Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, April 28, 1853, Image 1

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VOL. 13.
No 27.
Published !y Theodore gcljoch. 1 first application. No trustees, however,
TERMS Two dollars per annnuin in advance Two ,. hut nnlv m mon n',A Af,.
iloll.irsand a quarter, half yearly-and if not paid be- caluc DUt omy an ola WllO Said iir.
tore the end of the year, Two dollars and u half. Those Thaiue the lihririnn wis nnf inrl en
who receive their papers by a carrier or tt ige dnvers Aiiaiuu, linranan, Was OUt, and SO
ifS!Mpric,or,w111 bc Charscd 37 ,"S,was Mrs- Thaine5 but that Miss Thaine
cxeeTauhe'oSSn pJiJ' . s thc ----T- I desired to see Miss
IC7 Advertisements not exceeding one square (six- Thainp ind tlin mm liifln ir fnllnnr
teen lines) will be insetted three weeks lor one dollar, . audlne anu tUC man DaUe luc lOliOW
and twentv-five cents for every subsequent insertion. ,irn nn jti?ra
The Charge for one and three insertions the same.- ur -tail a.
A liberal discount made to yearly adiertiseis. Thorp Wis i f1nn Gnmll nf f,,cf Imf
lO-All letters addressed to the Editor limslbc post- J-acre W as a ClOse BniCil Ol dUSt, but
pm,K the great hall was extremely neat and
JOB PKIiVTlN G. .clean; and the wide oaken stairs were all
Havinj a general assortment of large, elegant, plain nol'shed and liirA nrnnnf o lifflo rinnlnt
and ornamental Type, we are prepaied ponsneu ana Dare, except a little riVUlet
to execute evciy descnptionof , 0f carpet, flowing down the centre. Por-
FJS&W laSSJJS-SiW, ' traits of old divines, in ugly skull caps, I'livnlirc lllll IT.Vl.U- X.c T .w., r.t i C J """" vtjj,
Justices, Legal and other HI; nks. Pamphlets, ic.
printed with neatness and despatch, on reasonable
.Tof ersoiii;ui SScjmbt io.rut.
From Household Words.
SCRIPTION. Some years ago I read the Life of Gif-
ford, and straightway determined to go
A. , i .
to some college, and become a great
scholar. In what way this was to be",. " b stockin&' thought I; for she
done, I did not know; nor, indeed, did it d,pt her Pen mto the Sreat round Pewter;
seem very easy, for my mother was a lukstand aad - 011 8
widow, and her property was small. But einS us5 but m? Suide nt forward,
whatever scheme I might decide upon, to
come to London, it seemed, must neces
sarily be the first step; so to London I
came in my eighteenth year.
I wandered in grand squares and
crowded streets. I loitered at print shops
and book stalls. I idled in museums and
gallarics profiting by nothing that I saw,
because I was haunted with a bewilder
ing feeling of how much there was to be
teen. I delayed presenting letters of
recommendation, and when I did present
them, was treated so coldly that I never
went again. I looked for Miiton'o house
at Westminister, and could not find it.
I took a book sometimes and lounged ail
day in one of the Inns of Court, where
there was a gurden; and I felt more lone
ly than Robinson Crusoe. My faith in
London was gone. I saw plainly enough
what Loudou was. A great family of
Tich and comfortable people, ail leagued . . , , , , ,
, . t ., ugly; i pretty young lad 3-who could speak
together against strangers; a community , . ,
, " , , bo iamiharly of the classics deprived me
pretending to be open to all, but secretly J 1
, ,. , . , , , . or utterance. 1 could oni- stammer out
agreed to dishearten intruders, by aiiuplv , J
,w - ,1 Liood morning, and retreat,
shunning them. I , , , - ....
, ., T, , . Jt 2 . L found bv the paper she had given
JJut while 1 had been thu.? staring a- , . " r . , .
, . , , T . .me that the successful competitors were
bout me, the very thing that I wanted , ,
, , , , . . allowed a bursary of fortv pounds per an-
had been lvmg at my feet. Opposite my, ... . .
. , . " , . . num. for their support during their stu-
wmdow, in one of those quiet cross-streets ,. , , , ,
: , , , dies not a large sum, truly; but many
in the city, that connect the narrow and . , , . . . .
. , . . . . great scholars that 1 could call to mind
comparatively unfrequented Janes running .
. , , . .. . , , would, at one period of their lives, have
down to the river, was a little plot of . , , , : . , . . ,
' . r thought themselves rich with such an in-
ground, with a solitary sycamore tree, . 0 . . 0 , , ., , ,
, . , , , . come; and in bcotland perhaps it would
and a thin down of grass plot, shut in T , . . ...
, , . , , be a fortune. I almost wished it had been
with a wall breast high, and a row ot . vx. i
weather-eaten iron railings. Next to
this was a large house, almost entitled to
be called a mansion, for it had a flight of
many stone steps, a heavy oaken porch,
profusely carved with fruits, and tangled
ribbons and leaves, and cherubim; a mas-
tifn vrn Trrr l.Tinfll-or O lint- O V 1 1 11 T11 1 i -
43 , ' , , .
er, and a pear shaped bell-pull. 1 had
', r -1,1. i-. :
settled in my own mind that this was the
. . - , , , . ,
residence of the clergyman of the parish;
but, one day, induced by that curiosity
to know' my neighbor's business thati
comes of idleness and sitting near a win-
now, I made inquiries, and learned that
, . - . ' , .... ,
this was known as Dr. Chillingworlh s
Librar3. ow, on reference to Maitland's
History of London, I discovered that this ,
Dr. Chillin-rworth was a relative of the
. ,. . fl, . j;n,3 :
great divine of that name, who died in
fc i.ivwi- t
Charles the Second's reigon, and left large
property for the founding of the theolog-
ical library; for the re-publication to all
time, of certain religious works written
, , x . f , j e -Tn.
by himself, that I had never heard of, for
the annual charitable relief of the widows
of poor clergymen (who should be found
to have studied those works); and lastly,
for the sending yearly to a Scotch College
, , oJ , J, . i
three scholars who should have proved;
themselves, upon examination to have been'
the most studious and deserving amongst!
the competitors. .
etitors. .
v. ..
was the library still evidently--
oobody seemed to know it. 1
though nob
could gee the ends of bookshelves near
the upper windows. No doubt there were ,
the scholarships, too, if any poor student ,
um iou -j , , jv
chanced to hear of them. I would just
step over and ask. j
I did step over and pulled the pear-
shaped bell-handle, making such an in-;
cessant ringing in some distant part of
the house that if tbe trustees of Dr. i
Chillingworth had resolved to go into a
long sleep (as to all appearances they
had), they anight have done so with a
ill U UvUW lll.u I
Pencct assurance 0:
f bein roused on tho
Jlling Oil the Walls 01 the Staircase, and at
. , , p
; the bottom of a passage I found the bell
that 1 had set in motion still swinging
- CO
faintly in a corner. My guide pushed o
pen a door, and then another door, cov
ered with black cloth and studded with '
nails; and I found myself jn a long room
Wd with bks on ahelves and saw a
slttlu ttinS at a talle afc
the bottom.
uuu sue iookcu uu.
'Mr. Thaiue is not in, miss?' I said. j
'Xo, sir. Is it anything about the li
brary?' j
'About the scholarships ' ;
0 yes. There will be no examination
till next October; for the last examination
has just taken place. You can send in
3our testimonials. You will be examined
in the Iliad first four books; the An
tigone and the Medea; and generally in
Horace, Virgil, Tacitus, and Terence. ,
In English, the authors are Paley. Locke,
and Lardner. There are some other sub-!
jects which you will find in this paper.'
She looked very serious, as if it was quite .
natural for a young lady to know all about ,
such things ; and then putting her hair
behind her ears, she bent forward, and
went on with her writing. I was awed.
I had been taught to consider a learned
a scholar, that he nourished his bod3
with bread and water, while his mind
banqueted with the wisest and the might-'
icit. The following day I presented my-'
self again at the library, and saw Mr.
Thaiue, the librarian, lie was a man in
the prime of life, tall, and dressed like a
clergyman. There was a certain severity
, J J
m u:s tone and manner, which struck me
but it worc 0ff when I had ex-
piained to him the object of my ambition,
'Are 3ou well versed in tbe authors in
which you will be examined?' he asked,
'You must lose no time, then. There,
ia rarely a grcafc competition; indeed, wo
j,ave had n0 applicants on some occasions.
But the examiners will not appoint you
unless you show considerable proficiency
'If I have only health,' I answered, 'I
J A, '
doubt not of being ready
My confidence seemed to please him.
He offered me the use of the library; and
promising to assist me in any way in his
power he bade me good morning
And now behold me wandering no
.n galIeries and mu5eumS) lojring
nQ niore at sbop windowS reading no
more jn lnns of Court. That feeling of
vagabondage which pursues the idler in
a hustling city was gone. I could sit in
my solitary room, pouring over my be-
ftU dayj and fee no jealousy'
Qftbe crowd who went about their own
business and left hie to m3'self. What-'
ever might be my ulterior object wheth
cver might be my ulterior object whetn-'
er I might become a college professor, a'
a toQ Vs doing my
t witb tbat individual perserverance, '
by hich the great aggregate business of
life is carried on. J.rom eany morning
till night I pursued my studies near my
window, looking out sometimes for a few
, upontbe quiefe streetj and theJ
VCSL house opposite, which seemed to me
now the only Temple of Fame. Irarly!
went outj unless it was to cross the road;
to refer to some book in the library-. 1
did not often see there the young lady;
that I had spoken to the first time; but
the librarian visited me, and chatted with
ttia nnnn t1if nnfhors T was reading, till;
by degrees, he grew more friendly with .
!mc. One day he said, 'Would to Heaven
' I had still a son who would devote him
' self as you do to the pursuit of a worthy
! 'You have only daughters' I said, for
I had seen several young ladies, young
er than the first.
j 'I had once a son,' he replied, 'but'
he paused a moment, and then added,'he
is dead. His voice faltered and his agi-'
tation was so evident, that I thought his 1
loss must have been recent, but he did j
not wear mourning. Such a display of
tenderness in a man who had at first -
seemed to me naturally stern, surprised .
me; but I said nothing, and soon after-'
wards he left me abruptly. I read in
the library for some time, but he did not
come uacir. he next time I tound Ins '
daughter there, and asked her if her fath-
nr nia of linnii Vtn f olirt c?nirl lli n f
left London for a few days.
'Perhaps,' I said, 'you can direct me
where to find an Euripides with the best
notes;' and then she smiled, and said, 'I
think 1 can; our catalogue is vcr3r incom -
plete.' She went to a shelf and took down
a book. 'There is the best edition, I be -
She looked at me, and seeing mo smil -
ing in ni3r turn, she divined my thoughts.
'You think it very strange to find I know
these books,' she said. 'But I am not
such a blue stocking as I seem.'
'A lady will never admit that she un-
derstands Greek," I said.
"But I don't understand Greek," she
A little," I said
pressing the charge,
"Not a word. I know the books and
the authors names, like a parrot. I have
read most of the books of history and '
some of the old divines; but I have so of-1
ten searched for interesting reading that
I know where to find any book in the ii-:
brar3.' !
'I own I thought you a great blue stock-
I said.
'Oh no. I
hope not; the world is so '
prejudiced against them. However, if
3'ou will keep my secret, I will own that 1
I know a little Latin.'
She looked, to me. co interesting as '
she said this, slightly coloring, that I fell
straightway in love with her. I saw her
aftewards frequently and chatted with
her, till my attachment to her became!
confirmed. This was a serious obstacle
to my studies. I found that I could read
wnole pages, word by word, witnout at-
pages, word by word, without at-
taching any meaning to them. I was
and watch the house opposite. I ceased
to be an eaily riser: I delayed lighting '
my lamp when it was getting dusk, to sit
and watch the glowing cinders on the fire.:
It was winter time; and one day when
the rain was falling making pools in the '
smoky little garden opposite, and the
drops kept gathering in ledges and win-.
dowsills, and falling with a continued
plash, I stood a long time at the window
and felt as lonely as I had felt in the old
times. But at last I made a solemn res-
olution to avoid the place, and apply my-
self whollv to mv studies: not thinkino-
thus, to come to love her less, but choos
ing this as the best means of winning her
one day. For as yet I felt that I could
not even speak to her of ra3r affection.
I had nothing. Even if I won this schol
arship, which I felt now I must do. my
future was still uncertain. The growing
kindness of her father towards me was .confess her love for him.
another reason for my silence. I felt1 " I have a great interest in knowing
that to have spoken to her in secret of this," said I. " You shall not leave me
my feelings towards her would be a till 3'ou tell me."
wrong done to him, and once when I saw ! "Do 3'ou threaten me ?" he asked in a
her coming down the street I turned aside bulging tone ; but immediately changing
as if I had not seen her. Her father in- his manner, he said, "But tell me who
vited me to his house several times, but I you arc; and why do you ask this."
excused myself each time, and he ceased , "It does not matter who I am," I an
at last to invite me. j swered. "If you will tell me the truth,
Tho. fivminnt.mii-d.av nrrivnd .it, last: I will liCCP VOUr secret. Was it not as
and I presented myself, and was one of
the two chosen among four competitors. ;
I was to start for the college in a few
days. It seemed to me very hard to
leave her for three years, trusting to the '
hope that she would form no attachment
in all that time; but my mind was made j
up. 'She will love me the better perhaps,'
thought I. 'when she knows of this;' and
I felt almost a superstitious conviction;
that all would turn out well one day
But, meeting her father in the library,
the day before I started, the kindness of
was tempted to open my heart to him.-!
I delayed long, searching many pretexts .
for waiting a moment longer, till I saw '
he was about to leave mo; Slid then I told
him boldly of my affection, and how and
why I had said nothing so long.
,i . , , r . ,T
'It must not be yet,5 he said. I am
not one to make a money question of
suuu luiuga. xuu aiu uuuu Juug, ivaw ;
is younger than you. 1 ou must make no .
engagements yet. Let mo see, in two
time, what progress you
Two anxious years! but a strong hope
sustained mo. My patron received me,
when I returned, with the affection of a
father. 'I have told Kate about it Ion
nrrn ' hrt cnifl 'nnr? slin Invp.q vnii. nnd
UU, V Ml. v., ' " I v J J j
as proud of your honors as if they were '
her own.' My measures of happiness (
was full that night. Kate told me her;
first impressions of me, aud other little!
. - .. . . .... J.TliT
secrccta, with the simplicity or a ctnia;
and I related my own old hopes and j
doubts. Ey time was not yet completed.
In a few days I started for Scotland a
gain; but this time I had nothing to foar.
Kate had promised me to write continu
ally, and had pledged me her word not
to forget me a day in her absence.
That day twelvemonth, I returned to I
London again. I came a little before the
time I had mentioned, thinking to sur-
prise them. It was on an afternoon in
November, just as it was growing dark,
that I turned again into the old street. !
There was no one passing through it, but
myself ; I looked up at the window where ,
I had sat at my studies, and saw that
was dark, but at the library there was a:
strong light upon the blinds, on the ground '
floor a light so unsteady, that 1 knew it
came from a blazing fire and I could hear
Aiinp 4-1 mi K T -lA C n aa ,1 T -i i T '
J guish Kate's. Lingering with that strange
irresolution with which we delay- some-;
1 times to seize a pleasure within reach, I
even shrank into a doorway opposite,!
1 when I saw the great door open. I could !
' see that it was Mr. Thaine who stood on '
' the threshold. lie waited there a moment
j and held out his hand, for a fine snow!
! was beginning to fall then went in again
' and shut the door. I crossed the roadj
quickly; but as I passed the iron railing, '
1 noticed some one in the enclosure. It
f was a man, and he stood quite near to
'the window of a little room at the side of'
;' the house, almost on a level with the'
'ground. I had never seen any one in1
'this enclosure ; and to find a man there,
at dark, in the winter-time, excited
curiosity. 1 heard him tan upon the
glass ; and a moment after the window
was opened cautious, then I could hear ;
voices whispering indistinctly; till at last, '
they grew louder and I could catch the ,
words. It was Kate's voice I heard first: (
I knew it too well to have any doubts, j
"I dare not stay here an3r longer, Tien-,
ry, she said. "My father would never 1
forgive me for not telling him of this, if,
he knew my secret." j
"2s o, no, Kate; you want to be gone," j
said the man. "You hate me. Youhaven'ti
a spark of love forme." j
"Indeed 1 have,7' said Kate, "l love
you dearly, in spite of all. Yon are a
ga soul- Aviss me
I eoul(1 see ner in the dusky shade of;
the wall, leaning forward from the little
window, while
her m
"is arms, and kissed her. lhey stood i
nis arms
lc this for
thev narted
tew moments ; and then 1
and I heard the window i
shut down. Drawing back, I saw the j
stranger look through the railings to see j
if the street was clear ; and then he clim-
ed over tne nign spiKes, ana dropping
on the pavement, walked quickly away,
I walked after him, determined to ask
him for a confirmation of ray suspicions ; .
and, if 1 found them true, to go away a-
gam without entering the house. lie j
quickenedhispace,hearingmebehind him: ,
but I kept pace up with him till, having j
accidentally turned up a street which 1 1
knew to have no outlet, he was compelled
to turn back and meet me.
"Stay !" said I. " A moment ago you
were m the garden of Chilhngworth
House. Ma3 I ask what 3-ou were doing
there !"
" What busy body are you
hc i
nsked, in a touc so coarse, that I
Kate dered to think I had just heard
the lover of Miss Thaine that you were
" I wouldn't stand to be bullied thus,"
he said, "if you did not hold me at an
advantage. I don't exactly want to be
caught brawling in this neighborhood."
Answer my question," said I, seizing
bjm by tae arm, j not trouble you
wn i T
11 itii. riiiiii 111:. 1 nun h 11111111 uu inn;'
that it was as her lover that I was there.
-gut mjnd
tone '
ou promised to hold 3our
1 1 t 1 1
1 lf S hl a at tbl3 ' i aad he haa; 1
teDed J !leavin? mG hewildered I,
roely needed this conGrmation after,
T , , h? aud. no? Jhe le"ra ,
which I had latcly received from Kate
seeined ? "-e, t0 h ,beTeu colder than
usual. But how could I have believed
that sbe could bayc lovcd such a man ag;
f, nr ih. wnil1 1 nnnBOnt fn u ;m
clandestinely ?
t i. a -i,.-.,.
I remembered how long'
1 1 nau ioroorne 10 ten ner oi my aiiection:
ti 1V1 i. i.ii i n . rr . i '
4-1 n nli m n o 11 n rrf rs 1 1 r tvtr - n -v r - ,
tuau out; vi aa uunuituj ui iiij iuui.
I had resolved not to enter tho house any
.more, l would go home ; oacic to bcot-,
land, abroad; any where, rather than meet
again a woman, who had so deceived me.1
T 11 t
ig.My absence. I thought, will tell her that
I have disc
liscovered her secret. But
old love for hor struggled formaster3'. I
lingered about the street the next night,
till the lights were out, scarcely knowing'
why. I could not resolve to depart. If
1 coma ouiy aeo nor once, unoosorvon, 1
,1 1 I 1 IT-
thought, I would go away content. The thaught of Henry, and what he may, be
next night I waited about there again, and come, will not let me rest." Therefore,
saw her mother go out with a 3ounger sis- I set before all othorthings the object of
terjbut I did not see Kate. It was get-1 raiding him, if possible, out of h ad
ting late; when passing the railings again 'condition. The next time he came into
I saw a faint light in the little room where 1 the street , I met him and talked to him
the stranger had spoken with her. I with kindness, sa3'ing, that his father
thought it must be Kate there once more, would be glad to pardon him, if he saw
perhaps expecting again the coming of j any signs in him of a real change for the
her lover. My pride would have led me better. Many months had passed before
to depart at once ; but the thought of the , Isucceedcd, through my old introductions,
danger to which she was exposed in her in procuring his admision to a merchant's
unhappy attachment to such a man, made 1 counting-house. Meanwhile, I had my-
me shudder. My anger was changed to 'self gained a footing in life. Then came
compassion. I knew how ignorant of life a marriage-da3' the beginning of long
she was, having grown up from child-1 3-ears of happiness for us. But, on the
hood in that place, with all about her sim- ( evening of our marriage for we had no
pie, kind, and gentle ! Where was she ; strangers there the unforgiven son was
to learn save b3r bitter experience, that , brought in, and the story ot" his reforma
life was niostty evil? It seemed to me, , tion, and the proofs of its sincerity, were
that I must reproach myself for ever if I j told; and thus we were made happy that
went away and left her in such peril. : evening.
" Yres," thought I, "it will be a sad shock '
to her to know that I have discovered From the DailU -Yews, IQlh inst.
this ; but I must warn her." j Still Another SliirdCi'i
I walked about, until looking up and Another s10Cking murder was commit
down the street, from end to end, I could ted aboufc - o-clock Qn guud evcning.
see no one. Then I clambered up the rail- The circumstances, as we have heard
nigs, and with difiiculty let myself down tb arc ag follow3:Soley and O'Neal
into the garden The snow had been ' were aoqaaintauccs. Qn Sunday after
worn away by the tread of passers in the - nooQ go caUed for the latt afc big
street lay thinly on the ground, within h and tbey procecdcd together to
the enclosure; I could see no footprints in ; Jenni , tavcrnJ on Bristol street a road
it, and I knew that no one had been there leadi f from the Gcrmantown road to
that day. Creeping along by the wall th(J 17rankford road about five raiie3 from
till I came to the window, I listened and 1 Q cj.
heard no voices ; so that I thought only ; At tbe fcavern t drank frcel and
one person was there. I he lower panes, ; both became intoxicated. goley was the
were of ground glass ; and I could sec j under tbe influence of K The
nothing through them but the weak glim- ieg t tQ M h word ftnd becam0
nier ot tho light I hesitated a moment, I excited; in the course of the quarrel 0'
for it might not be Kate who jas there l Noal gtrnck Soley, and drew blood; the
and my position would be embarrassing kUer said thafc fae wouW haye satisfaction
if any one else had seen me I resolved from aQ man who drew Wood frQm
to tap faintl3,and draw aside, so that if ; T1 fcben left thc b and blows a
any one but Kate appeared, I migh es-i ain ssed betweeu tbem before a
cape and leave them to think ha tbey , -eached the gate leading to the yard of
had been deceived by thc wind shaking , th(J taverQ fn tbis affr- dlw
the wmdow-trame. , a thrce cornerod d;rk knif and stabbed
Ihe vnndow opened slowly as I drew- ; So jQ tbe ion of Ae 'heart afc the
up closely to the wall beside it. Then I tim(J exclatmi qs that cnoush?'-
heard Kate s voice say, "Henry ! Tbe Tounded man Hed tbat it
I cameforwrd "It is I, Miss lhaine, , j and tbafc tbe other W0Jld find it enough
I said, " do not be alarmed." j hcs Qn the Uowg Sol did
"O heaven: how you terrified me. i . ,1 -
TT . 1 o it- . . m about three minutes.
How do vou come here . e expected ! rw 1 t . t . 1 .
,( 1 j ONeal was immediate taken into
you yesterday. custody bv some citizen.-?, who tied him,
Kate," I said, "I know all know!and tok bm before Nichoia3 Brouse,
now timt you do not love me any longer ; E a . tice of tb(j for 0xford
but I am not come to reproach you. 1. The luurdcrer was kopt i,
come only to entreat you to take warning, confincinent uutill vesterday u.0rni,
lest one day you repent it in vain. Kate, j whcn b(J was taken hdorQ Au IIavrariIif
you do not know how bad the world is of Kensi to by whom hc was fcna;iv
and to what danger you expose yourself. committedto prison to await his trittI. '
I will not say any more now, lest you , The murdef cr is about twenty-three
think me only selfish, but I implore you- ,, f afrp: hp ,. Tr:stlllian hr. hirth
-u Ul ly nuiU3 "r r i s, 1 and a weaver by trade; he was emplowd
.. " No, no, do not go, she said, holding t Wh:tfa1.nrs natinn W.U nn thfi T' .
my arm. "iou must near me nrst. . r tt :a lnnrp:nfj nnfi fwA
What is it you accuse me of? But I
Know ; now u nte an iiappeueu, uu au- ed man wag jn t distregs of mind
ded bursting into tears. ' He does not deny having committed the
'1 wo nights since,' I said, 'I came to act and. attributJa it to having been in
London the happiest man on earth. I toxicatcd at tbe time.
thought to take you by surprise; to make j gol was an American nC was also
you as happy as myself. ut as Pas" married and leaves three children to
sed this enclosure, I saw and heard that mom.n bis untimel end. The leased
which has destroyed my happiness forev- . wa3 employed at foland & Hunt's llol.
er",r , . , , .. , ling Mill, on the Tacony Creek.
'I know what you mean, said Kate,. The affair caused a" d deal of ex.
sobbing. '1 will tell you the truth. Ihe citedment afc Cedar Grve wbere ifc oc.
stranger you saw was my brother.' cmTeh Drunkenness as at the bottom
;l cannot think you would deceive me,' , of tbc m and ifc affords anQtb
said I, catching a her words 'Lut he e r proof of thc evils of i ntemperancc.
old me, himself, that he visited you as a be b d f h murdcreid man wa3
1U tlf
If r?i3 n VM.-nri toiCAlinrtM cowl TCofn
" -- 1
n to co innr r .nr. miir u hivr vinnon mo
and this, though I have been the only one
nihft TnVff n rn 11,111 nnf, i,ie Irinrl r t him
fm t
Iu a few minutes I was beside the firo
in the great parlour, and we were a happy
circle that night. Kate was a little
thoughtful, and her father rallied herjbut
. , TT
we puTM Lat n.jr.t, rvitosa., '
V ,'t x ii Vi i "iwere fearful of touching until the Cor
But, thank God! I can tell you the truth; . oner ghouW tmQ sucb sm
and you cannot bc angry with me when , notion3 c lodod
"t, - . - I The prisoner is said to belong to a gang
"But your father has told me from of known a3 tbe
his own hps," said I, "that hc never had . have infcsted fcbc rfc of tho
but one son ; and that that son is dead." t f pny.
,. . . ' , , i ,,ir county tor some time.
" It is a secret, she replied. "My J
father would be much pained if he knew !
I had told you; but I cannot conceal ifc ? Advice for the Girls,
now. My brother has sinned, and my Girls if a young fellow greets you in a
father has no forgiveness for evil. One , loud, free, hearty voice, ifhe knows precisely
day hc cast him off for. ever; and from. where to put his hat or his hand if he stares
that time he has always spoken of him as you straght in the eyes with his own wide
dead, Hc dreads my father; and dare l0pen,andif he turns his back to speak to an
not como here, save now and then. ly ; other, if he tells you who made his coat, ir h
stealth, to see me. t squeezes your hand, if he eats heartily in
'Forgive me, Kate,' said Lfor not hav- your presence, and ifhe fails to be very fool
ing kept my faith in you spite of all. I ish in fifty ways every hour, then don't fall
ought to have known you better; I might in love with him for the world; he only ad
have seen that 3'our brother only told , '"'res you, let him do and say as he will. But
this falsehood because I drove him to it. ifho bc merry wil, ever' one else but quiet
I had judged you and condemned you in . WIlh 'ou' lf1he 'f anx,01us tosee St tea
i i 1 J 1 it n i. 1 1. is sweetened, and your dear person well wrap
my mind already; and I would not let ped up when'yeu goout in the cold, ifhe talks
him go until hc had confirmed me 111 my very lmv ant nevcr ,ooka you in the eyCf if
injustice. But you must pardon me all he has red cheeks, or if he is pale and his
this, Kate, and think how wretched I nose bluish, it is enough, ifhe romps with
have been these two days.' iyour sister, sighs like a pair of bellows, looks
'Gro now,' she said. 'We will talk of solemn when you are addressed by another
this by-and-by. It would be so strange gentleman, and in fact is the most still, awk
if you were found here. Go and knock ' wh stupid of fellows, you may go ahead
.'.i i .i - 1 , unr.nA ond invoke the shafts of Cupid with perfect
at the door as nothing had happened. . r. , ... c , . , v e
r,t n . , . 'safety, and make the poor fellow too nappy for
Stay, Give me five minutes to dry my hia to holJ hlm
eyes, and not to look embarrassed. ;(
. lhaine begged him 'not to tease tho 1 .bnothinii: onlvI heua
people,- anu ner muo sister jmicu w runnin fhftfi
um 1j111u1.11 iibi waun 111 una. 11 i-iii miniiennir nnw n nnn
1 a . 1 TlnrtAil lirtl. Iinnrl ,n linvo Kan ' , . J? . i
51 1 J ' O I J
cbildren Yesterday morning the wretch-
piazza 0f the tavern during thc cntii
night, through the ignorance of thc pcr-
(nn: ivlin iTra nlimit tVin nlnno H'lini
1 .
Ma, has our tongue got legs ?,
Got what, child!,
Got legs, ma ?,
'Certainly not; but why do you: ask that
n.s&.ytVKmr tongue
mining tilliiight, and i
us run wriAoui irs
. "..v '3 ail, me.'