Wyoming County Whig. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1849-1852, May 09, 1849, Image 1

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' ,, WEIiIELY ''...- ' -'-...- -9 .". .. ' ; - : ' '. ' ' ' . . '
" :. " $115%:: Per. Year, if; pd La Advance.-., ~.i., . , . -.1., • . .• ' :' .i
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mo m ..a Con3pose,
nal 41010 h 4 b‘le '
, times impraved it inicker witit;
At - length it - irentbt stust. -• . 1
. . ,
Profetsor Morse, us 4ta of late •
t 1
ilia talied lutriinqments L higher;
Meilen the iewif , ma Ito state
. •By lightning on a. re - • : .
I! . i ' if' th inks iniii.otre at eh a tate' .- .
tena - I'i" . -Ait Simone. a to
1 ' I. Ir l eaoactanar ave.( 1 nxson i the late
ArAl ipliaselitaportan nets. '
I '
Ali ,
Ifarthr.r still; nay we not ride
l lMtlietioalspeed and ease;'
, Tti , any place'beyond the tide, '
-. Ounthereacte!rme.please...
o i tioultbe 'noble, grand indeed.
- ITo"inoant the ightning's flash;
• j To edit) it 111p)ike metal'e steed, • -
ltrairuicito the bit hndiasii.
I ' t i s ei .. i• - -••- '
• And bow noble i it would be
j I, i - t • ,
I t
1 - • - To ride among 01 st4s ;
' To t rage' iround se - k end
j iree„
1 And: . lacop perha ch Alain. , .
i 1:). - • • •
43nt 11,e farther h se - to run •
•`' And' t p l i e eir•a pro peet wide; . ,
, - To
,ina o l i afire re it the stuf f •
WOtdd 1:0 ' 0 a bril tang ride. , - ,
.1 1 Co pif4'.s p!rkcAn et. portray " :
- Each voildrolii iliingt•-ns thm-e-r -..-
Btu igho,+;teil i but• that they spay
• - • Ere lonrbe dooe with ease, J. 5..;
- Bike WiEtkOctireddiorattl -,
I : Mint; aradarstider =mutt , I
~, On our first Tage ) .'svill be , found 1
snottaingular, said , illindged -comma',
cation frbm Eldeilielvett. We apolo.
give Co our readers for votibit s? much
'akar paper his wee to= tbe subject.
ibe letter preceding , a cane:maim:
1 1
41in lwi ll obolv the ' we took to in
glace Ebiev Hewett to ie . ltimsehfrom,
. the .e \ reot Of ibis saditi al lurk of bis
loltri,and io,velievo ourselves from the
acmisettf =of tos , occupyloom pir , , Per:l.
but, 'without a7il. It is evident tbbt 4
fancies be can tbrive best in ...couteitiorr.
Thai idie4 Oftikitig othighimulinaoli
- .pr
- *pit be if d bred to lepeod upon
plats ; 4_, qmpatlsy....,, b. orimkt, app".. l
b; in
rj4 iym
from ltis course i be —ppOserbocati
spostoksily s, ' ' patby,, by re
PJ /
iffilentiog tW i ~ . . It, opposing. Ass)
- *two l!ia,Opit
~, arm to prOuceit
, , " ' .. topmentationspnlii
I' - itsWitiom .. : iCamiy—his refiece
timislon ail iv) ~ ,', unityiland hence his
tbocri ; .44Poshipu; n -, :.:- I
no; Iliatilare in<iusi by. notice the ...
tfiropec 'raj; but duty . to:, our
'iv* Churck--(o
retri i p ng eomlivieldtpitsdir.
.1....N11Z Witafs Churches-of Ail
e ," Whig,"
. lines here
; byan
4 .. individ
ntimbe of years
,And a I think
, trurc.h of the pee
takenli. t e liberty
Isnewle4 e . of the
• Nyntt fo pnblic.a:
" -,.
particularly. Elder Hewett says he .
Was inforined we said he had 'about
the Methodist Church. -I Now vve do
not believe there is a perlm in thikcom
munity, acquainted with p, capabl
of formicg a correct opirron, who we
believe we ever used such an expresi
sion,- We have latterly beard it , said,
ihatlet cart find, a man by l, wbom he cani
s prove anything he may wish to. • Wei
knbwilot.wbo the man but we fedi
essoired 'that he cam not, everttir *JO Insid
prove that we ever made use ofsuch an
expression.- We demand of Elder
ett tbe rattle of his informant: lf he
does int. give a name, or:retract, he
Must expect to - be held in the light of
having fo - rged . the calumny % for, the oc
casion.' -
Di W.*
of ttjc Dan.
news'was sent,
But .why introduce the Methodist
Church here? He says we published
a :statement about . a -board kila- r tht
because he. merely refered•to the fact,
we said, as heAlleges he wasitiformed . ,-
Hewett I had lied about the Methodist
Ciao& Now, hoiv does he suppose
we could have referred his notice Of our
publication of an accident, to the Metho
dist ahurCh. That was not what he
was talking about. Does be here seek
to change the issue, and out of this wish
to hold out the idea of as issue between
him and that• church, 'for, the-same put.
pose that he reputhented that his church
had to - encounter tJe opposition °fouler.
.sects There is no issue. between bim
and . any church of which he is not•a
Member in this place, and stieh talk is
the . sheerest folly_ He can' not raise a
contest between himself and any such
church in Wilkes;Barre.
lihe alleged offence committed by us
J, •
ags in% tke ßaptist phi ; rch, is .e F
by Elder Hewett in these .a orris
" or is this.thifirst time that you
hav ' aimed a death .blow_ at our ead.
A 't a year. since,- in an Edit riat,
you ' Tenders were informed iha the
Ba ist Chuieb- lost no furriber i the
bu ing of:their Board-kiln." •
Elder. Hewett's Circular says, the
Baptist church lost some 8250 worth
. ,
The particulars will place ibb author
F t
of the 'erred- in his true li ' t. In
March last a Boahl.kilu waictl royal'
n V
by, fire at the Baptist . Church: e un
derstood the boards : belonged to g;*
Bro";.--Weeropaired-ertheyou i v e. M r _
Long, Whol i gavennufrirmatire answer.
' Mr:, T.,athro l p,, who was in - business With
us, atthe thrte,learned the kiln contained
no boards belonging to the church. -Not
eip , aining of any -doubt on the subjea; .
smi without a thought' of its being ofany
importance, - in.the notice, to whom the
boards,belonged, and' merely, at men.'
tioning an alarm of fire, weixfined and
publidusi the following-article:
4‘Cht Monday' morning - last, a -
ofsmoke arose , from pear, the new 13ay
titt chterib, and for a teme,thens , was,
t i,,,
inch ilarm for theisafety of the ch 'raj. -
It waiiiion ascertained , however, Mit
14hoard. kite near = the church' , vm tin
re, whithelvithitt excitant, afar t oe•
and feetoftioardsoreredestroyeel,,, . ,he
; church accept inlay; The boa.rdsbe
lihtgai tothe Messrs.'torig.' , - ., '
Just before the : rtaini* .Cliureli "Wei
'ff4etiv'eltid 'tia - ; 114 misrepresented
ilieint - 1 4 -iiitibi bo rik urovia -
• .
4 iiiiCtiiit'ail'. ithriediaterfivi'AtrinS'
iitifiiiiilitaiii# ititifcaqiiiiiieifiiiitCrtiiit
, . • afitgalre to . swweirthy Bag* a .
Ave'ileflitriiiii SAO:isiticinjeithe ihnicti
i'itAltietliidied 1 thEitiiie' Eliniiit
*ll7*- 44)111exL I l ' e. 441 . "- L. *"-
i i("*
teVitili Zlitatt'lltaii*Sg lA'S=
Oki iir fiitieffekiterriiiirheineider
.0 '
piii*ivi:Oelionwth i snov cipdoy
!!Q•`k Ale t'44 111 40,5;9445.44V
, • th l
an:l46* - 11‘ pajrAN the
il - rirt'4.' eiiiii4tilg.:''''• ' - . ;
; f-tiiiifi. ifie s iiinitnibtiredifettifelti6tiiiii
StUcek - Irorifi,huttreit; desigtaad AirAttiali'
i' 'tlr 4* fik!i,Wl44#l,l4tethy,Are.
Vti c t .
. ._,.., i . leme L etib I mb /el . AD (
Fe 4l : - I`' l' iltriiii kali .4
‘ii3'''-• ' 'fell we s',., . 'lo;:jfar • - t,. 4 /',- - ';'si '-'.. , ,":1
• ..:............i:-• - -
' • . :2 1 - :1 :1 - I'. -7—tr-r-
*Ur . 0 *
D; 10 be:
:=• 1 - ;Is Z.14' , 5 ,
,t 4 4
t U a geg,RX
. ifft'44
•p -
Now any person can judge of on r mo
. •
tive, and the spirit which influenced u i s
by the facts,. the notices, &C". • They
speak for ; themselVes. The same day
-the laSt notice was publiihed, to our as=
tonishment, the other two papers con
tained an article signed C. A. ljeweit,
which - accused us - 'of .having misrepre
sented the, matter: The whole riling.
was less than a bubble . , and no man 41
Elder Hewett' would ever have! via ;
.Citryingo make 44-'"
ital of it. If he thought of : itll4:
moment, why did he not like a man, in
foriii us: of the • errOr, if it cvas one, and
not harbor it ih hiS breastpin silence, rad
til the time arrived When the thought he
could use it to t advanta to n 7 There---is
something we find, on enqUi ring latterlY .
about this board story, we 'do not corn
prehend. The - following certificates
will throw some light on , the subject,
and ilin'w at least there might have been
reason forbelieving at the time; that the
boards -belonged to . Long & Bro:
' "Ucertify that Long & Bro. had 3700
feet of boards in the kiln;-at the Baptist
Church; i when it burnt down, which
boards .w e i
' - "Wit.xEs BARRE, A pal 1,'43. !
. "I hereby certify: that while the board
kiln was burning near the Baptist '
church, some time since, standing with'
Hiram Dennis near the burning,kiln, I
observed to him 'this is considerable .1*
to the church ; ' to which he. replied ia
substance-41e boards mostly beleng to'
to the Longs—the Baptists had a' few'
hoards in- the kiln for Ba4i of seats
-it will put us back a Ii the With the work,
which is the ureatest damage to us.' -
"Tematraivtioca, April 10 2 '49.
Mr. S. D. Lewis,
' - Dear Sir ::=Your nt&
dated 9th:April was duly, receiied. I
cheerfully corn ply - wun your requa •- 4 1
"Last summer, immediately after c I
destruction by fire of.the bonrd kiln in
the rear of the Baptist church, Mr..lli
ram -13. Dennis stated to me t in- anser
to art, inquky ifi relation to the .da ge
sustained, and 'by Whom, that* 'no. !ss
'Was occasicined to the church:
' - I recollect it thus distinctly,, front
filet of having been anxious to 'get al
particulars of the fire with a vie'
their publication. ,
Respectfully yours, &c. "
• ' - - C. E. LATHROP.
Mr. TAthrop wits connected Ile
aittle time in the'pUblication of the 'Ad
'voeate:Mr Dennis is one of the tins
iees'Whoie'mmteirn. Ec. to tbe - cir*Lir'
He is the carpenter Whit we nriderstaifd
finished the Bataiit' church,' and h a d
pharge of the kiln. -
It. is due to Mr. Dennis
.to'say that
he denies having so said to Mr.. Lath,
r°P. •
The 13ublic ard, left ttidrari their own
cot:recisions franti . the 'certifieitei—the
lonitilente—anithe great ado at last
iborty . 4 tnurderops blow in misrepre
sentitig the beat loss of boards. The .
subject—' the wile matter; about the
is too 'si Ikr 'to .be endured iiiong
men We_neietidirt anything so lona
tientlyin Orir- ."
teader oliserie'.. that. thief
Aeivett' says slieaking of the - eitcti
"Allow tilt toliiroim'you,' that;it 'was
not only prepnred bythe special' diree:
but ;
and -,appr9ye4 by. the- Trtneeea
1 014., that it ~ was also adopted by :voleof
getA4 ek",,::: : e-: -, ~, , , - ,
:,- 'in' *l;:efeiplce‘ iolhsl ' r We iTticni!4llg,
foil‘Wing - !•„, ,;. . . . . 4 : ,; -- - ..; -;
-11 MeSsri. G::,in;ri ilixit; C.*
i I.
j kilitliVv4holtilitipiet are 'akieii'd e-d. M.
I thelainreintrpattirig.krhe-'l'."l"ciitiil e i
! sti.the BeFfietchurchnt , Wiliresaatre.;'"..
• hOeFtiv, „..*.illatEtAkP7l:4,Fer:N . iw.
- Wig chfu 4'1,94.1 1 4i : a ,of - 11 .1.,cgritrk*,
.4fitiiiiftleF . g.ii l lickadisheil,' and ilk'
they fiiitietplit their: iitait4icilerrikV 4
iothsay,tie circular is wrong, install'
dise.PProviltvlittha.tjt: co ntains no:
Eafeletesat Alchtitliiiine • they , : l.ioutrtot
' . *-1111:-.,:m - -,... u,4, , ..ct.,., 1-:, '•`.;:. * , ,i:, X'
' i l 4.. ! x.t 011 Jog _WISP WQ4 I 4-144 1 1 % F .
, .p b, .4 ' " -., ...,/,'
.. -.: ~ ~, 4 , r d ,, 4,1 ir ,1 1t . ,'.
i f i l lf" .1 l e l I. 17 al b • .0, 1 ' Mill WIP3,II
P-; m' irt!ctrily,ba.At-,ifti,,cmi#Pl
wags ItifillOs E lAvy'll!lt s
t aeries! r was ap To , i ,
/.. , 61
_..r i lieliii
,i .
tees i tybile . two of the , Trusfees sty
they netvnothirig of it---did _not sign
it, II disapprove of it.
• 14he communication •of Pder Hew
ttt mil be found these words.—
;re are prepared to inform you, that
motuly all we : found lin the Cowell
who we came . (except those removed
by emh, dismiisimi&e., and one who
attendsour meetingStorbusiuesss,)
vot for the adoption of the ...)ircuhtr,
but anhoni we did not 'find jii the
Ohtirch - When
_re came.' The Baptist,
Cftiret theref re. ritad — notihe "yrk - dnk
lsofouijart ii," is reponSible for the
ircular," yo r unqualified
he contrary, otwithstand intr."
`lt, referenceto this - we snbmit the foI.
'The undersignecl, : metnbers, of
it. ptist Church, feel called Upon to Say,
a we wish it understood. by - the public,
t t We never sawthe paperlpurporting .
t be , a circular of the Baptist: church'of
• ilkes-Barre, nor,did we eyer, hear of
i or of its: contents, untill nfter it was
intecl-in a Ttinkhannock. Paper. -
. • B. JB AI: LE Y.! •
April 1 lth, ilB4r. ' - 1
In this comtriunity the word of 'Mr.
I - €
• ailey and Mr:; Worm'', needs - no tor
,boration, noridoes that ofl.Mr. Jones
l i
iiod.Mr. 'Monte' ne.—Here We have the
press declara 'ens Of four respectable
ternbers of the : Baptist church, / two of
eat' Trustees. r .The publie(Will cora
are the extrAct,s from Elder Hewett's
rticle with the declaratio 'q of these
, , r t .
:crectlemeti, ancLdecide whether-theßaP
- [ -- . . .
tist church, or the Trustees even, are re
- -
sponsible for that circular. 'l'hey may
mourn the'aspect, but they !tin ,easily
see where the' truth it This insulted
and abused community will not regard
the Baptist Church as accountable ;for
That circular.' . I .
h_ illb seen 'that _Elder Heyveit
etill talks abo u t "Post eo
ctiop.tvith "objection , to the Baptist
In reference to this . we suhmitthe „
i'l ii. clellect that a. few. years since
tlder;Post came to this place, warm in
he abolitibn cane,- and there was talk'
his lecturing . ,on the 'subject. .:He
lad privionsly,expresaed himself very
reely in eondemning the disgrapeful
ct of putting an abolitionest on a I: ail.
oon- after he left this place, I heard it
ocasely remarked that' Post 'and - fait
not been put together , . i ~ T he. re
ark,had•no reference to . Elder Post as)
..p. f. , l4i.Prfach,er. Lw'asla partici- ,
laffitend to Elder - Post, , entertainini
the same views with himin referencet6
slavery,.and , heard the remark .I allude
to. in- the filthily of °neer simklat, feel,-.
logs, and among his.warm.friends.. i ”
I-. :, . - . ' ; - ..J.. 13.-- / D0W. 71 7_
. "frhe Elder's remarki in - referencoto
'brfaking open a.meeting hens° is peen=
liaii i y; in keeping. 'Acre 4as a time
' wiert there was u misunderstanding be-.
tweert two congregations, in , relation to
the.right toutie the old Meeting }Rinse;
1 And,vvo.have understod that some 20
lor. 30 years since, whop it -N , as expert
'41 - one ofthem would eceanythe bonsa
* Vrarlileked , err. -- Al individual . who
'fsided itthuilding it, aftd - Who was -rtot;,
;and as not .now a Member of any church 1
i tpentxtthedeor , A liarmonions -coM'''
romise 4 the house ClaegtiOri44l3 a tten;
titardz,%eilicted,- into. chu rch Ruttlasing ,
Ate interest of-_ , the:otheri- 04 the most:
4indfr, and. ',respectful-, feelings , - hue' ,
4ace: .;been-
,i ere.had been Such i•State , 4r, feeling;
:' . such nuAtfitir, es Elder Alettiettd
0 4
~ ..
. 6 01 4/9,W , can: he:. reconcile ~ , it -with
. 840PsPlettCesiOntinghere 4 tar_ ! me e it,,
.• AnAips nothing the : ' ost itai•
' PUS state effeelieg:heo ' 'the:oee
4 ,he.tt professe4'manister, b e: GOs- 1
, 01-Perr . ,,wto , tittemptjtrhflrrow , -4p,
0°- feelings 'efid,,Ji4teOleePArt iniimetee,,
,i,. „ 1 140/;.reare-Agwo : 43,pe he AO
I rF o 4 lll ,'Po#Pit. ka.liklbjeFfhe•intla , , ;
peg, itewpulii,eltert-A T: : - i fi9 li'l l-011 Ipr
Frpilipit - y , ,,tie 4)1:41o, lli JPOkes ' l 7 , ‘
5t, 411 9t/RifolS)C.. --; - ,:%,... , . , 1 1 .,•;-).u,1- -;•fiti?; , -.!.r, , ~',-, '.
' i' if.,,tkreidOlti will lonkitt
-I%**o ?the taliar4ll I stlakter
....ftittfett;*lll.or44ll.qe.,ead :iii: t4iti461114
. 7 • . (77 ,
nionieation, in ref
Of'othei itiCti mad
in ,building.ttle . 4
ma/,be occalioiit
1 1 The-Efder''s re
friendship of 3api
io prove just ;:vho'h
, enee to the kndl
,I t. ! _ • ,- .. , .
1 , Areen . Baptists 6.1
l'•efie s- ets :on ii hO -,,
!lye wftic quick : tq defend,„ apuqts ~..ang
1 ' kers,a,goi4 biliciiOnlar. , ',His threits
in relationihireto, Are nniiied4,---"Drow
that his disp osition iitntlerstoOd;lie`his
~ L. ..ii,.. -,, -. -.,.-::.....:,
very little pO - er to make mischief- a:
mong friengs ifliet_refe disposed to' do
~,. _ . - .
' 1 ' He speaks of the 41i - ero ;P.:which -Yre
',belong Milting hattihree Pastors :;since .,
he came here, Theinsinuatiottisiwor-
I thy of Elder HeVieti.:-They all stayed'
es•lcing as the rules l ofthe church' per
' ' - -if h -- ' • .4
mated, and ibefin 1 the: e n rs - of the
,church would be I glad to meet Offen.
Changes sooner , ; than I desired . by-:a
church are better and more profitable,
..,‘than to have a Miniiter remain until 'his
ChurCh may ' l , t tiish'he :had never , 'comae
to them . . 1
Having _pointed out some . f the, mat:
ters in Eiderl•-Hewett's <communication
which tax credulity;; we Will ;make one
' r ' ' ' much''t r oth.' *
extract containing'' , • . e
find it among such mass of the '„cp an
loms of his, f?ncy," Ithat ie eppears to
have a peculisr i ustre. ilt is as ;161-
lows:— -. I t
, i "This Circularwi tit int published for ii
ihis aciiimuriity`;'add - neithei our hilms
hle self; nor the Baptists have \published
it in ikiiconiinnitii. thereby, "scatter
fig.,fire,;#airls and arrows. here ; 12 - dor,
Would it have been seen by thiecomrini...!
nity, had notiyoUr love to: the... Baptiste,
ere induced 'y . ou .„ ll:? 7 transfer•it• tto youri
.' st < to. en.imuLnutylesi
n haye-beet for .the ington . , .
~ ye. m.
Minz , and-- ,
i ttdgewater. Assoctatto,ns.,, [ ,
Its object'wae to • get ; ;their:money to;
build a house of -.:_ worship , in ,- this -Int;
Mensely; rick Iformigtilor the . ereitt:
Sive bene fi t °tits- inhabitants.. , ~B ut in
Order to get - their money for
.such en
object jt waknecessaty, togive . , them a
•reasini Why - Ft' ivael
,imptiSsibiezl6".pay •
for; the house witho ut •Att -What ,What. should
hat reasen-.heye be i nt. -- ; That the Bap.'
ins iethis Same Conimitnity,:- , were .tteri
ighly esteettnsk and as glitch beloVed,".l
by th'e 'oilier •Chnrcitli; at even thosoill.;
theireirown meMberal .....-Or, should., that'
reason have .bmiolittistatements trtitle:-
end , which,: ati abovnitaied many *TS'
ready , to, testify all.'the, itlett i n '-t he . ;
We - ~, 2 ,11
agree, with.theaothor- id mudidf
this extract.. -We` believe:'.the :circular
as not inietuief,to•do *tee lif-this Com-.
`Ott itY - --thittlhe E Itlef*ti Id 'obi like
oo ti roneyt b :
a l es i t s: mii el ngtoiv i if t oioys di r7.lii! e ira re l,3d — l t ita lt h - ry e tah t - t, - ;t , s ' i t o. h at,
gi,th e oe . objec twas.
eum:lit - :.
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vetit•: : .`'. be .' - .
il, it will ien that rinieilit.4iintiiiig
%kteillewetcs tricxli'fiett langliage: end
1 is'admission of he from•inemberiol
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