The Wyoming Democrat. (Tunkhannock [Pa.]) 1849-1854, September 03, 1850, Image 3

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• Murder in Luzerne.
We. inforttied that a filmier, Vas :
c onimitted in Nescopeck, Luzerne county
on Wednesday Gast : A Mr. Hoffman,
frl! upon, knocked down, aad= tratipled'
to death, in the field where Pitr as at
work, a Mr.Venry. A son of Hen
ry was the only We have not .
learned the Particulars. Hellman is
arreste d ~...Columbin Democrat.
R&FIDEVI 0r.,1716 TrzscaaPu.—The
Yew Orleans Bu lletin states that on
be 10th ult., the telegraph communica
ted a message from *ashington to New
Orleans ahead of time. The message
left Washington at thirty minutes past
e leven o'clock, Washington time; and
r eached New Orleans five minutes past
eleven; New Orleans time, thus travel
ling about twice as fast as the , apparent
motion of the Sun round the earth, or
correctly 4ealung, double the velocity
of the earth's motion on its own axis, as
the difference of time. between the 'two
places is about one hour.
CIIRIOLS.--it is a fact That the T_Tnited
States have had six Presidentes in little
more than nine. years. Counting from
the Ist of March, 184.1, at which time
Van Buren was ?resident, there have
been Van Buren, Harrison, Tyler, Polk,
Taylor, and Fillmore.
A Line of Steamships' between
San Francisco and China is talked of, and
rousiderini; the enterprise of the Com
mercial men of this country, we should
norhe surprised to hear soon of the East
ern world' being connected with the
chief city of California.
Yoax Conwrr.—The Democratic Con
ventionOf York County, which put in
nomination their county- ticket, adopted
resolutions in favor of Col. Wm. Bigler
for Governor, and Gen. Lewis Caen for
IOWk ELECTION - .—The latest intelli,-
genre from lowa, leaves very little room
to doubt that the De;nocrats have elected
both members of Congress, and a majon
tv in each branch of the State Legisla
Some at the New Jersey papers rec
ommend the next Legislature of that
State to pap a law prohibiting the cir
culation of Pennsylvania relief notes.
Yankee Sullivan has returned to
N. Y. in very poor health.
At his residence in Wilkes-Barre, on
Monday morning last, Mr. Roszaz Pon-
TER, aged 42 years.
At the residence of herbrother-in-kw,
Dr. Josiah Jackson, Cherry, Sullivan
county, on Monday the 19th inst., Miss
A. , nv Amor; a c ed about 79 years,
At his residence in Wilkes-Barre town
ship, on Friday, the 23rd inst., at 10 o'-
clock P. M., Semi= Ktnnza, in the 54th
year of his age.
At his residence in Hanover, on Fri
day, the 23rd inst., at 9 o'clock A.
GWIGE Kocnrz, in the 82d year of his
Audit oz's Notice.
fftHE undersigned, baying been ap - -
I. pointed an Auditor byathe Orphan's
Court of Luserve County, to distribute
P.,- assets of t u be estate of Joshua Keeny
deceased, will attend to the donee of his
npointment at the cffiee of A. T. McClin
tock, Esq, in the tiornurtb-of Wilkesoar
fa, on Tuesday. the 15th day of October
next. at 2 o'clock P. M.. when and where
all persons interested in said estate. will
please attend and presrnt their claims.
F. C. ROSS. Auditor.
Tunkb annock, Sept. 2.18:0.
MEM PORK by the bbl., or in quart.
titles to suit purchasers, at the
Telegraph Store. J. 11.,BOGART.
Tunikuanock, July 18, 1850.
Q OLE AGENCY.—Dr.- S. P. Town?
1 4 3 send's Sarsaparilla, wonder and
blessing, of the age, with Almanacs for
Isp, gratis, by A. H. BOLUS.
Torikha nook, July 2; 1850.
RESH &igls, Figs, and• Currents,
12 for sale at A.G. STARK'S
rRESH, Oranges. and Lernori,s, fur
sale at A. G. STARK'S.
A LARGE quantity of f - . Nuts, of
. .7 •
QALT-50 Sacks for sale at
I : 1 - G-20 . Boxes for sale at '
3 •,. • A. G. STARK'S
ALarge quantity of Pickled Oysters,
- Lobsters,. Clams, Sardines, Scallops' ,
Mangoes, &a:, Er.c., for sale at
- - G. STARK'S
Gross Prot C. Barry's Tri-
O copherouss tar ask; chaper than the
cheapest, by A. G. STARK.
Tanklutzunork, Aug. 20th, 1850.
: • Pair Warnin t!
4 LI, prolong indebted teA. Dorbani or
to A. Durttant ir.Son, are berebi dor
tified'ituat payment t*rat be toade lutpe4s,
otejyi stna.ihat alt neonate , not settled be;
fors tue 15th day of September will be eel
letted by isivr. PAymera may be made
*Noe Dana, Isq., Tookhatilick; or Itsi
he onb*eribor at Mehoopeuy., ,•
ACILT. - B. r. prEn =
Professor A. C.. Barry's
VON. Ostoring, preservingand . beautify
.ll.: fog the hair, eradiating scarf and
dandruff, and curing
,diseases of the skin,'
glands and muscles, stings, note, bruisas,
skeins, Sus., &c. • '
The following testimonials, selected
from hundreds of others of similar Import,
will serve to show the Value uf the papa
ration, and the 'estimation in 'which it is
held by those - who have given it a trial.
Copy of a Letter from 'William' Dams )
Corner of Hicks and Atlantic aireds,
Brooklyn. April 19th. 1849
Professor Barry—Sir—l should be de
icient in gratitude. to you; and in feeling,
for others who may be similarly afflicted.
if I neglected to inform you that-your Tri
copherous has entirely removed from my
f.4ce a painful and disgusting eruption.con
sistiting of large red pimples, with which
,'I bad been annoyed for many years. A
regular application , of the fluid according
tithe directions, for a Mile better than
three weeks. completely relieved me of Ike
nuisance, and the akin or my face is n^w
as free from discoloration sa l in my boy
hood. • Yours truly,
Sold . in large bottles, price 25 cur. at the.
Principal t ffice,.l37 Broadway, New Y 06.
For salO by, the principal merchants and
druggist?, throughout the United States
and Canada. are!
A. G. STARK, Tunkbannock.
44 In Union - there is .Strength !!"
- re 0 saying is mote Una than the above,
.L' and the subscriber, being fully im=
pressed with the truth thereof, has united
in one extensive establishment the
Drug and Mercantile Business,
at the •• IA yommg County HEAD QUAR
TERS, on the corner of Warrenand 'ne
vi streets, nearly opposite Sherman D.
Phelps' store, where he will keep constant- 1
ly on hand a large assortment or the very I
best selected fresh DRUGS of all descrip
' tions, includin the most popular patent
and tamely Medicines ; and having been ,
in the practice - o' medicine for a number of
1 years, the public can purchase nith safety
any article he may offer for sale.
He has also as 101 l an assortment-of all
kinds of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware,
I Crockery, Queen's Ware,
i, Boots, Shoes, &c., &c.,
I as7n be found in any store in Tunkhan
t noc , and is constantly in the receipt of
i New Goods'irom the cities of New 'York
and Philldelphia. Also, Paints. Oils,
Flora, Salt, Iron Nails, etc., etc., All of
which will be sold on the most reason ble
terms, at reduced prices. All kinds of
!country produce taken in exchange for any
, thing in his estr.blishment.
Tenkhannork, Jolv 16, 1850
SCHOOL BOOKS, and a. variety of
Books and Stationery, embracing
many of the valuable publications of the
day. W.-baler's quarto and octavo Dic
tionary. Reatiley's %N arks. and a variety
too great to mention. Common and Clas
sical School Books. For Books of any
kind requirsd, please call at the store of _
July 23, 1650. A. H. BOLLES.
Boston Syrup.
A quantity of this delicious article
.a just received and for sale by
July 23. A. H BOLLES.
ATITHEAT, Corn, Rye, Oats,Beans and
V V all kinds of Provisions bought and
sold by A. H. BOI.LVS.
A SUPERIOR quality of different kinds
of Liquors for medicinal purposes for
sale by • A. H. BOLLES'.
-A QUANTITY of Hoes, Rakei, Forks
A and Cradl es , for sale at
_July. 16. A. H. BOLLES'.
DORK..;, and Mackerel, for
r sale at A. H. BOLLPS'.
Register's Notice
NiTHEKI AS,the following admit: istra
tea account has bten filed in the
office of the the Register fox the probate 01
wilts and granting letters of administra
tion, in - and for the eoanty l of Wyoming.
The final account of Gqrdon Pike, ad
ministrator de bonis nun of Gideon Fitch,
deceased—filed July 29. Isso--
This is therefore to p„ise notice to all
legatees, creditors and other persons in
tereited., that the foregoing; account will be
emulated to the Orphan's Court to be held
in Tonkbannock on the seCond day of Sep
teinber next, to confirmation and allow
ance agreeable to law.
F. U. ROSS, Register.
Register's Office, Tank tiannock,
August, sth, ISSI. 5
KEEP constantly oo• hand a large u
Dry Goods,GrOceries, [far' dware,
which will be soldlow far ready pay.
Mehoopaoy. July 16. 0150. -
B. A.. BRIG = -
DeNrisr, will beat Skinner's Didy,from
Ist to 15th of August from 15th to
30th, at Laceyville; frcim Ist to 10th
of Sept., - at hieboopa6 , ; 12th to 20th
at Tpntrhan neck. All branches of the
above businesidone in a neat and per=
manent manner.
References—G. Tatou, John
-Brisbin, Dr.,l. V. Sznth.
P. S.—Those wishing any Dental work
will please (.214-as .this will probably
be the last p rofe ssional visit previous
to the Ist of April ri . ,
CIOLE AGENCY—*. Jaytte's vela
.° able Famtly Medie nes, with Alia
eats for gratuitous d'4ilattion please
call aud get of A. H. EOLISr.,
CII.PERIOR quality ni Bunch Raisins,
I.) just :received and kir.ole by
July 23. = A. H. BOLLES.
Professor A. C. Barry's Trieopherous,
TNFALLIBLE for renewing, invigorat
ji. ing the Hair, - Removing - .Surf, Dan
druff and all affections of the Scalp, and
coring eruptions of the Skin.: diseases of
the glands, ;muscles and integuments, and
relieving stings, cuts, bruises, sprains, &c.
&c. With this preparation ,. :'there is no
such worees fail." The fast journals in
America, medical men of the' highest erni
oence,prominent citizens of all professions,
and ladies who have used it for years in
'Their dressing rooms and nurseries, admit
ivith_one accord, that, for imparting vigor,
gloss, luxuriance and curl to }he halt, rrad
testing sent( and dandruff, healing wounds.
curing Contusions, sprains; stings, &c.,and
relieving dig - eases of the skin, the glands,
and the-muscles, it has no equal among,
the multitude of compounds, advertised in
the public prints, or used in private prac
tice. In cheapness as well as efficacy,
I Balry's Tritopherous is unrivalled. The
1 immense cash sates of the article, have en
abled the iaventor to supply it at retail at
twenty-five cents per bottle,lwhich is from
fiftt to one hundred per cent. less than the
price of any other preparation now in use.
The scientific tieaties on the hair and skin
(embracing valuable directions for the Na!-
1 titre and preservation of Nature's choicest
ornament,) in whihh each bottle is enclos
ed, is alone worth the money.
The affinity between the membranes
which constitute the skin, and . the liar
which draws its sustenance from this trip
le envelope. is very close. All diseases of otiginate in the skin of the head.
If the pores of the scalp are clogged, or if
the blood end other fluids do not circulate
freely through the small vessels which
feed the roots with moisture and impart
life to the fibres. the relult is scurf. dan
druff, shedding of the hair, grayness, dry
nets and harshness of tho I igaments,. and
entire baldness, as the case may be. Slim
-ulate the skin to healthful action with the
Tricoptterons, and the torpid vessels, re
covering their activity, will annihilate the I
disease. , In all affections of the skin, and
of tke substrata of muscles and integu
-1 ments
the process- and the effect are the
I same. it is upon the skin, the muscular
fibre, and the glands, that the. Tricopto
runs has its specific action, and in all af
fections and injuries of these organs, it is
i a sovereign remedy.
Sold in large bottles, price 25 cents, at
the principal office, 137 Broadway, New
York. For sale by the principal Merchants
and Drupsts throughout the United States
and Canada. Beware of the counterfeit,
sold at one dollar per bottle.
For sale by BOLLS Si. GOOD ALE,
Tunkhannock, Pa.
Late -frrival of
Spring and Summer Goods,
f the store of H. atdrk Zi.Ge., where
/IL thcy will be sold at lower prices than
croods were ever known 10 sell at in these
parts before. That,thls is Truth and no
Fiction can he verified hv, calling at the
Corner of Bridge and ; Tioga streets,
which stands st the bead of the list, tritcon
taining the most General Stock ever offered
in this market—comprising black. Woe, and
brown, French, English and American
Fine Dress Goods for the Ladies,
Lawns, Delaines, .ilosacas,Figured,Chan
geable, French, English and American
Prinv, French Merinos, Cashmires, Silk
Fringed Tbibet Shawls, (Acmes, satin, * silk
and worsted
a great vanety of Silk, Leghorn, and Palm
Leaf HATS,
for men and boy!, Hat!, hoots and :hoes,
al, kinds of hard ware, Iron and Nails,
Queen's ware, Grocenes, Codfish and
Mackerel, besidel 10,000 o•her articles en
tirely too extensive to itemize, all of which
will be sold for Cash or exchanged for any
kind of country piodnce at unheard of low
prices. So don't Comet the Brick Emnori
urn store. H. STARK & CO.
June 22, 1850..
I la, ESPEUTFULLY 'announce to the
1 1-ild citizens of Wyoming county, that
they have purchased the Foundry formerly
I owned by Cyrus Avery. in the village of
Tunkbannock. and that they have newly
t built and enlarged the Copelc, and-othet
-1 wise improved us capacity for doing heavy
or light work, by means of which they are
I fully prepared to execute all orders with
which they may be favored for CAST
' lisiltiS of any
, description, size.:or weight ;
i as well, and on as favoraole tetms as they
can be had in any foundry in the State.—
They w mid invite particular attention to
`their extensive varieties of
for burning wood or coal—mhong which
may be found the'Empire, &bora. and
ttobb's celebrated zir tight. known to be
the only Cooking Stove that will burn
wood or coal equally. well. The favorable
reception they have met with in every
place where they have been introduced, is
a sufficient guarrantee of their worth
They also manufacture various patterns of
and intend keeping on band a full supply
at moderate prices.,They manufacture all
kinds of Hollow-ware, large lion Kettles.
Wagon Oozes, Plough Castings. Gearing
for bow and Grist Mills, plain and fancy
Grates. Atc,i always on hand or man
ufactured to order. A variety of
all of the most approved styles extenc, a
mong which may be found the %aye Co.
and Seward Plow, so highly celebrated to
the lower Counties.
Castings turned and fitted to order.—
They respectfully invite the public to give
them a call before purchasing elsewhere,
feeling confident of rendering general sat
isfaction. ,
Old Iron ' taken in exchange for Castings .
Tonkhanuock June 4, 1850.
Bedsteads ! Bedsteads ! !
ALarge assortment of superiJf quality
Bedsteads just,-reeeived and for , sale
at very low pricer, at the Telegraph Store.
Tunkbannoek. July 16. IPSO.
fiAK - aad tlemlocic tanned Sole-Leatb
li or, for, _sale by U; STARK & CO,
Orphan's Court Sale of Real Estate.
1 Y virtue of an order of the Orohan's
Couir of the County of - Wyoming,
there will be exposed to public sale in the
towtisbip of Forkston. oti =Saturday, the
13tb . day of July, 1850, at the late &eel
lioglhouse of Casper Henry decessed, on
the premises, at one o'clock p. tri. of soid,
day, the following deseribed Real Estate
in said township, bounded by lands the
names of James ration, John Pittom'and
James .Ward, contaireittir about fifty acres
of sand, about twenty-five acres thereof
improved:With &log house, log barn, and
small orchard thereon.
Conditions and terms made known on
day of sale, and attend
HN Helveß by
Administrator of Casper Henry, dee'd.
By order of the Coort—P. M. Oster
bonr, Clcrk. Jane, 11, 1850.
Private Sale of Valuable Real Estate
THE anbsetjber offers for sale the fal
lowing valuable Real Estate :
' Ist. A tract of land containing about
360 acres, about 120 acres under good im
provement, well fenced, good buildings,
and well watered. There is a sanely of
fruit on the farm, such as Cherries, Plums,
Peaches, Pares, Grafted Apples, &c.—
There is also about 100 acres of said tract
well timbered with 11Vhite Pine, Mr bite
VS nod. ,
White Ash, etc.
2nd. A tract of lArid, containing 50
acres, about 25 thereof well improved,with
a good log house, barn and shed thereon.
also a variety of fruit trees. The unto - -
proved part of this tract is well timbered,
and there is an excellent mill seat on the •
same. .
3d.. A good Saw Mill, just ereeted,
and 4 acres of laud. The timber on the
first described tract is about three-fourths
of a mile from this mitt, and the timber
upon the second described tract adjoins
that upon which the mill s erected. The
mill is close by the public road that leads
from Tookhannock to Mehoopany.
4th. A tract of unimproved land, -
containing- 150 acres, all susceptible of
cultivation. This lot is covered wtth a
fine growth of white oak. rock. - oak and
hickory. and is situate (within 1-2 mile or
the saw mill above mentioned, and adjoins
the Susquehanna river. ,
sth. A lot containing I acre, with a
good log house and garden thereon, lying
on the road leading to Mehoopany—a gooc
location for a mechanic.l
All of the above described propert y s
situate in the township ‘f Eaton, Wyc
ming county, Pa. about 5 miles from :he
village of Tunkhannock (the county seat.)
and in a good neighborhood, with schools
There is also three exeellPot Grist Mills
in the vicinity of this property.
In addition to the Real Estate, the sub
will sell a large quantity of person
al property—provided he wakes side of
the land—consisting of Stock and Hotses,
Farming Utensils, etc.
The title of the land is, indisputable and
will be waranted, and the whole sold-to
gether of in parts, to suit purchasers. The
will and timber. lots will be sold together
if desired—all on very accommodating
terms, say. one-thWd down and...thainalsnce
in equal annual instalments, secured by
bond and mortgage on the premise".
Eaton, Wyoming Cc.,
May 24, 1850.
The People's Friend.
T)ain Destroyer and Heahng Extrad.
—An ex-tract from the shrub called
4,‘ itch Hazel, and purely from that. with
the exception of a little Alchohot to pre
serve it. -
- -
It will cure all trccal pain and inflamma
tion, old sores, fresh wounds and bruises,
Piles. and all diseases of the bowels of
a cbrnpic nature, tooth-ache. and-ear-ache,
female complaints. &e.
It is purely what It professes to he," the
People's Friend !" • Providence has scat
tered along the rugged paths of lire many
things-that contribute greatly to the com
fort and happiness of every body ; hence
weir great value, and well may they be
called' friends of the people.'
One word here to guard against imposi
tion. A man by the name of Spencer has
manufactured and offered for sale a spuri
ous article called the Coryll Extract 2, —
that would be extract of the hazel-out : -
the aemitne is as white'and pure as water,
while the spurious article is cotored,wnich
enables the public to disunnoish.
None gennine, but those marked Pond's
1 - Pain Destroyer. For sale by
G Stark - , Tunkhannock
J S Garwood, Nicholson
I J Russell,
E It Grow & Bros,
J 116ulink, Ransom
Wm. McKune, Falls
W E Swatland, "
E & 0 Osterhont, LaGrange
Delaware & Hudson Canal Line ! 1
WHEAT Rye, Corn, Buckwheat,
Oats, Beans, Onions, Butter, Bees
wax, Tallow, Rags, Eggs, Flax, Tow
Cloth, Furs, Beef-hides,Calf-skins, ta-
THE following Deck Canal Boats will ' ken in exchange for Goods, at the high
i tprices , -
at the North Branch.
I. be run in this Line during the pres- , es
ent season, viz : . . I LUTHER READ.
Rainbow, Rose, Orbit, Samson, Jireic ! Auditor's Notice.
Y or k, C ommerce „Ili 1 m ere h an i, J ane : T HE undersigned having been appoint-
Daniel ' ll' .
ebster, Union, R. F.l I l an auditor by . the Court of Con:-
Lord,.). C. Gunn, E. Murray, Ccresco, 1 tribute the eas
f a und "Y a e rt in is inn; County, to
B e l
Foruluiat, John Ewen, Wisconsin, Irad : o f the (kat Estate of Charles v end. k -Hogg, .. , itida, Oregon, Empire,Clster,! ton and Edwin E. Blake no Es-
Otsego, Wyoming, A' apanock, Ocean IPp No. 36, April Term. 1850, will attend
i to the duties of his appointment on 'I hare-
Wave, ;May Flower,Tankhannock. , day,_the Bth day of Atigest nest, at his of- .
Merebandize will be received daily in lice in the , borough of Tunkhannock. a 1,2
New York, at Pier foot of Jay street, until
5 i, , 0100t h P.
M .,
which hour
u° _
n' .. ! o'clock p. in.. at which time and ?lace all
i persons Interested lb said fund are request
' oe'pts *ill be-given or freight ta k en. led to make their claims known, of he de
' be property and die- 1 barred from coming in upon the same.
finctly marked, or they will not be receiv- / WM. M. PIA IT, Auditor.
ed. All small parcels, also Codfish in I int, 9 ,
bundle':, must ho properly boxed, or they 1 -- -1999. *
win net be received. _ 1 SALT;Tron, Steel, &c., &c. , for _sale
Tbin tine has no connection with any 1 b
other Line or boats, than those above spe- i June 22, 1850. , '
cited. • N. ll Sluice, is Agent on the dock. 1
N"Chia line will be satinded to - Pitistnn as i
soon as the Pennsylvania - Coal Company 1 Bli K.S I•-
get their Rail Rnad in operation, which kinds correctly andneatly ere-,
OF all -.
will / 11'e about the 15th of June, 1850 All / ~,,,,.A
and kept constantly on hand, at
' Frfighlt intended to go to Pittston mast be i ' - "`"s
'perked f.• via. Hawley." 1 the - office ofibe “ Wyoming Pernorrat."'
' Fat further - particulars inquire, of H.
\\lnuit, 110 m arm ot, ic. y •., en.: ,3 or SOLE AGENCY.—Dr. Wright's In
lobo ..A. r. Vatruor. Honesdale. ' k- dian - Ven-gable Pills in Tunkttazt
No* York, May 1 18;.0. 10A If! , flock, by . -A. IL BOLUS.
HAVlPiti catoPieted the Itne ttt
graph through to this place; the sub.
scriber is now 'receiving at the Depot,
1 -direct from New York, a splendid, cheep
and Apxterplive stack of • -
consisting of Ladies' Dress - Goods, a toll
variety of the rimt splendid' sties and
latest fashions of Light and Dark Silks,_
Barnes. DeLains, Embroidered Mulls,
Linen Gingham% }'tints, &c., &c.
Gentlemen's Wore,
comprising Cloths, Fancy-and tilack Car
simens,Stitemer .S! . .uffs of all kindr,
V e
Satin and Fancy sting, Cravats, scarfs,
&c;, &c.
Straw Goods.
A full assortment of Ladies', Children's
and Misses' Braid, French, China Pearl.
and Roncth and Ready Bonnets;
Ginirharni and Cotton Parasols, of all col
ors and qualities.
Gentlemen's Panama,Le:thori►,and Palm
leaf Hats.
Boots and Shoes, •
(of wltich he would say a word to the
pablib confidentially.) His stqcli is di
rect from the manufurschwer, fully assort
ed. Ladtes's Wares, childreerand Men's
Wale of all qualities, and Warranted.—
H adic? been bought exclusively for cash,
he is well satisfied that but one look will
assure you, the people, that you are in the
right spot, and that the news of ChespreAs
and dnrability has been Telegraphed cor
rectly, an 4 convincqd most you be. es you
want Hoofs and Shoes for
_ .
Cheapness, 6 & Comfort.
Dress Goods, for Beauty, Style and low
prices you must away to -the I.3leg.raph
where the wires are continually wtaking,
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, crock : -
ery,' Boots and Shoes, Straw Goods,
and all other necesities at life,
One lock before purdhasinz—belleving
if low prices are -a consideration. yau• can
be bountifully paid.
Tunkhannock. May 7. 1850.
A Great variety of Keady Madetilohion
of all qualities., for F ale, au cheap ns
ran be bought at any establishment in the
zountry, by
Pce 11, 184.9.
THE subscribers, having . fitted
wool-carding and cloth-dressing es
tablishment at Flora ' s old stand on the Me
shoppen creek, about 3 1-2 miles front the
village of Meshoppen, would respectfully
Inform the public that they are prepared
to execute all orders in their line in the
moat satisfactory manner and on the short-,
est notice. Persons coming front tt-dic
lance with loads of wool. can have it card
ed to take back with them.
of all kinds kept constantly on hand, to be
exchanged for Wool at reasonable rates.
All work entrusted to us shall be done
on the shortest notice and warranted right
or no pay. WHEELER Sz HAUL.
Mat 2S 1550. 7w12
11. EAT eatitement among the people
on account of the North Branch being
in full bias , —with he E-100,000 already
appropriated by the State, and a tame
aroma by the• subscriber, the " North
-Branch" bas been fairly got under way
and is now in full operation, and the Pub
lic can 3e suited with the finest, cheapesti
and best Goods now in Marliet—all kinds
and descriPtions of Dr; Goods, Groceries,
eze. (June 4.) LUTHER REA AD.
QUGAH, T6a, Coffee; Candles, Starch.
Indigo. Nuimegr Pepper, Spice. Gin-
Ger, Madder, LogwOod, Alum. Salts,Salt
petre, Cinnamon. Ratsinr, Snort, Powder
and shot, for sale at the -
130 KANDY, thr, Kum and• 'Whiskey;
very cheat), and good quality. for sale
at the NOKTI - 1 BRANCA-I.
T A AMP OIL and Linseed 4111. for sate
eOPEL VARNISH and SpiritsTorpen-
Tine, for sale at the North liranch.
COIIFISH and Mankerei sate at'the
North. Branch Store.
ALT by the Bbl. or Sack, for Sale at
0 the- North Branch Store.
EST TOBACCO to be had in town,
to be found at the %nth Branch.
A Quantity of TAR by the beg or
quart, for sale , at Read's North
Branch Store.
- -
-.Taundic4 Dyspeptic!, flit Xer
voila .Reb#ftir , Dipease of thiAine,ys,
and all diseases arising :from- a-dill:mitered
Litbr or - Stomach': such as - Constipiitiq,
Inward Pilea::" Fa quell `or\ Blood tilt
Head. - Acidity of- the - Stomach. Nanees.
Heart burn . Disgust fa •Food, Full it ess, or
weight in the Stomach, Fottr-,Eructatitins.
Sinking dr Fluttering lit Of pit 'of- the
Stoma/qv. Swimming of• the .Head.lurried
and 4 dtfHcult Breathidg.'Flattertag et the
Heart * Choking or Suffocating silisatttids
when in a lying pnsinre. - Dimness dl
tofu Hots or webs before the Sight,- Peter
and doll -pain in the head* Deficiency of
Perspiration: yellowness of the %Skin shit
Byes, Pain in the side. back* cheat. limbs.
Sm.. sudden Flushes of Heat. burning in
the Flesh. constant imaginings of evil * and
great depression of Spirits, can be effector
ally cured by .
Celebrated German Bitters, Prepared by
Dr. C. M. Jackson, at the_German Med
icine Store, 120 Arch Street, Philadela
Their power over the above diseases 4*
not exzelled—if equalled—by any othei
preparation in the United . Stattv, as the
cures attest, in many cases after skilful
physician bad failed.
These Bitters ere worthy the attention
of invalids. Possessing great virtues in
the rectification of diseasse of the Liver --
aird,•lesstr glands.; exorcising the most .
searching powers 14 weakness" and seer,
lions of the digestive organs. they are with- ,
al, safe, certain and pleasant.
Read and be Con:tinted:
Chas. Robinson, Esq.. Eastor„ Md.. in '
a letter to Dr. Jackson. Jan. 9. 1850, said,
"My wife and myself have received more
benefit from year medielneAban any other
we have ever taken for the Dyspepsia and
Liver disease."
The Tenth Legion:" published at •
Woodstock, Va.. lan. 10, 1850, said—
".,l Gieat Medicine." --
"We have uniformly refrained from rr
commending to the public •any of the -vari
ous Patent Medicines of the day. unless •
thototighly eistivinced of their
. value. -s '
Among those we consider worthy of police
is the GERMAN Eibersets. invented by Dr.
Honfland, and prepared by Dr. JaCketen, ins
Philadelphia. One instance in particular.
in which the superior virtues of this medi
cine has been tested, has fallen under our
slbservatialt. During the last summer, ' a
son of Mr. Abraham Crabill, alibis mea
ty, was very seriously afflicted with Liver
Complaint, and after trying to vain vast.
ous remedies, he purchased a bottle of the
Bluets, and after using its was so much
relieved of his distresshrg malady,. that be
procured another bottle, and is restored ere
titely to health." '• - ' -
lead •
further a few Pad v s n . ;isbed
Frent"The Weldon Herald." b
at us eldon, NI U., January 24,1950, which •
Said— 1 ,
"We believe Dr. C. M. Jackson's
gate:Mind's German Bitters! to be a most
excellent medicine,
and one that should be
highly popular in these days of Tempts
ranee i for they are altegether Veerrane
in their cam pithier', Without one drop of
Atcotelic zpirits in lbejel, "'I his meetetne
is innocent, but strengthening in its effects,
and richly deserving of an unbounded peps
Waist?, which, when it becomes kt.ovro. it
i will, Os:idea:it, fullp enjoy:.''; .
Judge M. M. Noah said : , in his --17, eels
ly Mes se nger." Jannaty 6, 1650. _ -
"De s Heorbette's ts7eitsiss Bilyine.-s.
Here is a preparation which the leading
presses in the Celan appear to tierunani
mous in recommendmi, end the reason ie
obvious. It is made after a• prescriptioif
furnished by one of the most celebrated
physicians of modern times—the late Vt.
Christopher Wilhelm Hotflanth professor
to the University of Jena, private physi•
ciao to the king of, Prussia, and one 91 the
greatest medical writers Germany has evil
produced. He Was emphatically the nerve s
my of humbug, alid therefore a medicine
of which be vies the inventor ono endorser
may be confidently relied on.• He special
ly recommended it in Liver Complaint,
Dyspepsia, Debility, Vertigo, Abidiiy of
the Stomach, Uonstipation, and all com- ,
plaints arising from a disordered condition
I of the stomach, the liver and the intestines:
i Mlle Philadelphia papers express their .
1 conviction of its excellence, and several of
- the editors speak of itS effects, from -their
own individual erperience. nder these
circumstances, we feel warranted, not only
in calling the attentren of our feeders to
i the present proprietor's t Drs C. M. Jack
son's) preparation. but in .recommending
the article to all afflictedi b
S• .
,AforiEvidence. - • ,
The "Philadelphia Saturday Datette."
the best family casvepaper in the United
States. The editor says— '
"It is seldom that we recommend what
are termed Patent: Medicinesto the cont..
deride and patronage of our read.stra i and:
therefore, when tie recommend Dr. Hoot
latad's German'ilitters,. we wish It s to be
distinctly understood that vve are not
speaking of the florin/ass of the day. that
are noised about for a brief puled and then'
torgotteu after It has done its guilty race
of mischief; hat of a medicine long oohs
[ fished, universally prized, and which 'baa
I met the hearty • approval of the faculty its
I self." • ,
That this medicine will care Liier.Ctins
I plaint and Dyspepsia. no one - crin doubt al
-1 ter- using it a-. directed. It scls-specifical'-
, ly upon .the stomach and liver', it is' pens
I ferable tocalomel in All trilitouS diselses-e
the effect is immediate. 'They can fie - ad ,
ministered in female or infentSwith safety
1 sad reliable benebt. at env trme„. -
Be!care of Cotinterfeits.
, -
This medicine has attained 11171 .high
character which
,is -necessary for.atlmedi
cines, to attain to intitlca counscifeitera vci
put frirth a aourfpna article. at the rit.k of
the lives of fhos+ trh , ,:ates innoct,ritijrdt
calved, •
Look wd! to the mark; of the genuine.
They have ihe, written vtgnatnte of C.
ixessori upon- the wrapper. -and the
name blown ire she honk), without which
they ant epos ous., -
For sale Wbolesateatid Petalt at the . ; •
Germ4n: Ofedicthe. Store, .
No. 120 ARCH Sititei, one door haltiof
Sixth, (late of 278 Race +meet.) liiitEdeld
phir, and by respectahln deviers• gattaisily
throughout the roant_ty. For Mile oleo by
, C. E. Linutrip Turzlthannock' Prt