Cciunty Convention .The Whig , Electors_of. the several Districts of Wy oming Countyrarerrequested to.asse.mble at their re spective Places for, holding 'delegate l'ections, on Satnniiy. the 24th inst. between the bon* of one and five o'olock, P. AL and elect Lwo delegate's to repre sentt,tid districts in County ; Convention: The Delegates so'electeri will meet at the Court 4:Wise in the Voro',ot Tunktannock on .IXtoudaYo September ad, ssO ae7 M; end nominate Candidates for the folioiog offices; • • one person as a eandiJate for Prosecuting Att'y. • One per*ni•as a :candidate for Deputy Surveyor., Onelersori as a candidate-for Commissioner. One person as 'a candidate'fiir Treasurer. One person as a candidate for Auditor. /Also to select and appoint two persons as Confer tes to conferwith the adjoining counties! in this dis trict in the nomination of Members of Assembly. • • Also two "Conferees to confer with 'other counties inAhe district in nominating a candidatefor. Senator. Anittrwo•Conferees to confer with L'uzerne and Columbia in the nthnination of a candidate for Con gress:;- • ; The Standing COmmitiee have appointed; for the respective inwnshfips; the following Committets of VrilaneO; Braintrim—A D - Whitcomb, GeO W Beach - Clinton—Wilber-Gardner jr, Silas Madison Talon-Robert Craig, W H Jenkins ; Exeter—Gonld Whitlock, Morehouse Smith. • Falls—Edrick Frear, Horatio Taylor ; Porksh!n—Riehard Adams, John Lott' Lemon—Geo Mitchell,. Henry Spencer: - ilionroc-0 DW C Grout,' Ebenezer Parrish • Mthiopauy—FrancisMaynard, Allen lJayne ..• Nicholson—Levi H Stephens; John N.; 'Woodruff' Nor/Anion/mut—Jacob Ititodes,Bamuel l G Smith Tunkkanwicl - •:--Palmer Jenkins, Wm 'B Harding Bareni,gh—lra Avery, A 11 Bolles . inzsitingtern—John ilil•Garney, H B Sterling, Windhain—Ziba Lott,. T.M Whitemhb. • Be reserved, says 'William Penn, htit sonrc grave - ) bat not format ; bold, but riot ir,ash ; huna ble,,but.not sdrvile ; patient; but not insensible; constant, , but notiiobstinate cheerful, but not light; rather be sweet tempered than familiar ; familiar, rather %bans' intimate; and intimate with very few and ripen, gond grounds. The Select Committee of the Senate on the Benton arid`robte" difficulty, have made their repert. The disturbance created by these grave Senators,,is very severely reprobated, but no ac tion recommended, anti so this disgraceful affair drops• The man that paid the printer in :advance is in toiko. Long life 'and success to himl— Where's 'Barnum ? The wages of the fetnales'in Lancaster cotton factory have been ieduc?d 30 per cent. .NQ VIGE The Quarterly Meeting of th in this place, will be' held in Saturday and Sabbath. The I, day to commence at 1 1 2 q'clo. Sabbath, 10 1.2 A. M. and 3 P. Shepard is expected to be , in au A MEETING, 1.40 Di re .oining,.Counik•Mutual Ins' will he held at the Company's Jaye Abe,3d day of Sept. next. MILTON I ' ors .of the Wy ; ranee Company office, On TueS , at 7 o'clock, P. j)./VNA,Sec'y. Tunkbannock Aug.;26,. 1&O. • ' ! - LIFE AND FIRE INMAN' FL.TAYLOR bas teen ap 1..3. the Keystone Mutual Life ny and will furnish pamphlets„ . principles. and terms of tlie inctir rers.—Mr. T. is also 1 Agent Fire Insurance Companies—the the Stale Mutual (Harrisburg) . Safety. {Philadelphia.) Tunlilia D3-.Those who insure property in th are in noease liable beyond the amount ' advance. lIIE'IJNITEg'STATEg..LO'E INS. An TRUST COMP. Cbarta pa - wind-IE4O S -s2aq,ouo. OFFICE NO. 28, IkIERCEIAN t S' E.T.C.I3A.NGE S PHILAD i r.L.PHIA. • Tms.Company is organized , pon the '," mixed ~ principle,"'stoak and mutual, which. Combined fe.atares:offer to insured inembei double the usual' security. ,Tbe cash sysiOnt of; p yinents has. also been' adopted, thus. avoiding the heavy drawbacks created by unpaid Premium notes . The table rates of premium, upon whichits polici s are being issu ed, -1s , the only scale experience_ as provea should he adopted' as affording 'requisite ecurity to the, in sured. and an undoubted . the perpetuity al , e of suchlnstitutions.: Life, insur 'c, very properly, is arresting the attention a thew rld. The public however in 'their commeadable illingness to em brace and' employ its wise - and,sa DiaryprOvisions, -should make ultimate security. the primary and Most important object, which can onlye.attainCd by'so adjusting the premiums aS to anti ipate unexpected losses and fluctuations ofievery.,k' d. It isithe pur pose of 'this company anittally - to credit, anon. the policies.of the holdersand hooks o the company such an amonneof profits as shall not ffect the stability or iinpair thee•sacredness of-its contractS ;—' - thus the holder ota policy of severaleyeavk standing may be entitled to au amount' considerablyleiceeding the ori ginalinsuranee. Prentiutits tnay, a, the op.ion of theinsured, be made - .anbulally,l seini-annually, or quarterly. Policies , will at all tunes' be' 'purchased - -by•th,e•companyat'a:'• fairl • luati . 'Married wo -met an insure the lives '.4 their usbands free from the claims of creditors. /k 'Credit, r may insure the -life of a:debtor. , Insurartee.Ltuip • effected for a term of.years ex Yon life.; also-on t 0 joint lives; the •Inoney to be paid ot the dekth :cif he' - first or last.-L The following is a sampleof the.' ates per annum :• Age I for I •qtar••7 years. fo'illt6Tie4 . o' 4 l 9 : -ar.! 7 ::Zrs- Bre. ;20•, , 40,91 . ' 50,95 'Si rt, 14U' , ' 1,69 ,81 ' C 3.20 30 1,31 . : ...436 . • 2,36 159 .1: 11,95 ...:..'2,69. , 4,60. .The.abOve is the amount paynill ,on Isloo • incur- • t ari&..The foliciwin____^ are the offi.6 a-the .company: '• - - ' 'STEPHEN - 11,.CRA.• .FO./I,DkPresit..,• annenosa,W,. TrunisPaobq V. P,' 't; . 1 „. •,• 3 • . ,C/12,6, 0/41..tYp ' Sec. and Tren..• 'ACtiarj•;lll4eittil.Eiiti . • < 1. , • , •'' '<' •7 TAMES DISIL.,.NO, Gen. gent Or Penit'a,•-•! • • EXAMIDI/NOl klitYBl6l NS. . . ; - Tentkhannock,. . , -, , .f , t '.! I°3. ..I.IIICA Nt M . . 0 * Meqie l . : '. • '''. 1, : ' II PLACHMAN) 4 lx ' 11%11 neiCiaary , ln,firmation,,' together ; iVith' blanks,';'paßphlets, &c, may be';Obtained gratis by • applying 10, S.E.` Til.Y.LO.R.,,Agetin , _Aug...21 4 ,1850.',._:_ . , __ . 4 ••-•,. . -L• - • -- • e. 4111 tiais~a s;igsc July 11,1850. . H. _ List of Jurors ibt September Term" 1850. - . • • GRAND Jonorts. . Braintritn-,Clark Winans, Lyman Keliogg. Clintob—Joiiii Cary.-- Eaion4A. C, Smith, Benjamin Hall Fcetei---„-Isac Smith. Palis—Leivis Avery. Gilet Fitch, C. W. Brink. pcirkston—Joseph,Burges, B. S. Farr. Jason Frost, Lemon—Denison Lott,,Benj. Carver.? MOnroe---lohn May jr., Amos T. Pool. • Nicholson—E.T.Niver, Neheniiah Oakley, Edwin Roberts. Northtnoreland—Calvin Perrin: • Tunkhannock Borough— Joshua Kelly. Washington--Geo, Atkinson - , Dan iel'MeCain . Windham—S. S. Taylor. • • TRAVERSE JURORS. • Braintrim—Jacob Knapp, Lott Leilance. Clinton—S. C. ReynoldS, Ziba Billings. Eaton—J.ll. Miller, Nathaniel . Faril, Wan. Frear, 0:W. Benjamin; Isaac Graham. Falls—Henry Newman ; Nelson Lane, Moses Van- eampen: • . . Fork.,ton—Harrison Comstock,-.7. Mute. Mehoppany—David Myers, Nathan Kish'paugh. Monti3e—O. DAY. C. Orcatt, Jas. Phiney. Nicholson—Wm. Shaw. Northmoreland—J. C. Morris, Jonathan Newman. Tunkhannodk r Borough—T. , TT. Slocum, Thos. Wright, J.' W. Lyman, A.. Durham, Jones John Stevens', ••- Washington—A. _BannatYne, Benj. Bartron, J. L. Luce, T. F..K.ellogg, F.: E. Potter. ,G. W. Carey. Windham N. C. Frost, Austin Brink. E:X CHANG E. .WHIPPLE & DURHAM; I~EEP .. constantly.on hand-a Pair and well . selected assortment of Dry Gawp, Groceries,-hardware, &c., which- will be low for ready' pay. WNUPPLE. D. {?. avamemia. Itlehoop4ily, July 31, 1850. 129-tf. NO saying is more true than tht i l t rove, and the subscriber being fully impreiwith the truth thereof, has united in one extersiV. establishment the - Drug and Mercantile business, at the WYOMING COUNTY HEAD QUAR TERS, on the corner of Warren and Tioga streets, nearly opposite-Phelps' store, 3vhere he will keep constantly on hand a. large assortment of the very best selected fresh DRUGS of all descriptions, toge ther with the most popular patent and family • ?MEDICINES , and hayingheen in the practice 'of medicine a num ber of years f the public can purchase with any atidcle, he may offer for . He has also as frill an assortment' of , all kinds of Dry. * Goods,. Groceries, hardware, Crocker ii , Qtzeezzszcare, Booth !, Shoes, &c. &c. as can be found in any store io,Tualihan nock, and is constantly in the receipt ofNew Goods from New Yolk .and:Philadelphia. Also, PaintS, Offs, Flour, Salt, Iron, Nails, etc. all of MIA will he sold on the most reasorable terms at reduced pri ces. All Maas of country. produce taken. for any thing in this establishment. • Tankhannock, July 16, 4850. A. H. BOLLES M. E. Church 'he Chapel ' next I rvices on Satur k, ; on the M. Itev. D. A odance. 131UGHAIVI, Dentist, AVILL he at Skinner's Eddy from the first to the lath of August; from 15th to 30th at Lacey yille ; from Ist to 10th September at Niehaipany ; Illth to 20th at Tunkhannock. All branches of the above business done in a neat and permanent man lier. • MEM REFF.P.ENCES.-G. S. Totton, John Brisbin, Dr. J V. smith. - ointed Agent for nsuranceCompa c-c. illutztratintt the tion, to all ingni qtr• the following, I.VvomiatiMuma!, nd) the Delatrare I flock,ly - 31., - P. S. Those wishing, any dental work will please can, as this will probably be the last professional visit.privious to the . first of April next. The "Patent Etna Safety rust' rnannfastnred by Bacon, Bickford & Co. isir - arrtinted to be superior to any other article of the kind ever before introduced in this country. For WET BLASTING it is int aluable. and combines all the necessary qualifications to recoutruchd it to general use. 'Delaware'Compans qt Pr e mium paid in, RANCE, ANNUITY, NY, Blasters can work as 1 - a - t again and run no risks when using this article. Those who - are unacquainted with the article ate referred to'Mr. DAVID La.ovis, Superintendent or the Penn'a. Coal Co. Mines at Pittston, Luzerne Co. ' Pa.. or to E. P. ft.stn, Esq., Tunkhannock, lout and favorably known as a contractor upon all the principal works throughout the Slate. • The abate article to be hid wholesale and retail of L W.,CRAWFORD, Hardware Mercliant. Pittston; general Agent for Northern . Pennsylvania. Jno. H. Bogart & D. Phelps, Tunkhannock. A. C. Thompson & Co', Ransom: • S. Grant & Co., Dunmore. - R.. 1. Flick, Wilkesbarre. N. ft—Merchants wishing to engage in the sale of the above article, will be supplied upon the most reasonable terms by ad dregsmg. the agent, (post paid.) • Pittston, Feb. al, 16.1i0.—1y stem:— ailitrti - THE ' , OPER4TI IRE AT EXCITEMENT among the people an kJ' *mid of the North Branch teing, in full blast— with the $400,000 already appropr i ated by the State, and h large amount by the subscriber, the North Branch has been fairly gOt under way. and is now in full operation, and the public generally are invited to call, as they can'be suited with the finest, cheapest, and best Goodsmow All 'kinds and de scriptions of Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. • May 2S'e • LUTHER READ. A-TUTTLE has remov ed her shop to Phelps' new block, on Warren Street. where she,will be happy to - see her old cus tomers and all othets".who have, work be done in her line of business, assuring_ theM that all work en trusted to her will be exe'effe,d in u substantialand fashion - able manner, with despatch,and, on the most reasonable terms. rxliew style of, Bonnets, Dresses, &c: regularly received from the city. • Ttiolchaenock,_.May 21, 1600..:.., Q UGi-A - Tel. Coffee i Candles,,Starch, - lad igo, L.) Ntitinege, wood: 4 . Alain; Sal -Sal pe re, innarrnin, Snuff'POivder and for sale alythe N. Braila; 7m).l,=_Eg3ctmagccr - .§bzr,c:::qa. THE partnership heretothre eiisting,hetureeu the subscribers in the Merest/tile business,rtaiteen' dis solved by mutual consent - The books, accounts,&c. are in the hands 0f:A.,11.. Bolles,' who 'will settle all matters for and ag,aißst the:firm.: • " - A: El: BOLLES. DAVID GOODALE, Tunkhannoelr, July -10; 1850. ' - SALT by the Bbl. or Sack-, for 'sale at tbe'Nonh 1,7 Brandt. ‘` In Union thereis Strength." TO CONTRACTORS. Safety and economy. PKOCLAMATION.—Whereas the Don. War. Jeanne. Prost. dent Judge of the Court, of Commoneas and Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace ,- an the President Ma lice Of the. Court of Oyer and Tenniner d Generr.l Jail De. livery for the trial - of capital .and. - other offences, for the E leventh Judicial Markt , of Pennalvania. and Wit.m.tal i S. Jaywn; andSitsriatal,r D.„Pirstzs: Eggs... Associate Judges of the Courts of Common Hew and Geaqral . Quarter Sessions of the Peace,and Associate Justices of oar Courts of Oyer and Terminer and - General '•Jan- Delivery of the , County of 'Wyo ming, have by their precept•to'Me direated•ordered A General Conrt.of-Oyet and Ifertatner and Gener al_ . Jail Gellveryiant Gpiki:sll . ,: !twine - r Sessions of the Peace,.; , - ..- To be held at , Tonlriannock on. Monday the second day of September neatCr '' -• -'' '.' - - ' -- NOTICE istherefore' herebi,git, , en to the . Coroner and all Justices of Peace OW Constables within the County of- Wyo. ming, that they „bo , and appear in , Omit-proper. persons at the Sine andplace above mentioned, with- their. rolla, - , records, in• quisitions,examlnatioris, recagnizinces. and: other remembran ces, to do those things which to their °dices In that behalf re: epectivety belong.-•_. ._ , • • • Notice is also elven to all those who nre bound by recnenl za ncea to prosecute against the nrisiJnera that are or shall be in the Jail of Wyoming County, that they be then and there to piosecnte them as shall be just. JOAN JACKSON, Sheriff. Tunkharknock, August 7, ISZSO. BRZZO-11 NOTIOra. ATj a meeting of the President and Managers of the Tunkhanuodk Bridge Co. at Tunkhannock, pursuant to notice previnosly given, it was Resolved, That books be opened for subscription to the Capital stock of the Company, in order to sup ply the additional amount 'required for the speedy erection of a suitable and substantial Bridge across the river at Tunkhannock; and that the President be requested to act efficiently, and also to procure the services of such other. persons as may be necessary and suitable to carry out the intentions herein ex pressed. • Resolved, That these -proceedings be duly recorded in the Books of the Company, and published in the Newspapers of Wyoming county. HARDING, Pres'. T. T. SLOCUM, A. HINE, A. DURHAM, Attest: P. M. OSTERHOUT. D. F. Durham, Clerk Feb.2B, 1849.—1-tf. `~~l~'tzit~~~ MI JEWELRY STORE• CIIRLE IiENNIGER, respectfully announces to the Citizens of Tunkbannock and the surround ing country, that he has opened h Jewejler's shop in this Borough, next door below - the office of Wm. M. Platt, Esq., where cleaning and repairing Watch es and Clocks will be done in good style, on short notice, and the most reaSoaable terms. Jewelry mended to order. He will also keep on hand a plendid assortment of Jewelry of good.quality and fashionable style.— The public are invited to live bim a call. Tunkhannock, Jan. 24, .1841 REGISTER'S NOTICE. 1. Whereas the following iAministration account has been filed in the office of the Register for the Probate of Wills and granting Letters of Adminis tration, in and for the county of-Wyoming, viz: The final account of Gordon Pitte, Administrator de honis non of Gideon Fitch, deceased, filed July 29, 1850— This is therefore to give notice to all legatees, creditors, or other persons interested, that the forego ing account .wilt be Presented to the Orphans" Court to be held at TunlzhannJclr, on the second day of Sente'r next, for confirmation and allowance agree to law. F. C. ROSS, Register. Register's Office, Tunlzhannock, August 7, 1850. SHAViNG & HAIR DRESSING SALOON, the back room of A. G. Stark's Grocery Store, two doors below the "American Hotel." The Saloon will be open for the reception of, cus tomers at all hours of the day, elcept on _Sunday, when it will be opened at 7-o'clock A. M. and closed at half pas - t ten A. M. Shaving, Hair dressinz, Shatnpooning, &c; execue. ted in the neatest style. Price of Shamporminz, 25 cents. CHARLES TILLMAN Tunkhannock, Feb. 6, 1850. 100 BOTTLES OLD DR. JACOB TOWNSEND'S SARSAPA RILLA, advertised in another part of this paper, for sale j et the POST-OFFICE ALSO—Da. Wm. E. Moreerr's LIFE PILLS, & PHIENIX BITTERS, together with MYER'S LIQUID CURE, for the Pit.e.s, warranted to gye satisfaction, or no pay. Tunichannock, Jan. 16, ISSO. _ NEW GOODS. MBE subc . criber is now receiving a general as. 1. sortment of Spring 4- Summer .Goods, which have been purchased at reduced prices, and will be offered on such terms as can not fail to please his customers. ' May 1, 18,59. _ S. D. PHELPS. CARRIAGE AND SLEIGH. MAKING. The undersigned would give notice to the citizens of Wyoming county that he leased on the first day of June last, the extensive Carriage and Wagon making Establishment of David Clemons', in the borough of rfunkbannock, and that he is now pre pared to do all kinds of work in his line of business, with despatch, of the best materials, and in a sub stantial manner. He respectfully solicits the pat ronage of the public. WARREN BREWSTER. Tunkhannock, July 24,1850. , 7: WM --- A Ll Later fi rs rm on o s f ittp l t n e r d ha to m s D o u n rh a a r m e ilo o r r ob to y no th d e . fied 'that payment must - be, made immediate'y, and that all accounts sdt settled before the:lsth day of September, will b collected by law. Payment may be made, to twroN DANA, Esq...Tunkhannock, or to,the subscriber 4t • Mehoopany.. Ang. .6, 1854 olr I. P. DI7RHAM.. WFIEAT, RO, COrp, Bnekwheet,bsg, Beans, Onions, •Butter, Beeswax. Tall'ori Rags, Eggs, Flax, Tow Cioth, Furs, Beef-hides, C4,okins taken in eichange for Goods, at "the highest prices," at the North Branch. LUTHER READ. SOLE AGENCY.—Dr. Wright's Indian Vegeta 17 ble Pills is Tunkhannoek, by • - - A. H. BOLLES. ;ttly 17,1650. . , SOLE AGENCY.—Dr. •)ayne's Valuable Family !- Medicines, 'with Almanacs for gratuitous distri 'bution—please call and get of July 17,1850. • A. H. BOLLES. , COLE AGENCY.—Dr. S;P: Townsend's Sam -14.7, patina, - wonder and blessing of the age, with Al manacs for 1850, grads, by July 17 1850. A. H. BOLLES. B 7 RANDY,Gin, Rum , and Whiskey, - , very cheap, and Good quality, for sale at the North Branch :TAMP OIL and Linseed Oil, iii Sate at the 4-4 NORTH BRANCH.. , nom, VARNISH 'and Spirit. Turiienline, for, 1..) sale at the North Branch fitor?. DEL. c. CANAL Arrattgellients fOr , 1 85 O. THE following DECK CANAL BOATS will be run in 1 this Line during the present season, Viz: - R A Tiir B 0 W, ROSE,._, ,. E. F. LORD, OREGON; ORBIT, J. C. GUNN, EMPIRE, SAmsnm, - E. Mtraney, , ilts 9 l.r.e, NEW Yoait, Canesto, OTsedo, COMMERCE, FONDELAC, WYOMING, M. J. MERCHANT, JOHN Et7E - H, NAPA.NOCR. JANE FRANCES, • WISCONSIN, • MAY. FLOWER, GAN'I. WEBSTER, IRAD HAVTLE 4 Z,: , OCEAN WAirE, UNION, , , ALIDAi -,_ TUNICHANNOCK. - ; Merchandize will be teceived gaily in New York, at Pier fcot of Jay street, until 5, o'clock; P. M., a 1 ter which hour, no receipts mill, be given or freight taken. . EY' All packages mnstrbeproperlv and drstinctly marked, or they will not be rocelyed. All small parcels, alSo Codfish in bundles, mast be properly boxed, or they will not be received. This 'Line has no connection With any other line of boats, than those above specified.' It. B. Stone; is Agent on the dock. This Line will be extended to Pittston as soon as the Pennsylvania Coal Company get their Railroad in operation, Which will be abbot the 15111.'61* Ante 1850. All freight intended' o go. to Pittstori must be marked "yin." For further partibears, inquire of 11. WILBUft, 110 Moray st., New York, and of Rum A. PAnton, Honesdale ` _ [June 12.-3 m.! • NOTICE.' • • The Subscriber having purchased the following described property, viz: one pair of gray rnares,lhar- Bess and wagon, ene pail of brb sleighs, which he has left with John May,. during his pleasure, hereby forbids all persons molesting the same. Monroe, June 13,1850. 'SEVERN BROWN. Manager Resolution relative to the Amendment of THE CONSTITUTION. Rao/ved by the Senate qnd lintse of Representatives of the Comvonteeaß4 of Pennsylvania in General As sembly met, That the Constitution of this Common. wealth be amended in the second section of the' fifth article, so that it shall read as follows: The Judges of the Supreme Court, of the several Courts of Com mon Pleas, and of such other Courts of Record as are or shall be established by law, shall be elected. by the qualified electors of the Commonwealth,ln 'the manner following to wit. The Judges of the Su preme Court, by the qualified electors--of theCorn mon wealth at large ; the President Judges of the sev eral Courts of Common Pleas, and of such other Courts of Record as are or shall be established by law, and all other Judges required to be learned in the law, by the qualified electors of the respective districts over which they are .thpreside or act as Judges; and the Associate Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas by the qualified electors of the coun-. ties respectively. The Judges of the-Snpreme Court shall hold their offices for the term of fifteen years if they shall so long behave themselves well, (sub ject to the allotmebt hereinafter provided for, subse quent to the first election;) the President Judges of the several Courts of Common Pleas, antlof such other Courts of Record as are or shall be established• by law, and all other Judges required to be learned in the aw, shall hold their offices for the term of ten years, if they shall so long behave themselves well; the Associate Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas shall hold their offices for the, term, of five years.,.if they shall so long behave themselves well; all of whom shall be commissioned by the Governor, but for any reasonable cause, which shall not be suffici-. ent grounds of impeachment, Ile Governor shall re move any of them on the address pt two-thirds of each branch of the Legislature. The first election shall take place at the general election of this Com monwealth next after the adoption lof this amend ment, and the commissions °Lail:the Judges who - may be then in office shall expire on the first Monday of December following, when the terms'. of the neWiJnd ges shall commence. The persons who shall then be elected Judges of the Supreme Court shall hold- their offices as follows: One of them for three years,' one for six years. one for nine years, one for twelve years, and one for fifteen years, the term - of each to be deci ded by lot by the said Judges, as soon after the-elec tion as convenient, and the result certified by them to the Governor, that the commissions may be isStied in accordance thereto. The Judge whose commis sion will first expire shall be Chief Justice during his term, and thereafter each Judge'whose 'commis sion shall first expire shall in turn be the Chief Jus tice, and if two or more commissions shall expire on the same day, the Judges holding them shall de cide by lot which shall be the Chief Justice. Any vacancies happening by death, resignation or other wise, in any of the said Courts, , shall be filled by ap pointment by the Govcrour, to. continue till the first Monday of December succeeding the next general election. The Judges of the Suprerle Court and the Presidents of the several Courts of Common Pleas shall, at stated times, receive for their services - an ad 'equate compensation, to be , fixed by lawiwhieb shall not be diminished during their continuance in office; but they shall receive no fees or perquisites of office, nor hold any other office of profit under this Com monwealth, or unner the Government of the United States, or any other State of this Union. The Judg es of the Supreme Court, during their continuance in office shaft reside in this Commonwealth ; and the other Judges, during their continuance in office; shall reside within the district or county for which they were respectively elected:. J. S. M'CALMONT, Speaker of the Rouse .of Representatives. , V. BEST, • Speaker of the Senate. • SENATE CFIAMBER, Ilarristurg, January., 'lB5O. 1, Samuel W. Pearson, Chief Clerk of the S'enate of Pennsylvania, do hCrelly certify that the forego ing resolution (No. 10 on the Senate file of tne.pres cot session s ) entitled " Resolution relative to an a mendment of the Constitation,"--it. being the same resolution which was agreed to hy a; majority of the members elected to each H just of the laSt,Legisla ture—alter having, been duly;considej - c d and discus sed, was this day agreed to by a,majority of:the,ruem bers elected to and serfingin the Senate of Pennsyl vania, at its present session, as, will 'appear by their votes given mi the final passage', of die resolution, as 'follows, viz : those voting in favor of the passage of the resolution Were H. Jones' Brooke, J. Porter Paw ley, William A. Crabb, Jonathan -Cunningham, Thomas S. Fernon, Thomis H. VOrsyth, Charles ?Frailty, Robert 'M. Frick, Henry . Fulton; John , W. Guernsey, Wm. Hasten, Isaac Hu,gus, Timothy Ives, Joshua Y. Jones, Joseph., Konigmacher, Geo. T. Lawrence, Maxwell McCaslin, Benjamin Alo lone, Benjamin Matthias, Henry A. Mulitinberg, 'Wm. P. Packer, William R. Sadler, David Sankey, Peleg B. Saverv, Conrad &inter, Robert C. Sterrett, Daniel Stine, Parris B. Streeter, John' H. 'Walker and Valentine Best, Speaker--Yeas Those voting against the passage of the iesblution Were, George- Darsie, Augustus•Drant and Alexan der King—Nays &tract frop the Journal. • - • SAMUEL W. liEABSON. `Clerk. _ IN Tilt ROUSE OF RgrIZESiNTAiIiC-S; • - li airisturgdik , r4 14; Up% I, William Sack, Obiefeletig.of the flonseof Re p• resentatives of Pennsylvania, do 'hereby . certify that ,the fofegoilig resohition, (No. 10 On the Senate file ,Inti No. 311 on the Lionse igliMal of the present Session i ) tentilled 4 cßesolution relattve 1.0 - theatnead. ment ofthe Constitution"—it being the same resolu tion which Was agreed to by a - majortty of tie Mem bers elected to each House of the last .tLegislakire-; afterhaving been duly "considered` and-'discussed, was this day agreed tat:ly a .Majority, mem , bers electyd to and serving in the House'of itepren tatives of Pennsylvania, at its present session, as will appear by their votes, given ea • thefintil passage, of . the recitation, a.s.follows,lrii. I Those voting in favor of , the passer.„e of.the !Minn Were, John Acker; John Alltsoe,Willieralfti.' ker, Robert Baldwin, David J. Beat l Craig -Biddle:, •••• Jeremiah Black, Jahn S. 'Bolen, ' Daniel H. 13. Brotver,.Jesse IL' }linden, ,John mtili Hairy Church, John N: J CotivOitham,' SYlVesler, Cridland, Benjamin David, William . 'Pobbin,S; games P. ,Downer,Thotaas:Dancan;; Wm:Espey, C Evans, ,Wm:lEvans; Seott, Ewint>, Ateiander S. Feather, ,JarnesTlowerS; Ben-. jairlin i- F. Fortner, Alexander Gibbony,' Thoinas Grier, Joseph' E Griftio, Joseph Cblley,'Jaecb Haldeman, George Hart, I,,efiert, Hart:, John - Hastings, Win,' . .l}eMph i ll, John ~14oge, Henry ,Eluplet, Let i s Herford, Washington • J.- Jackson.- Nicholas Jones ; ; John W. Killinger, CharfeeE kead, Robert Klotz, Harrison P. Laird; Mortis Leech, Joitathno D, Leet,.Aasop,Leonard, Lewis, Henry Lin te, 12 Jonas ..M!Ctintoclr, John . y. M'Orloch, Alexander C. Mtdrirdy,-John ,lohn P , VLech, Samuel Marx, John' B: -Meek, Michael Myers, John Miller, "Joseph C. - Malloy, 'John D Morris, Wm. T , Morlson,•Ez.OierAlciwry, jr. Edward Nicirleson, Jacob -Nissly, Charles CP= Neill, John B.- Packer; Joseph C' Powell, James C Reid, John S•Rhey, Lewis Roberts, Samuel Robin- • son, John B. Rutherford, .Glenn cofield, Thom as C Scouler, Win. Shaffner, Richard Simpson, Eli Slifer, WIT). Smith, Wm. A. Smith, Daniel Smr-. ser, Win. $ &leder, .Thomas C Steel; :David SteW-,-- ard, Charles Stockwell, Edwin ' C Trone, Andrew Wade, Robert C',Walker, .Th?mas Winston; ey B Wells. Hirarn•A. Williams, Daniel Werbepcand John S. WCalmont, Speaker—YeaS•B7,„ , Those voting against the passage of the'resoltition, - were, August& K Cornyn, David'Evans, and James ' M. Porter—Nays 3.' -„ • Extract from the WILLIAM JACK, Clerk . Filed March 15,.1850,. A. BENEDICT, Dep. Sec. of ctrantoullt _ . Peimsyliania, ss : . , I do certify , that the above and foregoing,is . a tine and correct copy ,of the origina) resolution of the General Assembly } 'entitled" Resoluiion relative to an amendment a the ' Constitution," ' as the same re mains on file in this ofh - ce. . ......" In testimony whereof I have hereunto set L.S} ) my hand, and caused to . 4e affixed the seal ....,......of the Secretary's office, at Harrisburg, this fifteenth day of June, Anno Donaini 'one thousand eight hundred and fifty. - A. L.' RUSSELL, , Secretary of the .ComunnelA. " HELP ONE ANOTHER" The Wyoming Cofluty . 111utual - LE 4 LF , Zll:o6EZMatPetwxl(4): COMPANY, incorporated by Act 'of PenrTyltia:, nia 'Legislature, approved Aptil pep% is no* ready to receive applications for insttrance,,lonthe mutual principle, on, most kinds of property exposed'',. to destruction by fire. All who insure in this CotaL. pany will share in the profits, and losses, aad each.. will have a vote-in the election of oflicers,—access to the books at all timesir-and a•voice in directing its operations. • - The following are the Directors for the year FAA-. intz: JOHN BUNNELL, BRADLEY WAKEMAN, S. D. PHELPS, JABEZ JENKINS, I STEP H. C AFWELL, A. K. PECKHA M, • HENRY ROBERTS, ANDREW GORD EN lER; R. R. LITTLE, •THOS. OSTERHOUT, - , ASA S. DANA, ALFRED HINE, • JOH / N FASSET. " '. P orrice:as., President, SHERMAN D. PHELPS. Treasurer, JOHN BUNNELL, Secretary, 'WILTON DANA. S. H..T.tri.oa General Agent. Not more than- $2OOO taken fn one risk, and no- Steam or other extra-hazardous property insured. Amount of advance premium on .$l4/00 safe farm property, for a five-years' iluturance, includitm survey at dpolicy. other property according to risk. To avoid litigation, a by-law has been adopted, that the ponipaq shall he responsible for the correctness of .ostirvers made by their Av'ents. No sub-agents 0 Allowed. • Acting upon the plan of 'taking no buildings , not well A'ecured, and no large risks; and adopting the most economical plan of expenditures, the Directors confidently anticipate that insurance in thelVyfoming Company will prove as safe and as cheap as in any one in the State. Applications for insurance or for agencies to be ad : dressed to R. R. Lirrt.n, Chairman Executiv Com mittee, or to MILTON DANA;Sed: Tunkhannocir, June 5,.1850. 311HMISIUNIEDIfifers. QCHOOL BOOKS, and a" liartety of' Books'and Stationery, embracing "man) of tlie - vajna.ble' riblicationS of the day. Websier's quarto and pcta vo Dictionary, Headtey's Works, and a, variety too areal to mention. .Conunon "anti' c.lasieal. School Books. . Pot: Books of any kind ftquiied please 'calf at the store of . A. H. BOLLES'.';: Tunkhannock, July 11; 18 5 6 : " NEW SADDLE; -HARNESS. AND TRUNK MANUFA.CTORT ' (IN l'intatmeNtw'llLOCti. l l,. THE Subscriber will make to order ali'articlea ih his line of btisinetis, oat of tkeyery fb'ttst of ma terials. He uses no leather but the' best 'qualily inf Oak Tanned,* and does not intend to'be 'stnpattsary' in good Workmenshipo . He wilt sell at. jairpi•ites, ,l and be ever pleased to wait upon those Who may - wish to exatnine his stciek and workaianship: , :;-, , - PERRY. NIARCY._ Tunkhannock, Jan. 30, 1850 —nssty TWO FARMS FOR SALE The subscriber , will sell ' his Ectriii,..(of,ayatt % of It) . lying : 'near the river in graintrim. toyinshitt, containing Two, aundered . flnd, Fifty Acres; 1- !I bout, cine-half impioyetl.•• Also ~ , . A Farm, in Attbutp towns,hip, 84spellanla_,-e,-(143 6ninining two..hunsired nnd nixty ,acre;;,-witkabom-, , , One 'floated Improved.:, t „ ,v; ; For particulars, enquire.. of. the eeyville, Wyominf; co., Fa. . „ , March 13, I850:41-tf MEM,' EDWARD,S. gLit Vizeb i ..6 * 444 t ion. 4 S4:,6\idtitt:4y, .n.eatt l f it) ,t!tit;L • tio a d t akte a ttz , at dv,.. ‘,/ 1 , ; .r "Insurance Agalitsz• vat e. pElizatis insure:propettk_situated;it 3Vitomit 1, connty,•against losses 1?y. firer s ! Will tto.weil to*.ea II Fon. the •:sttbseciber,,' A. :K. PECIC HAM, Agent for the Lyeotnitig Mutual Insurance Company. _ . Jan., IFSO -Iy, CI Sticßwr . Oy's Orri,4l SECRETARY'S. OFFICE i s,.i.i: INE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers