Wyoming County Whig. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1849-1852, June 13, 1849, Image 3

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iLN i ) E R IE , ,RAII:.ROAD isO OWEGO.--:
On Friday; another :in the great
chahroftheist. &E. R. Road is
exzetidedi-=: - ;from einaltainton to
Owego, ,_'distancti of sorthing less
than miles: trough the valley of the
Susiineliarmah; pnd into a region here.
, .
tnfore - considered .one of the most ' 4 se.
:Citiestered"' in the State. The great
mac les - ofthe redid were overcome when
the summits of the Delawara , were sur
mounted and Birig,hcinitop was reached ,
and now thdre is,smooth going mainly
through river valleyis, from Binghamton
on to Lake Erie.. The mountains are
°veracity. The valleys only are to be
filled up, or levelled.,
In 18.15, the price of a steamboat pas
sage ,betiveen Cincinnati and New Or
leani was sl36—noW it is $l5. Be
tween the san4plaCe and Pittsburg it
%Vas s3o'—noW it itik $5. Thelithe
to 'New . Orleans.wai twenty-eight
ning days—now it oftentimes less
than' six.
The EpiscOrial COnventicio.-of N. J.
has•net;atived iesoltitioni to investigate
the charges againit, Bishop Doane,
• whose recent failure'at Burliniton has
csuserfsomuCh public comment. •
A YartkeiCount.—;-The Portsmouth,
(N. 11) 'Messenger siates i that the Rus
sian General, Count` Rinzerholl, is a
native of. 'Meredith, N. H., and his real
name is
.Thoin'as F IVilliains.
The State Conventinp of Universal
ins will hold i its annual tneeting,at
;lousy ille,on Wednesday and Thursday,
June 6th and 7th. Lay and IVlinisterial
delegatt4lltavetieen staninoned to attend.
INEW I'"ORK, June 9
Forty tasrs- and Oinuteen &arils n
dholiira have been nilioded to (lily,. for
the past 21 hours. '?
NEW 'VoI:K., June IQ
sixteen cuseS and ten de;►.hs
have been r. ported
A Utter has just tern rtci. - -..iveft from
(1.4 e g o, souc , in that a case of cholera
h-id occurred at that place, and thatrthe
vitient i not expected to recover
rintV Legislative Assembly of France,
ihrei• liondretlrueniberszare or have
been editors.
CARL Co:initssinsEtt —Tile /lot
fidayttdrg Whig places the name of
Henry M. Fuller, of I.azerne county,
nt the head of its columns, as the Whig
candidate fur Canal Commissioner.
The literary; world and a host Of ju
venile readers will learn with sorrow,
that the celebratEld Maria EdgeWonli,
the once popular novelist, is dead -
rca.'•llrs. Sinipkirts has .an ahorni..
nable gait, doaityea think so ?",
indeed, L think iris quite handsome, es
ly sitice it Was painted."
There are .1:?,43 Sons of Teinper
once in New prleanS, and yeti only
three of them, its iS:atid. suffered ; from
the recent ravages of Cholera, and they
were peculiarly exposed. .1
The St. Louis papers statelhat the
greatest activity petrol's in the burnt
district: Hundreds of men were em
ployed, and twelve months mould not
elapse Wore the whole, from Locust
street'up to Marketi was rebuilt.l IThe
Reveille estimates the total loss by the
fire at ,60291:1. •
Cost ofthe ititt€,—li` 1 biils tore the
loin ri done, at, i the Astor Piece Opera
House, New yoriti and the cost of re
freshments. for 'the Police, ainnunt to
: Superadded to this 114 be the
extra-compensation of the depntk,sher
;.ifls s tvornir faF. special ser 1,
,The Louisville-:Journal; speaking of
iholera, cautions h it s readers against the
toe - of fresh fish,,Which it Says is , more
poisonous, than arsenic where the chol
era prevails..
The Sorierso Herald takes ' , decided
grouud, in raver; of the selectioof Hen
ry M. Niter', of Liierrie, le the Whig'
candidate for Contit poriiaissiciner.
a4TrriA , sailed from
erpoul on 28th ltdvltitry t iu the ship Ash , :
burtort ti:tr York.
GEN. rEeSENDE of Me. once doubt
edwhether.a little ey,
. Wh# was of.
fared as a:witoessi, tindeptootithe nature
.- 1
and obligitions of an loath; and proposed
to examine hini on• that-pont. "My
boY, canyotarepeat !lie Lord's Prayer?" .
"Yes, sir,"- teas • the instant reply:
Ceiii YOU?" . I
I .t
- .
The crime of Arson is severely pun.
ished under a law ] passed by the lost
Session of our State Legislature. When
the attempt is succePsful, the punish
ment is kfteen years' f itnprisonotent—
wheo unsuccessful, ten years.
A Fact.—The Secretary ofche Home
Department when asked for, offices says
to the applicant, "there .are no offices to
give, none are worth your , attention i
vacant. and I would advise you to adopt
sronie other pursuit.'l
i' Why is a sleeping child like a
coat worn threadbare •
Because it wants a nap.
Gallantryltasarriveig at such a pass,
out West, that whee a young lady
sneezes, all the male bipids give three
A cotemporary.says that "Europe is
reposing on a volcano.'' She is. then,
very singular in her choice of a bed
Answer to Enigma in last wetik's pa
for the "Whig.'
tNIGNI ; 4%.
Composed of Tuienty Letters,
My 1076 3 9 20 17 is rt.' noted • island
11 16 8 4 7 aro Tree
1 13 19 12 15 the name of a Coin
• 18 - 14 52 a Musical Instrument.
My whole is the name of a distin
gui;heil.American.; '
In this borough, on the 9th
George, youngest son of Ralph Martin,
azed about 2 years.
Wheat . n. . . 81.00 [Satter . •- : . 8 11
Rye o,solCheose . . . . 7
Corn 501 and . / 1 1
Oats . . . . . Si,[l3reswas • ... 20
Buckwheat . . 37 1- Tallow . . . 12
Potatoes - . . . zOlEgts
.1 . ... . 10
10,000 RYE
H a E re LS wa CnOteßdN bl y lN the D
subscriber at his Steain Mid in Carbondale,
for which the highest market price will be
paid in Cash... / •
Itkconnection with the Steam Mill the
subscriber carries on the Foundry and Tin
Sheet Iron business, and is prepared to
furnish al: kinds of Castings, including the
latest and bebt patterns of Stoves.
Cattiondale June 13, 1849. 3 m. .
i •
AN appropriation of $lO,OOO for the com
pletion of "The INorth Branch Canal"
bas been made, and the whole amount in
'vested in the pu!chaSe of an entire stock of
Foreign and Dom estic Goods,
Comprising a general and well selected va
riety of fancy
All of whidiwill be s old at the lowest price
for Cash.
All kinds of Merchantable produce taken
in exchange for GoOds at cash prices.
but ask the examination and, decision of
their fellow citizens and a generousi public,
in 'regard to the iluality and cheapness of
their stock at the "North Branch Store" first
door below N,' C. Martin's Hoist, on River
_ Tunkliannock June 6, 1819.-23-tf. -
Undersignid having.been appoint-
T ea by the Court of Common Pleas of
the County of Wyomtng. an Auditor to Us
tribute the fund arising from the sale of the
Real Estate of Without Scott, by the Shea,
will attend to the duties of his appointment
on Monday, the 16th day. of July next at 1
o'clock P. M., at hiS office in the Borough of
Tnnlthannock,when and where all persons
interested in said fund can present their
claims or be debarred from coming in upon
the same. OE°. S. TUTTON.
, . June 6,1949.-23.4 i
- -
THE undersigned having been appointed
an Auditor by;the, Court of-Common
Pleas of WYoming County, to distributethe
funds arising from the sale of the Real Es.
tate . of Frederick' Kingkinger, and Luke
More it T. Tenant ) by the Sheriff of said
county, will attend to the duties of his ap•
Ointment, at his office in the Borough of
'Tunkhanneck on Saturday, July, 71849, at
P. day;; at which time and place
all m
peons interested will present their
claims or be debarred from a share in the
funds to be distributed. ,
WM. PIAT,T4 Auditor.
Jupe.6,11310.=-23-It •
Y virtue of ittro Writs Of.Pi."Pa: issued
out or thq Conti of Com Mon Pleas of
Wyoming, county, to !me directed will he,
exposed to Public Sale at the Conrt House,
in the Borough otTunithannock, on ,Satur;
ilay.the 7th day of Jul ylnext, at one o'clock - ,
P.M.. the tollo o tiirr , described property to
0 -
All those certain pieres or parcels bfland
lying in the_lownship of Monroe, Wyoming;'
County Pa. viz: One piece or parcel there, i
of in the warrantee name of Geo rge F. wells,
bounded and dercribeed as follows: on the.
north by land in the warrantee name of
John Nicholson, on the east by lands in the
warrantee name of William Wvllis, on the
south by lands in the warrantee name of
John Wyllis, and on the West by lands in,
the warrantee name of Robert IN illis, con
taining. sixty-five acres and sixty perches,-
ten acres improved wiih two saw Mills, one
Circular Saw Mill, Two frathe dwelling
Houses, one frame Barn and one frame
Shed thereon. . _
One other piece or parcel of land.situate
in the township; County and State afore
said, in the warrantee name of 'William
Wyllis, bounded on the north by lands in
the warrantee name of John Nicholson, on
the south by the line of Luzerne and Wyo.,.
ming Counties, and on the west hg lands in
the warrantee name of James 'Willis and
George P. 'Wells, containing one hundred
and forty-three acres, nll unimproved.
• One other piece or parcel of land, situate
in the township, County and State afore-
said, in the warrantee name ofiatnes Wyl
lis bounded on the north by lands in the
warrantee name of Robert Wyllis and Geo.
F. Wells, east by lands in the warrantee
name of William„Wyllis on the -south by
the line of Luzerne and VVyoming counties
and on the weq by lands in the warrantee
nail* of William Duncan anti Robert
containing one hutidred and forty-nine
acres, and one hundred and twenty-five per
ches, all unimproved late the estate of the
Defendents in said writ named.
Seizen and taken in execution at the suits
of Hart, Cummings and Cushman vs Hen
ry W. Botightin and Shaeffer and Loney
vs. the same.
By one writ of Vend. Expn. Will be expo
sed to public sate, at the same time and
pface, the following described, tract or lot
of land, situate in the Towiship of-Tunk
hannock, Wyoming County Pa., hound.•d
on the north by lands of Miles Avery, ea-t
by lands of Jabez and Benjamin Carver,
south by lands of U. li. Mitchell and west
by lands of Humphrey Avery, containing
about thirty acres, more or less, all tin*
Seized and taken in execution at the snit
of P. L. Bowman v's. Jabez Carver, Ad
.10FIN JACKSON, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office
Tooled:, June 9, 1849.
will ycu neglect
those premonitory smptotns
which are giving you warning that
something must be Zone to save you from
the grave, of the consumptive I Why en
courage that hacking cough—the pain
in the side—night sweats—raising
of blood or difficulty m breath
ing I Why ; 'cherish
and foster the
that is
. ing
• on your
vitals, taking away
your strength with each pas.
sing day, and hastening you to that
"bourne from whence no traveller returnci"
Let not its harrowing, tones fall upon the
ears of your 'friends, relieve it at onc e , an 4
let the bloom of health: once more adorn
your now salloW and ghastly cheek—others
have been in a situation equally as hopei
le.se a yours, and been restored by the
Mr. P. -U. METZGER, corner of Ist
Avenue and I I th streetond fonnerly a mer
chant in Albany, was reduced to .the brink
of the grave from consumption. "fhe best
physicians could do hint no good, his
they could not cure, and gave him up ; he
lost his appetite, strength and flesh, and rai
sed great quantities of blood and .bloody,
matter ; when the tubercles burst he raised
nearly a pint at a time.
he is now able to travel and attend to bis
Witness the cases of Rev. Henry Jones,
108 Eigth Avenue, who was cored of a
cough or 50 years standing, ; Mts. Attree,
No. 22 Cornelia street, who had been given
up by Ors: Mott, Rose and kMcClellen.
The grandchild of Christian K e.nhs o 155
Ludlow-street, who was also g yen up to
die. Mrs. Milne, formerly of ,Brooltlyn,
whom the first Physicians said could not be
cored ; and a:host of others who have. been
afflicted with '
and all the various farms of dise se in the
vital organs.
Do any doubt the efficacy of his medi-
cine 'I Let them go and convers e -with those
who have been cured by it. Pamphlets
containing the names, and resideces of a
small portion of them may be ob ained -gra
ds. In purchasing, :le sure you get the
genuine, ask for "SIIERNAN'S• ALL
HEALING BALSAM," and see that the
written signature Of A. Sherman M. D, is
on the rapper of each bottle.
'25 cents and el per bottle. '
Dr. Sherman's Lozenges and Plasters
sold as above. I " '
Dr. Sherman's °Nee is at 7 Nassau
st. N. Y. ... . .
For Sale Wholesale & Retail, by A.
DURBAN, Agent for, Wyoming County
histirtinee Againia Fire.
ERSONS wfshing to insur property
situted in Wyoming cotm y, against
losses by fire, will do well to e .11 on the
subscriber, - A. K. PECKHAM, Agent
the Lycoming Mutual Insurance Compa-
Yanuaty, 1 1840.4-Iy.-- ' • -
li - JA:IL-, - LETTING,
. .
The o'rnmigsiOners ofWyOming, County
heretiy give,NOTICE that they tvill meet
at the CoortsElonle the borough of Took-
Hannoelr,: on iVondai,the4th clay of June
'next, for the purpose cif receiving proposals
and letting to the lowest responsible bidder,
the btrildina of a. Jail and Yard in—abd for
Wyoming County,. said Jail and
Yard to t•e•built of Brick and Stone. Plans
will-be exhibited on the day of Letting.
By order of.t.he Commissioners, , •
F. C. ROSS, Clerk..
Commissioner' , Office, /
May 5,184 q.
N. 11—The ahnve ;tail letting is adjour
ned till Thursday the 6th day or September
vest. Plans will he exhibited on that day.
By order of Commissimers.
F. C. ROSS, Clerk.
T"E parinershin heretofore existing in
the Sodd/r ti• Harness. Making Business,
belt teen the Subscribers is this day Ms
sok rd by limitation. Those indebted to
the firm, are, requested to settle their ac
comas immediately.
The Books are in the hands of C. A.
Buck. who will continue the business .at
the old :Amid - . R. K. RUSSELL
C. A. BUCK..
Tunkhannock, April 2, 1849.-14-31
mO all those whom it may concern, Ilk
subscriber would say that be is nopi . ,
.meparinz biFi Machine with new cards,
work the (minion. season. Grateful for
their custom and kindness the. past four
years. his objeet will hex° merit a continu
ance of public favor hy fulfillimr the expec
tations of. those who bring their wool to
Card. - S. B7HULBERT.
Hulbettsville,(Forkston.) Wyoming co
Pa. - - • May 23, 1849.-2141
THE subscriber has been appointed rd
mtnistfator of Rachael Stephens, late
pf Nicholson township, deed—all persons
indebted to said Estate, are requested to
make payment, and all person s having
claims against the same, wit! present them
duly attested for serletnent, to the subscri
Newton, Luz co. Pa.—it/ay . IG 1819—,J21-6
LETTERS of Administration upon the
Estate ofJohn F. Dupuv dec'd, late of
the township of Nicholson ll'yoming coun
ty,Pa.r haying been granted to the -:.ubscrilt
er all persons having claims atain't said
Estate ate requested to present them duly
attested for settlement at the otnee of A. K.
Peckham in the Borough of Tunkhannock,
and all those indelned to said Estate are re
quested to make immediate payment.
Tunkbinnock May 16, 1849 --20-tit
Washington County,
Mutual Fire Insurance, Company.
• S. IL Taylor. Agint.
Tayikhennock, May e, ism.
The terms - of insuraocein this Company
are lower than in any other in this- part of
the country.-15-3t.
The operations of some of the travel
ling sufi-agenbi having been such as to, east
suspicions upon all connected therewith,
we have concluded to offer the following
for the iblormation of those interested:
Willis certifies, That having seen S. H.
TAYLoit's'Certificate of Agency from the
Washington County Mutual Insurance Co.
we are satisfied that he is duly authorized
to act as agent for the same, and further,
that those of us who have - not already,
done so, would rather insure in this than
in any other Cotnpanv. Signed,
13. STARK, 11 - M. S. JAYM,
IRA Av ): tur . .
Tenkhannock, May, 1849.
,7 0).a.a5:7 - „,
N pursuance of the thirty-second section
of an act entitled "An act for the re o
lation and . continuance-of a system of Edu
cation hy Common School?' passed the 7th
day of April 1849. Herewith is 'a statement
of the amount to which every district with.;
in the county of Wyoming is entitled. out
of the antinal appropriation
. ot $`.200,00C1 for
.the year 1850, as transmitted to us by the
Superintendent of CommoriSchools, as fol
lows :
rt;stricts. A mount.
Braintrim, $7B 31
• Clinton, 49 61
. .
Tunkhannock Tp., I&2 91
Tunkhannock Euro' fl 9 86
Washington, 78 72
Windham, • 46 74
Attest; I'. C. ROSS, Clerk. .. •
Tunkhannock May 2, 1849. 18-3 t ,
large supply of Dr. D. Jayne's valuable
remedies just received, from Philadelphia,
also- Almanac's for 1849. gratis.
' • ' A. PURHAM, Agent..
1000 TOWNSEND'S Almanac:,
just ieceived for gratuitous
distribution, also •
Compound Syrup of Sar•apa
tilla, for sale by, A. DURHAM.
HE subscribers' are now receiving a
.• generel assortment of '
, Spring 4; Summer Goods, ,
which have been pirchased at reducedpri
es,, and will be offered on such terms as
annot l fail to'pliaSe their customers.
CO.__ ,S. D: PHELPS, at .
May 1 .1, 15 , 00
. 1
V: rAILMER, Tribune 13nildings, New
.Yo ,
11 ;1
and Isl: W. 'comer of Third 'and
'Ch ut streets, Phtliidelphia.
. GEO.' SATT, 151, Nas - sau street, N. Y.
_ .
_ VENDTIS' fllr =
In the cburitvof Wyamingfar 1 zeyiydr
1819, as appraised anti c4s,filiea,
by 11v:undersigned appraiser
. . of illercantite taxes:
Tpukhannock Dom..
Henry stork A: Co. noLirtoOr 411 0 . 06
Thos. Osterhout & Co. ' Liquor ' - 13,00 . A. Durham • Liquor:--.10,00
Wells & llogrrt 1150
Sloane' Stark 211. . , 7,e0
nither it,..ta • : 'Armor - 10,50
S. P: Phelps & Co. -•-• -` no Liquor' 13, 00
Brahmin), - -
Geo. C. Lacey
J. W. Parker ,
Clutrles Stunievant
John Stuntman'
It. Wakemah & Son
Washington. .. . .
IL,stoirg & "
11. T. Sterling, " "
Ilankinson & Smith . 1
Meltoopany .
Paul 11. Jennings, i " i•
Mean. Lore •
Wto-11. flames - " • "
Lewis Whipple
Forkslon .
Wm. 11. names
J. e. Grier
James ‘VilSon
Northlnoreland -
Meister Keeler
A. M. Jeironis
RI/carts tg. Ilardin;
Frear 47 Wheelock
Capwell Ajaily 111,
Wilber Ganitier
n Jos. 8. ck.rwood :la g Unr- moo
Additional persns, Liecnsetl natter the Act, of
Assepalil, passed
Patent Medieines, &e.
A. Durhthn
A.'II Bolles
A. G. Sts.rk
Geo. G. I.aeev
ClL:tries Stur;lei - ant
John Stunlevant.
B. Wakeman & on
T.l). Sprint 2
Lyman lieeoy
D T Sterling
Dankinson & Smith
Henry Love
Wm II BarTien
I.ovis Whippiu
.1 C Grier
II Keeler
A M Jetrorrl
Capwell •Sz [laity
Beer Houses, Oyster limes, &c.
A r Stark
C Miller
H W Nigh Braititrim
Samuel Neal - ••
C H Thompson Washington
Tunkliau'k Qom
Chas II Mowry Wieshingion W • ..5,T)
An appeal will he held nt the ortice
of the Prothonotary of Wyoming doun-'
ty, in Tunkbanndelc on Wednesday the
13th day of June next, for all - who may
fed themselves aggrieved 'by the fore•
going appraiseineet. &n.
• Mercantile Appraiser.
Tunlihannoek May 11, 1849.
DY virtue of sundry writs of Vend. Ex.:
_LI issued out of the Court of Conumm
Pleas of Wyoming county, to me directed,
will be exposed to public sale, at the Court
House in the Borough of Tunkliannock, on
PRIPAY the FM day ofinne neirat2o'clock .
P.M., the following tracts , lots and •messua
ges of land. •
One tract situate in the Borough and
township of Tonkhannock, Conntrof Wy
oming and State of Pennsylvania, bounded
and described:is follows,; to wit: beginning
at the north side of the 'l'ioga Road in line
bet Ween lots N 0.15 and 16, in certified Put
nam, thence hr aml with said line, north 29
degrees east 368 perches to stones by a rock
thence south 69 degrees east along lands of
Ira Avery 75 perches to the turnpike lead
ing to Montrose, thence south 21 degrees,
west 57 perches, thence south 17 degrees
east- 28 5-1 Q perches thenCe south 20 degreeg
-vest 58 perches to a ,corner of land of A.
Hine thence, north 66 degrees west by !arias'
of A. Hinel.l9 perches to stakes andsiones,,
thence south.24 - degrees west by . said - Hine's
land 11 per Ches to stakes and. Stone's, thence
south degrees east 16 2-16 perches, to' a
Corner in the. brook;.thence _south '36 de
grees west 24 5-10 .petehes ; "thence south
293-4 degrees west 4 perches; thence north
71 degrees west 20 5-10 perches to stones;
thence south 19 deg's.west 18 per'sick stones ;
thence south 71. degrees east-21 5-10'perch-'
es thence sotith2l 3-4 degrees
.West,4l p.m
perches to stones , thence north 671-2 de 's
west 13 perches thence south 22 degrees
west 415-10 i percheSto-south west _Omer Of
land of Stni.ll, - thence south 67,1-2 degrees
east 13 6 - 10 perehei near a white pine
stump thence south 20 34 degrees west 36, ,
perches to a creek, thence south 3:21 . -2 deg'a
,west . 4 perches thence north 61 deereesirest
15 7-10 perches thence south '29' degrees
west 12 7-10 perches, thence south 6`l deg'S
east 14 5-10 perches, thence south 32 I-2,de
grecs west 1 9-10, percheSto the toci of sand.
hill thence north 6t degrees' west 69 5 10
perchewthence south 29 degrees -west 40
5.10 perches thenceiMith 61..deirees east
IL perches thence south. 29 .degrees West
9 1-10 perches thence south 61 degrees eon,
perches to putnam 'Street,theriee. - south '
4 degrees west i 74-1 perches thence south
191.2 degrees west 26 perchegtheiace south
63 degrees west 8 9-10.1+e,relies thence: South
4 1-2 degrees West 14 perehtSM'
thence south 85 de.prees west 34 540 perch
es to lands Scold tolsaac - 13.' BosSi. therm°
north 29 34 degrees east'sl,perches thence;
south 891-2 ti t egrceS'east,6' perebek thence
north 541-2;degrees West 56640,pereheslo
the place Of beginning;tontainihg 239 acres
and 71 perches he the same' more - ,er-' lessi
about 150 acres thereof Under ithprot.einent,
with -a large frate Minnow° large 'frame
barnS, cornllonse,_ eider house ands 'apple
orchard spring and pipes leading therefrom
thereon. .. 1 • i; . .
ALSO—One Other pieca or lot of; land,
situate in said 'Tunithannock..Tonitsliip
county and StatedfcireSaid,hortaded as Tol l
lows; beginning at the berth west Cornet' of
said No. 15in certified Patnaui;thence' by,
lot No. 23 to -the Said aim pi ke, thence along
said turnpike toland of Im'Asery, 'thence
a westerly course , said - Avery 's 'land
to. the Westerlflin'e oFsaiyh•No; 15. 'thence
north 29 degrees - east to' the, elope ofbeglit
ning, containing ten acres, more Or less all
unimproved • •
ALSO, The following
orlotbf land situate Mid being' fr( tlie BOr= -
otigh, of Tun kbannoek aforesaid; beginning;
'at a corner Where lot N 0.17 is laid &hitt . ut
'a map or plot of TOwalots, made bi-Thrm
as T. ; Slocum cornered tut 'Warren street
- theticenorth and. with the east line of
warren street to the tibrth.harditirtheNorth
Branch Canal as it: iCtitiNit laid out, , thence.
75 03
56 17
-61 §l
G 8 SS
12 07
il 34
73 98
u 7.00
• : 7,00
tt , • . 7se
• • . 7,00
•i - •
1• 7,0 i;)
:• /6. • 7,00
Li g tinr
no Luinor • 7AI
4, . %00
4ASS ''•atn'r
3 r eion
. 5.11
4 5.(K)
4 5,00
4 5.00
4 ; 5J
4 5.05
' • 4 • 5.00
• '4 • 5.00
4 , 5,00
31ehoopati 4 • 5.00
" 4 ' 5.111
• .1 5.1111
Eaton, 4 5.00
Nortimprelarat 4 5.00
, 4 'DM
a MO
8 5,00
, • '
lie_and wttlt thenorth line of said canal fn
t he , nttrth fast hornet', orlitx `,ll - tr. El nifil
plot it r ainp,ilience south, with- ".i he
of 1 1. trred e , Hin atilt at hit - , to
south . east 'Carnet or lot •Nta /1 in' sailf,,plot
- ar.rnaP. thence ;west-,icy and with,:theitionk
iine.aflot , lio.Z in
epstihie of iva - rretiStrinliZtlienhe,iiorth by
afid.with.,theeat orwa rip!! streer : to the
place nf. beginning' containing bite' .fifths
of arc vire:tare Or.less ,all. imprtifred law
the estate of ThoinaS X'Slticarri in said
writ named.' •
„Seized and:taken:in - eiceeutiOn tit the 'Skit
' afH.and S. Stark vs Thomas
William W.:Paliner, rs• the, -sornq—ilentv
Stark rs the - same-i-and -- E;S:Torter`vt the
same.. _r 41r.7 • r
..The sale of lie ahovetleerihed prope rty
is; postponed anti! FI the 3dAtly itf - A4
gust next,,iit,l
' -ALSO:
Ihe following' described piece parceLoe
tract of land .sditiate in Ttinkhannoclbtpwn
shipAVYiintinictitintY Pennsylvania - , noun
(lett on thc-notth liaminund's
heirs, ott' the east - lands` JOi"l , .ieltartl,,,
Weich,,qn thP bv ,Thomas
T..Slochrn and S. T. Nir , Fiolsutt and on,ibe
west by landl of Benjamin Jpilt r ins, contain.
in 'about forty-three acres of,land,nbnitt, lii
acres thereof itnproi•ed ivith a trained. hoc
trained shop and 'shed, and orehatil theren,n,
Seized and tak'cii, in execution at thc.; „zit'
of - S.‘D. Phelps . is Tien ty.G,.flantrnond;.
• virtue of a„writ <Testa y,end.
Pfx., issued 'out Of 'the , Court .Qpintiitt -
Pleas'olLitzerne crionty,.direeied asalitive
will he Sald'at the, tame place, oitYriday
the 15th day of June" next;'
A 'certain piece liatcel or tract of .land;
situate 'in Porkston 'township., Ws:tuning
. donnty Pennsylvania - , hciurtilt•d and dektih.
-ed as' follOws - ; beainning at a, =trail maple
corner adjoining lands of ,Chanate
on,tiebeast,ti; 1h en he north - Bs:degrees:West
50 perel•es to a corner, thence uoith: 12:dr
ap-es, east 36,perc,es to a bin - Ouch' thence
north 89 1-2 degrees west 24 'perches:to a
coiner of la mit: of SchttylerTassett _thence
down' the Al'eboopany creek to several,ein ,
ners of same to another corner Of - Said
sett's land, thence north 67 It 2 degreeb east
adjOining lan4 of Hirarn Ilitcheock - to a
corner thence easterly by fan& of the same
to a corner at the falls in Pas'setts brOok
thence south 1312 degree.s' WeSt perch
es to the place of beginning, containing 108 •
acres and 21 perches, 40 or 50 afire= thereof
improved,'witli one barn, two log luMses,.
one row house and a ppfe.moiiird therenn.
Seized and taken' in execution at the 'stilt
of Thomas B 'rhidge C0., - use of Robin
son Tindale KoOns, is Joseph
and William Burgess.-T.'
' ~ JOHN JACKSON; "'Sheriff.
Tunklirinnock, May 10, 1849. '
MAE stabScriherwiinta
form hisSriends and the traveliogyah
lie; that he now occupies the abovvivell
known stand. formerly kept by T. W . Nair,
Columbia cc., Pa., 'and
led tip and fUrnished it in the best manner,
ibr the 'accommodation Urstrangers and 4
, .
111 S 'F B - 1 J iastt`pp!ied"
best the market affords, and •his.l3ar ftocked
With choice liquors: , •:
.• • .. •
Ills Stable is tote of the mast exiensive
ip the country.a . nd obliging Ostlers araal
ways in attefidinee. -
.Confident of being able to gir'e.:perfect
sath.'factinn,..he solicits the patronage uf,the
raveling Im bu e., .. • .ft:,o. TEDIVIAI`?.
I Berwick . ll3-19. 7 -4-tf; . •
A.. D ALT It H A M -
D.I3V cOD.TI tr r iC)OeF3 . 3l. - -_16,,G,JA1:113Z ,
WIRE t taocKEny,' IRON it-
Agent liihplegle- and
, ilVonder Illiising Agi/ 1
Snip agent; wholes le .retail/ - for Dr.
?Ind rno.it
now in use-,
..,.„.„G. 0,T11ti*N.;..::::' ...
*.ttorn.ey - ; a't.,-, -.'LI.:W
-1111-Ei;,,riii*i ~0..!';'...
. ,
,ELHA:I. AN , '-SMITH . ,;,
- Attorney at law,
ilinnkhannoek, WyorCO., Penn.,
OtTJCE on Warren
.copied by Peckham 64.- Smith. Pr;
. . ,
Jo in
Tnnktuinntipk; tyoining County, Ponytt.
troixce in /Tient/troop Moth sill. Phelps
. 4? ck Store. z. /849
• lit at fa '
' 'k W
_annoc yo mg . Co Penn 'n
Offiectiria A. K. P ceßti AAti
Reiff Brick Black. • [Jan, 3, 1849
A'. K. `P•E C K • `14;,.
• 4ttoindy 1 4. 112 1 1 4
,Tu,4l4iin'ock, Wyoszkilig:CD;,. Pet?).
FICE in , Phelps' new_brick building
,VV arra' street, oppositedhe old stand
of Peckham Smith. ' Jan. 3,-1801
TRr SEIERMAWS Celebrated (Medi-.
..t.l - einest,The Olosaatilate at 'All heal
ing Balsara'=—Cough,Vorrti•and Camphof
Lozenges. for Dale by .A.-DURBAM•
tlaqa4a, 03aff 01,011. f tb,
0 4 0. 4 "4";b• 4 3 9g oval
viteaAga tt exeetst , chtt. !Atit4.
DOOKSI , BOOKS-It - A Rapp y:of books
1.7 and - paper' rocoitted'and for *tale
• - DI RHA