved That the conferees this day,
byr:us appointed, be, and they hereby
are insirutted to Vote fir and Ouse all
honorable means in-their power! in the.
Congrersiiinal conference to pro - 4 ure Ihe
nomination of John Brisbin as a candi
date for Ciingress, '
' Resobied,4hat these proceedings be
signed by the officers and published in
all the Democratic papers of this Con
gressional district
SA NI EL STARK, 2d, Pen,
W..STilisEvity,i See. - 1 •
Thee Union—Georgia.l
- Senator Berrien . refuges teiti l in; a can=
didate Tor. the State , :Convention' called
in reference to the Slave:questiOn:'
letter is very indeAriite, arid does nut
give oeneral satisfaction.- A Savannah
Co r)
correspondent of the Baltiniore-Sun says
Of the pros.pee.t of the secessionists in
the Convention . : •: ;-'''' '' ' .1 — ' '' '
' Ttie Con ieritiOn 411 t hi composed' of
280 , delegates.••• i giveit as in3t opinion
that goct oi them-will ibe .T.Jriif ri m men.
The remetningB9. wil , l; be,,M demp of
rank disunionists, nottlniereitu se . torn,
au'd 4 Ipiistartee 'ot ioine'sorf,7 inep.—
This elas&ification;limieVeiOny be'ea
sify affected iiy the e,onduct of 4e North.;
. e.m : people; even - 21),ep. : the.feptiventiort.
has assembled.
Caf‘rizie, AzneOn , Con
suVat 'Fianimi;will- removed oh: ado.:
count of 'chattel- crude 4ainst I
last °del:r.,:ig;)sihntag.; - e. g-. 4:f 4 t r - : _ . C ll' , a b lif t o wi cp ; t i ja a t i , ‘
modestsufiound t::
: l an& :: :e : esu
more_ ..._ r ,may
'dvantiag find
overlooked. The placers
y b en
vely COMpara `r- trade of _San
tichihe SUM.
ithe'Sacra o
'ment an the
Fcancisco.have , :for same time past been
heldpfi before the eyys of the world as
ahnott' ta i , only , obj?Cts Worthy the at
tention of,the,,erni,grant,,either 'min.:Eu
rope or 4ineriea: : , This will probably ,
continue, to be the case so lopg as .the
Californm excitement shall last—which,
for aueitt we know to the.contrary, rnaN
be tt .. indefinite per,o(l—but whenever
this feverish thirst for hold_ shalt abate.
and the tide of emigration return
to its natural channels, the immense re,
soprceq;l : 01,!.tocluesgonable advan
tages ‘vilich:Oregoripresents to the Ter.-
roauent, set tier, attract_ public .atten
tion, and (lrail to it the most valuable
portion of.the enai4rants,to the Pacific.
I.:deed,,,even amidst the.,general. rush to
the land of gold which has.ot late been
made tr4m all parts of the .13 nited
there has never ceased to be a steady,
current of •etnigra {ion constantly setting
towards the more fertile lands and more
healthy , climes which belong to tkie•
neighboring territory or the North:L._
Ma..y of the emigrants who have gone
to the 'mines of•ca,litornia will ultimately
carry their new 'made wealth to Ore
and will ernploy it in cultivating
the soil. and developing the r?suurces of
that now infant commonwealth.
•' , . ,
. This.,territory,is, unquestionably the
most desirable place for the agricultural
emigrant to the 4h9rfs cd,.the..Pacific to
settle in--the place where he may most
advantageously plant the civic virtues
-anti the domestic institutions from which
agricultural life borrows so many of its
most attractive, chard's. 'Here is a cli
mate most favorable to hardy and perse
vering industry, the latitude which has
always proved itself the true and genial
home of the highest and -most 'vig,omes
inanhood.-a soil fitted to every species
of agricultural production and' a 'position
in" the*eat highWaY of the huinan race,
from the West to the 'East, on the shores
of an ocean that is destined soon to be
come the theatre of a wide spread com
merce with -every portion of the globe.
A territory proMising inch' natural` ad 7
vantages, herieath 'the sway of republi•
can institutions, cannot long remain un
occupied in the present moving condi
tioh of mankind: Its unsettled poitiOns
will soon'be, filled up, and that too, by
settlers suet' as hitherto have seldom
gone forth' to build up' new commtini
ties. •Th'ey will be men of v.gorous
frames and sturdy self reliance--men
who have f, , one unappalled through the
dreary trail of the western wilderness,
or have braved the -stormy terrors Olthe
Ocean, that they might reach the land
of their hopes. The trials and perils
which they will have to , ,meet will but
stimulate their en'ergies, and- render
them the better prepared for the grand
. ,
`mission they ha‘e to accomplish—:the
building up of a 'second New England
on the western shores of the continent.'
We are 'inciMed to predict for this
now distant Territory a magnificent des
tiny, the'outlines of which wilr Sonribe
gin to presentthemselves to the notice Of
the WOrld. We look upnnio , re g on a as the
true, seat of American :Empire on the
Pacific, the regiooin which ,the richest
blessings of, our tree, institutions, are to
be 'realized, - which the most abun
dant fruits of our western, civilization
are Yet to be (Tethered and enjOyed.
the benefits California May ever
derive from her stores Of mineral wealth,
, _
Oregon must at length` share with her
southern sister , and she 'mill also be
four:d to posseis 'eminent advantages of
her own. Free ; from the
„perils, and
the evils which - have always so thickly
beset gold-bearing • countries, She may
• r! • • • • •,
yet reap abundant benefits 'from the.,en
terprises which the search for gold will
call hito.existences: 'Along her six hun
dred and fifty miles are
constantly preeenting tbernielves which
prOrni eto 6e ftilly adequate to all the
wants of an extended commerce; whde
the itOdeveloped resources Which , xist
in' et: i)ilr's and her Plain 4 her forests
ind'her rivers, will soon SuMmonlo ber
• c, • - m•i
settlements a:population which Will, ar
no distant render: her the queeo
of the Pacific. -.lYronidence" JOur •
Tip Ist clay of, May,, 1f31,. is 4(.4.
19r, the operiiog, of Abe . . great Wprld'.4
I P4 14 09 n, -
- Orleans hiipopulat i0in.0t145;400
• , Views of-the South:- -
Ihe foll ' OW d tg i Aiort extract' Potti;an
lc e oi t ut ron, a Miasirsppi
. •
paper and 'd i evOted to the coippront i:se,
'shows to what l'E , Ugth eren alittarties at
refuses to sfatia - 1;:i its constitutional
4 4 We say that we, believe that opposi-.
tion to tho slavery bill is confined to the
abolitionists. If it is not so—if it is the
settled design of a,majority
todisaputdandtrample ,upon : this law
—if the secret-emi*ari9.,,who arc sent
into the border ;love States, are to ,he
sustained and protected in their nefarious
schemes .by the North—if the 'northern
people aro: , not. disposed.fto stake - their
stand-in favor of the solemn , guarantees
of the national cornpaet—% constituted
authoritesare,to be resisted in Oleic law
ful y'fforts to return to the
his rightfulproperty:—th e n Flay n P Vrii
despair of the Union. So plain *tat
pable a violation of the rights of the
South' will find t.o defehder, aPolo%
gist, this side of-Mason and Dixon'sline
Let the North repearthih bill and—pre
vent the recovery of higitivesliires, and
disuniOn will most assuredly follow.—
The South asked for nothing 'more than
what tbe constitution solemnly grants.'
If the late bills are. allowed to .remain
undisturbed, a large majority will ac
quiesce, although many, think the North
has 'triumphed. reagitation'is
take place—if our property is to be, in
secure and worthless through the inter-
ventioa of fanatics, :vehose 'effurft-are
connived at and generally sanctioned—
there will be no division of feelingtas
to the proper course'to pursue. Direct
retaliatton under the constitution, or
force and bloodshed without the onsii
tution will be inevitable results." •
• ,
"If the northern States desire to unite
the Soinh as one than in Va‘;iii armed
resistance, they can ,do nothing that
more effectually 'prodUCe such a result
than to repeal the fugitive
Such a course con.their part would: show
a fixed determination to interfere With
slavery in -the States 'this
takes place.;•disunion v even'ar.the terri
ble cost of destruction, would be prefera
ble to submission."
