. _ , r •-- N ,r— i , c ,. , , , , ~ • t. .. .: '; ~ :. _,-..."- ~' • . —.::. , - _. .. , • . , ...,, _,IN , ..„, , , ' :.,,,. /.....m, ,:- , - k :milt , ~-„,:...... , , ' 1.,-71 ' s . ' ' T ' 1 „•• •• 'V .. • ' - N. . 4 'l• l ' • , ' ' 9, A -7 ‘,1.., ;_,,, ~- le i-ta `: f}: ' , :i U- - , ; „1 : f. , f - ii -11-1 .• '' 1:: : ::', 11 •'.•• -, - , ... , .. .1 ,, . I -, •A t d'- ' 1 A .'•- ' ' 4 6 t - -- 4 ti f' , , " - - - .5: / ; * '"r ; 41. • ' O . '''' - '•• ' 'ri. • - .6 0 13' \X-t....;"r. , :• 4P -3 ',.2M... ''''. ityi • ' • i - ' ' l '.' - .. 4f.... I ,• ': . ' '';',..4 _1 ~ ~. „...4 , ,...; . ,?•, • • t.. -I; • '•••If - _,,, z .. 1. , ,•• - 5t 6 .. ....„-• ,_ .. t - ~, - -<.3 - c-.„4 , -i iii i o , 4.1 t , . . , ::41'+' ' 't . .. 7 ?: ' '4 ,,t,;.%, 1-' 4 7 ,- ' '*:;.' ;. • i ''''. 1 4 3 115. - , .... .-. - 4 . - Nai -1 / 4 ' , . 1 11 OLT 13 ED IV E Eia,Lyt Vol. , zapctuFes lgound Mon. ON - - POP,LI A NILTSENIE 111 ziestly . , .11-joice,, youn.• titan, in thy youth, and to:thy heart Seer - thee in the days of thy -voutn,,anti• _in,,tbe ways of Thine heart, and in the f.ight of:thine eyes; hut know thou, thut•-for ail . these things ;Cod will bring tree into jud gment. Encl. 9.; I. An to yenture- the delicate task of reprehension. 'always unwelciame, but ! peculiarly offensive upon topics of pub lic atmis.entent. I. am anxious, in 'l i e beginning. to put myself iright with the young. If I satisfy myself. Ch r istian and,tt e Seta rentmunity, nttt satisfv.them, my success will be Tike n physician's. whose presCripti,ons please himself, and the relations, and do.good to everybody except -the ipaticati—he dire. Allow me, first of all, to satisfy you that I am not meddling 'with matters which do not concern me. This is the intpces. inn Which the pai;rons - aral part ners of criminal amusenienis study to tiliko upon your titlndS , . .'Percyi(ep 'resent n.iir duty to be in Ike chui cli v +ta• king care of doctrines, and of our -Own members. When mote than this is at tempted when. we - speak a word for .yao. who are not church r naembers, we are mt t .with the surly answer, "Why do you ntedtlle with things which dOn't concern you, ? If you do riot,ertjoy.these pleasures, why do you mole . sl those Who do I .114 nut men do os they please to a free. country, without bi:ing hung up in a gibbet of public remark 2" It is -conveniently forgotten, I suppose, that in it_ free coin-al-y. 7 we have ; the same tight to Criticise pleaSure,!which others hare to enjoy it. bidet-0, you and I b.ob know, young. gentleawn, that in rolT-e-lionse e tirelf - ta, und. in -convivial t sasls noc;n rita I, all! ChU reit is regarded la lo hotter than a Spectacled old bed- iinpertinern , Qyes. are spying vf. t .chod-, o s . lmisitii , .s9. Wilier own; and yt tin, too odd or too homely to be tempt d h.-nelf, with ~roropoisory virtue, T rials at the joyous daliiinces of the moil: and („ilty. Religion is called a non, with mloomy vestments; and the Church a cloister. where igndrance is deemed initocence, and which !sends oat querulous reprehensions of a vorld, which it knows nothing iibont, and has professedly abandoned!. This is pretty end is onk...defective, it not being . true. The Church is not a.Cloister, nor her members recluses, nor ire our censures ut visa Intertneddring. Not to dwell iu generaliiies., la us 'take a plain and coat (110tI case . strollinz company'offer to educate our youth; and to shoW the community the road of Moralky. Which, probably they have not seen thernselves for tiven-' ty years: We cannot help laughing tit, 2enerosity so much above one's means:; and when they proceed to hew and heck eack other with rusty iron, to teach our. boys , valor; and diesk up practical mountebanks, to teach theoret ical virtue; it we laugh somewhat more, they taro-upon us testily: Do you fnin your own business, and leave us . wit ours. - ; 'We do norinierfere' foith your preaehing,-do you lealo ine our aeting,. Bat sofily-'—may net religious people amuse theniselves With very diverting' - men? I hope it is not bigotry to have e'yonnd 'ears: I hope it :is 110 t fariati; cism, in the 'use of these exiellenti,sen4 sea, for unto judge that throwing one's' heel's higher than their head allancirig, 1 - is - not exactly the wiy to teach virtue to : 'oar daughters; and that wamen,.wlumel genial warmth of temperament has led them into a 'generosity something too l great, are not the persons to teach' vir-J tue,.at any rate. Ph.. : ! no; waste told, Christians must not know. thatialhthis is very . Christiani nu& 'to think that men who are -kings and dukes and philosophers; on, the Stage; are ev*if thei , gattiibie aimight, aid are ariiiik all day; and if Ell inen nrll'sn used to. comedy, .that their' life becomes a perpetual farce•on moral ity, we have ,no.right to laugh ,at.,this extra professional.acting! ; ; • •1 Are ree,meddlers, whri only Seek the' good of our own families, )lital , of our, own , community.where we live and ex-1 pect todje . ? or ;they, who wander tip, and down without ties - of social ennnec- Lion, and without aitn,,except of money to be gathered off from men's vices ? 1 ant anxious to put all religious men in their right positiqn before you; and in this controversy between.them and' the; gay world, to show Lou the facts upon both sides. ,A. floating population. in pairs or. coinpanies; , - without lea Vt. asked, blow the trumpet fur all our youth to flock to their banners! Are they related 'to them'7—are they con cerned in the welfare' of our idwri?—do they live among us?-410 tnev hear any part of our burdens?—do they rare fa`r our substantial citizt od, r streets; build put schools. ; .o r p r . : : all our municipal laws; and- the young NI'S. men are ours; our sons, our brothers, our wards,clerks;' or apprentices: they are living in outhouses, obr stores, our shops, and we are their guardians, and take care of them in herilth, and watch them in sickness; yet every vagabond Who floats in hither, swearsjand swag gerS,'as if they were all his: rind when they offer to corrupt nil these . retitir, we paying thern round sums of Money for it, and if we get courage - finally to say that we fad rather not ; that industry and honesty are better than expert kna very—they turn upon ns in gr.at in dignatiori with. don't yau Mind your otenbusinest—what are yrakmed dling with iota ()juju for? I will suppose a ea s.: pains-taking, I saved enough mu hey to buy a little gardea spot. I put all around it good fence-1 put the spade into it arid rnelicov tiie :Rol I full Jeep; I go to the nursery mut pick out choice fruit treesl Rini abroad Dud select the best seeds of the rdrest vego !Ales; and so my gardfn:thrivrs. .1 know every .inch of it, for I have wat eted ev e ry inch with sweat." One mor ning I am awakened by a tnixeiJ sound of sawing. digging, and,dtiting; , and . . I looking out, I see a dozcii men at work in my glirckn. •1 run diti and find ono man sating nut a huge hole in the Fence._ "Nlv dear sir: l %olot are you do ing this hieh Itne.e• is very ronblesome to climb over; '1 am fixing an easier Way for folks to get iu." A n - other man 11-.. s headed driwn several choice trees, and is putties feu' ,rafts. "Sir, what are you chan..Tug, the kind for ?" "Oh, this kind don't suit me; '1 like a new kind.", One man is digging up my beans. to plant trick IF ; another is rooting upmy •straWberries,m put in pursly; and ailed& is, destroying my currants, and gooseberries, and rasp. beiries, to Plant mustard and Jamestown weed. At last. I lose all patience, and cry °tit, "Well, gentlemen, this will never do.lwill never inlee this . . rat , abominable - imposition; you are ruin ins' my .garden.". One of them says. "You old hypoeritical,bigot! do mind your business, and let. • US enjoy our: selves. Take care of your house, and do not pry into our . pleasures." Fellow-titizens! I own that no man - couldio iniade your garden" het Myr/ I are alkowed•thus to invade, 'ur and destroy our:enildwn. • ou let them evade -your laws, 'fleece and demoralize you: and you sit down uri• der their 'railing, as though you were tbe intruders!—just as if the man, who drives a thief ont of hisetionse,ouOn to ask the rascal's pardon,fOr_interfering with his-little plans of: pleasure, and profit!. ; - " Every parent base right--everY'eit izen end every minister . - bas tlw. saritr iight, to-expose traps, which %cis to 'Bet than; the'same right to Freitag. mischief, - ,Which Men beve.to Tint- it; TU-NKHANNOCK,.:P.A . ,', , IVNE,-1 . 3,..1849, the sane right to,attack:y ice, %vhich vice has to attack•virthei a better right to save otir sons and brothers, and corn• pinions, than artful tu r Fn have to des troy them. •• ,The necessity of arrinsement, is ntl mikted on ali hands.. . There is. an np petite-of the eye, Of the ear, hod oft tier .1 sense, for which God has pro% tiro! t o, material: Gaiety of every dente , . this sidiof . puerile whoksorne to the body, to t he mind, p rid to : the roor als. .Nature is a ; v:w r.7};,l:ltqcy of to:: n .ly enjoyments God's works it! ti -,r. Oro, f, tr..% dt ebarm k t4‘ and (I and d.isps of nature, stresottacts%e cpskt!i• sof beauty more Jim!) IS n., I v (or In,re utifity. (Joni n %%;ithout gorgeous cloud-; IV , tl advanet- tow:. ; ity iipOst 11,1 v. fj.pur tshed w;thout iiyininWtz ; flowers have existed without odor,i and fruit 'without odor, and without flivor. When I have journeyed through forests. when ten thousand shrubs and vines exist without apparent use; through pi at ries, ‘vtiose undulations exhibit sheets of flowers innumerable. and ahSolui. lv dnizling the eye ‘vith their prod of beauty—beauty, not. a tithe of whicti is ever seen by man— I h'tvt• slid it 1? plain that 1,,t1 iF; fond of beauty. and the earth us tuu.l f 2 r • kn, as an acre is In 'n's hu Afif . us like...Hillis...lf; to be-ptras. d he universal he:tiny-of the world -He YES nrldy SCI,` r, Ow wf:nt , xt':i-u•::.•.o :4) With muc i, It IL DE , Lyon tht bro:141 fi J with fIuI•VCIS, scented 3vith MOTs. h, allt,ent in eolop, voc.il with e-choMc , and re-, otr, mg melody. I Like uiy staid agam-t deariorallz.mg pleasure. is it noi enonah that our Ether's hou s se is so full of dear delights. that we must wan der prodigal to he swine-herd:for busks, , and to thesiough farLlrink?---when the trees of God's heritage bend over our head, tied solicit our hand to pluck . the golden fruitage, must we still go in search of the apples of Sodom—outside fair and inside ashes ? Alen shall crowd, to the Circus. to hear clowns, and see rare feats of horse., manship; but 'a bird rtia , poise beneath t hp 'very sun. tit' • 11014 'downward. swoop from the high heaven; then flit with-..ztacehil ease 'hither and thither; pouring liquid song as itit were a per ennial fountain Of sound-1 - 11)nm cares . for that. Upon the stage of life, the vaster?t tragedies are porforriliog io ' eyrry act; nations pitching htadloo. to their ;cltastropher; ethers. raining vou.th Iniforols to b•-ain ! , (tr.r :r et . is.tence. The . word ;oi-it v'i , is - foti of exciting tot , ..est. ' • ;tr. lir! ..1•1•11t, t.t.‘ 13:Hfeft (;)rf , !:. !. t vr ..i..sy on4l . 2ltiolii. dB ilif!.:lloo2.i/liii, If'S . till', 1V ifitr-rlOf 111 . /Aid - snoiniPr !..,, :I: n i.. - To , Pits tract The :in r IA lii!') (' ; , 14l`ll ' iitft I.;Tii)eql. ',; i7i*i.i' ittf:7 . li , ; , r lil'ltrS i:t .- r;' - `'Si" , i'll7, ' i , vffclitittoir,i ' vrii, imin sot . . , dont - cir'eS'to come; . Ohen•God - diaiii% \ 'sfProposals for carring':th& mails P' . 'atizes; wheri'ittitiOns'aCt:e or all the ha- taitned 'Mrs, Partingtoni in a tone of Yana kind conspire. to educe thevastra• -vi uousindigation, as she , happened to i • tastrophe, men sleep nhitsnnre:iind hi 0:40, °met: an.advertisnient in one of the busy scene oon. ' nil 1m.114. ! fi. aot h,)'t i I tie- .01;r5..,..-flas it-cone ro4 his,. ',that 91 )0) i. Jr l oititrffolit ill, its . v , :iiiciin , t o -.t ds p r unfOttinate fennile - . titters : tare \ nificenei,:to huht (jilt Sony,LC;liidl , .:l!g . hti3O [lo he. oi ls; beiist.nt hunferi r .nre tn , coFry bole-iind gaze at drunken plat;:is, or 1 u hoot "rick r,f,..4cod_foi:. - nothing,;'nnkle \ cry At. the pitenus. vittne of 'hfirrof§ . ',.iri `; rin;n-n our Ineo„?" . . : She th.R..vt•ito`wri i lkitc.:. •It , is' niv - ohipvi . thi:U. not- •to , tlit' - .0 r,:. sour 1 . 05 . c hi - si/y1 l'ilint.' the' )\ ,6, x.;ltilii':,a ' le - r nun g : froin' pi (NI s'o ii...but cbiir- an "tioft. rintlit - :a:z a .hrutligOn±:: from 441 - isa",:!l - ii'sv ptiltfjo r. IF. ; , ;:f.o l. ifk irsSrin :! rail 4 1 EM iqh ,ex - c'4ed, at -the degrading. their injuiratento, but-t 9 iotiettse Ithern ) i proposition... -: -., t , i -,,,', - ',, .. 1. ;,. ~ .. ' $1,50, per 'Year, if paid in Advance. • MEI lERI I t..:11 17 )1 =MEM ~" ~ '` t by r. jetting the counterfeit and the vile. Of grmibling, I have already stiff eiently spoWen . Of cockfighting, bear baiting. and pugilistic contests. I need to speak , but little. These are the desper perate.exenemisdn.s of debauched men ; hot n 1 num 1 );:e - cmles dPsperately • pe..ett Lrenteelly . e.rittii• crie spre-ajsliis t2ail upon surh Vt* tv rs -al first ; thrSi. items are but the zit if into wh, h flo Ftrt•a!l!S It rl.t I p: . c• r!(-: %;:' h.,(.1.,1 t;.err ~ i ,kitatisl , , 0 1 11 , ju.,0t) nr.• cx ) ‘q• \ ICI &I. It I, .111 ( ^r niin+,ca - "nary Sir." Try," waspever copqnered It is recorded of .Dr. 1 3 ,11cy, one of the brightest ornaments. of !he Christian church, that tvhile in colleae, he wi:s inclined in idleness. and dissipatitin. aie morning a rich-and dissioted At' t,i , !dt•tit cBtur. into hid mons with !•ingol tr r.proof —• P.)l h.i vt• !!ifr , f•ll: - Sipittlor) r:ift 6 a fiord •:. I S.P. - 0111 , 1iii ruthiri7 If I V.OII. lo Sr;?;}' lIVS . Af Yritt 1)1 ;Orli! to . nri erniArv•e--Ar.,l %%Atli this t I h bfOn !;',' pi 't \. i..- thr. tvirtie ntid n 1 , 1 m.• (! flly t, ‘:liirlimr - S') 'you I hr •11 , -; 111H' nr:trp.r.l tion:vvivz i:7,ttiecli.ii6 - rf:f4r.rn;±kilin wi th+ , frini thr,t liE beei:mo or,e of f,nfl ~•or-r1i%,2 s 10-ea; :P f ;1,1(1 `hn , •-t - ft! Cirts ., 4ll.tk fof.d ie httli 4,Yl4":yf ' ilrtoo•f ; ro , r 11 , 1 1 . di:11 (," :IJ:j , li_ •II .:Lf: .1.;;;p1%. , 0tti. r a I, ,J. , lll) , •raiely form , d mid which never fur a rnmni.ni. wavered. perhaps the eye of soine young men. :1111;14 inclined to disttiptilion, mayfall ?Jima these hasty, lines—and will they not be induced to stop a moment and count cost of idleness nod vice, and calculate, tOOO few of thO aft vantages of industry and untiring perseveranc in weft doing I The example, of Paley ought never by such individuals to be forgotten.— Watchtower AFFECTINGIItiCIDENT. — After the stemn.cr Empire struck, [near isicwhurg, recuntly j and %while sinking, two moth ers snocto.a tvli.lt they sown:zed to be Ito it r).% n ipiaps MN, 14 l he! de Smted writs 1),',1 the child to her 1,0,, , .r0 unrl I,c'gh ; ‘Vf:lll(!._tilv Oh rus rs until it hit a;! •;,1 i,,s! t•cclifino: ;(1. 1 ) , MB ; li„: u;~if~,...,ti ono U ‘I, tfr . ,„(). p Vf fi ffll 111=E=IM 4 •Whew-eW-ew rrwhistled MG Jose- Ph Bruce, or perhaps we should rather,. say Joe Bruce, for, as he was a nice, easy- fellow, nobody' thought of_allowiug him .more than half his name, or of any 0)41 . 4 else thatlielboged.tehiin:—Al see by the paper that Hawk & Harpy have nwint to have secured my debt v" -, eria!" - He left his eoltee thilAi.nuk, , turrl'ub=d over thr.thmsbold iud w:nt 21 lon to the countmg i toran of liars!; Oae half that speed on the clay before would have h is hi—:is it WaS, he was just in Gus t o put fus name at the bottom Li dozen and a half preferre'd - ones', to ieceive ten per cent. He 'vent back to his unfinished breakfast with what noir ire he' migtt . -Why did you neglectthts se lone, Mr, Bruce 7" said his helpmeet, and ' comforter, , lk ~~~~.'s~ its; meant to have attended to it yester• day, my dear.", "You meant That is alwayssour way Mr. Bruce. You careleisly neg lea your business to the last moment, ;Ind then put you rself in a hast nod a tieat for nnthinL!, my dear." Really, Mrs. Bruce-L," But Nits, Bruce did not allow him chance Lim to deli.nd himself. -On ,rw . w(-11t rn the most ar-iftrovPd conjuLinl 11,:iorwr, to ber.lte km for his careless• dud inottt nucn Nits Bruce—" And i was really Mrs.. Bruce, for wof the feollnine, and none of the: gender:could - Itaye kept pace' w r hiq. Ciqtainiy easy Joe could 'a .0.. The chi:ter of a cotton-mill would • lea have been a circumstnce to the din siJe foist d —nal. we doubt whether a philippic aaMost some of those said 41,1 i Is, fi oni the longs or Benton Tenons, c old have i.,een heirrd above her voice. JO , j.ii.dlcd a ci; ) „ir-case cut of his clap rd t on the fender —and ii alntos . Ff n • Ejned that the smoke rideri.d his ; impervious to the ,tifeatrings of that gentle lamb, hisspouse, so placid was his countenance, as the vapor escaped in graceful volumes from his mouth. People overshoot.themark sometimes--Mrs. Bruce - did. Had she spared her oration, the morning's loss would have induced her husband to have been punctual - to his business, for one day et. least. As it was, he took a sort of pride in.negtecting it tinder her lecture. INEIM=II --Breeze away, Mrs. Bruce" ‘.Breeze away, sir ! Breeze away! wish I could impart one tittle ofmy energy to you,,,Mr. Bruce—l=l" Bruce spraniii to his feet,samf crastt ,n elegant mantle _clock Alwyn ti t loh !he hearth. • I herr., 11 i.. Bruce '! That Clock h !have months svithout ra": would have' • meant 7 Mr. - Br'uce, •m•.n! i pAv no-r v ! You nieqint' indee'd Brjtc, Gr , izod his hat and , minutt.s be was on - 'Change. world reed. in his face - any: of itte Late tnaitinionial breeze, (I 0. hod v : mob Id - Iviire stisper!t:ed front e!,ii*t,nrtnet; . itt , tt - :Fla &i[lur pl Earl *in his.debt,E4s:3ke 4. Well ; 'tVli. • . :they**' him". "Who 2" • • 1111=3=1 ~O ur frend Check pin g re-e was cho. 7 sep Presidrni the-btink, this itig. One vote would iiave, stopped - - t•flow . very onlocky. ttoeant to have been 'prfent to' Vote for Check invs..ll" "Never mitO s Bruce," :7.4 another. area lucky man. The -news 00he great fire at Speeiiiiille has just reit chkl town hy e,prcss; cod .Icocgrlt, ulako you- that you Facially insured" Easy ha Brio BY H. HASTINGS' WELD. BY t: E. LATMtOP. No. 24. , "Not a penny I' said Bruce. -"My policy expired last-week, and I mown" have got it renewed this morning:. Joe posted home in no very happy humor. When an easy man' is 'fairly up, he is the most uneasy and unreason. creation• rs, - Brace, - by ..ataiiag at Emilie la , hear you siold;'l . have lost" thatisaads, I meant to. hate got insured thia.morn log-1 did not—Speedvlle burned dowe, nadl am a beggar." "Why did you not . do it yesterday) Mr. Bruce I" py 4; i i was , thinking of Haw .. * .and "Thinhing ! Why did .y - oti , hot sea cure vuumlol.' " "I meant to; bilti—" • "But—use no buts- 9 • "Your are in excellent spirits; &Int Bruce." . "Never in better!' "Vaniy fine; madam. 'We are 'beg; gars." Mrs. Bruce sat down, clapped her feet on the fender, after her husbands manner in the miming., "We are beggars, Madam," Bruce repeated. "Very good--1 will take rily'guitati and you shall shoulder the three thil. dren. We'll play under Mr. Hawk's window Etrst and then under Mr. Nov py:s, and then we will beg , ohr way td `Speedville, to play to the ashes of what was once your factory_—'l-which you meant to have instired. I Should - like begging above all things." "You abominable woman Ishall,go mad." "Don't I beseech you, Mr. Bruce. They put mad beggars in Bedlam." Bruce sprang for the d00t.,--H is wird intercepted him. "Here, Joseph, is a paper I meant to have stfown this mor ning!' "A policy ! And dated yesterday!" _."Yes you meant to get it renewed to day-1 meant itshould be done yester- day—so I told yourelerk, front, you, to do it. Am I notin abominebleamman?" When I said so, I was in a pet. I meant—" "No more of that, Joseph. Now tell me who is first on Hawks & Harpy's assignment." , "Your brother." - %His-claim covers you both." "You are an , angel !" Easy. Joe became an altered mandile wifewas released from her watch over his out-door business. She died some years before him--but we are half in clined to suspect, that after,her death AM partially relapsed into his old habits _ --so true it is, that habit is a second , nature. Both were. buried . in the graveyard at Speedville, and our , suspicionsare fourt-. ded on something Hite the following conversation=—betweett the grave dig• ger rind his,assisiant; - . - "Where are we, to dig Mr. 4-rut.e'ti grave don't knowexactly. His will says ; next to his wife." 1 1 Where was she laid 1" „ • I ,lhat I don't know., Easy- J oe wayssuid he meant t o place an obelisk (wet her, but it never waidone.",„ - Destiny is always oftnprO importance than orgm. --When . Philip Henry s the f idler of the celebrated commentator, oughtthe hand `ofibe only daughter 'and tieireis of illfr. Maubews in. marri age,nn objietion was made by the laths er,•wbo admitted all bis eneelleot quala ities•as amin, and a preaelieri ,but,they dict;i 6l . 7ol, o o .whire3oC 4 qine frogs. , ' , True" ' ' the daughter, "but kilOWleillise he is pine; tad' I:should • like to go With,hintr.—And she did. GUARD trAINOT•PRZMATUREMIIP lAt—A iiarned M. Mabiple, bhs recently discovered' very. eitgpte_ me.oos 91distinguisbing between real our! npporent dFutb,, It consist inner'. ,ting, wand) burn--, if s tbero ter is alwaile fornidd,` even tho seriti '- of , ritif)iirent . - delith has nlreadv jatervertedi tothieg of the kino .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers