The,:ll FOREIGN tNEWS The news frqm - • Eu ova reee,ived by Cainbris is moitaiportant. 'The New Yotk.Tribune thus sums it up “Therels 'War initimoit every quer tar of Xurope. -in It a ly the Austrians . have destroyed 13rescia, the blood of her _inhabitants staining the • ruins of. ,her churcheinnd theii• honies. Genoa has been bombarded for twenty-four' hours by the ontese troops for revolt and" Republicanism.."ld Spain the old quer,- rel has resulted in :n new battle, with lIS horrors of dead, - and wounded, and no great principle to. shed „luStre on the --= gloom. Denmark is defeated by Get- many, and defeated where she has hith • erto been Me victor-4m - the sea. In Hungary the Austrians are - more de ,eidedly, losers i t han ever. Thirteen hundred of their . -dead : Strew., n field Puetuyer f has fled th RoSsian pro tection Wilti in chia, and_Bemis matt ter of Trannsylvania. -The King of . Prussia refuies the German Crown;, & all there is uncertainty. France still ' lays the Ott ctheapectator 'her a , p .„,.. , IS vrriment - ma T_i - herfatite. abroad while 1)v attimptst -," ,ppecti-Tbought,, shac life the Press ,clit. Speech at home; Ahey Thake ready the new Reirolution... • Thus" in doubt, - structle, sufferig imspiiiikable, dies fbe Old Order , that thaist!w may rise from itsashes. Ter : - rible, incomprehensible is the proCess, but let us-believe that the result will be worth the pain. . - • . _ - • ' ALEXANDER RAMSEY.---Tbisigerpt liernen, the Governer of Minneiot4 has left for his new borne. Thh seleion of Mr. Ramsey appears to have given satisfaction to all parties, not only in. this , State, but throughout the gteater Lion of the „Country. The selection, is, indeed, a . very hippy one. In tliel4ig : or-,of manhood, and having all The ifiCAtions to discharge the duties o his station. we may look for .gocid" -stilts train the appointmait. , ' - lam' The Editor of the Way Tribune has Seen a letter fro th Volt i real. dated_ Thoesday after In rnin of the Parliament House., ..which r tes 'that it ii -almost impossible to des cribe the depth of feeling which 'pervadeS,the peoPle,of that plaie in relation to polite ical matters, and : that the general for annexation to , the United Stitt he writer is an, American :mem end has resided .in Blontreal Sears. -A young Irian nanipd George, thytan;o, died inCincinnati on the .01t.. from the effects cigar° which was. administered prefiarato, n his uniergoirl 'a operation for I INSTRUCTION—The gisletnre of Illinois adopted`. serif resolutions instrficting Senator Doc resign his ssit in the United S Senate. Tk honprable gentle _ refried the: ground Whig members of begislitire To lid for the insirtietionkruad he does not • recognize his zonstitnents. . -Alvan Steivart, the Tivell-kruiwn" r abojitionist, died in-New Y olk_a fevi -da:ya ago ( Gcogl fof - 1411 . 5 ignia• ram cotitpmed of 14 letters. - My 1, 16, 12, is4cipe on ill coast of MustachOsetta. •• . My 2, 10, 4, 14, ja,cape on the ehast 'of South Aiperica:•!. ° :: • MY 3- .zny -dant Tantitl.74 My 4 , 2711,14, 6 , a a river in France. My 5, 13 11,12, IQ is& cape on the 'coast of-Africc My 6 1 14 , -3 , 4 1 43 , ita /age lope. My 7, 8;;13;.12; %lA, it s countn'm 'the 'North of taiope., My % 6,: i ' 4; - Aiy9; :0,-. try . ie.* *iti MOO j 4, New Yark. bitti, 3, 31T4Lg4 - ** ia North, Asjilicit. so -idea beitnifpl • "S IM T 3 , 13 ?4: 11111 C4014 , 31ir als gug lk eek ll. , 2119 1 ry is ant; era! rom 4th .rat y to .ear ,: El a, sea in lode, of :epees:. e o r i . irOC4ol34los re sell), n aim gut. VA-009A4 4 0 111 .1 gg j th tri e be , of gedeh, there was • 6 o ..le—whose ...fatne-iwaS_ spread-Tar -a a/ 1 , , "'SIOVXI2IIII.II9I In Springville, May 2d, by Re , Blakeslee Mr. ALONZO . V% OUSE 10 MISS ELEANORZLANESLiE TUNKHANNORK MARKET.- „. • turn Butter 11,6 . 0,50 Cherie . . „ „ , „ t Lard- . ta , I -,2B,firevir4x ,Buckirheat • 37'Talloun . Motitue! -, • 50 1Egga •• , .• CIRCULAR • - WYOMING .IN TITUTE, i - ; . AT 'r . WYOMING, LUZE E CD,PA . Tuis bent-tyre (und r the care -of -the Presbetety of Lnzent) ill be opened, for the reception of Pap li Tuesday May 15th.' A beautiful an c - modioul brick bltildin. , has been erect by the Trustees, and is e. furnished Wth a the - modern im provements in the arra genients of the School, LeCture, . a d R itation Rootti. 1 eli For .bratity :and coUvenie ce; the building and Its furniture are not nailed - by those of lany,Literaryinstinitio •in Northern Pa. -The location is a Very desirsble"one, -in the Villa, eofWyoming,(NeWTroy,) about 6 Miles • om Wilkes-Barre the county seat. The g m nds• at ached to 'the building are a plc., mpris ng twit) atm.'s,. in the most pl asent part o the IVywning Valley. A 1 I be . ter. I aan is rarely to be lotted. It combi g n at natural advantages and easy cminnprtleon with till pins of the country wth -remoteness:l'om tail populouc pla ee ; ich in a great degiee L screen the pu : f pi s , the evil infirderier 111 . large towns. . 1, h design is to make his a superior In st tot n. It is to best ssed-bY no Acad. - el* :o Seminary in the tate, in the - .thor-. on linen . (-fits • intellettnit discipline, while rpi itti - S moral ,traiping,'ot iOntended to rend ,ert a model for themlatl.i Literary attain nie ts will not here Ite sterificecLon the al / -tat. f Religion, nor Religion immolated" at th siojtie of ociencle. 1 But while con s nt effort Is made byl, instruction in human k owledge, to fit pupils for !'the life which i w is,' daily and nnifonn effort -.•:ill also bet mad to . fi t °ern fol . "the life that is to etfme." • ' i he astitute, omirises the following • • • , epartments. --, , ! lit. ommonl , English studies. ' - end. Natural 'deuces. . ' -.. 13d. Mathipatics. I . •• 1 - J.lte; Lane ages—Ancient andl Modern. al. Intellect al and Moral Sdienee. - The - Bina will lie. loser] 'as a dailv.text hook, and thesticirter c tech ism o the West inister AS,3emhly w i t be I tang t :. VOcal , uric will also* tai ght it all the Depart cuts without 4tra l c i harge. I . . , . . rSe4ious. . ' . heist Spsion fill commence • - . . ' May 15tH._ i .: : ' • ' ii „,,,,,, k3 rhe'first session will; lose Ju- • -- ' _ i • IY3ls. k II ; , - - 1 e ac.iluni, - 3 W.eeks: 'he 51. Session fill commence 1 -.-• August etsk • - - ' hild.. - Seksjoewill close De- /7 weeps: 0 .cember 181 ACATIOIf." ,, 2 weeks.. i rill commence iiciiii will close 13 weeks. he 3d. Session Jan: 2d. he 3d. Sessi ' April 2d. ITITIO N. - \' . , • Fog seism". or it 1 17 I - 13 Avlrs. 10114 Itii'lig $ 3 ,0 0 45 4 ,5!i t e3,56 4, 0 0 1 _ 6,00 1 4,75 1 i . - ri . r• Tui t i o n „ ' l l Ist Dep t. 1 ,-...“ ,si a , 't -He. " ..311 ~" (i eluding ~ - „ tit:lo,ms? -! - I:5,501. 6 ,501 650 'P.raying ind Pa * rang, : I ; 2,50+.150 1. 2:75 -musk., with use Piano, •18,50•1*,50 10,00 No =Oa charge r Mentical 45r - Philos°. ~ • . .phis , -,' • .- i Thee terms st leis than the terms of airy h o I,4ca emyorSeminary that ap pro :t ' ln - e lf racter- to the . Wrostmo '1 . .-- h-svlll be4tserved . that. Vocal ,Music ,fichrete;whic - ate farely, if ever, oo g ht in Academies,• e embraced in this course t . lady, titiMott ttiY - extra Charge: _ r., 43 i caii•be obta ned in private fern i ies,ati p'. s v4ying /Tom sl,so l ta 82,00 pet-tule L. . ,; ' ' 1 • .. Tni 'on bilis: uMst,, tvariably,! be paid, on ' h if at the oinme cement of the Scs, Si() ,n d thiottfer halfat thecloie. - - f Am ply of BoOks.sueli as will he needed in e, anions departments ' will be kept . at -Om s . t . o et in the-vil age and s - as fair wk las ; they 'CI be pnrchased at ?ekse -1 Th • -;., ; .: -*. ' • . i ' ~ ' IfiA, 11MP.13. - •:. . REV. S. DELVIL MITCHELL, . .. i . •'1 - -_ . - ' Pat:tont. iREURZI't LO RE,A. M. _ -.. , - " • • - - Tx/Lemma .or,Lititouxoss FRANCES J. MITH, --•- - -' 1 _TrricxOr EXOLlin PEPAIIIIIIIIIT. miss - lit_ - umir,(otiginadiphia,) oteczpis ' AND TZACILICR 01"DliWING, iltinisc, '• ' -Application to be.made to 'ltEV,r 1. DY' :-.. - :.•tiv - - . 1 riidniiisloo to the Institute ILLIi MITCHELL, Patoctrat,, • Wyeattog, Pa. RAPICZ. F,d 0 f7: 1 1 611 e14 , Ezir:losiit Do dr 0 00D- caution a-s:rwt ct n 1 S' A RSA' ) A-Itt 1. . •• 4. meander an /gain: of the Age:" 2.8 •Bottles' , of the ahoire celebrated medicine just-reed& red; Also a large' - and" extensive . - 'assort meat of Dry Goods, Groceries; Hardware, DruO, Paints & &...c„ - &c-, which are offeted At k - w prices for ready pay. - • A." . .DURSAII4 . . . • . 14 • TAYNE'S FAMILY MEIJICINES.—,A Jd of Dr. D. Jayne's valuable remedies just received from' Philadelphia; also- Almanac's for 1849:e - ratis. DURHAM Agent... . _ low-Node of Washing, House Cleanitig, &c. LABOR SAVED.!!! - U r nder 61 e American Agency for the sale 0f ,.. etaizio's Patent Forzapla. The subsc.ii is prepared to sell at the.moderate price o to each faraltv - the TIME. PORMIIIA cif th wash inistufe for washing Clothes and Those Cleaning, by the use of which at least - one half the.labor is saved. Said Foi -151 mula's neatly, printed on.Gards, having full mil. plain directions is furnished to each family so that none need be mistaken. War ranted to give satisfaction, or the money wilt)be r refunded. By the use of this - tom= pound. grease :spotsare removed from cloth ing, Carpets, Ginghams, . Calicoes Icc. cleansed, and no / injury whatever results from its use: It Is quickly made, is eheaper than soap, and time and 'labort as well as ftfel ana -water may he saved. Families Will be relieved from a great amount of toil. and much pleased, as well -as; profited by this new discovery. In-order o bring this benefit within the reach of all. the stdxscri -3 ler proposes to form A CLU for Wyo ming County, and supply the Said - dab on terms of price ieduced one half (provided the umber shall not fall short O f three hun dred . A Pledge of secrecy ia invariably requ'red. ' This is reasonable -and proper; the Proprietor has a right to claim pay for his discovery and those who profit by it, can afford to pay. ' Apply to - . -- • • . . ‘ ,ll. C. GERE.- ' " CAUTION.. • The .public must beware of persons .1110- nimg about to sell ."Recipes" for washing in almost every- neighborhood : off the' coun try, .unauthorised. If,' as - in some inslances, they have a part of the valuable secret, vet they have not all. The value of a chemical compriand depends on the acCuracy of its proportions, and-its success al . n the care, fur observance ,of proper directions for .using. These are furnished only by the authorised agent. ' •. .. H. p. GEFIE Tunkhannock, May 9,1849 4-19- tf. IV'ashingtcon COunty, Mutual Fire Insurance Coriipaty, H. Taylor: Ageiit. • Tunkhannock, May 2 - , . • The terms-of insurance' in this Company are -lower thin in any other in this part of the country.l-16.3t. • ' ' .neThe,operations ofsome of the travel, ling sub.-agents having been such as to cast suspicions upon. all-. connected therewith, Ave have ,concluded to offer .the following. fdr the information of thoseinterested; "This certifies, That -having seen S, TAYLOR'S Certificate: of Agency from the' Washington COunty Mutual Insurance Col .we are satisfied that he is . duly authorized: to act as. agent for the sane, and further, that thOse of us who have not already d. tie so, - would rather insure ! in this than i . any other Company. Signed, • 1 C. MARTIN, JOHN 3ACRION, IL STARK, Wit. S. JAYNE;, las AVERT.. UnkhannOcir, May, 1819. • p pursuance of the thirty-second section l_of an act entitled "An aet for the rega -1 ion and - c.otitinuance of a system of Edu v: lion by Common Schools" passed the 7th d. v of April 1849., , Elerewith is a statement o the - amount to which every district„with in the . county of Wyoirting is entitled, out of the annual appropriation 014200,000 for the year 1850, as transmitted to us_ by the Superintendent of Common Schools, as fol lows':. Districts. Braintrim, Clinton, • Eaton, Exeter, Falls, Forkston, • Meheopeny, Monroe,' Nicholson, Nortkmoreland. Tonkbatinock Tp., Tunkbannock Boro' Waliniton, . - Win ham, AMUEL STARK, o nnut i s. . - .OISHBEL LEE: STEPHENCAPWELL, SiClaeri • Tunkhannock May 4, 1849, NEW GOODS.. . - • tHE subiseribirs are .now receiving a getierel assortment ot • spriiii t _sumisp. Goods, , I& lave been purchased redieett will he orered et! such terms as aoi fail to pleasetheir customers. 13. D. - PIIELPS,'& CO. •wA:..:::.,.:,_ . ..:, litE Subscriber baying located !linnet' id the - Borough of..Tookbantwelz,itl and I* 14 Fusee% terSted to make 40Prdir,,Anriclod of , . r • CipirisiterWagot - Wri,,' mar be 011eda - r. 'Steel sprints made - Ars. Wad of use best flOslipc\ " Cartinges and Wagons o surd eseript ion* kap: c 6 had and ,isale;:;llepnfrple done on reasonable , 'ttakbiaoaoct,;aaitt.-d 16_;9:— nbut tbezi h donsideiiiil plifi Ali zZtatrittcz•a. 41 . 13:1-3ECI -1.1._ 'll2eatns•szttivaDzrzicos7l Ais -' tl - from Ilimtroir to Wilkeibarte ~ tut Providence. • 1_ 6E SITIIz+CRIEER - - :would announce Ito the pUhlk , that; arrangements have I ti been' perfected br running the above lines 1 f Stages as folbArs, Vit: Pont Tittnklannock to . lantsborce • Leaie Tunkhmnock on Tuesdays Thirt 4laystand Saturtys, upon the arrival °t i the ToWanda Stage!, and arrive at Laneslioro at 9 o'clock thetame Crening. i - Leave Laneslbro'. on Niondays, Wednes days': and Pridam at 5 o'clock, A. M., and arriVe at Tufiklannock at noon. ' [. ' , -ton Mostrose to Willasbarre.t . ; Leave Monmse on ' Mondays, Wedges-, days and Fritysat 7.o'clock, A. M., and arn4e at Wifresbarre at 6 o'clock, P: M., the *tame day. , i' Liftve Wilkssbarre, Tuesdays. Thurs. dart', and S4:u rdays at 7 o'clock; A. M. and arrive at Mtntrose at. 6 ole.l3ck,T. M•..' The above - Lines connect at Tunkhan bock with tle Wilkesbarre,• ToWanda and Montmse Slices; at L.Osboro' with the New York & Erie Railroad,and the Staus , running north frimn that place;, as Ritcon's with the Litre from MontrOe to Wilkeshar re; at Mot rose with the Towanda, Cwe go and Bir harnton Stag*; at Pr J ovidence with the rhandale and Stroudsburg Sta ges; and • Wilkesbarre with the Eaton and Philaielphia lines. By.thisl•oute,Passencers will- avoid; the night ridite incident to.the.route Via Mont rose in- oiler .to - reach the . Aunt train'. of Cars. ' ,- Good florset and Carriages, .and , careful. a'd accommodating drivers,.have been °braved, and the Proprietor hopes to merit tine! receive the patronage of I the public..ii - • - ti . • ` .10 , ...ALirarAm. , --,, i Prom Ttinkhannock to Lanesboro' . $2,00 "I: ]libntrase to Wilkesbarre, - 2,00 44 TtinkhannoCk to Stroudsburg, ;,es . iort TS, iipply in TUnkhannkek .A at _ I MARTIN'S 110TgL ; In Lane. oro' at ' Eilswortles "1 : in Mont ,seat:Searle'c . .€ In- Wilktsbarre at B: F: Wells' ." ':-. La Provience at. Adams' , . " , • ; J. SILEMAN, Proprietor. War. E. 13AwLET, Agent. , • • • AISING ANIYCbNSUNPTION. - PAIN IN THE SIDILS: NIGHT SWEATS, ASTH- M_,),l WHOOPING COUGH, H ' OP THE 1••• • • HEART-, LIVER . COM PLAINT,. BRON'. • • • CRITIS. • • !. . And.alidiseases of the throat, limes anti li ver, maid by Strarman% All-Healing I Bal sam. . • ' . RAISISG imooo AND: CONSUMP- TION. • Mr. Mine, Builder, in prooklyn, vbas at tacked with raising blood, followed by a cone'', in in the side, and all the usual svmptois of consumptioh. He employed lido oftli belt physicians; they did him no goodi.all told him he ' • -I.COULD NOT LIVE:. liearig of the. wonderful cares perform ed by Serna.n's Balsam, he sent at- ten o!.clock it night to Mrs,. Hayes .139 Fallon street, got a bottle.; it operated like a cha rm, !topped the bleeding and' cough ! Before le bad bottle he was able to be Mint his work. It had - • SAVE!) HIS LIFE, His dalkhter, residing at 127 Myrtle Aven mi Slairatim. it.. BliAs Ain Maston, of Niirt II ia tnshn rgh, Ii v i ng in Tehthy , near South Fourth-street, sayS : =l*l;at she bad been troubled With a hacking cotgh, acid pain in the chest; lbr a long time; Which at laSt became sc bad that she.. was obtgeit to give up her school i for more, than a year. She' then commenced taking the tAll-Healing Balsam—which soon alleviied her symptoms.. Site is now fast reowering, and has resumed her labo rious occuplaion as a teacher. I • 1 :, 14 YEARS • . . 1 - ! I , Mr. John . Ce,geil, 10th avenue . and -Sist street,-Suffered with a cough, raising- ,of ;phlegm, and pain in:the .side. He could . get. • : ° I NO RELIEF ;- • i.' till btried the All-Heitting Balsam; which drove the pain • • from his side, allayed ;the coca, and brought tbe- disease upon the i surfa ; and before be bad taken three bot tlel, as entirely cured. " . 1. FL ORIST AND CONSUMPTION: 1 • - - &I, . Baggas, a lady upwards of 70, rest ding Sheriff. has for 3rears been subject, 'to attitclts of Pleurisy, Raising of Blood, Severe Cimgh,Shortness of Breath, gala in. her Heati and various parts of her. body. Her friends believed her ' t ;PAST RECOVERY. . 1 Amount. $78.31 : 49 61 .I's 03 I '22 14 56 17 61 91 03.68 • 12 07 71.34 ",2 98 103 91 59 136 79 72 46 74 18-4 t • The All;Hcalia i g Balsam relieved hei it once of 41. -her alarming symptoins,: now she is able to attend to her work. ASTinlid AND WHOOPING COUGH. • -Mrs. theretria Wells; 95 Christie-sutet Lw B. i 9 Delancey street; , Wm, H. .Youpgs,ls Walnukstreet, know the value of this gteat-remedy. , • Ask for.Sherznan's•All-Healing Balsam, and. See ihat his 'written. signature h i op each bot De. • Ptleen, cents and 1111 per bottle. - • Dr. sherman's Worm and Cough Losep ges , *sld as abbie. • . ?tope! Office 1061 4 21014044 feet, New- Vor - Sale : Wholesale & lieu% •bi A. DUATI4M, Agent for Wyoming .ootutty'. brurante Agtdast,..Fir,. PERSONS wishingio ioeure' , ,proite, slotted in Wyoming - county, ag4ittat lodes by re, will do well ,t 6 cal , on ! the. subMriber, i 4l. MlClRAM,Agentsfor thei-Lyconfifig-MuMe • Institute. COMpe 4ttntiaryil 1849.-14 y„ at' _ their suhiects, awl fiii enrtrJi WWI SADDLE AND HARNESS, . rAreisitrana" Mottasizrui HE. Subscriber. con nues .o carry on • Flarness and S ddlery &unless, formerly carried on end r the firm atlas sell iSt: Duclr,and now byIC, A. Buck, tithe old stand opposite Durham's store, vPhere he - bas on hand, and saanafactarea,ta d der, 0 the shortest notice, 1- • r" . - ARNESS --enarse l finfifint —S DLES, BRIDLES, TRUN VALISES. TRAVEL -"- • , ING BAGS; ita All of which are -made l- of the bed, most durahlernaierials add in as good as-can be found in this section of 'coal Cash and kinds of l r rodace take .paymenr. _ . - s . 1 :1 1 - AU ipeciia oiiters promptly anemia "Beef Hides and Sheep-Skins wanted.' - IC. A. BUCI Tankhantroclri April, 1819:-14-3m. 1 • PAROtHIAL BCHOO I - T IRE Session of the Preliyterian Chu .1). after after much inquiry a d many del ys, are .at length able to announce that t ey have secured:the services ofa Carps of c I in petent InstrUctors, and wilt open (D. F.) Thursday, the sth of Aptil, a School, i n whiel_prnple .p ro vision, is made for the ion nd and thOrougti instruction of the pupils coin; milted to their care, viewed not only ati, telleetual but also . as-moral and account able beings. ' Faithint, patient and constant efforts >lvili be made to train the children for . G to "bring them up in the nurture. and admOni tion"of -the Lord." To this enk the Holy Scriptures will be made prominent. Believing moreover tat nothing' is' so well calculated to discip line:and improve the mind in. all the stages of its develorie mint as. Theology, in its systematic form, -which. presents for contemplation, subjects ranging' from the bare perception of I the simplest truths, up to he point at which the created mind h.tecotnes lost in the infinitude of- the Divine Perfntions; the Session has chosen the Catechisms drawn•up by the As sembly of DiiineS at Westminster ail the text book which.all•the scholars without ex ception will be required to commit to mem ory at stated periods. l. TEMIDL. _ . Spelling, Reading, Writing, Ar, ' itharetic and IntrodactoryGe- -;• - ' . • ography. ‘• .• . . • $1,50 per qr. Geography, Gramthar, and In- - • troductory. 'Botany. ' ' :. 9,00. Natural. Natural Philosophy, Algebra, _ • . and Astronomy. • 3.00 Botany ; Rhetoric and Fhysiol--- ogY- --- 3,50 " Geometry, plain and analytical, • - • Trigonometry,' plain, and spherical, : Surveying, with, - ' practical instruction as to • • the use of the compassoneth:- _ , .. - od of keeping field-notes; di vision of Estates,&-c. ; . _ - 4.00 " - Latin, and Greek Lignages. .5,00 , " The . services of a person residing in the place have been. secured to give:instruction in Instrumental 'Music and Drawing. - _ Vocal. Music will be taught free of charge to such of the Scholars as are anxious and determined. to learn. ;' I . • - - Miss FRANCES L. PAIS SON,-Principal: , ALFRED : HINE,- Es . , 'Teacher of .- -. Vocal Music and 'Surveying. • , ' ' , . Rev. C. R. LANE, Teic er of the higher 4latheniaties, Latin, Greek, &c. • • .'F. i The object of these enga 'ii in •this enter prise is to establish a-goo and permanent Schciol, for the instructiOn of their .own •Ctiildten, and,.any others ilia see proper to avail themselves of its alantages. ,• ~' The terms;lt is believ d; are as IoW as excellence artdpermanence will admit: • ' • , !JOHN ?HELPS, } ~.- /.. : .• . - \ , i .J. M. ORTIIS, - 4 1 all ' Tunkhannock March?, 1849. I, i ' Apr. 11-3 t T ARGE & SMALL- Li)VER SZED, for sale by S. D. : HELPS 6c CO: .•. • , PAPER HANGINGS DEPOT!. ito. 18 Courtletid street; New York:' OPPOSITEitTE.WPArrrEN HOTEL, , -- . - , r (Near-Biota!way.) p- : • TILE CROTON ININUFACTHEING CO ANT= (Organizedyndertlee de:newt Monuf icing Law of ''the • 5e424 of New Yirk 1 , . i Offer at wholesale fin quantities' , to , sttit purchasers, at Massfseisrers' pt-ior - : r, for cash or approved tredit. • ~ . t . . , pArsit HANGINGS, Of every v ...etT or style and price, ,:- . ' , '• . BORDERS to match,' , PIRESOARD PRINTS' in:great.vari,ety; Mums:attily Wutriow SuAroct , •Om Potwirb WIN w &lianas, '' - WIDE -WINDOW C RTAIN Pam:, Oa Wistiow BnADE FI TU Rai, - - . Of the latest ,styles and Superior fi ish,•all .. "of their own 'manuractUre and imp Um.. atheir stock is lame - end - entire new l , t ey - invite Merch tili , Bookselle , and stets in these art c es, to calla de exi: Ie i.,is amine their ',Styles ' n 1 prices w never they visit the City, ,_ Wry lifeidui can examine this -Sfock , f 6 edock is etors iv lift 186'iteek,:ut . is/. - _ , • • New pork, Januar , 1849.-6 m •---- --- AOMINI6TRAtO r R-- 'S NOtICE;.• . T - ErrElts 'of•-Administmlior: having 1.4: been panted to . the Subacriber; on, the: 'Oltate of Miles Avery, &ceased, - late of Falls, Wyoming Co., a I ,persons 'indebted .11 to said _ Estate, are req ested to make im. mediate -pa yasent, and 11 ;persons h:tving claims against said Estate, are requested to present theiduly.attesied for-settlement td ' ~ Mt f..TON WARREN ; Adrift.' ,Lemon, Feb. 88,1849-9-6 t. '' ' - 4014; 1r uilAilqiiit* B - i - '-- - --. EINGi nim.stipptied.with't linaieni4 . 1 • 4 , asiortnient or new and fashionable• 1 :IP 'AIN .jANEI'..FANCY , , - :-JOEVi-TYP4A and : h aving} at iezwience.ja:tlisliyi of , •i. ' . l - . ,IX:PdafkgElsl4-tiliezpii:::il , AO cibsaribOr li . P!! - Pared 0-•::°C• 151°11 ! . . -. .L . '....,; '._, ._. ii.4 .'° l[. oor 3c)l/ ''' ./ :t'.... ,,.. .., ) 4 . - 11,.-4111: - : - $11111421 1 4: , ) :04,idtitits;:b . ...':'-:;..6i - i.:: , Li_ I d ,_...•=.',.._.--' iiiio44tileinds -_, reiiiiiablit . hteriii: '• iiiibikt . tifotr'aie;l. iitOitgliii!Oitiiti• & 4. !" ' - ..r. - i b . s . ... :1 1 ,.. , ' ,••••,‘J: -. . - c0 '-E.::-101 tOIRPF"::! r :•TviiiimiSoillit i , j4pi, 1849...: -.: -, ! ..•• .:. I ' 1 . ' ' ' •,. - •-•;0""' ""'.- ' ' 'ln u h7.7 - `' - ff'P a iP,':. "ie'r:o4`-8114440. RIM NEMO , 3F3P` AND ~ .1E W g 11,R Y - STORE • --- - , , , - ~,,,. !.' CARLEI , D . B E BIG:Iti . -risPe‘:, l fir!V 1 . 1 t , - -Inouncint to, he,Dttitebs of Tuolchalt. Mack and i the . - sn finding Conntry,;that ho hinc'ogedett 114 4 3 e cities -shop'to 04'. Bot - otigh:itigt iffoor , 1911 - -;thei =otaii4.4,Wro.l hi.• Platt s 7Esq. - imther,e cleasithOstimeindi ! . logW.atchea a?d 1 119e14.',411114. - :detrAio good' kyle, • ott anoit notice, and: Aggro:4 resionable terr4r. loverry - inesidWio; in fle n;111 also qep!On.hind.ri iiiiiendid as , sortment of Jeivelry-oft.gaoa , q ealir t , anti fashionable style. The - public ene-invitest to give him a eta': '3 ;:- ~ .t - .tz Tunkbannoelr i i Jai. 24,1819. .'. , -t. find ty te !try. in t 'ATTIVN AltOrney. irtuarli a portiiar ah. ELHA.4 AN :SMITH - Atio alLaw,- Taakhann Pean' '- OFFICE oa ' Jaren itt,net,fonne!ly - be ‘../ copied, by , P cklam , . . J EE In- .11$ r s TTO •••NEY. AT LAW .-- Tankhannoei tming County,Punta • f_iroAti ! ii4e Gt' 814 7 .:- " I ,1 • Pan.' •3; 1,80. liica D,. _L.; ECIE.HABI, - r %Ili) lat-Latu; . -, • Tunk4nnock, Wipming Co., Peiri i i - Office will. A. .PL cillibi, Es ti. its Pildpit ' relp htiCk`BlOck• . t.. ValL' 3 74 1 Y 9 • r, K. PECK it, All, ;1' Attoiseir at Ttinkiann'ockl Wifoliting s' Pee FFICE in Alel - ps'ne* bpick OWar!enst eetiopposite.the oastan4 of Pecklian?3ol34lSl 1•F:A!,:::710,. TUNICII . . , DELNIt IN - • .:" ~. ~,:• ' cqtr isy t o.aia. otobjtvxmlizt,stAnt „ ~ . , ..... . ... AVARNitkORO LEAL-IRON ii.111114. -- . - :-. -, DRUGS - MEDIGINES.-. _ a:3 igen !Ulm! c , and ,lietzdl for , Er. lOW SEND' - . SARSAPARILLA:! =! " ruder kOkuing of the Age: 4 ' ' g. - Ag `nt,-wh.lesile awl retiit,fctr Dr. .- Wrigit'll • • • Vit gatailsie xiiii. - :. itnd mai of- the aluable familimediFinit* :- .... 0 s .1 1 'w ill usi. . -,: ~- --: Q ALT, '..,} 1 49:1 ~7 sale • DOOKSLBO L) and . paper re ;-. Wt. SHER cin44--'ll3 Ing Balsiont--C Lo;engesL—for • M%l l - Frthe pre *snot the\ subscriber,: lit Tun apnea Vit Tit., .on erqdave, the, SIM day't4pril lastr,e BLACK tow, ,with . white spotworr belt. relit , 'spot is herbead i and a white belly. n An Versos givincia i formaron tome hat m y lead co:Utile- n: covert' shall be teasel) bly rewarded.. . • claim- fREILLEY. - - ' MaT• 2 l. 1849— .1 8 7;L : -: - 1.2 ' -.•- ' ' : thrtiaa oir. frFIE--Itirtners.bin, beretnforer existing. itr J. the Siket4l2 - 4. .-Makingt,Busitsmi betiteen- lite; , Stibeeiiberscis .day , dis- Soltied:- don; .Thote indebted ter_ the firm, are retinested,to --settle their . ac cog.ti iii k terz tiat ; • - Tim in. the • hands 0( C.. A.., Budic. whh‘:4iiil• • ;•iiiinne - ". theshesine .. se as the Old - stand. RUSSELL: 'C: A ' .Tunkhantioek:-Aprii2,1849:414:3L - .'. .! RISING SIN-10 4 .:'llO %I ' ' ' Bar ' . leir Pa;. , - T$ E Subscrimotild lesPee.tfttilOti' . formhis fri di intLthe trayelitig pub- t n. lie, that he now 'oecppies the above welt knownistandi-fe erivitept by -7,:' MiNalt, -- in' Berl/ice, Cast ' , cc; Pgt,;aad lutalv. 't tea up and thriii lied it 116/wiliest manner for the ace** glow of strangers:imp' ''.. travelers. ... ;'''. l .l- - .‘ '``.:' ' . :- , - -,' '; ...-;,...tity 1 - . - 'HI $ '-' , l t il4 Ili is slippliekivitif Abe best th e • , marke t fe. o rds,..`-- and his Bar stocked::. • with choice liqu r ' • : - --- 'i„ His pable jo l ane of_theyntist - ejlebsiiw in the country,; obliging Ostlers nrUni,.: - wayslh atteill be; -- 7 :,•-• - =:::: - -•., :a,, , ` i Confident' of,. leg , able to give :perfett'. -, 'satisfaCtitni, hik ' licits thepatrnnaire of the -- • raveling - public. U. B. STEDkIA,S,,, ,Beriielr. 'al 3, . 1849.-14._; x$ _ ' - • - -1 r -). I- Tr.. , „ 1i4144 ” " al " T.' .11,Outielog 1 county,- and to vitt of AL - them' AO he h. tityttliciirtiitiN etecsiree utuOiro; lilt bours :01,0 IA ' sod fikhill I*. Ttialtbitaiiic Prof • Y:,404;04..%::1 tip! ”i4ily:iltit”..trpti. valley if its att vied gra4l,J;totime_ ! WM= , MEI NOCK;e:I , - . IRONsk:NAILS for DITILfLtiIIc; itgir it 'gap* !Orit*k* eilied and fot Mletif --- AI.:DURHAM: 'AN'S.. Celebrated - Medi- LOlwianiail or . 4 1111 heal gbi Worm and Catapbox by , '..A.,,IICF,RHArd.,' . ffietsti _ *NV etiittNlT *4;atifi. teXtela tim-011114- • IONA 21131; ii*yeltiseaver.!ftirnhot MOW, oottittooltliotontiq .tied bead.Mi oarteio Jo; og.on 'the, east Ado Of-Tortt I ,, PPlNAlitt'ihe 6 44 A. 'llA , YaiOttitra**lo f to tlielialtitott,AO itleahir. „ reit iff 1 9 -7—lrtt?' . , 4 1 3 1 1 9,..0 05 - r 0 bid .odrigt . 2 o.l Tkileak 'llo.); El