~:~-~~.~,'~~~Ei~t'.~4~E A~IOT - EiEI~~~ ,., ;x~,:.,. .• ~ • The Counfy compAllY,'“hebrporated.bk Acp Pe'nbsylya. nia Lettis!attire, approved April 9.6,'1850, iSnow drb . ady ur- teceiie dpplications- for insitrance, ph' 'the mutual principle, on InoFt kinds of prop , cit'st exiio4d . .,to.#,strnction by fur': All who Insure to this Ciro: patty. Will 'share in the prank and and (Tell will have a vote in - I the election of oilicerzi,.:—a;ccess to. the books at all 'Limes,—and a' voite in dir/ctini, , its (Terminus. •• . • ' The following are'the Directors for the 'year ensu, , JOHN STINNELL, ''BRADLEY WA, KEAIAD,T -'2,8:-Df.PHEUPS; JABEZ JENKriqs, • STEPEI. CAPWELL, A. K. PEOKH4AL. HENRY ROBERTS, ANDREWOOR p,F;e ER R.''LATTLE, THnS. OSTER HO T, ASA S. DANA, • .-ALFRED HIKE, JOHN, FASSET; oppicetts. • i President, SHERM A INT D. PHELPS.' Treasurer, JOHNBUNNELL; '• • , .'Sectetary, MILTON DANA. S. H. TAYLOI3, General iAgent,. Not,thore than - $2OOO taken 'in one .ylsk,, and no Steam - or other extra-nazardons property lin,n red. Amount of athtance premium on $lOOO safe farm property r for a fwe'-years'-insuranee, 9.4.5 p, including surveyand -- poliey, Other property acconiingio ri,t; To avoidlitigation, a by-law bas hem, tlopted•that the Company shall bejesponsible for the correctness . ; of all 'surveys made by their Agents. Nti sub-agent: allowed; •- " , t • ..* Acting 'upon' the',Plan of taking no buildings not . kecuretti.and ha! .lOr6e adopting the most economical plari,of expenditures; the Direct Ors confidently anticipatethatinsurance in yyoming,' . Company tuill'Prove as Safe and as cheap as in any one in the Slate. • Applicatids'for insurance or for agencies to be ad dressed to R. R. Limo; Chairman :ExeCutiyeDom.•; l mime; or to . MILTON - DANA, Sec. •- , Tankhannock, June 5, 1850. THE UNITED' STATES LIFE 'INSURANCE, Mum, AND TRUST COMPANY, :, • , I. i -i• ClArtcr . verpcltlaY—Caeli Sitstent,e_apitai $2611,000. I,' ' OFFICE Istio: - 9.8, - MiIICHATS' PtIi.CHANGE, PfIii.ADELPIII A. i 1 . "PHIS Company is organize d opom the, "-mixed . I.•.princinte„ stork and mutual, which' cum[ -features offer to insured Members donbie the,. usual security. The cash spt em of pavrnOnis has also ' been adopted, thus avoiding the hea 'y drawl a at+ created by unpaid premium notes. _T e tahle rates of premium, upon which its . .policies:a a being issu -ed; is the only scale experience has prOven should. be adopted as affording requisite security to the in ,sured.'aitti an undintbted gnaranty of th 4 . perpetuity ,T Mich institutions. 'Life insurance, veo - v properlsi, is arresting the attention of the world.. Trite public however; in their- commendable willingness to col brace and employ„its wise and salutary , provisiomi, should make nitimate'security* the'primary and nin.ll imporlant"object, which can only be attained by so adjusting the premiunis as to anticipate Unexpected losses and fluctuations of every kind.. It - is the pur pose of this company - annually to credit,"npon the policies of the holders and books of the company such an amount of profits as shall not affect the stability or impair the sacredness of its contracts' ;—thus -the -h - ofder of a policy of several years standing maybe 'entitled t.) an amount considerably exceeding the nri -ginal insurance: Premiurits may; at Ithe`, op..lort of the be' made annually, 'semi-annually,, or quarterly. PoliciesAviH at , all titnes ild..ikuichased by the company at a' fair valuation. Married wo ,rnen can insure the lives of their husband; free from the claims of creditors'. A creditor mav',insitre :the 'life of 'a debtor: . Insurance may be effected for a term of years DI 'for life; also on two joint livET, the money, to be paid on the death of the fir& of irtst.— Tfie . folloWing, is a sample of the rates per annum ; s I- Pts ',fait - year: 7 years. for li fe i Ase.for 1 vearl I s- a 2111. 20 ' 0.21 204.6 el 77 140 WM ,st.t.fl e32e 30 . , 1;31 . 1,3:• 2,36 I. Ell 1,46 !2O ' 4,0) The above k the amount payable on $lOO insur ance:l'6e following,a re the officers of the company: STEPLIEN.B. C RA WFOW), Pres't. Annanst W. TnosirsoN,ll. Pres'L CHAS. G. IMLAY, Sec: and .Trea. Actuary, MANUEL EYRE. ' JAMES DURNO,Gen.Agenifor Penn'a. Exemmuso FarstclAws. . , Tinkliannnoelc, Jos. A. LrsiAst, M. D. _Montrose, J. BLACKNiAN, 14. D. -1-All necessary information, together -'wish blanks:ps . nsEttlqs, Lte. only be_ , rained- gratis by aPPIYIng to ,', - S. EL TAYLOR, Agent. - TO•Alp CHANICS ; INVENTERS AND AIANU , FACTURERS. THE publishers of the SCIENTIF CAN , respeetfully 'give nbtice that the, V,lt Volume. of this valuable Journal .will be cominenccd on the 21st-of September;'Offering, a favorable , opportunity,: for, all to subscribe-who talte an interest.in the pro gress and develOpment of the IVleehanics, Arts and Matbfaeliares of oni;country. The of the Scientific American is too" well linoWn _throughout the cartmtry tu.require a detailed ineotint. of the va rious's-abject:: discuSed through.itv,coluitms. The aim of theptlbliz-liers iihsrolwaysbeen ti ren der it the most thoroith and useful scientific lour-, nate!) the country ;,and to judge of this;' coutpar.i ingits titeulatibrt and influence with other pobtica dohs of the sante "class, thei have the unequis 4 ,ocal evidence of its value as the ;leading - .exponent of the Arts and Sciences. • ' - It will be-published weekly-as , heretofore in guar-, to form on' firie paper,. affording at the end ati the year an -ILLUSTRATED E.NCYCLOPIE.DIA ot. over 400 pates, with an Index, and front', 500, to 600 ENGRAVINGS described by letters of reference; besides a vast amount -. 61, practical. inforrontitmtconcerning -the progress of SCiP.NTIFIC and Itlcca'AvicAt. In- PROltErtlENra, CIIESIIETRY, CIVIL ENGINEERING, rtJAN,-/ ISEACTIIRING in its various branches. Bgrieniiture, Masonry, Botany- -in short it einbraces i the entire range of the Arts r and Sciences. It also posseAses 'oriainal feathre hot foUtid in any othet weekly.journal in the cuurilry,.,Niz, an of ficial list of PATENT CLAMS, prepared rpret , slk for its columns 'at the Patent Office ' tfins constithting it the"AMEßlCA . Nl3.apeirony' or Irivarcriok;s:' In 'connection with the publishing department, the publishers transact the most extensive. Horne and Foreign Patent business done in this-country ; eon se4uerttly their facilities must be correspondingly per for. , , 'TERNIfiI 'per annum, in advance—:-$1 'll4 six months.- Letters.nuist be patt, paid a'nd.4iiectO4 to • ! MUNN ee: L Ptib. Scientific Americap, 724 iFultdn St.. INDUCEMEN'T'S POI? CLUBBING. Arty person who will send ns four subscribers for six months, at our regtilar ,rates shall be entitled to one copy th fore same , irmgrft of ? time ; oY we will furnish 10 copies for 6 mouths- for • 10 '' 12" c 15 15 ," •12 • 4 ' 22 • 20 . 12 " - • 38 PlitAillUM.—Anv . person Sendino• us ' l three sub scr bf i bers - Will be entified to a ropy_ " History of Propellers and Steam Navigation,",. pablisberl wookform, noW in press, to b:•ready about the first of October. it will be one.off' 'the most complete forks - -- - upon the scilicet ever ~,i- z i.ted,"arirl *ill contain oaf 20 engravings: ' • rr2lirlirONAglirtt l X. 'J , ,p:orten.hp Ituf, na(tte'ocltriEliCf;APrlts 'faticed7 with, ityonne ;inert of the inane or'S. i P:„Tirsvoserul.:: , and ?„uset'tilititutietiv snit Itp 2 . a Sars4latrithi,nWhiele . thesv call .fli,..Towasend'arsanosparllla, iltnomittallag It • VlENlTlNE4frrigibisk ke.'ThierosVnkend Is no doctor . and 'neve'r,i , vas; hat wits formerly a worker ott 'raidir it. canes, and the like. a.sstnes the title of: tlir. for I e Of gain ing 'credit for what he is - • tan.r lie Isinlso sending oat cards headed, "Tricks. o. QuiSgka," lb which be says. I have sold the use ot . Inv 'iloneieor aaVeall. I will give Si P. Townsend 65oqII,hej7wlil iirodtme one single, tailitary proof of • thin l'litsliatotantion the public pot he deeeitied andilai rehaso bi 4 the GENUINE, OICIGINAL ()Li) Dr. Jacob Townsend's Sarsepartlia, having on it • the'Old Dintikenein; family twit br arms; and tide stivinture shu n ts the coat of arms. • - JAconti:rth4e6iii ; • Frine4,4l•o,9tc, 1O Nassau-at., ,Nere inr.k 'city •ll -oh ,•,()XID .DOCITOR f l Ta townsand -• , , inscovertr = • • • tig i I= 'i` ' "'GENUINE - ' .1. .„ T.OWITSEND' SARSAPARILLA.: t •. 'lO ;Dr. To*usefl is now about 7U Yeats Of .a , T4'e, and ; has - Ilan; beet', finnWn as the AUTHOR and Dis ~ COVEItEI . of the GENUINE ORIGINAL "TOWN .t 4 END :IA d.t.tAPAItiLLA." Being pout, he was emir. petled to limit its manufacture, by which romans, j.: ~ has[been kept 'out of market. and the sales circtfm , ticohed to khoso'only who had proved Its worth, anti knoWn its] value. It had reached the ears of many, nevertheicJss, as those persons who had been healed of sore diseases, and saved from death, proclaimed Its eicelleoce and Wonderful ' 1 IIEALING POWER. ktowipg, ittaty, years ace. that, he ;had by hit shill, science and experience, devised an article which wheld• bel - of . "incalculable nay antage to mankind whet) the means. wouid.he furnished to brine, It into nnikersar Watley, When its Inectithable chines Would be 4nown and appreciated. This time has come, the . ~ ,meseis nre,.s2spplied, this . • GEritid aria .quallied Preparation is rpanufactureil on the largest scale, and Is called , for throUghout }he length and breadth of theland, es pecially es-it' is found - Incapable' of degeneration or deterior.dion, S. Unlike yonnt P. Townsend's, It improves with age; and never changes. lint for the, better ; because it j is, prepared n /mien t,„fir principles by a scientific wan. ' The highestknOwled4e of Chemistry , and the latest . , discoveries 4 1 the art, have all been brought into reqtdsition ip the mantithrtme of the Old Dr's Stir, se.phrilia. :Tile Sarsapririihs runt, it Is weWtcriown to medical men, contains tinny Inediclnnt properties. and i -, sonic pmpertles,which are inert or useless, turd others, Which if Teti:dried in prepAnng It for one, prodnce ' . fermentation' and - arid, which lninjurious to the aysietn. &MU pf .t. h o Vmperties of Sgsapurrilln are so volatile, that they entirely evaporate and are lost in ihe , preparation, if they are not preserved by a set:- I 1 entefir process; known only to those experienced In ' its mminfacture. Moreover. these volatile principles, , which fly oil: in i vapor, or no an exhalation, under ' heat, are she Very essential ozediccil properties of the r : toot, which give to [toll its value. Any person can hall or stew the root till they go. a dark colored liquid. which is more from the cote ring matter in the mot than from one thing else; they can then strain this insipid or vapid liquid, • sweeten with sour molasses, and then call it" SAP.- . .. SAPARILLA EXTRACT or SYltUl'." Butsticeis ~ not the article knots n arf.he ' GENUINE OLD DR. JACOB TOWN- ;C~f SEN PS S Alt SAR PA 11. LLA so prepared, that all the Inert pmperties of • the 4arsaparlllo - reot are firm. removed, every thing II capable of becoming acid, or of fermentation, is ez tracted arid rejected; then every particle of medical i virtue is secured in a pure and concentrated form; and thus it ii rendered incapiible of losing any at its valuableand healingtmperues. Prepared in this L I ' way, it Is made the molt towerfal agent in the 1H! ' Cure of innumerable diseases. Hetite the nelson why Itte'hear commendations on every side in its, favor Mt men, women and children. , .I,lre tied it doing wonder* In the care of CONS MVP _VON, DYSPEPSM. and /,JVC , Vt COXPLA/X1 and In RD EUJIMTISIII, SCROPIII-1, PI COSTIVE:VP:SS. all CUT:IVP:CPUS ER UP • ITIONS., PINPL'ES, 11140TClIESAnd all affections . I Rising from IMPURITY - OF THE BLOOD. , potrzernies a, marvellous efficacy in ell complaints ' arising from Indigestion, nom -Rcidtty in the Sousse.% from unequal , circulation. determinatit'n of to the' head, pilffitatiorof the heart, cold feet and han 43,1 cold chills and hot Ilaihes nversthe body. It has not Its egad in COLDS and COUGITS ; anti promotes easy expectoration end gentle perspiration. relaxing stric- titres of the itut. throat, and every other tart. Bud nottling is it., excellence more manifestly ac m altdacknowledged than in all hinds and stages at FEMALE CONIPL3INTS. It works wonders •Irt , Cases' of Mao? -11trus. CT Whites. Failing of the Womb, Ol.ntructud Suppressed or Painful ..111enani, irrehrearity the menstrual pe = rioda, and thelllkei and is as effectual in curing all ; the forms of ..IKidary.Diseszes. „ ' By m140'011.4 oliitructiomi. and rezalating the gene -.. • , rat syitem. It gives tone and strength in the wliciter body, and thus cores all forms of Nervotus diseases and debility, and thus phresenm.ur relteves a great variety of other maladies, as Spiaal Irritation,Xeuraccrin, St. Vitus 'a Dance, Stacennte. Epifcptic- Fag. Convulsions, &e. it cleanses the blood, excites the liver to healthy action, tones the stomach, and gives good digestion _ relieves the bosvels,.of totyor and consOparina, al lays, fritiatiithatien, purifies the skin, erjaitllsea the cirenlatina or the Mood, tirmlueing genite warmth t . equally all over the body. a nd theSnsensible petspirtv. Lion ; relaxes all strictures and tightness. removes all .obstractions, and invigorates the entire mervous sys tem'. Is not this then the • Medicine yoia pre-eminently need ? • But ean any or these things be said of F.t. ?own *end . ; Inferior article ?This ytiniirman's liquid is not •20 be • COMPARED WITH THE OLD DR'S, because of one GRAND FACT, that one is INCAPA BLE of DETERIORATION, and NEV ER' SPOILS, • While the ether DOES; souring, fermenting, and blow fag the bottles containing it into fragments ; the sour, , acid liquid osplqdine, and damaging other goods I— , Must not this borrilild compound be poisonous to the system?—" What I pet arid roil, a system already dis eased with acid! What causes Dyspepsia hut acid ? Do see not, all know thatihen food soars In -on: ,stomachs,whit - mischief produces 7 thselence, heartburn, palpitation of t e besot, flier complaint: titanium, dysentery. colic, and corruption of the blend? What is Scrofula but an acid humor In the body I What produces all the humors which tiring on Erup tions of the Skin, Scald Ileadt, Salt Rheum, Err' elpelas, White Swellings, Fever Sores, and all ulcer talons Inteirnal and erternall It is twilling under heaven, bit an acid substance, which LAM. and thus spoils till the fluids of the tasty, more or less. 'What catim•Rheuirtatisin hut a wan or acid timid, which insinuates itialf between the joints rind else . where, irritating and inflaming the tiellenta tissues upon which it acts 7 So of nervous , diseases. of in, purity of the,hlood. Of deranged cliculationi and near ' , ly all 010 ailinents which taint human natire. Noir Is ir not luarible to make and sell, and in .finitely .rorse to use this ~ SOURiNG, FERMENTING ACII) "COM POUND." OF-S. P. TOWNSEND, ' and yet he would fain have it undFstood that Obi Jacob Tor:mead's ,Ornaias. original Sarsaparilla, is an 111111TATMIC of his inferior preparation!! . Beacon' forbid that we should deal in an article which 'would bear the 'most distant resemblance to $. Townsend's artids! and which should brim:, down upon the Old Dr. such n mountain load of corn plaints and criminarionir front Agents whir have sold, and porctraserd who have used S. P.. Townsend's FEiIIIENTINrr CtoMPot7Mr. • We wish lt understood. because IL Is the - alitottite 'natl.!. P. Townie:net aftiele and Old Dr. Jacob 1 - Townsend's Sarsalmflwo are'hcarra-mideepart and its fetid" dissimilar; that they in every par ; slcular, basing not one ir:ngle, thing in mourners. I As S. P. 'Posksend Is nrt doctor, and never was, l is en chemist. no 'pharmaceutist—hums no more of medicitse or disease than arrymher common, u widen t title, unprofessninal man, yrhasestarantsc can the pub : lie haVe that they are receiving a genuine scientific . rrattlaine. 'containing all the virtues of the articles used la preparing it, end which are /neap-We of changes which might render them the AGENTS c DISOta instead of health. But erhot- else shouldlexpetted front one wbi I - , knowitiothine eonfpamtivety of medicine or disease Icrentdres a pemon of elpetienca um 'cnok.. end ; • ammo Itp even ,e - conimon' d "'cent Meal. ' touch more important if it that the persons wholuanefecture medicine; designed for • Weak tomaichs- nn. a enteekled. Sys : tem*, ahould 'knew well ire Medi - Cm! properties of plants, the hmt,notnrier emiceetra Antattd - Pletulrig their At i, cm, 'sive Itnewle,dge of the ' - ,Arerlette ebeasesitifdas erect t he human system, and 1 , bow twzdaptsetriedies to the se disediesi, • • - fcM:SAIE the:1 7 0T OFF IcE ttilq , -iutis uf the pulmonary organs occosioned by cold' Tot mucti'praise cannot be bestowed upon thisietnedv, and the proprietor urges any one aril ic tesi,;Acith airy of the above complaints, to Secure it at on e. ; - L : ?.I 1'14; !ITT s Pil AUL I' PlL.LStbibles•t fain , ikT physic noW in the country lair ,sick head-ache, - chstiveness, carrying' off ' diseased bumotls, and re !tori ng • heali li. TM PPERTV's PIEIIALE 1110.11THLy PILLS, —Fur removing female pbstructions peculiar to the sex, arising from cold q general- weakapss of the svNtern ; also for - fetnitlesioi costive ,habits of body, dyspeptic or •serCoui symi , Mms, debilitated females. Rit PPE R T I's E VE- WA 177...t?,--F4 weal; or inflamed eyes, warranted superior to any lin. g:71€7111 71SC. TM PPE RTV's STRENGTHENIM7 PLAS TER, for pain ur wealtness in the breasa, side, ur back. RAI'PER rrs Ii aThll'alb—The great woo:7)- 1611er, irurremLe(/ toier-rwrev worms wAcn then exist. RAFFERTY's EMBIWCATION, td r bruiveq, sprains, Rheumatic pains, cramps, numhriess, stiff ness or weakness of the joints, swellings, quinsy or sore MI oat—the ercules4 ren:dy n j Lke aPR• r.9 -The above eelebrated. Medicines for sate by die fol!owing A.gebts : C. E. LATHROP and JNO. EL. BOGA la, Tod, honnwk ; Capwell, fly & Co. itetorpti Ile ; Slum. liattersor. & Co. ilbilodon Cen tre; J. Lyons A:: Son, Montrose: Thomas Jackson :_;:ringrdic ; Kerlin iv.; Ashley, Brooklyn. 'July 15, 1850, GLORIOUS VO 4' LUME OFi - t c..." 5 ``,/r" , ,,,„ec `, 4a. 4' ZZI\T*7 • Commedicing I,ailh, the Atli .I‘ 4 o. The original projectorand proprietor Graham's llagaz Lae, havingagainlassumed the entie manage ment of I,biq faydrite- periodical, purpotiss to com mence a new voltim sot Unrivalled Excellence, with the number IorJU:LY. • The early copies Will b t rea dy tur the mails, stk., and will be il,lll4rated with thie most sp'ertltid set of En,graring.s that Ore crer ap peared itt an Auterittin Wear. Defying di l e proudest English Annuals TO excel in magnificence khese beau tiful specimens of arti,tic skill. THE PARIS FASHIONS, Colored in the unapproachable style of he French Artists, will be rei4urned and will represel ' nt correct ly the elegant goods forwarded to this country to Mess. L. J. Levy & Co. of Philadelphia, 4nri Stew art of New York. The evidence of their authenti city will he found on the counters of these gentle men, simultaneously with the Monthly publication of Graham's Magazine. Extensive arrangements— with the concurrence of thitse gentlemcn,are now be ing,.made in Paris, to forward prOmptly • these cor rect, and elegant plates, which will he a department of "Graham's Magazine," that will set at defiance all attempts at imitation or competition. Our hhrmer list of Yallialde contributors are re-en gaged, and arrangement's are perfected for a series of most SPLENDID ARTIC-LSS from such writers a's the following : Henry W. LongfeLoW, W. Gilmore Simms, J. Russell Lowell, E. P. Whipple, J M. Legare, Geo. D. Prentice ' Alfred B. 'Street, N. P. Willis, - Will. Cul'en Flrrarit, Nathaniel Hawtqrne, William H. Herbert, Jas.' Pennirriore Coopkr,• Richard Penn Smith, J. M. Morehouse, Henry,B. Hirst. MN.- Lydia H. Signorney, Nis. E. C. Kinney, MN: E. J. Eames, MN. Elizabe t l . th Oakec Smith, Mrs. Jtiseph C. Neal, Mrs. Ann ..‘, Stephens, N/iSs Emma C. Eanbury, Miss Enna Duval, Mrs. Sala Smith. - 1 Great- Chance far Three Dollar', Subscriber)! • We will , end three dollar stihscr L tbers, to the new volume, to commence with the July number, a very sclendid new plate, called " The Pirst Prayer," or Bullet's mittrniti.-ent print of " Cblist blessing little Celtldren," just fiuMeti to a very Masterly large cabinet picture. • 134 Chenut st. Phila, May 8, 1850. •••• MI • .1s #.4 Alk lmr Mom ,I\4 wi-W4s.hia AT a meeting of the Prosi,lent and Managers of the Tunkhannoek..Bridge Co. at Tunkhannock, pursuant to notice previously given, f it was Rani - cell, That burti:s be' opened tot subscription io the capital - stock pf,,the...conapatay.,. in order to sup ply fife additionalamount required for the speedy erection of a suitable and substantial Bridge across the river at Tunkhannock; and thht the 'President tie requested to ael efliciently;and ale to procure the services of such other; persons as ay be necessary and Suitable to'carry.out the intet4ions herein ex pressed. i s, nesoirmti, That these, proccedingslbe duly recorded in 'the Books of the Company, anti pUblished in the Newstiapers.of Wyoming county. E. FIAP.DING, Prest. " 'A -T .' T Hir,ll. OCUM, , ~.. ...., , . • A. DIJIMAM, Attest: - P. M. psTEtalotrt. .. B. V. - Dttrhaat, Clerk. - I Managers. Feb.2B, 1849.-9-tf.. , 1 . . ca - ( 3! Lg u. az, e va BEING now supplied with a han&orne assort ment of new ancl!fasiiienable PLAIN:ANOTIANCY JOB TYPE, and having seuiie - eiPercenee in theart of 1FP20204735C95E11211 4 :Ww 9 the subscriber 1.9 prepared to: execute all kinds of common abbl'alED . -3413 lima g Handbills Caid's*:-Mbels &c St.c &c 1 , 0 • la:gigl Style antoft leasonable Public patronage, reApeerfully soliCited. C. E; LATHROP. TUNVIANNOCK, Nov. 11349. COLE AGENC.Y.;--Dr. Wrig,fit'o Indian Vegeta, 1.7b1e Pills in Tunkhannock; by_ .4 U. BoLLus.: ;only, t 7, 109. '•'' - - • • ,-„imorrAirs r • -Life Pills And Phoenix' Biiteis.` -These Medicines haire now been before the .public for a period of FIFTEEN yEAEs f and • • • daring that time havemainiained n; high charac ter in almost every part of the globe for their ex . trumiireary and immediate power of restoring per feet health to persons suffering under nearly every kind of disease to which the human frame is liable. • •IN MANY THOUSANDS • of certificated instants, the' have 'even re'cued sufferers froth the viiy Verge 'of art untimely • grave, after all the deeepthre nostrums of th 6 day had utterly' failed ;int' to many thousanda they have permanently secured that uniform enjoy ' meat of health, without which life itself IS 'but a 'partial . blessiag. S% great, indeed, has , their efficacy invariably and-infallibly proved, that it has appeared scarcely less than miraculous to those who were acquainted with the beautifully , philosophical principles upon which they areicom • . 'pounded, and upon which they consequently act • It was to their manifest ,rfud sensible action in purifying.the springs and channels of life, and en duing them with renewed tuna and. vigor, that they were indebted for,their name. Unlike the host of pernicious quackeries which boast of vegetable ingredients, the LIFE MEDI. CINEs are purely and solely vegetable; and contain neither Mercury, nor Antimony; nor Arsenic, nor any other mineral, in any; form whatever. They are entirely composed of ex - tracts from rare and powerful plants, the virtues of which, though long knoWn to several Indian tribes, and recently to sonic eminent pharmaceu tical chemists, are altogether unknown to the • ignorant pretenders to medical science; and were never before admit *gtered in so happily eificacique a combination. The first operation e 5 to Loosen from the. coats of the stomach and bowels the . various impuri ties and crudities constantly, settling round them ; and to remove the hardened fieces which collect in the convolutions of the small intestines. Other medicines only partially cleanse these, and leave such collected masses behind to produce habitual Costiveness, with all its train of evils, or sudden Diarrhma with its imminent dangers. This fact- is well-known to all regular anatomists - who•ex aniine the human bowels after death; and hence the prejudice of these well-informed men against the quack medicines of the age. The second effect of the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDI. OWES is to cleanse the kidneys and the blad der ; and, by this menus, the liver and lungs, the healthful action of which entirely depends upon the regularity of the urinary organs. The blood, which takes its red color from the agency of the liver and lungs, before it posses into the heart,-being thus purified by them, and nonri....shed by food conning from a clean storitach, courses freely through the veins, renewe every part of the system, and triumphantly mounts the ban - ner of health in the blooming cheek. The following are among the distressing va riety of htinian diseases in which the vEGE. TABLE LIFE EIEDIDINEs are well known - to be infallible. • DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the _ first arid second stomachs, and creating a tow of pure healthy bile, instead of the stale and acrid kind flatulency, Loss OF APPF.TITE UIYaN, Has itESTLUSNESS, I!..L: P rEIITER, ANXIETY, LANGUOR., and Mm.micnots, which ' are the general symptoms of Dyspepsia, will vanish, as a natural consequence of its cure, Costiveness, by cleansing the whole length of the intestines with a solvent process, and without violence; all violent purges leave the bowels costive within two days. Diarrhea and Cholera,' by removing the sharp acrid fluids by which these complaints are occasioned, and by promoting the lubricative se cretion of the mucous membrane. Also worms, :4 uir'..ccong Ronk tne tunings of the bowels- the slimy matter to which these ''• creatures adhere. A s th m a and Consumption,. by relieving the air-vessels of the , lungs front the mucous which even slight colds will or esion, and which, if not 1 removed, becomes hardened, and produces these 1 dreadful diseases. td! clan fona Inds tpz 177. all Scurvy, Ulcers, and Inveterate So res by the perfect purity which tftose LIFE Billiail ciNEs give to the blood, and all the humors. Scorbutic Eruptions and Bad Complex ion% by their alterative effect upon the fluid that feed the skin, and the morbid state of which occa sions all eruptive complaints, sallow, cloudy, and, other disagreeable complexions. The use of these Pills for a very short time will effect au entire cure of Salt Rheum, and a strikin g improvement in the clearness of the skin. Common Colds and hime nz e will always be cured by one dose, or by two even in the worst Cases PILES, As a remedy for this most distressing a n d obstinate malady, the VEGETABLE LIFE =onus deserve a distinct and emphatic recommendation. It is well-known to hundreds in this city, that the former proprietor of these - valuable Medicines was himself afflicted with this • compaint for upwards of THIRTY-ME YEARS ; and that he tried in vain every remedy prescribed Within the whole compass of the llfateria Medica. Ile however at length tried the Medicine which is now effered to the public, and he was cared in a very short time, after his recovery had been pro nounced not only improbable, but absolutely im possible, by any human means. FEVER AND AGUE. For this scourge of the western country these Medicines will s be found a safe, speedy, and , cer., twin remedy. Other medicines leave the system subject to a return of the disease—a cure by these medicines is permanent-LTRY THEM, BE SATISFIED, AND BE CURED. - Bilious Fevers and Liver Complaints. General Debility, LOPS OF APPETITE, AND DIHEAsEs of I E sim..r.s—these medicines have been used with the most beneficial results in cases of this description :—Kr.co's Evil. and Scitotrut:A, in its worst forms, yields to the mild yet powerful. action of these remarkable Medicines. Maur Swears, Nimmons DEnrurv, NEnvons - COSI LALNTS of all kinds, PALPITATION OF TIINIIgANT; PAyrratt's CoLtu, aro speedily cured. MERCURIAL DISEASES. . Persons whose constitutions have become im paired by the injudicious use of MERCURY, will find these :tledicines a perfect cure, as they never fail to eradicate .from-?ho system all the etre - Ms of Mercury infinitely sooner than the most-powerful preparations of Sarsaparilla., A single trial will place them beyond the reach of competition, in the'estintution of every patient. BE C al h Iy AREFITL OF COIMTERFEITS. Severave late been discovered, and their nefarious authors arrested, both in [Welty of New York and dbroad. But of no one who is' not an *Erman= AniNT. ra Prepared and sold by Dr. W. B. MOFFAT, - 336 Broadway, New Yotk: •", ! , t, 'FOR . SALE 'BY C: E. LATHROP, at the POST OFFICE, T.U.S itILAN NOCE,- PA., t Geipral Agent'for-Wyoming County.- . January.% 185,0,1 -,:-- ,:-. 'ffloFgsBl;oß BARRY,?S:. • ••;' Ificeptierous . or :Medicated - Convonmiq ENDORSED by th e first Professional talent .inithe . L'4 United States , . its efficacy attested bythO6a - nds of well known cittzeni, sold at a price which pittces it within the reach of every family; recommended by journals-of the , best standing ; in- the conntly;lhr specific 'Mid widely, different purposes andevery where in demand. Barry's Tricopherous may Eielearlcisly pronounced, on the most incoatestible evidenee,,The best, the cheapest, the most popular pteparatiorflor - restoring and beautifying the hpir,:cradicating:.scurf and dandruff,, and curing all diseases of the skin,. the'niuscles and glands; which has eVerbeen . ailed to the public eitherin the old,world or new. 'ltstands alone—"lt has no brother and is likatio,brother" - A. volume of, authentic ,and analytical,-proof 4f 11,1. value' accoMpanies every bottle. ' To gainsay lA, recortf is impossihle, for every purchaser adda , •a t . more to the legion of, witnesses arrayed - in itabe half, . The philosophy Of its operation is simple. 'lts first action is upon the skin. It gently stimulatesey ery torpid vessel, and enables nature,. by ~_vigialqns, - healthful effort, to' throw &Tatty inflantmation, erup tion or exfoliation of the External membranes. IF the inflahnnation be caused by a cut,, sprain,, or bruise, the effect is the same. TIM absorbents;are invigorated, the extravasted blond itv scion takenJup, and.all pain and discoloratiOn is realm ed. "In Rheu matism, swelling of. the glands, and. all alretilbos of the integuments, it acts specifically through:the pores and absorbents upon the seat of the (liSeise. Its wonderful effect in renewing; glossing, , atul beau tifying the hair, are all produced thro' its primary influence upon the skin of _the head. • The invigora ting fluid enables the sip to - perform its functiins properly. The scurf, an d dandruff which a .sluigtsh et circulation has . allowed t accumulate, Ire thrown , 'off; the ,vegetativ - ePrinelple finds its way to die vfgs - • idles in which the hair is rooted, and they are' sup plied . as , it were with an elixir/fifer, which. strength ens, moistens, glosses, and beautifies every fiber i ltin- HI 'each particular hair" becomes a healthy and elastic, filament. The 'same fertilizing:, prittOple which ' causes existing hair td grow, stimulates.the latent roots, and thus the fibres Which bade •fatten out are soon replaced by_ new ones. Remember that this double antidote—this specific for diseases (Attie kin, and matchless beautifier of the hair is sold from fifty to one hundred per cent cheat er - than - any other preparation for the hair out. Sold, in large bottles, nree 25 cents, at the prin cipal office, 137 Broadway,. New-York ; Childs Ilis Co., Phila.; Browt., Boston; Pontier &ll:tartlets, Baltimore; Elaviland & Elarrall, ChatlestOn. For ;ale, also, by' Druggists throughout the' United States and Canada; and, by BOLLES & GOODALE; ' Tnnkhannock. Nov. 2Sth. vln47: 311 - ERSI 'LIQUID CUR A poszli - ce an lover failing Remaly, for PILES; • Whether Internal, External.-Blfrd or Bleeding Scrofula, White Swellings, Ulcers and ;Ulcera ted Sore Throat; Canker Sore i Mouth; Rheu matism, Cantaneous Diseases, Mercurial Affeciionsi 4-e. Also for scalds, burns, cuts, sprains',, bruisei, etc.- 11 We feel justified in proclaiming THE FACT TO THE 'WOR4D that of all medicines ever brought before t 4 public, NONE have ever been more beneficial to-afflicted hu manity than "Myers' Liquid Cure." - _-.114 know that this is saying a great deal, but if we were. - to. ‘vrite volomes r we conld not say the much itt praise of this health-restoring, life-preserving Remedy.— Hundreds, nay thousands, hips the happy hour when first they were made acquainted With its 'tran scendent virtues; and our present purpose is to in form other thousands, how and where they may ob tain that relief, which they perhaps have long sought or in vain. . The superior , excellence of this preparatiqn over all other medicines for the speedy and permanent cure of PILES, is well known to all who have tested it. It had been provethin thousands ol instances, and has NEVER FAILED • o cure the MOST OBOVATE CASES, and we are confident it . • NEVER WILL EA IL if used a proper length of time according to direc— tions. As a proof of our entire confidence in its effii cacv, we assure all purchaFers that, if, after a proper trial, it proves ineffectual, the money paid fur it will be Returned. The “Liquid Cure" is an effectual remedy for Ringworms, Biles. Pimples,Barber's Itch, Frosted Limbs. Chilblains, Salt Rheum., Musquito Bites, Stings of Poisonous Insects, &c., and for Cutaneous Diseases of every description. It is both safe and effectual for RHEUMATISM, giving immediate and permanent relief. No preparation now before the public can Surpass the excellence of the "Liquid. Cure." for Scalds Burns, Cuts, sprains, bruises, swellings, ace. Its effects as a Real Pain Killer are Magical; Every family in the .and should Provide them selves with this invaluable preparation, the -cheap ness of which places it within the reach of .a.ll. Full directions acc.ompany.each bottle. Pamphlets, containin^ b copies of certificates frotm those who have tested the .'Liquid Cnre" may be had "Gratis" °four authorized agents. t, "Myers' Liquid Cure" is prepared only by JEROME & CO., • 21 Spruce street, New York.' For Sate nt the Pon Office in Tunkhannnek by C. E. LATHROP, general Agen.t tor Wy inning, County. • Raymond's OREGE.oivpiik. r‘IJES'iION : what's - your pills good for 1 An swer : They are good in Many cases to leave the Doctors at home in - }leace, - to tend the plow and fol: low their agricultural pursuits nnmolesta. Q. Will thby cure everything 'I A. No, but they will relieve as ; many family vim plaints asnny other pill in thel), S., and are war ranted to cure the dysentery if taken accordingto directions. This mediCirte is the invention °fa eel, ebrated and learned physician living dear the Call. skill mountains, New York. win, bear it's owry credit if used enough to feel'its effects, and bun dreds of respectable names as any in . the , counties of Luzerne and Wyoming could he presented to the public as a recommend to ibis : but the proprie tor would forbear, as ft is generally, calculated that those who purchase pills; small in size, at a cent) each, do also pay the printers . !bills,&,o. The OREGON pills are'6: two kindi; Dyspeptic, the other Arrij-BWiatis—are in ade by.lgura RAYMOND-••and sold by - ° Phelps, Durhain,Osterhouts, TunkhannockiGor denier, "Nicholsbn;li. C Smith, Eaton). Eiswortlh, P.irling, Washington •,' 'C Sturilevarw, A I( napp, gville; Ivilehoopany;. Gulick, Palls . . ~'fwoutt, D Austin ;Northtnoreland; Benjamin /a, n - ner, 'Exeter; H 'Woodhouse, New .Troy; «—. GittleeVe,'Wilkisbarrei; Benedict, Pittstong Win n,Providence'; Gardner dc Co , Ekbingto Wells,',Dundnift BOboalr,' Dirnoo4c • For sale als at the VorVilice, Tunlr. ' V I Z 13 E 3:11 for sateat true Tclegrap4 Store, , grail 11. 11004i1a. Tonkliannoils, rti). 4. 521 y
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers