Elle-.QI. pro- Z.elegraplii. . _ rrißE Subscriber hav i ng completed the, Brie ofi I Telegraph through to this place, is umv.re4celtil ing by it at.the Depo . l, direct from New York, a ;mieu. did,: cheap, and extensive stock of. • SPRING 4. SUMMER GQODS,, • j, ! consisting of. Ladies. , Dress Goods; a, lull Nat iety, t the, most splendid styles, and.latest faShions of Light and black Silks, Barages, - '0 Lains, Embroidered Lawns,l.,liken Gin hams, &e: -• • Gentlemens' Wear,, - comprising:CLQTDS, lane • and bladit CASSIME,RES, Summer Stuff of kinds, Silk,,Satin, and fancy VESTINGS, Cr.iVat , Scarfs, &c SDRA& GOODS.—A full assortment of Ladle. Childrene and Misses' BRAID, Cy INA-- P EARL, Rote Asa rtv.Anv and Fannon tax.r. BONNETS, Sii Grigham i .and Cotton. PARASOLS, of all,coiors qualities. ,QenCs Panama, Leghorn, and Palm Leaf lIAT BOOTS AND STIOES, '(Of which he would say a word to the public conl - dentially,) His Stock is direct from the Mann facturer, fully assorted, with 14- - dies', Men's, Children's, and'MisgeS' I wear, of all qualities—warrantee . Having been bought exclusively for CAsu, he is we : satisfied that but one look will ,tatisty the people th. 1 u } they are in the right spot, and that the newsof chew - ness and beauty has been Telegraphed correctly.. - .Do you want Boots and Shoes for cheapqess, DIM • rtt.rrY, and comfort; Dress Goods for beauty, styl , and low prices, you niust away to the "'Telegraph " where the wires are continually at work, transport' g Dry-Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Straw Goods, and all other necessities of life. One look before purchasing,—believing, if low prices are a consider ation, you can be botintilully paid. JOHN H. BOGART. Tunkhantfock, May 8, 1850. • GLORLOUS VOLUME OP MAGAZI3.I3. Commencing with the ly • No. . The original projector and proprietor of Grahutp Magazine; having again assumed the entire manage ment of this favoriteperiodical, purposes to com mence a new volurn eof Unrivalled Excellence, with the number for JULY.. The early copies will b.t rer dy for the mails, June GM, and will be illustrated h the most spleptdill set of Engravings that hare crcr ap peared in an Atiirrican Hefting the Prontist English Annuals to excel in magnificence these beaU tiful speciinens of artistic skill. • THE PARIS FASHIONS, Colored in the unapproachahle style-of the Frenrllt Artists, will be resumed and will represent cot-reek- Iv the elegant goods forwarded to this country fo Mess. L. J. Levy & Co. of Philadelphia, and Ste4r art of New York. The evidence of their authenti itt be found on the counters of these gentle men, simnltaneously , withihe Monthly, pohlication of Graham's Magazine. - extensive arrangements— with the concurrence of these gentteineir,are now be ing:made in Paris, to forward promptly these cor rect and elegant plates, which will he a department of "Graham's Magazine," that will set at defiance all attempts at imitation or competition. Our former list of valuable contributors are re-en gaged, and arrangements are perfected for a series of most SPLENDID ARTICLES from such writers as the following : Henry W. Longfellow, W. Gilmore Sintlns, 5. Russell Lowell, E.P. Whipple, J. M. Legarc, Geo. D. Prentice; Alfred B. Street, N. P. Wm. Cullen Bryadt, Nathaniel Ilawthorne, William li. Herbert, Jas. Fenuimore Cooper, Richard Penn Smith, J. M. Morehouse, Henry R. Hirst. Mrs. Lydia IL Sigourney, Mts. E. C. Kinney, Mrs. E. J. Eames, Mrs. Elizat , eth Oakes Smit,l Mrs. Joseph C. Neal, Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, Nliis 1 Emma C. Embory, Miss Enna Duval, Mrs. Seba Smith. A Great Chance tor Three Dollar Subscribers 'We will send three dollar subscribers. to the new volume, to commence with the Jnly ionnber, a very splendid new plate, called " Tile Pirst Prayer," or Butler's mag,nitieent 'print of " Chnst blesiina ttac Chyidten," just finished to a very masterly style—a large cabinet picture. May 8 , 1650 NEW GOODS. THE subscriber is now receiving a general as sortment of. Spring 4 Slimmer Gnhds, which have been purchased at rcriticerl•price -, , and will he offered on such mints as can norfail to plenSe• his custmoers. May 1, 1859, SHAVING & HAIR DRESSING,SALOON, i IN the back ilium of A. G. Slat Gri.cery4tore, two doors - below the "AntericanlHotel.e .•_lf" The Saloon will be open fur the reception oflictis totnersat all hours of the day, except on. SulSday; when it will be opened at 7 o'clpck A. M. and - Closed at half past len A. M. Shaving, Hair dressing, ShampoOning, &c, execu ted in the neatest style. Nice of SAampooning ' cents, CHARLES TILLMAN, . Toni:chant:lock, Feb. 6, 1650. • 100. B . TTLES - , OLD DP.. JACOB TOWNSENP'S SARSAPA RILLA, advertised: In another part of this paper, for sale at the POSt OFFICE. ALSO—Da. Wm. Ildorm - r'.s LIFE PILLS, & PIIfENIX BITTERS, to4ether with MVEIVS LIQUID CURE, for the Pihr:s, warranted to gye satisfaction, or no pay. Tunkhannock, Jan. 16, 1850. DR. LEIDY'S Celebrated Sarsaparilla Pills To sale at the Post ()Ikea. MHE hem. Tobacco to be had in Itatira, foaled I. at the NORTITBRANCEI' WHEAT, Rye;Corn, Buckwheat, Oats, Beans, Onions, gutter, Beeswa xt, • Tallow; Ras, Eggs, Flax, Tow Cloth, Fors, Beef-hides Calf-skins taken to exchange for Goods, at 110 highest at the North Branch. LUTHER READ. REGISTER'S NOTICE Whereas the following Administration account has been filed in the office of the Itygister for the " Probate of. Wills and, granting Letters of' Adminis tration, inand for the county of Wyoming, viz The final account of Gordon istrato de lionis.non of Gideon Fitch, tleeeased„ hi ed Jul 1850— s This is therefore to give notice to all legatees,- Creditors, or other persons interOted, that the forego ing account will he presented to Ithe Orphans' Court to be ..held at Tunlthannack,•-olf.the!teeond day, of Septeir •istext, for confirmation and allo.witncerce.- -able to law:' • r. - c. ROSS,.itegis'ter. ftegiste . r!S Tnaltionno•.:lr, A tigusl 7 1850; • .ef T'' ''''' .---eitiftrOtt'EtligN 11;:gaiillYtlienanie'OratIEL.CLAPP.inuf engaged .. ; with a.young man of the naum,of .S. P. Townsend., wits his' name to put up It' Srirsapirilla,,whielf Tim/whirs Sarsaparilla, denoniinatinglr Originai, etc. This Townsend is no doctor and , netmt was, ppt was formerly, a. worker on raft roads. canals,':aid the like.. Vet he assumes the title or Dr. for the portioNe or gaining credit Mr what he is " 'not. He is also tantalite out'cards headed," Tricks to Oticcit.4," -which ,hn says, 1 have sold the u,se, of ins mono $, 7 a week. I wilt give S. P. 'Townsend $5 . 00 if he will produce one single. solitary proof of this. This is to caution the pat.tie net to he deceived anti purchase 11,mr but the GENUINE, oItIGINAL. OLD Dr. Jacob 'row n iend's Sore sparilla, having on It the Old ior`slikent , s, his family coat of tams, and his signature :Cross the coat of :inns. JACOB 'PoWNSSNI).. ktincipat tr.hicg, 102 Aittma...•t., - ..Vrts *lark City TOWNSEND SARSAPARILLA. Old Dr. Townsend is now aimed 70 years of flee, and has long been known as the AUTlltril COVERER' of the GENUINE ORIGINAL "TOWN SEND SARSAPARILLA." Being poor, he was com pelled to limit its manufacture, by which means it has been kept out of mrket. and the sales circuit _ ,guitied to those ouly who, had proved its worth, and known its value. It had reached the ears of many, ''neVerthetess, as those persons wen Mid been healed Rif sore dim:ties. and saved from death, proclaimed Its excellence and womlertul HEALING POWER. Enowing, elan!' years ago, that he had by his science and experiencedevisild au anlcie which would be' oftincalculable advantage to mankind when the means would be famished to brine it into universatmotice, when Itti feeetimable virtues would ho known sod appreciated. This time has conie, the means are supplied, this grand and unequalled Preparation Is manufactured on the largest scare, and is called fur throughout the length and breadth of the land, es pecially as It Is found Incapable of degeneration or deterloration. Unlike young 13.-P.•Townsentrai it improves with age, and never changes, but Mr the better ; because It is prepared on scientific principles by a scientific num. The highest knowledge of Chemistry lueithe latest discoveries of the art;, have all been brought Into refluisitlon in the maniffacture of 'the Old Des Sar saparilla. The Sarkatinsilla root, It is'well known to medical men, contains Many medicinal properties. and aunts properties whietinee in . ert.ur useless, and others, which if retained in prepanng it for use, produce fermentation and acid, which Is lejurinus to the 'system. Some of the properties of Sarsaparilla are an volatile, that they entirely evaporate and are lint In the preparation, if they are not preserved by a sci entific process, known only to those experienced in Its manufacture. Moreover, these volatile principles, which fly off In vapor, or as an fethalation, under heat ; are the very essential medical properties of the toot, which give to it all its value. Any person can boil or stew the ;net till they go. h. dark colored liquid, which is mom tryst the coin ring matter in the root than from any thing else; they can them, strafe this insipid or vapid liquid, sweeten with +sour molasses, and then call it" SAR SAPARILLA EXTRACT or SYItUP.” But such is not the rather known as the GENUINE OLD DR. JACOB TOWN SEND'S SARSARPAIIILLX. This is so prepared, that nil the inert properties of the Sarsaparilla root ash first removed, every tiling 'capable of becoming acid, or of fermentation, Is ex tracted and rejected ; then every particle of medical virtue Is secured in a pure and concentrated form and thus it is rendered incapable of losing any of Its valuable and healing properties. f'repared in this way, it is made the most powerful agent in the Cure of innumerable diseases. ' Bence the reason' why We hear commendations on every aide in its laver by men, women and children. We find it doing wonders in the care of CONSUMP TION, ,I,XSPEPSI.I, and _LIVER COMP!-11N1 and In RHELIatIITISId, SCROFULA, .P I.ES, COSTIVENESS, all CU7-INE OUS ER Ul' TIONS,P.IJIIPLES,-BLO7'CIIES,and all affections arising from IMPURITY OF THE-BLOOD. It possesses a marvellous efficacy in all complaints arising from instleedien, from .4cidity of the Stomach, from unequal eirculatinn, deterniinntion of blood to the head. palpitation of the heart, cold feet and hands, cold chills and bit flashes over the body. it has nut its equal in COLDS and (Norms and, promotes easy expectoration and gentle perspiration, relaxing stric tures of the longs. throat, and every other part. Put in nothing is its excellence more manifestly seen and acknowledged than in all kinds anti singes of FEUAI - .E COMPLAINTS. It works wonders in eases of Fluor Allets or ifltiles,Talling of the Womb, Obstructed Suppressed or Painful -Urns , a, hayeadarity et' the menstrual pe . rinds. and the like ; and iscts effectual in curing all the forma of Kidney Lorries. By censoring obstructions, arid reenlatieg the gene ral system, it gives tort- and strength to the whole body. and thus Cures all forms of • • Nervous diseases and debility, and thus prevents or rehetos a great vatietytif other maladies, as Spina! irritation, Neuralgia, St. Vitus's •Houle, Swooning. Epileptic Conrulsions, lie. • It clminsem-the blood, excites the liver to healthy 'action, armee.' the stomach. and gives good digestion relieves the towels of torpor anti cunatipatien, al htlSlitiflatuMatiOn, purifies the skin, equalises the mre.ulation 'of the blood, Producing gentle warmth equally ail over the body, and the insensible perspira tion; relaxes 'all strictures and tightness, removes ail obstrUctions,and invigorates the entire nervous sys tem. Is not this then the 'Medicine you pre-eminently need t But can any of' these things be said of Town . send's inferior article? This young man's liquid is not :COMPAREDtube WITH THE OLD. DR'S, because of one ORAN rt,t7l', that eon is INCAPA 1110 E uf DET,ERIUK'CION, arta NEN: A P.II SPOILS, while the ether DOES; :During, fermeirlini and blow in, the bottles containing It into fragments; the sour ' acid' liquid. exploding and. damning other goods _ Must not this horrible compound be !gammons to the systeuil— What ! put acid into a system already dis ' iased with acid! What causes Dyspepsia but acid ? • Do we not-all knew Dint when feed sours In our . stomachs, what mischief It produces flatulence, _heartburn, palpitation of the heart, liver complaint, _ dlerrheen., dysentery, colic, and corruption of the blood? What is Scrofula but an acid humor in the body 7 f'What produces all the humors which bring on Erupt- thus of the Skin, Scald Death, .801. Rheum, Ery - t strictest, White Swellings, FeVer Sores, and all ulcer aliens internal and external It is nothing under ! heaven, but an acid substance, which sours, and thus spoils all. the fluids of the body, more or less. What causes Rheumatism bat a sour, or acid fluid, which insinuates itself between the joints and else .' 'where, irritating arid-inflaming the delicate tissues ripen which it acts I So of nervous diseases, of On putty of the blood, of demnited-cireitla Lions, and near ly all the ailments which afflict human nature. Now is It nut horrible to make and sell, and in- Injury IZOT&O to use this a - SOURING, FERMENTING ACID "COM POUND "OFS. P. TOWNSEND, ' and yet he would fain have it 'wider-steed that Old Dr. Jacob Townsend's Chiseler, ariaina'. Sarsaparilla, Is an IfiITI'ATION of-his inferior prep:a:aloe ; Heaven forbid that We'Altotild deal in en article which would bear the niost distant resemblanee In a. P. Townsend's article! awl which should brine down upon the Old lir. bitch a atientwin lead of too' plaints and crimimi toms from Agents wlin have bold, • and.purchasers who have used S. I'. Townsdnd's FERHENTINO 'COMPOUND. We wish it widcrsuiceit because It is the absolute fruit, that. P. Townsend's article and (lid lie. Jacob. Townsdnd'i fkarsapirdla are hsaern-vide apart and in . finitely diisfericae; that they are unlike in eve.-y pax titular. having not one single thing in commun., As S. I'. Towirmad . is no doctor. and never was, Id no chetiti4, in, phardiaceutist- no more of thedicine'or disease Irian any other common, unseen tific,unprofessieaal men, what guarantee can the.pubt. fin bare. that they are receiving- a germ MO xmentilit medicine, cuateiateg all the virtues of the articles `used in pieparing It, and which are Ines liable he Changes might render them the AGENI'S 'Ol Disease justetol of-hcoith.. . - But ,shrld be expected front one %ch. 'mews nothitie ceisparatively of Mediethe or disease ' requites e , ptisoi of some experience to 'cook atm serve up. even 11,611111t0n demur meal. How intieh mere important is It that the persons W V manufacture medicine, designed for 'Weak fitowaselts and enfeebled, Sytk• ••• • • teals; ~• should know well the medical properties of plants, the best manner. of.concen;rating and securing their " healing. virtues, als o an extensive knowledge of the vanour aiseaani'whlch affect thin human system, and 'how to exleptgemedies to these cliseases . . ! . FOR',SALE 'at the rosr OFFICE • 134 Chesnurst. Phila - 5. D. PLIELPS • OLD. DOOTOR Jac-ob Townsend The Original - Digeoverer OF THE - GENUINE RAFFERTY'S Cidebrited FAMILY , OCStia(DaCe.C )- ck • Ahead r2f all others and unanimously approved ! The production of 1 licensed Surgeon and Physician of 20 year's experience. P AF' PEWIT s BAf./11 OP GI LE AD.—A moniz alt the remedies before the pubic, this stands the most eminent in the early stages of Cumsumpt Bronchitis, Catari 4, Coughs, Hoarseness, If7utaping cimghs, Pb.-urisy, Asthma, spilling nf blood;and for all affections of the pulmonary organs occasioned by colds. Tor much praise cannot be bestowed unoa this remedy, and the proprietor urges any one afflic ted with any of the above complaints, to secure it'at once. IM RTY s, FAMILY PlLLS—the best fam ily physic now in the country far sick heart-ache, costiveness, carrying oil diseased humors, and re storing health. I? A FPE T FEMALE MONTIIL Y PILLS, ,--For removing. female obstructions peculiar to the sex. arising from cold or general weakne s s of th e system; also fur females ul costive habits of b o dy, dy s peptic or wirvouSSvolot.roS, dobiliLaled f? PPE RTY's EYE- ;I A 'FE ,—Fur weak or inflamed eyes, warranted superior to any in g nand I?APPERTY's STRENGTHENLVG PLAS TER, for pain ur weakness in the breast, side, Or back. R APPER TVs WORM OlL—The great worm k il:er. irarra70 ,1 to rrntore ?rams lt•A•en thee cri t. 11.-A I , PERT Y's EME P ()CATION, for bruises, sprains, Rheumatic pains, cramps, numbness, still ness or weakness 41 the joints, swellings, quinsy or sore Olio:it—the greatest remedy of the age. '.?,23 -The above celebrated Medicines for sale by the following Agents : C. E. LATHROP and JNO. EL BOGA RT , yule/. nnock ; Capwell,l3aily & Co. PaiivrprilL ; Stone; Pattersuc. Sc Co. Abington Cen tre ; J. Lyons & sua, Montrose; Thomas Jackson : Rollin Ashley, Brathilyn. Jiffy 15, 1850. • (1. , ) lilt MEM 32 DIU xvnairs-maurai, PA. D A V4I) MEYER, would respectful) inform the citizens of Wyoming co., that he has just opened at his Store, on Alain street, third door below Slaw,- er 4. Leas store, Willies-Barre, a large and splen did assortment of Consisting of Oyer Coats, Sack Coats„ Frock and Dress Coats, Cloth Cloaks, Pantaloons, Tests, &c., &c. Together with a splendid stock of Cravats, Shirts, Bosoms and Collars Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, &-c._ . _ . Which he will sell at Wholesale or Retail at prices which defy competition. rf Citizens . of Wyoming county, visiting Wilkes harry, are invited to call. Wilkes-Barre, Jan. 3,1850.-1-1 v 7-7Z= a al Tzar,. AT a meeting of the President and Managers of the Tunkhannock Bridge Co. at Tunkhannock, pursuant to notice previously given, it was R , solvol, That hooks be opened for subs;criptionlo the Capital toe of the Company, in order to sup 7 ply the additional amount required for the speedy erection of a suitable and substantial Bridge across the river at Tunkhannock; and that the President he requested to act efficiently, and also to procure the services of such other per-sons as may be necessary and suitable to carryout the intentions herein ex , pressed. n ew lved That these proceedings he duly recorded ~ in the Books of the Compa-nv, and published in the Newspapers of Wyoming county. HARDING, Prest. T. T. SLOCUM, A. EIINE, AnDURHAM, E P 7 M. OSTERBEWT. Managers. MIMI B. P. Durham, Clerk Feb..2B, 1t3,19.-9-tf. `\_,.1 e d.`1.— r .."2..=.4' JEWELRY STORE.• C AB LErHENNIGER, respectfully announces to the Citizens of Tunkhannock and the surround ing country, that he has opened a Jeweller's shop in this Borough, next door below the office of Wm. I'intt, Esq., where cleaning and repairing Watch es and Clocks will he done in good style, on short notice, and the most reasonable terms. Jewelry mended to order. He will also keep on hand a plendid assortment of Jeirelry of goolquality and fashionable style.— ,The public are invited to give him a call. • Tunkhannock, Jan. 24. 18.49. B tz;) 11D xr. rs ta o EING now supplied with a handsome assort ment of new and fashionable PLAIN AND FANCY JOB TYPE, and having some experience in the art of MiP 2 'ISEM:33EX47"3I - 9SICIMTCr - 9 the ~ nbscriber is, prepared to exicute all Rinds of common • " 1 Übl rtaa, Han i I ills, Cards, Labels, &c. &c. &c In good style . and on reasonable Terms. PubliE patronage, respectfully solicited. C. E. LATHROP. TONKHANNOCK, NOV.. ISI9. Woq E P h. ro T vls ( i:o r s n . , b l o ty ug e. ht o a a n ts ci s te t a d n b s y and all kinds • • A. H. BOLLES. Julti• 17, 1650 Boston Syrup, quantity of this delicidus article just received 13.. and for sale by A. 11. BOLLES, July 17, 1850. A QUANTITY of TAR by the keg or, quart, for sale at Reed's NORTH BRANCH. STORE. • , . July 24. COD FISH and MACKEREL, fur ai the NORTH. LII.A.DICD LEHI MOITAT'S Life Pills and Phoenix Bitters. These Medicines have now been before the public for a period of mirrE atyputats, and during that time have maintained a high charac% ter in almost every part of the globe for their ex traordinary and immediate power of restoring per -feet health tI persons suffering under nearly .every kind of disease to which the human frame is liable. IN MANY THOUSANDS of certificated instances, they have even rescued . sufferers front the very verge of an untimely grave, after ell the deceptive nostrums of the day had utterly failed ; and to many thousands they have permanently secured` that uniform enjoy ment of health, without which life itself is but a partial blessing. So great, indeed, has their efficacy invariably and infallibly proved, that it has appeared scarcely less than miraculous to those who were acquainted with the beautifully ' philosophical principles upon which they are com pounded,,and upon which they consequently act It was to their manifest and sensible action in purifying the springs and channelaof life, and en- '' doing them with renewed tone and. vigor, that they were indebted for their name. Unlike the host of pernicious quackeries which boast of vegetable ingredients, the LIFE 'MEDI MBEs are purely and solely vegetable; and contain neither Mercury, nor Antimony, nor • Arsenic, nor any other mineral, in any form whatever. They are entirely composed of ex tracts from rare and powerful plants, the virtues of which, though long known to several Indian tribes, and recently to some eminent pharmaceu tical, chemists, are altogether unknown to, the - ignorant pretenders to medical science ; and were never before administered in so happily efficacious a combination. The first operation is to loosen from the coats of the stomaoh and bowels the various impuri ties and crudities constantly settling round them ; and to remove the hardened fasces which collect in the convolutions of the small intestines. Other medicines only partially cleanse these, and leave such collected masses behind to produce habitual , Costiveness, with all its train of evils, or sadden Diarrlitea with its imminent dangers. This fact is well-known to all regular anatomists who ex main° the hum4n bowels after death ; and hence the prejudice orthese well-informed men against the quack medicines of the age. The second effect of the VEGETABLE LIFE NOD erns is to cleanse the kidneys and the blad der ; and, by this means, the liver and lungs, the healthful action of which entirely depends upon the regularity of the urinary organs. The blood, which takes its red color from the agency of the liver and lungs, before it valises into the heart,, being thus purified by them, and nourished by food coming from a clean stomach, courses freely through the veins, renews every part of the system, and triumphantly mounts the ban ner of health in the blooming cheek. The following are among the distressing va riety of human diseases in which the TEGE. TABLE LIFE MEDICINES are Well known to be infallible. DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing, the first and second stomachs, and creating a flow of pure healthy bile, instead of the stale and acrid kind; Flatulency, Loss-OF APPETITE, HEART BURN, HEAACHE,' RESTLSESNE.CS, ILL-TESIPER, A D NXIETY, LA;mtma, and MELANCHOLY, which are the general symptoms of Dyspepsia, will - vanish, as a natural consequence of its cure, Costiveness, by cleansing the whole length of the intestines with a solvent process, and without violence ; all violent purges leave the bowels costive wit hin two days. Diarrhoea and Cholera,' by removing the sharp acrid fluids by iehich these complaints are • occasioned, and by promoting the lubricative se cretion of the mucous membrane. Also Worms, from Inc tonnliga of the bowels the slimy matter to which these creatures adhere. Asthma and Consumption, by relieving the ' air-vessels of the lungs front the mucous which even slight colds will occasion, and which, if not removed, becomes hardened, and produces these dreadful diseases. Scurvy, Ulcers, and Inveterate Sores, by the perfect purity -which these LIFE DI CU os give to the blood, and all the humors. Scorbutic Eruptions and Bad Complex ions, by their alterative effect upon the tluid - s that feed the skin, and the morbid state of which occa sions all eruptive complaints, sallow, cloudy, and other disagreeable complexions. The use of these Pills for a very short time will effect an entire cure of Salt Rheum, and a striking improvement in the clearness of the skin. Common Colds and Irdluenza, will always be cured by one dose, or by two even in' the worst cases PILES. As a remedy for this most distressing and obstinate malady, the TEGETABLETHE lEBBIODIEs deserve a distinct and emphatic recommendation. It is well-known to hundreds in this .city, that the former proprietor of these valuable Medicines was himself afflicted with this compaint for upwards of THIRTY-FIVE YEARS and that he tried in vain every remedy prescribed within the whole compass of-the Materia Modica. Ile however at length tried the Medicine which is now offered to the public, and ho was cured in a very short time, after his recovery had been pro nounced not only improbable, but absolutely im possible, by any human means. FEVER AND AGUE. For this scourge of the western country these Medicines will be found a safe, speedy, and cer tain remedy. Other medicines leave the system subject to a return of the disease—a cure by these medicines is permanent—TßY THEM, BE SATISFIED, AND BE CURED. • Bilious Fevers andsver Complaints. General Debility, Loss op APPETITE, AND DISEASES es FEMALES—these medicines have been used with the most beneficial results in cases of this deSCriptill :—EING‘S EVIL and SCROFULA, in HS worst forms, yields to the mild yet powerful action of these remarkable Medicines. Nsowr SWEATS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, NERVOUS COM PLAINTS of all kinds, PALPITATION OF TUE HEART, PAINTER'S Conic, are speedily cured. • IdEBOUB,IAL MEM& Yersons'whosti constitutions have become im paired by the injudicious use of MERCURY, will find these Medicines a perfect cure, as they never fail to eradicate front the system all the effects of. Mercury infinitely sooner than the most powerful preparations of Sarsaparilla. A single trial will place them beyond the reach of competition, in the estimation of every patient. - BE CAREFUL OF COITBIBMITS. Several have lately been discovered, and their nefarious autheri arrested, both in fhe city of New York mid abroad. Buy of no one who is not an otrrnomsEn Mao. Prepared and sold by Dr. W. B. MOFFAT, 336 Broadway, Now York. FOR SALE BY C. E. LATHROP, at.the POST OFFICE) TUNKftANNOCK, PA., General Agent for Wyoming County. January 0, 1850. PROFESSOR BARRY'S Triropherous' or llediinted Compound ENDORSED by the first Professional talent in the. United States, its efficacy attested by thonsandS of well known citizens, sold at a price which pieces it within the reach of eery family, recommended by journals of the best standing in the - country, for specific and widely different purposes and everywhere in demand. Barry's Tricepherous may be fearlessly pronounced, op :he most incontestible evidence, the best, the cheapest ; the most popular preparation for restoring and beautifying-the hair, eradicating scurf and dandruff, and curing all diseas es of lire : skin, the muscles and glands, which has ever, been o ffer e d to the public either in the old world or new . , Itatands lone—"lt has no brother and is like no ri tot l ier y_ A volume of authentic and analytical .proor ouil s value accompanies every bottle. To gainsay, t h e y record is impossible, for every purchaser adds . An more to the legion of witnesses arrayed irf its b e .. half. The philosophy of its operation is simple. first action is upon the skin.• It gently stimu.latesev ery for id vessel, and enables nature, by a vigorOtts, healthfu effort, to throw off any inflammation, ernp (ton or exfoliation of the external membranes. If the inflammation be caused by a cut, sprain, or bruise, the effect i \ , the same. The absorbents Are invigorated, the ext avasted blood is soon taken up, and all pain and discoloration is remot ed. In Rheu matism, 'swelling of the glands, and all affections of the integuments, it acts specifically through the pores and absorbents upon the seat of the disease. Its wonderful effect in renewing, glossing, and beau tifying the hair, are alt produced thro' its primary influence upon the skin of the head. The invigofie-• Ling fluid enables the scalp to perform its-functions properly. The senif and dandruff which a sluggish circulation has allowed to accumulate, are thrown off; the vegetative principle finds its way to the ves icles in Which the hair is rooted, and they arc sup plied .as it were with an elixir vile, tvhich strength ens, moistens, glosses, and beautifies every fiber, un til "each` particular hair" becomes a healthy and elastic filament. The same fertilizing principle which causes existing hair to_grow, stimulates the latent .roots, and thus the fibres which have fallen out are soon replaced by new ones. ,Remember that this double antidpte—this specific for diseases of the skin, and matchless ,beantifier of the hair—is sold from fi fty to one hundred per cent cheaper than any other preparation for the hair out. Sold, in large bottles, price 25 cents, at the prin cipal office, 137 Broadway, New-York; Childs & Co., Phila.; Brown, Boston; Pontier & Hartlets, Baltimore; Haviland Harrall, Charleston". For sale, also, by Druggists throughout the United. States and Canad,. ; and by BOLLES & GOODALE: Tunkhanno. . Nov. 28th. vln47 - fiIYE LUIVID CURIE:. A positive and never' aiiing Remedy for PILES 9 Whether Internal, External, Blind or Bleeding. Scrofula, 'White Swellings, Ulcers and Ulcera ted Sore Throat. Canker Sore Mouth, Rheu matism, Cautaneous Diseases, Mercurial Affections, Alk , forcalds ' burns, cuts, sprains, bruises We feet justified in proclaiming THE FACT TO THE WORLD that of all medicines ever brought before the public,. niciNe have ever been more beneficial in afflicted hu, manity than "Myers' Liquid Cure." We know that this is saying a great deal, but if we were to write volumes, we could not say too much in praise of this bealth-restoring, life-preserving Remedy.— Hundreds, nay thousands, blesS the happy hour when first they were made.acquainted with its tran scendent virtues; and qur present purpose Is to in form other thousands, how and where they may ob tain that relief, which they perhaps have long. sought or in vain. The superior excellence of this preparation over all other medicines for the speedy and permanent cure of PI LES, is'well known-to all Who have tested it. It hao been proved in thousands of instances, and has to cure the MOST OBSTINATE CASES, and we are confident it NEVER WILL FAIL if used a proper length of time according un direc tions. As a proof of our entire confidence in its effii cac v, we assure all purchasers that, if, alter a proper trial, it proves mellectual, the money paid for it will be Returned. The "Liquid Cure" is an effectual remedy for Ringworms, Riles. Pimples, Barber's Itch, Frosted Limbs, Chilblains, Salt Rheum, Musquito Bites, Stings of Poisonous Insects, Ate., and for Cutaneous Diseases °revery description: It is both sate and effectual for RHEUMATISM, giving immediate and permanent relief. No preparation now before the public can. suirrni.s • the excellence of the "Liquid Care." for Scalds, Burns-, Cuts, sprains, bruises, swellings, &c. Its effects as a Real Pain Killer are Magical. Every family_ in the land should provide them selves with this invaluable preparation, the cheap ness of which places it within the .reach of all. Full directions accompany each bottle. Pamphlets, containing copies of certificates -= from those who havetested the •'Liquid Cure" may be had "Gratis" of our authorized agents. "Myers' Liquid Cure" is prepared only by JEROME 6,7 CO., Sprnce street, New York. For Safe at the Post Office in Tunkhannoek by C. E. LATHROP, genethl Agent for -Wy oming County. Raymond's . OREGON,PiIis. QUESTION: what's your pills good for? Aw steer : They are good in many cases to leave the Doctors at home in peace, to tend the plow and fol low their agriculturaioursuits unmolested. Q. Will they cure everything l A. No,but they willrelieve as many family com plaints as any other pill in these U. S., and are war ranted to cure the dysentery if taken according to directions. This medicine is the invention of a cel ebrated and learned physician living rtear the Catt skill mountains, New York. it will bear its own credit if used enough to feel its effects, and hun dreds of respectable names as any in the counties of Luzerne and Wyoming could be presented to the public as a recommend to this pill:. butthe proprie tor wouldlorhear, as it is generally calculated that those who purchase pills, small in size, at a cent each, do also pay the printers bills, &c. The OREGON pills are -t•!: twolinds, one Anti- Dyspeptic, the other Anfi-Bilficrus--are made by .lons RAYMOND--and sold by Phelps, Durham, Osterhouts, Tunkhannock;Gor denier, NieholSon; A C Smith & Eaton; II Elsworth, Sterling, Washington • C Sturdevant; A Enapp, Springville; Love, lahoopany; Gulick, Falls ;-- Swarwoutt, D Austin, Northmoreland; Benjamin& Gardner; Exeter •' . H Woodhouse, - .Nexv Troy;— - Gildersleeve, Wilkesbarre; Benedict,' Pittston ; Winton, Providence •, Gardner & Co Abington; Wells, Dimdaff; - Babcock, Dimock For - sale also. at the Post Office, Tank. • . (=OVER DM J 'A I • ARGE and small kind, or sale ovine Telegraph L . Store. OHN H. BOGART. Tan khannoek, Ap, 4. r 521 y NEVER FAILED
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers