, - VieiliatV( l d NVU ‘:`,ollk C E. n 'LATEROP. F.DITOR. gunkbannock, tUebit;toag,,Po,,a(f4. The vote, at the late eleetl?riforii . Canalpi:lt.l missiciner in this &ate,' Morrison, ILoco.] 145,80§ ; PhtiOin, (IVhii) .132,092 --. riiiijorttffof rtet ktphtl;!...patr.ble, [loco] 144'',749; 133,151 : 1 ma joritylor . ca!nhle, 11,59,8.., Whole nuatberof votes cast in 1849, '177,85(;• la - 1'850;277 ; 9b1, being just teri votes moter! - :'-qho ' vote-- for.- . Piesiidenv in 1848; nas .3357,481! f ' 4‘ ijority of ameu meat o the• ~orsu.i u ." ." abOhi'7o6o ! '''• !!!!E ; . ,.VVlLLtitot,,smentt, sr: of Alontour Cnooty, 41PQOPPIPqe!in.hist name: in the BeriPick As n <.volunteer capdidate,for the,vacancy Ljnlhjs,Cong_ressionalDistrict., 11:?•Tbe Editor, Of the 'North Pennsyteanian Wein Forney.hes retired fromthat establishment anci from the „county, : I:be paper it,ls sand,ip to "p - üblisheci by Senator Sanderspn,. ; AL; r pr,q4bly ere long be merged in -the. Reporter. . ennstruc.tion, if the intiz ens of a' 'TiiE Sirctimt:TheT exefeiies i ,, nti . td:tn iet- 1 7N (l o .9 rt i' hIrn f b o e r ri t a l tni,Lewi.burg and Mllton, flit, to •itigiontih YrilineMen's tycedat - on montray sobsetitie the regnisite amount of stock. then the • eVeitinelatt,s'tirill lone-b6,ierheinhereil fi,i l ; foriii. rl rowill' ti; via AlootY to Williamsport, &,-(':. - ing tittlrtifibttant 'italti t - -e; histioiyniitihi4-%7cia, be.,officers are confident-that the stock of !hie n Profitable investment, while IV; %2`rkeliiteVeit nittrilfeitellolViliobeasithi'iva's` , a , m t b P4svvj . n b e -.l3adittia-to-irenderaitfiAiliei64iiii''longeriirtib: . 'aiiin;mtlieeTd"velintiagatevcisfJa*l'l'etfte towns ' l r ving ' irc . communi cation . -4 en fati ea lf:!: piethje d i re s-..„ e - iiin 0 ' f the high= With the /Wand.. eilies. nod aq the.- pl.:twill -est ordei.l , iftidliKittiitithstlitidifielihe ;tense crowd Ities..and•tutvos:in the Unite& Suites,.' • • - h th e d. most g 'whith 61164414 14411 ' 'Of . ii:irsiic 6 irinein"'''the s 'bl h a i nti l i i i o l el an 'o d fd du a r s a:l l : d i e n l -to l ne t' r °l(' il' cdapinterest taiceir' by'Aiutl , cit!iehs: in'leiieii thing 1 eliicii"fiitilent"EdrWs,' w ' fiiie nt ' he ‘Y r lL l:i t e a s n ha m ve . :f liesignd ici%leViife the etiedariliorii{ei'ma T i e e . b nshattettl.---'o2,nii/it ir-ntellingeficer. manb os;—%-the-;:rribSt. :dentirr'efidable silence rel,tn -edthroughout the entire proceeding's.' n?,,i The . twit iiteetfn g 'bebeld"oh',Alt otidriY ••_ , , ; ,EDITORLAL CONVENTION -at its recent session in„Baltimore adopteg, aniona • other resolutions, tha fol Lowing which we heart." , ily endorte:- ;- ' ....t It , . . . eSe'iverk'Tfintl-trceininittee - of' five' -p• winced: by the President:td.preparvand present., ..I.ptlite,l 4 A , islattire, at it . pOtt. sperastita I seittes i fOithll4e - importance s of enacting .a tans,, litevtding -; for 'the `pu6ticatin fhe different -newspapers 'the - :sete;• tifr of in' lin tpoitant character; 1 nndcto-pravide fox the tßiblioetiek o .tt.!he i' 4 , 17 ,f • ka, -i4Ctgauoty:pa; - Preiiti era be the , pnai ripen of t,' rßisalped, Tfiat iti4etriiii i fdi the- ifia aviirn 'per; iallt s @ef9iceP iyhic h . the ,Press bf ad ,are nnstarttly, called At port td render, andi.volutlta rill give, to fici . cclitiblia corporations - pt i tct - owning routes Of - travel; the eiliidiktir iire H Beale are entitled to_the eioal - conitesies-of free tra t vei extended to editors , of :other States.- 1, •vs , , entbusiamic, anti-fnitivp-*yq : Aaw,.rneetiu - g was held : : at 6Onda Wednesday evening last." Several Inflainniiinryspeeches were, made, and ,a deter., mutation to : resist, the, operations of the law bold., Iy av?We.d Ille,sars_Fordharn,, Perkins, aud. olhers ,of the, abolition ; 5.,,4 hook of polities.. : 094, - Oldie i‘ioln — tion'sa;:seited that slavep. we (the meeting) are, in, favot of recapturing tind returning, to their masters, _are the Senatois,and Representative-" frOMthe ''STurth who voted for . This; teas oppOsed hit Col. P.'l3Yrne, Who baased that he was ".3dediociat of the tam. markschool," and who probably thought. It was • treading 'rather liat'd upon the toes,of some of the ear:hems of the order. L very, sensible and conservative speech . ; ,bitt th'e most itiractivefeatate,of the Eneeting,—aftbough omitted inthe published proceedings . --was the sge l ech ofa colored man, formerly, : a slave s from the State of New York. . gis eloquent •and feel. intremarks : excited m uch qmpathy for the'un l . -fortunate .fugitivei from serviVude; and were re: celied^with Toitis rims applatise.. • " TBE has - a 7 ll • .L.- • • beetiktioeited• out of''the late 'Senatorial Drum . • ' . . frdivtherlirdiana:distriet. The deiritiander of the-Imeofocos lea winter, in'distriCting'he State: , is reibilit4 tifmn iiiir . nwii , Eieaa. -- Mi. Drum,. of Indian;, hacks district tainted - out of the noun tiesttlidi6o, : t: - iion 'snit AriastroUg, for his owiii,i4!i'elli's)ciii. i:t9. i .t.ei, he,has beeaa lied ie isa hislMP.Arpag.hoht IN one Judge Mye ,SolCla.: rion;f_miho , hat-beat'etilher anusie out , *of On to :his heart's content arid a little more. Ttia*lleglie-: n Y .F! J ,1.11,14#1,41ce,‘i,5,7),rt1i 116. W ittiva:to go italiios , 44 PRP , Wiii 09,t , be 420 .lia4d at the nertarsina.—.—r::7 sn.: ~: ::.,. : ~),-: .1. ::, .... -; The VermonflAgistatore haw elected Von. Solomon , FoOte3',6iiii- heat Whiga pin the State; to 'Sank e.. enothet Foote to the U; S en :f Rope it will pot the best age foremost. - I, ME I .§uppmbammitiverfandlorfitundiVestlinmetati , ' egraph Company. ! ' • '44„ rtleOrlg. - iif i the Stockholders Of-the l Sys- i quabatinaVAiireCtind North and WO Brtuich .Te l erap*: Coniiiiriy, held at j ib'? Montour. 11 'u_ se in: .the 136 rough of Dantille-MontoOr Ico - nt, on' 'Tuesday, the 15111 d4r, or October,tc -#t .:4850 Ihe following persons, tv4re elecied - fpfriceriblihe skid company for the enSiiiiig year: i lA. C. GOELL, of PhiladelphialPieSident. i T. 0. -- Vatv Allen, :Montour co., Treasurer. I A. F. -Russel, Niontout co. = Secretary, .. - ritttEctOnsd' Al.' Ile -d - tif Erie co.,' Wm: Pilin t rort, Union ~- Josiah -W. Eno. Luzerne ;- Oben Fa ries, 'Lycomitie; Gen. .Win. Ayres, • .liiphin ; W. Alurtlock,':Philadelphia; Dr. A. .. Wilson, Columbia ;J.Porter Bra Wley, Craw• i' oil';• - • Peter 'Balby,' Montour; Sorn'f. Nl..dor pn, ihk..Clinion Sane!' R. Wood, Northumber -60 ; `.6hermitni D. -Phelps, Wyoming; Gen. .arfies Irvin, Centre ; Beni . flartsitorp,. Clear -141 - 2` Attest " - A. F. TiUSSE I.s.'Sec'y This Cornp - iiny have already erecteti..-th'f. lhie:irotii' Dativ'illee mßewicie - thence' by 1 , 'zleuiroo:Wilks-Barroand Pittston The' g G t opt offices. on the line eirehow tionitn!: ve n l rood business.. We h_nderstand it is their , i... - 't 'ntien:iit - ahearly'dfiy, to extend the I in,t fro p . .inv wis i b ll u e rsz to ,,N L ii • i i t l t t ) e Eric, n,,,w Williamsport: by amspo Nth n o i r yts u s ne e l y b s rla d ho q re: . , lck Haven,' Bellfonte, Cleitrfield, ..Brook %fide, . - e fictilleadvil le to Erie, there connecting, with the - ittsburg, CinCi nnati, end all the western' and splith - -weitern lineS,- o'6:wit - fed that the 'wizens 414)84 theline,svill subscribe the amount -of-striCk , ~a?U, .>. OE Iris eapected 'that this line will also extend f l oin Pmsten :toi'un k hannock, Towanda. A tilens, and from tliencelo Elmira. New s York, and also frbm Pittston- to : flydepark, Scranton ia; and. ezzrbondale, -with stations at each of these 'p aces provided that the" citizens of the several , Vidiatres.itibseribe and pay for the stock nccessa ay : wr:the construction-'of it. Tom ••M. .E, - CllllllOl3 AND TIIE M. E . .. C i wunco.S9rra.--The•Seni:or Bishop (Soule,) ancißevt.4lessr& John'Eitity, D. D., Wm, A: Sinith,, D. D., arid L.' P. Green. are noW.in New York city as commissioners on be -1144.it1e latter church; to prosecute its alleged claimio a certain' portion of the property acquir ed by . thechurch p're'vious to the ,secession of the Southern branc.h. The Post, of Saturday, sqe: • :• - - `"Suits are brought, we' Unders,tand, in the U. g.lcourtS, simultaneously in this city and'in because:Ole great bblk of the property int dispute lies Partly in b.oth cities: " This is a MOM - intportanucase, arid' has been in agitation thr several 'years; it enlists the interests of the ,largest religious denomination in the United -States." iThe seceders from the regular Whig,conven tion at Syracuse, N. Y., have in 'convention, at trace, resolved to support the entire whig tick etas dominated bythe,first convention. This is, at least one, wise act they have done and will in :a: measure, atone for the ilkiined and 1-ash mOVenient of secession, and thus prevent the Lo ctifoios from havirig'all the Jan to themselves, at the epense of whiff folly. .Tnr. OHIO STATE ELECTION hati resulted , in the election °fa Locofoco Governor, 11 whits Congressmen; 8 Locofoco and 2 Free Soil.— The - last delegation to Congress Gm this State, Stood, 11 Lecofocos, , B Whigs and 2 Free Soil. ere Parties •have therefore exactly hanged poiitions. The Whigs have • a majority in the Legislature, thui securieg, a Whig U. S. Sena- The.l%higs of 13nston have nominnieil Mr. J. t_Stevenson.as their, candidate for Congress.— Hon. Samuel A. Elliott, who now represents that district,was one of the three Norther n whias whoyoted far the Fugitive Slave Law, and his constituents, h seems, have concluded toilet him stay_at home.—Perfectly. right. - OFFER. FOR Kosstrru.—The' Tribin'e learns through 1 R. -Breisaih; Esq. 'that -a noble• minded AMerican of Neiv -Yo`rtc boldsu hundrea acres bf excellent land' sitbated la the vicinity of New Yorli city et the diSpoiition' of ICossuth, ,provided-It. sihobld corne to' thiti: country and accepi the' riresent.. ' -' ' Telkalea are contemptible beinvs. To.retail in one hcmae, what is seen er,epeken,in another, is treason, agaitipt eacietyoyhich7canoor he .too thorougbly clespiaed., • , , -11 I. tatei Teiistifid !E! OnariiiisiOner Stetson, at uolch 'officq'on .the iiassage of the I . 1:0I, viinittititralqriiiltlie7;tiw The guflalo'Express says, thht by a decision just made it one of the exciting Detroit cases, the act absoluteri s aVouls a deedOf imancipation,.nnd. enables fraud ind • - villany. to stiatch nny person. White or blacki from at home in .4 free state, and transport, hi t. to a' slave, market .--" - And we are t assured by Judge of our Supreme C sort, that this decisio ' is in conformity with the spirit and evident ivekt oithe law, .:'The Detroit case and decision Ari 'follows A nlgro 3 r vas brought be l ore a Commissioner as a fOgitive slave from Tennessee. The Com> sel i tu i r the negro presented an affidavit , duly .sorn - to by the former, stating that he was man ( mined by ,the deed of the present, claimant for 7 3700, which the lotter,, had received for the same, and that the der d ,is., now in the hands of 1 -the negro's friends inCincinnutt. On . this affl davit the counsel for the prisoner moves that the case be continued until the deed of emancipation can t-e procured and used as evidence. The Commissioner decides that the deed would be in admissible, if produced; that he has no power to inquire into any defence the negro.may , have a gainst the claim-, but only to determine whether the case presented on Abe part of the claimant be sufficient to entitle him to a certifidate -for the re mova I of the negro. It this decision be sustained, no colored man north can be safe for a day. if a deeasof freedom. is annulerby the act, there will be perjuries e ,nough to send into slavery every colored man & , - woman north of Mason & Dixon's line. HON. VALENTINE Be.ST.—The opposition press has teemed for the last nine months with all manner•of unkind sayings against the Hon. Valentine Best, late Speaker of the State Senate. charging him with treason to his party and all that sort ofthing. He was'a volunteer candidate at the late-election for re-election to the Senate, and although defeated by a very large vote poll ed against him in Columbia County, the result of the canvass in his immediate neighborhood is so strong a vindicatiotrof his character, that we may safely re-produce it in justice to him, with • Mathe risk of interfering in a family quarrel.— hr a circuit of five miles around Danville, but fourteen votes were given against 'Mr Best, and we. regard the following vote, altogether, as the hes! vote that we remember : BEST 13IICK A LEW J',lktevilpa 7la - 2 - ~ Derry 145 11,1ahnnitig 122 1 Valley ' 141 6 Liberty, - 17.7 Cooper , 5D 5 Harm Dig.—The Boston Journal makes the following contrast between the Lind mania and the Missionary, spirit of the Rhode Islanders: "The proceeds of Jenny Lind's first concert in Providence. R. 1., were $lO.OOO. Upon referring to 6? last Missioniry Herald the whole state of Rhode Island appears to have contributed for the spread of the Gospel in for eign parts, the sum of one dollar! That State is laying up fur. itself great treasures in Hen yen." The best hit at Hydropathy —The following hit at the watereure was made by Charles Lamb, and no one but himself could have had so quaint ti'ioneeit : "t is," sail he, "neither new or won derful. jor it is as old as the deluge, which, in my opinion killed more than it cured.' - COUNTEUFELT HALF DOLLA&S.—Be careful and not take counterfeit half dollars : they are in circulatiou, and so well executed that it is necessary to look shoo before taking any coin of that denomination. The Susquekgnna. Register, says the first steam engine r ever made in that county has just been finished at, the works of Wilson & Co.. Crf 'Montrose. you drink /mile in America?' asked a Cockney. 6 Hail ? Nol', we drink thunder and lightning,' said the Yankee. Louisiana approfiriates annually five hun dred and, fifty thousand dollars to the support of edudatioa,being more in proportion to her wealth and population than any other state in the wrld. 137•0ne of the hairs left in the head-brush of Miss Lind in 'New Yeik, / ltaibeen sold for elev 7. en thousand four hundred and seventy-seven dol- lars ! Verily Jenny's aturOld Whitey'l3' hairs are in great deinand: NOLDEN!S i DALAI?. AIAGAZINE.—We have received tbe. NoVember number of this cheap and interesting monthly. Its reading, is well selected mild various. , .Teisse E. DOw, the poet and politician, died in Washington on the 23d inst.- E=IEIMIMM 2T= T 445 14 !!!! OFFICIAL VOTE For State 0i; d .; . tothe Cons#trition.--1850 .1 COUNTIES. - Adams, 'Allegheny, - Armstrong, Beaver, Bedford, Berks, Blair, Bradford, - Bucks, Butler, Cambria, Carbon, Centre Chestr, Clarion, Clearfield, Clinton Columbia, Crawford, Cumberland, Dauphin, Delaware, Elk, E r i e, Fayette, Franklin, Fulton, Greene, Huntingdon, Indiana, Jefferson, Juniata, Lancaster, - Lawrence, Lebanon, Lehigh, Luzerne, tvcciming, McKean, - Mercer, Mifflin, Monroe, Montgomery, Montour, - Northampton. Northumberl Perry, Philadelphia City, Phita. County, Pike, ,-.- Ritter. Scbuylkill, Somerset, Susgitt.trannts, Tioon, Union, Vet= au, - Warren, 'Washington, Wayne. AVestm orpi nd, ttv min ;, Yaik, Dmicrats in Roman, Reettmniso.—The "burnt district" in our Villareabas been for several days the scene of busy preparations for re-building,. New frames have already been erected upon it, which - aid much to.rdreve its desolatiappearance. J. Ben jamin has a new and fine frame for a store•butl ding upon the old site of T. Dickson & at ready enclosed ; Mr. Grennell, a dtveliing•house frame; Mr. Bronson, upon the Railway Hotel lots, a temporary building already open and a barn nearly completed. The indications now are that the district will in a few months be entire ly rebuilt, arid present 'a very gratifying and much improved appearance.—Carb. Dem The Pennsylvania Abolition State Conven tion, held at West Chester last week, must have. been a rich afloir. Some of the speakers pro• . claimed the American revolution 'a failure,' and, 'Washington a failure,' and Gen. Taylor 'a mon- . ster of iniquity,' that haS gene down to his fa ther, the Evil one; that 'Washington was as in. famous as Millard Fillmore, kith having signed a fugitive slave law' Nirs. Partington's Last.—Reading the news paper praises of Jenny Lind's benevolent dispo sition, Mrs. Partington came to the complimen tary expression in 'regard to the "felloW-feeling in her bosom:' which the Swedish Nightingale cherished towards the unfortnnate — and needy.— Involuntarily raising her spectachn, and-looking the very personification of amazement, -the RATHER TOO HEAVY —There is a statement _good . old-Ittay repeated—"A feller-feeling in, her on - the' rounds that the entire military torce ofthe 'bosom !la me, if that aint just the_way.the fel- United States for the present year is estimated lers used to do when I was a girl !" And - then', at nearly 3,000,000 of men: , We inrgine this she readjusted het spectacles and kept- on sea• is rather a heavy estimate: We truiy safely din g. knock of .a couple of ciphers at least Nothing is more contemptible, than a finati cism whose contracted little soul will admit noth ing beyond the 'one idea' of its idolatry. The Day Book thinks that the great comma -1 y _kept t BENEFIT he S t Mansion v P E n to ! i s ( house Hotel ; G r; a w n 4 4° 1 1 l e :Ot t ; Lion excited by Jenny Liad'a arrival is a trick ofthe severest sigifirers by the late fire, has taken,: of Barnum to subvert the. Constitution - of the U• the building lately fitted up for ' a hotel, -on the, tilted States,' elect her Preeident, and , place the west side of Main street, on the Milford - and Iti'T'' whole countryunder pettia'oat g oi ; erii i n 4 t!, .... , w6go turnpike, near the bridge, where- he may , ~. . , .', -inow be found: by :the; travelling "public.;_.Ne, The best gov e rnmentLO he warier. % ,.lettin that,the citizens of our village propose giv-'- If the person who stole from, our :sanctum a-,:frlV, Mr." o . a benefit, for which purpose a edp ' • per will be prepared and serVed'up on Thursday book called' Ellen ,Parry," will call on tis,Yie evening, the Meiji:lst., at his new stand which will give him a Bible, good' advice, and:O . kiek f his sake • t te .. I d Th e'Az-, , or down stairs., Chicago Agrititiser, ~ ' . . ' niz."—carboniale jotie " Surveyor Ge n i iluditor Gen. ' , —.---------. by y i I: 1 , q< 1 a: 1561 1963 4210`5189 1463 1271 1677 1639 1842 1833 6770 2781 1217 1713 &us 2885 4955 ' 4622 2061 1976 1 1400 9301 760 502, - 2056 1203. 4420 4816 1611 . 981' 907 505 827 662 1519 '763 266.7 2095 2678 2281 1946 2340 tem 1612 2431 1706 3177 3111 2401 2868 3382 683 655 ME 1024 1378 1752 1148 1736 724 489 1104 , , 882 40671 5831 829 1591 13201 2095 2821; 2275 .306 2515 21711 —1673, 4044 s 278 48421 1989 1559! 1099 1033;, 111 46 78 11191 774 26 8 11' 1674 ' 185.2; 1087 75g, ' 933 —1 461:) / 7871 1030113418 4731 69 ' 427 249 2758 2607 9541 24241 3421 1 189 . 23371 1322 15021: 1076 1443 i 2172 12221 699, 10871 745 326al .3151 1155 1 592 ,3313,, 2199 816 r 634 43231 2347 143682:1303 3 5 141G30 Whi gs i❑ Italics. Canal Coin o ' A tV 0. EA 2075 2664. 1880 1307 238 459, 2793' 979 384 0348 1(305 14701 ES MIR 1098 2250 727 749 3152 650 1085 2186 745 742 3260 596 1221' 103 3264 1297 3666 R 29 4329 2229 630, 334'5, 2257 i 633 1 33451 131938 143578 130975- 145691 HON. 1.1,M. Fut. LER. —We receivetra private telegraphic despatch from Wilkesbarie last ev ening, announcing the official majority of Mr. Fuller for Corigress, to be 59 instead of 3t es: previously reported. This result is in every, way gatifying. and is a well deserved compli ment, to the ability and cbaraeter of the gentle man elected. Our personal knowledge of Mr. Fuller's fitness for the position to which , he has just been ehosen in a District wherekbe opposition are inn large majority, justifieOhe confident declaration that he prove a Valu able legislator, and a representative in whose hands the interests and honor of Pennsylvania+ may be safely reposed. With %talents, of a high order he combines a sound and practical judg ment that will render them`usefurand efficient. in the halls of legislation. Although the gener al resultof the last canvass in this -S , ate has;ef forded us little cause for gratification, we find much consolation in the election of Mr. Fuller, and the Whigs who have been returned to:Con gress.—North Am,erian.• . '' • ' 1818 2353 • 692 . - f ' • 42.9; 1001 3542 758 958 2971 84 : • 1375 • 6 97 1,638 " • 4472 -; 541. 217 335 , 519- 2pt, -2541) 2629 464. 53: 369' 1650 2285 -169 • 403 . . 545 \ 142 \ 747 , 1836 228 1145 1671 - .587 807 • 4 104 938 274 , 3148 279 2632 525 917 4033 4902: 9t. - - 2640 322 36 50 338 1424 352, - I SOO 1771 1475 127 2146, 374 596 2955 1687 2356 898 3624 71982
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers