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'l' - i • ,", .;,. -,:r..: ,at i . ri.;o -.1. - It ...1t1", , , if %. ': - '..., ' 7: 4 .'. •:. i . : ,- . - . ' , t!.. - At .;„,'::.-::-.:,-:";. ... . ... ' BEI MI UM FM 1. 14 •R,lr. - 4.;',11ific1i414,.. - CORBESMNDENCE . . .Tunkkan# ck Rev. C-,11. • Dear.. Bir—lo .bebalf of tl/ose wbo:re quested you to deliver a Funeral a pisdp - urs9 . ,ty on.the death. of. our late Prqident, we nO%v re . quest that you. furaisb. a eopy:of the same for pub : 1( 9141is; • ELHAVAN SMITE]: A. E . Bcttts, " - P.ltt OSTER HO . O T, • . MILTON' DANA, . • . :GEO: $..-"TUTTON, . J. iN.c.), Tl§; ' , • Titakhuirtnoc4,lAug. 26,1850. - Cig,NTLE3111;14:4?,..1. hayo bderi in doubt as to wbuLteply ought to be made to your note of this • morning requestingr a copy of 'the Discourse de livered ym uy;fa r. pub! i cat i on. Illy opinion against the propriety of aeceding to your request is well known to yourselves ; • and the reason of it, viz. that the' judgment of partial friends is not always correct, and•therefore the object of kind ness is often held up to public view in ildisad van tageous light. Hoping rather than believing it tvi!l not be so in the present instance, and desirous to accom "modate those who were unable to hear it deliv ered. I have decidedg to place at your disposal the Discourse prepared at yout•request. Youis truly, C. R. LANE. To E. &writ and others IN REFERENCE TO TEIE DE - ATR OF TIIE LATE PRES Pswat ;tub- 6. Verily every Ulan at his best estate is al tugcther vanity. On theiace of the whole creation, God has written CHANGE. The. grass withereth and the flower faded& —the vernal blossom- quickly gives,place to the fruit of summer and that is fol. lowed by the " sear and yellow leaf" In the animate ereation, the same inexorable law has sway. The songsters that enliven the grove and salute the rising sun with their songs, soon cease front their warblings and , mingle with thiraiust. The , microscopic insect and the monsters of the mighty.deep are alike. mortal. Indeed the very rocks and hills are not proof - against the ac tion of the elements and the ravages offline, and the earth itself will be arrested in its course by the mighty hands ot God and return again to its original nothingness All these things, the man of reflection can contemplate without emotion except so ; far as he sees, shadowed forth in them, his own condition: for our "tune is short and fast passing away."— The infant breathes out its life. unconscious of a „mother's love: The youth of high hopes, of ardent noble aspirations, falls an easy prey to t he, D4stroyer . The strength of manhood, the carts of business, the love titul ,the claims of friends are no security. One dieih in his full strength, being who. i ly at ease and pie& - His breasts are full of milk and Iris bones arc mois. tened 'with ,marrozo. And another diet] in the bitterness of his soul and never ealeth with plea su 4." They shall lie down alike its the dust and the Woinis shall cover them. The few whoescape• for a little longer, the A rrows of death, must vet look forward td the day when the keepers of the house shall 4rerible, and the strong men shall bow. themselves jand the grinders cease because they are few. and those that look out of the windows be darkened, and the doors shall be shut in the streets, When She sou,nd of the grinding is,low, and he shall rise up at the voice of the biril and all the daughters of music shall be brought low ;also when they shall-be afraid of that which is high, and fears shag be:in, the way and iiii:eilmond shall flour ish, and the grasshopper ; shall : . b 0 a burden, and fail: been:use scan goeth to his tong home a - ad the mourners go about the streets :or ever the silver cord be loosed,,or the golden bowl be broken, or the Pitcher be broken at the fountain or .the wheel shall be- broken at the cis tern. Then shalt the dust , raztra to the earth as it pas ;,aurl the spirit shall return#nto God who gave it. . Such is'the "end of earth." With this lot we ore' forced to - be content, subject to disease. disap pnenunent and death front a thousand stir:trees, et any mom eat and in any cjrcuntstances, for these, by reason of sin, the ministers of God's ,Justice, pay no respect' to age or Condition': The high and the low axe prostrated by the sate 'invisible, trrsistible Agent, whose 'goings are in the'path of righteousness and in the, ways of , wickedness —ip tnehappte,,of unhallowed ambition and in they abodesof tiatriotisin—ht the home qf domes tic'friendshiriend drive, 'and in the':cotincils of the nation; : Verily every vian;!• it: his best es tate is,..vemity;Allagether vanity. - Hs cometh forth tilte_.4flotger ; awl 5 6ut. dawn :he fieeth as a: also sha't4te' an4. l continuetli, not. Such is man, such are,alt men'in one point of .yiew but not initinotker. Ttii.ipirt,*orns,' it laughs at death. It:„ will reinain to t i tle full, vigour - of thought and-perception and feeling longlong /titer the' heaven§ are nb more. This.; is,com• nion to. 6.11,1ut :some naen,altrireired few, render themselves permanent on the-m . nb aO, their inAtience,jminortalwith succeedong gen erations of men: Their ,bodiee'''die ' but their' name reniaint—L•their actions but 'that r'etz ket•coatinnei4.t.heir features. are lost with -.the decaying, canvass. and the mouldering,,marble,. but their character byes in the ,history of the •)1 ~' FEN DENT =MEM race, tot he studied; athnireti rind litnitated- by the! ardentand ausieptible.mind of youth through all coming tune, Thus •it is. that,such. rnen. live their lives over and over again in. ten . thousand bosoms as`lenieration -after p.',eriernifea 'of coin : im".'ingri are both... Wried and lost Lin the almost. - all devouring grave. . .. • L. ". • On the present occasion, it will , beproper. to cite several exampleS, illustrative of the influenee, exerted by slob le men, on nations for CenNti'ea. More than two thousand years-tigo; Cartilage were engaged in a struggle for supra- Macy: which, at first sight, 'a ppeared to involve', only' the 'advantage of one powerfal nation over, another and therefore not interesting to oilier tie: Lions. But that was not infect the „issue joined Whedthe yoUthfiittarthagenian pursuant to his voce laid . siege to Saguntum, crossed the Alps - eiaved his victorious banners. over :the bloody ,field of Cumae.,,.,,Tini . question was. whether Rome Carthage should be blotted out: Whether Roinan civilization and' law 'should take its course toward Germany,. France and -England and thence to us, or degenerate in,Bar barY and be absorbed and lost in the sands a, Africa. This really was the risk staked at Za nia acd decided - in favor of the world when victory declared for the legions, of' Imperial Rome. It is the result that throws such a lustre: • over the name of Scipio; not that Carthage fell. but because Europe was saved. Columbus is another name that will not soon •be-forgotten: who enlarged the territory of the human race, as if preparatory to the mighty ef fort of mind in bursting asunder the bonds that, had bound it to ignorance, superstition and ty ' ranny, and in striking out new trains of thought which were destined to shake Europe tolls cen tre and fit it for using .those splendid 'discoveries in a way worthy of Aeir greatness, by planting 'Colonies in which thought hod opinion were to be as free as the wind of heaven. 'The same principles that were - wrought out in Saxorfy, and Switzerland in the sixteenth nen , airy were applied in the seventeenth to politics by the Puritan Statesmen of England They were in.the nature and formed ttie character of that noble race of whom 'John, Elampden, Oliver Cromwell and John Milton, may be named 'as specimens—men whose names will be remem bered as long as honesty is respected, genius ad mired or liberty is loved. They were the tore ranners of Franklin, of Hancock and of Wash ington who merely commenced their work where Hampden left oll . and in another hemi sphere completed the noble Temple of human right, whose foundation stones are laid deep and immovable in God's , eternal Truth. Among such men, the late President must be classed. What particular rank, he shall take; which niche, he shall fill in The Temple of Fame. belongs not to us, but to posterity. to determine. The fact that is settled, is that Taylor's name is fixed 'in history—that Taylorea deeds can nev er cease to affect both Elenfirpheres. -Those whc have read history to any purpose. are aware that no circumstance has been more influential in deciding the destiny of natious, than the extension of Territory and the incorporation of new and to some extent, of 'foreign element in the body politic. What, may - be the result in any given case, no prudence can foresee: What 'must be, if pursued beyond the ability tc assimi late as well as-tto incorporate, no blindness can avoid perceiving. In the matter. of extension, from small begin, nines. we have made unprecedented progress, even if the stakes that make our bOundanes main for several generations where they are at present. There was a commercial necessity for the purchase of Louisiana and border safety at the time - required that no independent Sovereignty rule in Florida. At this point the older race of _Stati.smen stopped, being satisfied .with ..what ne cessity had compelled them, wish many misgiv ings. to-do ; but in our day, a less cautious spirit has taken possession of the public Mind.- Uri der its reign, no period of our history since the ad - aption ofthe Federal Constitution, has been more important•than the seven years last passed, Within this short period, an independent State, has been .absorbed in our onward movement the war-cry, before unheard by most of the pres ent generation, has resounded through our vat lies & been re-echoed by our hills—armies con mining -the floWer °four Youth have been mar shalled--baules fought and won—the stars and ,the stripes of the Republic have waved in tri• umph over the ramparts of the Most ancient city on the Ccintinent—peace has returned again and now there is scarcely 'a:ripple on the surface of society to' indicate the storm that so lately raged in its fury, and bore avvay so many gallant spirits from the earth,but not from the proud and.gratc‘ fill recollections oftheir countrymen. The ban. 1 ners'ihey waved in victory art not yet furled-- they still wave the flag of Peace the emblem of our S.folierreigiaty. over a new empire—literally a New Empire in the ampleness of its boUndaries, the;productiveness o rits soil, t he length of its Sea board, the capacity, - of its `'harbours and in itS Mineral - resiourcesalinost inezhnustiblc, placed, there by that God who sees the ,end from the beginning in order that California' though far distant migbt at .once take her plate among her sisters, no as in infant, but like Minerva, crea ted at maturity.' • It isnot important- to speculate on therestilt.' her Placers fogy have• on i'Currency , , fors otherlhingsfar more , impdrtant 'ore -plain: anctOvicms , The. spirit , of enterprise and im provementhu been'thormighly, waked up,. The commerce eflija is `in iiur hands and orthe lands of the:ged b iiy the past, it ji noi,J .unreasonabtelo•believe - )that'soo n the fightniti ,, w ill b e rhoje i g *rev ,extending_ from Pre, Atlantic to, the Pacificand that the . virgin.knows - , of the' Sierra Nevada. 'will be -ontarnmatcd With j?! ' ; ~t;:-.;- . 0, ( ,1 DEFEND THE RI.G i HT: 00,NDENIN THE WRONG 7up ,11 43q9.cK.,,irr0p5,,,vg..4.4...0,..§0,40,0j 3:18,5,0. the Smoke tind ‘c Men of the Stettin ~ C rr. ~ .I•The stream a civilization pouring, Iw' ; both 'from the F e ast and the:West must soon: overflow ,the present lime of the Red 'Man. • he roaring'of the . beast ofTrey and tfre"war.himp of the t iiinted Savagetfitis soon Dive 'place to. , 'the- did of busi= nessfandlthe forest to cultivated,3-fields-or : even immense eities r .huilt up by, inland commerce,. ,A noble patrimony l Ped: . 4114 given us—a .. fi t li• r thd' country omew a in cepin, heaven bdrti principlei of Civil•and Rdligions Liberty::' principles suitable to the;.nature of than. and as general in' their ; application 19.40 w,ants, Law of gravitation, to - matter, 'as permanent as our Alleghanies, as irresistible in - their "cieWarif course as the Father of lviAt6rs'and as - ',precious; nay far more so than the sparkling sands and. molder' Mountains of our .PacifiQ possessions. A magnificent country the God - of mankind has se : .leetcd for-the home , of • Freernen—'With great honor has he honored us, iii making us • th'e posgessors in fact of the' rights of twin and We• guardians in trust for till nations. The posititin , k we occupy imposes the most solemn duty, to be, 'true, as the needle to- its pole, to be true CO the flag of the Liniop,which our. Fdthers founded in' their blood. The mark that Cain.wore,wcrld be disgraced, if placed on one who cherished even in secret the design of blotting out one Star from , • our Political Firmament. But any view of the late conflict, which does not contemplate the relations :which our extended Republic sustains to other nations, must he defec tine. If the purposes of Divine Providence in this matter be so far developed that wecan predict the issue with any tolerable degree of certainty, the time is not far distant when the once noble race that made thernountains of Old Castile, the but wails of Christendon and from their base rolled back to Africa the mighty tide of Saracenic in vasion, will be roused from their lethargy and partake of the activity of their Anglo-Saxon neighbors. - One thing is certain ; - Mexico can not long remain as it is. It must become like the States of the North in Order to - preserve its nationatitragainst them. Anntherrelation remains-to benoticed, before the events of the-last seven years dour history can be fully understood. The mariner compass,, the a'rt of printing and the discovery of America, were all preparatory to that mighty shaking of mind in central Europe, under the iiiipulses of whick the world is still; moVing.. , This „Tele. tion - being - deterinined. -- ,heyorid reasepabJe doubt, is it visionary to believe that the, Spirit o/ God bad an ulterioTfileiig,n in enlarrring'so won derfully of late ' our Im/oil:ledge of the Powers ni nature especially of Steam oftd Magnetism/7 Are those splendid discoveries ends or means 7 Are they countless millions of Asia brought by means of them almost to our doors simply in or . der that our wealth may be increased or that they may be made partakers of our richer bles singsi ' It is not improbable that the dove of hoary-headed despotism and of ancient & venera ' ble idolatry are numbered. It is not improbable that the Car of Liberty drawn forward by 'the irresistible attentioii of the Free Grace' of God that bringetli salvation to all nations, will at no distant period traverse the plains of Asia where might first . friutiiplaed over right. In these events, connected with results, if not precisely such as have been.describod, yet simi lar ; Gen. Taylor was a chief actor, IC is true indeed that the honortnust be shared with oth ers; but they are enough to niakdthe age illus trious and all - the distinguished actors, immortal. We are assembled, therefore, for a higher object. a nobler purpose than man-worship : We are assembled to review a character that reflects glo ry on our country and honor on our nature.— That character, in our judgment can be fully appreciated only when contemplated from the direction we have approached its manifestations. It must be seen not in a sectional point of view or even nation's' but world-wide. . For as the pelabledroppedin the ocean communicated. its imptilsesto every particle of water, so the deeds of the army of occupation. will mingle with drid determine the stream of the world's history: thus viewed battles are of intense interest not as scenes of carnage, but as the decisions of god, as permanent points of reference and as indicatiqns of human character. These are the' media through which the public' haracter 'of Gen: Taylor must be'viewed His military course was a strikingly splendid one, from the beginning of it, to the end. The llisplar of military. talrntt . made in the ch fence of Fort Harrison proved that an opportunity was all that was required in order to e'rninence in the .profession of arms. We next find him in the, war waged by the U.S. against a combination'or Indian tribes un der the celebrated Black Hawk and afterwards finibhing the disasterous war in Florida by a desperate battle near lake Okeechob e e :and last ly we find. 'although he ranked no higher than .a 'Brigadier Gen.—and that bylireVet yet we find him selected to command on the RI9 , wide in .eiroutristances of great'danger and,still greater responsibility. We all remember how the na• Lion held its brerth, Atm our gallant countrymen, marched Iron) their/ camp opposite Matatnoras for the relief of Paint Isabel; we all' remember • too the shout Of universal joy and exultation that .went up,when utir ears heard of Pula.Alto , aod, ,BaieCa-de la Palma. It is by mean.,impre bable'that there victorks -had Much to do with the'rictiotrofongress then m session add in brittfing together those daring spirits, that waved. the -Flag 2 . f . tiepulilicirom the CaStle,of an,dltJlJig to thejcity ntMexicee: i ", • L not,neceseiry thdt tve occupiyOur time with adescriptiori:of the_sie,ge of Monterey and the filio4y conflidr at Buena Vista.,- 'filet would be a ffitpr :object for another , day, yet the.ftiane; „ rout be mentioned ;1 try brighl rig( pi 'Our ciatintrylS history.; , AE; Op§ pCIAM. th@ Iptlitaryl. Course ofiour illustrious fellow citizgn ,closes, ;14iize pf.glory. fr ~c O uria,V!sta cannot ` 10 ! i cirs'ili pfirbif Welich opened - or, iiiitWY:o:ilttifiert , Which! closed-the ikir of Independence, but, iyucried, the tide'of • wet trr c 7 vim' toi Ole PriY l 4 country—,it was' iitiotiteriatidrinirtVintf&'pirOg,'• ,ress Of .F;nip,ire westward-r- . at,,mailcZ/chhty TAylo'r the propertp s of his whole, , couptry t and Confirmed his title to the : admiration of the civil ized world. k citizen distinguished by deeds of such, hp . to-% is bravery, could not rel;lisit into''obsciirify'.'llig countryiticnsp ace civie.etreatb.ution his brow, '''raising, firm to the very,surninit of ,4diparo grgat. ness. W,Qj the min whO has been . chosen w preseWarid defend" the' 'Liberties Of his try, can have no higher 'earthly truth 'ciimmittid to his care. From this eminence, almost as soon es'itwas reached,the nation's Choice descended the;-"Reptiblic, of...the grave. " Vpil.y.every =erg at,his . b . est Ota,ie is ako, - geiher 'acuzity.— There as but a step 'between the Highest 'honors' and the clods of the valley.; but ti'mornent inter venes between the warni,allections of-friends and the cold embrace of Death, who. is untaught distinguish betvireen the high and the low, the , . honored.pnd the degraded ; yet there is ence between a useful and an honorable life, Greathed out amid the - sorrow's 'and the regrets of d nation, and looking .forward` to irdistracefut . exit before another ..Salabalh's sun. shitie. From the gontrast all Tay learn lessons of vir- .„ rue. Of Gen. Taylor as a iiViliatt, bat little cattle' said; 'tie was not permitted to develop any kreat scheme of national policy, yet candid.men must admit that in this new course , brief as, it .was he, gave the earnest of no common ability . . . But' 'o• ver this subject God has raWit 'a Veil through' which'we cannot sen It We have now, from a point of observation , chosen far {some may think too,for), in the, past, reviewed the deeds of our tate President,-both - as they, are in fdct and as they seem to' preientthem: selves *hen projected on the future.- Inlirder to ezmplete our-design, it remains Act'criVe an 11.1 rialysis Of •his character—, I. The first and the radical element appears to, have been sober judgment.: We find him ca in no visionary 1 1nitisin c indthe line a .apPeari 7 rhstinetly :drawn betvieen. the posSi nitrthe•impossibl,e,..„ The ,ene .tit tempted; the other he nevei.`failedio accomplish For, f„i/ 4. Perseverance in• a course' of action once determin'ed on, , was, •an'other characteristic trait. All his resources / were concentrated on the main point, and no ,time was lost and r.o strength vas expended o'n collateral 'issues: In this way he was enabled to work sudh -wonders against such fearful odds. ► 3 Like the . .'Fattier .his country," Gm. 11.. appears to have pos'esied M an eminent ; degree equanimity. Disaster, instead of dep'ress.in e ,o.; on ly nerved him for more strenuous-efforts, and his heroic bravery, apparent defeat was but vitho- ry seen on the other side. Nor did victory t late or cause him to relax his vigilance, or' hinder hint trout improving his victui•ies the.utmost. However circumstances might change, he was the .ame, and the whole army caught confidence front the firin, unchanging countenance of their Chief. / 4. general Taylor was kind, not by freak, but unifermly, to those 'under' his conitr.and. He Was their friend, as long es-an _honorable man coulChelriend them without tainting . his own character, The rules of war were pressed •with no greater rigor than the mainteninee;olAlidi pline required: Towards,others , to , the en.d i of" be manifested the only geriutrie'charecteris: tic of true .greatriess: viz. "modesty. - '''" ' 5. Towards:6ll Jrien.' , Gen, •Taoor was sin,: etre. r hii core pesttion the to., qpppl r t pd - to, he none of that little contemptible.- t meariess,no -plotting or:undeiininirig, no envY:er jedIOUSy et the success olother men, whidh is so drsdincefur and so much indulged , Glsni'leylor'WeS Candid, and it is believed, iii altahe,t`eldtionaof life; that he'tvas an hottest man. ; ,‘ ;,.., ' In these respects,. viz. as.a,prude,ot, ~persever. leg man, as a Man of calrn,,settitid Turpese, M. distal bed either by disaster Or succeSs T a Man o kindness, moderation, and 'thorough honesty and sincerity. we value our late chief mag istratromd hold hint 'up as an example, not ;perfect, indeed, but worthy of imitatioti. lye hold him:, up to our young men, as a pattern , worthy ,in the re spects named of a generous emulation: Young pentlemen, God bps set before you nOble'raCe: YoUr country both needs and de• 'mantle your services. Be true to. that , Country. Bd true hew, by preparing yourselves to under stand and defend her interests. Dismiss 'your dreams ; Shake ofl "sloth ; overcome, unworthy . passions ; Wakeupte the 'reality of 'life';`ffespair not that the har v es t offory rin the 'tenied' field:is; al I reaped-'that the-bright staiS nl ready •located in the firmament of science. will :forever Jender all others iovisdale 7 that : On. arts, ha vnrpac.heti their, perfection. .It, is not so. trltC . scroll of fame has yet spac'e left far 'year' ea'ines,liut 'you must, write them there 'yourselves!. ;13egirr no* the first traces, for the;progress is a-slew:one; by. ist d V hyatlay, 4unek3, bly. and faithfully. not that thp Cioddr.:ss of 'Paine has time to 6ba 'yen out —tiiiiitinrif till, some greuroomisieff 'peal rirfrir - thenjyon*ilt, OPI be prppartd to nteet-,it,.. the; lSle Ad MI nist rat io n ; Tay kr• t fpc, cOrryit out Liaise very measures on ,tthch.their: hiter:and their fame were staked,' if lie` undergone u,seviere , preparatory, traioing_in.the - 1 wilds of the.,tves.,t, and ,a mon g , evprgladps, 0 1- the south'? These . were 11)11 rimed, uat whiclf gen, ,1,'% lot :totid 10iim liCwroir (mile *IA' ';c l .; :!ail?' - .. , 1-i.d :: Cif 10 H i h -•-i- I-1 C -- - iti - a' ,S - ,2• 4 i-"r“; c:::..1. -4 ' . NOVEL LEGISIdTIOi.—.-The Legislature ctiVis 6nsin has`recentlypassed , an, act:by Which .any owner dr lessee ofland who shall - knadrint,dy, permit the Canada thistle to fr„o to seed 'onf l silth is deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,- and E on, confliction therecif, to be punished by a fine not eiceeding five nor le.s than one' dollar, with costs PB.EsENCE , OF Almo.--A- mad dog in Bridgport entered a; lady's school. The teacher had- pres ence of mind enotigh to poi ra ,pitcher of water upon it., which threw. it • into convulsions, land gave time for the 'escape of herself and the chil dren The Sandy Hill Herald stat that lerealer . it not support any candidate for office ) whci i is not a subscriber to a Democratic newspaper. He Should have added ‘ 4 and liv*Vp r ays regularly forlt.” - -1 -7: - 1 1 ' • 1 ''" . " ) Ayeangman who falls in love;aad iels Mar ried ~n'itifoa.i halla"i'f;iSlxe' m" fa'e l tisl:/iiicia'4's Oaracterlda iitibaar ivay; is likea - • ••••..; ;;° commits a follOy . and r left to 7y ' the other. 'tide,: iltia if i nfr :her ? exited' ch I d reit .k 0 iff9j, . Tit etChild fen of II neid;the fir - Columbia'smost tiatelligent; ctic and...Sejf:sacsific.in,e&t; !open ,in 'Which' a 'Weli•defitied . struggle "b'efweeii 'Repub; ie ni n On it its4aS' fit , ced, a st ru ggle that' einildieffeiiiin ate' ilia side or the 'other is iccirispletelyf cbstirbase4:o At what a 1 911 34 4 1, PIIPD7tv 4 4 . RPM - c 44. foresee; but whe n it d oes come,recannel,'he le spedaters,'atid,l;fe iikihe.; not.' "' tiejef,6fore we have kept oletted Ebropeablialiti6l •bitrit does, not follow frcisn_this that, W - erilipays.will.-- To .whotif Caniti T s.ififiress'ed tooh i for . - cor if not to tiS-'O l Ifdite C vv ,hose ear %till bd.open .Tbe.c.interest's til,titi ornity,calpoudty,an4 *arty. on: qyery,fon , ,of 'Wasiiinztßn be!, preparedfor the service Of.okr tommonquntrin its mission Of btes4eidneSs - t'o the-human c Young , Gentlemen,ltheie isenotibh - for youlo 'do. , Sit,no ion eet jdik wasting,ibktitriee*PArgY acrd-talent for which there, is so loud and so clear a call., Gird'on - .Yon i':ariltor. i lle•fitessine - totirdiir kind: In your, labors enenttragedy.by i finy rale plevf Taylor, who without patronage made his way .to, the highest honors, ,Such ase,the prartical wor kings and so great is the beauty 'of 'our Republican institutions., ~Y,our „fortune,. nnderitiod, :f if;eryour ewahandg. Depehil'ilierefoie" on •yisitfr own' -exer titinS ant theDisfnoblessihis.n•Betrpihem'oAkrinlit yourselves as,citizens worthy of, a ,country, that, be stowed its' higheirhoriors (in•tripietetaitig 'War ' the 'piersert of Zachary Ifskylor,r , i. .flist lit would be doing,vfolende lathe day und„tlie place vie oceitity, isrthe'natirretarid the' feelings - of out. udien ge n not i lo i reef r ithornltts Ake present life to, the honorthat eotr,ms from God and enduresv,fore - ver: , - Aininortatily. lier'-sitlsged 'with time. While, therefore, the honor t .thaticomes from man is not to be rejected but right y - mast be zetne'mticr - ed. that this is".uot !the - eh/Ofend of :oar being. •, In the , taths, of fwarldls,AmbiAlothbut. few ,cart 'dtAtirguisnett rliurfierorew'Rlt aa t distinction, Grid dreMe•Gospe I. of kis p.titt; basset glory and honor and inampttaliqyr,,A.esplyrt..ef Aire and a th - rohe'aiii6itglhe liediferdy',lstlie'objedS4bsia triunity with the Divine natstre;AVrnogresniobwahl, upward, ever-expandin,- „never-eea‘ing progress iu and unto theitifinhe anti eteirnal'J'ehiwah, 'manifest ed in humanity—the commen lin .Icttyeen:creatases of yesterday,, is hose breath is in tilrir nostrils , and the ever-living God: 7 A" To Hoi BE aLnny Atql noNort, MANION, POR EVER AND EI:11.-AMP,N. WM El ~i., . .: • '' '; . . ‘:`,7 : :. / .P1t':,,1 fi''!.. .vi.-.F. -4'14-','.:-!'l Effil ERSTE UME " ',:, I, ~.~. ~'L'.l r~. NAM I=