Wyoming County Whig. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1849-1852, October 30, 1850, Image 3

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    IeitACREVAIMVPAP.c. '',
ItiMbiiiFoie:tiv Elder D. pitifo..l&i,s Ir, Isar‘'.c
D*ir:pii, nt 13 i6",,k ly ti, 1 trY '; Si k...5,',1. 1 r ck, SEE
NCI.E.I OrrUnkhkindocii. ',
- ''i . 1, ; - •
AU Sterringville orr the '...fith.-by , Reir. Henry
Brownscombe. Mr: RILEY 1 W.A4t,am to Miss
RACUEL L. DI/N/Ai: l . ,-. ri , •
• • .Iri Bore!' on the 231, by .40,, P._ E. Taylor,
,Nti I,3ENlanniv•ali Hktr.L, nf i Ecion, , to Miss
AsENATIT 'DEWITT, of thwforiner place.' .
In Washington, 'sarhe dolt,' by, Rev.,' .Orastus
~_Brahh,Mr:' ROUERT , 0, TIIINSOPi. JO - Mip
gllcieEti BROUGHTUN. '.. .-1 • . 2 1
~ .
" ' [porno dklicious calui accompanied: the abave
;notice, for which the piinterS feel truly grateful.
"he happy pair . have onr . hest , wish I for their
Prosperity through life.] • ;-• i z 1
DOR SALE, favorably, situated; about ;20 miles
1 „E (torn Tun khannock.. 2. TIM buSiness Of the Lay
,••erti now amuynts to about $6OOO a }Tar, and is tap
, idlyincreasin,„.. ..Conpeeted. with iq. is *a ARMF of
iaacres. Ttie.whole a be shldiforlsooo. For
pai,lculars impure of S. 11. , TAYI:OR bp O. E. LA
THROP, P.M. Tunkhaiglock l y . P.a.l ;
Wit fillOilit•V'NaCi. ttit
rich, and elegant is ;Well,Us - 1 . 'lid' cheap
Of every variety, andsioh; and tie tv,; being.reeeivod
at 91
1311 i 211414123 Blitll2.`
rAnbiacirig ae usual ,a large' sttierc cif well-selected
•'' Goods of all kinds,
ConsiSting of a full assOrtnient efi Ladies' :Dress
Goods, Gentlemen's wear , infull t , Ldng iand Square
Shawls . , utTs and Ketornie6, California;Hats; ooys'
and'Men'S caps—Groceries; Hardware, Crockery,
Boots and Shoes, which-4 Would invite all lovers of
great bargain , : to call and amine. .
Oct Z, 1850. tt,N - LI. BOG A RT.
14' Cases 7.11e1 1 * . Boats,
UCH. as weThave read of as 'surprising lor,dura.
bility and price, now op'pnit,l tor ifisreetion—
admittance free—at the TELEGRAPH STORE.
BEAT f):•OffOICE1 in Boots
and_Sbous ; BoyP,lLanies', .t hittiren'z.
and'Babies' wear IA nil kind's t & styles;' also a Wen•
did lot of metalic and :4144 übi,er:, are pow to be
ti,J, %%hid lot style, durability and pcice, are "not
ttitebeat." Call and examine, at 'the '
. ,
THE partnership foinic;d beiw:een, B. A. Boutori
and Joseph W. LynYan, dr•der tine firm of Bon=
ion & - Lyman, in the , Driig bnsine4 : has ;been this
day dissolved by mutual eon.qnt!
' •
Oct %I; 1850. B. A: BOUTOS."
"THE BOOK 01 , t 7'HEIIV A TICA.,'V."
Ms: S. J. Hale A.TrOdeir
American :IVritersana
• meriettni-Fcfshiaii-:Plcilei.'
""TIMLADY'S DOOK ISAN ;1114tAION resp.r.' i.
THE universal voice of the tiress has pronounced
this publication at the held af4irieriedn Maga4nes.
The poblisher, in obecitefibe to , the public coke, in
tencis'to keep it there : he: has the ability and the
clination-to tin so. • Mlohg, ati'vertisementlat4 sel
dom read, the publisher of the ,hook mewls* to be n
brief as possible:. Fore - the coming year it will a
bound in
Line; stipple, i'lezzotinto Engrav
ings and Colored Plates.'
It will have an Yindeniahle An;eriean Past:inn Plate
in each hunalaer.
, No lady can make a dresk to snit -ow more refin
-ed taste; and be in ibe Pallinn, excepting rroMi!Go
;dey's reliable Fashicrns.t", , •
THE MGDEL COTTAGES will be continued,
and in every Number will ,be something 14:
.Such as linitti;ne., Nettiig, Crotchet, Patch Worli',
Leather' Kibtron -Ctrenilte and Lace Coliai `,Wortc,
Children's and Inlant's pibthes, Caps, CapeS, Chery
isettes, and in fact every thing thai will pease the la
Undoubted Receipts'and New Music will also be
tr,ivett'regularly. '
.lAmerican Authors, tiolhmale and felnale,svill
grace the work. by their tonifibutions. In tact, per
formance, not promises,
is the peep tar talent for the
publisher ofthe tinly•Lady's Book published iu Anicri
ca the Book having conducted it
for nearly ,ill,:years, considers bls.ovia taste far Stipe
rior to any professional peiidn, its a ,caterer fur
amusemenLand infortnatittu of. the ladies of his own
country. . . . ,
specimertiefillaßook will be sent; to-any
persoa iequesting it, postage Paid. - - 4
For its great encouragement to American writers,
it should be found,in the parlor of every family in
theland.,-qhist Western. - Entparittiref'• •is. 1
Mall Vie magazines that hove ciime under bur :
- ticii is decidedly the handsomest and ,besl.
Newport lifercv,ry.
The Lady's Book is - the, best atid-Most highly i-
zed Magazitie of the ItinA_ in the tcouatry'eisturg
Courier- - t ' •
GOiley iievidinttYp.the,iao of the publlSl3-.
• - ers of his_ class of niagagioes,-- Thne.s, Afestne.
Its beautiful engraving.sl and, chaste. literary :mat
ter, endear it ito the fire-aide: of every famili it visits.
—Tennessee 'Chronicle: • •
Godey's Lady's Book is cenainlione of the hand-.
somest aud cOmpletest . pal:410110ns ollthe- 1 0-naj4 this,
or AnY otber - country, —Luot,-4 tebierver„.. ,
I. has ; the Most :Superb en,gravings,,and contains
better literary - Molter than any Other magazine. ina the
'4 O - 9 s - s fireek_ 2?0,424-,
Itis'ipiendid;itipeib;,a - nd'uria — pOruat' hable.—Coar,
-- ie'stiorad be wilchniedAkto every. faFAily. as drl , '4-.
grikable 'and Apprt.piiate,conipanion ,lor, the. youth
ful and innocent.—/Zepaiic,'l4shiag;*4.oy. -1..: ..
lii editor, Mrs.. Hale, a lady 'orzreat : zenius ',an'd
taste, ix devoted' to the ituritoveineut andl•elevation
of her sex iitt Christian min cipiesj= i,Lixt §caref4l pi
exchitleirorethe pages of the Efoolf;uvery thitif; bf
doubtful iendency on the seure'of iaste;and ;naafi.
We - rejoice that a Ma t „, ,, azine so Ayidely!cOeula* is
in safe bincls.—N.iY. Christian Olf.roti. • . 1.,
• ifLO,ANcE—Po.stage ,e 414
Single NO. 25 CW::".• ••• . • 046 00:I year; A
One copy'fi yeirg, !:, $lO T%vo - copies. 1; year,'i 1
Ftve'copies I.year, - . lq Ten el;lptei .1 - year,
and anxtra to,theperson.seg,i al
itdine do of ~
These terrna'.,will not 1)0, 7 ,40440 Ti 'a ont qty any of
the Phi4delpiiia Three Pkillar,.Mgraxin* , - ' i• i
• ' • L. A. GOVEY, , ll3;Pliesnat i _ . 4 ,Thilad.:
VStibscrip_tions receiVekby S. :1 - 1. TOLOR::.2
ESS,oli4gc y in ;4 . 1
Pure*sersa,t th?7-iiegitith;'
July . f t :H.
- '_ S.
N.E.irlditiol __ ,
TELEE, sul?scriber—is• now i receiViag a: general as
' saitinent Of •'l'• -- - ! I • • I
,: : • Tali • Winter ,Goods. ‘
which have bean par hksed at redneed' prices, and
wilt be offered on su h tums.as cad nottail to please
his.custulers: ',.; . . . .' 4 , : C- , I . e• '. •••.!,
OclArIS5O. -. , I - -,•S, la E'LIELPS.
Notice iiiieretiiiglien tiers - Otis interested in
the Estate, of Reuben Calver, dee'dohat the,under
signed having been appointed - by the Court of Wyo
ming-. county,. an auditor,M, elatnine into the affairs
of said estatc, and report the sanie to said Court, vilf
attend t - o the ditties or bis',aprointroent at his :°dice
in Tunkhantinck, ort ,Wednesday,' die 27th day of
Novernber, 1859,`at one o'clock, P. 111,Vat which time
and place'alipersonS interested are notified to attend.
Oct. - 19, 185% , EI;EIANAN SMITki, Auditor.
The undersigned h6ing been appninted an Audit.:
or by the Court of Cbmmon Pleas- , o(oWyoming
to distribute the proceeds arising I rum- . the Sheriff
sale of•' the - real estate of Elijah -Montross, will at
tend to the duties of his appointment.at his office in
the borough or Tunkhannock, on Monday the 18th
day.of lioveniber next, at 1 o'clock, P. RI. of that
day, when•anit where all persons interested in the dis
tribution .of ;he proceeds;twilt please attend and
make their qaims, or. be debarred learn coming ia,
upon said . funit. A. K..PEC'KHASI, Auditor.
October 14J 1850, • • •
LOST , ,
STRAYED from the subscriber i3ll . the seventh
• of September lasOt•roan Ware - colt; white spot
on the forehead, and about 5 months' old.
Whoever return or , Ovidnformalion of said
colt to rneshall be liberally paio for the game.:
ifeehoopeny,- , Wyorning Co. Pa. Oct. 1850.
THE subscriber haWing now completed his ar
rangements firs the aCcommodation of the tra
velling public, feels warranted in soliciting, his share
of the public patronaz,F. His iable sbail l be flirnish
ed with. thetest the market affords. His stabling is
hirge and warm. His bar shall be filled with as
good liquors as are to , be.fonnd in the country.
Besides, for The aecommodation of many, the sub
scriberis manutacturimz,
and keeps on hand a good assortment of
r. •
"rnini.l. ; ' New nt.ocs.")
ilt . :iscriber will make t 6 order all articles in
. ;;;liis dine of busieess,,out 'of the very .bei,t of ma
tertarS: 11. s usez no leather but the, best
. qnality ut
"Oak Tanned-," and does not intend to be surpassed
in good workmanship. He, Will sell at fair prices,
and be ever pleased to wait iiport -these 'who Ana}
wish to examine his stock and workmanship. ••
Tunkhannock, Jan. ;10' 1850 -=mssly.
I, I OR SA LE, ittiatf the township Dimock,
SuAqueltanna aunty, Pa 'Attached; to :he
, 1 m is-a new •'.-Aory.house, with • a small quantity
) land suitable for building lots. The Store'&...lot,fa
/ t ably situated in : the village Dimock, • he
IN the ha:eV: l oom ;cif A. 'G. Stark's Grocery Store,
- two dears below the "American Motel."
; The Saldon will be open for the reception of cus
tomers at all hours of the day, except on Sunday,
when it will be'opened at 7 o'clock - A. M. and closed
at halfpast ten A. M.
Shaving, Hair dres.sing, Shampooning, Sze, execu
ted in tWifea - test Price or Shainpooning,
cents._ • • CHARLES TILLMAN.
Timihannock, Feb. 6, 1850. •
Cl =VP. :1 fe• this
ti "
- July 1,7, 1850„
` 6 A QUANTITY of TAR by the keg or .'tioari,
11 sale at Reed's 150n.11BRANCH STORE.
ices to i l uit
Tar2lll l l - 21.51,1304,
for all,which his patrons wit be asked only a mod
erate price.
For former patronage and favors,. the public will
please accept the sincere thanks of
SeßtepPr 4, 1850. - • tyli'pe;pti
•-•'. I; for El&oo.—. One of the farms containsabout
acres,- the ether about 120—both old, well wuter
well fenced, io goad condition, nod having alum
', t re of food fruit. Far particulars,-,inquire of S.
:27-4 , 17.01Zer C. -E; LA ?WHOP, 'Trrnlcherrotock.
c..ort:SAtn - rifse, two good dwelling-how,es io ,the
3 • : t'ri , frrinkhannoelc. July, 1850.
--LARGE assprinient of superior quality Bed
/ 1: sroads just received at very low prices at the
r4h Store.
l'uttlthAnnoetr, Jnly 16
1-It!R sale at the North Bianch, by
The undersigued would give notice , to.the citizens
of Wyoming county , that he leased on the first day
of June last, the; , extensive Carriage and Wagon
making Er4tablb.hment of David Clemons', in -.the
hormigh of, Tunkbannock., and that he is now pre
pared to'dd all kinds of work in his line ot 'business,
with tieSpatch r of the best materials, and in a sub
.stantial He respectfUlly solicits tl-e pat
ronage of,the 'WARREN BILE.WSTER.
Ten kharinock, July 24,.185,0- „
it SUPERIOR quality of Bunch Raisins, just 'le
ceived awl• for sale by
; July 17,1850.
tiAmP Oland Linseed o.il, far sale at she
delebrated 'and - unrivalled
gye Salve, a certain remedy for 'sore and in
-I).amerVeyes.—Wholesale and retail at p
; Oct. ."3,.1850. ATHERTON'S Exchange.
Ur HEAT, Corn, Rye. , dais Beams and all kinds
VV of Provisions bought and sold,bi 1 •
A. • H. BOLLgS.
July. 17,:1650,•
.Boston Syrup
July. 24. '
. .
TIR. LEIDY'S Celebrated Siirsaparilla Pills for
-4/sale At Ebel Post Other.
, .
.. I a c eaCE4 , , I ZMELS:CCIDDEICIIECIt2PCE,:, 1
"SMALL:I 3 ,4Oi'II'S 'AN)) '_,Q,UVIC SALES,''
iv li
• i cinLV lespootfaii3t ppouoce ofo the citizens,
, of W 411yonung,Counly,,it Ita has opened oo
Turnpike st. in Tunkbion6 -
where he is receiving frel
phia and'Bittirnore, an ent
The largmean`d most spier
_ _ )--
, .. .. . ,
lalliaßD 1Y
Ever oire - ua - this mar ei
1 - in
Fancy Gqnds ; Groceries',
Stationery, Drugs and NI,
Stuil4 aueensware,
of the latest styles. all of
ed .v.!itb the greatest care,
n ants of the community.
ing,in part of . .. Cloths, Casi
Cot& Jeans. Ilestines ; al
Coburg Cloths, plain and
metes, plain and fancy M.
hams, White Goods;' &c: Also 'Nlustirts•-of.
all kinds, Bleached and Brown Sheetings, Drillings,
Flannels, Chec,ks, Crash, Tab e Diaper, and every
article generally found in a country store.
Of every variety and description, which will badi s
posed of ar reduced prices. Loaf; Crushed, Nev
Orleans„Cuba, Porto Rico, and Sugar, House Su-,
gars. Trinidad, New Orleans, St. Croix, and Bos
ton Syrup Molasses. , A splendid asscrtment of -Im
perial, Young. Hyson, and Black Teas ;*Collee,
Chocolate, 'Oat- Meal , Barley, Rice, * Spices of all
kinds, Soap, Candles, Sperm and Whrae Oils, feish,
Salt, Spikes, Nails, &c. &c. • I.
Having purchased at ;he lowest Cash prices,
enabled 'to diskose of- ray stuck at the very lowest
mark for ready pay.
Is my motto, and' I- wilt he found ready and willbig
to live up to IL 1 wou.ld then Zay to those wishing
Goods at the lowest cash price in exchange for Cash,
ions, Beans, Dried Apples, Butter, Eggs, peescya T,
Tallow, Lumber, Ilry Hides, Furs, -Rags, country
Flannel; Sucks, Waolen Yarn, Feathers, &e. at the
highest market price,.call and examine my stock and
satisfy yourselves,
TuAlthannock, Sept, 23, 1850.
BY virtue of sundry writs of Veal-Expo:las, is
sued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Wy
oming County, and to me directedi will be exposed
to public sale at the Court Souse in the Borough of
tunhannock, CZ DAY,NOVEMBEIi. 9th, at
I o'clock, P. I. the following described property,
Co wit:
• An equal undivided half part of the followingtle
scribed pieceoarcel.,or tract of land, situate in the
Township.of Windham. Wyoming County, bound
ed on the north. by lands of - Fasxett and Kithline,
east by lands ofC. %man, south by lands.ut Benj.
Stephens; and west by lands of' Walter Whitney—
containint 170 acres or thereabouts, about 14 acres
imprqved,late the estate of defendant.
Taken in execution at the suit of Dorcas Hayden,
Administrator of Samuel Hayden, deceased, against
E. Hinckley and Henry Inman, anti Ebenezer In
man; T. T. . „
. ALSO, • •
The following described piece, parcel or tract of
fend, sitUatc in Northmoreland. township, Wyoming
CountY, one piece bounded on the north ~by alie road
leading from Bowman's creek to 'Exeter, east by
road leadinc , from Northmoreland corners to Wyo
ming, south bylands of George'M. Gallup 'and.An
sel 'Rogers, and west,by lands of Samuel Carer,con
tairting five a'cigs of land, or thereabouts, all impro
ved, with a frarne dwelling-house,a newstore house ;
a small office, a barn and shed thereon,all framed, a
lew apple, cherry, peach and plum trees thereon,witla
the appurtenances.; One other ,piece bounded on
the north by land's of Richard Manning and James
Miller and Avery Parks, west by lands of Henry H.
Brown, suilth. by land• tailed the Wadharns loi,and
west by landS of .§guttel Davis and James Derby,
containing abotit 95 acres, all unimproved, with. a
log cabin thereon., Ohe other piece bounded north
by road leading from Bowman's creek to North-
Moreland, east by,lands of James Miller, and west
by lands
. of Avery, 0, Parks, running to a .point at .
the back end, eun ining about one and a half acres
of land; all unihiprovre,l.
Taken in execution-at the suit of-H. A. Gould a.
Co. vs. James I. Clayton.
The followibg described piece, parcel or tract of
:land, situate in the township of Clinton, Wyoming
county, ,P 4., bounded on the north by the South
Branch :of the•Turrkhannock creek, east by lands of
George Cobb, south by lands of William Rice, and
•we•A`by lands of Benedict Taylor, containing about
filly acres, be the saute more or less, about ten acres
inlploFed.,_with. A framed house thereon, late the es
tate of the defendant.
Taken in execution et , the suit of David Taylor vs.
Nampt9a doom. _
, - JOHN JACKON,. Sheriff.
Sheriff's .office, Tunkhannock, Oct. 9,1850.
LLM , Lta
1102111114 BIDEg
wzratrammens, P.
DAVID MEYER, would respectfulit inform the
citizens of Wyoming co., that he has just operied
at his Store, on Main street, third door below Slreat
er ¢ Lea: store; Wilkes-Barre, a large and splen
did: assortment of •
TALIiiD2 01011 . 11 2 M5
Consisting or I • -
Over Cogs,' Sark Coats,. 'Frock and Dress Coats, Cloth
Cloahs.:Pantalcions, Vests, &e., &e.
T.ig,e,ther.Witli,'a Splendid stock of -
- ctovetts,,,Shirts, Bosoms and Collars
Handkerchiefs , Suspende r s,
Which' he 'will sell • at Wholesaleor Relatl at prices
Which defisOinpetition.. - •
itizens of Wyoming conatyfyisiting Wilkes-
Wire, are.intilted to doll- . • v : ' •
Wilkes-Barre fin. -
pIIRLE 'EI ENNIGER, respectfully announces to
V the Citiaenssof Tuukbannoclt and the surround
ing country, that he fias - 45Pened-;:a•Jeweller's - shop
in this Borough, next door belitiv the ;office of Wm.
M. Platt, Esq. ; where eleaning and repairing Watch
es and plocks =will he done in ;good style, on' short
notice, and the mostr; reasonable.. terms: , Jewelry
mended,to, order;
•• He will allitikeen‘on plentlid assortment
of Jewelry ,of gird quality and fashionable style.—
The public" Ore invited to give ; birn o aalL
18 , I9„
. . ,
and MACKEREL, for sale at the •
Cash, . Promptness, Bargains,
Ilicriff's Salts.
OF,i LETTERS :Rerhainln't in .thO
Poit Office at Tunkhannock , Oct; 14 , 1850.
Arry Paguerrian Artisi•lngrahamSaffniof IL '
Billings Able • - Sarni.
Blessink Michael Michael
fiv.rrdwell G. ' Ker Wan Martin' •
Blurt Martin Knapp Mr. •
BrongeS John La vonia Lathrop
airno Warah Lades Patrick or John
Barber " Lynch Thornr,,,:;.,
Brown pilbe T t • Langen Thor
Bollea. Wm. Monelly James
Clinton Ann • -.Mead Mary E.
CollinortMichael Mcßride William
Conians John Mc Donell John,
Crelihe'Johri . McMillen Jaentia
__Alartion 7 Lackey
Collery 'Michael Ney Andrew
Crawford Eleanor E _liz;North M Hale
aheth' -Odell Jeremiah 2
Celle John . • Overfielo B
, ,
Craig Robert : ilifitana. ,Patnelin
L ots
Decker Jacob Jr Reeves David ,
Duffy Patrick • Roberts ES.
John Robc.n.s George W.
rattick Jacob Rubinson Francis L.
Fiecher Henry Russell Rufus K.
Fassett Schtiylek, Willey B E‘TI. , '
Grandin Dr. Wm. E. sStark,Aliss Calista
Gallagher John Stark Oliver -,
... . .
Grist ,George ~, Sullivan..MiChael::
Grodevant Margaret E Shannon 'Augustus'
2 ' Siark.3 • . .
Goss & Morgans , . Stark': Wrill'oi Oliver
Howell Wm. Turner-Charles
Hitchcock Hiram . Walt. kiic"e . '.
Holleran James Ward John • ' '
Hopkins Michal. '.• ' - " .
Arrangefnent 185© .
THE following peck CAi:AI..BOATS will be run in ,
this Line duriou the present season ' viz:
R A IN B 0 TV 7 •
Misr, • R. P. Loral - Orftcom
J. C. GUNN, EatPrat,
E. PA CRRAY, Ert.sTr.s,
COMNIERCE : PONCA:LAC,' , , NV voatitio,
.TAKE PRaNCP.S, Wiscousiiii I MAT FL.OWER,
Merchandize will be received daily in New York,
at Pier fcot of Jay.street, until '5 o'clock, P. M., af
ter which hour, no receipts will be given or freight
j All packages must be Properly and di tinctly
marked, et they will not be received.,Cl All small
parcels, also Codfish 'in bnndles, 'MUM, be properly
boxed, or they will not be received. •
TWA Line has no connection, with any other line
of boats, than those, above specified. K. EL Stone, is
Agent an the (Cock..
This Line will- be extended to Pittston as Soon as
the Pennsylvania Coal .Qouipatif get their Railroad
in operation, Which' Will 'he" about the 15th of June.
1850. All frelitlit intended. th' go to Pitt'sing:taust be
marked "rim F.1.4.1.vt,F0r." •
For further panieuiars, inquire of El. WILBUR,
110 Murray st., New Yorir, and of Jourr . A. PATMOFI,
Honesdale. Pune
' Teachers—Rea. 0. M.'Srcnoma, Rector.
MiSs C. A SKINNER, Precoptress.
The first qua rter,will chmmenee on the first Wed
nesday of October, when it will be most :appropriate
for students to enter. No student will be received for
a less term than one half a quarter, unless absence
is caused by sickness.
Common English Branches, (per ortarte6s2'so
Higher English Branches. - 3,50
Higher branches, Matht matieS & Langoat.'es; 5,00
Vocal inu.:ic will be iaught one hour each', Wednes.-
'day afternoon. There will be no contingent expen
se., except for wont{.
The advantages otTered in this School, kis eltev
ed welt not be surpassed by any in the.cuuntry.. Par
ticulhr attention will be given to those *paring to
teach; the school _being under. the pastoral care of
the Rector. tfIOMAS NICITOLS9N , ? WardeO'Of St.
Amos' WicLusts. f And'Ws Church
sale at the Post Office. . Aug.oso.
110 RANDY,Gin, Rani and Wh'isirey, ,very cheap,
anid'Good quality, tor, sale at the North Branch
COPAL VARNISH and Spitits T,urpentine, for
J sale at the North Branch Store. •.
Came to the enclosure of the subscriber early in
the month of July last, a red three years old Butt.;
the owner is requested to come and nay charees'and
take him away. E. F]ARDING•
Eaton, Sept 29, 1850.
' The subicriber will sell hie Farm, (or,n part
of it) lying hearthe•rivei in Braintrim township ;
containing • , • , • • • "
Two Hundred and Fifty Acres,
about one-half improved. •Also
A Farm in Auburn township, I Stisquelianua co. ;
ontaining two hnbdred and sixty acres,- with about_
One Hundred Improved; • -
For particulars; enquire of the,subscriber in La
ceyvilfe,. Wyoming co., Pa: ,
March 13, 1850,--61-xf BENI . EDWARDS.
C FIOOL BOOKS, and a variety of Books' and
AJ Stationery, embracing • Man) of the Valuable
publications olthe day. Webster's quarto andopm-
Dictionary,•lleadley's Works, and a • variety ion
great to mention. Cowin and' classical Schoolßooks. For Books of an) , kind required please call
at, the store of -. ,11. B. BOLLES.
Tunklla anciek,luly 17, 1850.
,Ecre.td> Sft t 4 • •
a toe 3 ant
..e.qtio, 4 3 4 gtint.iii9, a44f4kun , ) 4A
et+4lll. au.aute2 'at tfo, 0117a4 e'reaa : 51 1 .
Agiiiiist• Fire.
;.wishing to insure prOpeity situated in
connty, against losses by..firei
do;well. , . to call - , on .t e ' aut)scriger;,Ai N.. 1 PECK.
gAlkt;lttetit for theiLyConting Mania!' DisurinCe
Company. ✓ Jan., 1850.-137.
DR. W.-.W. "SANgER'O9 rtirT
-• BEM EDT i'oll • -
;i:Elf115 11 :11123. ' ' ZM ' CriOtPa§ S a Vr it
, may, he:confidently relied on in ali em u% It is
also an excellerit TONIC, "and? :may' be'•u*err With
great benefit by those suffering from , :• -;''; 1 • ; 1 1 1 •ft‘"
Weakne4 s ,, Loss e r f Appetile,, Thispirsiai
Dcbaliiy foilinaing an attack of Pireer, l ! . ;
This is not a Pasant Medicine; hot- is
to be one of the•riostrums of the ageolor'does - Ft; ob.
less to cure all diseases. It has been and is mom. beitig
used in private 'practice 'by; the, Physiciati=4 boss,
name it bears - , and is put up•.ln its present:form.
to.aqcorninodate-:those .•3y-lic by -thoiv:emplppreezt
re prevented }loin securing Prit;itlcian,,,aad ilhOse
who from lack of trielinii are imago tFiamldOlOne;
The price bas been fixo'd that { ilcomesi
rlie'yeach of r.emons. • Eachjottle, •co}itains
orie•pint, which Ibund more, than sufftcieut
. case.
.... . •
CO cure any ordinary ,
,case. - • ; .
If upon trial, riffs medicintis hot found superior to
all and every in use, the money will
be refunded; rr '
prepared 'Wholesale and • Retail; by , ••_ , ' . 1 1 •
" ' . 1 • 1 "• • ,' ;Honesdale, Ips.
And for.sale by C. 'a. LATEllloP;'Tankbannbelt;
PRANCES BLAIR, - N. , B.•Carial;
L. CRA W FORD, PittstOn;
W.M.B.ELfDING, ;dm
Sep. 9.
E. X .C., ILA .N -0. E..
• ;
EEP constantly on, hand a large and well
AM , selected assortmenvofc;
try. 004, ROCE,iitS; ~ •
which will be soli' low for ready pay
Jileh,oopany Juty•3l, 1294.0,
• .
!Patent Etna .Safety Dise?,•manufactured fir BacOn;
Bickford & Co. isxvartanted to be suptrior to any tuber article
of the kind ever before introduced In. this country. ,For. NVE I T
BLASTING Iti is hirituablei atid7cornbines an: neeeSsary
quallilcation.s to reciiinntend,it to:Attend use. i.•
SatiO • :a*d eqinoznya • ,
Blasters tan Work as fact gain endive no asks When using
this article. Those who are undequainted with the article are
referred to Mr. DAM LnOrtr, Superintendent of the Penn a.
Coal Co. Mince at Pittston, Luzenre or to F. P. CLAIN
Esq., Tunkhannock, king and favorably known as a On:actor
upon - all the principal works throughont, the Stale. •
The above article to be had wholesale and retail of
• :.•L. W: CRAWFORD. Hardware Merchant.
Pittston ;'general Agent for, Northern 'Pentosyllania.
inn. If: flogart A: S. D. Phelps, WankhappoFlc.,
Thompson &Co , Rattsoliv •
S. Hratit d go:, Dunmore
It. 3... Flick, Wilkesbarre.l,.. , -
N. 11, —Merebants wishin' to en,Fige In the sale of the, ebovei
artiele,.will be suptilled upon'the most reasonable terms by 4.
dressing the egeht,'(phst
Pittston, Feb. 20, 1650. ly •
11 in 'Pliq,there isStrength"
saying is More trill than the above, and the
SubsiTiber being y impressed with the.truth
thereof, has,nnited in one extensile establishment
the r
..Drua anitWercantile tntsiness.
at the WYOMIN"G BEAP - , Git Al
t yn the cornet of ,Warren.and TiogaNtreets,
,opposite: Phelps' . storey , where hp will keep
constantly oh hand a large assortment
,of - .the ;very
best Selected fresh DRUGS oftall deScriptions,.o)ge
-ther With 'the most populakpateni gadligtily
• . .
and having, been in the practice of inedidne a
ber of years, the pilblic can piirchase:with safglyiany
ankle he may offer for Sale.
- He has ago as full an • assortment of .all kindk
••• . 0
Dry Goods, • Groceries, Bardgate, l
Crockery, Queonsware, Boots, Shoes;
Ace. &c. as can be fond in any: Store in Tunkit'au7
nock, andis constantly, in the receipt of New GoOdS
from New: York: and." Philadelphia. f Alio, Paints,
Oils, Flour, Salt, Iron, Nails, etc, all 'of Which Will
be sold, on the most reasorable terms at, reduced pri
ces. All kinds of country produce.Anken for any
thing in this establishmeht; ' '
Tunkhannock, July A. FL BOLUS
7021)11tie.722. L=.3I7 I 4:IId2LCISIaI
REAT EXCITEMENT amon g--the people an
1.7 accour&of dfre.North Branch being irs - ,fkll bietiTe;-=
with the 5400,000 already appropriated by the State,
anda large amount by the subscriber, the Icoith
Branch.hns,ben fairly got under-,way:ind is now in
full operation, and the public generally nre-,invited to
call, as they can be stilted With the finest, cheopest i
and bust Qoods now' market.,, ; ;All kinds and.de• T
striptions of Dry qoods, - ,Grozerie, &c. •• .• -
May 23. LUTHER REAM•it
,M.A.TuTTLt tas remo
.ed her shop to; Phelps' new'.blocir, on Warren':
Street, where she will be happy . _ to see ber old ens
tourers and all others , whd have Work, to-be done, in :
her line-of businegs; asstiring them that. all work, en- ,
trusted to her will be executed in a: substantial and
fashionable manner, with, despateh and on .the t
most reasonable terms- frets Styles of:Bonnets,
Dresses, &e. regularly received front the city.;,,
Tunkbannock, May 21, 1850. -•-. -•
08. TAYLOR has been, appointed Agent for.
. the 'Keystone !Uncial Life. Insurance Compwi
tiy and will furnish pamphlets, 4r.c..,illustratingthe
principles and terms of, the institution, to•all inquiiK•!.
rers.—Mr. T. is also Agent, t for the folloiving
Fire insurance Companies,-Me t Wy,omin g Mau:tali
the State Mutual (liarrisbitig) ;and the Delattare./:'
Safely. (Fhiladelphia.) , Tunkhannociri.July.3l. ,
rra-The.se whOlusare properti fn tlio Telalintro'Cornpaiar
are in no cam liable beyontl the amount of premium, paid'
advance. r ; ' - •
. .
1 . - : IJOAR, Tea, Coffee, Candles, ~ S tarch) Indian,' •
S Nutinegs, Pepper, Spice, Ginger ) , Madder, 1.4- 'T•
magi, Alum. Salts, Satpeire, Cinnamon, Raisin3.'l
Snuff, powilorand Shut, for sate arthe:ll:l3tench:•‘ -':
OLE AGENCY.:—Dr. layne's Valuable Family'.
I*7 Aledicines, with Almanacs for gratuitous distri
bution—,please tall and get of • ,
, July 17,1850.. • - 'A. H.-BOLLES.
100 BOTTLES. ' 7 !
}ULLA, advertised , ininother part °falls papet
'for sale at the
'::ALSO—Da. WM. B. MOrrATT's- LIFE * PILLS. &I
P/KENIX -BITTERS, " togethe r with - MyEilis
LIQUID cunt, for the 'ILES, warrentett to g we.
satisfaction, or nb pay. ' ,
•I'llnkhannueir, Jan, IG,
at." ira i _