The Pope and (heat Main.
The European Times says: «an ex
traordinary Bull has been issu.4 by the
Tope. It is dated-Rome, at_St. Peters,
under the seal of thee 'Fisherman, on the
29th day of Sept., in the fifth year of the
Pontificate. It relates - -that it is the
earnest desire and alai of - the Roman
Pontiff to extend Catholicity, and to "re
convert the English nation," especially
by the foregin education of devout young
English Cathoiics, who, when brought
.up in the Prcpaganda College in their
ecclesiastical calling, might retun to their
native• land, and , them propagatethe true
_ The Pope,: considering ~the „present
state of Catholicism in England, and the
enormous number„ol - persons daily con
rert4l, judges It, proper , to recall the
vicars apostolic, and a. complete episco
pal hierarchy is established:. -An Arch
bishopric :is created, under , the .title of
Archbishop' of Westminster-, who will
have a suffragan Bishop-of Southwark,
and !Arc en- other ; su Megan ;-- b ish opsi - di
vide the rest of the entire kingdom.- All
their ltirisdicticini 'ire 'boldly " , anif dis
tinctly parcelled out, and the , bishopslie
iistiredthey - Will' enjoy in England 'the
Sarne'rikhts' and 'Acilities is - ,in 'Other
ceiiiitrie, and that in a peetias
~. • ,
arkpoint:ol , view the iteCsiwill
be no losers, as the 'splendor of their
temples and their *anti Wilt_ be' ainPli
provided for. • ' , --..., ,-•- ". :
-„This - Bulthas created-an:intense ..,!eelt
ing.throuihout England, and it isbelie7.7
ed.iii many•quarters thaCthe ,
Cc-mile-it has been, called tog,eiher ; earlier
than usual, in order to act 'in the Way,
best calculated:to top,A farther proceed
ings. At Rome, the, feeling is,4qually
intense r since the -wily Cardinals, have
put forward a report that Lord Mint°
has consented to the terms of the Bull,
, - • :,... m _ , : .
and that . the Engliili . :Gernment has
Place'd,Wtsstminster Abbey_at' the , diS=
0;;a1 Of ilie'riew 'Arihtiihiy, in - `order
that he maY_Performhigh mass in 'that
edifice tithis - inaukuration:.' , 'Dr: 'Wise
man ill charged . with -stippressitif.; the
pzay'er , for this queen ...trom the; Itereed
1 Missal, by the London jourrialsiiirtd - , al=
1 t%rether ri ttie subject Is , bccoMing p i ne of
inteme interest . ~. ,
, _
, Texas -hail weptcil:the bann.44TY:PKor
;, :I , l' :.!
I f onrtk e Ne r York-Herald.
stleatieof Richard M. Johason.
By . a teleea, phic despatch, received
last night frorktouisville, Kentucky, we
FfraYe.been appiized of the melancholy
,e,ysnt ct.the.death of.the HOP. ; itichard
112. Johnson ; a mandikinguisied among'
our rnost prominent men for his military
and civil services. He died at hinesi.
dence, in Scott county, Kentucky, at
nine o'clock-yesterday; rrioirlibg; iii the
I spay,fiftli,year of his age.
His life. was marked, by, Mu:Anent
• ,
association with great events. Mo n t . ,.
tle brthe - Thanies,, in,Canada,
connects him with the military heroes of
our country, whi;M' the people have
delighted to honer.
Atter the war, Col. Johnson was hon
nredby his constituents 'in -Kentucky
with U'seat in Congress for many yetirsT
and - during the 'administration of Oen-,
eraliacksofip his ce J el !P t 4S,49d.4
Report,- against the ,suspension of the,
Sunday mails, gave him an immense po. ,
lit ical reputation throughout the country
At bia retirement in Kentuckey, fora
considerable period of the latter portion
of hii life Co!. sohoson i under Prtyvis.
ions by Congress, had under' his Clarks
a 4 hoctaw academy, for 'the,. education
of the youths - of that tribe. At the last
Congr, ess, the institution having gone in
to decay from the impracticable. chaser
ter of the childreh'of the W004(41 in
ways of civilized life, a bill of $lO,OOO
indemnity was passed to meet all...liabili
ties of the gOvernmentdue to Cal Jo~n~
son ; and it is one of the. curkisities of
the Galphio Clairn„ that the friends of the -
Colonel's .hill were drawn into its,. sup
.l port, in order to get out of the way,-. so
as to reach the bill of the Colonel befbre
the session expired. ,
'His caree.-Was -remarkable.; - Tti life
is a part of our country's flistory=his •
services were in its .
devoted to the Union . . His deith will
, iie•lamented as the death of a, patriot, a.
statesman,,a friend, and , iigen,erois and
honest man. '
Q 7" The Petersburg (V%) Sat
cer, publish a. :thCCatiPna of
PiindeGeorge'CountY, ,requ! , sting -, Inn
• f a vo r oll' 'nab—
who are In - arm ng an
flop to ericadrite inaCnitraniii; the use
of the'manufacturei — and jaioduiticiimi 'of
the South, to the exclusion of
ern at-holes, as far aa-practicablc, to meet
at the, Coprtliouse of that. oOunty-,on
the next court day, fur 'the purpose of
forming au aisociation, which'-shalrle
main in fUll force just
_so .long as' the
violent rid unjust - interferencelnt the
North with the institutions of the South
continues. The call is signed fifitany_,
short time since a - Man named Hardy
was on teal before the Cliatit Court in
Henrivi county, Va. The ease wasin
'exciting . one r and the spectators crowded
round - . t he tenth whire the . priimier was
seated. The jury.wa,s outer long tune.
When the!'" came in to announce that
they were unable to agree, the prisoner
slept into tke:orowd, orid.hsi4urtper
csived by the officers, welica off, and
the shrifF ,haa been obliged tct advertise
a rowardlorivtaking,tiim,".7Ll
• , a
Petroit I..ToiTersity, the sobject of secret
societiea'prouducvs considerable difficul
ty; Sei.eral student's vireieexpelled 'tor
belongidg . tb them '_Eight
more, wre:Erteciliellea: la Zuteek—.five
from theseniiir and three'fopM thejoniot
reduciog,thal*er to _;even ;
attendince.. , • ,
. .
Arciuns: Men's Ly'ce=l. ,
Capt LDA fa ; IV I I de) 8 4 Lec
ture at the 'Court Pouse, beforeibe Young
Men's' Lyceum ,' of Tunk hanitock,
141onday 'evening' Doi. 21141850.:. The
public are invite tolittend. 7 '.
Nov: 26. . ; • • •-• • • , ,
At the pationage in Centre Moreland,
on the 9th- init., by Rev. C. C - ;:Taylor,
Mr. graeifEN B. . Lortai,ao MISs ELizA
EFra DEWITT,' both cif' Franklin, La
zetPe ‘7:
the 19th inst., by Rev. Joha'Dor•
ranee, P,' T:' Vociosurt, TA:, of '..New
York City, to Seamili.;i4daughter of the
late Jacob Cist;lsti., ot:Wilkesbarre.
• : ,
=OD,: • -
- -In Light` Street, Colunibia tounty,.oh
the 19th of October,- t - MARTHA.
SIST widow - of F Amon Sisty, late
of VVijkes)?arr,e . ., deck - wed, aged 30 yars.
Wilkesbarre,-nn the 7th i n st.,
q:if the fate
Luther:Yirrtniton, aged 35yeary: ---
2A in ~Is, l 44Atico.
LlNF.,:tryhtior,l,Dcts ,