Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, April 28, 1853, Image 2

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SkfEcrsouicin Republican.
Thursday, April 28, 1S53.
MOSES POWA'ALL, Lancaster County
surveyor exi:ral,
ALEX. I. racCL.1 RE, Franklin Co.
JjyThc case of the Commonwealth
against J. J. Poster was tried last week,
sic ijas-iou, uuu resuiicu
in the complete
and triumphant vindication of the Defen-1
dant. The evidence against the accused !
n i ex- rr ti J
was iu the language of his Honor Judge
Mc-Cartney, totally annihilated. The j
verdict of acquital was rendered amidst
the most unbounded applause, which the
officers of the Court could scarcely sup.
press. The miserable wretch that
oj-tcn-ibly prefered the charge, made her
escape to New-Jersey, or she would have
;beeu lolged in jail.
Tennsylrania Legislature
This body closed its session on the 19th i
iust, without having passed many im
p )i tant general bills, but a host of pri
vate acts.
Mr. Carson, Speaker, resigned the
chair, and an election was gone into, which
resulted in the choice of John C. Kunkel,
of Daunhiu. as Sneaker of the Senate till
th3 next meeting of the lecislature. Upon!
0 ---a r
lein- conducted to the chair he made a
, t ,i r j i, '
hrinl ctiftflrih fi Tin tho Snmto Trn a thnn i
r.ww, "
.idiDurncd sine die.
Relic f Soles. A section was passed in the
f impropriation bill providing for the speedy can-
' collation of the relief notes. The greater
; portion of those notes has become so filthy
nrl t:ittprpd that thnir rnnrnllntinn uis nrir- ;
ti.tly demanded by erery consideration of de-'
cency and comfort. The large number of
counterfeits in circulation was also a
reason for the withdrawl of the whole issue
frcm circulation.
"The opinion is unanimous, among those
who cLim to know, that the prospect for an
tituJ jtit supply of fruit, in Central Ohio, was
i.evcr better than at present. The backward
Fonson has kept the peaches, &c, away from
the fronts, and it is hoped there will be no
wcatlier to iujure them. Fortwoyeais there
luve been no peaches in that quarter, but the
prjspect for a good yeald is very flattering.
Qr'3Vic Xcic York Tribnne, entered upon
its th.rteenth year on the 11th inst, and sig-
j.aiizedt.'ie occasion by enlarging its size about
one-third. This enlargement will add to the
expenses of the establishment about $50,000
per annum, and the white paper on which it
w pnnieu costs more man tne suocription
r-ce of the paper. ,
journal in our countrv. It is always found
en the side of the Right and m advocatiug that
vwi.tu nuua iu eiuvaie man. it Rtrik'pq nn m iv
md fearlessly. It panders to no prejudices, and
sacrifices no principle for popularity or expe-
liencv- As the world understands tbe term. '
The Tribune is not popular, yet no paper in ' OT Evans, a youth not yet nineteen
. . t,..,, . , . . years old, belonging at Carbondule, was con
t ic country has half its influence m directing victed at Wilkesbarre last week of the mur-
pullic sentiment, or has near so many thou
sands of intelligent, orderly and industrious
readers. With the Newark Mercury we can
say, "we net'er knew a man of illiberal sen
timents, one unjust to his workmen, and
graveling in his aspirations, who liked the
1 Tribune; and it is rare to find one with lib-'
tral views who does not admit its claims up
on the public regard.
The Laccawana Herald is the
name of a new independent paper pub
lished at Scranton, Luzerne County, by
C. E. LATHRor. The Herald is
respectable in size, and exhibits both
taste and talent. To ret nn a rrnnd
m o- r e
a paper, furnishing a faithful panorama of
passing events, is by no means a small
undertaking. Mr. li.Jcnows hoiv to do it.
Ry the way, cannot the editor make ar
rangements to furnish a weekly report of
the progress of the coal trade in the Lack
awana and "Wyoming Valleys? This
would add much to tbe value of the pa
per. Mauch Chunk Gazette.
03- A man was arrested in Harrisburg a
few days since for selling rancid butter.
0OThe Pittsburgh Visitor learns that on
Monda a passenger in the accommodation
train on the Pennsylvania Railroad, told the
conductor he had no money to pay hia pas
sage, but wished him to permit him to come
to Pittsburgh. This the conductor refused,
when the poor man made no further remark.
The cars were stopped and he expelled. He
sat down on the road side, dropped his head
upon his knees and died instantly. There
were several small houses near, but no one
took tbe corpse in, and the next day it was ,
fctill there, lying in a coffin by the roadside, j
This took place a few miles west of Greens-;
burgh ; but we could not learn the name of
tbe poor stranger. i
The yearly sales of oysters in the city of
-NeW-'Ybfk "exceed five millons of dollars,
and the number of persons employed in the
business, directly or indirectly, is about fifty
thousand. Two thirds of the whole amount . ranging for the celebration of their respec
of dysters sold in our markets come from J tjve anniversaries, commencing on the 9th
Virginia, which has a more extensive oyster ' 0f 2jay The past year has been one of
trade than any other State in the Union. t progperity, and the receipts of the several so
The residue is obtained from the waters of, cieties, inmost instances, show an advance
New-York and those of New-Jersey the ' over any previous year. So far as they have
East River, furnishes the largest supply. A neen maje upj they are exhibited in the fol
considerable supply is procured from Shrew-1 lowing- table, which we finS in the Journal
bury and York Bay. ! 0f Commerce. In some instances they are
Post iWaster
Some Postmasters and newspaper subscribers
are under the impression that the law author-
izing newspapers to circulate, free of postage ;
in the county where they are published, was
! repealed, by the late session of Congress.
mi.' : :!. f .f,l nn nmanrt
1 mof tn ti, pct p.,t hni nilnwinnr Post-
j masters whose compensation does not exceed
500 a quarter, one cent for every free" let-
ter delivered from their respective officers,
a ;u r v,nrn tn a.Wr;npr
and two mill, for delivering to subscr oers,
each newspaper not chargeable with postage.
i J hese amounts are not to De collected irom
the public, but are to be al.owd by the Gov -
crment to thepotsmasters m thesettlemeetof
their accounts. Between subscribers and
Postmasters the law remains the same as be
fore. It is only betwen the Postmasters and
the Government, that a change has been
07" A woman in Sutton, N. II., recently
became the mother of four live bouncing boys,
at a single birth. At the latest advices the
a j
whole crowd were doing not only as well
. . . ..
as could be expected," but rather better.
Swindled Countrymen.
Two countrymen from the Western
part of New York State were lately re-
j ... !... j j.h n.
llCVCl OX Lillet UUUUFUU UUIlJliib 111 LUU
r n r i j v
ioiiowincr manner : inev naa come to i.
i York citv for the Duroose of ensraninir
'r , .? , .
ix vjoi t
... . . ... ri 1 i.
nassace to Calltornia. While looklllff at
! one of the steamships on the North Riv
' er, loading for San FranciscQ, the were
' accosted by two other men, who induced
e Un nmA;no 1, v,i, t?;
them to relinqish the idea of going in that
vessel, and persuaded them to go to
persuaded them to go to
"Rrnnl-Wn in Pvniinr n gliin ttTiipVi wnc in
"j " w- r """(....
sail next day, and on which they could
secure nassace at a much cheaper rate.
Relieving the story, they accompanied
their new friends to Fort Greene, from
the top of which they were promised a
splendid view of the craft. Before reach-
ing the top of the hill they sat down to
rest, when one of the New Yorkers pul
led a small and apparently solid ivory .
ball from his pocket, and proposed to bet ;
that it was hollow and contained a piece '
of white paper. The countrymen, catch
ing at the bait, bet 300, one staking
8200 and tbe other $100, and placed the
money in the hands of New Yorker No.
o, who, appearing perfectly honest, gave
them a check on the Greenwich Bank for
as security. Holding the money ;
loosely in his hand, Iew lorkcr
No. l grabbed it and ran off, the other !
"s - '
were soon out of sight, and the country-j
xney subsequent-1
c n ir r n c iu '
wbo performed this trick, named Edward
u nnn . I j
ixttgjiv;i uj, iia.o uci;u aiicoicu auu v;uiu-
mitted to prison. James Hayden is the
man's name who was robbed,
tpr nf T.miis Rppsp. n mprrhnnt nt thfi lnttnr
place. Evans went to Reese's store, and pur-
chased several articles of clothing, promising
to pay for them as soon as he could go over
and get the money of a man near Kingston.
It was arranged that Reese should go with
him, and so they Btarted together. After
thev Sot over the Wilkesbarre bridge it ap
pears mat tney leit tneroaa anu went across
the fields. On the way Evans drew a pistol.
shot Reese throuch the head, took his watch.
and what monev he had about him. and
made off. Taken together the case is almost
unparalleled. At his conviction the delin-
quent mamiesteci no remorse, but protested
mo,. wy tuau u w iimoceiu.
. I " . .
A btate "drumming for Citizens.-
The Legislature of Wisconsin has passed
a bill providing for the appointment of a I
travelling emigrant agent, whose duty it '
shall be to induce emigrants to the west
to embrace the advantages held out to
them in Wisconsin. Hon. J. Townsend.
form erly a member of the Legislature, ,
has accepted tho appointment.
S-The wheat crop in Western New '
fork is said to be very promising for a
good yield.
A run was made on Thursday last on the
Cut straw Bank of Lansingburgh. When our
express left, the officers were redeeming the
small bills with ruta-baga turnips. Whether
this unexpected monetary excitement will re
act on Wal street, is yet to be seen. N. Y.
fi- A Pigeon Roost is mentioned by
the Fort Smith (Ark.) Herald as existing j
miles from Fort Smith, and extends for
upwards of 20 miles on either side ofthe
Poteura, to within a few miles of Waldron,
in Scott county. The number of birds is
beyond computation.
TTFOle Bull's four concerts in New
Orleana netted upwards of ten thousand
dollars. Fiddling to some purpose.
Ne Y. Religious Anniversaries!
The great religious societies, whose centre
of operations is in New York city, are matur
ing their annual reports, and otherwise ar-
; partly estimated, but are not far out of the
) way:
Amcr. Tract society,
Bible " 308,745
a. C. F. Missions, 301,745
Home Mis Society, 105,002
For and Chris . Union, 51,000
and For. Uible Society. 42,312 (not made up.)
Baptist Home Mis. Soc. 37,814 (not made up.)
Seaman's Friend Soc., 21,800
State Colonization Soc, 1 1 ,520
15 sso
! N-Y
'Xu thirtV mLionarin; since the
American Board of Missions have
commencement of the fiscal year. The A-
merican Home Mission Society have had in
commission 1,083 laborers, against 1,062 last
jnhn ha8 had . ks employ 140 laborers
moBtiy m this country .
, The receipt, o fto Andean Trac Soci-
$147,374 64. Grants during the year in J resigned his seat and removed to Ala- arafcjon3 are said to be making for the
publications 63,789,976 pages; iu value j bama, then a Territory, soon to become construction of the Delaware, Lehigh and
$42,637 98, exclusive of $20,000 in cash re- j a State, and was soon after chosen a Wy0mingRailRoad,runningfrom Wilkes
mitted to foreign lands. member of its Constitutional Convention. Darre tolhe Delaware Water Gap.
The operation of the Colonization Society ; ()n its admission as a State, he was : ' success to an 0f these enterprises, is
have increased beyond any previous year ; cboseu (in 1619) one of its fj. S. Senators, ' the yoice of bUc impr0vemeSt. The
Much encouragement is derived from t he hi , fc hc held uninterruptedly till develoDment of our coal fields and the
readiness of the people, particularly in the 1R., ln nn -A nf 9tt ,TOOrc 1TT. Ji.-- "Gveiopmenc oi our coai uems anu tut
c m... v i. 1844 a period ot tz years, lie tuen nnTlsnnnmif, inerease of the business of
oiuic ui nmv luin, iu lu-umciuil, u mc
, formation ofauxiliary societies and otherwise,
mi r . nr r r -i . r
i lie intelligence irom jjioena is aisu oj a
cheering character. Belgium has recently
recognised the independence of Liberia, ma-
king the fifth monarchal government that has
taken this step.
The American Bible Society has large y
iSSni nf PJLw, HrhT. tii nrinn,
: distribution of volumes during the previous
' ,r nmnnU tnRfifinnn
J v4 uuiwumvu uuvjuuu j waBaww -
now increased by the addition ofabout 100,000
, m, . ....... . i
umes. ne societv lias moved a larse
; nnrtinn nf its pffWrts tn tho nnw ndificn on
oiumcs.. ie wcieiy nas raoveu a urge
ASior riace, wnere many men are uireauy
. employed.
Singular Laicsuit. Of the many novel
causes for " going to law," among the most
j singular is a
1 The parties
suit now pending in St. Louis.
i c. . i -.
1 -me panics are votaries oiewart, planum,
and John R. Flemminjr, defendant: and the
ori?rin of the suit, as we understand the cir
cumstances, areas follows: Mr. Steward an-
nounced his intention to Mr. Flemming of,
being married, which the latter treated
asajest. To give assurance to the statement,
; Mr. Stewart offered to give Mr.
a ten dollar vest if the latter would agree to
pay the minister who officiated at the ceremo
ny, $-5, which on being demanded of Mr.
Flemming. he refused to pay, The suit was
commenced to recover this -amount.
High Priced Religion. Bow, Jr. the
eccentrc preacher, in allusion to the exclusion
of many would be church goers from the sanc
tuary, by reason of the enormously high pew
rents in the fashionable churches of New
York, characteristically remarks:
" There is a high duty on the fashionable
bread of life. To io to church in any kind
of tolerable style costs a heap ev
j jjnow very wen why a maiori
w m
every year, and
very well why a majority of you go
t0 Beelzebub, is because you can't afford lo
go to Heaven at the present exorbitant prices.
Tho Polato Kot
The following, says the Scieutific American
15 sald t0 be an excel,ent n,,xture for the Pro'
i""i a uimw hue.
" Take one peck of fine salt and mix it thor
oughly with half a bushel of Nova Scotia
table spoonfull of the above mixture to each
hill, and be sure to get it on the main vine.",
The Boston Herald states that during a
thunder storm a few days since, "two wild (
ducks were taken on the wing" by a flash of ,
lightning, and dropped dear South Boston
liridrrp in tho wntnr TIipv worp sopn tn fnl!
, T , V. J
ana xur. josepn -oiourn, woou anu coai oeai-
er on Turnpike street, South Boston, went out '
and picked them up. One of them had his
head taken completely off. The feathers on
the neck were partly singed. The other had
a wintr taken off. and the feathers on his h.k
off sm00thly as if done b hand.
The Pen with which the Signers of the
Tnnrnxnn r r i j j .i
Def aratloa "dependence signed their sev
nameLS l lhat inslru,nent' 18 now In the
office ofthe Secretary of State, in Washing-
r., tt . ,7
vv&f ai uuuii .lieu I UJft." UCH.
Winfield Scott has purchased the newresi-
dence of Charles Partridge, Esq., No. 128
i wemn street. The house is 28 feet front
by 60 deep, with a stable in the rear. Price ;
829,000. The General will take posession ,
at an early day.
Novel Convention- Andrew Jacson Davis !
and others propose a Convention to investigate !
theoriffin and inspiration of the Bible atllart- .
ford on the 2d day of June. We haven'theard
thnt tho Ampr?n him s;0t i, ni..
ded to 8t the tQ mk h , f
this discussion.
jThe income from the rent of the ;
pews in Ae Rev Mr. Chapm's church,
IVoro V M.I.' Id VCIS I If III n nnni. .1
New York, is 815,000 a year.
Down South a newly appointed jailor once
told the convicts that if they did not behave
themselves he would " kick them out .of the
nlrisfpr nr frvmnsnnr fnrrnnrifl nlncfpr is Jirt : f 1
i o i o i ' yi uusu uai muiuj oiivsutiu no, u. j ; - v. w w .... . tttic fm mofl t
and immediately after hoeing the second time, ' since, a fine salmon trout, weighing seven ' of time and property, to introduce disor-1 . S j society was ioimeu m iu
or just as the young potato begins to set, sprin-; and a quarter pounds. It was taken by der and disobedience to law ; to disturb j
!.? r : . . .1 -i I n U n I . ... n IJLnn-nr.. .o An t , LI1H IlH.inn Rllfl TI1I1 TiniV Pr DIM (IT m'nr T7 , CO 7 J
Kie on me main vines, nexi 10 me jrrnnnfi. n a uuu xivinii anu ucuii; inicv, uu tuu r t?'j - vv- ., , ,
- - r- i i j ij v i
Death of the Vice President.
Hon. William Kufus King, long a
Senator of the United States from Ala
bama, lately chosen Vice-President, died
of consumption at his plantation, near Ca-
liawVn Aln. on Mondav the 18th insfc
nawoa, ilia., on xuouuay uie itu insc.,
j no t.t: n..V, .,-...,(- e
aced 68
His trin to Cuba in pursuit of
man any man remainiufr iu iu siuui; iu
death of Mr. Clay. He was a native of
North Carolina, and elected thence to the
House of Reprentatives, where he first
took his seat in Dec, 1811. Sis months
afterwards, War against Great Britain
t i t -r n J -1
was ueciarea: .uessrs. viay, wuuuy auu
i Ca"101111 hemg among its warmest and ;
I Mr. King remained a Representative
i moss lnnuenuai auvocaies.
from North Carolinia, moderately but
steadily supporting the War and other
measures of tho 'Republican' party, till
J Jilh
, q J charteri
I the Second National Rank, voting with
At the close of this session, Mr. King
1 . i , i 'jr.
resigned ms seat on oemg appoinieu uy
France, where he spent souie years. In
1S48, having relinquished his Mission,he
. i ruin i p op hiiri inscnnnp r.n r.iin i nnrr. ni
was re-elected to the Senate, and contin-
ued to serve therein until the session of
lasfc nter, when the progress of Con-
sumption compelled him to leave Wash-
ington tor Cuba m vain. Me remained
l"llx 1.1 i-
' on tne lslanu tor tw0 monHls or m
u uuiuwo, uuu men, uuuii n-w.v,. r
honeles. hastened home to die.
r-r, ---o j
1 1
ir tt1 il .1 x -
Mr. King was a gentleman ot moderate
, abilities and manageable passions. A.
! thorough devotee of party, he rarely did
j or said anything that an opponent could
, deem personally offensive. No public
, man of our time ever steered clearer of
reverse through a long official career,and
( none ever did less to justify his good for-
tune. We cannot now remember a meas-
ure of any consequence he originated, nor
cyGn a memorable sentence that fell from
P3' durinS nis forty-odd years of
Phc service m the most responsible po-
animus. ax. mis uuici maniou,
leaves a large property to distaut relatives.
By the Death of Mr. King, the office
. of Vice-President devolves (until his
term expires, or the Senate see fit to
j choose another President) on Hon. David
: R. Atchesou Senator from Missiouri, who
will pretty certainly be left out of the
Senate after the close of the next Con
gress, (March 3d, 1855.)
Curious Freak of a Streak of
Lighting. The Longlsalnder, publish
ed at Huntington, says: During the thun-
cler storm on Thursday, 14th April, a
house in Amitvville was struck bv licht-
r w
It seems the lightning entered the
door, split the sill, passed along in the
room to a large cooking stove, "which it
threw up into the second story, and cut
off three of the toes of a woman (whose
name we could not learn) who was sitting
near by. The shoe through which the
lightning entered appeared entirely unin
jured with the exception of a small hole
on one side.
i Large Trout. Mr. Thomas Dowd,
rrir- -t .i v.
1 1th April, at the mouth of the Hock
- i -L - il n
river, where it empties m the Con-
,f nllf ;iA0lrtWTrwf
It is a beautiful fish, and the largest ever
caught in this region. Hartford Times.
Ally . V W C U VHW fti-l tl-hjfc? M j KJ II J-X 1 L
Removals and Appointments. The
axe nf t.lin eYPmitinnnr falls rnnidlv find
. ti t n. i i i
stcaany, ana oinciai neaas are aropping
daily from Maine to Oregon. The Whigs
everywhere submit to their fate like men
and philosophers, and neither the victims
nor the press cry out "proscription," No
SUCQ il ges UP as in 1848, when a
few dozen Locofocos got their walking pa-
pcrs There is no struggle on the part of
iiiiig uiiHu-uuiucio iu luiaiii piaut:, auu
no trimming of sails to retain power and
patronage. Cleveland Herald.
Pennsylvanians in California.
In the California Legislature there are
eleven natives of Pennsylvania, seven be
ing members of the Senate, and four of
t.lie TTnnno nf R.fnrfiRfntn.fivfR! in "irlrlifinn
to whicll tue Governor and Secretary of
State are natives of Pennsylvania.
It is estimated that the total number
of vessels wrecked, and ashore, in the
neighborhood of Key West, during the
past thirty years, exceeds 1,200, and that
the value of said vessels, their cargoes
an materials, does not in the aggregate
Iaii snort 01 ,"uu,uuu.
It is said that two men are now incar
creatcd in the Morris (N.J.) jail who were
indicted for the murder of.Rodolph Ken
dig, and are to bo tried in Morristown
fhlS Wplf nn f!l nlmrrrn Tarlinn TTnnAinn
is in fact aIive and isfa ow on his
home from Chicago, where he was when
news of the indictment reached him.
figyThere is a breed of sheep in Cali
fornia the wool of which is two fcot long
and very fine.
health proved futile, as such trips usual- antfwe are told ar have thJ route I i";? f n Tr-
ly do, and he was barely enabled to reach I survevpd nd ' ar)nroxiinate estimate I ?y ? altuoup a fsident of California,
hi home before Wclaimed him as , ZTJls soTn as it oSSf M "f -ssocsates at
his prey. We condense from a biogra- intention of putting portions of the road ! " , , .
pineal sketch in the Tribune the following ' under oontrat iraediately. The country I "He as been known to enter the cap
particulars of his political career: : thro whicll this road wiU ' tUe feasibili- ! 'tal CltieS dlsSmsed a fnar-he has
Mr. King had been longer in Congress t of tbe rout th oompa;alively small t?!en arrefted seve'a! l'mea' bfc trough
Kail Roads
From thespirit which we observe man
ifesting itself on all sides of us, relative
to Rail-Road improvement, we are con-
viuceu uuuuiu pcupiuiu wi u u
thp nnnntrv at. fast. wakftH nn f.n
" l mi t i j ti
inlp0rtance. The Lackawana and Blooms -
r . .
1 lilll ir ILilll lLUaU UUill I till V lldVC Ulf'dUUrJU
Rnm nt mnnfiv tw p.nstfnfcn rl it, f.nrrp.t i.
er witu the connecti0ns it will make with
imporanfc Rail Roads at each of its termin-
ations, should be, in our judgment, consid-
erations sufficiently important of them-
seives to warrant the immediate com-
,,1fin(,fimftnt Qf the work.
We are also informed that the work of
Rail K Jad from Scrann to the Dela.
warc Vater Gap, has been commenced.
Through the Carbondale Transcript,
ryn alc0 learn that a survev is now bein"1
mtl?L J fn 7 from
of the Albany and Susquehanna Rail
in addition to these three roads, prep-
thig beautiful A alley, made rich by the
Qauu 01 nature nurseii, uuuianus ineau
four improvements. By them the too
lonf, nefleeted Wvomino- Yallev will be
i .1 r i. i j i xi
0pened up to the great markets of the
north and the east The increasing, and
certainiy to be stm further increased de-
I mand foJr tho vauable Inineral oducfc
-uu wbich this vallev is so lanrelv abun-
o V
, . lftm lt non De. hv t he outlets wiiicli we
! i, TJv,.-i.r,.;o r,i
tncm it can oe, Dy tue outlets wnicu we
. uun uatu uy uuc j. uuuo y 1 y uuia uuui. luu
. . . . '
Pennsylvania Coal Company's Rail-Road
and tbe Lackawanna and Westren Rail
Road. and wbicb we sban bave wben the
I Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Rail-Road,
tbc cobb's ap and Delaware Rail-Road
tbo Lackawanna and Susquehanna Rail-
; xload aud tbe DeiawavCj Lehigh and
- "yyoming Rail-Road, are built, aud the
ovfPTlt!,nn nf tho Vnrth ttmnnli DivKlnT, nf
the Pennsylvania Canal is completed. Let
tbe strij-e tuen be to see wb;cb 0f the dif-
. erenfc parties so deeply interested in these
important improvements will have their
-ox done nrst, anu not which ot them
sbau throwfobstaclcs in the way of their
The Maine Law.
The following opinion of Chief Justice
Sheple, was concurred in by a full bench
of the Supreme Court of Maine. It cov
ers the whole ground of the law seizures,
forfeitures and destruction. Read it:
'The State, by its legislative enact
ments, operating prospectivel, may de
termine that articles injurious to the pub
lic health or to morals shall not consti
tute property, within its jurisdiction. It
may come to the conclusion that spiritu
ous liquors, when used as a beverage, are
pruductive of a great variety of ills to the
people, both in their individual and in
their social relation. That the least use
snitPfl hrr n .LtLcn 'e:
ous injury to the comforts, morals, and
health j and the common use of them for
a Durnoso. onerates to diminish the nrn-
dnctivennss nfl-innr - in Innro th honhh
' to impose upon the p'eople additional'and
'n.nnnr. Wrlnn,- f r,,nAnn wctn
ffrade. Such conclusions wnld hr ist.i
1 fiorl In? tlin ofirionno nj hiei-rr rv. i
nca "J tlie experience and history ot man.
If a Lezislaturc declares thai L ,?,
. . HV WUV.
fc' U -
St f St II t i'Si Sl 111 A. -l1l'1 l ,141 -tit 4 v.
shall acauirc am, vrnncrtv in fhm fm-
such a purpose, there would be no be-
Curious Freak of Nature. John Rose,
an insane man, died recently at Goshen,
: Orange county, having literally starved
' to death. A postmortem examination was
held, when his stomach revealed the fol-
ring contents : One large silver tea-
in, a pair of steel spectacles nicely
wi ,n,i o ,..,i f
rolled un. and a crank used for winiW
up a clock. Rochester Union.
- T - 7 . IT !
fi" The Wilkesbarre Advocate estab
lishment has been disposed of to Messrs.
tru!. x xuranuosepn vv. Biiner oy
whom the paper wiH hereafter be conduc--
ted Sharp D. Lewis, Esq., under whose j
control the Advocate was one of the best,
and most dignified journals in the niteri-
w Ti ir: j t i itt nr- i
tllfi htfir.f. rflfiros f.n nnnrnrto in nthoi
business pursuits, for which ho has our
best wishes. Messrs. Miners are young
men of talent and enterprise, in whose
hands the Advocate will sustain its high
character as a journal, and as one of them
is a son and the other a nephew of that
very able, worthy and estimable veteran
of the fraternity, Hon. Charles Miner,
they will no doubt have the benefit of his
prolific pen to amuse and instruct its read
ers. We wish them abundant success.
Daily News.
The London Dispatch does not consid
er London the worst place in the World.
It assures its readers that bad as that
great English metropolis is, there is more
villainy, vice and crime in New York,
than any other city in tho world, New
Orleans, another American city, alone
A Modern Orlando.
Our California papers are-largcly oc
cupied with, accounts of a celebrated rob
ber-chief, named Joaquin. He is said to
, command a bold and reckl
mv ... , yj-
vimans, w no nave committed manv enor-
. tt . A , , J "or
. mities. lie IS renresnnrfid in ha nhni.
i mmes- xie 13 reF
1 IL' i XT--. -X t - ,
X wwym,
: r?-, u wieiaea
among the soldiery, he has been dis
charged. He is about six feet in height
and of immense muscular strength is'
well versed in the use of arms, and in
disposition cruel and sanguinary. He
has a dark, sallow complexion, and dur-
1 1US tue U(JWU Year
a coat or armor. lie nas commitfPfi
, ferloss murders has burned many
; iauw"J anu nas resiuea in oar jjjrancw-
I .Cn V;1C,7 obtai?.ed in.forma-
1 Mexicans leaving California with
! money, who have been dogged and rob-
' 5ed detacbed PortioM ot" hi3 band-
ln some instances thev been Tohhwl
on their arrival at Mexico the nows
of their departure, and the money they
had about them, having been forwarded
by means of the associates living on the
road. Joaquin belonged to the band of
guerilles commanded by the famous Pa
dre Juranta, who was captured and shot
during the Mexican War."
Au Exteusive Conspiracy.
Rev. E. Smith, of The Mansfield (O.)
Statesman, hasividence that the Brother
hood of Thieves, the existence of which
' was proven on a recent trial for burglary,
i in Lake County, Ohio, extends over eve-
j ry State in the Union. He says :
; iWe are aware of the existence of said
societv, bv the confession of one of its
lor sucn a Drotnernoou. ne stated that
i ti,mr wwo Vmnrlnrl tnemthor fnr mlliarr
i "iw iiwv --,v,v. vwii,
, , " '
; theft, counterfeiting and murder, and to
j protect each other from the fangs of the
! law, by being witnesses for each other,
j and getting on juries when they could.
1 Death, he said, was the penalty of any
! betrayal of their secrets or plans, or ot
, any of the brotherhood, or of any infidtl
ity to their secret obligations,
He further states that this societv is
extended into every State in the Union
has branches and high officers in all tho
States that its members were numerous
and respectable, many of them occupying
important stations: and, Having a wide
influence, Some are members of churches
and church officers, and attend to the
' forms of religion, such as asking a bless
! ing at the table, and attending to family
worship. These statements were made
in confidence under circumstances calcu
lated to leave little or no doubt of their
truth. The name of this humble penitent
confessor dare not be given, as he would
certainly be put to death if his confession
should come to the knowledge of thti
There can be no doubt of the existence
of this society, and it is a fearful state of
things, and shows to what uses secrecv
can be put. To have secret oath-bound
and banded robbers, thieves and murder
ers mixed up with the community and
entering into families and spying out all
our precious things, and at the same
time praying with us and going to the
A. -i
stactred communion, is truly a horrible
state of society. But so it is; we know
I not the danScr to wbich thls alarm. J
I expose US, but the community ought to
! be of these things and we havu
. concluded to send out the alarm.
was uien uroKen up uy tne uiscoyery 01
1. x1- JT C
. , t - ,1 i l " t ' r rr l .
i their papers in the hand-writing of Zwack.
locir papers in me nana-wriung 01 wacK.
? ? . , . 0 , .
I uey had receipts for producing abortion,
i I,11InS roonis Wltu stupnying ouors, ana
f iunnsr ro(
i divc3 J.e hel1hsh ad sore9 ot
counterfeit seals. We shall
, w " """"" "w -J'--
hear of the like detection and disruption
of the one that has made its home with
Married, in New York city, March 30,
by Rev. Thomas Henson, Prof. W. (.t. Al-
i i?n!! 01 crawviiic, in . x to xuiss luary
! KlllS f FuTJ.t.on) ; dai
! lxev' Lyndn King, of Fulton,
A case of amalgamation? 1
au 2 titer
' case ot amalgamation: iie parties
are the same who were concerned in tho
attempt at the feat they have finally ac
complished, some time ago at Fulton. It
created great excitement there at the
time. Allen, the colored gentleman, de-
ni(jd that thero m any gr0und for tho
fc that th wishdfato be married,
sbe wcnfc into Pennsylvania to
teach acLool Mon is said to bo un.
xi, e ,i oc.i,om,i ne nlnr nnrl
I . -r , t 1
has always said that when he married ho
would have a white girl, lie was at one
time at the Instituo at Whitestown, and
afterwards studied law in New York.
His airs made him unpopular with his
own people and with abolitionists, who
noticed his conduct at McGrawville. His
marriage, it seems, is now a fixed fact, in
black and white. Utica Gazette.
JSSrThe New York Tribune establish
ment is valued at 8300,000. The recent
enlargement of the Daily papers creates
an additional annual expense of $50,000.
B&-A lucifer match, which has passed
through seven processes, costs" by whole
sale about one three hundreth part of" a
cent. By the most improved machine
matches are split at the rate of 60,000
per minute.