-anorm IsGiNn.. r nesryi B. Arab. ny, editor of the Providencelburnal, is elected Goverthr of Rhode Island by a large majority. We caneratalate the people of that State en the' isiiont and felicity of their chose. m r . Anthony is still a young . man, but upright, cm, blersoddeserviag, and will Make it ernor that many a larg,er §tate!might well be 'rand of. We haVe decid e dly disagreed with him ere now, hut never ceased for n moment tnesteem 'him. As the salary $4OO far the full 4erm of one year will hardly raise him above the necessity of pushing the'quill fora live lihood hereafter t , we shall ,have a real live poverripr in pie editorial fraternity more correctly, they Governors will have an Editpramong them. Much good may he do them ! Tribune. a l In Tunkhannock township, on the 15th inst, bq Rev. L A. Bennett, Mr. ABEL VARCY, to Mr% SARAH IBOAD• LET, both of that place.' In Springville, on Mon* moping, 23d inst., by the Rev. Mr. 'Mulky, Mr. AARON BUNNELL ' , of Tunkbannock, to Miss CLEXENTINE' LANE, j o f the ;former place. 'DIED: ; . i) In Lemon township, on Wedrimlay, the 18th inst., Daniel'`,"chd,el, foimerly of Monroe c. 0., aged ab ut 25 yeSirs. In the city of New Y rk, on th}e 12th inst., Mr. Robert Lotl,l of Carbondale. in the 32d year of his 4e. TUNKHANNOCK 01.00 Bull r .: 0,33 Me so .; 60 I.nr . . 23 Bee wax, 37 .Tall w 60'Egg : I Wheat . Rye . . Corn . . Oats . . Buckwheat Potatoes RAISING BLOOD AND CONSUMPTIONI PAIN IN THE SIDE & NIGHT SWEATS, ASTH MA, WHOOPING COUGH, PALPITATION 1011 THE' HEART, LIVER COM _ PLAINT, ,BILON CHITIS. And all diseases of the throat, lungs and li ver, cured by Sherman's All-Healing Bal sam. ' RAISING BLOOD 11ID CONSUMP TION. Mr. Milne, Builder, in Brooklyn, was at 'tacked 'with raisior, blood, followed by a -cough, pain in the side, and all the usual symptoms of consumption. He emplcyed two ofthe best physicians they did him no good, and told him he • COULD• NOTE LIVE. Hein-ingot* the wonde4ul cares perform ed by-Shertnan's Balsam, he sent at ,ten o'clock•ataight to Mrs. )3ayes 139 Fulton street, and got a bottle;'it operated like a charm, stepped the bleeding and cough! Before he had taken onel,boule he was able to be about his work. 4had Sd VED HISiLDPE, His datightet, residing ai,l27Myrtle Aven one, can attest it. F Mise.Ama Maston, of WI lliamsburgh, liv ing in Tenth, near Soi th ; Fourth-street, says—That she had beer troubled with a backing cmgh, and painlin the chest, for a long time, wbich at last became sc bad that she was obed to give np !her school for core than a year. She, then commenced taking the All-Healing Balsam—which soon alleviated hersymptorns. She is now fast recavering, and has;rektined her labo dons occupation as a teacher. 14 VE.417.3' - Mr. John O'Neil, 10th avenue and 21st street, suffeted with a tOneh, raising 01 phlegm, and pain in th 4 side. He could get. NO RELkEf; , _till he tried the All - Heating' Balsam, which drove the pain from hiS side, allayed the cough, and brought thel disease jpon the 4 0 surface; and before he ad taken three bot tles, was entirely' chred I .. • PLEURISY AND NSUMPTION. Mrs. Baggas, a lady puirds of 70, resi ding 88 Sheriff, has, for years been subject to Attacks of Pleurisy, itaiSing of Blood, severe Cough, Shortness of Breath, Pain in • liter Head and various , arts of her body. fler friends believed he , PVERY. REC. • 1 , The AU-Healing Balsam 'relieved her at once of all her alarming symptoms, • and cow she is able to attend td' her work. ASTHMA AND'WHO °PING COUGH. Mrs. Lucretri&Wells, 9S 'Christie-street I. S. Beals, 19 Delancey street Wm. H. Youngs, 75 Walnut street, know the value of this great remedy. %, Ask for Sherman's All-Healing Balsam, and see that his written signature is on each bottle. e, Price 25 cents and St pei U ttle. Dr. Sherman's Worm and oagh Lozen• ges sold as above. Principal Office 106 Nastan f r York. For Sale Wholesale di DURHAM, Agent for Wyo PAZZION.A. "311CIAILMENE-4412110 A LLEN LOTT Mies pl nouncing to. the citizens county,_ and to the public gene' of the General Tailor, and them that be haS , fixed hislt he tellow handing on the eas pike street; pearly - opposite t Durham, where he will at - tours exert himself to the u . ... 1 and fit his pattons. Tanktiannock,fe,b. 27, 18 , • ; , r I TO Z2cieIadaCEItEa3DI)CDLEcKZE)9O And from Montrose to Wilkesbarre, tria. Providence. ;THE SUBSCRIBER would announce 1 to the public that arrangements have been perfected for running the above lines of Stages as Follows, viz: Prom Tnkhannock to Lanesboro' Leave Tunkhannock on Tuesdays Thurs idaysland.Saturdays, upon the arrival of the , Towanda Stages, and arrive at Lanesboro' ;at 9 o'clock the same evening. Leave Lanesboro' on Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays at 5 o'clock, A. M., and arrive at Tunkhannock at noon. From Non - trose to Wilkesbarre. I Leave Mo ! ro tse on Mondays, Wednes days and Fr days at 7 f o'clock, A. M., and arrive at W Ikesbarm at 6 o'clock, P. M., the same dayt. - Leave- Wlikesbarre, Tuesdays, Thurs days and Satnrdays at 7 o'clock, A. M. and arrive at Mlurose at 6 o'clock, P. M. The abov Lines connect at -Tunkhan bock with the Wilkesbarre, Towanda and Montrose Singes; at'Lanesboro' with the New York iSn Erie Railroad, and the StageS' running north from that place . ; at Bacon's with the linelfrom Montrose to Wilkesbar re; at Montrose with the Towanda, Owe go and Binghamton Stages; at Providence with the Carbondale and Steoudsburr, Sta- ges; and at Wilkesbarre with the Easton and Philadelphia lines. By this route, passengers. will avoid the night riding Incident to the route via Mont rose in ordeto reach the same• train of Cars. 1 • Good F-orses and Carriages, and careful and accommodating drivers, have been obtaine, and the Proprietor hopes to merit and receive the patronage of the public. 313:&"`A2012EM=9 From Tnnktannock to Lanesboro' $(2,00 " Montrose to Wilkesbarre-, 2,00 l " • Tunk annock to Stroudsburg, 3,:5 F0R SEi TS, apply in Tunkhannock MARTIN'S HOTEL; [ Lanesboro' at Ellsworth's ‘‘ [ Montmse lat Searle's n i Wilkesbarre at E. F. Wells' " L Provide* at Adams' CI J. SILKMAN, Proprietor. Wtt. C. HAviLev, Agent. MARKET. 8 14 7 0 a) 12 10 nt In In In ROCLAMATION.—Whereas, the P Hon. WM. JESSUP, President Judge of the Court pf Common Pleas and Court of General Qurter Sessions of the Peace and the President Justice of the Court of Oyer and Termin i er and General Jail Delivery, for the trial hf capital and other offences, for the Eleventh Judicial District of Penn sylvania, and i Wm. S. JAYNE and PERCI ram LEMOr. Esq's, Associate Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas and General Quarter Sespions of the Peace, and Asso ciate Justices of, our Courts of Oyer and Terminer add General Jail Delivery of the county .of Wyoming, have by their pre cept to me directed ordered A General Gond of Oyer and Terminer and 4neral Jail &limy, to WP held at Tunkhannock, on MONDAY, the 30th day? of 'April neat. Notice isi therefore hereby given to Ott Coroner as all Justices of the Peace and Constables *ithin the county of Wyoming, that they be and appear in their proper per sons at the time and place above mentioned, with their rolls,records,inquisitions,examin ations,reco=rnizances,and other remmbrane ces to do those things which to their offices in that behalf respectively belong. . Notice is also given to all those who are "hound by repo„ izances to prosecute against ;the prisoners that are or shall be in the Jail jof Wyoming county, that they be then and {there to prosecute them as shall be just. JOHN JACKSON, Sheriff. Tunkhannock, March 28, 1849.-13-4 t 0~~ L~ ~ ~ lJ MINIMA NITELICES—BAPIELE, PA. DAVID MEYER, would respectful!, inform the citizens of Wyoming co. that he has just opened at his Store,on Main street, third door below Streater 4. Leas store, Wilkes-Barre, a large and splendid assortment of GRADS DIJAD2 O6OVNEI2IS D Consisting of Over Coats, Sack Coats„ Frock and Dress Coats, Cloth Cloaks, Pantaloons, . Vests, &c., Together with a splendid stock of Cravats, Shirts, Bosonls and Collars,' Handkerchiefs,, .Suspenders, &c. Which he' will sell it Trwlesalc or Retail at prices which defy competition. - - Citizens of Wyoming county, visit ing Wilkesbarre, are invited to call. Wilkes-Barre, Jan. 3, 1849.-1-ly insurance Against Fire. PERSONS wishing to insure property sinited in 'Wyoming county, against losses by fire, will do well to call on the subscriber, A. K. PECKEIAM, Agent for he Lycomin ' g Mutual Insurance Compa ny. January, 1 1849.-1-Iy.. =MC etail, by A. ing County DR. SHERMAN'S Celebrated Medi cines—'The Olosaonian' or 'All heal ing Balsam'—Cough, Wornvand Camphor Lozenges—for sale by A. DURHAM. 1 , Tor e- tia.q.a., @at ga.h, ct. otriA, oF wi z l icxtio„,l. at di. 01PA4 LM.,En • sure in an lof Wyoming • ly, die arri would inform d quarters in side of Turn e store of A. 1 seasonable ost, 10 please- DOORS! BOOKS I! A supply of books L 3 and paper reeelved'and for sale by A. DURHAM. .-9-if. SADDLE AND HARNESS; , 1 -- ecrf.t2z.-alauairenevaccotr. , TIIE Subscriber continues to carry on The flatness and Saddlery Business, formerly carried on under the firm bf Rus sell & Duck, and now by C, A. Buck, at the old stand oppdsite Durham's 'store, where he has on hand, and manufactures to order, on the shortest notice, HA RNESS' r —caarse and fine—SAD , DLES, - BRIDLES. TRUNKS,''' "- VALISES, TRAVEL ING BAGS, '4.C. All of which are made of the best and most durable materials and in as good style a's can be found in this section of country. Cash and all kinds of produce taken in payment. ;rf All special orders promptly attended to. C. A. BUCK. Tnnkhannock, April, 1819.-14-3 m. PAROCHIAL SCHOOL. HE Session of the Presbyterian Church, T after much inquiry and many delays, are at len : gill- able to announce that they have secured the services of , a corps of com petent Instructors, and will, open (D. V.) Thursday, the sth of April, a School, in which ample pioiiision is made for the sound and thorouglrinstruction of the pupils com mitted to their care, viewed not only as in tellectual but also as moral and account able beings. Faithful, patient and constant efforts will be made to train the children for God, to "bring them up in the nurture and admoni tion o the Lord_" To this end, the Holy Scriptures will be made prominent. Believing moreover that nothing is so welle calculated to discipline and improve the mind in all the stages of its develope ment as Theology, in its systematic form, which presents for .contemptation, subjects ranging from the bare perception of the simplest truths, tip to the point at which the created mind becomes lost in the infinitude of the Divine Pert;-ctions; the Session has chosen the Catechisms drawn up by the As sembly of Divines at Westminster as the text hook which all the scholars without, ex— ception Will be ,required to commit to mem ory at stated periods. Spelling, Reading, Writing, Ar ithmetic and Introductory Ge ography. $1,50 pqr qr Geography, Grammar, and In- • trouctory Botany. 2,00 1 * Natural Philosophy, Algebra, and Astronomy. 3.00 " Botany, Rhetoric and Physiol ogy. 3,50 " Geometry, plain and analytical, Trigonometry, pain, and spherical, Surveying, with practical instruction as to the use of the compass, meth- Apr. 11-3 t od of keeping field-notes, di vision of Estates, &c. Latin and Greek Languages. spo " The services of a person residing, in the place have been secured to eive instruction in Instrtimental Music and Drawing. Vocal Music will be taught free of charge to such of the Scholars as are anxious and deterinined to learn. Miss FRANCES L. PAYSON, Principal ALFRED SINE, EsQ.,'Teacher of Vocal Music and Surveying. REV. C. R. LANG Teacher of the higher Mathematics, - I..atin, Greek, dr.c, The object of those engaged in this enter nrise is to establish a Bond and permanent School, for the instruction of their' own children, and any others that see proper to avail themselves of its advantages. The terms, it is believed, are as low as excellence and permanence will admit. - JOHN Pumps, t session. J. M. BURTII3, Tun khannock, March 22, 1849. LARGE & SMALL CLOVER SEED, for sale by S. D. PHELPS & CO. GRAND JURORS—APRIL COURT. Clinton—W.W.Carpenter, D.H.Capwell. Falls—H. Taylor, A. Mahon, G. Russ. Tunkhannock—O. Beebee. Forkston—E. Allen, Saml. Hurlburt, W. R. Catlin. Windham—C. Fassett. Mehoopeny—P. Butts, I. Bunnell : - J. W. Dennison, H. Love. No rth moreland—A. M. JetTords, C: Vans coy, A. Snyder. Nicholson—A. - Squiers, J. S. Garwood, P. Bacon. Wash i ngton —Geo.Remmington, T. F• Kel logg, Geo. Jenkins. Eaton—Forbes Lee. TRAVERSE JURORS Forkston—J. G. Spalding, R. Adams, Z. Lott, R. Winslow. Nicholson—L. fought jr., D. Phelps, J E. McCain-, Nolthmoreland—A. Ferguson, Geo. Gal lup. Washington—E. Hollenback, J. Bram hall. Exeter—M. Smith, R. Coolbaugh. Lemmon—S. H. Hine, M. Warren, H G. Ely. Falls—N. Patrick, J. Sickler, L. Avery L. H. Gulick, W. Sutton. Ternkhannock—E. Jenkins, D. A. Bard well, D. F. Handley. Borough—H. K. Wells, J. V. Smith, A H. Bolles.- Windham—W. R. Allen, S. T. Sturde van t. Clinton—J. Bedell, Braintrim—B. Wakeman, T. D. Spring, A. Gay. - _ Monroe—C. Newberry. Eaton—L. Armstrong, N. Keeler. cumitb upupeualaaaa- T . BEING• now sup - plied with a handsome assortment of new and fashionable PLAIN AND FANCY JOB TYPE, and havingsome experience in the art of 1:PtP2iE§2.110.1252.0h 9 the subscriber is prepared to executemost kinds of common mtoa 17(Daa Handbills, Cards, Labels, &e.Rr.e.&e. In good Style and on reasonable Terms Public patronage, respectfully solicited C. E. LATHROP'. TETNIKIIANNOCK, JAN. 1849. ,QALT, FLOUR, IRON & NAILS for A.) ante by , A. DURHAM. TEnras. 4,00 Cl Orphans' court Sale of Real Estate. - DY virtue tif in order of the Orphans' Ccitirt of the County of Wyoming, there will be exposed to public sale - at the house of N. C. Martin, in the Borough of Turikhannock. Wyoming county, Pa. on Thursday the7sth day of March next at I o'clock P. M. of that day the following de scribed real Estate, late the Estate of J. J. Millen, deceased, bounded and described as follows: One piede or parcel thereofsituate in the Township of Nicholson, Wyoming County, Pa., the same being the one half of a large tract of land in the War rantee name of Jt.,lin Ely, beginning at atilerat a small white Ash, it being the Sout 'West corner, tence west eighty-flve anti a-half perches along the line of Anal Horion to a corner, thence north two hundred and thirty-two perches, , to a corner, thence east eigty-five and a half perches to a small beech, being a cor ner of lands surveyed to Tohn Whitehead, thence by and with the last mentioned lands south two hundred and thirty-two perches to the place of beginning; containing one bundled and twenty-three acres and one hundred and fifty-six perches, with about sixty acres improved, with a small frame house and frame barn thereon, being the same lands purchased by said Decedent it Sheriffs sale, sold as the property of Wil liam Seott. Also One other piece, orparcel of land, situate in the township of Tunkhannock in said County. bounded on the north by lands of Hammond's heirs, east by lands of Welch, south by lands of Thomas T. Slocum and —Nicholson, containing forty three acres be the same more or less, and being the same lands purchased by the said Decedent at Sheriff's sale, as the property of William Hammond & Henry G. Hammond, convey ed to the Decedent by Sheriff's Deed duly acknowledged on the 3rd day of-May and recorded in Sheriff's Deed Book in said county in Deed Book page 147. ALSO, THE equal undivided half of the follow ing described piece or parcel of land, situate in the township of Tunkhannock aforesaid, bounded on the North by lands of H. L'l,r. S. Stark, on the 'East by lands of Welch & Marcy, on the South by other lands of the Decedent, and on the West by the turnpike road leading from Tunkhannock to. Mord , rose, containing one hundred acres be the same more or less, and being a part of the John Shaler, which land were conveyed to the said John J. Millen, deceased, by Deed of William F. Lease and wife,dated the 20th day of Februam, A.D. 1848, and recorded in Wyoming County, in Recorders Office, in Book No. 3, page 310 &c.,—Conditions as follows: One third of the purchase money on the day of sale, one third .on confirmation of sale and delivery of Deed, and one third in I year after delivery ot' deed with interest: to he secured by Judgment Bond ; or by person al security at the option of the Administra tors. A. K. PECKHAM, 5 Adminis • N. C. MARTIN. trators. By order of the Court. P. M. OSTERHOUT, Clerk. ADJOURNMENT. The sale of the above described• lands, stands adjourned as follows: The two pieces situate in Tunkhannock Township, until Monday. the 9th day of June, 1849, at one o'clock, P. M., at the house of N. C. Martin, in the Borough of Tunkhannock; and the piece situate in Nicholson, until Tuesday, the sth day of June, 1849, at one o'cionk, P. M., on the premises. A PURELY VEGETABLE MEDICINE. Worsddlls's Vegetable Restorative Pills HAVE been gradually but surely coming into favor, among the families of this Country for come years past. They have done this entirely throngh their great worth as a FAMILY MEDICINE. Agencies have been appointed but no puffing-and humbug such as is resorted to by quacks to sell their medicine has been done.—The pills are offered for sale and have and will con tinue to be sold by all the principal store keepers. The pmprietoi-s claim for their Medicine the following advantages over all others—viz: They are PURELY VEGE TABLE. They are CERTAIN TO OP ERATE, Their operation is FREE from all PAIN. They can be used with EQUAL BENEKIT by the-YOUNGEST INFANT and the STRONGEST MAN—Their effi- Ciency in Fevers, Ague Headaches, Habitual Costiveness, Dyspepsia, Cholera Morbas, &c. , has been proved upon thousands. They are a certain Core for Worms._ The proprie tors possess a certificate from a gentleman in St, Louis who was cured of a TAPE WORM by the use of them. TRY THEM, TREY WILL NOT FAIL., Traveling agent for the State of Pennsyl vania—CnArtLes P. Auer. For sale, price t 5 cents a box containing FIFTY PILLS, with full directions, by the following agents in Wyoming County.—A. Dcntum,,,Tunk hannock : .1: S. Harding & Co., Falls: Sturdevant, Skinners Eddy: I'. D. Spring, Laceyville A. WEEKS & Co. Proprietors, Laboratory No. 141 Chestnoi street, Philadelphia. Feb. 21, 1849-81 y. zs.rzaz NOTIOM. A T a meeting of the President and Man agers of the Tunkhannock Bridge Co. at Tunkhannock, pursuant to notice previ ously given, it was Resolved, That books be opened for sub scrip.ion lo the Capital stock of the Com pan •, in order to supply the additional a mount required for the speedy erection of a suitable and substantial Bridge across the river at Tunkhannock ; and that the Pres ident be requested to act etlicieatly, and also to procure the services of such other pet , sous as may he necessary and suitable to carry out the intentions herein expressed. Resolved, That these proceedings be duly recorded in the Books of the Company, and published in the Newspapers of Wyo ming county. E. HARDING, Prest. T. I'. SLOCUM, A. HINE, A. DURHAM, P. M. OSTERHOUT. Attest B. F. Durham, Cleric Feb. 28, 1849.9-tf. AGENTS FOR THE WHIG. V.. B. PALMER, Tribune Buildings, New York, and N.V.. corner of Third and Chesnut streets, Philadelphia. GEO. PRATT, 151 Nassau street, N. Y. 'WEBSTER'S. DICTIONARY. TAE Latest Edition, octavo, revised by Professor Goodrich of Yale College. For sale by PAPER HANGINGS-DEPOT ! No.lB Coartlazul Arcot:Neor srX*. OPPOSITE THE WESTEHN HOTEL, (Near Broadway.) _ TILE CROTON'MAIEFACTORING COMPANY (or g aniz,..-d under /he General illanufacteir4ng Law of the State of New York,) Offer at wholesale, in quantities to suit purchasers, at Manufacturers' lowest prices, for cash or approved credit. PAPER HANGINGS, of every variety of style and price, Bortontis to Match, PIRF.DOARD Paurrs in great variety, TRANSPARENT WINDOW 'SRADES, Ott. PAINTED Wtynow SLIDES, 'WIDE WINDOW CURTAIN- PAPERS, and WINDOW SHADE FIrPORES, Of the latest styles and superior finish, all of their own manufacture and importation. As their stock is large and entirely new, they invite Merchants, Booksellers, and Dealers in these articles, to call and ex amine their- styles and prices whenever they visit the City. Country Merchants can examine this Stock from, 6 o'clock in the morn inty till 10 o'clock in the eveninty. New York, January 1, 1849.—Gm ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. LETTERS of Administration having Leen granted to the Subscriber, on the Estate of Miles Avery, deceased, late of Falls, Wyoming co., all persons indebted to said Estate, are requested to make im mediate payment, and all petsons having claims against said Estate, are requested to present them duly attested for settlement to MILTON WARREN, Adm'r. Lemon, Feb. 2.8, 1849.-9-6 t. G. S. TUTTON, Attorney at Law Tnnkhannock, wyoming Co,. Pa. `./•—i,.'—L.a(Div.—C AND JEWELRY STORE. CA RLE FIENNIGER, respectfully an= nounces to the Citizens of Tunkhan nock and the surrounding country, that he has opened a Jeweller's shop in this Bor ough, next door below the office, of Win. M. Platt, Esq., where cleaning and repair ing Watehea and Clocks will he done in ood style, on short notice, and the most - easonable terms. Jewelry ,mended to Gr ier. He will also keep on hand a splendid as ortment of Jewelry of good quality and *c , hionable style., The public are invited o give him a call. Tunkhannock, Jano24, 1849 ELHANAN SMITH, Attorney at Law, Tunkhannoek, 111y0.C0., Penn. r I FFICE on Warren street,formerly oe cupied by Peckham & Smith. [S6 John "Brisbin, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Tnnkhannock, Wyoming , Cointy, Point. n-office in the next room below S.D Phelps Dr 'cis Store. (Jan., '3,1849 D. L. PECKHAM, - ) - attornev-at-Eato,. Tanithantiock, Wyoming Co., Penn'a Office with A. K. Pecruum, Esq. inPitelps new Brick Bind:. . [Jan. - 3, 1849 A. K. PECKHAM, Attorney at Law, Tunkhaanock, Wyoming Co., Penn OFFICE in Phelps' new brick building Warren street, opposite the old stand of Peckham & Smith. Jan. 3, 180 TUNKIIANNOCK, PA. , Dl2ll 400D3,;&2001EME@DRAMD WARE & CROCKERY, IRON & NAILS. DRUGS & MEDICINES. Agent Wholesale and Retail for Dr. TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA ! ! "Wonder & Blessing of the Age." Sole - agent, wholesale , and retail, for r. Wright's Indian Vogotable Pi And most of the valuable family medicines 41=_ESILREC_ISPULIZCAtt.-3213:1 • AND WAGON MAKING. . o HE Subscriber having located himset _I in the Borough of Tunkhannock, at the corner of Tioga and Putnam streets, • prepared to make to order any kind of Carriage or Wagon -Work, That may be called for. Steel springs made and kept on hand of the best quality. N. B. Carriages and Wagons of various kinds and descriptions,skept on hand and for sale. Repairing done on reasonable terms. D. CLEMONS, Tunkhannock, Jan.B, 1849.-2-3 t. RISING SUN 'HOTEL, Berwick, Pa. THE Subscriber would respectfully in .ta, form his friends and the traveling pub lic, that he now occupies the above well known stand, formerly kept by T. M'Nair, in Berwick, Columbia ca., Pa., and has fit ted up and furnished it in the best manner, for the accommodation of strangers and travelers. 111 S TAB L g is supplied with the best the market affords, and his Bar stacked with choice liquors. His stable is one of the most extensive in the country, and obliging Ostlers are al ways in attendance. Confident of being able to give perfect satisfaction, he solicits the patronage of the traveling public., It. B. STEDMAN. Berwick, Jan. 3, 1849.-14 Managers A. DURHAM. -043—Zioo— _ A. DURHAM, DEALER IN OMB now in use OR. +OIVIVPIUNDI ". 011110CNIM E7retAbT or - SARSAPARILLA: Great Spring - and Bitirtnireier 'Medicine. WONDER. AND BLESSING OF TILE rho wont Extraordinitry,illediciet e Ma the World. This F:rtract is ant up in @art Rattles: yt is:inkblot" cheaper, pleasanter, and toareantid expetiat 10 any sold. It cares disease withal vamiting_purging. sickening or debilitating the - Patient. arrest beauty and supertoeity oftlitalgti - rsapatiifa other medicines it.. while it eradicates &care, it invigorates plan hotly. It finite of the very bent4pilor aid Summer medicines ever known ; it nut only liurit ice the whole system and strengthens the. person.lait it tore:doe new, pure tend rich Worst a power. pusacsaad hr ite other medicinn: And lit this lies the grand wiret of it. wonderful 'noses.:. It has performed within the 'ant two years, more 'Om 50.0.90 'cures nt severe :aces of diseases at least tines were oondaorod •mm. 1, 1 ,.. It Iws raced the tines of more than '5,061) otut,nnv:ri 'PILE PAST, SEASON•nIOOO. 1 Moro thou eases of Chronic Itlieutnathutt ; • 20111 raw* of,nytmtplia ; 405) case, tacit:enrol Debility and want oreneta” earns 11r the ditTerent Female Complaiut*; 2 550 Cave. 41 , 14:rnfitift ; 1,500 r,.. 0 v of the. Liver Camolaint Disease attar Kidney and Droprilt . 2.00 rat,* of the Gravel r:torm tai Sirk Ileadsche p 1,5110 e:otes of Ilm Drtmay : Wilemr...l' I 1 mid tlmmatl, ‘,l caeca of diseases or the blood,Adi Incore. 'Opel" Solt !theme, Pimples out OM Face. , irald Rend, 'Fetter. Nentaliino to. Ace, togethell with winkoroas f:11,011 of Sod; Headache. Pain in the Side and Ctiret. Spinal A itectimot, II ti.olrede of ruse. of Pe. giro !ler:Tons DiscaSes. twirl. awing in Debility, have horn entirely cured, and thou• .Gel., to* cases of Dyepripein. Diarthrta and Summer Complaint Probably there tanner was a remedy tint has coot o eorcessful in ilelirrate mars Or COllSUniptiOpi rl thin. It clennlns A.ld attentlimts Os; ryidem, mid ' a ppear re pla heal the mecca in the lunge, and the tratibnto zrmkktllv regain their health, and strength. The following certificate from ALFrED HINE, Esq., Sets forth facts well knoWn in Tunkhannoc k in relation to the ease 'of his wife. Having been long a resident heir, and for many y ears engaged in public bui ness, Esqr H.l s well known in this, aid ad joining counties, and no one, of all his num erous acquaintances, will doubt, either his WORD, or the correctness of his informaticin. The most intelligent Physicians had been consulted, and her.trefttment in accordanee with the most enlightene'd practice—yet for the space of twelve years, has nothing Mien found to give such relief, as a few bottles of Dr, S. P. Townsend's compound syrup: of Sarsaparilla. MR. A DURHAM, Agent for Dr. 3. P Townsend. DEAR.'SIR My wife bad been declining in health for about twelve years, principally from an affection of the lungs, and so far had consumption progres sed that tubercles were formed more than four years ago, a condition heretofore said to he incurable—her cough was very severe anti for two or threw years her respiration was difficult-she raised largequantities of phlegm frequently intermingled with blood. She also bad several severe attacks of hem orrhage or bleeding of the-lungs, the last of which prostrated her for several weeks and had well nigh proved fatal. She was also subject to violent attacks of SICK-HEAD-ACHE, and for a period of twenty years scarcely two weeks elapsed without its recurrence. Being subject to ro ruanv difficulties, she declined rapidly her frame became emaciat ed and her appetite and her strength failed; and she was corsidered as she cunottrry.m., was in the LAST STAGES OF CONSUMP TION. - She had taken much medicine but found little or no relie', ands a last resort, I pur chased of you about the first of July last, a bottle of . TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA, supposing of course, that it was a "catch penny" concern, but .I am free to confess that f was disappointed. My wife commen ced using it, and before one bottle was ex hausted she experienced a decided relief. She has used about six bottles and her health and strength are restored—she coughs very little and raises very little from the lungs— her appetite is good and she rests well, and such a thing as sick head-aclie, she has not known since taking Townsend's Sarsaparilla. Respectfully Yours, ALFRED HINE. Tunkhannock March 27, 1819. The great teauty and superiority of this Sarsaparilla qver all other medicines is, that while it eradidta Les the disease, it invigorates the body. It is one-of the best SPRING Ap SUMMER MEDICINES Ever known.l It not only purifies the - whole system, and strengthens the person, but it cre ates new pure and rich blood—a power poS sessed by no other medicine. - And in this lies the grand secret of its wonderthl success It has performed within the lactlive years, more than 100,000 cures of severe cases of disease, at least 15,000 were considered in curable.lt has saved the lives of more than 5,000 children daring the two past seasons. CA.VItION. Owing to the great ouccess and immense sale ofDr Townsend's Sarsaparlila, a number of men- who were formerly our Airerits, have commenced =kin.: Sarongs. rills Extracts, Elixirs, Bitters, Extracts of Yellow Dock. &el. &c. They generally put it up in the !rune shaped• bottles. and Rune of them have stolen aitd copirdour ad vertiverornts--they are only worthless huitallous and should be avoided. Principal Office, I`6 VULTO STII.EF.T,SIin 11.4 , 44itm & Co., E Erato street. Po•t,ai; Droll .te Sons. 133 North Sreontl ; S. Hance, Druz:lst. Itnltinntro ; V. li. Gahm, Chorirston • Wrizht 1:4 Chniirew N. (v st.,,tt, Pearl ,tr.rt, 111111 he u 1 the prineird and 31-rensusts ren.•ra9c throughout thS.thitnnt Stair*. 11.1ira, awl for Callvt.lm For Sale in Tunkhannock, by _ A. DURHAM, Agent for Wyoming County ; and by the fallowing Sub• Agents - LEwts W'UIPrLE, Mehoopeny. CAPWELL & BAILEY, Factoryrille. D. T. STERLING, Sieranguille. 'April A 1849..